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MÉTODO PRINCE Vol. 1 - Completo
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Método PRINCE Leitura e Percep¢éo - Ritmo THE PRINCE METHOD « READING AND EAR-TRAINING ¢ RHYTHM Adamo Prince |loPrince «Ligure e Porcepeio - Rit The Prince Method « Reading and Bartaining - Rhython Volume 1 Prefacic W Conceitos ¢ e dor Mens mo S para a realizagio dos exercicios ... Volume I Rhythms concepts and Primeira parte Part one 5 a a em/in Leitura auma voz... 2 Leitura a duas vozes simultineas, 36 Percepgio auma voz... 45 Percepgio adui 34 CLEMENTS ccceesene a Directions to the realization of the exercise 21 2 3 a hoe Reading in one voice 27 Reailing in two simultaneous voices 36 Ear-iraining inone voice 45 Ear-iraining in two simultaneous voices sdAdame Prince Segunda parte ————— Part two___ em/in 3 3 c Leitura a uma voz... 65. Reading in one voice....... Ls 65 Leitura a duas vozes alternadas 16 Reading in two alternated voices .. 76 Leitura a duas vores simultineas .. 85 Reading in two simultaneous voices. 85 Percep¢io a uma voz ... Ear-iraining in one voice ..... 9 Percepeao Ear-training a duas vozes alternadas som 98 intwo alternated voices 98 Percepgio Ear-training a duas vozes simultineas ..... 101 in two simultaneous voices . 101 Terceira parte —— Part three —__ H em/in % 3 oc Leitura a uma voz .. ww LOD Reading in one voice essen 109 Leitura a duas vozes alternadas .......... 137 Reading in two alternated voices .. 137 Leitura a duas vozes simultanea . 162 Reading in two simultaneous voices .. 162 Percepcdo a uma vor 187 Ear-training in one voice ..... 187 Percepgdo Ear-training a duas vozes alternadas . 201 in two alternated voices .... 201 Percepgio Ear-training a duas vozes simultaneas .. 213 in two simultaneous voices . 213Método Prince + Letras Percopgie = Ri The Prince Aeon! » Reading and Ear-onining ~ Rhsthne Volume 2 Preficio . a Instrugdes para a realizagio dos exerefcios Volume 2 ae Rhythm's concepts and elements. Directions to the realization of the exercises Primeira parte Part one a a em/in § Leitura a uma voz ... veone OO Leitura a duas vozes alteradas Leitura a duas vozes.simultineas .....0. Percepgiio a uma voz... Percepgao. a duas vores alternadas . Percepgaio aduas vores simultineas oe ws Realling in on€ VOICE eens Reading in two alternated VOICES ese Reading in two simultaneous voices .. Ear-training in one voice Ear-training in nwo alternated voices sn. Ear-training in two simultaneous voices .....Segunda parte Part two em/in § 2 Leitura a uma voz 2 Reading in one voice Leitura a duas vores aliernadas DO Reading in wo alternated voices Leitura a duas vores simultineas C) Reading in nwo simulianeous voices Percepgio a uma voz... » 0) Bar-raining in one voice eee O Percep a duas vozes alternadas Ear-training in two alternated voices Percepgio Eur-waining a duas vozes simultaneas .. t in two simultaneous voices Terceira parte —_— Part three —__ Quidlteras / Tuplets em/n & 3 ¢ § 8 12 Leitura a uma you DB Reading in one voice Leitura a duas vozes alternada a Reading in two altemated voices .. Leitura a duas voves simultane: Reading in nwo simultaneous voices . Eur-iraining in one voice .. Percepgio a duas vozes alternadas Eur-waining in nwo alternated voices Percepgio Eur-raining a duas vores simultdneas O innwo simutraneous voicesMétodo Prince « Ley Volume 3 Instrugées para a realizagio dos exercicios . ecepeie = Ritmo The Prince Methat » Reading an barsunning- Kihon Volume 3 Preface Rhysthm's concepts and ements Directions 10 the realization Of the exercives uu Primeira parte Part one j f Com / With fLeitura a uma vor Leitura a duas vozes altrnadas Leitura a duas vozes simultaneas ... Percepedo a uma Vor assesses Percepgio a duas vores alternadas .. Percepedio a duas vozes simulidneas j Leitura a uma vor. Percepcio a uma vox feel ef § Reauing in OMe VoRCE sesssisieseise esses Reading in two alternated voives Reading in two simultaneous voices senses L Ear-training in one voice Eur-training in nwo alternated voices Eur-training in ovo simulrneous voices .. j Reacting Ear-training in one voiceLeitura a uma voz # Compassos Alternados .. +» Outras Unidade: Percepgio a uma voz ‘© Compassos Alternados ... © Outras Unidades ..... Segunda parte Part two Compassos Alternados / Alternated Measures i i ¥ z Reading in one voice © Alternated Measures * Other Time Units. Ear-training in one voice © Alternated Measure: © Other Time Units ... Terceira parte —— Part three —__ Mudangas de Compassos, Unidades e Auséncia de Compasso Changing Measures, Time Units and Measureless environments Leitura a uma voz ‘* Mudangas de Compassos © Mudancas de U1 ades * Auséncia de Compasso Percepgtio a uma vor *Mudangas de Compassos ... © Mudangas de Unidades # Auséncia de Compasso Reading in one voice TL * Changing Measures esse J —— *Changing Time Units © Measureless Environments Ear raining in one voice * Changing Measures oO © Changing Time Units secenmaene Ol * Measureless EnvironmentsPrefacio A misica 6, basicamenie, feita de dois elementos ritmo e som, Esses também so os do principais componentes de sua notagdo. Ler ¢ escrever miisica para um miisico tem o mesmo significado que ler ¢ escrever o alfabeto para alguém que fala. O processo do aprendizado da Ieitura escrita musical pode ser faciliiado pela separagio temporaria de seus dois elementos, 0 ritmo eo som, por serem dois reflexos inteiramente diferentes. Depois do devido treino dos dois elementos em separado, junté-los é surpreendentemente fcil, O presente livro destinado ao ensino da leitura rimica através de um vasto material de exerefcios que abrange, sistematicamente, a miltiplas situacées ritmicas que se apresentam no decorrer di leitura musical, Seu bjetivo & ensinar 0 uso consciente do primeiro e mais intuitivo elemento da mtisica que € o ritmo, Ritmo ¢ constiuido, basicamente, por pulsagies. Palsagdes so medidas de tempo. Qualquer ritmo, por mais complexo que seja, possui uma pulsacao basica, batidas imagingrias ou implicitas de duracdio igual. Isso revela uma particularidade: a arte da misica decorre no tempo (ao passo que as artes visuais decorrem no espago). Ao aprender a leitura ritmica, o estudante aprende a tespeitar e lidar com © elemento tempo. A continuidade e fluéneia do tempo é condigdo da interpretagio musical, sem a qual a Preface Music is made up basically of two elements - rhythm and sound - which are also the wo main components of musical notation. To read and write music bears the same significance 10 a musician as does to read and write the alphabet 10 a native speaker of a given language. The process of learning (0 read and write music can be facilitated through the temporary of those two elements (rhythm and sound), once they are nwo entirely different reflexes. Following due training in those nwo elements separavely, it is surprisingly easy tn ve-unite then, This book is aimed at facilitating the teaching of rhythmic reading through a wide range of exercises encompassing, systematically, the multiple rhythmic situations encountered in musical reading, The primary aim of this book is 10 develop the student's awareness of the first and most intuitive element of music: rhythm, Rhythin consists, basically, of pulsations. Pulsations are measures of time. Any rhythm, however complex itmay be, contains a basic pulsation, that is, imaginary or implicit heats of equal length. This reveals a particular feature: the art of music takes place ina time environment (whereas the visual arts rake place in a spatial environment). As the student learns rhythmic reading, sihe ts alse learning to respect and deal with the element of time. The continuity and fluency of time is the pre-requisite for the very existence of musical interpretation, and without it musicmisica se torna incompreensivel, Por essa razaio todo treino de leitura rftmica deve respeitar essa continuidade e desde 0 comego 0 estudante deve adquirir o habito de nao errar nem fazer interrupgdes. As dificuldades surgidas devem ser contornadas mediante a escolha da velocidade adequada, A experiéncia mostra que a leitura riimica em baixa velocidade é bastamte dificil, pois estamos acostumados a fazer miisica em sua velocidade habitual, isto é,em seu impuiso natural. Aprender a teduzir a velocidade, porém, traz a grande vantagem de nos permitir pensar (antes de cada grupo de notas) no que vamos executar O Método Prince de leitura e percepgiio do ritmo, além de abranger sistematicamente todas as combinagdes ritmicas dentro de uma rigorosa aia de dificuldades, apresenta a grande vantagem de um vasto ntimero de exercicios em cada nivel, A abundancia de exereicios nao permite a ultra-repetig¢do € conseqtiente memorizagio dos mesmos, oferecendo a experiéneia da "leitura 3 primeira vista’ - indispensdvel no treino da leitura, Outro aspecto da presente obra ¢ a leitura simultainea de duas linhas de ritmo, exeeutadas pela boca e mio, respectivamente. Dividir a atencao entre duas. atitudes simullaneas ¢, além da leitura polirrfimica em muitos instrumentos, imposigio fundamental a todo miisico que toca em grupo. (A pr6pria leitura musical, com a simultaneidade do ritmo e do som, exige atengio dividida.) Ao encarar 0 estudo da leitura riimiva, deve-se ter em mente que © mesmo é uM condicionamento de reflexo e, como til, requer um hatbito continuo a médio e Tonge prazos, Apesar do aprendizado se processar muito aos poucos, de grav em grau, 0 estudante perceherd o priprio progresso em momentos separados por longas semanas, momentos em que quantidade se transforma em qualidade. -10- becomes incomprehensible. That is why all training in rhythmic reading must respect such continuity; and the student must. fron: the very beginning, develop the habit af nor making mistakes or imerrupting the exercises. The dificutties which will arise must be handled hy choosing the adequate velocity for each exercise. Experience shows that it is extremely difficult 10 read rhythm at low velocities, because we are used to conceiving music ar its habirual velocity, that is. at its own narural impulse. To learn 10 stow denn. on the other hand. brings forth the great advantage of allowing us t0 think over (immediately before each ser of notes) what we are about 1 play: Apart fiom systematically encompassing all rhythmic combinations within a rigorous order of increased difficulty, "Prince Method" presents the great advantage of providing a large variety of exercises in each level. Such a wealth of exercises does not allow for ultra-repetition, and thus avoids consequent memarization. It therefore provides oppornnities for "first-sight reading" - which is indispensable for waining the skill of veading music. Another feature of this book is the simultaneous reading of two rhythmic staves, 10 be perfomed with mouth and hand, respectively. The ability to pay attention 10 nwo simultaneous attitudes translates into not only polyrhythmic reading of several instruments, but also u fundamental imposition on every musician playing with others. (Musical reading itself. which involves the simultaneity of rhythm and sound, requires the sparing of simultaneous tention.) Upon tackling the study of rhythmic reading, the student should keep in mind that what s/he will be dealing with is the conditioning of reflex which, as such, requires a continuous habit - in both the medium and long term. Though the learning process is a gradual one, which develops slowly, step by step, the student will only perceive his/her own progress at intermittent moments in between long weeks - moments when quantity is transformed into quality. Jan GuestMétodo Prince + Leitura e Percepeia - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Bar.aining - Rhythm Conceitose elementos §Rhythm's concepts and do ritmo elements Ritmo: é a duragdo do som e do siléncio no Rhythm: the duration of sound and silence in decurso do tempo. the course of time. Figuras ou valores: representam graficamente a ‘Figures or values: the graphic representation of duragao do som e do siléncio, the duration of sound and silence Figuras ou valores ritmicos ‘Rhythm figures or values Som Sound Nome Pausa Name Pause semibreve whole note minima half note * seminima 2 quarter note colcheia 4 eighth note semicolcheia sixteenth note fusa thirty-second note won] wor | wr | | 2 | semifusa sixty-fourth note —teee| tee | 20 zitsAdamo Prince Subdivisiio das figuras ou valores Subdivision of figures or values Som Pausa Sound Pause Simbolo numérico das figuras ou valores Numeric symbols for figures or values oe} ff ff] oe} by gb | J 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 16 2 64Método Prince » Leitura e Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-iraining - Rhythm ‘Tempo: pulsagao bésica do ritmo. Unidade de tempo (U. .): valor correspondente tempo (ou uma contagem). Compasso: ¢ 0 agrupamento dos tempos (2a 2, 303,404...) a imervalos regulares. Unidade de compasso (U.C. correspondente a um compasso. Compassos simples: siio aqueles em que os tempos tém sua subdivisdo natural em duas metades, cada metade em mais duas, ¢ assim sucessivamente. Barra de compasso: linha vertical usada para separar 0s compassos. Barra dupla: indica a finalizagdo da mdisica ou de um trecho. Fragio de compasso: sfmbolo utilizado para caracterizar um compasso, Nos compassos simples, 0 numerador indica a quantidade de tempos ¢ a unidade de tempo (U.T,) ¢ indicada pelo denominador. Exemplo: Q oy QB Binario UT. = seminima x; Beat: the basic pulsation of a rhythm. Time unit (T.U.): the duration which corresponds to one beat (or one count). Measure or bar: the grouping of beats (2 by 2, 3 by 3, 4 by 4...) within regular intervals. Measure unit (M.U.): the duration which corresponds to one measure. Simple measures: measures which take even- number subdivisions. In other words, measures that can be subdivided in two halves, each of whiich can be subdivided in another two, and so on. Barline: a vertical line drawn to separate two measures. Double barline: the indication of the end of a musical piece or passage. Time signature: the symbol by which a measure is characterized. In simple measures, the numerator indicates the number of beats in each measure, whereas the denominator shows the time unit (TU.). Example: Qo QB Iosine 4 5 1U= quarter note a Diagramacao dos Compassos Simples Layout for Simple Measures (em dois tempos) ‘Ternério (em trés tempos) Three-time (in three beats)Adame Prince Quaternario (em quatro tempos) Four-time (in four beats) Fracdes de Compassos Simples mais usadas The mast commonly-used time signatures for simple measures Bindrio Two-time ‘Ternirio Quaterndrio Three-time Four-time wef | Pa zoe ) og 4 o 4 * BLE oo g LT. o 2 o ou Aw @ wef)? o Fi) F wv Gg) tedwe web} Foe F |e 2 Zig w 4g 2 ¢ © © so convengdes que substituem as fragdes 2/2 ¢ 4/4, respectivamente. A fraco de compasso ¢ sempre colocada no inicio de um trecho ou pega musical apds a clave ea armadura, Exemplo: Note: ¢ and © are conventionally employed as substitutes for the 22 and 4/4 fractions, respectively. The time signature is always written at the beginning of a musical piece or passage, following immediately after the clef and key signature. Example: a e 14Método Prince « Leitura e Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-raining - Rhythm Ligadura: linha curva que indica o Slur: a written curve which connects musical prolongamento de um valor para outro. notes, indicating that the duration of one note should extend to that of the other. Exemplos: Examples: cht ttt a Lh TTT Ponto de aumento: é usado a direita de uma A dot: written on the right-hand side of a figure figura (som ou pausa) para aumentar a metade (representing either sound or pause), increases do seu valor. Se o ponto for duplo, serio the duration half-fold. If two dots are used, the acrescidas a metade mais a quarta parte. duration increases by half plus one quarter of its own length. Exemplos: Examples: r be Pc f+f bey Pots $ beyey Sinais de repeticdes e saltos Repetition and skipping marks kk | Ritornello: indica a repetigao de um lk { Ritornello: indicates the repetition of a trecho, given passage. Exemplos: Examples: ® ® ot ot to tot td a -15-Adamo Prince Casas de 1" e 2* vez: utilizadas quando uma First and second time ending: are used when the msica ou um trecho se repetem, porém com whole musical piece or a given passage is finais diferent repeated, but with a different ending. Exemplo: Example: D.C. (da capo): indica a repeti¢ao da mtisica D.C, (da capo): indicates the repetition of a desde o seu inicio. musical piece from its very beginning. Exemplos: Examples: (sem repeticio) (without repetition) -16-‘Método Prince » Leiturae Pereepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Eartraining - Rhythm F. ou Fine: indica onde a misica termina, For Fine: indicates the end of the musical piece. Exemplo: Example: $& Senho (Segno): indica o local de onde sera $& Segno: indicates where the repetition is 10 efetuada a repetigao, take place from. Exemplos: Examples: Dat %& al. (sem rep.) without rep) 17.Adama Prince Coda: sinal de pulo para finalizagtio de uma Coda: indicares the skipping of a passage for miisica (ou de uma parte). the finalization of a nusical piece (or of a whole passage). Exemplo: Example: Fade-out: indica que um pequeno trecho deve Fade-out: indicates that a short pussage is to be ser repetido varias vezes, diminuindo repeated several times, with a gradual decrease gradativamente de intensidade, até desaparecer. of intensity, until it has died out, Exemplo: Example: Fade-out Fade-in: ao contrério do Fade our , indica que Fade-in: as opposed 10 the Fade out, this um pequeno trecho deve ser repetido varias indicates thar a short passage is to be repeated veres, aumentando gradativamente de several times, with a gradual increase in intensidade. intensity: oeMétodo Prince « Leturae Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Earsraining - Rhythm Abreviagées das repetices +++ - Repetigdo de notas sem colchetes: Notagio Notation le 1g @ ~ Repeticao de notas com colchetes: Notacio Notation ~~" tea Z, - Repetigao de um desenho no mesmo compasso: Notagao Notation ero ZF -Repeticdio do compasso anterior uma ou mais vezes: Notagdo Notation ~~ Abbreviations for Repetition - Repetition of notes without brackets: Execugio Performance cht tt ttt @- Repetition of notes with brackets: Execugio Performance tore eeer cent A - Repetition of a pattern within a measure: Execugio Performance eheerrertteercerri F - Repetition of the preceeding measure, one or more times: Execugio Performance tH th +19 trot‘Adamo Prince 2 - . : Gz Repetigdo dos dois compassos anteriores: 2 G.- Revetition of the wo preceeding measures: Notagao Execugdo Notation ~ Performance | | y \ | | | | ah TT # H ah TT TT toto Clichés visuais Visual Clichés Assim como na gramética temos as sflabas que combinam as consoantes e as vogais, no ritmo temos figuras (notas e pausas) que, combinadas, formam particulas chamadas clichés. ‘Uma frase gramatical pode ser separada em sflabas: CLICHES VISUAIS Just as, in grammar, vowels and consonants are ‘grouped together to form syllables, in rhythm the Figures (notes and pauses) are grouped together 10 form particles known as clichés. A grammatical phrase can be separated into syllables: VISUAL CLICHES Uma frase ritmica pode ser separada em clichés: A rhythmic phrase can be separated into clichés: O reflexo apurado na associagio do cliché visual com 0 seu significado sonoro € que possibilita a leitura 4 primeira vista. E para escrever é importante 0 reflexo apurado na associago sonora/visual. Por esses motivos, os clichés a serem estudados em cada grupo de exercicios estario destacados Por um retngulo, Antes de exercitar, o estudante deve familiarizar-se com a imagem ¢ 0 som dos mesmos. A well-developed reflex in associating the visual cliché to its correspondent sound meaning allows {for first-sight reading, as well as for the transcription and writing of music. For the reasons mentioned above, the clichés to be studied in each group of exercises will be highlighted within a rectangle. Before exercising, the student is to practice each cliché until he/she feels familiar with its visual representation and with the sound it represents,Método Prince » Leitura e Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm Instrucdes para a Directions to the realizacao dos realization of the exercicios exercises Leitura a uma voz Reading in one voice 1) Bater 0 tempo com o pé ¢ executar 0 ritmo 1) Mark the beat with your foot and perform the com a boca (falando). rhythm with your mouth (speaking). > uo PoP CO p> 2) Bater o tempo com 0 pé e executar 0 ritmo 2) Mark the beat with your foot and perform the percutindo com a mio direita. rhythm with your right hand. woe iin rapt qe pe oto > Ci Po? CI ae 3) Acrescentar aos itens 1 e 2 a marcagdo do 3) Do items 1 and 2, plus: mark the first beat in compasso na mao esquerda. each measure with your left hand. me re sl eee P O bP O > oP -21-Adame Prince 0 die pape gj = me esguerda ih foo anew 2 MD Mb MD) MD MD) MD. MD MD) Mb poop Pop P P » ME Mt Me ME 4) Nos exerefcios da terceira parte pode ser de 4) Iris very useful to add to item 1 of the exercise ‘grande utilidade acrescentar ao item 1 a in part three the constant marking of the marcago constante das semicolcheias na mio sixteenth notes with your right hand, using direita, com os dedos polegar, indicador, your thumb, and your index, middle and ring médio c anclar. Quando, porém, jd estiver Fingers. However, let go of this resource once familiatizado com os clichés visuais, este you have become familiar with the visual recurso deve ser ahandonado. clichés: nebo p=pologar m=msdio oh Raa mde pepe ar Pee merger ITT1 § TT i pimapima pimapima P P r P Leitura a duas vozes alternadas Reading in two alternated voices 1) Bater o tempo com o pée executar a linha 1) Mark the beat with your foot, and perform the superior com a boca (Falando); a inferior upper staff with your mouth (speaking): percutindo com a mio direita. play the bottom staff by tapping the rhythm with your right hand. aboca ircita Wee te Mo Mp Mp Mb poop ro r ® roe 2) Bater o tempo com o pée executar a linha 2) Mark the beat with your foot, and play the superior percutindo com a mao direita; a upper staff by tapping the rhythm with your inferior percutindo com a mao esquerda. right hand; play the bottom staff by tapping the rhythm with your left hand, -22-Método Prince « Leitura ¢ Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm mae wright hand ME = chant Pe oot 1 TT Jv pIt = an Leitura a duas vozes simulténeas Bater 0 tempo com o pé¢ executar a linha superior com a boca (falando); a inferior percutindo com a mao direita, Reading in two simultaneous voices Mark the beat with your foot and perform the upper staff with your mouth (speaking); play the bottom staff by tapping the rhythm with your right hand. = boca smbo direita aPé Bene = ht hand Pe ot BOB B Percep¢o a uma voz 1) Ouga o exerefcio que sera executado em andamento normal. Memorize e repita 0 ritmo, intuitivamente, sem nenhuma andlise ou racionalizagao. E importante a memorizago e a repeticao integral do ritmo ouvido em andamento normal, mas néo é fundamental que se memorize na primeira audicao. Oexercicio deve ser executado tantas vezes quantas forem necessdrias. Use somente a intuigo, ou seja, nao faga nenhuma correspondéncia com a notago, com a contagem, com 0s clichés visuais ou com 0 compasso, a ndo ser que Ihe ocorra espontaneamente. Apenas ouga e repita. 2) Acrescente a marcago do tempo e do compasso. Ear-training in one voice 1) Listen to the exercise passage at normal time. Memorize and repeat the rhythm, intuitively, without any sort of analysis or rationalization. Itis very important to memorize and repeat the whole rhythmic pattern just as you have heard it at normal time, but it is not fundamental to memorize it all the first time you hear it. The exercise is meant to be repeated as many times as needed by each learner. Use intuition alone, that is, do not associate the rhythm with the notation, beat counting, visual clichés, or measures, unless that association comes to you spontaneously. Just listen and repeat. 2) Add the marking of the beat and measures.‘Adamo Prince 3) Ralente proporcionalmente o ritmo, o tempo e © compasso ao andamento até que Ihe seja possivel associar mentalmente os clichés visuais. 4) Agora escreva, Nao esqueca de primeiramente anotar a fragio de compasso. As barras devem ser postas ao fim de cada compasso escrito. Para verificar a exatidao da notagio, leia 0 que escreveu. Percepcio a duas vozes alternadas Mesmas instrugdes dadas para os exercfcios a uma voz. Percepcao a duas vozes simultaneas 1) Ouga 0 exercicio que serd executado sempre com as duas vozes simultaneas e em andamento normal. Memorize ¢ repita a voz superior (aguda). Ouga quantas vezes forem necessérias, mas nfo faga ainda nenhuma racionalizagio. Apenas ouga e repita. 2) Acrescente a marcagéio do tempo e do compasso. 3) Ralente proporcionalmente o andamento até que Ihe seja possivel associar mentalmente os clichés visuais. 4) Agora escreva (a voz superior). 5) Utilize 0 mesmo processo para escrever a vor inferior (grave), cuidando, porém, da diagramagao entre as duas linhas. Para verificar a exatidao da notagdo, leia 0 que escreveu. 3) Slow down proportionally on the rhythm, time and measure, adapting them to the time at which you manage to make a mental association with the visual clichés 4) Now write it down. Do not forget to take note of the time signature first of all. Draw a barline at the end of each written measure. Read over what you have just written, in order to check out the precision of your notation, Ear-training in two alternated voices Follow the same directions as given for the exercises in one single voice. Ear-training in two simultaneous voic 1) Listen to the exercise passage in two simultaneous voices and at normal time. Memorize and repeat the top line (the higher- pitched voice). Listen to the passage as many times as you feel you need to, but do not yet rationalize the exercise as you do it. Jusi lister and repeat. 2) Add the marking of the beat and measures. 3) Slow down proportionally on the time until you are able to make a mental association with the visual clichés. 4) Now write it down (the first voice, or upper staf). 5) Follow the same procedures in the process of taking note of the second voice (the lower- pitched voice), but be careful with the alignment of both staves. Read over what you have just written, in order to check out the precision of your notation,Primeira parte Part one Bad em /inSugestdes para a prontincia das figuras ‘Suggestions for pronouncing the figures a Power ia Ligaduras a Exempla: tin Fam fe Bhat ‘ a @ @ @ w w wt tie tah tm tah tat tah taht 3 h 1 I a ta a ta a tite tin toe an fin ayo > -y a a & ta tn tun th tah ts nl on an fa a PF Footy i ota a ah tah BeMétodo Prince « Leiturae Percepeio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Far-raining - Rhythm Leitura a uma voz Reading in one voice a ttt te ote het tet tte ot ttt fit 2 ee ete tot te tt tr tH tt ttt ttt ttt)0 a a aMétodo Prince « Leiturae Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Methat « Reading and Ear-ruining - Rhythm g f f trAdame Prince ett ttt ott tet Obs.: A pausa de semibreve foi convencionada Note: The whole-note pause represents, by ‘como pausa para um compasso inteiro qualquer accepted practice, 4 full measure pause, whatever que seja o compasso. Quando houver mais de um 1ype of measure that may be. Whenever the pause ‘compasso de pausa, coloca-se acima da pausa 0 refers 1 more than one measure, its corresponding ndmero equivalent, number should be placed above the pause. “MeMétodo Prince » Leiturae Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Bar-iraning - Rhythm ttt tt ttt toto Capo ttt tt ttt tt ott Rott = tr at ate ett At ate at ete rea‘Adamo Prince tft 2Fe ftp He ett ttt et a RT tt RT bot Al EP Ef thot Top opaptpl Rett te et et apos RHR AA er HH Hat ik PRR tH ReCTT TT TT tt PTT Rt TT cht fMétodo Prince » Leiturae Percepsio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm Com ligaduras With slurs rota Ta a At tt ttt tt HOH ee a rR al‘Adamo Prince Leitura a duas yozes simultaneas Reading in two simultaneous voices Exercicios preparatérios Preparatory exercises Ee de,Método Prince de Leltura ¢ Percepgio/ The Prince Method for Reading and Ear-iraining ett ttt tt rt id J ys yy yy Bett ttt ttt tt se a disci yyy siyy Pr Tt ttt f | Pr Tt ttt ¢ di yyy ttt tot J aAdame Prince j d i 11 it 4 TT I ff f I r a \. —+ . | ° J jo + ce | rr rtTT fT f 4 tJ | do rT Tt feck J 14 JJ i J J) sid c : | rT tt T rT cH iJ a rt tT rMétodo Prince Leiturae Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm bd dL} i tJ d ae mt r tt tf rt" TtT r a 2 d “if tT f ° 7 wt dj did | f tT rT fT | | wj 4 cL. Soho ttt tt me} ~ J | | wor 2 Saat ie |r| ee tt —T : ttrT +t o_o gett a pitty tye tl oJ ptt itt yt 9] J) 9 J tT 14 tT i«+ Leitura e Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Method + Reading and Ear-raining - Rhythm Método Princerf [538 r r pity op Ji. r f f rt rte Jd dtyt re Jit, oa tt % oy 4e8 fie 2 ptt ¢ l a d 3 rT AL t+ %Método Prince » Leitura e Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-raining - Rhythm f 2 = aot det 1 >t 12 qs Ha Ht +771 4-2 Le ria Cf bp bees l l J rt 22 bh Com lizaduras J+J ba J J Jj) 1) cot ttt Tt yep ee pt Tt ot tt tttdtal i Jen] J Jy pio “F a i i—Tt+ a4 i dy a Tt eet po et a t pte tT _TT pti————) » » by ooo rh re t tT — J 2 a bo a 7 pp i ed a ; . ia » J Lb fr : msMétodo Prince + Leitura ¢ Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Barsrining » Rhythm Percepgao a uma voz Ear-training in one voice Professor: executa Teacher: plays Aluno: ouve, memoriza, repete ¢ escreve Student: listens, memorizes, repeats and then writes ttre thet te te thot het Bate ste teeth te teF teeter otto Beste three tert te ctor teee tte te treet ttt tet crept tte eet te ee at Hee Cp ett chet ttt tes rot tet corte tert te teeter ttre tttMétodo Prince + Letura¢ Pereepsiio = Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm‘Adamo Princered ortp ire the rH IR RH trretrr eer ea deere ee Werte aerate Rett ite fob OEE cre Ht er che eet cept teed te ete erp tt tte Re rrr cept tte ely tet pHMétodo Prince + Leiturae Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method © Reading and Earsraining - Rhythm Sort ttt aoe tte he rr ttre Rt ttt Settee tet Pr ard hea tt te‘Adamo Prince Com ligaduras With slurs teed Set tart ttt aT Tr terete treet te nt Atte Sart ihm iT hee cet ttt chert te chr trrt tT eT SI rte toteMétodo Prince » Leiturae Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-iraining - Rhythm Com pausas e ligaduras With pauses and slurs THAR RR th Rete BRR RAH there Ta the etePercepcao a duas vozes simultaneas Ear-training in two simultaneous voices Professor: executa (sempre simultaneamente) Aluno: ouve, memoriza, repete c escreve primeiramente a voz de cima e posteriomente a voz de baixo Teacher: plays (always simultaneously) Student: listens, memorizes, repeats and then writes the first voice, followed by the second voice rf 4 -4 J TTT TTT dd I ¢ +Método Prince de Leltura e Percepsio/The Prince Method for Reading and Eartraining J__JJ J we Tf f r f es ole f tt f Tt aJa- JJ. J wr d fT Tt tr — oe it rt TT rt _T d d d lf tT | a Jd. Cc r—Tt Tt " t_t_T ars‘Adamo Prince* t + f ditt TT J TT 4 r % J * t 4 r d + f d * + t +» 1 J + 144 rt 14 TT 24 cot 2 A wo oan rt t; th J + % tT +7 T de J»14 tt to d ep ee d +111 r z r dt + t+ Hs tt iG ao ns Método Prince + Leitura ¢ Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Rar-raining - Rhythm HIT i. 4 4 * ! 1. # “1, 7HAdam if f 2 tre fe ria TT Tb TP tL ir u | OTT TL itt dt “LY ts “Lt ot | ppas te AL Le rir w fT EL 7 tT oa “Y th ob ae ae Ae ae e => we +e te we J AL a ee oS o | At a at ae y | E 4 4 AL =~ Fae 7kMétodo Prince » Leitura e Percepeio - Ritmo / The Prince Methad » Reading and Ear-raining - Rhythm ore a ae o dt fb { Ad tt oO oO AS TT L { AL =P ae 4 Ae le 5 + + + de Ae ae te i t A+ to Ae de L ae 4 tt aul oO oo o 5 e le L tr IL de tr a4 | 4 4) 4tL 4b aeAdamo Prince Com ligaduras With slursMétodo Prince + Leitura¢ Percepgio Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm Com pausas e ligaduras With pauses and slurs Jy J J Jody sy eT Hdl JJ J ty lela ty Hots il 14 Jt) 1, yl) cc Po a | $ I= 1, Ji, ce t wos pt te 14 Jy te)» Jy a a 44 | d=» 1 4 i—————] _] po Ss eS pit poet ok Ph oT ttSegunda parte Part two em /in AN Nw 0Sugestdes para a prontincia dos clichés visuais, Suggestions for pronouncing the visual clichés ta a dw tah tah tah tun tah of of 6 ry ta tah un by fr? a a tah un “6 r a ota tm tah tah tah tun tf bf? wa aia tah tah tun tah 7 tf 1 7 f 6 ioe a mn tah un f 6 ity a tah tun Ligaduras ig 6 f am tun hemp ta ta ta ta a ta ; a ; = oot tt tt‘Método Prince « Leiturae Percepgio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reating and Ear-training - Rhythm Leitura a uma voz Reading in one voice To oto ote toh Beortorerirt artes trot tortor SS reer toe eet orto —t cmt cotton aH tohoot ter eet hppa t sh es tpotop Poorer Al A A fhe eet ee eee open CS ppt pt ppt a apr Pp tro te 66ibghper heer ¢ Méiode Prince + Leitera « Percepyie - Ritmo / The Prin Reading rnd Far-trsining = Rha beeper cero Poe Creo ee RS oreo tt pe EEE oo ae eo Ree eo too ror Rr oe oe te oe Sarr Terres rr st - 67. p cr ppte torr the tH cotta tet “of ptt et oot % roo a Seto ter ter to tooMétodo Prince « Leitura e Percepgdo - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Far-irai-ing - Rhythm Porter ter tere etre te a Brrr terre aot wort tor tr sorte et ot Porter or a fortron ote torte ett ttt a a a tttt ae nt tor . pte tort . POT tet tt" + Ff Lf £ L | ft PkE gE OL FEE‘Método Prince « Leiturae Percepsie ~ Ritmo / The Prince Methot « Reading and Ear-raining - Rhyt pre re or toot ottrocto rea 4 Baa er rp a att‘Adamo Prince i i ¢ Com ligaduras With slurs~, retort a teed frre | = BT et PTT et Te oA rot ootSS eS Se TR toot oto pat tr tt oat oo Fortra TTT tot ot OTT rot o'r por er fT eT A tot at to he ht oer PT oot tt TTA ot cae. 14.oro ort tre errr re tert tore Rett Ferrpter TOT HTTP F Peart or rte ott ott ttt ttt tt ttt ot tr tttAdamo Prince Leitura a duas vozes alternadas Reading in two alternated voices Exercicios preparatérios Preparatory exercises F UI B B M ™M M M B B B B B M at M M MB B B M MM M B B B M B M B M M B M B B B M MB M B BOOM M ‘Obs.: Cada férmula de mao e boca pode ser repetida diversas vezes, isoladamente. aie B B M M B B M B M M M B M B B M B B M B B M M B M Note: Each mouth-and-hand pattern may be repeated several times, separately.Método Prince « Leitura ePercepsio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Earsaining - Rhyitim Poe ET tt pee hoe Ph shoe 2 Cp Te iba 1 pa PUG Pee PL Le 7 py iba pe iCal [ha fb fore Imm es ea rT Coo oe te a pedce are pS mn Fro eWT ps (ob ae vpi J 7 Lt td nz [hi pat piss pa i ca. rm p71 iit dpi? (OoMétodo Prince Lelturn ¢ Percepsio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Methol » Reading and Earstraining - Rhythm Com ligaduras With slurs coo a Pe if Ty poo or Pe Pot OSes gon OT ee‘Adamo Prince IDI oe Thott Tota pp fhbiba lato 7f_} vi] S eet iz Apa 7] ~_] (OE Ta a (et 1 aM_? 4 ae mt} J ro a)pre or? ore (OP Too IDL eo Qe ET (tata ot a oso er cs > Bb 3oot aMétodo Prince « Leitura. Percepgio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Earsraining - Rhythm Leitura a duas vozes simultaneas Reading in two simultaneous voices Au Co : ttt Cr * ninni, tr rfl Tl, t+ Cr * or att, at *tee? aa ae Pee GP at th Le 1h te day Gide TP 4 THQ Hall Yl {Ph 4b 4 4h iW G ail fL,4. fb), AL retie dod J dd dy og lg tt et | i ae +: + | = aa > h we ay 4 { he + sy: 4P =~ 7 4 Pe ot be ay ayo ae 2a Ae PPrince d,) Ty > rot Y + l ) aaaRiych do oT p da torre vT 3 > te tk ¢ i] 2 ve lab 4 = e i) 3s Ck 4 in ‘| ae ( + 4 4] 5 a4) Ct I. ~y T t pe aA t~ w LY) i +L h QF WH + TF) tO 4 i tT) aH What T at tT | OP ah ai oa LP ety cel oeAdamo po a cs fT tt t dak 4 FY it 4 [tL 3 ( ( “Y Q TL 4 iF 4 ‘a 4 ri > B + —. ) wT eo TFpoet tte i pp ep pa Bd), Del, et f It pet tot ot Bods — tt ottpit TED bf 6 jd. J Mu Ot LT dt f i) 1 dh rT J i cf L—) J i ett Jbl y yh TT T= dd dl, A rt T9T 2, Fy A | f i) oo y TT J oe wd + TT PLES pdi dy wads dl dy het M “oT f dat oom Te) — ee ime i_hJ bt ot GMétodo Prince + Leitura e Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Karstraining - Rhythm Percepcgao a uma voz Ear-training in one voice yr: executa Teacher: plays ouve, memoriza, repete e escreve Student: listens, memorizes, repeats and then writes Write thee Booed herr ort Root her or Chataartrard *Reor tr Shao ter te ee oe Hh eet A tet ttethereto tho eer cero ert co Tortora petted thot eer cheaterth Rrererseterbord Hoorbertr ie ther phere ph php tert Ip et tpt eal Rott e choot tet pot Te iether oper it thet tp ppt cept ter pe chp op tet CT ret pt‘Adamo Prince tere tbl torte th thet ter Pees aot a Roo Fart Craters Rope te +96 =Método Prince » Leiturn e Percepsiio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm Beet trod ttt ot Rp ee Obra other thar thet eR hoo oth part ett to ttcrater ret per Percepcao a duas vozes alternadas Ear-training in two alternated voices Professor: executa Teacher: plays Aluno: ouve, memoriza, repete e escreve Student: listens, memorizes, repeats and then writes Wooo ao Se Ce te eggMétodo Prince « Leitura e Pereepslo = Ritmo / The Prince Mothal » Realing and Bardraiving - Ruth. bat: DE eee Cee ie a CITE Ce‘Adamo Pr Com ligaduras With slurs Soo woh Gee eprareP tor Coon ithe Po ah ebieings Tt wp Cotes ey ——Método Prince » Leitura e Percepsiio = Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Earsraining ~ Rhythm Oto woo ott ott oa Percepcao a duas vozes simultaneas Ear-training in two simultaneous voices Professor: executa (sempre simultaneamente) Teacher: plays (always simultaneously) Abuno: ouve, memoriza, repete e escreve Student: listens, memorizes, repeats and then pemeiramente a voz de cima e posteriormente a writes the first voice, followed by the second voice waz de baixo Pies we fol, Doane ane e + * * ft 1H + tr tr ehh jHaAn, toro tr u + or = 101-‘Adamo Prince ter > -102-Método Prince « Leturae Percepgie = Ritmo / The Proce Method © Reaulig au Bartsining » Kittin pro of Fb Th? Jo, dl, J 2 ttt He yr} tints yeddt bio, tH tT ttt op tot ett orth tb Ty trot STOTT TT Com ligaduras With slurs Lf Omen! IF! ep eg) 3a 14 J Oem. \ el is tro hh + Fee oe pA ey! Get tetAdamo Prince Mele qt pli [4 dp fe fae 5 { Hh 4) 7g th 4 i ay 4Pr 4p mt ae van 4 iH Lt i LP tl th O44 | a; = hes tr + Ck Tf Lk ih - PTE 4p He ics Ww 4 ut Ww Ik r th “ 4 WE ue boar = 104-Método Prince » Lelturae Percepgdo ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Earsraining - Rhythm ny Deb i pe ST Jae je rt tr sooo Ji J ayy ranreaeatomee Sar ett‘Terceira parte Part three em/in Nw eo qSugesties para a proniincia dos clichés visuais Suggestions for pronouncing the visual clichés a ca | ta ch a ct a ca tn ka | tah kan fa ca ga a @ Pr o§) of | eee ‘of mor? | 7 ELh | Goer | Cher | ca ca | tw ca cata fa ca to OU | Cit aa caf) ty | ta ta ca ta, ca ta cur Io! 7 "G9 fF fin A ie Se ae Poy th | ab) for tte Sin Baas Ss | Gee) ee Sh 76 7 [ULEE sr eeere eee feed 2 u ca, de acordo com a diltima sflaba do. Exemplos: Fvanples: lata ca ta of tah tah Satan hw ta oci ca fan Kaw Ka tah cat i tie ae cal ca tah Kun fe ta tk a fa th in, ca ta ka tak a af fh fa tan ta ta tah tah Leis snap hoo teor ort Leo oT me 4Método Prince « Leitura e Percepsio - Ritmo / The Prince Methal « Reading and Bar-raining - Rhyt Leitura a uma voz Reading in one voice coer Borer te ee Peete tee . St net er teAdamo Prince toot tee oo Rt te cto tt ptt A _— c heh tro ee A r+ othe orto eet To eet oerMétodo Prince » Lelturae Percepsio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Farsraining - Rhythm Sooo aa td es ++ or rooster rine td Tor et Perot ote tt Progress tees eyoto ee ao pr ptteereer Reo to rotor CTO TT ter tot FO Eee Ra oor toot a4 her he teeMétodo Prince « Leitura © 2 Percepedo - Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Earsraining - Rhythm ToT 4 Toe ert Ferep te > toot iz tt mero tod TILT Toe trot THT tS tao ter tart Trost oto 4 pel OT Cooter tert oyAdamo Prince a ae be othe other ot gt ero er dope . prior ss rrr . - ppp . RecorMétodo Prince » Leltura ¢Percepsio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-training ~ Rhythm dno — rout Soe oo roe hot\damo Prince hk tortor hoo ero Info iro I, Rone eee heehee hoe te hoeir 7 an foe er ro er orl Poo Bore ott oo Sereno orn or et noo ee heer ee eoamo Prince car Foy? horton heater ener eee ptert 4 Pore er er oro ed Coe re coer ere tor Te eee hearer ear Heer peacoat coe care SO ar eeMétodo Prince » Leiturn e Percepgiin - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhytho ay oy Bho teeta BR tortor Pharoahe cherry oT htt ToT oor oe Mr oyotoore ToS oer tet rootAdame Prince eee ee o= corte eororteertersrter rt Poa Fetes per ore to aa oot arte te top tp ep pt ee ee Mp opber. vetine 4 bpp ego seep eter 2 + i J ote | ye | Roper tee prt apy cote atop ty Hye aa pm tyr ton‘Adamo Prince roto cee tot ee i oto root teMétodo Prince « Leitarue Percepgiio = Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhythm Com ligaduras With slurs coer devo no Ara ee Mp oor pe et tet -127-Adame PrinceAdame Princeoi i Pernt at era et cet othe ¢ cotter Oo ottrttot 2 orp Hort of oy 2 Wg aa Petey Tepe t Foy eto roe eh =.‘Adamo Prince Po et wit { Tot rt t+ 7 ifFade-out‘Adamo Prince‘Método Prince « Leitura e Percepgio ~ Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Far-training - Rhythm det Ho o Leitura a duas vozes alternadas Reading in two alternated voices Che He Aero Tee ic ao Cho onto Tine eo}Adamo Prince mR mW me mR me TDFR a IP yg Poy ae 3 eas Ww 2 i f CEE ee tno er To oT eerope fTLeitura e Percepgiio = Ritmo / The Prince Method « Método Prince « 7 eos Io - A WW (Lt it 3) E CITT TOC = 1d “bry oe ee pet 4 4 Tr ir TULA noo oer 2 iAdamo Prince bor ee pe Tae ju Ji pe OP a a Fh oh Ter oe AT oe ho Coo1 The Prince Method « Reading and Ear-raining - Rhythm Método Prince + Leitura e Percepgio ~ Ritmo Toot ag Pho We J TW rh i f is Fea FP PPh imal | eee Po oP 7} A “H poo Te Li LE “Hi EE im ¢we at Pie i _ di 1 + y ra uy i Wee 4 i ¥ oe ole 4 aS L i an WH Teo Sor Je Dpi? i) J Too Pe chim j cuur shay a Ww iad cae Temas Bits r fees Bs rep ae nat ene fica valce: FSR REE: Po its rhs “aitEli Ge fs Fo er ot a FE y ane a UW Peta Lat cap ee ime Ce oe HE ] e TPs LE Tah D ines bhp moos oPAdams Prince ° py oe yo bap TD) Pap 7) by I hy} ce Pas ita? tab tt tat (Ot ya 0 LET} Apr psp rl pee ep tap Pao (toe a et 7] 1 Ttao ~e bee — mo +] bee fee 4‘Adamo PrinceMétodo Prince « Leitura e Percepgiio - Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-raining - Rhythm tf? Ef te no Ee oS eo moo Fee Ft FO CO eet Wh x i apy ce ae Fs as meee tteAdame Pri ince Com ligaduras With slurs coer A Poesy ron oonaan nb napr TT J oma cL oot cor UP Po i] a A Laijfiit? ceWO oo ee Coe A 4 SS OPE ee PT WP PFfH OW "| mt l! | i: 4 : i HF il ls a A [ 7 : qy | H 4 ‘] j ‘| oe +e A HA NTE H re ie H FI : mq? ! B a Hdl ah |Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhythms CO? tO) ti’ Gey Ne eT ea boo oe Tn x cooPao “aL +158 ones poohThe Prince Method « Reading and Far-raining - Rhythm Método Prince « Leiturn Percepgio - Ritmo / TPs “a — Geos t J dt He oy wg A Le ii 7 "| li [~ Pers re fo yh J? Cy i aL ii] 2 # tie? TT TAPP “Tet 7 (Ja[2 2 oo oo a 1 RE ot ma [2 a ed Cie tr ° Ls t : x Tt es Pomme Po ~~ es ip7h T«= Laltura ¢ Percepgio = Rite / The Prince Mh « Reaing and Earcouinang - Rhythm oe vir me Pen Ene ot oe soe oe oe et tt Pitre {ter a FAs ROT Tg irae eee 1] bray Ao moos eo (WEEE Pee sia.‘Adamo Prince Leitura a duas vozes simultaneas Reading in two simultaneous voices ,JAT tot ttt ot JJ FA tot ttt ttt oA jaa OEE et Amoroso OGRE Co ee To er 2) COLT Tt ter tot bio » mmo , roo tt ettb ) 4 ra. ul :Method + Reading and Barstraining - Rhythm Percepgiio - Ritmo / The Prince A Crt + Cr y A) J Y O ao i 1.] oT J r cf AT taf A yor ft _Is CALS J ft dM oot TT ot arty; mo! : Tit if TAA iro ts AT) AAG ro i ¢ p ttt tr cf 4 oe erasers TAM ryily PB FAn_CA o Cf tot we TT! UT mor tour fo 74 ericy” Cher . i Tmo f 4DA, J) A DA yd oe Sr ,)5 — Pot : AA. As BAB Hops tte ttt rio test on, A, A. _ 8, BO, STO tetCoy’ * Cir JU, Ao, to toric if o's ove ln oe fA 2 are oy os ¢ » J oy {ont TI, roEY Ee i ey +4 tH i | :fail Ty v4 Go ee aaase | FT Af Faw ore co pe am Corer ere a Ao fam Oo, aoa lee t) Oe coo eit TAA Toe ttLun % roe, petataias a rx J Aa A, AyD rar + + re i? % oar to ) A, da f Serle Ag B,J To cer po oe i 2 p CEercr ae p J_,5,,,,8, In 4 poor hee il. yy Hye A, TIO I, eee tert &oer i AE oo AA i = on tT 7 Crtt t TT arr qi Oo, J yo Cro tot prt yt ni, CTT Cy tor are FAA Lt. Gut fit CTT tot 25 reyot tt ay piety Toa mre!As Tory pore _ FA d_S,. th. ToT TFG Ah}. Abd, pl rep th ad Lory im Fi ly _h.. _h _) Od. pir im). iL fede ty Too eeriota? _ RR Oe... SF 3 Col ond Sarr aT re _\AR COR, \ Aa) Bay yy a et ec B Sunes eDSRESSIDSLEOSTSA ony eae eer ae 2 5 A, AALS , peer ey (yd astiise op ey f FA dia ele db, Fi ppp eect tor snLeiturn e Percepgiio = Ritmo / The Prince Method « Reading and Earsoaining - Rhythms Com ligaduras With slurs eto mJmO Lee EY —thT ote &Método Prince « Leitura e Percepgio = Ritmo / The Prince Method » Reading and Ear-training - Rhyth iT | oe ben Cit Fd a ne iL, wt} ! me) Taft a ATL EE : eeebi= =e flys yd, oe oo try cry Ti. oo AWA, , Soe ott Aa), A ott oa a /[r, A) fib Poe el laa AY Ae = wu ~1, Fb Citic Tt ot‘Adamo Prince a Pm» "AP, ESO Trott * TTL thot t eS 1, Ra 7 : Coot tee one —_—4Prince Method « Reauting and Earstraining - Rhythm Leitura e Percepgio - Ritmo / The Pr a ao Tot r Agn ATL,Ly Bf ao + ae Tt CTT b, a bt ToSoortey (aM OS i A n,,Asn, G CFL f cro iMethod » Reading and Par-training - Rhythm I, ro Corr _ LO), 1 corr LOTR S, —TL EG TF ‘. X 7 aE Crt * (O-cLoe ot Lee b.. it Fan) ; ir act yt Ae Toor os) oor . . ne ‘Adamo Prince ALAM AN . 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