Cell Theory: Biology Scientific Theory Cells

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Cell theory

In biology, cell theory is a scientific theory first formulated in the mid-nineteenth century, that
living organisms are made up of cells, that they are the basic structural/organizational unit of all
organisms, and that all cells come from pre-existing cells. Cells are the basic unit of structure in
all organisms and also the basic unit of reproduction.

Human cancer cells with nuclei (specifically the DNA) stained blue. The central and rightmost cell are in interphase, so the
entire nuclei are labeled. The cell on the left is going through mitosis and its DNA has condensed.

The three tenets to the cell theory are as described below:

1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.

2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms.

3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells.

The theory was once universally accepted, but now some biologists consider non-cellular
entities such as viruses living organisms,[1] and thus disagree with the first tenet. As of 2021:
"expert opinion remains divided roughly a third each between yes, no and don’t know".[2] As there
is no universally accepted definition of life, discussion will continue.


With continual improvements made to microscopes over time, magnification technology

advanced enough to discover cells. This discovery is largely attributed to Robert Hooke, and
began the scientific study of cells, known as cell biology. When observing a piece of cork under
the scope and he was able to see pores. This was shocking at the time because it was believed
no one else had seen these. To further support his theory, Matthias Schleiden and Theodor
Schwann both studied cells of both animal and plants. What they discovered was there were
significant differences between the two types of cells. This put forth the idea that cells were not
only fundamental to plants, but animals as well.[3]

A reproduction of Anton van Leeuwenhoek's microscope from the 17th century with a magnification of 300x[4]

Robert Hooke's microscope

Robert Hooke's microscope was a recreation of Anton van Leeuwenhoek's microscope in the
17th century, except his was 300x magnification.[4] The discovery of the cell was made possible
through the invention of the microscope. In the first century BC, Romans were able to make
glass. They discovered that objects appeared to be larger under the glass. In Italy during the
12th century, Salvino D’Armate made a piece of glass fit over one eye, allowing for a
magnification effect to that eye. The expanded use of lenses in eyeglasses in the 13th century
probably led to wider spread use of simple microscopes (magnifying glasses) with limited
magnification. Compound microscopes, which combine an objective lens with an eyepiece to
view a real image achieving much higher magnification, first appeared in Europe around 1620. In
1665, Robert Hooke used a microscope about six inches long with two convex lenses inside and
examined specimens under reflected light for the observations in his book Micrographia. Hooke
also used a simpler microscope with a single lens for examining specimens with directly
transmitted light, because this allowed for a clearer image.[5]

An extensive microscopic study was done by Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a draper who took the
interest in microscopes after seeing one while on an apprenticeship in Amsterdam in 1648. At
some point in his life before 1668, he was able to learn how to grind lenses. This eventually led
to Leeuwenhoek making his own unique microscope. He made one with a single lens. He was
able to use a single lens that was a small glass sphere but allowed for a magnification of 270x.
This was a large progression since the magnification before was only a maximum of 50x. After
Leeuwenhoek, there was not much progress in microscope technology until the 1850s, two
hundred years later. Carl Zeiss, a German engineer who manufactured microscopes, began to
make changes to the lenses used. But the optical quality did not improve until the 1880s when
he hired Otto Schott and eventually Ernst Abbe.[6]

Optical microscopes can focus on objects the size of a wavelength or larger, giving restrictions
still to advancement in discoveries with objects smaller than the wavelengths of visible light.
The development of the electron microscope in the 1920s made it possible to view objects that
are smaller than optical wavelengths, once again opening up new possibilities in science.[6]

Discovery of cells

Drawing of the structure of cork by Robert Hooke that appeared in Micrographia

The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665, which can be found to be described in his
book Micrographia. In this book, he gave 60 ‘observations’ in detail of various objects under a
coarse, compound microscope. One observation was from very thin slices of bottle cork. Hooke
discovered a multitude of tiny pores that he named "cells". This came from the Latin word Cella,
meaning ‘a small room’ like monks lived in and also Cellulae, which meant the six sided cell of a
honeycomb. However, Hooke did not know their real structure or function. What Hooke had
thought were cells, were actually empty cell walls of plant tissues. With microscopes during this
time having a low magnification, Hooke was unable to see that there were other internal
components to the cells he was observing. Therefore, he did not think the "cellulae" were alive.
His cell observations gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living
cells. In Micrographia, Hooke also observed mould, bluish in color, found on leather. After
studying it under his microscope, he was unable to observe “seeds” that would have indicated
how the mould was multiplying in quantity. This led to Hooke suggesting that spontaneous
generation, from either natural or artificial heat, was the cause. Since this was an old Aristotelian
theory still accepted at the time, others did not reject it and was not disproved until
Leeuwenhoek later discovered that generation was achieved otherwise.[5]

Anton van Leeuwenhoek is another scientist who saw these cells soon after Hooke did. He
made use of a microscope containing improved lenses that could magnify objects almost 300-
fold, or 270x. Under these microscopes, Leeuwenhoek found motile objects. In a letter to The
Royal Society on October 9, 1676, he states that motility is a quality of life therefore these were
living organisms. Over time, he wrote many more papers in which described many specific forms
of microorganisms. Leeuwenhoek named these “animalcules,” which included protozoa and
other unicellular organisms, like bacteria. Though he did not have much formal education, he
was able to identify the first accurate description of red blood cells and discovered bacteria after
gaining interest in the sense of taste that resulted in Leeuwenhoek to observe the tongue of an
ox, then leading him to study "pepper water" in 1676. He also found for the first time the sperm
cells of animals and humans. Once discovering these types of cells, Leeuwenhoek saw that the
fertilization process requires the sperm cell to enter the egg cell. This put an end to the previous
theory of spontaneous generation. After reading letters by Leeuwenhoek, Hooke was the first to
confirm his observations that were thought to be unlikely by other contemporaries.[5]

The cells in animal tissues were observed after plants were because the tissues were so fragile
and susceptible to tearing, it was difficult for such thin slices to be prepared for studying.
Biologists believed that there was a fundamental unit to life, but were unsure what this was. It
would not be until over a hundred years later that this fundamental unit was connected to
cellular structure and existence of cells in animals or plants.[7] This conclusion was not made
until Henri Dutrochet. Besides stating “the cell is the fundamental element of organization”,[8]
Dutrochet also claimed that cells were not just a structural unit, but also a physiological unit.
In 1804, Karl Rudolphi and J.H.F. Link were awarded the prize for "solving the problem of the
nature of cells", meaning they were the first to prove that cells had independent cell walls by the
Königliche Societät der Wissenschaft (Royal Society of Science), Göttingen.[9] Before, it had been
thought that cells shared walls and the fluid passed between them this way.

Cell theory

Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1804–1881)

Theodor Schwann (1810–1882)

Credit for developing cell theory is usually given to two scientists: Theodor Schwann and
Matthias Jakob Schleiden.[10] While Rudolf Virchow contributed to the theory, he is not as
credited for his attributions toward it. In 1839, Schleiden suggested that every structural part of
a plant was made up of cells or the result of cells. He also suggested that cells were made by a
crystallization process either within other cells or from the outside.[11] However, this was not an
original idea of Schleiden. He claimed this theory as his own, though Barthelemy Dumortier had
stated it years before him. This crystallization process is no longer accepted with modern cell
theory. In 1839, Theodor Schwann states that along with plants, animals are composed of cells
or the product of cells in their structures.[12] This was a major advancement in the field of
biology since little was known about animal structure up to this point compared to plants. From
these conclusions about plants and animals, two of the three tenets of cell theory were

1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells

2. The cell is the most basic unit of life

Schleiden's theory of free cell formation through crystallization was refuted in the 1850s by
Robert Remak, Rudolf Virchow, and Albert Kolliker.[6] In 1855, Rudolf Virchow added the third
tenet to cell theory. In Latin, this tenet states Omnis cellula e cellula.[7] This translated to:

3. All cells arise only from pre-existing cells

However, the idea that all cells come from pre-existing cells had in fact already been proposed
by Robert Remak; it has been suggested that Virchow plagiarized Remak and did not give him
credit.[13] Remak published observations in 1852 on cell division, claiming Schleiden and
Schawnn were incorrect about generation schemes. He instead said that binary fission, which
was first introduced by Dumortier, was how reproduction of new animal cells were made. Once
this tenet was added, the classical cell theory was complete.

Modern interpretation

The generally accepted parts of modern cell theory include:

1. All known living things are made up of one or more cells[14]

2. All living cells arise from pre-existing cells by division.

3. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in all living organisms.[15]

4. The activity of an organism depends on the total activity of independent cells.[16]

5. Energy flow (metabolism and biochemistry) occurs within cells.[17]

6. Cells contain DNA which is found specifically in the chromosome and RNA found in the cell
nucleus and cytoplasm.[18]

7. All cells are basically the same in chemical composition in organisms of similar species.[17]

Modern version

The modern version of the cell theory includes the ideas that:

Energy flow occurs within cells.[17]

Heredity information (DNA) is passed on from cell to cell.[17]

All cells have the same basic chemical composition.[17]

Opposing concepts in cell theory: history and background

The cell was first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665 using a microscope. The first cell theory is
credited to the work of Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jakob Schleiden in the 1830s. In this
theory the internal contents of cells were called protoplasm and described as a jelly-like
substance, sometimes called living jelly. At about the same time, colloidal chemistry began its
development, and the concepts of bound water emerged. A colloid being something between a
solution and a suspension, where Brownian motion is sufficient to prevent sedimentation.
idea of a semipermeable membrane, a barrier that is permeable to solvent but impermeable to
solute molecules was developed at about the same time. The term osmosis originated in 1827
and its importance to physiological phenomena realized, but it wasn’t until 1877, when the
botanist Pfeffer proposed the membrane theory of cell physiology. In this view, the cell was seen
to be enclosed by a thin surface, the plasma membrane, and cell water and solutes such as a
potassium ion existed in a physical state like that of a dilute solution. In 1889 Hamburger used
hemolysis of erythrocytes to determine the permeability of various solutes. By measuring the
time required for the cells to swell past their elastic limit, the rate at which solutes entered the
cells could be estimated by the accompanying change in cell volume. He also found that there
was an apparent nonsolvent volume of about 50% in red blood cells and later showed that this
includes water of hydration in addition to the protein and other nonsolvent components of the

Evolution of the membrane and bulk phase theories

Two opposing concepts developed within the context of studies on osmosis, permeability, and
electrical properties of cells.[19] The first held that these properties all belonged to the plasma
membrane whereas the other predominant view was that the protoplasm was responsible for
these properties.
The membrane theory developed as a succession of ad-hoc additions and
changes to the theory to overcome experimental hurdles. Overton (a distant cousin of Charles
Darwin) first proposed the concept of a lipid (oil) plasma membrane in 1899. The major
weakness of the lipid membrane was the lack of an explanation of the high permeability to
water, so Nathansohn (1904) proposed the mosaic theory. In this view, the membrane is not a
pure lipid layer, but a mosaic of areas with lipid and areas with semipermeable gel. Ruhland
refined the mosaic theory to include pores to allow additional passage of small molecules. Since
membranes are generally less permeable to anions, Leonor Michaelis concluded that ions are
adsorbed to the walls of the pores, changing the permeability of the pores to ions by
electrostatic repulsion. Michaelis demonstrated the membrane potential (1926) and proposed
that it was related to the distribution of ions across the membrane.[20]

Harvey and Danielli (1939) proposed a lipid bilayer membrane covered on each side with a layer
of protein to account for measurements of surface tension. In 1941 Boyle & Conway showed


that the membrane of frog muscle was permeable to both K and Cl , but apparently not to Na ,
so the idea of electrical charges in the pores was unnecessary since a single critical pore size


would explain the permeability to K , H , and Cl as well as the impermeability to Na , Ca , and


Mg .
Over the same time period, it was shown (Procter & Wilson, 1916) that gels, which do not
have a semipermeable membrane, would swell in dilute solutions.

Loeb (1920) also studied gelatin extensively, with and without a membrane, showing that more
of the properties attributed to the plasma membrane could be duplicated in gels without a
membrane. In particular, he found that an electrical potential difference between the gelatin and

the outside medium could be developed, based on the H concentration. Some criticisms of the
membrane theory developed in the 1930s, based on observations such as the ability of some
cells to swell and increase their surface area by a factor of 1000. A lipid layer cannot stretch to
that extent without becoming a patchwork (thereby losing its barrier properties). Such criticisms
stimulated continued studies on protoplasm as the principal agent determining cell permeability

In 1938, Fischer and Suer proposed that water in the protoplasm is not free but in a chemically
combined form—the protoplasm represents a combination of protein, salt and water—and
demonstrated the basic similarity between swelling in living tissues and the swelling of gelatin
and fibrin gels. Dimitri Nasonov (1944) viewed proteins as the central components responsible
for many properties of the cell, including electrical properties.
By the 1940s, the bulk phase
theories were not as well developed as the membrane theories. In 1941, Brooks & Brooks
published a monograph, "The Permeability of Living Cells", which rejects the bulk phase theories.

Emergence of the steady-state membrane pump concept


With the development of radioactive tracers, it was shown that cells are not impermeable to Na .
This was difficult to explain with the membrane barrier theory, so the sodium pump was

proposed to continually remove Na as it permeates cells. This drove the concept that cells are
in a state of dynamic equilibrium, constantly using energy to maintain ion gradients. In 1935,
Karl Lohmann discovered ATP and its role as a source of energy for cells, so the concept of a
metabolically-driven sodium pump was proposed.
The tremendous success of Hodgkin, Huxley,
and Katz in the development of the membrane theory of cellular membrane potentials, with
differential equations that modeled the phenomena correctly, provided even more support for
the membrane pump hypothesis.

The modern view of the plasma membrane is of a fluid lipid bilayer that has protein components
embedded within it. The structure of the membrane is now known in great detail, including 3D
models of many of the hundreds of different proteins that are bound to the membrane.
major developments in cell physiology placed the membrane theory in a position of dominance
and stimulated the imagination of most physiologists, who now apparently accept the theory as
fact—there are, however, a few dissenters.

The reemergence of the bulk phase theories

In 1956, Afanasy S. Troshin published a book, The Problems of Cell Permeability, in Russian
(1958 in German, 1961 in Chinese, 1966 in English) in which he found that permeability was of
secondary importance in determination of the patterns of equilibrium between the cell and its
environment. Troshin showed that cell water decreased in solutions of galactose or urea
although these compounds did slowly permeate cells. Since the membrane theory requires an
impermanent solute to sustain cell shrinkage, these experiments cast doubt on the theory.
Others questioned whether the cell has enough energy to sustain the sodium/potassium pump.
Such questions became even more urgent as dozens of new metabolic pumps were added as
new chemical gradients were discovered.

In 1962, Gilbert Ling became the champion of the bulk phase theories and proposed his
association-induction hypothesis of living cells.

Types of cells

Prokaryote cell.
Eukaryote cell.

Cells can be subdivided into the following subcategories:

1. Prokaryotes: Prokaryotes are relatively small cells surrounded by the plasma membrane,
with a characteristic cell wall that may differ in composition depending on the particular
organism.[21] Prokaryotes lack a nucleus (although they do have circular or linear DNA) and
other membrane-bound organelles (though they do contain ribosomes). The protoplasm of
a prokaryote contains the chromosomal region that appears as fibrous deposits under the
microscope, and the cytoplasm.[21] Bacteria and Archaea are the two domains of

2. Eukaryotes: Eukaryotes are the first of complex cells, which were labeled proto-eukaryotes.
Over a period of time these cells acquired a mitochondrial symbiont and later developed a
nucleus. This amongst other changes, have posed as the significant difference between the

Animals have evolved a greater diversity of cell types in a multicellular body (100–150 different
cell types), compared
with 10–20 in plants, fungi, and protoctista.[23]

See also

Cell adhesion


Cell biology
Cellular differentiation

Germ theory of disease

Membrane models


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MAAJ) . Wadsworth Pub. Co. ISBN 978-0-534-00106-3.

Further reading

Turner W (January 1890). "The Cell Theory Past and Present" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p
mc/articles/PMC1328050) . J Anat Physiol. 24 (Pt 2): 253–87. PMC 1328050 (https://www.n
cbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1328050) . PMID 17231856 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/17231856) .

Tavassoli M (1980). "The cell theory: a foundation to the edifice of biology" (https://www.ncbi.
nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1903404) . Am. J. Pathol. 98 (1): 44. PMC 1903404 (https://w
ww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1903404) . PMID 6985772 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.
nih.gov/6985772) .

External links

Mallery C (2008-02-11). "Cell Theory" (http://fig.cox.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/unity/cell.tex

t.htm) . Retrieved 2008-11-25.

"Studying Cells Tutorial"

(http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/tutorials/cells/cells3.html) . 2004. Retrieved
Retrieved from

Last edited 3 months ago by Finnusertop

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