92 KLF110 Service Specs
92 KLF110 Service Specs
92 KLF110 Service Specs
KAWASAKI MOTORS CORPORATION, U.S.A. PO. Box 25252 9950 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92799-5252
NOTE: Metric fasteners are used throughout vehicle. CONDENSED SERVICE DATA
MODELS Generai
Engine Make Engine Type Number of Cylinders Bore Stroke Displacement Compression ratio Engine Lubrication Transmission Lubrication Engine/Transmission Oil Forward Speeds Reverse Speeds Tire SizeFront Tire SizeRear Tire Pressure (cold) Front Rear Dry Weight: KLF110-A2 Models KLF110-B2 Models
KLF110-A2, B2
Own Air-Cooled/Four-Stroke 1 51 mm (2.0 in.) 50.6 mm (1.99 in.) 103 cc (6.3 cu. in.) 8.2:1 Wet Sump; Oil Pump Same as Engine See Text 5 None 20 x 7-8 21x9-8 21 kPa (3 psi) 15kPa (2.2 psi) 120 kg (264 lbs.) 125 kg (275 lbs.)
Engine Idle Speed Spark Plug Electrode Gap Ignition Type Point Gap Timing See Text NGK C6HA 0.6-0.7 mm (0.024-0.027 in.) Capacitor Discharge Pointless 10 BTDC @ Less Than 1500 rpm 35 BTDC @ Less Than 4000 rpm
Main Jet Pilot Jet Jet Needie Clip Position Throttle Valve Cutaway Idle Mixture Setting .. . Throttie Lever Free Play
Valve Ciearance (cold): Intake & Exhaust Valve Face & Seat Angle Valve Seat Width: Intake Exhaust Valve Stem Diameter: Intake Exhaust Valve Guide Bore Diameter: Intake & Exhaust Valve Stem-to-Guide Clearance: Intake Exhaust Rocker Arm Bore Diameter: Intake & Exhaust Rocker Shaft Diameter: Intake & Exhaust Camshaft Lobe Height: Intake & Exhaust Wear Limit Cylinder Head Distortion (Max.) Cylinder Bore Diameter Wear Limit Piston-to-Cylinder Wall Clearance 0.12-0.17 mm (0.005-0.006 in.) 45 0.80-1.15 mm (0.032-0.045 in.) 0.85-1.15 mm (0.034-0.045 in.) 5.495-5.510 mm (0.2163-0.2169 in.) 5.480-5.495 mm (0.2157-0.2163 in.) 5.520-5.532 mm (0.2173-0.2178 in.) 0.010-0.037 mm (0.0004-0.0015 in.) 0.025-0.037 mm (0.0010-0.0015 in.) 10.000-10.015 mm (0.3937-0.3943 in.) 9.980-9.995 mm (0.3929-0.3935 in.) 28.750-28.858 mm (1.1319-1.1361 in.) 28.65 mm (1.128 in.) 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) 51.000-51.012 mm (2.0079-2.0083 in.) 51.10mm (2.012 in.) 0.015-0.039 mm (0.0006-0.0015 in.) 129
0.15-0.35 mm (0.006-0.014 in.) 0.15-0.35 mm (0.006-0.014 1.00-1.02 mm (0.039-0.040 in.) 2.00-2.02 mm (0.078-0.079 in.) 0.97-0.99 mm (0.0382-0.0390 in.) 0.97-0.99 mm (0.0382-0.390 in.) 0.01-0.05 mm (0.0004-0.0020 in.) 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) 0.01-0.05 mm (0.0004-0.0020 in.) 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) 0.3-0.5 mm (0.012-0.020 in.) 0.7 mm (0.027 in.) 0.007-0.022 mm (0.0003-0.0009 in.) 0.7 mm (0.003 in.) 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) 7.6 L (2.0 gal.) 1.1 L (1.16 qt.) 34 N.m (25 ft.-lbs.) 145 N.m (110 ft.-lbs.) 12 N.m (104 in.-lbs.) 62 N.m (46 ft.-lbs.)
Fuel Tank Engine/Transmission Sump
Tigiitening Torques
Front Axle Nut Rear Axle Nut Camshaft Sprocket Screws Clutch Nut
The manufacturer recommends that the engine/transmission oil be changed after the first 10 hours of use and after every 30 days of use thereafter, or more frequently if usage is severe. The drain plug is located on the underside of the crankcase directly behind the front frame tube. Check the oil level at the oil level window as previously described. A flat filter screen is located in a compartment in the bottom of the right crankcase half. The filter screen should be removed and cleaned after the first 10 hours of use and after every 90 days of use thereafter, or more frequently if usage is severe. To remove the filter screen, drain the engine oil and detach the oil line from the right side cover. Unscrew the right side cover screws and remove the right side cover shown in Fig. K1 -2. F^emove the gasket if it remains on the engine. Pull out the filter screen and wash it in a suitable solvent. Insert the clean filter screen into the engine. Also remove the ball bear131
CABLES, LEVERS AND SHAFTS. Depending on use and riding conditions, lubricate all cables with cable lubricant or light oil. Lubricate lever pivot pins and cable ends. Remove the brake pedal and apply grease to the shaft. Remove the brake assembly and lubricate the brake cam with multipurpose grease.
Fig. K1-10il levei should be between marks (M) of oii gauge window (W).
Fig. K1-2View showing iocation of oii fiii piug. The side cover must be removed for access to the fiiter screen. ing in the clutch cover and clean the cavity behind the bearing. Reinstall the bearing so the open side is out (toward the side cover). Install a new gasket, then reinstall the right side cover whole, being sure the pin on the clutch arm indexes in the notch of the clutch release mechanism. DRIVE CHAIN. The drive chain should be lubricated with a suitable chain lubricant or SAE 90 gear oil prior to vehicle operation. The drive chain uses "O" rings as a part of the chain assembly to retain lubricant in the inner components. The chain lubricant must be designed for use on "O" ring-type drive chains or the "O" rings may be damaged.
If the drive chain is dirty, wash the chain in diesel oil or kerosene. Do not use gasoline, cleaning solutions or solvents as the "O" rings may be damaged. Remove, install and adjust the chain as outlined in FINAL DRIVE CHAIN AND SPROCKET section. 132
edge of float. Hold carburetor at an angle that will allow the float assembly to close the inlet valve but not compress the spring in the valve. Adjust the float level by bending tang (B) on float arm. FUEL STRAINERS. Two fuel strainers are located on the pickup tubes of the fuel valve assembly mounted on the fuel tank. To inspect the strainers the fuel in the fuel tank must be drained. Disconnect the fuel hoses from the fuel valve. Unscrew the two screws securing the fuel valve to the fuel tank and carefully remove the fuel valve from the tank. Clean and inspect the strainers. The strainers are not available separately, only as a part of the valve housing. Reinstall the valve assembly while noting that nylon washers are used on the two retaining screws to prevent fuel leakage.
Aii iVIodels
IGNITION SYSTEM. The engine is equipped with a capacitor discharge, pointless ignition system. An exciter coil located behind the flywheel provides ele^ctrical power for the system. The pickup coil is located outside and just below the flywheel while the CDI unit and ignition coil are mounted underneath the fuel tank. NOTE: Do not disconnect ignition system connectors while the engine is running as the Ci3l unit may be damaged. Ignition timing can be checked after removing the inspection hole plug located adjacent to the starter. Using a suitable power timing light and tachometer, check alignment of timing marks with engine running at various engine speeds. With engine running at idle or less than 1500 rpm, the second flywheel timing mark should align with the index notch (see Fig. K1-7; note that the first timing mark is marked "T" and indicates top dead center). As engine rpm is increased, ignition timing should advance. At approximately 4000 rpm the third timing mark should align with the index mark and ignition timing should advance no farther as engine speed increases. Ignition timing is not adjustable. If ignition timing is incorrect, then the CDI unit is probably faulty. Some components may be checked using an ohmmeter. Disconnect the connectors for the wires leading from the magneto.
Fig. K1-4Expioded view of carburetor typical of the type used on aii modeis.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Cable adjuster Cap nut Cap Gasket Throttle return spring Retainer Jet needle clip Jet needle Throttle slide Body Idle speed screw 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Idle mixture screw Fuel inlet valve Slow jet Needle jet Needle jet holder Main jet Float Float pin Fuel bowl Drain plug
Fig. K1-5View showing iocation of idle mixture screw (12) and idie speed screw (11).
Fig. K1-6Tiit carburetor when measuring fioat height (A) so spring in iniet vaive is not compressed. Float height should be 18-22 mm (0.709-0.866 in.). Bend fioat tang (B) for adjustment.
Fig. K1-7Piston is at TDC (top dead center) when "7" mark on fiywheei is aiigned with timing notch (N). The second fiywheel mark is the ignition timing mark.
Fig. K1-8Loosen iocknut (L) and rotate adjusting screw (S) to adjust vaive ciearance. Vaive ciearance shouid be 0.12-0.17 mm (0.005-0.006 in.).
To check the exciter coil, connect one ohmmeter lead to the red lead from the magneto and ground the other ohmmeter lead. Exciter coil resistance should be 180280 ohms. To check the pickup coil resistance, connect one ohmmeter lead to the black lead and the other ohmmeter lead to the black lead with yellow tracer from the magneto. Pickup coil resistance should be 80-150 ohms. Ignition coil primary winding resistance should be 0.14-0.22 ohm, while secondary winding resistance should be 3300-4900 ohms. If the ignition system does not operate properly after checking all components but the CDI unit, replace the CDI unit with a new or known to be good unit and recheck the system. Be sure all wiring and connectors are good. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. On nonelectric start models, a lighting coil is located behind the flywheel to provide power for the lights. The lighting coil should produce at least 10 volts AC with engine running at 3000 rpm. Lighting coil resistance should be 0.56-0.84 ohm on KLT models and 0.9-1.6 ohms on KLF models. On electric start models, maximum output of alternator is 7.5 amps. 14 volts. Charging coil resistance should be 0.1-0.8 ohm measured between the two yellow charging coil leads. The headlight is 12 V 35 W unit on KLT models and a 12 V 25 W unit on KLF models while the taillight is a 12 V 8 W unit on all models.
Valve clearance should be checked after the first 10 hours of use and then after every 90 days of use thereafter. Valve clearance must be checked with the engine cold. To check valve clearance, remove the seat and fuel tank. Remove valve covers for access to valve adjusting screws. Rotate the crankshaft so the piston is on its compression stroke, then stop when the "T" mark on the flywheel is aligned with the index mark viewed through the inspection hole (see Fig. K1-7). To ensure piston is on the compression stroke, watch the rocker arms as the flywheel "T" mark approaches the index mark. If either rocker arm is moving then the piston is not on the compression stroke. Valve clearance is adjusted by loosening locknut (L Fig. K1 -8) then turning adjusting screw (S) so the proper clearance between the valve stem and adjusting screw is obtained. Valve clearance for both valves should be 0.12-0.17 mm (0.005-0.006 in.). Recheck valve clearance after tightening the locknut.
pulley (8), a rapidly uncoiling starter spring can cause serious injury. Rewind spring is wound into rope pulley (8) in a clockwise direction. Starter rope is wound on rope pulley (8) in a clockwise direction as viewed with rope pulley in starter housing. Reassemble starter by reversing disassembly procedure. Lightly grease pulley shaft and starter pawl. To place tension on rewind spring after assembly, pass starter rope through rope outiet in starter housing and install rope handle. Puli a ioop of rope back through outlet between notch (N) in pulley and housing. Rotate rope pulley (8) clockwise two or three complete revolutions, then release starter rope from pulley notch (N) and allow starter rope to wind onto pulley (8). Do not piace any more tension on rewind spring than is necessary to draw starter rope handle up against housing. Fig. K1-9View showing iocation of clutch adjusting screw (S). Refer to text for adjustment.
Fig. K1-11Partially disassembied view of manual starter assembiy typicai of the type used on KLF modeis.
N. 1. 3. 4. Notch Nut Friction plate Pawl guide 5. 6. 8. 10. Starter pawl Friction spring Rope pulley Starter housing
Fig. K1-13Front brake iever free piay (A) should be 3-4 mm (0,12-0.16 in.). Gap, measured at (A) when brake iever is applied, shouid be 10-12 mm (0.39-0.47 in.) on KLF modeis. Refer to text. Fig. K1-16Refer to text for toe-in setting procedures on KLF modeis. Inside (!) tie rod iocknuts are right-hand threaded and outside (O) tie rod locknuts are ieft-hand threaded.
measure distance (DFig. K1-16), at spindle height, between the center of the tires on the front and rear sides. The measured distance (D) on the front side should be 15 mm (0.59 in.) shorter than the measured distance on the rear side. If not, loosen the inside (I) and outside (O) locknuts on the left and right tie rod assemblies and rotate the tie rod sleeves equally until a difference of 15 mm (0.59 in.) is noted. NOTE: The outside (O) locknuts are left-hand threaded. After obtaining the correct setting, securely tighten the locknuts to retain tie rod settings. iNSPECTION. Rotate the steering handlebars from one extreme to the other and note if any binding or roughness is felt. Periodically inspect the steering components for looseness or any other damage. Renew any damaged component. Clean and grease components if binding or excessive effort is noted. OVERHAUL. To expose the steering tube, the front fender assembly must be removed. Remove the Allen head bolts and nuts securing the upper tube clamp and withdraw the clamp halves. Clean the old grease from the steering tube and bearing portions of the clamp halves. Inspect the clamp halves and the upper and lower grease seals for damage. Renew components if needed. Position the grease seals so slits are aligned and facing toward front. Grease components and install clamp halves. Tighten the retaining clamp Allen head bolts and nuts to 25 N.m (18 ft.-lbs.). The tie rod assemblies, front brake cables, upper tube clamp and handlebar assembly must be removed to withdraw the steering tube from the vehicle. Remove the lower bearing housing mounting screws to withdraw the steering tube. Inspect the lower bearing assembly and renew if needed. Install the lower bearing assembly with the brass side facing down. Tighten the lower bearing
assembly retaining nut to 29 N.m (22 ft.-lbs.). Tighten the tie rod assembly mounting nuts to 41 N.m (30 ft.-lbs.). When insiailing the handlebar assembly to the steering tube, the handlebar should be positioned so the handlebar and steering tube are set at the same angle. Tighten the rear handlebar mounting clamp screws first, then tighten the front screws. If properly tightened, there should be no gap at the rear of the clamp and an even gap at the front.
Fig. K1-21Brake iever free piay (G) shouid be 4-5 mm (0.16-0.20 in.).
WARNING: inhaiing asbestos brake dust is injurious to human health. Approved OSHA respiration equipment must be worn when working on or around brake components. DO NOT use compressed air to ciean brake drums, shoes or nearby components as brake dust will be biown into air. Oniy vacuum equipment designed to pick up brake dust shouid be used. Inspect brake components. Inspect the splines on the axle and brake drum. Minimum brake shoe lining thickness is 2 mm (0.079 in.). Maximum allowable inside diameter for the brake drum is 130.75 mm (5.147 in.). Reassemble brake and axle components by reversing removal procedure. Tighten the two nuts securing the brake drum to 145 N.m (110 ft.-lbs.). Apply grease to axle splines. Tighten axle nut to 145 N.m (110 ft.-lbs.).
Fig. K1-20View showing location of rear brake adjusters for brake pedal (P) and handlebar lever (B).
The axle sprocket may be removed after removing the wheel hub on the end of the axle. New lockwashers should be used when assembling and installing sprocket. Tighten sprocket retaining nuts to 34 N.m (25 ft.-lbs.). Apply grease to axle splines. Tighten axle nut to 145 N.m (110 ft.-lbs.). Reverse removal procedure to install drive chain. Adjust chain free play as outlined in previous section.