PDF - Lista 02 - Conjunções
PDF - Lista 02 - Conjunções
PDF - Lista 02 - Conjunções
waistlines in a country where we things that didn’t matter that much — times when you
traditionally do not like telling individuals what to do. could be a true fan of the Manchester United soccer
It is interesting to note that Mr Selbie does not team when you didn’t come from the city of
ascribe to the Big Brother approach of ceaseless Manchester?
legislation and nannying. 2Rather, he is keen to How things have changed.
promote choices – making the case passionately that Now disagreements feel deadly serious. Like when
people should be encouraged to embrace good health. your colleague pronounces that wearing a face mask in
One of his suggestions is that parents feed their public is a threat to his liberty. Or when you see that
children from smaller plates. That way the child can one of your friends has just tweeted that, actually, all
clear his or her plate, as ordered, without actually lives matter. Before you know it, you’re feeling angry
consuming too much. Like all good ideas, this is rooted and forming harsh new judgments about your
in common sense. colleagues and friends. Let’s take a collective pause
and breathe: there are some ways we can all try to
(www.telegraph.co.uk. Adaptado.) have more civil disagreements in this febrile age of
culture wars.
hopefully, collectively, we can start having country’s geographic isolation and partly because of
more constructive disagreements — even in our the “linguistic loyalty” of its people. “The indigenous
present very difficult times. people refused to learn Spanish,” he said. “The
imperial governors had to learn to speak Guaraní.” But
(Christian Jarrett. www.bbc.com, 14.10.2020. while it remains under pressure from Spanish,
Adaptado.) Paraguayan Guaraní is itself part of the threat looming
over the country’s other indigenous languages.
Paraguay’s 19 surviving indigenous groups each have
8. No trecho do quarto parágrafo “whereas those their own tongue, but six of them are listed by Unesco
more predisposed to ‘decouple’ prefer to consider an as severely or critically endangered.
issue in isolation”, o termo sublinhado introduz The benefits of speaking the country’s two official
a) uma explicação. languages were clear. Spanish remains the language of
b) um exemplo. government, and Paraguayan Guaraní is widely spoken
c) um contraste. in rural areas, where it is a key requisite for many
d) uma condição. jobs. But the value of maintaining other tongues was
e) uma consequência. incalculable, said Alba Eiragi Duarte, a poet from the
Ava Guaraní people. “Our culture is transmitted
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: through our own language: culture is language. When
“Culture is language”: why an indigenous we love our language, we love ourselves.”
tongue is thriving in Paraguay
(William Costa. www.theguardian.com, 03.09.2020.
(www.tate.org.uk. Adaptado.)
Leia o texto sobre uma exposição no museu Tate
Modern, em Londres, para responder à(s)
questão(ões) a seguir.
12. No trecho do segundo parágrafo “Nevertheless, a 13. No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “But there is
military coup in 1964”, o termo sublinhado indica another reason for us to rethink our relationships with
a) contraste. our devices”, o termo sublinhado introduz uma
b) consequência. a) oposição.
c) opinião. b) conclusão.
d) aprovação. c) exclusão.
e) alternativa. d) adição.
e) explicação.
Leia o texto para responder à(s) questão(ões) a seguir. 14. Read the text and answer question.
in farms, an animal disease can become a to be reminded of the rules and regulations on a
human one. routine basis”.
A front-runner for global pandemics is the Teams of inspectors will observe and review the
seasonal influenza virus, which mutates so much that a procedures of commanders and their staffs. The
vaccine must be custom-made every year. The Spanish inspections will not be punitive, but will provide a
flu pandemic of 1918, which killed 50 million to 100 “periodic opportunity for general officers to understand
million people, was a potent version of the “swine flu” whether, from an institutional perspective, we think
that emerged in 2009. The H5N1 “avian flu” strain, they are inside or outside the white lines”, he said. In
deadly in 60% of cases, came about in the 1990s addition, new programs will be instituted to ensure
when a virus that sickened birds made the jump to a that a commander’s staff, and a spouse, are fully
human. Ebola, HIV and Zika took a similar route. aware of military regulations.
“In my 39 years in the military, I have learned that
(www.economist.com, 08.02.2018. Adaptado.) you are not a profession just because you say you are.
You have to earn it and re-earn it and re-evaluate it
from time to time”, General Dempsey said.
15. No trecho do primeiro parágrafo “Moreover, when
humans get too close to beasts”, o termo sublinhado Adapted from www.nytimes.com/2013/04/14/us
a) acréscimo.
b) decorrência. 16. In the sentence “Conversely, you can have...”
c) comparação. (ref. 2), the word conversely indicates
d) condição. that the two situations described in the paragraph
e) finalidade. a) have similar elements.
b) have opposite elements.
TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO: c) have identical elements.
Military Officers Face a New Evaluation d) have chronological elements.
e) have unbelievable elements.
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, is leading important changes following TEXTO PARA A PRÓXIMA QUESTÃO:
recent scandals involving high-ranking officers. This is The following text refers to question(s)
part of training and development programs for
generals and admirals. They will include new courses LAUGHING ALL THE WAY
to train the security detail, executive staffs and even
the spouses of senior officers. Understanding jokes is part of the process of
Saying 1he was disturbed about the misconduct native language acquisition, and jokes are part of the
issues, General Dempsey said that evaluations of top charm that belongs to any language. Learning to
officers needed to go beyond the traditional understand jokes in a new language is both a cause,
assessment of professional performance by superior and a consequence, of language proficiency (Cook
officers alone. He said that he had decided the 2000).
changes were necessary “to assess both competence The most obvious benefit of understanding
and character in a richer way”. jokes is that it can help students feel more comfortable
“You can have someone of incredible character who in their new language. A shared moment of humor
can’t lead their way out of a forward operating base lowers the affective filter, that invisible barrier that
because they don’t have the competence to makes learners feel awkward and uncomfortable. A
understand the application of military power, and that low affective filter is one of the cornerstones of
doesn’t do me any good”, General Dempsey said. successfully learning a new language (Krashen 1982).
“2Conversely, you can have someone who is intensely If a class can laugh together, they are likely to learn
competent in the skills of the profession, but doesn’t better together, too. Jokes based on wordplay have
live a life of character. And that doesn’t do me any additional benefits because they build metalinguistic
good.” awareness, or conscious awareness of the forms of
General Dempsey said that regular professional language, and this, ___( I )___, helps in learning
reviews would be transformed from top-down more language (Ely and McCabe 1994; Zipke 2008;
assessments to the kind of “360-degree performance Lems 2011). In particular, metalinguistic awareness
evaluation”, which includes feedback from boots reading comprehension and encourages higher-
subordinates, peers and superiors. For the new order thinking.
training programs, he said that while it may be ___( II )___ native speakers need to access
impossible to prevent infractions, “most officers need a great deal of linguistic information and background
knowledge to “get” a joke (Aarons 2012). At the same
time, jokes that are based on wordplay in amplify uncertainty. Because the other side of
another language can be really hard to understand uncertainty is opportunity.
because they need to be processed very quickly. In a Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for
social setting where everyone is standing around someone to tell you it’s all going to be okay or for
chatting, understanding a joke that comes up may perfect information to drop from the sky. Doesn’t
seem like a high-stakes test. Not understanding a joke happen that way. Great work requires you to act in the
in this situation can make someone feel like an face of uncertainty, to live in the question long enough
outsider and create a sense of isolation. ___( III for your true potential to emerge. There is no
)___, an important part of learning a new language is alternative.
learning to enjoy its jokes. 1When you find the strength to act in the face of
uncertainty, you till the soil of genius.
Puns: A special form of joke 2Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease,
anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most
Puns are a special form of humor based on genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary
double meanings. Puns are sometimes nicknamed “the endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not
lowest form of humor” and often greeted with groans, because they wouldn’t have succeeded, but because
but in fact, the language knowledge needed to you never equipped yourself to 8handle and even
understand a pun is very sophisticated (Pollack harness the emotional energy of the journey.
2011).___( IV )__ they require processing the sound But, what if it didn’t have to be that way?
and meaning of words twice, puns demand What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and
considerable language agility. __( V )__ humor based self-doubt that rides along with acting in the face of
on sight gags, funny facial expressions, or amusing uncertainty—4the head-to-toe butterflies—into fuel for
visual arrangements, the humor of pun is based on brilliance?
language play. Turns out, there is. 3Your ability to lean into the
unknown isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather
ENGLISH TEACHING FORUM – VOLUME 51 NUMBER 1 it’s something entirely trainable. I’ve spent the past
2013 few years interviewing world-class creators across a
wide range of fields and 9pouring over research that
spans neuroscience, decision-theory, psychology,
17. The words that properly fill in blanks I, II, III, creativity and business.
IV and V, in the text, are Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices
a) even so / further / in spite of all / consequently / and strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge
then insight, creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but
b) next / although / then / since / different from also help ameliorate so much of the suffering so often
c) for that / basically / from my view / then / thus associated with the pursuit of any creative quest.
d) despite / so / after all / as / unfortunately
e) in turn / even / for all these reasons / because / Fonte: http://zenhabits.net/fearfuel. Acesso em
unlike 07/12/2011. Texto adaptado.
Clean coal*
If this new term was intended to be clear, it hasn’t
In “Politics and the English Language” (1946), Talk about sleepless nights.
George Orwell wrote that 4because so much political
speech involves defending the indefensible, 11it has to
Patients taking prescription sleep aids on a or more to fall asleep,” said Dr. Woloshin, who is
regular basis were nearly five times as likely as non- advocating for new labeling that spells out how well a
users to die over a period of two and a half years, drug actually works compared with a placebo. “But
according to a recent study. Even those prescribed even when the drugs work better than placebos, and
fewer than 20 pills a year were at risk, the researchers they don’t always, people still don’t fall asleep in less
found; heavy users also were more likely to develop than 30 minutes, and they still don’t sleep much longer
cancer. than six hours.”
Unsurprisingly, the findings, published online in the March 12, 2012 / www.nytimes.com
journal BMJ, have caused a quite a stir. Americans
filled some 60 million prescriptions for sleeping pills
last year, up from 47 million in 2006, according to IMS 20. The underlined word “still” in “Still, the findings
Health, a health care services company. Panicked underscore concern about the exploding use of
patients have been calling doctors’ offices seeking sleeping pills.” could be replaced, without changing its
reassurance; some others simply quit the pills cold meaning, by:
turkey. a) yet
b) owing to
Some experts were quick to point out the study’s c) so that
shortcomings. The analysis did not prove that sleeping d) regardless of
pills cause death, critics noted, only that there may be e) furthermore
a correlation between the two. And while the authors
suggested the sleeping pills were a factor in the
deaths, those who use sleep aids tend as a group to
be sicker than those who don’t use them. The deaths
may simply be a reflection of poorer health.