BSIT Proposal Defense Rubric Form 2022
BSIT Proposal Defense Rubric Form 2022
BSIT Proposal Defense Rubric Form 2022
A. Individual Grade
Comprehensiveness of Contribution/ Delivery/
Name of Presenter/s the Answer/Ideas Support to the Manner of TOTAL
(10%) Group Speaking
(5%) (15%)
1. Niño Angelo Chua
Objectives The main and specific objectives are The main and specific objectives The main objective is not stated
following SMART format and focus clearly are not in SMART format but focus and the specific objectives are not
on the solution to the problem on the solution to the problem in SMART format which are vague
and no relevance at all.
Scope and There is a clear statement on the There is a scope and limitation of There has no scope nor limitation
Delimitation coverage and limitation of the study the study but not in accordance of the study presented
with the research topic or
Review of The RRLs are recent and relevant Some RRLs are recent and RRLs are insufficient, not recent
Related Provides solid background with the chosen relevant and some are not nor relevant to the study
Literature and research topic Some sources are inappropriately
Sources are appropriately cited cited
Methodology The proposed project approach is clearly The proposed project approach is The proposed project approach is
describe and is align with the stated quite describe and is somewhat not align with the objective.
objectives. align with the stated objectives.
____Approved with minor revision ______Approved with major revision _____Re-oral defense / Not accepted
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