Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
t 2m1 = t m2 1, (1) P2
t 2
m2 = ^t m1 + Tl < h2 + Tl 2=, (2) ∆l
There are only two unknown variables, i.e., Tl < and Tl =. FIGURE 2. The SARIF geometry.
Equation (1) is a trivial equation, and we can ignore it;
but we need t m1 as a known variable. The value of t m1
should be given outside the radar measurement. Equation ^ t 2s2 - t 2s1 h - ^ t 2m2 - t 2m1 h = - 2B z Tl < - 2B x Tl =. (8)
(3) does not include Tl < and Tl =, so it too may be ignored.
However, we need (3) for the SARIF derivation. From (2), The left-hand side of (8) is further approximated as
we find
^t 2s2 - t 2s1 h - ^t m
2 - t m1 h = ^ t s2 - t s1 h^ t s2 + t s1 h - ^ t m2 - t m1 h
^ t m2 - t m1 h^ t m2 + t m1 h = 2t m1 Tl < + Tl + Tl =2 . (5)
< # ^t m2 + t m1 h + 2t m1"^t s2 - t s1 h
- ^t m2 - t m1 h,
Because the second and third terms on the right-hand side = 2t m1 dTt, (9)
are far smaller than the first term, they can be ignored.
Thus, we obtain Tl <: where dTt = (t s2 - t s1) - (t m2 - t m1). The vertical compo-
nent Tl = is achieved as
t 2m2 - t 2m1
Tl < = 2t m1 + t m2 - t m1. (6) t m1 B
Tl = = - B dTt - B z Tl <. (10)
x x
Subtracting (3) from (4), we achieve
Equation (10) shows the SARIF characteristic very clearly.
t 2s2 - t 2s1 = 2t m1 Tl < - 2B z Tl < - 2B x Tl = + Tl 2< + Tl 2=. (7) The vertical component of the distance of the two points on
the ground Tl = can be expressed as the difference of the dif-
Subtracting (5) from (7), we obtain ferences of the distances from points M and S to the two points
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
on the ground, enhanced by t m1 /B x, which is extremely large. critical calculation for SARIF. We used the coregistered sec-
In the mathematical derivation previously discussed in this ondary data, which are obtained from SARscape 5.3 soft-
section, we use three equations: (2), (3), and (4). We use only ware, not the original data. In this case, the normal condi-
(3) and (4) as their difference. So the new (11) is introduced as tion of the distance from the SAR to scatter tl is equal to
the distance from the SAR to the center of pixel t. Thus, we
t 2s2 - t 2s1 = ^t m1 + Tl < - B zh2 + ^Tl = - B x h2 - 6^t m1 - B zh2 + B 2x @. obtain the following:
^ t s2 - t s1 h - ^ t m2 - t m1 h = 4mr 6^} s2 - } s1 h - ^ } m2 - } m1 h@.
The problem is reduced to two unknown variables; i.e., Tl < (17)
and Tl =, with two equations, (2) and (11), respectively.
In some cases, (B z /B x) Tl < can be ignored because of B x & B z. The difference of the phases differences can be changed
to another difference of the phase differences:
A radar measures distance tl, or, in other words, the dis- ^} s2 - } s1 h - ^} m2 - } m1h = ^} s2 - } m2h - ^} s1 - } m1h. (18)
tance between the SAR and the scatter position in a pixel
is expressed in the form of a complex number equation of The map of (} sn - } mn) for (n = 1, N) is called an interfero-
the phase }: gram. Although (} sn - } mn) is not exact, the difference of
the phase differences from point to point provides the exact
exp 6- j}@ = exp ;- j2r E, (12)
value from which we can calculate distance Tl =.
where m is the wavelength of the radar and j is the imagi- DISTANCE CALCULATION
nary unit. We cannot calculate tl from } using (12) be- The surface distance was calculated for Tl < by (6), and Tl =
cause the range of } is limited from -r to r. With SARIF, by (10). Taking into account the discussion in the previous
the distance from M to the first point on surface t m1 is giv- section, we obtain the final form for calculation:
en outside the radar measurement.
Nor can we the radar measurement to calculate the dif- Tl < = 2Sr , (19)
ference of the sequentially measured two points’ distance
t m1 m B
on surface tl2 - tl1 because of the limited range of the cal- Tl = = - B 4r dT} - B z Tl <. (20)
x x
culated phases. Instead, we obtain it from the SAR charac-
teristic, i.e., the range-sampling rate (Sr), as In (19) and (20), we needed Sr, t m1, B x, and B z, which were
provided from outside of the radar measurement. We must
tli + 1 - tli = 2Sr ^i = 1, 2, f h, (13)
calculate dT} or ^} s2 - } m2h - ^} s1 - } m1h from the radar
where c is the light velocity. Sr is a fundamental radar char- measurement; this calculation is the essential part of the
acteristic and is given as the radar specification. We use this SARIF calculation.
equation for the primary data:
t m2 - t m1 = 2Sr . (14)
4r ^
(The possibility of radar measurement of the difference of dT} = - B Tl + B z Tl < h. (21)
mt m1 x =
the distance differences is shown by the numerical example
in the following section.) It should be noted that the sec- We then obtained the following numerical results:
ondary data are coregistered to the primary data and that
Tl = Td} ^rd h
they no longer satisfy (13):
1m - 0.2603
c 5m - 0.301 ,
tls2 - tls1 ! 2Sr . (16)
10 m - 0.3518
50 m - 0.7583
As a result, (15) is not 0 in all or most all of the cases. From
this consideration, we recognize that the coregistration of where t m1 = 848.3 km, B x = 161.9 m, B z = 424 m, Tt = 9.4 m,
the secondary data to the primary data is the one essential, and m = 0.23 m, respectively, are used. Thus, we can
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Phase (rd)
600 650 700 750 800 850 900
Pixel Number
FIGURE 5. The phase difference for pixels along the first line of the
Phase (rd)
FIGURE 3. The (a) primary amplitude and (b) secondary (coregis- 780 785 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825
tered) amplitude images of ALOS-PALSAR. Pixel Number
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Satellite We derived the two points’ distance on the surface by the
radar principle in the form of its parallel and perpendicular
components, i.e., Tl < and Tl =:
Tl < = 2Sr ,
Tl = = - B 4r 6^} s2 - } m2 h - ^} s1 - } m1 h@ - B z Tl <.
t m1 m B
x x
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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
I Nyoman Sudi Parwata ( received he received his doctorate from the Graduate School of Sci-
his bachelor’s degree in physics from the Faculty of Math- ence and Engineering at Yamaguchi University, where he is
ematics and Natural Science, Udayana University, Den- currently a postdoctoral fellow. In 2017, he was awarded the
pasar, Bali, Indonesia, in 2012. From 2012 to 2014, he was Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the Young Schol-
enrolled in the postgraduate double degree program jointly ar’s Symposium on Rock Mechanics for his paper on ap-
with Udayana University and Yamaguchi University, Ja- plications of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry
pan, during which time he received his M.Eng. degree from (SARIF) in geotechnical engineering. His research interests
the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yamaguchi include satellite remote sensing, particularly SAR image
University, and his M.Sc. degree in environmental science processing and its applications.
from Udayana University in 2014. He is currently pursuing
his Ph.D. degree with the Graduate School of Science and REFERENCES
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University College London. Downloaded on May 25,2020 at 19:25:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.