Philo On The Creation Loeb 1929

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Deut. xx. 20. 12, Spec. iv. 229.

xxi. 15-17. L.A. ii. 48, Sae.. l9, Sob.21,Her. 49, Spec. ii.136.
18-21. Ebr. 14, 2tl, 93, ltfut. 206, Spec. ii. 232.
xxii. 8. Agr. 170, $pee. iii. 149.
xxiii. 1, 2. Deus 111, Ebr. 213, Conj. 144, Mig. 69, LIST OF PHILO'S WORKS
!,fut. 205, Som. ii. 184, Spec. i. 326.
12, 18. L . .-1. ii. 27, iii. 151.
15, 16. L.4. iii. 194, Virt. 124. SHOWING THEIR DIVISION INTO VOLUMES
17. Mig. 2;24, Jos. 43, ,Sp6a. i. 326, iii. 51. IN THIS EDITION
xxv. II, 12. Som. II. 68, $71e1·. iii. J'T5. VOLUME
13-16. Her. I Gi, ,~om. ii . 1.93. I. On the Creotl.oo (De Opilicio Mundi)
xxvii. 9. Her. 10, Som. i. 193, ii. 263. Allegorico.l Intcrpretati.on (Legum Allegoriae)
17. L.A. iii. 107, Post. 84.
xxviii. 12. L.A. iii. 104, Deus 156, Her. 76, Praem. 107. II. On U1e Cherubim (De Cherubim)
xxx. 11-14. Poat. 85, Mut. 237, Som. ii. 180, Virt. 183, On the Sacrifices of Abel and Cain (De Sacrificiis
Praem. 80. AbeJls et Caini)
15. Deus 50, F1tg. aa. The Worse attacks the Better (Quod Deterlus Potiori
19, 20. Post. 12, 69, Dt u:t 50, Cong. 134, Fug. 58. insidiari solet)
xxxii. 4. Sob. IO, Mut. 182. On the Posterity and Exile of Cain (De Posteritate
7-9. 89, Plant. 59, Cong. 58. Calni)
15. Poat. 121, Con,q. 160. On the Giants (De Glgantibus)
32, 33. Eb1·. 222, Som. ii. 191. Ill. On the Unchanrbleness of God (Quod Deus im-
xxxiii. I. lffttt. 25, ISM. mutabilis sit
9. L.A. ii. 51, Ebr. 72, Fug. 89. On H usbandry (I e A,irlcultura)
On Nori.l1'a Work a.s o.t 'Janter (De Plantatione)
On Drunkenness (De Ebrietnte)
On Sobriety (De Sobrietate)
1 Sam. i. 28. Deus 6, Som. i. 254.
ii. 5. Deus JO, Mut. 143. IV. On the Confusion of Tongues (De Confuslone Lin-
ix. 9. Deus 139, Mig. :38, Her. 78, guarom)
On the Mig ration of Abraham (De Mi...,.atlone Abra-
hami) .....
PsAr.~ts Who is the Hclr (Quls Ren.on Divlno.rum Heres)
Ps. xxiii. (xxii.) 1, A,qr. 50, 1l/11t. 115. On the Preliminary Studies (De Congressu quaerendae
xxxvii. (xxxvi.) 4. Plant. 39, Som. ii. 2411. Eruditionis gratia)
V. On F light and Finding (De Fuga et Inventione)
PROVERBS On the Change of Names (De M utatione Nominum)
Prov. viii. 22. Ebr. 31, Virt. 62. On D reams (De Somniis)
VI. On Abro.ltam (De Abrahamo)
HosEA On Joseph (De losepho)
Mose.g (De Vita Mosla)
Hos. xiv. 9, 10. Plant. ms, J,fut. 139.


be says, by the one being called" the Spirit f God,"

and the other pronounced " good " or '' beautiful."
Ile sees darkness sevel'ed from light by the barrier
of twilight; and the birth of Time on •• D11y One."
Philo strangely infers that a whole day was devot d
to t h creation of the visib le henven from the
mention of a " second day " after that creation.
I,and o.~d sen are then formed by the briny wn e1·
being withdrawn from 'the sp ngc-like ·arth and the
A BooK of Laws, says Philo, is fitly prefaced by a frc ·h wat r left in it ; ancl the land is bidden to
Cosmogony. The theme dealt with by a Cosmogony
bring forth tr es and plants. It is bidden to do . o
is, indeed, too lofty for adequate treatment. In
Moses' treatment of it, two salient points at once
b~fore s u1~ and _m on are .made, that men may not
meet the eye. The world's origin is ascribed to a 11 bule 1ts fruitfulness to tl\es .
Corning no, to the work of he fourth day, Philo
Maker, who is Himself unoriginate, and who cares for
t.,rings ou the significance of tJ1e number ,1., and
what He has made.
points to he boons confened n body and mind by
By " six days " Moses does not indicate a space
T.,ig~t, ,~h~ch. has given rise to philosophy by drawing
of time in which the world made, but the prin- mun s VlSIOTI upward to tlie heavenly bodies. He
c1ple.s of order and produclzvtl!J which governed its sees the purposes of these in their giving light, fore-
showing coming events, marking the seasons, and
Before the emergence of the material world there
measuring time.
existed, in the Divine Word or Reason, the incorporeal The fifth day is fitly given to the creation of
world, as the design of a city exists in the brain of
creatur es endowed with five senses.
the designer. In connexion with the creation of man, Philo
The efficient cause of the universe (we must
points out (a) the beauty of the seq uence, nscending
remember) is Goodness; and Goodness to be attained
(in living things) from lowest to h ighest; (b) the
by it as its capacity permits, is its fin~] cause.
reference, not to body, but to rnin d, in the words
The incorporeal world may be described as " the
" after our image " ; (c) the implication of exactness
Word of God engaged in the act of creating." And
in the. addition " after our likeness " ; (d) the co-
the Word is the Image of God. In that, man (the
operat10n of other agents implied in " let us make "
part), and therefore the universe (the whole) was
such co-operation accounting (so Philo suggests) f~r
the possibility of sin ; (e) four reasons for man corning
" In ~he beginning "means for Philo the precedence
last, viz.-
of the mcorporeal heaven and invisible earth. The
pre-eminence of Life-breath and Light are shown, (1) that he might find all ready for him;

(2) that he migh t use Cod's gifts as such; sequences are dealt with in§§ 153-169. The Garden,
(3) that MM, a miniuture Heaven, might corre- we are told, represents the dominant power of th e
spond to Lh Heaven whosr crealion came soul and the Serpent represents Pleasure, and is
fi~; . eminently fitte d to do so. His use of n human voic
(4) that his sudden appearance might over-awe the js considered. The praise of the "snake-fighter "
beasts. jn Lev. xi. 22 is 1· ferr d to. Stress is laid on the fnct
th1tt P leas ure assails the man tl1rough t.hc woman.
His place in t he s ·ries is no sig11 of infcriol'ity.
Th elfe ts of tl1e Fn ll on the woman and on tl1e man
T urn ing to the Seventh Dny Philo notes ils dignity,
are traced.
and enlnrges on t h properties of lhe number 7, The treatise ends with a short summary of the
(a) in tl1ings incorporeal (89-100); (b) in the materi al lessons of the Cosmogony. These are:
crc1ltion: (u) the heavenly bodies (101 f.); U3) t l1>
stages of man's grow th (103-l0.5) ; (y) as 3 + 4 (J 06) ; (1) the eternal existence of God (as against
(8) in the progression (l 0'7-ll 0) ; (<) in all visibl atheism);
existence (111-116); (C) .in man, and nil that he sees (2) the unity of God (as against polytheism);
(ll7-12l) and experiences (121-125); (tJ) in gramnrnr (3) the non-eternity of the world ;
and music (126 f.). (4) the unity of the world;
After speaking of the honour paid by Moses to (5) the Providence of God.
the number 7, Philo, treating Gen. ii. 4 f. as a con-
cluding summary, claims it as a proof that Gen. i.
records a creation of incorporeal ideas. After a dis-
quisition on the subj ect of fresh water, to which he
is led by Gen. ii. 6, lie goes on to deal ,~ith the
~ru·th-b()rn man (Gen. ?· 7), "·horn h • disLingnisL s
from the man aftel' God's image . Tbe being
of fl,c form r is composite, ea rthly substance and J3rcot~. Proofs and a~ ,Hlu:,tration are given
of l11s surpuss mg excellence. 1 he tit1e of .. the only
world-citizen "is claimed for him , nnd its sig nifi cance
broughL out. His physical excellence can be guessed
from the faint truces of it found iu his posterity. l t
is to call out his intelligence th11t he is required to
name ·Lhe animals. Wom11n is t he occasion of bis
The Garden, the Serpent, the Fall and its con-
4 5
J. WHILE among other ln:wgivers some have nakedly
(I. I) I I. T WI> a'.A.\wv voµ,oBl;TWV Ot /J,EJJ ctKaAAwmaTa
J and without emb ellishment drawn up a code of the
Kai yvµva T(L voµia(NvTa Trap' aihots dvat 0£Kata thing· held to be right among tht:ir people, antl
ou,Ta.(avTo, ol OE TTo.\uv &yKov TOLS' vo~µaat 7rpoa- oLbers, dressing up their ideas in much irrnlevant
m,ptf)a.\6vT1aS', E(1aTv<pwaav Ta 7r,\~()7], µvBtKOLS' and cumbersome matter, have befogged the 111asses
\ I I ' \ '() ' 1 ,/, MWVU7JS' ~
and hidden t.he truth under their fictions, Moses,
2 TT11aaµaat T1)V a117J €Lav 1;7TLKPV'l'aVTlaS', disdaining either coill·se, the one as devoid of I.he
~) t I f f3 I
0 , €Kan,pov V7T€p as, TO f-UV WS' aaK€7TTOV Kat
\ \ t H \
philo opher's painstaking effort to explore his subject
> \ I I >,J, \ I ,J, I ~· r
aTa11atTTwpov Kat a'l't11oao'l'ov, TO o WS' KaT- thorougl1ly, the otl1er as full of falsehood and im-
.J, I
postur , introduc:ed his laws with an adn1irable and
€'1'fvaµ€vov Kat\ µ€aTov \ I
yo7JT€taS', TTayKal\7]V Kat
I\ \

a€µVoTO.T7JV apx~v ETTOt~aaTO TWV voµwv, µ~T' mos1; impressive exordium. He r frained, on the one
hand, from stating abruptly what should be practiser!
d1Bus & XP~ TTPO.TT€LV ~ TOUVaVT£0V V7T€L7TWV µ~T·, or avoid d, and on the other J,and, in face of the
ETTHO~ TTpoTvTTwaai TfLS' oiavo{as Twv XP7Jaoµlvwv necessit.y of preparing the minds of those who were
TOLS' v6µotS' dvayKafov ~v, µvBovs TTAaaa.µ€VOS' ~ to live under th e laws for tJ1eir reception, he refrained
3 avvatv€aas ' ~
TOLS' • ,I,'
v'I' • '
€T€pwv avvT€ () Haw.~
1/• o~· from foventing myths him.~elf 01· acquiescing in those
J I ()' H,J, >
apx7J, Ka aTT€P €'1'7JV, €aTL avµaatwTaT1), Koaµ,o- I() I composed by oth ·s. His exordium, as I have Mid,
t is on thnL excites our admiration in the highest
TTouav ' I
7r€pt€xovaa, ws Kat\ TOV- Koaµov I
Ttp"" voµcp

degree. It consists of an accoun of the cr eation of

Kai TOU . v6µov T<p K6aµ,cp avvefoovTOS', Kai TOU the world, implying that the world is in harmony
voµ{µov cl.vopos EuBvs OVTOS' KOUJJ,07TOA£TOV, 7rpos with the Law, and the Law with the world, and Lhat
t:/ I,\ ~ ,1, I It, > () I
TOI tJOV 7Jµa T1)S' 'l'VO"EWS Tas I
7rpa!,€LS' a7T€V VVOVTOS, the man who observes the law is constituted thereby
KaB' ~]) Kai avµTTas 1C6aµ,os 0LOLK€LTat. o loyal citizen of the wo rld," regulating his doings
by the purpose and will of Natm:e, in accorda.nee
• "World" means, of comse, the " Universe" or with which the entire world itself also is odminist reel.
"Kosmos." See App. p. 475, 7

4 TO µ,Jv oov l(a,\,\oS' TWV VOYJJ1,llTWV TfjS' Koaµ,01rodaS'

No,1 it is true that no writer in verse or
'~ ' " ' ,, \ ',J. 'C'tWS' al'
,, prose could possibly do justire to the beauty of the
OVOELS', OVTE 7TOLYJTYJS' OVTE: 11oyoypa'f'OS', as ideas embodied in th is accouut of the creation of the
l"l • -
-. VJ1,VYJUUt <:, I
ovvatTO' KatI yap I I 11oyov
\I KaiI al(OYJV , I •
V7TEp- kosmo!l . For they transcend om· capacity of speech
I\\ 'Y
f3 a/11\EL, J1,EL!,W Kat aeµ,voTEpa OVTa 'Y) WS' VYJTOV~
I I " " ' () and of ltenring, llciog too grcaL n.nrl m,gust to he:
6 TWOS' opyavotS' Jvapµ,oaBfjvat. OU µ,~v Dta TovO' :1tlj ustr.d to tli e tongue or earof any mortal. ~ verthe-
< >\\> " ,J._ \ - 1 ss t.h y must not on this ace unt be passed over in
a1111 EVEKa TOV- () EO't'tl\OVS' KatI V1TEP t I
sil ence. Nay for the sake of t he God-b )pvcd author
8Jvaµ,tv €7TLTOAµ,T)TEOV Myew, o'tKoOev µ,ev OUDEV, we must be venturesome even beyond our power.
>\ I > >,J._> > ()
011iya o<:,> avn I \ \ -
7TOI\I\WV, E't' a~ T'Y}V I
av pw7TtV'Y}V I
We shall fetch nothing from our own store, but, with
,J..() I
otavotav 't' avnv ELKOS' epwn Kat 1ro ~ ao't'ta,
" I > I " \ '() ..J. I a g r al nn ny of points before us , we shall mention
6 KaTEaXT)J1,Eli'YJV, WS' yap TWV KoAoaaiatwv µ,eycBwv
only n few, such as w 01;1y be lieve to be withfo
reach of t he human mind when possessed by love
TaS' \ > ,J._ I
Ej1,'faUELS' Kat\ 'Yt) f3 paxvTaT'Y} I ,J._
a't'paytS' I
TV7TW () Etaa ~
11nd longi11g for wisdom . The n1 inu test senl takes
~ I ti I \ \ .,.. ) ...J... I
OEXETat, OVTWS' Taxa 7TOV Kat Ta T'YJS' avaypa't'ELU'Y}S' in unit r t h . graver's band the contours of colossal
> - I I
EV TOtS' voµ,OtS' KOUJ1,07TOU(l.5' V1TEp a11110VTa Kal\l\'Y},
t f3 I \ \ f\ \
figures. o perchance sho.11 the beauties of the
Kat TatS' µ,apµ,apvyatS' TaS' TWV EVTvyxav6vTwv world's creation recorded in t he Laws . trnn ·cendent
as they are and d nz1._Ung as tl1~y do 1,y their bright
i/,vxaS' €7TLUKtd.,OVTa, f3paxvTEp0tS' 1rapa811Aw8+ g leams th e souls of read rs, be indicated by de-
UETat xapaKTfjpatv, €7TELDav EKELVO J1,YJVV0fi rrp6- lineations minute and slight. But first we must
npov, orrep OUK Jbov a.1roa,w1rfjaat. draw att~ntion to a matter which ot1ght not to lle
7 II. T WES' y&.p, TOY K6aµ,oy µ,6.,\,\oy ~ TOY Koaµ,o - passed over in silence.
1ro,ov Bavµ,&.aaYTCS', TOY µ.Jv dyiv71T6v TE Kat d{Swv II. There are some people who, having the world
"' B
in admiration rather than the Maker of the world,
, ,J.. I
\\' a1rpas , i:.'Lall avayvwS'
' I
pro11ounce it to be without beginning and everlasting,
,/, I <:, I >I \ - I \ <:, I
KaTE't'EvaaVTO, OEOV eµ.1ra11tv, TOV µ.ev TUS' ovvaµ,ELS' while with impious fa lsehood they postulate in God
WS' 7TOLYJTOV Kat 7TaTpOS' KaTaTTAayfjYat, TOY 8e µ.~ a vast inactivity ; whereas we ought on the contrnry
B 77,\/oy a.1roaeµ.yvvai TOV µ.eTplov. McuvafjS' 81, Kat to be nstonied at His powers as Maker and Father,
and not to assign to the worltl II disproportionate
cp,Aoaocp{aS' €7T' aU~Y cp()aaaS' a.Kp6TYJTU, Kai majesty. Moses, both because hr. had attained the
XPYJUJ1,0LS' Ta 7ro,\,\a, Kat avYEKTtKwTaTa TWY TfjS' very summit of philosophy, and b cause he hnd be ·n
,J._ I > C:, <:, () I >I C:, \ ~ > I I
..,,vaEWS' avaowax ELS', eyyw OYJ on aYayKatoTaToY divinely instructed in the greater nnd most. essential
£aTLV Ev Tots o'Oat 7() µEv E"lva., SpaaT~ptov aLTtOJJ, purl of Nature's lore, could not fail to recognize that
the universal must consist of two pnrt •, one part
8 9

\ C:,\
7Ta 1JTOV' KaL
I \
ft \
TO J,L€V opaurr,pwv
\ ~ I
' -
TWV active Cause and the other passive object; and that
ff\ - >
01\WV VOVS' EUTLV ELI\LKpLVEO'TaTo,: KaL aKpm.,,veu-ra- t\ ' I > ,)_ ' the active Cause is the perfectly pure and unsullied
Mind f the uni v rs , tran ccnding virtu , transcend-
TOS', KpELTTWV ~ aper~. Kai KpelTTWV ~ £1TLUT~µ71, ing knowledge, transcending the good itself and the
Kai KpelTTWV ~ aUTO TO ci.yaBov Kat aUTO TO KaAov· b m1tifol itself ; while Lhe passive part is in itself
9 TO\ I, I
' a't'VXOV
",/, > '
f - incapable oflifc nud motion, but, when set in motion
y,VXW e·
and :;haped and quickened by Mind, h:rnges Into
OE Kat \
ux71µanu B'EV KaL I .,.
the most perfect masterpiece namely this world.
vov, - µere'/3\
al\EV I TOI ,
ELS' TE \ '
€pyov, ,c:,
TOVOE Thos > who assert that this world i · unorlginate
\ I
TOV Kouµov· ov OL .,,auKOVTES' WS' EUTLV ayn•YJTOS'
"' t I t JI ) I
unconsciously eliminate thnt whi h of all incentiv s
,\E,\YJ'8 aai TO
I > ,)_ ,\
w.,,e tµwrarov
\ >
J to pi ty is th 01 st benefi ial and the most ·-
,. ) ) '/3 t I \ I
peusable, namely providence. For i stands to reason
TWV ELS' EVO'E ELO.V V'TTOTEµvoµfVOL, T1/V 1rpov0Lav, that what has b en br ugh into existen ·e should b
10 TOV µJv yap yeyovoTOS' lmµ.eAliuBa, TOV 1Ta·dpa cared for by its Father and Maker. For, as we
KaL yap 1Tar71p fKyovaw
f ,... ,\ I
\ \ \ ) f
kn w, it i a father's aim i11 r gard of his offspring
I I, (J' ,y I - <;> 11nd an artific r's in regard of his handiwork to
Kat oYJµiovpyos TWV 0Y)µ,tovpy71 evrwv aroxa.,,eTat
- c;, - y I f3\l\a/3 f pa\ preserve them, and by every means to fend off fr m
TYJS' oiaµ,oVY)S', Kat\ oaa
ff I
J,LfV >
f'TTL':, Y)µta Kat• them aughL I.hat may entail loss 01· harm. He keenly
µ.rixavn 1TaU'[J
- I 8-
OU.A) ELTat,
I, I
I,)_ J\
W'l'El\tµa Kat
clcsir · to pMvide for ·t hem in every way all thaL is
AVULTEA'I) Ka.Ta 1TClVTa TPOTTOV €K7TOptl;ew €7TL7T08Et' beneficia l and to their advantage : but between that
\ ~ \ \ \ \ 1 I )~ I "" \ which has never been brought into being and one
1Tp0S' OE TO µ1} yeyovos OLKELWUtS' ovoeµ.ta T<t,i µ71 who is not its Maker no such tie is formed. It is
I > I c;, I I, I \ > ,J_ ,\ I
11 1TE1TOLYJKOTt. a1Tep,µ.ax71-rov oE ooyµa Kat avw.,,e es, a worthless and baleful doctrine, setting up anarchy
a.vapx{av WS' €V 1TOA€L KaTaUKWal;ov TC/)DE TC/) in the well-ordered realm of the world, leaving it
Kouµ.cp, TOV €.,,opov
\ Jl1 J..
1' fl \
,-,pa EVTYJV
1' ~
\ t without protector, arbitrator, or judge, without any-
# f.,J.,J 'f" I 1 0
'I .. • one whose office it is to administer and direct all its
exovn, v.,, ov 1Tavr oiKovoµuu a, Kat 1rpvTa- affairs. Not so Moses. That great master,
12 VEVE()'
I 8at () E/.tLS',
l \ \> "
a• l\l\ 0 '
ye /.l,Eyas M WVO'YJS'
- holding the unoriginate to be of a different order
[3] a11110-rpiw-ro.:ro11
>\\ 1 -
I opaTov r -
I ~
ewat , • ,
TO aye- from that which is visible, since everything that is
nn object of sensible perception is subject to becomhlg
VYJTOV-TTav yap TO ala871-rov, EV yevl.aEt Ka, µe-ra- ancl to constant change, never abiding in the snme
/3 o ,\me;,
><;> I \ I \ " - \ > J
ouof7TOTf Ka.Ta. -rav-ra. ov--rq, µf:v aopa-rcp state, assigned to that which is invisible and 1m ohject
I -
KO.L VOYJT<f' 1TpoaeVELJ,LEV WS' Cl.OE 'f'OJJ Kat avyyevfS'
I f > c;, ,\,)_ I I I
of intelle tual appreh nsio11 the infinite and undefin-
able as united with it by closest tie ; but on that whicl1
10 11

dtotorryrn, T<p .o' ala8riT<j> ylvwtv olKliov ovoµa is an object of the senses he bestowed "genesis,"
, ,,/.. I , \ 1" ~ I \
£1T€'1''YJfUUf:l'. £1TH OVV opaTOS T£ Kat •· becoming,'' as its a11propriate nam .
alaB'YJTOS 00£ o Koaµoc;, d.vayKalws av £t'Y] Kai Seeing then tliat this world ls bot..h visible and per-
cei vcd by the senses, it £ llows thal it must also
yt:VY}'TOs· 06Ev o'OK ci1rO ako1roD ,cal T~Y y!veatv
have J1ad an origiu. Whence it was entil'cly t.o the
> -
' I ,/,
cwTov, µal\a
a£µvwc; - ()
\ I
point that h put on record that origin, setting fol'th
13 III. ~Eg oi ~µ/pats OrJµiovpyrJ8fjval cp'Y}at Tov in it.s trne grandeur the work of God.
Koaµov, OVK €7TH0~ 1rpoa€O€tTO xp6vwv µ~KOU<; Ill. fie says that in six days the world was creiited,
J 1TOLWv-aµa yap 1TO.VTa opa.v £lKos B£6v, ov 1Tpoa- 11 ot that its Maker required a length of time for Ilii;
w rk, for we must think of God as doing all things
TQTTOVTa µ6vov d,\,\d. Kai Otavoovµ£vov- , d,,\).' siniultan ously, remembering that "i.111 " in •ludes
€1THO~ TOtS yivoµlvots l8i;t Ta!£ws. ra!n 0€ wiLh the commands which He issues the thought
> 8 \ ~ > () - <:,t .J.I I behind them. Six clays are mentioned because for
apt J
µos otKnov, apt µwv 0£, .,,va£ws voµots, y£v-
th , things coming into existcmce there wo.s need of
V'YJTLKtiJTaTOS ;g. TWV T£ yap <l1TO µova.Sos 1rpwro<; order. Order involves number, and am ng numb rs
TlA£L0S Janv, laovµ£vos Tot<; eaVTOV µlpwL Kai by t.he lu_ws of n~ture the mo.:,t sui~b.le to ~ro-
avµ1T.\'YJpovµ£vos Jg avrwv, ~µlaovs µJv rpiaoos, duct.ivil.y is 6, for 1f we start with J 1t LS the fir ·L
perfect: number, being equal to the product of its
TpLTov 0€ ovaoo<;, EKTOV 0€ µova.Sos, Kai ws €1TOS' factors (i.e. 1 x 2 x 3), as well as made up of the sum
£lTT£tV appYJV T£ Kai Bfj>.vs £Cvm '1T€<pVK£, KUK Tfj<; of ~hem (i.e. l +2 + 3), its half being S its third part
EKarlpou ovvaµ£WS rfpµoaTat• a.ppEV µiv yap EV 2 its sL"(.tl1 part 1.a We may sity that it iH in it-.
n~turc both male and female, and is a result of the
roi:s oi5at TO 1T£pLTTOV, TO o' a.pnov 8fj.\v· 1T£ptTTWV
distinctive power of cither. lt'or among thi.ngs that.
µJv oi5v dp,8µwv dpx~ Tptas, Suds o' aprlwv, ~ 8' ar , it is I.he odd that is male , aud the ev n female.
14 ' .J. ~ <:, I <t_ I W<:, \ \ I \ I
Now of odd nu111bers 3 is the starting-point, and of
aµ.,,oiv ovvaµis £\,as. £o£L yap rov Koaµov, T£1\£LO-
Tarov µiv OVTa 'TWV y£yov6rwv, Kar' api8µdv even numbers 2, and the product of these two is 6.
For it was requisite that the world, being most per-
T€A£LOV rrayfjvat T6V ;g, EV lavT<j> o' EXHV µ1,\- fect of all things that have come into existence,
.\ovra T<ts EK awovaa,uoiJ Y£VEU£LS', rrpds µLKT6V should be constituted in accordance with a perfect
> () \
apt µov rov I ~
rrpwrov >
TV1TW ( };1vai,
- number 1 11nmely six ; and, inasmuch as it was to
have in itself b ings that sprang from a coupling
tog ther, shoultl i:eceive the impress of a mixed
• Cf. Plato, Republic viii. 5,t6 B, St. Augustine, De Cfoitat, numb r, namely tbe fast ,n which odd and even
Dei, bk. xi. ch. 30.
12 18
1TEplE5,0IITO. KO.t' 'M}V
TOV 0'11Etp011'1"0S' a.ppwos,
were combined, one that should contain the essential
\ A • \) f ' ' e I\
yovas 'YJII EOS, OEO.V.
l\) I
principle both of the male that sows and of the
15 'EKO.O"T7} Si TWV ~J,u,pw11 a.1rl11ELJ,LEV EIILO. TWII TOU female that receives the seed.
\ , ' \ I t t \ f t'\ Now to each of the dnys He ru;signed some of the
rra.vTos Tf,L7Jf,LO.TWV, T7JV 1rpwT7111 V1TE1, E11oµe11os, 7111
' \ , ~ \ , fl \ "' ,..., \
p 1·tions of ~he whole, not including, h.~w vc~,' the
O.IJTOS' OVOE 1TpWT7JV, wa. J,L'YJ TO.LS 0.1\/10.LS' uvyKaT- first day, which Ile does not even call first, lest
a.piBµfjTaL, ,ca,\E'i, µtav 8' ovoµauas ovoµan EvBv- it should llc re koned with the Ih rs, l>u t naming
I\ I \ II) ,J. I , I
iL " oue "a llc designates it by a name which pre·
/3 011<p 1rpouayopEvet,
, ~I \
T7JV µovaoos 'f'vu,v Kat 1rpou-
> ..J.. I I ,.. cisely hi ts the mark, fo1· He discern ' U in it and ex-
P1JULV EIILOWII TE Kat E1TL'f'1JµLuas av771.
pr ,ssed by -he Lille which Ile gives it the nnture and
IV. AEKTlov 0£ Jua ot6v T£ €<YTL rwv €fJ,7TEp,exo· appellation of the unit, or the "one."
µ.lvwv, l1rELO~ 1ra.vra aµ.~xa.voll' 7TEp,lxn yap TOii IV. We must r count as many as we can of the
\ I 'l: , ' t I ' A \,
elements embraced in it. To recount them all would
11071To11 Koaµ.011 E!:,a1pErov, ws o 7TEPL O.VrTJS 11oyos
10 , , \Q\
(4] µ7JIIVEL, 7rpo11a.,.,wv I
yap '8
EOS, are
u b impossible. Its pre-eminent lement is the in-
telligible wor1d, as is shown in tJ1e treatise
µlµ:Y)µa KO.A.OJI OVI( av 7TOTE yl11oiro 8txa. KaAOU
with the " n ." For God, being God, assumed
1ra.pa0Elyµa.TOS', ovo{ TL TWV a.lu877Twll avv1Talno11, that a beautiful •opy would never be produced apart
8 µ~ 7Tp6S' apXETV7TOII Ka.l 1107JT¥ lo/av a1TEtK0- from n. beautiful pattern, and that no object of per-
1 0
VU] fJ \
'T/, OVl\'Y) 0HSI
TOV opa.-rov Koaµov TOVTOJIL 071-
I t , I \ ... ception would be faultless which was not macle in
µ,oupyfjaa.,, 71'pOESETV7TOIJ TOV V0'>7'l"OV, iva, xp,u· the likeness of an origina1 disce1·ned only_ b)'. _the
intellect. So when He will d to create th,s vts1bl
µ.o,os a.<Twµa.-r41 Ket, OfioUOEarra.Ttp 1rapa.0Elyµan, world Ile lirst fuUy formed the intelligible world, in
1 \ > I ,Q I I
TOI/ <TwµaTLKOII 0.7T£pya<TY)Ta.L, 1rpEa,.,vTEpov VEW. order that He might have the use of ti pattern wh lly
npov a1TELKOVLaµa, TOUaVTa 7TEpd!oVTa alu871-ra. God-like wtl incorpor al in producing the material
17 YEV7J ouarrep Ell €KE{v<p ll07JTU. TOV 8' world, as a later creation, t.he very image fan ea1·lier,
to embra e in itself objects of perception of us many
EiC TWII loewv C1VIIEUTWTO. K(Jaµov EV 7"0774' r111l
I\E')IELV " r
7/ V1TOVOEtll OU
> A I
£J,LLTOV' :, e
,S \)\ I
OE UVVE<:rrTJl((;V
kinds as the oth r c ntained obj ct of intelligen .
To speak of or conceive that world
ElucJµeOa , 1rapa.KoAovB~ua11TES EtKovt nv, rwv 1Tap' which consists of ideas as being in sollle place is
'Y]µ:iv. l1rnoa.,, 1r&A,s KT{(7'/TO.L, Ka-rd. 1ro1\A~11 ¢,'J.o- iJlcgitinrn tf' · how it ·onsist$ (of them) we shall know
nµ.lav {JauiMws '1 Tt11os ~ytcµ6,,os, a.uToKpa:rovs if we curcfu11y atteua to some imag suppH d by th •
things of our world. When a city is being founded
• Gen. i. 5 : " And there was evening and there was to satisfy the soa.ri:ng ambit.ion of :ome Icing 01·
morning, one day." governor, who lays claim to despotic power nncl
14 15
E(ovalas f1,€Ta1TOtoVµhov Kat aµ,a TO rf>p61171µ,a being mag nificen t in Jue; ideas wuulu fain ndd a fres.h
Aaµ,1rpoD, T~ll €VTvxta11 UVll€1TtKOUf.WUIITOS, 1rapeA- Just re to h is good for! tuie , th ere comes forw:u·d now
8w11 €aTLII OT€ ns TWII d1ro 1raioetas dv~p dpxL- and again som e Lrained architect who, bsening
\ ' \ , I \ , I .-. t.he favoU1·ablc cli mate and convenient pm;ition of
TEKTOVLKOS KaL 71111 EvKpaaLall Kai EVKatpLall TOU
the site, first sketches in his own mind wellnigh all
TOTTOU 8waaµ,evos, owypar/>EL 'Tf'PWTOV Ell EaUT<tJ t·hc parts of the city that is to be wrought 011~ ,
TO. rfis µ,eMova17s (J,'Tf'OTEAEtaBaL 'ITOAEWS µ,lp71 axe- t en ples, gym na~ia, town-halls, market-places, lwr-
0011 U1Tavra, lEpa, yvµ,vaaLa, 1TpVTaVEta, ayopas, t,uurs , docks, s treets, walls to be b u:ilt, dwclli ng-
ALµ,lvas, vewao{Kovs, arevw1r0Js, rELxwv Kara- houses as well as public buildings to be set up. Thus
after having received in his own soul , ns it, were in
aKwas, lopvaELS' olKLWV Kat 017µ,oa{wv aAAwv olKo- wax tl-1 figures of the obj ects s vernlly lie can- ics
18 00µ,71µ,arwv· el8'' WG7T€p EV K1/P0 rfj EavroiJ ipuxfi 11 bout the imag of a city which i~ the creation of
\ r I <;, t_ I I > \ ,/_ ~
TOUS EKaarwv OEr;, aµ,Evos TU7TOUS' ayallµ,aro'f'opEL his mind. Then by his innate p wcr of m emo1-y, h
vo71r~v 1r0Aiv, ~s dvaKiv~aas rd er:5w-\a µ,v~µ,'[/ r •alls the i'rnages uf the various pnrts of this ciry,
and imprints th ,ir ype.s yet more distinctly in it:
rfj avµ,cpJr<tJ Kal TOVS' xapaKTfipas €TL µ,aMov
> ,!_ I f' <;, \ > DI > 1md lik a go d c1·aftsroan he begins to build the city
eva'f'payiaaµ,evos, oia 071µ,ioupyos ayauos, a1ro- of stones and timber, k eping his eye upon his patt -.rn
, > \
f3 ll€1TWV €LS TO 1rapaoELyµa, T'Y}V EK llWWV Kai\
I II:, \ > \ IQ
1.m d making t h visi ble and t,angible ohj ccts corre-
(J,\wv apxerai KaraaKEVU,ELV, EKUUT'[/ TWV d- spond in each case to tlie incorp real ideu$.
awµ,aTWV lodvv TO.S awµ,aTLKO.S E(oµ,ouov ova{a,. Just s uch must 1> • otLT thoughts 11.bout. God. We
must suppose that, when He w::is mind d to ~ und
19 TO. 1rapa1rA~aLa o~ Kal 7T€pt BrnD the one g1·ea city, Ile conceived b forehand \-he
oo,aa"Tlov, Ws T~V µ,eya'A67ToAtv K'T{(EtV models of it'> parts, and tl1at out of th se H e co11-
oiavo71fJds EV€V07JU€ 1rp6npov TOVS rJ1rovs avTfis, stih1tcd and brought to comp1 tion a w rld discem-
E( WV' Koaµ,ov V07JTOV avar17aaµ,Evos' a1TETE1\€L ible only by the mind and then, with th at for a
patt m, the world which our s nses can perceive .
Kat TDV ala871T6v, 1rapaOE{yµ,an XPliJµ,evos EKE{l'<f). V. As, t hen, the city whiah was fashion ed before-
20 v. Ka8a1r€p oJv ~ EV T<f) apxirEKTOVLK'}J 1rpooia- hand within the mind of the architect held no pla ·c
TV1TwfJe'i:aa 7TOALS XliJpav EKTOS OVK e1:xev, dM' in the outer world, but had been engraved in the
, .,./.. ,
evea'f'payiaTo '
T'[/.... rov.... rexvirov 'f'VX'[J, .,.
.... \
rov , '
avrov soul of the artificer as by a seal ; even so the universe
rporrov over ()
EK TWV loewv Koaµos aMov av EXOL that consisted of ideas would have no other location
than the Divine Reason, which was the Author of
Td7TOV ~ TOV 8Efov Aoyov TOV raura OLaKoaµ,~aavra · this ordered frame. For what other place could
E7TEt Tls av €t7) TWV ovvaµ,EWV avroD T07TOS ETEpos, ,there be for His powers sufficient to receive and
16 17

ts ')'fJIOtT' av iKaJIOS. ov Myw m.f.aas d.\.\a µlaJI. contain, I say not all but, any one of them whatever
A c- 't.
oE!,aa a, 8 , TE Kat
uncompounded and untempered? Now
21 3vvaµ,s
I 1:,1 I
OE Kat TJ Koaµ.0110,riTLK'Y], 'TT'Y}'YTJJI
< I I just such a power is thnt by which the universe was
1rpos I
U.I\TJ'8 EtaJI a,,a.
'\ , (} DV.
EL '
yap I
m:id , one that hus ns its source nothing less than
'8 \
> I ~ ~
,,s EVEKa TOOE TO 1rav EO'Y)-
II:, \ A ><:, lrue goodness. For should one conceive a wish to
search for the cause, for the sake of which this whole
µiovpyELTO 8,EpEvviia8ai, 8oKEt µo, µ,~ S,aµaputv was created, it seems to me that he would not be
- ,,J.. I fl \ ,.. , I t I
CJKD'TTOU y,aµEVDS, O'TTEp Kat TWJI apxaiwv f: 'TTE 'TtS, wTong in saying, what indeed one of the men of old
a.ya OJI
\ I \ I 1" I
did i:.ny, that the Father and Maker of all is good;
' I , ,.. ,J. I , ',,LO
, I and becau e of this He grudged not a share in his
3 I >t. < A > I \ I <:, I <:, I J own exc 11 nt uature to an xistence which has ,,f
µ'Y} EV E!, aUT'T/5" EXOUCJ'[/ Kal\OV, OUJlaµe"Tl OE 1TaJ1Ta
, 8 ~ 1 1 •t. , A ., .,
itself nothing foir and lovely, while it is capable of
22 ')'WECJ a,. ,1v µeJ1 yap E!, aur71s aTaKTos, a1roios, b coming all things. For of it elf it wns without:
Jl1 / .
<a.voµo,os >, Erepoior71ros,
) I J I
avapµoanas, orc..l cr, without q_uality, wW1out soul, (without like-
> ,J. I I I I:, I I Q \ I
aauµy,wJ1ias µ1:aT71 • rpo1r71J1 oe Kat µ,eTa,-,oA71v n ss); it was full of inconsistency, ill-adju ·tment,
•<:- I I ' , ' I I RI\ 't.
EOEXETO T7JJ1 ELS TaJlavna KaL Ta ,-,El\'TLCJTCL. Ta!, LY. di harmony: but it w;u; capable of turning and
I J ./.
I f
\ undergoing a complete change to t he best, the very
I I \ I ,,J.._ .,... ti ,... I ontrary of a ll these, to order, q uality, life, corre-
evapµoaTov, TO auµy,WJIOJI, 1rav oaoJI TT/S KpELT-
spondence, identity, likeness, perfect adj ustment, to
Tovos i8las. l1armony, to all that i,; characteristic of the more
23 VI. OvSEJlt SJ 1rapaKA~T<.p----'T"ls yap ~JI €TEpos; excellent model. 0
I:, I t A
aUT<.p xp71aa.µeJ1os,
< '1 I:, A
ms eyJ1w oEtJI
8 \ VI. Now God, with no counsellor to help Him
I ....,
) I \ \ I I \ (who was there beside Him?) det rmined that it
>f 3wpeas . OELas A I ,/. I ><:, I > 8 A 0:- I was meet to confer rich and unrestricted benefits
, .\ A •t. , A , , , , , 1 1 , upon that natnre which apart from Divjne bounty
E'TTL axELJI E!, EaVT'TJS, 0.1\I\ OU 1rpos TO µ,eyE 8OS could obtain of itself no good thing. But not in
I "" "' f ,.. I J I ,J. \
EUEPYETEL TWJI EaUTOU xaptTWV-a1repiypay,DL yap proportion to the greatest of His own bounties dof.!s
a~Tal ye Kat O.TEAEVT7JTOL-, 1rpos SJ 'TOS TWJI He confer benefi ·-for these are without end or
I J..
1 I ~ I 1 \ f
ev1:py1:Touµ,1:J1WJ1 ouJ1aµELs" ov yap ws 'TTEy,UKEJI o
limit-but in proportion to the capacities of the re-
(} \ 1"
"" '1 \ \ I 'J' I cipients. For it is not the nature of creation to
• I A I ' <:- I , RI\\ I N receive good treatment in Like manner as it is the
E'TTEL Tou µeJ1 a, ou11aµELS' u1rep,-,al\l\oua,, TO o ,
natm·e of God to bestow it, seeing that the powers
> 8
a.a I
EJlf:(JTf:POJI "
OJI !;:, fl:
1/" WCJTf: OE!, aa 0a, ti
µE')'E OS' 8 of God are overwhelmingly vast, whereas creation,
• Plato, Timaeus 29 E, being too feeble to entertain their abundance, would
18 19
avrwv, - > ...
a7TE,m,v "
av ~
CTTa B• have broken down under the effort to do so, had
I ) I t I \ , Q_.!\ \
11-11uaµEVOS' ruapp.00-TWS' El<0.(1'1'Cf' TO E7r'f'WIIIOI'. not God with appropriate adjustment dealt out to
24' El 6/ TLS' i8EA1cmE yuµ.vo-rtpoL<; XP~ - each his du e portion. Shoukl a man d esire
uao8a, -ro'is- &v6µaaw, ovoa, ?lv ilnpo11 E,1ro, -rov to use words in a more simple and rlircct way , he
IIOT/7'0V KOUp.011 EfvaL ~ 81:oi) i\oyov ij817 KOUJJ,O· would say that the world discerned only by the in-
tellect is nothing else than the Word of Gorl whe11
'TTOLOVV'TOS'" OU0€ yap ~ V01JT~ 1r6AlS' fn,p6v Tt f.(TTLV He was already engaged in the act of creation. For
~ 0 TOV apXLT€1<TOIIO', AoyuYµO S' 7J07J T'T/V [v07J'T'TfV] (to revert to our illustration) the city discernible by
:!6 7TOA£V 1<Tl(rn1 8,avoouµlvou. TO OE ooyµa. TOVTO the intellect alone is nothing else than the reasoninl-(
Mwuolws- hn-tv, OUK iµ6v · T~JI yoiiv avfJpdJ'TTOU faculty of the architect in the act of planning to
I >
YEVEO'lV a.vaypa.rpWI! I ./. >
~ e
€1TELTO. <;)
otappr, /6r,v found the city. It is Moses who lays down this, not l.
oµo>..oyEi, WS' ~po. l<O.T' El1<6va. BEOV OLETUTTCM)r, Witness his express acknowledgement in the sequel,
(G en. 1.• 27 ) . EL' OE ~ I
TOI /J-Epos
I > ,
ELKOVOS, <;) ,..,
07111ov when setting on record the creation of man, that he
07' /Cai TO o>..ov· £l 8' o uuµ1ras a.lo871Tos OUTOUt was moulded after the image of God (Gen. i. 27).
Now if the part is an image of an image, it is manifest
KOUJJ,OS', 8 JJ,E'i{o,, -rfjs avOpw1rlV7']<; f.UTIV, µ.£µ:r11i.a that the whole is so too, and if the whole creation,
(JE{a, El1<ovos, Sfj>..011 on KO.L ~ &.pxinmos u<f,payts, this entire world perceived by our senses (seeing that
OJI rpa/J.EV VO'IJTOII Etva, 1<ouµ ov, O.VTOS' av Er.,, ('ro it is greater than any human image) is a copy of the
1rapaonyµ,a, dpxiTU'TTOS' lo/a 'TWII lOfWV] 6 01:ov Divine image, it is manifest that the archetypal seal
i\6yos. also, which we aver to be the world descried by the
26 VII . <!>17ui o' WS' " EV ripx fj f.7rotr,aev O 81;os TOJI mind, would be the very Word of God. 0
oupavov ' l \
Km T'TJV y71v,
... ,, \
T7JV , \
apx'TJ•' _\
1rapat\a.µ {J avwv,
' VII. Then he says that " in the begiuning God
[6] I oux ' ws , OLOVT(.LL ' 7'VfS', T7JV
~ 6 made the heaven and the earth," taking" beginning"
/(0.7'0. XP vov· xpovos
' I
uot, as some think, in a chronological sense, for time
yap OVK 17v 1rpo KOO'JJ,OU, dM' ~ O'VV O.VT<f! yifyovEV there was not before there was a world. Time began
~ JJ,ET' O.VTOV' £1Tf:t yap oufor17µ,a T'l)S' TOV KOO'fLOU either simultaneously with the world or after it. For
KtvryoEws eorw o xpovos, TTporlpa. SJ TOV Kwou- since t.ime is a measured space a determined by the
µivou KlVTJO'L<; OVK av YEVOLTO, d.M' avayKafov world's movement, and since movement could not
0.VT'TfV ~ VC7T€pov ~ aµa auvtara.aBat, ava.y,cawv be prior to the object moving, but must of necessity
apa Ka~ TOii xp6vov ~ la~AtKa KOUµov Y€YOVEIIO.L arise either after it or simultaneously with it, it
'Y" J V€WT€pov
I > /3 I
EKEWOU ' 7TpEC7 UT€pov O 0.710y)0.LJIECJ O.L
f <:,> J ,I t O follows of necessity that time also is either coeval
with or later born than the world. To venture to
27 TOAP.,fiV acptA6aorf,ov, El o' apx'Tf /J,'Tf 1Tapa>.aµ{JaV€TO.L
affirm that it is elder born would be to do violence to
• See App. p. 475. philosophic sense. And since the word " beginning "
20 21

Tavvv ~ KaTa xpovov, €lKO, av €l't) µ71vvw9at T~V is not here taken as the chronological beginning, it
... ...
w~ TO "Ev dpxfl E1rolriaEV"
, , \ , , \
would seem likely that the numerical order is in-
nvat T<p 1rpw-rov €1TOtTJU€ -rov ovpavov· Kat yap clicated, so that " in the beginning He made " is
eiJ,\oyov T(jJ OJJTL 1rpwTOIJ athov €l<; ylvwtv J,\9ei:v, equivalent to " He made the heaven first " : for it
is indeed reasonable that it should come into exist-
aptaTOIJ n OJJTa TWIJ Y€YOJJOTWIJ KUK TOV Ka8apw· ence first, being both best of created things and made
, - ,,
TUTOV T7lS ovaia<; 1ray€JJTa, OLOTL , "'' e- '"- -
EWV €f-L'l'UVWIJ from the purest of all that is,a seeing that it was
T€ Kal ala871Twv Ef-1,€AA€v otKos EawBai iepc!JTaTO<;. destined to be the most holy dwelling-place of mani-
28 Kal yap €l 1r&vB' aµa O 7TOtWIJ €7TO{Et, -r&tw OVDEJJ
fest and visible gods.b For, even if the Maker made
all things simultaneously, order was none the less an
ljTToJJ €tx€ Ta KaAw<; ytvoµ€va· KaAov yap ovSev
attribute of all that came into e xislcnc in fair
EV chattq,. -r&gt, 8' dxoAovBta Kat dpµos €UTt beauty, for beauty is absent where there is disorder.
I ,.... \ t' I , \ \ ,..,
1rpoT}yovµ€VWV TLVWV Kat €7TOf-1,€VWV, H Kat µ71 TOtS Now order is a series of things going on before and
Cl,7TOT€/I.Eaµaatv, d,,\,\&, TOt Tats TWV T€KTatVOf1,lvwv following after, in due equcnce, a sequenc which
, I fl
€1Ttvotats• OVTWS yap €f',EIVlOJ/ TJKpt wa at T€ Kat
\ II \\ , {3- () f I Lhough not seen in the fi nished productions, yet xist.s
in the de!;igns of the contrivers ; for only so c.011ld
a1TAaJ1€tS Elvai Kat davyxvTOt. these things be fashioned with perfect accuracy, and
20 IIpwTOV oov O7TOtWV £1To{71aev ovpavov dawp,a-rov, work without leaving their path or cla~hing with each
KaL yfjv aopaTOJI, /CUL dlpos lSlav, Kal KEVov· Jiv other.
\ , , ..J. I I ) ~ \ I\ C' J \
First, then, the Maker made an incorporeal
TO f1,€IJ E7TE'f'T}f',tU€ aKOTOS, €7TELOTJ f-1,€/\US O a rip
I \ o"'' aNf3vaaov, \ 'f3v () ov \ heaven, and an invisible earth, and the essentiul
TT}- ,J.
'l'vaEL, TY/v 1ro11v yap ToI Y€
form of air and void. To the one he gave the name
KEIJOV Kal. a.xavJs.. €W' vDaTOS a.awµaTOV ovalav, of " Darkness ," since the air when left to itself,
\ I \ , \ "" t'f3';;: I .,.J.. I
Kat 7TV€Vf-LUTOS, Kat €7Tt 1raatJJ € ooµov 'l'WTOS, is black. The other he named " abyss," for the
<I I\ > I ,J: \ I f \ I I'>,
void i.s a region of immensity and vast depth1-.
o 1ra11tv aawµaTov ,1v Kat voriTov 't)lltov 1rapaoELyµa,
\ I tt
Kat 1rav-rwv oaa 'l'way,opa aaTpa KaTa -rov ovpavov
J.. .,J.. I 1/ \ \ , \ .Next (He m1111e) th· incoi·por al ess n e of water and
of life-breath and, to crown all, of light. Th i:; ngnin,
30 Ef',EAAE avvfoTaaBat. VIII. 1rpovop,{as Se To TE the seventh in order, was an incorporeal pattern,
1TV€Vp,a Kal TO <pws ~gLOVTO' TO /J,EV yap wvop,aa€ discernible only by the mind, of the sun and of all
Brnv, OtOTL 'WTtKWTUTOV TO 7TIJ€Vf1,a, 'wfjs OE 9eoc; luminaries which were to come into existence
throughout heaven. VIII. Spe -ial distinction is ac-
e.ore.l ed by Moses to life-breaLh and Lo lighl. The on·e
a c:r. 11 ·t TOV Ka Oapw-r,hou Tij, ou11la, oupavoO. he entitles the "breath" of God, because breath is
b Or " beings." most life-giving, and of life God is the author, while
TO\ "' ./. - ,h
<r,,71crw> " , {J _ \ \ I
atTtoS', O(i <11WS' on U7Tcp (U\/\0)/'TWS' of light he says that it is beautiful pre-eminently
Ka .>i (IJI
' (', • J.) '
...Ten. I. ,
TOIJOU'T~<) yap' TO' \ TOIJ-
1107J'TOIJ (Gen. i. 4) : for the intelligible as far surpasses the
t ,..... \ , I \ > Q f tt
opaToV 11a1.1.1Tpon:pav rt: Kat a11yot:w1:crrtpo11, oU<p'lT"P visible in the brilliancy of its radiauce, as sunlight
~i\ tOS', o,µ,a.,,
'Y/' ' , '
CTKOTOUS', l<CU ,71upa VUl(TOS, Ka.£ ra
t J , \ [ \ assuredly surpasses darkness and day night, and
1rp,-r17pta] IIOUS', ci rijS' o.>i71. 1/J!}xiis 'f/Yl:JJ.(UV, o<J,Oo),. mind, the ruler of the entire soul, the bodily eyes .
Now that invisible light perceptible only by mind has
31 µivv awµarn,. TO OE a,oparov KaL VOYJTOV <pWS'
come into being as an image of the Divine \Vorel
[7J EKELVO ()dou /1.oyou ylyovEv EtKWV TOU I OtEpµ:ryvEv· Who brought it within our ken : it is a supercelestial
UflJITOS' T~V jl€11€CTW (J.UTOv· /CaL €/JTW JJ1rEpOvpa.11tOS' constellation, fount of the constellations obvious to
0.UT·,,P, 'TT'YJ'Y'Y\/ ,.. 1 ()
TWV a,a 'l'}'TWV aun:pwv · 'YJV OUK
- ) I "'- 1 \\
(lJJ sense. It would not be amiss to term it " all-
t 1 r,. \ I V ~ >,J.> 't
0.7TO UK07TOV 1(0./IECTEl.tll av TtS 1TO.Vtwy£t0..JI ' a.,, TJ.; brightness," to signify that from which sun and moon,
if.\ws KaL cr1:i\17V?J ICO.L ot ai\>io, 1TAa.llY'/7'€S T€ KaL as well as fixed stars and planets draw, in proportion
) \ ,..
a.7711a.11Hs apuroVTat, Ka
) I O' 41
ouov t;Ka<lTCfJ ovvaµtS',
, I ~ I to their several capacity, the light befitting each of
TCL -rrplrrov-ra <p€YY1]. TryS' dµiyous /(aL Ka.Ba.pas
them : for that pure and undiluted radiance is be-
> ... ' t > I (' v t, l dimmed so soon as it begins to und ~rgo th e cliange
avy71S' E/CEWY'/S' aµ,avpovµE,'YJS', orav ap~ "}Tat -rpE ·
I ha is entailed by the passag · from the intelligible
1r€0'0m t<O.TO. 'HJV (K V07/TOU 'Tl"pJs aJ.r:rB71rov JJ.ETa.· to the sen ·ibly discerned, for no obj ect of sense is
Q \ f <\ I \ > <:, I - > I 8f
/-'OIIYJII' EtlltKptllES yap OUOEV TWJI EV ata YJUEI. free from dimness.
32 IX . E.,.V '
JJ.EIIT0£ ,J. ·1
KatI TOI 'f'ava, ,,
on " '
UKOTO'i :,;
,,v IX. Right too is his statement that " daYlmei.s
, , .. ,a, ,, (G . 2 ) . rpo71ov
, ,
£mww rr;s a/-'vaaov :ren. l. yap was above the abyss " (Gen. i. 2). For in a sense the
TLVa o
J.~p ll71Ep TO KEVov EUTLV, E77EtO~ miaav r~v air is over the void, inasmuch as it has spread over
, ..... \ ' I \ ' I ' R'
axavr; Kat EpY]µY]V Kat K€VYJV xwpall f.11't/-'aS EK·
, and completely filled the immensity and desolation
7TE11'ArJpWKEII, oa71 ,rpos ~µas 0,71"0 TWJI Kara aEA1vr;v
of the void, of all that reaches from the zone of th e
moon to us. After the kindling of the intelligibl e
33 Ka 8YJKEt.
" ' \
TY]V ,I. '
TOV IIOYJTOV ,,,wros ,
ava·I A A

\ ,/, c\ \ , \ I I ~ I \ ) I light, which preceded Lhe sun'· crentio11 diu-kness

11aµ'f'w, o 77po r;11iov yEyovEv, V11'EXWPEt ro avn· it~ adversary withdrew : fol' "od, in His perfect
11'allov U/(OTO<;, 0£0.TEtX{~oJJTO', d-rr' d/1.i\fi.\wv mhu lmowledge of their mutual cnntrnriety and natural
Kat ouaravro, 8Eo iJ, TOV T!lS EJIClJ/TtOTT}TOS EU conlli L, parl d th :rn one from another by a wnll of
'Q- I ~I I ~
seporution. ln ord •r, ther fore, t keep th m from
' ' l "' I ., '
EK y>V<J'EWS (J.IJTWJ' o~aµO:)(TJV· £11
'I" \ ' \ ,./... I 1y \
ovv µ71 atEt avµ't'EpoµE11a, a-rau,a\,WU~ KUL 770/\f.fJ,OS
th · discord 1\rising from p 1·petu.u clash, to prevent
a,vr' Elprivr;, EmKpaTfl' T~V J.,coaµ{av EV Koaµcp wnr in plac of pence prerniling and setting up dis·
I > f
TL () ns, ov µovov EXWPLUE 'f'WS' 1caL aKoTor;, a11110.
> f A. - \ I >\ \ \ order in an ordered unive1·se, He not only sepiirnted
light and darkness, but also placed in the intervening
Kal Opovs Ev µEao1.s E8ero SiaaT~µ,a.atv, ols spaces boundary-marks, by which He held back each

avE'ipfE 'TWV <1.Kpwv EKanpov. Ef-',E,\,\E yap YHTVtWV'Ta of lhcir ext remities : for, had t h 'Y bet'n actual
n ig hbours, t hey were sure t o pr duce confusion by
avyxvatV a:rrEpya,w8at, 'T<f) 7TEpt OvvaaTEGa<; aywvt
,J. \ > ~
eagngi11g wit h in tense and never-ceasing rivalry in
KatI a7TaVU'TOV 'l'tl\OVHKtav

the s truggl for mast ry. As i t was, their Msa11l t

µei 1a, El f-',~ µeaot 1TayeVTES' opot OLE,EV[av Kat on one ano ther wni; broken and kept back by barriers
34 8d,\uaav T~V avTrnL8Eatv. oJTOt 8' Elatv ea1rlpa . et up bet ween them. These barri 1·s are veni11g
TE Kat 1rpwta, J,v ~ µiv 1rpowayyEAL,ETat µl."1\ovrn
nnd dawn. The latter, gently restraining the dnrk-
ness, anticipates the sunrise with the glad tidings
ij,\wv d.vLaxEw, ~plµa TO aKoTOS' dvdpyouaa, ~ 8' of its approach; while evening, supervening upon
ia1rlpa Karn8vvn JmytvETat ~Atl,u, T~V a.8poav sunset, gives a gentle welcome to the oncoming·
.-.. I ,,J... \ I , ~ I \ ...,
TOIJ UKOTOIJ!, 'l'opav rrp'[-WS' EK0ExoµEV7I, Kat TaVTa mass of darkness. We must, however, place these,
µlvrot, 1rpwtav Myw Kat €U1TEpav, EV rfj ra[n dawn and evening I mean, in the category of the
incorporeal and intelligible : for there is in these
TWV dawµarwv Kat vo17rwv 8ET€0V' oAw, yap
nothing whatever patent to the senses, but they are
ou8iv ala8YJTOV lv TOVTOtS', d,\,\a. miVTa lSlat Kal simply models and measuring-rules and p atterns and
,J. ·~ > N\ \
f-',ETpa KatI TV1TOt KatI a.,,paytoES''
fl', YEVEOW al\l\WV seals, a.ll of these being incorporeal and s rving for
, I , , \ \
~ ,,.I._,.. \ I
35 aawµaTa awµarwv. E7TH oE .,,wc; µEv EYEVETo,
the creation of other bodies. When light had come
UKOTOS" 8' tmE[eaTYJ Kat avExwp17aEV, opot 8' EV TOLS" into being, and darkness had moved out of its wav
and retired, and evening and dawn had been fixe~l
f-',ETa[v OtaaT~µaaw €7TCLY17aav ea1rlpa Kat rrpwta, as barriers in the intervals between them, as a neces-
Ka.Ta rd.vayKatov TOV xpovov µITpov a.1TETEAELTO sary conseq uence a measure of time was for thwith
d8vS', oKat ~µlpav o
1TOtWV €KO.AWE, Kat ~µlpav brought nbout, which its Maker called Day, a nd not
ouxt 1rpwr17v, d.\Aa µlav, ~ A€AEKTat Sta T~V TOV " fu-s " day but " one," an exp ression due to th
"" I I ~ \ '1 J.. I uniqueness of the intelligible world, and to its
VOYJTOV Koaµov µovwaw µovaotK17v EXOVTOS" .,,vatv, having therefore a natural kinship to the number
36 x. 'O µiv o3v dawµaTOS" K6aµo, 1811 1r/.pa, "One."
EfXEV {8pv8Et, lv T'f> 8dcp Aoycp,
> \
8' ala8YJTOS

X. The incorporeal world, then, was now finished
I J~ I
[8] I7Tpo, 'TTapaonyµa rouTolJ ETE/\Etoyovnro. Kat
and firmly settled in the Divine Reason, and the
'TTPWTOV avrov TWV fLEpwv, o 8~ Kai 'TT<LVTWV world patent to sense was ripe for birth after the
pattern of the incorporeal. And first of its parts,
aptarov, €7TOLEt TOV oupavov () OY]µtovpyoS', OV best of them all, the Creator proceeded to make the
ETvµw, arEptwµa 1rpoUY]yopwaEV aTE awµaTtK<JV Heaven, which with strict truth he entitled firmament,
II \ \
ovra · TO yap awµa .,,vaEt ..,. I I
arEprnv, on1rEp Kat " \
as being corporeal : for the body is naturally solid,
rp,xfi 8iaaTar6v· aTEpEOV 0€ Kat awµaTOS' lvvota seeing that it has a threefold dimension. What else
26 27

-rls (,,./pa 11A~v TO 1rd.vTi) BiEC1rrJ1<6s; ElKOTwS oUv indeed do we conceive a solid object. and a body
a.VTdMs T{ji V01J"f'<f) ,ca,;.u5.T~.., "f'DV o.la8'YJ'1'0V to be, but tha t which extends iu each direction ?
Fil ly tlu:n i11 c mtn1di1:1tln<'lion lo Lhe incol'porea\
37 KCtL awp,aToEi8fi "f'OVTOJJ U'rEp,wµ.a. EKa.AeaEv. etT'
•n I
rui,trws • •
ovpavov npoaEt1rcv
" , I
CL1Jrov , ·a R6'
Ell v,. AWS Ka.,
:111<l purely intelligible rlid Ile ca 11 this body- like
be111·('n 1wrc ·ived by our -,ens " Lit s lid lirma-
1ra.11v ICVpLWS . '7J"f'OL 8,6n 7T().IITWV opos 17 8,6-n 111e nt." AflN so design a ling it Ile went on forthwith
1rpCnos TWV opaTwv EY£1'ETO. ovoµ.a.(e, OE ICO.L to ·pe11k of i t as " l1 eav(')1. " 11, did so wll.h un-
e rring propriety, ei Lhcr hrc11use it i.~ t he" hound11ry "
17µ.lpcw µeTa T~v ybeaw aurou SwTlpa.11, oAov
of all t hings, tn· because ii c:1rnc into being first of
'T7µEpO. S 8L1J.UT7'}/J,(J. Ka.l ~lETpov o.vanfJ€'.S OUpO,ll'fJ, lhings ·• vh,ihlc." a When the heaven had been
St(l 7"1)11 a'}']TOi.S ~LWU{v TE Kai TLµ~V . <'l'cnterl lie 11 ames u econd day thus a. signing to
38 X I. MeTo. SJ TauT', €7Tet8~ TO avµ,rr o.11 v8wp els hc:wcn Lhc whole spnce 11ntl int.ervnl of a day. Tle
r'1.1ro.c:,a.v '17]11 yfjv ave,dxvro, KO.L 8,d 1Ta.11rwv alJrfjS" docs t hi:,; by reason of the poo.ition of dignity which
hcttl' n occupic amo11g tJ1c obj eels of sense.
f1Tflpo,rf,Kn TWV µ. epwv , ota. a1royy,iis O.VO.'TTE- XI. At this stogo, t hc::u, 1H1ter in a ll its vc,lamc
' , t, '
ws Etva , TEA/J,0.7'0.
,, . /(0.L' fJ (;lCIUII
had b een poul"ed forlh over ull tl1 e enrth, a.nd h ad
?T']/\OV, dµcporlpwv 'TWV U'rOLX.E,WII o.va8eowµif1 wv 1 fou nd its way through all its part , as th.rough a
Ka,\ auy1cex_uµ evwv I I
-rpo1rov .J.. J
'l,ttpaµa:ros t
ELS" µ,av
I !>ponge sa tlu·ated wilh moisture. It had produced
swamps and deep mud, euTth an<l w,tter h Ing
>t, I
ao,aKpt'TOV " ,I..
1(0.L' a.11,opy,ov ,/. I
·rUUtll, 1rpoUTa'TTEL
O' BEOS" '
111fogled Logethc.1· u.nd Im adeJ, like o. nrnss of dough,
'TO µJv iJSwp, 8aov &),JLUpov Kai. &.yovla, atnov iuto a single elem nt witJ1out s hap e or di. tinction of
E/J,EAAEV fowOa, U'1Tap-roi.s l<ai olvopeaw, f7TL<rovax- Hs pad:~. So God next bids nll Lhe bciny water
8~vai avppvEv EK TWII ~S' o.miO'l]S y~<; a.paLCrJ/J,O.'TWV, which would htwe been t he c1m se of barrenn ess to
I t'I l; \ > ,J - - - \
7''YJV 0€ !:,'TJpa.v 0.VO.,f>O.V7JVO.L, T'T}S 'TOJJ ,'AUIC£0S vonvos
I I~ cmps and Lr cs, 1.o be g,1 thcreJ together by fl wing
to U1e same point from t he pores of t he wh le e::u-th,
E.V0.1TOAH<p0£LU7]S Els Sio.µmn}1, - K6AAa yap ,,-fr nntl Lh e dry lane.I to appeai·. Th moisture of t h e
lan11 17 IJ,EJJ,E'1'p']µEV'Y} yAuKEta VOTt, -rw11 S,e- fresh sweet, part was left behiiid to secure i L-;
, \ ' ~ .,.. \ I , J..
U'T'YJKOTWV - ICai V'1T€p TOV µ.71 1T(lll'rlJ/11'aCJW a1,aua.v- pernwn .nc , since, when s uppli <l ir1 fit quanti ty,
8E"10.ll o.vT~v IJ.yo11ov teal UTeipa.11 ye,Ja8m, Kai. t his sweet moisture served as :t cohesive to th
sep:m1te parts. This was to prevent it from being
07TWS ota µ~'T'r/P µ~ µ611011 (M.-repov El8os -rporpfjs entirely d1·ied up and so becoming unproductive ADU
f:I .-. '\ \t C' I r 1\ , I Q ,... I
,-,pwa,v, a"" EKO.TEpov ws av £Kyo11ois ,-,pwu,11 TE b:l.tT n, and cuablc it like a mot her to provide; ns for
offspring, not one only of the two kinds of nourish-
• oUpav6r =" heaven." /Jpot =" boundary, 0 Op8.v =" see." ment, namely solid food, but both kindR, food ,rncl
28 29
\ I ~ II,L' IQ - • ,
drink. Wherefore the earth had abounding veins
Km ?TOOW, 7TapEX1)' o,o 'f'MJJO.t; JW,(]7'0tS' EOtKUt<lS' ]ike breasts. These when opened would pour forth
J7TATJµµifpn, a, C1ioµwfhfoa, 7TOTU/J.OVS Kai ?TlJY<tS rivers and spl'ings. No less did He cause the hidden
V \\ > - 1"1 ~! ,J: I I >..J. -
30 EJ.l,EIV\OJ/ allaXEW, OVOEII OE: 11TTOJI /caL TOS a,yaJIHS' courses of n, isture also to penetrate to the rich d eep
,l I
,- f ~ ~
EJILKµovs o,a1,,vC1ELS' HS' a.1rae1a,, _,l t
, ,1JJ apETwaa11 ,....
loam with a view to unstinted fertility. Having thus
'.I. ' ., 0
fl aovynov O.?TETEWE 1rpos eu'i'op,0.11 o.r,., ovwTO.T7J"
l) I , I \ I J
ordered these elem en~s He gave them names. The
1ca.prrwv. -ro.vra.
- "
oLa-ras nµ.Evos, ov
I:' '6 µo:r • avro,s ' - drv land he c11lled " earth," and the water separated
• 'B ETO, ...!.
e-n ' s/: "7pa.11
, 1111 µE"r, r. 'Y"I",
, l(a ,\wv ... -ro' o~· o:rro1(pL
, 0'El' fr~m it "sea." XII. He next begins to put the
40 iJowp Oa),a.ae1a.1,. XU. eha. 04(:J.KOO"f.1,ELI' apxeru, earth in order : for he bids it bear grass and corn,
TiJY yijw /CEAevH 1°'P cun·~11 x.\ar,</,opetv Ka/, O'TCl -
ancl send forth herbs of all kimh, and rich past ures,
and whatsoever would be provender for cattle and
xuritf,opliv, 17'0.YTOLO.S' /30T<J.IIUS a1neiaa11 Kai. 11e-6[a.
food for meu. Beside these he caused all kinds of
wxop-ra, Kat 1rcf.,,(J' cfoa x,Aos µ.tv KT~Vf;OLV 0.1'-
trees t o grow , leaving out no tree al nll, whether of
(} "' • \ \ V (:) ..J. I
O EJ1,EIV\EII EC1EO . a, TPO'f"fJ. 1rpoaf.Tt /J.f.llTOI

, cl "I ~ < / > ',/. ·~ I

wild g r wlh 0 1· what we call garden tr e . Atl<l,
Ka, T S' ot:vopwv weas am:;iaas a11t:.,..uE11. ouoe11,
'" I
after u fashion quite contrary to the p1·ese nt ordr 1· of
OVTE TWII -rrys a:yplas, OIJTE TWII T'ryS' 1,.1.tpov ,\Eyo- Nature, all were laden with fruit as soon as ever they
/J,fl/T}S' v>..71s, 7TO.pElS'. if1E{3pLOn s~ 1TClllTU 1<0.p1ro,s carne into existence. For now the processes take
(9] I EuOus &.µa Tfi 1rpwrr, YEllEUEL, ICUTU, TOV l1,aJ1Tlo11
.!11I I l) - )\ \I
pine i11 turn, one al one tim , 01w at annL11 r, not
,JI 7p01TOV 'I TOJI Vllll( ICO.OEOTWTO.. VUllt µev yap EV oil of them simultaneously at one season. Jo'or cvery-
' I
.l ' ,;,
µ.epn y,yveTat TO. y,yvoµEV<.L xpovots oto.'l,1;povaw,
f ..J. I
Oll' know~ t hat sowing a11J planting come first, the
J,\,\' OU/( a.Bp6a. lcatpc_o El,t. 'T'IS ytlp OUK ot8€11 dTL ~rowth of tli <> thing;s sow11 and planted secrmd, the
1rpw-rov '
fJ,€11 '
EC/Tt .,,vTEta, owTEpov
u1ropa\ Ko.,l ,/, ~ , "'
oE former rausing roots to reach downwards lik fou11da-
TWII C17Tapbrwv /CUL cfau'rWBivrwv aiJ~TJCTtS', 1' /.1.!Y tions, the latlcr taking place as they rise upwards,
~ \ I I ) I f t \ I
,o Karw pilas <L1TOTEtl'OVaa. oiovEi Be/J.E• iovs, gr w Lall, ,ind dP.velop trunks and stems. Aftt>1' th is
"7 O
~t '
\ ti \
1rpos ti, /, l I
v.,,01, a.LpOµ.fJJWII KO.L (}'TEI\EXOV-
' \ om, sproutings and puttings fort h of leaves, and then
µe1 1w11 j E7T€LTQ. {3'l\aO'TOt\ /(Q( 7T€TU.IIWJ·' €K'f,l)(}'H
' H > ,~
, I /\ I to c1·o" ·n all, b aring of fruit; and her again fruit
not full gru\\'ll bu-t subject to all mnnner of chai11-[CS
EtT' £ 7T L 1ra.ut Ko.p1Tou rpopa. · ,mt 1rrJ.Aiv w.ap1ros ou
'\ '' \. both iJ, q1111ntit.y and quality, hat is to say, i11 Lhe
Tt:I\HOS', 0.1\1\ ~
e:xwv 1ravro [a, µt:Tafl_ Ol\as,
\ ' Kara, -rt:
matt-er of size and of ever varying characLe1·. For
n7v' EV ' µ.EyE'O n 1TO(}'CJ7'"7TCl,
_\ •
EJJ ' '-..J.
the first shape it takes is that of indivisible Aak es so
lS, 1rotoT17-ru,; · 0.1Tor{1CTETO.L fJ,fll )'°'P
' \ > ' /,.J. , ' fl ,
o s,nnll thaL t hey c.~n scal'cely be seen, which a rnan
eoLJ<ws a.µ1;peO't •v•i Y/ v1ro P.f axvTrJro,; 11.oMr; wo111J noL b wrong in dese1·il>ing as " first. p ·r-
opo.To,s, a.m;p OUK d1ro (J/(07TOV ¢0./.11 ns ELVO.t av Ct~ptiblcs." After this as the resu 1t of gradual
1rpwTo. o.laB11Ta. JJ,E7'a 6i Taur' J,c rofi 1(0.T' d,\tyov, growth and as th result of noul'ishment co1weyed
EK ...
TE T·TJ, ' I
€1TOXE'TEUO/J.€V7!<; .J..-
rpo.,,'Y)s, " apon
7] N ~ 'TO'
- )
I '°'"
'l'W II TtllEUjJ.0.TWII,
I n
by il'rigRt.iun, which walcrs I.he tr c, ;111c1 as the result
of the well-temp red hi' ezes which ore II uic:kcne<l by
if,uxpai; dJ1.CL ICll.t µa,\o.,cw-ripa.v; m'Jpa,,;; ~wnup<:.LT(Lt
,. ld 11nd ft.Pncd by mildm· temp r.ilure, it develops
KO.~ -nOqvELTm, uvvo.utenu 1rpo, ay1co1• imotOClLIS 1·owards i ts romplcte size: and as it becomes larger,
TfAHOTO.TOl/" (TUii Of
t K(1' TaS 7TOIOTY/Tas· TC{) µeylO it l., om·!S dilforenL in nppear::inre as w,:,ll, 11 though
-' \ \ ' r r I ~ 0 I
lU\I\Cl:TTfl, 1((1. 0.11Ep 1.ITTO ypar llC'l/S E7J L(JTTJ/,l/l')S
I f, , x_pw- iL were being ever made to take varied hues by a
µ S,a4c1po,s TT0£1<ti\1\6µ,e110,. painte r's cunning hand.
42 XIII. 'Ev ()( Tfj 1rpi.frrr1 Yfllfc'.rf't TWV 8i\w1•, XIII. Kow in the 1rlgilllll iM f all th ing~,
1rn8d:rrr:p lcf>'rw, 0 0EOS 7'~11 TWJI c/mrwv ui\'Y]l' os I hnv s:url illready, G>d cnu. er] all ~hrnbs and
(/( yijs dveSloov T€AELll.ll, 1(0.fY"OU, Jixoucrnv OVII' ,l11nt.s Lo spring 0111. of th · en1TL11 pt>rf ct., laaving
}'..ujts not umipe but llt their prime, lo be pc.rJ'1•l'tly
dn:i\1:i.'s di\i\' a.19.1,aloVTa,' t:ls ETOLf..1,0T():np• ,wi. r<'auy f, r the immedint · use and enjoyui nt nf Lhl'
' '(J €TOY
avu1rep ~
1111i111als !hat were forthwitl1 to come iuto ll'ing.
43 rJ.flTIKO. YEVTJCTOJJ,EJIWJI. cl J,lEV 7TpOC1T0.7"rEL rfj o~ God th n c.njt)in. the earth to ~ive birth lo all Lhese,
yfj -ra.urn. ye11,17crQ,, · ~ S', &'.icrrrEp JK noMov Kuo- :m.d the earth as t hough it had bee n long prrgnant
.I.. .,.., \ I I \ '
c,,opouuo. Kat
't ~ /
WutJIOUO'O., 1raaas f.LEV TO.S
TLICTE£ anti in Lravnil, brings fi rth all kincli; of lhings :;own,
a1rapTwv, 11aaas OE ras 8l11opw11, En Se Ko.pnwv all kind of trees, and count! ss kinds of fruits besides.
i:lµu8~TOUS lot1a.s. di\,\, O'O /J.OJIOV 17ac.w oZ Ko.pnol But not only were the several fruits nourishment for
rpocpo.i. '<f)OtS, ciMa ,ca.~ napo. UKW().i. 7Tp0<; ~II TWII animals, but also o. provis ion for the perpetual re-
prot.l u •tion of thei r k:i.nrl, c1mtaining th ·m the
clµ,olwv ai::L ylvmw' TO.S' 0'7TfPJJ,0.TtKCIS ovufo.s 7TEp,- seetl-s\ll>stances. Hidden nm1 imperceptible in 1' hese
ixovr1;;, £11; aSr11\o, ICLLL a.<pO.VE~S oZ >.6yo, TWII substances are t he principles or nuclei a of all thing~.
0Aw11 dat, i>fiAOL /CCLI. <pO.vEpo~ yw6µ..e1•0, ,w.,pwv As the seasons go round these become open and
44 'IT€p,6ooi!;. E{3ov>.~B,., yap cl Oeos Soi\,xniW' 7~11 manifest. For God willed that Nature should run a
¢,vaw, U7TaBavaT,,wv Tci. Y£1'"l'J, /(U.L ;,e-rno,Sous coui·si: that brings it ha k to its stading-point, cn-
't .., J
f ,P, I ' J ,
.) I\
TEI\OS' uowing the specie· with immorla lily, and ruakin "
,,yt:. I
I ~ t J\
/C(J.L 7'EI\OS' E7T'
' ' • '
Lhcm sharers of e t crn:tl cxisLence. tor the sukr J·
Enote,· EK Tf ya.p cpurwv cl 1mp1r6s-,
lrCJ.j .L'TM'EW ws 0.11 this He both led on the beginning speedily towards
the end nncl mnclc the end to retrace its way to Lhc
l.t apxrj, TtAo,, Kai EK Kapnov TO ant1pµ,a 1TEpL-
1Jegi1Luing. Fo1· it is the case both ihut ti, , frnit
' , t - t\ \ )... I t \\ , I\
EXOVTO', Ell Eavrc.p 1TO.f\tll TO 'f'VTOV, WS' av f:K 7€1\0V<; comes ou Lof th e plants, as an end out of a beginning,
cipx~· nnd that OUt of the fruit agnin, C011tAining IL'> jf cloes
the seed in itself, there comes the p lant, n beginning
out of an end.
• See App. p. 475.

45 XIV. TiJ SE TET<lp-rn ~'"'Pf!- f'ETd. 'T~V yrjv T0v XIV. On the fourth day, the earth being now
ovpavov trrolKLAAE 8,aKoaµwv· OVK £7THO~ 'TOU'TOV finished, he ordered the heaven in varied beauty.
> t I ,.., '1 ,.... \ )\ I J._ I Not that He put the heaven in a lower rank than the
EV va-rEptp Y'Y/> E-rarrE, T'[/ µEv E11a-rrov, 'f'vaH
earth, giving precedence to the inferior creation, and
7rpovoµtav 8,8ov<;, 'T~V OE KpElTTova Kai (JELoTlpav accounting the higher and more divine worthy only
DWTEpElwv a~LWV' d,\,\' El, EVOELfLv Jvapyw-rar71v of the second place ; but to make clear beyond all
Kparov<; apxfj,. 7rpoAaf3wv yap 'TTEpt TWII OV'TTW doubt the mighty sway of His sovereign power. For
[10] YEYOVOTWV dv(Jpcfmwv, ofo, Ta.<; yvwµa, EUOVTat,
being aware beforehand of the ways of thinking that
would mark the men of future ages, how they would
aToxaa'TaL TWv ,:lKOTwv KaL TTtOavWv, Ev ols 1roAV be intent on what looked probable and plausible,
I W\ ) \ \) > \ - ) ,J. - )\ (} I
TO EVl\oyov J al\/\ OVXL 'T'YJ'i aKpat'f'VOV<; a11ri Eta<;. with much in it that could be supported by m·gmn ent,
~ ~ ,J.
\ I -\ \
KaL OTL 'TTUJ''T€Vaova, µa1111011 'TOL<; 'f'a,voµEVOL<; 7J
I "
but would not aim at sheer truth ; and how they
(JdjJ, ao<pLU'T€lav 7rpo aorpla, Bavµaaav-r€<;' KU'T- would trust phenomena rather than God, admiring-
~ophistry more than wisdom ; and how they would
LOOll'TE<; 'TE ave,, Ta<; ~,\{ov Kai U€A1JV1J<; 7r€ptoOov<;,
observe in time to come the circuits of sun and moon,
8,' Jiv Blpri XEL/),WVES' Kai Eapo, Kai P.,€'TO'TTwpov on which depend summer and winter and the changes
-rpo7ra{· 'TWV £K yfj, ava 'TTU.V ETO<; rf,voµ,lvwv Kat of spring am] t1utu 111n, and would su ppos · t lrnl the
I l I 1 I t \ 1,/, \ ,.... regular m ovements of the heavenly uorli es are t-he
yiyvoµEvwv aTrav-rwv a,na, V'TT01171'f'ov-rai -ra, -rwv
Ka-r' oupavov aa-rlpwv 'TTEpL'TTOA1JUEL<;' Zva µ,7JO€VI. causes of all thing that year by y •ar come fort h
and are produced out of the earth ; that there might
YEV'YJ'T'f> 'TUS 7rpw-ra<; ava-r,Blva, 'TLVE<; -ro-\µ,wa,v J ~ be none who owing either to shameless audacity or
<;, \
o,a I
paao,e > I
ava,axvv-rov, 'Y"J oL<;, > >
aµ,a (}' ,
iav V'TTEP f3 a11-
to overwhelming ignorance should venture to ascribe
, i<><;, I '1,1_ IU ~<:- I
46 11ovaav, avaopaµ,erwaav, 'f''YJUL, -ra,, oiavoiai, the first place to any created thing, 'let them,' said
£'TTl ~ J ) 7rpW7'YJV 'TWV oAwv ylvw,v, 07€ 7rp0 ~,\lov He, 'go back in thought to the original creation of
\ \ I \ ~ A. I I <;, \ the universe, when, before sun or moon existed, the
KaL UEl\7JV7JS' 'TTUll'TOLa P.,EV 'f'v-ra, 'TTaVTOLOV<; OE
earth bore plants of all sorts and fruits of all sorts ;
Kap'TTOV<; 7JVEYKEV ~ yfj· Kal, Beaaaµ£VOL -rai:<; and having contemplated this let them form in their
8,avola,,, J,\mll-rwaav OTL Kat avB,, OLU€L Ka Ta minds the expectation that hereafter too shall it
7rp6a-raftv 'TOU Tra-rpo<;, O'TUV aVTlf> OoKfj, µ,~ 'TTpoa- bear these at the Father's bidding, whensoeYer it
8e71elvTL 'TWV Kar' ovpavdv £Kyovwv, ofr 8vvaµ,€L<;
m11y plc.L~C Him .' For H has no need of His hen ve.nly
offsp1•ing on which He b~ t. wed powers but not in-
µ,ev EOWKEV, OU µ,~v avToKpaTEL<; .. ota yap ~vloxo, dcpcndenc . : for, Ukc a chariotee.r grnsping the reins
t ,... ,, f3 I , I > \ I '1 3,.
YJIILWII, 7J KV ep117JT7JS' OLaKWV EVELl\1)/-l/J,€Vo<;, aya II or a pilot the tiller, He guides all things in what
av EfJl>q1 Kara v6µov Kat 'SlKTJV €KaaTa, µT]0Ev0s dircc liou H e pleASes as law and right demand,
34 35
st1111di ng in ne d of no one bci:o idc,:; : £ r ;111 things
arc possible to God. XV. This is th
re:1s n why the arth put fo1·1 h rlnnts llllll I.Jore
lwrb~ before tJ1c h ea,·cn was for11 h1hed. But th •
heaven was aftenrnnls dul y dr> •keel in a )Wl'~ ' <·L

numbe r, namely four. This J1u111ber it would b no

error to call the ba c and so1rr<' of IO, the coni·
p lete I umh r; fur wlia l IO is actuaTiy, tJ,js, as is
evicl 11t., 4 i1> p tcntiu.lly; tliut is I ·ay Lhat, if tbc
n umb .,.._ from I lo -4 be adtlcd lvgcthcr they will
produce J 0, :rncl lbis is t h • limit ~ct to t h uU1erwisc
uulirnil'cd s ucC'cssion f numbers; 1·ound this as a
turning-point. they wheel and retrace their steps.
4 also contains the ratios of the musical con-
onanccs, t hat produc d by n.n inlen•ul f four noi"es,
nnd thaL prnduced by an int ·r\'nl of {hr , nnd Lhc
octave and double octave us well. Aud it is out uf
these L11at th m ,st pei-f ·t on 01·d is produced. Of
that prn<luced b nn interval of four notes the ratio
is 1-h of Lhl\l prnduceJ hy an int rval of five Ii, of
the octave - of the do ub l octn.\'e 4,, All tl1esc t h
number 4 embraces in Hs lf, l ! iu the ratio 4 : 3;
J!- in the ratio 6 : 4; 2 in the ratio 4 : 2; 4 in the
ratio 4 : I. XVI. Th ' re is also another
property of the nu01 bc t· ti, very m arvellous to state
and to conter11pl11t wil lr tl1 mind. For this number
was the fir-i to show the nat1.,rc of the solid, the
numbers before it referring to things without actual
substance. For under the head of I what is called
in g eometry a p int foll , unde1· Lhat of 2 11 line.
Fol' if 1 extend itself 2 is formed, and if a_p()int
exte ml it df, a Ji n<~ is formed : and a line is length
without breadth ; if breadth be added, there results
a surface, which comes under the category of 8 : to
'" > ,I. f <;, \ \ \ - - ,I. I
TpLaoa' €1Tt'l'aV€L'7- 0€ 1rpos T'Y)V TOV UT<,p€0V 'l'VaLV
bring it to a solid surface needs one thing, depth,
I "-
O€L TOV-{3'()
a OV<;, rt
0 1rpoaTE ( )€V
' I<:,
TpLaot '}'tVETat

f "{) I , - Q IQ t and the addition of this to 3 produces 4 . The result

TETpas. o EV Kat µEya XP'Y)µa UVf.l,1"€/"TJK€V E vat of all this is that this number is a thing of vast
TOV dpt8µov TOVTDV, 8, he Tfjs duwµcr.TOV Kat importance. It was this number that has led us out
VOT)tjs ouatas rfyayEv Ei'S' cfwotav ~µas TPLXri of the realm of incorporeal existence patent only to
81.0.rna.TDV awµaros, TOV ipuae:i TTPWTOV a laO·r,ToV. the i ntt'lll'ct ru1d hns introdnceu us to the con ·eption
of a b cly of three dimensions, wh ich by its nntw·e
liO () Se µ~ avvds TO AE'}'OftfllQII EK TtVO<; 1TaLOLiiS"
first 'Olnl:''1 within th rang, of our s ns ·s. An you ·
daETat 1TUVV avv~8ov,;. o[ KapvaTttovns Elw8aaL who dues not uudc.rstaod wbat [ nm saying will catch
I > > t<;, I () I > ,J. I H
-rpta €V €7TL7T€O<p Kapva. 1rpon EVTES €7Tt'l'epew EV J n•Y rneu11ing if h · <·alls lo 111ind a very familiar gnm .
axijµa. 1TVpa.µo€LDEs a1TO'}'EVVWVTE<; 0
TO µev o3v EV Pla I' rs with nutc; arc in the hubit of setting out
€7TL7TED<p -rptywvov Zarara.t µexpL -rptaSo<;, 7'0 S' three nuL'I all on one le\·el and f acltllug one to
1hc:;e, thus forming a pyramidal figure. The figure
Em-re8ev TETpaSa µev EV ap,8µ,o'i:s, EV Se ax~µa.aL of the lrinngle on Lhc I vel on ly r aches the number
51 1TVpa.µ£8a yew~, anp,ov ifS'YJ awµa. 1rpos Se 3 ; the added nut produces, in numbers 4, but in
TOVTOLS' ovS' €KELVO U'}'VO'Y)TEOV, OTL 1rpw-ros apt8µwv figures a pyramid, a body rendered solid by its acces-
( I
I I 7 ) I ,!
taos, µ€-rpov
sion. In addition to these points we must remember
also that first among numbers 4 is a square, made
StKatoaVV'Y)S Kat laoT'Y)TO<;, Kat on µ6vo<; EK TWV
up of equal factors multiplying into one another, a
> -
av-rwv Kat\ avv () eaEL
KatI ovvaµn
" 1,J.
1T€'1'VK€ -
yEvvaa ()
at, measure of rightness and equality, and that alone
avv8ean µEv El( Svo'i:v Kat Svo'i:v, Svvaµn DE 1Ta.ALV among them it is such as to be produced from the
EK TOV ots ovo, 1rayKal\OV
- <.,\ <:, I I \ I
avµ'l'wvtas €LOOS €1TL-
I ,,..., > same factors whether added or multiplied together,
by addition out of 2 ,mrl 2, and by m ultipli.cation
DEtKVUJ.1,€VOS', 8 µ'Y)D€VL TWV aAAwv dpdJµwv avµ- ;tg,lin out o f twice 2, thu exhibiting a right foir
fl e'fl'Y)Kev· > I
avnKa yovv
- "C avvn () €µEvos
ot es, I >
€K <;, -
ovoLv form of consonance, su ch as has fallen to uone of the
-rpta.Swv, OVKETL '}'€VVa-rat 1ToAv1rAaaLaa8EtaWV, aAA' other numbers ; for example-6, sum as it is of two
52 ETEpos, 0 €VVEa . 1TOAAats Se Kat aAAats 3's, is not (as in the case of '1-) produced by their
Te-rpas, as I c\ ' QI
aKpt,.,Ea-repov Kat
\ being multiplied together, but a different numbc1·, 9,
results. There are several other powers
EV T<t) 1TEpl av-rijs lStcti Aoy<p 1rpoav1roDetKTEOV.
of which 4 has the command, which we shall have
U1TOXP'Y/ Se KaK€tVO 1rpoa8e'ivat, OTt KaL Tfj TOV to point out in fuller detail in the special treatise
' ' ,.. \ I I I
1ravTo<; ovpavov 7'€ Kat Koaµov '}'€V€U€t '}'€'}'OV€V dernted to it. Suffice it to add just this, that 4 was
, I
apx'YJ· Ta yap T€7' UTOLXEta, €S WV
\ \ I ...., '(: 1' I~
TOO€ 7'0
made the starting-point of the creation of heaven
and the world ; for the four elements, out of which

eo71µwvpy~87], Ka8<J.7T€p dm:i 7T7JY'T/S' ippv71 T'T/S' EV this uni\'ersc was fashione<l , issued, as it were from
dpiBµois 'TETp&.Oo~ · Kai TTpO~ TOVTois ai ET~ac.01, a fountain, from th e numeral 4 ; and, beside this, so
C' y I
1d so did the four seasons of the year, which are re-
'i' f \ ,I.. ...., " I
wpat T€TTapES' at .,,cpwv Kat 'f'VTWV atnat YEVEUEWS''
TETpaxfj TOU £vtaVTOU OtavEµ718lvT05' El, XEiµwm s pnrbible for t l,c· coming inl:o of animals and
pl,111 1:l<, the yc-m· hav ing a fomfol<l division into winter
Kat lap Kai Blpos Kai µETCmwpov.
nnd pri11g and surn111e1· a111.l auLumn.
63 XVII. ToaaVT7JS' oov a(iwBEVTOS' £V Tfj cf>uan XVII. The aforesaid numeral, then, having b een
7Tpovoµ{as TOU AEXBEVTDS' apiBµoiJ, Ka.Ta TO avay- deemed worthy of such high privilege in nature, it
Kafov o 7TDL7JT~S' 0UKOUJ1,€L TOV ovpavdv TETpO.OL, 0
was a matter of course that its Maker arrayed the
1rayKo.Acp Kat 8EOELOWTaTlf) Koaµ.,lf), TDLS' cf>wa- heaven on the fourth day with a most divine adurn-
,,1., I JI '~ I fl "" V JI
111ent of perfect beauty, namely the light-giving
'f'opoLS' aaTpOLS'' ELOWS' TE on TWV OVTWV aptaTOV
( 101
~ TOI 'f'WS'
,I. - EUTW,
' I opyavov
" ' I TTJS'
- heavenly bodies ; and, knowing that of all things
> 8' C' I '.) l,J.. ,, ' ,..., '.) lif{ hl is h1·s l , He 111ade it the indi~pensabl c n1ei111s of
aw TJU€WV opaa€WS' U1Tf'f'aLJ!EV' 07Tf p yap VOVS' fV
, itThL, th • b st of the senses ; for what th int 11 ct
{;vxfi' Toih' orp8aAµoc; EV awµan. fJM1m yap i,;in th e: :,oul, this the eye is in the body; fo1· endi of
J KUTEpDS', d P.,EV Ta VD'Y}Tct., o OE Ta alo 871TO. · I hem sees, one the things of the mind, the oth er the
I ) I
o µEv voiJs JmaT~/J,,7/S' fLS' TO yvwp{aai
) .J.(} \ I <:, I ,I_ I > I ~
thing., of sense ; and they have need, the mind of
Ta aawµ.,aTa, o'f' al\fWS' OE 'f'WTOS' ELS' T7JV TWV aw- knowle<lge, that it may become cognisant of in-
l ) /\ ,/, <I
µ.,aTWV aVTtl\7/'f'tv, 0 1TOI\I\WV µ.,ev KaL UI\I\WV aya \ \ A I I ,t \ \ ) 8WV
- corpon·,d obj r.r l<;, the eye of light, furt.h nppr hend-
ai'nov ylyovev a.v8pwrroLS', OtarpepovTWS' OE TOU ing of b <lily fo rms. L ig ht h u.s -prt,Yed
64 µ.,ey{aTOV, cf>i,\oaocf>tas. {mo yap c/>wTOS' itsel f Lh sou rce of many other bo llS to mnukind,
but pre-emin ently of philosophy, the greatest boon
avw 1rapa1rEµ.,c/>8Etaa 'Y/ opaatc;, Kai KaTLOOUUCI.
,I.,. I l I , I ) ,.. , I of all. For mau's faculty of vision, led upwards by
'f'VULV aUTfpwv KaL KLV7JULV aVT(.t!V EVapf-LOVLOV, light, discerned the nature of the heavenly bodies
a.rrAavwv Tf Kat rrAav~Twv ei'i OtaTfTayf-Ll~·as rrEpt- and their harmonious movement.a He saw the
,1.,. I "" , \ 1 \ \ t I
'Popa,, TWV fkEV Ka.Ta TaVTa KaL waavTWS' 1rEpt- "·ell-ordered circuits of fixed stars and planets,
1ToAovvTWV, TWV o' UVOf-LO{ws T£ Kai V1TEVaVT,WS' how the former moved in unchanging orbit and
OLTTatS' 1TEpLOOOLS' xpwµlvwv, xope{as TE 1Tct.VTWV all alike, while the latter sped roun<l in two rcrnlu-
eµµeAEtS' vop.,OLS' TDLS' µovaiKfjS' nAe{a, OtaKfl<O- tions out of harmony with each other. He marked
the rhythmic dances of all these, how they were
Uf-LTJf-LEVa,' a.AEKTOV dµrrapetX£ Tfj {;vxfi TEpVJLV TE
marshalled by the laws of a perfect music, .and the
Kat YJOOV~v· 'Y/ o' Janwµlv7J 8eaµaTWV £1TO.AA~Awv, sight produced in his soul an in effable delight and
Es>c < I
£TEpwv yap I .:,. "
,,v ETEpa, \ \ I
1TOl\l\7]V > \
a1Tl\7lUTLaV I
El XE pleasure. Banqueting on sights ni ·played to it one
o See App. p. 475. after another, his soul was insatiate in beholding.
40 41
j\nd then, as u:;ually happens, it went on to bw1y
lt'i If with questionings, askin,. What is th ssence
of these visible objects? Are they in nature un~
o1·iginate, r had they a beginning of existence ?
What it; them thod of their movement ? And what
ar the principl s hy whi ~h each is gov.!rncd? It
w11 · out of the iuv tigotlon f these pr bl ms th,1t
philosophy_ grew, thun which no more perfect good
ho ome mto lhe Hfe f mankind. XVIII. It wo ·
with a view to that original intellectual light, which
I hnve mention d as b longing to th ord r of the
inco.rporeal \\'.orld that He created the heavenly
boches of wlueh ou1· set1scs are awa1·e. Th •se are
imag s divjne and excee<lina fair, which H st.ah-
lis hed in heav n as in th purest temple belonaing
tn corporeal being. This He din thRt they mlght
s rv mnny pu,yose ·. o~ purpose was to g iv light;
another to be si.gns ; a third duly to fix sc11sons of the
ye~· ; and lnstly for the . ake of days, months, years,
which (as we all know) have served as measures of
t,111 • and give11 birth to number. The kio<l of usc>fol
service rendered by each of the bodies mentioned is
· If-ev ident; yet that th truth may be more pre-
cisely ~ppreheuded i~ may not be out of place to
follow I L step by step Ul a reason d ac ·ount.
All ti~e having ~eer1 d ivid~d into tw o portionB, day
and night, tJ1e hither assigned the sov reignt.y of
the cln.y to the sun, as to a g reat ki ng and thal of
the night to the moon a nd the ho!>-t of the other st.11rs.
The greatness of the sway and government pertaining
to the sun finds its clearest proof in what J:ias been
already mentioned : one and alone it has by itself
scpll.rately had day apportioned to it, half of the
whole of time ; while all the rest with the moon have

had allotted to them the other half, which has

rec.eiYe<l the name of night. And when the sun
has rben, all that multitude of stars which were
vbible but now is not merely dimmed but becomes
actually invisible through the pouring forth of its
light; and upon its setting Lhey begin all of them to
]iine out in their own true ch ar3c;tc..i-s.
XIX. The purpose of their existence is, as the Lord
Himself pronouneed,a not only to send forth light
upon the eH!'th, but also to give timely signs of
corning events. For either by their risings or
settings or eclipses, or again by the seasons of their
appcanmce or disappearance, or by other alteration
in th i.r movements, men conjecture future issues,
good hnnest'i and bad, increase and decay of animnl
life, fair wcalher and foul, gales and calm ·, floodin~s
and shrinkings of rivers, seas smooth and rough,
irregularities of tl1e seasons, either wintry summers,
0 1· scorchin,:t winters, or springs like autumn, or
autumns like spring. Indeed it has happened that, by
conjecture based on the movements of the heavenly
bodies, men have notified in advance a disturbance
and shaking of the earth, and countless other unusual
occurrences, proving the complete truth of the words,
" t he stars were made for signs." It is
added, moreover, " and fi r appointed times "
( 'en. i. 14). By "appointed times" Moses under-
stood the four seasons of the year, and surely with
good reason. For what idea does " appointed
time " convey but " time of achievement " ? 1ow
Lh foui· seasons of the year bring about achievement
by bringing all things t o perfe tion, air sowing :ind
planting of crops, on<l the birth and g rowth uf
animals. The heavenly bodies wei-c
created also to furnish measures of time : for it is
. xpovwv · ~i\fov yap Kat aEA~VY)S' KO.I. 'TWV a'.Mwv by :egular revolutions of sun, moon, and the other
TE'TayJJ-EVatS' 7T€pto00LS TJJJ,Epat Kat JJ,fjVES Kal b~d1es that ~ay.s a.nd months and years were con-
EVLaVTOt avvEaT'Y)aav. d(}Js TE TD XPTJULJJ,wTaTov, stit~ted. This m its.elf involved the showing of
~ api(}µ,ov <f,vms, EO EIXO'YJ. xpovov 1rapa.,pr1vaV'TOS their most useful service of all ; I mean number as
par~ o~ th~ wo~ld's order, time by its mere lapse
ath~v· EK yap µ,Lfi.s ~/.kEpO.S 'TO lv, ica.1 El( 8uot11 md1catmg 1t. I- or out of one day came " one " out
Ta ovo, Kal EK TpLWV 'TU -r:plo., KO.t EK /LTJVbS Ta of two " two," out of three " three " out of a ~onth
TptctKOVTa, Kat E[ EVtalJ 'TOU TO lua.p,Oµ.ov 'TCtLS EK "thirty," out of a year the number'equivalent to the
8woEKa JJ,7JVWV ~JJ,EpatS' 1ri\fj{}os, Kat lt 0.7TElpov days made up of twelve months, and out of infinite
time came (the conception of) infinite number.
61 xp6vov J U7TEtpos apt8µ,6s. /is 'TOCTO.UTas So many and so essential are the benefits within the
I ~ > I <;, I > ;J. \ I <
KO.L OVTWS avo.yKaLaS' oLaTHVOVULV W'f' EI\ELO.S (I.I scope of the constitutions and movements of the
.-. ' l , J .J. \ I ) I
TWV KaT ovpavov 'f'vaELs TE KaL KLVTJUELS' a.aTepwv· heave~ly bodies. To how vast a number of other
ns > I
1roaa o<;,> a1111a
W\ \ ;J. f
'f'at'YJV •I
av »
TWV < -
'Y)f.UV I
µEv operat1?ns of natuJ'e, methinks, do they extend !
d.871i\ovµ,Evwv-ov yap 7TO.VTa TCfJ ev71T'{) ylvEL yvw - Ope1:abons obsc ure to us-for all things a,· , not
w1thm the ken of mortals-yet working together fo1·
piµ,a-rrpos 8e T~V TOV oi\ou avvEpyouVTWV o,a- the permanence of the whole; operations which are
µ,ov~v, Cl (}WJJ,OLS Kat VOJJ,OLS, oiJs Jipto£11 O 8EOS invariably carried out under ordinances and laws
' f , ,.... I Q I , \
aKLV'Y)TOVS £V 'Tlp 1ravn, uvµ,-,aivH 7T(LV'TTJ 'TE KaL which G~d laid down in His universe as unalterable.
1ravTWS e7TLTEAlia8ai.
XX. Earth and heaven having been equipped with
the array appropriate to either-earth on the third
62 xx. rfjs 8e
Kat ovpavofJ OLaKOIJf.l.'Y)(}EVTWV 'TOLS
day, heaven, as has been recounted, on the fourth-
'Tl'poa~scoua , ,coaµ.ois, 1fjs f.1.EV Tpui8i, TofJ 8' ws the Creator took in hand to form the races of mortal
li\lx8-q 'TETpa.8,, 'T<l evY)Ta yl1177 (cpo1r i\a.aTELIJ creatures, beginning with aquatic creatures on the
OJ(xdpn , ~v ·dp~v Q.170 'TWV b,J6pwv 7TOL0UfUVOS fifth day, deemi~g that there is no kinship so close :is
that betwee_n arnmals and the number 5. For living
[14] ~f.1.Epq. I 7Tt/L7T'TTJ, voµiuas ov8ev OVTWS ;Tepov creatures d1_ffer f~~m those without life in nothing
r I
I r Y I
avyyev1:s ws ',,'t)OLS 7TEVTO.oO..
I~ 6,a.,,Epn
J. I '
yap more than m ab1hty to apprehend by the senses ;
fJ),1/JUxa. d,/Juxwv OVOEVt µa>..i\ov ~ a.laO~an. 7TEJl- and sense has a fiv efold division, into sight, hearing,
'TO.Xfi Se 'TJ.lfl)TbV atu017ais I £LS' opacnv' els a.Ko~v, Els taste, smell, touch ; and to each of these their Maker
""' ) ,t .,J.,. ~ r ...J.. I f I J assigned special aspects of matter, and an individual
YEVULV, ELS oa'f'p'YJaLV, EtS" a'f'7'/ I'' EKO.crrr/ fLEIITOL
faculty of testing it, with which to assay objects
1rpoaEVHf.1.€V J 7TOLWV KO.l l(acpETOVS vi\as ,ca.I
coming under its notice. Colours are tested by
KpLT~pwv Z8,ov, l~ OLK Ta 1mo1r{1rTOVTO. ·

XPWfJ.O.'r(J. fJ.f.V
' [-']
u .L ' <' \
opO.tHo, ~,WIIO.S' OE
0.1(0,, I \
\ sight, so unds by hct1riug, sa.vo11rs by taste, perfumes
OE YEUIJ't!,, Kat our/>pr/Ut,; 1hµ,ovs, µa,\aK01'7JTOS 8e by smell , while 'Louch n ·says tl1c softn ss and ho.rdne..~s
' \ r I ,t
/{at (J/(/\7/POrf/TCJ.~· Kat 0(10.
8t!pfl,O..\ 7'~J ,/~1uxpu., I\EL0-
\ I of vario us s ubst:1.nces, their smoothness nnd rough-
ness, and recognizes things hot or cold.
63 77JTOS n Ka~ '1'paxu'T"f/TO.S a.,p~. 1rr.wrota. So then he bids all kinds of fish and sea-monsters to
oi51, lxBtlwv y'1•71 ,cat KYJTWJJ KEAevn uuvtcrraaOm,
take shape, creatures differing in their habitats and
Ka.Ta ,,.61rou, f'na.,fa/.povra, Kat Tot, p.EylfJw,, KCLL their sizes and qualities ; for different seas produce
1TOt0T7]CJW' d>.>.a yup EV c:0,A04S' 1TEAayeaw,
'TO.LS' to some extent different fish ; not everywhere were
((]Tl s·
OTE /(ai Taina· 1,).-ryv 00 7TO.V'T'axov 'Tl'dl/TO. all kinds formed. This is as we should have expected,
OtE?TACLTTE'TO, l<O.L JJ,~1!'0T. elKOTWS' xo.tpn yap rd. for some kinds delight in a lagoon and not in a really
111.v rwa. -reva.ywSH l<'a.L ou n&.vu J3a.Oei'f 8u).6.TTf1, deep sea, some in harbours and roadsteads. These
rel S' imoSpoµots ,wi. >.,µlcn, JJ.~-r· e7Tt yfjv dv,prrew can neither crawl up on to the land, nor swim
1.1.:17re 1r6ppw Y1JS E7Ttlnlxw0at 8waµ,01a., 'TO. Sit far out from the land ; and those that haunt the
/C{(Td /J.£{]0)1 ,cal (:1o.8v -rrl>..a.yor:: i)t(.UTW/.1,l'. VO. -ras depths of the open seas avoid jutting headlands
I H ~, I I I
1rpOKEXUfJ-€VCJS a."pac; 'I') VTJ<Tous T/ rrerpas EK-rpEirtEra., ·
'I\ t
or islands or rocks. Some thrive in calm unruffled
' ' ' • ,:, I • ' I .L - ' <' \ \ ,,:,
1(0.L 'Tll /.LO' EUQ4(f KO.l yall'l)V'(/ a'Pptyq., ra OE l<"I\UUWYt w:iters, others i n those that are stot·my and l>rok •n
,wt KVfJ-0.TWUfl. TO.LS' yap (T1)1JExlat "IT'AT), yvµva - by waves; for, through the exci· of bearing their
(up.eva., Kai ·f1{9- rr,v q,apd.v &.vwOoiJvra., l(PO.To.LQTEpd. comrlant blows and of thrusting back thejr onse by
sheer force, they put on flesh and grow lusty.
Tl Jun Ka, ma.{vfi'Ta., /.LMAOJI. tiOBvs Directly after these He made all kinds of birds, as
s\ ,ml TU ylvri TWV 'TTTYJVWII iS-,,µcoupyEL
, ,:.- \,J,' ~ 8' !/'<, f ., ' ,
sister kinds to those in the waters, both being things
O..OElly,U. 'TWV /;(.CL VOO.'TOS-t:/(0.TEpO, yap VTJICTO.-
that float. And He left incomplete no form of
j.L1)3Eµ.tav i8ia.v rwv &eporr6pw·v d'Tl.'A'I) 1<aTO.AL'ITWJJ. creature that travels in air.
64 i l . . "LJ"'
..,X '\.•1 l Or) 0<:,> VOt;l'TOS
""' >'
KaL' aeipo,; Tel' rrpoari,KoYTa.
X XI. Water and afr lHtving now duly received as
TWV tifuw ylv17, ,ca£J6.wep
> \ ,/, I I\ > I\ \
I\Afjpov OLICEfov,
~ > \
a sort of lot of ~heir own the living c1·entures appro-
0.7Tf.61\7/CrO'TWV, '7Ta.AiJI EK(J.l\fl -r17v 'YT/" Et, 'T7JV 'TOI.I priate to the1TI, He again cal'le<l upcm the enrth for
< \ .k(J I • I
U7TOI\Et'I' EVTOS 1.1.epovs yeveatV-U7TOI\EI\H7TTO
, \ '\ <' \
0€ the production of the portiou tli t1t had been left out.
JJ.ETO.' Ta' .1. '
'f'IJ'TO. Y'
<,'f-!Wll 'TO.' ~
xepaa.L(l,-- KO. { ,J,
'Jl'l)ULV' When the plants had been created the land-animals
e{ayo.yi-rw 71 yfj KT1)117} 1cal. 871p{a. 1ca, iprreTa. had been wanting. So He saith " Let the earth
1(0. f) , Elr(l,UTOV rt,IIOS (G en. l.
y . ;,;+
,., ) . 7)• OE
I "' ' TO.' 1rpoa· bring forth cattle and wild beasts and creeping things
raxOlno. avn,m cl.vt1u,, rfi re Ka-raaKEtifi DLa.- after each kind" (Gen. i. 24). The ear~h forthwith
y,epona, KO.L\ TO.LS .. t" , .....
pwJ.LO.t>, ,cai ra~,; evvna.pxov-
' . .I puts forth, as it was bidden, creatures all differing
urus /3Aa.1TT11ca.i:s ,} W(pEA'fJTU( Svvd.µemv. in build and in the varying strength and capacity
to hurt or to serve that was inherent in them.
48 49
To crowno.ll he m:1de mnu, in what way I will
65 tnt 8E miaw E7TO{EL TOV av8pw7TOV' tv 8£ Tp07TOV, say prr.sently, wh n I huv first pointed out the ex-
µtKpov VClTEpov Jpw, 7rpoTEpov EKELVO 011,\waa,, ceeding b aut;y of the chai n of s ·q uence which Mos s
7''fl- T'l'JS'
' ' O' ' ~ K(Xp71-rat,
' ms- 1:.tpj,1,4) I has employed in setting forth the bringing in of life .
For of t he forms of animal life, the least laborat ly
Ka(J' 'lJV U¢'1'JY~UaTO ''f)OyQ1 {av. r/JVX.7JS' yap ~ 1
wrought has been allotted to the race of fish; lhnt
\ ) I , ¥ J ,-. I
µEv apyoTU7'"1 1(0.~ 'fjKtClTO. TcTIJ7TWf),tll1] 'r't) yevEL worked out in greatest detail and best in all respects
, , \, , . ,. , R ,
8UWV rrpoa1CEl(l\'T/PWTO.L, '1'} o a..Kpt,.,li.ClTO.TI} to mankind ; that which lies between these two to
~ \ I ) I - .,.. , 0 I ~ a'J creatures that tread the earth and travel in the air.
Ka, Ka'!'O. 7ravra a.ptCl'T'I) T<t) rwv av pw1rwv, 'YJ
ftor the principle of life in these is endowed with per-
aµc/>o'iv µ£8opwr; Tlp TWV XEpaalwv Kal O.€p07rOpwv· t' ptions keener than that in fishes, bu t less keen than
ti \ t () I f t "' t t () I
0.VTYJ yap a.La YJTLKWT€pa fl€V EaTL T'YJS' EV LX VClLV, that in men. "Wherefore, of the creatures that have
66 aµuopoTEpa
' " I "I
OE -
T'fjS' '
EV av
' 8pw7TOLS',
I oto
" I I TWV - £µ- ' life, fishes were tl1e firs t. he brought i11to being,
[15) ,/, I I > I > () I \ I I r atures in whose b ing tb body predominates oYer
'f'vxwv 7rpWTOV<; EYEVV1]Cl€V LX var;, 7Tl\€0V f-L€TEXOVTO.<;
th oul or life-prindple. They are in a way animals
awµaTLKfjr; ~ tf,uxtKfjr; ova{ar;, TporrOV TLV<i ,cpa nntl not Animals ; lifcl s beingi, with tht! power of
' ) y""' \ N,/, \ I \
Kat ov ':,'f)a, KLV'fjTa a'f'uxa, 7rpor; av-ro µovov T'fjV
t \
movement. Th e seed of the principle of life has
TltlV awµa.TWV 8taf-LOll'TjV 7TO.p<ta7TO.p€VTO<; O.VTOtr; been sown in th n adv ntitiously, with a vi w only
to tl1e perp tuut.ion of their bodies, jus t us salt (we
TOV tf,uxoEt8ovr;, Ka8a.7T<,p cpaal TOVS' aAar; TOtS' I\J'C told) is added to Resh it may not easily
I • I < <;, I .J..() I
KpEaatv, LVO. /J,'YJ P<fOLWS' 'I' HpOLVTO' decay. After the fishes He macte the
µETct. 8E -rove; lx8vas Ta 7TTYJVCl Kat X"paa'ia. 718Y] yct.p bircls and land-creatures ; for, when we come to
these, we find them with keener senses and mani-
TO.VTO. ala()YJTLKI.UHpa, Kal 8ta TrjS' KO.TO.ClKEVfj,
t ,/... I I \ .-. ,/, I '~ I
fes ting by their stru turc fa.r more clearly nil Lhe
Efl'f'UlVOVTO. Tp0.VOT£par; TO.S' TYJS 'f'VXWClEWS LOLO· qua lities proper to beings endowed with t he li fe-
T1JTa,. Jni 8E 7raaiv, w,
JMxOri, Tov prin iple . To cl'own all, as w have said
av8pw7TOV, ({, VOVV Jfa{pETOV J8wpELTO, tf,uxfjr; TLVa befor , He made m nn, and bestowed on him mind
>.J..() \ par excellence, life-principle of the life-principle itself,
Ka () a1TEP
Kopriv >
EV o'f' a"fl'fl- · KO.LI yapI I
like the pupil in the eye : for of this too those who
Olf Tar; ' ,,J... I
'f'vaHr; TWV-
7rpayµaTWV I RI
investigate more closely than others the nature of
EpWVWVTli.S' dcf,BaAµov Myovaw dcf>Oa,\µov ElVat, t hings say that it is the eye of the eye.
67 XXII. TOTE µJv oJv a.µa 7TO.VTO. avvlaTaTo. XXIJ. At that time, indeed, all things took shape
simult1U1eously . But, though all things took shape
ClVVlClTO.f),EVWV o' Of-LOU 1T(lVTWV, ~ T(lgLS' O.VO."J'Ka{wr; t ogether, the fac t that living organi ·ms were after-
\ '
11oycp • ',l
v1reypa.,,ero, I.' \
om \
'T"YJV • '
euop.£V'Y]V av"'8 LS' es
'i: wards to come into existence one out of another
rendered necessary an adumbration of the principle
d,\,\~.\wv YEVEULV. EV Se TOiS' KaTa µipo, yivo- of order in the narrative. Now in particular creatures
' 11:.
fl,fVOLS' TasLS' 'Y,,~,
JO ' '
ffJTLV, ,,
C?,,PXf(J (} '
aL fLEV , \
a1TO TOV.... the order we find is this, that they begin at what is
,l \ '
.,,av110TaTOV \
T'YJV ,L '
.,,vatv, \ '
ll'YJYELV ,;:,, ELS'
O ' TO\ 1T(lVTWV
' lowest in its nature, and end in the best of all ; what
this best of all is we must go on to show. Now seed is
aptuTov· TL Se TOVT' €<7TL, 87J.\WTEOV, TO a1repµa the original starting-point of Jiving creatures. That
- r,,Cf>WV
TWV r' '
YEVffJEWS' ' \ fLVat
fJVfl,pE -o· this is a substance of a very low order, resembling
w, EfJTL c/,av>.6TaTov JotKOS' d.<f,pcp, 0EwpEiTat' foam, is evident to the eye. Dut when it hns been
deposited in the womb and become solid, it acquires
, \ \ > " > \ f Q\ (} \ I
a1111 OTaV ELS' TYJV µ71Tpav KaTapll'YJ fV <7TYJPLarJ, movement, and at once enters upon natural growth.'•
Q\ > ,J_ f ,J_ f 0:, \
I '(} \ \
KW7J<7LV fV VS' 11apOV ELS' .,,vaLV TpE1TfTaL. .,,vaLS'
OE But growth is b etter than seed, since in created things
pEll'TLOV 0'1TEpµaro,,
f ,
\ \ I
t I t movement is better than quiescence. But nature,
or growth , like an artilicer, or (to ~peak 111 l'e
Y£117JTok ~ 8' ola TEXVLTYJS', ~ KvptwT1::pov d1reiv pToperly) like a e o11sun1m,1te art, forms living
> I\ I y \ - \ \ t \
aVETTL11711r-ros TEXV'YJ, r,,<tJOTT11afJTft, T'YJV µ1::v vypav creat.ures, by distribu ting Lh moist substance to th ·
ovatav ds 'TO. 'TOV uwµa-ros µe>.71 Kai. µep71 Sia-
limbs and different parts of the body, the substance
of life-breath b to the faculties of the soul, affording
VEfLOVaa, '
T'YJV ~' ' ' ' .... ,I.
them nourishm ent and endowing them with percep-
,;:, , , () ' '(} ,
- -. tion. We must defer for the present the faculty of
\ \
'T'YJV'' _,
yap 'TOV 11oyiaµov -ravvv VTTEP (E'TEOV,
), ,;:,,
ota \
reasoning, out of consideration for those who main-
,J.I ( }'
tain that it comes in from without, and is divine and
.,,aaKovras vpa EV(av-rov
) , ,ETTEtat1::vaL,
>Io- eiov Kat\ eternal. \Veil, then, natural growth
68 dtStov OVTa, OVKOVV rfpta-ro µev aTTO started from so poor a thing as seed, but it ended in
> \ -
r ,J_
I >I\ /:,
8' fLS'
I that which is of greatest worth, the formation of the
, \ y I \ ' (} I I
living creature and of man. Now we find that thi~
TLP.,LWTaTOV, 'T'YJV r,,<pOV Kat av pw1rov KaTafJKEV7JV, selfsame thing has occurred in the case of the creation
' \ ~ \ ,.. \ ' \ ""' ""' \ I
of the universe also. For when the Creator deter-
mined to form living creatures, those first in ord er we re
avµf3ef371KEV' ~VLKa yap (cpa Sta1r>.aT'TELV l8ofE inferior, if we may so speak, namely fishes, while thosf:'
Tc'jJ 871µ,tovpyc'jJ, 'TO. µev 7rpW'Ta Tfj 'TO.gfL <pav.\cJTEpa that came last in order were best, namely men; and
1rws ,1: ' (} v1:,,
,1v, ix I
-ra\ a,;:,> vaTaTa
" "
aptaTa, " (} pw1roi,
av coming b etween the two extremes, better than those
Ta 8' a>.i\a µeaa. TWV aKpwv, d.µ1d11w µev TWV • S ee App. p. 480, note on L.A. ii. 22.
b Or" air."

52 53

71pvTEpwv, xelpw 0€ TWV ETEpwv, xepaafo Kai that preceded them, but inferior to the others, were
the rest, namely land creatures and birds of the air.
XXIII. After all the rest, as I have said, Moses
69 XXIII. Mm1 D'fj Tct,\,\a mf~·rn, KaBa7TEp JMxBri, tells us that man was created afte1· the image of God
TOV avOpc,mov ¢·qr1t yeyell'firrOai, IW! T eldva Oeou and after His likeness (Gen. i. 26). Right well does
1cai ,caO' oµ.olwuw (Grn. i. 26)· 7TO.VU KO.A.WS, he say this, for nothing earth-born is more like God
E/Ltpep/unpov yap V00£V Y'YJYEV£S &.1,Bpunrou 8e{p. than man. Let no one represent the likeness as one
_\ ,:,, ' .I I <:, \ ) y' ' to a bodily form ; for neither is God in human form,
T"f/V o t:µ.~1epna 1• /~YJOHS et1car,erto UW/.1.11.7'0<;
_ >/ \ > () f .J. < 0 I w
nor is the human body God-like. No, it is in respect
xapO.KTTJpL' OVTE yap av -pwrrnµ.opy,O!; O EDS, OUTE of the Mind, the sovc\' ign element of the soul, that
" . 7'0. a.11
(lel] 0roEtoes , 0pw11EL011
' I uwµa.
- '1'J< oe
<:,\ '
flKWV\ \ I
I\E - the word " image " is used ; for the pattern of
i\ei<ra.i ICQ.T(J. TOI' -n}, tpu)(ij<; ~yeµiwa VOLJII' 11pos a single Mind, even the Mind of the Universe as an
\ r1 \
yap eva, TOV TWV 01\WV EKHVVV WS av apxe7'V1TOV,
....,. "\ , "" f ~\ , I archetype, the mind in each of those who successiv ly
came into being was moulded. It is in a f1.1.Shion a
O EV £KO,UT(!;) TWV i<aTa µipos 0.11'HKOVLUB'YJ, Tp011'0V gud to him who carries and enshrines it as an object
T'11<l 01:os WY TOV <f,/poV'T'OS Kat aya},µa.To<popoiJvrO<; of reverence ; for the human mind evidently occupies
aurm,·I "
ov '
yap ti \ '
11oyov o,r 1.u,yus
' t '
'1'/Yt:µwv exn
ev> a position in men precisely answering to that which
a ... I - C' 11 \ t > 0 I the great Ruler occupies in all the world. It is
U11'a.JITt T'f' 1cor:rµ.tp, TOUTOV WS t:OU(E KCU O OJI pw-
invisible while itself seeing all things, and while
11'WOS' l'OUS EV &.,,Opwm..,,· aop a:r6s T( yC:.p E(lTtll,
comprehending the substances of others, it is as to
O.VTOS TU 17'(J.VTa opwv, Kai a871,\ov EXH T'fjV ovatav, its own substance unperceived ; and while it opens
\ - >I\\ \ R I
TO.S TWV al\l\WV KO.TUl\aµ.,-,avwv· Kat\ Texvais
Kai' by arts and sciences roads bnmchjng in many diree-
I \ <:, -
r.'01\UUX LOHS avO.TE/J,IIWV ovovs,
> I <<:, I \
I\EW- t io11s 1111 of th eni. g re at liigbwny , it comes Lhrough
,1_ I < 1
.,,opovs t1.11aaas, oLa ')IYJS' EPXETO.L ,ca~ ual\aTTl'}S,
<:, \ - •I \ D \ I lnud and sea investigating what either element
\ > I I .J, f <:, I \ ',\
contains. Again, when on soaring wing it has con-
70 TO. 1tV €1(0.TEpq. .,,uuH OLEfJEVVWP,EIIOS'' KO.L 11'a w templated the atmosphere and all its phases, it is
7TT1)1'0S apfJeis' 1(0.t 'T611 cUpa Kai TO. 'TOVTOV 7T(L - borne yet higher to the ether and the circuit of
0~1ui:ra KO.TUO'K£1/Jo.p.,E110S', UVWTEfW tpepETa, rrpos heaven, and is whirled round with the dances of
o.i'fl,epa. K(LL\ TUS'
\ oupavou
> -
m;ptooovs, rr m117Twv T£ I <:, ,\ I planets and lixe<l slu rs, in accordance with the laws
of perfect m usic, following that love of wisdom which
l<U.l d'7TAO.IIWII O'U/J'7T(pmo,\"(]Ods Ka.Ta TOUS
..., \ f r 11 ,J.. J I I guides its steps. And so, carrying its gaze beyond
t.c.oucn1cris T£1\EU1.s voµ.ous , frroµ.n•os epwn uo.,,ias the confines of all substance discernible by sense, it
S:, -
?TOO'J'/"ft'TOl)ll'TL , rraaav -, ' I" ~ ....,l 0 \

0.LO' 'YJT"f/11
I '
U11'Ep· comes to a point at which it reaches out after the
71 1cv,f;as, JvrafJ8a lef,{r,_70., rfjs vori'Tfis· /(at WV efbrn intelligible world, and on descrying in that world
.51 55

lvTav8a al(TOTJTWV lv fKElvr, Ta 1TapaoElyµ,aTa Kat sights of surpassing loveliness, even the patterns and
TaS' ><;, I O I • f3 I \ \ I\ \ 18
WEaS' EaCTO.JJ,EVOS'' V7TEp at\l\OVTa KUI\I\T], J-lE Tl the ori ginal,; of the things of sense which it saw here,
V'Y)rpaJ..tep l(aTauxi::Bd~· WU7TEP ol 1<0puf3avTtWVTES' it is s iz d by 1.1 sober it1tt>xicntion, like thos filled
lvOova,~, &lpov y£µ~a8e,s tµJpov 1<aL rr68ou with Coryhantic frenzy, and is inspired, p ossessed by
/3EATlovos, or/,' OU -rrpos T'r]V U.l(pav w.f,ZSa 'TT< a longing far ()tlwr tha n theirs and a no bler desire.
,IJ• I - - ' ' , ' ,, ~ ~ \ Wt.1fted by this to Lhc topmost arch of the things
per ·ptlblc to mind, it seems to be on its way to the
1dya11 f3aai'Ma· yi\ixoµhou 8' UiEtv, n.8p6ou r/,wTOS' Great King Himself; but, amid its longing to see
a.1<paTOL Kat ciµ,,yli:s auy,1£ ':(Etµ,appov TPOTTOV Ilim, p11rc and untempered rnys of con cntratcd
lKxl,wra,, <:,s Tats µ,apµ,apuya ts To TfjS' 6iavolas light streom forth like a. torrent so that by iLs gleams
s/k/.LU UKOTDOLvtav. lm;i 3> DU aJµ1raaa. the eye of t h und rstanding is dazzled.
\ \ > ,/. \ , I <;, I \ \ \
ELKWlf E/J.'l'EPTJS' apXETU1Tl.f 1TapaoE,yµ,an, TrOl\l\a, And, since images do not always con spontl Lo their
~, ' \ , I ( , \ I ""
o HO'LJJ avoµ,otot, '1T'p00'0THT't)J-l11JIO,TO €1TloL71"WV T<p 11rd1etype and patt ,;n, but arc in many instanc:es
1cti:r Et1rova TO Kd
1 •u . . L > {3~
ELS' EJ-l'f'auiv aKpt ou; unlike iii, the writer fu1·ther brought. out his me:ming
, , j , ti
E:KfLUYHOV TfO.Voll TV7TOJ1 e10VT05'. by adding " aft "r the likeness " to th~ words " after
72 XXIV. 'A1Top1urn, s· Ul' ns OUK U.'TT'O O"K01TOU, the image," thus showing that an accurate cast,
,,., 0~7TOTE:T'TJ"' av0pw7TOV /LdYOV yWHTlJJ oux evt bearing a clear impression, was intended.
871/J.Wvpyq, KafM.'ITEP 'T<lAAO. &.,,;e'"f} l(E:JJ, rl,\,\' w<Tavd XXl . a One may not unfitly raise the question
7TAE:touw · dua.yEL yap TOJJ 7Ta:rtpf.J, TWV OAWII TO.UT! what reason there could be for his nsci:ibing the
.).{yowni · '' 1rot~awp,e:v t!!.v9pw1rov 1ca-r' ELK6va. c1·eation in the case of man only not t o one Creator
< I I O' f f 1, \ \ ... , as il1 the case of the r ·st but, as the words would
'rJf-LET€pav KO.L KU OfA,Otwau,. /k'"f} yap XfHOS
suggest to several. For he 1·eprescnts the Fnthcr
Jcnw, Et7TOt/)..1 cl,µ, ovnJJO(JOVV, iP
-rro.YTa V7TTJKOa; of the universe as speaking tlrns, " Let us make
~ TOJ.' µ,Jv ouplll'OV ~ ...tKa lrrolE:t ,w.i T~V yfiv I((}.~ rnan after our image and likeness ." ' ;mil be,' I
rryv fJdAaTTaJ.', ou6evos- J61,~B11 'TOLJ auvEpy~UOVTOS', would ask,' th!lt H e t whom all t}1ings are subject,
o..v8pwrrov o~ flpaxu ,q,ov OUTWS" /((Lt brlKrypov otix is in ncccl of anyone whatever? 01· can il b 1hat
oT6s TE ,ryv Btxa CTVJ.mpa!,;:ws f.Ttpwv Q."UTOS a.rt/ when He made the heaven and the earth and the
iavTov xa.TCLr1KE v&aaaBa,; rt;v µiv ov11 d,\17 - seas he required no one to be his fellow-worker, yet
(huTO.'T"'"f}V ai.nav 0EOJI a.vdyKT} p.011011 doEvm, TYJV was unable apart from tbe co- peration of others by
73 o' EtK6Tt crroxo.a1.Llfl '1TiOa1"(JJJ ,cat eui\oyov etva~ His own unaided power to fashion n creat ure s puny
\:, {J • ,
[17] VOICO UO.JI OUK 0.1T0KpV1TTE011.
I I ., "'\ ~"'
EUTL OE TJD€. TWV - and peri~lrnble as man ? ' The full truth about the
cause of this it must needs be that God alone knows,
1 Conj. Wendland for Ei1rwv. but the cause which by probable conjecture seems
• See App. p. 475. plausible and reasonRble we must not conceal. It
56 57
' \ II 1 1 ,..
is this. Among existences some partake neither of
warrEp 'f'VTa Kat
.,J.. \ \ r , . . "',\
i,cpa a oya,
\ ,, ",/,
µEv on a.,,vxa
I virtue nor of vice , like plants and animals devoid of
> I >,I_ f ,I_ I <;, ~ \ <;,> d
reason ; the on e sort because they are without
EO'Tt KUL a,,,aVTUO'Tlf) .,,vaEL OLOLKHTUL, Ta O OTL animal life and furnished with a nature incapable of
vovv Ka/. Aoyov €KT€TJA,7ITaL. KaKta, OE Kat dpeTrj- consciously receiving impressions ; the other sort
' av
we; ,, OLKOS
.. . . . KaL'
vovc; A'oyos, ,J.. I
Ct>1' 7TE.,,vKaO'Ll' ' ~ .....
EVOLatTa- lwcause from them mind and reason have been
eliminated : for mind and reason are as it were the
a8ai· Ta 8' av µ.ovrir; KEKOtvWVYJKEV dpeTfic; dµ.iToxa
dwelling-place of vice and virtue, which are by nature
I H I ti C' ) I 'i' \
1Taa71, OVTa IWKLas, W0'7TEp OL aaTEpE<;' OVTOL yap constituted to make their abode in them. Ot.h e1·s
(ci'>a TE dvaL MyovTaL Kat (<pa voepa, µ.iiAAov OE ngnin hm·e parhwrship with virtue only, and have
vovc; aUTO<; EKUO'TOS, oAos Si' o.\wv 0'7TOVOafoc;
no part or loL i11 vi e. Such ar the h n\•e.n ly bo<ll s ;
for Lhese are said to be not only living creatures I.Jut
Kat 1TaVTO<; Cl.VE7T,O(KTOS Kal<OV' Ta OE T'ryS fUKT'T}S livinl! crcatnrc.s nd w d with mind, or ra her e:icl1
> ,I._ I <f >I () •\ > ';> I
EO'TL .,,vaewc;, W0'7TEP av pw7ros, os E7Ttu '< XETat of them a mind in it~elf, excellent through 1md
I .,J..
.,,pov71aw Kai
I \ >,J..
I ,J..
I through and unsusceptible of any evil. Others are
of mixed nt1ture , as man, who is liable to contrari es ,
Kat a.Ko.\aatav, dv8pEtav Kat SnAlai·, OLKaLOav~·riv
wis d on1 a n<l fo lly, ry and licentiousnel;s,
I ><;, I
Kai aoLKLav, Kai avve OVTL .,,paaat aya a Kat KaKa ,
\ ;\' ,I._ I ) 8' I I
courng and cowardice ,iustice and inj ustice a nd (in
74 KaAa Kat alaxpa, dpeT~V KaL KaKtav. T(t) s~ n word) to th ings g1 od and evil fair nml fou l, to
vi1•tl1c and vice. Now it wa.s most proper to God th•
7T<lVTWJ' 7TaTpt 8e(f, Ta µiv 0'7TOVSa'ia Si' aUTOV
I ,... ., I 1' ti ,.... \ , \ univ ri: t1l F11th r to make those excellent thing. by
µovov 1TOLELV OLKEtOTaTOV YJV EVEKa T'YJ, 7rpO, aVTOV Himself alone, because of their kinship to Him. To
J \ <;, \ > ';> J ,I._ > >\ \ J > 0 I
auyyevetac:;, Ta OE ao ia.,,opa OVK a/11\0TpLDv, ETTEL O'YJ make those which are neither good nor had was not
Kat TaiJTa Tij, Jx8pac:; aih(f, Ka,dac:; dµotpEt, Tel alien to Him, since those too are free from vice which
is hateful to Him. To make those of mixed nature
was in on · rc~poct proper to Hirn, in nnother not so ·
/J,f.V EVEKa Tfic:; dvaKEKpaµiv11, f3e,\T{ovos lofor;, proper, so far as the better principle which form<; nn
75 dvo,KEtOV Si €VE Ka Tfjc; JvavT{as 1cat xe{povoc;. Std ing1· dicnt in th em iR concerned, alien, in Yirtue of
,... ) )
E7TL µ.ov71c; T'YJS'
\ I - ' e'
av pW7TOV YEVEUEW<; 'l''rJO'LV
I I ,,J.,_ the contrary Md w rse principle. So we c why it
<f t < (} \ II I '1 r, , J.. I is only in th instunce of man's creation that w a rc
OTL EL7TEV O EDS' 7TOt17awµ.ev, 07TEp eµ..,,aivei told by Jvf ses t hnt God said " L t 11:o;; n111ke:," 1111
avµ.7rapa.\17ipiv €T€pWV we; av avvepyciJl', Zva Ta'ir; expression which plainly shows t he. taking with Him
µiv dvrniA~TTTOL<; /3ovAa'ic; Tc Kat 7Tpa[ea,v civ- of othe1·s 11s fellow-workers. It is to t he eud tbaL,
when man ordt:rs his course aright, when his thoughts
58 59

8pdmov KarnpOovv-ros lmyp&.</,rrrai Oeos () 77<tVTWI' and deeds are blamelet,s, God the universal Ruler
may be owned as their Source ; while others from
~y91,wv, rai:s o' Jvavriais- ;TEpoi 'TWV IJ7T'T}KOWV'
the number of His subordinates are held responsible
€0Et y<ip aval'Tiov eTvai KaKOV TOY 1Tarlpa 'TOlS' for thoughts and deeds of a contrary sort : for it
EKyovot,' KaKOV o' ~ KaKta Kat at KaT<i KaKiav could not be that the Father should be the cause of
76 Jvlpyeiai. 'TTUVU OE KaAws, TO ylvos- 011 evil thing to His off.<;pri11g : and vice n.ncl vicious
" £l
avupW'TTOV > I
Et'TTWV, I:, I
Ot£Kptve Ta\ HO'YJ U<:, ,J_ I
'f''Y/aas "
appev 11cJivities nrc m1 evil thiug. And when
J\lloses h11d call d t he g nus' ' mnn," quite admfrnbly
TE Kat Biji\v OEO'TJJJ,LovpyijaBai, µ~TTW -rwv f.V µlpEt
did he distinguish its spc•cies, ndiling that it had
µoprp~v i\af3ovTWV, f.7THO~ Ta 7TpoaExla-ra-ra 'TWV been crent •d " ninl1~ and fomal ," and Lhis though
£l8wv €VV7Tapxei 'T<f' ylvei, Kat WU7TEp f.V Ka'TO'TTTP<f' it.c; individual men,b rs had not yet taken shape. Fo r
°8 tac/mLVE'T().t TOiS" oeV Ka8opaV 0UVap,E110tS', the primary sp e ·ies are in the genus to begin with,
77 :XXV • I 'E•,n.,,"7'7'7JO'€u, r , o1:,• av "
ns TlJV , , ,
ainav, 1:, ,
ot and reveal the mselves as in a mirror to those who
[ 18) " " ' • " 0 - - , , hnve the faculty of k n v1s10n.
'TJ" VU'TO.'TOIJ €Q'Ttv av . pW7TOS- T'YJS' 'TOU Koaµ,ov yn·e- XXV. It is obviou t inquire why man comes last
',J...' ,, \ .... .,,.\ \ ' \ t \
O'EWS-' E'I' a7TaO't yap 'TOLS- aN\OLS' avrov O 1TOt'Y]'7"TJS" in the world's cre ation ; for, as the sacred writings
\ I " t r \ J.. \ , show, h was the last whom tl1e Fnt.her 11nd 1. l aker
Kat 'TTUTTJP, waTTEP at iepai ypa'f'a, µ,'Y}vvovaiv,
Elpyaaaro. Myovaiv ovv ot 'TOLS' v6µ,ois- f.7Tt 7TA.EOV fashioned . Those, then, who have studi d mor deeply
> f3 {J I \ \ J , \ t '1 J \ than otl1ers the laws of Mo ·es and who examine their
€/J, auvvaVTES'' Kat Ta KUT aVTOVS' WS' Ellt µ,af\LO'Ta
\ ' 'C I , f3 . . ti .... t ....
contents with all possible minuteness, maintain that
IJ,ETa 'TTaU'fJS- E\, ETUCIEWS' aKpL OVIJTES', O'TL T'TJS' avrou Gorl, when He made man partaker of kinship with
auyyEvElas µ,e-raOOVS' d 8€0S' avBpw7T<fJ 'TTJS' i\oyu<fjs, HiJllsdf in mind and reason best of all g ifts, did not
rfns aplaT'TJ 8wpewv ~v, OVOE 'TWV aAAwv J<f>8oVTJCIEJf, b ·grudge him Lhe oLher gifts eithc:r, but made ready
>\ \ ' < > I
al\/\ WS' OtKEtOTaT<f' Kat 'f'tl\TaT<f' \,<f'<f' Ta El'
I ,J_ \ I )' I I > for him beforehand all things in the world, as fo1· a
I I I f3 OVfl'f/\ 8ELS' I
living being dearest and clo,;;est to Himself, since it
Koaµ,cp 1Tavra 1Tpo17ro,µ,aaaTo, yEvoI • was His will that when mnn .iune into exis1en ·e he
µEvov av-rov µ,170EJIOS' chopijaat -ri7iv 7rpb<; TE ro should be at a loss for none of the means of living
,.;;" Kat 'TO EV ,.;;v· Jw TO µiv 7TapaaKEVa,ova,v ai and of Jiving well. The means of living are pr1,vi?etl
KatI a'f''-'-8 Ol'tat
7Tpo,I > f\
a'TTOl\aVUtJf, TO\ uy the lavish supplies of all that makes for enJoy-
I:, I
oE 'T/
t 8 I - >
ewpta rwv Kar ovpavov, a'f' ,1s 'TTl\'Y}X EtS'> I >,J_> :f: \ I e ment ; the means of living well by the contemplation
of the heavenly existences, for smitten by their con-
d JIOVS' Epw-ra KaL 1To8ov EO'XE rfis- 'TOVTWJI f.7T£• templation the mind conceives a love and longing
O''T~µ'Y},' oBev 70 <ptAoao<f>ias avE{3AaarTJO'E ylvos, for tl1e knowledge of them. And from this philosopb!
r,,1.., ll '
v'f' ovT Kat-rot 1 (}
wv ,, ,, (}
av pw7To, a1Tauavan· •
took its rise, by which mo.n, mortal though lie t,e, 1s
60 (j I
78 ((7C1',
ov,, ol £-CJ-rHfropes
~ _\ \ I
ov l 11p6-r1:.pov I
rend ered immortal. Just as g h·e1·s of a banquet,
Ort UE't1TVOV l<UIIOU<1t1 1 , YJ 7a TrpOS fiUWX O.V 7Tal!'T"li then. do not send out the ·ummonses to supper till
' I
E1rrpur1.aai, ,cat' or.~ TOUS
\ \
')'t'µvt1<<JUS' ' ,...
aywvus- 1<ctt' they hav ptLt ev<'rything in readine.$s for the feast;
CTK1]VtKOVS nfNvrEs, 1Tpt1•,1, TOV 8Ea7ClS 1111 l tl1osc who prn vidP gy1111111;ti ccnic contests,
w \ 8' •s, ' •y lwforc tlw.r gnt ht'r lhe SJ)t'Clutors i11to the Lhcatrc: r
f:L!, 7E TO. Ea7p<l K(UI Ta.' crrau,o., EUTfE7TL!JOUC7W
) ~
aywv,crrwv ,cat
EO.JLO.rw11 \ \ 8) \ -
1<0.t a1rnuuµ.o.7wv 'Trf\'YJ· th !.t11di11m , hav<· i11 r r.ncli11e.~s a unmhc1· of om-
0 0 <; • TOJJ
l _, ' I ' t .... 'I\ I
I I alanto.; nnJ p<!l'f'ormers lo charm hoth eye and Nlr;
old. ns d0'Ao8,l;ris KIU f<Tnrhwp, a118pw1ToJJ KCLAELII c:-:ac lly in Lin'. sn me w,,y t,lt Ruh•,· f Hll thing , like
_!\ \
E7Tt n, wwx,cw KO.L
0Ewp,0.11, TO. HS f:/((i·
I t I \ I \ \ ( I some pro\'icler of contest.s or of II banquet, wli 'n
nb ut h) in vii m11n I th njnym ' llt of a f; /\St nud
n:pov cl?3os 7TpOruTpf!7Tluo.70 · tv' ds 7011 1<oaµo11
,1 g rC'11t <;11 't'tacl , mndc rcndy hcforeho.nd th

\l.l \
EU vs
'O' .. e:up71 1(0.L
\ avµ1Toaw11 I • r, I
J<(J.L VE!iTpov
n111teriul fo1' b th. II d ·sired that on comi11g into
'"P'~Tarov, TO µ,b, 0.1T0.11TW11 11Aijptts 0<10. yfj 1<al the world man might at once find both n banquet
\ I I.IL\ \ '\ ,L, • -
7TOTaµo, Kat VWI0.7TO. Kai aY1p 'f'.cpova,v ELS' XPYJUW and a n>n!>t sac r d display, the one full fall things
) • I\
0.7TOl\aUuw, TO OE 7Tli'l/'rOLWJI
1rm71<nKWTO.T(l.5' J,l,f:V EXEt
S, \ I


-ra, . -• .
1 (}

ovu,as, ICUTfJ.7Tll7IKn -
Eaµa-rwv, Cl. Kara.-


S, \
that e:n·lh and rivers and sea and ai r bring forth for
us 1111tl tiir enjoyment,, the oth er cf all sorts of
l<WTaras OE 'TO.S 'Tf'OLOTYJ'TO.S' 1 f.lfJ.VJ.LO.ULWTCL7ClS' <JE spe tacll·.' most impressive in their substance, most
\ I \ I , I~ t
'T<JS ln"71U€LS' KliL xopELaS, '1)pµ,oaµ/:vatt; i111prf'.i,:si\'(~ in thei r qualilil!!:!, and tircling wiLh most
1<a,' ap,
> > \ e-I
µw11 ava11oy,a:,,; Ka,' 7TEpiouw11
I ll, I
Ell TO!, EO'tlJ
w<111drom; 1,1 vcments, iu nn rde r fitly determined
> t' < ' ..). ' >\ (J nlw:1p, in nc·co1•cl1wce, ith proporrio11 of n umbers and
a 11r, ij
I \
ev a,S' a11aurHS' T, 111 o.px£rv1To11 Kat 11ai
cl:1, u,µup-ra. 1101, l111rll.lOll)' of r volutio11-;. In all these one might
., Q
HI' '
\ I
l\cywv , a',I.>
f l,01JC7LK1JV
,1s o,t µEra.I -ro.vra
~ epwTTo t, TLS'
riglit1y sny tli:H th ere wa~ the 1·e.11l music, the rig-inal
'f' µt;VOL <E:V
"'r p o.·'·a' ' > 'TCU<;
, - 't'U,/, X<:tLS
~ '
TO.t; HKOll(l S' ' , anrl molkl vf all 0L11er, from which the men of
~;:Kat I
o'TaTTJV ' ',,J. '\ I I
KO.L Wv1EIILJ.LW'T(.1.'T'l7 11 TEXVTJV 7CfJ /3 Ll,t)
' subsequent ages, when they had painted the images
in their own souls, handed down an art most vital
7Tap£Douav .
and beneficial to human life.
70 , XXVI. "Ho£ µEV alTLa rrpwTTJ, o,' ~J) avfJpwrros XXVI. Such is the first reason fol' which appar-
- 0
E.,,',/, > a11aut
yeyo-YJCT t:,
a, 001<n· DEVT£pav II, - I
uS, > ov,c
I > '
a1ro ently mun was created after all things : but we must
<:TIC01TOU AEKTEOII. a.µa 1'1] 11pW'TTJ yevlun Tat; d; n1ention a second that is not improbable. Directly
• r~ , , I .t' y O ,
"'YJV 110.po..a1<£VaS' a1raaas •.up Ev av pwrro,, HS
11 S, \ I - H 1 ) ..,
he came into existence man found all provisions
DLoaa,cal\L0.11 OU/( fur life . This was for the instruction of future genera-
Q ,
~ f'

Ut;f;W!;, On, µ tµOUJ.LEflOL TOV apxTJ-

, .aVTtl(pvs
' tions. Nat.nre seemed almost to cry aloud in so many
' ,... 1' ,, ' , '\ I J
YETTJV 70V yevous, a1rovws KO.t ara11at7rwpws ev wmds that like the fir: t father of the race they
were to spend their days without toil or trouble sur-
a'I' OVWTa:rr1
- '
I '
• ,:- •
n.>unclcd by lavish nbundaucc uf ull tlrnL tb1.:y needed.
l 11ll J TOU'rLI OE
~ I
(11)µ.,/37)C1(T0.L, l ECW
o., aAoyoL 'l]OOIIQ.L
( ,:- I I l I
J I M\
An<l th is will be i;o if irrational pleasµ1·es do not get
if11,x1is !'iuvaareuuwrn, yaarp11w.pylav Kal AayvElav control of the s ul, waking th ir assaults upon it
lmrnxtCTo.a,u, /L~TE al So[T/S ~ xp71µarwv ?J apxif'> through gr~ diness find, nor the des.ires for glory
0 I
- {3'LOU 1Cpu:TOS
I Jo ' ,/
0.110.ylWJJTaL, µT}TE
I or w alLh or pow r arr gat Lo Ll1<'m elves lhc control
(JTH/IWCn , , , .. I, ,:- , r \ -
K!lL KO.t""f'(IJUL OL(.(IJOLar, ct, I\U1TaL, JJ,TJ'O' O• of tl1e life, nor sorrows lower ancl depress the mind ;
l(ll,/(OS <TU/.t OLI/IOS
I /3 \ ,/,. JQ
'l'o/"os \
TClS l ' I ,:- - -
E7n TO. 0'1TOUoa.tQ. TWV
and if fe ar, that evil counsellor, do not dispel high
II f , > I ~ > >~ .I \ ~ 'I impulses to noble deeds, nor folly and cowardice and
<:pyw,, opµas avaxmnar,, µ.1/T ay,poauv"I Ka, o<:t1ua
I > 0:, I I I - ~\ \ - > ..( injustice and the countless host of other vices assail
hir:n. For in sooth as things now arc, when all these
80 nAfjllos l-mBif'ra,. vuv/. /J.€11 yap 1TO.VTWV ocra. el'ih; whiclt have bC'en recounted have won Lhe day ,
\ I\
IIE/IEKTO.L naper,"µ€p7JUCL11TWV 1 ,ca, TWV av pw.7TWII
I I - > 0 I
and men have flung themselves unrc.struincdJy into
' 'L
avE ,
... ,,v EICl(t)(UJL y
vwv ELS T(: Ta\ 7TO.'O 71 KO.L' TO.S
' aKpa-
> I
the inilulgen(~e of Lheir p11ssions and I ft un 011-
-rnpas l(CJJ '1!7r0.LTL0VS ils of.lS' El1rei:1 1 0 'µ,i:; oplfns, trolled th eir guilty cravings, cravings which it were
I - .. (:,.I J \
u.1Ta11Tarat ot/\J 11po1rri1wuaa nµwpo'i aaE wv E1Tt·
) l 13- sinful even to name, 11. fitting penalty is incurred,
r718w1.uirwv· ear, S' ~ i>LKT/ To Twv 0.110.y,calwv due punishment of impious courses. That penalty is
8ua1r6purrov· µoAtS' yttp ci.vaTeµ.vOVT€S' T"r/11 m:S,cfSa, difficulty in obtaining the n ssaries of life. Fo1·
/({l.L 7r71yow f,,/i.8pa Kai 1TOTaµw1, €7TOX€Tf.'UOIJ'T~S' men plough the pni.h·ie and irrigate it frum spring
(11TE:Lp011T€<; ' .,J.. I ' I
'r€ i<a, 'l'l)T€VOVT€S I Kat TOii )'EW'ITOJJWV 11 nd river; t.hcy sow aucl ph1nL · and tlwougl 1 th·
1<0.µa:rov ,-ut8'
~µlpal' 1((1,L vuwrwp a.rp'U'TW!, EK• Jirnlong year O unwearied ly take up by clay and night
I:' I ,:- ' N 'Y ' > ,,:- I I ht: ever renewed toil of th Li ll r of the earth ; and
U€XOfL€VOL Ot (TOUS', auy1<0,.u.,,ouu, Ta li/TTt'r'Y)U(U)., Kd.L
yet they arc hard put to it to gather in tl1eh- 1·e-
ra.ur' f<TTLV OTE Av11pa J<at ov 'l'r('LIII) 8ia.p1di Sul
\ \ I /3'1\0,J"EVTa
Q J 1
atrtas · '1'J
I "
yapI U fl > \
oµ.,.,pw11 E7Tar, -
quisjtc supplies, and th sc at times of poor quality
\ I\ .J. I I ,o \ ry t) I > and bnl'ely sufficient having suffered inj uq from
ATJAWIJ ,,,opa.t ICO.TEGUpCJ.11, TJ xo.11a':,'l7<; J"Cl.pO<; E7TCJJ-
many causes : either tli y wer n1 ng d by rccluTing
f \ " f, /, t.
€x (J Et(Tl]S' a pow<; 1CaT€KJ1au.i1,
I > () I
, , 'Y , ~ ,

1, , , , ,
X i WV 11epiE.,,Ur,,€1', 71 1l rainfalls, or beaten down in masses by t he weight of
,-,ia 11'1/EUfJ,(J,TWII p~.,,a.tS' U.VTO.LS (tVeTp,;.1,,e' 710/1110. yap hail tliat f 11 on them, m· hal f frozen by snow, ur
iJSwp ICQL o.~p ,l. ayo1•{av 1< IIEWTEpl,ouuw . Lorn up routs nnd all by violent winds ; for ·waln
81 el SJ awcf,pocriJvn µ~11 lfw;tapiuBt:"iEv al aµt:Tpoi and air can in many ways change the fruitfulness of
'TWV 7Ta8iov Op/tat, StlCCUOUUI']/ Se al 7T€pL T<lDtlC€WI crops into barrenness. But if the unmeasured im-
CT7TOUDa.t n ,w.1 </nAoT[µ.la.,, ,ad, (11)JIEADV'T£ <ppaaa,, pu lsc of men's pa sions were c(llmecl anc.l allayed by
TClLS' dperais KO.l TatS' i.a-r' a.pETO.S e111:.pye1.0.LS' a[ se lf-mastery, and their earnestness a nd eager striving
after the infliction of wrongs wcr c hecked. !Jv right-
• See App. pp. 475, 476. eousness ; if, in a word, the vices and the fruit less
/CUK{at Ka/. ai Kar' aVTO,S' av1VVTOL 1rpa(EL,, UV:Jp1}- practices to which they prompt were to give place
' I I I ,/, I ~ ',/, "
f-1,EVOV f-1,EV TOV 7T011€fLOV TOV KaTa 'l'VX'rJV, OS a'l'EVOWS
\ A A
to the virtues and their corresponding- activities, the
> \ I
€UTt 1T011EfLWV apya11€wTaTO', Kat ,-,apvraros, ELpri-
> \ I I {:) I > I
warfare in the soul, of all wars veritably the most
dire m st grie,·ou~, would hav b en nboJ· .,hed.
vris o' emaxovaris, Kat Tal', EV ~f-1,lV ovvaµwiv
m,d pea e would prevail and wo uld in quiet and gentle
EVvoµ,lav 1rapaaKEVa~ovaris ~UVXYJ TE Kal 1rp4w,, ways provid good order for the ;'I:: rci ·e of rmr
>\ I " 'i' I L} I a ,/. \ I I ,/. \ I \
€/\TTL', av riv TOV U€0V, UT€ 'l't11ap€TOV Kat 'l't110Ka11ov focull:!es, and I here would be hope tha God, being
I I ,/. \ I L} > L} I > I
Kat 1rpoa€Tt 'l't11avupw1rov, rayaua avroµara 1rapa- the Lover of virtue and the Lover of what is good and
UXELV Jg ETo{µov Tip ylvEL' OYJAOV yap W', EVµapl- beautiful and also the Lover of man, would provide
UTEpov TOV Ta µri OVTa EL', TO ElVat 1rapayaynv TO
.... ' \ ., , \ 1' ,... \ for our race good things an orniTig forth spontan '•
\ , """ II ,/... \ JI I ,...
,usly aml 1111 in 1· •a(liu · . Por it · · cle,ir that it is
TTJV EK TWV OVTWV 'l'opav avEV TEXV'rJS yEwpytK1}', easier without ailing in the hnsbandman 's art to
€7TtOaiptAEvaaa8at. supply in abund1111cc th yiel f ATOwths nlrc.ndy
82 xx,.r11. ll.evTEpa µ,Ev alTla ifOe >..eAEx8w, TplT'Y} existing than to hring into being things tba.t were
8' EUTl TOLU0€. apx~v Ka/. rl,\o, TWV YEYOVOTWV
XXVII. Let what has been said suffice for an
o BEo<; apµoaaaBat OtavoriBd, W', avayKala Kal account of the second reason. A third is this.
,/. I \ > I I > I > I I\ <:, \
'f't/\TUTU, apx'rJV f-1,EV ovpaVOV E1TOtEL, 7"€/10', OE God, being minded to unite in intimate and lo\"ing
avupw1rov, TOV Ll I
TWV EV atUU1/TOl', a'f'uaprwv
A ' ' Ll A ',/.Ll I fellowship t h a11u entl of crentc•d thingi<,
TEAELOTUTOV, TOV OE TWV Y'rJYEVWV Kat cpBaprwv made h ·avcn t he beginning nnd m~1.11 th end, th
" Q I et' oEL
"' Ta11ri fJ'ES ELTTEtv,
• one tb<l 11)ost perfect of im1)ei·ishnbl ohjcc<ts of
[i!OJ apwrov, I
,-,paxvv, I
ovpavov, A '\ A '

se nse, the oth •r tl1e noblest of things carthborn und

1ro,\,\d, EV aihip cpvaEL<; aaTEpOELOEl', dyaAµaro- perishable, being, in very truth, a miniature heaven.
,,1.. ..... I \ , I \ ,.. ()'
'f'opovvra, TEXVat<; Kat E1TLUT1}(-',Ut', Kat TOL', Ka He bears about within himself, like holy iir1a~es,
t I
€KaUT'rJV apET'rJV aowtµot<;
, \ , r:;:, I ()
EwpriµaatV' €7T€W1} yap
I ) r:;:, \ \ endowments of nature that correspond to the con-
stellations. He has capacities for science and art,
evavr{a cpvaEL TO TE cp8aprov Ka/. TO acp8aprnv,
fol' kuowledg , and for th noble lore of the~ !-<:Verni
€t00U', EKarlpov TO KaAAWTOV apxfJ ,ca/. rl,\EL 1rpoa- vfrtue1-1 . For s in ce the currnptiblt:: and the iucor-
lvELµEv, apxfJ (-',EV ovpavov, ws eMxBri, rlAEL 0€ ruptibl are hy natm· • co11tr1ny the one tfl tlu: othc.r,
av8pw1rov. (jod assigncrl the fail' -~t of c1wh sort to tlrn I •ginn iug
83 XX VIII. 'E1r/. 1TUUL µlvroi KaKElVO MyErat 1rpo,; and the end, lif'nveu (Of; 1 h.1ve ai I) to hr beginni11g,
, 'Q , , , , wr:;:, , and man to the end.
U7TO OULV aina,; avayKaia,;· WEL, 1TaVTWV yEyo- XXVIII. Finally, this is suggested as a cogent
reason. Man was bound to arise after all created
66 67
I <f ,J.- I H () <t ' ~ t hings, in order that cu111ing" last and s udclrn l}'
VOTWV, V<TTaTOV .,,vvaL TOV av pw11ov, ,va TEI\EVTaLOS'
€!:, f •
TOL<; "''
a11110l<; y I
•,,<tJOLS t ,J. \
€7TL~,aVEtS > I
eµ110LY/ GTJ
a pp •.al'ing to the other animals h e might produce
, ' c eµe1111e
KaTaTTIIY)t;tV' " '' yap
'" , -
11pwrov TE eY/1T€VaL
, c,m,,tt'rnal ion in t h m; fo1· they were sure, as soo11
a5 they saw him, l o be arnazc tl and do homage tn
\ ..., C' ,, t I .,/.. I \ ~ I
KaL 11poaKVVELV we; av T)yeµova .,,vaEL Kat OEG1TOTT)V' him as to a Lorn rnkr or rna<;t cr: and so on beh olding
I () I
Eaaaµeva 11avra oia 11avrwv
I i;, \ I < e
'Y]µepw T),
him they wen· 1111 lfl111t•d through a ll their kinch,
\ ti \ ,,1 I ) I \ \ I
KaL oaa Ta<; .,,vaELS ayp,wraTa Kara TT)V 11pwr'Y)V t hose who wcr ' 11 ,o~I s11v1tg • jn I h('ir natures 11L t.h
EV vc; 11poao.,,w ey,vero
I ,/, , I
XHPOTJ earara, ras µEv
e I \ \ fir. t sight of him UC'<'0'11li11g 11\. Oil(' ' 1110:::t ina1111gc;1blc,
, 0
an a.aovs
I \
I ,
i;, I
, t\\ /\
displaying their unt,tmcd p11~nucily one ngai11st
t ~ \ I I N () () I , n a11otli .r, but to rnan 11.11d nrnn a l 11c s howing gc11Lle-
84 HS ve JJ.01101 1 rov av pw11ov TL aaevoµeva. 11ap riv
) ' \ I , \ t \ t \
nes!. arid doeility. On this account too the F.ilher.
ainav KaL yevvriaas avrov o 11ar'Y)p T)yeµovtKOV when h e ha<l u1·011g-ht hlin L11Lo •x ist e nce ru; u living-
<pUGH (cpov, OUK lpylf) µovov d,\,\d Kat rfi 8,d heing nnturully adapted for suvcrc.ignty, 11ot 011 ly in
\ I
11oyov I
XHporoviq. Ka ( )L<TTT)
' -
rwv < I
v110 ' I
a1rav· focl hut by ·xpr c; 11 1andale appoint <l hin1 king of
\ I I I t ti;, \ , I a ll crentw·cs unde1· tl1e moon, those Llwt mo,·e on
TWV f3 aaL11€a xepaa,wv KaL evvopwv Kat aepo11opwv ·
land and swim in the gen and fly in the air. For all
oaa yap Ov'Y)Ta EV TOtS rpw/, GTOLxeloic;, yfi, v8an,
things mortal 'ill the t hree c lements oflaml and wn.t r
a/pi, 1TUVTa U1T€TaTTEV aihcp, TO. Kar' ovpavov LJ7T • and air cl irl If · mak s ul ject to men, l>ul exempt •d
e(e,\6µevos, a.TE OetoTlpas 1wlpac; lm,\axona. Lh ht'av euly l>cing51 as having obtnined II po rtio11
I ~\ ,... ) ,... t I \ ..J.. f
TTt<TTL<; oe TTJS' apxTJ, evapyearar17 ra .,,awoµeva · more divin . Th e cl Mesi: pl'oof of man'i. ru! i"
Bpeµµarnw E<TTLV OTE 11,\18TJ µvp{a 7Tp0<; av8poc; aff n led by what goes on before our •es. • om. -
t \ J/ ...., I JIB) t \ ,,.J.. ,... tinit•s vnst uumhers of ra l ti are I cl by nn quit ·
EVOS' ayeTaL 'TOV TVXOVTOS' ov O'TTI\O.,,opovi•TOS
o rt.lin aq• n1nn neit her wearing unnottr nur currying
DUTE al8T)pov DUTE n TWV aµvvn1plwv €1TL¢Epo· :rn iron. wrnpt:in m>r 11 11yth ing- wilh whi ·!1 l defend
I i;, ,J.() I i;,, t I I '1 .
µeJJov, o,,,, epav o avro µovov exovros aKe11a- himseU', with nothing hu t a sh eepskin to c vc r him
ar1piov Kat {3aKTYJplav Evrna Tov 8w.a'Y)µijva{ re und a i;t.aff wl1 r rcwith to show t hem which way to go
\ 1 - t~ I l I I 8 \
85 KaL €V TaLS OOOL7TOptaLS EL Kaµo, GTT)ptaa a at• Ta, ant.I to lcnn 0 11 shou ld h e grow w nry 11 hi · joul'ney .
yovv \ Y I
11011Vi,1fJOV<; ayel\a,
' I\
11po arwJJ,
I > -
cuywv, f3 f3 owv,
- Sec, thel'e i · a sh epherd , n goa1.hcl'd, n cowh rd
ayEL \
1TOLµT)V ' I\
at7TOIIOS f3 OVIWI\OS', I\ H ()
av pw110L i;, I
h1diug Hocks of sheep and goats and IH"1•ds of kine.
...., I 1 I \ ..J.. ..-. t fl
They nrc men uot n:n strong and lusty in hotly
rote; awµaa,v eppwµevot Kat a.,,p,y wvTES, we;- EVEKa unlikely, so for as hcall hy vigour go s, to r<iate Con-
yovv def{ac; lµ,110,ijam TOlS' loova, K.aTct'TTAT)(LV' st rnatitin in those who see them . And all Ilic
Kat at TO<TaVTaL TWV TO<TOVTWV aAKaL TE Kat prowess and strength of all those well-armed animals,
i;, I
ovvaµHc; EV01TI\OVJJTWV- EXOV<TL yap ras EK .,,vaews
> \ I N \ \ t ,J. I who possess the equipment which nature provides
68 6!)
- ...

1TapaaKEVO.S als aµ,vvov-rat-KaBa1rep OOVA.OL ow1r6- and use it in self-defence, cower before him like
TYJV Kt;t'T(11''M]X0.0'L, Ka, -ra. 7Tpocrra.T'TO/.J,fiVO. Spwcn· slaves before a master, and do his bidding. Bulls
Tavp oL µ.i1• 1CaT1:t,Euyvuvro.t 7rpOS a.porov ')''l)S', Kilt are harnessed to plough the land, and cutting deep
e, N'
a E"L!lS O.Vl\ll.Kas
,-,a , ,
a.vaTEf,1,VOVTES ~ , • , • ~·
UL TJJ.Upas, €(TTL O liirrows nil d ny long, sometim es all nigh!. as well,
OT€ (Kal VVKTOS >, µ,aKpov 86Aixov <L7TOT€LVOVUL, ;H·<', mplish a loug bout. with ~om,: form -ha nd to

•,1,. - Kptot' 0€~' f3 pt'O OVTES ,lir ct them : mms laclen with tMek flce re.s of wool,
when spring-time comes, stand peacefully or eve11
f3a(Nai µ,aAAo'is, {m67TOKOL Ka Ta T~V eapos wpav, lie down quietly at the shepherd's bidding, and offer
V7TO 1roiµivos KEA.€vaOlvTes iaTaVTat f1,€T' ~peµ,{as, their wool to the shears, growing accustomed, just
~ Kal ~uuxf/ KO.TO.KA.tV€117£S Ef,1,7Taplxoua,v 0.1TO· as C'ities do, to render their yearly tribute t.o him
, n
KHpa.auat, TO, epiov
" 'O r,
E L1:,0fJ.OIOL Ka ' lL1TEp a., 7TOI\H',
(J, , ,,
whom nature has given them for king. Nay, even
[:21 ] TOil ET~UtOV <I.7ToS,6ovm I Sauµ.,dv ..,.q; ifnla€L fJacnAe1,· the horse, most spirited of all animals, is easily C'on-
86 ,m, 1.1.1111 .,-6 'Y" 8vµ.LKWTIJ.To11 (cpov Z1Trros p<1.8{ws trolled by the bit to prevent his growing restive and
[&'.yera,] xaAwa.ywyrJfhts, tvcr. µ,~ O'KLp-rwv &.¢,riw5.{v, running away. He hollows his hack, making it a
Kal, Ta VW'T(,l. ,cot>..&:was Ei wi.>..a. 1rpos TO eiJeopov' convenient seat, takes his rider on it and bearing
E1TOX0 11, ICClL
\ I
) f3 I
O.V(l t1UT0.0'(,I.S
him aloft gallops at a great pace intent on bringing
himself and his rider to the destination which the
d!vTaTa Oei: a1rov8a(wv, els- oiJs av E1TEty71....aL latter is eager to reach. As for his rider, firmly
ytv€a0ai T07TOVS EKELVOS, a</,LKVE'iaOai Kal 8ia- seated on him, without trouble and in much com-
'Y f ~, '...I.. ~
I ,, I \
KOf1,L':,Elll' 0 0 E'f'topuµ,evos- UVEU KaµaTWV Ka.Ta posure, he gets through his journey using the body
1TOAA.~V ~avx{av ETEpov awµ,an Kal 1TOUtV <LVVTEL and feet of another.
TOV opoµ,ov. XXIX. Anyone who wished to enlarge on the
87 XXIX. TioMa 3' av exoi TLS Mynv enpa, subject would have plenty more to say tending to
BovAoµ,Evos <L1TOfLYJKVVEtv, 1:ls EVOEt!tv 'TOV JJ.YJOEV prove that nothing whatever has been emancipated
and withdrawn from the domination of men : this
a1r€Aw01,pia(nv v1refop71µlvov -rfjs dvOpw1rov ~ye- is sufficiently indicated by what has been snid.
µov{as· oetyµaTOS o' €VEKa Kat Ta pri(Nv-ra apKEt. There is a point, howeYer, as to which ignorm1C'e
XP~ fJ.EVTOL µ,710' El(ELVO dyvoEtV OTL OU 1rap' oaov must be avoided. The fact of having been the last
VUTO.TOV ylyovEV avOpw1ros OLa T~V -ratw ~AaT- to come into existence does not involve an inferiority
1 ~' C' I \ f:J ,.., C'
corresponding to h is place in the s('1·ics . Dl'ir rs
88 TWTat. µ,ap-rvpes o 71vioxoi Kat Kv,-,EpvryTai· oi
µ,Jv yap, va-repl(ov-res TWV V1TO'Vylwv Kat KO.T01TtV n11d pilots ru-c ·1·idcuce of thi.. The former, LlcQUgh
athwv JtErn(6µ,EVOL, iJ av JBl>..waiv av-ra a'.yovaL, -tlwy come after t heir team nnd ban? tl1cir fl) point ·<l
,... C' .,.... ' \ I \ \ \ ),I. I \ behind them, k ·p holil of thr reins and drive
TWV 1/VLWV EVELl\7/µfl,EVOL, Kat TOTE µ,ev E'f'LEVTES' 1rpos t.hem just as they wi~h, now letling them foll into 11
70 71
osuv ~ '
opo11-ov, TOTE' o~· avaxatnsovns,
, 'Y n , ,J.
y,opq.- TOV- sharp trot, now pulling them up should they go with
~ '
OEOVTOS' 7Tl\ftoVL \ ' {J' • '1'' '\'
EOL. OL O av KV 1:pVT)TU.l, 1Tp0S' f3 - \ TO\ 1110re speed than is necessary. Pilots again, taking
their way to the stern, the hindmost place in the
TfjS' Vf<iJS' EUXCJ.TOV xwpfov 7Tpvµva.v 1rap1:A00VTES', ship, are, one may say, superior to all on board, for
' t ,, , .... ) )/ ..... ,
1TCJ.VTWV WS' f1TOS' H7THV HULV aptaTOL TWV Eµ- they hold in their hands the safety of the ship and
7TAEOVTWV, an TfjS' vi:w, Kat TWV iv a.vrn T~v those on board it. So the Creator made man after
UWiYJptav Ev XEpal. TaZs aVTWV ExoJJT€S'. ~vloxov all things, as a sort of driver and pilot, to drive and
nva Kat KV f3 EpVT)TT)IJ Ey,
'1' '..t.' anaaiv
rt steer the things on earth, and charged him with the
071 I \ I
Ot 7TOLT)T1)S \

care of animals and plants, like a governor subordinate

EoT)µtoupyn Tov av pw1rov, iva rivwxn Kat KV Epvq.-
''1' ' \ " () ff • - ' f3
to the chief and great King.
Ta 7TEp{yELa, ~<(Jwv Kat <pVTWV Aaf3wv T~IJ Jm- XXX. Now when the whole world had been
µiAELav, o[a TLS' v1rapxoS' TOV 1rpWTOV Kat µEya.:\ou brought to completion in accordance with the pro-
f3aatAEWS'. perties of six, a perfect number, the Father invested
with dignity the seventh day which comes next,
89 xxx. 'E1rd o' 0 avµ7TaS' KoaµoS' ETi:AnwfJri extolling it and pronouncing it holy ; for it is the
Ka.Ta' TTJV ' 'I:. ''1'
E<;;CJ.OOS' apt
' () µov - Tfl\HOV\ ' y,uaiv,
,J. ' TT)JJ
' E7TL-
festival, not of a single city or country, but of the
.... t f tf3~ f 't I
ovaa.v T)µEpav E uoµT)V EaEµ.vvvw O 7TUTTJP, E7TULVEOCJ.S'
t I ) I
uni verse, and it alone stri t]y deserves to be called
Kat dytav 7TpoaEL7TWV' lopT~ yap ov µias 7TOAfWS' "public" as belo nging to nil 1 c: 1ple and the birthday of
the wo rl d. I do ubt wheth r anyone could adequately
~ xcvpaS' EOTtJJ ctAAa TOV 7TUVTOS', ~JI Kvp{ws a(iov
celebrate the properties of the number 7, for they are
Kat µDVT)JJ 1T<lJJ07Jµov ovoµasnv Kat TOV K6aµov beyond all words. Yet the fact that it is more
90 YEV£8Awv. T~JJ o' Jf38oµaooS' <pvalJJ OUK oi8' Et wondrous than all that is said about it is no reason
TLS' iKaJJWS' av vµvfiaa.L OVVUl'TO' 7TCJ.JJTOS' ovaav for maintaining silence regarding it. Nay, we must
.:\6yov KpElTTova. · ov µ~1, OTL Bavµa.aicuTEpa. TWV make a braYe attempt to bring out at least all that i~
within the compass of our understandings, even if it
7TEpt mhfjS' AEyoµlvwv EaTL, Ola rnv8' ~avxaaTEOJJ, be impossible to bring out all or even the most
d.:\.:\' JmroAµT)TEOV, El Kat µ~ 1ravrn µY)8€ TO. essential points . Now, 7 or 7th is a term used in two
KVplWTCJ.Ta oT6v TE, Ta yovv Tat, ~µETEpaLS' oia- different senses. There is the 7 inside the number
!)I VOlCJ.LS' E<pLKTa 07JAWaaL. oixw, Jf3ooµa, Myi:TaL, 10. This consists of 7 units, and is determined bv
the sevenfold repetition of the unit. Tlwrc is th~
~ µJv EVTOS' OEK<lOOS', ~TLS' €7TT<lKLS' µovaOL µ61 ,n
7 outside the number 10. This is a number starting
/J,ETpfl,Tat, OVJJWTwaa. EK µovaowv €7TTCl' ~ o' f.KTOS' throughout from the number I and formed Ly doub-
OEK<lOOS', apiBµo, ov 7TO.VTWS' apx~ µovaS', Kara. ling it and going on doubling (7 times) or trebling, or
ToVs om.:\a.alovS' ~ rpmAaa{ovs ~ avvoJ\.ws dva- multiplying by auy other number in regular pro-
72 73
\ ~ ' f) I
IIOYOUVT(l.S' a.p, fJ,OUS'
t:XH •1:
• I
O (<c, Y)K0VTO.TE(l<10.p0.
I gression ; as, for e xample, the number 64 is the pro-
o o

[2~ ) Kal. d,cou,1:wEa., /J'J~ KO.Ta -rov a1ro

duct of doubling from 1 onwards, and the number
\' \ , /:. 0 I < <;'t 'I' \ \
fJ.OV(lCJO OL7TI\O.(l,OV 'T'J '"' 0 0 o.u KO.TO. TOV 1
729 that of trebling. Each of these forms claims
TpmAa.a,011. £KO.T€pov 0£ 1:loos ou 'TTO.plpyw lm-
' \ 1 \' I \' I ' ,I, I "
more than casual notice. The second form, clearly
02 aKOT'TWV, TO 1-'E" or1 oOJTt:pov 1:µ.'f'o.vf.crra.T'l)V €XE'
has a very manifest superiority. For invariably the
1rpovoµ,a.v· aid yap cl (l.'7TO µ.ova.Sos- (TU IITdMµEVOS'
c!.11 OL7TAautots- ~ •rpm>.aaio,s ~ irvv6,\w, 7th term of any regular progression, starting from
..\oyovow i!./380µ0, ap,Oµ.o, Ku/30<; Tf! /((l~ TETpaywv,;, unity and with a ratio of~. 3, or any other number,
I , , ,.,/.. I \
EUTW, 0./N'f'OTEpO. TO. E, 071
,t~ I ..., 't I
is both a cube and a square, embracing both forms,
Kat <1Wµ,O.-rtKfjS' OVCT{O.S, Tfi<; µ).v auwµ,aTOV KO.Ta that of the incorporeal and that of the corporeal sub-
'17/" i11l111:oov 7/11 (l7TOTEA.OVCT, TE7pa.ywvo,, TfjS' l>€ stance, the form of the incorporeal answering to th e
awµa.ntjs KO.TO. ,n}v CTTEpdAV ~II 0.1TOTEAova, d{loL. surface which is formed by squares, that of the
o:i ,I. I
ao.,,,r;crraT7J \'> • \ (J l > lJ \ I
o o, A(;\'. 1:JIT(S' apwµ o, rr,ans· o.vnKo.
> I
corporeal answering to the solid which is formed by
ci &.110 µ,ova.Sos iv omAa.ulo," >.oy(f 110.pautrJ(tEi., cubes. The plainest evidence of this are the numbers
Hf1 ~ (' I \ fl; I I I
E 00 /.1.0S 1 0 TECTUapa KO.L Es7JKOJITO., TE'T'paywvoc; µev already mentioned : for instance, the 7th from 1
'EO'TW OKTa.K,<;
, , • , ' ' O'
OKTW 1TOI\U1TI\O.O',a.t7 EVTWV, KU OS' CJE'{1 \'' reached by going on doubling, i.e. 64, is a square,
TEaaapwv c!.1Tt THpa KL!,' Kai 7TClA.W
\ I \ I /:. t ' I\'
"(:/ e\ o being 8 times 8, and a cube, being 4 times 4, again
Tp t-rl'l\aa,01,, Aoycp 11apavs'T/ Et<; ct7To f.1.0VO.oOS' e,-,-
multiplied by 4: and again the 7th from 1 reached by
\ \
o E7TT0.KO<Tt0.
' ,/.' f \ - ' \
t:l1eoa,ewla, rerpaywvoi; µ ~v
\ • progressive trebling, 729, is a square, being the
7TOI\V'ITI\CtCTial1vEIITO<; "-'!' avrov 'TOV E7TTa. KO.L ELKOCTL,
I) 'I, KV'/3ns 0~'€ . . ,. , 1..L'
TOU EVJ/Ea E'I' Q.!JTOJI evva.KLS'. KO.L' an,
t ' , I > I product of '27 multiplied by itself, and the cube of
rov " {:/\' I I > ' I <:, ' ,
E,..,0011,011 'Tl'OtovµE110, ns µ,ovaoos o.px71v,
9, i.e. 9 times 9, again multiplied by 9, And invari-
1<a.t 11apo.ufwv ,ca.Ta. rriv a.ih~v dva.>.oytai: 11.xp,, ably if one takes the 7th number for his starting-
E DOf.1.ClOO!.,
I<:, t
TOV /:. IJ I
'TTapavsl')VEVTO. point instead of the unit, and multiplies in correspond-
l,Q \ , > \ ..... ,.. 't.
KV/"011 TE l(Q.L TETpaywvov' O.'TTCJ youv TOV Es 7J K OVTa- ing fashion up to a (fresh) 7th , he is sure to find tlw
Hf3\' '
<TVVTEBdc; iv OL11Aaalovt .>.6y'!) yEVV1]0'EL
J\ \ t I/:, I
product both a cube and a square : for instance
E oOµ OII 'TOV TE'T'pO.KtCTXLI\LO.. K(U (VEY1)KOV7'0.E!,, TETpa - starting from 6-i- the number formed by continuous
t .._ \ IQ , \. ~ t
ywvov oµov KO.L Kv,-,ov, TErpo.ywvov µev o.urov doubling will give us seventh ·1'096. This is at once
\ '
711\EUpa.v " ' •t. ' ,,:i \' \
EXOV'T(l. TOV f:<;lJKOll'TCLTEUCTO.p,'1. 1 KU,-,OV OE a square ,and a cube-a square with 64 as its side
TOv iki<aloEKCL. and a cube with 16.
96 xxxr. M£-ra.{Jario v 6~ Kat E'll't O&.npov Jf)So- XXXI. We must pass on to the other kind of 7th,
/J.O..OOS" Eloo; -ro 'Tl'EP'EXO/J.E:l'OV lv OEKO.O L, Oavµa<rrrJV that which is contained within the decade. It
74 75

exhibits a marvellous nature, not at all inferior to

lmSeiKvuµ,Evov icat ouK JM:r7011a TOIJ 1rp0Tlpou
that of the former kind. For instance 7 consists of
q,vuw. a1rr£Ka UIJl!lUT'TJKf. Tjl E'IM"rJ. '1[ ;,,os Kai
1 and 2 and 4, which have two relations makin(1'
Suoiv ,mi 'TETTapwv Jx6v-rwv 8vo i\6yous &.pµo1nKw- specially for harmony, the twofold and the fourfolct
TO.TOVS' -r6v TE SmAaO'LOil Kai TE7pa1TAO.ULOl TOii 1
the one produd~g the diapason harmony, while
JJ.f!.11 T7JV oLa 7T(J.(JCJ.)V uuµ.,,,wv,av, TOii OE
• , ,;) •
A ,/ I ' \
the ~ourfold relat~o~ .produces double diapason.a 7
1T/\aowv 'T'tJII Sls Ota. 7TO..UWJ1 a7TOTEAoG,•ra. 1TEpdxn 11d~1ts of other d1v1s10ns besides these, in pnirs like
8! Ka! oiatpeaHs /1),),ns, lvy&SrJI> Tp61rov 7wa. unimals under a yoke. It is divided first into I and
UVVECITWUO..S', JfJooµds · Su:upeirat YO.f 1rpi;rroJ/ JJ,EV ll, then into 2 and 5, and last of all into 3 and 4. Most
Els JJ.OllaOa Kat J[a.oa, l1rEt'Tll, EtS' ov<ioa Kal rnusical is the proportion of these numbers also : for
1T€JIT0.0(i, l('CJ.L TEi\eu-ra.tov Els Tpto.80. KO.l r€7po.oo.. 6 to I is a sixfold proportion, !Jut the sixfold propor-
l)U µovaLKW'TO.T7) OE ica, ~ TOU'TWII a1 a.i\oy{a TWV 1 tion. makes t~e greatest distance that there is (in
dp,8µ.wv· TU. µ~ yd.p ·npDS' [1, Myov lfa- ;g exet music), the distance from the hia-hcst to the lowest
1TActUW)I, () s·
J(a'TT'AQ.CTtOS i\oyos TO µ.£yWTOV l.v note, as we shall prove, when we"'pll$'l from numbers
TOts oocn 7TOU~ OLCl.U'T'l7JMJ., tP odcrrYjKE TO d{1.1TO.'T'Oll to the proportion in hnrmonies. 5 : 2 exhibits the
a1ro Tou papvTo.-rou, ico.8a.1rE:p &.1ro8dtoµe11, oTav f~!lest power in h.arm.onies, all !Jut ri\'1tlling th e
diapason, a fact which 1s most clearly esta blished i n
am) TWII apd}p,w11 µ.e-rlAfJwp,ev J1r1. TOV £V a.pµ.ovia.,s
theoretical music. 4 : 3 yields the first harmony,
i\oyov· "f(l Se 7T~TE 1rpas 8Jo 1r>.duT'l'} V lv cipµm•l<f, ~~e s~squit~r!ian or diatessaron. XXXII. 7 (or
ovvap,tv lmodKvvrat, uxEOoJI lvaµ.tAAOII OLll 7fi 71.h ) ex-btlnts .yet :w thcr b. 11ut.y b lo11ging to il,
1r(lawv, 011Ep lv 7fi KavovtK'fj fJEwp{g. aa,pE< S\ most sacred obJect for our mrnd to ponder. Deino·
l23l 7Taplura.TUL' Ta OE -riuunpa 1rpos -rpla I '")II 1rpWT'l'}V tillldC up t\S it is Of 3 1tnd 4 it i a prcsentntion of ntt
< I J ' l ~ ' J I ff )
o.pJJ.O llL(ll! CJ.1TO'TEIIEL, T 'TJ II E1TLTP LTOV, :r1ns EUTL o,o.
A \
that is nnturnlly steadfast and upright in the universe.
97 -rwuapw11, XXXII. imSet,,vv-ra, 8e KaL frepov ll. w il is this, we r_nust P.oint out. The r!ght-ongl<'rl
KaAA.o, uurfj, i/3801.i.a, ,epJmJ.7'011 VO'l'}B-ryvat. avv- trwnglc, the stnrt1ng-pomt of li.g 1lrCS of 1.1 definite
- \ S
Ecrrwaa ,,u.p El( T{'Ln!)OS' K(J.t TETpaoOS' TO EV TOLS' ~ , ... ' I ~
\ )
hnpe is rn1t<le up of cettr,1in numb t·s, niuueh• :1 flntl
OV(TW ' \ \
111c11wes Ktu op ' ()· 011
. ,J, '
'f'vun '
1rupexETat "
• ov ~'
O"- 4 ant! 5 : S and 4-, tho constituent parLs of 7, produce
' ~
-rponov, 0111wHOV, \ 0
7'0 op oyc.uvwv -rpiywvo11, 01TEP
I • 1 I I ., the right angle : for the obtuse and acute ancrle are
l,n~v J.pxTJ 1ro,0T~TWII, Jt o.piBµ w1 UVIIECTT7)KE TOV 1 manifes tations of irregularity and disorder ~1d in-
,,.,,,a. KCLL T£.(](]apa KClL 1T£1/"TE' -rel. 8e Tpta /CUL equality: for one such angle can be more obtuse or
-reuaapa, a7rt,p EUTtl' £·13~ooµa.oos ovata.,
I > l \ I~ I \ I () • more acute than another : whereas one right angle
T7)V op 71"

,,wvta.v a?7'07'£A£i> ~ µe ,, yup aµ.{JJ..ei:a /CO.L 0(1::ta. TO O

See Dictionm·y of Greek and Roman Antiquities,
, I .. \ \ w ,,I._ I
O.IIWiJ,,UJIO~· KO.L (J.'TO.K'rOI! KO.t av,aov ep,,,,atVOVUtV'
JI ' t
article " l\·I usica."
> f \
yap KUL
\ 'tt I
05VTf.PO. ')'Lll£'1'0.L I f
ETEpa. ETEpas·
I t I

76 77
d~()~ 8' OUK E7Tt0EXETUL avyKpunv, oti8' does not admit of comparison with another, nor can
"ylVETUl Trap' ETEpav, d,\,\' EV oµol<f) µi.vEL, T~V it be more "right" than another, but remains as it
,~ I ,/. I >I > >\ \ I > <:' I \ \
lDlrLV 'l'vaw OV1TOT a1111aTTOVaa. El OY) TO µEv is, never changing its proper natur . Now if the
dp8oywvwv ·rptywvov axYJµd.TWV KUL 1TOlOT1JTWV rig ht-angled triungle is the starting-point of figures
EGTlV apx?J, TOVTOV OE TO <illll)IKU.IOTaTOV, T0v of n deliniLe kiud, and the es sentiid factor in this
> e I I < > I
up YJV ywviav, Y/ ovaia TY)S' et'oOJlllOOS' TrUPEXETaL,
~ >.(;;/'>! I',! I trl:ingl , namely th right angle, is sttppliecl by the
TplO.S' oµov KUl TETpd.,, i'OfJ.,l,OlT, av ElKoTWS' ijOE 11 uniber whicli onstitut 7 1 namely 3 and 4 together,
7 would r asonably be re.gardod as the fountain-head
TrYJY~ Trm'TOS' axi1wi-ror; Kat 1Td.ari, 1TOlbTY)TOS',
f ev r figure nn<l vel'y d ·finite shap .
98 7rp OS' Oe roi:s dpr1µlvois KaKEtvo ,\/.yoiT'
In addition to what we have already said we are
av DEOVTWS', OTL TO. µEv Tpla E7Tt1T€DOV ax~µaTO', buuncl t.o m ntion tbis further point, namely that S is
EGTLV apiOµo,-ETrElO~ UY)fLElOV fLEV KaTa µovd.oa, the number bel.ongin~ to a superfi oies- for a point
ypaµµ0 OE KaTa 8vaoa, E1Tl1TEDov OE KUTO. Tpid.8a fo lls under th h ad of l, a line II nd r t hat of 2, and n
T€TUKTat----Ta OE TE.aaapa GTEpwfJ KaTa T~V TOV sup erficies of 3-whilc 1, belongs to a soUd, by means
Trpoo 0EatV, ,-,a cp 7rpOaTE 0EVTOS'
< 1 1 Q '() > i t, I
l;l'OS OVS' f:Tri1T1;o of t h add'iti n of J, depth being ad<letl to superfioies.
•.t av1' O'l'/11011
E"s- t' ~ \ ' ,
OTl '1•J TY)<; ~ • P" I"
Et-JOO/.lUOOS' ovma
, , From this it is manifest thnt 7 is so constituted as to
?IEWµErplas 1(1.1,l aTEpwµETpta.s d.px~ Kat, UV IIEAOVT~ be the sta~Ling-poill of all plane and solid geometry,
,/... I , I
'l'paaat, aawµarwv oµov Kat awµarwv.
C' ,.... \ I
or (to put it concisely) alike of things COl'poreal and
1)9 XXXIII. ToaofJTO 8' EV Jf3ooµaoi Tri.fPVKEV Efvat incorporeal.
TO iEpo7rprnls, war' J(a{pETOV EXEL ,\6yov Trapa :XXXIIl. So august is the dig nity inherent by
TOVS' EV OEKO.Ol TraVTaS' api8µovs· EKElVWV yap OL natur in the numl>e1· 7, that it has a unique relation
d isting1Lishing it from all the othe r numbers within
µf.v YEWWGlV av YEWWf-LEVOl, oi OE YEl'VWVTUl ,_dv,
the decade : for of these some beget without being
ov yEwwai 8( oi OE dµ¢ Kai yEvvwai Kat
~ I "' !/3',! I > ><;' \ I
begotten, some are begotten but do not beget, some
YEIIIIWVTat' µov71 0 E ooµa, EV OUOEVL fLEpH do both these, both beg t nnd m· · begott n : 7 alone
8EwpEtTal. T~V 8' V1Toaxww <L1T00El(H /3E/3atw- is found in no such category. We m ust establish this
Ti.OV. TO µev ovv EV YEllll'l, TOVS' J{rjs a.rravrns apiO- 11ssertion by giving proof of iL. We!J then, ! b gets
fl(>'IJS' v'"' av8Ei•os 11E11vwµEvav ru· 1T(· Ta o' 1111 the s ubsequent numbers whjlc it is begotten by
OKTW YEWiiTUl µb, {nro TOV DL~ rlrruapa, YEW'l, 8' none what vcr : 8 is begotten by twic •J., but beget.'l
>t' I ' ~ > t' I<:, < <:-> T I I > ,/. ~
ovoi;va TWV EV uc;:1ca.o, · o o av -rc;aaapa. TY)V aµ'l'ow no number within the decade : 1J, again holds Lhe
Kai yovlwv KaL EKyovwv EXEL Ta(iv· YEW'l, fLEV yap plac • of boLh, both of parents und of off..,; for
rov oKTw 81s yE1,oµEvos, yEvviiTat OE vTro rofJ 81, it begets 8 by being doubled and is begotten by
~ f I ~, C'
100 ovo. µovos O WS' E'l'YJ" 0 ETrTa OVTE yEvvav
U,,.J... < c , ,, "' I wiC'' 2. It is t he nature of 7 al ne, M l have said.
[24) 'TrE'f'VKEV "
OVTE YEVVaa ~ () UL. OL <:- ' YJV I ,'
• •
ULTLm• Ot fLEV I neither to beget nor to be begotten. For this reason
78 79
other philosophers liken this number to the mother-
less and vi rgin Nike, who is said to have nppearcd out
of the hea d of Zeus whlle the Pythagoreans liken it
to the chi ef of all things 11 : l'or Llml. whi h neither
begets nor is begotten remains motionless ; for
creation takes place in movement, since there is
movcm nt boLh in that whi 11 begets and iu that
which is bcgott n, in tl1e one that it may beget, in
th oth r that it may be begotten . T he1·e is only
one thing thal neith r Clluses m tion nor experiences
it, th orig inal Ruler and Sov ereifl'n . f Him 7 may
be fi lly said to be a symbol. Evid ence ofwl1 at I say
is su ppli ed by Philolaus bin t hes words: "Tl1ere is,
h says, a supreme Ruler of rul things, God, ever One,
nbicling, without motion, Himself (alone) like unto
Ilim elf, llilfer nt from all oth(:rs."
XXXIV. In the region, then, of things discerned
by the intellect only, 7 exhibits that which is exempt
from movement and from passion ; but in t hat of
sensible t hings a most essential force [in the n-HWe-
m nts of the planets] from which all earthly things
derive advantage, and in the circuits of the moon.
How this is we must consider. Begin at l and
add each number up to 7 and it produces 28.
This is a pet•fect number and equal to the sum of
its own factors .0 And the number produced is
t;he number which brings the moon back. to her
original forrl'I, as she r trn •es her course by I s~ .ning
Lill sh re.aches the shape from which she b gan to
make perceptible increase ; for she increases from
her first shining as a crescent till she becomes a half-
rnoon in seven days, then in as many more she
a Or" Sovereign of the Universe•," Observe the sequel. becomes full-moon, and again returns the same way
b A Pythag orean phil nsnplwr of the 5th century e.c. like a runner in the double race-course, from the
' S rt• App. p. 476.
80 81

Enl. T~I' S,x6ru1itoV E1T'Ta. 1TciAu· ,1,itipa.t. Et--r> Cl?TO J

full to the half-moon in seven days as before, then
'TO.U7'7JS brl. TI/" 1.1. 111101:LO'IJ Ta'is Zuo.ts- · ,~ C.::v o from the half to the crescent in an equal number of
>.i::x8i::,s cipdJµ.os auµ7rrnA~pt1Jra,. days : these four sets of days complete the aforesaid
102 Ka.AaTUI. s·
7! Jf3Sop,a.s irrro T(~ll Kupiws rot, number.
01'0/Ul(7'V d,,A}o'ToJI/ 'XPfic,OaL n A(.arp6pos, E77EtS,, ,ca., Now by those who arc in the habit of giving words
ro.orn 'TEAEt1</1op11:T:rrn nl UVfL7TCJ.VTU.. 'TEI./L1Jptw- their proper fo1·ce seven is caTie<l alsu " p rfe tlon-
t'T(HT~ 6' 11.11 ns EiC rov 'TTUV ailiµ.a dpya.11tKOII rptal hringing," be cau ·e by this all things in tl1e material
/J..EII KEXPfi<T8o.t 8t1.:i.1TTaCTWL, /J,1/ICEt 7T/\U.TEt ,cat univ rse are broug h t to p e r~ ction. Pr of f Lhi~
{3J.Bet, Terra.pen 3tl 1r{pom, GTJJ.LEt,.u Ka~ ypu.µ1i.fl may be dcriv d from tl1e circumstance that 'Very
t<at\ (i7TL,p0.VEU~
• ,I ICCU• arepEl.p,- "'. c,w
DL .. UUIJTE O'€117WJ/ organic bnuy lrns t:hree dimensions, length, breadU1,
> \ ~
<_!)<:- I > 1
e1-10011a • tl.J.LTJXa.11011 v 7111 -ra. UWjJ,tJ.'Ta.
to• <' I ' and dep th and four limits, point, line, 1mrface, and
solid ; by adding which together we get seven. l t
,.... I
µ €rpdu0o.L ,cwrdi
I I , ()
> ~ would have been impossible that bodies should be
rptw11 ICO.t 7T(f)<J.rw11 T(rrapwv cnw · Eatv, n JJ-7J
l{J • -
(1VIJE,..,0.WC: ras 'TWII 1Tpw-rw11 a.p t P,WII WHL!, El/OS
I > >I:, I < I a- measured by seven in accordance with their forma-
tion out of the three dimensions and the four limits,a
Kat Dvoiv Kat rptwv Kal TErrapwv, ois (hµEAtovTat had it not been that the forms of the first numbers
OEK<lS, Jf3DojJ,<lDOS <pVULV 1TEPLEXHV" o[ yap AExfNvTE,' (1, 2, 3, and 4), the foundation of 10, already con-
dpdJµ.ot rloaapas µJv lxovatv opovs, 'TOV 1rpw-rov, tained the nature of 7, for the numbers named have
rov OEvr1:po1,, roi• rpL'TOV, rov -rlrapT01,, ou1araua, three intervals, that from 1 to 2, that from 2 to 3, and
[25] DE rpc:'ic;· 7TPW7TJ fLEV 8u5.aT<Un<; l ~ d1ro 'TOIJ fi!OS that from 3 to 4 ; and the four limits between which
E7Tl ra ovo,
OWT~pa o~
~ 0.7TO rwi• Suoi:v (.1TI TQ. these intervals lie, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
-rp[a, rplrYJ DE ~ 0.7TO TWV rpiwv E1Tt 'TCL 'T£ XXXV. Beside the proofs already mentioned, the
103 xxxv. !::i.txa DE TWV ~lpYJµ.lvwv ~"".P?'EC1TCITO. perfecting power of the number 7 is also shown by
1raptarom T~V TEAW<popov Dvvaµtv lfJDoµ,aDos ,ca/ the stages of men's growth, measured from infancy
t , Q
ai EK t'PE'f'OUS l,J. JI I
axpt r7pws av pw1rwv Yjl\lKlal t\ ' e I I to old age in the following manner: during the first
period of seven years the growth of the teeth begins ;
µ,Erpovµ,Evat ravr71 · Ka Ta µJv ovv T~V TTPWTYJV
t I .,J.,,
JI )~ I <;:, \ \ ) I \ during the second the capacity for emitting seed ;
E1TTUETtav EK'f'Uats 0001/TWV EOTt" KaTa OE TYJI' in the third the growing of the beard ; and in the
DEurlpav 1catpo, TOV Dvvaa8at 1rpo1:w8at U7TEpµa fourth increase of strength ; in the fifth again ripe-
yovtjJ,QV. rplTIJ DE yEvE{wv av(rims Kat TETO,PTI) ness for marriage ; in the sixth the understanding
1rpo, loxvv l1r[Doaw 1TE/J,TTTI) o' av yaµ.wv wpa- reaches its bloom ; in the seventh progressive im-
" I:, \
, '
r71~ OE
" \
E'f3" ' t'EI\TtWULS
00µ,71 p \ '
provement and development of mind and reason ; in
> ,/.. ~ \ IC > <:-
~ <;, I \ I f I
aµ.'f'otv Kat auvaus YJULS' vou Kat 11oyou · oyoon oE the eighth the perfecting of both these ; during the
~ Ell EKarepcp TEAE{wots• Ka-ra DE T~V EV<lTYJJ;
• See App. p. 476.

ninth forbearance and g·entlencss emerge, owillg to

the more complet.e taming of the passions ; during
the tenth comes the de,irable end of life, while the
bodily organs are still compact. and firm ; for pro-
longed old age is wont to abate and break down the
force of each of them. These ages of men's life were
desct·ibed by Solon the lawgiver of the Athenians
a111ong others in the following lines :
Jn seven years the Boy, an infant yet unfledged,
Hoth grows and sheds the teeth \dth which his tongue is
Wheu hea\'en has made complete a .~econd week of years,
Of coming prime of youth full many a sign appears.
In life's third term, while still his limbs grow big apace,
His chin shows down ; its eal'iy bloom now quits his face.
In the fourth hcptad each one full of strength doth seem-
Strength, which of manly worth best earnest all men deem.
Ld him in his fifth week of years a bride bespeak,
Offspring to bear his name hereafter let him seek.
The sixth beholds the man good sense all round attain ;
Not now can reckless deeds as once his fancy gain.
Now see him seventh and dghth, fresh heptads, duly reach
In insight strongest now, strongest in power of speech.
In his ninth week of years, strong still bnt softer for
For high achievement's ventme speech and wisdom are.
Then should the man, t.en bouts complete, attain life's end
Fate, no untimely gift, death's call may fitly send.

XXXVI. Solon, then, reckons the life of man by

the aforesaid ten weeks of years. And Hippocrates
the physician, says that there are seven ages, those
of the little boy, the boy, the lad, the young man, the
man, the elderly man, the old man, and that these

!{3"'ooµacrw, ou
I ) '
µ7111 -ra,s A
1<aTa' TO• ct77s.
'• A ,\ f
EY£t o\') ages are measured by multiples of seven though not
'ii It '1-,!,11 > 0 I A._ f t I > 1"
in regular succession. His words are : " In man's life

l \

. ,
-· \ I


VT'I/ , ','f.PWJ.,.
KCU. 1ra.toto11

there are seven seasons, which they call ages, little
boy, boy, lad, young man, man, elderly man, old
r ,

, ''t'
I ) ,8 ,\ -
EiC O 1/ S'' 111an. H e is a little boy until he reaches seven years,
,J. '-'f
,o C:,)
0 '~XP'
YO l'l')S'
,. I
E 1(1/"!ICJ'IOS',
the time of the shedding of his teeth ; a boy until
fUlpax:iuv o I <:''
nxp, ')'lol'E I011 1\(1,Xi!WCTLOS',
~ \ I •
TO. TPLS' ' he reaches puberty, i.e. up to twice seven years ; a
€'/TTCl · l'E:m•(CTKOS' s' a.xp,s (LV6/0'WS' ot\ou TOiJ lad until his chin grows downy, i.e. up to thrice
UW/1,UTOS', ES' T(L T€T(>rt.l<LS E:'TrTa·
) \ I ,t .I .>
avr,p o
)._ ~-- II
axpLS' EVOS'
t \
seven years ; a young man until his whole body has
lrrrctKLS' E'TTT(l,'
) ,
grown, till four times seven ; a man till forty-nine,
I ~ )
7rpEa U'T7/S' 0 axpt 7TCVTYJKOl1Ta C!, 1 ES' Ta E'IT'TUKLS'
>I I t I
till seven times seven ; an elderly man till fifty-six,
OKTW • TO S' EIITEu8c11 ylpwv." up to seven times eight; after that an old man."
l 06 Aif.yeTCLL Se 1<rl,c1:t,,o 77p0S OLCI.O'V(J'TCLOW E/380µ,6.oos The following is also mentioned to commend the
• 8cwp,a<1T'f/1'
WS' \ EXOUtnjS
l J
EV -rn ,puan 'TCL1,,11, em,,
) .,.. J, ' 'I: ) ' number 7 as occupying a wonderful place in nature,
';'1~ECTT'f/lC;'' f./( TfUIJV /(UL 7,1:TTapwv· 7,011, fl,(V TpL'T~II
I , - \ ' ' \ I since it consists of 3 + 4 : if we multiply by 2, we
a-rro µ011a.Sos, €L omi\ao-w.{ot TtS', wp17an TETpa- shall find that the third number, counted from 1, is
ywvcw, ' ~' I It) I '-'' tt; t ,/,
"!:> o.µ,potv
TOV oE Terap,011 KUf-1011, 'TOV o a square, 1tno th fourth a nb , whil t he ,·ent.h
fr:/ C ,. I I t
ICU{-'0! 1 OfJ,,01) 1(0.1 TETpa.yw11011' 0 fl,EII OIJV
, 1' (aud 7 is ma<lu up of 3 a ncl •t), is nt. nee a . qunr •
> • 1 C:, \
r1.wa µ.ovo.uoc: -rptTOS w ot-rrl\a.17tol1t I\Ojl<p, <n,rrapa. >,
IC:, I I \ , I and a cub e : for Hie third number iu Lhis mult ipHca-
f t ~ \ ' 1 I
eo>rw, o oe 'TET11.p,os 1 01(-rW, Ku,.,os,
:fl J tion by 2, namely 4, is a square, the fourth, 8, is a
O SJ lf3So,..w,, 1·luaapa rrpos TOLS' l611<0111'a., cube; the seventh, frb, is at once a cube and a square.
l<V{Jo,; oµ.ov /Cf,tl T(TpayuJ110S'' WS' 1:tva , Tf.A.f.17(p6pov Thus the seventh number does indeed bring with it
perfection, claiming both correspondences, that with
011,ws TOii lf180µ.011 rlpiOp.611, &.µ,rho·dpas Tels
1<aTO.')'')'EIVIO~"Ta 'l'TJV T
r ~
I\\ I ) I the superficies by means of the square, in virtue of its
kinship with 3, and that with the solid body by means
TCTpayw11t:JIJ ICOT<.t T7ll1 rrpos auyyer,eta.11,
I \ ' l ;~ f

of the cube, in virtue of its relationship with 4 ; and

KO t' 'T i /I' <rrEpe:all
' \' • l<Uf-101)
•a /(0.TO.
, ,
<:' • ' 8 and 4 make 7.
TETpaoa O tl( H07'7(T'U. £/( -rptr~oo<; DE Ka, Te,p&.8os
''-' t I I '\'

XXXVIL It is however not only a bringer of p er-

ifJSoµcJ., .
fection, but, one may say, absolutely harmonious. and
107 X X..XVIl. "Eon SJ av ret\ea<fi6pos µ,611011, dA,\d.
uI ) """ t
• ; , 1 in a certain sense the source of the most beautiful
Kat, tus erro H'1iELII, apµt>VtlCWTO.TYJ /(0.t Tp01ro11 scale, which contains all the harmonies, that yielded
'\ t
TOU l<a,V..larnu oiaypiiµ.p,aTOS' , ;i 1ra.aas
I \ ~ \ I \ by the interval of four, by the interval of five, by
/LEV TO.S' etpµ.o~'LaS' 1 'TT/II Ota 'TETTO.pWV, 7'?]11 8ia
86 87

1dwre, T17V oui r.a.uwv, '110.0CIS i>E TO,S' dva.t\o,,ws, the octave a ; and all the progressions, the arith-
\ > e .,./. I " <:' \
rri11 opt 1~71<r1 .... ,1v, "17/l' y1cwJuTpt1c1111, en o" T7/JJ
\ metic, the geometric, and the harmonic as well. The
> ! I scheme is formed out of the following numbers:
TO S m\tv(hov av1 €UTTJ l(fil/
If \ , ~OVlKTJV m:pLEXEL
6, 8, 9, 12. 8 stands to 6 in the proportion -1 :3,
f./( 'TWV0€ TWII dpiOµ,cZJll, e't OKTW €1/11€U 8toOE1<Q. · which regulates the harmony of 4 ; 9 stands to 6 in
d fL€JJ Dl<'TW 7Tpo s et EV f.'TTHPI.T'f' Aoy<p, ,,o.8' ov the proportion 3 : 2, which regulates the harmony of
1 Ota
(' ~
'TETTO.pwv O.p/J.OVta E<J'TLll" 0 OE EVJJ EU 1rpos
\ I - I I ' If ~' ) I \
5; 12 stands to 6 in the proportion 2: 1, which regu-
et EV ~/UOAtC[J, KaO' OJJ ~ 6,d r.lVTE" o 0€ 8w6ma lates the octave. And, as I said, it contains also all
7TpO, ;g EV omt\aatovi, KaO' OJJ ~ Ota TTaawv. the progressions, the arithmetic made up of 6 and
LOS EXEL 0€ w,; lt\eyov KUL Ta, dvat\oy{a, mfoas · g and 12-for as the middle number exceeds the
apt8µ,YJTLK~JJ fL€JJ EK TWJJ €e KUL €VJJ€U Kat OWOEKa· first by 3, so it in its turn is exceeded to the same
at<; yap {r,rept.xu O µJoos TOV 7TPWTOU -rp,uf.11, amount by the last ; the geometric, made up of the
TOUroir; {mEpexeTa.t V7To Toti TE:Awra.Lov· yew- four numbers (6, 8, 9, 12); for 12 bears the same
1ie-rpt1c,.l.1v oe
,:>\ > - I n
€K Tu.Ill Teaaapwv· av yap
\ ,\'
oyov exn u proportion to 9 that 8 docs to 6, and the proportion
'ft I \ <;' I<;'
l!i/7J 7'Q.• OKTW 1rpos f:!,,
I ' ~I •
TOUTOV TQ. UWOEl(Q. rrpos O'Vea,·
' f is 4 : 3 ; the harmonic, made up of three numbers
(6, 8, and 12). There are two modes of testing
d Si ,\6yos ir.t-rpiror;· 6.pµov,,djv SJ e,c Tpiwv, TOD
harmonic progression. One is this. (Harmonic pro-
WO :g /(U~ OKTW ,m1 Sc.6S€1m. dpf1,-011L/C~S a, avai\oylas
gression is pr es 111) whenever the relation in which
8tT'NJ Kp{uw µla. µIv, OTO.JI ()II t\6yov ixe, o the last term stands to the first is identical with that
foi(CLTO<; 7Tp0<; TOV 7TPWTOV 'TOVTOV f.X?J ~ u1r1::po,rn in which the excess of the last over the middle term
,.l t I r •I ,,... I \ J. t "\ '
fl Um,pt::XEL O E<T,"(_(I.TO<; TOIJ /,tf:001) 7Tp0<; T,,11 IJ7TEpOX"f/t' stands to the excess of the middle term over the
'1, C'

" }

fl/- first. A very clear proof may be obtained from the
O./IY(<lTUT7'}11 OEi 7TLO"Ttv 11a· OL ns (Lii E/( TWV ;rpo- numbers before us, 6 and 8 and 12 : for the last is
KHfl,fl'WV dp,Oµwv I Ql(TW 1cai Swoc,ca · TOU e't 1(0-t double the first, and the difference or excess is also
ci µJv yap Tr:,\wrai:os- TOV TTpil,rnu\aaws, ~ double; for 12 exceeds 8 by 4, and 8 exceeds 6 by 2,
o' U7fEPDX'1J 7TUAtJI OL7TAaola.· 'TU pEV yap 6woEKa and 4 is Lwi • 2. Anothci· way of detecting the
TWII d1c7lil Ti•na,patv 07Tep.fxn, T(;L a;_ ()l(TW TWV pres ence <1fl111rm()nic proportion is t hi . (It is present)
€t ova{· Ta 0€ T€aaapa TWJJ OVOll' 8LTTM.ata. whe ncve1· l.he middle. term excec;ds the one extreme
110 fTE.flrl, a;_ /Ja.aa vo<; 'T~S a.pp.ovt1c~s dvaAoy{a<;' OTaJJ and is itself exceeded by the other by the same
µlao~ rwv ti.1<:pwv to·'!! µoplw (1ca l > U'1Ttplx:n 1Cai.
I " u1u:pexe,
( ' '
fraction ; for 8 being the middle term exceeds the
first by one--third of t11c latter, for when we suhtra ·t
· o yap oyuoos /J,Eaos t'
wv '
1..1.ev "' (>

6 (from 8) the rcmninder, 2, is one-third of th first

'TOV rrp(V'TOU TPLTf[J p.opt'f!. urba1pr::8b,rw11 yap TWJJ
"t; " \ ' is.,,, T .. I , t
number, and 8 is exceeded by i'li • lost nu rn.ber uy
E~, TO. I\Ot1Ta olJO Tf)ITGJI EU'n TOU 71'pWTOU• U7Tt::p-
EXETU£ S' VTTo TOU T€A.wrcr.fov -rtji focp · el yo.p
a See note on 95.
88 89

the same fraction, for if 8 be subtracted from 12, the

remainder -4 is one-third of the last number.
XXXVIII. Let what has been said suffice as a bare
outline of the dignity pertaining to the figure or
scheme or whatever we ought to call it : all these
ciunlitics and more still do es 7 discover in t h in-
corpor ~al and intellectual sphm·c. But its nalw·
rl!nchcs further, extending to all visible existence,
to heaven and earth, to the utmost bounds of the
universe. For what part of the world's contents
is not a lover of seven, overcome by passion and
desire for it ? L et us give some instances. They
tell us that heaven is girdled by seven zones, whose
names are these : arctic, antarctic, that of the
summer solstice, that of the winter solstice, equinox,
1,odiac, and beside these the milky way. The horizon
is not one of these, for it is a thing of subjective
obs 'J"vatiun, our eyesight as it is keen or the reverse,
cu tting nff, n uw a small r, h(>w a larger, circumforeuce.
Moreover, the planets t he heavenly h ost that 1110\' 0N
counter to the fixed stars,a are marshalled in seven
ranks, and manifest large sympathy with air and
earth. The one (the air) they turn and shift for the
so-called annual seasons, producing in each of these
seasons a thousand changes by times of calm, m· fair
weather, of cloudy skies, of unu suall y violent s torms :
they fl ood rivers ancl shrink th em ; t h ey turn plll!ns
.into mars h , uncl d ry them up again : they produce
tides in the sea, as it ebbs and flows : for at times
brond gulfs, t hrough th sea's being withdrawn by
ebbing, sudd nly b come a far-reaching stretch of
,mJ , and n IHtle later, as it is poured back , t hey be-
come deep seas navigable not merely by small

!:I I

(28J OU f!paxf.ta.,s j o,\l(G(TUI d,\,,\d µup,orpopo,s- vaua1v
> ,\ I \ 1 ~\ \I I I r,..., h11rgcs but by ship of mnny tons b11r~e'.1. Yes, and
£JJ,1T 1;0µ.c11a· Ka, /kf.11 oi Ta r:rny1:ta 1rall'Ta, 1;,l{Ja. the pluneh cau e all things 11 .nrtl,, liv111g ci·calures
T£ al) ,ca/. c/)l)Ta KO,p1TOVS' ye:1111ci.ll!TC1, a.u(oUCl4 Kat 1wd fruit-yielding plants, to g rnw and co111e to pc_r·
T£A1;u<f,opofJcn 'T"f/lJ lv l,ca.crro,s ipvuw OoA,x1:ve:tv f•ctlon, eLmbling, ns 1ht~y clo, the 11 aL11 r~ l po,ver m
1rapacr,crua.{01 ns, ws vea rro.,\cuots- l1ra.vfJ£''iv 1cai
r 11ch of U1em to run its full 1·0011d , ll w fruits blo-c:sorn-
I • xopYty,a,
1Tpos ' 'AO,ovous Tw,,
ay, - of.0/1..Evw,,.
<> I
1·11g and ripe11il1g· on old trees, to supplhbnnda.nlly
114 rXXIX . "ApKTo<; ')'E J"~II, 'YJ)I cpr,.cr, H1 se who need them. , xrx
• , . Th,l
'TTAWTY/PWII <rt,,ai 1rpo1TO/.l.1TOJJ,
I "" , >,,J.. "" R
l:'TTTO. (J.(TTEpwv
... \
rent Oenr, moreoy r, whfoh is called the mMiners'
c:cort, consist s of seven st ars. Fixing their ey es on
cn.,1,ECJTTJKEV' 7711
€tS' a,1,opw11TES Ku,-,£p117]rat Tas
El' Bo),a.T'r]] ooous-
0.1.,{TEµov, o.1dun,o this, pilots cu t tliosc countless pa~hs in t.he sen,
1Tpayfan Kat 1.ud{o1,, ~ l(r:t.TCL !pUau, &.,,8pw11lvri11 unclel'blking an entcrµrise surpas ing lwltcf ni1d
imOf.µ£110 , · crroxrr.up.cp yo.p rc'ii11 Elp17µhwv o.o·dpwv human powers. 1:or by k; pil g tl1eir Y. o~ t h
Tl.IS 1rp/.11 a.671)..ouµlvas xwpas CLllf.upo,,, ll~UOUS' µEv stiu·s we have namod they chscover d count~cs l11t h_el'-
oi T1JII ~1Tf:tpov o,1coUVTf:S, 1117atwTat 0£ -ryncf.povs · tCI unlmown dwellers on t he ontinent . d1scove.rmg
islnncls, an<l island rs contincnls. For. 1t. was me t
iSE, yap 0110 TQU 1ca8apwrrf:rov rfis ouuta, oupavoi)
':,(p(p TC()
- o,J.\ "< . -
EO,,, L/\£CTT0.7'(p 'YTJS' oµou Ka., . 0.1\UTTTJS
I \a\l Lliat by heaven purest of all t hings, sh uld
he revealed to t.he living creature b, t I ved by
J 16 civa.6ELxBfjvat TOUS fJ.UXOVS a.110pw1rwv y/11£,. 1rpos God, even th human race, the secret r e e cs both
Be TOtS €lptJµlvo,, Kat o 'T'WJI 7TAEL0.0WJJ xopo of land ~111d !<ea. Il id the cases alrcndy men-
o.crrlpw1, i/380µ0.8, <rll/tTTE1r,\17pwra.i, cliv al lmToAu~ tion ed, the full t ale of the band of Pleiades_is made
J<at' am>KpuyJ(:t)
' ', I /te:yo.',\ ,.,v o.' 1,a0wv- aina.,
v ywoJrTa.,
up of s ven s t nrs, whos, appearancl'S and d1sapp 'a1·-
rro.crt • Svoµlvwv µ.i11 yd.p CJ.VAO.l<ES' d,,a n 11.t11owrat ances fraught wit h. vast be.nefits to nll m 11 :. for
1rpo, U'1Topov· 'rl"''<« S' av 1d>..>,waw imrlM"w, wh n they ares tting, furrows are op ned for so, mg,
a µ:l]TOII E'VCL')lyEAl,ovTW, 1cal bnnO,acra., "X;a.fpo1JTO.S and when they are about to r.ise, they annnu11ce
YEW'1T1JIIO\J5' 77pos r1uy1<oµt'fn11• TWV &11ay1<cuw,, tyE{- rc11.pi11g-time ; and when they hnv risen, t hey mtikc
pouuw· o,' u,;,, aafEVo,
" \
ras .I'
-rpo,pas •
a.1Ton'O f.J'Ta., glad the worker$ on th e land 11nd rouse tlH•m to
I JO rrpos 'T"f/JJ ,,a.O' €/(CI.O'Tl)I' ~µ,lpo.11 xpfjaw. 0 Te gath ,r in the ·rops tl_rnt !'11 ·c~ thcl~ needs; ~11d l!1ey
11,lyas ~yeµwv ~µlpa.,; ,'fJ\ws StTT<LS 1<0.8' l1Cacrro11 blithely store up their food tor dt11ly use. fh e sun,
Loo, tl1e g reat lord of clay, briJ1ging about two
l111a.vrd11 arrorEAwv i.u"'Jµsplas, iap, Kat f.l,£T01TWP'!J,
equinoxes each year, in Spriu#f and. Aut·umu, th
T'Y)V ft(II iapurriv OJ l<pL{ij, i,}v Se /J,l:7'07TWPWiJII iv
Spring •quinox i1.1 the _constellaL, 11 o!. the llam, nnd
{uy<[i, bapyw,o.r7111 '1Ta.plxeTa.t 'ITlCTTw TOiJ 1r1;pi, Lhe Autumn eq umox m tbnt of th~ 1:;~:i.lcs, supp~es
TT}JJ 'R,;,,
e,.,uoµ17v () eorrpHrous·
- ' ,
€/CaTEpa '
yap "
un7 4
l'cry clear e ,·idenc, of th SiA~rc<l chgmty of. Ute ~ th
numbe r, for ench of t he eq um<1xes O("<•urs Ill !I ,th
!) 3

month, and d,uin, them the re ill e11joined by law the

keeping of U1 greatest national festivals, since at
both of the m all fruits of th earth ripen, in the
Spring a the wheat and all else that is sown, and in
Autumn the fruit of the vine and most of the other
XL. As, however, in accordance with a certain
natural i;ymp,,thy the things of the arlh depend on
the things of heaven, the principle of the number 7,
aft r having begun from abov , descended also t
u nncl visited Lhc races of mortals. For instanc ,
if we leave the understanding out of sight, "the
remainder of our soul is divided b into seven parts,
namely fiv senses the faculty of speeclt, last that
of generation. All these, as in marionette shows, are
drawn with strings l>y the understanding, now resting,
now moving, each in the attitudes and with the
movements appl'opriate tQ it. In like manner,
should a man go on to examine the outer and inner
parts of the body, he wiJl fi1 d even unde1· eaohhead.
The ~;sible pnrts nre l1ead, breast, belly, two hands,
two t t. The inward parts, called entrails, 11.r
slotnllc:h, hearl,, spleen Uvel', two kidneys.
nc • more, the h ad, the most princely pm·t in 11.n
animal, cmpl ys seven most essential parts, two eyes,
os many ears, two nostrils, seventhly a mouU1.
Tl1rough 1his, ns Plato says," mortal things have their
c.ntrm1c , immortal Lheil' exit ; for foods and chinks
enter it, perishable nourishment of a perishable body,
but words issue from it, undying laws of an undying
soul, by means of which the life of reason is guided.
tlmt their ~c1crcd year began in the s pring, rmd their civil
year in the nutmnn. b S ee App. p. 476,
' 'l'imatlL.'I 75 n . Plato's contrast, however, is between
• Philo seems to have shared the belief of the later .Jews dvayKai'a and lip1rrTa,
94 95
120 XLI. T (l 8 I cha Tij, apL<17''tJS TWV ui.a0,7aewv XLI. The objects which arc distinguished by sight,
II~ / ,
0.,,1.,ws I
1cptVOfUVCJ., I ... O - \ I
/J.fiTl:XH TOU a.p, µ.ou 1(0.TCI. ycvos·
the noblest of the senses, participate in the number
C'TTTQ. yap eon nt bp<V/1.£1/a, awµa, 8,auTaCTt,, of which we are speaking, if classified by their kinds a:
axijµ.o., µ.iyd)os. XPW/W, ,dvryrn<;, crrams, /(UL for the kinds which are seen arc seven-body, ex-
121 Tav'ra OVO!ill lupo,,. uu14N.f3,JKI: ~Lfl'TOL KOL tension,b shape, size , colour, movement., quiescence,
'TciS -rijs rf,wJJ'fis /-lE'T0./301\as a1TUUO.<; E7T1'fl £lvat, n)1• and beside these there is no other. The vari eties of
,f. " , fJ " ' -riv
\ •rffpiurrul/tE11r111,
I the voice too are seven in all, the acute, the grave, the
01,e,r.w, T7III apnav, Kat\ -rETap·

TOIJ oaavv
cp06yyo11, ,m,
¢1,Mv 7Tilµ:n:ro11, /((l,( fJ,0.l(pOl• circumflex, and fourthly the rough (or" aspirated"),
and fifthly the thin (or "unaspirated ") utt rn11c ' ,
122 EK'TOV, Kal f3pa.xuJJ if/360µ011. &}.;\a yrlo 1cd KW1JCTEW
< I 'f fJ'fJ
E:7TTO. EWUL UV/l E T/ICE, TT/J' a.vw,
\ ., \' KO.TW, Tl'/1' '"J" I \ and sixthly the long, and seventhly the short souu~.
I\ ti i:, I
or, OEsta., I
~ i)
E7T .,v
) I I
E:UWJlt/µa, T7)l' 7Tpouw I 'T7ll'
I Likewbe there are seven movements, upward, down-
ward, to the right, to the left, forward, backward . in
/C0.7'01ftl', 'T'T}JI EV KUICA(p, ri.. EV Tors 11-ai\urra -rpu •
- I ' 6 I .J.. \ l,l I ll circle. These corne out most distinctly in an cx-
OL T7'/V opxYJ(!W E7TL H/n'U/J,El'OL.
V )
123 JJOU!nll 'f'O.CTL OE
!iibillc)n of dancing. Th discharges fr m tltc body
KO.L Tci.<; 6,d T()U CTW/).UTOS Ef(l<pfun<; JrrHrrc.l),Bai
11 1so (it has been p ointcil out) are limited to th
-r{i, 'A1:xOe1m &p,01.i.(i, . Sul µ.iv yap d<f>Oa'Aµ.wv Sa.Kpuu. 11 unil.>l'. r named: for thr<>ugh the eyes le11rs pour out,
1Tpoxrii.-rat, oui M /WICT7JpWv at E:IC IC<:~aMjs Kfl0rlp - through th nostrils pu rgings from the h ad, through
lJ'HS, OUI. Of UT()fJ,U'TO<; o a?TO'ITTUO/-l fil'OS al£Aos· the n10 11th expcctoi'ill:lous of phlegm : Lhcre are
(tO'L Of Ka., 6,nat 6efa.µeva, rrpo · TUS TWJI 7TEPLTTW · sdso two 1· ceptacles for xcn:tion of s up<'rnuiti •s,
fUlTCl.11 1 <lrrox1:TE1JC1nS', 1i /./,fill E/J.?TpUafJe11, 1; 6f one in front, on· bcMncl; nnq in the sixrh pine
l(a'TQ7TW' €KT'l'J S' £(T7'(JI 17 St' o'Aov TOU CTlrif-LCl'TOS there is perspiration exuding through the whole
ii' lfipwn 7TpOXV<rLS, Kai <J{3f>cJ/.J.T/ > ~ tpUC1Ll((1JTO.'TTJ body, and in the seventh place .the natnral normal
rnrtfpj.J.anl 77poE<1LS Sui -rw11 yt1'Vr)nl<WI', emission of seed thrnugh the gemtal organs.
1~·1 rp17cr1. oJ /(aL 'I-rTTTO l<p0.7"1)!., ci TijS rpvcr1ow;; E.myvw· FurLher Iii ppo ·1·n1 e , th11t expert in the proc.e.~s.e~
of nahirc;", says !-1111 t in ~e,- n <fays h ,th the sol1cl1fy-
µw11, b, lfJ6oµ4.6~ Kpcr.ro1 1et;JOa., Kat n'711 m7[w -rijS'
i11g of Lhe s ·cu tlll~ Lhe formation oft he en~bryo take
- I ......). > I \ r I\ (>'
')'OVTJ<; ,co., , •1" 1lll0.7TI\UC1W TY}'> cmp1<0<;. 7T<ll\W O
l' t A. \ - I t ' \ place. Once 11,;11m, for women the duration f th
a.u yu11a,..,,1, 7J .,,opa n,iv KO.TO.ftTJ1 LWV LS
11 m 11 thly clennsing is nL the most se..-e11 dnp;. More-
'Trt\E(O"TU.S ~fdpas xop1JyEZ7-0.L, I CO.L TO. /CUTll. ya.a-rptJS over the fruit of the womb i br 1t"ht hy nn I ure to
f)pecf,71 /LYJUlV J1TTa. reA!wyovtfoOu., 7T(lfUK(!I', lr)!, foll ripeness in seven month~, with a most strange
<, CI I p l I ' <
?Tapaoo..,oranw n'u.. vew· yt11erat 1,a.p -ra. result, namely that seven months' ehildren come

• Literally, " accor<ling- to kind." The objects of sight, b i.e., .. of how. many,, din~;nsions.''.
perhaps, mean " distance ')r separation,
~ word may,
from other
he means, arc of seven kind.,.
96 !)7
f I , .., ,
ETT'T'a/J,TJVO. yor,,µa, -rw11 01c-rwµ,r1111ac<J.W w, em1ru.v
I r , I to the birth, whereas eight months' children as
a rule fail to do so alive. Severe bodily sicknesses
120 (cpo;iov1:.i:uOru µ:r) Svvaµhw,,. at -re f3ape'ia.i. v6ao, too, specially persi 'tent a ta ·ks of fi ver du to
awµ,a'T'WV, Kai µ.J.i\.,a()' orav £/( Svut<paata, TWJJ internal ciisor<l r gen rnlly reach the crisis on the
Jv ~µ:tv ovvti/.LE<l.11, 1rup,;-rol UUV<iXliLS lmaw171pwu,11, se venth day ; for this clay decid s the struggle for
J{JS6,-,.v i:"cf.).,o-rd. 1rw<; ~µlprz, Sm,cplvovT(,W S,1ccf.,1:., lifi , bringinj:? 'to som recovery t-o others dea th.
\ , "" TOY
yap aywva. \ ' ,/ ,.. ... ,\
7T<ipt yW)(.TJ<:, TOlS µ 1:.11 C1WTT/pta1• XLTI. 'l he numb r 7 ,certs it.s influence n I, nly
YlTJ<pttoµlvrJ, roi:<: St in the spheres that have been mentioned, but also in
L26 XLU. 'H SJ SvvaµtS" aurij, OU µ611011 TOi:S' those noblest of sciences, grammar and music. For
dpTJµ lvoic;, a>J\a. 1<al Tai, cipfo-rais- 'TWV lmarr,µ(jj,, t he s ·ven-stri.ngeu lyre, c 1·rc..qponding to the choir
of the Pln:nets, produces the notnblc m lodi !;, and
lmm,rpot'T'r)l(f:., YPO.J.L/LO.TU<fj 'Tf. Kai fJ.O IJULKfj . >..upa it is n t going too far to ·ay t hat tJ1e IY1·c is the m le
µ.ev yap ?J €7170.XOpSos-, a.11at\oyoua<i rfj 'TWV w>..a- LO which ·the making of nll mwsi. al inst.rum ut
111]7'WV xopt:t(f, nl., f.>..>..oylµou<; apµovCa , clwou >..1:t, coufi nns. And among Lhe l •tt ers in grammar Lh re
CJX€8ov 'TL rijs KO.TO. µ,ouatK~V opyaVO'ITOlLa<; d7TdOTJ<; (1.r sc:ven properly called vowels or " vocal1;,'' sin e
[SOJ I ~yt:µ.ovis- ooua. rnoixrdwv 'T€ TWJJ EV ypaµ µaTLKfj as is obvious they can l.>e sounded l>y th 10 Ives,
'Tll il.t:y6µ1:.11a <pWV1JEVTO. hvµws l-rr-rci lu-ru,, l1mS~ ;ind wb n joined with the othP-rs can produce artic1!-
,mt TOLS' <tA;\o 1,
tco.1 l{ il'auTWV Jouce <f,wi,e'i.a8a., late sounds ; for on the ne hund th y fill up what 1s
.,,wvas • 'Bpous 0.1TOT€1\HJJ'
fiVap • ,~ TWV ~ )1;1ck ing to the " semi-vowels," rend ring the sounds
\ \ < ,/_ I > \ ~ \ > ~ I <\ foll and complete, and on th oth r hand they change
J.1,fiV yap TJµ,.,,wvwv ava1T11TJpot TO EVoEov 0110- the nature of the " voj d ess ' ' (the consonants) by
KA~povs KO.'fO.Cll<EVO.{oVTa 'TOV<: cpBoyyou<;, TWV s· br athing into them something of their own power,
U.<pWVWV Tp€1'FH /CW. /J,ffa.{Jd),).EL TllS <pl1Ufl<; iJµ - rhnt it may now be possible to pronounce letters
1T'VEOVTa T'ijs iSla, 8u11aµ.EW S' ivo. ybr]ro.t 1'0. hefo~·e in apable of pronunciation. On th se g rounds
127 ri.pp'rJTCl. P17Ta. Sto µ.ot So,rnvuw ol Ta.
011&µ.arn [ hold that those who originalJy fitted 1;1,ames t ..
'TOt<; 7rpo.yµ,,
f >>(. -
> ,i I
l.i.1Tty1'rJµ.tO'O,VT1.i.; ~ ,/_ I
0.TE O'o.,,ot thing~ , bei~g wis~. men, n.Ticd,,tl'u nu inb, r s~,:en.
Ka.;\Jaa.t 'TOV ci.p,Oµ.ov E'TTTO. clwo 'TOV 0.UTOIJ b •cause of t he reverence (<n/30.u11.o,) vhi h 1t
- l(fJ.L. 'T'l]S
- 1rpououU7J<: 'Pw . deserves, and the heavenly " dignity " (trEµ.~1fr,1~)
(JE fJ aa;wv m,µ.vo,?JTO<;'
µ.aiot 0( Ka, 1rpounB£1JTE!;


tA>..Euf;()ev ucf>' 'E,\-

pertaining to it. The Romans, w!w add the ~etter u
left out by the Gr cks,a ruak this appear Still n1ore
A~l' WV ' U'!'OtXEiov To 1: Tpavoiia,v tn µ.o.>..;\ov T'TJV clearly, since they , with great~r a 7 ur~cy, call
J,/ . A.. ' , , ,/ ) .\
Ef'"'l'O.(JLV, E'T'Uf,LWTEpov rTf.TTTIEµ w poaayopEUOVTf<; 0.7TO tl1 number septem, owing t lls denv11t1on, as I
"T'OU Cffi:J.1-VOV, ,a,.(J(J.71fp eMx871, Kat aEf3o.aµoiJ. have said, from uqJ..VO<: (reverend) and 11430.up.f.'>
(" reverence ").
• r,r-rci. is Greek for " seven."
98 99
128 XLUJ . To.iira Ka/. ETL 'ITAElW Myera., Kai <f,i,\o- XLlll. These and yet more than these are the
<1orpei:ra, r,ep, lf38oµa8or;, J,v €11€.(W, ·nµas µiv statements and refiections of men on the number 7,
EACJ.,XEII EV rfi </ivaEL TllS a.VWTUTW, TLJtO.TaL 0€ KQL showing the reasons for the very high honour whi~h
\\ that number ha s attained in Nature , the honour m
1Tapa' TOLS'- OOl<L}-tWTQTOLS'
<:, ' TWV
- I
KUL f3 ap- I
whkh it is held by the most approved investigators
I 8 \ >
I • I " -
of th e science of Mathematic~ and Astronomy among
> f
aw, El(TETL}-t1)TUL O
<;, > < I ,I_ \
I "1
Ureek!I nnd t1Lhe1· p oplcc; and the spcciul hm1our
t\ \ I\\ , "" , I ,/, )
OS' TO KUI\I\OS' UVT1)S' avEypa'l-'EV EV Ta ts LEPWTQTat<;
" t I
tH'corded to it by th itt lover f virh1e, Mosrs. H,·
TOV i•oi-wv UT~AULS', TUlS' 0€ OLUVOlatS' TWV u¢'
irt'< rih d itll hr:rnty on he 010.<;t holy tab les of th e
Lttw and impre~sed it on th mind.., ~t' all whn w ~-
QVTOV Cl1TUVTWV EVExapafE, oi' Ef ~µEpwv Kf:AEvaa, set 11111ler hi111 by bid11in~ Lhem al 111lcr_v~ l.s of six
ayELv <
tEpavI 'fl" > \ - "\ \ > f
days to keep a seventh du.>: holy , 1_,bsLa1mug .rr. m
>I ti ' Y I /3'
Epywv, oaa KQT(J. <,1)TYJULV LOV l(QL 1Topiaµov, \ I t \
EVL ot h r work Lhat hl\1' t d with seckrng nnd gnmmg
}-tDV<fJ axo.\a,OVTUS' Tlf1 rptAoaotpELV El, f3EATtwaw II lh·cli11oorl and ~idng th<:iJ· tim1~ to _th on<: sol ·
ohje ·I of plLilosn phy wit h a vi~w lo the m~provc11 cnt
of rhnraeter nncl s ubmi ssion to the l\crutiny of ~n-
LDpvµevo, Tfj i/JvxfJ, 1m8a1rEp 0LKQUT1/S' E1TL1TA~TTWJ! !.d«n e. 'om,ci 11ce, nl>lish d in the so ul hke
OU 8vaW1TELTUL, Ta. µJv a,po8porepais- a.1THAULS' Ta. 11 juilg<·, is never abashed in adtninistering' r p 1·?of.~,
0€ /({l(, /L ETPLWTepaic; vouOwfo.ic; Xf!<;,f),EVoc;, 1TEpL µ '1, som · t-h11, · rnpl ,yi_u g sharp •r threats sonif't1~ .cs
g ntlel' nil rnonitinnia;; threats, wh r th wro11gdomg
Jiv eSoC:ev El( 1Tpot·otac; a)>tKf:LI' a.rrEc.\a'i:s, rrepl. S'
appoorctl to he clellbrral i nJu ion.itions, to gua'.·~
Jiv o.i<ouaia, Sui TO U.'iTpoopcfrws- ixrn•, voufJ alai ngainst a like lapse in the future, when the rn1s-.
IJ7TEp TOV /LY)Ke()' oµotw, OAta()ElV. con<lucl sc ·ra1 ·<l 11ni11L •nlionul nnd the resul t of
129 - r.1\'. 'Em,\oyi,oµo•o, DE T1/V Koaµo1Tottav wnnl of cairtion.
KE t/m>..11.unDEL TV1T<fJ <pYJUlV' "AvTl) ~ f3{f3>.o, YEV€-
XLl _ fo his c nclucling i;unmuu·y of the story of
:s. ' 1 cre:1tion he says: ·• This is th book ~f the ~en ·~tR
a we; ovpa.vo1 t .....
J Ka.L '
oTe EYEVETo, :, ru.1.tpg.
,, , '

Qfhcav n ancl eHrth when they •mne 111lo bemg, rn

E'ITOLY)UEtl O 0Eoc; TOV ovpa11011 /(CL( TrJV y,'jv, l( (l(. 7TCl11 1J 1 dny in whkh ~forl inade t'h e. hea~•e n ,m<l_ t.h ei1rth
x,\wpo1 · a.ypoii 7rpa -ro ii ymfuO,J,t (7TL ri)s y rjs K<.tL and ev ry he rb o t Lhe fie ld b f .r it oppc,l_te~ u~on,
mlVTU xopTOIJ nypo ii 7Tpo TOU c.i.vaT.:tAai" ((:ien . Lhe earth, nn<l o11 g-rnss of t b 1ield h f1 r •.t ~pr,u1g
ii. 1,, 5). dp' OUK Jµ,po.vw, TO.<; d.awµarov, Ka/. 11 p "(G 11 • ii. -1,, 5). I · h nnt 111nnlfcstly ~lescr1bmg _the
in ·orporna1 idcn _pr1•se nt only to Ll1 • 1111ncl, by wh1cl1,
1·'0'1'/TctS lo ea, 7T(J..ptCJTYJfnV, 0.S' TWV ala()1)TWV a.1To- n'l uy s als, th fi nished 11hj c ·ts rhnl: Ill cL our sen~es
T€AWµaTWV a<f,pa.11i'6as ElvaL avµfNf31JKE j 7Tplv yap w re nmuhlctl? fo r before th •1wt h put fort h 1ls
10.0 101

x..\ofjaat T~V yfjv, mho TOVTO £V Tfi </,van TWV young green shoots, young verdure was present, he
rrpayµ,a:rwv xr\017 <p17a{v 17v. Kai 1rpiv c:ivaTE,Aat
I I tells us, in the nature of things without material
I ' ' ..... I
130 XDPTDV EV ayp<p, xopTDs 'IV DUX opaTO<;, V1TO-
,l , r I r shape, and before grass sprang up in the field, there
V07JT{ov o'
r , {J,
on Kai EK<lUTOV TWV ci'...\,\wv Cl OtKa-
, a, I ,,,:. , ,
was in xistence an invisible grass. We must
suppose that in th e case of all other objects also, on
(31) °"ovaw ata 71anr; Ta rrpu1,.,vTepa no71 Kat µeTpa,
which the senses pronounce judgement, the original
OlS' Et0071'0tELTat Kai fl, ETpEi:T(lt Ta ywoµr;va, 71pOiJ71'- forms and m easures, to which all things that come
fjpxe· Kai yap El µ~ KaTa µlpo, <aAA' > clOpcfo. into being owe shape and size, subsi ted before them ;
1ravTa oiete..\~Av8r; cppovT{(wv el Ka{ n, c.i'.A!los for even if he has not dealt wiLh very thing in detail
/3paxvr\oy{a,, QV0€V "7TTOV Ta p7J8ivTa d,\{ya ody- but in the mass, aiming as he does at brevity in a high
"' .r_ > \ ...J...
ftaTa TYJS I
Tcu11 avµ,1ravTwv ean 'f'vaew,, 17ns avev
I J/
degr e, nevertheless what he does say gives us a few
dawµ.aTOI) 1rapaoe{yµaTOS ovoiv TEAeatovpye'i TWV indications of universal Nature, which brings forth
iv ala8~an . no finished product in the world of sense without
usin~ an incorporeal pattern.
131 XL V. Tfis S' a.KqAovBLas ixoµ.n1os Kai. T011 XLV. Keeping to the sequen ·e of the cl'ealion
elpµ.ov 1"WV E7Toµ.l.vwv 7rpos Ta 71youµ.eva Ota.T7Jpw11 and careful1y <1bserving th connexion b tween what
iffjs My1H' 11 11'7/Y~ o' a.vlf3aw V £1( ..,...;;, yfjs Ka.I. follows and what has gone before, he next says:
E1TDTl'I' 7TQ.ll TO -rrpoawrrov TfjS yiis" (Gen. ii. G). " .md a spring went up out of the a.rtl1 and watered
ol µlv a'..\,\oi <pi1\dao,poi TO m1µ,1rav iJSwp ;v (]'Tot· all the face of the ear lh " (Gen. ii. 6). Other phil-
XHDV ~ l I .J.. -
E JJa.t .,, 'TWJI 'TETTapwv, Es WV O KOUJ.lOS
I 1' < I
osophers say tha;t nl1 water is one of the four elements
iS71µic;,1Jpyt707J. Mwvcrils I>' o(vwm,(1TEp0tS oµµaat I
oul of which the world was mad . But Mo el'!, wont
/CO.t T(l J,WKpa.v dwOws EU,a Oewp{i:v Kai. Kara-
as he is with keener vision to observe and apprehend
amazingly w II ev ·n distant obje ·ts, does inde d
..\aµ./3a11etv, crroixe'iov f'-€11 ot<2Tat dvat T'TJ" µeyo),7Jv
regard the great sea as an element , a fourl h part of
8,:1)..aTTall, /J,OL[JUV Tt£TO.fT7JV TWlJ UVfUT'O.YTWV, ~v th whole, whfrh liis successors, re ckonfog t h seas
ot' µ.1:T ., avrov
, \
)/"'). ' 1rpoaayop€vovTes
. , ra.' 1rap ' we sail to be in size mere harbours compared to it,
,;,µtv TrAWTa rreMy17 ,\,µivwv ey_nv µq,J97J voµ.t- ctill Ocean ; but he distinguished swe t clrinlGlble
'ova,, TO f;J ')'AVKV Kal 1r0Tl-f).DV uowp OtEKpWEV water from the salt water, assigning the former to
~ (}- \
> '
0.110 TOV
UI\ClTTLOU, rrpOO'KO.TO.T!l.50,S' ClUTO 'if} yfj
, /; I \ -
the land and looking on it as part of this, not of the
\ I , f fJ \ I
KC!t µepos TO.UT7]S V7TOI\O.JJWII, OUK EK£tVOV, ota. T'YJV
' , I ~ \ \
sen. lt is such a part, for tlie purpose air ady
>.exOefoa.11 ai.Tlav 1Tpdnpo11, Zv' ws civ v1ro OEUJJ.oii rnenlioned, that hy the sw et quality uf the
I \ I I I\\ I < I ns by a uniting glue the earth may be bound and
Cl1JVt:X1]Tllt ')11\VKEl~ 'fl'OlOT7jTG l(Ol\l\7JS Tpo11ov EVOV0'7JS ·
lu·lcl tog ther : for had it been left dry, with no
g71pa. yap 0.1TOA,Wp8eic,r,., /.I.~ 1TUfU0VOf.1.EV7JS VQT{l>os moisture making its way in and spreading by many
10~ 103
Sul TWJJ dpmwµaTWJJ 7TOAvaxiSw, JmrpotTWCJTJS'. chan11 Is through th · pores, it w ul<l hnve net unlly
KO.JJ DLEAEAVTO. UVVEXETUL SJ Kat Dtaµivn TO. µev fnllc n to pieces. It is held together mu! lasts partly
7TJJEVµaTOS' EJJWTLKOV Svvaµa, TO. DE TfjS' JJOT{Do, hy virtut> of U1e lift>-breat b thnt makt>. it on·, pa1·Lly
) ) I >,J.. I \ l,,,J.. \ \ because it is :,m1·crl from drying up und breaking off
OVK EWUTJS a..,,avaivoµEV'YJV KaTa TPV't''YJ µtKpa KaL
in srn1dl r big bits hy th m()istm . Tl.tis is onr
132 wyaAa Bpv1rnaOat. µ{a µev alT{a 7JDE, AEKT€0V
rt>nson, and I must mention another which is 11. gu c.~s
DE Kai ET€pav CJToxa(oµivriv WU7TEP UK07TOV Tfj, 11 t the truth. It is uf tl1 e nnlur of nofhi11g e1111h-
d,\710,da,· OVDEJJ TWJJ YTJYEJJWJJ a'.vw vypfis ovata, bcll'n to take form apart from wet s ub!-tanc('. Thi~
at 1r1c..,,vKEe
· µ71vvovat
o<;,> at< Ka TafJ 011at \ \ is shown by lhe d positing- of seeds, whi •L eith<'l' lll'C
Twv a1rEpµaTwv, 0.7T"-P ~ vypa Janv, Ta Twv w, moist, as those of animals, or do not g row without
" 1t H fl'11aaTaJJEL, TOtaVTa. I I -
moisture : ~uch are thoi. of plants. From thi.-; it
<;, \ \ - ,,/.. - > '<':: 1' C:, - \ <I > I
is clear that th e wet substance we have m entioned
OE Ta TWIJ 't'VTWJJ f'.(JTLJJ ' E~ av 01/1\0JJ OTL avayK'YJ
11 111st be a. p:\rt of lh ear ll1 which giv s birth to 1111
n,v AEXBE'iaav vypav ovatav µipo, Elvat yfj, Tfj, thing , jus t a.~ with wo111cu th e running- of t h 111unthly
?TaVTa TLKTOVUTJS'' Ka a1rEp TaLS' yvvaL\,C't TTJV
I I () I \ .../...
..,,opav \
<·lcansings ; for thes too nrc, so phyisi ·al scientist~
TWV KaTaµ71vlwv· MyETaL yap ovv Kat TaVTCL 1rpos tell us, the bodily :.ub "tancc of t:befetus. And whilt
dv8pwv rpvatKWV ova{a awµanKry {JpE!pWJJ Elvat. lam ab ut to say is in p rfecL agr ·m nt wi t h what
has b en said al ready. 11 t ur · bas I estow d on
133 TWV 8' Elp71µlvwv ovK d1rq8EL Kat TO µi>.Aov every mother as a most essential endowment t e eming-
MywOm· 7TG.UTJ µ71Tpt KaOa1rEp dvayKaLOTaTov breasts, thus preparing in advance food for the child
I ,J.. f I ty > /~ \
µEpOS' TJ ..,,vat, 7T'Y)ya.,ovTaS' aJJEOWKE µaaTOVS' 1rpo- that is to be born. The earth also, as we all know, is
WTpEmaaµ1cv71 Tpo..,,as Ttp yEw71aoµ1cvcp · µ7JTTJP o
,,/... \ '"' I I ~)
a m'lthn fo r which re:ISOJl th e ea.Tli ·st m n Lhouµ- h t
WS' EOLKE Kat ~ yfj, ?To.po Kat TOLS' 1rpWTOtS' e8ogEIJ fi L to call h ei· 'Demeter,' <'Ombi11i11g th • num e of
' 1110 r ' wi th 1.hnl of' earth '· for, as Plato" say-:,
avTryv /j.~µT}Tpav KaMaat TO µ71TpOS' Kat yfjs earth does not imitate woman, but woman e arth.
(32 ] ovoµa avvOE'iatJJ' ov I yap yfj yvva'iKa, (US' El7TE Poets quite rightly are in the habit of calling earth
TI-\ihwv, d>Jtd yvvry yfjv µEµ{µ'Y)rnt, ~v ETtiµw, To • All-mother,' and ' Fruit-bearer ' and ' Pandora' or
\ I
7TOt'Y)TLKOV YEVOS' 1raµµY)Topa Kat 1<ap1ro..,,opov I
Ka t \ I \
'Give-all,' inasmuch as she is the originating c:.111se
1rav8wpav ErwBEv ovoµa(av, E1THDry 7TCLJJTWJJ alT{a of existence and continuance in existence to all
animals and plants alike. Fitly therefore on earth
YEVEUEWS' Kat 8iaµovfj, (i/iwv oµoD Kat rpvTWIJ
., , I 'f' \ ,...,
,..., fJ I \
al~o, most ancient and most fertile of mothers, did
I I J.. ' 1'I~ t I
Nature bestow, by way of breasts, streams of rivers
yovtµwTaTT} µ7JTEpwv avrnWKEJJ TJ ..,,vat, Ota µa- and springs, to the end that both the plants might be
(JTOVS' ?Tornµwv pEWpa. Kat 7T'YJYWJJ, iv(J Ka~ Ta • Me11e.t enus :?38 11,
104 10.5

cpvnl apOOL'TO ,ca, 1TO'TOV /1.<f,8ovov exoi 1TClll'TO. Ta watered and all animals might have abundance to
{<pa. drink.
134 XL VI. J\frrd. 0€ Taiho. <fTJULll on " €1TA(l.CT€l/ d XLVI. After this he says that "God formed man
by taking clay from the earth, and brea.thed into his
Od,s r1v0pwrrov xoiiv Aa./3,~v d1To 'TijS yijs, Kat.
face the breath f life " ( en. ii. 7). By this nl~o he
EV£<PUcrtJU€11 ds 'TO 1TpO<JW7TOII avTOIJ 7TVO~V twiis "
shows very clearly that there is a vast difference
(Gen . ii. 7). Et)(Jpyt.U'T'a-ra ,cal. Sui 'T'OUTou 1rap -
betwe •n th man tlrns formed and the man that cnnie
tfIT11<1LV on fM.tpopo. 1TO.fJ,t,J,f.Yf.0TJ'i £.(JT~ 'TOV 'T€ vii,, into existence earlier after the image of God : for the
1TAaaOvrros d.vOpclmov Kai. 'TOV KQ'l'(l rr,v EiKova man so formed is an obj ect of sense-p rception,
0€ofJ yryov&ro; 7rpOrEpov- J t,J,€11 yd..p Ol0.1rAa.O'Ods partaking already of such or such quality, consisting;.,.os 7JOYJ fJ, ET€XWII 1TOl0rrJTOS' £.K uwµ.a.TOS 1co., of hotly and sou l, man or woman, by nature mortal;
i/Juxijs av~p ~ yu,,~'· <pU<Jf.L 8VYJTOS " o
UVVECJTWS, while he that was after the (Divine) imuge was an
oE Ko.To. rryv 01<0110. wi::a. TLS
~I \ \
y£11os 'l'J~ u,,,pay,s,
't ,L_I ·~ I I I
idea or type or seal, an obj ct of thought (only),
I > ) , o-\ ",io
IIOTJ'TOS' o.uwµ,aros' OVT appEv OVTE 7]1\V' a.,, a.pros
incorporeal, neither male nor female, by nature
135 ..,,vuH.
,1. I 'TOV- v"'' O.LU • 81jTOV- l((UI €7TL
' ' fL€povs
' incorrupUble. It says, howeve r, that
'8' \ \ '() .,._ , , 1 . "
av pw1rov TTJfl ICO.'l'0.<1K€VYJII O'UII ETOV Hva, .,,71aw €1( the formation of the individual man, the object of
7"€ ,Yf.WOOVS oua{as KO.L 1TIIE'U/i.O.TOS O,dou · ')'€')1€11'7/ - sens , is a composite one made up of earthly substan ·e
\ I \ -
U 80.6 yap TO t,J,€11 awµ,a, xouv TOV TcXJn'TOV 110.,-,ollTOS
!': - I \ QI and of Divine breath: for it says that the body was
ma.(le thr ugh the Artifice1· takb1g clay and moulding
1<0.I. J-1,op<f,~v d.vOpw"lv7111
"'\ ,.
T"f}V OE ll'VX7JV tl-77 ' . ' '"'
"'/&')J'TOV 'TO\ 7TOp0.7TCW, -
, out of it a human form, but that the soul was origin-
ated from nothing created whatever, but from tbe
di\,\' €/{ TOU 7TO.Tpos ,cat ~YE/J.OVOS 'TWV 1TO.V'TWV " c1 Father and Ruler of all : for that which He breathed
yap• EV€..,,V07/UfJI,
) ,i ' OVOEV ~
'"' \ 71.. 11 ETEpov T/" 1TVEVfJ,O.
- {} E'LOV,
J \ I
...., >-I I 't~ I ,LI
in was nothing else than a Divine breath that
a.110 TTJS µ.a1<0.p,as Ka., rooa,µ.ovos .,,va£ws EKElVTJS migrated hither from that blissful and happy exist-
> I> 0 ,,.,. \\ 1 > 1 ,l \ I I -
(11TOLKtav T7JV Ell aoE O'THI\UjL EVOV E'1T w.,,El\€L'f -rov ence for the benefit of our race, to the end that, even
yivovs ~µ.wv' iv' el Kat Ovrir6v ((]'T~ KO.TO. 'n/11 if it is mortal in respect of its visible part, it may in
opa'T't}V µ,Ep{oa., Ka.Ta ')IOUII 'TT/II aopa-rOV &JJava - respect of the part that is invisible be rendered
Tl{TJTCL~. 8,J Kai 1<uplws r1v TLS EZ1ro~ -r6v ci.11fJpw1ro11 immortal. Hence it may with propriety be said that
0117)rfjs ,,al. d.f)ava.TOV tpVCTEWS elva, JLE8opwv, man is the borderland between mortal and immortal
EKO.Tipas OCTOV dva.yKaLov E(JTL JL€TIXbVTa, Kai. nature, partaking of each so far as is needful, and
'YE',Y Evijcr8o..t fJvrirov oµ.oii KO.l a.lMvo.'TOV, 8V7JT6V µ.Ev
that he was created at once mortal and immortal,
KO.T!l 'TO crwµ.a, KO.TU SJ rr,v s~avotav d8avarov. mortal in respect of the body, but in respect of the
mind immortal.
J36 XLVII ~ 'EKE!vos 6, 0 wp{irros O.v8pw1ros O XLVII. That first man, earth-born, ancestor of
106 107
our whole race, was made, as it appears to me, most
excellent in each part of his beiug, in both soul and
body, and greatly excelling those who came after
him in the transcendent qualities of both alike : for
this man really was tll one t.ruly " beautiful and
1,ood." a The fair fornt of his body m ay be gathered
frl.lnt three proofa. The first is tl1k When, at the
severing of the great mass of water, which received
the name of" sea," the newly formed earth appeared,
the material of the thi11gs to come into existence
was, as a result, pure nnd free from mixture or alloy,
and also supple aud easy to work, and the things
wrought out of iL n11tur11lly flawless.
Secondly, God is not likely to have taken the clay
from any part of the earth that might offer, or to
have chosen as rapidly as possible to mould this
figurf' in the shape of a man, bu t se l cting the bes t
frmn it all, out of pure material tnking the purest
011 d most subtly refined, such as w11~ best s uited for
his structure ; for a sacred dwelli ng -place or shrine
was being fashioned for the reas 11111.)) • soul, which
man was to carry as a holy image, of all images the
most Godlike. The third proof, incom-
parably stronger than the two that have been givell,
is thi~, that the Creator excelled, as well as in all else,
i11 skill to bring it abo ut that each of the bod ily
part · hou.ld hav in its ·If indiv idunlly i l~ clu. • f>l'O ·
portions, mid shou ld also be fitted with U1e mo~t-
pcrfoct accu racy for th part i L , us to take in I h
whole. And together with this symmetry (of the
parts) H bestowed on Lhe b dy goodly flesh, uud
:adorned it with a rich comp lexion, clesiring tltc fir!lt
mnn to b as fair as could be to 1.>eh ltl. XLVJlJ.
That in soul also he was most excellent is manifest ;

?jv, <pUVEpOV' OV0€1.•l yap f.'Tf{J'fJ 7rapo.Or;{,,µ.a.Tt Tcu11 for the Creator, we know, ornploycd for its rnnking
£JJ YEV€(TH 'TTpos T~V l((l,T(l,(T/(f:U7/l/ CtVTij1, EOLl(f. 110 pn:ttcrn taken from among crenLed tl1ings, but
XP1aaueru, µ6vt.p 15' WS' cd1rov Tq> EUVTOU ,\6yw . solely, as I have said, llis own Worcl (ur ll a.son).
8i6 cfi11uw ci.1r1:t1Co1,iop,a i<Ctt µiJt71µa yei,evfjaO~L Jt is on this account that h says tlrn.i 1111111 was
rouTOIJ TOv 11.vBpwrrov l.µ.1rvwaBivm Els TO 1rp6- n 1nd • a likenes.<s nml imitation f Lhe Wonl, wh n
the Brc,1th was d into his fnc.c. The
aw1ro1,, ivOa r<v ,, ala(J·11a<cw11 o ro1ros, ats TO µ.J 11
face is the seat of the senses. By the senses the
Clwµa it/Jvxwow () 017µ.wvpyoS'' TOV 0€ {JacnMa Creator endowed the body with soul. To the senses,
>ioywµ.c'w ev16pvuaf(V05' 'T'f) ?JY£/.LOll(kcp 7Taplf3w,cE: when He had installed the sovereign Reason in the
'ifopurpopr/iaBaL 7rpDS' T<lS' xpwµd:rwv ,cal cpwvc7w princely part of man's b eing; He deliv red it to be
XlJAWV TE. CLO Kal a.Tµw 11 1<al TWV 11apo.'1TA7'/UL(<JV by th m escorted to the apprehension of colours and
, ,\ ' .l " > B, <: • • - ,
avn 'T'J'i'ELS', as a.vw r.u<T TJ<TEWS' <H aurou µ.01101,
sountls, as well as of flavours anrl scents and th e like.
KO.TM(i{:kiv ovx o[6s 'TE ~v. dvrfylO'J Se 7TO. yJ<a.Aov The Reason, apart from perception by the senses,
'1Tapa81:lyp,arn<; 71a.y1wAov f:tvcu TO JJ.ffl'TJ/J,,U. Br:ov was unable by itself nlone to app rel1e11d these. Now
,: , ,\' I \\ •.t ~
oE oyos i<at\ auT01.1 t ""
Ka1\/\0VS', OTrli:P i I
£<TTw <:V rt1 the copy of a p rfectly beautiful pattern rt1ust needs
> be of p erfect beauty. But the Word of God sur-
,,,uan Kal\l\O<;, aµ.Hv wv, ou 1<ouµouµi;:vo<; !(a',\\11n,'
,/, I I\\ ! > '

KOO'µos o' aVTOS', el oer TaA7IOES dm,'iv, £V'1Tp€77€- passes beauty itself, beauty, that is, as it exists in
UTaTO<; EKELVOU. ' ' Nature. He is not only adorned with beauty, but is
140 XLIX. TowiiTo<; µev O 1rpwTOS' av8pwrro, ICaTa Himself in very truth beauty's fairest adornment.
TE" uwµa Kat t/Jux~v YEYEVfja8at JLOL OOKEZ, TOlJS' TE
XLIX. Such was the first man created, as I think,
vvv OVTaS' Kat TOV<; 1rpo ~µwv OLEVEy1<cliv U7TaVTUS'' in body and soul, surpassing all the men that now
are, and all that have been before us. For our
~ µev yap ~JLETEpa ylvE<JLS' e( av8pclmwv, TOV OE
' eo71µ.wupYYJ<7EV'
><:, >,J.> " < - beginning is from men, whereas God created him,
8EOS' I <:, \
"'f' oaov OE KpELTTWV O 7TOLWV,

and the more eminent the maker is, so much the

E7TL TO<JOUTOV Kat TO yivoµEVOV aµELvov· W<77TEp
' \ ...... \ \ ' )I .,

\ \ ) I Y ) \ ,.., f3 I f3 E/\TLOV
I\ I
better is the work. For as that which is in bloom is
yap TO aKµa.,ov aLEL TOI.I 1rap71 'f/KOTOS' always better than that whose bloom is past, be it
'EUTLV, ELTE "' r...... ,, A. ' ,,
','{JOV ELT( 't'V'TOV ELTE Kap1ros- ELT a11110 ' ,, , JI\'
animal or plant or fruit or aught else in nature, so
n TWV EV rfj <p0UE£ ruyxavoi, OUTWS' ~OLK<V d f~" the man first fashioned was clearly the bloom of our
1rpwros- S,o.1rA.auOds avBpc1mOS' U.KJL'IJ TOV ~JJ,ETl'.pov entire race, and never have his descendants attained
7TO.IIT0S' ' IJ'n'CL()<;,Q.L
' , I:. yu,ovs-, Ot O E'ITEL'Ta /J,7'/1'E'O' 0/.LOIWS'
I ( ~ ' " • I
the like bloom, forms and faculties ever feebler
rn-a,cµ.aua,, Twv KCLTa y&lla.v rlµa.vpoTlpa, dd -rds having been bestowed on each succeeding generation.
141 TE µop<paS' Kat TaS' ouvaµELS' I ,\aµfJavoYTWV' 07TEp I have observed the same thing happening in the
(34] errt TE 7TAaUTLKfjS' Kat S'f)ypa<pta, ywoµ t vov Eloov· case of sculpture and painting : the copies are in-
U7T00Ei yap Ta. µ.iµ71µa.Ta TWV a.px€TV7TWV, Ta 8'
ferior to the originals, and what is painted or moulded
110 111
S \ ...., I .,/.. I
o:rro "Twv /1-LJ'-T/JJ.O.:rwv ypo.y,c1µ.evu. 1<0.t TrA0770f£f.VO.
\ \ I
'from the copies sti ll m re so, owing Lo !11cir Iona
7TOAU µ-a».011, 0.Tf. J.LO.Kpav a.q>€<rrWTCL rijs dpxfis· clistance from Lhe original. Much L11e nm appem~
1rapa1r>.1awi1 s~ 1r6.fJo. kal ~ p.o., 1 vij'TLS' MOos E1TL • in the case f the magnet : for the iron ring which
LOuches it is h·ld mo~t f111·cibly, bu l lltat whi h
oe,KIIUTO.L. TWII yap ato71pw11 OawrvMwv () µ.iv
touches this one less so. A third hnngs on to Lh
o.urijc; 1µ aucru.s /3tO.LQ'TCl'TO. Kpan~'TCl,L, U ol 'TOU ccond, and a fourth on lo th third, l\nd a fifth on
,I ' .
ylO.I.JQ"O.VTo, ,:t1-rrov, eK1
• rp1cµ.a.-ra,
' ~' ~
o( l(fHI rptTDS o£tJ· I

to the f. ttd:h, and so on in a Jon~ series, all heltl

-r/potJ, Kai, -r&apTOS -rp{rou, KO.i, 1T{fl,1TT00 T€TO.p'TOI), Logcthci· by on~ nttra ting for<'e 011ly not 1111 11like,
Kai frlpwv Enpot, Kar&. µ.a.Kpd, , urorxoi•, VITO µtfi.,; for thos r moved from the starling-point get looser
OAKOV ou1,•aµ.€WS UlJJlf:)(Oµ.Evo,, 1TA7/II ov TOii a,hov 1111 the time, owing L th• attra t;ion b i11g J'claxcd
rp6rrolJ' &tel y«p ot 1r6ppw Tij, apx1is U.7T7'JPTYJfJ.EVOt nnd )o$in 7 i s power to ~rip as it, did before. M11n-
xaAWIITO.L, 8,d. 70 T"t/11 0A1<71v ,h,twBa, jJ/1)1<€1J' oµotw, kincl has evidently 1u1J 'l'gone something Clf the same
u,l,lyynv ouvaµ.IVT/V. UJJ,OLOJJ 677 n 7Tt:'ITOVfJlva, /(a~ kimJ. As gcner:i.ticm follows generation the powe1·s
r, - , , .1 '
TO yevos TWV 0.11 0pwrrCJJV y>Ctwf'Tat, 1(0.8 EKO.<N''f/11
,,, and qualities of body and 0111 which men receive arc
,. , ~ ( \fl' \ _, feebler.
yev<:av aµ.uoporepa:s Aaµ.,-,avovTwv TOS TE 70IJ crwµa·
\ t ... ., .... ~ ' ' ,
TO, /(Q.( . TO.<; TT/S' yJVX'rJS' owo.µ.n, KO.L 'ITOLOTTfTOS. 11' we ca11 Lhat origiMl forefather of our l'OC ll{)t
HZ Tov s·
a.p)(l'JylTT]V EK€~11011 OU ,,6vov r.p<n'TOII only the first man but a lso the only citizen f the
world" we hall b • !!peaking with perfect truth . For
a,,Opwrrov d,\,\d /(().~ µ.ovov KOC1JJ,07TOAln7v Myoll'rE<;
th e w rld wa~ his city nnd dwelling-place. No build-
&.if11:vol,rm-ra. lpoOµw 'fjv yup ot,<:0, aurc?, KUL
ing macle by hand l111d been wrought out of the
1r6>.t, o
KOO"f.1,0!., µT)6Eµ,i8.s xnp,mrrnfrou 1<a.To.-
material of stones and timbers. The world was hi,;
Q"1crofi,; Stl317µwupY7JµWfJS €K >..tBwv Ko., ~Aw,, mother country where he dwelt far removed from
"\ t' 0 > I ,.,,, \ > ,/. \
IJ117)S, <fl Ka 0.7T£p Ell 1rwrp,0L (LETCJ. 1Ta<n7<; au'l'al\EtCA.1;;

fear, inasmuch as he had been held worthy of I.he

l118tr,riiro, <{,6{3ou µ).11 l1<To,; 0;1,, art -rfj, T<7i1· rule of ih' deni1. n of the earth, and all thing-;
1rEptyelwv ,7y<:µovl1tr; riltwOds, ko.l. 'ITCA.vrwv oa(c rnortal trembled before him , and had beer, tnught 0 1·
8v71ra Kanrrr17xorwv Kat urraKOVHI' (VS' Owrrorn c•ompelled to obey him as tl, ir mru,tcr. 'o h lived
oEotoayµtvwv Y/ tJLO.(}"
.,,, "'~ R B'El' TWII, El'
I " ' evrra
' () Etat, OE TQL<;
~ I .,,,,
x:po ed to no attack amid the comforts of peace
EV dp~IIT/ 0.7TOA€fJ-c.p (wl' dvemA~7TTW!,'. unbrok n by war. L. Now since every
143 L. E7Tf.t OE rrfiaa rroAt, dJvoµo, EXEL 1TOALTE{av, well-ordered State has a constitution, the citizen of, uvvi{3a.t11 <: nj, Ko0"µ01roM771 xpfio-Oa, the world enjoyed of necessity the same constitution
\ ' J: ' _I < I
7TOI\LTEL<;L /I 1(0.t Cl1JfJ-7TdS O
<' .,,, 1 >
(LUT'f/ 0€ H:TTLV O
, as did the whole world : and this constitution is
~ .I.' > O' \ I " ' \I n11Lur 's right relation, more properly called an
TTJS 'l'V<Jf.WS op Of; /10 ')-'0S, ()<; 1wptw TEP'iL Kl\7]<l£L
" ordinance,'' or " dispensation," seeing it is a divine
1rpouo, oµcf.(era, 6t:uµ 6,, 11<f/LOS Oe'ios w11, ,ca.O'

law, in 11.<'COl'dance with which th ere was duly appor-

a See App. p. 47ti.
l12 113

8v Ta 11'polJ'~KOVTct 1ca1 Jm/3a.AA0V'Ta J,ca!J'TOLS' a1r· tioned to all existences that which rightly falls to
f:Y£JJ!1)817. TCJ.VT1}<; rijt; 1r6i\ewc; Ka, 1rot\,nda.S" E0£t them severally. This State and polity must have
nvas ,:tva., 1rpo dvOpw1rou 1ro'il.tras, o, Myo,V'T' av had citizens before man. These might justly be
ev<3t,,wr; µ.rya.i\01ro11'i:ra,, rclv /l-eyurrov 1rcptf30>.ov term ed people of the Great City, having had allotted
olK£i:JJ i\ax611ns. Kal T<p /.L£ytarcp Ka, T£A£LOTCJ:rcp to them as their dwelling-place the greatest compass,
an d having be II enrolled lt1 lhe gr eatest and most
144 1roi\tr(uµan lvvpa~EJJT£S. OVTOL 8e r,v£s av £kv
<I\\ {"11J~ ,II < I J/ pe rfect commomi-ealth. And who should tl1esc be
on µ71 ll0Y'1CllL KO., vHa.L ~)VIJELS', CJ.L µ£Y auwµ, bu L spiritual and Jilrine notur s, some iucorpol"eal
,cal. Vo'l]'Tat, ai. Oe ov1c rl.vw uwµarwv, 01rolovs IJ'vµ· and visib le to miud Inly, some not with ut h tiles,
/Uf117KEV <;lva., roils aarlpac;; ots· 1rpo<Ioµ.,>.wv Kai. such as ar e the stars ? Conversing and consorting
UUllota,rwµ£vos J
(LKorws ~ t f3
t t 1 1 t
with these man could not but live in unalloyed bliss,
13mµovLi· au?")'£V715' r;;. Ka.1. 11.'Y)(LG'TTOpos wv rou ~YE· and l>cing of near kin to the Ruler , ince the divine
f,LOIIOS', arr: o~
'ITo>..i\oii pulirrOS' £l<; avrov 'TOU 9dov Spirit had flowed into him in full cur renL, h earne tly
7Tv£vµa.T05', 1ra.11ra Kai Myrn, Kai 11pC1.T'TELV ECJ'ITOV· ndeavourecl in all his words a 11cl actions to please
t° I
f3 a.CJL/lEWS'
1 lbe Father and King, following [Um step by step in
£7roµ6.YOS' Kar' ixvos airr{p Tai:s JSor:s, flS" AEW<popovs the highways cut out by virtues, since 011ly for souls
[35]·dµ.vovow a.p£70.L, 8,on µova.Ls 1/ Olµ,s
J. \ '
who regard it as their goa.1 to be fully conformed to
1rpot7£PX£0'() I\
ru -rrnos t I
7Jyovµ£va.,s T ,1v 'ITpos Tov yev · God wl10 begat them is lt lawful t-o draw nigh to
£<:, oµ.o,wuw.
'/: I fljm.
)411 LI. Too /J.€V OVY 1rp,bTOU <pull'TOS' cl110pw1rov .,.J LI. Of Lhe l>ea u y of the first-made m1111 in each
,/n ,
1ca O £,rarEpov 't'vX7'JV
J • I
T£ KQ.L I I -
awµa. 1ca' , \llOS',
Kat\ part of his being, in soul and body, we hav now said
what falls p rl1aps far short of the r alit.y but yet
1roM<p -rfjs a.>.11BELas EAaTTOV. a>.>.' 0011 Kara TT/" what for our powers was possible. It could not but
'T}fJ.£TEpav Svvaµ.w ws 0[61 1 'T€ ~II ltp71-rru. 'TOIJS' o' be that bis d scenclants, partaking as Lhey did in
a1roy611ovs- rijs- JK1a£V01J 1u-rlxo11rns tOtas avayKal011 the original form in which he was formed, should
lit Kai aµuSpous- a>.>.' OUJJ ETL O'<pbHV 'TOVS' 'TV1T01JS' preserve mn:rks, though faint ones, of their kimJiJp
rijs 1rpos TOii 1rpo1rciropo. auyytV(L(J,<;. 'TJ 0€ O'Vy- with their first father. Now what is this kini,hip ?
146 yE-11Ha -rts; mis avBpw1ros l((lTCL µiv -r'i)v Suivomv Every man, in respect of his mind, is allied to the
• , ', l! I ..LI , A •
<pKHWTUL /loycp V€Lcp, T~S' µ.aKaptas '1'1)(1£W<; (K· tlivinc Ueuson, having come into being as 11. •c>py or
fJ.0.')'€°iOV ~ Q.'IT00'1TCl.(TJ,LD.. ~ 0.7TO,Vyauµa YEYOVWS', Kara fragmen l or ray of that ul ssed nnture, but in th
0€ TTJII 'TOV uwµa.TOS K0.7'0.(]1(£1)~11 0.1TOVTL T'{J structure of his body he is allied to all th world,
Koaµ.cp· uuyK€Kpara,
, \
- , - ..,.
111/S KO.L
for he is compounded of the saro Lhings, earth,
vSaros Kal dtpo, Kal 1rvp6c;, €KU.CJTOV TWV CJTOt· water, air and lire, each of tlie clements having
X£Lwv ' I
HU£v£yKov-ros- \ , QI\' I \ ,
-ro r:1r,t'alllloV µr:po, 1rpos £/C- contributed the share that falls to each, to complete
114 115

I J I ~\
auTapKt:crrarys Utl'TJS', 7111 eon
~ WI,' \
11afJ eiv -rov
\ a material absolutely sufficient in itself for the
8T)µLoupyov, I t, I \
£Ila Tl1)(l'tTflJO'r} T'r)II opa.'T'T'JII 'T<lllTTJV
~ \ I
Creator to t ake in order to fashion this visible image.
1,,7 ' '
,. l:LKOIJa. KatI 11porU.Tt' -
? TOt!,- \
IIEX 8Et- A Moreover, man is at home in all the
' f
Ot/(E'tOTO.TOl,S Kat
\ I
uuyy1:111:crraTOLS xw · elements named, as in places fully congeninl and
p tOtS • I.' -
El'OUltTllTat, '
T07TOUS' • 'R
0./Ut.,-,wv !'\'
KatI (l./11\()TE akin lo l1irn, eve r ohangil1g bis spl1 •re and huuuting
a11 > ,I,. -
Ot!, ts7Tt'f'0£TWII,
w; 1wpLWTO.Ta I ,J,. I
y,avat TOV a.v- I >I now one, now another of them. Thus we can ay
Opwrrov 1ra.vra Etvat, Xt:puai.011, [i,u8po11, 1T7'1'/116v, with strict p1·opri ty th11L rnan is all ~ ur, as b ing
.l ' fi, µevI yap ' otKEt
• - Kat' f) e,-,"f}ICl:V
'Cl •
Errt rr,s, I A
of la n<J. aotl water and air nnd sky. Por in so for ns
i'-' • .fl.'''-'' I I \
he dwells and moves upon the ground, he is a land-
Xt:puatoll !,'t)OV Ecrru,, 11 of ol.lE'Ta.t ICO.t ''7JXE'TO.t Kat

animal ; so far as he often dives and swims and often

1ri\c:i 1r0Ma1a; 1 c11uopo11-lµ,1Topot KO.L 110.IJKA'f]pOt snils, h e is a water-er ature------rnerch1mt::1 and ship-
\ ,J.. ... \ " \ , 1 l \ ' 0'
Km 71'bpy,upns Kat oao, '"l" err ou-rpt:atS' Km 'X u-
ma te~ au<l fis ht!l' · for purpl •-f~h au<l oy ·ter-dredgers
ui11 o.ypa.11 µE-rtaut Tou >..exOtvros 1:lut aaqmrra.'"l and fishennen generally are the clearest evidence of
rrtuns--n 8e µ£rEwpov &.1ro ,~s O.IIW<pOtTOII what I have said-; so far as his body ascends and is
t~.... \ ~ \ , > ~ > \:!- I > I
E!> 17pra, 'TO uwµ.a, 11Eyo,r av 1111011cws a.ep011opov raised aloft from the earth, he would justly be said
el11at, rrpos OE Kal ovpcf.11,011' 8,a rijs ~yeµ.ovtKW. to be an air-walker. He may besides be said to be
TU.TYJS TWJI alu817aew11 ot/,ews ~i\i.'4-, Kat UEA?)"7J Kal heavenly, for by means of sight, the most dominant
~ _'!'\ \ >
t I
€Karrr(f) I \
TWII (l./\1\WV acrrepwv 1TIIO.V7'JTWV 1(0. t a.11110.VWIJ
I ' J \ .,.,
of his senses, he draws near to sun and moon and
CTUIIEyyt(wv. each of the other planets and fixed stars.
l48 LIL ITay1ccfi\ws OE Kal TTJ'' Otu,v TWII ovoµo:rwv LIL Quite excellently does Moses ascribe the
bestowal of names nlso to the first man (Gen. ii. 19):
a.v1t/,e 'T'fJ 11pcfmtJ (Gen. ii. 19) · ao~to.s yap 1<a~
for this is the business of wisdom and royalty, and the
/Ja.uw\ €10.s ..,.J lpyov, uo<f,os S' l,ce,vos 0.VToµ;aO~s first man was wise with a wisdom learned from and
KatI avroo oa.Kros, X€pa,I Oua,s yevoµ.wos, Kat
> l.'{''I' I , '

taught by Wisdom's own lips, for he was made by

npocre-n aai11eus·
I \ >
eµ.11pE7TES \I 8' r;yeµ.011,
7rpou- I
divine hands ; he was, moreover, a king, and it befit~
a:yopruew EKO.CTTOV TWII U1T1]KO<J.JV. Vrrepfl&.i\,\auaa. S' a ruler to bestow titles on his several subordinates.
[,,OG) <IJS'
• ' \ I ovvaµ.,,
nKoS ., ' ' - r;11
O.PX'tJS ,,. 7TEp,' ro11
\ 1rpwro11
- And we may guess that the sovereignty with which
EKE(J/OJ/ a.vOpwrrov, 011 17'TTOU0fi Ot0.7TAaua.s O 01:ds that first man was invested was a most lofty one,
.;,ttou 811vTEpdw11, V1Tapxo 11 µ Jv avrou, 'TWII 8' seeing that God had fashioned him with the utmost
a',\J\wv a7TaVTwv ~y1:µ.011a. n8d,, o?TOTE Kat ot care and deemed him worthy of the second place,
rroua.urm, YEVE'ais iJcrrepo1,• <pUIITES 1 'YJOYJ 'TOU ytvous making him His own viceroy and lord of all others.
Ota µ.aKpOs xp611w11 '11'Ep,68ovs E6T?)AOU OIJTOS, For men born many generations later, when, owing
ovo~v l]TTOII E'Tt 8E0'1T6{ovut TWII dJ\6ywv, Ka.Ba.11ep to the lapse of ages, the race had lost its vigour, are
none the less still masters of the creatures thnt are
II6 117

Aaµma8iov apxfjs· KaL 8v11a<JT€lUS a'ITO TOV. 'ITPWTOV without reason, keeping safe a torch a (as it were) of
149 8ia8o()Ev <pvAa.TTOIIT€S, <p'YJ<JLII ovv on sovereignty and dominion passed down from the
'ITClllTa Ta C<i>a ijyayEv () ()EDS 7Tpos TOii , Aoaµ., first mun. o Moses says that G<>d
>\;' - f3 OVIIOP,EIIOS
\ ' ' () 'YJC1ETat
I I r I brought all the anim,\l · to Adam, wishing Lo s c whaL
LOELII nvas 7Tpoapr,aELS EKa-
:ipp lla1 iuos b woultl Hsisign t·o lht!lll l;CI' rally.
UTOtS, ovx OTL EIIE00LaCE11-ay11w<JTOII yap otl8iv Not that he was in any doubt- for lo God nothing
()Ecp-d,\,\' OTL fi8Et T~II Aoyw¥ Ell evr,T<p cpvatv is unknown- but bc<:au ·e Re kn.-w that He had
, l I ti , I l \
KUTEUKEVUKW<; aUTOl<lll'YJTOII, O'ITWS aµ.ETOXOS aVTOS formed in mortal ma.n the m1.Lural 1tbility to r ason
rJ KaKLas. a1TE1rELpaTo 8' lVS V<pYJyY/T~S yvwpLµ.ov, of his own m0Lio11 1 tlrnt so He Ilimself rnigl1t l1nve
no sha1·e in faulty action. No, He was putting 11\un
T~II iv8ui.(JETOII igw d11a1a11w11 Kai 7Tpos E7Tl8Ettw
Lo the test, as a t ache1· <loes a pupil klndling hii;
Twv olKELwv dvaKo,Awv ipywv, iv' a1TavToµ.aTLaTJ innate capacity, and calling on him to put forth some
TQS ()€<JELS µ.~T· dvotKELovs µ.~T· dvapµ.oaTOVS' d,\,\, faculty of his own, that by his own ability man might
l .J.. I T /\ \ .,... r I l~ I
€p.'f'awouaas €V µ.a11a Tas TWII U7TOKHP,EIIWII LOL0- confer titles in no wise incongruous or unsuitable,
150 T7JTUS. dxpaTOV yap €Tt Tfis AoytKfjS <pVC1€WS 1)1T- but bringing out clearly the traits of the creatures
apxova71s Ell ipvxfi, Kai p.7]0EIIOS dppwaT~µ.aTOS ~
who bore them. For th e native reasoning powc1·
in the soul being still unalloyed, and no infirmity or
voa~µ.aTOS ~ rraeovs r.apEtaEAYJAu(JoTOS' TO..S cpav-
1 ...,.. I \ I ' .,.I.._
disease or evil affection hrtving intrnde<l il.'lelf, he
Taatas TWII awµ.aTWII K(U r.payµ.aTWII aKpat.,,11E- received th impr ·ssions made by bodie.'l and objects
C1TaTas Aaµ.f]avwv, Ev(Juf36Aous €7TOLElTO TO..S KA~aEts, in l h ii· sheer reality, and tl1e titles he gave we1•
Ei5 µ.a.Aa aToxa,6µ.wos TWII 8Y)Aoup.€11WII, ws aµ.a fu lly app<,site, ~ r righL well clicl he divin the chm·-
\ e- '
IIEX 7/IIUL TE Kat ' IIO'YJ 'r}llat e- , 'f'VC1ELS
TaS -'-, ,-
aUTWII. ac tc.r of the creatures he vas describing, wiU1 I.he
,, , , r, ,.. \ " ~ l,J.. , > , \ result that their natures were apprehended as soon
,I_() I > () ' >~ '
as their names were uttered. So greatly did he excel
ToI rrEpas
'I' avwv T1)S av pwrrtllYJS Evoatµ.ovias.

in all noble traits, thus attaining the very limit of

151 Liii. 'Errd 8' otl8J11 Twv Ell yEvEan f3Ef3aio11, human happiness.
Tporras ' "'
OE Kat ' P,ETa 011as fJ\' '
avayKatWS Ta ' '() V'YJTU' Lill. But since no created thing is constant, and
DEXETat, Jxpfiv Kai TOii rrpWTOII avepwrrov drroAav- things mortal are necessarily liable to changes and
reverses, it could not but be that the first man too
aat TWOS KaKorrpayLas. apx~ DE T-ijs vrratTlOU should experience some ill fortune. And woman
y "'
':,WY)S a.VT<{) ywETat yvv'Y/.
l ,... f I I \ \ l :J:
P,EXPt P,EV yap E s ,,v, becomes for him the beginning of blameworthy life.
wµ.otoVTO KaTO.. T~II µ.ovwaw Koaµ.cp KaL ()Ecp, For so long as he was by himself, as accorded with
\ ,... t I ..J... I , I ,..., ,/, .-..
Kat T'YJS EKaTEpOU 'f'VUEWS EVU7TEP,aTTETO TT7 'l'VXT/ such solitude, he went on growing like to the world
• Sec App. p. 476. and like God, and receiving in his soul the impres-
118 119

'T'OVS xapawrrjpas, OU 'Tl'd11Tos d,,\,\' Q(TQVS' x<vp7iua., sions made by the nature of each, not all of these,
OIJVCtTOl' Ovr,rtJII (rucrraow· hrd 6' E'Tl'A<l0'017 Kat but as many as one of mortal composition can find
yuvry, Oeac,up.fYOS dou.ef,ov e:loos l{Ctl. c,uyyo'r/ room for. But when woman too had been made,
µ.op</>rJv ~·CTf.1.IWrf: 'T'fi ~crrro/ €TO 8la Kat 7TpoaL(~JI
beholding a figure like his own and a kindred form,
' r ) t \ )
152 TJ 8 ou EV E1Cd1,ov 1rpocr/3,\e:wouO'a {wov lµr/>1:.-
I I '/ ':, '
he was gladdened by the sight, and approached and
greeted her. She, seeing no living thing more like
pi<rrepov Eaurfi ,,awro.l 7'€ Kai 0.IIT1,'Tl'po~</>Oiyye:ra,
herself than he, is filled with glee and shamefastly
µ.e, awovs-. epws O €7nye:voµn,os 1ca0&.1rep e1,os
'J I~) , '~ ... I

y ' !.' • ' "' '

returns his greeting. Love supervenes, brings
..,tpOIJ OL'T"'T(l T/.1.'l'JµflT(L 11Hi:U77]•/(0TO. C7UVa.yaywv ELS together and fits into one the divided halves, as it
' 4' I . .10 > ~ ,
1r0 av €11t<Jpuuaµo,os
EKCJ.T(pw were, of a single living creature, and sets up in each
rfj, 7Tpo Oa.'T'cpov Kowwv/.as ds 'H/11 TOV 0/LOlo;) of them a dtsire for fellowship with the other with
I • f ~\ 'O 'f" , \ . ... ,
.J.~ \
Qt: 7T() OS OV'TO!, /CCH T'l/11 'TWV CTW/.1.CtTWV
I Ill I \ >to I
a view to the production of their like . And this desire
,,ooVTJV 0.tnK7]µarwv
E')'£Vll?J<TEV, 7/'TtS EU'TW Kc.ti begat likewise bodily pleasure, that pleasure which
(37] 'Tl'apo.1101'-7JILO..'TWV I ap)()1, 8i' ~" U'ITClAACL'T"TOl'TCtL Tov is the beginning of wrongs and violation of law, the
0';'.,.?"• Ka,I KetKOf.laiµova
l.' ' fJ',ov aVT
> > a'8 avarov
' Kai. pleasure for the sake of which men bring on them-
WOalf-tOVOS, selves the life of mortality and wretchedness in lieu
153 LIV. -En SJ 'T'OU clvopo. µ.011~p7] [Jfov {w11ros, of that of immortality and bliss.
,,,trw S,a,1r,\aq8e/.C77Js rfjs
Aoyos lxe:, 1rapaonuo11 U'Tl'O
Ot:ofi TOLS 1Tap' ~JL'iv
yvva. ,K6s, LIV. While the man was still leading a life of
solitude, the woman not having been yet formed, a
park or pleasaunce, we are told, was planted by God,
ou8Jv 7rpOO'EotKOTCt (Gen. ii. 8 f'. )· 'T'WV /.I.EV yup
> " ,/, t' I I,' I \ f "\ ' quite unlike the pleasaunces with which w e arc
EO"T'W a.,,vxoS' T/ um7, 1TaVT01wv oevvpw,, 1'aTa7Tl\£G<S',
- ' ' o--\ - 't' ' ' . ~.,. familiar (Gen. ii. 8 f.) : for in them the wood is soul-
TWII µ ev an tu\WV 7Tf0S' 'T"rJII O'('EW<; ao,aCTTaTOV
'15011~11, 'TWII 6e -rar. e.o..pwai<; wpo.,s -IJ/Jdw-rwv l( O.~
less ; they are full of trees of all sorts, some ever-
ft 0p,01rois
'a ,
' 'TWV...
' 71µepo11
\ >
.,,f!povrwv, ou 'TTpo<; avaJ'Kmm, µ,ovov
blooming to give uninterrupted joy to the eye, some
bursting fol'th with young life every spring : sun1e
again ht•:u-ing cu 11 i rnled fruit for 1111' n, n L only for
XPiia-tv -rpo,fi'rjs cv\,\,l Ka.t rrpOS' 7rEptm1, a1T6Aava,v uae by way of 11ecessm1' nou1·ishment, but also for
'/3 !.' fJ I - . ~:, >
a poo,a~rou iov, 'TWV o ovx oµowv, os a11ay1<a1ws
I fl .( , I
his sup rAuitics, for U1e enjoym nt of a life of luxury;
B77plo,s a11f;ll£JJ.718r,. KO.'TO. Se 'TOii Oe:fov 1rapd8f:tUOII while others yield a different kind of fruit , supplied
" ,/,
e.µ1,,uxa. KO.t, ,\ OJ'LKCL• <pVTO,
,L • '11'0.VT
' ~
' E:Ll'at O'Vf,1. £'(3 1'JK€, fJ to the wild beasts to satisfy their actual needs. But
I< aprrov1 ,J.. I ' :, \ 1 I \ in the divin e p ark or pleasaunce all plants are en-
,,,e:poVTa ras aperas Kat trpor:re:n T7ll'
't' ' .JO ' ' • 3 ' . I dowed with soul or re ason, bearing the ,-irtues for
avta,.p opov CTVVEO'tv Kat ayxivo,av, :, yvwpi(e-rat
.,. \
a Kl'll\a
'\ \
\ '
' L
0.IO'XPa, y
'T , ,,
' fruit, and beside th ese insight and discernment that
never fail, by which things fair and ugly are recog-
J.20 121
nized, and life free from disease, and incorruption,
and all that is of a like nature. This
Jp,scription is, I think, intended symbolically i·athcr
thnn liter1.11ly ; for never y i have tre ''l of life nr of
understanding appeared on e,1rth, nor is .i t likely Lhat
they will 11ppear h No, Moses e vide ntly
signifies by th pleasaunce the r11 ling pow r of tl1e
soul which i · foll of coimtl >ss opinions, ns it might be
of plants · and by the tree of life he signifies
reverence townrd God, tl1e grea t.est of LLe vii-Lu •s,
by m arui of whi h the soul attains to irnmortality ;
,vbilc by the tree that is cognisnnt of good and vi!
things LI signifies morn) prudence Lhe virtue that
occupies the middle position , and enables us to d i'>-
tiuguish Lhings by natur: conLrnry the one to Lhe
other. LV. Having set up these standnn1s
in the soul R w1ttch u, ns a judge 1nigl1t, to see to
which it would tend. And wh n He saw iL inclining
t o wickedness and making Hght of holiness and god ly
fear, out of which comes th winning of irnmorl11.I
life, He cast iL forlh, as we might expect, and drove it
from the pleasawice, giving the soul , hich om-
roi'i:tcd offences that defy the healer's skill, no hop
of a subsequent return, .inasmuch as the re,,son given
fm· theh' cl ccption ° wrui in a high degree blame-
worthy. This we must not leave ttnexplained. It
is said t.hnt i'J.'l Iden time the venomous eirrthborn
crawling thing could s ncl forth a man's voice, 11nd
that one day it npproac.hed the wife of the Jhst man
and upbraided her for her irresolute11 ss and ex-
cessi v scrupulosity in Jelaying and hesitating to
pl uck a fru it most beattteous to bcl1old f.lnd mos t
• Or "the cause of their deception," i.e. the serpent, luscious to taste., and m st useful .into tbe bal'gain,
Pleasure. since by its means she would have power to recognize
122 lf.!3
ryv\ ~\ ' /: ~ > \
UE Q.IJE1,eraO''TWS'' 0.'ITO y1,wµ.17, a E cttOIJ ica.1
I >/3/3 I
things good and evil. lt is ~tiu th(lt !.he, with?ut
l11BJ av,opu-rov au110.i.vluaua11, E/MpayEi.11 I TOV 1eap1Tof] looklng into the sugg •stion, pr mpted hy a mmd
I ~ > I:' ) . ,;:, ~ \ > >/; I
/CCU -rep a.vup~ µ.1tra1w1wa.i- 1ca, -roilr Es-a7T,, devoid of steadfastness and firm foundation, gave her
,,J.. , "/:. , I ' • \ I
E!, fllCWCUlS' ICU~ Q.'IT'110T7/'TOS .,, WII EtS'
'O ~ , consent and ate of the fruit, nnd gave some of it to
1Ta voup,Y'°·1' I If:/ \ ',/, >
µ.ere,.,at1e11-· Ey, 4J -ro11 'ITO.repa 1' o I her husband ; this instantly brought them out of a
stiite of simplicity nnd 'irmoc nee inl o one Clf wicked-
xaA€7T7]V0.11'Ta- 1j yd.p; dpyij. ct[{a, €7T('L ness : whereat the Fv.thcr in a11ger appointed for
' () ' I y ~ 'O ,
rrapE/\ OIITE:S TO <:,W'TJ!i a llllO.TOV ..,..vToll, 77/" aperijS'
,I. I \ •
them the punishments that were fitting. For their
I\ . <.J. > _r I \ ><;> , {3' conduct well merited wrath, inasmuch as they had
IJy, '/S' ,~a.icpo.twva. l(Clt EIJOCUµ.m•a
0 I
',/ I
E·f>YJµEpo11 Kat
\ e wi•\
IITJ7'(W pnssed by tlie tre of life immortal, the 11sumrna-
• , ' ' ' RI ' I:' I I ., tion of vir~ue, fr<>m which they could ha"e gathered
ou ,.,,011 xpovov JcO.Koua,µav,as 1i£crro11 Et110VTo
< l \ I J l - \ I
an existence long 1md J1appy. Yet Lli ey cho~ that
- 1<011a<1EtS' op ar.u 1ea-r O.uTwv -ras 7rpo<n71covao.s. fl eting and 01or~11l existence which is not an exist-
167 I.VI. WEcrn ol 'TO.Ura. 01) 1.1.JOou 1TAtta11.a-ra., ots ence but a period of time full of mis ry.
\ \ f
TO 71'01.YJTLl(OV Kat CJOy,LO'TtlCOV xo.tpEt YE VOS 1 0.1\1\Q.
\ ,/.. I I ) \ \
LY I. .Now these a.r_e n mythical fictions, suc h as
o,d.yµ.o.r0, TIJ7TWIJ E1T' d)J\r1yopluv 11apo.KaAoG1rra. po ts and sophists delight in, but morles ~f m:tking
r " ) ~/ , ~ ideas visible, bidding us resort to allcgor1cnl mt~r-
V1rovo,wv ll7TOOOO'Et,. €71'0/.1. JIOS 0€
\ \ ~j I
KO.TO. Tas o~
) , ,.. .,J.. , I pretation guided in our renderings l>y what .h s
TLt; EV<OTL <rroxaaµ.ep •r'YJC1Et 'TTPOO'T/KOIIT{IJS' 'TOI• beneath the surface. J~ollowing a probable conJec-
• '
npru;.~ov ",I.
oy,tv , I:' ~ e l vtu au1.1.
-rioo1n1, ' fl OI\OV,
' on ,, TTpw-rov ture one would say tha t th se1·pent spoken of is a
µ.Jv {cpo11 d.TTOUII ea-rl Ka.2 7Tp'Y)Ves 7T€'1T'TWKOS E1Tl fit symbol of pl asure, because in the first place he
ycurdpa., 3£1.!TEpov 0, f)w.\o,s u,r{<p XPfirat, on ~. is an animal without feet sunk prone upon hl belly i
secondly because he Lakes clods of earth as food ;
' ~, " ' Jj , .LI ~ '
TptTOII O OTt TOii WII ETTH11f:f)fi.TO.I. TOGS' 000UC7111; c:i thirdly be ause he carries in his teeth the \'Cnom
ms TOIJ!;' s.,,xfJ&ras &.11at,p EtV 7T€<pVl<EV, OVOEIJOS 0°£ with whi ·h it is his nature to desti·oy those whom
,l \ I ~ > ~
- \
{) I
t I\
r,nll'Y/OOJJ()S aµo,pn · /J.01\tf!j 'Tl: h has bitten. The lo"er of pleasur is ex mpt from
' TT)"
' 1eey,a,1r,11
,1. ' ' E1Ta
' lp,;,, /3apu11uµ.e11os
' '
Ka, ,m B- none ofthes · traits, for he i$ i;o weighted and dragged
downwards that it is with difficulty that he lifts up
EAl(O!),l:l'OS I €KTPUX'Y}A~,oocrr,s /CO,( ll7T00-KEAt{ot!O'TJS his head, thrown down and tripped up by intem-
.,. ) I ,. I l ) I ,/.. I
77Jt; «Kpau,as· a,Tn-ra, r£ ouK oupa.111.ov -rpo'f''TJ'' , peran e : he fee ds not on heavenly. nourishment,
~" oplyEL 'TOLt; ,t,,>.oOea.µoa, o,d AO)IWII Kal Boyµd.rwv which wisdom by discourses and doctnnes proffers to
ao.,, a, n \,v u,;:,> a11aowoµ,C:J1tJ11
• I:' I:' I >
tiK -
YT/S' KO.Ta\ ras
\ lovers of contemplntion, b11t on tha t which comes up
'i: ~ ,J. \ >,/, ,t out of the earth with the revolving seasons, and
I d
wpas, I:!, ,,s O"'Oy,11vy,a.,
t I I I
1(0.L Oy,Oy,o.y,o.1
which produces drunkenness, daintiness, and greedi-

ness. These, causing Lhe crnving!I of tlte belly to

bux t out and fanning them into flame, mak tl1e
man a gluUon, wrulc t,h y also i;timulat nnd stir up
th • stings of his sexual lusts. Fol' lie licks his Lips
over the labour of c:aLerers and confection rs ond
twisting his head a about all round strains to catch
some of the steam and savour of the delicacies.
Whencvet he beholds a richly prei'.1.d (·ubb·, he flings
<low1 . 1iis w11olc person and ·turnblei; upou the dishes
s l ont, cager to d vour all al nee. llis stim is not
lo sate his hunger, but to leav • notl1ing tha L has
h en set befoni him undevoured. Rene we see
hat no less than the serpent he carries his poison
in his teeth. These arc the agents and mini t rs of
excess cutting and chewing all cat.ables, handing
th m over lfo;t to the tongue, Lhe judge of savow·s,
for its decision, then to the gullet. Immoderate
eating is by its naturn deadly and poisonous, for
whnt is eaten bus no chnnce of being assimilated,
c,wint to the rush of the fresh virulds whi 11 takes
place before those already swallowed have been
dig st cl. Again the serpent ill said to emit a hun1an
voice. b This is because pleasure employs ten thousand
champions and defenders, who l1ave una rtalcen to
look after her and stand up for her, and who dare to
spread the d b:ine thal she has assumed universal
ovc1·eign1 y over smnll and great, and tliat no one
whatev r is exempt th refrom. LVIl. And
certni11 ly the first approaches of the male to the
femal e have pleasure t g111d and condu t them ,
nntl il is tJ1rongh•e that begeLting and the
coming of !if is l,roughi about, and the ofl~pri.llg is
• See App. p. 476.


11 nturally at home with nothing sooner than pleas ure,

delighting in jt and feeling distress at pain its con-
trary, This is why the infant wh n b m ac ually
weeps aloud, chilled most likely l>y the cold all round
it; for when, leaving 1l place of fiery warmth in tllt!
womb, whi ·h for a long time it hai; teno.nt-eu, it
suddenly issues into the air, ,t c,1lcl and una ·customed
ph1ce, it is L1.ken ahock and utter$ cries, 11 mo t clear
sign of its pain and it.s lll_l~oyance at suffering. And
they tell us that every 11V1ng reaturc hast ns ofter
pleasure as its most necessary and essential end, and
rnan above all : for w11ile olher er ntm·es seek plei sure
only through taste and the orgnns of r production,
rnan does so t lu-ough the other senses as well, pur-
suing with ears and eyes all such sights and sounds
us can afford delight. A very great deal
mol'e is said in praise of pleasnre, and of tbe g reat
closeness of its connexion an<l kinship with living
creatures. LVIII. But what has now been said is
enough to show why the serpent seemed to utter a
human voice. It is for this reason, I think, that even
in the detailed laws, where the lawgiver writes about
Afllnlals, laying down which may be eaten and which
may not, he especially praises the " nnke-fighter "
as it is called (Lev. xi. 22). T his is a reptile with legs
above its feet, with which it springs from the ground
811 tl lifts itself into the air like a grasshopper. For
the snake-fighter is, I think, nothing but a symbolic
representation of self-control, waging a fight that
never ends and a t ruceless war agai.nst intemp r-
anee and pleasure. Self-control welcomes beyond
measure simplicity and abstemiousness and so much
as is requisite for a severe and lofty mode of life ;


aa11a,ernt, ~ Sil 11eptepy{av Kat 110AvreAetav, !l intemperance gives a like welcome to superfluity
x>.tSfjl. Kal 8puif1EW5' atn11 ytvenn 1/;uxfi ICQ.t ancl extravagance which inJuce softness a.nd volupt-
uwµ.art, ~· .. I < I \ lJ I • \
ot wv TTJV mratnov ,cat uavaTou xa11e- uousness in soul and body, nnd these resulL in the
7rWT£f)(J.V (w~v 7Tapo. TOIS' cl cppovoum av1,f3'-/3'TJ"€ cnlpahl life, th life that int.he view of1·ight-minde<l
y{vr.u8o.L people is worse than death.
LIX. Pleasw· does not v .ntur to bring her wiles
105 LIX. Tas OE yoriretas Kat 0.1TtlTa5' a.rh-fjS' ?JOovr
J.' ...,, yuvaunI
'1"'f-1 oE
and deceptions to b nr lm Ch· man, but on the worunn,
µ.1,.v a.vopt µ,q. ;rpoa.,,,€pew,
- ' ' ..., I
'T!.p TO , \ -
and hy he1· means on him. T his is n telling and wcll-
[•1,0) Kat S"l TO.VTTJS lKelvq.i, rravu 7Tpoaef,uw5' Kai. made poiJ,t : for in us mind corresponds to man, the
'8 u
> .J. - \ > ~ ~
OI\WS' EV ,1µ.tv yap a.vopos µ.Ev EXEL 11oyov O
I\ I l \ I

,- \ ...,, " (} <..., \ ~ I ,

sensei; t<> woman ; and pl nsur ncounters nnd. holds
vous' yuvaLKOS' u a,a ?JO'LS' 7'/UOV'fJ OE 1rponpa.ts parley with the seIJ5CS fast, and through th m cheats
, I I > \ ,.. ,.. 0 > I ~ > 'I'
€Vr'V')'XO.V€L KO.t EIIO/J.,tfl€L 'TO.LS' O.W r]UECH, Ot WV with h r qua ·keri •s I he sovereign mind itself: fi r
1 - ,/, 1' 1 ) ~ 1
11yeµ.ova. vouv
' (
•y EVIJ.Kt',,€L. E?THUO.V wbeu each sense has been subj ugu t d to h r sorceries,
EK<lO'TTJ alaO~ae.wv rois q,{Arpo,s a.uriJs
TWV deligl1ting in what she prolfe.l's, th sens of s.ighl in
1hra.x8fi, xatpouaa.t 'TOIS 11porewoµ,ivots, J1rl. XPW· variegated colours nnd shnpes, that. of hearing in
µ.a.rwv /.I.EV Ka.I. UXTJJ-'0.T'WV 7rOLKtAlats oipts' (7T(. harmonious s unds, that of taste in delicate savour ,
OE q,wvwv Jµw>..elat~· 0./CO~' (JI OE xu>.wv ~OV'r1JC7' and that of scent in the fragranc of perfumes which
yeuu,s. l((l.V TCttS' T(VII ci.va8u1~,wµ.evw11 d.rµwv it inhales, then all of them re ·eive the gifts and offer
diw/5{0,is ouq>p'l'J<TLS, Sefa.µevu.t TO. Swpa Oepa- them like handmaids to the Rea.son as to a master,
11c,.wlowv rp611ov TTpoa~epovaw ota Oe0'1TOTTJ TW bringing with them Pers~u1sion to pl •nd that it rcje t
i\ oytuµcp, . ., 110.paKIITJTOV E'ITU'J'OJl,li:Ym
> I OI 1TEpt'1
7TEt W
\ I nothing whatever. Reason is forthwith cnsnar •d
and becomes a subj ct insl eml of a rule_r, a slave
TOU µ718Jv rl'lrwua.uOa, TO 1rapa.1ro.11· 0 6' O.UTLKa
inBtead of a master, an alien instead of a citizen, and
0£Aeau0Els U1r1Ji<OOS ci.vO' 'YjyEp.6vos Kai. 6oi.iAos a mortal instead of an immortal. In a word we must
> I ~ I .J.
avTL OEO"TTOTOU teat avn 'ITOI\L'TOU ,,,uyas 1(0,L V'TJTOS
8 o I ) I ,, I I
nevel' lose sight of the fact that Pleasure, being a
' • 'O
166 nr,r a. ava.rou ywE-ra.t. avvo11wS' vo.p ovK o.yvo
I > I
- . I\ ' '
courtesan and a wanton, eagerly <lesir to meet with
J": ~ ~
TEOv on, (na ercup,s Kat /J.CJJ\'){CI.S ovua, 7100
' '1 1" I ' \ { f~
a lover, and searches for panders by whos, means sh e
yAlXET(J.L TIJX£iv Jpaa-roil ,ca.i µa11Tpo1roos aV(L,TITEI shall get one on her hook It is t he sense that act
~' .,.. - > I I ., 1
ot wv rov-rov ayKturpeucrEra,, · 11.a.urpo1revova, 6' as panders for her and procure the lover. \Vhen he
a.urfi Kai 1rpogEVOVUt rov Jpwvra alaO~C1ElS' a,; has ensnared these she easily bring!! the Mind un<l •r
SEAea.aaua. h6tws U11'1]yayero rov vouv, ~ rd. her ·ontrol. To it, dwe lling within us th senses
cf>avlvra. EKTOS' EZuw KOJJ.t{ouua., 6,a.yye>J.ova, convey the things seen without, reporUng them fully
, , 8, , , c: , , and making them manifest, impressing on it the
,ca., ETrL EtKIIUVTat., TOtJS TU1TOVS E l((lO''TC.011 e.vuppa.-
yi(oµtcva,, Kai TO oµ.otov lvepya,6µ.evo., 1raOos · fol'ms of th several objects, and producing in it
130 JS!

K1Jp<p yap EOLKWS 0EX€7"aL TO.S 8ic1 TWV ala8~aEwv thr conesponding affection. foo,· it resembles wnx,
<f,avTaa{a s, TCl awµaTa KaTaAaµ,f3avEL 8,'
ats :u,d receives the images that rcn b it through lhe
aVTOU /J,~ 8uvaµEVOS, Ka8a1rEp efoov 7187/,
senses, by whi ·h it npprch nd,; mntcria.l substancl''>,
t,ring incapable , as 1 have said hcforn, of doing thii;
167 LX. Ta 8' €1TlXELpa T'ryS ~8ovfis d8vs EVpavTo
by itself.
ol 1rpiirroi YEVOfLEVOL 8ou.\o, xaAE1TOV Kai 8vata'Tou LX. Those who were the first to become slaves to
'() <;, > <;, (:.
1ra ovs· 71r µev I
,/.. I
> I
evoesaµev71 I
II passion gl'ievou and hard to heal nt once had
I > I ,;,~
Tas EV WOWL, KaL TaS 1rapa TOV al\l\OV
I I I I •I\ \ f3 LOV I \ I
I\V1TUS' rxpericnce of the wages paid by ~leasu1:e, The
woman incurr cl the violent wo • ot t.rnv11il-pangs,
€7TaAA~Aovs, Kai µaA,aTa TClS' E7Ti TIKvo,s YEVVW-
and the gric.>.fs which come one after another all
1 \ .,/.. I \ .-. \ t I
fLEVOLS KaL Tpe'l'oµevois Kat voaova, Kat vy,awovu, through tlie t•emaiutler of lif . Chief 1Lm ng them
I - I > - t >
>,/.. I
a.,,a,pEULV EI\EV-
are all t ho e that have to do with chi.klrcn a.t birth
8Ep{as Kai T~V dm~ TOV UVVOVTOS dv8pos 8w1TOTElO.V, nnd in their bringing up, in sicknes!I and in health , in
oiS TOtS
' \ J
\ \
I \
o 8' good fortnn o.nd evil fortune. In the next place. sb.c
tast d deprivation oflib rty, a11d Llie a uthor.tty of the
av11p EV fLEpEL 7TOVOVS Ka, Tal\at1Twp,as Ka, UVVEXEts
hu ·band at her side, whose commands she must
l8pwTaS fVEKO. 1TopLUfLOU TWV ava.yKa{wv Kai perforce obey. The man , in his turn, incurred
> {} - a
.... ")
aya wv, aTTEp labours and distress in the unceasing sweat of his
Jo,Mx011 rplpew ~ yfj otxa y€wpyt1cfjs lmCTT7/µ11s, brow to gain the necessaries oflit . He WM with ut
, , ~' , , , r, R' 1hose gootl things which the earth had be~n ~aug·lit
to bear of itself ind pend utly of all ski ll m Lhe
Kai. µ~ ALj-l,cp 1Tapa.1ToM.uOa., ·
Tpo<f,iJs v11e.p TOO husbandman. His life was spent in unbroken toil '
T ff\ I •
lOB o,µa.t I "
yap a.11 WC17T€p Tfl\LOV /(0.L UE/\'r]ll'l]I' aEL 'l'wu -
" I - \ I ,/.
in the pursuit of food and liv lih od to !>av~ him from
cpopt/tv 0.1T(J.g /(t:Aeva(Uvrns ap,a rfi 7TpWTTJ YEIIECTEL perishing by fa1 1ine. For I imagine that, Just as sun
I () -
HOV 1TpoaTayµ,a. OLUTTJpE'iv
I <:, and moon always g iv th ir light af~r once for. all
,~ , r 1 . I
11 ,, tt I '!"CtJV
- opwv
~, , IJeing bidden t do so when t he universe was hrst
l•t I J ouoEvos ETEpou oupavoii xapu,• o ·n
created and continue to keep the divin ordinance
\ I I ,./. I~ \ 'f \
µai<pav KUKLO. r.e.,,uyao(UT(I,L' TOV 0.U'T"OV rpo?Tov for .no other rea on t han tlint evil has been sent into
,ml. rfis yijs 7'~V f)aOei.o.v 1cal. 1caprrocp6pov, a.veu cxil far aw1.1y from he1wen 's frontiers ; even so would
I >l'; > t, -
TE;(V'IJS Ka, uvµ:rrpasews yew1ro1•w11 avupwv, .,,epew
I ,/, I 1 earth's deep nnd ferti l soil, unaided by t he skill of
t\ \ \ \ J .,/. () I \ \ J I agricultural labourers, b ar rich abundance as th~
0.11 1TOl\l\'7I' 0.'11 011 LUII K0.7'0. 7'0.S E7'7J(nOUS Wpas,
"t I i) 0laOI/- s ·ason come round. As it is, when evil began to get
\ ~\
0€ 0.t
0.€110.0t 1T1'JYO.~\ TWII
the better of thP- virtues, the ever-flowing springs of
E1T1aax_/017ua.11, 07'E fip!o.To K<J.'1:la 'TaS' a.penis the bounties of God were closed, that they might not
132 133

7:a.pe1J7JfJ,€pe'iv, ,va. µ~ cos clvaeto,s xopryywow. bring supplies to those felt to be undeserving of them.
150 £·11,
c1e L µ.~ •
ow.. , - , , ,
TO rwv av8punrwi, yn,os, H rr,1,
, If the human race had had to undergo the fitting
dpµ.6-rrouua,, t /J,£1\)\£ o{l(Y)V IJ1TOJJ.£11£W, ~rf,avlaBa., penolty, it n111sl needi; liav b en wiped out by reason
s I \ I I t / \
, ia ..,..,/1' 1rpos rov £VEPY£'r'Y)I' l<O.L awrijpa (h:dv
of its ingrati Luue lo God its benefactor and presei·ver.
But He being mexcifu.l took pity n iL and mod rated
axaptar{a.11• 0 0', a:re T~JI </>VOW 1t\EWS', olKTOJI
';~ WJI
t >
EfJ.Erp aue TTJV
\ 'T'LfUupw.v,
I \
the punishment, suff<'ring th• ra e lo continue, but
no longer os before supplying it with food ready to
eam;1s omµivew, 'T't:t; Si 7pucpu.s 01)J(tO' oµ.olws its hand, LhaL men might not, by indulging the twin
'-.C ~ , ~
E'!, • ETOL!J,OU
?Tapaaxwv I l,Jl(L
µ:ry uvm /((LJCOLS', ripyli
' '
evils of idleness and satiety, w11x insol nt in wrong-
IC(,U J«5p<(J, xpwµcVOL w,\17µ,µ.t:AWUL 1<ai. t.1{3p[{wcn, do.iJig. LXl. Suclt is the life of U1ose who
170 I ·XI
- ,
/J,E'II ,
t:1 1
t,W<; TWJI
- ,
EJ, oL the outset o.rc in enjoyment of im1oc •nee nncl sim-
.) ""' \ ' f I C \ .I I '1' plicity of character, but later on pr fi r vice to virtue .
~ \ , , , ... a?Tl\077'/Tt, XPWJJ.El'WJI, a.u8ts
apxn ff.EV aJ((.LJ<L'.t
avr a.pET'Y}S 1rpoTL/LWIITWII,
0£ 1((1,1(£(,LJI

~LO. SJ rfjs AExOd07Js ICOUfJ,07TOdas 'ITOA'Ad. ,,~,. Dy his account of the cxeation of lhe wor ld 1f
Kai. a,\.i\a 1iµJis a.vaS,Sda,cet, m!JJTe SJ rd. 1caAAtO'Ta which we have spoken Moses teaches us arnong niany
Ka, 1ravrwv ap,ara ·
' ,
11pwrov µ.ev on ,, .... ' ti

other Lhings fiv that arc fairest and best of all.

i!an TO (h:'iov Ka/. 1mapxEL, Sul TOtJ<; aB,fous, ciiv Firstly t hat the Deity is and ha.'l been
f ~ I , \ ,J,._ I ' \
OL µev €1!£QOLC1U(1V £1TO.(.l,y,OT t:pLU(l,)'TE 1T£PL rfjs from eternity. Tliis with a. view to atheists, some
• t
I >
< <;, \
TOI\JJ,'Y)P 6TEpo L l((J.L\ KO.T- of whom ] h sitated and have been of two minds
E0paavvc,.no </>aµ€Vot µ,770' oks dvo.,, My£o-0a, about His eternal existence, while the bolder sort
~l \ \ I I 8 f \ I 81 have carri~d their audacity to the point of de lal'ing
O a.uro f-LOVOV 1rpos Cll/ PW'ITWII 1T11UUJJ,O.Ut /.A.U LKO'i:s
> \ 'O I.' I tlia.t the Deity docs not exist at aU, bt1t that jt is a
J 7 !. e·maKL0.(1(1.JITWV TTJII
• '
0.1117 . EL(lJJ. I
..,, " 0 I t' l (' \ \ ' \ mere assertion of men obscuring the trnth with myth
v O'n (OS HS' 1,(1'TL, nia T OVS' f.l,CT'IJ'YTJTUS' rijs and fiction. Secondly, t hat God is one.
' f),
'ITOI\U ~ 'I: rt
f:OU OOs'l'JS, OL
• 0 ~ \ ./.. \ ,
OUK <!pU ptWUL TTJI' y,O.IJI\OTO.T'Y)II This with a view to th propoundcrs of polytheism,
TWJI KaK07TOALTELWV OXADKpa.r,a.v d.1ro yfjs EtS wh dl1 not bhish to transfer from earth to h eaven
• • 'Y ' < ,,..,
oupavov µerot1n.,,0V'T'ES' rpLTOII uI.'• ws 7'/UTJ mob-rule, that wnrst of evil polities.
\ I\
I\El\lo/CTCl,L OTL 'YEVl'/T
" 0S < 6 I.' \ \ I ,
O I( !7/J,O';; 1 OLQ. TOUS OLOfLlillOlJS' Thirdly, ns l hnve said ah·eady, that the world came
0.VTOV a.yEVTfTOJI ICO.t 1US,011 elvm, o, 7TA.i!ov ovSiv into being. Thfo because of those who think that
> I
a1roveµov a, OE<p'.. Te-rap-rov o on 1CaL I ~' fl it is without beginning and eternal , who thus ass.ign
to God no superiority at all. F urthly,
£Ls eanv o 1coaµos, £1Teto17 ,ca., e,s o 017µ, ovpyos
1' , t , , ~ \ ' 1" <' ~ \

~ 'C' r ' ""' \ \ I \ u

that the world too is one as well as its Make1·, who
( o> Esoµotw<1as avrcp Ka.Ta T7)v µ.ovwaw ro Epyov, made His work like Himself in its uniqueness, who
134 135
8s- arra,ur, Ktl'T£XP1JCTa:ro rfj v,\77 £i, 17/II TOU o>.ou used up for the creation of the whole all the material
y4vccrtv" o>.ov yap C>VK UV ~v, d. µ'11 /cf o>.w., t.hat exists ; for it would not have been a whole had
I I ' I - ...,
frra.y'I'/ ,au <TUl'EC!TTJ TIJJJJ l'"pwv. Hen yap ol
1 \ \
it not been formed and consisted of parts that were
\ I r \ Q, .,. '
rr11£,ous- 111T011<.1.µ1Javo1•-rES' i;wa, 1<00'µov,, <H oi
< '>' wholes. For there are those who suppose that there
\ 3' I W 1 ,
Ka, tl7rHpou,, a:rrEipo, Kat a11€Tnrrr7)µ0JJf!S' (WTOt
' I t are more worlds than one, while some think that they
I ~~ \ io f" t,/ \ \ ,
TrPOS' {J,.1\7) e,cu, 011TES' wv 1ca1,ov 1:rr,O"rll/J.'rJV exnv· 'IJ I
are infinite in number. Such men are themselves
in very deed infinit ly lac king in knowledge of things
rr/.µ:rnov 8' Kai rrpovoet 'TOU on which it js right good to lmow. 11 Fifthly,
1«5aµov () 8e6,· lmµEAe'ia8a, yap det 'T6 7rE1TOt'rJK6,; t h:rL God a o ex: rcises forelhougb · on the wurlcl's
J<at eaµo,,~ >
a.vay- I e behalf. For that the Maker should care for the
[42) Ka'iov, Ka8'ov, Kai yove'i, TEKvwv I rrpoµri8ovv-ra,. thing made is required by the laws and ordinances
of Nature, and it is in nccordance with that
6 c5~ Taiha µ,~ dKofi µ.iii\>.ov ~ SHcvoti;i parents take thought beforehnnd for children.
7rpoµ.a0ws, Ka t €11 rfj UO'TOV 1/IVX1J Cl<ppayt<TU./JfVOS He that has begun by lenrning these things
flauµcfo,a Kai rrEptµ.iixrrra ftS71, Kal on lcrn 1<0.L with his understanding ralher than with his h aring,
vrra.pxn Oed, Ka, 8n Et, 0 uiv OV'TW EO"'Tl 1(0.L on and has stamped on his soul impressfons of truths so
' 'TOV
' 1.ocrµov
Kat\ ,
marvellous and priceless, both that God is and is
from eternity, and that He that really ts is One,
tM.xfJ?J, ICO.T(t T~V /J,Ol'(.,)(JW £[0p.0U.U(J(],S €fJ.UTqj,
and that He has made the world and has made it one
, If 't \ .... ,.... I I \
1<a, on aEL rrpovon 'TOV yEyovOTos, µ.aKapiav 1ea, world, unique as F-nmself is unJque and that He ever
Ef16cdµ.ova bW~V fitco(TETCJ.t, 06Y/MJ.CJ'W f:VO'E/Jfta.,; exel'ciS s forethough for His creation, will le ad a life
ICO.t &,n6Ti]TOS xapaxOds. of bliss and blessedness, because he has a character
moulded by the truths that piety and holiness
• See App. p. ·l76. enforce.

186 187
(N.B.-S.V.F.~Arolm, Stoicorum VeterumFro.gmenta,. The references
are to sections In Arnlm.)
§ 3. Philo starts off with two leading Stoic ideos, " living
according to nature" and the " world-cllizen." For the
former of. Diogenes Laertius vii. 87, " Zeno was Uic first to
designo.te o. (man's) end • living o.ceording to nature.'" l!'or
the latter see B. V.F. i. 262. The first use of the actual word
Ko<Tµo1ro}l.ln1s is ascribed to Dioll,'enes the Cynic, who, when
" asked whence he came, rephed • I am a citizen of the
world ' "(Dlog. Lacrt. vi. 63).
§ 25. The words bracketed by Cohn are left so bracketed
in Uic text b ut uotranslatcd.
§ 26. Time is o 111Msnred space, etc. This is the accepted
definition of the Stoics. See 8. V.F. ii. 509 f. Philo refers
toil 11s Stok, .Dd Abt. ,i, 11,11d elsewhere in that treatise.
§ 43. Pri11ciples <>r nuclei, or perhaps "sccd-;eowcrs ";
ol "6")'01 is equivalent to ol tnr<pµ<1'r,,.,ol M.,.o, . · '!he Stoics
conceived (If a single M.,.ot rnr•pµu,,.,6, manifesting itself in
innumero.bJc M")'ot D'lrr,pµo.T1Kol, whlc.h give things tlieir form.
Sec S. V.P. lndcx, p. 93a.
i 54. The thought of thic; section is based on Tim= '1.7
A, o, where Plato say~ that"God bestowed sight on us that we
mighl observe Ute orbit.s of reason which arc in hca-ven, o.nd
make ti~e uf them for tl1c revolutions of thought which are
in our souls" (Archer-Hind's tro.oslo.tion).
§§ 72 If. The Wea ofthese ~cctions is suggested bt, or o.t least
receives support from. 1'imaeua 41, 4&, where God creates
"young gods " or subord!J1ate ministers to carry on the
work for the same reason o.s is givenJ1crc, vu. that He might
not be responsible for evil.
§ 80. And through ths livelong year, or, putting the

commll aft-er bco~x6i.;e,o,, "nt the end of each year (nl
intervals of o. year) they gather in."
§ 101. E1111al to thJJ ss111m of lt.; own.faotor, . Like 6 (see l:l),
28 Is the s um of its factors ( I +2 + 4 +'T + 14), as nrc 496 ancl
ms. The word " perfect" is in .strictness npplicd to suclt
numberg only (Nicornaclms 1. 10).
§ 10~. Limf!s., or "~ms." "Opo, ls th technica l w rd
for a term 111. o. mme.s. In fncl-. ho.vlng bee n translated
into La1:in as ter-mittu~. it i~ U1e progcnitor of our own word. APPENDIX TO
§ 117. Tl,B i·ttma.indotr o.f 011r !loul is di1n·dftd 0 etc. This
classification is Stoic. TL ls mor • usually iito.t d in tlu: form ALLEGORICAL INTERPRETATION, I
that lhc soul has etgh_t p!rts..1 tbc iJ'(<µ.ov. ~6P being reckon d
as one. See l-J. V.F: ii. 8-7 tt. § S. Multiplication of t100 unBqual factors. 'Jhcpoµf/JM/r,
g 14-2. CitiMn of the world. See eSpecially S nnd note. The though ften used mo re wid ly by genernl writers, is IL term
flrst man fulfill<:<' the Stale ideal. This view ol'the supcriorlly reserved by the nmthematicians for nLLtl'~bers of lht:. form
of early mankind, though not confined to the Stoics, was <e(x + 1), i.d. l x !'l, 2 x S, S x 4, etc. (S~e N 1comachus 11. 17 .)
strongly hcld bl' them. The Golden Age, suid Posidonius This restrJctcd us of the word obviously fits the present
was when '' rcgnum foi pClles supientr.s '' (Seneca, E7>i1tl; pa sage.
90. 5). § 30. Impres,ions ... acti1M i1npulse. The ,t,n,nurla., trans-
§ l~B. Torch. The figure of lhe torch-race Ls very common. lated now by " pr sentatiou," now by " mental picture,"
CQnSJdcrlng, howc v r, Phllo's love for Pinto, it is reasonable conceived of us an imprint (rww<1u) on U1e mind, is a
to s uppose that he is Lhinklng of the m ·ntion of it at the thoroughly Stoic idea. (See ,.g. Diog. LMrt. vii. •1-'i ;
beginning of the RJ",publ·fo, 328 .A . Cf. Lawt '176 e. S. V.F. ii. '52 If.) So also is hpµ:ii, "impulse" or " appetite."
• § 160. ..t1 hummi_uofo11. Philo .ts here nttacking E:picurean- The sense of thi ' s tion Is given more fully and c]elLrly in
1sm. For the Epicurean d ctr1ne that plt:11sure is the nd Quod DtlWI 43.
aimed nt by every living creature see IJi<:>gcnei, Laertius § 57, Thdor11tioa! • • • practical. A more ce.reful clnssi·
x. 128. Thll$ th • serpent's use of 11, hunuLn voice is in- 6.cation of th arts is given try ,Ar~tntle, MDt. v. 1, viz.-
terpreted ai;, an allegory showiug how vocal and popular Orwp..,.,., ... a.l, 1!'pt11<'1'11<11I o. nd 1ro,'7T<knl (" productive"). Thus
that Scl,ool was. Philo, like moi;t of Its opponcuts, ignor rhclodc and dancing are ,rpo.KTuc,d, sr.ulpture n.nd poetry
th e fact tl1al Epicur us expressly r -fused to itlen tify pteasur<> 1roo)'l'<Kal. OJ. QuintUian ii. 18.
with material pleas ures. ibid. It, thre17ra1·t•. This division is claimed for the Stoics
§§ 170, l 'l' J. The opinions here assail d ure (I) that G d's by Diogenes Laertlus (vii. 39), though actually it appears
existence Is doubtful, he.Id by the Sceplfos; (9 ) th1Lt the world incidentally In Aristotle, Top1ca I. 14, 105 b )!O. The com-
I~ without h ·ginning (d.ylv')roi), held, ;ccording to Philo's parison quoted by ))!ogenes b1 vii. 110 of rA xo,,,K6• to the
own s~t~cnt In D, 10, . by Aristotle ; tl1e conlmry hedge ( 'Pl'O"YJ<6t ), ,-ll 4'u1Tu,6v to the field or trees, and .,./l 71/Jl<o•
~aa rna.111.tnined by Pythagoras, Plato, nnd th· Stoi s ( . V. F. t.o th fruit is adopted by Philo in D11 Agr. 14.
u. 576); {3) the plurality of worlds, or!ginaily held by § 60. Another suggestion may be made for e111ending this
Democritus (see '11ima,n1., 81 11., nnd Archt1r-Hlnd's note), passage. Elsewhere Philo explains unexpect~ silcn_ccs on
e.n.d r.d'terwnrc:1$ by tb.e Epicureans ; (4) that Ll,ere is no sueh Moses' part by his desire to stimulate the mystic to chscover
thmg ILS Providence. This Epicurean tenet is too familiar some high truth for himself. E.g. L.A. ii. 5/j, iii. 239.
from Lucretius and other writers to need illusti·,,tion but Note in particular De <Jhtr1dlim li.11 frn~ .• where U1e like*
see Diogenes Laertlus x. 7'1, ll8, l89. ' ncss of diction to this passage is slgniliCILllt. There tbe
silence is stnted to be i'.vo. o µ11 t/>1111,0>.tryllif 6.JL6rrror ,·,'t
4'76 477

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