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Year/Semester II B.Tech/IISem L T P C
Regulation Year 2020-21 3 0 0 3


The main objectives of this course are to understand:
1. Fundamentals of steady electric and magnetic fields using various laws
2. The concept of static and time varying Maxwell equations and power flow using pointing theorem
3. Wave characteristics in different media for normal and oblique incidence
4. Various concepts of transmission lines and impedance measurements

Review of vector algebra &Co-ordinate Systems

Electrostatics : Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field Intensity & Electric Flux Density, Gauss Law
and Applications, Electric work & Potential, Divergence, Maxwell’s Equations for Electrostatic
Fields, Convection and Conduction Currents, Dielectric Constant, Continuity Equation,
Relaxation Time, Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations; Conditions at a Boundary Surface :
Dielectric-Dielectric and Dielectric-Conductor Interfaces. Illustrative Problems. [1,4,5,7]

Magneto Statics : Biot-Savart Law, Magnetic Flux Density, Ampere’s Circuital Law and
Applications, Maxwell’s Two Equations for Magnetostatic Fields, Magnetic Scalar and Vector
Potentials, forces in Magnetic field Illustrative Problems. Conditions at a Boundary Surface :
Dielectric-Dielectric and Dielectric-Conductor Interfaces [1,4,5]

Time Varying Fields : Induced emf, Faraday’s Law, Types of Induced emf, Displacement
Current Density, Inconsistency of Ampere’s Law and Maxwell’s Equations in point and Integral
Forms and Word Statements. [1,2,4,5,7]

EM Wave Characteristics - I: Plane Waves – Definition, Wave Equations for Conducting ,
Perfect Dielectric Media, hormonically time varying fields, Relations Between E & H, Wave
Propagation in Lossy dielectrics, lossless dielectrics, free space, wave propagation in good
conductors, skin depth, Surface Impedance. Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem –
Applications, Polarization & Types. Illustrative Problems. [1,2,3,4,5,7]

EM Wave Characteristics – II: Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves – Normal
Incidences, for dielectric boundary and conducting boundary, Standing waves, SWR.
Reflection and Refraction of Plane Waves – Oblique Incidence, types-vertical polarisation and
horizontal polarisation, Brewster Angle, Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection,
Illustrative Problems. [2,3,4,5 ,7]
Transmission Lines : Types, Parameters, Transmission Line Equations, Infinite Line ,Primary
& Secondary Constants, Phase and Group Velocities, Attenuation constant and Phase
constant ,Lossless lines, distortion less lines, Telephone line Loading - Types of Loading.
Illustrative Problems. Input Impedance, Relations for SC and OC Lines, Reflection Coefficient,
VSWR. Low loss radio frequency lines and UHF Transmission lines, UHF Lines as Circuit
Elements; Impedance Transformations λ/4, λ /2, λ/8 Lines –. Quarter wave transformer, Short
notes on Smith Chart and Stub Matching-single & double, Illustrative Problems. [1,4,5,7]

1. Elements of Electromagnetic – Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Oxford Univ. Press, 3rd ed., 2001.
2. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems – E.C. Jordan and K.G. Balmain, PHI, 2 nd
Edition, 2000.

3 Engineering Electromagnetics – William H. Hayt Jr. and John A. Buck, TMH, 7th ed., 2006
4.Engineering Electromagnetics:Nathan Ida, Springer(India)Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd ed.,2005.
5.Transmission Lines&Networks–UmeshSinha,S Prakashan (Tech.India pub New Delhi, 2001.
6.Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines-U.A.Bakshi &A.V.Bakshi, Technical pub
7. Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission Lines-Y.Mallikharjuna Reddy,Universities press

At the end of this course the student can able to:
1. Determine E and H using various laws and applications of electric & magnetic fields
2. Apply the Maxwell equations to analyze the time varying behavior of EM waves
3. Gain the knowledge in uniform plane wave concept and characteristics of uniform plane wave
in various media
4. Calculate Brewster angle, critical angle and total internal reflection
5. Derive the expressions for input impedance of transmission lines
6. Calculate reflection coefficient, VSWR etc. using smith cha

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