Class 12 Physics Revision Notes Electromagnetic Waves
Class 12 Physics Revision Notes Electromagnetic Waves
Class 12 Physics Revision Notes Electromagnetic Waves
Class- 12 Physics
Chapter 8 – Electromagnetic waves
8.1 Introduction
● Let us discuss electromagnetic waves, their properties and characteristics, and also
their practical uses in our everyday life.
● One of the most important applications of electromagnetic waves is in the field of
● Some of the important applications of electromagnetic waves are as follows:
1. We are able to see everything surrounding us because of electromagnetic waves.
2. These waves help in aircraft navigation and help the pilot for smooth take-off and
landing of aero-planes. They also help to evaluate the speed of aero-planes.
3. In the medical field, these waves have very important applications. For instance, in
laser eye surgery and in x-rays.
4. Radio and television broadcasting signals are transmitted with the help of
electromagnetic waves.
5. Electromagnetic waves help in determining the speed of passing vehicles.
6. They are utilized in electronic appliances like T.V. remotes, remote cars, LED TV,
microwave ovens, etc.
7. Voice transmission in mobile phones is made possible because of electromagnetic
Maxwell’s Experiments
● Maxwell claimed that time varying electric fields can generate magnetic fields.
● On the other hand, Faraday-Lenz law claims that a time varying magnetic field
generates an electric field.
● According to Faraday-Lenz law, an EMF is induced in a circuit whenever the
amount of magnetic flux linked with that circuit changes.
● As a result, electric current gets generated in the circuit which has an electric field
associated with it.
Now, when Maxwell came across this, he claimed that the vice-versa must also be
true, i.e., a time varying electric field must also be able to generate a magnetic
Case 1: Maxwell considered a surface of radius r and the circumference of the surface,
dl. According to Ampere’s circuital law;
B.dl 0l
B 2r 0l
B 0
Case 2: Maxwell considered a surface, like a box with its lid open and applied the
Ampere’s circuital law;
B.dl l0
● Clearly, at the same point but with different Amperial surfaces, Maxwell found that
the values of magnetic fields are not the same, thus proving his claims on
inconsistencies in the law.
● Maxwell pointed out that there were some gaps in the Ampere’s circuital law. He
rectified them and made Ampere’s circuital law consistent in all the scenarios.
Ampere-Maxwell Law
● Since Maxwell was able to correct the shortcomings of the Ampere’s circuital law,
the law came to be known as Ampere-Maxwell law from then onwards.
● Current which arises due to the flow of charges is known as conduction current. It
is denoted by Ic .
● Current which arises due to change in electric field is known as displacement
current. It is denoted by Id .
● Thus, total current is given by I Ic Id .
● Ampere-Maxwell law stated that
dl 0 (Ic Id )
dl 0 Ic 0 0 (d E / dt )
● The above expression is known as modified Maxwell’s law or Ampere-Maxwell
It arises due to the fixed charges. It arises due to the change in electric field.
● For static electric fields, Id 0 whereas for time varying electric fields, Id 0 .
● There can be some scenarios where there would only be conduction current and in
some other cases where there would only be displacement current.
● However, outside the capacitor, there is only conduction current and no
displacement current.
● Also, inside the capacitor there is only displacement current and no conduction
● But there can be some scenarios where both conduction as well as displacement
current are present i.e., when I Ic Id .
● Now, applying modified Ampere-Maxwell law to evaluate the magnetic field at the
same point of the capacitor considering various Amperial loops, the result would
be the same in all the cases.
● Conclusions:
1. The value of B is the same in both cases.
2. Total current must be the same.
3. Time varying electric field generates magnetic field provided by Ampere-Maxwell
4. Considering the first step, there is an electric field between the plates and this
electric field is varying with time.
5. As a result, there is displacement current and this displacement current gives rise
to the magnetic field.
6. Time varying magnetic field generates an electric field provided by Faraday-Lenz
7. Clearly, when there is electric field changing with time, it generates magnetic field
and when there is magnetic field changing with time, it generates electric field.
● Electromagnetic waves are based on the above conclusion.
Maxwell’s Equations
● Maxwell's equations describe how an electric field can generate a magnetic field
and vice-versa. These equations describe the relationship and behavior of electric
and magnetic fields.
● Maxwell gave a set of four equations which are known as Maxwell’s equations.
They are:
1. E.dA Q / 0 (Gauss’s Law for electricity)
2. B.dA 0 (Gauss’s Law for magnetism)
3. E.dl dt
(Faraday’s Law)
4. B.dl 0ic 00 dt
(Ampere-Maxwell Law)
● Electromagnetic waves refer to the coupled time varying electric and magnetic
fields that propagate in space.
● Electric field is varying with time, and it will give rise to magnetic field; This
magnetic field is varying with time and it further gives rise to electric field and the
process continues so on.
● These time varying electric and magnetic fields, coupled with each other when
propagating together in space give rise to electromagnetic waves.
● In the figure given above, the red line represents the electric field and it varies in
the form of a sine wave whereas the blue line represents the magnetic field.
● Suppose the EM wave propagates along the x-axis, then, electric and magnetic
fields are perpendicular to the wave propagation.
● This means that when wave propagation x-axis; electric field y-axis and
magnetic field z-axis.
● Clearly, EM waves are transverse waves in nature.
● Now, electric field of an EM wave is given by,
E y E 0 sin kx t
E y the electric field along the y-axis and x is the direction of propagation of
● Wave number is given by,
k 2 / t
This expression gives the amount of energy carried per unit volume by an EM
● To remember the order of wavelength of each wave, we can just write the initial
letter of all the waves and they seem to be in decreasing order of wavelength.
● R (Maximum wavelength), M, I, V, U, X and G (Minimum wavelength).
● This can be remembered like this: Red Man In Violet Uniform X Gun.
● The electromagnetic spectrum has common names for various parts of it. These
various regions do not have sharply defined boundaries.
● RADAR Technology
RADAR - Radio detection and ranging.
Different applications of RADAR:
a) Air traffic control: To manage air traffic. The pilot should know if any other aero
plane is present nearby or not. The pilot should also know the climatic conditions
during take-off and landing.
Radar plays a very important role in aircraft navigation.
b) Speed detection: The instruments which are used to detect the speed of the vehicles
which move on the roads utilize radar technology.
c) Military purposes: It helps to detect enemies and weapons.
d) Satellite tracking: In order to track satellites, radar technology is utilized.
Microwave ovens
Microwaves are very useful because:
● They have smaller wavelengths.
● They get absorbed by water, fats and sugar.
8.4.6 X-Rays
● X-Rays are produced by bombarding a metal target by high energy electrons.
● It is a very important diagnostic tool.
● X-Rays have lesser wavelengths when compared to all other waves.
● Because of this, X-Rays can easily penetrate inside the skin (low density material).
It either gets reflected or absorbed by the high-density material (like bone).
● In any X-Ray, bones look darker while skin looks lighter.
● It is also used for cancer treatment. In cancer there is unwanted growth of the
cells. In order to treat cancer, the abnormal growth of cells should be stopped. X-
Rays have the ability to damage the living tissue. This is how it helps in the
treatment of cancer.