Case Management Protocol-Ong-Centipede Envenomation FINAL
Case Management Protocol-Ong-Centipede Envenomation FINAL
Case Management Protocol-Ong-Centipede Envenomation FINAL
Approach to Centipede Envenomation
12 March 2020, 8:00AM-10:00 AM
Multipurpose Hall 3rd floor
General Data:
This is a case of A.P., 3 year old, male, Filipino, Catholic, currently residing in
Commonwealth, Quezon City who came to our institution on December 28, 2019
Review of Systems
General: No weight loss, no irritability, no changes in feeding, no
decreased activity
HEENT: No eye redness or discharge, no epistaxis, no naso-aural
discharge, no oral ulcerations, no dysphonia
Cardiopulmonary: No shortness of breath, no difficulty of breathing
Gastrointestinal:No nausea or vomiting, no dysphagia, no abdominal pain, with
loose, watery, blood-tinged stools.
Genitourinary: No discharge, no hematuria, no oliguria, no tea-colored urine, no
dysuria, no hemorrhoids
Musculoskeletal: No joint swelling, no joint or extremity pain, no truncal obesity,
no edema
Endocrine: No polyuria, no polydipsia, no temperature intolerance
Neurologic: No headache, no increased sleeping time, no seizures
Immunization History
The patient received immunizations from the local health center as follows: 1
BCG, 3 Penta Hib, 3 OPV/IPV with no noted adverse reactions.
Past Medical History
There is no history of previous admissions nor surgery. There are also no
known allergy to food and medications.
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Physical Examination
Vital Signs: BP: 90/60mmHg HR: 104 bpm Respiratory rate: 24 cpm
Temperature: 37.1 SO2: 98% at room air
Skin: With noted 1-2cm round, erythematous plaque on tight nipple area, no
necrotic tissue seen, no jaundice, no pallor, good skin turgor
CVS: Adynamic precordium, no precordial bulge, PMI at the 4 th ICS LMCL,
normal rate regular rhythm, no lifts or thrills, no murmurs
Extremities: Grossly normal extremities, no edema, full and equal pulses capillary
refill time less than 2 seconds
Initial Impression
Centipede bite rule out envenomation
No stunting, no wasting
Final Diagnosis
Centipede bite
No stunting, no wasting