USBORNE The Great Animal Search

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Look Puzzle Learn

The Great
Animal Search Illustrated by Ian Jackson

Find three

Find seven
musk oxen
two killer

Find four

9- I


Find three
Arctic foxes

Find four
polar bears

Find six

Find three

Find two Find four Find five Find ten

snowy owls Arctic hares S^ seals lemmings

Ife. Puzzle .^^ Learn

The Great
Animal Search
Caroline Young
Illustrated by

\ ^
Ian Jackson

Designed by
Andy Dixon
Series editor:

Felicity Brooks

Scientific consultants:

Dr Margaret Rostron
Dr John Rostron

New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney
Blue whales are the Gardens are busy Pigs are just one of the
biggest animals of places. Pages 36 animals you can see
all. one
You'll find and 37 show you on pages 38 and 39.
on pages 34 what might
and 35. live there.

Find out how a

skink gets rid
ofenemies on
pages 32 and 33 Contents
About this book 3
Back in time 4-5
Conifer forests 6-7
Bright flame Steamy swamps 8-9
shrimp live on
the Great Barrier
Dusty deserts 10-11
Reef, on pages The Arctic 12-13
30 and 31.
Under the sea 14-15
Rainforests 16-17
Hot and dry 18-19
African plains 20-21
Hidden homes 22-23
By the sea 24-25
Mountains 26-27
Tigers hunt in Light and dark 28-29
the thick jungles
of India. Find out Magical world 30-31
what else lives Out and about 32-33
there on pages
28 and 29. Antarctica 34-35
A closer look 36-37
On the farm 38-39
Snow Answers 40-41
leopards Answers 42-43
hunt in
the highest ^ Answers 44-45
places. Turn to Around the world 46
pages 26 and 27
to find out where Index 47-48

Starfish live
the seashore
Find out
The huge African
what else plainson pages
does on 20 and 21 are
Squirrels are just one of the
pages 24 home
animals living in woods like to fast-
and 25. running cheetahs
the one on pages 22 and 23.
The Great Animal Search This creature is a
Stegosaurus. Turn
to pages 4 and 5 to

About this book find out about more

kinds of dinosaurs.

Skunks make their

home the

You can find out about more animals. It's a puzzle book, thick conifer
than 300 different kinds of too. This is how the puzzles
not just a
in this

book about
book, but it's work, plus a few tips to help
you solve them.
Won pages
6 and 7.

There are around 100 Around the The writing next to

animals in each big picture. outside of each each one tells you
In real life, there would not big picture, how many of that
be as many in the same there are lots of animal you can find American
place at the same time. little pictures. in the big picture. bald
above the
on pages
8 and 9.

V^^ Tarantulas
^** *^ like heat.
They live in
the Sonoran
Desert on pages
10 and 11.

This giraffe's A lioness has killed This baby These elephants

horn counts this zebra, but the baboon counts inthe distance
as one giraffe. zebra still counts. as one baboon. count.

The puzzly part is finding all Ifyou get stuck, you'll find all
the animals. Some are easy the answers on pages 40-45. Polar bears live
to spot, but some are tiny, Every single animal shown in the Arctic.

Find out what

or hidden against their in the little pictures that you else lives there on
background. On some pages can find in each big picture pages 12 and 13.

there's another puzzle too. counts in your total.

Camels live in the 'rfi^lj^ Sloths find it easy to hide Octopuses are just
scorching Sahara in the thick Amazon one of the sea
Desert. Spot more Rainforest on pages creatures you can
of them on pages 16 and 17. find out about on
18 and 19. pages 14 and 15
1} ^ ^:
North America
livedon marshy
land, munching

Back in time plants.

Find two.

Seventy million years ago, lived here. There are 51
ate other part of North America creatures for you to find
dinosaurs. It was probably looked like this^_. in this picture. Can you
a ferocious hunter.
Find three.
Animals called dinosaurs spot them all?

Struthiomimus Pachycephalosaurus Maiasauras

looked a bit like had a bony lump on its laid their
an ostrich without head for head-butting eggs in nests.
feathers. ^ enemies. Can you Find one
Spot seven. find three? Maiasaura.
Deinosuchus' Styracosaurus Ankylosaurus
name means had a bony swung its

"terrible collar around bony tail

crocodile". itsneck. like a club.

Spot two. Find one. Find two.

was a pterosaur,
or "flying lizard".
It was as big
as a small plane.
Spot two.

Stenosaiirus had
bony plates along
its back to protect
it from enemies.
Find two.

Panonlncar ]f(JS
was covered
with knobs and
spikes. Find five.

had a kind of
beak instead
of a mouth.
Spot three.

Cnrvthn.c^aijrus Trirprptnnc: nrr^maoosaurus

had a hollow, looked fierce, stabbed its
bony plate but it spent its enemies with
on its head. time eating. itssharp
Spot four. Find two. claws. Spot six.
North America
Skunks spray
j\, smelly liquid
at their
Conifer forests Find three.

Black bears are

good at climbing Forests cover the top of leaves all year. Not many
trees.Even the North America and Canada. people live there, but lots of
cubs can do it.
The trees in them are mainly animals do. Can you spot 80
Find four bears.
conifer treps that keep their animals in this picture?

Snowshoe hares
have furry feet to
run in the deep
snow in winter.
Spot six hares.

Lynxes' beautiful
coats blend with
the shadows.
Can you find
three lynxes?

Spruce grouse only

eat leaves and
buds from spruce
trees. Can you
find four grouse?

Wolverines are North American Chipmunks eat Northern

also known as martens are all summer, shrikes spend
"gluttons". This fast and fierce and sleep all day feeding
means greedy hunters. Find all winter. their babies.

people. Find three. three martens. Find eight. Find two.

Long-eared Beavers can cut Crossbills have
vis have two down trees with hooked beaks
feathery tufts their sharp teeth. to dig seeds
on theirheads. Spot eight out of cones.

Find four. beavers. Find two.

Moose can wade

through water
with their long,
thin legs. Find
six moose.

Fishers attack
porcupines. They
bite their soft
tummies, ^pot
luui ushers.

Brown bears
teach their cubs
what to eat.
i-ina two and
a cub.

Flying squirrels
can glide
between trees.


Pumas are Ospreys Porcupines Mink slink along,

also called swoop into are covered looking for voles
mountain lions water to in spikes and insects to
or cougars. catch fish. called quills. eat. Can you find
Spot three. Find three. Spot three. three mink?

North America
Spot six.

Steamy swamps
Green tree frogs ^^
have suckers on Swamps are so wet you can't This picture shows part of a
their feet to climb
slimy branches.
tell what is land and what swamp in Florida, in the US,
Find eight frogs. is water. Many animals live called the Everglades. Can
in these watery worlds. you-finij 85 animals here?

Otters can
even eat fish
while swimming
on their backs.
Spot six.

Fisher spiders Gallinulesare shy. Gambusia fisheat

eat insects They hide from mosquito eggs.
clinging to the enemies in the There are plenty
bottom of plant grass. Find four in the swamp.

stems. Spot one gallinules. Find eight fish. Bullfrog.

Find three.

herons wait
for ages before
spearing a fish. ^^
Spot two.

Raccoons use
their front paws to
scoop up fish and
frogs from the
water. Find six.

snakes wiggle
their bodies to
swim along,
bpoi tive.

Orb web
spiders spin
webs to catch
passing insects.
Find one.

Snapping turtles
are experts at
snapping up fish.
Uan you spot
four turtles?

Anhingas dive Manatees swim Pileated Garpike can

underwater and slowly along, woodpeckers easily tear up
stab fish with munching keep their food with their
their beaks. plants. babies hidden. sharp teeth.
Spot three. Spot four. Spot three. Spot three.
North America
Trapdoor spiders
crouch in
M^i^' tunnels and

Dusty deserts grab insects.

Spot two.

Coyotes often
howl to each hard in the scorching
Life is This picture shows part of the
other to keep in deserts of North America. Sonoran Desert. you look
touch. Can you
find six?
One part of them so hot
is closely, you'll spot 95 animals
that it's called Death Valley. thaf live in this dusty place.

Desert tortoises
hide under the
sand all day
to stay cool.
Spot four.

Burrowing owls
move into empty
burrows rather
than dig them.
Spot six.

Tarantulas are
poisonous, but
only enough to
kill an insect.
Find six.

Loggerhead Black-tailed Gila monsters

shrikes push jackrabbits hop lick insects'

lizards onto ^ across the hot footprints to

cactus spikes. sand. Spot find them.
Spot four shrikes. six jackrabbits. Find four.
Gambel's quails Kangaroo rats Crafty gila
blend in well get all the water woodpeckers
with the they need from build nests
desert. Can grains. Find six inside cacti.
you find two? kangaroo rats. Spot seven.

shake their tails
to make a scary
rattle, ^ind three

Elf owls -^iff^

often move
nests. Find five.

American fringe-
tned lizard?; dig
in the sand with
their noses and
toes. Find eight.

Find six.

run in zig-
zags, to
confuse enemies.
Spot three more.


Kit foxes, or Chuckwallas hide Peccaries can

swift foxes, between rocks even eat cacti
run very swiftly Enemies can't with their tough
across the sand. see them. Can teeth. Find
Find three foxes you spot three? ten peccaries.
North Pole
Thick fur keeps
polar bears
"^»t -i, warm. Spot

The Arctic ^y*.-

three and
two cubs.

Musk oxen don't

mind snow. Their Inthe Arctic, winter is so picture shows the Arctic at
thick coats keep cold that the sea freezes. the end of a long, cold winter.
them warm. Vw/Cll
Many animals go warmer

you spot nine?

to There are 101 animals here
places until spring. This for you to spot. I

whaipQ ijke
this one visit the "-'^
Arctic. They "sing"
as thev swim.

Lemmings live
incosy tunnels
under the snow
all winter.
Find 11.

Stoats even
squeeze into
tunnels. Find
thfue stoats.

Baby seals have Snowy owls

pale fur which hunt during
drops out after the long
a few weeks. Arctic day.
Arctic ground J:^l{'^^)^'
Spot four. Find three.
Find three.
Narwhals have Arctic foxes
a horn sticking bury animals in
Raven. out above their the snow. It's

Find mouths. Spot like a freezer. /

three. two narwhals. Find five.

Wolves often
hunt in a team
called a pack.
Spot ten.

^<j^r# ^,

•:Jr% .
only kill fish and
seals for food.
>r>- Find two.

Walruses have
plenty of fat to
keep them warm.
Find 12.


Caribou dig
up plants under
the snow, v^^oi
11 caribou.

Five kinds of White fur Beluga whale

seals live in Harp seal Ribbon seal disguises babies turn white
the Arctic. Arctic hares when they are
Find one very well. two. Find a
of each kind. Hooded seal Find four others. S^^ mother and baby

Ringed seal Bearded seal


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South America
Hoatzins are
k strange birds.
1 They smell
t awful. Spot

Rainforests two and a baby.

Tapirs use their

long noses to sniff
In rainforests, it rains almost Rainforest in Brazil. More
forfood among every day. Trees and plants kinds of animals and plants
the bushes.
grow incredibly fast. This live here than anywhere else,
Find three.
shows part of the Amazon Can you find 71 animals?

Emerald tree boas

slither through the
green trees. They
are hard to spot.
Find three.


Sloths move very

slowly. They can
spend their whole
lives in one tree.
Spot three.

birds move
their wings
quickly and
make a
sound. Find three

Toucans live Black howler Silky anteaters

in pairs. monkeys look for ants.
huge beaks are howl to each They lick them
made of hollow other to keep in up with their long
bone. Spot four. touch. Spot four. tongues. Find two.
Capybaras are Golden lion
good swimmers. tamarins
They spend most have manes of
of their time in the golden hair, like Golden ^^.Z*
water. Spot ten. lions. Find three. cock-of-the-rock.
Spot two.

Jaguars climb
trees and swim
across rivers to
catch animals.
Find one.

Anacondas can
squeeze animals
to death. Then
they eat them
whole. Find three.

Giant armadillos
have thick, scaly
skin to keep
teeth and claws
out. Spot two.

Amazon Indians
use poison
from arrow-
frogs on
the tips of
their arrows
Find nine,

Blue and yellow


Coral snakes Spider monkeys are Many kinds of
are poisonous, expert tree-climbers parrots live in
so animals do Their tails help the forest.
not eat them. them hold on. Find one of
Spot three. Find three. each kind

North Africa
Camels can
last a week
without water.

Hot and dry Spot eight adults

and a baby.

Fennec foxes
even hear insects Deserts are the hottest, driest the world. You might be
moving with their
huge ears. Find
places on Earth. This picture surprised by how many
four foxes. shows part of the Sahara, animals manage to live
the biggest desert here. Can vou find 124?

agamid lizard
Spot four.

hedgehogs try
and keep out of
the sun. Find
four hedgehogs

Spot one.

Desert hares sit

in the shade

during the heat

of the day. Find
four hares.

Jerboas hop across Sand vjpers bury

Coursers can run the sand like mini- themselves deep
fast to escape kangaroos. in the sand to

from enemies. ^^
Spot five. stay cool. Find
Find four four vipers.
Sahara gecko.
coursers. Spot one.
Find one
sandgrouse Skinks are hard
Desert and her to spot in the
centipede three Darkling beetle. desert sand.
Spot three chicks. Spot three. Find tour skinks.

Tiger beetles
make a tasty
snack for some
desert animals.
Spot three.

Little owl.
Spot four.

Sand cats hunt

smaller animals.
Their fur blends
in with the sand.

Spot four cats.

Desert locusts.
Find four.

slither along with
an S-shaped
wiggle. Find four

These animals Lanner falcon. Scorpions sting

don't mind the Addax. Find two. animals with
heat. They hardly Find five. Oryx. Spot ten their poisonous
need anything Barbary sheep. tails. Spot three
Dorcas gazelle.
to drink. Spot eight. Spot 20. scorpions.
Sand rat.

Spot three.

East Africa
Ostriches are
birds, but they
can't fly. Find
three ostriches
African plains and their nest.

Female elephants
and babies live Many of the world's best- you look closely, you can

together. Male known animals live In Africa, see what each kind eats,
elephants live
alone. Find seven.
on huge, grassy plains. There Most eat grass and leaves--^
are 17 kinds of animals here. Sorne kill other animals to eat.

Cheetahs run
faster than any
other animal, but
they can't do it for
long. Spot two.

Gerenuks can
stand up on their
back legs to
reach the tastiest
food. Spot two.

When vultures are

flying,they can
spot a meal a
long way away.
Spot nine vultures.

Big groups of If enemies attack Baboon babies

wildebeest wander i linos, they often ride on
across the plains, charge them,
at their parents'
looking for food. horn first. Spot backs. Find
Find eight. three rhinos. ght baboons.
Hippos enjoy Giraffes can
soaking in mud. reach food that
It stops their skin no other animal
from drying out. can get to. Find
Find six. four giraffes.

If a zebra sees

an enemy, it
barks, to warn
the others. Spot
eight zebras.

Warthogs snuffle
along, digging up
food with their
long tusks. Spot
three warthogs.

Wild dogs roam

the plains,
searching for
something to eat.
o|Jul ciyiii.

gazelle-^^ jump and
flash their white
bottoms to confuse
enemies. Spot ten.

Male lions look Kori bustards are the Leopards often ^L

fierce, but heaviest flying birds drag their food up |

lionesses do on Earth. Can into a tree to eat

the most hunting. you find two it in peace. Find

Spot six lions. bustards here? two leopards.

Northern Europe
Moles tunnel
They are

Hidden homes almost blind.

Spot one.

• 1
Spotted fallow
deer are hard Woods like this are busy There are 18 different kinds
to see in the
shadowy woods.
places in^thelspring. Many :
ofanimals in thiis wood.
Spot six deer. animals a)qd birds are making Can you spot vNAji'ere each
home^ for #ieir babies. kind makes their hom^?

Weasels often
move a home
that another
animal has left.
Spot four weasels.

Magpies make
messy nests and
a lot of noise.
Can you spot two
magpies here?

Dormice sleep all

winter. When they

wake up, they
start building a
home. Spot five.

Wild boar babies When a shrew Jays bury
are hard to see in family goes out, acorns in winter.

the long grass in the each shrew holds In spring, they

woods. Can you on to the one in dig them up to
spot eight boars? front. Spot ten. eat. Spot four.
Woodpeckers Several rabbit Badgers only
grip trees with families live come out when it

their claws while together in one is getting dark.

they eat insects. home. Spot Can you spot
Find four. nine rabbits. four badgers?

Nightjars sit still

all day. Their

feathers blend
well with the
woods. Spot two.

Squirrels build
one home for
winter and another
for summer. Spot
four squirrels.

owls fly

They can
being heard
Spot three.

Both fox parents Horseshoe bats If hedgehogs are

look after, and only start coming scared, they roll
teach, their cubs out of their homes up into a tough,
Can you spot as darkness spiny ball. Spot
five foxes? Spot ten.
falls. four hedgehogs.
Stag beetles.
Spot two.
Northern Europe
Rotting seaweed
isa tasty meal
for sandhoppers

By the sea Can you spot some


Most starfish
have five arms.
If one breaks off,

they grow a new

Many people visit beaches,
but do they know that
The sea covers this
and goes out again, twice
one. Spot five. thousands of animals live every day. When it is out,
under the sand, in pools of the beach looks like this.
seawater or on the cliffs? Can you spot 145 animals?

use their
long, thin
beaks to
find worms
in the mud.
Spot three.

Hermit crabs live

inempty shells.
As they grow, they
move into bigger
ones. Find four.


spiny sea urchins

push themselves
along with their
tough spikes.
Spot three.

Crabs use their big Many birds build
claws to catch food. their nests on the
They can walk cliffs. Can you spot

sideways, too. ten of each of

Spot six. these kinds?

•^''^•T^ "^B
fek... 1
stand with their
wings open to dry
their feathers.
Find three.

V ^V

A snakelocks
anemone simply
splits in half
to make two
Find ten here.

Prawns use their

long feelers to
search for tiny
creatures to eat.
Find ten prawns.

On land, beadlet
anemones look
like blobs. In water,
they look like this.
Spot five.

Many seashore Blennies Oystercatchers

animals live in hide in wet knock shellfish
hard shells. Spot
ten of each of
these four kinds. m


Dog whelk
places while
the sea is out
Spot six.
off rocks with
their sharp beaks.
Can you spot six?
East Asia
geese fly over the

^^^ Mountams Himalayas each

year. Can you
spot ten geese?

Snow leopards,
or ounces, hunt Life is not easy high up in The 83 animals here live
at night. They are
harder to spot
the mountains. It's cold and the Himalayas, the highest
windy, and the ground is mountains in the world. Can
often covered with snow. you spot them all?

Himalayan ibexes
can clamber up
slippery slopes to
find food. Spot
ten ibexes.

You can probably

smell a takin
before you see it.
They smell oily.
Spot two.

Male markhors
spend the
summer away
from the females.
Spot three males.

Himalayan black Wallcreepers climb Apollo butterfly.

bears live in down slopes head Vf Find three.
forests on the first. Their claws

mountain slopes. help them grip.

Find three. Spot four.
If an animal dies, Pikes let plants Lammergeiers
^imalayan griffon dry in the sun, fly above the

vultures Ihen store them / mountains, looking
down and eat it. to eat in winter. ^j for dead animals
Spot six vultures. Find six pikas. to eat. Spot three.

Yaks have a coat

of short fur, with
long,shaggy hair
on top to keep
warm. Find five.

Some people
think a y ,
snowman", made
these footprints.
Spot some.

Male tahrs have

thick fur and a
collar of long hair
around their heads.
Spot three.

While a group
of bharals is

eating, one keeps

a look out for
enemies. Spot two.

Alpine choughs push Marmots sleep in a Golden eagles

dead insects into burrow all winter. are strong
cracks in rocks, They block the door enough to carry
to eat later. Spot with grass to stay off a baby deer.
ten choughs.
warm. Spot six. Spot two eagles.

^ ,
Indian tailor-
birds sew
from leaves

lioht and dark and grass.

Spot three.

Tigers creep up Thick, hot rainforests are the jungle by day and at
behind animals.
They leap on their often called jungles. The night. Look at both of them
backs and kill story 'Jungle Book' is set and try to spot which of these
them. Find one. in a jungle like this one, in animals come out during the
India. These pictures show day and which at night.
Great Indian
hornbills like this
one use
their big
beaks to
reach any
hidden fruit.

Giant flying
squirrels glide
silently between
the jungle
you spot

catch fish by jj

their long |\'
jaws from -^^
side to side
Spot three.

Peacock ^;//)
Indian elephants Male peacocks Ifmuntjac deer are Slender lorises
often march through shake their tails to scared, they make even walk on
the jungle in a impress the female loud barking thin twigs,
line. FiPivj lOur peahens, rinci noises, like a like this.
elephants. one of each. dog. Find two. Find one.

Leopards are Dholes are wild Pangolins curl
expert tree- dogs. They whistle up into a tight
climbers and to each other ball.Their scaly
hunters. Find to stay in touch. skin protects
one leopard. Can you find tour? them. Find one.

Lazy sloth bears

eat insects, fruit

and even flowers.

a sloth bear?

Leonard cats
look like mini-
They are
very shy.
uan you
spot one?

Madras tree
shrews live
hidden up
in the
j*" eating
Spot one.

Mongooses are
brave. They even
tease, and then
,cobras. Spot
one mongoose.

'^aiirc are Bonnet macaques

The poison from
a kind of cow. a Unn rnhrfl bite get their name
If they are can kill a person from the tufts
scared, they in half an hour. of hairon their
whistle. Spot two Spot one. heads. Spot ten.
dolphins often
leap over waves,

Magical world following boats.

Spot six dolphins.

If clams
sense any danger, When tiny sea creatur ake a reef. The biggest reef
their huge shells
called corals die, their inthe world is the Great

two giant clams. skeletons are the sea

left in Barrier Reef, near Australia.
Over thousands of years, Can you spot 125 animals
Sea millions of these build up to and fish here?
Find six

Barracudas are
fierce hunters,
snapping up
other fish. Spot
three barracudas.

Clown fishcan Wrasses Spot which

Blue and doesn't
hide in poisonous go into other
gold angelfish
anemones. Find fishes' mouths belong in
^ three clown fish and clean their each of these
somewhere. teeth. Spot two. five groups.
Red emperor damselfish

Goldman's sweetlips

. i
Sea sponge
use their big Sea horse babies
Find three
top lip to pull grow in a pouch
plants from on their father's
the seabed. tummy. Spot Lion fish
Find three. six sea horses. Find two

sharks often lie

still on the
seabed, looking
like shaggy rugs.
Find one

Bright flame
shrimp nibble i\

bugs off fishes'

skins. Spot
three shrimp.


Manta rays flap

through the water
with their mouths
open, catching
food. Find two.

sea star.
Find two

^ ^
Can you guess
how strange-
looking [
sharks got their
name? Spot one

There are many Crown of thorns

^ V!i :

Ml Bright sea slugs

different kinds of starfish eat coral. slitheracross the
Brain coral Sea fan ^,

coral. Can you find They can destroy coral. Spot three
a clump of these V whole reefs. Find of each of these
four kinds? -^ four starfish. kinds of slug.
Staghorn coral Plate coral Spanish giossan
dancer sea slug
skinks stick their
blue tongues

Out and about out at enemies.

Spot two.

Kangaroos use A lot of Australia is dry land, Finding enough to eat and
their big back
legs to jump high
without many trees. People drink is tricky. There are 75
up into the air. call it the outback. Not much animals somewhere in this
Spot ten.
rain falls, and it's very hot. picture. Can you spot them?

Few aninnals risk

attacking a thorny
devil. Its spiky
skin is too tough.
Spot four.

Marsupial moles
are always
digging. They
rarely come
above ground.
Find three.

Quolls have long

noses for sniffing
out food, and
sharp teeth to eat
it with. Spot two.

Dingos are wild dogs. Kookaburras Water-holding

They live and hunt sound as if they frogs soak up
in a big group. are laughing when water like
Can you find they call to each sponges.
six dingos? other. Spot four. Spot three.

Mallee fowl lay Frilled lizards have
their eggs in a fold of skin like
piles of leaves, a collar around
covered with sand. their necks.
Find two birds. Spot three.

Bandicoots often
dig. Their babies
snuggle in a safe
pouch under their
tummies. Spot two.

Goannas prefer
to run away from
their enemies
than fight them.
Spot three.

Ifechidnas are
scared, they bury
themselves. Only
their spines show
then. Spot tnree.

wombats live in
burrows. Find
three wombats.

Budgerigars or Hopping nnice Emus are fast

parakeets often usually run, but , runners, but they
fly around in a they can also hop cannot fly at all.
big flock. Find 20 fast on their back Can you spot
budgerigars here. legs. Spot two. three emus?
South Pole
Sperm whales can
stay underwater
for an hour before
coming up for air.

Antarctica Find one.

Emperor penguin Antarctica is the coldest It'shard to survive here, yet

chicks snuggle
between their
place on Earth. The sea is millions of birds and seals
parents' feet. frozen nearly all year. Icy do. There are 1 95 animals
Spot a chick winds blow across the land. and birds for you to find here.
and five adults.

seals can
stay under
the freezing
water for an
hour. Find five.

are good
at hopping
on snow
and rocks.
Find 80.

Crabeater seals
don't eat crabs.
They eat tiny sea
animals called
krill. Find four.

Blue whales are Wandering Macaroni

easily the biggest albatrosses penguins have
animals on Earth. glide over the sea feathers called
Can you spot on their huge crests on their
one here? wings. Find one. heads. Spot nine.
Gentoo penguins
Blue-eyed lay their eggs in
shag. nests made of
Spot three. stones. Spot 21
gentoo penguins.

Baby minke
whales stay with
their mothers for
about a year.
Spot a whale
and her baby.

lay their
eggs on
snow. Find
12 chinstraps

Leopard seals
catch penguins
jumping into the
sea. Spot five
leopard seals.

waiting to
kill their
chicks. Find
four skuas

Adelie penguins Giant petrels eat so King penguins Male elephant

leap from the much they have to lay one egg. seals fight to see
sea onto the make themselves Both parents who stronger.

ice. Can you sick before taking guard it. Find ten
find 13? off. Find four petrels Spot ten. elephant seals.


Small white
Britain butterfly

A doser look Song thrush

Animals don't only live in wild find two of each? On this

tt Birds often
places. Lots live gardens,
in page, there are ideas for
come to a garden
with a bird-table. like this one. There are 31 things which may make mor^
They like eating different kinds here. Can you animals visit your garden.
cheese, seeds,
fat and nuts.

^ Lots of animals
live ina pond.
Others bathe in it,

drink from it, or

come to catch
the animals in it.

ft A "wild" patch
of garden is a
great place for
insects to hide.
Wild flowers might
grow there, too.

<f Berries on
plants give birds
a tasty meal.
Plants that climb
walls give them a
nesting spot.

*f Butterflies love
bright flowers
which smell
beautiful. Try
planting some in

your garden.

make a good
home for some
animals. Logs are
handy for them to
shelter under, too.


Garden spider
turkeys are
called poults.

I On the farm Find three

turkey poults.

Farmers keep
cows for their milk. Farmers keep animals for in this picture. Each one
A cow's baby is

called a calf. Can

their milk, meat, wool or eggs.
Wild animals live on farms too.
has some babies hidden
somewhere. Can you-match
you spot a calf?
There are 19 kinds of animals the babies to the animals?^! ^.

Farmers train
sheepdogs to help
them control their
sheep. Find three
sheepdog puppies.

Shetland ponies
are small but
they are hard
workers. Find
a Shetland foal.

Rats often steal

other animals' food.
Some farmers
poison them. Spot
three baby rats.

Farmers keep Crows eat crops, Baby geese are Mice often build
goats for their so farmers make called goslings their nests in
milk. Baby goats scarecrows to Feathers called unusual places.
are called kids scare them off. down keep them Can you find four
Spot two kids. Find a baby crow. warm. Find three. baby mice?

Cats catch Ducks swim Bats sleep
mice and rats. on ponds. all day. Their
Find tliree Find four babies eat
baby cats, baby ducks, at night. Spot
or kittens. or ducklings. two babies.

Baby horses are

called foals. Shire
horses work hard
on farms. Find a
shire foal.

Some chickens
live inside,
others roam
Can you spot
three chicks?


Pigs roll in muck,
but like clean
straw to sleep on.
Find four baby
pigs, or piglets.

Many farmers
keep donkeys
to carry loads.
Spot one baby
donkey, or foal.

Rabbits live in Barn owls hunt Baby sheep are

underground at night, swooping called lambs
burrows. Spot on mice and rats. They are born
three baby Spot two owl inthe spring.
rabbits. chicks. Find two lambs.

Alamosaurus 1 2
Deinosuchus 3 4
Styracosaurus 5
Ankylosaurus 6 7
Quetzalcoatlus 8 9
Stegosaurus 10 11
12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25
Triceratops 26 27
28 29 30 31
Maiasaura 32
33 34 35
36 37 38 39 40
41 42
43 44 45
46 47 48
49 50 51

Skunks 1 2 3
Long-eared owls
Beavers 8 9 10
11 12 13 1415
Crossbills 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27
Brown bears
28 29 30
Flying squirrels
31 32 33 34 35
Mink 36 37 38
39 40 41
Ospreys 42 43 44
Pumas 45 46 47
Northern shrikes
48 49
Chipmunks 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57
Martens 58 59 60
61 62 63
Spruce grouse
64 65 66 67
Lynxes 68 69 70
Snowshoe hares
71 72 73 74 75 76
Black bears
77 78 79 80

Alligators Otters 72 73 74
1 23456 75 76 77
Bald eagles 7 8 Green tree frogs
Terrapins 78 79 80 81 82
9 10 11 12 13 83 84 85
14 15 16 1718
Little blue herons
19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31
Orb web spider 32
Snapping turtles
33 34 35 36
Garpikes 37 38 39
40 41 42
43 44 45 46
47 48 49
Bullfrogs 50 51 52
Gambusia fish
53 54 55 56 57
58 59 60
61 62 63 64
Fisher spider 65
Zebra butterfly
66 67 68 69
Snail kites 70 71

Trapdoor spiders Tarantulas 74 75
I 2 76 77 78 79
Gambel's quails Burrowing owls
Dusty deserts 10-11 34 80 81 82 83 84
Kangaroo rats 85
56789 10 Desert tortoises
Gila woodpeckers 86 87 88 89
II 12 13'14 15 16 Coyotes 90 91
17 92 93 94 95
Elf owls
21 22 23 24 25
lizards26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43
Peccaries 44 45
46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53
54 55 56
Kit foxes 57 58 59
Gila monsters
60 61 62 63
64 65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73

Polar bears Stoats 78 79 80

12345 Lemmings 81 82
Ravens 6 7 8 83 84 85 86 87
The Arctic 12-13 Narwhals 9 10 88 89 90 91
Arctic foxes Humpback whale
11 12 13 14 15 92
Wolves Musk oxen
16 1718 1920 93 94 95 96 97
21 22 23 24 25 98 99 100 101
Killer whales
26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50
Beluga whales
51 52
Arctic hares
53 54 55 56 57
Ribbon seal 58
Hooded seal 59
Harp seal 60
Ringed seal 61
Bearded seal 62
Snowy owls
63 64 65
Arctic ground
squirrels 66 67 68
69 70 71 72 73
Baby seals
74 75 76 77

Gulper eels 1 2 100 101 102 103

Hatchet fish 104 105 106 107
34567 108 109 110
Lantern fish Beardworms 111
8910 1211 Dall'sporpoises
Fin whale 13 112 113 114 115
Jellyfish 116
14 15 16 17 Giant squid
Angler fish 117 118
18 1920 Sponges
Marlin 21 22 119 120 121
Squid Sea lilies
23 24 25 26 27 122 123 124
28 29 30 31 32 Sea spiders
Basking shark 33 125 126 127
Dolphins Octopuses
34 35 36 37 128 129
Skates 38 39 40
Sea otters
41 42 43 44 45
Tuna 46 47 48
49 50 51 52 53
54 55 56 57 58
59 60 61
Sand eels
62 63 64 65 66
67 68 69 70 71
72 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 80 81
82 83 84 85 86
87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94
95 96 97 98 99

Hoatzins 1 2 3 Sloths 57 58 59
Capybaras 4 5 6 Uakah monkeys
78910 11 12 13 60 61 62
Golden lion 63 64 65
tamarins Emerald tree
14 1516 boas 66 67 68
Cocks-of-the-rock Tapirs 69 70 71
Jaguar 19
20 21 22
Giant armadillos
23 24
frogs 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33
Blue and yellow
macaw 34
Scarletmacaw 35
Hyacinth macaw
Golden conure 37
Spider monkeys
38 39 40
Coral snakes
41 42 43
Silky anteaters
44 45
Howler monkeys
46 47 48 49
50 51 52 53
54 55 56

Camels Barbary sheep

1 23456789 66 67 68 69 70
Desert 71 72 73 74 75
centipedes 76 77 78 79 80
1011 12 81 82 83 84 85
Sandgrouse Dorcas gazelles
13 14 1516 86 87 88 89 90
Darkling beetles 91 92 93
1718 19 Sand vipers
Skinks 94 95 96 97
20 21 22 23 Jerboas 98 99
Tiger beetles 100 101 102
24 25 26 Sahara gecko
Toad-headed 103
lizards Coursers
27 28 29 30 104 105 106 107
Sand cats Desert hares
31 32 33 34 108 109 110 111
Desert locusts Mauritanian toad
35 36 37 38 112
Sidewinders Desert
39 40 41 42 hedgehogs
Scorpions 113 114 115116
43 44 45 owls
Sand rats 117 118119120
46 47 48 Fennec foxes
Lanner falcons 121 122 123 124
49 50
51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65

Ostriches 1 2 3
10 11 12 13
Zebras 14 15 16
17 18 1920 21
22 23 24
Wild dogs 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 32
33 34 35 36 37
38 39 40 41 42
Leopards 43 44
Kori bustards
45 46
47 48 49 50 51 52
Baboons 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60
Rhinos 61 62 63
Wildebeest 64 65
66 67 68 69 70 71
Vultures 72 73 74
75 76 77 78 79 80
Gerenuks 81 82
Cheetahs 83 84
Elephants 85 86
87 88 89 90 91

Mole 1

Rabbits 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18
Nightjars 19 20
21 22 23 24
Tawny owls
25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Stag beetles
32 33
Horseshoe bats
34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 42 43
44 45 46 47 48
Jays 49 50 51 52
53 54 55 56 57 58
59 60 61 62
Wild boars 63 64
65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75
Magpies 76 77
78 79 80 81
Fallow deer
82 83 84 85 86 87

Sandhoppers 1 Guillemots 95
Barnacles 2 96 97 98 99 100
Lobsters 3 4 101 102 103 104
Cormorants Kittiwakes
567 105 106 107 108
Snakelocks 109 110 111 112
anemones 113 114
89 10 11 12 13 Razorbills
14 15 16 17 115 116 117 118
Prawns 119 120 121 122
18 19 20 21 22 123 124
23 24 25 26 27 Crabs 125 126
Beadlet 127 128 129 130
anemones Sea urchins
28 29 30 31 32 131 132 133
Oystercatchers Hermit crabs
33 34 35 36 37 38 1 34 1 35 1 36 1 37

Blennies Redshanks
39 40 41 42 43 44 138 139 140
Mussels Starfish
45 46 47 48 49 141 142 143
50 51 52 53 54 144 145
55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64
65 66 67 68 69
70 71 72 73 74
Dog whelks
75 76 77 78 79
80 81 82 83 84
85 86 87 88 89
90 91 92 93 94

Bar-headed 73 74 75 76 77
geese 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 79
789 10 Snow leopards
Griffon vultures 80 81 82 83
11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30
footprints 31
Tahrs 32 33 34
Bharals 35 36
Golden eagles
37 38
39 40 41 42 43 44
Alpine choughs
45 46 47 48 49
50 51 52 53 54
Apollo butterflies
55 56 57
58 59 60 61
Black bears
62 63 64
65 66 67
68 69
Ibexes 70 71 72

1 23
Leopard 4
Dholes 5 6 7 8
Pangolin 9
Sloth bear 10
Leopard cat 11
Madras tree shrew
Mongoose 13
14 15 1617 18 19
20 21 22 23
King cobra 24
Gaurs 25 26
Slender loris 27
Muntjac deer
28 29
30 31
32 33 34 35
36 37 38
Giant flying
squirrel 39
Hornbill 40
Tiger 41

Bottlenose Snappers 50 51
dolphins 52 53 54 55
1 23456 Angelfish
Sea sponges 56 57 58 59 60
789 61 62 63 64 65
Dugongs 66 67 68
10 11 12 Damselfish
Sea horses 13 69 70 71 72 73
141516 1718 74 75 76 77 78
Lion fish 19 20 79 80 81
Wobbegong 21 Red emperors
Flame shrimps 82 83 84 85 86
22 23 24 87 88 89 90 91
Tiger cowries 92
25 26 27 Sweetlips 93 94
Manta rays 95 96 97 98
28 29 Wrasses 99 1 00
Blue sea stars Clown fish
30 31 101 102 103
Hammerhead Barracudas
shark 32 104 105 106
Naked sea slugs Stone fish
33 34 35 107 108
Sacoglossan Sea cucumber
sea slugs 109 110
36 37 38 Parrot fish
Spanish dancers 111 112
39 40 41 Sea squirts
Crown of thorns 113 114115 116
42 43 44 45 117118
Brain coral 46 Giant clams
Sea fan 47 119 120
Plate coral 48 Odd' fish 121
Staghorn coral 49 122 123 124 125

skinks 1 2

Out and about 32-33 Mallee fowl 3 4

Frilled lizards
Bandicoots 8 9
Goannas 10 11 12
Echidnas 13 14 15
Wombats 16 17 18
Emus 19 20 21
Hopping mice
22 23
parakeets 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37
38 39 40 41 42 43
frogs44 45 46
47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56
Quolls 57 58
Marsupial moles
59 60 61
Thorny devils
62 63 64 65
66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75

Sperm whale 1 Albatross 99
Shags 2 3 4 Blue whale 100
Gentoo penguins Crabeater seals
5678910 11 101 102 103 104
12 13 14 15 16 Rockhopper
17 18 1920 21 penguins
22 23 24 25 105 106 107 108
Ross seals 109 110 111 112
26 27 28 29 113 114 115 116
Minke whales 117 118 119 120
30 31 121 122 123 124
Chinstrap 125 126 127 128
penguins 32 33 129 130 131 132
34 35 36 37 38 133 134 135 136
39 40 41 42 43 137 138 139 140
Leopard seals 141 142 143 144
44 45 46 47 48 145 146 147 148
Skuas 149 150 151 152
49 50 51 52 153 154 155 156
Elephant seals 157 158 159 160
53 54 55 56 57 161 162 163 164
58 59 60 61 62 165 166 167 168
King penguins 169 170 171 172
63 64 65 66 67 173 174 175 176
68 69 70 71 72 177 178 179 180
Giant petrels 181 182 183 184
73 74 75 76 Weddell seals
Adelie penguins 185 186 187 188
77 78 79 80 81 189
82 83 84 85 86 Emperor
87 88 89 penguins 190 191
Macaroni 192 193 194 195
penguins 90 91 92
93 94 95 96 97 98

Foxes 1 2 Snails 49 50
Small white Blackbirds 51 52
butterflies 3 4 Bumblebees
Song thrushes 53 54
56 Voles 55 56
Earthworms 7 8 Small tortoise-
Wrens 9 10 shell butterflies
Dragonflies 57 58
11 12 Robins 59 60
Wood mice Garden spiders
1314 61 62
Woodlice15 16
Newts 17 18
Magpies 19 20
Red admiral
butterflies 21 22
23 24
25 26
27 28
Earwigs 29 30
Frogs 31 32
Slugs 33 34
35 36
Millipedes 37 38
Moles 39 40
Wasps 41 42
Toads 43 44
butterflies 45 46
Bullfinches 47 48

Turkey 1 Goat 51
Turkey poults Goat kids 52 53
234 Rat 54
Cat 5 Baby rats
Kittens 6 7 8 55 56 57
Duck 9 Shetland pony 58
Ducklings Shetland foal 59
10 11 12 13 Sheepdog 60
Baby bats 14 15 Puppies 61 62 63
Bat 16 Cow 64
Shire horse 17 Calf 65
Shire foal 18
Chicken 19
Chicks 20 21 22
Pig 23
24 25 26 27
Donkey 28
Donkey foal 29
Sheep 30
Lambs 31 32
Barn owl 33
Owl chicks 34 35
Rabbit 36
Baby rabbits
37 38 39
Mouse 40
Baby mice
41 42 43 44
Goose 45
46 47 48
Crow 49
Baby crow 50

0) fl> c
(Q (0 (0

(0 3.'<
The page numbers next to the show where to find information
animals' names in this index about them, not just a picture.

albatrosses 34 coral 30, 31 angler fish 14 snowshoe 6

alligators 8 cormorants 25 barracudas 30 hedgehogs 18, 23, 37
anhingas 9 cougars/mountain lions/ basking sharks 15 herons 9
anteaters 16 pumas 7 clown fish 30 hippos 21
antelopes coursers 18 damselfish 30 hoatzins 16
addaxes 1 cowries 31 gambusia fish 8 hornbills 28
oryxes 19 cows 38 garpikes 9 horses, shire 39
armadillos 17 coyotes 10 gulper eels 14 hummingbirds 16
crabs 24 hammerhead
baboons 20 crossbills 7 sharks 31 jackrabbits 10
badgers 23 crown of thorns 31 hatchet fish 14 jaguars 17
bandicoots 33 crows 38 herring 15 jays 22
barnacles 25 lantern fish 14
bats 23, 39 deer lion fish 31
jerboas 18
beardworms 15 fallow22 manta rays 31
bears muntjac 28 marlin 15
kangaroos 32
black 6 dholes 29 red emperors 30
kites, snail 8
brown 7 dingos 32 sand-eels 15
kittiwakes 24
Himalayan black 26 dinosaurs skates 1
Alamosaurus 4 kookaburras 32
polar 3,12 snappers 30 1 X ^^ ^
* 1 1

sloth 29 Anatosaurus 5 stone fish 30 kon bustards 21

beavers 7 Ankylosaurus 5 sweetlips 30
1 beetles Corythosaurus 5 tuna 15 lammergeiers 27
darkling 19 Deinosuchus 5 wrasses 30 lemmings 12
stag 23 Dromaeosaurus 5 fishers 7 leopard cats 29
tiger 19 Maiasaura 4 foxes 23, 36 leopards 21, 29
bharals 27 Pachycephalosaurus 4 fennec 18 limpets 25
blackbirds 36 Parasaurolophus 4 kit/swift 1 lions 21
blennies 25 Stegosaurus 3, 5 frogs 37 lizards 11,19, 33
budgerigars/ Struthiomimus 4 arrow-poison 17 lobsters 25
parakeets 33 Styracosaurus 5 bullfrogs 8 locusts 19
bullfinches 37 Triceratops 5 green tree 8 lorises 28
butterflies Tyrannosaurus 4 water-holding 32 lynxes 6
Apollo 26 dog whelks 25
peacock 37 dolphins 15, 30 gallinules 8 macaws/parrots 17 1

red admiral 37 donkeys 39 gaurs 29 magpies 22, 37

small tortoiseshell 36 dormice 22 gavials 28 rnpllpp '^3
IIIQIlOv? fnwl
IwVVI \j\j
small white 36 dragonflies 37 gazelles 19, 21 manatees
1 9\J ltAl^^\-/«bJ
swallowtail 11 ducks 39 geckos 18
markhors 26
zebra 8 dugongs 31 geese 26, 38
marmots 27
11 ^^% I ^^ » ^^ ^^^ m

gerenuks 20
martens 6
capybaras 17 eagles 27
3, 9, gila monsters 10
caribou 3,13 earthworms 37 mice 33, 37, 38
giraffes 21 ^\ ^y
'II' 1

millipedes 37
cats 39 eanwigs 37 goannas 33 ~T 1

centipedes 19, 37 echidnas 33 goats 38 mink 7

chaffinches 37 elephants ibexes 26 monkeys

cheetahs 3, 20 African 20 greenfinches 37 howler 16

chickens 39 Indian 28 grouse 6,19 macaques 29
chipmunks 6 emus 33 guillemots 24 tamarins 17
choughs 27 uakah 16
chuckwallas 11 falcons 19 hares moles 22, 32, 37
clams, giant 30 fish Arctic 1 mongooses 29
cocks-of-the-rock 17 angelfish 30 desert 18 moose 7
mountain lions/cougars/ porpoises 15 ringed 13 tapirs 16
pumas 7 prawns 25 Ross 35 terrapins 9
musk oxen 12 ptarmigans 2 Weddell 34 thorny devils 32
mussels 25 pterosaurs/ shags 35 tigers 2, 28
"flying lizards" sharks toads 1 8, 37
nanA/hals 13 Pteranodon 4 basking 15 tortoises 10
newts 37 Quetzalcoatlus 5 hammerhead 31 toucans 16
nightjars 23 24
puffins sheep 19, 39 tree shrews 29

pumas/cougars/ sheepdogs 38 turtles 9

octopus 3,14 mountain lions 7 shrews 22
ospreys 7 shrikes 6,10 voles 36
ostriches 20 shrimp 2, 31 vultures 20, 27
quails 11
otters 8,15 quolls 32 skinks2,19,32-
ounces/ skuas 35 wallcreepers 26
snow leopards 2, 26 rabbits 23, 39 skunks 3,6 walruses 13
owls raccoons 9 sloths 3,16
warthogs 21
barn 39 rats 11,19,38 slugs 37
wasps 37
burrowing 10 ravens 13 weasels 22
snails 36
elf 11 24 whales
razorbills snakes
little 18 beluga 13
redshank 24 anacondas 17
long-eared 7 blue 2, 34
rhinos 20 coral snakes 17
snowy 12 fin 14
roadrunners 11 cottonmouth snakes 9
tawny 23 humpback 12
robins 36 emerald tree boas 16
oystercatchers 25 killer 13
king cobras 29
minke 35
sand cats 1 rattlesnakes 11
pangolins 29 narwhal 13
sandhoppers 24 sand vipers 18
parakeets/ sperm 34
scorpions 19 sidewinders 19
budgerigars 33 wild boars 22
sea anemones 25 snow leopards/ wilddogs 21
parrots/macaws 17
sea cucumbers 30 ounces 2, 26 wildebeest 20
peacocks 28
sea fans 31 song thrushes 36 wobbegongs 31
peahens 28
peccaries 11
sea horses 31 spiders wolverines 6
penguins sea lilies 14 fisher spiders 8 wolves 1

Adelie 35 sea slugs 31 garden spiders 36 wombats 33

chinstrap 35 sea spiders 14 orb web spiders 9 woodlice 37
emperor 34 sea squirts 30 tarantulas 3,10 woodpeckers 9,11,23
gentoo 35 sea stars 31 trapdoor spiders 10 wrens 37
king 35 sea urchins 24 sponges 14, 31
macaroni 34 seals squid 15 yaks 27
rockhopper 34 bearded 1 squirrels 2, 7, 23, 28 yetis/abominable
periwinkles 25 crabeater 34 starfish 2, 24, 31 snowmen 27
petrels 35 elephant 35 stoats 12
pigs 2,39 harp 13 zebras 21
pikas 27 hooded 13 tahrs 27
ponies, Shetland 38 leopard 35 tailor-birds 28
porcupines 7 ribbon 13 takins 26

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First published in Great Britain in 1994 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.

ISBN 0-590-18784-8

Copyright © 1994 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.

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Look Puzzle Learn

The Great
Animal Search
There is a brain-teasing picture puzzle, with around 100 animals to spot, on every
double-page of this book. Each beautifully illustrated scene shows a different part of
the world,crammed with the wildlife that lives there. The scorching Sahara, the icy
Arctic, the Florida swamps and the Great Barrier Reef are all included, plus lots more.
As well as providing countless hours of puzzle-solving fun, The Great Animal Search
is packed with fascinating animal facts presented in short, easy-to-read captions.

If you get really stuck trying to find the hidden animals,

all the answers are at the back of the book.

Here's the answer to the puzzle

on the front of the book.

This Scholastic edition is only available for Polar bears

distribution through the school market.
1 234
Arctic hares
0-590-18784-8 Lemmings
9 1011 12 13
14 15 16 1718
Snowy owls
19 20
Arctic foxes
21 22 23
24 25 26
27 28 29
30 31 32 33 34
Musk oxen
35 36 37 38
39 40 41
42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51
Killer whales
52 53
54 55 56 57 58

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