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Class X

Social Science
Revision Worksheet
Multiple Choice Questions

Chapter 1- The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe
1. “In the initial stages, the French armies were welcomed as the harbingers of liberty. But the
initial enthusiasm soon turned to hostility.” Identify the reason from the following:
A. Increased taxation, censorship, forced conscription into the French armies.
B. Introduced uniform laws, standardised weights and measures.
C. Secured equality before the law and the right to property.
D. Simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system.
2. Which of the following statements is not true of aristocracy in Europe?
A. They owned estates in the countryside and also town- houses.
B. They spoke French for purposes of diplomacy and in high society.
C. Their families were often connected by ties of marriage.
D. They often clashed with the ideas of the conservatives.
3. Which of the following is associated with economic liberalism?
I. Abolition of state- imposed restrictions on the movements of goods and capital.
II. End of autocracy and clerical privileges.
III. Freedom for the individual and equality of all.
IV. Freedom of markets
A. I and II B. II and IV C. I and IV D.II and II
4. ---------------- was the famous English poet, who organised funds and later went to fight in the
Greek War of Independence.
A. Lord John Milton B.Lord Byron C. Lord Wellington D. Lord
5. ---------------- of 1832 recognised Greece as the independent nation.
A. The Treaty of Versailles B.The Congress of Vienna C. The Treaty of Constantinople
D.The Treaty of Geneva
6. Which of the following did the European Conservatives not believe in?
A. Traditional Institutions of social hierarchies and family
B. Strengthened monarchy
C. A return to a society of revolutionary days
D. Preservation of the Church

7. Match the Column I with column II and select the correct answer
Column I; Column II
(i) Absolutism (a) Emphasises the importance of the
traditional institutions of the state and of the

(ii) Liberalism (b) A cultural movement which sought to
develop a particular form of nationalist
(iii) Conservatism (c) A form of government in which there is
concentration of all powers in the in a single
(iv) Romanticism (d) Freedom for the individual and equality of
all before the law.
A. i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d B. i-d, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c
C. i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b D. i-b, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a
8. Match the Column I with column II and select the correct answer
Column I; Column II
(i) La Patrie (a) A person who worked on the land of the
feudal lord.
(ii) Elle (b) A customs union formed at the initiative
of Prussia.
(iii) Zollverein (c) The Fatherland
(iv) Serf (d) A measurement of a cloth.
A. i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d B. i-d, ii-a, iii-d, iv-c
C. i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a D. i-b, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
9. Consider these statements about the Image given below
1)Title of this caricature is “The Club of Thinkers”.
2)The plaque on the left bears the inscription: ‘The most important question of today’s meeting:
How long will thinking be allowed to us?”
3)This was a caricature of meeting called by aristocrats.
4)This caricature was created in 1820.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

A. 1 only B. 2 only C. Both 1 and 2 D. 1 , 2
And 4
10. Who among the following was the founder of ‘Young Europe’ underground secret society
founded in Berne?
A. Giuseppe Garibaldi
B. Giuseppe Mazzini
C. Count Cavour
D. Otto Von Bismark

Chapter 1: Resources and Development
1. Duars, Chos and Terai are examples of
a. Minerals
b. Rocks
c. Plains
d. Rivers
2. Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilized are referred to as:
a. Renewable resources
b. Potential resources
c. Biotic resources
d. Recyclable resources
3. Arable land lying uncultivated for one season or more is known as:
a. Net sown area
b. Cultivable land
c. Gross sown area
d. Fallow land
4. Over irrigation is a major cause for land degradation in the state of_______________.
a. Punjab and Haryana
b. Gujarat and Rajasthan
c. Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
d. Bihar and Odisha
5. Rocks and metals can be classified as the resources that are:
a. Abiotic
b. Biotic
c. Individual
d. Renewable
6. Waste land includes:
a. Mountains and plateau
b. Saline and Alkaline land
c. Fertile plains and terai area
d. Ghats and valleys
7. Type of soil formed due to leaching is called
a. Black soil
b. Laterite soil
c. Red soil
d. Alluvial soil
8. According to the National forest policy 1952, the area under forest cover should
be_________ % of the geographical area of a country.
a. 35
b. 32
c. 33
d. 30
9. The method of cultivation in which large fields are divided into strips and strips of grass
left to grow between the crops, is referred to as ___________.
a. mixed farming

b. strip cropping
c. contour ploughing
d. terrace farming
10. Black soil is found in the state of:
a. Gujarat
b. Rajasthan
c. Jammu and Kashmir
d. Punjab


1. The population of Sri Lankan Tamils is concentrated in _________region of Sri Lanka.

a) North and South
b) East and west
c) North and East
d) South and East
2. The ________community was rich and powerful in Belgium.
a) German speaking
b) French speaking
c) Dutch speaking
d) None of these
3. What is the population of the Belgians in the Flemish region?
a) 40%
b) 80%
c) 59%
d) 70%
4. Most of the population of Sri Lanka follow
a) Islam
b) Hinduism
c) Buddhism
d) Christianity
5. Which one of the following countries do not share its borders with Belgium?
a) Germany
b) Netherlands
c) Sweden
d) Luxembourg
6. In Belgium, the percentage of French community is
a) 54%
b) 40%
c) 30%
d) 50%
7. Which language is dominantly spoken in Belgium?
a) Dutch
b) Spanish

c) French
d) English
8. Sri Lanka is an island nation, just a few kilometers from the southern coast of
a) Goa
b) Kerala
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Lakshadweep
9. Assertion (A): Tensions took place between the Dutch-speaking and French-speaking
communities during the 1950s and 1960s.
Reason (R): French speaking community got the benefit of economic development and good
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
10. Sri Lanka became independent in the year
a) 1958
b) 1960
c) 1947
d) 1948


1. Which country can be considered as a developed country in the modern world? Select
your answer from the following statements.
(a) Countries which have accumulated huge amount of wealth and always secures the
future of their citizens. These countries are considered to be developed.
(b) Countries which are among the highest in the ‘Human Development Index’ are
considered to be the developed countries.
(c) Only rich countries are considered to be developed because people have money to buy
everything needed for human beings—both material and non-material.
(d) Iran is a rich country and therefore it is a developed country.

2. Money cannot buy all the goods and services that we may need to have a good life. A
list of things required for a good life is given below. Which among the following are
things money cannot buy?
(i) Full protection from infectious diseases
(ii) High quality education
(iii) A luxury home
(iv) A pollution-free atmosphere in every part of the country
(a) (i) and(ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)

3. What would be the most promising source of energy fifty years from now and why?
(a) Petroleum energy, because it is obtained from fossil fuels.
(b) Solar energy, because it is not exhaustible.
(c) Coal based energy, because it is pollution- free.
(d) Forest product-based energy, because India has abundant forests
4. Which of the following is the most important component for comparing different
(a) Population
(b) Income
(c) Per capita income
(d) Resources
5. What will be the top priority in the developmental goal of a landless labourer?
(a) Expansion of rural banking
(b) More days of work and better wages
(c) Metal roads for transportation
(d) Establishment of a high school
6. Which one of the following criteria is the basis to measure the development of a country
according to UNDP?
(a) Per capita income
(b) Educational levels of the people
(c) Health status of the people
(d) All the above
7. Kerala has low Infant Mortality Rate because:
(a) it has good climatic condition
(b) it has adequate infrastructure
(c) it has adequate provision of basic health and educational facilities
(d) it has poor net attendance ratio
8. Which one of the following statements defines ‘Literacy Rate’?
(a) Total literate population divided by total population
(b) Total literate population divided by literate population
(c) Proportion of illiterate population in the 18 and above age group.
(d) It measures the proportion of literate proportion in the 7 years and above age group
9. Pick out the cause (from below) that enhances environmental degradation:
(a) Planting of trees.
(b) Prevention of factory wastes getting mixed up with river water.
(c) Ban on use of plastic bags.
(d) Allowing increase in the level of exhaust fumes emitted by cars, buses, trucks, etc.
10. Human Development Report is published by
(a) UNDP
(b) World Bank
(c) IMF
(d) WHO

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