Series Representation of The Modified Bessel Funct

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Series Representation of the Modified Bessel Functions

Article · May 2001

Source: arXiv

5 686

1 author:

Krzysztof Maslanka
Polish Academy of Sciences


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Series Representation of the Modified Bessel
arXiv:math-ph/0104018v1 12 Apr 2001

Krzysztof Maślanka
Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University
Orla 171, 30-244 Kraków, Poland

April 7, 1998

Some power series representations of the modified Bessel functions
(McDonald functions Kα ) are derived using the little known formal-
ism of fractional derivatives. The resulting summation formulae are
believed to be new.

1 Fractional derivatives
There are several non-trivial examples in mathematics when some quantity,
originally defined as integer, can radically extend its original range and as-
sume fractional or even continuous values. The most common example is
the gamma-function of Euler which is a natural, unique generalization of the
ordinary factorial:
n Z∞
tn e−t dt
n! ≡ i = Γ (n + 1) = (n > −1)
i=1 0

The same thing may be performed with the order of derivatives which can
also be made fractional. Although useful, fractional derivatives do not how-
ever create any essentially new calculus being rather some sort of particular,
relatively simple, integral transforms.

Cracow Observatory preprint, no. 7/98

Following Oldham and Spanier (see e.g. [1]; cf. also [2], [3] and [4]) we
s ∂
define the fractional derivative ∂x−a ≡ ∂x by an integral representation
known as the Riemann-Liouville integral. Given a real number s < 0, define
s 1
∂x−a f (x) = (x − t)−s−1 f (t) dt (1)
Γ (−s) a

where a < x is a fixed number, referred to as the boundary point. Since

s < 0, the integral is convergent, provided that f behaves well. For s ≥ 0 we
∂x−a ≡ ∂xn ∂x−a

where n is a positive integer chosen large enough so that s −n < 0 in order to

assure convergence of the integral in definition (1). It is not difficult to show
that, as expected, such a definition does not depend on n. One can further
prove that the familiar Leibniz rule for product differentiation has the form

X s s−j j
∂x−a (f g) = ∂x−a f ∂x−a g (2)
j=0 j

where the generalized binomial is

(−1)j Γ (j − s)
s Γ (1 + s)
≡ =
j j!Γ (1 + s − j) j! Γ (−s)
It can also be shown that the following rule for the arbitrary order derivative
of the power function holds
Γ (p + 1) s=n p!
∂x−a (x − a)p = (x − a)p−s → (x − a)p−n (3)
Γ (p + 1 − s) (p − n)!
for any s and p > −1. However, the analogous formulae in the case of
the exponential and logarithm functions may, on the first sight, be quite
∂s s γ (−s, βx) s=n n
exp (βx) = β exp (βx) → β exp (βx)
∂xs Γ (−s)
∂s x−s 1 s=n (−1)n−1 (n − 1)!
ln x = ln x − ψ (−s) − C + →
∂xs Γ (1 − s) s xn
(Here n denotes a positive integer. For brevity we have set the boundary
point a = 0.)

2 Some definite integrals as fractional deriva-
Let us now consider the following definite integrals (cf. [5], formulae 3.471.4
and 3.471.8)
Zx ! 1 ! !
µ−1 β β 2 −µ β β
t (x − t) exp − dt = √ exp − Γ (µ) Kµ− 1 (4)
t πx 2x 2 2x

Zx ! !µ− 1 !

2 2 µ−1
 β 1 2 2
µ− 23 β
t −2µ
x −t exp − dt = √ x Γ (µ) Kµ− 1
t π β 2 x
which are valid for x > 0, Re β > 0, Re µ > 0. On using (1) it is evident that
both (4) and (5) may simply be interpreted as fractional derivatives of the
appropriate functions. Indeed
∂s β s+ 2
" !# ! !
β β β
x2s exp − = √ exp − Ks+ 1 (6)
∂x x πx 2x 2 2x
!s+ 1
" !# !
1 β 2 β 2
3 β
xs− 2 exp − √ =√ x 4
− 2s
Ks+ 1 (7)
∂x x π 2 2 x
It is thus possible even to define the functions Kν as fractional derivatives
with zero boundary point.

3 Polynomials Vk
In order to evaluate the left hand side of (6) and (7) let us introduce

(α) ∂k
Vk (βxα ) ≡ xk exp (βxα ) exp (−βxα ) (8)
It is easy to prove that, contrary to their appearance, Vk are just polynomials
(α) (α)
Akj z j
Vk (z) =

with coefficients given by

(α) k
X (−1)i Γ (k − αi)
Akj = (−1)
i=0 i! (j − i)! Γ (−αi)

In particular, for α = −1 we have

(−1)i Γ (k + i) (−1)k+j k! (k − 1)!
= (−1)k
Akj =
i=0 i! (j − i)! Γ (i) (k − j)! j! (j − 1)!

(The last equality may be rigorously proved using elementary methods pre-
sented in e.g. [7]; Mathematica 3.0 effectively simplifies such sums.) We shall
also need fractional derivatives of the following expressions

xν exp (−βxα )

with α, ν real. Using Leibniz rule (2) and the property (3) we have

∂s ν α ν−s Γ (ν + 1) α
(−1)k Γ (k − s) (α)
[x exp (−βx )] = x exp (−βx ) Vk
∂x Γ (−s) k=0 k! Γ (k − s + ν + 1)

4 Series expansion of the Modified Bessel func-

Inserting (9) into (6) or (7) we can get a general expansion of the modified
Bessel functions (called also McDonald functions; cf. e.g. [6]) holding for
any positive α
√ 1
π Γ (2s) X ∞
(−1)k Γ k + 2 − s (−1)
Ks (z) = exp (−z)  Vk (2z) (10)
Γ 21 − s k=0 k! Γ k + 12 + s

Substituting polynomials (8) into (10) we further get, after some manipula-
 
−s k
! j

2 k − 1 (−2z) 
Ks (z) = 2s−1 Γ (s) z −s exp (−z) 1 + k

+s j=1 j−1 j!
2 k

Γ (k + a)
(a)k ≡
Γ (a)
denotes the Pochhammer symbol. The same method applied to (7) gives
k 1
√ Γ (2s) −s ∞
X (−1) Γ k + 2 − s (−1/2)
Ks (z) = 2 π 1  z exp (−z) V (z)
k! Γ k + 1 + s k

Γ 2 −s k=0 2
which is yet another power series convergent to the McDonald function. The
familiar ratio of Pochhammer symbols in (10) and (11) allows us to call these
expansions ’hypergeometric-like’ since they formally resemble the well-known
hypergeometric Kummer function 1 F1 .

[1] K. B. Oldham, J. Spanier, The Fractional Calculus, Academic Press, New
York, 1974

[2] V. S. Vladimiroff, Obobshchennye funkcii v matematicheskoj fizikie,

Nauka, Moskva, 1979 (in Russian)

[3] R. Camporesi, Harmonic Analysis and Propagators on Homogeneous

Spaces, Physics Reports 196 no. 1&2, 1990

[4] K. Maślanka, Efekty kwantowe w wielowymiarowych modelach kosmolog-

icznych, Ph. D. thesis, 1986, (unpublished, in Polish)

[5] I. S. Ryzhik, I. M. Gradstein, Tablicy intiegralov, sum, riadow i proizve-

denij, Nauka, Moskva, 1971, (in Russian)

[6] M. Abramowitz, I. A. Stegun, eds., Handbook of Mathematical Functions,

U.S. National Bureau of Standards, Dover, New York, 1965

[7] R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth, O. Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics. A

Foundation for Computer Science, Addison-Wesley, 1994

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