Stack Safety Training Module
Stack Safety Training Module
Stack Safety Training Module
➢ Objective
To prevent possible risk to human life To ensure product is safely stacked, to To provide safe stacking
due to collapse of material avoid fall of object from height. methodology for operations.
Flipkart Group is committed to the prevention of injury for employees working near racks for stacking.
For that, employees shall be aware of hazards related to stacking
Fall of material from racks while Collapse of Pallet built Cut due to sharp edges of
stacking pallets
1. Material Inspection – Goods received from vendor shall be properly inspected for damage,
1 2 leakage etc before wrapping in pallets and stacking on racks.
2. Pallet Selection – According to the load, place the empty pallet for loading the material on it.
3. Pallet Handling –
• While obtaining empty pallet, safe handling shall be taken. Pallet shall not be
3 4 dropped on floor.
• Empty pallets shall not be dragged on the floor.
4. Pallet Building –
• Arrange the boxes/goods in structured manner to avoid collapse, during lifting.
• Use “Overlapping brick technique” or “Rotated Layers technique”.
5 6 • The height of pallet building shall be of 6ft, inclusive of pallet & goods.
• Wrap or strap (Double Layered) shall be provided for the pallet & goods
5. Overhanging Goods – Avoid overhanging of goods while pallet building. If not possible,
ensure that overhanding of goods is not more than 2inches.
6. Pallet Handling & Movement – HPT shall be used for movement of loaded pallet to its
designated stacking rack and forklift shall be used for stacking the pallet on racks.
7. Pallet Staging –
7 8 • No pathway shall be blocked while staging of pallets on floors
• Aisles shall be kept free from obstruction, protruding pallets and other materials
8. Pallet Stacking –
• Adequate clearance shall be kept between pallets stacked on racks.
• Store heavy and unstable items as low as possible to the floor.
9 10 • Light objects/goods/boxes shall be stacked on the middle and top racks.
• No employee shall be allowed to pass underneath the lifted forklift/stacker
Thank You!