12-Giant Cell Lesion
12-Giant Cell Lesion
12-Giant Cell Lesion
• The peripheral giant cell granuloma is a relatively common tumor like
growth of the oral cavity.
• In the past. it often was called a peripheral giant cell reparative granuloma.
• Most lesions are smaller than 2cm in diameter. Although larger ones are
seen occasionally.
• The lesion can be sessile or pedunculated and may or may not be ulcerated.
• although more than 60% of all cases occur before age 30. Although the sex
ratio varies in different reviews, a majority of giant cell granulomas are noted
in females, and approximately 70% arise in the mandible.
• Lesions are more common in the anterior portions of the jaws, and
mandibular lesions frequently cross the midline.
• Most giant cell granulomas of the jaws are asymptomatic and first come to
attention during a routine radiographic examination or as a result of painless
expansion of the affected bone.
• A minority of cases, however, may be associated
with pain, parasthesia, or perforation of the cortical
bone plate, occasionally resulting in ulceration of the
mucosal surface by the underlying lesion.
• Large
• The name cherubism was applied to this condition because the facial
appearance is similar to that of the plump-cheeked little angels (cherubs)
depicted in Renaissance paintings, Although cherubism also has been called
"familial fibrous dysplasia," this term should be avoided because
cherubism has no relationship to fibrous dysplasia of bone .
• impair mastication
• The giant cells tend to be small and usually aggregated focally Foci of extravasated
blood are commonly present. The stroma in cherubism often tends to be more loosely
arranged than that seen in giant cell granulomas; in some cases, cherubism reveals
eosinophilic, cuff like deposits surrounding small blood vessels throughout the
lesion. The eosinophilic cuffing appears to be specific for cherubisrn. However, these
deposits are not present in many cases, and their absence does not exclude a
diagnosis of cherubism. In older, resolving lesions of cherubism, the tissue becomes
more fibrous, the number of giant cells decreases, and new bone formation is seen.
Cherubism. Photomicrograph showing scattered giant cells within a
background of cellular, hemorrhagic mesenchymal tissue. The inset
demonstrates perivascular eosinophilic cuffing.
parathyroid hormone
• The kidney processes vitamin D. which is
necessary for calcium absorption from the gut.
Therefore. in a patient with chronic renal
disease, active vitamin D is not produced and
less calcium is absorbed from the gut , resulting
in lowered serum calcium levels.
• Most patients with primary hyperparathyroidism are older than 60
years of age. Women have this condition two to four times more
often than men. Patients with the classic triad of signs and
symptoms of hyperparathyroidism are described as having
• Stones refers to the fact that these patients, particularly those with
primary hyperparathyroidism, have a marked tendency to develop
renal calculi (kidney stones, nephrolithiasis) because of the
elevated serum calcium levels.
• Bones refers to a variety of osseous changes that may
occur in conjunction with hyperparathyroidism. One of
the first clinical signs of this disease is seen
radiographically as subperiosteal resorption of the
phalanges of the index and middle fingers. Generalized
loss of the lamina dura surrounding the root s of the
teeth is also seen as an early manifestation of the
condition .
• Alterations in trabecular pattern characteristically develop next
A decrease in trabecular density and blurring of the normal
trabecular pattern occur; often a "ground glass" appearance
results. With persistent disease. other osseous lesions develop,
such as the so-called brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism. This
lesion derives its name from the color of the tissue specimen.
which is usually a dark reddish-brown because of the abundant
hemorrhage and hemosiderin deposition within the tumor. These
lesions appear radiographically as well-demarcated unilocular or
multilocular radiolucencies.
Hyperparathyroidism. This occlusal radiograph of the edentulous
maxillary anterior region shows a multilocular radiolucency
characteristic of a brown tumor of primary hyperparathyroidism.
• Metastatic calcifications are also seen,
frequently involving other soft tissues.
such as blood vessel walls,
subcutaneous soft tissues, the sclera the
dura and the regions around the joints.
• They commonly affect the mandible. clavicles. ribs and pelvis.
They may be solitary but are often multiple, and long standing
lesions may produce significant cortical expansion. Typically. the
other osseous changes are observable if brown tumors are
present. The most severe skeletal manifestation of chronic
hyperparathyroidism has been called osteitis fibrosacystica, a
condition that develops from the central degeneration and fibrosis
of longstanding brown tumors. In patients with secondary
hyperparathyroidism caused by end-stage renal disease(renal
osteodystrophy) ,striking enlargement of the jaws has been
known to occur.
Hyperparathyroidism. Palatal enlargement is characteristic of the renal
osteodystrophy associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
• The brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism is
histopathologically identical to the central giant cell
granuloma of the jaws, a benign tumor like lesion that
usually affects teenagers and young adults. Both
lesions are characterized by a proliferation of
exceedingly vascular granulation tissue, which serves
as a background for numerous multinucleated
osteoclast- type giant cells.
• Some lesions may also show a proliferative response
characterized by a parallel arrangement of spicules of
woven bone set in a cellular fibroblastic background
with variable numbers of multinucleated giant cells.
This pattern is often associated with secondary
hyperparathyroidism related to chronic renal disease
(renal osteodystrophy) .
Hyperparathyroidism. This high-power photomicrograph of a brown tumor of
hyperparathyroidism shows scattered multinucleated giant cells within a
vascular and proliferative fibroblastic background.
• In primary hyperparathyroidism, the hyperplastic
parathyroid tissue or the functional tumor must be
removed surgically to reduce PTH levels to normal.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism may evolve to produce
signs and symptoms related to renal calculi or renal
osteodystrophy. Restriction of dietary phosphate, use of
phosphate-binding agents and pharmacologic treatment
with an active vitamin D metabolite (e.g., calcitriol)
may avert problems.
• Exposure to aluminum salts. Which inhibit bone
mineralization , should be eliminated also
Patients who do not respond to medical therapy
may require parathyroidectomy. Renal
transplantation is the ideal treatment because it
usually restores the normal physiologic
processing of vitamin D, as well as phosphorus
and calcium reabsorption and excretion