HRM 410 Assignment

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Assignment 1: Recruitment Process of Urmi Group

Submitted To

Dr. A N M Shibly Noman Khan

Associate Professor & Department Head

Department of Human Resource Management

Independent University Bangladesh

Submitted By

Name ID

Wasifa Tahsin Arani 1821579

Date of Submission

27th July 2021

Letter of Transmittal

27th July 2021

Dr. A N M Shibly Noman Khan

Associate Professor

Department of Human Resource Management

Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1212.

Subject: Recruitment Process of Urmi Group

Respected Sir,

It is indeed a great pleasure for me to be able to hand over the result of my hardship of the HRM
410 report on “Recruitment Process of Urmi Group”. This report is the result of the
knowledge which has been acquired from the respective course.

I have tried our level best in preparing this report. The information of this report is mainly based
on the website available on the internet regarding this company. I gave our hundred percent for
making this report come together.

I fervently hope that you will find this plan worth reading. I earnestly request you to call upon us
for any query or clarification that you would like me to explain. Hope you will appreciate my
hard work and excuse the minor errors. Thanking you for your cooperation and best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Wasifa Tahsin Arani


First of all, I am are grateful to almighty Allah for blessing me to completing the report, No
noble Achievement can be achieved by an individual without help of others.

I wish to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. A N M Shibly Noman Khan for instructing us to
prepare a report on Recruitment Process of Urmi Group. It is our pleasure to work on it and
complete this report successfully. The report would not have been accurate without the
guidelines from Dr. A N M Shibly Noman Khan. Also, we would like to thank everyone who
directly and indirectly helped us in completing this report.

I are also thankful to them who made their contribution to our research methods, providing
useful information, data, and analysis. Working on this report has allowed us to unfold our
potential, think unique and enhanced our decision-making skills.

Finally, I would like to say that I have tried heart and soul to prepare this report accurately.
However, there might be some errors and mistake, so we seek your kind consideration as I am in
the process of learning.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3

Theory of Recruitment policy ...................................................................................................... 4

Introduction Of Urmi Group ....................................................................................................... 5

Theory of Recruitment Policy…………………………………………………………………....... 10

Recruitment Policy of South Asian Context ............................................................................. 12

Impact of Covid-19 into recruitment......................................................................................... 13

Textiles have been an extremely important part of Bangladesh’s economy for a very long time
fora few reasons. Bangladesh is the world's second biggest exporter of clothing after China.

Readymade garments make up 80 percent of the country's $24 billion in annual exports and 15
percent share of GDP. Consultancy firm McKinsey and Company has said Bangladesh could
double its garments exports in the next 10 years. In Asia, Bangladesh is the one of the biggest
largest exporter of textile products providing employment to a great share percent of the work
force in the country. Currently, the textile industry accounts for 45% of all industrial
employment in the country and contributes 5% of the total national income. However, although
the industry is one of the largest in Bangladesh and is still expanding, it faces massive
challenges, principally because the country does not produce enough of the raw materials
necessary, unfavorable trade policies, and inadequate incentives for expansion. As a result,
Bangladesh's textile industry relies heavily on imports, and the country does not earn as much
foreign exchange from its textile industry as it should. Due to increasing demand of sustainable
apparel design, environmental changes, market competition, unpredictable consumer demand,
market trends of variety, short product life cycles and low barriers of entry the textile and
apparel industry is one of the most highly competitive workers skilled enough to produce such
high-quality fabrics.
Urmi Group Overview
Urmi Group is a multi-faceted organization, providing an array of products and services for
textile and apparel industries. Since its inception in 1984, by offering the best blend of quality,
efficiency and productivity to our valued customers, we have created several benchmarks and
established milestones for the forthcoming generations. We are committed to total customer
satisfaction by identifying their specific needs, translating them into Quality products. We have
the technology with expertise, products with knowledge and most importantly the right mindset
and skilled work force to achieve total customer satisfaction. Our success is the indicator of our
company strength. Our Highly Seasoned management team always leads the way with proper
planning. We have the state-of-the-art technology implementation and machineries in the
industry. The team is dedicated and committed on the continuous development and competitive
product pricing. We believe in making this world a better place for the generation to come. Thus,
our effort in saving energy & reducing carbon footprint is a continuous process. And accord
structural audit has rated our factory 'Green'. As an organization, Urmi holds itself responsible
towards the society. We do a lot of activities out of corporate social responsibility such as hire,
train & employment of disadvantaged people including physically challenged & tribal.
Theory of Recruitment policy
The recruitment and selection procedures are designed to ensure our process is planned,
organized, and conducted in a way that supports an objective and transparent assessment of
every candidate which results in the selection of the best candidate based on their merits and

The Human Resources Department continues to deliver the important recruitment and selection
services across the University during the COVID-19 pandemic.

➢ Recognizing work-from-home (WFH) skills: These capabilities include being

purpose-driven and self-motivated and having both a large professional network and
a suitable physical workspace. “In addition to the posted qualifications for any job,
our research has revealed that candidates with two or more of the following
capabilities have at least a 20% higher probability of excelling at remote work,”
explains Dr Sullivan.

➢ The appeal of a flexible workforce: Due to covid-19 situation organizations will

need to focus on hiring candidates for flexible roles. This shift will help companies
save money by only paying people for the work needed in the moment. Yet the other
benefits of hiring for flexible roles will extend far into the future. Research shows that
flexible jobs help diversify teams, which, in turn, boosts a business’s bottom line. This
is good news particularly for parents – especially women, and people who live outside
cities, whomight otherwise be underrepresented in an organization.

➢ Embracing virtual career fairs: Virtual careers fairs will fill the role of their physical
counterparts. Candidates are sent a link to join a scheduled online event and can
interact remotely with recruiters via their smartphone, tablet, or PC to learn more
about a specific job or opportunities using live chat or video. “Such events eliminate
geographical boundaries for talent and remove some of the hefty costs that are
associated with attending a bricks-and-mortar event.
➢ Conducting interviews via video: The interview process may continue to happen via
video for a long time, so SMBs will want to get better at using it well, with more
structure and hiring team coordination. It is worth exploring more creative ways to
use itduring hiring, too, including for group interviews, and candidate presentations.

➢ Being flexible as a recruiter: To be truly flexible, SMBs will need to make smart,
fast hires in order to fill short-term roles at the pace of demand. There may also be
more instances where they need to assess whether a long-term or short-terms hire is
the best call. There is a reason many businesses will look to use flexible office space
to hold meetings and interviews. A recent poll by North American HR firm Robert
Half found that 97% of the international business leaders surveyed agreed that
adopting a more flexible approach to recruitment would bring overwhelming benefits.

Recruitment Of Urmi Group

Recruiting and selecting the right people is paramount to the success of the Urmi Group and its
ability to retain a workforce of the highest quality. This Recruitment and Selection Procedure
sets out how to ensure as far as possible, that the best people are recruited on merit and that the
recruitment process is free from bias and discrimination.

Legal Requirements: Recruitment and selection procedures must comply with the Urmi
Groups’ Diversity Policy. This procedure incorporates compliance with the following

✓ Bangladesh Labor Code, 2006

✓ ILO Convention code of conduct

✓ BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) code of conduct

✓ ICS ((Initiative Clause Social) Code of Conduct

✓ S. Oliver Code of conduct

✓ Red Cats code of conduct

✓ Wall mart code of conduct

✓ Blacks Leisure Group code of conduct

Advertisements: Advertising is a form of communication that typically attempts to

persuade potential candidates to apply for a particular position. For these purposes,
advertisements sometimes embed their persuasive message with information. Every major
medium is used to deliver these messages, including television, radio, cinema, magazines,
newspapers, video games, the Internet, carrier bags and billboards. Advertising is often placed
by an advertising agency on behalf of a company or other organization. (Web sites,
Newspapers, Leaf lets, Poster, Banners, etc). Urmi Group mainly used bdjobs for their
advertisement in officer’s level.

Employee Referral: Employee referral is an internal recruitment method employed by

organizations to identify potential candidates from their existing employees’ social networks.
An employee referral scheme encourages a company's existing employees to select and recruit
the suitable candidates from their social networks. E.g., Recently Junior Executive (Accounts)
Mr. Md. Mamunur Rashid is appointed referred by Company Secretary Mr. Ismail Hossain.

Walks-in-Interview: Companies and organizations generally conduct walk-in interviews to

source personnel to meet their immediate need. In today’s business world where growth and
achievement of target is the mantra, companies need staff on short notice for fulfillment of their
projects. Generally, candidates in production and technical staff, operational staff and many
other categories find opportunities in walk in interview venues. Companies advertise the
interview schedule and positions to be filled, along with venue details and offers. Usually,
successful walk- in candidates get an offer instantly, and are required to join the company
immediately. Walk-in- Interview’s procedure is mainly used in worker’s level.

Professional Organizations: Professional organizations mean that types of organizations

where taught the students about specific profession. Such as BIFT, NIFT, BIM, IPM trained
the students about Merchandising, Fashion Design, Apparel Manufacturing, PGDPM etc.
Urmi Group recruited the potential employee from those organizations. Recently Urmi Group
recruited Mr. Sayed Ibnul Kalam (Assistant Merchandiser) from BGMEA Institute of Fashion
Technology (BIFT).

Potential Competitors: Urmi Group recruited potential employee from their potential
competitors. Their potential competitors are DBL Group, Ha-Meem Group, Viyellatex Group,
Envoy Group, Nassa Group etc. Recently Urmi Group recruited Mr. Nasirul Islam (Assistant
Manager, HR) from Viyellatex Group

Workforce recruitment

The group appoints, pays, and promotes workers based on performance appraisal and not by
their personal characteristics in any means. We always maintain a zero-tolerance policy in
terms of any discrimination and due to this practice, there was not any single case of
discrimination and due to this practice, there was not any single case of discrimination.

Indigenous people with their distinct language, tradition, culture, values and customs
contribute significantly to the rich cultural heritage, ecology and sustainable development of
the country. However, this indigenous people contribution in this regard is often unappreciated
or underestimated. Their individual and collective human rights, under national and
international law, are routinely violated. As a part of our commitment to build an inclusive and
non-discriminated workplace we recruit differently abled and indigenous people. Throughout
the year of 2019, no violence against the rights of indigenous people has been recorded.

Urmi Group only employs full-time employees, and no temporary or contractual workers are
being employed. Any significant changes in operation related with factory’s concern is being
communicated with the total workforce through the participation committee and their opinion
is being taken into consideration. The factory promotes and ensures the application of the
principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value.

Workforce Diversity

Age Group Gender Number of Employees

< 30 years Male 3635
Female 3318
30-50 years Male 2601
Female 1026
>50 years Male 4814
Female 4783

 Graphical Analysis

Number of Employees
Number of Employees Linear (Number of Employees)

4814 4783
3635 3318
3000 2601
2000 1026
Male Female Male Female Male Female
< 30 years 30-50 years >50 years
 Interpretation

In the above table, it has been portrayed the overall number of employees. It was observed that,
in both the number of male and female employees there has been an upward trend. This indicates
an improved revenue condition of the organization. Moreover, it gives a concrete proof of having
no workforce clearly pictures that, they do not discriminate the female workers,
rather, they engage the women effectively by creating a good working environment and support
them where required. In a developing country like Bangladesh women’s job income is very vital
for the survival of their family.

Urmi Group believes by integrating workers from culturally diverse background, the company.
They can become much stronger. We consider diversity as an integral part of the company
business plan and have always been focused on creating an inclusive working environment.

Recruitment Policy of South Asian Context

The main concept of HRD resulting in South Asia cannot be complete without looking at
prominent global and regional economic, political, and technological trends. Among these, the
most critical are the globalization of economies, accelerated technology and innovation, the
information and communication revolution, rapid organizational change and outsourcing of
manufacturing/services operations of multinational corporations (MNCs). The role of HRD has
been invaluable in preparing a diversified workforce by unleashing human expertise to face
the challenges arising from the rapidly changing global business environment. However,
South Asian countries often suffer from ineffective government policies, political uncertainty,
and lack of trained HRD experts to initiate effective HRD practices at multiple levels.
Inadequate emphasis of respective governments on enhancing employee productivity and
organizational change has made most South Asian countries vulnerable to rapid global
changes, thereby increasing poverty combined with social, political, and economic inequality.
Slow economic growth and increasing youth unemployment (9.6% compared to global youth
unemployment of 4.2%) has aggravated this situation (ILO, 2012). Even though globalization
has influenced expansion of international markets, the accelerated speed of business
transactions, aided by information communication technologies, and internationalization of
MNCs, South Asian countries still lag compared to their neighboring Asian Tigers: Singapore,
Taiwan, and South Korea.

Impact of Covid-19 into recruitment

When the world is gripped with the Covid-19 pandemic, Urmi Group prioritizes in implementing
health safety and hygiene best practices for every 8,000 employees and workers a top
requirement. Since people all over the world are buying PPE products at a rampant pace to
protect themselves from the rogue pathogen, the coronavirus crisis seems to have provided a
major opportunity for the industry.

According to the word of mouth, the demand for such goods will continue to grow as the
coronavirus will continue to haunt public health for many years to come. Even during this time
of crisis, Urmi Group did not layoff or put any employees on furlough thanks to a healthy supply
of work orders for PPEs. They recruited 500 new workers recently to cater to the work orders for
other garment items from my factory."

 Graphical Analysis

200 168 173

150 126
97 105
100 74 84

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
 Interpretation
The bar graph depicts the revenue earned between 2011 to 2020, a period of 10 years.The
revenue increased gradually . It then levelled off from 2012 to 2020. The biggest rise was seen in
the revenue as there were less retention or lay off, which increased sharply throughout the 2019
and 2020. The more engaged employees at an organisation are, the more likely it is to exceed the
industry average in one-year revenue growth. Specifically, there is a trend showing that highly
engaged employees work for organisations that had revenue growth at least one percentage.

Urmi group is one of the leading RMG manufacturing companies in Bangladesh. They provide
exceptional products to their buyers to retain them. In Urmi group there were no conflicts
between workers and supervisors since I was doing my internship there. This is because Urmi
Group strictly follows the rules & regulations Imposed By BGMEA and Bangladesh labor law.
Interaction between Human resource departments with all other department was quite well and
they help each other to follow up the direction given by COO to accomplish the task. Recently
they are working on a new project where all departments are working together to start the project
as soon as possible. Moreover Urmi Group have the following facilities for smooth operation
like Stand by Generator to run the full factory, Fire protection system, Sufficient volume of
water reservoir at underground & overhead, Quality electrical cable with circuit breakers,
Separate toilets for male & female workers, Sufficient ventilation is provided by installing
ceiling fans, exhaust fans, large windows, Factory premises is always kept neat & clean, they do
not have any child labor, Doctor & Nurse are provided to take care of workers health, Canteen
for workers, Day care center and Work study center.

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