VBN Partridge Booklet English Final LR
VBN Partridge Booklet English Final LR
VBN Partridge Booklet English Final LR
Promoting biodiversity
across Europe through
partridge conservation
farmland biodiversity.
Across society, this degradation is widely recognised as a serious
problem, through to the highest political levels in Europe. The targets
PROBLEM set in the European Union’s Biodiversity Strategy aim to reverse these
declines, with Target 3a specifically designed to ‘increase the contribution
of agriculture to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity’1.
The mid-term review on meeting these targets by 20202 clearly states
that this will not be achieved. Therefore, tested working solutions are
urgently needed to ensure that the biodiversity crisis can be halted at
least by 2030.
The grey partridge is one of the most rapidly declining farmland birds in England
Europe - its numbers have declined by more than 90% since the 1970s3. The Netherlands
It has also been the subject of thorough research, so we have a more Scotland
detailed picture of what is driving the decline in grey partridge numbers Sweden
than for many other species sharing the same farmland ecosystem.
Labelled a ‘barometer of the countryside’4, the grey partridge is an ideal
indicator of arable farmland ecosystem health: where partridges thrive,
other farmland wildlife also thrives.
THE KNOWLEDGE AND explains grey partridge biology, the key management measures needed
for this species’ survival and the benefits of grey partridge conservation
UNDERSTANDING FROM for farmland wildlife in general.
P A R TRI D GE p ar tn ers at R ams k ap el le de mon st r at i o n sit e, B e lg i um W i l l e m v an C ol e n
The PARTRIDGE project is an international collaboration between
13 European partners from within the North Sea Region. Together, we
manage ten 500-hectare demonstration sites (two each in England,
Scotland, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany), where the project has
established and improved conservation measures developed for grey
partridges, but which can benefit many species.
as grey partridge, breeding songbird and brown hare numbers. These
support the targets in the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for agricultural land.
We have tailored our approach to the needs of each country, to
will make a second attempt at breeding with a replacement clutch, which
contains fewer eggs. First clutches tend to hatch from the middle of June
and replacement ones up until early August.
When they hatch, the chicks are mobile almost immediately and the
adults move the chicks off the nest within a few hours to suitable areas
nearby where they can find food. Chicks forage on the ground in tall
but relatively open farmland vegetation, eating mainly insects and their
larvae for the first two weeks. Their diet then changes to include seeds,
grains and green leaves of grasses, cereals and flowering plants6–9.
Autu m n
Across Europe over the past 150 years, grey partridge abundance shows
three distinct trends (as shown in Figure 2). The general pattern is of
stable high numbers in the late 1800s to 1950s/60s, then a sharp decline,
followed by an ongoing more gradual decline10–14.
These trends coincide with changes in farming methods. In the late 1800s
to mid-1900s, farming methods provided good habitat for partridges and
numbers were high.
The 1950s-1960s saw the widespread introduction of herbicides. This
affected grey partridges and other farmland species by disrupting the
food chain, removing weeds (arable flora) which are the host plants for
insects that partridge chicks depend upon for food (Figure 3)15–18.
Some of the early insecticides whose usage also became common around
this time were directly toxic to partridges19. More recently, although most
insecticide treatments applied to fields are not directly toxic to farmland
birds20, they still affect grey partridges - and other insect-eating farmland
birds - by reducing the abundance of insects important in chick diet18,21.
1950 1990
Extensive research across Europe in the second half of the 20th century
has helped us understand grey partridge declines in more detail. Across
the continent, the three main reasons are:
• Loss of insects from cropped fields because of herbicide and
insecticide use.
– This lack of food led to smaller broods, i.e. fewer surviving
young per nesting female11,22,23.
• Loss of nesting habitat because hedgerows and grass banks were
removed, and fields combined.
– This led to fewer successful breeding pairs in spring24–26.
• Increased predation, especially by generalist predators such as the
red fox, because of land use changes, a reduction in legal predator
control and a change in the behaviour of hunters27.
– This led to higher losses, particularly of nesting females28,29.
This trio of causes was first proposed by the British farmland ecologist Dr
Dick Potts in the 1970s as the ‘three-legged stool’8. His theory, now widely
accepted, was based on his own scientific studies in the UK23, influenced by
other studies of grey partridge ecology6–9, and is supported by more recent
research30–33. Modern farming methods either affect all three legs of the
stool or affect one so much that ‘the whole stool becomes unsteady’.
Grey partridges nest on the ground. The preferred nest site is in unmown
tussocky grasses with old vegetation, typically found along hedgerows,
ditches, dikes or grassy field margins that have plenty of dead grass from
the previous year24,42. Nests can also be found in the crops themselves,
especially cereals43.
In recent years AE schemes have introduced some habitats that can
replace or augment the more traditional grassy nesting habitats that
are now scarce in modern farmland. These include wildflower plots44,45,
beetle banks that provide suitable nesting cover in the middle of large
arable fields and field corners or fallow land8.
Key point
Partridges need plenty of
high-quality nesting habitat. THE EVIDENCE for partridges
Although partridges prefer to nest in vegetation with unmown tussocky
grasses, actual nesting sites vary across Europe depending on the
Provided by
available habitat. For example, in the UK 65% of partridge nests are
Permanent and semi-permanent
found in field margins, including the base of hedgerows, grassy banks
vegetation features such as
or uncut margins24,46. In Germany nearly 95% of grey partridge nests
wildflower plots, hedgerows, grass
were found in similar permanent vegetation, with a quarter in wildflower
margins and beetle banks.
blocks specifically designed to provide nesting and foraging habitat
in the breeding season44. Conversely, in north-central France, 65% of
grey partridge nests were found in cereal crops, with only 13% in linear
features like hedges43.
This indicates that the availability of habitat types influences grey
partridge nest-site selection.
Partridge breeding density is closely associated with the amount of It is essential not to mow these areas when females are incubating or
available nesting cover: where there is more high-quality cover, there when chicks are very young (May-August). Management of wildflower
are more partridges, and increasing the amount available can increase plots is discussed further on pages 42-44.
partridge breeding densities10,25,33,43,47. Several successful UK partridge recovery projects have used beetle
Five main habitats are known to provide nesting cover across farmland: banks to provide additional nesting habitat48–50. This is because they are
hedgerows, grass margins and ditches, wildflower plots, beetle banks dry and disconnected from the edges of the field, which may reduce
and cereal crops. predation51. Beetle banks are quicker and easier to establish than a
For hedgerows, grass margins and ditches to provide optimal nesting traditional hedgerow.
cover, management is key. For example, in the spring these features However, linear nesting habitats like beetle banks or those along field
should retain enough dead grass or similar vegetation from the previous boundaries are usually not appropriate in areas without lethal predator
year to provide cover for a female grey partridge sitting on a nest8,9,24. This management, because they can act as corridors to concentrate predators
also means that they need to remain uncut during the nesting season to and prey, and lead to more predation rather than less43,44.
avoid destroying the nest and killing the sitting female. Hedges should be
cut in rotation (up to every three years), to allow a dense base to develop24.
Wildflower plots can provide ideal nesting sites because of their open
structure at ground level, combined with vegetation that
provides suitable cover and camouflage. In Switzerland
and Germany, partridges preferred to nest and spend
time in or near wildflower plots44,45.
For other species
Hedgerows are important habitats for farmland invertebrates52,53, being
able to support more than 1,500 different invertebrate species from
70 families. Hawthorn alone has 209 species associated with it54. Many
butterflies such as small tortoiseshell, red admiral, gatekeeper, orange
tip, ringlet, and several whites are commonly found alongside farmland
Many declining farmland bird species rely on hedgerows as nesting
habitats, for instance yellowhammer, whitethroat, linnet, and turtle dove56.
Beetle banks were designed to provide overwintering sites for beneficial
insects57, with higher numbers in fields with beetle banks58 than in those
without. Invertebrates such as predatory ground beetles use tussocky
grasses to shelter overwinter, and thousands can be found per square
metre on a beetle bank59,60. These can reduce the number of pest insects,
for example aphids, in the nearby crop in spring and summer58.
Beetle banks are also a haven for other farmland wildlife. Together with
grass margins and wildflower plots, they provide ideal nest sites for small
mammals such as harvest mouse61,62, common vole63, and brown hare64.
Beetle banks are raised banks (0.5m high by 3m wide) that are
sown with a mix of tussocky grasses, typically dividing a field in
two but not connecting to the field edges.
Beetle banks were invented in the UK in the early 1990s where,
based on research, they made it into the English AE scheme in the
mid-1990s, and Scottish and Welsh schemes shortly thereafter.
PARTRIDGE introduced beetle banks to the Netherlands in 2017,
Belgium in 2018, and Germany in 2019. They were adopted into
AE schemes in the Netherlands in 2018 as a direct result of the
PARTRIDGE project. PARTRIDGE aims to introduce beetle banks
into the AE schemes of all North Sea member states.
H a rv es t mo us e D av i d K j ae r
P A R TRI D GE f lo w er bl oc k a t Die mar de n de mon st r at i o n sit e, G e r m any Ec k har d G ot t sc hal k
In the first two weeks of life, grey partridge chicks eat mainly insects16.
This high-protein diet is very important for chick growth and, if other
factors are favourable, the more insect-food there is, the better chicks
will survive.
Guided by their parents, partridge chicks forage for insects within an area
of 4-10 hectares, depending on how much habitat providing chick food is
CHICK FOOD supply of insects close to the nest. It is commonly believed that chick
mortality increases if the family group (covey) must travel some
distance to find food, as they are more vulnerable to predation and
bad weather conditions.
Key point
Partridge chicks need insect-rich
foraging habitat, near to where
they hatch, to survive the first few
weeks of life.
Provided by WILDFLOWER
Wildflower plots, conservation
headlands, annual arable margins. PLOTS TO PROVIDE
They are expected to give good foraging habitat for partridge chicks
and may act as a substitute for, or addition to, conservation headlands
because they benefit chick-food insects81–83. Sown weed strips
(floristically-enhanced margins) are very attractive to insects82.
The conservation value of field margins sown with a seed mix compared
with naturally regenerated strips will vary greatly, depending on the soil
type, the seeds present in the soil and the management approach. Arable
margins are also supported by AE schemes in several European countries.
Measures to improve grey partridge winter survival are an important part
of partridge conservation packages. These consist of providing winter
cover, which gives protection from severe weather and predators108,109.
Lack of food over winter can also be a problem because seeds are scarce
on modern farmland in winter110, particularly during the period known as
the ‘hungry gap’, which runs from January to early May in north-western
Key point
Wildflower plots sown for nesting and brood-rearing can also provide
Winter survival is improved by
seed resources and cover in winter for grey partridges and other
cover and food.
farmland wildlife34. This requires careful selection of the species included
in these mixes because they need to hold seeds until early spring.
Provided by Although grey partridge adults eat mainly leaves and other plant matter
Wildflower mixes, winter stubbles, in winter112, additional feeding with grain is often used to supplement
supplementary feeding. their natural food.
For some countries in north-west Europe, where comparatively few plant
species bear seeds into early spring, it may be difficult to grow plants that
provide seed into mid-February. In these cases, supplementary feeding
may be even more important.
The thinking on supplementary feeding is two-fold: firstly it could reduce
foraging time and hence predation risk108, and secondly high-energy food,
such as seeds, may lead to better breeding condition113.
For other species
Breeding populations of many farmland birds are in decline, and the
reduced amount of seed available to them in modern farming systems OF FARMLAND BIRDS
contributes to this72,115. Stubble fields, particularly weedy ones, may provide
a good source of grain and weed seeds in early winter122, and many species IN WINTER
of farmland birds are known to feed in them, including skylark, linnet,
yellowhammer and reed bunting as well as grey partridge123. A loss of
weedy stubble fields is one of the factors contributing to their decline115.
A comparison of seed-bearing crops with conventional crops across
Flower-rich tussocky
grass margin 3 metres
Arable crop
100-200 metres
Sterile strip
1 metre
Beetle bank
3 metres
Conservation headland
min. 4 metres
Arable crop
100-200 metres
Flower-rich tussocky
Figure 4 An idealised
P a rtr id g e c ov ey i n f li g ht J a r i P e lto mä k i / Aga m i
Key point
Partridges are particularly vulnerable to predation because they nest,
forage and roost on the ground. Up to three-quarters of the potential
reproduction for a year can be lost through egg predation8,44. We know
that predation has become more of a problem for many farmland
species in recent decades, particularly ground-nesting birds28,29,140 and
hares40. This may be because the number of generalist predators (those
Partridge abundance is heavily
that eat whatever food is available to them) has increased overall during
affected by predation; reducing
that period28, or because the farmed landscape has become simpler,
the effect of predation helps to
with fewer hedgerows and other features, or a combination of both. This
increase numbers.
simplification means that predator and prey species increasingly share
the same areas and resources, and are therefore more likely to meet,
Provided by with prey less able to hide141.
Habitat and predator management.
European society. Therefore, the conservation methods
used within PARTRIDGE are designed to be applied alongside
either of the main predation management approaches. Each 2.
demonstration site chose the predation management approach
that was most suitable for its particular situation and aims.
In grey partridge conservation projects where lethal predator
management is not carried out, the effects of predation may be reduced
through habitat improvements. This improvement is directed towards
the amount, types and layout of nesting, brood-rearing and overwinter
habitat to increase partridge survival. How these are implemented varies
between sites. Up until now, there has been little scientific investigation 5.
into how exactly habitat management alone can best support sustainable
partridge populations in the long-term.
a • m • j • j • a • s • o • n • d • j • f • m • a
One exception to this is a demonstration site in the UK, where low grey
partridge numbers recovered and could be maintained with habitat
management alone. This occurred in an area with low background 1. 50% nest losses – eggs destroyed before hatching
predator densities130. The important things to consider are the size of the
area being managed for conservation and how fragmented the areas of 2. 50% of hatched chicks lost
suitable nesting, brood-rearing and overwinter habitats are, as well as the
background density of predators. The presence of partridges nearby is 3. 30% of adults lost during the summer
also likely to play an important role in buffering numbers148.
4. 60% autumn and winter losses
Grey partridge recovery programmes that do not have shooting as scientifically documented have used direct predator management, in
motivation also use lethal predator management41. How this is done addition to providing good-quality habitat across a suitable area.
and which species are involved depends on the legal framework, which Examples of successful reintroductions include one in Ireland41 and one
varies across European countries. Where legally permitted, predator in the UK161. These reintroductions made the decision to undertake direct
management aims to reduce the density of generalist predators such predator management in light of IUCN guidelines for introductions162,163.
as red fox and crow during the nesting season to ensure good partridge These state that the original reasons for extinction must be removed
reproduction80. This type of management can be carried out successfully before reintroduction takes place. For the grey partridge, this includes
across relatively small areas, resulting in high grey partridge spring pair high rates of predation as well as loss of habitat, and both must be
densities of up to 40-80 pairs per square kilometre41,80,158. suitably addressed for reintroduced birds to be able to persist139.
These results were followed by a replicated controlled experimental This has also been shown for lapwing, which bred better where generalist
field study where predator management was carried out only during the predators were removed in areas with a high background level of these
partridge breeding season. Grey partridge breeding success was higher predators165. In a recent review of whether predation can limit prey
and autumn numbers increased. This increased spring breeding numbers, populations, removing predators allowed prey populations to rise in 80%
of studies that looked at seabirds, 81% looking at gamebirds, 45% of 75
which were on average nearly three times higher after three years,
compared with a nearby reference area without predator management147. those studying waders and 40% focusing on songbirds28.
More recent analyses using computer models predict that combining Reducing the density of common generalist predators such as foxes can
habitat management with predator management as described above also benefit brown hares. A combined analysis of three separate UK
results in faster and higher grey partridge recovery than habitat studies showed that in all three, brown hare densities increased rapidly
measures alone25,160. This has been demonstrated several times in the UK, and were always higher when predators were controlled than when they
France and Ireland41,48,80,121,158. were not40.
In cases where grey partridges are reintroduced after they had gone
locally extinct, predator control is paramount for success. All known
successful reintroductions of grey partridges in Europe that have been
B ro w n ha re a lo ng S w is s w il df l ow er p lo t M a r k us J e nny
F a rm w a lk a t R oth er f ie ld d emo ns t ra ti on si t e, E n g la nd I an G oul d
Successful conservation projects understand and respect the views of
different groups with different priorities, values and ideas. Bringing
together and uniting a wide range of stakeholders working together
towards a common goal is what PARTRIDGE is all about. The main roles
of the seven key stakeholder groups that need to work together are
summarised below. Many people or groups fulfil several of these roles.
In the UK, where the shooting rights lie with the landowner, this is The role of the general public
straightforward. In other parts of Europe, such as France and Germany,
PARTRIDGE unites around 300 volunteers from the general public
the hunter may rent land from farmers to plant and manage wildlife
engaging in habitat management, monitoring activities (citizen science
habitats that benefit their quarry species, or may pay the farmer to
such as bird surveys), media campaigns and lobbying. They are typically
provide these services.
members of conservation organisations, helping both financially and
Arrangements will vary, but hunters often make a contribution to by adding a voice to the cause of conservation through support for
management for quarry species. When this management is done in line conservation-friendly policy choices.
with the appropriate guidelines and codes of practice, it benefits many
Pressure from our volunteers and the wider public is one of the most
other farmland species.
effective tools in achieving change and steering regional, national and
international policy. Public appreciation for the work done by farmers
and hunters can go a long way towards motivating land managers to
undertake conservation work.
Sustainable shooting is an important aspect of how hunters
manage quarry species. One example from the UK recommends
that no grey partridges are shot unless there are more than 20 The role of the advisory body
birds per 100 hectares in autumn, and that hunting stops for the
Within PARTRIDGE, advice on AE schemes, wildlife and management
year if that threshold is reached. In the UK, on areas with habitat
is provided by a group of experts with different strengths. These
management providing both nesting and brood-rearing cover,
advisors work together to offer a wide range of expertise and real-
together with legal predator control, grey partridge numbers can
world experience, acting as a link between scientific and conservation
sustain moderate shooting of 20% of autumn stocks48,166. In the
organisations and land managers.
modern farmed environment, there are unlikely to be that many
wild partridges without either seven percent of high-quality They understand both wildlife requirements and the details of running
habitat, direct predator management, or both. a farm business, effectively integrating new farming methods or
conservation measures into a working farm. They help and support the
application process for AE schemes, the financial support which makes
P A R TRI D GE p ar tn ers w it h loc al s t ake ho ld er s F r anci s B une r
Co-operation - between groups and across countries - is a core value of
PARTRIDGE, enabling us to achieve our joint vision of the best outcomes
for wildlife and people. There are complex challenges when working
across many countries. Not only language but traditions, culture and
perspectives differ. However, the successful establishment of PARTRIDGE
demonstrates the rewards that can come from international co-operation
within conservation, based on science.
C h il d w it h c or n fl ow e r L ar s S oe r i n k
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6 Birkan, M. & Jacob, M. (1988) La Perdix
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This edition has been made possible by
the North Sea Region Interreg programme,
the Edwin Bouw Foundation, Oakbank
Game & Conservation and Kings Crops.
Written by
Jen Brewin, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Francis Buner, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Julie Ewald, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Edited by
Eckhard Gottschalk, University Göttingen, Germany
Jules Bos, BirdLife, Netherlands
Frans van Alebeek, BirdLife, Netherlands
Thomas Scheppers, Research Institute for Nature and Forest
(INBO), Belgium
Kathleen Vanhuyse, Flemish Hunters Association, Belgium
David Parish, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Nicholas Aebischer, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Anne-Lieke Struijk-Faber, BirdLife, Netherlands
Graphic design
Saiid & Smale, Amsterdam. Alterations for English version:
Chloe Stevens, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK