Automatic Plant Watering System Using Arduino UNO: A Project Report On
Automatic Plant Watering System Using Arduino UNO: A Project Report On
Automatic Plant Watering System Using Arduino UNO: A Project Report On
Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science and Technology
July 2021
Copyright © 2021 by CUST Student
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form requires the prior written
permission of Chaudhary Hassan Sayem Khalid BME-193077, Muhammad Umer
BME193083, Muzammil Ayyaz BME193046 and Zohaib Zamurrad BME193089 or designated
It is declared that this is an original piece of my own work, except where otherwise
acknowledged in text and references. This work has not been submitted in any form for
another degree or diploma at any university or other institution for tertiary education
and shall not be submitted by me in future for obtaining any degree from this or any
other University or Institution.
July 2021
It is certified that the project titled “Automatic Plant Watering System Using
Arduino UNO” carried out by Chaudhary Hassan Sayem Khalid - BME193077,
Muzammil Ayyaz BME193046, Muhammad Umer BME193083 and Zohaib
Zammurad BME193089 under the supervision of Zain ul Abdeen, Capital University
of Science and Technology, Islamabad, is fully adequate, in scope and in quality, as a
semester project for the course of Precision Engineering and Metrology Lab.
Zain ul Abdeen
Lab Engineer
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad
Food self-sufficiency is a government program that has been being actively promoted so that
Indonesia to reach food independence. Indonesia is a maritime and agricultural country with
rainy and dry seasons. In the rainy season, food plants usually do not need to be watered,
while in the dry season, the plants must be watered regularly according to the soil moisture
conditions. Farmers usually do not grow food plants in the dry season for fear that it will not
grow well. The farmer’s dependence on the season causes the production to decline and
becomes an obstacle in the success of the food self-sufficiency program. An information and
communication technology-based agricultural device is needed to overcome the problem.
The research aimed to design a programmed microcontroller chip to control watering
automatically based on soil moisture detected using a domestic soil moisture sensor. This
device detected whether the soil was dry or not. The farmers did not need to do watering
manually. In addition to helping farmers, the device could also be installed on plantations,
seedbed nurseries, urban parks, hotels, offices, and homes.
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................... 7
INTRODUCTON ........................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................... 17
METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................... 22
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 06 .................................................................................................................. 23
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 23
Some farmers in Indonesia still depend on the rainy season for farming. It makes the
production of agricultural products unstable. In the dry season, the prices of agricultural
products increase significantly due to their small production, while in the rainy season, the
production is abundant that decreases the price. It causes loss and disappointment for many
farmers. During the dry season, farmers who want to do farming must spend extra energy
and costs to do watering manually.
Hence, an automatic watering plant that works both in the rainy season and the dry season
is necessary to design. The device used a microcontroller chip programmed based on the
detection of agricultural soil moisture sensors. When the soil was dry, the device
automatically watered the plants. Conversely, if the soil was wet, the device would not water
them. It led to healthy plants because the need for water had been fulfilled all the time.
Several researchers have conducted research in agriculture such as Qingmei, Zhili, and
Mingzhu who designed communication nodes in tractor control networks based on the
ISO11783 Protocol. The tractor was equipped with a GPS module that can be controlled
remotely with the sensor, a PIC type microcontroller, a water pump, and a Zigbee
Tapak and Csiba investigated the watering of IoT plants using an Ethernet,
a light sensor, a soil moisture sensor, a temperature sensor, a humidity
sensor, a water level sensor, and a solenoid valve.
Selmani et. Al. investigated the multithreading design for irrigation systems
using solar power. The system consisted of a temperature sensor, a soil
moisture sensor, a water level sensor, a Raspberry PI, and a solar panel water
1.3 Applications of this Project
This project having many applications in our daily life like:
1. Agriculture sector.
2. Parks and gardens.
3. Industrial sector.
4. High class buildings.
5. Greenhouses or nurseries.
6. Homes irrigation.
7. ETC.
1.6 Report Organization
• In this report, the reader will firstly come across chapter 1. This chapter provides
the most basic information and an overall review about the whole report. How it
will be analyzed and the industrial uses that are associated with it.
• Moving forward, there comes Chapter 2. This part of the entire context focuses
more on the terminologies and different components used in our project. This
chapter will help the readers to have better concepts of the expressions that were
acknowledged from this course. Here the engineering terms will be converted into
simpler words and conveyed to all types of readers.
• Further into the report, Chapter 3 will be having the most essential content. It will
include the methodology of our project.
• Chapter 4 is also as significant as chapter 3. Chapter 4 will be presenting all the
circuit diagrams and project pictures.
• Moving on, there will come chapter 5. It is the concluding chapter. It will be a short
summary and the results obtained.
This chapter provides a better understanding of all the components that will be used
through-out the report. It is to give reader a better judgement on the analysis of the wing.
Arduino UNO
The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip
ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by The board is equipped with sets
of digital and analog input/output pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards
and other circuits.
Soil Moisture Sensor
Soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content in soil. Since the
direct gravimetric measurement of free soil moisture requires removing, drying, and
weighing of a sample, soil moisture sensors measure the volumetric water content indirectly
by using some other property of the soil, such as electrical resistance, dielectric constant, or
interaction with neutrons, as a proxy for the moisture content.
The relation between the measured property and soil moisture must be calibrated and may
vary depending on environmental factors such as soil type, temperature, or electric
conductivity. Reflected microwave radiation is affected by the soil moisture and is used
for remote sensing in hydrology and agriculture. Portable probe instruments can be used by
farmers or gardeners.
Diode 1N4007
1N4007 is a PN junction rectifier diode. These types of diodes allow only the flow of
electrical current in one direction only. So, it can be used for the conversion of AC power to
DC. 1N 4007 is electrically compatible with other rectifier diodes and can be used instead
of any of the diode belonging to 1N400X series.
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow,
adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines,
among other uses.
DC Water Pump
DC powered pumps use direct current from motor, battery, or solar power to move fluid in a
variety of ways. Motorized pumps typically operate on 6, 12, 24, or 32 volts of DC power.
Solar-powered DC pumps use photovoltaic (PV) panels with solar cells that produce direct
current when exposed to sunlight.
Water Tubes
Jumper wires typically come in three versions: male-to-male, male-to-female and female-to-
female. The difference between each is in the end point of the wire. Male ends have a pin
protruding and can plug into things, while female ends do not and are used to plug things
DC Adapter 12V/1.5A
4. Code
Automated plant watering system is programmed using Arduino IDE software.
Arduino microcontroller checks soil moisture level, if low, triggering a water pump
on until sensor reaches threshold. After this, the system will re-check the soil
moisture between periodic intervals to see if you need more water. If the water in the
initial inspection, no water or comment, the system waits 24 hours, and repeat the
int WATERPUMP = 13; //motor pump connected to pin 13
int sensor = 8; //sensor digital pin vonnected to pin 8
int val; //This variable stores the value received from Soil
moisture sensor.
void setup() {
void loop()
if (Serial.available()) //loop to operate motor
int speed = Serial.parseInt(); // to read the number entered as
text in the Serial Monitor
if (speed >= 0 && speed <= 255)
analogWrite(WATERPUMP, speed);// tuns on the motor at
specified speed
val = digitalRead(8); //Read data from soil moisture sensor
if(val == LOW)
digitalWrite(13,LOW); //if soil moisture sensor provides LOW
value send LOW value to motor pump and motor pump goes off
digitalWrite(13,HIGH); //if soil moisture sensor provides HIGH
value send HIGH value to motor pump and motor pump get on
delay(400); //Wait for few second and then continue the loop.
From this work, we can control the moisture content of the soil of cultivated land. According
to soil moisture, water pumping motor turned on or off via the relay automatically. This
saves water, while the water level can be obtained in a preferred aspect of the plant, thereby
increasing productivity of crops. Servo motor from vegetation water uniformly dispersed in
water, in order to ensure the maximum utilization of absorption through. Thus, there is
minimal waste of water. The system also allows the delivery to the plant when needed based
on the type of plant, soil moisture, and observed temperature. The proposed work minimizes
the efforts of major agricultural regions. Many aspects of the system can be customized and
used software to fine-tune the requirements of the plant. The result is a scalable, supporting
technology. Using this sensor, we can see that the soil is wet or dry. If it is dry, the motor
will automatically start pumping water.
Automatic system using a microcontroller, moisture sensor and other electronic tools were
being developed. It was observed that the proposed methodology controls the moisture
content of the soil of cultivated land. The motor automatically starts pumping water if the
soil is dry and need water and stops when the moisture content of the soil is maintained as
2. file:///C:/Users/hp/Downloads/DesignofAutomaticWateringSystemBasedonARDUI