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Republic of the Philippines Minutes of the Meeting




Date: Time Started: Time Adjourned: Platform:
01 September 2021 1:05 pm 3:50 pm Via Zoom
Presided by: Gov. Aurelio M. Umali
Chairperson of the Local Special Bodies


I. Call to Order Governor Umali, Chairperson of the Local Special Bodies,
formally called the Joint Council Meeting to order. Each
council secretary confirmed the existence of a quorum for
their respective Councils.
II. Reading and Approval of the The Chair called for an omnibus motion in behalf of all the
Minutes special local bodies to dispense with the reading and the
subsequent approval of the previous Minutes. For PDC BM
Ariel Matias moved that the reading of the Minutes be
dispensed with and the same be approved accordingly which
was duly seconded by Doc. Rudy Punzalan.
III. Preliminary Statement from the The Chair gave the opening statement re: the precarious
Chair situation of covid-19 active cases that is rising not only in
Nueva Ecija but all over the country. The local chief
executives according to him are having hard time dealing
with it. The CHO, MHO, and RHUs experienced difficulties
and at the same time hospitals reaching full capacity find it
hard to accommodate the increasing patients. The chair
continued to share his concern on farmers and their
produced and also with the pandemic the local government
cannot determine if the number of vaccines available will
suffice the target before the end of the year. Having said that
the Honorable Chair emphasized the local special bodies’
responsibility to convene each and every local joint meeting
and to have development plans for the next year as part of
their obligation and engagement. The governor and Chair
expressed his appreciation for all the local bodies present
and was inspired to share a verse from the bible that will lead
them as they continue to make plans for the province.
IV. Presentation of Each Local Special Since there were no matters arising from the previous
Bodies ( PDRRMC, PHB, PPOC, minutes, the Honorable Chair proceeded with the agenda of
PDC and PSWMB.) the meeting.

First to make the presentation was from the office of

PDRRMC. The Chair called for Mr. Michael Calma to discuss
the PDRRM Financial Investment Plan.

He started sharing the screen to present the outline of 2022

DRRM Fund Investment Plan amounting to P
290,571,400.00M to be utilized as Quick Response and
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Preparedness, Response
and Rehabilitation and Recovery Programs of which 30% of
the amount equivalent to P 75,596,400 shall be allocated as
Quick Response Fund or Standby-Fund for relief and recovery
Republic of the Philippines Minutes of the Meeting


programs for areas stricken by disasters, epidemics,

pandemics or complex emergencies. The remaining 70% will
be used as part of the disaster prevention and mitigation and
measures to lessen or limit the adverse effect and impact of
hazards and related disasters in the province. He also
presented on the screen the PPAs showing the construction
of Flood Control Structures (retaining wall with buttress)
amounting to 138M in Minatula Creeks in Sta. Rosa and along
Bato Ferry River in Laur. Also in Dalaydayan Manacsac river,
Guimba and Sitio Baag Creek, Gabaldon NE.

Also presented are the PPAs for different thematic areas for
disaster preparedness and simulation training and capability
building amounting to 63,875M as subtotal. Also for the
procurement of disaster equipment and emergency supplies
and provision of emergency services and public assistance
during or immediately after a disaster in order to save lives,
reduce health impacts and ensure public safety the local
government has allocated the amount of 12.1M.

Next was the presentation of the PDRRMC Resolution No. 9-1

Series of 21, A Resolution approving and adopting the local
disaster risk reduction and mgt. investment plan of the
province of NE for CY 2022 for inclusion in the 2022 AIP
program and for other purposes.

The Chair asked for the formal motion from the body and
PhD Jessie D. Ferrer moved for the approval of LDRRMFIP for
2022 PDRRMIP and its corresponding resolution which was
duly seconded by Florencio (Bot) M. Valino.

For the Provincial Health Board, the Chair called for Dra. Josie
J. Garcia MD, to present the Provincial Investment Plan for
Health. The report started with COVID-19 updates and
discussion on the four (4) pillars such as health service
delivery, financing, regulation and governance.
The summary/Pillar LIPH 2020-2022 was flashed on the
screen with the following figures: to wit,

 HEALTH SERVICE DELIVERY 7,986,776,031.42

- Health Facility Development 1,767,729,466.00
- Human Resource for Health 1,905,589,673.12
- Commodities 4,313,456,892.30
 FINANCING 184,978,687.00
 REGULATION 33,402,897.28
 GOVERNANCE 34,671,720.39
GRAND TOTAL 8,239,829,336.08

A letter of endorsement for Nueva Ecija Local Investment

Plan for Health for the years 2020 up to 2022 was also
presented to the body. This letter needs to be signed by the
Republic of the Philippines Minutes of the Meeting


Honorable Chair and Governor Aurelio M. Umali as requested

from the region.

BM Baby Palilio brought her concern as to the source of fund

and assistance Covid-19 was reflected in, the efficacy of
vaccines and the fear towards sinovac to some and the need
for booster shot if possible and its allocation.

The Chair stated that Covid-19 has many sources of fund to

augment or to curb and arrest the rise of it as it was
presented a while ago by Mr. Calma. He further expressed
that vaccines are still in the trial stage and experimental in
nature. Dra. Josie on the other hand had recommended for
others to wait for advisory concerning booster shot and other

The governor had proposed to come up with weekly

symposium or virtual conference with doctors, experts, chief
of hospitals to address questions and concerns on vaccines,
efficacy, booster shot and other nuances and concerns. Dr. R.
Punzalan expressed his support and appreciation to join and
share his medical opinions.

The Chair called for a formal motion from the Provincial

Health Board to approve the 3 years Local Investment Plan
for Health. Dr. Edwin V. Santiago from PHB moved for the
approval of the plan and was duly seconded by Dra. Melissa
De Guzman from NE Medical Society. After the approval was
the signing of the letter of endorsement for the PIPH by the
Honorable Chair and Governor.

For the Provincial Peace and Order Council, Dr. Abraham A.

Pascua, Executive Assistant on Local Government Operations
and Consultant on DRRM of PGNE presented on the screen
the last segment of the Public Safety Plan of the Province of
Nueva Ecija. This is actually divided into 8 thematic areas,
namely 1. Formative Initiatives for Peace and Order,5.5M 2.
Securing and Protecting the Internal Security of the Province
with a subtotal of 13,786,000.00M. 3. Anti-Criminality
Operations, to eliminate and apprehend criminal elements
has earmarked the amount of 7.5M. 4. Anti-Illegal Drugs and
Drug Clearing Operations.7.5M 5. Augmentation of Funds to
the Pillars of Phil. Criminal Justice System in the
administration of Justice (NE has earmarked the amount of
2.4M as aid to NEPPO for anti-drug activities and anti-
criminality operations). 6. Implementation of Special Laws, 7.
Other initiatives to ensure Social Justice for Novo Ecijano, and
8. Communication and Security Support Services. He also
presented the PPAs with the corresponding POPs Funds with
a total amount of 114,476,000.00.

Republic of the Philippines Minutes of the Meeting


Having no questions, corrections Father Arnold Abelardo as

member of the PPOC moved for the approval of PPOF plan
for the ensuing year 2022 and was duly seconded by
Mr.Bernie Valdez.

For the PDC, Engr. Dennis C. Agtay was called and presented
an overview of the proposed Annual Investment programs
for fiscal year 2022 and the expenditure programs for
combating the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the
people and the economy. It was flashed on the screen the
estimated Total Revenue for CY 2022 as 5,231,097,239B
which was sourced from various income streams: as shown


(from 2018 cash surplus/budget
 Internal Revenue Allotment/NTA P4,651,572.429

 TOTAL P5,231,097,239

The province Internal Revenue allotment in 2022 according to

the presenter has increased by 1,262,937,516 from last year’s
3,388,634,963 which owes in significant part to the
implementation of the Mandanas Garcia Ruling. It is noted
however that the Devolution Transition Plan or DTP which
had only been recently rolled out to date has not yet been
factored into the AIP and appropriate adjustment will
eventually be made subject to the prescribed evaluation and
approval process according to him.

For 2022 the local development fund he continued has an

estimate amount of 930,314,495M. Setting aside the
remitted requirements for personal and other operating
expenses of the provincial government the MOOE has the
amount of P1,058,798,000, the office Capital Outlay has
P46,204,000 and the Contractual Obligations or
amortizations from the previous loans amounted to
P621,528,200. Engr. Agtay was pleased to note that the
Personnel Services requirement of the provincial government
remains at 33.4% which is well below the 45% CAP for 1st
class province like Nueva Ecija likewise the debt servicing
remains at 12.38% of the regular income which is very much
compliant with the limits set forth by law which is 20%.

Also presented was the socio-economic development

priorities set forth in the proposed AIP, the highlights of which
is according to the priorities of the Honorable Governor: to wit

P700 MILLION FOR HEALTH to be used for hospital equipment

upgrading, purchase of PPEs, disinfectants and other COVID
Republic of the Philippines Minutes of the Meeting


supplies, purchase of drugs and medicines , development of

molecular facility, operation of quarantine facility, drugs and
rehab center, provision of isolation facility and operation of
the 10 district hospitals.
Setting aside the amount of 650M for Malasakit Rice Subsidy
program as a continuing food security initiative closely tied
with the Palay Price Support Program (PPSP).
Another 628M for the Aid to Individuals in Crisis Situation
Program, 300M for the expanded AICS, 11M for mortuary
burial and cremation assistance for Covid deaths. 20M for the
implementation of livelihood programs. 2.2B for the
implementation of the Palay Price Support program. 9.6M for
the operation of the Integrated Rice Mill Complex. 171M for
priority road opening, improvement, rehabilitation and
upgrading of road projects in rural areas. 132M for Road
Asphalting projects. 110M for small water impounding
projects (SWIP) to address the water scarcity and optimize
agricultural production areas. 176M for Forward-Looking
Economic investments like Farmville project and E-Vehicle,
2.9B worth of Flood control and asset preservation projects.
100M infra projects for LGU Support Fund. 100M Road
projects under the conditional Matching Grant to provinces.
50M for the educational financial assistance program EFAP as
provision of support to qualified student in college in the form
of stipend or tuition fee subsidy.

Having no questions, comments, suggestion from the body,

the Chair called for a motion to approve the development
programs for Annual Investment Plan of 2022 as presented.
The motion for its approval was made by Dr. Rudy Punzalan
which was duly seconded by Board Member Belinda Palilio.

The Chair called for the last presenter Mr. Rico Obniala of the
PSWMB. He presented on the screen the accomplishments of
the Board for CY 2020. Status of Compliance to RA 9003 of the
32 LGUs in Nueva Ecija as of 3rd Quarter of 2021 and the
priority plans for 2022. The Board was able to provide
technical assistance to five (5) LGUs in cooperation with the
EMBIII to finalize their respective SWM Plans in 2020. The
LGUs are still on the process of drafting their Solid Waste
Management Plan. Also shown from the screen was the
number of LGUs having sanitary landfill and materials recovery
facility. Next discussed was the number of LGUs with 10 years
solid Waste Management Plans. Cabanatuan and San Antonio
on the other hand was still on the process of finalizing their
plans. The Honorable Chair concern for the LGUs mentioned
who’s plan was not yet approved be given with the needed
technical support in order to comply with NSWMC.

Republic of the Philippines Minutes of the Meeting


V. Adjournment Without any further business, the Chairperson declared the

Joint Council Meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.
Prepared by: Approved by:


PDC/PADAC Secretariat Governor

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