PRA Self Declaration Version 1 0 March 2021

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No. Declaration

1. Are you currently enrolled in Payment Relief Assistance (PRA) with other bank(s) within Malaysia?
Yes No

If yes, please proceed with the questions below. If no, you may proceed to sign-off the declaration form.

2. How many PRA(s) have you enrolled into?

One (1) Two (2) Three (3) More than three (3) ____________________
Please specify total PRA enrolled

3. PRA 1: The following questions are pertaining to your PRA 1.

Which bank did you enroll your
PRA with?
When is your PRA expected to
_____________________________________ (eg: June 2021)
What is the type of facility for your Personal Loan / Housing Loan / Hire Purchase Credit Others______________
PRA? Financing-i Home Financing-i (HP) / HP-i Card Please specify the facility
What were the terms offered for Reduction of monthly Deferment of Others ______________________________
your PRA? instalments repayment/payment Please specify the terms offered
What is your current monthly
instalment amount under PRA?
When PRA ends, what is your
expected monthly instalment?

4. PRA 2: The following questions are pertaining to your PRA 2.

Which bank did you enroll your
PRA with?
When is your PRA expected to
_____________________________________ (eg: June 2021)
What is the type of facility for your Personal Loan / Housing Loan / Hire Purchase Credit Others______________
PRA? Financing-i Home Financing-i (HP) / HP-i Card Please specify the facility
What were the terms offered for Reduction of monthly Deferment of Others ______________________________
your PRA? instalments repayment/payment Please specify the terms offered
What is your current monthly
instalment amount under PRA?
When PRA ends, what is your
expected monthly instalment?

5. PRA 3: The following questions are pertaining to your PRA 3.

Which bank did you enroll your
PRA with?
When is your PRA expected to
_____________________________________ (eg: June 2021)
What is the type of facility for your Personal Loan / Housing Loan / Hire Purchase Credit Others______________
PRA? Financing-i Home Financing-i (HP) / HP-i Card Please specify the facility
What were the terms offered for Reduction of monthly Deferment of Others ______________________________
your PRA? instalments repayment/payment Please specify the terms offered
What is your current monthly
instalment amount under PRA?
When PRA ends, what is your
expected monthly instalment?

I represent and declare that the information provided above is true, accurate and complete and I have not withheld any
information of myself. I understand that this declaration is to be used in assessing my loan/financing application.

Customer Name:
Customer NRIC:

1.0_March 2021

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