ChoicePoint Ebook
ChoicePoint Ebook
ChoicePoint Ebook
Admit it. You can feel it too. An underlying sense of deep excitement that perhaps, for the
first time in our history, humanity is on the verge of making a massive leap in consciousness.
It’s exciting but scary too. Humanity is at a choice point. And each one of us, as a member
of humanity, is at a choice point too.
Are you continuing to buy into the fear that’s dominating our TV and newspapers – or are
you willing to see beyond, into the possibility of how life could be? Are we doomed to
descend into a hell of our own making – or are we being invited to recognise the power each
of us has to create heaven on earth? Are you worrying that nothing you can do will make a
difference – or are you courageous enough to join the growing community of people who are
waking up to the truth and who are stepping into position as the leaders the world truly
As you discover the truths within this powerful e-book, you’ll come to know that if we’ve been
capable of creating one reality – then we’re equally capable of creating a different one. We
get to choose the reality in which we live! And just as importantly, what we create within our
own lives is reflected back to us within humanity as a whole.
Those who are opening up to this enlightening – and scientific - truth come from all walks of
life. Some have celebrity status, most do not. Know that this is YOUR invitation to be a part
of the growing community that is set to help humanity make the right choices.
To create life as YOU want to see it, you must align with your purpose.
What you’re going to be learning through Choice Point goes way beyond anything you’ve
ever discovered before - beyond race, beyond religion and beyond materialism. And as well
as finding out about new scientific discoveries which will dramatically change your perspec-
tive on how you view the world for ever, you’ll also - excitingly - be provided with all the tools
you need to create both personal and global transformation.
Each of these principles is based on solid modern research from diverse fields and from an-
cient wisdom. You’ll find reference to these principles, using different terms and discussed
in various contexts, ranging from the ancient Hermetic laws and metaphysical philosophies
to modern quantum physics to cosmology.
The three principles are based on the understanding that we’re all connected by a unified
energy field. They explain how, in order to transform life or create and manifest something
new, we have first to understand the patterns that are encoded in Reality. We then have to
have a purpose, which aligns harmoniously with the patterns of the universe. And finally, we
have to transform ourselves to align with what it is we want to change, manifest or create.
You’ll find out more about these steps later, but it’s important to understand now that these
principles depend upon the understanding that the patterns that we want to transform and
create in our worlds are encoded in Reality, and that we have the power to transform and
tune into those patterns.
“Choice point” is a term borrowed from physics. It’s a place of branching or forking. It’s a
point of possibility. It’s a fork in a road that creates another road. The point is that we can
choose which of those two roads to travel down.
If we make the same choices that we have made in the past, then we will choose the road
that will lead us to the same problems, only on a larger scale. But we can also choose the
other road, the one that can lead us into a better world – a world of peace, of fairness, of
education, of harmony.
We live in a world of cycles. Our hearts beat cyclically, we breathe cyclically, even our DNA
spiral is a cycle. We sleep, then wake, then sleep again: a natural process driven by the
biochemistry of our bodies, which itself is driven by the cyclic rotation of the Earth, exposing
us to cyclic pulses of the Sun’s rays. Our social lives run in cycles too, and we believe, even
though it is not entirely obvious, that many world events are also cyclic.
A choice point emerges when one cycle ends and a new one is about to begin. It is a window
of time in which our choices can have a potent, lasting effect on our lives. The number and
severity of the crises now facing us indicate that a cycle is coming to an end -and that a
choice point exists on a global scale.
We’ll also be exploring how you can effect both personal and global transformation – and
finally, we’ll also be issuing you with your own exciting invitation to be a part of the growing
So, let’s first begin the journey with understanding how the science behind
the spiritual beliefs of the ancients is at the heart of the choice point that we’re
currently facing…
Section 1: Understand Your World
“What scientists are beginning to understand is that the universe is actually made up of very
few patterns that propagate and repeat themselves on many, many different scales through-
out the universe.” ~ Gregg Braden, speaking in the “Choice Point” movie
What is Reality? That’s an age old question that scientists, philosophers, and even poets
have spent lifetimes musing over and attempting to answer. Generally, people who’ve ex-
plored this question have done so solely from within their own fields of knowledge – but right
now, we’re going to embark on an ambitious journey which will not only integrate all of this
knowledge – but will also reveal what cutting edge scientists have only just discovered…
However, excitingly, this perceptual limitation may be an illusion, as you’re about to discover.
You know, the ancient masters were really on to something when they explained that all
answers can be found in nature. Their teachings suggested that when we flow with the
universe and dance in time with its rhythms, we become co-creators.
Information describes the pattern of how a natural system is organized. It dictates whether
energy will ultimately materialize as a human being or a starfish, a fruit fly or an elephant –
and then Information directs the development of that system, from which life emerges.
Energy itself is not enough to make matter. Information is crucial – without it, energy would
move chaotically.
Today, many physicists are rapidly coming to believe that information fields may be the most
fundamental aspect of the universe.
Science touts nature as both beautiful and simple. The Reality that we experience is - at its
most fundamental level - comprised simply of structured networks of Information and Energy
Interestingly, when it comes to mastering Reality, you only have to know two things:
• We all have the ability to INTERACT with Reality
• Reality is made of organized energy patterns, and when you match with a pattern or
part of a pattern, you can more easily manifest that pattern in your own life.
Interacting with Reality is simple, because rather than trying to affect matter, all you need to
do is influence the Information and Energy fields. What a relief – you don’t have to know
anything about astrophysics, quantum physics, technology or philosophy! In fact, all you
need to know is how your own personal energy patterns match, or don’t match, to the
universal fields of Reality.
So, interacting with Reality is actually very simple. All you need do – via your own
consciousness – is to match your own Energy and Information to the patterns of Information
and Energy already existing within Reality.
In the same way that we can choose to tune into one radio station rather than another, our
bodies are designed as ‘matching’ machines. Our mind and our consciousness gives us the
free will to choose how we match to Reality.
So, the great news is that we’re not chaotically at the mercy of blind cosmic forces but
instead, we’re intimately interacting with those forces all the time. We only need to wake up
to that fact and then we can choose to become conscious co-creators!
You’ll find fractals everywhere in nature. If you pick a fern, you can pull a little piece off the
leaf and it looks like a miniature fern leaf. You’ll see this again in the way that rivers run
through valleys, as the river branches off into smaller rivers, and then into streams. You’ll
see it in clouds, where large clouds break off into smaller clouds, still with the same structure.
And you’ll see it in mountains where a piece of rock has the same scaled down structure as
the mountain itself.
But it’s not just nature where these fractal patterns occur.
The whole universe is a giant fractal! Examine the Shift your awareness
universe and you’ll see that matter is concentrated in and your resonance
clusters, such as planets clustering around stars, stars through the Energy
clustering into galaxies, galaxies into galactic clusters and and Information of
galactic clusters into super clusters. your body and mind –
and what you desire
Because of our human based perceptions, we only see will more easily
part of the universal fractals – which makes it difficult for become a reality
us to appreciate that our experience of matter and reality for you.
is only part of a much bigger overall pattern.
However, even if we cannot perceive the almost limitless kinds of patterns in the universe,
we can still interact with them – and do so all the time. In fact the truth is that your life is the
sum of the interactions of all the patterns of Energy and Information to which you’re
‘matching’. Match to a different node of fractal Information and Energy, and you change the
quality or experience of your life.
The more closely and efficiently you resonate or match with a pattern in Reality - or a node
of one of its fractals - the less energy it takes to manifest this pattern in your life.
And just as importantly, if you don’t resonate with a pattern, you don’t have access to its
influence in your life - it might as well not exist!
There are an infinite number of patterns encoded in Reality, and to manifest one in your life,
you only have to shift your awareness and your resonance through the Energy and
Information of your body and mind, and it’ll more easily become a reality for you.
Let’s look at a more concrete example. Imagine you’re walking down a street towards where
your car is parked at the curb. You’re focused on your car – and as you walk, you’re likely to
be unaware of much that is around you, such as the colours of the buildings or houses, the
people you pass, the weather conditions, and so on. This is because you’re resonating mostly
with the Information field that is ‘your car’. You’re so focused on your car that it dominates
your reality and the rest of the world seems to disappear. However, if you were to walk
towards your car while widening the scope of your awareness, you would notice a much
larger stream of information and the street would come alive with a whole new level of detail!
This same matching process applies to your entire life. Bring more directed attention to
something, such as your job, your relationships or your health, for example, and you access
greater levels of information about it. Thus, it is not such a great a leap of imagination or
logic to consider that at a fundamental level, matching goes a long way to creating our
To take this idea further, consider that this matching process happens not only between you
and physical objects, but also between your inner emotional processes and other people’s
inner emotional processes. How much more would you understand about someone if you
were resonating together at more than a physical level? And this kind of thinking even applies
to matching “up to” opportunities. If you’re resonating with the fields of these opportunities,
they can more easily Inform and influence your reality.
Our beliefs create patterns that tell us what we believe is possible. As our beliefs about
science change - say from Newtonian beliefs to quantum beliefs, the way we experience and
view the world will change too. Different religious and spiritual views are also resonant
patterns, as are political systems. Of course, it’s easiest to change your own personal pattern,
but as so many visionary people in the world have demonstrated, one person can also make
a huge difference in the world if he or she has the ability to resonate with Reality at a new
and higher level.
Are we in control of our destiny or is destiny in control of us? Both dynamics are true! But,
the bottom line is that you cannot consciously transform your Reality if you don’t understand
how it all works. Knowing how to easily and effortlessly match your half of the Energy and
Information equation with the universe’s “half” is the key to knowing how to transform Reality
– and thanks to the Choice Point movie and personal transformational programme, it’s now
possible to learn how to do this yourself!
Time cycles are everywhere in our world – with the most common being the cycles of night
and day, the cycles of the moon, and women’s menstruation cycles. But humanity creates
time cycles too – and history shows us that even events in history eventually come to repeat
In his book “Fractal Time”, Gregg Braden points out that such a cycle always begins with a
seed event, which sets into motion a pattern that will repeat itself again and again. Each time
the cycle comes to an end, there’s a chance that it will repeat – but as it comes to its conclu-
sion, a window of opportunity - called a choice point – is opened. A term coined in physics
during the 1950s, a “choice point” describes the point in patterns of energy where it is easier
to make a change. When one cycle ends, before the next cycle begins, there’s a window of
time where we have the greatest opportunity to create change.
But it’s not just world events that are affected by these patterns and choice points. We also
see these patterns on a smaller scale. One person might experience physical abuse as a
pattern throughout their life, in lots of different situations with many different people. Another
may experience repeated success, going from one rewarding opportunity to the next. These
patterns are linked energetically through time and through Reality, so that the same themes
and challenges repeat over and over again until resolution is achieved.
for your own a lot of financial debt, and they’ve been tuning into that pat-
tern for some time, it can take a while for them to learn how
patterns and how
to tune into a new and more abundant pattern.
you interact with the
It allows you to align
with purpose.
Clearly defining
your aim is
essential for your
success – and the
more precise you
are, the more
likely you are to
Now that you understand your world in terms of fractal patterns, it’s time to look at how you
can transform your reality, and the world around you. The next stage of transformation is to
choose a purpose. This purpose can be one of personal or global transformation.
The number one priority when you choose a purpose is that it is in alignment with the patterns
of the universe. And the greatest reason why people don’t succeed in their goals is because
they choose a purpose that’s out of kilter with the existing patterns in Reality.
The next step is to pick a purpose that fills you with passion. It’s vital that you pick something
that you want to do rather than something that you think you should do. Many of us have
been programmed into self-sacrifice and compromise, and live our lives believing that we
have to dilute our sense of self in favour of conforming or fitting in. While it’s important to be
in harmony with future patterns, our own personal truth is equally vital!
Clearly defining your aim is essential for your success, and the more precise you are about
what you want, the more likely you are to succeed. There are two ways you can define your
goals and aims, one is global and the other is specific. A global purpose describes a blanket
approach to what it is that you want to do, while a specific goal is precise and focused.
The reason that we need to define our purpose so clearly is to do with the psychology of the
human mind. After all, most of us function more effectively when we know where we’re are
headed than if we leave ourselves to wander aimlessly.
Know that if your purpose doesn’t align with the patterns in the universe, then it’s unlikely to
be successful. In many ways this part of the process is even more essential for those whose
goal has some element of interacting with or serving others, be it in a business context, a
community setting, a family, or a relationship. In these contexts, aligning with purpose
ensures that you are tuning into the fractal patterns of what other people want and need,
rather than something that’s self-serving.
The bottom line is that aligning your purpose is about harmony. It’s about being in harmony
with the people around you – and in harmony with the universe. When you align with purpose,
it has a massive impact on all that you attract into your life in order to achieve that purpose.
Getting To Grips With
The “Law Of Attraction”…
Over the past few decades there’s been a lot of focus on
the concept known as the “Law of Attraction”, which came
under the spotlight thanks to such films and books as “The
Secret” and “What the Bleep Do We Know?!”. This Law
What you want
teaches us to understand that like attracts like – together
with how you get more of what you focus on - and it’s to attract into
helped many people around the globe wake up to the
your life needs
knowledge that we’re actually far more powerful than we’d
ever have dared believe! to be in
harmony with
However, as you may have discovered yourself, just
focusing on what you want doesn’t actually change your
the fractal
situation. BUT, you can achieve phenomenal results when patterns of the
you combine the Law of Attraction with a deeper
understanding of how Reality works – and this is exactly
what you’ll master when you join the Choice Point
transformational study course.
And then there is transformation within companies, organizations, countries, and even within
humanity as a whole. How can we achieve transformation on a mass scale if we are
challenged to achieve it within ourselves?
However, understanding that every action that you take to transform yourself on a personal
level will affect the planet as a whole brings hope and possibility. Recognise this - and you’ll
know how to tap into the power of Reality!
Let’s use wealth as an example. If you want to be wealthy, you have to think and act
abundantly, which means being a conduit to enabling others to be wealthy. It’s not a
self-focus only; it’s a state of being that includes how you approach everything and everyone.
If you choose wealth, but subconsciously are envious of others’ successes, then you’re not
harmoniously oscillating with the ‘wealth’ pattern, and you’re more in tune with other,
potentially more negative patterns. It could even be that you’re unwittingly harmonizing with
‘selfishness’, ‘fear’, ‘poverty’ or the ‘not good enough’ patterns.
Our behavior and thoughts arise from deep-seated, often unconscious beliefs and values
that can thwart our conscious intentions. Only by taking a hard look at what “is” in our lives,
can we better understand where we’re not in harmony with when it comes to our intentions,
dreams and desires.
To experience true transformation, you need to work with the ‘Be the Change’ principle at a
deep personal level, which can take time – and it’s often easier to share the journey with
others who are on the same path, which is why so many people are starting to join the online
Choice Point community.
If we look at key figures in recent history who have been catalysts for change, we can see
how there’s a similar thread that runs through their approach. And if we investigate the actions
of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther-King, there seems to be a
commonality running through their stories: they became a match for the change they wanted
to see in the world. This is opposite to ego-based leadership where the person in power
manipulates the system for their own means. Theirs is leadership that transcends the ego
and is therefore able to transcend the system.
Another key component was that these figures made changes that were in harmony with the
universe. There were enough people who wanted the transformation to take place. All three
were striving to create emancipation, Gandhi in India over British rule of the Indian people,
Nelson Mandela in transforming the system of apartheid in South Africa, and Martin Luther-
King for the equality of black citizens in America. The transformation was for the common
good, and because of this, enough people were able to start resonating with the fractal
patterns that they’d created in order to make change possible.
When we talk of Mandela, Gandhi and King, most people think of extraordinary people with
attributes that are impossible to emulate. While we shouldn’t undermine the phenomenal
work of these exemplary transformation agents, you should know that you can take on their
qualities and be equally empowered and empowering as a transformation agent yourself, on
whatever scale you want to create change!
The key here is that if you become transformational to others, you can be the catalyst that
evokes change. You need to become an agent of transformation.
Becoming A Change Agent Yourself…
“We live in a holographic universe where the little things that we do, seeming little things in
our everyday lives can have huge ripples of implications on a global basis.” ~ Gregg Braden
- speaking in the “Choice Point” movie
Recognise that even when we’re looking to create a global transformation, we first have to
address our own patterns - before we can influence others. And by now, you’ll absolutely
know that your positive behaviors have a higher resonance than your negative ones, which
means that when you behave in a positive and inspiring way, it encourages others to match
that same behavior and to shift their own way of being.
This step is the embodiment of Gandhi’s famous saying “I must first be the change I want to
see in the world.” When you transform yourself, you’re able to break the boundaries of normal
or expected experience. You’re also able to recognize the difference between who you are
now and who you want to be - and to find the courage to move towards your true potential.
In this state you understand that the universe offers infinite possibilities and you continuously
transform yourself to create those possibilities. And as you do, you create a new fractal
pattern that others can then tune into and match. Because of this, you become the highest
vision of yourself.
Never in our history has it been more important to have the courage to transform. By being
the change we transform ourselves – and as a result, our Reality is transformed too.
There are many areas where YOU can make a difference, and the more courage you have
to create transformation in your world, the greater your contribution will be.
It is up to each of us to align our purpose with solutions for the planet. Individually, we’re
being called upon to have the courage to take a stand against the love of power, politics and
excessive profits. We have to find the courage to put forward the solutions. Solutions for
health care freedom, radical energy solutions, solutions for peace, ones for equality, ones
for political freedom, ones for changing the education systems or transforming our banking
So your challenge now is to go out into the world and make the change that you have
envisioned, whether it’s on a personal or global scale. It is your chance to actualize the tried
and tested concepts brought forth in this book.
Imagine how much could change if everybody that read this book took just one or two actions
towards being the change. Join the online Choice Point community today and have your say!
Every journey is easier and more fun with companions – especially when they’re operating
within the same fractal pattern of Reality as you! It’s for this reason that an online Choice
Point community has been created – which is in itself forming a new fractal pattern for both
personal and global transformation. If you’re ready to take the next step on your own
personal journey – or you’re feeling that it’s time for you to step up onto the global playing
field, then why not accelerate your progress by signing up for the Choice Point
transformational course?
Each phase of the 35 step online course is thought-provoking, dynamic and very hands-on
– with every part of the process carefully designed to appeal to anyone who’s committed to
personal transformation, irrespective of their education or work experience!
As well as practical exercises, you’ll also have access to online support – and progressing
through the course couldn’t be simpler as once you’ve successfully completed one step,
you’ll have immediate access to the next one, which means that you move through the
programme at a pace that suits you.…
Be the Change helps us to understand that as we change, our reality changes and to change
the world, or something in the world, we need to start by changing ourselves. So if we
transform ourselves, then the environment or organisation that we are part of will change,
and it will move towards transforming the world.
Below is a brief synopsis of the topics you’ll be mastering:
Understanding that you are responsible for your life is key, as is accepting that your world is
your “creation” - whether negative or positive. You’ll also come to understand your power
and discover how you’re on course to live up to your full potential…
Here, the constant state of impermanence is introduced – and you’ll discover how nothing is
permanent or stays the same. You’ll also learn about the importance of cycles and how as
they come to their conclusion, you have the opportunity to make changes rather than be
Your self observation from the previous steps will allow you to accept who you really are.
You’ll discover how to release yourself from self critical or self limiting judgments. Learning
how to forgive everything you’ve internalised in yourself, you will understand how to let go
and forgive others, bringing more harmony into your life...
Asking questions of yourself and others, you will begin to see and understand your world, its
patterns and your part in it. You’ll discover how to remove the pride or fear that blocks you
from reaching out to others. This will help you to inter-relate, communicate, co-operate and
become more aligned with and in harmony with your environment....
Learning how to put yourself in another’s shoes and deeply understanding other points of
view will enable you to match your emotions with others. This strong, connected and emotive
experience will help you to improve all of your relationships, bringing balance into all aspects
of your life, whilst also appreciating the world view of others...
You’ll learn how to tune in to your inner voice and feel your gut instinct. This will illuminate
your path without the distortions of ego or desire. You’ll gain a stronger sense of purpose
than ever before. You’ll understand your abilities to differentiate between your inner guidance,
your imagination and the projections of your ego...
Learning about fractals, you’ll realise that your life is a fractal that scales exponentially into
the Universe. You’ll realise that – in harmony with the Universe - you are a co-creator of your
own life. Your successes will come faster and more easily than ever before. On the right
track, you will attract the right people and circumstances as your destiny unfolds effortlessly...
Without conscious awareness in every moment, you are subject to the conflict and turbulence
of events and may be off track. Learning about truth and illusion will give you the wisdom to
take full responsibility for your life and become your own agent of change...
You may experience a wake up call which signifies the beginning of a better journey. You will
learn how to be more conscious, aware of everything around you and the impact of your life
choices. You’ll be able to make decisions with a new level of presence and awareness, as
you start to align with your life’s purpose...
With the ability to apply what you’ve learnt so far, internally and externally, you’ll now have
become consciously wiser. You’ll know how to effect change. With this new knowledge comes
simplicity, as the wiser you become the less energy is needed to create the results you
After the self observation, you will witness patterns in your behaviour much faster. You’ll now
be more consciously aware in the moment. You’ll escape the vortex of negative experience,
understand, accept and forgive yourself. This conscious observation of your inner self brings
more awareness than ever before...
Having dealt with your conscious awareness, you’ll now discover how your unconscious is
creating patterns that trap you. Knowing how and why this happens, you’ll be aware and
able to avoid those traps. You’ll learn how to heal anything in your unconscious that was
previously holding you back...
23. LOVE
Love is defined by your sense of unity and oneness, internally and externally. Now you’ve
learnt how to stop projecting your insecurities onto those around you, your relationships will
change. Learning unconditional love for yourself will automatically radiate to others,
transforming your relationships...
Your ability to make decisions depends upon concentration and clarity. You’ll find out how to
step away from confusion and self doubt by using your imagination and wisdom. You’ll dis-
cover how to develop focus, which will allow you to visualise your future in many dimensions.
These skills will help you to remain on-track, despite opposition or negative feedback...
Linked with Trust, Honesty allows you to freely express yourself and your needs without fear.
You’ll discern that Honesty and Truth are transforming characteristics, at the heart of every
decision you make. When you can truthfully express what you really want, you will transform.
To quote Gay Hendricks, “Living Your Truth is Integral to your state of unity.”
Developing compassion and tolerance helps with life’s challenges, helping you to remain
centred without judgement or reaction to others. You’ll learn that your tolerance of your outer
world is a projection of your internal tolerance and how much you truly accept yourself...
You’ll find out that balanced Willpower provides the necessary energy and determination for
the transformation you desire. You’ll be able to move clearly towards your goals with moti-
vation and strength. Life’s challenges or obstacles will not throw you off track, as you’ll know
how to recover quickly, rebounding from adversity...
Once transformed, trust has a dramatic impact upon your life. You’ll see the opportunities
presented by the Universe. You will be taught how to trust yourself implicitly and how to listen
to your intuition. You’ll discover how trust, contentment and faith will dramatically remove
fear from your life...
Having learnt so much from the previous modules, you’ll now be fully aware of the importance
of balance in your life. You’ll find out how to easily create balance in every area of your life,
bringing you lasting contentment...
Having looked within and addressed your main characteristics, you’ll now see and feel what
tremendous courage you have. You’ll increase the strength of your courage, which will keep
you focused in times of change, helping you to overcome fears that might otherwise have
held you back...
Your beliefs are created from a very early age, probably in place by the time you are seven
years old. Your existing life script will have been influenced by factors such as family, society,
culture and religion. You’ll discover how to question these outdated beliefs, enabling you to
create new beliefs and achieve your full potential...
Having learnt how easy it is to create material success, you’ll feel your generosity extend
beyond you, your family and your community. You’ll realise that working on your inner self
enables you to make a difference in the world. You’ll now discover the joy of sharing your
abundance, without any expectation of return, for the greater good of humanity...
Join Our Exclusive On-Line Multimedia
Put into action everything you’ve learned in this e-book and BE THE
CHANGE by joining our exclusive interactive, multi-media programme!
You’ll get to learn from some of the world’s biggest names in both personal and
global transformation – and as a Choice Point community member, you’ll also
have access to our exclusive forum, where you can share your experiences
AND get advice from the Choice Point experts…
And finally, as part of our commitment to YOU, we’ve also created a step-by-
step programme to support you through your own personal transformation –
not only will you get all the hints, tips, tools and techniques to speed you along
your way, but with our easy-to-use multimedia system, you can also track your