SIL Tender Document
SIL Tender Document
SIL Tender Document
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Tenders are invited by the Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ Asset Sale Committee (ASC) on
“AS IS WHERE IS AND WHATEVER THERE IS BASIS” for purchase of properties mortgaged by
SEW VIDARBHA INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED (MORTGAGOR) for the financial facility availed by
M/s. SEW INFRASTRUCTURE LIMITED (SIL), through E-Auction situated at Pewtha Village &
Salai Godhani Village, Nagpur (Rural), Nagpur, Maharashtra. The outstanding dues as on
28/02/2017 amount to Rs.54,77,56,294.50 (Rupees Fifty Four Crore Seventy Seven Lakh
Fifty Six Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Four and Fifty Paisa Only) together with further
interest at the contractual rates & other debits till realization. The details of the assets for
sale and Reserve Price thereof are mentioned below:
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M/s SEW VIDARBHA 80.64 8.07 10.04.2017 27/04/2017
(MORTGAGOR/ OWNER) to 01:00 to 12:00
PM. Noon.
All that pieces and parcels of
property admeasuring 76.80 acres
or 31.08 Hectors, situated at Kh.
No.72, adm. 2.68 Hectare
(Boundaries viz., East: Kh. No.71,
West: Pewtha Shiv, North: Kh.
No.73/4 & 73/3, South: Kaldongri
Shiv), Kh. No.73/1, adm. 1.00
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East: Kh.
No.71, West Kh. No. 73/2, North:
Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road, South:
Kh. No.71), Kh. No. 73/2 adm. 1.22
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East:
Kh.No.73/1, West: 73/3, North:
Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road, South:
Kh. No.71), in Salaigodhani Village,
Nagpur (Rural), Nagur,
Maharashtra. Kh. No.100/2 adm.
1.55 Hectares (Boundaries viz., East:
Kh.No.99 & 101/4, West: Kharsoli-
Kaldongri Road, North:
Kh.No.100/1, South: Kh.No.100/3),
Kh. No.101/4 adm. 1.21 Hectares
(Boundaries viz., East: Kh.No.101/2,
West: Kh.No.100/3, 100/4 & 100/2,
North: Kh.No.99, South: Pewtha-
Salaigodhani Road), Kh. No.109
adm. 2.94 Hectares (Boundaries
viz., East: Kh.No.104, West:
Kh.No.110, North: Kh.No.108,
South: Kaldongri Shiv), Kh. No.110
adm.2.02 Hectares (Boundaries viz.,
East: Kh.No.109, West: Kharsoli-
Kaldongri Road, North: Kharsoli-
Kaldongri Road, South: Kaldongri
Shiv), Kh. No.98/2 adm. 1.01
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East:
Salaigodhani Shiv, West: Kh. No.99,
North: Kh. No.96 & 97, South: Kh.
No.101), Kh. No.99 adm.4.27
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East: Kh.
No.98, West: Kh. No.100 & Pandhan
Road, North: Kh. No.94 & 97, South:
Kh. No.101 & 101), Kh. No.100/1
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adm. 1.55 Hectares (Boundaries
viz., East: Kh. No.99, West: Pandhan
Road, North: Kh. No.99, South: Kh.
No.100/2), Kh. No.101/3 adm. 1.22
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East: Kh.
No.101/1, West: Kh. No.101/2,
North: Kh. No.99, South: Pewtha-
Salaigodhani Road), Kh. No.102
adm.4.08 Hectares (Boundaries viz.,
East: Salaigodhani Shiv, West: Kh.
No.105/1, 105/2 & 105/3, North:
Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road, South:
Kh. No.103), Kh. No.103 adm. 1.41
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East:
Salaigodhani Shiv, West: Kh. No.104,
North: Kh. No.102, South: Kaldongri
Shiv), Kh. No.104 adm. 1.64
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East: Kh.
No.103, West: Kh. No.109, North:
Kh. No.105/1 & 108, South:
Kaldongri Shiv), Kh. No.105/1 adm.
1.28 Hectares (Boundaries viz., East:
Kh. No.102, West: Kh. No.108,
North: Kh. No.105/2, South: Kh.
No.104), Kh. No.105/2 adm. 1.00
Hectare (Boundaries viz., East: Kh.
No.102, West: Kh. No.106 & 107,
North: Kh. No.105/3, South: Kh.
No.105/1), Kh. No.105/3 adm. 1.28
Hectares (Boundaries viz., East: Kh.
No.102, West: Kh. No.106, North:
Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road, South:
Kh. No.105/2), ), in Pewtha Village,
Nagpur (Rural), Nagur,
Maharashtra, together with all the
buildings, structures and sheds
constructed and/or to be
constructed thereon and all the
plant and machinery attached to the
earth or permanently fastened to
anything attached to the earth or
installed and/or to be installed
thereon, and every part thereof,
fixtures and fittings erected
/installed and / or to be erected /
installed thereon and every part
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2.1. The E-Auction will be conducted online through and the E-Auction
will be conducted with the help of service provider M/s Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. on
the date and time as mentioned above with extension of 10 minutes each for bid
increment and the minimum bid increment amount of Rs.1,00,000/-.
2.2. The Tender documents comprising detailed terms & conditions of the sale can be
obtained from the Hyderabad Regional office of IFCI Ltd. on payment of Rs.1,000/- or can
be downloaded from IFCI’s website ( However, in case Tender
Document is downloaded from the website of IFCI Ltd., the bidder shall deposit an
amount of Rs.1,000/- towards cost of Tender documents in addition to the EMD.
2.3. Persons wishing to participate are required to deposit (a) Earnest Money Deposit (b) His/
Her passport size photograph and (c) a self-attested copy of Photo ID proof.
2.4. The interested bidders shall submit their bid along with EMD being 10% of the Reserve
Price, as mentioned against the above property, by way of Demand Draft drawn in favor
of “IFCI LTD.” addressed to the “The Authorized Officer, IFCI Ltd., TARAMANDAL
COMPLEX (8TH FLOOR), 5-9-13, SAIFABAD, HYDERABAD – 500 004. The last date and time
for deposit of the bid amount along with the tender form addressed to the “The
Authorized Officer, IFCI Ltd. Hyderabad is 25/04/2017 upto 17.00.
2.5. Tenders accompanied by short EMD or without EMD and/ or with their own conditions
are liable to be rejected/ ignored summarily.
2.6. Tenders not accompanied by demand draft of Rs.1,000/-, in case the tender document is
downloaded from IFCI’s website, are also liable to be rejected/ ignored summarily.
2.7. On receipt of EMD the prospective bidders shall receive user-id/password on their valid
email id (mandatory for e-auction) from M/s Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. The Prospective
bidders may avail online training on e-auction from M/s Nextenders (India) Pvt. Ltd. The
helpdesk number of the service provider is 022-25315555 and email-
2.8. The EMD of the successful bidder shall be retained towards part sale consideration and
the EMD of unsuccessful bidder shall be refunded. The EMD shall bear no interest. The
successful bidder shall have to deposit 25% of the sale price (excluding EMD) by way of
demand draft favoring IFCI Ltd. payable at Hyderabad or through RTGS (RTGS details can
be obtained from IFCI’s office) by 1700 hrs. on same day or within the extended time
upto 1700 hrs. on next day if allowed by the Authorized officer Shri Anil Kumar Chauhan,
IFCI Ltd., Hyderabad Tel: 040-66623642/43/44 (M) 9990725738 & email
2.9. The successful bidder shall deposit the balance 75% amount of the sale proceeds on or
before the 15th day of the sale or within such extended period as agreed upon in writing
by and solely at the discretion of the Authorized officer. In case of default in making
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balance payment by the successful bidder, the amount already deposited will be forfeited
and the property will be put to re-auction and such bidder shall have no claim/right in
respect of property/amount.
2.10. The intending bidders should make their own independent inquiries and satisfy
themselves w.r.t encumbrances, title of the property put on auction and claims/rights
dues etc. affecting the property prior to submitting their bid. The e-auction
advertisement does not constitute and will not be deemed to constitute any commitment
or representation on behalf of IFCI Ltd. The Property is being sold with all the existing and
future encumbrances whether known or unknown to IFCI Ltd.
2.11. The Successful purchaser shall bear the applicable stamp duties/additional stamp
duty/transfer charges, fee etc. and also all the statutory/non-statutory dues, taxes, rates,
assessment charges, fee etc. owning to anybody.
2.12. The Authorized officer is not bound to accept the highest offer and the Authorized
officer has the absolute right to accept or reject any or all offer(s) or adjourn/postpone
or cancel the E-Auction without assigning any reason.
2.13. The parties interested may inspect the property on date and time as mentioned above
with prior intimation/permission of the Authorized officer.
2.14. The interested bidders are informed that the IFCI will not pay any cost ,damages ,
compensation etc., on any amount deposited by the bidder if any court/tribunal /forum
stays the auction proceedings or due to any delay in handing over the vacant possession
which may be caused due to stay /any other restrained order of any court /tribunal
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3.2 The Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ Asset Sale Committee (ASC) may also consider a
bid submitted by a consortium of persons/ companies. It is, however, made clear that
there should be no change in the consortium structure during the finalization of the
tender right up to the stage of depositing the bid amount in full with IFCI Ltd. If there
is/ are any change(s) in the consortium structure, Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/
ASC reserves the right to accept/ cancel the sale. However, the financial arrangement
between the parties should be specified in the tender documents.
3.3 No bid by a Consortium/ Partnership/ Company/ person shall be entertained if in the
opinion of the Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC apprehend reduction in
3.4 The bidder should thoroughly satisfy themselves about the nature, conditions and
quality of the assets. Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC gives no guarantee or
warranty as to the conditions of the assets/ material or/ its quality or fitness for any
specific purpose or use. It should be clearly understood that no claim/ complaint
about the quality/ conditions/ fitness for use will be entertained by Authorized
Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC/.
3.5 EMD and Quotations should be submitted in the prescribed form only, signed by the
bidder on each page in token of having accepted the same, and in a sealed cover.
Same should be addressed to “The Authorized Officer, IFCI Ltd., 8th Floor, Taramandal
Complex, 5-9-13, Saifabad, Hyderabad – 500004”, super-scribing “OFFER FOR
4.1 The tender should be accompanied with EMD as mentioned in the Sale Notice. EMD
has to be paid by way of crossed DD/ Pay Order drawn on any Nationalized/ Scheduled
bank in favour of IFCI Ltd. and payable at Hyderabad. No interest shall be payable on
the Earnest Money Deposit.
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4.2 Earnest Money in any other form, for example, cheque (including cheque made “good
for payment”), Bank Guarantee, Bid Bonds, Call Deposit etc. will not be acceptable to
Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC and such tenders are liable to be rejected.
4.3 The EMD of the successful bidder shall be retained towards part sale consideration
and the EMD of unsuccessful bidder shall be refunded. The EMD shall bear no interest.
The successful bidder shall have to deposit 25% of the sale price (less EMD) by way of
demand draft favoring IFCI Ltd. payable at Hyderabad or through RTGS (RTGS details
can be obtained from IFCI’s office) by 1700 hrs. on same day or within the extended
time upto 1700 hrs. on next day if allowed by the Authorized officer. In case of default
by the successful bidder, the amount already deposited will be forfeited and the
property will be put to re-auction and such bidder shall have no claim/right in respect
of property/amount.
4.4 The successful bidder shall deposit the balance amount of the sale proceeds on or
before the 15th day of the sale or within such extended period as agreed upon in
writing by and solely at the discretion of the Authorized officer. In case of default by
the successful bidder, the amount already deposited will be forfeited and the property
will be put to re-auction and such bidder shall have no claim/ right in respect of
property/ amount.
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b) The Terms and Conditions of the Tender, duly signed by the tenderer on each page
in token of having accepted the same in toto.
c) A demand draft of Rs.1,000/- in case the tender documents are downloaded from
the IFCI web-site.
5.3 The Tenders/ Bids will not be accepted in case the same are sent through fax/ e-mail.
5.4 Incomplete tender or tenders submitted with qualifying conditions or with conditions
at variance with the Terms and Conditions of Tender Document are liable to be
6.1 The EMD of the successful bidder shall be retained towards part sale consideration.
The successful bidder shall have to deposit 25% of the sale price (excluding EMD) by
way of demand draft favoring IFCI Ltd. payable at Hyderabad or through RTGS (RTGS
details can be obtained from IFCI’s office) by 1700 hrs. on same day or within the
extended time upto 1700 hrs. on next day if allowed by the Authorized officer.
6.2 The balance amount of the sale consideration is to be paid on or before 15th day of
the sale date or within such extended period as agreed upon in writing by and solely
at the discretion of the Authorized officer.
In case payment is delayed by the purchaser, the Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC
at its sole discretion, may extend the payment period along with interest. However, in
case the balance purchase consideration along with the due interest is not paid within
the extended period as may be prescribed, the sale of the respective asset will be
automatically cancelled and the Earnest Money Deposit of the successful bidder and
other money deposited till date will automatically stand forfeited.
All taxes, duties, charges, fees etc. if applicable and related to the unit shall be paid by
the purchaser.
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On receipt of entire sale consideration IFCI Ltd., will issue Certificate of Sale as
provided under the Rules to SRFA & ESI Act, 2002, in favour of the purchaser and the
purchaser will take all necessary steps to take over the possession of the assets
In the event of non-fulfillment of the terms and conditions by the bidder, Authorized
Officer/ IFCI Ltd./ ASC shall cancel the contract/ sale with immediate effect, in which
case, the EMD along with any amount paid shall stand forfeited.
Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC shall not be liable for any failure or delay in
performance due to any cause beyond their control including fires, floods, strikes, go-
slow, lock-out, closure, pestilence, distilence, dislocation of normal working
conditions, war, riots, epidemics, political upheavals, Governments actions, civil
commotion, breakdown of machinery, shortage of labour acts, demand or otherwise
or any other cause or conditions beyond the control of aforesaid causes or not and the
existence of such cause or consequence may operate at the sole discretion of IFCI Ltd.
to extend the time of performance on the part of IFCI Ltd. by such period as may be
necessary to enable IFCI Ltd. to effect performance after the cause of delays will have
ceased to exist. The provisions aforesaid shall not be limited or abrogated by any other
terms of the contract whether printed or written.
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12.1 It should be noted by the tenderer(s) that by entering into this contract, Authorized
Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC is not precluded from entering into similar contracts with
anyone else of their choice at any time during the subsistence of this contract.
12.2 Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC shall have the right to issue addendum to tender
documents to clarify, amend, modify, supplement or delete any of the conditions
clauses or items stated therein. Each addendum so issued shall form a part of original
invitation to tender.
12.3 In case offer is not accepted, the bidder shall not be entitled to claim any cost, charges,
expenses incidental to or incurred by the bidder through or in connection with the
submission of the offer even though Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC may elect
to withdraw the invitation for quotation. Should all invitation for quotation be
withdrawn or cancelled by Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC for which Authorized
Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC shall have the right to do so at any time, the Earnest Money
paid by the bidders with the quotation will be refunded (without interest) to them in
due course.
12.4 The tenderer/ bidder shall bear all the cost associated with the preparation and
submission of bid. Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC will not, in any case, be
responsible or liable for any such costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the
tender process.
12.5 Unless otherwise specified, the bid amount in the tender form should be quoted both
in figures and in words. Tenders containing overwritten or erased bid amounts are
liable to be rejected in absence of any authentication by the tenderer’s signatures.
12.6 Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC reserves the right to cancel/ reject any or all the
quotations without assigning any reason thereof.
12.7 The submission of the tender means and implies that the tenderer/ bidder has
unconditionally agreed to and accepted all the above terms and conditions of the
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12.8 Intending tenderer(s) may obtain any clarification required before tendering.
Submission of tender implies the tenderer(s) has obtained all the clarifications
12.9 The decision of the Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC in the matter, arising out of
this sale, shall be final in regard to all matters relating to the sale.
12.10 All suits or proceedings relating to any dispute or claim arising out of or in course of
performance of this contract shall be filed in appropriate court having jurisdiction in
12.11 Tenderers must ensure the following while submitting the tender:
12.12 Tenderer should state whether he/ she is a relative of any Director(s) of IFCI Ltd. or
Tenderer is a firm in which Director(s) or his relative is a partner or tenderer is a
company in which Director of IFCI Ltd. or his relatives are member(s) or Director(s).
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Annexure – I
All that pieces and parcels of property admeasuring 76.80 acres or 31.08 Hectors, situated at the
following Khasras in:
A. Salaigodhani Village, Nagpur (Rural), Nagur, Maharashtra
B. Pewtha Village, Nagpur (Rural), Nagur, Maharashtra
together with all the buildings, structures and sheds constructed and/or to be constructed thereon
and all the plant and machinery attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached
to the earth or installed and/or to be installed thereon, and every part thereof, fixtures and fittings
erected /installed and / or to be erected / installed thereon and every part thereof.
S.No. Khasra Area Boundaries
No. (Hectares)
A. In Salaigodhani Village, Nagpur (Rural), Nagur, Maharashtra
1. 72 2.68 East: Kh. No.71, West: Pewtha Shiv, North: Kh. No.73/4 & 73/3,
South: Kaldongri Shiv)
2. 73/1 1.00 East: Kh. No.71, West Kh. No. 73/2, North: Pewtha-Salaigodhani
Road, South: Kh. No.71
3. 73/2 1.22 East: Kh.No.73/1, West: 73/3, North: Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road,
South: Kh. No.71
B. In Pewtha Village, Nagpur (Rural), Nagpur, Maharashtra
4. 100/2 1.55 East: Kh.No.99 & 101/4, West: Kharsoli-Kaldongri Road, North:
Kh.No.100/1, South: Kh.No.100/3
5. 101/4 1.21 East: Kh.No.101/2, West: Kh.No.100/3, 100/4 & 100/2, North:
Kh.No.99, South: Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road
6. 109 2.94 East: Kh.No.104, West: Kh.No.110, North: Kh.No.108, South:
Kaldongri Shiv
7. 110 2.02 East: Kh.No.109, West: Kharsoli-Kaldongri Road, North: Kharsoli-
Kaldongri Road, South: Kaldongri Shiv
8. 98/2 1.01 East: Salaigodhani Shiv, West: Kh. No.99, North: Kh. No.96 & 97,
South: Kh. No.101
9. 99 4.27 East: Kh. No.98, West: Kh. No.100 & Pandhan Road, North: Kh.
No.94 & 97, South: Kh. No.101 & 101
10. 100/1 1.55 East: Kh. No.99, West: Pandhan Road, North: Kh. No.99, South:
Kh. No.100/2
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11. 101/3 1.22 East: Kh. No.101/1, West: Kh. No.101/2, North: Kh. No.99, South:
Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road
12. 102 4.08 East: Salaigodhani Shiv, West: Kh. No.105/1, 105/2 & 105/3,
North: Pewtha-Salaigodhani Road, South: Kh. No.103
13. 103 1.41 East: Salaigodhani Shiv, West: Kh. No.104, North: Kh. No.102,
South: Kaldongri Shiv
14. 104 1.64 East: Kh. No.103, West: Kh. No.109, North: Kh. No.105/1 & 108,
South: Kaldongri Shiv
15. 105/1 1.28 East: Kh. No.102, West: Kh. No.108, North: Kh. No.105/2, South:
Kh. No.104
16. 105/2 1.00 East: Kh. No.102, West: Kh. No.106 & 107, North: Kh. No.105/3,
South: Kh. No.105/1
17. 105/3 1.28 East: Kh. No.102, West: Kh. No.106, North: Pewtha-Salaigodhani
Road, South: Kh. No.105/2)
Annexure – II
The Authorized Officer,
IFCI Ltd.,
8th Floor, Taramandal Complex,
5-9-13, P.O. Box No.57,
Hyderabad – 500 004.
1.3 Age:
1.4 Whether the bidder is competent to contract under Indian Contract Act, 1872 as per
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 / Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 in
case of NRI (Tick whichever is applicable)
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1.5 Present Business Activity:
vi. Address
vii. Telephone No.
viii. Fax No.
ix. E-Mail No.
3. Particulars of Bid
3.1 The price offered is Rs. __________________
towards the property mentioned in the Annexure I hereinabove, belonging to M/s
SEW Vidarbha Infrastructure Limited, mortgaged for the financial facility availed by
Certified that:-
1. I/ We agree to abide by the decision of the Authorized Officer/ IFCI Limited/ ASC
2. I/ We have read and understood terms and condition and hereby unequivocally and
unconditionally accept the same.
3. I/ We have inspected the site of the Unit and have/ has satisfied myself/ ourselves for
which the bid is being submitted.
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Date: Applicant’s Signatures
Full Name:
Name: Mr./ Ms./ M/s
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