The Semi-Tarrasch Defence Vol 2 - Jozsef Pinter
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence Vol 2 - Jozsef Pinter
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence Vol 2 - Jozsef Pinter
Kecskemet 2010
by GM J6zsef Pinter
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.fln dS 4.flc3 cS
S.cxdS flxdS 6.e3
(35) S. Mamedyarov - 1. Pinter ..................... 7
(36) L. Alburt - M. Dlugy ......................... 8
(37) R. Huebner - L. Ftacnik ..................... .26
(38) L. Stein - N. Krogius ........................ 50
(39) P. Nikolic - S. Djuric ....................... .55
(40) A. Sokolov - A. Kharitonov ..................... 63
(41) J. Razuvaev - I. Farago ...................... 71
(42) J. Eising - I. Farago ......................... 78
(43) B. Jansson - 1. Pinter ........................ 85
(44) A. Dreev - R. Kasimdzhanov .................. 89
(45) M. Filip - 1. Pinter .......................... 94
(46) M. Filip -I. Platonov ....................... 103
(47) S. Reshevsky - R. Fischer .................... 116
(48) 1. Nunn - D. Campora ....................... 120
(49) B. Damljanovic - E. Torre ................... .133
(50) V. Anand - A. Karpov ....................... 139
(51) Z. Ribli - L. Kavalek ........................ 143
(52) G. Sigurjonsson - B. HalIdorsson .............. 146
(53) M. Paragua - V. Bologan .................... .151
(54) T. Petrosian - Y. Balashov .................... 155
(55) I. Bilek - R. Kholmov ................ , " .... 158
(56) P. Dely - L. Kovacs ......................... 162
(57) V. Anand - D. Mac Farlane ................... 167
(58) S. Neamttu - V. Korchnoi ................... .168
(59) B. Ostenstad - M. Scekic .................... 177
(60) A. Beliavsky - A. Karpov .................... 182
(61) V. Salov - A. BeIiavsky ..................... .189
Ii1xc8 17.we2 0-0 18.l':1c1 4ldS 19. \11xd4 ~e2 16.\11xf6 \11xd 1 17.~xe7
~b3 Ii1b7 20.flaS;!; Cramling-Bellon, Ii1xa4 18.li1xd8 flxd8 19.!:!acl d4
Palma 1991; 6... 0-0 7.0-D dxc4 20.exd4 ~xd4-+ Rohde,M-Wolff,P
(7...~6 8.a3 (8.b3 b6 9.li1b2 Ii1b7) USA 1991) 14.~d4 fld6!+ IS.flcl
8 ... b6 9.b3 Ii1b7 1O.\11b2 cxd4 11. Hh6 16.li1g4 \\'id6 17 .g3?
exd4 !'i:c8 12.flcl dxc4 13.bxc4 ~aS (a) 17.h3 0xg4 IS.\\'ixg4 flg6
14.~eS ~d7= Danner-Dvoirys, Ber- 19.\!!idl fle8+) 17 ... '&g6 18.li1xe8
lin 1995) 8.li1xc4 a6 9.Y!Je2 bS iO. flxc8 19.~xc6 bxe6 20.\!!ixdS?
~d3 ~bd7 Il.fldl \11b7 12.e4 cxd4 (a) 20.~cS+;
13.~xd4 ~eS= Lasker-Capablanca, a) 20.li1d4 Ii1xd4 21.exd4 fle8 22.
La Habana (m/2) 1921; S... dxc4 6. ~cS \\'ifS 23.\!!ie2 ~d6+) 20 ... \\'ig4-+
0xc4 -' Queen's Gambit Accepted;
S... cxd4 6.exd4 - Caro-Kann De-
fence; S... a6 6.cxdS
a) 6.dxcS Ii1xcS 7.a3 0-0
(a) 7 ... dxc4 8.\\'ixd81' wxdS 9.
\11xe4 bS 10.li1e2 Ii1b7 II.b4 Ii1d6 12.
~b2 we7 \3.0-0 ~bd7 14.flael
(a) 14Jifdl ~b6 IS.4ld4!iaeSI6.
~b3 ~e4 17 .~xe4 \11xc4 18.fldc 1 ~a4
19.1i1xg7flxel1' 20.~xelflg8 21.f3+
Hebden-Bonin, London 1989) 14...
flae8 IS.~bl eS 16.~bd2 \11dS 17.
flfdl Inkiov-Seirawan, Zagreb 1987 Pfleger-Lobron, BRD 1989);
12-12) 8.b4 li1a7 9.li1b2 \\'ie7 b) 6.a3 dxe4 7.li1xc4
(a) 9... dxe4 10.\11xe4 b-S II.\11d3 (b) 7.dxc5 \!!ic7 8.li1xc4 Ii1xc5
\11b7 12.0-0 ~bd7 13.Y!Je2 'lYe7 9.'lYe2 bS 10.li1d3 Ii1b7 Il.Ii1d2 ~bd7
(a) 13...~xf3 14.gxf3 ~eS IS. 12.!:!cl Wd6= 13.0-D
~bl 'l!Jd2! 16.!:!dl ~xf31' 17.l!?g2 (b) \3.b4 ~7 14.0xbS axbS IS.
~h41' 18.wh3 'lYxe2 19.~e2 ~g6 ~bS Y!Jb6 16.~71' we7",) 13...0-0
20.a4 ~b6 21.axbS axbS 22Jlxa8 14.~g5
flxa8 23.~c3 flb8+) 14.flfdl flac8 (b) 14.flfdl=) 14...~eS IS.li1e4
IS.~gS h6 16.~ge4 ~b8 17.a4 !:!fd8 ~dS 16.~xd5 exdS 17.li1blflfe8 IS.
18.axbS axbS 19.~xf61' ~xf6 flfdl?
20.~xbS= Olafsson-Hjartarson, (b) 18.li1c3! ~eg4? 19.1i1xh7t M8
Reykjavik 1984) 10.cxdS fld8 20.g3 ~xe3?
IUue2 exdS 12.bS!? (b) 20 ... d4 21.Ii1aS ~xe3 22.YxeS
(a) 12.0-0? ~c6 \3.~a4 ~xfl 23.\!!ixfl ~xh7 24.~xh71' wg8
(a) 13.bS d4+) 13...~e4 . 2SJlhS \!!ig6 26.\!!idl±) 2l.fxe3
(a) 13...~g4 14.~d4 ~xd4 IS. Ii1xe3t 22.'lYxe3 flxe3 23.1i1b4)
10 J6zscf Pinter
18 ... ~c4 19.b4 ~b6 20.1!'If3 h6+ 12.~e3 0-0 I3.f3 flc5= Hoi-Pe-
Lputian-Tal, Erevan 1980) 7 ... b5 8. tursson, Nordic 1981) 10 ... \!lIb8
0a2 11.l"!d 1 b4 12.0.a4 Illc6 1HixcS
(b) 8.~d3 ~bd7 ~xcS 14.dxe5 ~xcS«> Lputian-Vera,
(b) 8...~b7 9.0-0 ~c6 10.dxe5 Berlin 1982;
Illxe5 11.i)l}e2 i)l}e7 12.<~)d2 ~c8 13. c) 6.0d3 b6 7.0-0 dxc4 8.<;Uxc4
~acI0d614.~e4~xe415.~xe4f5?! bS 9.0d3 ~b7 10.a4?! b4 11.Y\e2
flbd7 12.b3 cxd4 13.~fxd4 eS
14.flf5 g6 15.~fg3 hS 16.f3 ~cS
17.111111 '!\Ie7 18.~gl 0-0 19.~h3
l"!fd8 20.l!IIe2 ~a7+ Yusupov-Ivan-
ehuk, Linares 1992; 6 ...exd5 7.0.c2
a) 7.b3 ~c6 8.~b2 exd4 9.~xd4,
032 9... ~d6!
(a) 9 ... <;Uc5 1O.~xe6! bxe6 11.
!12e2 0-·0 12.0-0± i&d6 13.~a4 llla7
14.0.d4 ~e4 IS.~xa7 l"!xa7 16.l"!e 1
'fie7 17.\!lIe2 l"!c8 18.~eS ~eS 19.
\!lIxeS '!\IxeS 20.l"!xeS± Bisguier-AI-
(b) 15 ... h6=) 16.lllxc6t ~xc6 17. burt, USA 1979) 10.~e2 0-0 11.0--0
i)l}xc6t ~xc6 18J!xc6 0-0 19.1"!xa6 l"!e8 12.l"!cJ ~b8!=
eS 20J1clt Vaganian-Suba, Erevan al) 12 ... ~e7 J3.~xe6 bxe6
1980) 9.0-0 ~b7 10.lllc2 (al) I3 ... \!lId6! 14.g3 bxc6) 14.
(b) 10.:J!ie2 I!IIb8 11.h3 g6 12. ~a3l"!e6
dxeS ~xeS 13.~e2 ~cd7 14.e4 Illg7«> (al) 14 ... ~fS 15.~a4l"!c6 16.~eS
Foisor-Gurgenidze, Tbilisi 1983) l"!e8) IS.~f3 ~d7 16.g3 fleS 17.~g2
10... l"!e8 11.dxc5 ~xc5 12.e4 IJlJc7 l"!h6 18.~xdS! exdS 19.\!lIxdSl"!b8?
13.tWe2 0-·0 14.~d2 ~g4 IS.h3 ~geS (al) 19 ... l!IIxdS 20.~xdS l"!a7 21.
16.flxc5 ~e5 17J!ad1 ~d4 18.~bl <;Uc5
~c4 19.~cJ 'I!Ie5 20.lIIhl flxb2-+ (al) 21.~b2 ~d7 22.l"!fd1 ~b6
Franco-Seirawan, Arnhem 1983) 23.<;Ub7 ~g4 24.l"!d4 ~d6 2S.l"!xg4
8 ... ~b7 9.0-0, D27 Quecn's Gambit f.!xb7 26.l"!xg7t M8 27.l"!gS 'fig6;t)
Acccpted. 9 ...flbd7 21 ... 0b7! 22.<;Uxa7 <;UxdS 23.f4 ~c6
(b) 9 ... cxd4 lO.cxd4 llle7 11.l"!el 24.l"!fdl <;uf3 2S.l"!d7 ~aSt) 20.
0-0 12.~g5 flbd7 13.dS exdS 14. '!\IcS+- Priehoda-Lukacs, Balaton-
~d5 Illxd5 IS.~xdS flxdS 16. I/l'xdS bcreny 1985;
~xgS 17.flxgS flf6 18.l/lib3 I/l'dS 19. a2) 12 ... \ild7 13.1ilf3t; 13.~xc6
I/l'xd5 flxd5 20.g3= Andersson- bxc6 14.<;Uf3 \!lId6 IS.g3 <;Ua7 16Jlel
Seirawan, Tilburg 30' 1992) 10.l/l'e2 ~fS 17.~e2 ~e4 18.~d4 <;Ud7 19.<;Ug2
(b) 10.e4 cxd4 11.flxd4 Illc5 l"!ad8 20.IWc2 eS+ Bisguier-Kaplan,
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence It
Lone Pine 1980; ~e2 \!ib8 18.~f4 ~f4 19. exf4 ~e4
b) 7.dxcS ~xcS 8.~e2 0-0 9.0-0 20.'i!id3;!; Smyslov-IlIescas, Palma
~c6 10.b3 ~d6 19S9; S.b3 (S.~eS bS 9.0--0 (9.00
(b) 1O ... d4= Jankovec-Adamski, \!ib7 10.0-0 ctid6 11.l'!ic2 b4 12.l'!ia4t
CSSR 1984 ) I l.<:tlb2 ~g4 12.h3 ~e7", Wirthenson-Kuligowski, Lu-
~xO 13.~xO 1::1ad8 14.~c2 ~eS IS. zcrn 19S2) 9.. .Iiie7 (9 ... 0b7 10.e4
~d4 1;1fe8 16.g3 fle4 17 .~g2 lMIg6 18. ~xe4 I l.~xe4 dxe4 12.a4 f6
!lcl ~b6 19.~e2~xt2? (12 ... ~d7 l3.b3! (13.axbS Gure-
(b) 19 .. Jk8!) 20.l:Ixt2 ~d3 21. vich-Seirawan, USA (ch) 1997
~fS? 13 ...~xeS 14.dxeS axbS't) 13 ... ~xeS
14.dxeS I'!ixdl (14 ...'il'e7 lS.0b2ii5)
abed,fgh IS.!:rxdl bxa4 (IS ... 0cS 16.bxc4
b4't) 16.~xc4=) 13.~g4? (13.ctixc4
bxc4 14.l'!ihSt g6 IS.~xg6 'il'dS
(IS ... hxg6 16.l'!ixh8 IUdS't) 16.0eSt
<Jic7 17.~g6t hxg6 18.@xh8 ~d7't) )
4 10.a4 b4 l1.fudS!
wf2 [6 2Hlg4 wf7 24.we3 ll:c4 25. (a2) IHib3 I!!id6 14.lUg5 h6 15.
ll:xe4 ~xc4 26.ll:c1 b5 27.~f2 Peng- IUM ~5 16.d5 0xh4 17.dxe6l!!ixd3
Chiburdanidze, Tilburg 1994 \1,-\1,) IS.ll:xd3 0a6 19.1l:d7 0f6 20.l':lxa7
13 ... a6 14.~g5 b5 15.ll:acl ll:c8 IUxc3= Garcia Martinez-Armas, Ca-
16.~bl g6 IHza2 wg7= Gutman- magucy 19S7) 13 ... l!!ic7
Kochetkov, Rovno 2000) 12 .. J!c8 (a2) 13 ... ®d6 14.0g5 ll:fdS 15.
J3.~e2 ne7 14.~c3 ®a8= Sofrevski- 0b1 g6 16.lUa2 ~a5= Podgaets-
Vclimirovie, Jugoslavija 1976; Palatnik, USSR 1973) 14.lUg5 ll:fd8
a22) 11.0g5 IUb 7 12. \!!:d3 ll:c8 15.l!!ie2 ~d5 16.~xd5 exd5 17.l!!id3;!;
(a22) 12...~d5!? 13.lUxd5 IUxg5 Tal-Brinck Claussen, La Habana
14.lUe4 f5 15.~xg5 I!!ixg5 16.1Uf3 (01) 1966;
E1ad817.l':lfcll!!if618.l!!ie3ll:xd419. a3) 10 ... l!!id6 11.0e3 ll:d8 12.l!!ie2
~b5 ll:d7 20.l!!ixe6t Inkiov-Emst, 0d7 13.ll:adl ~d5°o Vaganian-Lein,
Berlin 1986. 20 ... il!Jxe6 21.E1xe6 ~d8 SSSR (ch) 1971; 11.0g5
22.ll:d6 ll:xd6 23.~xd6 IUxf3 24.gxf3 al) 1I.ll:el b5 12.0a2 0b7 13.lUgS
~e6=) J3.ll:adl ~d5 14.0xd5 ~xg5 (al) 13.d5 exd5 14.~xd5 ~xd5
15.<;le4 f5 16.~c6 ll:xe6 I 7.l':lfe I 15.0xd5 0f6= Forintos-Tiller,
0f6= Spassky-Bannik, USSR (ch) Esbjerg 1983) 13 ... b4
1956; 1l...lUb7 12.ll:d I (al) 13...~dS 14.lUxe7 ~exe7 15.
(a2) 12.1Ua2 I!!id6 ~e4 ~b6 16.l':lcJ Bezold-Dao, Buda-
(a2) 12...l':lc8 J3.~g5 ~5 14. pest 1993 \1,-\1,) 14.~a4 bxa3 15.
~xd5 0xg5 15.~c3 0f6 16J::adl g6°o bxa30xa3 16.dSoo Boudy-Szilagyi,
Lein-Christiansen, USA 1981) 13. Vama 1979;
IUg5 ll:fd8 14.ll:adl ~h5 IHlel ~f4 a2) II.lUa2 I!!id6
16.l!!ie4 ~g6 17.l':lfel IUfS 18.l!!ic2 (a2) ll...b5 12.dS
l':lacS 19.d5 exd5 20.~d5 I!!ibS 21. (a2) 12.0g5 -lUgS;
~g5± a2) 12.l!!id3 b4 13.~e4 IUb7 14.
l':ld I ~xe4 I Hlxe4 ~aS 16.d5 b3 17.
IUbl g6 IS.l!!if4 0xd5 19.1!!ih6 f5 20.
~g5 0xg5 21.I!2xg5 I!!id7 22.0d2 ~c6
23.lUe3 ~f7 24.lUd3 eS 25.l!!ie3 ll:fd8
26.l!!ie2 f4 27.0xa6 f3 28.l!!ib5 l!!ie6
29.lUb7 'iJlg4 30.g3 0c4 31.l!!ixc6 0e2
32.0xaS ~dl 33.l!!if6 Ljuboevie-
Kuczynski, Moscow 1994 1-0)
12 ... exdS 13.~xdS ~xdS 14.l!!ixdS
~xg5 ~a5 18.0xb7 ~xb7 19J1fdl
Kasparov-Larsen, Brussels 19S7) ll:fd8= Boensch- Gulko, Muenich
l2 ... l':lcS 13.lUa2 1990) IHie3
14 J6zsef Pinter
b3) 10.\1lc3 b6 Il.We2 \1lb7 12. (b) 8 ... cxd4 9.cxd4 §ie7 10.0-0
~adl ~b4 J3.~5 a6 14.~[el b5 IS. 0-0 II.Ele I \\!Id6 12.§ie3 ~d8=
\1lb3 ~bd5 16.\1lc I ~c8 17 .Eld3 ~xc3 (b)12 ... ~g4?! 13.d5!;!: Onis-
18.bxc3 \1le4 19.~e3 I1lg6 20.~xg6 chuk-Sveshnikov, Ncfteyugansk
hxg6= Sokolov-Van der Werf, Ber- 2000) ) 9.0-0 0-0 10.@d3 b6
lin 1993; 10 ... b6 I1.a3 §ia6! 12.~cl 1l.Eldl \1lb7 12.We2 'I!Ic7= 13.d5
Hc8 IH!g5 h6 exd5 14.§ixd5 ~d4 15.~xd4?!
(b) 13...~d5=) 14.\1lf4 ~a5 IS. (b) 15.exd4=) 15 ... ~xd5 16.
\1lc2 ~c4 16.Wc\ §ib7 17.l1lxh6 ~d5! ~xd5 §ixd5 17.~f5 §ib3 18.~e7t
\\!Ixe7 19.~el Hemandcz-Zaitsev,
Havana 1983 19 ... a5 20.~a3 \\!Ie6=F;
8... b5 9.§id3 (9.§ib3 §ib7 1O.\\!Ie2 Wc7
Il.d5 ~a5 12.dxe6 ~xb3 13.cxf7t
\\!Ixf7 14.axb3 §id6i1i Lein-Marja-
novic, Vrsac 1979) 9 ...§ib7 10.a4 b4
II.~c4 ~xe4 (11...cxd4 12.cxd4
~a5 13.~f6t gxf6 14.~el \1ld5",
Rodriguez-Tatai, Las Palmas 1975)
12.§ixe4 ~a5 J3.§ixb7 ~b7= 14.
@c2I1ld615.Eldl 0--0 16.b3 \\!Ic717.
\1lb2 a5= lanowski-Lasker, Berlin
18.~e5 1910.
(b) 18Jlc4 ~xc3 19.Elg4 ~e2t 6 ... cxd4
20.MI ~xcl 2U'lxg7t=) 18...~xb2 6 ... a67.dxc5
19.'I!Ixb2 ~xc3 20.§ie3 'I!Id5+ Gluz- a) 7.b3 l1le7
man-Rogers, Camberra 1993; 8.0-0 a 1) 7 .. .\1ld6 8.\1ld3 0-0 9.0-0 b6
a) 8.§id3!? §ie7 (al) 9 ... \\!Ie7 I 0.\1lb2 Eld8 11.\\!Ic2
(a) 8... cxd4 9.exd4 §ic7 10.0-0 (al) I U'1e I b6 12.\\!Ic2 I1lb7 13.
0-0 II.§ic3 b5 12.a4 bxa4 13.~a4 cxd5 cxd5 14.dxc5 bxc5 15.e4;!:
~b4 14.\1le2 §ib7 15.~c5 §id5 16.~c5 Nekolov-Atanasov, Sofia 1981)
as 17.§if3 §ixc5 18.dxc5 Wc7 19. l1...h6 12.~fdl dxc4 13.l)xc4 §id7
I1lxd5 ~fxd5 20.§id4 [6= Li Zunian- 14.~e4 ~xe4 15.§ixe4 §ie8 16.d5
Eingom, Beijing 1991) 9.0-0 0-0 exd5 17.Elxd5 b5 18.~adl ~ab8 19.
10.a3 cxd4 \\!Ic3 f6 20.§ibl §ie5= Gulko-Wolff,
(a) 1O ... b5? Il.dxc5 Ela7 12.\\!Ic2 USA 1993) 10.§ib2 cxd4
Eld7 13.§ie2 b4 14.~a4 ~d5 15.b3 (al) 10 ... l1lb7 Il.cxd5 cxd5 12.
§ib7 16.e4 Eld7 17.§ib2 bxa3 Lemer- ~c2 ~e4 13.~g3;!: Spasov-Rutlien,
Dvoiris, Novi Sad 1988 18.l1lxa3 as Eksjo 1981) Il.exd4 §ib7 Tal,M -
19 .§ib5±) Il.exd4 b5=; Beljavskij,A USSR (ch) 1974 12.
b) 8.a4 §ie7 \\!Ic2 ... ~fdl, f1acl;!: ;
16 J6zscf Pintcr
a2) 7 ... cxd4 8.cxd4 fie7 9.cS fif6 lZ.!;lel b6 13.fifl flxc3 14.fixc3
a21) 9.fie2 0-0 10.0-0 b6 11. Balashov-Sokolov, Elista 1994 Y:z-
fif4?! fib7 IHlcS dxc4 13.fif3 !;lc8 Y:z) 10.fixc3 g6 II.~eZ fig7 lZ.0-0
14.bxc4 flaS= IS.fixb7 0-0= Farago-Raicevic, Beograd
(a21) IS.dS? flxc4 16.dxe6 1982; 8.fib2
I/!ixdl 17.fixdl flxeS 18.fixeS fxe6+) (a) 8.fie2 0-0 9.dxcS ~xcS 10.
IS ...flxb716.dS cxdS exdS II.~bZ fia7 lZ.0-0 Va-
(a21) 16.l/!id3=) 16 ...flaS 17.l/!id3 ganian-Littlcwood, Hastings 198Z1
fid6 83) IZ ... d4=) 8...0-0 9.fid3
(a) 9.fic2 b6 10.0-0 ~b7 11.
cxdS exdS IZ.dxcS bxcS 13.Hcl
!!b8 14.~a4 fle4 IS.fid3 fid6", Ma-
rovic-Chekhov, Banjaluka 1976)
9 ...cxd4
(a) 9 ... b6 10.0-0 fib7 II.!;lcl
He8 IZ.cxdS exdS 13.dxcS fixeS 14.
~eZ;I; Farago-Marjanovic, Dort-
mund 1978) 10.exd4 dxc4
(a)10 ... b6 11.0-0 ~b7 lZ.l/!ieZ
(a) 1Z.!;lc I !;lc8 13.cxdS flxdS
14.~xdS I/!ixdS IS.fie4 I/!ihS 16.flcS
(a21) 17 ...flhS 18.fid2 fif6+) I/!ixdl 17.Haxdl ii:fd8= Cafferty-B.
18.flxf7 fuf7 19.dxe6 fixf4+ Va- Kelly, Great Britain 1999) 12 ... He8
ganian-Zaichik, USSR 1982; 13.Hadl ~aS 14.~c2 dxc4 I S.b4
a22) 9.~b2 0-0 10.~d3; 9 ... b6 ~c6= Tal-Gipslis, USSR 1967) 11.
lO.cxb6 bxc411lh8
(a2) 10.b4 bxcS Il.bxcS fle4 (a) 11...l/!ic7 12.0-0 Hd8 13.l/!icZ
12.~d2 ~f6~) 10 ... fld7 IUd3 as flaS 14.!;ladl fid7 IS.ii:fel ii:ac8 16.
(a2) 11...0-0 12.0-0 as!?) 12. fleS± Balashov-Kvcinys,- USSR
flbS! I/!ixb6 13.~f4 0-0 14.0-O!;I; 1980) 12.fic2
fla7? (a) 12.fic2 bS! 13.cxbS axbS 14.
(a2) 14 ...flf6 IS.!;lC! ~d7 16.l/!ie2 0-0 b4 1S.fle4 Vaganian-Alburt,
!;lfc8 17JlcZ ~e4 18.!;lfc1 ~f6 SSSR (ch) 1974 IS ... fia6 16J1el
19.1/!ie3;1;) IS.~c7 !;lb8 16.b4! fib7 fic4+) 1Z ... b6 13.0-0 fib7 14.l/!id3
17 .bxaS! I/!ixaS 18.l/!ieZ eS" (Gel- ii:c8 IS.Hac! flaS 16.~dZ I/lId7 17.
fand-Kramnik, Sanghi Nagar 1994) ~dl fic6 18.~e3 bS= Vaganian-
19. flxeS! I/!ixc7 20.!;lacl+-; Kholmov, Vilnius 1975;
a3) 7 ... fle4 8.fibZ cxd4 9.exd4 b) 7.fid3 dxc4
flxc3 (b) 7 ...fie7 8.0-0 0-0 9.dxcS
(a3) 9 ... fie7 10.fie2 0-0 11.0-0 fixcS lO.b4 fia7 II.cxdS exdS lZ.bS
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 17
f1c4 e5 19.Q'ixf6 Qlxf6 20.1'!If3 King- lO.cxd5. This is the main line.
Polugaevsky, Oviedo activ 1992 White creates an isolated pawn in
20... cxd4+; 7... Q'ixc5 8.b4 the centre and completes his devel-
opment. The position reminds of
the Queen's Gambit Accepted with
reversed colours.
a)10.l'!Ic2 Illd7
(a) 10 ...fle5 11.f1dl flxf3t 12.
gxf3 \'!Ic7 13.c5 llle7 14.fla4 Illd7 15.
flb6 f1ae8 16.f4 Q'ic6 17.f1g1I1lb5 IS.
Q'ixb5 axbS 19.!.!1e5 \'!Ic6 20.\'!Ib2±
Anand-Polugaevsky, Roqucbr. 1992;
a) 10 ...dxc4 11.I1lxc4 bS 12.!.!1d3
!.!1b7 13.f1dl f1cS 14.\'!Ib I h6= Ivkov-
Bellon, Torremolinos 19S3;
8... 0d6 (8 ... llle7 9.0b2 dxc4 a) 10 ... l'!Ie7 I U:1dl f1dS 12.h3
(9...0-0 10.cxd5 (10.\'!Ic2 \'!Ic7 I!. dxc4 13.Qlxc4 bS 14.!.!1a2 !.!1b7 IS.
cxd5 exd5 12.Q'ic2 f1d8 13.0-0 Illg4 0-0 fle5 Plachetka-Barczay, Kecs-
14.f1acl f1ac8 15.fla4 flc4 16.flc5 kemet 19S3 Y>-Y» II.f1dl f1c8 12.
Q'ifS 17.l'!Idl \'!Id6 18.flxc6l'l:xc6 19.f3 0e2 fleSoo
f1xc I 20.Q'ixc I = Ivanov-Kosic, Bu- (a) 12 ... \'!Ie7 13.cS !.!1bS 14.e4
kovinske Banje 1993) 10 ...flxd5 I!. dxe4 IS.flxe4 flxe4 16.l'!Ixe4 f1cd8
flxd5 exd5 12.llle2 Q'if6 13.\'!Id2 Q'if5 17.0-0 eS IS.!.!1c4Il1hS 19.h4 fS 20.
14.0-0 Q'ie4 l5.f1acl Illxb2 16.\'!Ixb2 \'!Ie2 h6 21.flgS Bukic-lelen, Bled
\'!Ie7 17.f1fdl f1adS. lS.l'!Id2 f1d6 1992 Y>-Y» 13.cxdS exdS 14. \'!Id2
19.fld4 flxd4 20.\'!Ixd4;!; Sokolov- f1eS IS.flxdS !.!1a4 16.flxe5 !.!1xeS
Chandler, BlUsscls rapid 1992) 10. 17.flxf6t \'!Ixf6 IS.!.!1xeS \'!IxeS 19.
Q'ixc4 \'!Ixdlt IU1xdl 0-0 12.0--0 b5 f1cl I1lc6 20.0-0 \'!IgS 21.g3~ Ivkov-
IHld3 Q'ib7 14.flc4 l'l:fd8 IHlxf6t Timman, Bugojno 1982; b)\O.f1cl
Q'ixf6 16.Q'ixf6 gxf6 17.Q'ic4 f5 IS.
Q'ixc6 Q'ixc6 19.f1xdSt f1xdS 20.fld4
Q'id5= Ionescu-BlUk, Haifa 19S9)
9.Q'ib2 0-0 (9 ... dxc4 10.Q'ixc4 b5
(10 ... 0-0 11.0-0 ~e5 12.flxe5 Qlxc5
13.\'!Ixd8 f1xd8 14.f1fd1 I1ld7 Gure-
vich-Eh1vest, Reggio 1988 Y>-Y»
11.Q'id3 Illb7 12.fle4 llle7 13.f1b1 0-0
14.0-0 flxc4 15.lllxe4 \'!Ixdl 16.
f1fxd1 f1adS 17.M1 fS= Paehman-
Reshevsky, Amsterdam (izt) 1964)
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 19
An old line which was popular (a) 13...~5!? 14.bxa6 bxa6 15.
in the first quarter of the 20th cen- ~xa6 ilbS 16.~b5 l!le7 17.~e5 ilaS
tury with the first game dated back 18.~c7
in 1907. While is not in a hurry (a) 18.~c7"') 18 ... Yiid7 19.1!lxa5
with the development of the king- ilxa6-+) 14.~xb5 ~xf3 15.~xf3
side and waits for Black to play ~e5= 16.!'1bl Yiie7 17.~c3 d4 18.
dxc4 in order not to lose a tempo exd4 ~xd4 19.ilel l:'!fdS 20Jlc1
for the development of the light- Yiid6+(Tal-Browne, Naestved 1985)
squared bishop. 13 ... 0bS 14.~a4 ~e4
10 ... ~eS II.~xeS 0xeS 12.~d3 (a) 14 ... Yiid6 IS.g3 ~e4 16.~cS
dxc4 13.0xc4 I!ld7 14.0e2 f1cS 15. ~xe5 17.ilxc5 !'1fdS 18.~d4;!; I!lxe2
0-0 Wb6 16.l!lal !'1fdS 17.~b3 I!lc6 19.tWxe2 ~d4 20.~xd4;!; Mikhal-
IS.l";Ifdl ~S 19.~xdS \1lxdS 20.~bl chisin-Stangl, 1992) IS.~c5 lI!Jc7
I!lxal= Smyslov-Tal, Aker Brygge 16.g3 ilfdS;!;;
19S9; 1O ... exdS II.I!le2 (Il.!'1c1 ~e7 b) 1l...l!le6 12.0-0 lI!Je7
12.l!le2 b1dS 13.0-0 ~g4 14.~a4 ~c4 (b) 12 ... a5 13.b5 ~e5 14.~xc5
IS.g3 I!lh3", Kolarov-Padevski, ~xe5 IS.~a4 I!lxb2 16.~xb2l1!Jd6 17.
Vama 1969) 11 ... !'1eS lI!Jd4 ~e4 18.0d3 ~c5 19.1!lc2 l:'!fcS
a) 1l...l!lg4 12.0-0 20.l:'!fdl= Shamkovich-Crawley, Bel-
(a) 12.h3 l!le6 13.~d3 !'1cS 14. grade 19S5) 13.l:'!c1
ilc1 ~bS IS.Yiib I Yiie7 16.Yiial ilfd8 (b) 13.lI!Jd2 l:'!adS 14.ilfdl I!lbS
17.~a4 ~a7 IS.O-O bS 19.~S ~xcS 15.b5 axb5 16.~xb5 ~e4",) 13 ...
20.bxcS ~a5 Von Hcnnan-Shipov, l:'!fdS 14.~a4
Berlin 1995 21.~xf6 l!i'xf6 22.Yiixf6 (b) 14.lI!Jc2 ilacS IS.lI!Jbl b5 16.
gxf6 23.~d4 ~c4 24.c6±) 12 ... ilcS f1fdl h6 17.g3 ~b8 ISJ!d2 0a7 19.
a1) 12 ... ~c7!? 13.ilc\;t; ~dl ~e4 20.ildc2 Yiid7+
(a1) 13.bS?! Yiid6
(a1) 13...~aS 14.bxa6 bxa6 IS.
~a4 ile8 16.h3 ~xf3 17.lhf3 Yiid6
IS.g3 ~c4 19.1!ld4 ~xe3 20.0xe3
ilxe3 2l.fxe3 Yiixg3t 22.l!lg2 Yiih2t
23.M2 ~e4t Franco-Wahls, Biel
19890-1) 14.g3 ~aS=
(a1) 14 ...~e7 15.a4 ilfeS 16.l!la3
Yiid7 17.i1h1 ~f5 18.b6 I!ldS 19.1!i'b3
ilcS 20.ilfdl;!; Muragan-Neelakan-
dan, Palani 1991);
a2) 12...~xf3!? 13.l!lxf3 l!leS 14.
Yiib3 d4 15.~a4; 13.!'1cl Rotstein-Vladimirov, Helsinki
(a) 13.b5 axb5 1992) 14 ... ilac8 15.~c5 ~e4 16.
20 J6zsef Pinter
~xe6 fxe6°o (Ivkov-Tatai, Budva dxc4 10.(i)xc4 cxd4 I1.exd4 ~e7 12.
19S1); 0-0 0-0 13.f1fel f1d8 14.f1ad1 (!lf6
C) II...(i)c7 12.0-0 15.'l!if4 ~e7 16.~e4I/!if5 17.'l!ic7 f1d7
(c) 12.f1cl I/!id6 13.b5 ~c7 14. IS.l/!ig3 'l!ig6 19.~f6t gxf6 20.'l!ih4
0-0 (i)g4 15.g3 I/!id7 16.bxa6 f1xa6 ~f5;!; Azmaiparashvili-Van der
17.~b5 (i)bS IS.~e5 (i)xe5 19.'~xe5 Wiel, WAZ 1993) 8.bxc3
~xe2 20.l/!ixe2 f1cS;!; HOIvath-Ma- (a) 8.'l!ixc3 cxd4 9.~d4 ~xd4
inka, Budapest 1990) 12 ... l/!id6 13. 10.l/!ixd4 dxc4 IUhdSt wxdS
g30h3 f1ad8°o (Lemer-Tuk- 12.(i)xc4 (i)d6= 13.(!ld2 we7 14.~c3
makov, USSR 1983); (i)d7= Torre-Rodriguez, Bangalore
d) 1l...~b8 12J:'lc1 ~g4 13.~a4 19S1) 8...~e7
iUxf3 14.~xf3 ~e5 15.iUxc5 ~xeS 16. (a) S... dxc4 9.(i)xc4 (i)c7 10.0-0
0-0 I/!id6 17.~c5 b6 18.~d3 ~xf3t 0-0 1Ud1 'l!ic7 12.(!ld3 g6 13.e4
19.1/!ixf3 a5 20.g3;!; Farago-Je1en, f1d8 14.(i)e3 b6 15.YiIa2 (i)f6 16.e5
Ljubljana 1992; 12.0-0 (i)c7 13.f1c1 ~e7 17.h4 (i)b7 IS.h5 ~5 19.hxg6
(I3.l/!id2 I/!id6 14.f1fd1 d4 15.exd4 hxg6 20.~h2 wg7 21.~g4 f1hS 22.
(i)g416.g3 f1ad8 17.l/!id3 ~b618.~a4 dxcS f1h4 23.f3 f1ah8 24.cxb6 axb6
(i)xf3 19.iUxf3 (i)xd4 20.l/!ic2;!; Gran- 25.11If2 (!lc5=t Ragozin-Notkin, Elis-
da-Franco, Barcelona 1990) 13 ... ta 1994) 9.(!ld3
I/!id6= 14.b5!? ~e5 15.~eS'l!ixe5 16. (a) 9.~b2 0-0 1O.(i)d3 h6 11.0-0
g3 ~h3 17.bxa6 (I7.f1e1 ~a5 18. ~a5 12.~d2 dxc4 13.~xc4 ~xc4 14.
bxa6 bxa6 19.'l!ia4 d4°o Doettling- (i)xc4 b6 15.e4 (!lb7 16.'l!ie2 f1cS=
Maier, Germany 1998; 17.~a4I/!id6 Petrosian-Fischcr, Buenos Aircs 0a5 19.(;lc3 axb5 20.(i)xb5 (m/8) 1971) 9 ... dxc4 10.(i)xc4 0-0
f1ed8= Kallai-Palkovi, Hungary 1Ud3
19S9) 17...~xfl IS.(i)xfl bxa6! 19. (a) 11.0-0 I/!ic7 12.(i)d3 h6 13.e4
~b5 I/!ixb2 20.~xc7 I/!ixa3 21.~xeS ~5 14.cS!;!; Vaisser-Gusev, USSR
f1xcS 22.f1a1 =; 6 ... dxc4 7.(i)xc4 a6 1972 14 ... b6;!;) ll...h6 12.0-0 b6
S.O-O b5 9.(!la2 (i)b7 10.l/!ie2 (i)c7 13.(i)b2 ~f6 14.f1ad1 cxd4 IS.cxd4
II.f1d1 (I1.dxc5 (i)xc5 12.f1dl l/!ie7 (!lb7 16.'l!ie2 g6 17.e4 f1eS IS.c5 (!lg7
13.b4 (!lb6 14.h3 0-0 IS.e4 f1fdS 19.h4 ~c7 20.h5± Inkiov-Hjorth,
16.(i)e3 I/!ic7 17.(i)xb6 I/!ixb6 IS.c5 Thessaloniki 19S8;
~cS 19.~e4 as 20.bxaS f1xa5= Dju- b) 7.cxdS ~xc3 S.bxc3 exd5
urhuis-Galcgo, Manila 1992) 11... 9.~bS (!le7 1O.~e5 'l!ic7 IUa4 (i)d7
I/!ic7 12.dxc5 (i)xcS 13.b4 (!le7 14. 12.~xd7I/!ixd7 13.dxc5 (!lxc5 14.0-0
(i)b20-0 IS.f1ac1 f1adS 16.f1elt Iv- 0-0 15.f1dl a6 16.(i)e2 f1fdS 17.'l!ic2
kov-Hu1ak, Jugoslavija (ch) 1976; l/!ie6 IS.a4 f1acS 19.f1bl f1c7 20.l/!ia2
6...~e4 7.(!ld3 f1cd7 21.f1b2 ~e5 22.f1bd2 ~c4 23.
a) 7 .YlJc2 ~xc3 (!lxc4 dxc4 24.a5 f1xd2 2S.f1xd2
(a) 7 ... l/!ia5 S.0d2 ~xd2 9.l/!ixd2 f1xd2 26.l/!ixd2 g6 27.f3 \\Iic5 2S.I1If2
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 21
wg7 29.g3 \!\IhS 30.wg2 lite7 31.e4 16.litc4 E1e8 17.~S ~e6=) ll...dxc4
1!IJxaS 32.lJIid4t wg8 33.lith6 1itf8 (b) ll...dxe4 12.1!IJxe4 f5
34.1iixf8 I1Ixf8 3S.1!IJxc4 IJIid8 'Iz-'Iz (b) 12 ... g6» 12.~xc4 ~c4
(Almasi,I-Lukacs, Budapest 2000); (b) 12 ... cxd4 13.cxd4 ~c4 14.
c) Hlxe4 dxe4 8.~d2 fS; 1!IJxc4=) 13.lJIixc41!1Jc7 14.lJIid3 Iitd7
7...~xc3 (7 ... fS?!) 8.bxc3 lite7 (b) 14 ... itdS IS.dS=) IS.eS ~e7
a) 8...1!IJaS 9.1iid2 dxc4 1O.litxc4 16.~gS
Iitd6?! Il.e4 0-0 12.0-0 cxd4 13. (b) 16.~gS ~c6) 16...~xgS 17.
cxd4 \!lIhS 14.cHle7 IS.1!IJe21itd7 16. ~xgS flfcS IS.1!IJg3
h3 (b) IS.dxcS?! 1!IJxeS 19.1!IJxd7
(a) 16J1abl!) 16 ... E1ac8 17.E1fel 1!IJxg5 20J'~fc1 l'1ab8=F) IS ... whS 19.
wh8 18 .E1ab I ~d8 19.E1b3 !'1fel
(b) 19.E1abl b6 20.lJIif4 cxd4 21.
cxd4litc6 22.f3=) 19 ... cxd4 20.cxd4
7 (b) 2l...liteS) 22.l::labl
(b) 22.1!IJg41!1hS 23.1!IJf4=;
b) 22.!'1ecl IJIib2=;
4 b) 22.~e7 E1c4 23.~cS 1!IJaS
24.lJIie4 l/lIa6't) 22 ... b6 23.h4?
(b) 23.lite7 protects the a-pawn;
b) 23.!'1e3?? 1!IJcl t-+;
b) 23.!'1al !?=) 23 ...1!IJxa3 Janow-
ski-Marshall, (Cambridge. Springs
(a) 19.1itbS!?; 1904); 9.0-0 dxc4 (9 ... 0-0 10.litb2
a) 19.1!IJd31itc6 20.litbS~,) 19 ... litc6 (lO.1!IJc2 g6 11.cxdS exdS 12.dxcS
20.litbS IitdS;1; Portisch-Hjartarson, ~aS 13.0b2 ~c4 (l3...~f6 14.~d4
Linares 1989; Iitd7 15.a4;1; Lugovoi-Dvoirys, Rus-
b) 8... litd6 9.0-0 0-0 sia 1996) 14.ll!xc4 dxc4 IS.~d4
(b) 9... dxc4 10.litxc4 0-0 Il.e4 ~xcS 16.1!IJe2 IJIib6 17.a4 (l7.e4!?)
b6 12.lite3±) 10.lJIie2 17 ...!'1eS IS.l::lfbl ~xd4 19.cxd4 ~f5
(b) lO.c4 dxe4 Il.litxe4; 20.E1dl ~d3= Vaiser-Andrianov,
b) 10.lJIic2; Budapest 1989) 1O ...~S
b) lO.cxd5 exdS 11.e4) 10 ...~aS a) 10 ... dxc4 II.~xc4 1!IJc7 12.e4
(b) 10 ... dxc4 Il.litxc4 ~aS 12. flaS IHld3 b5 14.a4 c4 IS.~c2
~a2; (a) IS.lite2 b4 16.cxb4 ~xb4 17.
b) 10 ... b6? Il.e4 dxe4 12. lita3 4lc6 IS.eS Iitxa3 19.1::lxa3 h6)
1!IJxe4+-) Il.e4!? IS ... b4 16.cxb4 1iixb4 17.~a3 flc6
(b) Il.cxdS exdS 12.e4 ~b3 13. 18.e51iixa3 19.E1xa3 h6 'Iz-'Iz (King-
ita2 ~xcl 14J1xcl dxe4 IS.lJIixe4 g6 Sax, Lugano 19S9);
22 J6zsef Pinter
\1b5 15.fle5 l"1c8 16.lWd2 IWc7 17.a4 16.l"1el IWf5 17.fia2 fid6 IS.d5 fle7
IWxc2 18.axb5 ~xd2 19.~xd2 flb3 19.fld4 IWg6 20.fibl f5 21.flxe6
20.l"1ab 1+ Klinger-W)nants, Thessa- Il>xd5 0-1 (Ivanov-Roos, Saint John
loniki 1988) 8 ... flxc3 9.bxc3 dxc4 1988) 9 ... dxc4 10.\1xc4 fld5 11.
10.~c4 ~e7 11.0-0 h4!?oo (11.~xe7?! flcxe7 12.flxd5
a) II.~d3 0-0 12.~e2 ~f6 (12.0-0 b6) 12 ... flxd5 13.0-0 b6+
13.0-0 g6 14.0h6!? 14.\!ja4 flf4 15.lWc6 l"1bS 16.lWc4 IWf6
(a) 14.\1f4 b6= Rodriguez-Nunn, 17.fid3 flxd3 18.lWxd3 ~b7 19.fle5
Amsterdam 1975); l"1fd8 20.l"1ad1 IWg5=F Shamkovich-
b) Il.lWc2!? b6 12.\1d3 0b7 13. Kasparov, Malta 1980); S.cxd5
0-0 h6 14.lWc2 ~f6 15.l"1dl!? cxd5 9.h3 fle4 1O.~d3 ~f5 11.0·-0
(b) 15.\1f4;l; Gurevich-Winants, 0-0 12.fla4 fif6 1Hle3 l"1e8 14.ric1
Haarlem 1998); 11...0-0 12.lWd3 'Wd6 15.flc5 b6 16.~a6 riac8 17.~b5
(12.l"1el b6 13.\1d3 ~b7; 12.lWe2 b6 l"1edS 18.lWa4 fle7 19.flb4 as
13.h4 \1b7 14.0d3 fla5 15.flg5 \1xg5 20.~d3= Panno-Kasparov, simu1
16.\1xg5 ~d5+ Ostermeyer-Suba, 1992; 8.fie3 dxc4 9.fixc4 0-0 10.
Dortmund 1984) 12 ... b6 13.h4! l"1cl ~d5 11.0-0 flxe3 12.l"1xc3 ~f6
(13.\1f4 \1b7 14.l"1fell"1c8=) 13 ... \1b7 IHld3 g6 14.fie4 ~d7 15.lWd2 a6
14.h5 l"1c8 15.\1a2 (15.\1f4 fla5 16. 16.l"1d1IWa5 17.b41Wd8 18.l"1c5 ~e7
\1a2 \1d5 17.\1bl f5 18.l"1el flc4 19. 19.1"1cc1 f5 20.~b1± Smyslov-
a4 (Ribli-Illescas, Barcelona 1989 Mascarinas, Rome 1990]
v,-v,) 15 .. .';\'f6 16.l"1el l"1e8 17.\1f4! 8... ~e4 9.\1bS
fla5 (17 ... g6 18.l"1adl ~e7 19.hxg6
hxg6 20.c4;l;; 17 ...flc7 18.l"1adl;!;)
IS.fle5 \1xe5 19.1"1xe5 \1d5 20.l"1g5;l;
Popov-Foisor, Berlin 1987; 7 ...
dxc4 8.\1xc4 fie7 9.0-00-0 10.lWd3
a6 Il.fig5 b5 12.fia2 l"1c8 (12 ... l"1a7
13.l"1adl l"1d7 14.fibl g6 15.rifel b4
16.axb4 ~xb4 17.lWd2 flc6 18.\1h6
l"1e8 19.fic2;l; Fedorowicz-Dlugy,
New York 1984) 13.l"1adl b4 14.
Il>xf6 Il>xf6 15.fle4 ll>e7 16.d5 exd5
IHlxd5 IWb6 IS.flcg5 1-0 (Heb-
den-Arkcll, Eastbourne 1990) 9.lWc2 fuc3
8.eS a) 9 ...e5 10.flxe5
[S.fig5 0-0 9.\1d3 (9.ricl h6 (a) lO.fud5!?lWxd5IUc4flxd4
(9 ... dxc4 10.~c4 fld5!?) 10.fif4 b6 12.flxd4lWxc5 13.~b5t
I1.cxd5 flxd5 12.fud51Wxd5 13.fic4 (a) 13.flb3?! IWc6 14.fla5 'Wg6
lWe41" 14.ll>e3 fib7 15.0-0 l"1fdS 15.~d3 \1f5 16.flc4 IWxg2 17.l"1fl
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 25
15 ... c5 16.~dS ~xdS 17.lllxdS IllfS 2004) 17.0xbS axbS IS.~b6 0xb6
18.@xfS Illxb2 19.):;:a2 19.exb6 d3 20.<;Ixf6 gxf6 21.\\lIg4t
(a) 19.!'1abl <;Ixa3 20.!'1fel <;Ixb4 IlIh8 22.b1fdl
21.!'1xeS IWf8~) 19 ...0d4 20.!'1e2 IWd7 (bI) 22.\\lIG d2' 23.!'1adl !::1a624.
2l.IWe4 YO-YO Spassky-Gligorie, VJ:f4 !::1e2 2S.\\lIf3 !'1e6 26.\\lIxb7 !::1axb6
Skopje 1969; 27.\\lIxf7 j;!ed6't) 22 ... \\lIdS
b) 1O ... d4 II.exd4 ~xd4 12.0-0 (bI) 22 ... d2!) 23.\\lIf4lje6 24.1l!lG
eS !Wxf3 2S.gxf3 !'1dS+ Taylor-Gure-
(b) 12...~xe2t 13.IWxe2 J!.lie7 14. vieh, Reno 2004;
!'1adl b2) IHlbl 0b8
(b) 14.eS b6 (b2) 15...lllfS!? 16.0f3 \\lIe7 17.
(b) 14 ... <;Id7 IS.!'1adl !'1ad8 16. ~d2 !'1ad8 18.~b3 b6 19.!'1cl ~e4 20.
~e5 <;Ie6;!;) 15.~a4 bxeS 16.~xeS 0xd4 bxeS 21.~eS ~xeS 22.bxe5
<;IxeS 17.!'1acl <;Ixf2t 18.\\!Ixf2 \\!If4 h6i6) 16.0xd4 ~c4 17.~3 0h3?
(b) 19.93 IWh6 20.~eS 0b7 21.
!'1e7 0dS",) 19 ... @h6 20.0xf6 \'lIxf6
21.!'1e7 eS 2HlxeS i!!Ixf2t 2Hlxf2
0e6 24.~e6 !'1fe8;!;) 14 ... 0d7 IS.~eS
0e6 16.~g4?
(b) 16.~xe6 Wxe6 17.eS;!;) 16 ...
0b8 20.f4 eS 21.i!!Ie4t IlIh8 22.~dS
\\!If7 23.~b6 \'lIxe4
(b) 23...\\lIg6!'t) 24.~xe4 0bS
25.~xeS 0xfI 26.19xfI 0xeS 27.
0xeS !'1d8 28.0d6 Hfe8 29.1lIf2't (b2) 17...IWh4! IS.g3
Ehlvest-Sretenskij, Internet Chess (b2) IS.h3? '!!If4) 18...~xg3 19.
Club 2002) I3.eS !:le8 14.~xd4 fxg3 <;Ixg3 20.j;!f2 0xf2t 21.0xf2
exd4 IS.~a2 IWgSt 22.whl 0h3 23.0fl 0xfI 24.
bI) IS.~a4?! 0d7 16.0e4 IWxfl j;!adS=) IS.f4!
(bI) 16.0G 0b5 17.i!!Ixd4 0xa4 (b2) 18.~e4! 1'lxe4 19.0b2 \\lIe7
18.0xb7 \\lIxd4 19.0xd4 !'1ab8 20. (b2) 19 ... \\!IgS 20.<;If3 lTh4 2l.g3
0xa6 Eie6 21.0e4 !'1e4 22.0xf6 !'1xe4 IllxfI 22.0xb7 !'1a7 23.\\lId7 h6 24.
23.0cS !'1eS=) 16 ... 0bS Ilixfl+-) 20.f4±) 18 ... 0f5 19.<;If3
(bI) 16 ... 0e6 17.~b6 0xb6 IS. 0e7 20.~xe4 0xc4 21.g3 b6 2U!e!
exb6@xb6 19.<;Ixd4 \\lId8 20.<;Ib2 Eie8 <;Ixf3 23.l:'!xf3 bxeS 24.0xeS IWf6
21.\\lIxd8 !'1exd8 22.0xf6 gxf6 23. 2S.!'1d3± Partanen-Kallio, Finland
!'1fc1 1lIf8 24.h3 0e4= Cifuentes 2000; IS ... <;IfS
Parada-Cheparinov, Campillos ESP (b) 15...<;IbS !6.<;Ixd4 ~e4 17.
28 J6zscf Pinter
Think 0.18, CEGT 2005; 11.0-0 l"lad8 14.fJh4 0cB (14 ...0e6!) 15.@c2
d4 12.exd4 flxd4 13.flxd4'/l1xd4 14. 0bS 16.g3 fle7?! (16 ...0e6 17.f4 d4
@xd4 0xd4 15.0b2 0g4 16.l'2xg4 18.exd4 exf4 19.1"lxf4 '/lIe7 20');lffl
flxg4 17.fla4 0xb2 IS.flxb2 l"lfdS 4lxd4 2J.0xd4 l"lxd4=) 17.f4! fJc6
19.1"lacl !";"ld2 20.fle4 !";"la2 21.f3 flf6 18.f5 '/lIe7 19.fJb6 e4 20.l"ladl fJe5
22.!";"lfdl h6 23.!";"ld2 Y2-Y2 Mamedya- 21.!Wb3 0d7 22.fJg2 0b5 23.0xb5
rov-Istratcscu, Gothenburg 2005; axb5 24.flf4 flf3t 25.l"lxf3 exf3
b) 10.0d3 d4 l1.exd4 0xd4 12. 26.0xf6 '/lIxf6 27.fJbxd5 '/lIe5 2S.<!if2
fJxd4'/l1xd4 13.0b2 0-014.0-0 !l:dS L1de8 29.l/lId3 \\Iib2t 30.!";"ld2 @al
15.0e2 Wh4 16.\Wel fJd4 17.0e4 3J.<:1?xf3 I/'ihl"l" 32.l1Ig4± Kharlov-
fJxe4 IS.flxc4 0f5 19.0 \!l'xe I 20. Ragger, Dresden 2007; 9Jla2 !Wc7
l"laxe I fJe2 21 Jle2 !"1ae8 22.111f2 fJd4 10.i'ld2 0-0 11.0b2 (ll.cxd5 flxb4
23.0xd4 £i:xd4 24.fJc5 b6 25.l"1fel 12.d6 '/lIxc3 13.0b2 !We5 14.axb4
MS 26.fJa4 l"ld6= Fruit 2.0-Aris- '/lIxb4 15.0xf6 gxf6 16.0e2 b5 17.
tarch 4.50, CEGT 2005; 10 ... axb5 0-0 0b7 IS.d7 l"lfdS 19.fJel \\Iie7
Il.flxb5 0b6 (1l...0bB 12.0c2 0-0 20.0f3 0xf3 21.@xf3 0c5 22.!Wc6
13.0-00e6 14.0b2 fle4 15.l"lbl'/lle7 l"la7 23.fJf3 0b4 24Jld4 l"ldxd7
16.\!l'b3 rJcS (16 ...fJa5! 17.\!l'd3 fJe4 25.\\IicSt \\IifB 26.'/lIxd7l"lxd7 27.!";"lxd7
IS.\!l'd4 f5 19.fJe3 fJxb2 20.l"lxb2 '/lIcS-+ Ufim 7.01-Kiwi 0.6d,
l"ldS+) 17 .l"lfc I (! 7.l"lbc I d4 IB.I/Jlc2 CEGT 2005) ll...dxc4 12.!ii'xc4
fJd6 19.'/lId2) 17 ... d4 IS.'/lId3 fJe5 19. flxb4 13.\tlc2 fJc6 14.'/lIc2 0b6
'/lIc2 fJb3 20.l"le I fJb4 (20 ... dxe3! 21. (14 ...fJe7! 15.0-0 0d?:;:) 15.0-0 0a5
fxe3 flcd4 22.'/lIxc8t 0xeS 23.cxd4 16.l"lfdl b5 17.l::ld6 <:i1b7 (l7 ...fJe7!)
0e6+) 21.'/lIdl fJc2 22.flfxd4 fJbxd4 18.fle4 fld4? (l8 ...fJe5 19.'/lIxc7 (19.
23.flxd4 flxel 24.'/lIxcl !ii'd6+ Gan- fJxf6t gxf6 20.@bl l"ladS 21.0xe5
dalf4.32-Tao 5.4, Aichtal2002) 12. fxe5 22.flg5 c4 23.l::lxdS l::lxdS 24.
0e2 <:i1a5·r 13.0d2 0xd2t (13 ...fJe4 0h5 l::lfB 25.fJxe4 f5+) 19 ...0xe7)
14.0-0 flxd2 15.fJxd2 0-0 16.0b3 19.fJxf6t gxf6 20.flxd4 '/lIxd6
0b6 17.0f3 0e6 IB.fl3d4fJe5 19.a4 21.fJf5 !Wb6 22.0xf6 exfS 23.'/lIxfS
0e5 20.<:i1c2 '/lIe7 2J.@b3 ~e6 22. 0c4 24.'/lIf4 0c3 25.0xc3 '/lIg6 26.f3
l"lfdl h6 23J:;(ael flxd4 24.fJxd4 b6= !";"laeB 27.0b4 0c2 2B.l::ld5 '/lIg7 29.
Speelman-Baklan, playehess.eom 0xfB l::lxfB 30.0f1± Junior B-SOS 4
INT2004) 14.@xd20-015.0-0Iilg4 for Arena, Turkey 2004.
I 6.l"lfd I '/!Ie7 17.h3 0xf3 18.<:i1xf3 9... ~
l"lfdS 19.'/lIa2 '/lIe5 20.!:lac1 fle4 21. [9 ... dxe4 10.'/lIxdBt (10.0xc4
'/!ib3 l"lab8 22.fJd4 flg5 2U1e5 flxd4 '/lIxdl t 11.l::lxdl 0-0 12.flg5 b5 13.
24.exd4 fuf3t 25.'/lIxf3 '/lIe6= Fruit 0e2 0b7 14.fJce4 fJxe4 15.fJxe4
2.2.I-Naum 2.0, Chariottesville, !";"ladS 16.0f3 l::lxdl t 17.l1Ixdl l::leS
VA, Turbo 2006; 9.c5 0-0 1O.0e2 IS.l1Ie2 fJe7 19.1::ldl !";"lc2t 20.l::ld2
e5 11.0b2 0f5 12.fJa4 '/lIe7 13.0-0 l"lxd2t 2 J.I1ixd2 0d5 22.l1id3 fJc6
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 31
2S.l1lxg2 1J!icS 29J!fal 1J!ib7t 30.l1lg3 \\!ib3t 49.g3 1J!ixb4;1;:) 41...l1lh6 42.h4
I1lh7=) 27.riieS? gS!~; 3U!ih3t I1lg8 32.r!c1 I1lfS 33.
Cb) 27.1J!ihSt! I1lgS 2S.lt1cS Elxg2t fxe6 Elxg2t! 34.l1lxg2 1J!ib2t 3S.I1lC
29.l1lhl Elxh2t 30.1J!ixh2 Elxh2t 31. \\!ixcl 36.\l!ihSt l1le7 37.cxf7 1J!idl t=)
I1lxh21J!ixb4 32.ElxbSt I1lh7 33.Elgl +-) 30".g6 31.h3 1J!idS 32.l1lh2 I1lg7 33.
27".ElcS? \\!if3 _
Cb) 27".Elxg2t! 2Uxg2 Elxg2t Cb) 33JkS 1J!id3 34.ElcS 1J!id7
29.l1lxg2 1J!ixb4 30.ElxbS f6 3l.\tlal (b) 34".1J!ixe3 3S.1J!ih4+-) 35.
1J!ie4t 32,!;'!f3 1J!ic2t 33.l1lg3 1J!ig6t=) E!bS±) 33".1J!id3 34.ElcS Eld 1
2S.ElxbS? (b) 34".E!b2 3S.r!cS Elxb4 36.1J!ifl
(b) 2S.fS!! It1xeS \\!ifS 37.\\!ih4 IIYhS 3S.1J!idS+-) 3S.1J!ifl!
(b) 2S".f6 29.lWhSt I1lgS 30. (b) 35.e4? 1J!id4
fxe6+-) 29.\\!ihSt I1lg8 30.fxe6 f6 (b) 3S".1/lIxf3 36.gxf3+-) 36.
31.IWf7t! \\!ixf7 32.exf7t I1lxf7 33. ElxbS \\!iglt 37.l1lg3 1/lIelt 3S.l1lh2
ElxcS+-) 2S".ElxbS 29.lt1xbS 1J!ixbS 1J!igl t=) 3S".1/lIbl?
30.Elc1 ! Cb) 3S".E!bl 36.ElcS 1/lIdl 37.E!bS
Cb) 30.f5 1J!icS 1J!ihl t 3S.l1lg3 1/lIcl 39.ElxbS Wc4
bI) 30".1J!ieS 3l.f6 g6 32.1J!ih3t Cb) 39".E!b2 40.ElcS Wbl 41.Wf3
I1lgS 33.1J!ih6 1J!ifS 34.1J!ixfSt I1lxfS 3S. Elxb4=) 40J1b7 Elxb4 41.B:xb4
Elc I l1leS 36J!cSt I1ld7 37.ElfS+-; Wxb4±) 36.B:xbS Elhl t 37.l1lg3 1/lId3
b2) 30".cS 3l.f6 g6 32.Elc1 3S.l;'1cS
(b2) 32.1J!ih3t I1lgS 33.Elc 1 1J!ib6 Cb) 3Ub2t I1lh7 39.E!b7 Wxe3t
34.1J!if3±) 32".1J!ib6 33.1J!ih4·t I1lgS 34. 40.l9g4 eS 41.B:xf7t I1lgS 42.Wa2+-)
1J!igS e4 3S ... lIYb3 39.Wd2 I1lh7 40.Elc3??
Cb2) 34".1J!ie6 3S.h3+-) 35.r!cSt (b) 40.bS B:dl 4Uc3+-) 40".
EldS 36.r!xdSt 1J!ixdS 37.lIYxbS 1J!idl t Wxb44J.1!!lc2WbS?
3S.l1lfl hI) 41...WaS 42.B:c7I1lgS 43.Wc6
Cb2) 3S.iWf11J!id2 39.h3 (bI) 43.B:cSt I1lg7
Cb2) 39.1J!ibl IIYxc3t 40.l1lhl 1J!id3 (bI) 43...wh7 44.1J!ib2 eS 4S.1J!ixeS
4Ulcl c3 42.l1lg1=) 39".1J!ixe3t 40. WxeS 46.fxe5) 44.1J!ib2t eS 45.Wxe5t
I1lh2 1J!id4! 41.b5 1J!ie5t 42.g3 e3 Wxe5 46.fxe5 B:el 47.l1lfl Elb 1 4S.
43.1J!ie2 1J!ixf6 44.1J!ixe3 1J!ib2t=) 3S". B:c7 B:b6 49.11lf3±) 43".1J!iel t 44.wg4
1J!id2t 39.l1lg3 1J!ixe3t 40.l1lg4!? I1lh7! Wdl t 45.wh4WdSt
(b2) 40".1J!ib3 41.1J!ieSt I1lh7 42. (bI) 45".Wh5t 46.l1lg3 gS 47.
1J!ixe4 1J!ib2 43.h3 1J!ixf6 44.bS+-) 41. B:c8t wg7 4S.Wc3t f6 49.Wc7t Wf7
1J!ic4 50.1I!!dS+-) 46.wg3 wg7 47.1J!icS
(b2) 41.h4 1J!ifl!"t; (bI) 47.Wc3t Wf6;1;:) 47".B:dl
b2) 41.1J!id5 1J!ie2t 42.l1lh4 1J!iflt 4S.<;f;>h2 B:d3 49.1J!ieSt
43.l1lh3 e3 44.1J!ixf7t I1lh6 4S.1J!ie6 e2 (bI) 49.B:cS Wd6 SO.WgS ridS
46.f7 I1lg7 47.1J!ieS 1J!ixf7 4S.1J!ixe2 (bI) 50".rlxe3 Sl.l/lIh4+':') SI.
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 33
YJlh4 !:!h5 52.\\\Iel±) 49 ... \\\If6:l;; 23 ... h6 24.~xh6! gxh6 2S.~e6 l!iie7
b2) 4l...cS! 42.fxeS l'lfl~; 42. 26.~xdS !:!xdS 27.!:!xd8t I!iixd8
'fc7 \\\IfS 43.\~k6 wg7 44.\\\Ic3"t 2S.'!lif7+-) 23.~e6?
(b) 44.\\\Ixc6+-) 44 ... wh7 4S.\\\If6
i>g8 46.!:!d7 1·-0 Gauscl-Akesson, • bed e I g h
Gothcnburg 1998) 20 ...!:!d2 8
(b) 20 ... fS 21.~xf5 cxf5 22. 7
\\\Ixf5+;-; 8
b) 20 ... \\\Ig5"t 21.I1Ihl fS 22.
!:!gl+-; 4
b) 20 ... ~xe3 2l.fxe3 !:!d2 22. 8
~eS+-) 2Ucl !:!dS 22.f4 !:!hS 23.
~e4 \\\Ih4 24.llel \\\Ixh2t 2S.I1If1+-;
19.!:!cl (19.!:!el ~xb4 20.axb4 ~xf3
21.gxf3 I!iih4) 19...~d4! 20.~xd4
!:!xcl·, 21.I!!ixcl I!iih4) 17.~c6 (17. (23.~f7t? \\\Ixf7! 24.flxd8t
~d3 llae8 18.'!lie2 ~b8 19J1fdl gS ~xd8·-+; 23.~d6! !:!d7 24.~gf7t
20.e4 g4 21.~cl ~e5 22.exfS exf5 !:!xf7 25. ~xflt i>g8 26.~d6t I1Ih8
23.l1Ihl '!lie6 24.f4 gxf3 2S.~xf3 . 2Hlxb7+-) 23 ... '!lifl 24.~fxg7
~xf3 26.gxf3 IIIfl+' Nimzo 8-Fritz8, l"(xdl t 25.'!lixdl @b8 26.flhS 9Je5??
2003) 17 ... !:!ae8 18.~e5 (18.lladl (26...l!iixe6! 27.~xf6 ~eS 28.@xeS
@xe6 19.!:!xd8t '!lixdS 20.!:!dl '!lie7 '!lixeS 29.~d7 '!lie7 (29 ... '!lib2;!;) 30.
(20 ...\i!dS 21.!:!xd5 exdS 22.'!lixfS ~eS @eS±) 27.'!lidSt ~e8 2S.l!iixb8
\\\IfS 23.'!lixdSt \\\Ifl~) 21.~eS \i!b7=) 1-0 Andersson-Chandler, Tilburg
18...~bS 19.!:!adl @xeS 20.!:!xd8t 1992) 13.1,ild3 @b7 14.~e4 (14.!:!cl
I!iixd8 21.~eS f1xe6=) 16.!:!fdl fS flfdS IS.\'lIe2 flae8 16.~4 ~e4 17.
(16 .. J~aeS 1Hld6!±) 17.~g3 ~f6 ~e4 fS 18.lUe2 IUb6 19.e4 f4 20.
18.l!iib3 i>h8 19.1UxfS! (19.~g5 ~d5 flfdl llxdlt 2U;Cxdl cS 22.lUb3t
20.~hS ~d4 (20 ... \\\IxgS 21.~xg7 e5 IIIh8 23.~d5 ~e7 24.h4 ~d6 2S.~g5
22.~e6 I!iig6 23.~xd8 flxd8 24.0e2 ~d8 26.lUb3 g6 27.l!iid2 h6 28.l!iixd6
~d4 (24 ... l!iid6 2S.~f3 flee?;!;) 2S. '!lixd6 29J1xd6 ~e6 30.~flt I1Ig8
exd4 ~e3 26.0f1 ~xdl 27.llxdl 31.fld7 1-0 Hiares 9-Aristareh4.21,
exd4 28.l!iie3:l;) 21.~xg7 I1Ixg7 22. Brussels 2003) 14.31xe4 IS.~xe4
~h3 ~f6 23.~xd4 IUxd4 24.exd4 llae8 16Jlcl ~bS 17.l!iid3 IUxe4 IS.
flxd4=) 19 ... exf5 20.~xf5 I!iifS? I!iixe4 f5 19.\\\Id3 ~e6 20.!:!fdl fle7?
(20 ... \\\Ie4 21.~d6 flxd6 (2l...l!iie7? (20 ... lUb8;!;) 21.\\\Id6 fidS 22.\\\Ixe7
22.~flt+-) 22.flxd6 fifS 23.!:!e I±) !:!xdl t (22 ... fixe7 23.!:!xdSt ~xdS
21.~gS! );ixdl t 22.!:!xdl fldS (22... 24.fle8 £:d7 2S.wfl ~b6 26.~eS±)
~dS 23.h3! (23.!:!xdS?? !:!xd8 24. 23.£:xdl l'lxe7 24.E1d6 ~bS 25J~dSt
~flt l!iixfl! 2S.\\\Ixfl E1dl#; 23.h4!+-) 1-0 Kcmpinski-Sehmidt, Biel1996)
34 J6zsef Pinter
11.0-0 a:d8 12.'IlJe2 !;td7 13.a:acl ~b2-+; 2S ... 'iilh4 26.Ii:xc6 bxc6
a:ac8 14.cxdS (14.c5!? Another 27.Ii:c1 £lxf2! 28.'IlJxf2 ~h2t 29.Qlf)
plan for White Icading to the "Me- 'IlJxa40-1 1vanchuk-Topalov, Lina-
rano" type of position - with re- res 1997; 10.Ii:c1 d4
verse colours - after 15.e4 d4 16. a) 10 ... 'IlJe7 11.'iilc2
eS) 14 ... eS (14 ...!;tb8!) 15.e4 dxe4 al) I1.cxd5 fld8 12.~e2 exdS
(lS ... d4? 16.£ld5 @e6 17.!;tc4±) 16. 13.~a4 £le4°o Frey-Vilela, Bayamo
£lxe4 !;tb8 17.£lxf6t I¥ixf6 18.D:felt) 1983;
14 ... exdS IS.h3 h6 16.a:fdl !;te6 a2) Il.bS axbS 12.£lxb5 ~b6!oo
17.bS (lH)a4 d4! 18.exd4 ~b3 19. (a2) 12...~b8 13.cxdS £lxdS 14.
'IlJxe7 £lxe7 20.a:e 1 a:xc 1 21.~xc 1 ~d3 ~f6 IS.'IlJc2 eS 16.£ld2 fld8 17.
£lc6 22.£lc5 £lxd4 23.£lxd4 a:xd4) £le4::!; Olafsson-Seirawan, WAZ
17 ... axbS 18 .£lxb5 ~b8 19 .~b 1 £le4 1983) 13.\\\lc2?
20.~a2 £lgS 21.£lfd4 (2I.£lbd4!? (a2) 13.cxdS exdS 14.~d3 ~a5t
'IlJd6 22.£lxe6 fxe6 (22...~xf3t 23. IS.l1Ie2!?) 13...ltlaSt 14.ltlc3 Iilxc3t
'IlJxf3 fxe6 (23 ... 'IlJh2t? 24.Qlf) fxc6 15.'IlJxc3 ~a7 16.£lbd4 eS 17.£lc2 d4
25.'IlJg4+-) 24.g3::!;) 23.g3 ~e4 18.'IlJb4 'IlJe8 19.'IlJaS d3 20.~b4 e4-+
(23 ...£lxh3t 24.<!>g2 ~g5 25.£lxgS Rivas-Kinderman, Plovdiv 1984;
hxgS 26.e4f) 24.~bl) 2l...~xd4 II...D:d8 12.lilc2 dxc4
22.~xd4?! (22.£lxd4! 'IlJd6 23.f4::!;) (a) 12: .. h6 13.0-0 dxc4 14.~xc4
22 ... ~e4 23.a4 b5
a) 23.'IlJhS a:c6 24.~b2 a:dc8+; (a) 14 ... cS! IS.flfdl Itlc6=) IS.
b) 23.'IlJb2 'IlJgS 24.f3 ~g3 25.f4 £lxbS
'IlJh5 26.~c3 rtla7 27.0h2::!; (a) IS.lild3=) IS ... axbS 16.lilxbS
(b) 27.~xa7? a:xc3); 23 ... a:c6! £lxb4
24.~a7? (24.t3 ~g3 25.'IlJd3 ~fS+) (a) 16 ... £lb8 I Hlxc8 D:xc8 18.
24 .. Jldc8! 2S.'IlJb2 flxc8t I1Ih7 19.~d3t g6 20.ltlxf6
a) 25.D:xc6 bxc6 26.~xb8 flxb8 'IlJxf6 21.~e4+-) 17.axb4 a:b8 18.
27.~d4 £le5±
(a) 27.t3 ~g3
(a) 27 ... cxb5 28.fxe4 dxe4 29. abada1gh
~xe6 'IlJxe6 30.axbS 'IlJb3'F) 28.'iilf2
cxb5 29.'/lJxg3 'IlJa7 30.'IlJf4 bxa4 7
31.fld4 fla8+) 27 ... 'iila3 28.~bl ~c3
29.'iilc2 g6!+;
b) 2S.'iilel £lxf2! 26.flxc6 4
(b) 26.Q;>xf2 'iilh4t 27.0G 'iile4t
28.Q;>f2 'IlJxa4!-+) 26 ... bxc6 27.~xb8
(b) 27.'IlJxf2 ~xa7-+) 27...~xdl
28.~a7 Ii:xb8 29.~xc6 'iild6 30.~xb8
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 35
18...\1:>b7 19.1/lIa4 \1:>e4 20Jlc4 \1:>dS 16.l/lIc2 l/lIaSt 17.l1Idl (I7.\!Ie2 \1:>f5
21.~c6 I1lxc6 22.\1:>xc6 ~dS 23,[lg4 IS.flxc6 I/lIc7 19.~eS ~g3t 20.hxg3
cS 24.bS fS 2SJ:'!c4 flb6 26.i\\'b4 '/lIe6 \1:>xc2 Zl.flxc2 flfe8-+) 17 ... ~f2t
27J;!ccl ElfS 2S.lI\Ic3 ~d7 29Jlfdl 18.l/lIxf2 IilIxeS 19.\1:>d3 l/lIaS 20.\!IeZ
1-0 Aronian-Jakovenko, Goa 2002) !'lb8 21.I1Ifl [le8 22.114 (22.\1:>c3 II\Ixa3
13.\1:>xc4 bS 14.'~d3 ~b7 IS.O-O Z3.l/lIdZ+) ZZ .. JlxbZ (22 ... \1:>g4 23.cS
(a) IS.~e4!? ~d7D 16.~egS g6 \1:>e2t 24.0xe2 flxb2 2S.!'lel fle426.
17.lI\Ic3 eS 18.0-0 %i:ac8 19.1/lIb3=) !'lh3 IilId8,) 23.l/lIxb2 \1:>fS 24.\1:>e2 lTh8
IS .. Jlac8 I 6.l/lIb I h6 17J:J:fdl \1:>b6 2S.lI\Ia I II\IdZ 26.!1dl I/lIf4t 27.l1Iel
IS.h3 !;d6 19.~e4 ~xe4 20.\1:>xe4 I/lIg3t Z8.MI \1ie4-+ Deep Sjeng I.S-
flxdlt 21.!1xdl as! 22.bxaS \1:>xaS Junior7 Z003) 12.cS cS (l2...~xf3t
23.~2 13.lI\Ixf3 \1ib8 (I3 ...lUd7 14.\1:>d3 IUc6
(a) 23.!'lcl b4 24.axb4 \1:>xb4=) IS.~e4 ~e4 16.lUxe4 I/lIc7 17.0-0
23...\1:>xd2 24.!'lxd2 ~aS! !'ladS?
It is not clear how white can im-
prove his position as aftcr exchang-
ing the light bishops black's knight
has a nice place on c4.
2S.\1:>xb7 I/lIxb7 26.!'ld3 ~4 27.
\1:>cl I/lIc6 28J'Idl eS 29.l/lId3 e4!
From now on Black plays for
some advantage, but the position
still looks only slightly better for
him without real chances to win for
both sides.
30.l/lId4 I1Ih7 31.~b2! I/lIg6 32Jlal
[lc6 33.\1:>c3 fld6 34.lI\IcS fld3 3S.\1:>b4 (17...!'lfd8±) 18.lUxh7t I1Ixh7 19.
I/lIf6 36.!'lc1 lI\Ie6 37.l/lIxbS ~xa3 38. I/lIhSt I1Ig8 ZO.lUxg7+- Miles-Browne,
\1:>xa3 flxa3~ Miles-Plaskett, South- Luzem 1982) 14.!'ldl '/lIc7 IS.\1:>d3
end 1999; \!!leSt 16.\1:>e2 \!!Ic7 17.\1:>c4 \!!leSt IS.
b) 1O ... dxc4 I Uilxc4 I/lIxdl t 12. \!If! \!!IfS 19.\!!IxfS exfS 20.~S flxdS
I1Ixdl bS \3.\1:>d3 fld8 14.\!Ie2 \1:>b7 21.\1:>xdS !'la7 22.g3 \1:>d7 23.f4 lUa4
IS.flhdl I1IfS 16.~e4?! [lxd3 17. 24.!'ld4 \1:>c7 2S.\!If2± Movei 0.08-
!'lxd3 ~e4 18.fld7 \1:>c8 19.!'lc7? Scorpio 1.3, CEGT 200S) 13.~xeS
(b) 19.!'lddl!=) 19 ...~e7+Smys I1e8 (l3 ... \1:>bS 14.f4 \1:>e6 IS.\1:>d3
lov-Sax, Haninge 1989; II.exd4 IUxeS (l5...~b3! 16.lThl IUxeS 17.
flxd4 (11...aS 12.~a2?! (I2.~bS! fxeS ~g4 IS.\1:>e4 \!!IgS+) 16.fxeS IUb3
axb4 13.~xa7 !'lxa7 14.axb4 ~xb4 17.\!!Id2 ~g4 18.~e4 ~xeS 19.0-0
IS.l/lIb3 I/lIb6 16.flblt) 12 ... axb4 \3. \!!IdS 20.~d6± Hiarcs 8-Abrok 4.0,
~xb4 cS 14.~xc6 bxc6 IS.~xeS ~e4 AMD Athlon XP 2003) 14.~eZ
36 J6zsef Pinter
[1O ... d4 11.exd4 (1 U:ld1 cS 12. 0e2 (l3.l"ldl ~g4 14.fle4 eS IS.h3
!il!e2 ~e6 (l2 ... lUd7 1Hle4 IYhS \!lIh4 16.g3 I/lIh6 17.!iI!xd4 cxd4 IS.
(13 ... !iI!f5 14.~d3 flxe4 IS .lUxc4 \Ug2 fleS 19.rfxd4 as 20.bS ~fS 21.
!il!xc4 16.iiiJxe4 'liieS 17.bS axbS 18. \!lIc3 !laeS 22.cS ll:e7 23.MI !il!cS 24.
cxbS flaS 19.'liixeS 'liixeS 20.flxeS fld6 \!!If6 2S.l"lf4 \!!Ig6 26.!le4 f6 27. t'I
dxc3 2l.fxe3 ll:fe8 22.IYe2 ll:acS l:Ie7 28.b6 ll:c6 29.l"le3 l"lxd6 30.
23Ji:he 1 f6 24.flf3 flc4 25 cxd6 I-D Loop MI-P-Deep Shred-
IUxeJt' Junior 9-S0S S.I for Arena, der 10, 2007) 13 ... eS 14.0-0 lUe6
CEGT 200S) 14.cS ~fS IH1d3 ISJladl \!!Ie7 (IS ... l/lIc7 16.cS ll:adS
flxe4 16.~e4 IUxe4 17.l/lIxe4 f5 18. 17.~a4 !il!xb2 18.flxb2 e4 19.~c4
I/lIc21/l1e7 19.exd4 exd4t 20.l'Ye21/l1fl IUxc4 20.l/lIxe4 'lYeS 21.I/lIb3 g6 22.
21.0-0 ll:feS 22.l/lId3 ll:adS 23.flxd4 l"lfel wg7 23.g3 gS 24.~fI ~dS 2S.
flxd4 24.0xd4± Fritz 9-Deep Junior lUe4 flc3 26.ll:cl ~bS 27.~xbS axbS
9, CEGT 200S ) 13.c5I/l1d7 14.exd4 2S.\!lIe3 l"lfeS (2S .. Jld4!=) 29J:l:cdl
exd4 15.0-0 l:IfcS 16.bS ~fS 17.lUd3 ll:xdl 30.l"lxdl \Yf6? (30 ... h6t) 31.
fle7 18.flxd4 IUxd3 19.1/lIxd3 ~xcS l!\Ie2 e3 32.l"lel l/!Ie3 33.I/lIf3t \lig6 34.
20.~b3 \!!Ixd3 21.ll:xd3 ~a7= Zap! ll:xe3 1'lxe3 3S.fxe3? (3S.l/lIxe3!
Chess Zanzibar-Deep Shreddcr 10,
Chesscngincs 2007) Il ... lUxd4
(ll...flxd4 12.flxd4 IUxd4 (12 ...
I/lIxd4 13.lUd3 (I Hlb5 I/lIxf2t 14.
I/lIxf2 IUxf2t IS.IYxf2 axbS 16.lUxf6
gxf6 17.cxbSt) 13 ... l/lIh4 14.g3 iiiJh6
IHle4 ~xe4 (lS ... ~g4 16.eS fS
17.fld6 ll:dS 18.f3 ll:xd6 19.cxd6
l/!Ie3t 20.'lYe2±) 16.l'lxc4 fS 17.l'lg2
f4 IS.cS (!S.~c4! fxg3 19.hxg3
IUxf2·r 20.\!!Ixf2 l"lxf2 2IJlxh6 ll:xb2
22.l"lxh7 ll:b3 23.wf2 as 24.bSt)
18 ... f3 19.1Ufl IUd7 20.l!\Icl \!!Ig6 3S ... l/lIxe3 36.fxe3 wfS 37.wf2 g4
(20 ... \!!Ixcl·,!? 21.ll:xclll:adS 22.lUc4 3S.19ei 1ge5 39.19d2 19d5 40.19d3 fS
IUbS 23.~b3 IUb8t) 21.l'Ye3 cS 41.19c3 IYcS 42.~b3+-) 3S ... l/lIxa3
22.0 O-D 0a4 2H)d3 Wic6 24.l'id2 36.l'lie4·,· IlIg7 37.g4 \!!Ic1 t 38.wg2
b6 2S.l!'ie4 I/lIh6 26.g4 bxeS 27.gS I'lid2t 39.IYh3 'Il'f2 40.WeSt f6 41.
I/lIxgS 2S.l!\Ixh7t IYfl 29.lUe4t \Yf6 'lYc7i· Y2-Y2 Gausel-FyIlingen, Gaus-
30.ll:e I fl:aeS 31.'lYd3 IUb8 32.h4 \!!IfS dal 1999) 16.~a4 IUxb2 17.l/lIxb2
33.l/lIe3 IUbS 34.~dS cxb4 3S.lUe4 I/lIc7 IS.flcS !il!fS 19.1l:fel !lfeS 20.
\!!IhS 36.l"lgl bxa3 37.\!!If4t we6 \!lIe3 b6 21.flb3 ll:adS 22.cS bS 23.
3S.!iI!dSt wd7 39.ll:xg7t 1-D Ny- l"lxdS l"lxdS 24.lUfl lUe6 2S.f3 h6t
back-Degraeve, Bundesliga) 13. Deep Shredder 10-Zap!Chess,
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 39
ehessengines 2007) 12.0e2 e5 13. Si>d4 Si>d6 29.'l\b2 !:!c4 30.a5 f6 31.
!:ldl 0g4 14.0-:0 Ti:e8 15.b5 fla5 16. IWb3:io Naum 1.82-Movei 0.08,
bxa6 bxa6 17.flxd4 exd4 18.f3 0e6 CEGT 2005) 14.0-0 d4 15.exd4
19.fle4 flxe4 20.fxc4 fle6= Deep fle7 16.@b3 flf5 17.b5± Fritz in
Shredder 10-Loop MI-P, 2007; Bahrain-Junior 10.1, C2QMAIN
10 ... 0d7 IUldl (I1.Si>d3 !:leS 12.e5 2008; 1O ... dxc4 II.I1lxc4 0d7
e5 13.c4 d4 14.fldS Si>g4 IS.fld2 Si>e6 a) 11 ... Wic7 12.0a2
16.0-0 0xdS 17.exd5 IWxdS IS.fle4 (a) 12.0-0 !:!d8 13.fle4 flxe4 14.
fleS 19.f4 exf4 20Jlxf4 IWdS 2 Uif3 IWxe4 Si>bS 15.!iadl I1ld7 16.IWg4 e5
!:le7 22.fld6 g6 2Hlc4 fS 24.!:lafl 17.IWhS h6 IS.flh4 0c7 19.0d5 \1le6
!:le7 2H!h3 (25.g4) 25...Si>bS= 20.e4 @g5 2l.IWxg5 hxg5 22.\1lxe6
Chess Tiger 15.0-Ruffian 2.1.0, fxe6 23.flf3 g4 24.flg5 !:!xdl 25.
CEGT 2005) I 1... Ti:eS 12.exd5 !:!xdl !:!d8 26J:~xd8t flxdS 27.11If1
a) 12.Si>e2 dxe4 13.0-0 11If8 28.f3 gxf3 29.flxf3 flc6 30.h4;!;
(a) \3.flg5 fle5 14.fld5 exd5 15. Hcbden-Malgran, Benidorm 1992)
0xe5 g6 16.\'!Jc3 d4 I 7.Ti:xd4 fle8 18. 12 ... 0d7 130-0 llae8 14.l'l:adl !:!fd8
!:!d5 IWxgS 19 .!:!xd7 tWxg2 20.!:!f1 Si>bS IS.0bl g6 16.IWe2 l1le8 17.!:!cl \1lbS
21.0xbS !:!xb8 22.Si>xc4 \'!Jh3't Deep 18.h3 flcS 19.flxe5 0xe5 20.\1ld3
Junior 9.0.-Fritz 9)/CEGT 2005) 0b8 21.!:!fdl \1le6 22.e4 fld7 23.IWe3
\3 ... IWe7 14.flgS fle7 15.flce4 flxe4 fle5 24.Si>e2 !:!xdl t 25Jixdl Ti:d8
16.IWxe4 flf5 17 .1/(Jg4 Si>b5 18.Ti:cl 26.f4 !:!xdl t 27.flxdl fld7 28.flf2 cS
1/(Je7 19.fle4 f6 20.flc3 fld6 2l.flxb5 29.f5 0c7+ Vitiugov-Sakaev, Khan-
axb5+ Junior I O.I-Fritz in Bahrain, ty-Mansiysk 2007;
C2QMAIN 2008; b) II...b5 12.Si>d3 Si>b7 13.0-0
b) 12.c5 a5 13.b5 (b) 13.fle4 flxc4 14.0xe4 g6 15.
(b) 13.fla2 fle4 IHle2 axb4 15. Si>xc6 !:!e8 16.fle5 tWd6 17.!:!dl !:ixc6
axb4 flxb4 16.flxb4 Yiia5 17.!'id4 I S.flxc6 IWxc6 19.Wixc6 I1lxc6 20.
I1lxc5+ Aristarch 4.4-Nimzo 8, 2003) O-O± KekeIidze-Zierke, Hamburg
13 ... fle7 14.fla4 fle4 IS.l1ld4 flf5 16. 2006) 13 ...!:!c8 14JiacI Wie7 15.Wibl
I1ld3 @e7 17.fle5 0e8 18.0-0 f6 19. !:!fd8 16.!:!fdl= Belov-Wacker, PI
flf3 e5 20.\1lb2 \1lxeS 21 .@e2 l1la7 22. NWL-II994;
Ti:c I I1lh5 23.11xc8 !:ixcS 24.f1cl c) I l...0bS 12.~e4 flxe4 13.IWxe4
Ti:xcl t 25 .'lixc I i'JIc7T Aristarch 'Wc7 14.f1cI I1Ih8 15.h4 fS 16.IWc2 cS
4.50-Ktulu 5.1, CEGT 2005; 12 ... 17.h5 Si>c6 18.flh4 fldS 19.94-t Ku-
exd5 13.l1le2 g6 (13...l1Ih8 14.0-0 rajiea-Kelecevic, Sarajevo 1981;
fle7 15.@bl Si>g4 16.h3 I1lh5 I Hlial d)ll...h6 12.fle4 fld5
I1lg6 18.11cl flfS 19.fla2 IWe7 20. (d) 12 ... flxe4 13.@xe4 Wie7 14.
Ti:xc8 rrxc8 21 Jiel \1lb6 22.a4 fle8 0-0 Si>d7 15.!:!fdl !:!adS 16Ji:d2 0b8
23.fle5 0c7 24.flxg6t hxg6 2S.Si>f3 17Jladl 0c8 18.Si>xa6 bxa6 19.Wixc6
IWd6 26.Ti:dl IWh2t 27.l!Ifl flc7 28. 0b7 20.tWcSTi:xd2 2U'lxd2 Wixc5 22.
40 J6zsef Pintcr
bxc5 Hc8 2Hld4 ~d5 2Hlf5 ~eS 18.~a4 Had8 19.0xd4 ~xd4 20.
Gamboa-Bisguier, Philadclphia ~b2 lle8!Ib I g6 22.h3 <ue6 23.
2004) l3.Hdl ~e7 l4.~d5 exd5 IS. llxc8 llxc8 24.l"!c1 l"!c3=t= Szmetan-
Hxd5 ~e6 16.:1!h5 Browne, Buenos Aires 1978) 12 ...
(d) 16.Hd2;!;) 16 ... f5 I HlcS 'l!id6 13.~e2 <ug4 (13...:I;1e8 14.~c5!?
~xc5 18.bxc5;!; Dunnington-Gor- as (l4 ...~e4 15.l;tld3 ~g6 16.0-0 as
mally, London GM 1997; 12.0-0 17.~h4 li!Ih5 18.~f3 ~g6=) 15.0-0
b5 IHld3 Hc8 14.Hfdl I;tlb6 IS. axb4 16.axb4 ~xb4!Ic3 ~c6
Hac! h6 16.1/!Ib3 ~e7 1Hle4 ~xe4 18Jlfcl;!; Belov-Nadanian, Voskrc-
18.l;tlxe4 Hfd8 19J1c2 as 20.Hdc1 a4 scnsk 1993) 14.~c5 :I;1fc8 15.~gS
21.~a2 ~a7!Ibl Hxc2 23.~c2 ~e2 16.1!lxf6 g6 17.1/!Ib2 I;tlc4 18.
ItIc6 24.<Uh7t IlIh8 2S.~e5 <ue8 ~h8 d4 19.~ge4 li!IfS 20.~xd4 ~xd4
26.l;tle4;!; torque-COMP CRAFTY, 21.~xd4 bS 22.~b2? ~g7 23.~xg7t
Internet Chess Club 2002; \O ... ~c=7 I1Ixg7 24.h3? (24.~d6 l"!c7 2S.~xa6
l1.cxd5 (ll.~xdS! l"!c6 26.~xc4 l"!xc4 27.4lcS <uxcS 28.
bxcS b4) 24 ... aS'!' SOS 4 for Arena-
Tao 5.6, Le Fou numerique 2004.]
11.~d3 dxc4
a) II...~d7 12Jldl l"!fc8 13.'l!ic2
<Ub8 14.0-0 dxc4 IS.l;tlxc4 ~e5 16.
~e4 ~fg4 17 .~xe5 ~xeS 18.l;tlxeS
I;tlxeS 19.f4 <uc7 20.~d3 I;tlc6 21.~g5
g6 22J!c I l"!d8!Ie2 <ub6 24.l1Ihl
h6 25.~f3 a5'!' Toga II 1.2.1-Fruit
2.2.1, CEGT 2006;
b) 11...l"!d8 12.0-0 d4 13.~e4
ll...cxd5 12.l;tlxf6 ~xb4 13.axb4 ~g4 14.cxd4 ~xd4 15.~xd4 <uxd4
gxf6 14.c5 as 15.Hxa5 b6 16Jla3 16.<Uxd4l:i:xd4 17.~d2 ~f6
bxc5 17.bxc51;tlg4 18.<Ud3 <uxc5 19. (b) 17...~xh2?! 18.l1Ixh2 li!Id6t
Hxa8 Hxa8 20.0-0;!;) ll...exd5 12. 19.11Ig1 l"!xd3 20.l"!ad1 li!Id8 21.~e4
~a4 (l2.~e2 li!Ie7 \3.~ed4 ~xd4 14. !lxd 1 22.!lxdl li!Ie7!Id3 e5 24.
~xd4 ~xd4 15.~xd4 ~g4 16.l;tld3 ~g5 g6!Id8t I/lIfS!Ic7 <ug4 27.
Hac8 17.~b2 ~e5 18.0-0 I;tlh5 19.h3 f3 h6 28.~e4±) 18.~f3l"!d8 19.!ladl
~g6 20.~e2 ~h5 21.I;tlxh5 ~h5 22. I;tld7 20.~g5 h6 21 .~e4 I;tlc6 22.
b5 ~e4 23.Hfd1 Hc4 24.bxa6 bxa6 ~f6t I/lIxf6 23.l;tlh7t I1IfS 24.~e4
2S.~b6 h6 26.Hacl l:i:xcl 27J'lxclt l"!xdL 25.l"!xdl 'iilxe4!Ixe4 l"!d8
Rashkovsky-Zclcic, Bled 1992; 12. 27.!lxd8t li!Ixd8 28.h3 li!Id7 29.g3;!;
l;tle2 He8 13.0-0 d4 14.exd4 ~xd4 CMIOth Cell-Junior 9, CEGT 2005;
15.~xd4I;tlxd4 16.11acl ItIg4 17.l;tld3 c) II...d4 12.exd4 ~xd4 13.
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 41
2S.g4 );l8d7 29.g~ 'lYd8+ Petir 2.Sc- axb4 23.axb4 e4 24.>\le2 ~d5 25.
Grcen Light Chess 30122, CEGT ®d4 I'9gS<x>; 16... >\lg4 (l6 ... >\ld7 17.
2005) }-,S ••• cS 16:fla4 0xd4 0xa4 IS.®xa4 flxd4 (18 ...
a) 16Jld2 >\le6 17.cS e4 IS.9a4 cxd4 19.!:i:fel ®c7 20.®c2 fld7 21.
>\lxb2 19.9xb2 fu:d2 20.'lYxd2 !:i:dS >\lf3 J;1adS 22.J;1d3 !:i:e7 23.!:i:edl \!lieS
21.®f4 hS 22.!:i:el !:i:d4 24.\!lId2 h6 2S.h3 fled7 26.!:i:el \!lIc7
(a) 22...'lYd7 23.l1dl iJ!JcS 24. 27.cS± Chess Tiger IS.O-Shredder
fu:dSt ®xdS 2S.®c3 'lYd7 26.h3;t \1,- 9.1, CEGT 2005) 19.®c2 (l9.h3
\I, crafty-stormx, Internet Chess !:i:adS 20.ii:xd4 exd4 21.0d3 ~hS 22.
Club 2004) 23.~a4 ~g4; ®as g6 23.g3 :::!d7 24.®a4 !:i:dS 2S.
b) 16.cS >\le6 I'9dl ®d7 26.wg2 !:i:eS 27.1'9f3 b6 2S.
(b) 16 ... g6 17.>\lf3 aSl8.l/!IeHle6 !:i:cl as 29.cS bxcS 30.bxaS !:i:c8 31.
19.11fcl axb4 20.axb4 !/\Id7 21.~bS a6 !:i:c7 32.lThl wg7 33.!:i:b7 1-0
>\lb3 22.!:i:bl >\lxb2 23.i'!xb2 >\ldS 24. Mched1ishvili-Klimov, Saint Peter-
~d6 e4 2S.>\lxe4 ~xe4 26.~xe4 >\lxe4 sburg 2002; 19.!:i:xd4 exd4 20.~d3
27.\!lIxc4l1eS 2S.\!lIb1 !:i:xcl t 29.®xel ~g4= Merino Garcia-Estremera Pa-
!:i:eS 30.l1e2 E1xe2 31.'lYxe2 ~d4 32. nos, Montanchez 1998) 19 ... l:i:adS
®el± Glaurung 0.2.4-Movei O.OS. (19 ... aS 20.\!lIb2 b6 21.!:i:xd4 exd4
310, CEGT 200S) 17.~a4 as 18. 22.0f3 !:i:d8'23.bxaS bxaS 24.\!lIb6 a4
~b611a7 2S.®aS d3 26.®xa4 ®eS 27.l'1dl ~7
(b) 18 ... axb4 19.flxa8 b3 20.\!lIet 2S.®b4 l:i:bS 29.®d2 l:i:b3 Naum
!:i:xaS 21.>\lxd4 exd4 22.E1xd4 ~7 1.71-Fruit 2.1, CEGT 200S) 20.
23.c6 bxc6 24.®xc6 l:i:xa3 2S.®b7 !:i:xd4 exd4 2l.0d3 g6 22.®d2 ~g4
g6 26.>\lb5 ®f6 27.l:i:xd7 >\)xd7 28. 23.h3 ~eS 24.J;1el ®f6 2S.c5 wg7
®xd7 b2 29.>\ld3±) 19.>\lxd4 exd4 26.l:i:e4 ®fS 27.®e2 fud3 2S.®xd3
20.>\lc4 axb4 21.axb4 ~g4 22.>\lxe6 hS 29.h4 !:i:d7 30.f3 \1,-\1, Kasparov-
\!lIxe6 23.!:i:fel !:i:a2 24.!:i:xe6 !:i:xc2 25. Schulte, Hamburg 19S7) 17.cS
!:i:d6± crafty-Gapper, Internet Chess a) 17 .~xg4 ~xg4 IS.0xd4 l:i:xd4
Club 2006; 19. ~b6 l:i:adS
c) 16.!:i:fel >\le6 17.~a4 a5 18. (a) 19 ...!:i:eS 20.~dS
>\lxd4 E1xd4 19.~cS axb4 20.axb4 b6 (a) 20.h3! ~f6 21.cS \!lIe6 22.
21.~xe6 I'9xc6 22.!/\Ic3 l:i:ad8 23.cS !:i:fel±) 20 ... ®h4 21.h3 ~f6 22.~e3?!
bxcS 24.bxcS IlcS 2S.fu:d4 cxd4 (a) 22.£lxd4 cxd4 23.®fS;j;) 22 ...
26.\!lIxd4 ®e7 27.®d6 ®xd6 28.cxd6 g6 23.cS wg7 24.l:i:xd4 exd4 2S.flc4
l:i:dS 29.fld I ~e4= Pharaon 3.3-Jon- ~dS 26.1'9d2 ®f6 27.~6 l:i:e7 2S. l:i:dl?
ny 2.S2, CEGT 200S; (a) 2S.l:i:el! \!lIf4 29.!:i:dl;j;) 2S ...
d) 16.>\lf3;t >\le6 17.cS h6 IS.~a4 ~f4+ Portisch-Markus, Warsaw
>\lxb2 19.~xb2 (Marcelin-Lobron, 200S) 20.~dS ®d6 21.h3 ~f6 22.
Saint-Vincent 2000) 19 ... a5!? 20. !:i:xd4 exd4 23.!:i:dl \!lieS 24.f4 \!lIe6
fu:dS t flxdS 21.!:i:d I fu:d I t22.®xd I 2S.®d2!?
46 J 6zsef Pinter
The strong e4 knight decides the b2) 62 ... wd3 63.4'lxeSt wxe3
game in favour of White. 64.h4 M'I 6S.wxh8 wxeS 66.'.!Ig7
44 __ .411'7 45.wh5 b6 (b2) 66.hS M6 67.h6 wg6 68.h7
4S ... M5 46.4'lg3t (46. 4'lxd6t wf7=) 66 ... b5 67.hS b4 68.h6 b3
flxd6 4Hxh6 g4) 46 .. M6 47.f4 69.h7 b2 70.h8'l\1 bl'l\l=; 63.fld4
(47.e4 wg7 4S.flf5t wh7 49. (\le 1 bI) 63.4'leS bS 64.h4 b4 6S.4'ld7
(\lf8) 47 ... gxf4 4S.exf4 (\lc7 49. iIId3 66.4'lc5t iIIxe3 67.h5 I1Id4 68.
fxeSt ~xe5 50.fle4t wg7 (50 .. MS 4'la4 c3 69.l1lxhS e2 70.h6 el iW 71.h7
51.~e5 flxe5 S2.fld6t) 51.(\lxe5t 'l\Ig3-+;
flxe5 52.4'lcS bS 53.41xa6 41c4= b2) 63.41gS I1ld3 64.h4 bS 6S.h5
46.wg6 ~f8 47.~c3 41hSt 4S.l1lh7 b466.4'le6
411'7 49.l1lgS ~e7 50.n h5 (b2) 66.4'lxe4 wxe4 67.wxhS b3
50... ~dS 51.wg7 ~e7 S2.41g3 68.h6 b2 69.h7 bl'l\l 70.iIIg7 'l\Ib7t
51.wg7 g4 52.fxg4 hxg4 53.wg6 71.l!IgS MS 72.h8'l\1 wg6-+) 66 ...
a5 I1lxc3 67.4'lcS wd4; 63 ... wd3 64.h4
S3 ... fld6 S4.41xd6 ~d6 5S.c4+- wxe3 6S.4'lb3! M4
54.wh5 wd5 55.fld2 axb4 56. (b) 6S ... M'2 66.wxh8 e3 67.hS e2
~xb4 ~xb4 57.axb4 wc6 5S.wxg4 68.4'lc1 el4'l 69.h6 4'lf3 70.wg74'lgS
wb5 59.M5 wxb4 60.l1Ig6 4'ldS? 71.l1lg6±) 66.hS e3
60 ... 11>03 61.41b It I1Id3 62.wxf7 (b) 66 ... l1lgS? 67.h6 e3 68.~4
Wxe3 63.b4 wd3 64.bS e4 6S.h6 e3 4'lg6 69.h7 whS
66.4'lc3! wxc3 67.h7 c2 68.bS'l\It+-; (b) 69 ... bS? 70.41xbS e2 71.4ld4
60... flhSt! 61.wg7wc3 62.4'le4t! elfl 72.41e6t MS 73.41f8+-) 70.4'lfS
a) 6Hlb I t wb2 e2 71.4'lg3t I1lgS n.41xe2+-) 67.41d4
(a) 62 ... wd3? 63.h4 iIIxe3 64.bS (b) 67.h6 e2 6S.41cl el41 69.
M4 6S.h6 wgS 66.b7 4'lg6 67.4'lc3 wxh8 4'lf3 70.wg7 41g5=) 67 ... l1Ie4!
MS 68.4'lb5 c4 69.41d6t wgS 70. (b) 67 ... bS 6S.h6 b4 69.wxh8 b3
4'lxe4t MS 71.4'ld6t wgS 72.4'lc4 bS 70.4'lxb3 e2 71.41cl+-) 6S.4'lc2 <.!Id3
73.4'lcS+-) 63.l1lxhS wxbl 64.h4 bS 69'4'lelt
6S.hS b4 66.h6 b3 67.h7 b2 68.19gS (b) 69.4lxe3 wxe3 70.wxh8 bS
wc2 69.hS'l\I bl'l\l70.'l\IxcS 7l.h6 b4 72.h7 b3 73.lilgS b2 74.
(a) 70.'l\Ih7t wcl 71.'l\Ixbl t Wxbl h8'l\1 bJi!!J=) 69 ... we2 70.4'lg2 1ilf3=;
n.illf7 wc2=) 70 ... 'l\Ia2t! 71.wg7 62 ... wd3 63.41d6 wxe3 64.h4 bS
'l\Ia7t 72.M6wd3 73.c4;!;; a) 64 ... e4 6S.hS M4 66.4'lxe4
b) 62.4'lf3 e4 <.!Ixe4 67.lilxhS bS .
bI) 62 ... bS? 63.4'lxeS b4 64.4ld7 (a) 67 ... (9fS 68.lilg7+-) 68.h6 b4
wd3 6S.h4 wxe3 66.hS wf4 67.h6 69.h7 b3 70.Qig7 b2 71.h8iW bl'l\l72.
wgS 6S.4'lcS 41g6 69.b7 wbS 70.4'lb3 ®h7t+-;
wgS 71.4'ld4 whS n.4'le6 b3 73. b) 64 ... M4 6S.hS wgS 66.h6 41g6
4'lf4t+-; 67.h7 bS 6S.4'lf7t wfS 69.4'lxeS+-;
50 J6zsef Pinter
2S.l!lJf4 I!lJxf4 29.flxf4 <ilf7'!' O'Cin- 14.!'lacl ~d7 15.fle4 'l!Jc7 16.l!lJd3t)
neidc-Strating, Amsterdam 2002) 13 .'lilb3 (13 .d5! is a very often re-
13.flxd5 \!!Ixd5 14.'lile4 I!lJhS lS.'lilf4 curring motif, so Black always has
fla5 16Jlacl ~d5 17Jk7 ~f6 IS.b3 to be on the lookout, because this
l:iacS 19.\!!Ic2?! breakthrough usually results in
(a) 19.1:iccl! l:ixc7 20.!'lxc7 'lilxd4 White's advantage.) 13 ... fla5 14.
2l.flxd4 I/lIxe2 22.0xh7t wxh7 23. 'lilc2 'lilb7) 12 ... b5 13.lt2b3 (IHld3
flxe2t) 19 ...flc6! 20.l!lJcS l:ixc7 21. flb4!? (13 ...'lilb7 14.l:iadl) 13 ...fla5
fit.xc7 l:icS'!' Menvielle-Pomar Sala- (l3 ... 'lilb7!?) 14.~c2 'lilb7 (14 ...
manca, Las Palmas 1972; flc4!?) 15.!"1adl 1:1cS 16.'lilg5 flc4
b) ll...flb6 12.'lild3 (l6 ... 'lilxf3 17.l!lJxf3 flc4 IS.d5!?
(b) 12.'lilb3 flxd4 IHlxd4 I/lIxd4 flxb2 19.d6; 16 ... b4!? 17.~f6 'lilxf6
14.~e31/!1b4 18.fle4 'lile7 19.'lild3 I!lJb6 20.fle5
(b) 14 ... l!lJdS 15.!1edl fld7 !"1cd8 2l.flc5 '!ilxc5 22.dxc5 I!lJxc5
(b) 15 ... \!!Ic7? 16.l:iacl+-) 16.fle4 23.'lilxh7t IIIxh7 24.l:ixdS l:ixdS 25.
b5 17.fld6 Iilxd6 18.!1xd6 l!lJe7 19. ®h5t I1Ig8 26.'l!Jxf7t <ilhS=) 1Hixf6
l:iadlii5) 15.l:iadl 'lilf6 IIlxf618.lIlc4I!lJb6= 19.fle5l:ic7 (19 ...
(b) 15 ...l:id8 16.l:ixdSt 'lilxdS 17. 'lilxe5 20.dxe5 '!ilxc4 2I.flxe4l:ifd8!)
l:id1 'lilf6 lS.'lilxb6 I!lJxb6 19.fld5 I/lId8 20.'lilxb7 I!lJxb7 2l.fle4 @.e7 22.l:id3
20.flxf6t I!lJxf6 21.I/!ie5 \!!Ie7 22.l!lJd4 1:1fc8 23.h4 I!lJd5 24.flc3 I!lJd6 25.h5
g6 23.\!!Ib6±) 16.l!lJh5 g6 17.l!lJc5±) b4 26.fla4 'lilf6=; Il.l!lJd3!? flxc3
12 ...flxd4 13.flxd4 I!lJxd4 14.'lile3 a) 1l...'lilf6 12.l/!ie4 flce7 13.'lild2
I!lJdS 15.l:iad 1 fld5 16.~d4 g6 17.\i1c4 b5 14.~b3 fib7 15.flg5 '!ilxg5
flxc3 IS.'lilxc3 !/!le7 19.'lile5 :Wc6 20. (a) 15...flg6? 16.flxe6 flxc3 17.
l:ic1 'lilg5 21.£4 'lilh4 22.!1cdll:idS 23. I!lJxb7 fxe6 IS.bxc3+-) 16.lIlxg5
'lild3 I!lJb6t 24.lIIhl @f2 25.We4 'lile7 I!lJd7!;
26.l:ic2 l!lJa7 27.l:ic7 b) ll...flcb4 12.l!lJe2
(b) 27.l!lJe1!? 'lild7 2S.'lilc7 !"1dcS (b) 12.l!lJe4 flf6 13.l!lJe2 b5 14.
(b) 28 ... 'lilc6 29.'lilxdSl'!xdSii5) 29. iIlb312b7 IS.12e3 flbd5 16.fle5 flxe3
~xg6 ~c6 30.~d6 ~xd6 31.~xf7t 17.fxe3 l:ieS IS.1:1ac 1 ~d6 19.flg4
IIIxf7 32.l:ixd6 IllfE flxg4 20.l/!ixg4 I!lJd7 21.l:ifl b4 22.
(b) 32...~d5 33.l:id7t) 33.l!lJb4 fle2 f5 23.1:1xf5 l:ixcl t 24.flxcl l:ieS
(b) 33.l!lJxe6 \Uxg2t 34.lIIxg2 25.l:ifl a5 26.l!lJh5 'lila6 27.l:if2 ~b5
l:ixc2t 35.lIIh3 l:ixh2t 36.wxh2 l!lJf2i· 2S.0c2 g6 29.l!lJg4 @c7 30.1!lJh3 a4
37.lIIh3 I!lJOt 3S.I1/h4 I!lJxf4t'!') 33 ... 31.I11h 1 a3 32.fld3 b3 33.12xb3 12xd3
IIIgS 34.l!lJb3=) 27 ... 'lild6 2S.!.tixd6 0-1 Horizon 3.2-Ax 0.8, DEFAULT
l:ixd6 29.!"1dcl ~d7 30.!"1xb7 ~c6 31. 2002) 12 ...b5 13.12b3 ~b7 14.fle4
l:ixa7 ~xc4 3UlxaSt IilxaS 33.l:icSt flf6 15.fleg5 12d5 16.'!ilxd5 I!lJxd5
IIIg7 34Jlxa8l:ixd3 35.wgl=; 12.'lile3 17.a3 flc6'!'; 12.bxc3 fla5 13.'lilb3
(12.!"1dl b5!? (12 ...fld5 13.'lild2 I!lJd6 flxb3 14.axb3t b5 15.llI'e4! l:ibS 16.
52 J6zsef Pintcr
~e3 ~xd4 21.~xf5 ~xf5 22.~f3=) as 2l.fic2 i\\IdS 22.l1!a4 E:fc8 23.'I!Ie2
19.~3 hxg5 20.fuf5 lad8 'I!Id6 24.h3 ~dS= Franco-Pachmann,
Bad Griesbach 1984) 12 ... ~xc3
abcdetgh 13.bxc3 E:c8 14.'I!Ic2 g6 IS.l1!h6 E:eS
8 16.E:e4 11!f8 17.l1!g5 'I!Ie7 IS.h4 eS
7 19.dxc5 I1!f5 20.E:e2 I1!g4 2U'iae1
8 11!xf3 22.gxO l;1xcS 23.a4 l1!e7 24.f4
5 E:xe2 2S.'I!Ixe2 ~xgS 26.fxgS 'I!IaS+
Reshevsky-Fiseher, New York, US
ch 19S9; 11.~c4 bS (ll...flf6 12.h4
(12.flxf6t 0xf6 lH.le3 bS 14.!iid3
~b4 IS.'iile4 ~dS 16.fleS I1!b7 la'f3
abcdetgh E:cS IS.E:ad1 flxe3 19.fxe3 I1!xe4 20.
'I!Ixe4 I1!xeS 2l.dxeS 'I!Ia5+ Wagner-
The isolated pawn on d4 be- Horvath, Paris 1995) 12 ... ~xe4
comes a target, and Black achieves 13.E:xe4 bS 14.l1!b3 flb4 IS.fleS I1!b7
the draw. Bannik-Korchnoi, Kiev 16.E:g4I11hS 17.hS 'I!IeS IS.l1!gS ~6?
1964, URS-ch; 11.I1!d3 I1!d7 (1S ... 0xg5 19.E:xgS 'I!Ie7=) 19.h6 g6
a) I l...~f6 - E 57; 20.flxc6 (i.lxc6 21.E:c1 I1!dS 22.l1!xdS
b) 1l...~cb4 12.~bl b5 13.~e4 exdS 23.'I!IO fS 24.'I!IxdS fxg4 2S.
(b) 13.a3 ~xc3 14.bxc3 ~d5 IS. tWeSt I1!f6 26.l1!xf6t I1IgS 27.E:c7!l:f7
iWd3 ~f6 16.l1!gS g6 I HlcS ~b7 18. 28.l!IIdS? (2S.E:e7! tWcs 29.E:xf7 tWc 1t
iWh3 ~dS 19.11!a2lac8 30.l1Ih2 'I!Ixh6t 31.l1Ig3 I1Ixf7 32.'I!Ic7t
(b) 19 ... 0xa2? 20.~c6 I1IgS 33.l/!Ie6t I1IfS 34.l1!e7t I1Ig7
(b) 20JIxa2? i\\IdS=) 20 ... iWc7 21. 3S.'I!Id7 I1IhS 36.l1!f6t I1IgS 37.
~xe7t 'I!Ixe7 22.E1xa2±) 20.~h6 l;1e8? i\\IdSt+-) 2S ... 'I!Ie1 t 29.l1Ih2 E:afS
Uhlmann-Pachmann, Izt. Manila 30.E:xf7 E:xf7 31.'I!IaSt E:f8 32.'I!IdSt
1976. E:f7= Smcrdon-Yu, Adelaide 2003)
(b) 20 ...0xa2 21.~xf8 ~xf8 22. 12.l1!d3 (i.lb7; 11.fudS exdS 12.l1!b3
E:xa2 ~dS 23.iWf3 f6 24.~d3 E:xc3 I1!fS 13.l1!f4 I1!f6 IHleS E:cS ISJlcl
2S.E:xe6 aS oo) 21.~xf7!:~) 13...~f6 h6 16.~xc6 bxc6 17.i\\Id2 l1!e4 IS.
14.a3 'I!Ib4 l;1eS 19.11!a4 as 20.l!IId2 'l!lh6 21.
(b) 14.flxf6t ~xf6 15.0e4 E:a7 E:c5 0e7 22.'I!Ixa5 'I!Ixa5 23'E:xa5 I1!b4
16.a3 ~S 17.'I!Id3 h6 18.~eS ~b7 0-1 Ferch-Kropp, Gluecksburg
19.iWf3;!;) 14... ~bdS IS.flcS 'I!Ib6 16. 19S5; 11.'I!Ic2!? ~b6 (ll...flcb4!)
iWc2 as Botvinnik-Makogonov, 12.I1ib3 flxd4 13.flxd4 'I!Ixd4 14.l1!e3
USSR 1943 17.fle5;!;; 12.a3 (12.fle4 \!lId8 (14 ... 'l!lh4 IS.E:adl I1!f6 16.'I!If5
~cb4 13.~b1 flf6 14.fleS ~c6 IS. g6? 17.i\\Ic5+-) 15.E:edl 'I!Ic7 16.
flgS 'I!IdS 16.flgf3 i\\Id6 17.a3 ~xf3 E:acl±
18.i\\Ixf3 flc6 19.~xc6 bxc6 20.E1dl 11...~f6
54 J ozsef Pinter
Il ... bS is not so bad as its repu-
tation. 12.flxdS
a) 12.1ilxdS exdS 13.'IlId3 ~f6
at) 13...!i'lg4 IHleS flxeS IS.
!1xeS liIe6 l6.!i'lf4 IUd6
(at) 16 ... l!!id7 17.iCael;t) 17.i1hS
g6 18.0xd6 i!l'xd6 19.1~eS b4 20.
axb4 'IlIxb4 21.flxdS !i'lxdS 22J''lxdS
il:ad8 2Hlxd8 iCxd8 24.dS i!l'xb2=;
23...'IlIb4 a2) 13 ... b4 14.fle2 !i'lg4 IS.fleS
23...~xb2? 24.'IlId3 il:fS 2SJlbl !i'lxe2
iCd8 26.'IlIe2+- (a2) lS ... flxeS 16.dxeSbxa3 17.
24.'IlId3 [ld8 .2S.~h7t wf'l 26. bxa3 ®as=) 16.iCxe2 flxeS 17.dxeS
'IlIg6t wg8 27Jlxd8 flxd8? bxa3 18.bxa3t \l!id7 19.!i'lb2 'IlIe6
27 ... iCxd8 28.iCxe6 fle7 29.'IlIh7t 20.f4. The powerful white e- and f-
wf'l 30.iCe3 'IlIxb2 31.g3± pawns are ready to attack the black 'IlIxb2 29.h4 flc6 30.iCbl king's position. 20 ... g6
'IlIa3 31.iCxb7 ~e7 32.'Wxe6t I!lh8 33. (a2) The alternative was to
'IlIxc6 \Wet t 34.wh2 I!!if4t 3S.wh3 l~ leave it on g7: 20 ... 'IlIg42I.fS
(a2) 2I.iCfl;t) 21 ... 'IlIc4 22.'IlId2t
(39) P. Nikolic -So Djuric (a2) 22.'IlIO il:fb8 23.!'lcl '/!Ia224.
Jugoslavija 1983 'IlIf2
(a2) 24.!'lal I!!ic4 2S.!'lcl '/!Ia2=)
l.flt3 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.~c3 dS 4.d4 24 ... lUxa3 2S.lUxa3 I!!ixa3»
cS S.cxdS flxdS 6.e3 flc6 7.~c4 ~e7 21.iCfI Ifab8 22.f5 gxfS
8.0-0 cxd4 9.exd4 0-0 to.iCel a6 il:b3. This rook exchange doesn't
11.a3 help the wcak gS king. 24.'IlIxb3
I!!ixfS 2S.'IlIg3t I!!ig6 26.'Wc3 'IlIe6 27.
il:c2 il:b8
(a2) Although 27 ... f6 28.1Wg3t
whS looks dangerous, Black has
good chances to neutralize White's
pressure: 29.h3
(a2) 29.!i'ld4 fxeS 30.!i'lxeSt !i'lf6
31.!'lf2 h6 32.h3
(a2) 32.'IlIf4 wg7 33.~xf6t iCxf6
34.'IlIxf6t 'IlIxf6 wxf6 36.wf2
weS 37.l!le3 hS 3S.g3 as 39.a4 MS
40.h3 llieS 41.wd3 d4 42.g4 hxg4
56 J6zsef Pintcr
43.hxg4 Il1f4 44.ll1xd4 Il1xg4 45.ll1c5 (a) 14.h3!?) 14 ... \i;>g4 IHle5
M5 46.ll1b5 i>e6 47.ll1xa5 Il1d7 48. \i;>xc5 16.dxe5
I9b6 Il1c8=) 32 ...l9h7 33.l/'Jd3t Il1g7 (a) 16.~xc5I/lld7=) 16 ... d4
34.£!xf6 £!xf6 35.l/'Jd4 Il1g6 36.~xf6 (a) 16 ... ~e6 17.£!adl d4 18.
I/!Jxf6 37.l/'Jxd5 l'!Ial t=) 29 ... fxc5 ~e4;l;) 17.~e4 \i;>f5
(a2) 29 ... £1f7 30.wh2 £!g7 31. (a) 17...IWd7;l;) IS.£!acJ
I'!If4;l;) 30.~xe5t ~f6 31.£!f2 h6 32. al) 18.l/1Jg3 ~xe4 19.£!xe4 II1h8
I/llc3 20.~g5
(a2) 32.£!xf6! £!xf6 33.ll1h2 1'!If5 (al) 20.e6 £!e8 2l.£!aeJ fxe6
34.~d4 wh7 35.~xf6 ilYxf6 36.l'!Id3t 22.£!xc6 £!xe6 23.£!xe6 I'!Id5 24.£!d6
Il1g7 37.l'!Ixd5 I'!If4t 38.g3 IWf2t 39. IWe4 25.h3 ~e7 26.IWg5 £!f8 27.~e5
I'!Ig2±) 32 ...i>g7 ~f5 2S.f4 d3 29.£ld4 l'!Ie3t 30.lI1h2
(a2) 32...~xe5 33.£!xf8t wg7 34. II1gS 3J.£!d7 g6 32.\i;>c3~) 20 ... l'!Id7oo;
IWf3 ~d6 35.£!f5 l'!Ielt 36.l'!Ifl+-) a2) 18.IWf3 ~xe4 19.IWxe4;l;;
33.~xf6t £!xf6 34.£!d2;l;) 28.h3 ~f8 J8...~a5!?
29.ll1h2 ~g7 30.£!e2 £!c8 31.'1!1g3 £!c4 (a) 18 ... ilYd7?! 19.~c5! \i;>xd3?
(a2) 3l...l'!Ig6 32.@f3;;;) 32.IWf3 20.~xd7 £!fdS 21.~b6+-;
~h6 33.l'!Ig3t a) 18 ... l'!Ic8 19.1'!If3±;
(a2) 33.IWd3 ~g5) 33 ...1l1f8 a) lS ...£!cS!? 19.IWf3 \i;>xe4 20.
(a2) 33 ... l'!Ig6 34.e6 ilYxg3t 35. I'!Ixc4I/'Jd7 2U'1c5! (~£!d5, £lcJ) 21...
Il1xg3 ~f4t 36.19f2 fxc6 37Jlxe6 ~e7 22.!'1ecl;l;) 19.e6!?
a2) 33...lilg7=) 34.i'1f2
(a2) 34.l'!Id3 Il1g8 35.£1f2 ~g7 36.
ilYg3 h5=) 34 ... ~g7
(a2) 34 ...£!e4 35.a4!
a21) 35.£!f6?? I/'Jxf6 36.exf6
a22) 35.~c3 ~g7 36.1/1Jf3
(a22) 36.£!f6 ~f6 37.exf6 £!c4+)
36...~xe5t 37.~xe5 \Wxc5t 38.g3
l/1Je6+,;) 35.£!c2 ~h6 36.l/1Jd3 I'!Ig6??+-
(a2) Why not 36...wg8;l;?) 37.
ilYxd5 \i;>t<lt 38.wgl ilYb6i' 39.wfl £!c5 (a) 19.b3!? \i;>xe4 20.£!xe4 I'!Id5
(a2) 39 ... IWe6 40.l'!Id3 wg7 4l. 2l.£!xd4 I'!Ixb3 22.£!c3 IWe6 23.£!d6
£!f2+-) 40.l/!Ja8t we7 41.IWf3 £!c4 I'!Ig4 24.~g3 ~c4=;
42.g3 I'!Ih6 43.wg2 I'!Ig6 44.lI1h2 \i;>g5 a) 19.IWg3±) J9 ...£!a7?!
45.e6 £!c2 46.1/1Jb7t \!if8 47.e7t ~xe7 al) J9 ... ~4 20.b3 ~xa3 2l.£!c7!
4S.IWbSt 1-0 Gavrikov-Zontakh, (al) 21.\i;>d6 I'!Ixd6!?
Tall inn 2003; 14.~f4 (al) 21...\i;>xe4 22.IWxe4 IWxd6 23.
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 57
l"leS 16.l"lel ~hS IHie3 flf6 18.l/!id2 16.~eS flxb2 IUlf3 ~d7 lS.fle4l"lfS
I/!id7 19.1"ledl I/!ifS 20.h3 flxdS 21. 19.®h3 g6 20.~h6 l"leS 21.flg5 I/!ic7
flxdS l"lfeS 22.~eS ~f8 23 .~xfS I1IxfS 22.r1ecl flc4 23.flgxf7 I!Yb7 24.~gS
24.flb6 l'!xel t 2S.l/!ixel r1dS 26.fleS flxe5 2S.flxeS l"lacS 26.~xg6 hxg6
l/!ie6 27.fled7t I1IgS 2S.®xe6 fxe6 27.flxg6 l'!xel t 2SJ:lxcl l/!ie4 29.
29.llih2 h6 30J:k1 flbS 31.l"le7±) ~xe7t ':if7 30.lWh6+-) 12 ... ~d7
14.dxe6 I/!ib6 IS.4Jd4 l"ldS 16.~eS (12 ... ~f"6 13.l'le3 b6 14.l"lel ~b7
Itld6 I 7.~a4 '!!JaS 18.lUxf6 gxf6 19. lS.~e2l'k8 16.l!Yd3 g6 17.l"ledl fla5
fle3 l"lbS 20.l/!ig4t I/!igS 21.IWxgSt lS.fleS ~d5 19.flxd5 IWxdS 20.f3 b5
fxgS 22.fla4 'iie7 23.l'k4 l"ld6 24.g4 2Ue2 flb3 22.l"lbl (22.~e4 ~xc1
eS=t=; 23.~xcl I!IJd6 24.~b7 l"lc7 25.~f4
c) 12.dS flxdS I3.flxdS exdS 14. l"lxb7 26.41xg6IWdS 27.flxe7t l"lbxe7
'iixdS 'iig4 IS.lWb3 'iif6 16.'iie4 lWaS 2S.~e5~) 22 ... f5 23.llihl l'!c7=) 13.
IHif4 I/!ibS IS.l/!ixbS axbS 19.'iixe6 I/!ib3 fla5 14.\lJla2 ~c6 15.fle5 ~f6 16.
bxe6 20.fle5 ~e6=; 12...'ild6 13.~e3 ~d2 fle7 17.l'!adl ~xeS IS.l"lxeS
l"ldS 14.\lJlc2 bS IS.b4 filb7 16.l"lcdl '!!Jxd4 19.~xh7t I1Ixh7 20.l"lxaS ~fS't
fldS 17.fle4 I/!ibS IS.'iigS h6 19.~xe7 12.bxc3 b5
flcxe7 20.fleS flf4 21.I/!ie3 flxg2 12...~f6 13.~d3 lWaS 14.~b2l"ld8
22.1/!if3 ~e4 23.l/!ixe4 1-0 Vays- 15.®e2 fle7 16.'!!Je4 flg6 17.h4 ~d7
man-Gorenshtein, Open 1967; 11... 18.®g4 eS 19.'!!JhS ®b6 20.dxeS
b6 IHlxdS exdS I3.~d3 ~g4 14. iWxb2 (20 ... lUc6!'t) 21.cxf6 gxf6 22.
'iie3 I/!id6 15.h3 ~hS 16.l"lcl fS 17. ~e4 ~e6? (22 ...llig7 23.~f7 flf4 24.
l/!ia4 bS lS.l/!ie2 ~xf3 19.®xc6 ~e4 iWcS Ilixf7 2S.®c4t fle6 26.l"labl
20.~e2 f4 21.~d2 ®xc6 22.l"lxc6l"la7 l'!acS 27.\lJlxe6t 'iixe6 28Jlxb2
23.~g4;!;; I i...'iif6 12.fle4 (12.l'le3 'iidS~) 23.~xe6 fxe6 24.l'!abl l/!ie2
flee7 I3.~d3 b6 14.fle4 ~b7 lS.l"lcl 2SJ':lxb7+-; 12 ... 'iid7 13.a4 l"le8
flfS 16.flxf6t IWxf6 17.~gS Iil'g6 IS. 14.'iid3 ~c7 IS.'iia3 ~xa3 16.l'!xa3
h3 h6 19.'iid2 IWhS 20.lWb3 l"lfdS 21. I/!id6 17.\Wal fla5 IS.fleS ~c6 19.
'iie4 fld6 2Hld3 flf6 23. fleS ~dS 24. flxc6 l'!xc6 20.'iie4 l"lc7 2Ula2 b6
~bl 1il'h4 2S.l/!id3 flf6 26.flc6;!;; 12. 22.l'!e2 flc4't
'iid3 I/!ib6 13.~c4 ~xd4 14.flxd4 13.lUa2 ~b7
IWxd4 15.flxdS exd5 16.~xdS ~fS 13...l"!a7 14.lWd3 ~f6 lS.~bl g6
17.~xc6®xdl lS.l"lxdl bxc619.ltlf4 16.~h6 r1eg 17.l/!ie3 l'!d7 I S.'iie4 fle7
b1fe8=) 12...~e7 13.l!IJd3 bS 14.~b3 19.fleS fld5 (19 ... ~xe5 20.dxeS 'iib7
®b6 lS.~gS f6 16.~d2 b4 17.flcS 21.~gS 'iixe4 22.l/!ixe4 I/!ib6 23.a4
~xcS 18.dxcS I/!ibS 19.\lJlxbS axbS ~d5=) 20.filxd5 l"lxd5 21.~c6 IWb6
20.axb4 l'!xal 2Ulxal l"ldS 22.l'!aS 22.l/!if4 0.g7 23.~xg7 Ilixg7 24.~eS;j;
~c7 23.l"la3 ~dS 24.'iixdS exdS 2S. Gil-Alonso, Spain 1992; I3 ... ~d7
flel;!;; 1l...l"leS 12.~d3 (IHld3 flf6 14.\!\Id3 [lc8 15.~f4I/!iaS 16.dS exd5
13.~f4 bS 14.~b3 fla5 15.~c2 flc4 17.~xdS filf6 lS.~gS ~xgS 19.~xg5
62 J6zsef Pioter
Wic7 20.Wid2 ~e5 21.0f4 \1lc4 22. 25.c4 ~d4 26.Wie3 ~f3t 27.gxf3
rtixc7 ~xd2 23.rtid6 l"lfeS 24.0b7 bxc4 0-1 Volpinari-Bonazzi, Brat-
l"lxel t 25.l"lxel l"lxc3 26.rtib4 !:lc2 to 2003) 16 ... 0g7 17.l/!id2 ~a5 IS.
27.l"ldl ~b3 2S.f3 l"lcl 29.l"lxcl rtixg7 cilxg7 19.Wie3 ~c4 20.l/!if4 Wia5
~xc1 30. cilf2± 21.l"lcl 0xf3 22.'111xf3 ~2 23.Widl
14.Wid3 ~xbl 24.l"laxbl Wixa3=F Omstein-
14.a4 b4 15.c4 0f6 16.rtie3 !:lcS Emst, Gavle 1982; 14 ...1/}/c7 15.g3
I 7.!:lc I ~e7 IS.rtibl ~f5 19.0xf5 0d6 16.a4 ~a5 17.~g5 g6 18.~e4
exf5 20.~e5 0xe5 21.dxe5 Wixdl bxa4 19.0h6 l"lfd8 20.l"labl l"lac8
22.l"lexdl b3f' Rasmussen-Iturri- 21.~f6t cilh8 22.~g4 ~b3 23.rtig5
zaga Bonelli, Havana 2007. 0e7 24.0xe7 1/}/xe7 25.0xb3 axb3
14•••~a5 • 26.l"lxb3 0d5 27.l"lbbl a5= (27 ...
14 ... l"lcS 15.0bl cilg7!?)
a) 15.rtif4 0d6 l6.0g5 ~7 17. 15.a4
0bl g6 IS.h4 Wic7 19.~d2 Wic4 20. 15.0bl g6 16.0h6 l"le8 17.~5
~g5 Wixd3 21.rtixd3 ~d5 22Jlecl rtiflt rtig5 (17 ...flcS IS.rtia2 rtid5 19.1"le2
23.rtixf4 ~xf4 24.0fl h6 25.~f3 ~c4 20.rtixc4 l"!xc4 21.l"le3 l"!a4
0xf3 26.gxf3 l"lfdS 27.a4 ~d5 28.c4 22.l"lh3 0f6 23.~g4 0h8 24.rtif4 e5
bxc4 29.a5 ~b4 30.!:la4 l"lb8 31. 25.rtixe5 0xe5 26.~xe5 f6 27.l"!xh7
l"lxc4 ~d5f' Sargissian-Volkov, Ba- I9xh7 28.l/!ixg6t I11hS 29.l"lel l"!xa3
tumi 2002; 30.1/}/h6t cilgS 31.1/}/g6t cilf8 32.~d7t
b) 15.a4 b4 16Jibl rtif6 17.h4 1/}/xd7 33.Wixf6t rtif7 34.l/!ih8t rtigS
rtixh4 IS.~h4 Wixh4 19J"!e3 Wif6 20. 35.Wif6t 'l!!f7 36.1/iIh6t l)I}g7 37.1/}/d6t
l"lg3 h6 21.l"lf3 Wid8 22.l"lh3 Wif6 23. cilf7 38.l/!id7t cilg6 'Iz-Y2 Verbesek-
Wig3 ~e7 24.l"lxb4 ~f5 25.Wid3 0aS Zoechling, 20071Tc1echess) 18.'l!ih3
26.0bl as 27.l"lb5 l"lfd8 28.l'i:xa5 rtixh6 19.1/!ixh61/!ic7 20.0a2;1;
Wig629.f3? 15...0d5
(b) 29.Wifl !;1;) 29 ... ~xd4! 30. 15 ... bxa4 is also good. 16.0bl
Wixg6 fxg6 31.0e3 g6 :7.l"lxa4 rtic6 and 18 ... Bb5.
(b) 31.l"lxa8 l"lxaS 32.cxd4 l"lxa4 16.axb5 axb5 17.rtibl f5?!
33.f4 l"lc8 34.rtid2 l"lxd4 35.0a2 l"lc6 17 ... g6 18.rtih6l"!e8 19.1/}/xb51/}/c7
36.l"lc3 l"lxd2 37.l"lxc6 l"lxa2 38. 20.1/}/d3 l'i:ecS 21.l"le3 (21.0d2 ~b3
l'i:xe6f') 31...~b3f' Rotstein-Bukal, 22.l"!xa8 0xaS 23 .!le3 ~xf3 24.l"lxf3
Lido Estensi 2003; 15 ... g6 16.0h6 ~xd2 25.'l!ixd2 0b4 26.'l!ih6I:i!xc3 27.
l"le8 17.Wid2 1:i!f8 'Iz-'Iz Williams- l"!h3 rtixd4 2S.1/}/xh7t 111f8 29.0d3
Pomar Salamanca, Caorle zt 1972; !:la8f') 2l...~c4 22.l'i:xa8 l"!xa8 23.
14 ... 0f6 15.l:i!bl g6 16.0h6 (16.0f4 l"lel !leS 24.'l!ie2=
Wid5 17.0a2 Wif5 18.l/!ie3 ~e7 19.0bl 18.l/!ixb5 ~c4
Wid5 20.0a2 Wic6 21.0e5 ~f5 22.Wid2 IS ... 'I!!c7! 19.1/!id3 l"lfe8 20.~gS
rtixe5 23.l"lxe5 l"lacS 24.!kl l"lfd8 Wixc3 2 U!ixc3 l"!xc3 2V.1ld2 !:lc6
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 63
lJ!ie7 lS.c4 ~xf3 19.9xf3 h5! 20.~bl !1xel t 20.~xel l:'1eS 21.~f3 ~e5
h4 21.~f4l"lfdS with excellent play 22.~xe5 l"lxe5 2Hle3 f6=) 13...~b7
for Black. Minev-Lukacs, Belgrade 14.l/lId3 l:l:e8 15.l:l:adl fld5 16.~xd5
1977) 12...~b7 13.\!!Ic2 g6 14.~h6 \ilxg5 IHlc7 flb4 IS.axb4 Iilxf3 19.
l"leS IS Jlfe I !1c8= Antoshin- ~xcS ~xdl 20.'8'xdl I/lIxeS 2l.d5 e5
Bisguier, Zagreb 1965. 22.d6 lldS 23.l/lId5± Kovacevic-
10••. a6 Soylu, Nova Gorica 2001;
10 ... b6 Il.flxd5 cxd5 12.~b5 c) 12.0f4 ~aS l3.dS
~d7 (12...~b7 13.~f4 S1<d6 14.~d6 (c) 13.~c2 b5 14.d5 exd5
I/lIxd6 I 5 .l"lc l;j; Comas-Pomes, (c) 14...~d5 15.~xd5 exd5 16.
Platja d'Aro Barcino 1994) I3.IWa4 l':1cl !i1i) IS.\!!Id3
flbS 14.~f4± Botvinnik-Alekhine, (c) 1Hld4!? Iilg4 16.l/lId3~;
Amsterdam 1935; IO ... IWd6 II.~e4 c) l5.lilg5 ~c6 16.~f6 ~xf6 17.
I/lId7 12.~g5l:'1dS 1Hicl:!; Stein- Tal, ~xd5 g6 IS.~xf6t !Wxf6 19.1ile4 ~f5
Pamu 1971. 20.lilxc6 I/lIxc6 Yevseev-Yakovich,
11.~b3 Samara 2000) 15 ... ~c6
(c) 15 ... g6! 16.l"lxe7?!
(c) 16.lilg5 lile6 17.~d4i1i) 16 ...
I/lIxe7 IH,lg5I/l1d6!+ IIlescas Cordo-
ba-Anand, Leon 1997) 16.lilc7
lL •.flxc3
l1...flf6!? 12.a3
a) 12.~e3 flb4 13.4.2e5 ~d7 14.
IWf3 ~c6 15.~xc6 bxc6 16.l"ledl
~bd5 17.l"lacl !WaS 18.~a4 l"lfc8 19.
!1c4 fld7 20.~d2 \9ib5 21Jldcl I/lIb7 16...l/lid7
22.h3 ~f8 23.l/lIe4 as 24.l/lIeU: (c) 16...~b4? 17.lilxdS ~xd3 IS.
Komeev-Gipslis, Cattolica 1992; ~xe7) 17.~e5 ~xe5
b) 12.~g5 b5 l3.a3 (c) 17 ... l/lIxc7? IS.~d5;
(b)13.d5 'flxd5 14.ltlxd5 exd5 c) 17...l/lIe6? IS.~c6 \!!Ixc6 19.
15.l/lIxd5 I/lIxd5 16.~xd5 ~xg5 l':1xe7;
17.~g5 ~f5 IS.Hacl :l:aeS 19.~f3 c) 17 ... \!!IeS? IS.~d5;
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 65
(20 ... <tid5 2U'1adl \!\Ie8 22.i9d3 0xb3 l1Ie7>g3 wg7 29.wh2wg8>gl
2Hlxb3±) 2l.~f3 E1b6 22.0e3 lThS \tIfS Yz-v, Steinmeyer-Bisguier, NY
23.0e5 l"1eS 24.l"1edl (2Hlxg6?! Manhattan ch 1964;
flxg6 25J!edl !/lieS;!;) 24...!/lIeS 25. b) 12.~d3Iilb7 13.flxd5 exd5 14.
0xe7 0e4?? (25 ... E1xe7 26.fle6 l"1eS I1If4 I1If6 15.fle5 fle7 16.flg4 flg6
2H!dS!± (27.flxb8 0h5 28.E1del 17.flxf6t ®xf6 18.l1Ie5 ~b6 19.!'le3
0xf3 29.l"1xeS l"i:xe8 30.flxa6±) l"1ac8 20.~ael a5 21.I1Ic2 f5 22.f4
26.';l)xflt 1-0 Farago-Pachman, wh8 23.~hl ;Ilic6 24.0.b1 0a625.!/lIdl
Baden-Baden 19S5. (26.0xflt whS (b) 25.\l!!a3!?) 25 ... b4 26.!/lIh5
27.~xf6+-) 17.!'lel;!;; ll...b5 12.fle4 flxe5 27.J;i:xe5;!; Charbonneau-Feo-
a) 12.flxd5 exd5 13.~e5 kistovs, Quebec 2000;
(a) 13.~d3 0e6 14.a3 1':eS 15. c) 12.\\'!e2 flxc3 13.bxc3 <{if6 14.
<{id2 <tif6 16.!'lael I!\lb6 17.0e3 fla5 h4 b4 15.0.c2 0.b7 16.lThl l"1cS 17.
IS.lilc2 g6 19.<{ih6l"1feS 20.\!\Id2 fle4 flg5 g6 lS.l!\lg4 flxd4 Vocaturo-
2l.!/lIf41ilhS 22.b3 fld6 23.lild3 l"1xel Steingrimsson, Reykjavik ISL
24.!'1xel <{ifS't Lonear-Crepan, 2009; 12 ...flf6 (12 .. .(1)b7 13.a3 l'1c8
Kostrena 2005) 13 ...flxe5 14.dxe5 14.0a2 ~f6 15.flc5 0xc5 16.dxc5
(a) 14.l"1xe5 lile6 15.l/lId3 Iilf6 16. \\\Ixd1 17.l"1xdl fle7 IS.b4 0xf3 19.
!'lel l'i:e8 17.lilf4 g6 IS.<.1e5 Iilxe5 19. gxf3 flfd5 20.0g5 f6 2Ud2 !lfdS
l'lxe5 ~f6 20.E1ael E1fdS v,-Yz 22.!lel \tIfl 23.!le4 f5 24.!leel h6
Morelle-Serafimov, Paris 2005) 25 Jlad1 ~c6= Hjartarson-Tisdall,
14 ... lile6 Reykjavik 1995» 1Hlg3 (13.0.c2
(a) 14 ... d4 15.!/lId3 !/lIb6 0b7 14.a3 l"1c8 15.\l!!d3 flxe4 16.
(a) 15 ...lile6 16.lile2 g6 17.lilh6 !lxe4 g6 17.0.h6 !le8 IS.!lael 0.f6
!'le8 IS.lilb3 0g5 19J)xg5 i!!!xg5 20. 19.h4 fle7+) 13 ...<{ib7 14.<{ie3 !'!c8;
0xe6 l:'1xe6 21.!/lIxd4;!; Komeev- I l... !le 8 12.~d3 (12.l1Id2 flb6 IHf4
Stajner, Nova Goriea 2007) 16.l1Id2 fld5 14.l1Ixd5 exd5 15.~b3 l1Ie6 16.
g6 17.e6 I1Ixe6 IS.l"1xe6 fxe6 19.1"1el I/lixb7 flb4 17.!ladl 0d6 IS.l1Ixd6
l"1f6 20.<{igS l"1afS 2l.h4 wg7 22.h5 ~xd6 19.~g5 l"1fS 20.a3 flc6 2l.
!/lId6 23.<{ixf6t l"1xf6 24.l:'!e4 YZ-YZ I/lib3±) 12 ...flxc3 (12 ...flcb4 13.l1ic2
Berkes-Gyimesi, 56. HUN CH b5 (I3...1iJc7 14.flxd5 flxd5 15.0.d2
2006) 15.l1Ie3 I/iId7 I!\ld6 16.fle5 b6 17.1/lif3 f6 IS.®h5
(0) 15 ... l"1cS 16.'ii!f3 d4 17.l"1adl l"1fS 19.~c4 !/lId8 20.fle3 I1Ib7 2l.
I1Ic5 18.<{ixd4 <{ixd4 19.\!Jf4 s.tlxb3 20. flxd5 0.xd5 22.!:'!xe6 <{ixb3 23.axb3
axb3 0xe5 21.~xe5 !/lIc7= Chemy- 0.d624.g3±; 13...flc6 14.0d2 b6 15.
shov-lasnikowski, Krynica 1995) ~e4 I1Ib7 16.flxd5 exd5 17 .l1Ixd5 ~f6
16.~d4 l"1ac8 17.l"1acl '/lIb7 18.l"1edl IS.~xe8t \I!IxeS 19.!lxeSt !lxe8 20.
l"1fd819.h3 h5 20J'!xc8 ~xc8 2l.l"1cl l"1cl flxd4 2l.<.1xb7 fle2t 22.\11fl
~7 2H~dl g6 23.a3 l"1c8 24.f1xc8t flxc1 2Hlxc1 lTh8 24J~1d5 !ld8 25.
I/lIxcS 25.1,1;>b3 ~c6 26.6h2 I1IfS 27.f4 I1Ib3 l:ic8 26.1tle3± Onischuk-Perez
68 Jozsef Pinter
Garcia, Toluea 2009) 14.~e4 ~b7 IS.i/JId3 \"id6 19.~e5 ~xe3 20.~xf7
15.~d2 l"1eS 16.l"1adl ®b6 17.Il)g5 i/JIxd4 21.~6t wg7 22.'!l'xe3 ~xh4
I1ifS IS.~e5 a5 19.~d7 \!!Ia6 20.a3 a4 23.\!!Ie2 \\!id6 24.~e3 ~b7 2S.l"1adl
2l.axb4 axb3 22.l"1al lWd6 23.~e5 '!l'e7 26.0xb6 IlIxh6 27.l"1xe6 i/JIgS
l1ie6 24.l1id2t Chemiaev-Strating, 2S.l1idS 1-0 Lemer-Rodkin, Ashdod
Wijk aan Zee 2003) 13.bxe3 I1if6 2004; 13.a3 ~ee7 14.i/JId3 l::!e8 IS.
14.lWe4 (l4.h4 b5 (14...~xh4 15. ~e5b616.~g4~h417.i/JIh3~g618.
~xh4 (l5.d5 ~a5 16.d6 I1id7 17.l1if4 ~xh6 ~b7 19.~d2 fS 20.~e3? (20.
~f6 IS.~e5"') 15 ... '!l'xh4 16.d5 ~a5 g3!) 20 ... ~df4!-+ 21.~xf4 ~xf4
17.~e2 g6 IS.l"1e4 ®dS 19.~e3 (19. 22.i/JIe3 ~xg2 23.~xe6t wh8 24.~eS
d6 e5) 19... e5 20.l"1bl b5't) 15.l1ig5 i/JI[6 2S.~t7t wh7 26.'!l'h3 ~el 27.
~e7 16.~xf6 gxf6 17.115 ~b7 18.~c2 ~xf5t g6 0-1 Olesen-Dandridge,
f5 19.~e5 IlIfS 20.\!!Id2 fld5 21.'!l'h6t USA 1993; 1l...ll!id6 12.~xdS exd5
wgS 22.~t7 mt7 23.\Wxh7·r wfS 24. 13.~eS l1ie6 14.~f4 ~xeS IS.dxe5
'!l'xb7l"1e7 25.'!l'e6i:cS 26.;t/!xa6l"1xe3 (15.~xeS~) IS ... i/JIb6 16.~e3 ~eS 17.
27.~xf5 ~f4 28j;~e4 ~xhS 29.l"1h4 ~xeS \\Yxc5 IS.f1cl i/JIb6 19.1Je2 l"1ae8
l"1a7 30.'!l'xa7 \!!Ixh4 31.0g6 '!l'f4 20.l::!d2 l'ieS 21.h3 h6 22.wh2 frfeS
32.~h5 l"1clt 33.l"1xc1 \!!Ixelt 34. 23.Il!iO lJib4 24.i/JIe3t Glek-KaHai,
wh2 \!!If4t 35.wh3 \!!IfSt 36.~g4 1-0 Epinal 2002. (24.l::!edl i/JIe4!?);
Komeev-Pronold, Cattoliea 1992) ll...b6 12.~d5 exdS 13.~eS ~xeS
14 ... ~d7 15.h4 ~e7 16.~gS ~xgS 14.dxeS 0e6 IS.~c2 I1ib4 16.~d2
17.~xg5 '!l'e7 18.~xe7 l"1xe7 19.1"1e3 i/JIh4 17.g3 i/JId4 18.~xb4 i/JIxb4 19.
l"1ae8 20.h5 ~e6 21.i!I'h4 h6 22.l"1ael i/JId3 g6 20.a3 i/JIxb2 21.frabl i/JIa2
wfS 23.l"1g3 ~d5 24.\!!Ig4 fS 2S.i!I'g6 22.l::!xb6 l::!fb8=; 1l...~b4 12.~d2
~xb3 26.axb3 \!!Ib6 27.ll!ih7 l"1t7 28. ~f6 13.a3 ~a5 14.~g5 h6 15.~h4 g5
dS 1-0 Sokolov-Burger, Reykjavik 16.~g3 ~h5 17.~5 ~xeS IS.~xe5
1990; 1I...~f6 12.~e4 h6 ~f6 19Jkl wg7 20.l::!e3 ~b6 2Ud3
a) 12 ...~ee7 13.~xf61· gxf6 ~e7 22.~a4 ~d7 23.fre2 as 24.i/JIe2
(a) 13...~xf6 14.0gS ~f5 IS.0c2 b6 25.lJdc3 I1ixeS 26.dxe5 ~a6 27.
h6 16.~xf5 exfS l7.lilxf6 IWxf6 IS. i/JIe3 \\!ibS 28.l"1e7 l"1a7 29.fua7 i/JIxa7
~eS ~e6 19.d5 fradS 20.d6 l"1fe8 Y:z- 30.l"1e6 lleS 31.l::!d6 i/JIe7 32.~e3t;
Y:z Horvath-Vajda, Hungary 2003) 1l...~d6 12.~xd5 exdS 13.l1ig5 i/JIa5
14.~h6l"1eS I Hle2 0d7 16.~h4 ~g6 14.~d2 \1'id8 15.~gS \Wa5 16.i/JId3 ~b4
17.i!I'h5 fS IS .~g5 lWb6 19 .frad I IU'd2 'iie6 IS.a3 ~6 19.i/JId3l::!aeS
\!!Ixb2 20.~b3 i!l'e3 21.~O i/JIb4 22. 20.l1ie2 fS 21.frael \!!Ib6 22.b4 wh8
~eS ~xeS 23.dxeS l1ie6 24.~xdS 23.i/JIc3 iWbS 24.~h4 '!l'e4 2S.i/JIxe4
~xdS 2S.h3 f4 26.~f6 1-0 Stanee- dxc4 26.l"1xe6 lJxe6 27.d5 ~e7 2S.
Ganaus, St Poellen 2002; I1ixe7l"!xe729.dxe6±
b) 12...~e7 13.a3 b6 14.'!\Id3 [6 12.bxc3 bS
15.~e3 frf7 16.h4 g6 17.i/JIe4 [S 12 ... l1if6 13.'illd3 (13.a4 ~d7
The Scmi-Tarrasch Defence 69
iWh4 \ilxgS 20.(i!xgS f6 (20 ... iI1Jd5 21. (41) J. Razuvaev - T. Farag6
0e4) 21.lilxg6 ~e7 22.\ilh6+-) 19 ... Dubna 1979
\ilxg5 20.0xg5 ~xg5 2Uilxg5 0xc2
22.l/lIf6 0a8 23 .!.led 1 4lxa 1 24.frd4 l.e4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.cxd5 cxd5
frc5 25.£(h4 ~hS 26.r::xh5 gxhS 27. 4.exd50f6 5.0c3 0xd5 6.0t3 4lc6 7.
(lj:g5', 0h7 28.\'!Ixh5t 'rig7 29.\'!Idl± \ilc4 e6 S.O-O \ilc7 9.d4 0xc3 10.
19.41xh7! bxc3 0-0 11.r::e1 b6
(24 ... ~b7 25.<iib5 \:le6= (25 ... 22.h6 gxh6 23.~xc4 hxg5 24.~xd5
l::1ee8 26.l::1el ~xc4 27.l::1xe6+-) 25. tl!'xd5 25.iWxg5 White stands slightly
d5-7 ~b7 (25 ... ~d7 26.c5! f4 (26 ... better.) IS ... \!!Id7 19.h5 liid5; 14 ... g6
bxc5 27.~d2±) 27.c6! <;l!xh3 28. 15.\!!Ig4!
ilYxh3 I!!ixd5 29.l::1cl I!!id2 30.l::1e3 I!!iel t
31.I11h2±) 26.~b5 l;1ec8 27.d6 <;l!c6
(27 ... a6 28.d7 axb5 29.dxc8l'lt
l1xcS 30.cxb5 l"1c4 31.I!!ih6±) 28.
l;1dl! ~xb5 29.cxb5 fre4 (29...l/lId7
30.\Ue7! h5 3I.ilYf6+-) 30.l!!ig3 (30.
d7 fuh4 31.d81!!it ilxd8 32.l"1xd8t
wg7 33J1:xh4 h5+) 30 ... ild4 (30 ...
ilg4 31.I!!Ie3 ~c4 (3l...l!!id7 32.i/lIxe5
ilxg5 33.l!!id5t+-) 32.l!!icl f4 33.d7
ilxg5 34.d81!!it I:lxd8 35.l"1xd8t I11g7
36.l;1c3 \!!Ib7 37.f3+-) 3l.frxd4 exd4
32.\!!Ie5!+- Mihailidis-Ehrenburg, (Now the well-known double
Kavala open 2004; 13 ... ne8 14.~g5 saerifce 15.~xh7 <fIxh7 16.tI!'h5t <;>g8
g615.ll'g4h516.:Wg3~xg5.17.~xg5 17.<;l!xg6 leads only to draw. 17 ...
\We7 IS.l'2f4 \Wd7 19.~h6 l"1fe8 20. fxg6 18.l!!ixg6t <fIhS 19.1::1e5 l;1f5 20.
<;l!xg6 fxg6 21.l!!ixg6t I11h8 22.l'ig5 I!!ih6t \!ig8 21.l!!ixe6t ilf7) 15 ... \!!Ic8
ilfS 2H!xe6 I!!ih7 2Hlf6t ilxf6 25. l6.~xh7 I!!ixc3 17.ildl I!!ixal 18.
I!!ixf6t I!!ig7 26.ilYf3. ~xg6 fxg6 19.1!!ixg6t \!ih8 20.~xfS
14.~gS! (20.~g5 l'ixg5 21.l!!ihSt I11g7 22.
14.~e5 ~xh4. ~xg5t 111f7 23.l!!ih5t I11g8 24.<;l!h6
14... h6 ~xdl t 25.\!!Ixdl I11h7 26.~xfS i'ixfS
14 ... \Uxg5 15.~xg5 (15.hxg5 f5 27.\!!Ih5"1 I11g7 28.l!!ig4t 111f7 29.h5
16.gxf6 (16.l;1xe6?? I!!id5) 16 ... l!!ixf6 ilg8 30.\!!If4t I11g7 3I.g4+-) 20 ...
17.l!!ie2 (17.l!!ic2 h6 IS.ile3 l:lae8 19. I'1xfS 21.I!!ihSt I11g8 22.<;l!h6 I!!ixdlt
ltla3 1:1f7 20.ilae I ~d5 2 Uua6 l'1ec7 23.l!!ixdl ilf5 24.l!!ig4t 111f7 25.l!!ig7t
22.f3 ~c4 23.l'ixc4 ilxc4=) 17 ... we826.liigS±
l"1ac8 IS.@xe6t I!!ixe6 19.ilxe6 l::1xc3 lS.ilYhS
20.l:'lc3t) 15 ... \Wd5 (l5 ... f6 16.\!!Ih5)) IS.~h7! l::1e8 16.'1l'g4 I1Ih8 (16 ...
16.'/!ig4 (16.\Ue4 I!!ic4 I Hlxb7 ~xb7) I!!id5 17.l'ie4 h5 18.ill'g3 I!!Ixe4 19.
16 ... f5 (16...~e4 17.\uf6 g6 IS.~e4 fue4 l'ixe4 20.~g5 ~f5 21.\!!If3 g6
\!!Id7 19.1!!if4+-) 17.\!!Ig3 l1ac8 Her- 2af4±) 17.~gS! (17.liif4! \Uxh418.
nandez-Minguell, Vulca 1984. 18. liieS f6 19.\!!Ig6±) 17 ...ilfS 18.~xc6!
~fl (18.l'1e5 I!!id7 19.i'icl ~c4 20.ile2 fxe6 19.\!!Ig6 l::1fS (19 ... l11g8 20.l!!ih7t
liid5. The best defense for Black is 111f7 2Ug6t M6 22.liih5+-) 20.
obvious, although after 21.h5 I11h8 l::1xe6+-
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 77
By all means he should have played 23.dS YxdS 24.'l1c4 Yd7 2S.!lf3 lJ.fS
44.YJfl. On 44 ... We2 (44 ... l!!ie3 4S. 26.~f6 !ld6 27.~e4 !ldd8) 22.'iUbS
'll'h4t <Jig7 (4S ... l!!ih6 46.f1I7i") 46. (22.11h3 hS 23.flg3 !lh8 24.'i!ie3;t)
flf4! Threatening 47.l!!if6t or 47. 22 ... eS! Fcmandez Garcia-Teijeiro,
l!!ie7t) 4S.'II'f7t <Jih6 46.'II'fSt <JihS Torrevieja 1997) 19.1J.e3 h6 (19 ...
(46...l1IgS 47.\!lif6t I1IhS 48.l!!ieSt I1Ih6 l!!ic7 20.l!!Ih4 hS 21.\llxg6 fxg6 22.
49.f1f4 l!Yel SOJ~g4 I1Ih7 5I.Wf6+-) ~xe6t l'i:xe6 23.!lxe6 l!!Id8 24.'/Yg3
47.!1f4 'll'el (47...l!!Ixa2?? 48.'lNh8t 1-0 Viinikainen-Bcrgstrom, corr
I1IgS 49.'II'h4#) 4Uh8t I1IgS 49.\liJeSt 1982) 20.~e4 fS (20 ...lJ.d7 2IJ!h3
Iiih6 SOIlg4 1-0 Najdorj~ Tal, Bel- hS 22.!lel lJ.dS 23.l!!Ig3 ~c7 2HlgS
grade 1970. (SO.Yg4 I1Ih7 Sl.l!l'f6+- 'i!ld6 2S.f4 ~fS (2S ... l!!Id7 26.'fJ.xhS)
(SI.lllixe6 Yh3t S2.l1Ixh3 @e3t 26.l!!If2 ~6 27.'l1e4 ~g4 28.l!iid2±
S3.g3+-); IS ...lilfS 16.h4 Iilxh6 17. Benjamin-Dehmelt, New York
'll'xh6 'll'f6 18.lile4 Yac8 19.hSt Ler- 1985) 21.flh3 fxe4 22.l!!Ixh6t 11If7
ner-Van Wely, Germany, 1998. 2Hxe4?? (23.l!!If4t I1Ig7 (23...liIg8
16.11e2 24.l/!If6 lJ.g7 2S.l!!Ixe6t 'fJ.f7 26.\iic4+-)
16.h4!?; 16.'/Yf4 Iilg7 (16 ...flc8 24.'l1xe4 fld7 2S.l!!Ih6t+-) 23 ... l1Ie8
17J:!e3 flg7 18.~xg7 I1Ixg7 19.1ile4 24.'/Yxg6t I1Id7 2S.dS exaS 26.fldl
@c7 20.l!!ih4 ~c7 21.Iilxb7 ~fS 22. rj}c7 27.flh7 f!xh7 28.'i!lxh7t V!le7 29.
l!!ie4 ~d6 23.l!!ieSt f6 24.'II'g3 flxb7 l"(xdS f!e8 30.l"1hS+ y,-Y, Grottke-
2S.l!!Ih3 'll'f7 26.flae1 ~d6 27.~xe6 Moehring, Frankfurt/Oder 1977.
y,-y, Eingorn-Farago, Boeblingen 16...~e7
1997) 17.~ad1 (17.~gS!?; 1H~xg7 16 ...!lc8!
I1Ixg7 18.~gSl!!If6 19.'/Yxf6t I1Ixf6 20. 17.lilbS 'l1c6 18.0xc6 ~xc6 19.
~xh7t I1Ig7 21.~gS ~aS 22J:'!acl f!ae1 @dS 20.h4 !lac8 21.~g5 llcd8
f!ac8 23.~e4j;) 17...Wf6 18.\!!ie3 22.hS l!!IfS 23.~e4 IUg7
~xh6 19.'/Yxh6 E!ac8 20.l'1c3 l!!Ig7 21. 23...lile7 24.hxg6 hxg6 2S.f!e3
i~h4 0.e7 22.e4 bS 23.dS bxc4 24.d6 ~aS 26.f!f3 'i!lg4 (26...~c4 27.l!!Icl
l1cd8 2S.'II'xc4 ~dS 26.l'1eel Yxd6 'll'g4 28.~gS 'l1xg5 29.~xgS ~d6 30.
27.'i!lcS XIed8 28.'/Yxa7 ~c3 29.'liJxb7 f!h3±) 27.lilgS \llxgS 28.~xg5 0.c4
~xdl 30.~c4 ~c3+ Ncikirch-Fuchs, 29.l!!Icl ~d6 30.lJ.h3 f!c7 31.~e4
Sofia 19S7; 16.~gS Iilg7 17.\llxg7 ~xe4 32.f!xe4 '/YfS (32 ... l!!Ixe4 33.
I1Ixg7 18.'II'f4 lJ.e7 (18 ... 'II'd7 19.f!e3 @h6+-) 33.f!eh4+-
(19.~e4 'i!ic7 20.0.d6 f!cd8 21.~xb7 24.~g3 'i!idS 2S.'l1xg7 I1Ixg7 26.
'i!ixb7 22.lJ.c3 'll'e7 23.!:lh3 hS 24.l!!ig3 'i!lf4!
f!h8 2S.lJ.el 'i!ia3 26.'II'e3;t) 19 ... h6
20.~e4 'll'e7 21.f!acl (21.~d6 lJ.ed8
22.0.xb7 'll'xb7 23.h4 l!!Ib8 24.Wit3 Diagram
~e7 2S.hS gS 26.l!!ie4 f!h8 27.lJ.f3;t)
2l...f!ad8 (2l...eS 22.l!!ig3 Ycd8
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 85
Korchnoi, USSR (ch) 19S6; 9... l::!d8 2Hlel <tie4 24.~eS <tixeS 2S.
~xc3 10.bxc3 b6 11.~b2 ~b7 12. 'I!Ixe4 <tixb2 26.'l!ixe7 ~xe7 27.l::!hl
!':lcl !':lc8 IHlbl ~f6 14.'I!Ie2 g6 15. ~xa3 28.l::!b8 !:lxb8 29.<tixb8 a5'+'
!!edl;!; Vilela-Hedman Senarega, Platonov-Farago, Kiev 1978/2000;
Cuba (ch) 1977. b) II.<tid2 c4 12.<tib1 <tie6 13.~e5
10.a3 !:lc8 14.<tic3 bS IS.~xc6 ~xc6 16.
IO.~d5 exd5 (J0 ... @xd5 Il.e4 'I!Id2 Y2-Y:z Bobocov-Botvinnik, No-
'l!ihS 12.dS ~d4 13.~xd4 'l!ixdl 14. ordwijk 1965; II...~b4 12.<tib2
lhd I cxd4 IS .~f4t Pachman-Porat, ~xd3 13.'l!ixd3 ~e6 14.dxc5 bxc5
Amsterdam 1964) 11.b3 15.!:lacl 'l!iaS 16.'l!ic3 'I!Ixc3 17.l::!xc3
a) II.dxcS bxcS 12.e4 as 18Jla3 d4 19.1::!ccl dxe3 20.!!xe3
(a) 12.~d2 c4 13.~e2 ~f6 14.Yk2 a4 21.bxa4 !!xa4 22.<tixcS l::!c8 23.
!:lb8 IS.~c3 ~e6= Shariyazdanov- !!ec3 <tif6 24.<tid4 !!xc3 2S.<tixc3 !:lc4
Ruck, Oberwart 2000) 12 ... ~e6 13. 26.<tid2 l::!xcl t 27.<tixc1 <tixa2 Y:z-Y:z
exdS ~xdS Geller-Krogius, USSR Dittmar-Farago, Szentgotthard 2001;
(ch) 1959. 14.~f4 10.~e4?! cxd4 Il.exd4 ~cb4 12.
a1) 14.a3 c4 IS.~c2 ~f6 <tib 1 ~f6'+' Reshevsky-Pachman, Ne-
(a1) IS ... !:lb8) 16.~f4l::!c817.h3 tanya 1973; 10.<tie4 ~xc3 (10 ... <tib7
'l!iaS 18.l::!b I l::!fe8; II.<tixdS exdS 12.dxc5 <tlxcS 13.~e2
a2) 14.~5 ~xe5 a) 13.~dS ~b4 14.~f4 g5
(a2) 14...~d6 IS.~c6 ~xc6 16. (a) 14 ... <tie4 IS.~d4~c2 16.~c2
'I!1c2 g6 17.~d2 'I!Ic7 18.g3l::!fe8) 15. 'l!ixdl 17.lhdl <tlxc2 18.!:ld2 !!ad8
l::!xeS ~c4 16.l::!e3 19.f)dS ~e4 20.~c3 ~c6 21.e4 <tid4
(a2) 16.~gS ~xgS 17.~xc4 ~f6 22.~dS <tlxdS 23.!!xd4 <tixe4=;
18.l::!xcS \12xb2 19.1::!b1 ~d4 a) 14 ...'I!If6 IS.e4 l::!fd8 16.'l!ib3
(a2) 19 ... 'l!ixdl t 20.l::!xdl l::!ad8 l':1ac8 17.a3 <tixf2t 18.wxf2 ~c2 19.
21.l::!xd8 l::!xd8 22.g3 l::!f8 23.!:lc7±) ~hS 'I!Ig6 20.~f4 ~al 21.'I!Ia2 'I!Ig4
20.l::!fSt 22.'l!ixal l::!c2t 23.wgl <tixe4-+;
(a2) 20Jld5? ~xf21") 16...~xd3 a) 14 ...!!c8 IS.a3 ~xf3 16.gxf3·
17.l::!xd3 'l!ib6 18.l::!b1 !:lfd8=; 'I!Ig5t 17.whll::!fd8 18.<tid2 ~d3 19.
a3) 14.'I!Ic2? \12xf3 15.gxf3 ~d4 ~xd3 l::!xd3 20.'l!ie2 'I!IfS 21.l::!gl <tid6
16.'I!Id1 <tid6 17.1!1g2 'I!Ih4 18.h3 fS 22.l::!ac1 !!xcl 23.l::!xcl g6;
19.~e3 l::!f6 20.l::!hl l::!g6t'+'; 14 ...<tif6 a) 14 ...'I!Ie7 15.~d4l::!ad8 16.0d2
15.~e5 ~b4! 'I!IgS 17.<tic3l::!fe8 18.g3 ~dS=;
(a) IS ... l::!e8 16.<tic4 l::!xeS 17. a) 14 ...<tid6;
l::!xeS <tixc4 18.l::!xcS <tixb2 19.'I!Ixd8t a) 14 ... <tie4 lS.~d4 ~c2 16.~c2
~xd8 20.l::!bl <tid3 21.lhb2 ~e6 22. 'I!Ixdl 17.l::!xd1 <tixc2 18.!!d2 l::!ad8
<tic3 ~cS 23.<tixcS a6=) 16.<tifS g6 19.wfl <tie4 20.f3) IS.~hS ~d3 16.
I 7.a3 ~c6 18.~d7 <tid4! 19.<tih3 l::!c8 l::!fl l::!c8 17.<tid2 ~xb2 18.'I!Ic2 <tixf3
20.!':lxe8t 'I!Ixc8 21.~xc5 'I!Ie7 22.~d3 19.9xf3 <tia3 20.'I!Ib3 'I!Ixd2 21.'I!Ixa3
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 87
I/!Jf6 I 6.~xe8 Hxe8 I 7.!.l1c4 ~c6 18.a4 whS 16.'lYxd4 hxgS 17.!.l1d3t (17.
g6 19.1:1a3 f1c8 20.f1f3 l/!Je7 21.h3 ~bl 'lYf6 (17 ... fS IS.f1eS I/!Jb6 19.
I/!Jb4+ Stocek-Meduna, Lazne 80h- 'lYxb6 ~xb6 20.~xgS ~c4 21.!'1c2±;
dance 1999; 12.!.l1e4~ce7 13.l/!Jd3 g6 17 ...f1c8 IS.'lYg4 fS 19.'lYhSt wgS
IHleS !.l1e6 IS.!.l1d2 fuc3 16.~xc6 20.~xgS 'lYaS 2 l.~d3:!;) 18.'lYg4 wg8
~e2t 17.f1xe2 fuc6 18.0!xc6 Yz- 19.!.l1e4 !.l1c6 20.!.l1xgS I/!Jxb2 21.
YZ-YZ-Y2, Donner-Pomar, Palma de !'1abH) 17 ... 'lYf6? IS.f1eS ~f4 19.
Mallorca 1971; 12.f1e4?!. A bit !.l1xf4 I/!Jxf4 20.f1e4I/!Jc7 21.f1h4t wgS
unusual. 12 ...f1c8 13.h4 ~ce7 14. 22.!.l1h7t <ilhS 23.lThS±
!.l1d2 1/!Jb6? (14 ...!.l1e6 IS.f1el ~f5+) 15.~f3?
IS.f1bl ~fS (15...~e6 16.f1g4 ~fS IS.~b3!
17.~eS ~xeS 18.dxeS ~xc3 19.~xc3
f1fd8 20.'lYc2 g6) 16.~eS ~xeS 17. abcde1gh
dxeS !.l1c6 IS .~xdS !.l1xdS 19.f1b4 \\\le7
20.'lYe2 f1feS 21.f1e1 !.l1c6 22.f1g4
\\\ld7 23.!.l1c3 g6 24.hS±' Mamedya-
rov-Pinter, France 2007.
12 ... h6 13.fuf6t I/!Jxf6 IHleS:!;;
12 ... ~xd4? 13.~xf6·~ ~xf6 14.
13.~xd4 ~xd4 14.~cS (14.!.l1e4
\\\lb6 IS.!.l1xdS exdS 16.~c3 ~e6 17. IS ...!.l1eS (15...~f4? 16.!.l1xf4 gxf4
~xdS 'lYdS=) 14 ... !.l1c6 IS.!.l1xh7t 17.~cS ~c8 18.l/!JhS g6 19.!.l1xg6
wxh716.'lYxd4= fxg6 20.l/!Jxg6t whS 2 l.~xe6+-;
13 ... h6 IS ...f1cS 16.~cS ~d4 17.~xd7 I/!Jxd7
13...~f6 14.fud4 (14.fuh7 fuh7 IS.!.l1xgS f6 19.1/!JhS ~fS 20.!.l1d2;
IS.~xh7"! wxh7 16.~gSt wg6 17. IS ... !.l1eS 16.l/!JhS ~f6 17.@c2I/!JdS IS.
'lYd3t fS IS.'lYg3 I/!JbS-+) 14 ... ~xd4 !.l1c4 I/!JfS 19.!.l1d3 \\\ldS=) 16.!.l1c2 ~f4
lS.~xh7 ~xh7 16.!.l1xh7t wxh7 17. 17.I/!Jf3GG; IS.!.l1c2 ~xd4 16.l/!Jxd4 \\\lf6
'lYxd4 !.l1c6 IS.'lYg4 'lYf6 19.~f4I/!Jg6= 17.l/!Jg4 f1ac8 18.!.l1e4 !.l1c6.
14.~xd4 15 ... f6 16.h4?!
14.~h7? !.l1xf2t IS.wxf2 'lYb6t 16. 16.!.l1c4~ce717.!.l1e3 (17.~4f1cS
Wf1 f1fdS+ IS.!.l1xd5 exd5+) 17 ... b6 IS.f1cJ
14 ... hxg5 f1cS+; 16.!.l1e4 ~ce7 17.1/!Jb3 I/!Jb6 IS.
14 ... ~xd4 IS.!.l1h7t (IS.~h7!? I/!Jxb6 axb6+; 16.!.l1c2 l/!JeS 17.!.l1b3
f1eS 16.~xh6 eS 17.'lYhS gxh6 18. (17.l/!Jd3 iliih5 IS.~b3GG) 17...~ce7
f1xeS f1xeS 19.1/!JxeS ~b3 20.f1d1 !.l1e6 18.~d4 e5 19.~d2..,
21.I/!Jg3t whS 22.\\\leSt wgS=) 15... 16... g4 17.~h2 g3
92 J6zsef Pinter
Also good is l7 ... f5, but Black 34.frxe6 frxf3t 3S.gxf3 :1;1xd4-+
doesn't want to weaken the black 34.•• eS 3S.~b2 flfS 36.:1;1c6
squares in his camp. 18.~c4 I/!ixh4 36.:1;1g5 fle6 37.i::xeS :1;1xeS 38.
19.~xd5 exd5 20.l/!ixd5t:1;1f7 21.~f4 ~xcS gxh6-+
:1;1d8+ 36.••gxh637.flxeS
18.fxg3 ~S 19.:1;1xeS? 37.:1;1xh6 fld7 38Jle6 :r;[bS 39.~c3
19.~e4 ~c6 (l9 ... l/!ib6t 20.l!ihl 37•.•:1;1e7
:1;1f7 21.a4) 20.l/!id4+ 37 ...:1;1f2!
19 .•• fxeS 20.flf3
20.®e2 I/!ib6t 2Uihl ~f6+
20 •••~bS! 2UgS
21.~xb5 I/!ib6t 22.l!ih2 I/!ixb5 23.
flxe5 :1;1f5·-+
21 ••• l/!ib6t
21...flf6 22.~xb5 '/lIb6t 23.l!ihl
22.l!ihl ~f6 23.~xb5 I/!ixb5 24.
22 ..•~xd3 23.l/!ixd3 I/!ixb2 24.:1;1el
24.:1;1bl :1;1xf3 38.~c3 fra2 39.~f3 frxa3-+
24 •••l/!ie3?! 38.~f3 ll:e6 39Jlc8
24 ...iiac8 25.flxe5 1/!if2 26.iie2 39J!c7 :1;1d7 40.:1;1c8 :1;1c2-+
I/!ifl 27.~g4I/!if5-+ 39•••I!i17
2S.'!!Ixc3 flxc3 26.f1xeS b!ae8 39 ... :1;1e2 40.~e! :1;1cS 41.:1;1xeS
White's position is lost. He can bxeS 42.~xh6-+
calmly resign here. But Dreev 40.flh4
doesn't think so! 40.~e! :1;1d3 41.l!ih2 :1;1e2 42.flh4
27.g4 '1;17 28.~e3 fldS 29.~d4 40 •••Eld3t 41.g3?!
29.~xa7 b6-+; 29.~g5 flxe3 30. 41.flf3 flg6 42.:Ue7t fre7 43.:Uc6;
iixe3 frf6-+ 41.l!ih2 a6-+
29 ••• b6 30.frgS ~f6 (30 ...frc8-+) 41 •••:1;1d2?
31.frg6 42.:1;1c7t fld7 (42 ... l!ie6
31.h5 fle4 32.frg61!ih7 33.~e5 43.4.lg2 b!xg2) 43.~c3 :1;1dl-+
31 •••frd8 42.~c3
3l...4.ld7 32.frgS iife7 33.hS eS 42.~cl !:lf2 43.~fS !:le! 44.
32.hS frdS 33.liIh3 ~xh6t
33.~b2 fld7 34.~gS fle5 3S.fuf7; 42 •.•Eld3?
3Hb2!?=t 42 ...!:ldl 43.:1;1c7t !:ld7 44.:Uxd7t
33 ...fld7 34.h6 4.lxd74S.4.lfS-+
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 93
2Hld3 ~xe1 23.~xe1 '/\Id7 24.~2 ~gS ~d7 26.~d2 'I!Ixb4 27.flxb4
\!IIxd4 2S.1'1e7 \!IId6 (25...~d6 26.~xa7 ~xd2 28.~xd2 ~xeS 29Jl:c1 f6 30.
~f7 27Jlxf7 flxf7 28.\\Ya8t ~f8 29. liih6 d3 0-1 Husted-Bergmann,
\!IIe4 \!IIxe4 30.flxe4=) 26.~xa7 fle6 DEN 1990) IS ... IWd7= 16.liigS ~xg5
27.fle4 \!lidS 28.~e7 \!IIxe4 29.~xe6 17.flxgS a6 18.fle3 IWg4 19.flG liifS
\!IIb3 30.~e3 \!IIa2 31.g3 (3l.\!IIdl 20.'I!Id2 liie4 2l.flel \\Yh4 22.l"ldl ~d6
~d8=) 31 ... ~d8 32.wg2 \!lidS 33. 23.g3 IWf6 24.f3 liifS 25.g4 liie6 26.
\!\IxdS !:1xdS 34.flf4 l"ld2 v,-y, Kor- flg2 ~e8 27.h3 hS 28.IWf4 IWxf4 29.
ehnoi-Funnan, Leningrad 1963 SU- flxf4 wg7 30.~fel hxg4 3l.hxg4
ch; 12.'/k2 h6; 12.h4 flxe3 13.bxe3 ~8 32.wg2 gS 33.flxe6t l"lxe6 Y2-V,
~d8 14.flgS g6 IS.\!IIG \!IIe7 16.a4 Aratovsky-Furman, Vilnius 1949;
~g7 17.hS h6 18.~xe6 bxe6 19.fle4 b) 13.~dl ~d8
gS 20.~a3 \!IIe7 2l.~abl eS 22.flf6t (b) 13 ... liig7 14.h4 liid7 IS.hS
wh8 23.~fel exd4 24.fle8 \!IIf4 2S. flf4 16.IWe2 fS 17.dS fxe4 18.flxe4
\!IIxf4 gxf4 26.flxg7 wxg7 27.exd4 G IWe7 19.dxe6 \!\Ixe6 20.'l!Jb3 IWa421.
28.gxG ~e6:l; Kolesar-Znamena- IWxa4 liixa4't Maksimovie-Ruek,
eek, Bratislava 1991; IHk2 (Ll13. Kladovo 2001) 14.h4 flee7 IS.liigS
\!IId3 g6 14. fle4±) 12 ... flxe3 13.bxe3 liid7 16.fleS liie6 17.IWG liixeS IS.
g6. dxe5 I!'IxcS 19.1iixd5 flxdS 20.~xd8
12 ... h6 :1Ixd8 21.:1Id2 HeS 22.flxdS liixdS
12 ... g613.h4!:l; 23.\!\Ie3 IWf5 24Jld4:l; Ravi-Yatcs
a) 13.~h6 ~d8 Doerr, Biel MTO op 2000;
(a) 13...~g7 14.~xg7 e) 13.~cl b6 14.ltlh6 liig7 15.
(a) 14.IWd2 flf6 IS.~adl ~d8 16. liixg7 wxg7 16.h4 liib7 17.fleS
[lfel ~d7 IHlgS flaS 18.fleS ~e8 flxe3?! 18.®xe3 ~aeS? 19.flxe6
19.~G \!IIb6 20.\!IIf4 fldS 21.flxdS ~xe6 20.liixe6 IWxe6 21.'l!Jxe6 liixe6
exdS 2HlxdS l"lxdS 23.flg4 ~a4 24. 22.~ael±; 13 ... a6
l"le7 ~f8 2S.~xdS ~b3 26.~xf7 1-0 a) 13...i'lde7 14.hS liid7
Mestel-Shrcntzel, Beer Sheba (a) 14 ... i'lxd4 IHld! c5) IS.
1988) 14... wxg7 IS.~dS exdS 16. hxg6 hxg6 16. flbS 'l!JbS 17.g3 a6
me1 ~fS 17.\!IId2 ~feS 18.flbS Wid7 (a) 17 ... i'ldS lS.liixg6 a6 19.
19.Wif4 ~e4 20.IWd6 l"laeS 21.l"ledl fle3±) lS.liif4 e5 19.dxeS flxe5 20.
~d8't Carlier-Bartels, Guernsey flxe5 liixbS 21.fld7 liixd3 22.flxf6t
1986) 14.~d5 wg7 23.liixb8 I9xf6 24.l£1e5'1' wxe5
(a) 14.~fdl flxe3 IS.bxe3 ~d7) 25.l£1xd3= Huuskonen-Kartsev, VN
14 ... exdS IS.flbS COIT 2006;
(a) IS.IWd2 flaS 16.~ael fle4 17. b) 13...~d8 14.fle2 flde7 IS.ltlf4
'/!lel ~f5 18.~f4 'I!Ia6 19.fleS flxeS cS;
20.dxeS ~g7 21.l"ldl d4 22.IWd2 c) 13...~g7 14.~el i'lec7
~ae8 23.fla2 ~e2 24.IWb4 IWb6 2S. (c) 14 ... l£1d7 lS.l£1g5:l;) IS.hS flfS
98 J6zsef Pintcr
16.hxg6 hxg6 17.lIigSll!d7 IS.fleS;l:; ~e5 ~xe5 28.dxe5 ll!eS 29.e6 Wie7
d) 13...!.lId7 14.hS ~f4!=; 30.l/!}g6± Hiares 7.32-CMSOOO
e) 13 ... b6 14.hS flxe3 IS.bxe3 Default 2004) 15.bxe3 Ilib7 16.ll!f4
!.lIb7 16.hxg6 hxg6 17.ll!xg6+-; '/lId7 17J!adl ~aS lS.h4l;!aeS 19.94
t) 13...~f4 14.'/lId2 flhS IS.g4 ~e4 20.!.lIxb7 @xb7 21.l;!e2 llie7 22.
flg7 16.'/lIh6 flxd4 17.flgS Il!xgS IS. !lde1 Il!d6 23.ll!cl \\lidS 24.h5 Lle6
hxgS fS 19.gxf6 !lxf6 20.!.lIe3 cS 21. 25.gS [6 26.gxh6 '/lIxh5 27.l;!e4 gS
Il!dSt !.lIc6 22.fle4 We7 23.ll!xd4 exd4 28.d5 '/lIh3 29.i'lxe4 Il!h2t 30.~xh2
24.~gSll!xd5 25.'Ilxh7t \!if8 26.@hSt \![;xd3 31.flxe6 c5 32.~g4 '/liB 33.
Il!g8 27.~h7"t Y,-'h Jaser-Thann- ~e3 gh7 34J!c7t <$:Jxh6 35.d6 <$:Jg6
hausser, CC EU/M/Gr/3600; 14. 36.d7 l;!h8 37.~g2 '/lIh3 3S.f4 '/lIg3
9le2 ~ee7 39.f5t I9xf5 40.l;!e8 l;!h2 41.l;!e2
a) 14 ... !.lIg7 15.hS ~ee7 16.hxg6 !'!xg2t y,-y, P1askett-Lukaes, Soehi
hxg6 17.~g5 !ldS 19S4;
(a) 17 ... e5 IS.'/lIg3 ~f5 19.'/lIh2) c) 13 ... ll!d7 14.g3 ~cc7 IS.~e5
IS.'/lIh3 eS 19.1Wh7t 1!;>f8 20.ll!xd5 ll!e6 16.~g4 h5 17.ll!h7t I!;>hS IS.fle4
IWxdS 21.Il!e3 exd4 22.~xd4 f6 23. '/lId8 19.~gxf6 gxf6 20.fle5 f5 21.
~gf3 gS 24.Llacl Il!d7 25.!!eS! '/lId6 '/lId2 flf6 22.l;!xe6 '/lidS 0-1 Vujadi-
26.~d2 f5 27.fle4 '/lIf6 28.~f3 g4 novie-Trajanovski eorr 1992; 14.
29.ll!g5 '/lIfl 30.~d6 '/lIgS 31.Il!xe7t !.lIxdS exd5 15.flb5 '/lId7! (15 ...'/lib8
<$:Jxe7 32.fuf5t MS 33.'I\Ih4 '/lIn 34. 16.g3\l!g4 17.ll!f4 '/lIe8 18.~eSt) 16.
~g5 '/lIg6 3S.~7t wfl 36.'/lIe7t <$:JgS ~eS
37.0xg7 I/!}xg7 3S.!lgS 1-0 Kallin- a) 16.ll!f4 '/lIg4!= Ivanov-Dlugy,
ger-Meicr, eorr rCCF 1974; Las Vegas 19S9
b) 14 ...9ldc7 IS.lIif4; 15.hS §ld7 (a) 16 ... a6 17 .~d6 iJ<e7 18.fle5
16.hxg6 hxg6 17.!.lIh6 Il!g7 18.l/!}d2 '/lIxd6 19.~xc6 '!!ixe6 20.l;!xe7 '/lIf6
[6 19.~g3 'Jifl 20.ll!xg7 <$:Jxg7 21. 2Ue3 Il!d7 22.fle5 ll!e6 23.l;!cl '/lIg6
flfel ll!e6 22.b4 !laeS 23.!lael !le7 24.h3 !le8 2S.'!!ib3 f6 y,-y, Yrjo1a-
24.ll!bl !lfeS 2S.~c4 '/lIf4 26.~e5Il!d7 Pa1danius, Finland 1995) 17.'/lIe3
27.'/lIxf4 fuf4 28.f!e4 g5 29.!'!eel y,- (a) 17.'/lId2 Il!f5 IS.~d6 fld7=)
Y, K1att-Beier eorr 19S5/Corr 2000. 17 ... !.lIfS 18.h3?
13.!ld1 a1) 1S.~d6 iJ<e4! 19.fue4 dxe4
13.!'!e1 !ldS!? 20.'/lIxe4 flxd4 21.fud4! iJ<xd4
a) 13 ...flee7; (a1) 21 ... Llxd4 22.l/lJxb7!) 22.
b) 13 ... b6 14.g3 ~xc3 iJ<e5!=;
(b) 14 ... aS 15.®e2 Il!b7 16.~xd5 a2) IS.fle5 iJ<xe5 J9.lJ;.xe5 !ld7
exd5 17.ll!f4 '/lidS IS.ll!h7t ;l;>hS 19. (a2) 19...~xe5 20.dxe5 d4 21.
fladl !leS 20.lWd3 g6 2I.Il!xg6 fxg6 '/lIb3l;!ae8 2Hld6 !le7 23.'/lIa4 d3 24.
22.lWxg6 '/lId7 23.ll!xh6 IWfl 24.\\Iig4 '/lIxg4iJ<xg4 2S.f3 Il!h5 26.i:!adl Il!g6)
flfeS 25.ll!f4 !lxel t 26.~xel !IfS 27. 20.f3 Wig6 2 I.flae I a6 22.~e3 f!cS
The Semi-Tarraseh Defence 99
0xfS exfS",) IS.flg4 0h4 16.'1!lc2 2U!fdl \!!Ib6 22.\!!Ig7 flg6 23.~hS
(c) 16.dS?! flxe3 17.flxe3 [S IS. \\IIe6 24J!/xg6 hxg6 2S.\\IIgSt 1-0
0f3 '/lIb6 19.93 [4 20.gxh4 [xc3 21. Zentgraf-Pinehuk, Greif.~wald 2003;
jjxc3 flfS 22.f1e4 \\IIxb2+) 16 ...0e6 d) 16.l':!bl [S 17.l::lb3 \\IIe7 IS.l;!h3
17.g3 hS IS.fleS 0f6 f6 19.\\IIhS flg6 20.~bl l::ldS 21.~a2
(c) IS ... 0xe4 19.\\IIxe4 0f6=) 19. l::lxd4 22.\!!IxfS \!!In 23.\\IIe5 l;!e4 24.f4
l::ladl );leS 20.\l\Ie2 g6+ b6 2S.\\IIe3 ~a6 26.l;!el l;!xel t 27.
(c) 20 ... h4!?) 21.\l\If3 ~xe4 22. \!!Ixel l;!eS 2S.fS flfS 29.0b2 \\IIe7
flxe4 t;;>g7+ 23.h3 l::le2 24.l11g5 f6+ 30Jlg3t 1-0 Larsson-Roskvist,
2S.\\IIb30 \\IIe8 SVE eorr 1992) 16 ... JJdS 17.JJbl
(c) 2S ...flxd4? 26.l::lxd4 \\IIxd4 27. l;!xd4 IS.l;!b3 l::lxdl 19.1::lxe3 l;!xfi t
~xf6!! I11xf6 28.flxf61" l::lxf6 29. 20.wxfi fS 21.Ed3 f6 22.0f3 l;!bS
\\IIxe2±) 26.fleS 23.l;!dS1" 1-0 Kievelitz-Loeffler,
(c) 26.~xf6 t;;>xf6' 27.fle3 reeF 1991;
l::lxf2!-+) 26 ... flxd4-+ 27.l::lxd4 e) 12 ... \\IId6 13J!el 0d7 14.flg4
l::lxcS 28.fld7 fxg5 29J!d3 I:1cl 30. ~e6 15.t;;>c2 flg6 16.fle4 \\lidS 17.
\\IIxe61" rm 3U!xel \Wxel1" 32.l1Ih2 flgxf6t flxf6 18.~gS ~xe4 19.~xe4
\!!Ie6 0-1 Hulak-Torre, Toluca izt \\IIb6 20.0xf6 gxf6 £ladS
19S2) 14 ...flg6 15.flxg6 hxg6 16. 22.l;!h3 fS 23.\\IIhS I1Ig7 24.~f3 \\IIxd4
~xfS gxf5 17.~cS ~d7 IS.dS l;!cS 2S.l::lel \\IId2 26J!dl \\IIf4 27.l;!xd8
19.\Wd4 I11xeS 20.l;!xeS VJJe7 21.l;!ael l::lxd8 2S.g3 \\IIc1 t 29.l1Ig2 h6 30.
(c) 21.d6 VJJb6 22.\\IIxb6 axb6 23. ~xb7 il:dl 31.\\lIe2 l::lgl t 32.111f3 \\IIg5
l;!ael f6 24.l;!Se3 wn=) 2l...\\IId6 22. 0-1 Hultin-Ronneland, Sweden
\\IIe4 l;!ae8= Lemmers-Kaehiani Gcr- 1992;
sinska, Germany 2000; t) 12 ... b6 13.flg4 stia6 14.flxf6t
d) 12 ... \\IIe7 13.flg4 flxf6 IS.~a8 0xfi 16.~f3 ~c4 17.
(d) 13.'I!Ic2 h6 14J!el \\Iib6 15. \\lIa4 \\lIe7 18.~g5 ~dS 19.0xf6 gxf6
\\IId3 );ld8 16.flxd5 flxdS 17.~h7i" I1IfS 20.flxdS flxdS 21.t£>xdS exd5 22.h3
IS.~d2 ~xcS IIIh8 23.\\lIb4 l;!e8 24.l;!el \\lI[4 2S.g3
(d) IS ...l11d7!=) 19.1':!xeS IIl'xb2? \\lIf3 26.\\\'d2 Y2-Y2 Beisser-Doderer,
20.l::lbl \\IIa2 2IJ!e2 fle7 22.~aS WdS eorr 2006;
23.l11xdS Wxd8 24.l11e4±) 13 ...flxc3 g) 12 ...flg6 13.flxg6 fxg6 14.0e3
14.bxe3 b6 IS.l;!el stia6 \\lId7 17.flxdS
(d) 14.flxf6t gxfo IS.bxe3 fS exdS 18.0f3 !l:ae8 19.\\lId2 \\lIfS 20.
16.111f3 @xc3 17.l:lf4 flg6 IS.l11d6 !l:e7 !l:n 21.~f4 l::lxe1t 22.\\lIxcl
)1d8 19J1c1 \!!Ib2 20Jle2 \\IIb3 21.~e7 0xd4 23.l::lxa7 h6 24.l::lxn I1Ixn
l':!e8 22.\!!Ic1±) 14 ... \!lIxe3 IS.flxf61" 25.~el gS 26.h3= AnMon S.21-
gxf616.!ilh6 Shredder 7.04,2003;
(d) 16.\!!Ih5 fS 17.~h6 \!!Ixd4 IS. b) 12 ...flc6 \3.\\IId3 ~xeS 14.
~xfS I1IxfS 19.~f3 cS 20.\\IIh6t IlIcS dxcS flxc3??
104 J6zsef Pioter
13 ... g6 IHlh6 ~g7 IS.~xg7 wxg7 (a) 16.£leS ElcS 17.~xdS flxdS
16.£leS ~b7 17 .Elad 1 Elc8 18.'I!1d2 18.fle4
~xc3 (a) lS.£lxdS exdS 19.1'l'b3 b6 20.
(b) 18 ... a6 19.~g4 £lg8 20.~xdS I'l'xdS ~f5 21.I'l'xdS Elfxd8 22.EladJ
~xdS 21.flxdS I!!ixdS 22.fle3 I!!id6 23. Elc2 23.dS Elxb2 24.g4 ~cS 2S.d6
dS Elfd8 24.l!!ic2 bS 2S.dxe6 I!!ixe6 ~e6 26.d7;!;) 18...~c6 19.93 £lf6 20.
26.Elxd8 Elxd8= Spie1mann-Dau- flgS I!!idS 21.f3 ~bS 22.l!!id2 Elc7!?
relle, CJichy 1997) 19.bxc3 ~xe4 (a) 22 ...fld7!) 2Hlexf7 blcxf7
20.Elxe4 I!!ic7 21.Elc1 bS 22.Elee 1 24.EleS I!!id7 2S.flxe6t wgS 26.fufS
~dS 23.c4 bxc4 24Jlxc4 I!!ic7 2S. HxfS 27.Wlb4 ~c6 28.Wlc3 £ldS=t)
ricS=; 16 ...fudS
c) 12 ... rlbS 13.h4 b6 14.l!!id3 g6 (a) 16 ... exdS 17.l'l'e3 EleS 18.
15.hS ~b7 16.ltlh6 Ele8 17Jlacl l!!ieSt f6 19.1'l'1'I g5 20.l'l'd2 h6=)
flxc3 lS.bxc3 ~xe4 19.Elxe4 flfS 17.fudS exdS IS.\!!ib3 Slic6 19J1e3
20.ltlf4 ricS 21.hxg6 hxg6 22.t.ileS
<;;xeS 23.£lxeS I'l'g5 abcc:telgh
(c) 23 ... bS!) 24.Eldl
(c) 24Jlcel wg7 2S.E:g4 I!!ihS 26. 7
f3=) 24 ... wg7+;
d) 12...~fS 13.l!!id3 g6 14.~fS
cxfS IS.~h6 ~g7 16.~xg7 <ilxg7 17.
~xdS I!!ixdS IS.!:!eS I!!id6 19.Elael ~d7
e) 12 ... h6 13.~c2 flxc3
(e) 13 ...rieS 14.1!!id3 ~g6 IS.fleS M
(e) IS ... t.ilxeS 16.dxeS flxc3 17.
Wlxc3 Itld7;!;) 16.l!!ig3 flxc3 17.bxc3 all 19.1'l'b4 I!!ib6 20.l!!ixb6 ax~6
~gS 18.~a4 21.Ele3 ElfeS 22.£leS f6 23.£ld3 Elxe3
(e) lS.~g4! flg6 19.1ilxg6 fxg6 24.fxe3 E:cS 2S.<ilf2 wf7= Zinchen-
20.~eS ~xcl 21.Elaxcl g5 22.l!!id3±) ko-Tishin, A1ushta 2006;
18...~d7 a2) 19.£leS l!!iaS 20.l!!ie3 ElfeS 21.
(e) IS ... Ele70) 19.~xgS hxgS 20. b41'l'b6 22.l'l'f4 f6 23.£ld3 Ele4
~xd7 flxd7 21.flxd7 I!!ixd7 22.l!!ixgS (a2) 23 ... gS! 24.l'l'g4 hS 2S.l!!ifS
HacS 23.Ele3 Hc6 24.h4 f6 2S.l!!ig3.l) I!!ixd4+') 24.:!"lxe4 dxe4 2S.£lcS :!"le8
14.bxc3 l!!iaS lS.l!!id3;!;; 13.~c2 (a2) 25...~d5!) 26.Yi!d6 ~bS 27.
a) J3.l'l'd3 h6 I'l'dS?!
(a) 13 ... g6 14.~cS (a2) 27.'I!Ixb6 axb6 2S.£lxb7 ElaS
(a) 14.~h6 EleS 29.£ld6 \t.ld3 30.Elcl [S 31.Elc3 Eld8
(a) 14...~g7 IS.~xg7 wxg7 16. 32Jlc6 riaS 33.rixb6 rixa3 34.h4=)
~xdS 27 ...'I!Ic6+'; 19 ... l!!id6 20.riael as 21.
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 109
~eS a4 22.ll'id1 IUd7 23.h4 ~fS 24.h5 Il'ic7 2l.1l!if3 ~e7 22.a4t) 15...~dS
1l'ib6 2S.ll'id2 f6? 16.~g4 ~fS 17 .~xd5 exd5 IS.~xf6t
(a) 25 ... ll'iaS 26.Elc3±) 26.~d7 Il'ixf6 19.f!c5f!feS 20.~f4=) 14.~eS
~xd7 27.l::1e7t l::1t7 2S.l::1xt7t wxf7 (a) IHid2l'ic6 15.~e5 ~xe5 16.
29.ll'ih6 Elg8 dxe5 ~xc3 17 .~c3 Il'ixd3 IS.~xd3
(a) 29 ... l"1e8 30.ll'ixh7t MS 3l. f!fdS=) 14...~xc3
Il'ihSt wf7 32JlxcS ~xeS 33.hxg6t (a) 14 ... l'ixe5 15.dxe5 fr..c3 16.
wxg6 34.ll'ixe8t+-) 30.ll!ixh7t iJ.g7 Il'ixc3 Illc6 17.l'ixc6 ~xc6 IS.l'ie3
3l.hxg6t Q:>fS 32.ll'ihSt 1-0 Honfi- (a) IS.ll'ig3 wh7 19.1'ie31l'ia5 20.f4
Dorfman, Pees 1976) IS.ll'id2 I'ic6 l::1fd8 21.l::1ad1 f!d5 22.1l'if3 f!adS+)
16.~gS ~xgS 17.~xgSl::1cS IS.l::1acl IS ... ll'id7 19.f1ac1 l::1fcS 20.~c5
wg7 19.b4 h6 20.~f3 ~xc3 21.l'ixc6 ~e7+) 15.ll'ixc3 Illc6 16.l'ixc6 ~xc6
l::1xc6 22.l::1xc3 I'lxc3 23.ll'ixc3 ~dS+) 17.~xc6 bxc6 IS.ll'ixc6l'ixd4 19.1l'if3
14...~c6 Il'ib6 20.f1bl :iacS+ Rivas Pastor-
(a) 14 ... l'ig7 IS.h4 I'ic6 16.hS Littlewood, Hastings 19S1;
~xc3 ~c2t 18.l::1xc2 ~xc6 b) 13.ll'ic2 h6 14.ll'ie2l'lcS 15.~c2
(a) IS ... bxc6 19.~gS iJ.cS 20.l::1c1 fr..c3 16.ll'id3 ~e4 17.ll'ixe4 ~f5 IS.
Il'id7 21.h6 ~hS 22.1ilxc7?! ~e5 I'ixe5 19.dxe5 I'ic6 20.ll'ig41'if3!
(a) 22.b4! ~fS 23.l::1ec2 ~xd4 21.1l'ixf3 f!xc2 22.ll'ixb7 I!Yd4 23.1l'if3
24.l::1cS Il'ic7 2S.l'ixc6 ~xc6 26.bS±) l"!bS+ Ivanov-Sveshnikov, Ashkha-
22 ... ll!ixe7 23Jlxc6 l'lxc6 24.lUxc6 bad 1975;
1l'ih4=) 19.1'ixc6 bxc6 20.l'ie3 Il!idS c) 13.l'ixd5 ~xd5 exd5
21.hxg6 hxg6 22.l'lcl l::1fdS=) IS. 15.ll'ib3 Illc6 16.l'if4 as 1HM l'ie7
~xdS lS.lUf4 f6 19.1l'id3 f!t7 20.~g3 I'ifS
(a) 15.lUh6I'lcS 16.l'ladl 21.~h4 g6 2Hlf3 a4=;
(a) 16.iJ.acJ Il'ib6 17.1/ljf3 ~xe5 IS. d) IHle5 fr..c3 14.bxc3 0.xe5
dxc51/l1dS 19.f1cd1 a520.b3?! 15.dxe5 I'ic6 16.llld3 ~g6 IHlbl
(a) 20.h4!+-; Il'id5 IS.l'iflll'ixdl 19.1::1xdl ~e5 20.
a) 20.g4!+-) 20 ... iJ.cS 2l.l'ixd5 I'if4 ~g6 21.~e3 l::1fcS 22.g3 1llf3+;
exdS e) 13.~g5 g6 14.ll'ig4l::1c8 15.~d2
(a) 2l...~xd5 22.~e4 ~f5 23.ll'if4 h5 16.ll'ig3 ~xd4 17 Jlad I I'if6+;
~xh6 24.ll'ixh6 I'ixe4 25.l::1xdS 13 14.bxc3 l::1cS 15.ll'id3 g6
l::1exdSt) 22.~e4 dxe4 23.ll'if6 ~f5 16.l'ih6 l::1eS 17.~e5 ~c6 lS.l::1adl
24.ElxdS I'lcxdS 2S.~c1 l::1d3", Fritz 0.g7 YZ-YZ (Beim-Zilbcrman, Herz-
6-Shredder S.32, 2001 Comp) 16 ... Jiya 1993) 19.~xg7 Q:>xg7 20.f4t;
~xc3 12.~c2 b6 IHlel 0b7 14.~e4 iJ.cS
(a) 16...~fS 17.~xc6 bxc6 18. 15.l'id2 ~f5 16.~xf6t Il'ixf6 17.l'ig5
~dS cxdS 19.~xf5 exf5 20.ll!ic3 Il'ig6 IS.lUd3 h6 19.~e3 Il'if6 20.ll'ie2
l::1e4 21J'!xe4 dxe4+) 17.~xc6 ~xc6 ~h4 2l.~xh4 Il'ixh4 22.iJ.acl l::1fdS
IS.bxc3 ll!ia5 19.Elbl l::1acS 20.l'id2 23JlxcS iJ.xcS 24.1l'if3 l::1c7 25.h3
110 J6zsef Pioter
~xe3 26.lWxe3 f1d7 27.fldl IWh5 Palmas 1996) 14.lilh7t \!IhS 15.~e4
2S.fld2 IWd5 29.f3 IWd6= Kholmov- I!IibSI6.\!!Ic2b617.~f6~xf61S.lild3
Platonov, Moscow 1969; 12.lilg5 <;1)b7 19.~e5 '!lJd6 20.lilc4 ~c6 21.~f4
<llxg5 13.~xg5 h6 14.~f3 b6 (14 ... ~xc5 22.~xe5 '!lJc6 23.f3 i:!acS 24.
~f6 15.lilc2 b6 16.\!!Ie2 Iilb7 17.f1fdl i:!ac I b5 25.~d3 \!!Ixc2 26.i:!xc2 i:!xc2
~ed5 IS.~xd5 \!!Ixd5 Y2-Yz Soos- 27.lilxc2 ~d5 2S.IIIf2 i:!cS 29.i:!d2
Kavalck, Bucharest 1966) 15.~xd5 IIIgS 30.lild6 ~b6 31.lilc5 ~c4 YZ-YZ
~xd5 16.~e5 Iilb7 17.f1e 1 '!lJe7 IS. Rohde-Schiller, New York 19S1;
Wlf3 flacS YZ-YZ Quadri-Cassani, corr c) 13.fid2 b6
19S1. (c) 13 ...lild7 14.~e5 Iilc6 15.~xe6
12 ... g6 ~e6 16.lile3 ~e7 17.1Wb5 a:bS IS.
!:lac1 a6 19.1!Iid3 '/IId6 20.b4 ~xc3
abDdefgh 21.i:!xe3 Hfd8 2Uldl ~d5 23.i:!c5
lile7=) 14.~c5
(c) 14.i:!acl as 15.~b5 lila6 16.
l'lfel flcS 17.a4 ~6 ISJ"lc4 0xb5
19.axb5 ~cb4 20.\!!Ib3 l'Ixe4 21.'!lJxc4
'/IId6 22.~e5 !ldS 23.f4 ~7 24.lIIh I
M8 25.h3 ~cd5 26.g3 g6= Ana-
conda 1.0-Ikarus vO.lS, CEGT
2007) 14... lilb7 15.i:!acl a:bS 16.~e2
~aS 17.'!lJg3 \!IhS IS.i:!fel ~f5 19.
<llxf5 exf5 20.l!!Ih3 <llxc5 21.dxe5
12 ... h6 13.~e5 ~c7 22.lilb4±; 13 ... ~c3
a) 13.\!!Ie2 b6 14.~bl ~xc3 15. a) 13 ... b6 14.~g4 Iilg5 15.lilxg5
bxc3 ~b7 16.flcl tyd5 17.a4 flacS hxg5 16.~e5 ~f4 17.l!!Ic2 !:lbS
18.lild2 l'IfdS 19.a5 b5 20.a6 Iilc6 (a) 17...~a6 18.i:!fdl l':lcS=) IS.
21.Iild3 ~f5 22.f1eb 1 ~d6 2H1f4 ~e4 '/IIa4 as
24.1:1el ~c5 25.lilc2 ~b3 26'<llxb3 (a) 18...~b7 19.1ilxb7
\!!Ixb3 27.~e5 IWd5 2S.~xc6 !:lxc6 (a) 19.~d7? Iilxe4 20.~e4 b5
29.!:labl 'IIIf5 30.'!lJxb5 \!!Ixb5 3 U:1xb5 21.'/IIxa7 ~c6 22.'/IIc5 '/IIxd7-+) 19 ...
!:lxa6 32.i:!c5 Shabanov-Moskvin, i:!xb7=) 19.i:!fel
RUS-sfYaroslavI1995; (a) 19.93 f5
b) 13.!:ldl '/IId6 (a) 19 ... ~h3t 20.lIIg2 g4 21.f3
(b) 13 ... lild7 IHlc5 ~c3 15. ~g5 22.fxg4 ~xe4 23.~xe4 I!!Id5 24.
'/IIxe3 lila4 16.!:lel !:lcS 17.\!!Ig3 ~f5 i:!ael lila6
IS.lilxf5 exf5 19.1ilxh6 '!lJxd4 20.lilf4 (a) 24 ... f5 25.i:!f3 b5 26.'/IIc2
i:!feS 21.h4 Iilc2 22.h5 \!!Ixb2 23.~xt7 fxe4 27.!:lxfSt IIIxfS 2S.'/IIf2t ~f5 29.
i:!xel t 24.i:!xel IYxt7 25.l!!Ig6t IIIg8 '/IIf4=) 19 ... f6
26.i:!e8t YZ-YZ Calzetta-Maric, Las (a) 19 ... b5 20.'/IIdl f6 21.~d3
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 111
\!lIxd4 2H)Xf4 \!lIxdl 23.:!'laxd1 gxf4 20.~xd5 exdS 21.\!lIxf6 gxf6 22.
24J!d6 b4=) 20.41d3 bS 2Ub3 fS 4le7t I1Ig7 23.l"1fcl±) 18.0xgS hxgS
22.41xf4 gxf4 23.~fJ \!lIxd4 24.41xbS 19.\!lId6 ~b7 20§lxdS exdS 21.4le7t
\!lIf62S.a4;!;; I1Ih7 22.l"1fel l"1d8
b) 13 ... 4lc6 14.l"1e1 \!lId6 lS.~xdS (b) 22 ... \!lIb8 23.\!lId7+-) 23.\!lIg3
exdS 16.~f4 \!lId8 17.41xc6 bxc6 18. 1--0 Shchebenjuk-Holovsky, eOIT
4la4 as 19.41cS ~e7 20.\!lIg3 ~h4 21. 1992);
\!lIc3 a4 22.l"1e3 l"1e8 23.l"1ael l'lxe3 c) 14 ... \!lIb6 lS.l"1d1 l"1d8 16.~f4
24.\!lIxc3 ~fS 2S.h3 I1Ih7 26.g4 0g6 41dS 17.0xdS l"1xdS 18.l"1acl \!lId8 19.
27.0g3 0xg3 28.\!lIxg3 \!lIb6 29.\!lIc3;!; h3 0d7 20.\!lIc7 \!lIxc7 21.l"1xc7 0e8
Mastrovasilis-Grigoriadis, Kalama- 22.l"1xb7 l'lad8 23.l"1el l"1xd4 24.0g3
ria 2006; 14.\!lIxc3 (14.bxc3 0xeS a5+ Junior 6-Chess Tiger 12.0,
15.dxeS \!Iixd3 16.0xd3 0d7 (16 ... Comp 2004; IS.~e3 41d6
4ldS;!;) 17.0e3 l"1fc8 (17...4ld5 18. a) IS ... 4lxe3 16.fxe3 ~xe517.
0d2l'lfd8 (18 ... l"1ac8 19.c4 4lb6 20. dxeS± \!lIb6 18.l"1adl l"1d8 19J'lxd8t
l"1ac I 0a4 21.0b4 l"1fd8 2H2d6 4ld7 ®xd8 20.0c2 0d7 21.\!lId3 g6 22.
2Hle2 4lcS 24.0fJ b6 2S.l"1c3 g6 l"1xf7 1--0 Iakobsen-Olesen, Esper-
26.h3 f5 27.l"1bll1lg7 28.g4 fxg4 29. gerde 1995;
hxg4 l"1d7= List 5.l2-Chess Tiger b) IS ... aS I 6.l"1ac I a4 17.l"1fdl
IS, CEGT 200S) 19.c4 4lb6 20.0a5 4lxe3 18.®xe3 \!lIb6 19.41g4 0g5 20.
0b5 21.0e2 0xc4 22.0xc4 4lxc4 23. f4 0e7 21.dS \!lIxb2??
0xd8 !:"lxd8 24.!:"lfdl;!;) 18.l"1fc1 4ldS (b) 2l...0d8+) 22.d6 0d8 23.l"1b1
19.0d4 !:"le7 20.c4 4le7 21.f4 0a4 \!lIa2 24.l"1d2 \!lIe4 2S.41eS \!lIa6 26.d7
22.0f! b6 23.0£1 !:"ld8 24.!:"lab1 !:"ld2 0a5 27.dxc8\!l1 0xd2 28.\!lIxf8t 1-0
2S.cS bxcS 26.l"lxcS l"lxcS 27.0xc5 Crosa Cl Mn-Da Silva E M, Pan
4lc6 28.l"1cl as 29.~e3 l'lb2 30.l'lc3 American ch 1996;
111f8 31.0d3 l1Ie8 Y2-YZ Ujtelky- c) 15 ... ®c7 16.l"1acll"ld8 17.l"1fd1
Niephaus, Oberhausen 1961) 14 ... \!lId6 18.\!lId3 41xe3 19.fxe3 \!lIe7 20.
4lfS \!lIf! l"1b8 2l.\!lIfJ 0xe5 22.dxe5 a5
a) 14 ... \!lId6!? 15.b4 4ldS 23.l"1xd8"1" \!lIxd8 24.\!lIdl \!lIxdl"j"?
(a) IS ... !:"ld8 16.0b2;!;; (c) 24 ... 0d7 25.®d6 l!!ie8 26.l"1dl
a) 15...4lf5 16.0b2 l"1d8 17.0xfS 0c6=) 25J:'lxdll1lf8 26.l"1d8t l1Ie7 27.
exf5 18.\!lIfJ 0e6 19.\!lIxb7 0d5 20. l"1h8 f5 28.exf6t I1Ixf6 29.111£1 l1Ie5
\!lIbS as=) 16.\!lIg3;!;; 30.0fJ±; 16.0fJ (16.0e2 b6 17.\!lId3
b) 14...4ld5 IS.\!lIg3;!; 4lfS 18.g4 0xcS 19.9xfS 0xh2t)
(b) IS.\!lId3 b6 16.\!lIg3 0gS 16 ... 0d7 17.\!lIb4 0bS (17 ... 0e7
(b) 16 ... l1Ih8 17.0c2) 17.41c6 \!lIe8 IS.\!lIb3; 17 ... \!lIe7 18.0f4 a5 19.
(b) 17 ... \!lIf6 18.~xgS hxgS \!lIb3±) 18.l"1fel a5 19.\!lIb3 0a6 20.
(b) 18...\!lIxgS 19.\!lIxgS hxgS 20. l"1adl (20.41g4 0e7;!;) 20 ... 41f5 21.0e4
0xdS exd5 21.4le7t±) 19.\!lId6 0b7 (21.0xb7l"1b8 22.41c6f1xb7 23.l!!ixb7
112 Jozscf Pintcr
22.'fJ,c7 'fJ.f7 23.'fJ.eU;; 17...l/lid6 18. (a) 16 ...flxdS 17.flxd5 exdS 18.
IUKd51/lixd5 19.'fJ.aclliid7 20.'fJ.cSl/lid6 !'1cS liie6 19.!'1fcl b6 20.'fJ.Sc3 !'1c8
2l.fleS 'fJ.ac8 22.l/lie4 b6 23.flc4 '/!Ie7 21.'/lJa6 !'1xc3 22J!xc3 '/lJe7 23.'/lJe2
24.r~xc8 'fJ.xc8 2S.fle3 I/!Id6+) 16. I/lid6 24.'/lJc2 IiifS 2S.'/lJcl !'1e8 26.'fJ.c6
IiixdS (l6.flgS f6 17.flh3 I/lid6 18. '/lJxc6 27.'/lJxc6 !'1c8 28.fleS !'1xc6 29.
I/lig3 I/lixg3 19.hxg3 g5 20.f4 h6 21. flxc6 as=) 17 .'fJ.fe 1 !'1e8 18.!'1eS f6
1iif3 'fJ.d8=) 16 ...flxd5 17.flxd5 I/lixdS 19J!e2 Iiic6 20.'fJ.cel '/lJd7 21.'Mid2
18.'fJ.eS I/!Id6= 19.!:Iael (l9.d5 Iiib7 flfS 22.'/lJf4 fld6 23.'fJ.xe8 !'1xe8 24.
(l9 ... f6 20.'fJ.e2 eS+) 20.l/lic3 f6 21. 'fJ.xe8 flxe8= Matamoros-Frey, Ca-
'fJ.xe6 I/lixd5 22.'fJ.ael 'fJ.f7? (22 ... maguey 1987;
'fJ.ac8=) 23.'fJ.xf6 1-0 Huebner-L. b) IS ... b6 16.fle5 Iiib7 17.'fJ.fdl
Portisch, Frankfurt Masters rapid !:1c8 18.flxdS flxdS 19.'fJ.xc8 \!\Ixc8
1998) 19 ... liib7 20.flgS 'fJ.ad8 2l.dS 20.'/lJd2 'fJ.d8 21.'fJ.c1;t;; 16.'Mixc3 fldS
(21.h4 h6 (2l...hS? 22.flxc6-r fxc6 17.liixdS '/lJxdS 18.l!!icSl/\lxcS 19.'fJ.xcS
23.'fJ.xe6 I/lif4 24.YNxg6-r I!Ih8 25. Iiid7 20.fleS 'fJ.fd8 21.'fJ.c7 liie8 22.
I/lixhS1"+-) 22.flxe6-r! fxe6 23JJxe6 'fJ.xb7 !'1xd4 23.flf3 !'1d5 24.h4 h6
I/lif4 24.l/lixg6-r I!Ih8 2S.l/lixh6t I/!Ixh6 2S.!'1cl Y2-Y2 Langeweg-Lengyel,
26.'fJ.xh6-r I!Ig7 27J~ee6 l'1xd4. Now Amstcrdam 1968, ZUS D42; IS.
in case of emergency White can 'l!ic4 flf6 (l5 ... '/lJd6 16.!'1fel Iiid7 17.
give perpetual check. However, a Iiixd5 flxdS 18.flxdS exd5 (18 ...
short analysis showed that after I/!IxdS 19.'Mixd5 exdS 20.!'1e7 'fJ.ad8
28.'fJ.eg6-r Q:jf7 29.h5 liie4 30.'fJ.h71" 2I.fleS±) 19.1/!IcS I!!ixc5 (l9 ... l!!if6
Q:je8 31.l'1e6t Q:jd8 32.'fJ.a7 White ean 20.fleS;t; (20.l!!ixd5 Iiic6 21.'/lJe5 Iiixf3
play on without any risk. 28.Ileg6-r 22.gxf3 !'1ad8=) 20.dxc5 Q:jf6 (20 ...
Q:jf7 29.hS Q:je7?? (29 ... liie4 30.!'1h7t 'fJ.ae8!) 21.'fJ.adl Iiic6 22.b4 'fJ.fc8 23.
Q:je8 31.'fJ.e6-r Q:jd8 32.!'1xa7±) 30. 'fJ.c1 b6? 24.c6 a6 2S.fld4 'fJ.a7 26.
'fJ.g7-r 1--0 Rolle-Gruneberg, DDR a4± Vogt-Madl, Austria 2001) 16.
1987 corr) 2t...liixdS (2t...exdS 'fJ.ac1 flxe4 17.flxe41iid7 18.fleSliic6
22.!'1e7 Iiic8 23.'/lJd4t±) 22.l!!id4 liia8 19.flxc6 flxc6 20.'fJ.fdl !'1c8 21.d5
(22 ... f6 23.!'1xe6 Iiixe6 24.'/lJxd6=) exd5 22.l!!ixdS 'l!ixd5 23.!'1xdS fle7
23.'fJ.dS1" eS 24.'/lJxeSt (24.'fJ.exe5 Y2-Y2 Makarichev-Tukmakov, Cal-
'/lJf6 (24 ...liixd5 2S.'fJ.e6t f6 26.!'1xd6 cutta 1986; 15.h4 flf616.!'1ac1 fledS
!'1xd6+) 2S.fle4 'fJ.xdS=) 24 ... '/lJxe5 17.!'1fe 1 I!!id6 18.liixd5 flxdS 19.flxdS
2S.!'1dxe5 !'1d2 26.'fJ.Se2 'fJ.fd8 27.'fJ.e7 I!!ixdS 20.!'1c7 Iiid7 2l.fleS (21.l!!ie4!
IiidS 28.b4 a6 (28 ... h6!? 29.fle4 I!!ixe4 (2l...liic6 22.'/lJxe6 I!!ixe6 23.
lUKe4 30.'fJ.7xe4 Il8d3) 29.h3 h6 30. 'fJ.xe6;t;) 22.!'1xe4 Iiic6 23.!'1xe6 !'1ac8
fle6t Iiixe6 31.IlI xe6 !'1a2= Miles- 24.!'1ee7 !'1xc7 25.!'1xc7 Iiixf3 26.
Portisch, Bugojno 1978; ISJlacl gxf3 bS 27.'fJ.xa7 !'1d8 28.!'1b7 !i:dS
flxc3 29.Q:jg2 M6 30.Q:jg3±) 2l...liic6 22.
a) IS ...liid7 16.liixdS exdS flxc6 bxc6 23.l!!ic3 !'1fc8 24.!'1eS
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 115
(24Jlxc8 l:'lxcS 2S.l:'leS iWd7 26.hS:t) 17.a4 £lc8 IS.aS bxaS 19.fudS
24 ... l"lxc7 2S.l:'lxdS exdS= ~xdS 20.~xdS ~xdS= 21.£lxaS l"!c2
15... b6 22.iWxc2 \!!ixaS 23.h3 'i!lb4 24.~f3 \1,-'12
IS ... f6 16.4lc4 b6 IHle3 (17.h3 Wirthcnsohn-Szmetan, Biel 1982.
ttla6 18.l:'lfcll:'lcS 19.b3 iWd7 20.~e2 17...£le8 !Ulac1 !l:c7
~fS 21. iWd2 l:'lfdS 22.ttld3 SUb 7 23. 18...~fS!?
~xfS gxfS 24.l:'lc2 bS 2S.~aS l:'lxc2 !9.~g4 wh8 20.fud5 £lxe! 21.
26.@xc2 l:'lc8 27.iWd3 ~a8 2S.iWg31" £lxe! ~xdS
IlIhS 29.a4? bxa4 30.bxa4 l:'lgS+ 2l...ttlxdS 2H~d3 (22.~f6 ~xe4
crafty-Doctor Who, Internet Chess 23.iWh6 gS 24.fue4 ~fS 2S.\!!ixgS
Club 1996; 17.l:'lacl ~a6 IS.~e2 iWxd4:t; 22.iWf4:t) 22 ... f6 23.iWf4
l:'lcS 19.b3 iWd7 20.l:'lfel l:'lc6 2U!3 ~f5J; (23 ... aS 24.h4 ~c6 2S.~3±)
l:'!fc8 22.~d3 iWdS 23.f1c2 bS 24.~e3 22.iWh6! fIgS
iWaS+ Crafty_17-Phalanx_XXIII 22 ... f6? 23.ttlxdS ~dS 24.£lc7+-
LYAPKO, Mukachevo 2000) 17 ... 23.~e5!?
~b7 18.~exdS (18Jiacl ~f4 19.1!!idl
~xe4 20.~xe4 l:'lcS 21.\!!if3 ~fdS 22.
~xdS ~xdS 23.~c3 ®d6 24.:::1fel
~xc3 2S .l:'lxc3 f1xc3 26. bxc3 eS 27.
iWg3= Dalltas-Le Duigou, IECC
200S) 18...~xdS 19.l:'lfe 1 (19.l:'lacl 5
£lcS 20.~xdS ~xdS 2IJlxc8 iWxc8 4
22.~xdS exdS 23.l:'lel l"leS 24.l:'lxe8
iWxcS=) 19 ... iWd7 20.h4 £ladS 21.
l:lacl l:lJ7 22.hS ~f4 23.iWe3 ttlxe4
24.h61" I1lfS 2S.Wixe4 gS 26.g3 ~dS
27.\!!ixe6 I!!ixe6 28.£lxe6 ~c7 29.l:'le4
fS 30.l:'leS £lxd4 31.~bS l:'ldS 32. 23.f3! f6 24.~xdS ~xdS 2S.iWf4
£lxdS ~xdS 33.£lc81" we7 34.~xa7± £lfS 26.iWc7±·
DOllner-O'Kelly dc Galway, San 23 ... iWc7?
Juan 1969. 23 ... £lg7 is necessary. 24.g3!?
16.iWd2 (24.h4 Wd6 2S.hS f6 26.~xg61" wgS
The queen heads on to the 27.~h4 ~f"l 28.iWxf6 (28.ttlxb7?
weakcned black squares. 16.~xdS ~e2t 29.whl ~xcl 30.Wixc\ £lc7 31.
~xdS 17.£lfcl ~b7 lS.iWg3 iWd6 19. iWh6 Wixd4+) 28...~c2t? (2S .. .1;1£7=)
l:'ladl !lac8 20.iWh4 iWdS 21.iWg3 iWd6 29.wfl ~xcl 30.~fS+-) 24 ... aS 2S.
22.\!!ih4 \!!idS 23.iWg3 \1,-\1, Portisch- h4 wgS (2S ... iWd6? 26.hS f6 27.~c4
Averbakh, Budapest 1970; 16.g3 iWdS 28.hxg6) 26.ttlf3 f6 27.~g4 £l17
ttlb7 17.l:'lacll:'lcS= 2S.hS gS 29.~e4:t
16... ~b7 17.!lfe! 24.ttlxd5!
116 J6zsef Pinter
19.hxgS flf4!? (l9 ... flxc3 20. a) 2S.'/!ld2 flxO 26.'/!lxd8 l"!xd8)
bxc3 (20.~xc3? fleS) 20 ... flaS!=F 25 ... fxe3 26.flxc4 l"!f8 27.l"!xe3
illilxO, ~xgS) 20.~e3 eS! (20 ... ~xgS;
flxg2? 21.IlIxg2 flxd4 22.lile4! flxO b) 24.lilxe8!? IilxOt
23.lilxO f4 24.~e2 ~xgst 2S.MI (b) 24 ...flxO? 25.l"!cdI+-) 25.
IilxO 26.~xO±) 21.dxeS flxg2! 22. IlIh3!?
IlIxg2 fixeS 2Hla4! (23JledI Iilx01" (b) 25.lf1fI llh4 26.fle2 flg4!?
24.~xO flxO 2S.llxd8 flMt 26.llIg3 bI) 26 ... '/!ldS?! 27.flg3 f4 28.
llexd8 (26 ... llcxd8 27.lilb3t IlIg7 Iilc6!
28.lildS!) 27.lldI!? wg7 28.llixh4 (bI) 28.'/!lxe5?! lile2t! 29.flxe2
llc4t 29.llIh3 llcd4) 23 ... llc4!! '/!lxeS) 28 ... lilg2t 29.llIg1 fxe3 30.
Iilxd5t Iilxd5 31.l"!xe3 flOt 32.llIfI
Iilc41" 33.llIg2 flxgS 34.l"!c7±;
b2) 26...~xe8 27.'/!lb3t
(b2) 27.flg3 '/!lb5t) 27...wf8 28.
flg3 Iilb7! 29.llc7 lila6t 30.llIg1 flf3t
31.®xO '/!lxel t 32.wg2 l"!g4!? 33.
~a8t '/!le8; 27.'/!lb3t Iild5 28.lledl!
:!"!hI t 29.flgl flh2t 30.lf1e2 '/!lxe8t
31.'/!le3 lile4! 32.~b3t IildSt 33.
~e3=) 25...~a8!
(b) 25 ... lilg4 t 26.llIh2
(b) 26.wg2 1il0t=) 26 ... lilh5 27.
Dvorctsky's excellent analysis '/!lxe5 llh4t 28.wg2 '/!lxg5t 29.'/!lg3
of this game, including the result- l"!g4 30.lilc6 l"!xg31" 3l.fxg3 '/!ld2t
ing endgame, can be found in his 32.lligl '/!ld4t 33.llIhl '/!lf2 34.l"!glt)
recently published book. 26.fle4!! llxe4 27.~b3t 1lif8 28.lilc6!
a) 23 ...flxO? 24.~xe8t; flxc6 29.'/!lxO fle5 30.'/!ldl flf7 31.
b) 23 ... lilxOt? 24.~xO flxO 2S. l"!xe4 ®xe4 32.~d2;
llxe8t ~xe8 26.lilxe8+-; c) 24.l"!cdl Iilxf3t 2S.'/!lxO
c) 23 .. .'fl.e7? 24.llcdI +-; '/!lxgS1" 26.'/!lg3 l"!g4 27.lilxe8 f4 28.
d) 23 .. M8?! 24.llIh3! fle4 ~h4 29.~xg4 '/!lxg4t 30.llIfI IlIg7
(d) 24.'/!lf4 llc4!; 31.flc3 '/!lh3t 32.llIe2 '/!lh5t 33.llId2
d) 24.lilxe8 flxO; flOt 34.llIcl flxel 3S.llxel=F; 24 ...
d) 24J1cdl !?) 24 ...flxO IlIg7! 25.lilxc4 flxO 26.lledl! (26.
(d) 24 ... lilxO 2S.lilxe8+-) 2S. '/!lxe8?? fixe I t--+) 26 ... fld4t (26 ...
'/!lxe8t '/!lxe8 26.l"!xe8t Hxe8 27. fld2t!? 27.fle4! l"!xe4 28.'I!Ic3·r l"!d4t
~xe8llixe8 28.flbS±; 24.lilb3!? 29.llIh3 Iilg2t! 30.llIxg2 (30.llIh2
a) 24.wfI? f4! 2S.flxeS flOt 31.If1xg2 ~xgSt 32MI flh2t
(a) 2S.'/!le2? '/!lc8 26.flgl 0-+; 33.lf1ellj)glt 34.llIe2'1!1g4t 3S.wcl=)
118 J6zsef Pinter
IHleS (13.a3 ~bdS 14.@d3 g6 IS. 19.0xb7 flg4 20.lilxa8 I/!Ih2t 2J.<;/;>fl
~eS !i'ib7 16.0h6 Lle8 17.0a2;!; Ka- Llxa8 22.'/lIf4± Sveshnikov-Anasta-
raklajic-Puc, (JUG 1978) 13...!i'ib7 sian, Moscow 1995) 13 ... Lle8 14.h4
14.!k3! g6 IS.Llg3;!; Keene-Mi1es, IilfS IS.lilg5 ().e7 16.lilf4 Iilb7 17.h5
Hastings 1975176) 13.~eS;!; /',. Llc3 <;/;>g7 18.l/!Id2 I/!IdS 19.1ile4 I/!IxhS 20.
Portisch-Pachman, Moscow 1961; 4le5 l:'1ac8 21.Lle3± Winants-Kam-
10 ... !i'id7 11.0c2 sky, Tilburg 1992; 1O ... a6?! 11.lile4!
a) l1.a3 Llc8 (l1.lilc2 ~cb4 12.lilbl ~f6 13.~eS
(a) I1...a6 12.YNc2 :i;1c8 13.'Il'e4 ~bdS 14.lilgSlild715.'/lId3 g616.lilh6
fS! 14.YNe2 !i'if6) 12.!i'ic2 ~xc3 13. l:'1e8 17.1/!If3 (j)c6 18.l/!Ih3 '/lId6 19.1ilc2
bxc3 ~aS 14.l/!Id3 g6 IS.lilh6 Lle8 Lled8 20.I'!:adl (j)e8;!; Brodsky-Karp-
16.~eS Iilc6 17.YNg3 !i'ifS 18.lilxfS man, Simferopol 1990; 11.~e4 Lle8
<;/;>xfS 19. YNf4±; 12.a3 ~f6 13.lilc2 ~xe4'ixe41ilf6
b) 1UxdS exdS 12.4lcS Iilf6 13. 15.(j)e3 fJe7 16.fJeS fJg6 l7.l/!Ic2±
Iilf4 g6 14.~xd7 ®xd7 IS.lileS= Oppitz-Spindel, BRD 1988) 11 ...
Steche-Hanisch, eOIT 1982; 11 ... lilf6 fJf6 12.<;i/xc6 bxe6 13.fJa4±; 1O ... b6?
12.YNd3 g6 13.lilb3± Larsen-Pomar,
Costa Brava 1976; 10 ... ~xc3 11.
bxc3 b6
a) II...Iild7 12.®c2 g6 13.lilh6
(a) 14.Llabl b6 IS.'Il'd2) 14 ... \!!Ic7
b) 11...lilf6 12.YNc2 g6 13.lilh6
Llc8 14.Llabl b6 15.h4lilxh4 16.lilb5
Iild7 17.YNe4 (j)e7 18.lilxc6 f5 19.
l/!Ie3+- Antoszkovicz-Porzig, COIT
1983; l2.l/!Ic2 (12.'/lIe2 Iilb7 13.l/!Ie4
g6 14.lilh6 fle8 lS.l/!Ig4±; 12.h4!. A typical opening error, which
With an extra tempo in comparison can be immediately exploited. 11.
to the variation with Iilc4 dealt with fJxdS exd5 (1l...l/!IxdS 12.<;i/e4 I/!Id6
just now, which is very dangerous 13.fJeS! (13.YNc2!? Iilb7 14.<;i/xh7t
for Black anyway.) 12 ... g6 (12 ... <;/;>h8 15.<;i/e4 Iilf6 (15 ... Llac8 l6.l/!Ie2
h6? The typical manoeuvre, YNe2- wg8±) 16.YNe2? (16.1/lIdl! g6 17.lilgS
e4, leads to a decisive attack. Iilxg5 18.~xg5±) 16 ...fJxd4 17.fJxd4
13.l/!Ie2~) J3.lilh6 (13.lile4 0b7 14. li'ixe4! 18.0xe6 @xe6 19.1/lIxe4 1/lIxe4
I/!Id2 Iilf6 15.@h6 Iilg7 16.l'!Ih3;!; Mar- 20.:i;1xe4 ~fd8 21.~e3 ~xb2= Heb-
janovic-Ciric, Yugoslavia 1976; 13. den-Einarsson, London 1987) 13 ...
I/!Id2 Lle8 14.h4 Iilb7 IS.h5 \!!Id5 16. ~b7 14.0f4+-) 12.~xh7t <;/;>xh7 13.
hxg6 hxg6 17.lilc4 '/lIh5 18.~e5 ~xe5 YNc2t g6 14.l/lIxc6 ~f5 15.~d2 Llc8
124 J6zscf Pinter
16.l/!Ibs ~e4 I Hlcs±; 10... Was Il. 19.<;;!f4 ~f3t 20.Wxf3 Wxc3+) 17 ...
~d2:!:ld8 IHlcs ~f6 13.~e4± exd4
I1.~e4 (b2) 17 ...!f!fs 18.dxes ~xd3 19.
Il.~es ~db4 12.:!:le3 ~xd3 13. exd6:!:lxd6 20.<;;!f4:!:lds 2l.~es±) 18.
:!:lxd3 '0,e7 (13...~b4 14Jlh3!~ (14. ~gs <;;!fs 19.Wc4 Wds 2M'xds :!:lxds
:!:lg3 ~6=) 14Ilh3 g6 Is.~h6 ~g7 21.!f!xfst Pouliot-Leveille, corr
16.Wd2 ~fs 17.~xg7 ~xg7 18.ds 1989; 13.~xh7 I1Ixh7 14.~xds exds
cxds 19.94± Zerbe-Bruning, corr IS.Whst I1Ig8 16.~xg6 fxg6 17.
1985; Il.~bl ~ce7 12.~e4 b6 13. '!Yxg6t <ilh8 18.Wh6t= Kaidanov-
Wd3 g6 14.~xf6t ~xf6 Is.~gs ~fds Efimov, USSR 1980;
16.a3 Wd6 17.Wd2t c) 12.a3 a6
11 •••~cc7 (c) 12...<;;!d7 13.~bs
I1...h6 12.~b I! ~ce7 1H!id3 (c) 13.Wd3 h6 14.<;;!xds exdS 15.
~g6 14.4Jes±; 1l...~de7 IHle3 (12. ~bs 1/!Ib8 16.g3 We8 17.!f!f4 <;;!fs
Wd3 ~g6 13.~e3± Krasilnikov- 18.1/!Ib3 Wd7= Polgar,J-Adams, Lon-
Goldenov, USSR 1968) 12...Was don 1989) 13 ... Wb8 14.~gs <;;!xg5
13.~d2 :!:ld8 14.~b3 Wc7 Is.Whs g6 15.~g5 ~ce7 16.~e3 <;;!c6 17.Wh5
16.Wf3± Smyslov-Bisguier, Leipzig ~g6 18.:!:lad1 ~xc3 19.bxc3 ~xe4
01 1960; Il...Wd6 12.~gs 20.!!xe4 '!Yd6«> Mortensen-Hansen,
a) 12.~bs Wb8 13.g3 !f!d7 14.~c3 LB Graested 1990) 13.~c2 ~xc3
~ce7 Is.~xds 14.bxc3 g6 15.a4 !!d8 16.~g5 ~g7
(a) Is.~es~xesI6.dxes~c617. 17.~e4\Wc718.~g5!!d519.Wd2~a5
Whs fs=) 15...~xds 16.~xds exds 20.~f6t± Po1gar,J-Benko, Aruba
17.~gs ~xgs 18.~xgs WdS 19.~f3 1992;
Wb6= Beliavsky-Portisch, Reggio d) 12.~c2 ~xc3
I 986/S7; (d) 12...~ce7 13.Wd3 ~g6 14.~e4
b) 12.~gs g6 '!Yb6 15.~f6t ~xf6 16.~g5 ~5 17.
bI) 12...~xgs 13.~xgs ~d7 14. ~b3 <;;!d7 18.~e5 ~b5 19.Wg3 Wxd4
Wd2 20.!!ad1 '!Yb4 21.~xg6 hxg6 2T.
(bI) 14.Wd3 fs 1Hixds exds <;;!xd5 exd5 23.~e7± Cabrilo-Savon,
16.~bs Wg6 17.~f4±) 14 ... ~ce7 15. Belgrade 1988) 13.bxc3 g6 14.~h6
~xe7 ~xe7 16.~b7 :!:labS 17.~e4 (d) 14.~g5 ~g7 15.~e4 '!Yc7 16.
:!:lfd8 18.:!:ladl ~c6 19.Wc2 h6 20.h3 ~g5 f5 17.~c5 h6 18.~xe6 ~xe6 19.
1/!Ib4= Rogers,I-Hansen, LB Malmo l"!xe6 hxg5 20.!!xg6«> Hebden-
1993; Hoffman, Vrnjacka Banja 1989)
b2) 12 ... h6 13.~f3 14 ...!f!g7 15.Wd2 !!d8 16.!!ad1 ~d7
(b2) 13.~h7t I1Ih8 1Ud3 ~f4!) 17.:!:le4 ~xh6 18.Wxh6 WfS 19.Wgs
13 ...:!:ldS 14.~b1 ~xc3 Is.bxe3 es !!ac8 20.:!:lf4± Polgar,Z-Benko,
16.Wd3 g6 17.~xh6 Aruba 1992;
(b2) 17.dxes Wc7 18.We2 ~xes e) 12.\lJid3 g6
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 125
(a2) 18 ... gxh6 19.IWg31"+-) 19. (a) 20.l/lIc21/lif6 21.l'iib2 l'iid7 22.c4
IWf3 gxh6 I/lig6tt S. Polgar-K. Thorsteins, Bu-
(a2) 19 ... !i:xe6 20.~xg7 ~xg721. dapest 1989) 20 ... !i:xd8 21.liie3 wg8
IWxe6 ~a6 22.!i:e3+-) 20.:Wxf6 !i:xe6 22.liid4± Willke-Doderer, cr 1991;
21.'1l'xh6 f6 22.d5! b) 14.ilf3 ~ce7 15.l'iid2
(a2) 22.l/lIg61" IiIh8 23.!i:e4 bI) 15.ile5 4Jxc3
(a2) 23.!i:e3 !i:xe3=) 23 ... IWg5+) (bI) 15...4Jc6!?) 16.l/lixc3 4Jrs 17.
22 .. JJ.e7 l'iie34Jxe3
(a2) 22 ... IWxd5 23.l/lIg61" IiIh8 24. (bI) 17 ... a5 18.!i:acl
!i:e3 e5 25.l/lIh51" IiIg7 26.!i:g31"+-) (bI) IS.!i:ad1 4Jxe3 19.fxe3 );la6
23.dxc6 20.!i:cl !ld6 21.I/lIc5 b6 22.l/lib5 l'iid7
(a2) 23.!i:e3 !i:g7 24.dxe6 'I!If5 25. 23.4Jxd7 !lxd7 24J1e6 !'ld6 25.!"lccl
!i:ae1 !i:c8 26.h3 ~xe6 27.g4 l1g6 !lxc6 26.l/lixc6 e5 27.d5 liie7 2S.l/lic3
28.IWh4 IWd5 29.f4 );le7tt) 23 .. J:!h7 l'iic5 29.);lfl I/lIg5 30.!lf3 I/lih4 31.l'iic2
24.IWf4I/lic7tt) 18...~a6 19.1/lie3 );lfe8 !le8 32.!i:g3 IWdS= Malaniuk-
20.l'iic4±; 15.dxe5 fu.e5 Adams, Hastings 1995) 18 ... a4 19.
(a) 15 ... 4Jxe3 16.l/lIxc3±) 16. !ledl4Jxe3 20.l/lIxe31/lib6 21.4Jg4 liig5
l'iih7t 22.f4 l'iie7= Topalov-Karpov, Lina-
(a) 16.l/lig3? 4Jxc3 res 1995) IS.l/lixe3
(a) 16 ... 4Jg6 17.l'iixh6 gxh6 18. (bl) IS.fxe3 J;!bS 19.);ladl l'iid7
ilxd5 exd5 19.~xg6 IWg5 20.IWxg5 20.liib1 ~cS 21.ilg4 liig5 22.e4 h5=
hxg5 21.~d3 l'iie6 22.!i:c5 g4 23. Chiburdanidze-Ioseliani, Telavi
);lg5t wh8=) 17.l'iixh6 1988) 18 ... \\Iib6 19.!i:ad1 !i:dS 20.!ld2
(a) 17.bxc3 4Jg6 18.l'iixg6 fxg6 (bI) 20.b3 liid7 21.ilg4 l'iig5 22.
19.1'iixh6I/lie8 20.l'iig5±) 17...~g6 18. 1/lIf3 \lie8 23.ile5 !lxd4 24.ilc4 !'lxdl
bxc3 25Jfxd1 I/lIc7 26.liixb7 !i:dS+) 20 ...
(a) 18.l'iixg6 I/lif6 19.bxc3 I/lIxg6 ~d7 Hoi-Hansen, LB Vejstrup 1989;
20.IWxg6 fxg6 21.l'iig5±) 18 ... gxh6 b2) 15.l/lie2 ~d7 16.l'iibl fu.c3 17.
19.1iixg61/l1g5 bxc3 liic6 IS.~e5 l'iixe5 \9.l/lIxe5I/l1d5
(a) 19 ... fxg6 20.l/lixg6t IiIhS 21. 20.l/lig3 I/lih5 21.~c2 4Jf5 22.liixf5
I/lixh61·liIg8 22.IWg6t IiIh8 23.!i:e5 !i:f5 exf5 23.c4 !i:fc8 24.l'iic3 I/lig4 25.d5±
24.!i:e3+-) 20.liie4 I/lixg3 21.hxg3 Adams-Karpov, Roquebrune 1992;
J;!b8 22.!i:ad1 b5= Nijboer-van der 15...!itld7 16.ile5
Sterren, Nedcrland (ch) 1989) 16 ... (b) 16.'i1xd5 exd5 \ H'if4 ~e6 IS.
<1>h8 17.!i:xe5 4Jxc3 18.bxc3 rs 19. l'iie5 4Jf5 19.1'iixf6 I/lixf6 20.!lacl 4Jd6
~xf5 21.4Jc5 !lfd8 22.4Jb5 4Jxb5 23.l/lixb5
(a) 19.1/lIxd8 !i:xd8 20.l'iixh6 I/lif4 24.l/lixb7 !i:dbS 25.l/lie7 I/lid2 26.
I'IIxh7= b3 I/lixa2 27.b4 as 2S.bxa5 !i:cS 29.
(a) 20 ... gxh6 21.l'iig6 rjJg7 22. I/lid6 I!!ixa5= Yagupov-Legky, USSR
il/h5=) 19 ... exf5 20.IWxd8 Anny-ch 1995) 16 ... l'iixe5 17.dxe5
128 J6zsef Pioter
Itlf4) IS ...ltlf6 19.1tlf4 ItlxeS 20.ltlxeS 19.111xfS exf4 20.l11e4 I!ld7 21.0.xb7
as?! (20"J!eS 21.l/!ig3 f6 22.0.c7 !'ladS 22.fle2;l;) 16".g6 17.l/!ih3 eS
I/!id7 2Hlf4 I1Ih7 24.h3 (24.l'lxeS IS.!'!adl I/!icS 19.b4 I/!ic7) lS".flc4
I/!ixeS 2S.h3=) 24".b6 2S.l'lacl 16.0.f4 (16.'ilxfS exfS 17.l/!if4;l;) 16".
l'lxel t 26.l'lxel 0.a6 27.0.bS I/!ib7 flcd6 17.ltleS I/!ig6 IS.l/!ixg6 hxg6 19.
(27".1/!if7 2S.b3 I/!igS 29.l!ld6 l'leS=) ItlO f6 20.ltlxd6 flxd6 21.!'!acl !:!dS=
2S.l11d6 1/!if7 29.l'le7 I/!ig6:!;) 21.l'lacl Novikov-Lugovoi, St. Petersburg
a4 (21...f6 22.ltlc7 I/!id7 23.l'lcS l'leS 1995) 14.l!lxdS exdS IS.flxf6t I/!ixf6
24.l/!ixdSt I1Ih7 2S.l'lxe8 '/lIxe8 26.l'lcl 16.flxdS I/!ih4 17.l11f4±; 12".ltld7 13.
l/!ie6±) 22.'/lIg3 '/IgS (22".f6 23.l'lc7 I/!id3 (l3.flg4 0.c6 14.l/!id3 flg6 15.
I11d7 24.ltlf4 l'le8 2S.l'lxcSt I/!ixe8 26. flxdS
h3 gS 27.l'lxb7 l11eS 28.!'!c7 '/lie 1t 29. a) IS.l11e3 flxe3
I1Ih2 I11fS 30.l11e3±) 23.l/!ixgS hxgS 24. al) 15...flb4?! 16.l/!id2 ltle7;l;
0.d6l'ld8 2S.0.e7 !'le8 26.0.xgSl:'1xe 1t (a 1) 16".ltlxe4 17.flxf6t I/!ixf6
(26".ltld7 27.0±) 27JJxe I± Van del' IS.flxe4 l/!ie7 19.dS! flxdS 20.l11cS±
Sterren-San Segundo, Esealdcs Brunncr-Gerber, Zug 19S7);
1995; 12".flfS 13.flg4! a2) IS".!'!cS 16.!'!ad1
(a2) 16.flxdS I11xdS 17.flxf6t
I/!ixf6 IS.l1lxdS exdS 19.I/!ibS I/!ic6)
(a2) 16".ltle7 17.fleS flxeS IS.
I11xh7t I1IhS 19.dxeS g6 20.\tlxg6
fxg6 21.lWxg6~;
a2) 16".b6!?) 17.bxc3
(a2) 17.41xf6t I/!ixf6 lS.bxc3
I11xe4 19.\I1Jxe4 !'!xc3 20.l/!ixb7 l/!ie7
21.I/!ixe7?! flxe7 22.dS flxdS 23.
0.xa7 !'!as 24.l!ld4 !'!ca3) 17".0.dS
a21) 17".ltlxc4 lS.l/!ixe4 !'!xc3
(13.0.xfS exfS 14.iWb3 flb6 IS.dS 19.\I1Jxb7 ~dS;
!'!eS 16.f4 fld7 IH)O i:1xclt 18. a22) 17".l1le7!? IS.fleS
flxel I/!ib6t 19.11Ifl l/!ia6t 20.11If2 (a22) IS.l1lxc6 !'!xc6 19.c4 fS 20.
Itlxc3 21.I/!ixc3 flf6 22.l/!id4 0d7 23. fleS flxeS 21.dxeS I/!ixd3 22.!'!xd3
h3 !'!eS 24.l11e3 fle4'1' 2S,lllg1 flg3 Itlc5=) lS".0.xe4 19.1/!ixe4 flxeS 20.
26.l/!ixa7 l/!ie2 27.1tlf2 I/!ixb2 28.!'!dl dxeS I/!ic7=; lS.!'!bl
fle2t 29.l1Ih2 flxf4 30.l/!id4 I/!ixd4 31. a21) IS.l1lxd5 exdS 19.1/!ibS ltle7!
!'!xd4 gS 32.!'!d2 f6 33.ltlcS !'lxel) 20.l/!ixb7 !'!xc3 21.l/!ixa7 !'!a3=;
13".flxd4 (13".flb6 14.flxf6t I/!ixf6 a22) 18.flxf6t I/!ixf6 19.\1lxdS
IS.l/!ig4 (1S.l11f4 I/!ixd4 16.l!ihS (16. (a22) 19.!'!bl !'!c7) 19".exd5 20.
1/!if3 eS 17.!'ladl I/!icS lS.b4 I/!ic7 I/!ib5 I/!ic6!?; IS".ltle7
130 J6zscf Pinter
b) 15...~f6 16.~e5 ~xe4 17.l/I'xe4 l'i:ae1;!;) 17 ... <:Ie6 IS.~3 ~c6 19.~c5
~5 IS.~g4 <:Id7 19. I! Mt f6 20.l/I'g3 I/I'f6 20.l/I'xf6t I1lxf6 2 l.l'i:ad I b6=
~xc3 2l.bxc3 l:'1c8 22.c4 l/I'a5 23. Lein-Burger, Beershcva 19S2;
I/I'b3 b6 24.h3;!; c) 15 ... b6 16.~d5
(b) 24.h4? e5 25.~e3 exd4 26. cl) 16.h4 <:Ib7 17.h5 ~fS 18.
~d5 l:'1feS 27.l:'1xe8 l:'1xc8 2S.I/\'f3 <:IfS ~xdS I1lxdS 19.<:IxfS exfS 20.l/I'd2
29.l/I'f4 I/I'c5-+ Tseitlin-Zhuravliov, (cl) 20.l/I'g3tt) 20 ... l/I'h4 21.1/\'b4
ch URS select Rostov on Don l:'!adS
1976); 16.a3 (16.l1lxd5! ~xd5 17. cll) 2l...l/I'xh5 22.1/!Id6~;
~xdS I/I'xd5? IS.l:'1c7! IllIxa2? 19.~eS el2) 2l...1/!Ig5 22.f3 l:'!fcS
I/I'd5 20.l/I'e3+- Antoshin-Nezhmet- (cl2) 22 ...1/!Ixh5 23.1/!Id6l:'1fdS 24.
dinov, Moscow 1967) 16 ...!iib7 17. ~d7 !iie6 2S.l/I'c5t±) 23.:tIe2 1/!IxhS
l:'1c2 P.Dc1y-L.Lengyel, HUN tt 24.1/!Id6 0c6 2S.~c6 f4 26.l:'!e5 1/!Ih4
1992 (l7.h4?! ~cS=) 17 .. Jlc8tt; 15. 27.dS~; 22.hxg6
~e5 a6 (cl) 22.l:'1ac11/!1xh5
a) 15...~f6 16.<:If3 ~d7 17.<:Ixb7 (cl) 22 ... 1/!IgS 23.f3+) 23.1/!Id2
~S IS.~e4 1/!Ih6 24.f4 I/I'h4+ Zaitsev-Unzicker,
(a) IS.<:If3 l:'1xb2 19.1:'1abl l:'1xb1 Moscow 1961) 22 ... hxg6 23.l'i:e3
20J'lxbl;!;) 18...~xb7 19.~xf6 <:IcS l:'!hS 24.l:'!h3 1/!Ie4 2S.l'i:g3 l:'!cS 26.l:'!el
(a) 19 ... l1lxf6 20.~f3t+-) 20.~e4 1/!Ih4 27.l'i:h3 I/I'f6+;
~xb2 2l.d5 f6 c2) 16.\'!ig3! I1lb717.~acl ~fS1S.
(a) 2l...exd5 22.l/I'c3 l:'!b6 <:IxfS exfS 19.h4 ~xc3 20.bxc3 1/!Id6
(a) 22 ... f6 23.l/I'xb2 dxc4 24. 2l.h5 l:'!adS;!;
~c4+-) 23.~c6t d4 24.~xd4 I17gS (c2) 21...f6? 22.h6t); 16...~xdS
2S.l/I'cS!ig3 I1lb7 IS.~c4 1/!IbS 19.1/!IeSt
(a) 25.~ad1 ~dS 26.l/I'a5±) 25 ... ~f6 Reshevsky-Unzicker, Maribor
~f5 1967;
(a) 2S ... f5 26.~g5 l':1b7 27. d) IS ... f6 16.~f3 b6 17.l:'!ac1l'i:f7
~adl+-) 26.~c6 I/I'c7 27.l':1ac1 wg7 IS.Wc4 <:Ib7 19.1/I'b3 l:'!cS 20.1/!Ia3
2S.g4 ~4 29.l/I'c3t f6 30.~xf6l:'!xf6 1/!Id7= Berg-Keene, Aarhus 19S3;
31.l:'!e7t I/I'xe7 32.~xe7 I1lxg4 33. 16.1/!!f3 l:'!a7 17J::lad1 f6 IS.~c4 bS
~S+-) 22.~c4l:'!b8 19.<:Ixd5 exd5 20.~e3 <:Ie6;!; Zhuko-
(a) 22 ... l:'!bS 23.d6;!;) 23.d6 ~d5 va-Tunik, St. Petersburg op2 1994.
(a) 23...~f5 24.~cS Iild7 25. IS ...l/I'd6
l:'1xe6±) 24.~ad1 <:Id7 25.l/I'a3± Mar- IS ... <:Id7 16.<:Ixd5 ~xdS (16 ...
tin-Barbeau, Benidonn 19S4. exd5 17.~f4 f6 IS.l'i:e2 <:Ic6 19.~ae1
(a) 2S.l/I'd4!?±); l:'!f7 20.l'i:e6 ~gS 2l.h4 l:'!cS 22.g4
b) 15 ... <:Id7 16.<:Ixd5 exd5 17. 1/!Ic7 23.®xc7 l'i:cxc7 24.~2 (24.
1/I'f3 l:'!6e3 ~h6 2S.~h2tt Gipslis-Mike-
(b) 17.~e2 f6 IS.~f3 l:'!eS 19. nas, cr Lithuania-lOO, CCS 19S5)
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 137
24...~6 2S.f3 41g8 (25...wf8 26.M2 'fJ.cS 2H1xeS (ilxe8 24.dS I/!/d6 25.
41gS!= (26 ... E:ce7?± 27.b4 a6 (27. .. I/!/c3t \\,!f6=) 19.(ilxdS exdS 20.41eS f6
41gS 2S.bS (ild7 29.E:d6 E:xel 30. 21J'lac1 'lJ:d6 22.41d3;l;
i!lxe1±) 28.a4l'Ixe6 29.11xe6l'Ie7 30. 17••• ~c61S.'fJ.adl
l'Ixf6t± Pushkov-Shabanov, Orel IS.h5 gxh5 19.(ilf3 (19.IWgSt
1992) 17.41xdS exdS IS.l'Ie3;l; (IS. 41g6 20.l!!ixh5 41f6 21.I/!/dl (21.'IJIgS
E:eS (ilc6 19.1'Iael l'IcS 20.E:xeS (ilxeS 'IJIxd4; 2I.Wif3) 2l...41xe4 (21...'fJ.adS?
21.41eS;l;); IS ... b6 16.f!ac1 (ilb7 17. 22.(ilxc6 bxc6 23.1/!/f3 cS 24.dxcS
41eS;l; IWxcS 2S.~xg6 fxg6 (2S ... hxg6??
16.41e5 26.'Wxf6t+-) 26.'fJ.xe6±) 22.41xe4
16.E:acl f617.l/!/e2;l; (ilxe4 23.'fJ.xe4 flacS=) 19 ...41xc3 20.
16•••(ild717.h4!? (ilxc6 bxc6 21.'Wxc3 f1adS 22.'fJ.e4
'IJIdS 23.'fJ.ael;l;
lS ...fladS 19.(ilxd5
19.h5 gxh5 20.'IJIg5t 41g6 21.
41xc6 bxc6 22.l/!/xhS;l;; 19.41c4 'IJIc7
19 ...0xd5
19 ... 4lxd5? 20.h5 f6 21.41e4 'IJIc7
22.4lxc6 bxc6 23.41cS±
20.41g4 41f5
20 ... f6 21.h5 41f5= (2l...g5?! 22.
41e3 (22.h6t I1IhS 23.'lJle2 41fS 24.
41xd5 ;t\lxd5 25.41e3 41xe3 26.\lIJxe3
l'IfeS 27.f1cl lld7 28.b3;l;) 22 ...flfeS
17.41c4 I/!/c7 (I7...Wb4 ISJlac1 23Jle2)
E:acS 19.a3 Wib3 20.4lxdS+- 41xdS 21.h5 f6
(20 ... exdS 21.flc3 Wia4 22.0c2 'Wc6 21...gxh5 22.'IJIg5t I1IhS 23.\lIJf6t
2HlaS IWf6 24.41xb7+-) 21.~xdS (23.l/!Jxh5 figS 24.41xd5 IWxdS 25.'fJ.eS
exdS 22.!i:c3 l/!/a4 23.41d6 L1xc3 24. I/!/xa2!? 26.'i!lxf7 'fJ.df8 27.IWhS IWxb2
I/!/xc3 b6 2S.IWe3 i!lgS 26.h4 hS (26 ... 2S.'fJ.xe6 41xd4 29.l'Ie7 'fJ.g7oo) 23 ...
(ile6 27.h5 IWd7 2S.l/!/eS+-) 27.f41/!/c6 I1IgS (23 ... 41g7 24.41e5±) 24.41h6t
2S.l/!/eS f6 29.IWc7 (ilg4 30.wh2 a6 (24.4lxd5 cxd5 (24 ... hxg4? 25.
31.41eS flf7 32.IWdS rlf8 33 .llc7+-) l'Ie4+-) 25.1j1ixf5 hxg4 26. IWxg4 t IWg6
IS.4lxdS (IS.E:ac1 (ilc6 19.41eS rladS 27.\l\If3± (27.IWh4±) ) 24 ... 4lxh6 2S.
20.41xdS (20.41g4 IWf4=) 20 ... cxdS IWxh6 f6 26Jld3 rm 27.E:g3t i!lhS
21.(ild3 (21.41g4 f5 22.IWh6t I1IhS-+) 2S.'i!lxhS;l;
21...f6 22.41g4 41gS 23.h41/!/d6 24.bS 22.h6t
~d7 2S.41e3;l;) IS ... 4lxd5 (lS ... exdS 22.41e3 41xe3 23.'fJ.xe3 (23.fxe3
19.(ilf3 dxc4 (l9 ... rlfeS 20.4leS;l;) 20. f5 24.h61" I1IgS 25.e4 fxe4 26.4lxe4
'fJ.xe7 flfeS 21.'fJ.ae1 flxe7 22J:'lxe7 IWf4oo; 23.l!ixe3 'fJ.feS=) 23 ... rlfeS 24.
138 J6zsef Pinter
Anand plays this endgame with- 0c1 rJlf7 (44 ... l1Ih5 45.l1Ig3 ~c8 46.
out his usual esprit, the situation ~a3 (ilb7 47.~c1 g5 48.~a3 g4 (48 ...
was not so critical yet. 35.®d8!? gxf41' 49.wxf4 I1Ih4 50.~cl=) 49.
®xh5 36.~e3 ~c6 ~d6 rJlg6 50.l17h4 111f7 51.I1Ih5 we8
a) 36...~g6 37.~a8 as 38.c5 a4 52.g3 I1Id7 53.I1lxh6I11c6 54.l1Ig7 I1Ib5
39.c6 f4 40.c7 I/!Jbl t 41.wh2 (ild7 55.wf7) 45.we3 g5 46.l1Id4 g4 47.
42.~c5 ~e3 h5 48.~f2=) 44...~c8 45.l1Ie3
(a) 42.~xf4 ®f5 4Hg3 ~h5i' 44. 111f7 46.l!id4+; o39.11If] !?= should be
I1IgI ~dl t=) 42 ... l/!Jg6 43.l1Ig1 I/!Jbl t examined more closely.
44.l1Ih2=; 39... ~xc6 40.f3 f4!
b) 36 ... ~f7 37.~a8=; 37.l/!Jd6 ~a8 40 ... ~e8 41.g4+
38.l/!Jd8= ~~e4 39.f3. 4Uib2
3S ..•®d7 36.0c3 ~d3 4Uuc3? a4 42.~d2 a3-+
36 ...®dlt 37.l!ih2+ 41. ..~e8 42.~c1 a4 43.~xf4 a3
37.®d4 44.(ile3Ii!xhS
37.~d4 as'F; 37.~b4 i/\!dS+ White must have misjudged the
37••. ®xd4 38.~xd4 as consequences of this endgame. The
Worsc is 38 ... ~xh5 39.c6 ~e2 assymetry of the pawns plays in the
40.~xa7± hands of the side with a spare
39.c6 pawn.
45.g4 a2 46.~d4 ~e8 47.f4 g6
48.11If2 h5 49.l!ig3 ~a4 50.wh4 I1Ih6
51.~c3 ~d I 52.gxh5 gxh5-+
45 ...>1ie8 46.<;ild4 ~c6 47.~c3 a2
48.q;e3 wg6-+
48 ..• hS 49.g4?
49.wg2 g5 50.1!if2l11g6 51.we3 h4
52.wf2 h3-+; 49.f4 I1Ig6 50.we3 I1If5
51.~b2 <!>g4 52.wf2 h4 53.gxh4
White's desire to keep his h5- 49 ... h4
pawn and not allow Black to create 49 ... h4 50.f4 g5! (50 ... l1Ig6-+)
'trouses' is clear. 39.f3 a4 (39 ... 51.f5 (5l.fxg5I11g6 52.~all1lxg5-+)
~xh5 40.c6 ~e8 41.c7 ~d7 42.111f2 5l...exf5 52.gxf5 g4-+
a4 43.~e5 f4+) 40.~b2 ~xh5 41.c6 0-1
~e8 42.c7 0d7 43.g3 l!ig6 44.wf2;
39.f4 a4 40.~b2 ~xh5 41.c6 ~e8
42.c7 0d7 43.11If2 wg6 44.~a3 (44.
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 143
\!lIc3 (IS.flbS g6) IS ... l'!c8 16.l'!adl IS.'lYxe4 g6 16.\!lJe2 lUa6 IHld3
E:e8 17.~e5 flxeS 18.dxe5 fld5 19. IUxd3 18.@xd3 l:1d8 19.1Uc3 IUf6 20.
0xe7 flxe3 20.l'lxd8 flxe2 21.!:ied 1 li\Ie4 E:dS 2 U''lac 1 @d7+ Pimenta-
b5 22Jixe8t rJ:xe8 2Hld6 E:a8 24. Vchi Bach, Metz 1992;
!1d2 b4 25.l'lxe2 bxe3 26Jlxe3 a4 c) 14.dS? lila6!f'; 14 .. Jld8 IS.
27.b4 axb3 28Jlxb3 fSt; 13 ... @c8 'ilg5
14.b4 a) IS.b5?! flxd4! 16.flxd4 lUeS
17.fle40xe4 18J'1xe4 eS
abedefgh (a) 18 ...flxe4! 19.'/lIxe4 IUxd4 20.
@xh7t li>f8 21.a4 @c3 22.lUa3t lUeS
23.lUxcSt bxe5-+) 19.f2b2 f.lxd4
20.~xd4 !1xd4 21.~xd4 exd4 22.!1e I
b) IS.dS flb8 16.lUgS g6 17.
!1adl",; IS ... h6 16.lUf4 ~xb4 17.
axb4 flxb4 18.@d2 ~xf3 19.9xf3
flxe2 20.\Wxe2 l:'i:xd4 21.lUeS );1e4 22.
@d3 fld7 23.lUd4 eS 24.fldS E:xd4
2S.\!!ixd4 cxd4 26.fle7'! li>f8 27.flxe8
a) 14.0gS ~a6 IS.@e3 l:'i:xc8 28.l:'i:xa7 l"1d8=; 13 ... @d7? 14.
(a) IS.\!lId2-l':lc8 16.l"!adl fld5 17. dS! (14.~gS g6 IS.l"1ad1 (IS.lUa4
~xc7 flexc7 18.flc4 @c7 19.~bl @f4 l:1fd8 16.f1aci l:'i:ac8 17.h3 a6 18.
20.@xf4 flxf4 21.g3 flfd5 2Hlc5 h6 0xe6 f.lxe6 19.IWxa6 0xf3 20.gxf3
23.f.la2 l'!ed8 24.l'!cl l'!ac8 25.~xd5 l:1a8 21.I!lIc2 !'fe8 22.l!lIe3 !'fed8 23.
l'!xdS 26.l'!xc8t Itlxc8 27Jld 1 f.lb7 &led I fldS 24.flxdS f2xg5 2S.\!lJxg5
28.flc3 gd8 29.f4 flf5 Y:,-Y:, Snyder- @xdS 26.'!YxdS l:1xdS 27 J;i;eS !1d6 28.
Cortinas, San Francisco 2000) li>g2 li>g7 29.l'lbS l'!e8 30.f1d3 f1e4
IS ... l'!d8 16.l'!adl ~e4 17.flc5 ~dS 31.1i>g3t) 15 .. .rlfd8 16.lUb3 (16.d5
18.@h3 li>f8 19.~xf6 ~xf6 20. flxd5 (16 ... exdS 17.lUb3!) 17.flxdS
@xh7+-; exd5 18.lUxc7 flxe7 19.fle5 (19.l!lIc3
b) 14.fle4 flxe4 flf5 20.lUxfS @xf5 21.'!Yh6 '!Yf6 22.
(b) 14 ... g6 15.flfg5 h6 16.flxf6t flgS Ii\Ig7 23.'!Yxg7·, li>xg7 24.l'le7 11?f6
~xf6 17.flxf7 li>xf7 18.\!lJxg6·, li>e7 2S.l'lxf7'i· li>xg5 26.f41' IlIh6 27.l:i:xb7
19.~xh6 E:f7 20.dS flcS 21.d6t l1Ie8 l'ldb8 28.l'ld7 l'ld8 29.[1\xdS l:i:xd7
22.~a4t 30Jlxd7 !le8 31.!1d2±) 19 ... \!lId6 20.
(b) 22.l'!xeS! ~xeS 23.~a4t IUc6 \WO Jaf8 21.f2b3 Jaae8 22.g3ii6) 16 ...
24Jlcl+-) 22 ... ~c6 23.~xc6i· '/lIxc6 !lae8 17.\lJib1 \!lIe8 18.'!Ya2 1i\If8 19.d5
24.:!i:xeS \!lIxd6 2S.\!lIg8t we7 26. exd5 20.0xf6 IUxf6 21.flxd5 Ii\Ig7 22.
l'!xe6t @xe6 27.@xa8+- Lindenber- flxf6t '!Yxf6 23.!1xd8'j' !lxd8 24.lUd5
gcr-Neumann, Wuerzburg 1995) li>g7 25.lUc4 !1e8= Barrasa Lopez-
148 Jozsef J>inlcr
16...~xe7 (16 ... ~xe7 17.0xf6+-) J:i:xdS 27.g3± 1-0 Christens en-
17 .~xdS ~xdS 18.§lxe7 ~cxe7 (18 ... Solberg, Copenhagen 2006;
~xe7 19.§lb3 ~aS 20.0a2l:i:cd8 21. b) 18.0h6 !'ie8 Iniadl ~lI)c7 20.
:Wc3 ~fS 22.®f4 \QxO 23.@xO fld2 §lb3 'fJd8 21. \!Iid4 1-0 Schmidt-
24.\lJ!c3 flfd8 2S.g3 ~d4 26.wg2 flc2 Imanaliev, Moscow 1994; IS ...
27Jlcl l:i:8d3 28.'lkSt fld8 29.:Wc7 I,UxgS 19.0.xgS hS 20.0xg6 fxg6 21.
!'l8d7 30.\!Iif4 flxa3 31.!kSt wg7 32. '/IIc4t <iih8 22.0.f7t flxf7 23.@xf7
!WeSt :ilh6 33.flgS 1-0 Novik-Zu- 0a8 24.'!\Ixg6 'IiIdS 2SJiadl fld4 26.
boy, Dos Hennanas 2003) 19.\Qb3 [ixd4 I'lixd4 27.\\Iih6t I!Ig8 28.\!Iie6t
flc7 (1 9 ... ~eS 20.[!e I flfS 21.'!\Id2 1-0 Baron Rodriguez,J -Aparicio
flf6 22.fleS fle4 23.@f4 (23Jixe4 Navarro,P IS pain 2004/) 18.IWh4
I,Uxe4 24.0.d7+-) 23 ... 0.fd6 24.h4 (18.\!Iic6·,·l!Ih8 19.1':1adll'licS 20.0xfS
0g7 2S.0 flf6 26.0.xg6 hxg6 27. 0xgS 2l.flxgS g6 2U(d7 1-0
®xd6+- Jerez Perez-Gomez Jurado, Backlund-Demian, Corr 2006) IS ...
Mondariz 1995) 20.flgS l::1feS 21.h4 '}jc7 (l8 ... 0xg5 19.flxgS h6.20.'/IIc41'
hS 22.\\\Id2 fld8 23.!'ldl fle6 24.0 wh8 21.0.f7t '}jxf7 22.IWxf7 fld4
l:'if6 2S.fle4 fle6 26.\\\Ih6 f6 27.flc3 23Jie7 \\\Ig8 24.'lilxg8t I!Ixg8 2S.0xfS
f:eS 2S.f4 !'le6 29.0.xdS 0xdS 30. flxfS 26J::lxb7 !:(c2 27.b4 fld6 28.
0xdS XlxdS 31.l:i:xdS flxdS 32.\\\Ixg6t gxa7 1-0 Suhail-Al Tamimi, BeilUt
M8 33.®xhS 0.xf4 34.\\\Ih61' 1--0 2000) 19.1':1ad I '/lieS 20.'/IIf4 fld7 21.
Eliseev-Ananchenko, St. Peters- 0b3t whS 22.Xlxd7 \\\Ixd7 23.0xe7
burg 1995) 16.flxe4 (16.flxdS 0xgS flxe7 24.fleS I'libS 2S.0c4 fldS 26.
17.!Wxe4 g6 18.gadl 0f6 19.\!Iia4 flg6t wgS 1-0 Adla-Garcia Roman,
\Qxb2 20.0.e7t \!Iixe7 21.!'lxe7 flxe7 Barcelona 2006; \3 ... fleS 14.dS!
22.'!\Ixa7 §lxf3 23.gxf3 l:i:xc2 24. exdS IS.§lgS 'fJe4 16.flxc4 dxe4 17.
'IiIxe7 fleS 2S.a4;);) 16 ... dxe4 (16 ... '/IIxe4 g6 IS.'/IIh4± 0xgS
fS!? 17.§lxe7 fxe4 18.!'fxe4fue7 19. a) 18 ... h5 19.0b3 '/IIc7 20.'!\Ie4
!'1xe7!+-) 17.\!Iixe4 fS (17 ... g6 IS. wg7 21.0xf7!!
a) 18.§lxe7 \!Iixe7
(a) 18 ... fue7 19.\\Iixe7 §lxO 20.
§lb3 §ldS 21.§lxdS '/IIxdS 22.tlJxa7±)
19.@xe7flxe7 20.flxe7 0xO 21.§lb3
(a) 2J...0g4 22Jlxa7 0e6 23.
0xe6 fxe6 24.b4 l':1c2 2S'!;lfl ga2
26.g3 fif3 27.a4 lTh2 28.bS± Ho-
well-Magem Badals, Groningen
1983) 22.flxa7 flcd8 23.!"1dl !"1xdlt
24.0xdl fld8 2S.0b3 0dS 26.0xdS
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 151
152 .J6zsef Pioter
Not the best. Black had to cen- !re7 left much more chances for
tralize the queen with 35 ... l/lIe5! as escape.
he shouldn't be afraid of 36.l1lxf5? 39.0b3! He7?!
(036.l1lb3;1::) 36 ... gxfS 3Hlxf5 Ilg7! Also the best defence is 39 ...
This intermediate move saves :r:1fc8 40J:lc2 0b5 4I.l:Xd8t! i:xd8
Black. (A similar idca 37 .. JlgS? 42.E1xc7 l'1d3 43.h5!! gxh5 (43 ...
doesn't work in view of the weak- !!xb3 44.h6!) 44.l1lc2 Ilxe3 45.
ness of the last rank. 38Jlxe5! I1lxf5±
Ilxg2t 39.wh I i1g6t 40.e4 l:'1xh6 40.E1cll1lbS
4I.e7 l:'1xh4t 42.\i>g2 liic6 43.l'l17! 40 ... l1leS 4Uk8 wg7 42.l;dd8
!lxe4 44.!lxe4 I1lxe4i' 45.i>g3 I1lc6 (42.i1dc2!?)
46.c8~t I1lxe8 47.Ilxc7+-) 38.~xe5 41.a4 l'la6
l:'1xg2t 39.l1Ih I Ilg6t 40.e4 !lxh6 41...I1le8 42.!!c8 wg7 43.!!dd8
4 I.e7 Ilxh4t 42.\i>g2 Ilxe4 43.Ilxe4 42.~d7
I1lxe4t 44.\i>g3 wg7 and Black wins; 42.!ld7 !!xd7 43.exd7 wg7 44.
At the same time 35 ... l1ld5 would 0e6 wf6 45.i1c8.
allow to develop a strong initiative. 1-0
36.e4! I1lc4 37.exf5! 0xfl 38.fxg6
i1g7 39.i1xfI (39.e7 I/lId6!) (54) T. Petrosian - Y. Balashov
36.E1dl WflI?! USSR 1974
36 ... Wxe6? 37.l1lxf5! @b3 38.
Ild3!; 36...We7 37.Ilfd2 liic6 could 1.c4 ~f6 2.~c3 e6 3.d4 0b4 4.e3
prolong the fight, but probably cS S.0d3 dS 6.~f3 0-0 7.0-0 dxc4
Bologan was in shock after 34.d5!! 8.tilxc4 ~c6 9.0d3 cxd4 10.exd4
37.l/lIxfSt IlxfS 38.l:lfd2?! l1le7
An inaccuracy. 38.l1la4 wg7 39. Tfthe black knight stands on d7,
Ild7t Ilxd7 40.l1lxd7 (040.exd7) Black need not withdraw his bishop
40 ... wf6; The correct 38.c4! wins - he then exchanges on c3 and
almost by force. 38 ... f4 39.l1la4! 0c8 develops his bishop to b7. But now
(39...\i>g7 40.liid7 wf6 41.Ilxf4t this plan is not feasible because
That's why 38.c4 f4 was included. White could play 0g5, pinning the
41...Ii1e7 42J:lxfS wxfS 43.l::1fI t we7 f6 knight in an unpleasant manner.
44.E1nt I1ld8 45.c71· wxd7 46.e81/l1t White usually rcaches the same
wxe8 47.l'1xe7+-) 40.l1ld7 I1lxd7 position with the bishop on c4 and
4 I.Ilxd7 l:Xxd7 42.exd7 Ild8 4Hld2 the pawn on a3. Then I I.l/lId3 is
wg7 44.M2 M6 45.wf3 and White very promising. Balashov was pro-
wins. bably of the opinion that he can
38 ...liic6?! transpose into a position similar to
And again Bologan doesn't find the Queen's Gambit Accepted.
the best defence. 38 ... l1lc8! 39.0b3 11.l'1el b6
156 J6zsef Pinter
Now White can switch the men- 23.~c5 ~e8 24.\1la4 f6 2Hlg4 0b7
tioned possibility off and Black 26.0f4 <ilh8 27.IWe3 ~g7 28.~h6 l::!f8
remains dependent on a completely 29.~b3 ~e6 30.\ilxe6 lUeS 31.'Il'h3±)
passive defence. 21.~fgS 0dS 22.~xdS !XxdS 23.l'ixdS
12.a3 \1lb7 13.\1lc2 exdS 24.~xf6! 1-0 Agrest-Barsov,
White's customary plan after Dnepropetrovsk 19S4; 14 ... g6 IS.
1!Id3 and \1lgS enforces the weaken- ~h6 (lS.0b3 IWd7 16.<;ilgS l::!fd8 17.
ing of the king's position. l;'1adl ~e8? (17 .. :flhS) 18.dS cxdS
13 •. .rlc8 19.~xdS \1lxgS 20.~xgS 'I\IfS 21.IWxfS
gxfS 22.~e7i' ~xc7 2HlxdS );1xdS
24.l;'1xc7 ~d6 2S.~xf7 wf8 26Jlxb7
!'leS 27.l'Jb8 l:':xb8 28§lXd6 !'ld8 29.
~xfS l"1d2 30.a4 l"1xb2 31.0d I £ib 1
32.£Je3± Najdorf-Golombek, Hel-
sinki 19S2) IS ... I'le8 16.0a4 (16.
IWd2 ~a5) 16 ... a6 17.b4 b5 (17...l/Yd6
IS.!:1adl l'Jed8 19.\ilgS 'Wc7 20.~e2
~dS 21.\ilb3 \ilxgS 2Hlxg5 IWe7
23.IWg3 h6 24.~f3 I!Yf6 Werner-
Docttling, Boeblingcn 2000) 18.
~b3 as 19.bxaS ~xaS 20.~xb5 <;ile4
14.l/lid3l'l:e8 21. \!!id I ~xb3 22. IWxb3 @a5 23.0d2
14 ... l'l:e7 IS.dS (lS.\1lgS g6 16. \\!IaS 24.l'Jec1 <;ild5 25.'I!Id3 !:1xcl t 26.
I'ladl I'ld7 (16 ... IWc8 17.~c5 l;'1d8 IS. l;'1xc1 l;'1b8 2Hif4 l:Xc8 2S.!:1xcSt
IWc3 ~d5 19.~xdS \1lxgS 20.®xgS IWxc8 29.~cS IWaS (29 ... ~h5!) 30.f3;1;
l;'1xdS 21.\1lb3 IWd8 22.IWf4 I'ld6? (22 ... Zilbennan-Walther, Zuerich 1995;
~xcS! 23.dxcS I'ld3 2Hlf6 I'lc8=) 14 ... h6 IS.<;ile3 a6 16.IWe2 ~a5 17.
23.~g4! wg7 24.I/lih6t wg8 2S.d5 ~e5 IWd6 IS.l;'1adl l;'1fdS 19.<;ilf4 ~d5?
exdS 26JlxdS l'lcd7 27.l;'1xd6 l;'1xd6 (l9 ... ~f8!) 20.~xh6 gxh6 21.\wh5;
2S.l'.lxf7t wh8 29.~f6 l;'1xf6 30.l;'1cSt 14 ... IWd7 IS.dS exd5 16.\ilg5 g6
IWxe8 31.\1lxeS wg8 32.\1lxc6 \1lxc6 17.I'lxc7 ~xe7 IS.0xf6+- Kosin-
33 .h4+- Ovseevich-Khurtsidze, Uk- tseva-Ismailova, Chalkidiki 2000;
raine 1999) 17. IWe3 ~dS 18. ~xdS 14 ...'I\Id61S.d5 exd5 16.\ilgS g617.
~xgS 19.~xgS ElxdS 20.~f3 l::!d7 21. !:1xe7 ~xe7 18.~bS1/lIe6 19.~fd4 IWeS
IWf4 wg7 22.0a4 I'ld6 23.h4 I'ldS 24. 20.f4 IWe4 21.lilxf6 IWxd3 22.\1lxd3
\1lxc6 \1lxc6 2S.~eS \1la4 26.I'ld2 I/lid6 ~e6 23.~xe6 l;'1xe6 24.~d4 a6 2S.
27.IWe3 l'l:dS=) 15...l:Xd7 16.~e4 g6 ~c3±
1HM l:XxdS IS.IWc3 l:Xe8 19.1'l:adl 15.d5
~bS?! (19 ... eS!) 20.\1lb3 l::!d7 (20 ... Black wants to adopt a wait-
I'lxd1 2Ulxd1 \1lxe4 22.l::!xd8 l::!xdS and-see attitude, only after lS.\1lg5
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 157
g6 [6.~b3 flaS 17.~a2 fldS [S.fle4 a) 24 ... ~aS 2S.<;1/[4 ~d6 26.~xd6
flf6 (18 ... fS! 19.<;1/xe7 fxe4 20.<lixdS Ij!Jxd6 27.flgS+-) 2S.fleS \!\Id6
exd3 21.~gS fle4 22.<;1/xe4 a:xc4 23. (a) 2S ...fle6 26.flxf7+-) 26-,
a:ad[ a:c2 24.i'lxd3 i'lxb2"'1') [9. fle3 flg4+- Spraggett-Day, Montreal [98 [;
fldS 20.<;1/xe7 flxc7 21.b4 flae6 22. b) 21.~b3!±; 2l...flaS? (2l...
l"!adl flbS 23.fle4 fldS 24.\!JId2 wg7 !1xel t 22.l"i:xcl h6!) 22.0e3? (22.
2S.fleS± Tamm-Simons, Muenster ~fS!+-) 22 ... 0g7 (22 ... ~xf3 23.
1987. 1Jxc8 (23.@f6 I1Ixe3 24.bxc3 ~xdl
15 ...exd5 2S.!lxd1 Iilg7",) 23...l"i:xe8 24.gxf3
1S ...flb8 [6.dxe6®xd3 [7.exf7·r Iilg7) 2H.lgS h6 24.lilxg7 6xg7
wxf7 lS.fleSt (lS.<;1/xd3 <;1/xf3 [9. 2S.\!JId4j" gg8 26.fle4 <;1/xe4 27.<;1/xc4
gxf3 a:edS±) [8 ... wg8 19.~xd3+-; l1\'eS=
[S ... flaS [6.dxe6 (l6.<;1/gSl"!xe3! [7. 19 ... i!lc7
@xe3 flxdS 18.'lYd3 flf6±) 16...lj!Jxd3 19 ...0xgS 20.flxgS hS 21.0xg6!
17.exf7t Ii>xf7 18.fleSt wg8 19.
IMlg5 fle4
16 ... g6 17.l"!xc7 'lYxc7 (17 ...flxc7
18.<;1/xf6Ij!Jd6 19.<;1/eS\!\Ie6 20.<;1/d4 flfS
21.h3 flxd4 22.flxd4 Ij!Jf6 23.l"!dl a6
24.<lib3 !led8 2S.\!\Id2 a:e7 26.flce2
l"!dc8 27.flg3 wg7 28.fldfSt 1-0
Lalie-r{ononenko, Seville 2007)
IS.flxdS regains the pawn with in-
terest. IS ...flxdS [9.0xe7 ~dxe7 20.
<;1/a4± Atanu-Deshmukh, Sangli
2000. (20.<;1/b3±) A typical destroying sacrifice
17.flxe4 dxe4 18.l/Iixe4 g6 19. against the weakcned king position.
I/Iih4 2I...fxg6 22.@c4i· wg7 23.\!JIf7"1" wh6
19.1"!ad1 \!\Ie7 20.\!\Ih4 (20.~b3 24.flc6 l"!xe6 2S.l'~xe6 \!\IgS 26.1/!If4t
~xgS 21.\!\Ixe8t E1xeS 22.l"i:xeSt wg7 wh7 27.l"!ael with a decisive attack;
23.flxgS fleS 24.E1edS 0e6 2S.!1Sd4;!; 19 ... hS 20.~b3! (20.!'1ad1?! \!JIe7 21.
Sermek-Bukal, Pula 200 I; 20.<;1/f4) <;1/xg6 fxg6 22.\!\Ic4t (22J:1e6! a:cd8
20 ... <;1/f8 21.<;1/[6?! 23.1Jde1 E1d6 (23...~xgS 24.X"1xg6t
a) 21.0f4? l"i:xe1t 2Hlxe[ I/lidS wf8 2S.l/IixgS l"i:xe[ t 26.flxel ~e7
23.0gS \!\Ic7? 27.\!\If6t we8 28.®e6 \!if8 29.E1f6t
(a) 23 ... 0e7 24.0b3+-; wcS 30.a:h6+-) 24.\!\Ie4 l"i:xe6 2S.
a) 23 ... l/IidS I;!;; \!Yxe6t wg7 26.flh4!+-) 22 ... wg7 23.
a) 23 ... l/Iid7!;!;) 24.<;1/b3!+- fldS <;1/f4 0a6! 24.'1!1c3t <;1/f6 2S.<;1/xc7 <;1/xe3
(a) 24 ... <;1/g7 2S.<;1/f4+-; 26.l"i:xeSl"!xcS 27.bxc3 <;1/e2! 28.l"!cl
158 J6zsef Pioter
1ilf8 22.flxe8 f1xe8 23 Jld7 £iaS 24. !We8 31.\llJh4± Gareia-Frey, Skopje
Iilxf8 IlIxf8 2S.b4 lile6 26Jlxa7 0xa4 1972; IS ... Lle7 16.h4 'iJle8 (l6 ... a6
27.bxaS bxaS 28JlxaS 0e6t) 21. 17.0b3 f1d7 IS.0h6 !:'leS 19.dS exdS
~gS (21.'iJlxt7t!! 20.lllxdS ~xdS,? (20 ...0f8! 21.rlxc8
Wxc8 2H2xf8 IlIxf8 2Hld2 <ilg7=)
8 bed 21.flxdS flbS 22.'iJle3 f6 23J:ixe7
IllxdS 24.flxe8t @xeS 2S.\\\Ixf6 @d8
26.\llJe3 1-0 Thal-Hettler, Jub 'SO
Jahre BdF' eorr 1996) 1Hlb3 l"1dS
IS.l/iIe3 a6 (lS ... h6 19.0xh6 flg4 20.
4 Wid3! flxh6 21.0xe6+-) 19.dS! flaS
20.\Ua2 fudS 21.0xdS Elxe3 22.bxe3
1-0 Ghinda-Panzalovie, Budapest
1990; IS ... a6 16.lilb3 (IMlb1 bS
abcdefgh 17.<£leS b4 IS.axb4 flxb4 19.'lJih3
I!'Id6 20.l/iIh4 flbdS 21.!:'ld3? (21.f3;1;)
2l...llIxf7 22.lilb3j" 1lIf6 23.f1e6t 2l...flhS !+) 16 ... 4)aS 17.0a2 bS 18.
IlIfS 24.h3 \\\Ig3 2S.!:'ldel '/lIxf2t 26. fleS fldS 19.0h6 !:'leS 20.fle4 fS?
IlIxf2 IlleSt 27.wg3 flxc6 28.£ih4t (20 ... f6!) 21.~eS IilxcS 22.dxeS
<ilf6 29Jlxe6t <ilf7 30.flxe6t IYc8 31. flxeS? 23.b4 I':!Ih4 24.lild2 fle4 2S.
fle6t IlId7 32.<£lf3+-) 2l...lild6 22. bxaS 4lf4 26.0xf4 J:i:xf4 27.\Wg3 1-0
flxe8t Llxe8 23.g3? (2Hlxf7! C1aesen-Wapner, Antwerp 1995;
Illxh21· 24.lYhl IWxf7 2S.0b3 'iJlxdS IS ... l':!Id6 16.0b3 !:'lfdS 17.h4 l:'!eS?
26.!:'lxdS <ilh8 27.lilgS+-) 23 ... lileS {l7 ... <ilg7 IS.dS ~aS 19.1ila2 h6 20.
(23 ... ~dS 24.l':!Id4 !:'leSt) 24J'lel 0d2! (20.0xf6t 0xf6 21.fle4 'MJf4 22.
rle7=) 17 ... lilfE 18.lilgS Iilg7 19.1ila4 g3 WfS 23 .fld4 \\'IeS 24.flxf6 \llJxf6
(l9.flc4 Iilxe4 20Jlxe4 l':!Ie7 21.l'1e2 2S.b4 (2S.d6 0dS! (2S .. .l"1xd6 26.
~dS 22.0a4 flf8 2HlbS (2Hd7 4)[S1" gxfS 27.'iJlxd6 l:'!e2 2S.l':!Id7 0e6
flfe8 24.f1e2 I':!Ib7 2S.fleS !:'lxe2 26. 29.f1xe6 Iilxd7 30.l;1xf6 <ilxf6 31.
Iilxc8 fle7) 23 ... h6 24.llld2 \\\Ie2 2S. !:'lxd7 flxb2 32.lilxf7 fle6 3Hl hSt)
'iJlxe2 flxe2 26.0xaS flxe2 27.0xe2 26.0xd5 exdS 27.l:'!e7 !:'lxd6 2SI!xa7 .
bxaS 28.f1e1=) 19 ...fle7 20.l':!Ih3 (20. fle6=) 25...0xdS 26.0xdS f1xdS 27.
b4! ~)e6 21.4)xe6 Illxe6 22.0xe6 bxaS Eled8 2S.flxe6"j" 'iJlxe6 29.Wie3t
!:'lxe6 23.I':!IO l':!Ie8 24.fle2 eS 2S.bS Wlf6 30. IIJlxf6t (ilxf6 3111xd5 l"1xdS
e4 (2S ... l'1ee6 26.dS f1d6 27.4)g3±) 32.axb6 axb6=) 20 ...flxdS 21.~xd5
26.\\\If4 4)dS 27.l/lIg3±) 20 ... £ie4 21. 0xdS 22.l!'Id4t (22.~,l>xdS \\\IxdS
~xe4 l"1xe4 22.IWh4 flee7 23.0b3 23.0xh6t IlIxh6 24.\llJe3t <ilg7 2S.
!:'lxe3 24.bxc3 )";lxe3 2S.dS exd5 26. flxdS l:lxdS 26.flgS±) 22 ... <ilgS 23.
IWb4 fleS 27.lilc3 rlaS 28.a4 d4? 0e3 rlxe3 24.\\'Ixc3±) 18.dS exdS 19.
(28 ...fld7;t) 29.f1xd4 fldS 30.flddl flxdS flxd5 20.lilxd5 \\'Ie7 21.'1!ic4!?
160 J 6zsef Pintcr
24.fue6 <;lxe6 25.~xe6 !:lee7 26. 26.IWe7t iWf7 27.d5±) 22.~e4 'Ilic7
<;lxe6 !:lxe6 27Jle7 h5 28.d5 llxe3 23.IWf4 !l:ed8 24.d5 c5 25.Wh6 0d4
29.Wc6t IiIfS 30.!:lh7 1-0 Crut- 26.d6 ~xd6 27.~g5 0e2t 28.whl
Denis, IFranee 2004; 17.<;lb3 ~a5 fixg2t 29.'ilxg2 flf4t 30.\!Ifl 1-0
18.<;la2 b5 (18... ~d5 19.1;)xd5 exd5 Komccv-Bautista Sanehez, Solso-
20.~xe7 ~xe7 21.<;lxc7 Wxe7 22.~el nes 2004; 17.flc5!:!;; 17.<;lxf6 fixf6
Wf6 23.We2 ~e4 24.h5 gxh5 25.~c5 18.d5 exd5?! (l8 ... fixe3 19.dxe6
~xc5 26.iWxe5 IWxe5 27.!lxc5 :ge4 Wxd3 20.l'lxd3 fixcI 2l.exb7 !'le 1
28.~e8t "tig7 29J:ib8 YO-YO Shin- 22.:!ldl !l:xdl 23.fixdl l!la5 24.fle5
kevich-Burmakin, St Petersburg ~b8 25.l!lfJ b5 26.fld7 <;le7 2Hlxb8
2001) 19.~e5 ~d5 20.<;lxc7 (20. <;lxb8;!;) 19.1lxe8t IWxe8 20.flxd5
~xd5 <;lxd5 21.<;lxc7 !:lxe7 22.~xd5 <;ld8 (20 ... <;lxb2 21.IWb I! (21.~e 1!
Wxd5 23.~g4:!; Kavalek-Larsen, So- l!IJfS (21 ... ~e5 22.flxc5 IWxa4 23.
lingen m 1970) 20 .. J!xe7 21 :fle4 fle7t <Jig7 24.flxe8 <;lxe8 25.flxf7
~ee7 22.h5 ~f4 (22 ... 0e4 23.hxg6 iWxa3 26.Wd8+-) 22.fixe6 fixe6
hxg6 24.<;lxe4 bxe4 25.Wf3 ~b6 26. 23.fle7t±) 2l...<;lg7 22.Wxb6 <;la8
d5 ~xd5 27.;JlJg3 Wf8 28.l'ld4-7) 23. 23.Wxa6) 21.h4! Tatjan-Browne,
Wd2±; 16.~e5 ~d5 17.<;lxc7 ~exc7 USA ch 1977. (2Ulel l!IJfS 22.<;lb3
18.<;la4 ~fS 19.~4 ~c6 20J!el (20. b5 23.<;la2 Wd6 24.l!IJe3-7)
Wg3!?) 20 ...~xe5 21.dxe5 :!lxcl 22. 17... 0xc6
!:lxc1 ~f4 23.Wxd8 !:lxd8 24.4'1f6t 17 ... !!xe6 18.fle5 ~e8 19.1!IJh3
IiIg7 25.!le7 b5 26Jlxb7 bxa4 0h5! (19 ... fid5 20.flxd5 IWxd5 (20 ...
27.h4= Mikhajlichenko-Shkuran, exd5 21. Wf3 !) 21.Iilh4 I/'id8 22. iWf4:!;)
Kiev 2002; 16.<;lh6 fifS (16...~a5 20.0xe7 Wxe7=
17.fia4 <;lc6 18.fixc6 ~xe6 19.d5 18.0e5 'fl.c7?
flxd5 20.~xd5 exd5 21.Wxd5 \Wxd5 18 ... fib7 19.t3 b5!= (19 ... 0d5
22.~xd5 fifS 23 j~1xe8 ~xe8 24.0xfS 20Jlxe7 'i!ixe7 21.0xd5 fixd5 22.
wxfS 25.liIfl Smyslov-Andersson, iJlixa6 ~e2 23.~c2 0e4 24.~xe4 ~xe2
Reggio Emilia 1986 YO-YO); 16.:!lcl 25.Ml 'fl.e226.'il'a4)
0d5 17 .fixe7 ~exe7 18.fia4!:lfS 19. 19.'i!Jh3?
~e2 ~xcl 20Jlxel a5 2Ule5 f622. 19.<;lxf6<;lxf620.l!IJxa6±
~c6 <;lxc6 23.<;lxc6 Ii!Id6 24.<;lxd5 19 ... 0d5 20.~d3?!
~xd5 25.\'!ib5 wg7= 20.!1e3! <;lb3?! (20 ... 0h5! 21.
16 ... a617.<;lxc6 <;lxe7 :gexc7 22.g4 flg7t) 21.!1de I
17.b4 ~d5 18.~xd5 Wxd5 19.<;lb3 0h5 22.<;lxe7 \llJxe7 23.g4 (23.Wf3:!;)
\'!id8 20.We3 <;lxg5?! (20 ... a5!) 21. 23 ... 0f4 24.;Wh6 0d5 25.~h3 [5
~xg5 Wf6 (2l...~a7 22.~xf7 IiIxf7 26.0xg6 '/lig7 27.0xd5 0xd5 28.0f4
23.<;lxe6t IiIg7 24.I\Mt Wf6 25.<;lxc8 fxg4 29.Wxg7t wxg7 30.0xd5 exd5
:!lxc8 (25 ... !lxe5? 26.dxe5 IWe7 27. 31.~xh7t "tixh7 32.1!xe8 :ge2 33.b4
~xb7 I'Yxb7 28.e6 \!IfS 29.l'ld7) ~a2 34J'k3±
162 J6zsef Pintcr
23.'.!l'j~! 0.e7 24.0.xd5 0.xd5 25. liYd5 20.\!!ig3 Lif8 21.;;(ab 1 <:i1a6 22.
];xd5 :11d7 26.!lxd7 'lYxd7 27.flf6t fle4 f5 23.i!1h4 fxe4 24.0.xe6 IWd6
0xf6 28.\lYxf6 flh5 29.'.!l'e7 '.!l'xe7 30. 25.hxg6 hxg6 26.ll!ixe4 ~f6 27.\!l'e5
'fJ.xc7 );(a8 31.f3± IWxe5 28.dxe5± Polovinkin-Gulya-
23 .•.!!d7 24.<:i1xb7 !'ixd2 25Jlxd2 cv, RCCA 1996) 17.<:i1xc7
\lYe7 26.!ld7 Il!ic5 27.<:i1d5 I1IhS 28. a) 17.fle4 b5 18.<:i1b3 fla5 19.0a2
0xfl !ld8 29.f4? flb6 20.<:i1xe7 '/Iixe7 21.fle5 flae4 22.
He squanders the well-played <:i1xc4 flxc4 23.4.lxc4 bxe4 24.1!I'xc4
game which still offered good 'lNxh4=;
chances to win after 29Jlxd8t <:i1xdS b) 17.flxd5 IIJIxd5 18.0b3 \!l'd6 19.
30.0.d2!± ::lad 1 4.la5 20.0a2 0.d5 21.0.xd5 exd5
29 ..• ll!ib2 30.flxf6 l:lxd7 31.flxd7 (b) 2l...i11!xd5 22.0xe7 'f!,xc7 23.
'.!l'd4t 3H!hl \JIJxd7 33.0c4? fle5 b5 24.flg4-7) 22.0.xe7 'fJ.xe7 23.
33.<:i1b3 flf5 34.!'idl \!l'c735.<:i1g5+ '1l.xe7 \!l'xe7 Wie725.fle5
33...'lNd2-+ 34.!lfl flf5 35.0.g5 (b) 25.h5 ~e4 26.h6;1;) 25 ...fle4
I1Ig7 36.g4 0e3 0-1 26.\!li0 flxe5 27.'1l.xe5 'IIIc1 t 2S.l1Ih2
I'Yxb2 Lif8 30J1d7;!;; 17 ...
(57) V. Anand - D. Mac ::lxe7 18.<:i1xe6 0.xc6 19.fle5 <:i1b7 20.
Farlane IWg3 flxe3 21.bxe3 h5 (21..Jfc8 22.
London 1985 h5 flee7 23.hxg6 hxg6 24.flxg6
fxg6 25.l'ixe6l::lg7 26.:11ae1;!;:) 22.H4
1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 (22.a4!?; 22.e4 \!l'xd4? 23.Liad1 IWc5
4.d4 flf6 5.flc3 e6 MlO <:i1e7 7.cxd5 24.fld7) 22 ... 'lNd5 23.0;1;
flxd5 S.<:i1d3 flc6 9.0-0 0-0 10.l:lel 15 ••. fld5 ] 6.flxd5
flf6 11.a3 b6 12.<:i1g5 <:i1b7 13.0.c2 16.0c1l:le8 (l6 ... 0f6 1Hle4 0.g7
fle8 14.Wid3 g6 15.l'ladl IS.fleg5 \JIJe7 19.0.a4 Lie7 20.<:i1d2
'I1eS 2Uk1 !le7 22.0xe6 <:i1xe6 23.
fle5 0eS 24.\lJih3 h6 25.fle4 h5 26.
\lJif3 l::lxcl 2Hixcl \!l'dS 2S.fle3 !'ie8
29.flxd5 flxelt 30.0xcl 'lNxd5 31.
\!!Ixd5 exd5 32.0e3 0.f8+ Rosehina-
Ershova, Kolontaevo 1997) 17.
flxd5 exd5 IS.h4 '.ilf6 19.0.g5 0.xg5
20JixcSt 'MIxeS 21.hxg5 a6?! (21...
fldS 22JIeI ~e6;1;) 22J:kl 'l\d8 23.
b4 b5 24.<:i1b1 'lNb6 25.\!l'e3 a5 26.
bxa5 flxa5 27/iJe5 fle4 28.fld7 iJlld8
29.flf6t 'lNxf6 30.\We8t l::lxe8 31.
1Hla4 4.ld5 16.h4 a6 (I6 ... 0xg5 flxe8t rag7 32.gxf6t I1Ixf6 33.0.d3±
IHlxg5 flxe3 18.bxe3 !'ie7 19.h5 Herbreehtsmeier-Klimm, Germany
168 J6zscf Pintcr
Velikov, 1982) 23.d6 flf5 24.d7 24 ... Q)xf7 (24 ... QihS 2S.0gS flfS
::'1cd8 25. fle5±; 26.\§ixe6+-) 2H2xe6t wf6 26.gS#)
a2) 20 ... \!!id6; 21.d5 exd5 22. 24.cxb6 axb6 (24 ... IWxh4 2S.b7 l"lb8
cxd5 [lc5 23. Wd2 26.<ii>f4 0xf2t 27.IWxf2 I!Yxg4t 28.
(a) 23.d6 fld5!+) 23 ...flf5 24.h3 IWg3 'l!Jxg3t 29.<ii>xg3 flxb7 30.<ii>dS±)
fld6=; 25.\1igS~) 23.l'l'e4? (23.dS! fld4 24.
b) 18 ... <ii>a8 19.flg5t; 19.h4'1+ IWh3 (24.IWf4 eS 2S.IWe4 0xh4+) 24 ...
Too risky. (19 .c4 fle7 20.fleS (20.dS exdS 2S.gS (25.l:'1xeBt 'Ilixe8 26.gS
exdS 21.cxdS flfS 22Jlxe8t ifixeB (26.cxdS lWe2-+) 26 ... <ii>h8 27.cxdS
23.d6 \§id7 24.<ii>f4 l'ic3 2S'\\lie2 <ii>xf3 j'jc3 !-+) 2S ... <ii>hB 26.cxdS l:'1xc1 t
26.gxf3 £d4+ Stean-Bohm, Vlis- (26 ... 0e2t 27.MI ~c3 28.IWg4 :;(c2
singen It 1975) 20 ...flfS 21.tUf4~) 29.<ii>c4+-) 27Jlxel ~fS+) 23...<ii>xd4
19 ...fle7! (19 ... <ii>xh4 20.dS!±) 20.g4 24.1l2gS iWd6+ 25.1/!if3 (2S J"!d3 eS+)
(20.<ii>gS \!2xgS 21.flxgS (21.hxg5 2S ... l'l'cS! 26.l:'1xd4?--+ (26J:'ie2 eS+)
flfS+) 21...flfS 22.g3 'l!ic7 23.c4 tUa6 26 ... Yhd4 (26 ...flxd4 2Hlf6 flc6
24.dS exdS 25,flxe8t llxe8 26. I!JixdS 28.!:le4 IWf8·-+) 27.<ii>f6 eS 28.f1e4
<ii>b7+) 20 ... tUdS'I! It was not wise to IWaIt 29.~g2 iWxa2 30.h5 'lJid2 31.gS
instigate c3-c4. (20 ... <ii>xf3! 21.1'l'xf3 IiJid7 0-1 Hoffman-Panno, Buenos
~xh4 22.~g2 (Harmless for Black is Aires 1999; 13 ... g6 IHia2 (14.
22.l"lxe6 fxe6 23.<ii>xe6'i II1h8 24.'l!if7 <ii>c2!?) 14 ...fldS IS.flxdS
(24.<ii>f4 flc6 2S .lilxc8 iWxc8-+) 24 ... a) IS.<ii>h6 flxc3 16.bxc3 !:re8 17.
~g8 2S.<ii>f4 flc6-+) 22...fld523.c4 dS exdS 18.<ii>xdS flaSD 19.IWd4!
flc7 24.dS exd5 2S.!'!xeS'i flxe8 26. 0f8D 20.0xfS l'ixe I t 21.~xe 1 iWxfS
cxd5 £lc2 27.~d2 );ixd2 28.0xd2+) 22.fleS 0xdS 23.fld7!
21.c4 (21.<ii>xdS exdS (2l...flxdS 22. (a) 23.'llixd5 ~eB=) 23 ... 'lJig7 24.
c4 fle7 23.<ii>f4~) 22.<ii>g5+) 21... 'lJixdS llcB 25J'ie3 hS 26.h3;i;;
Iilxf3 22.t!lxf3 flc6 (22 ... <ii>xd4 23.cS! b) I S.\Wd2 0xg5 16.0.xgS flce7
(23.\!2gS iWd6 24.~f6 flc6+) 23 ...flc6! 17JleS rlc8 18.l:i:ael flxc3 19.bxc3
(23 ... bxcS? 24.\Wxf7'i!! 0dS 20.<ii>bl flc6 2l.flxh7 flxeS 22.
~xeS Iilxh7 23.~h5t Iilg7 24.iWh6t
M6 2S.'l!Jg5t Iilg7 26.IWh6j' Y,-y, Par-
ligras-Mateuta, Bucharest 2003;
J 5...0xg5 16.flc3 (16.flc7? IWxc7 17.
flxgS iWf4 I 8.fle4 ~ad8+ I HYc1
IWxc I 20.~axc 1 llxd4 21.13 ~fd8 22.
~c2 Iilg7 23.lle3 ~dl t 24.1ilf2 fld4
2SJk7 0xe4 26.l'lxe4 l;d2t 27.wg3
flbS 28J:(e7 Qif8 29.'ii>xe6 fld6 30.
0h3 flxe4t 0·-1 Boschctti-Gheor-
ghiu, Chiasso (991) 16 ... <ii>f6 17.dS
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 175
exd5 IS.0xd5 0xe3 19.bxe3 'Wf6=; (a) 27 ... a5'1 2S.£lg5) ) 18...\1lxc6
13...£ld5 14.h4 (l4.Wd3 g6 15.h4 19.d5!? exd5 20.Elxe8t (l!xcS 21.
l'i:eS 16.£lxd5 @xd5 17.0a2 :Wd6 IS. 0.xg5 'Wxg5 22.lgIxd5=) IS.l:1xe7
fladl ElcdS 19.\'!Ie3 0xg5 20.hxg5 Y1xe7 19.Elxe7 £!xc7 20.!:lel £lf5=;
£le7 21.£le5 I:1d5 22.~bl £IfS 23.'Wh3 b) 17.(l!xe7 0.cxe7 IS.~e4 £lf5
'We7 24.1ilxf5 gxf5 25.'Wh5;l; Kuehe- 19.£le5 Iflg7 20.\!lId2 0.d6 21.f3 "flc7
renko-Ma!y, Simferopol2003) 14 ... 22.l:1xdS 0xdS 23.£lxd6 \'!Ixd6 24.
I:1xgS 15.IWd3 g6 16.hxg5 £!xe3 17. £lg4 [5 25.IWh6t I1Ih8 11,-11, Mutseh-
bxc3 £laS IS.'We3 £le4 19.'Wf4 Itlxf3 nik-Maly, Alushta 2001;
20.gxf3 \!lId6 21.'il'h4 YfdS 22.lflg2 c) 17.£le41:1xgS
\!lIfB 23.l'i:hl I/Yg7 2Uih3 r:lacS 25. (c) 17 ...0.bS IS.h4 £1[6 19.1:1xf6
l:1e4 ~d6 26Jlahl Yxe3 27.'Wxh7t I:1xf6 20.dS exdS 21.ltlxd5 I:1xd5 22.
\!lIxh7 2S.~xh7 IflfB 29.~g6 !,'(xa3 \!lIxd5 Itlg7 23.£ld6 flxe I t 24Jlxe I
30.(l!h5 Ya5 31.d51flc7 32.g6 YgS 11,- 'Wd7 25.£lxeS IWxeS 26.fle7 \!lIfB
11, Izeta Txabarri-Beccrra Rivero, 27.\!lIe4 Gipslis-Vistaneekis, Vilnius
Cto Espana Equipos 0 1995; 13 ... 1960 1-0) IS.£lexgS 'fl.e7
'i\Jd7 14.l/Yd3 g6 IHla2 fladS 16. (c) 18 ...£leeT! 19.£le5±); 17 ...
Yadl 'WcS 17.d5 ~bS IS.l/Ye2l:1xdS £lxe3 18.bxe3 £laS ill:1d5, £le4 19.
19.0xd5 £lxd5 20.flxdS exdS 21. I:1xc7 'Wxc7 (l9 ... Yxc7?! 20.hS ;'lee7
Itlxe7 YfeS 22.\!lId2 Eld7 23.£!xd5 \!lIc6 21.hxg6 hxg6 22.Yxe6! (22.0xc6?
24.£lf6t 'Wxf6 25.l:1xf6 1--0 Krist- fxe6 23.~xg6t !:lg7 24.IWxe6t I1Ih8+)
jansson-Annaberdiev, Goa 2002; 22 ... fxe6 23.\Ilfxg6t flg7 24.l:1xe6t
13 ... h6 14.l:1xf6l:1xf6 IS.'Wd3= IflhS 2S.'WhSt flh7 26.\'!Ie5t Xig7-=)
14.~d3 g6 15.l:1a2 £lg4 20.d5? (20.h5! IWxa3 (20 ... l:1xf3? 21.
15 .. .rle816Jladl (16.h4£la5 17. 'Wxf3 'Wxa3 22.h6 ~xe3 23.!Wf6 @fB
£le5 £ldS IS.l:1xc7 I!!ixe7 19.1:1xd5 24.d5+-) 21.hxg6 hxg6 22.(l!xe6
(l!xd5 20.£lxd5 cxdS 21.h5) 16 ...0.d5 Yxc6 23.Yxe6 Iilxf3 24Jlxg6t fxg6
(l6...~b8 17.0.e5 ~d5 IS.IIH3 [5 19. 2S.'Wxg6t I!!hS 26.\Ilfh6t ~g8=) 20 ...
I:1xe7 flxe7 20.IWg3 Qg7 21.~c4 (21. \'!Ixa3 21.dxe6 \li}xa2 22.~g5 [le7
h4 ~f6 22.£lc4;t) 21...~a8? (21... (22 ... f6'1'1 2HJd7+- fxg5 24.\'!If7t
~xc3 22.bxc3 0dS 23.\!lIe5t ~g8 24. IflhS 25JJd7 1-0 Deze-Adamski,
\!lIc21f1g7 25.~e3 Itlxa2 26.IWxa2 l'lxc3 Zalaegerszeg 1977) 23.exf7t
27.d5 c5 2S.IWb2~) 22.'i\Jc5t ~f6 a) 23.h5 fxe6! 24.hxg6
23.d5±) 17.h4 (a) 24.!lxe6 flfB! 25Jld2 iJjlxe6!
a) 17.~xdS exd5 26.£lxe6 !:1xe6-";
(a) 17 ... ltlxgS IS.0xc6 . a) 24.h6!:1f8 25.Yd2 \'!Ic4-+) 24 ...
(a) 18.(l!a2 (l!f6 19.£le4 ~g7 20.d5 hxg6 2S.IWxg6t flg7 26JlJf6 0dS-+;
exd5 21. IWxd5 IWxd5 22.~xd5 £la5 b) 23.'Wd6 YceS 24.cxf7t \!lIxf7!+;
23.£ld6 Yxelt 24.£lxel YdS 25. 23...flxf7 24.~xf7 @xf7-+; 15 ...fld5
£lxb7 ~xb7 26.b41!!fB 27.£lf3 £ld6= 16.ltlh6 l'i:e8 17.0xd5 (I7.fle4 £lbS
176 J6zscf )'intcr
IS.41fg5 41d7 19.iWh3 Ele6 20.iWf3? g5t <Sig7 22.gxh6t wgS 23.l!lid2 ItlfS
(20.41xh7! wxh7 (20 ... 417f6 21. 24.!'lel iWdS+) 19 ... fxe6 20.~xe6t
flhxf6t fuf6 22.41xf6t ~xf6 23.d5 wg7 21.41xfS !'lxfS 22.l'~d I t/lIf4 23.
exd5 24.l1xeSt Il'ixeS 25.~xd5 Ele7 We2 41f7 24.d5 41d6 2S.g3:!::) IS.
26.iWg3 ~xd5 27.®xe7 IWe4 2S.@eSt ~xe6t wg7 19.~g4 ~xf3 20.Silxf3
wh7 29.\!.Iih3 ~e6 30.\!.Iie3±) 21.41g5t (20.~xc8 ~xg2 21.wxg2 fld5 22.\!1!a6
\1JgS 22.~g7) 20 ... f6 21.41f7 (21. ~f4t iWxcS 24.l!lixc8 !lxe8 2S.
~e3 !±) 21...iWaS Hujbert-Bednay, !'lel;!;) 20 ... 41fS 21.~g4 @g5 2Hlh3
Budapest 2005) 17 ... exd5 18Jle2 l:ieeS 23.d5 41h4 24.@d41· l'lf6 2S.
iWd7 19.Elael f6 20.h4 41a5 21.iWe3 whl 41f5 26.~xfS ®xf5 27.f3 VlicS 2S.
(2I.h5! g5 22.41h2 41e6 23.flfl±) ®xeS ElxeS 29.wgl:!::
21...1lif7 22.@f4 I)!Jf5 (22 ... wgS 16 ...e5!? 17.~xe5
23.h5) 23.\lJlxf5 gxf5 24.41b5 ~c6 25. 17.~g3 exd4 IS.fldS 0d6 19.
h5 ~a6 26.a4 EledS 27 .rle6 ~xb5 b4!?~ (19.flxd4 flxd4 20.iWxd4
2S.axb5 41b4 29.El6e2;!; Matsuura- ~xg3 2l.fxg3 0xd5 22.~xdS (22.
Martinez, Sao Paulo 200 I; 15 ... Ele7 \Wxd5 l!lixd5 23.~xd5 Ele2 24.:·!e7~)
16.Eladl l:'1d7 17.h4 !leS 18.@c3 !lfS 22 ... flf623.l'ladl=)
19.iWf4 flhS 20.1i'g4 Itlf6 21.iWf4 flhS 17 ... 41gxc5 18.0xe5 flxe5 19.
2HlJg4 41f6 23.\lJlf4 Stean-Kiff- Yxe5 0f6 20.Eecl (20.f4!~) 20 •.•
meyer, Ostende 1975; IS ... a6 16. 0xd4
!lac!;; (16.!ladl !'le8 17.h4;!;) ; 20 ... @xd4 21.\lIJxd4 0xd4 22.
IS ...fld7 16.Silf4 gS? IHlxgS! (17. l'le7:!::
Silbl f5;!;) 17 ... Silxg5 18.l)!Jg3. 21.Elad1 0xc3 22.bxc3
16.Silf4 22.\lJlxdS Elfxd8 23.!'lxdSt ElxdS
16.~xe7 fue7 17.!lxe6!? 24.bxc3 wfS!+
22 ••• \!!:g523.@g3?!
23.g3!? @f6!; 23.t/lIh3!? leaves
some chances for a successful de-
~xd4 20.~xd4 Iilxe4 2Ulxe4 gS 18.\llJxe4 'IlIe7 19.\\'Jg4 Iilf6 20.h4 <1le7
2Hle2 ~xh6 23.~e6 Iild6 24.h3 0f4 21.!k I Wd6=;
2SJldl l:1xdlt 26.1Wxdl !:lfS (26 ... b) 16... !:lcS 17.!:lac I
cS!? 27.~xa7 fS 2S.l'::e4 e4 29J;:eS;t) (b) 17.lila4 llifS IS.0xfS!:lxfS 19.
27.'IlId7?! (27.g3! IilbS 2S.h4 fS 29. fladl flc7 20.'IlId2 <1lce7
hxgS '!1xgS 30.lhe6 0xg3 31.fxg3 (b) 20 ...<1laS!) 2l.h4 <1lfS 22.hS
'!1xg3t=) 27 ... '!1f6 28.!:lc2 l,1/el+) 18. gxhS 23.<1legS @f6 24.lilc2 !:lfeS 2S.
'ile4 !'lae8 19.!:lae 1 f6 20.@e3 'Ud6 Iilbl h6 26.0e4 'IlIg7+ Murariu-Hera,
21.I,1/f4 0fS 22.h3 gS 23.l,1/h2 Iilh6 Budapest 200S) 17 ... <1lf6 IS.lila4
24.!:le3 fS 2S.lild3 g4 26.hxg4 fxg4 WdS 19.~c3 I/lId6 20.\llJd2 fled8 21.
27.\llJe4 I,1/g7 28.~eS flxeS 29.'!1xb7 !!cdl '/NbS 22.h3 <1laS 23.We21j[iaS 24.
~xd3 30Jlxe8 ~xe I 3l.'Il'd7 !:lxeS ~gS IildS 2S.flxdS 'I'IxdS 26.fJf3 \llJc4
32.'/lixeSt <Jif7 33.'!1d71' <JigS 34. 27.lilbS Wxe2 2SJlxe2 'fJdS= Aes-
@xc6t \llJf7 3S.@xel <,1lxd4=) 17 ... lilf6 Doettling, Charleville 2000; 17.lilgS
IS.l,1/b3 WhS 19.1ilf4 !:lcdS 20.'!1e3 (l7.\\'Jd2 Iilg7 18.fladl <1lce7 19.h4
!:ld7? (2o...~aS 21.IIieS lile7 22.lila2 <1lfS 20.lilxg7 wxg7 21.hS rlcS 22.
!:laeS 23.dS 'UxdS 24.lIixdS exdS lila4 !!e7 23.g4? (2HleS;t) 23 ... <1ld6
2S.Iilc3 ~e6) 21.~eS! ~xeS?? (2\... 24.<1lxd6 Wxd6 2S.h6i· wgS 26.~eS
I,1/xeS 22.dxeS Had8 2Hld6 Hxd6 <1lf6? (26 ... f6!+) 27.Wf4= Carvalho-
24.exd6 eS 2S.lilgS !:lxd6 26.f4~) Golel', Istanbul 2000) 17 ... lilc7 IS.
22.dxcS+- Santamaria-Jareeki, Lu- h4 (18.fladl IilxgS 19.~fxg5 fS
zem 1982; 16.lilb3 ~aS (l6...~c3 20.~h3 hS (20 ... l/lIe7 21.~f6t flxf6
17.bxe3 1il[6 ISJladl 'IlId6 19.dS 22.flxe6l/\1xe6 23.~e6 !'lxe6 24.lilb3
exdS 20.;!/xdS 'IlIe7 2l.h4 Iilg7 22.hS <1ldS 2S.lilxe6t <1lxe6 26.l/\Ib3 !:leS,,)
I1xh6 23.hxg6 hxg6 24.\llJxg6t 0g7 21.®f3 We7 22.h4 fxe4 (22 ... !'1acS
2S.~gS !1xelt 26.!:lxel ~eS 27. 23.<1lg3 Wf6=) 23.l/\Ixe4 \!if6 24.
llixf7t \Wxf7 2S.@h7t <JifS 29.HxcS Wxg61' i/l'xg6 2S.<,1lxg6 rlfS 26.~xe6
\\'Jb3 30.0e6t <Jie7 3 Uixg7t <Jid6 flf6 27.lilxhS:l; Blom-Rietra, 1993)
32.\llJe7# 1-0 Danner-Vaeck, Hra- IS .. J!CSI9.\ilb3 (l9.Hacl!) 19 ... <1laS
dee Kralove 1994) 17.lila2 (l7.lila4 20.lila2 <1lf6 21.<1lc3 <1ldS 22.fJc4 ~f6
lile6 IS.l,1/bS IilxbS 19.~xbS a6 20. 23.lilxf6 I!lxf6 24Jladl llidS 2S.lilxdS
~e3 ~xe3 21.bxe3 @dS 22.fleS fleeS exdS 26.<1lxf6t \llJxf6 27.HxeSt h!xeS
23.a4 ~e4+) 17...<1lxe3 IS.bxe3 IildS 28.~eS <1le6 29.'i\ibS He6= Sermek-
19.<1leS <,1lxa2 20.!'lxa2 !:le8 21.1!lif3 [6 Golubovie, Poree 1995; 16.flad 1
22.<1lg4 f5 23.<1leS 'IlIc7; 16.<1le4 llifS <1lxe3 (16 ... lIif6 17.<1lc4 I!lg7 IS.l!lxg7
a) 16 ... <1lf6 17 .!:lad I Q1xg7 19.1!la4 HeS 20.~eS fS 21.~e3
(a) 17.I!l'd2 He8 IS.Hadl <1laS 19. ~xeS 22.L!xeS "J.e7 23.l!lb3 <1lxe3 24.
flcS Iilxe4 20.lilxe4 <1lxe4 21.!:lxe4 bxe3 Wd6 2S.h4 (2S.l/\Ie3 f4 26.l/\Id3
<1le4 22.<1lxe4 !:lxc4+ Solleveld- 'IlIe6 27.\llJh3 Wxe3 28Jlxc6!:lee7 29.
Doettling, NED 2001) 17...~xe4 'IlIxe3 Yxe3 30.!:le7t wh6=) 2S ...
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 179
Iilixa3 26Jfxe6 [fce8= Dolgov Krajne, 22 ... 0e7D (22 ... 0c7 23.dS) 23.
reeF 2006) J 7.Wxe3 (17.bxe3! 0b3!! EleS
0xa3 (17...'l'idS 18.e4 '&hS J9.0c J a) 23 ... 0dS 24.\!libSj' \"id7 25.
(19.0f4 lElaS 20.dS! (20,EreS \"ig4 WxdS '&xdS 26.0xdS [feS 27.0d2+-;
21.0g3 0xD 22.gxD 1I'h3 23. dSt) b) 23...'i!!d7 24.[fc6 0h4 2S,g3
20 ... 'l'ig4 2U1C4 fS 22,fld4 0eS 23. 0dS 26.0xdS \!lixdS 27JleS I'lic6 2S.
lEleS @h4 24.;!;a4±) 19 ... 01'6 20. We3 gxh4 <Jif7 29.dS Wf6
IYg7 21.0e4 [lab8 22.0b2 lElaS 23. (b) 29 ... Wd6 30,\'!Id4 9\fS 31.
@ci ii:'ih6 24.1'k2 0xc4 2S.[fxe4 IYg8 !lxI'S,!, gxfS 32,Wig7'l' 11eS 33.\lJgSt
26.dS li!xb2 27.l"ixb2 exdS 28. 6d7 34.'i!!xaS Bxh6 3S.@xa7t+-) 30.
l1xc8t ~xc8 29.exdS V2-y:' Ycmclin- I"ic4 4lf5 3I.d6+-; 24.Lk6 );le6 2S.
Galkin, Tomsk 2006) IS.41gSt 0e7 0a4 vf7 26.!1xc6! 0xe6 27,(,iixe6
J9.<f'xf7!! (19.Wg3 \!lid6 20.l!Ih3 li!xg5 IElxe6 2S.lik4t wc7 29.l"ixc6) 22 ...
21.Ii!xgS flae8) 19 ... vxf7 (J9 ... WdS @d6! 23.0a4? (23.!leJ t Il>d7 24.0a4
20.Wh3! IYxf7 2l.e4 1I'd6 22.eS iJ!d7 [feR 2S.!lxe8 wxcS 26.d5 (26.l"igSt
23 .dS+-) 20.flxc6! Sl>f6 wd7 27,dS Qe7 28.dxc6 0xe6 29.
a) 20 ... <Jixc6 21.<!'ih3t Il>f6 22. 'l'ixb7t 'l'ie7 30.Wxe7j' 'lixc7 31.
0b3+-; 0e2:1;) 26 ... @e5! (26 ... wd7!f4
b) 20 ... @dS21.&g60[622.[fgS+-; tlieS 2S.i!Je4) 27.Wxe5 (27.l"ie4t l"ie7
c) 20 ... 41xd4 21.exd4 28.illJbl \!lic5) 27 ... bxe5 28.dxe6 0c8
(c) 2l.[fxg6 'fIDt 22.gxD 'l!ixd3 29.0e3 0e7 30.e7t 1lif7 31.Ml +)
23,rlg7j' <Jif6 24.[fxd3t) 2l...l!!xc6 23 ... ll>d8! 24.!lel 0c7D 25.[fc6 (2S.
22.)'(eJ 'f' \lif7 \1ld5 26.Wxb7 0g8) 25 ... \!lid5 1
(c) 22.lilJh3t! M6!b3 0dS 24. (2S ... ®a3 26Jlxf6 'i!!al j' 27.illfll"ixa4
[fell! I"id6 2S.l1c3! 1ilf7 26.WGt IYg8 28.\!liel !+-) 26.i!lixdSt IElxdS 27.
27.0xdSj'+-) 22...1Id7 23.0a4t 0c6 Ed6t? (27.c4 0c711 2S.cxd5 0xdS
24.W1e4 0xa4 2S.l"ixa4t we8 26. 29.gc5 0f7 30.0e6 l'le8 3 J.dS~)
W1e6t+-; 2l.flxeS wxeS 22.'!lie4?! 27 ... vc7 28.l'ld7'l' weS 29.c4 IElc3
(22.[fel t! (29 ... bS!? 30.0xb5 a6 31.0a4 4lc3
32,TIf7 0xd4+) 30.[ff7 IElxa4 31.!'lxf6
abcdetgh 0c4 (3l...0a6 1? 32.D (32.cS vd7
33.c6t Iilc7 34.0gS h6-+) 32 ...
0xc4!? (32...~b2 33.cS) 3H(c6'1'
0d7 34Jlxc4 bSCf') 32Jff7 as 33.
!ilf4! IElc3?E8 (33...tlb2! 34.fJ (34.d5
a4 3S.d6 !ilfS 36.E:c7'[ vd8 37.0gSt
0e8 38.f1xh7 Ua6 39.J:;e7'j' cjf8 40.
!ilh6t I1Ig8 41.d7 0xd7'j' 1if8
43.J:;xd7t l1Ie8) 34 ... !ild3 3S.dS (35.
sbcdefgh e5 bxc5 36.dxc5 Ua6 37,Erc7t (37.
180 J6zscf Pioter
Diagram Diagram
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence ISI
20 ... 0a5? (20 ... 0e7 21.0g5 \ild5 1\ big mistake. Black has proba-
22.c4 0ic6 2H~xe6 (23.1:1adl ;'!;xd4 bly missed White's next tactical
24.Wixd4 0xd4 25.0xf7 <:iIxf2'i 26. blow. 22 ... 0d5 1" 23.c4 (23.0e4
0xf2 wxf7 27.hxg6·i· hxg6 28.0ig5;!;) 'iixe4 24.Lxc4J;) 23 ... \ilc6 24.dS
23 ... i"ixd4 (23 ... fxe6 24.c5 I"ixd4 25. a) 24.;'ixc6'!. A very important
0xe6j' gh8 26.0f7'i wg8 27.\£1cS'1+) difference in comparison to the
24.l'Ixd4 <:iIxd4 2S.Hxe7 <:iIxal 26.cS move 20. 'iib3 is that the h-pawns
0ie8 27.0xf7 <:iIxf7 28.<:iIxf7'i· I1ih8 29. have been exchanged. 24 ... fxe6 2S.
c6 !;lxc6 30.0idS !;ce8 31.<:iIxa8 f1xa8 c5 i1'ixd4 26.0xc6j' I1ih8 27.0f7'i'
32.hxg6 hxg6;!;) 2l.hxg6 0xb3 22. 0h7-+;
gxf7'i I1ih8 23.0gS <:iIxgS 24.0ixg5 b) 24.1'1adl ilJIxd4 2S.Wxd4 <:iIxd4
0g7 2S.IWh3 <:iIdS 26.!lc5+- 8xal 27. 26J1xd40f5 27.0xc6 0xh6 28.0g5='
®h6t I1ixf7 28.flxd5 I"ixdS 29.(ll;xh7j' (b) 28.e5 ;'le8 29.J:ld6 0b7 30.
MS 30.ilJIc7'1 0g8 31.0ih6. TIe3 fxc6 3l.cxb6 \ile8T) ; 24 ... 0xa I
20 ... hxg6 21.0gS 2S.4.lxf7lWxa3 26.dxc6 ;'lxc6 27:flg5
An attempt to decide the game Slf6 28.flxe6 i/jIb4 29.0d2in
in his favour with the aid of tactics. 23.1'1xe6! fxe6 24.0xc6t ®xe6
22.!ie6 is threatened. 24 ... 0h8 2S.0f7t+-
21...8e7 2S.0xe6 !k6 26.g4!
The knight is transferred to the White acts very vigorously.
defence of the kingside, but mueh 26 .. J'1xc6 27.gxfS \ile4 28.liiIc4
better was 21 ... 0e5 1 22.'We2 (22.!1Ig3 0xfS 29.;,1el ):1ac8 30.0f4 ;lJh7
l'lxc3 23.lgIxc3 0g4 24.0f3 0xh6in) 31.0eS!?
22 ... 0ixgS 23.0xgS l\IdS 24.f3 0d3 White wishes to exchange his
2S.'l!ixd3 %IxgS= bishop and rook in order to realize
22.0b3 his material advantage in the end-
22.0e4 0ixe4 23.Lxe4 @dS game. 31.11xe6 l::xe6 32.0cS.
22 ... 0fS? 31...gS 3H1e3 0d8
Diagram 32...i>g6 33.<;l>xf6 (33.®dS) 33
182 J6zsef Pintcr
l"1xc4+) 22...wxf7 23.l/\'h3 IWd6 24. \!!Id6 31.h5 Ii>g8 32.l"1xa7 (ilf5 33.
~d2 £ixc4 25.\IlJxh7j" fJ.g7 26.0h6 hxg6 ~xg6 34.l"1d7 l/I'e6 35.dS 1-0
l"1g8 27.Yd3-?) 21.£ig4 Yec7 (21... Giustolisi-Walther, Lugano 19S9)
~h8 22.~gS l"1xc4 2Hlh6j" IilfS 24. 20 ...0xb3 2l.d6 ~xf3 22.gxf3 (ilxd6
dS f6 2S.d6 fxg5 26.dxe7t \IlJxe7 27. 23Jhd6 eS+; 19 ... ~f6 20.~c3 f1edS
~b5 l"1cS \!!IxdS 29Ilxd8t 21.1/I'e3?
wg7 30.a4:!;) 22.d5! l"1xc4 23.dxe6!
lIxg4 (23 .. Ilxa4 24.e7! ~xe7 2S.
iM'xdSt!+-; 23...'Ilixd3 24.£ixf6t+-)
24.\IlJxdSt 1-·0 Dely-Vamusz, Hun-
gary 1967. (24.\IlJxd8t I'txdS 2S.e7!
~xe7 26.l"1xd8j"+-)
17.£ixd5 IWxdS (l7 ... exdS IS.h4
0f6 19.1':!xeSt 'IlixeS 20J:!e I 'Ilid7
2 Uiic3 ~g7 22.~a4;!; Veresagin-
Petchenkin, Krasnodar 1995) 18.
a) IS.'Ilid2 £ia5; bl) 21.1"1xe6!? fxe6 22.~xe6t
b) 18.~b3 \IlJh5 wg7 23.g4 'Ilih3 24.dS ~cS 25.~eS
(b) IS ... ®d619.dS exdS 20.0xd5 ~xe5 26.~xc5 ®xd3 ·27.l"1xd3 l:i:c1 t
£iaS 21.~xf7t wx17 22.t!lxd6 ~xd6 2S.wg2 l"1c 1 29. f4;1;;
23.l"1xe8 f!xeS 24J1xd6 (ilxf3 2S. b2) 2l.dS <'uxc3 22.'Ilixc3 exd5
gxf3 ~c4 26.l"1d7t l"1e7 27.lIxc7"l (b2) 22 ...0c7? 23.dxe6+-) 23.
wxe7 2S.~g7 b5 29.~c3 li>e6 30MI IWf6 \!!IfS 24.'i!!xfS gxfS 2S.~xd5
'lidS 31.lile2 a6 Y:z-Y:z Yurtaev-Kha- wg7;!;; 21...~e7 2Hif4 \IlJf5 23.\IlJxf5
ritonov, Vilnius 1978) 19 .~d2 £ixfS+ Braun-Starck, Sprembcrg
bl) 19.~f4 £ia5 20.0a2 ~xf3 21. 1976;
gxf3 <.Uf6 22.d5 exdS 23J1xcSt c) IS.We3 ~aS!; IS ... \IlJa5 19.~bS
l"1xe8 24.<.UxdS lldS 2S.®b5 'IlifS 26. a6 20.~c4 ®hS 21.~d2 b5 22.~a2
~e3 \IlJd7 27.\IlJxd7 l"1xd7 2S.b3 0b2 !:!cd8 23.h3 <.Uf6 24.~c3 ~e7 2S.~h2
29.a4 ~c6 30Jid2 0c3 31.~xc6 <.Ug7 26.~g4 ~dS 27.1!2d2 ~e7 28.0h6
l"1xd2 32.~xd2 ~xd2 33.MI ~f4 34. ~dS 29.l"1eS [S 30.0xg7 wxg7 31.
h3 1'S Y,-Y:z Schlcmmer-Hasc, GER- 0xdS cxdS 32.~e3 Y:z-y, Jankovic-
chT 1995; Matscnko, Budva 2009; 17.<.Ub3
b2) 19.'Ilie3 ~a5 20.d5 ~aS (l7...~xc3 IS.bxc3 (IS.\!!Ixc3
(b2) 20.~c6 ~f6 21.g4 ®bS 22. ~aS 19.1/I'c3 ~xb3 20.\IlJxb3 I/I'd5 21.
I/I'f4 l"1xe6 23.l"1xe6 <.Ug7 24.~eS l"1f8 \IlJxd5 ~xd5 22.f1cl 0xf3 23.gxf3
2Hixg7 wxg7 26.l"1e7 'IlidS 27.f3 l"1cdS 24J1xc8 !:1xc8 25.d5 !:"lc2 26.
(ilcS 28.h4 h6 29.g5 hxgS 30.\IlJxgS l:i:d I cxd5 27.l"1xd5 f6 28.!:"ld7 w17
184 J6zsef Pinter
29.b4 as 30.lUe3 axb4 31.axb4 we8 (b) 24 ... <;'2xgS 2S.lUxgS 'llixb2 26.
32.lTh7 IUxb4 33.lUxb6=) IS ... lUf6 tJiih6 iIlixa3+) 2S.g3 I/llfS 26.\jIxf5 gxf5
a) 18...~aS 19.1Ua4 IUc6 20.lUxc6 27.0f3= Skrynnikov-Kalichkin, Ka-
~xc6 21.a4 I"IdS 22.c4 'llihS 2H!f4 luga 2003; 21.~xfS wxfS 22.0.fgS.
~Ied8 24.dS exdS 2S.cxdS flb4 26. Black was lucky to exchange both
IWb3 bishops, and received a good coun-
(a)!ie4 flxdS 2H!xdS iWxdS terplay against the white isolated
2S.@xe7±) 26...<;'2cS 27JleS \\Iig4 28. central pawn on d4. However,
g3 White has a strong piece play on
(a) 2S.lUh6!) 28 ... aS? the kingside. 22 ... h6 (22...liIg7 23.
(a) 2S ... lUd6!) 29.lJgS@h3 30. d6:t; IWh3!~ (23.'llig3;!;) 23.0.f3 0.f6 24.
b) 18 ... lUxa3 19.dS cxdS 20. 0.c3 wg7 (24 ... I'1e7 25.b4 Z1cc7~)
);xe8t I"ixe8 21.0xdS 'f!.c7 22.h4 \i>fS 2S.0cS ~dS (2S ... 1l:fS!?) 26.0.e4
23.lUf'l I'1d7 24.'1YbS 0cS 2S.hS a6 fS?!;!; An unnecessary kingside
26.\llibl wg727.hxg6 weakening. (Better was 26 ... 0.ce7
(b) 27.h6t! wgS 28§lgS fld8 29. 27.!kl Erxcl 28.!'1xcl f6~) 2UI/g3
c4'i5) 27 ... hxg6 28.c4 f6+ Timmer- 0.ce7 (27 ... gS 28.flc3 flf4 29.\llie3±)
mans-Braun, Stockholm 2003; 19. 28.0d2 (28.flc3;!;) 28 ... fl1'6 29.
lUa2 0aS 20.~eS tJiic7 2U:1cllllld6 22. 0d3?!~ (Why not 29.flec4 flhS
flg4 IUh8 23.lUgS 0.c6 2H\'f3t Hoch- 30.tJiie5t;!;?; Or 29.fldc4!;!;) 29 ...
graefe-Upleger, Germany 1991) 0.cd5?!;!; (It was interesting to ac-
18.0a4 (18.0.xdS IUxdS 19.0a4 IUc4 cept thc pawn sacrifice: 29 ... l/1Ixd4
20.lWe3 bS 21.lUc2 IUdS 2Vi/d3 ~c4+ 30.flf4 (30.flf3 ®g4 31.Wd6 b1cd8
Hernandez-Vethencourt, Merida 32.'i1Ixe6 ~ed5 33.'i1Ic6 l":c8 34.®bS
1997) IS ... lUc6 19.0xc6 0.xc6 20. 'f!.xel t=; 30Jixe6 I"ig4=) 30 ... l!'Ixb2
~e4 0fS 31.9lxe6t (3 U'!xe6 1'lcI+') 31....;,f7
a) 20 ... ~f6 21.h4 32.\l!Id6~) 30.0.e5 fle7 31.fldc4!?
(a) 21.h3 ~.lxe4 22.@xe4 '/lidS 23. Slobodjan-Seger, Saarbruccken 2002
'l!ixdS exdS 24Jlcl;!; Nijboer-Groo- (31.0ec4;!;) ; 17.h4
ten, Wijk aan Zce 1987) 21...\iJxe4
22Jlxe4 \\lidS 23.~eS f5 24.l::1eel • bed e
IUxh4 25.IWh3 IUf6 26.\llig3 0.xd4 27.
~xg6 flc2t 28J"1xe2 \\Yxdl t 29.wh2
wf7 30.fle5t we7 31.lllIe3 \\ydS?
(a) 31...~c2!+;
a) 3I...TIg8!:F) 32.lUg5!~ Szna-
pik-Bernard, Piotrkow Trybunalski
b) 20 ... '/lid7 2UleS \iJxe5 22.
dxc5 IWc7 23.0.gS i1!ic2 24.'llih3 ~e4 abcdelgh
The Semi-Tarrasch· Defence 185
17 .. :flxc3 (17 ... a6 18.hS flxc3 flc4 I'!Ih4 26.I!m~) 23 ... Si1g7 24.Si1xg7
19.hxg6 hxg6 20J:lxe6 fleS 21.flxeS wxg7 2S.l'!Ig3 B:fS 26.c4
~e4 2H1xg6t (22.\llId2! fxe6 (22 ... (b2) 26.fld6 'fJ.c7 27.dS exdS 28.
flc2t 23.l'!Ixe2 ~xc2 24.1/!1f3 fifS 25. 1:1xdS ii:d7 29.h5~) 26 ...flaS 27.d5
!:lc6±) 23.bxc3+-) 22 ... fxg6 23. cxd5 28.cxdS~; 19 ... l'!IdS
~b3t i>h7 24.l'!Ih3 \1lh4 (24 ... fle2t (b) 19 ...fle7 20.flgS flfS 2I.hxg6
2S.l1Ifl Si1h4 26.flf7 \1lxg2t 27.i>.xg2 hxg622.l'!Ih3
I'!If6 28.flgSt i>xh6 29.1/lJxh4t wg7 (b) 22.!'lal lfib2 23.!'lxa7 !'le7
30.1/lJh7t i>fS 31 .\llIh6t we7 (3l...\llIg7 24.~xf7 wxf7 2S.\1lgS I'!IdS 26.\\\Ih3
32.flh7t) 2S.bxc3 !:le7 26.flf7 !'1xf7 B:h8 27.0b3 %1xh3 28.~d5 Si1xd5 29.
27.Si1xf7 Si1fS 28.l'!Ih2 r:1e2 29.0e3 wg7 Si1xe7 ~xe7 30.gxh3 Si1xc3+) 22 ...
30.l'ic4 !:lc2 31.I'!If4 1-0 Banas-Na- 0b2
varovszky, Trencianskc TepIice (b) 22 ...lfie7 23.4lxe6 fxe6 24.
1974) 18.bxc3 i!l'dS I'!Ig4! <I1h7 2S.!'lxe6+-) 23.0xfS exfS
a) IS ... flaS 19.5i1a4 Si1c6 20.Si1xc6 24.flh7 1:1xel t 2SJ:!xel f626Jle8t
!'1xc6 I'!Ixe8 27.flxf6t wf7 28.flxe8 1:1xe8
(a) 20 ... ~xc6 2I.c4t flaS 29.Si1g5+-) 20.lfigS
(a) 2l...Si1fS!? 22.l'ixfS B:xfS 23. (b)20.hxg6 hxg6 2l.lfia4
dS cxdS 24.cxdS±) 22.hS Si1f6 (b) 2l.c4l/ilhS 22.\l!Jxa3 @xh6 23.
(a) 22 ...flxc4!? 23.hxg6 hxg6 d5 exd5 24.!'lxc8t B:xeS 25.cxdS
24.B:xe6 Si1f6!t) 23.hxg6 hxg6 4laS 26.d6 1:1d8 27.1:1d4 Si1xf3 28.i!l'xf3
24.fleS! Si1xcS 2S.dxeS!± Magome- i)ljcl t 29.lYh2 Wh6t 30.wg3?
dov-Ycgiazarian, Erevan oIm 1996) (b) 30.wgl=) 30 ... i)ljgSt 31.Il;h3
21.flcS B:c7 \l!Je5 32.1:1h4 Wxd6
(a) 2l...!:lc8 22.hS Si1fS 23.hxg6 (b) 32 ... We6t! 33.wh2 Wxd6t-+)
hxg6 24.l'!Ih3~ ~flc4? 2S.0xfS B:xfS 33.1/!Jc3°o KharIov-Gouret, Paris-ch
26.flxc4 B:xc4 27.!'1xc6!±) 22.hSt 1991) 2l...WhS 22.0gS i;"!fS
Si1gS 23.hxg6 hxg6 24.Si1xgS i!l'xgS (b) 22 ...0e7 23.dS IilxgS 24.dxc6
2S.B:e3 ~c6 26.flf3 I'!IfS 27Jle4 flc7 lfia8 2S.ii:eS±) 23.B:e4 Wlh8
2S.g4 @f6 29.c4 Y2-Y2 Roiz-Doett- (b) 23 ...flxd4 24.cxd4 lfixc4 25.
ling, TeI Aviv 2001; \!lxe4±) 24.B:h4
b) 18 ... Si1xa3 19.hS (b) 24.c4 lfid6 25.B:h4 I'!Ig7 26.
bI) 19.5i1gS Si1e7 20.Si1b3I'ixgS 21. lfih6 I'!If6 27.lfixfS ii:xfS 28.Wle3 ~aS
flxgS I'!If6 22:~e4 I'!Id8 29.dS!t) 24...\l!Jg7 25.0h6 I'!If6 26.
(bI) 22 ... l'!Ie7 23.c4 flb4 24.'i'lg3 B:f4 I'!Ih8 27.lfixfS B:xf8 28.l'ixc6
\1lxe4· 2S.B:xe4 as 26.hS~) 23.flgS lfixc6 29.fleS±) 20 ...flaS 21.0a4 B:f8
flaS 24.\1la4 lle7+; 22.hxg6 fxg6 23.B:eS i)ljd6 24.fld2
b2) 19.1'!Ie3 flaS 20.Si1a4 Si1c6 21. lfid5 2S.lfib5 !:lfS 26.c4 lfib7 27.cS
0xc6 4lxc6 22.flg5 0fS 23 .~e4 !:lxcS 28.IWxa3 \llIxd4 29.ElxfS B:xf5
(b2) 23.0xf8 f1xfS 24.hS 1/lJf6 25. 30.\!IIg3 \!lieS 31.flc4 \llIxg3 32.'iJ.d8t
186 J6zscf Pioter
wg7 3H!d7t wgS 34.f1d8t Y2-Y2 25.l/\IxfS !:!h8 26.~xgS '!!If6 27.'!!Ig4
Hartung-Cuno, COIT 2006; wf8 2S.flh7t :!'lxh7 29.ll!xh7 LleS
c) 18...~xh4? 19.dS! flaS 20.!Ig8t we7 31.:!'lelt; 17 ... a6 IS.
~a4±;!Id2 lliaS 20.flgS fld8+ 21. Il!b3 I/\Ic7 19.flfgS ~aS 20.0a2 fle4
f1c3 ~d6 22.f1h3 [S 23.hS I/ldS 24.f3 21.f1c1 bS 22.b3 0eS 23.@d2 fle6
f1e7 2S.flxh7 f1xh7!IgS flf7 Y2-Y, 24.fleS b4 2S.axb4 fldxb4 26.ll!bl
Banas-Meduna, Marianske Lazne Lled8 27.flxb7 il!Ixb7!If4 Il!xgS
,197S; IHld2??fldb41S.axb40xb4!IxgS ilIJe7 30.'MIxe7 flxe7 31.~gS!Ie2 flxe2-+ 20Jlfl 0xd4 21. f1xc1 32.f1xc1 wf8=) IS.axb4 flxb4
flxd4 il!Ixd4 22.~e3 ljIJeS-+; 1H2b 1!Ib3 flxe2 20.f1e2 :g;dS!Ia4
flxe3 18.bxe3 flaS (18 ... ilIJd6 19.h4 l/liaS 22.\l!ixaS bxaS 23.ll!gS Il!xgS 24.
~f6 20.hS il!Ixa3 21.'MIe41/lid6 22.l/lig4 ~fxg5 f1edS 2Hle3 flxd4 26.!'!xd4
fle7 23.hxg6 hxg6 24.fleS ~f5? ~xd4 27.fld2 fle4+ Ruiz Jimenez-
(24 ... 0xeS 25.dxeS il!Ie6!IgS 0f5 Gomez Esteban, ESP-ch Barcelona
27.~c4 il!Ixe4 28.f1xe4 Iilxe4 29J;!d7 2000; 17.ll!cl flxe3 IS.bxe3 IWdS=;
f1xc3 30.f1xa7 f1ee8=) 2Hif4! I/lid8 I 7. fle2?? 0.eb4-+
26.e4? (26.flxg6! fxg6 27.'!!Ixg6t 17 ... a6
~g7 (27...~g7 28.f1xe6±) 28.!'ld3+-)
26...~g7 27.d5 exdS 28.exdS \wf6
29.d6 flxd6 30.~a2 M8??
a) 30 ...f1e7 31.flxg6 f1xe 1t 32.
f1xcl fle4 33.f3 lileS 3Hlh4 :!'le2 3S.
Llxe4 il!Ixh4 36.flxh4 :!'lxa2 37.:!'leSt
wh7 3S.:!'lxe8+-;
b) 30 ... wh7 31.:!'lxd6 @xd6 32.
'!'ih3t wgS 33.~xf7t MS 34.~xeS
:!'lxe8 3S.fld7t ilIJxd7 36.lll'xd7l"!xel t
37.wh2 :!'le7 38.'MId8t
(b) 3S.lild6 ~eSt) 3S ... Wf7 39.
0d6 ~eSt 40.~xeS f1xeS 4I.ilIJb8±; 17 ... 1l!f8!? lS.ll!gSlile719.h4 (19.
31.fld7t 1-·0 Wall-Harley, BCF-ch fle4 Il!xgS 20.0fxgS fS 21.ilIJh3 :!'le7
1993) 19.fleS IildS 20.ilIJg3 ~f8 21. 2Hle3 flxe3 23.\'lIxe3 i/lIxgS 24.d5
~xfS f1xfS 22.h4+ Waldmann- fleeS 2S.dxe6 Il!xc6 26.ll!xe6 flxe6
Tepojan, GermallY 1996; 17.fle4? 27.YiieS Yiie7 2S.h4 ilIJe7 29.ilIJe3 "i!Jg7
~eb4!+ (17...ll!b4 1tl.ll!gS f6 19.1l!d2 30.i\tb3 ilIJf7 Y,-Y, Predojevic-Krstie,
Il!xd2 20.f1xd2 flaS 21.Il!a4 ll!e6 22. Bosnjaei 2005; 19.1l!xe7 flxe7 20.
Il!xc6 f1xe6 23.B:e2 f1xc2 24.l/\Ixe2 flxdS il!Ixd5 21.b4 f1d8 22.ll!b3 il!IhS
f1e7=; 17...~f8 18.~xf8 Llxf8 19.1l!b 1 23.ilIJe3 f1ed7 24.ll!a4 f1d6 2S.ll!xe6
flee7 20.~eg5 flfS 2l.g3 wg7 22. flxe6 26.0e5 fled6 27.f3 il!Jh4 28.TIe 1
i:lxe6 h6 23.f1eS hxgS 24.f1xfS gxfS lJ!!e7 Y2-Y2 Kroneberger-Gehrke, in-
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 187
a) 12 ... ®d6 I3.0gS l:ld8? 14. IS.fle4 flxe4 16.0xe4 Il>f6 17.@e2
Il>xf60xf6 1Hle4 IWd7 0a8 18.l/!Ia6 !';1c7 19.13cdl -fle7 20.
(a) 15...t!JIc7 16.fuf6t I/lIxf6 17. \!lId3 Il>xe4 2J.t!!ixe4 @dS 22.'lk2 !lfc8
Il>xhn wxh7 18.IWc2t IWfS 19.IWxc6 23.[ld2 h6 24.fleS Il>gS 2S.f4 I!lxf4
'ila6 20JleS±) 16.flxf6t gxf6 17. 26.!';1d3 !lc2 27.@g4 Llxb2 28.Llf3
Wc I ± Kuzmin-Petronic, I3udapest @xd4'~ 29.l1Ihl I!lxeS 30.\!lIhS I!lf6
Spring op 1989; 31.!lefI l'Thc2 0-1 Hasselmann-Up-
b) 12 ... aS IH2f4 l!la6 14.@d2 leger, Germany 1994) IS.b5 -flb8
[lc8.ISI1adl I!lc4 16.fleS flxeS 17. 16.-fleS ~bd7 17.flc4 'gc7 18.l/lIe2
I!lxeS fldS 18.flxdS Il>xdS 19.IWd3 fS; ~b8 19.!Jc2 !"ld8 20.f3 -fldS 21.-flxdS
13.\!lId3 g6 14.0h6 [le8 IS.[ladl !';1c8 \!.!xdS 22.fle3 Il>d6 2H1xc7 @xc7 24.
16.0b3 flaS 17 .ll>a2 fldS 18.0xdS g3 flf6 25.!';1cI l!!Je7 26.-flxdS -flxdS=;
(18.fle4? flf6 19.0c3 fldS 20.fle4= 12.\!lIe2 fixd4 13.-flxd4 iWxd4 14.l!lgS
Williams-Morovic Fernandez, Lu- I!lb 7 IS .[lad I I/lIcS 16.l!lxf6 I!lxf6 17.
zern olm 1982) 18 ... exdS 19.flxdS ~c4Il>xe41S.\ll'xe4IWhSI9.\l>c2\!.!xb2
Il>fS (I9 ... l!lg4 20.l/!Ie4 I!lxf3 21. 201ie3 !;'fadS 21.[ldel [ld2 22.[lh3
\!lIxf3±) 20.IWbS I!ld7 21.[lxe7!! IWg6-+ ErictheRed-Prometheus, lCS
game 1999; 12.ll>e3 I!lb7
a) I3.[lcI [lcS 14.\l>bl
(a) 14.\!l'e2 IWd6
(a) 14 ... !';1e8 15.k1edl fid5 16.
fixdS IWxdS 17.l!lc4 \!lIhS IS.dS exd5
19.!lxdS I/!Ig6 20.0d3 IWe6 21.!';1d I
fib8 22.ll>fS Il>xdS 23.ll>xe6 0xe6 24.
h4 I!lf6 2S.-flgS 0c4 26.\\Yg4 h6 27.
-fle4 I!lxb2) IS.h3 !';1fdS 16.l!le4 flaS
17.0a6 IWb8 IS.b4 I!lxa6 19.\ll'xa6
\!lIb7 20.IWxb7 -flxb7 2 I .0bS !';1xcl 22.
2l..Jlxe7 (2l...l!lxbS 22.flf6'1' [lxcl a6 23.fle7 as 24.[lc6 axb4 25.
I1Ih8 23.[lxt7 \!lIxf6 24J3Xf6+-) 22. axb4 [ld6 26.[lc4 [ldS 27.fleS -fld6
-flxe7t IWxe7 23.@eS±; 12.b4 I!lb7 13. 2SJ'ic6 !::b8 29.g4;!;) 14 ...flaS
I!lb2 (l3.ll>c2 [lcS 14.\!l'd3 g6 IS.0b2 al) 14.. Jlc7 IS.IWd3 )'id7. Inc-
~dS 16.-flxdS @xd5 17.l!lb3 I/!Id6 IS. reasing the pressure on the isolated
[ladl I!lf6 19.\ll'e2 !';1fe8 20.dS exdS pawn on d4, with idea of cS.
21.I/!IxeS1' !';1xeS 22Jlxe81' I1Ig7 23.
[lxdS I!!Jc7 24.ll>xf61' I1Ixf6 2S,l;ldl
fie7 26.!ledS 0c6 27.!';1Sd6t I1Ig7 28. Diagram
!l6d2 -flfS 29.fid4 -flxd4 30Ji:xd4
\!l'e5;!;) 13...E:c8 I 4.[lc I as (l4 ... l/lId6
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 191
(d!) 20 ... ~hS !'t) 21.4}eS! 'fi.e7 22. 17.'fi.xe7 '&xc7 IS.'fi.e1 '&d6 19.flbS
h4 l;)a6) IS".'fi.aeS? 16.dS! exdS
(dl) 2Hld2 ~hS 23.g3) 22...~hS (a) 16...\WeS 17.0gS g6 IS.\We3
23.g3 ilhf6 24.'&e2 0eS 19.1/IIf4 ilhS 20.t!!Ih4 f6 21.
(dl) 24.'tid2!?) 24".l;)g7 2S.f3?! r1xe6+-) 17.l;)gS g6 ISJlxe7 I/IIxe7
(dl) 2S.0d2!;t) 2S,,'£1f8 Abba- 19.r1e1 '&d6 20.flbS <:ila6 21.ilxd6
sov-Doettling, Tallinn 1997; 0xd3 22.ilxcS I;)xe2 2Hle7t ilxe7
d2) 13".@e7 1Hlb5 Y!Jb8 IS.0gS 24.0xf6+-;
~dS 16.'&e4 g6 IH!h6 'fi.eB 1B.'&g4 b) 13.l/IIa4 a6 14.'fi.ad1 bS IS.'&e2
fS 19.1/lih3 a6 20.ile3 I;)f6 21.'fi.xe6 !:1e8 16.dS exdS 17.0fS 'fi.aS 18.flxdS
Elxe6 22.~xdS bS 23.l;)xfS gxfS 24. ilxdS 19.1;)xh7t <ilh8 20.l;)e4 4}aS 21.
'&xfS IWd6 2S.'&g4t M7 26.ilxf6 'fi.xf6 I;)xdS 0xdS 22.l'kS f6 23.~st IlIgS
27.l/IIg7t weB 2S.l;)gS Ele6 29.'&xb7 24JldxdS l/IIe8 2S.l/IIh7t 1lIf7 26.fihfS
'fi.a7 30.l/IIe8t wf7 31.I;)e3 :"leS 32. Elg8 27.flgSt <ilf8 2S.l/IIg6 1-0 Wa-
'&h3 IlIgS 33.'&hS 'fi.f7 34.' Has 1igora-Gohlke, Solingen 1964; 13".
3S.'fi.xe6 1-0 Paunovie-Perez, Orti- 'fi.c8 (13".g6 14.l1lc4 l'IcS IS.l/IId3
guera 2003; 14Jlad1 b5 IS.l;)gS !le8 (1S.l;)h6 :1i:e8 16.dS cxdS 17.flxdS
16.l;)b 1 l:'leS 17.ileS ilxeS 18.dxcS flg4 18.l/ld2! 1;)f8 19.r1xeS I/IIxeS 20.
ildS 19.1;)xe7 t!!Ixe7 20.'&d3 '&h4 21. Illxf8 I/IIxf8 21.t!!IgS ilh6 22.ilh4 (22.
ilc4 l:'lcd8 22.ild6 l:'le7 23.He4;!; IWhS r1e1 flfS 2Hld3; 22.0d3 t!!Id8 23.
24.l/IId4 g6 2S.l:'lh4 t!!Ic2 26.l:'lfl l:'ldd7 '&xh6 @xdS 24.\\!c4 I'iihS 2S.'&f4 i/lIfS
27.l;)d3 \Wd2 28.ile4 \WaS;!; Angelov- 26.'&xfS gxfS 27.l1ld3;!;) 22".<ilh8
Muhvic, Warsaw 1989; 13".!leS 14. 23.r1da) IS".<ilg7 16.'fi.cd1 flaS 17.
l;)a2 ~b8 IS.ilcS fldS 16.'&g4 fS 0bS (17.l;)xe6 fxe6 IS.ilgS 'fi.c6 19.
(16".flxe3 17.bxe3 'fi.xc3? 18.flxf7 ilxe6t Elxe6 20.Elxe6 ~dS 21.IlleSt
l"1xf7 19.1/IIxe6 '&f8 20.l;)gS 0d6 21. <ilf7±) 17:"fldS 18.l;)eSt <ilg8 Kercs-
0f4!) 17.\!lIe2 0f6 IS.l;)d2 r1cS 19. Petrosian, Zagreb 19S9) 14.h3
r1ad1 r1e7 20.l/IId3 a6 21.ile2?! (21. a) 14.l;)bl r1eS IS.l/IId3 g6 16.l;)a2
r1c1 !±) 2l...bS 22.flg3 g6 23.flf3 (a) 16.h3 1;)f8 17.0gS \\!g7 18.
'fi.e8= Kargin-Elisecv, Kolontaevo fle4 h6 19.flxf6t 0xf6 20.l;)xh6
1998; 12.'&a4 0b7 13.l;)e3 a6 14.b4 ilxd4 2I.ilxd4I/11xd4't) 16...llIg7
as IS.bxaS flxaS 16.l:'lab1 ~g4 17. (a) 16".ilhS 17.'&e3
I/IIc2 g6 18.l/IIb2 r1c8 (18".0xf3 19. (a) 17.0h6 1;)f8 IS.l;)gS l;)e7 19.
gxf3 ilcS 20.l;)e4 ~ee4 21.'&e2 ~xa3 h4;!;) 17".flxf4
2Hlxa8 flxb1 23.l'Ixb1 I/IIxa8 24. (a) 17...ilxd4! IS.flxd4 flxf4 19.
0h6 l:'ldS 2S.dS~) 19J:1eel ilc4 20. @xf4 0gS 20.'&g4
I;)xc4 'fi.xe4't; 12.0f40b7 13.l''!cl (a) 20.ilxe6 r1x(6) 20".hS 21.
a) 13.0e2 \!lId7 14.IIM3 l:'lfdS IS. ~xe6 hxg4 22.ilxd8 r1xelt 23.r1xcl
r1adl flxdS+) 18.'&xf4 I;)d6 19.1!Jg4 hS
(a) IS.dS exdS 16.0gS g6 20.l/IIe4 I/IId7 21.I/IId3 ~e7 22.ilc4 <ilg7
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 195
(62) A. Kharlov - L.
Ljubljana 2002
27.wc2 exdS 2S.~xdS ~xdS 29. 'lYb6 (20 ... lilxf3! 21.1Wxf3 I/lIxd4) 21.
\fixdS't) 27.we2 exdS 2S.~xdS ~xdS flcS flxc2 22Jlxc2;!;
29.lilxdS Iilf6=t) 2S ... lilxa3-+ Genba- l5••. l/lIc7
Galkin, Pcnn 1997. The idea of this move is to
12••• lilb7 13.l/!Id3 g6 14.lilh6 !:le8 vacate the dS square for one of the
IS.lladl black rooks, and to prcpare the ~f6-
g4 jump with threat to h2. IS ... l:lcS.
One of the typical positions with
the Isolani d4. Black has averted
the peril threatening his king - at-
tack against h7 -- at the expense of
the weakening of his castling posi-
tion, and White has to look for new
targets of attack. First of all, his
king bishop should be used against
new tactical goals. 16.h3
a) 16.h4 a6
(a) 16 ... 0dS 17.flxdS
IS.h4 ~dS (JS .. Jlc8 16.!:ladl (a) 17.hS flxc3 IS.hxg6 hxg6
~dS 17.hS Iilf6 IS.!'1e4) 16.hS ~xc3 19.1"lxe6 fleS 20.flxe5 0.e4 2 U1xg6t
17.hxg6 hxg6 IS.1"lxe6 Iilf6 (18 ... fxg6 22.\fib3t wh7 23.®h3 fldS 24.
~e2t 19.1"lxc2 Iilf6 20.\fib3 !:lxe2 21. flf7 Silf5 2S.g4 I/lId7 26.0.f4t 1-0
I/!Ixg6t whS 22.\fig7t fixg7 23.l/!IhSt Treiber-Bars, Gennany 1996, COIT
<i>gS 24.l/!Ixf7t <i>h7 2S.l/!IfSt wh6 2004) 17 ... ®xd5 IS.l/!Id2
26.lilfl 1-0 Ackermann-Pcrnutz, (a) 18.0.b3?! I/!IhS!
Lugano 19S6) 19.1"lxe8i" I/lIxeS 20. (a) 18...l/l'd6? 19.dS!» 18 ... l/!Id6
l:'1el I/!Id7 21.bxc3 1"le8 22.1"lxcSt 19.0.e4;!; flaS 20.0.xb7 ~xb7 21.flg5
I)!JxeS 23.lilb3± O'Donnell-Frois, flaS 22.dS! ®xdS 23.'I\'xdS exdS 24.
Thessaloniki 19S5; IS Iled I \fifS 16. !i:xdS flc6 2S.b4 a6 26.!'1cl );led8 27.
IilgS lile7 17 .fib3 ~d5 18.~e4 \fixgS !'1xdSt §lxdS 2S.fle4 fS
19.~fxg5 h6 20.1/!If3!? hxgS 21.0xd5 a]) 2S ... lilxh4 29.fld6 l:'1c7 30.
fS? (2l...exd5 22.~f6t wfS=t) 22. \fie3!±
Iilxe6t! 1"lxe6 23.l/!Ib3 fxe4 (23 ... lIJIe7 (al) 30.lilf4?! IildS);
24.~xg5 ~dS 25.~xe6 I/lIxc6 26.dS a2) 2S ... lile7 29.SilgS wg7=; 29.
IIJId6 27.l)!Jb4;!;) 24.l/!Ixe6t wg7 2S. fld6;!; Ribli-Gheorghiu, Warsawa
Wxe4 IIJIf6 26.dS fldS 27J'ld3 g4 1979) 17.hS flxhS IS.dS exdS 19.
28.1lIxg4 ~fl 29.1"lf3 0.cS 30.!:lxf6 ~xdS IilfS 20.l:lxeS ®xe8 21.1"leI @d8
1--0 Khasin-Henneberke, eOIT ICCF 22.<;t;>gS f6 23.~xf6t ~xf6 24.0.b3t
1977; IS.lila4 a6 J6.Wd2 !'lc8 17.'I!If4 gg72S.l/!Ic4l/!1d7
b5 IS.lilc2 b4 19.axb4 flxb4 20.1"le2 (a) 2S ... l:'1c7 26.l!lh4 hS 27J::le8!)
200 J6zsef Pintcr
gart 1979) 23...'Wxf7 24.lilxf7"1 ~xf7 (l7.'ilbS Ii!id7 (17 ... 'I'Ib8? 18.
2SJld7'f 'iJ.e7 (2S ... l1Ig8 26.'iixfS !'lxe6! (l8.0d2 a6 19.~c3 (19.h3
l:'1xe 1"1 27.fue 1 !:'lxf8 28J'lxb7 !:'le8 'ilxf2 20.l!>xf2 axbS't) 19 ...'ilxd4
29.~fl ~aS 30.!:'la7 ~c4 31.~O ~xb2 (l9 ... 'ila5 20.'ile4) 20.@xd4 IiIxO
32.l':1xa6±) 26.l':1exe7"1 'ilxe7 27.'ileSt 21.0f4 eS 22.liIxf7t ~xf7 23.lI!!e4t
wc6 28.!1lxfS 1:'1xfS 29.1:'1xb7 l':1cS 30. ~f8 24.gxO '!'Ic8 2S.'I'Ie2 exf4 26.
'ild3 !'lc2 3I.h4±; 16.dS fudS (16 ... fxg4 IiIf6 27.\\yD;t) 18 ... l!>h8 19.dS
Elad8? 17 .dxe6!± rrxd3 18.cxt7t Ixeo 20.dxc6 IiIxe6 21.'I'Ic3f 0f6 22.
~xf7 19.0b3t fJdS 20.::Jxd3 'ild8 21. \¥!xc6 'ilxh6 23.'ilc7±) 18.0f4 liIa6
'ilxd5 IiIxdS 22.liIxdSt 1i>f6 23.'ilgS 19.(iia4:!;) 17...whSD (17 ...0.xh6? IS.
1-·0 Owen-Mapes, eorr 1981) 17. !:'lxg6t!!+-; 17 ... fxe6 18.0xe6t ~hS
~xdS exdS 18.'!'Ic3 1iIf8=; 16.h3 'iif8 19.0xg4±) IS.'ilbS
a) 16 ...1:'1ae8!? 17.liIb3 'ilaS 18. a) IS.'ildS! 'l!id8 19.'ilxe7
!1la2 'ilc4; (a) 19.!:'lxe6 IiIxc6 20.fJxe7 IWxe7
.Lb) 16 ... a6 17.0b3 'ilaS 18.liIa2 21.dS ~xh6 22.'i\ic3t I1Ig8 23.dxc6
\<lX 19.(hf8 <Jixf8 20.~eS !;1adS'l') 19 ...fue7
(b) 20.b4 llac8 21.bxaS IiiIxc3 (a) 19 ... fxe6 20.0.xc6 IIlxc6 21.
22.axb6 IWb2 23.0c4 1l'xb6 2HleS 0gS+-) 20.liIf4!
fie7:!;) 20 ... <Jig7 21.'We3 bS 22.l'icl (a) 20.l'1xe7 'I'Ixe7 21.\lId2 'iie4~)
'i}}e7 23.b4 ~c6 24.~xe6 (iixe6 2S.dS! 20 ... fxe6 21.'ilgS 1'1fS 2Hih3 hS 23.
\Tid7 26.t!lIeS I1IgS 27.d6 IWd8 2S.Y)e4 \lIxg4 hxg4 24.0eSt 1:'1f6 2S.'iixf6t
~xe4 29.'I'Ixe4± Gorelov-Chistia- ~gS 26.'ilxe6 '!lie8 27.liIxe7 I1Ih7 28.
kov, Moscow 1985; 17.1!IJe3 (17 .liIgS dS±
'iig7) 17...liIxh6 18.'l!ixh6 'ile7°o (a) 28.liIb4 as 29.(iie3;t) 2S ... '!lid7
16..•l::1ad8 29.d6;
Interesting is 16 ... 'ilg4!? and b) 18.dS! fxe6
White has to find the fantastic (b) 18 ...'ilxh6? 19.'ilbS±;
17.l::1xc6! b) lS ...'ilceS?! 19.'ilxeS 'ilxeS 20.
'ilbS! \Wb8 2UlxeS ®xeS 22.0d2!1')
19.dxc6 l'1ad8
(b) 19 ... 0xe6?! 20.lWd4t ~f6 21.
b) 19 ... liIcS 20.cxb7 ~xf2 21.
bxa8t)j1 'ilxd3"1 22.Ml !'lxa8 23.
l'1xd3tz) 20.'!'Ie4 1:'1xd 1t
(b) 20 ...flf6?! 21.Wxe6 B:xdlt
22.flxdl '!'Ixc6 23.Wf7 'ilhS 24.~c3±)
(b) 21.!1lxdl flxh6 22.exb7",)
2l...flxh6 22.cxb7:!;; 18 ...'!lib8 (18 ...
204 J6zsef Piuter
1::1a2 50.flfl flxCZ 5lJlxCZ b2 52. 22...~xd4 23.flbS Illd2 24.flxd2 ~f3t
flg7t IlIffl 53.~xb2 YlIxd6 54.fle2 YlIc6' 25.YlIxf3 YlIxd2) 20.flxd5! Illc8 21.
55.1::1h7 g5 56.:Bxh5 YlIg6 57.flh8t ~xc8 flxc8 22.flad1 !'le8 23.flc7't
M7 58.1::1he8 \\Yb6t 59.l1Ifl \\Yd6 60. flxe7 24.l"lxd8t l"lxd8 25.l"lxe7 flxe7
!'l2e7t 1-0 26.g3 ~g6 27.YlIfS ~e7 28.l/!/cS ~dS
29.~d4 g6 30.~c6 Illg7 31 .l/lie2 J;d6
(64) M. Tal - I. Chikovani 32.YlIe81' ~fS 33.fle5 1-0 10hanncs-
Gori 1968 sen-Cadsen, Moss 2005) 16.flad 1
l.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 Hlf3 c5 4.e3 a) 16...~c4 17.l/!Ih4 g6 18.~eS
cxd4 5.exd4 d5 6.~c3 ~e7 7.cxd5 flxe5 19.dxeS fld7 20.~e4 \1ld5 21.
~xd5 8.~d3 ~c6 9.0-0 0-0 10.!'lcl ~a4 !'lc4 22.~xe7 @xe7 23.'l!ixe7
flf6 11.a3 b6 12.~c2 l"lxe7 24.flf6'1' 4'ixf6 25.exf6 l"lb7 26.
12.~g5 0b7 13.~c2!? ~a6 14. flxd5llb8 27Jld7 flxa4 28J1cdl !'le8
\\Yd2 (J4.b4 ~d5 (J4 ... ~c4 IS.fle5 29.l"le7 !'lfS 30.g3±;
fue5 16.dxe5 fld5 1Hixe7 @xe7 b) 16 ... h6? Another weakening.
18.~e4 flad8 19.YlIh5 (19.@d4 b5 1Hlxf6
20.~d6;t) 19 ... g6 20.l/!Ih6 f6 21.flacl (b) 17.~xh6! gxh6 18.d5 exd5
fxeS 22.~g5 l"lf6=) IS.~xd5 0xg5 19.YlIxh6 <;ilfS 20.flxe8 YlIxe8 2U!lxf6
(1S ... exd5 16.lllxe7 (16.0a4! flxg5 ~g7 22.IWfS+-) 17...~xf6 18.d5! The
17.~xc6 !'lc8 18.b5 !'le7 19.~xgS possessor of an isolated d-pawn
\WxgS 20.!'le5 YlIf6 21 Jlxd5±) 16 ... must be constantly on the lookout
~xe7 17.\\Yb1! f5 18.bS ~b7 19. for the chance of this breakthrough.
!'leS±) 16.fug5 h6 17 .~h7±) 14 ... l8 ... exd5
flc8 15.@f4 (J5.flad1 ~a5 16.fle5 (b) 18...~xc3 19.dxc6) 19.1'1xc8t
~c4 17.flxe4 ~c4 18.l"le3 fldS 19. @xe8 20.YlIf5. This is the real point.
~xe7 \\Yxe7 20.!'lg3 4'ixc3 21.bxc3 f5 Black cannot now prevent the pen-
22.a4 \1ldS 23.~d3 ~b3 24.l"lal ~c4 etration at h7 since the g-pawn is
25.l"lel ~xd3 26.\Wxd3 \\lId6 27.!'lge3 the only defence of the f6 bishop.
1::1f6 28.@a6 !'lc7 29.aS IWa3 30.IWb5 20 ... fle7
\Wd6= Moersch-Berry, CAN 1993) bl) 20 ... l1IfS 2 U'lel I/!/d8 22.
IS ... l"le8 (JS ... flhS 16.l/!Ig4 0xg5 flxd5 ~xb2 23.l'iIh7 g6 24.fle5+-;
17.YlIxhS \1lh6 (17 ... h6 18.fladl ~c4 b2) 20 ... ~xc3 21.1/!Ih7t I1IfS 22.
19.dS exdS 20.h4 ~f6 2I.flxd5±) bxc3 ~eS 23.fld4!
18.dS exd5 19.~fS (19.~xd5 \1lc4 (b2) 23.l'iIh8t llIe7 24.lWxe8t
(19 ... ~eS? 20.YlIxe5 flxc2 21.flad1 I!!xe8 25.flxe5 !'lxe3 26.~f5 g6 27.
\Was 22.fld4 flcS 23.flfS+-) 20.!'ladl ~g4l"lxa3 28Jlxd5±) 23...~g6 24.h4
~xdS 21.flxdS YlIf6 22.~e4;t) 19 ... h5
l"lb8?! (19 ... d4!? 20.~xc8 ~xc8 21. (b2) 24 ... \\Ye5 2S.h5 I!YxhS. Black
flad1 f5 22.~xd4? (22.4'ibS d3;t) can't defend the g7 square.
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 209
(b2) 25...£\[4 26.\whSt we7 27. b4 ~b7 15.\Wd3 :BadS~) 14 ... L1fdS
iWxcS ~xcS 2S.£\c6t M6 29.£\xe5 (l4 ... h6 15.IWe1 L'-£\c4 Xh6) 15.'/lIg5
wxe5 30.fie It M6 31.g3±) 26.£\f5) h6 16.'iiih4 fld5 17.l'iih3 Ivanov-Va-
25.~[5 iljev USSR 1991 17 ... fiacS+; 13.
(b2) 25.~xg6! fxg6 26.£\f3+-) 0f4 :BcS 14.fic1 (l4.~g3 g6 15.l'iid2
25 ... fixc3 26.£\e6t!. By means of flh5 16.d5;l; Franco-Perez, La Ha-
this pretty continuation, the black bana 2002) 14 ... 0c4 15.0g3 (15.~a4
king is now bereft of his protecting a6! 16.~xc6 f1xc6 IHle5 l:::cS 18.
pawns. 26 ... fxe6 27.~xg6 \Wc6 '/lia4 I'iixd4) 15 ... g6 (15 ... b5=) 16.
(b2) 27 ... \WcS 2S.IWhS1- we7 29. 0a4 a6 17.0xc6 L1xc6 18.fle5 L1cS
IWxg7t I1Id6 30.~xh5 fixa3 31.:Be I 19.\Wa4! ~d5 Timman-Karpov, Wijk
~b5 32.<ilg4 ~d7 33.\We5t l1Ie7 34. aan Zee 1995 (19 ... IWxd4 20.£\c6)
\Wxd5 IWe5 35.IWb7\Wd4 36.fixe61' M7 20.IWxa6 0aS 21.f3! £\d5 (21...IWxd41'
37.fie4+-) 2S.\WhSt wc7 29.lil'xg7t 22.~f2 \Wd2 23.lil'xb6 fibS 2H1a7!
I1Id6 30.fie I ~cS fib7 25.flc4!±) 22.tlc4±; 13.~c3 L1c8
(b2) 30 .. 1kl 31.IWf81' wc7 32. 14.fle5 0b7 15.h3 g6 16.0b3 flxc5
\wf4'1) 31.~xh5± Szab6-Unzicker, 17.dxe5 fld7 IS.0h6 :BeS 19.~a4
Amsterdam 1954; 21.l'iih7j' wIll 0c6 20.~xc6 11xc6 21.I'iiB 11c5 22.
22.\whS1' flgS 23.L1el+- fiad1 l)iicS 23.fle4 fixe5 24.L1xd7
(b) 23.~h7+- followed by fiel); li!ixd7 (24 ... !l:xe4 25.fiedl f5 26.
17. IWh4 £\d5 IS. tlxd5 exd5 19 .~a4 [ixa7 0f6 27.fidd71'iic2 2S.0g7±) 25.
(l9.fixc7? Bascd on dark square flf6t'! (25.:Bdl IWb5 26.flf6'1 wh8 27.
tactic, but Black removes the f5 flxc8 IWxeS 2S.I!!Jc3 f6!ic7:i5)
guard. 19 ... tlxe7 20.~f6 fixc2 21. 25...~xf6 26.\Wxf6 fixe 11' 27.l1Ih2
Iil'h6 £\f5) 19 ... 0xg5 20.tlxg5 h5 li!id61' Arizmendi Martinez-Anand,
21.l'iif4 fie7 22.h4± Villarrobledo op rapid 1998. 2S.g3
12 ...0a6 (2S.f4 IWf8+) 2S ... \We5-+; 13.b4?!
a) 13 ... ~c4 14.b5
al) 14.fle5 flxe5 15.dxe5 \Wxdl
(al) 16.flxdl fld5 17.0d2 fifd8
IS.£\b2 ~b5 19.0c4 fiacS 20.fiac1
g6 21.0f3 wg7 22.a4 'ild7 23.b5 ~a3
24.fixe8 [ixcS 25.tld3 ]"(c2+) 16 ...
fJd5 17.flxd5
(al) 1Hle4fi[cSI8.'ilg5~c219.
fidcl ~xg5 20.£\xg5 h621.flf3 ~xf3
22.gxf3 flf4+ Espinoza Flores-Bra-
13.0g5 [13.\Wd2 IWd6 14.!l:d1 (14. ga, Dubai 19S6) 17...'ilxd5 18.~e3 .'
210 J6zscf Pinter
~xf2t 23.i>hl Iild4 24.~dl ~xal 25. a2) 14 ... \ilb7 IS.\ilb3 as 16.b5
~d6 ~e4 26.®xal frxe2 27.11g3 'l!ih4 ~a7 17.4le5 ~d5 18.\ilxdS \ilxdS 19.
0·1 Blazkova-Bombek, Trenein a4 f6 20.flxd5 'l!ixd5 21.fld3 \ilb4
1995) 19.®d2 ~e4 20.'l!if4 v,-v, 22.fre3 l"lfe8 23.~xb4 axb4 24.'l!ie2
Banas-Heinig, Trnava 19SI; g6
a2) IS.'l!id2 freS (a2) 24 ...frc4!) 25.l"leI M7 26.
(a2) IS ...lilb3!= 19.1ilbl frh3 h5 27.'/M2:!;; IS.bS
(a2) 19.'l!ih6? ~xe2 20.~g5 a1) IS.l"lcl fldS
~h5-+) 19 ... fle4 20.flxe4 all) IS ... bS 16.lilb3
(a2) 20.'l!ih6? flxe5 21.dxeS (all) 16.\ild3 \ilxd3 17.'II'xd3 a6
laxe3-+; (all) 17 ... aS 18.bxaS b4 19.
a2) 20.'l!iel flxeS 21.dxeS ~g4oo) axb4 ~xb4 20.'l!ie2 'l!ixaS 2UJeS
20 ...laxe4 ~bdS 22.~xdSlWxdS 23.l:1al \ild624.
(a2) 20 ... lilxe4? 21.'l!ih6!±) 21. l"la6l:Ia8 2SJleall"lxa6 26.frxa6 I:1d8
fle2 lila4 22.lild3 IilxbS 23.~xe4?! 27.I:1b6 'l!ia8 28.~e6 ::le8 29.flcS
(a2) 2H}e3? @xd4 24.~xbS \ilxeS 30.dxeS ~dS't Chess Tiger 14.
®xal 25.\ilxe4freS+; O-Fritz 8, 2002) 18.~e4
a2) 23.®h6=) 23...~xc4't Butu- (all) 18Jledl 'l!Jb6 19.~eS frfd8
rin-Savon, Lvov 19SI) 19.'i!lh6 \'if8 20.~xc6 frxe6 21.~e2 ~d5't Herb-
20.®h4 \'ig7 21.~gS fle4 22.~xf6+-; reehtsmeier-Borik, Germany 1983)
IS ...freS 19.'i!ld2 Iilb3! 18...~dS
(a) 19 ...fle4 20.'l!if4±) 20.\ilbl (all) 18...~xe4 19.'l!ixe4l!ild7 20.
fle4 21.flxe4 \ilxe4 22.\ilf4 ~g4 23. l"lc3 Iilf6 21.l"lcc 1 fle7 22JfcS ~d5
\ile4 Iilf6 24.frdl eS 2S.dxeS @xd2 23.~eS 'l!ib7 24.~c6 'l!id7 2S.~eS 'l!ib7
26Jlxd2 \ilxcS 27.0xeSl:IxeS+; 26.~c6 h6 27.l"lle2 ~b6 2S.<;ilel ~e4
b) 13...~5 14.flxdS 'l!ixdS IS. 29.'l!if3 <;ile7 30.~xe7t 'l!ixe7 31.a4=)
<;le4 ®d6 16.lile3 19.~cS as 20.bxaS 'l!ixaS 21.'lYe4 ~f6
(b) 16.g3l"!aeS 1Hf4 ®d7 lS.dS 22.'l!ie3 ~dS 23.'l!ie4=) 16 ... <;ilxb3 17.
exdS 19.®xd5 'l!ixdS 20.\ilxdS \ilf6 'l!ixb3 4)xd4 18.~xd4 'l!ixd4 19.~xb5
21.laael flc7 22.\ilc4:!;) 16 .. Jlae8 17. 'lYd7 20.~d4 ~dS 21.bS l"lxcl 22.
'I!Ia4 \ilc4? frxcI <;ilg5 23.l"ldllTh8 24.a4 <;ilf6 25.
(b) 17 ... lilb7 18.bS ~a5 19.0xb7 'l!ic2 <;ilxd4 26.<;ilxd4 l"ldS;
!l:c4 20.'l!idl ~xb7 21.flcS fre3 22. a12) IS ... h6 16.<;ild3 <;ilxd3 17.
\ilf4 ®dS=) 18.lilxh7t I1Ixh7 19.@c2t 'll'xd3 'l!id6 18.®a6 'l!id7
g6 20.'l!ixe4±; 14.bS (aI2) 18 ...l"lfd8 I 9.dS exdS 20.
a) 14.lilb2?! 0e4't ~bS 'l!id7 21.~xa7 ~xa7 22.~eS 'l!ic6
a1) 14 ...~d5? IS.bS! flxc3 16. 23.'l!ixa7 fle4 24.'l!ib7:!;) 19.~eS ~xe5
@d3! g6 IHlxc3 'l!ic7 18.bxa6 ~S 20.dxeS fld5 21.l"lcdl lafd8 22.I:1d3
19.\ilxaS+- Anand-Adams, London I:1e6 23.l"ledl 'l!icS 24.'l!ixe8 I:1cxc8
1987; 2S.i>f1 flxc3 26.frxd8t <;ilxd8 27.
The Scmi-Tarrasch Defence 213
~xc3 l:'!xc3 28.l:'!xd8t d>h7 29.l:'!d7 (a2) 17.lWcl IWc7 18.lWbl g6 19.
l:'!xa3 30.l:'!xfl l:'!a4=; llla4 '/IIb7 20.b5 4.la5 21.'fle5 a6 22.
aB) 15 ... a6 16.~bl b5 17.'/IIc2 ~c4 flxc4 23.bxa6 '/IIxa6 24.~b5
g6 18.'/IId2 as 19.bxa5 '/IIxa5 20.d5 '/IIa5 25.0xc4 l"1xe4 26.~e4 fld5+
l:'!cd8 21.'1!Jf4 ~b8 22.~e4 ~xe4 23. Gcnba-Labutin, Kstovo 1994) 17 ...
l"1xe4 f5 24.'/\Ih6 ~f6 25.l:'!h4 '/IIa7 26. fld5
~xf6 l:'!xf6 27.~g5 exd5 28.~xh7 (a2) 17 ... g6 18.lWh6 ~f8 19.'/\Ih4
l:'!a6 }9.~f6·r 1-0 Glaser-Mohring, Illg7 20.d5 ~xd5 21.~g5 h6 22.flge4
eorr GER 1989; 16.~e4 '/IIe7 23.~f6t '/IIxf6 24.'/IIg3 '/IIg5 25.
(al) 16.~bl ~e3 17.l:'!xe3 ~d5 '/IIxg5 hxg5 26.flxd5 ~xb2+ Lehti-
18.~e5 g6 19J1g3 ~h4 20.l:'!h3 f5+ vaara-Haapasalo, Salo 1993) 18.
Miljanic-Redzepagie, Arandjelovae ~e2 a5
1990) 16 ... b5IH)xd5~d518.'/IId3;!;; (a2) 18 ... h6) 19.bxa5 flxa5 20.
a2) 15.'/IId2 '/IId6 fle5 llla6 21.~g3 ~4 22.lWd3 f5 23.
a21) 15...~d5 16.~c4a517.bxa5 ~xc4 ~xc4 24.'/IIf3 g6+ Solak-
'flxa5 IS.'/IIdl ~a6 i9.~e5 ~c4 Petrov, Sibenik 2005;
(a21) 19 ... l"1e7 20.~b 1 g621.'/IIf3 a3) 15.~d3 ~xd3 16.lWxd3 '/IId7
'/IIe8 22.~a2 ~e4 23.~xe4 ~xc4 24. 17.l:'!adl gfd8 18.l:'!d2 1llf8 19.!'!edl
~c I 'fld6 25.0h6 l:'!cS 26J:i:acl 'flf5 '/IIb7 20.'/IIe2 fle7 21.fle5 a6 22.l:'!d3
27JJ.xc7 '/IIxc7 28J:lci '/IIa7 29.~e6 fled5 23.l:'!f3 ~c3 24.~xc3 Illd6 25.
'/IIxa3 30.~xe7t '/IIxe7 3i.\llg5 f6 0b2 ~xe5 26.dxe5 l:'!xdl t 27.'/IIxdl
32.\lle3 '/IIa3+ Royset-Lassila, Nor- fld5+ Lane-MacFarIane, London
way 1993) 20.~xc4 ~xe4 21.'fld2 1985;
~a6 22.'flf3 '/IId6+ Mortensen-Os- a4) 15.fle2 fld5 16.~e5 0a6 17.
tenstad, Torshavn 1987); l:'!c1 flxe5 18.dxe5 Illg5 19.11al '/IIe7
a22) 15 ... b5 16.l:'!adl as 17.bxa5 20.\lle4 l:'!fd8 21.lWa4 '/IIc4 22.fld4
b4 \lld2 23.~xd5 l:'!xd5 24.l:'!e4 ~cl
(a22) 17 ... '/IIxa5 IS.~e5 l:'!fd8) 25.l:'!e2 l:'!xd4 26.lllxd4 IWxe2 0-1
18.~e4 IWxa5 19.~xf6t ~xf6 20. Trabert-Kadimova, Leon 1996;
axb4 IWxb4 21.~c3 '/\Ib5 22.d5 Illxc3 15...'fla5 16.'fle5 '/IId6
23.lWxc3 Illxd5 24.~h7t d>xh7 25. a1) 16...fld5 17.~d5 Illxd5 18.
~g5t. d>g8 26.lWh3 ~c4 27.'flxc4 l:'!cd8 0xh7t Iiixh7 19.1Wh5t \ligS 20.l:'!e3
28.E1b I l4-l4 Ogaard-Stigar, Oslo ~h4 21.f4 !'!c2 22.!'!h3l:'!xg2t 23Ml
1986; l:'!f2t 24.d>gl l:'!xf4 0-1 Lanka-Os-
a23) 15 ... lWe7 16.llld3 Illxd3 17. tenstad, Tmava 1989;
IWxd3 '/IIf4 18.l:'!acl l:'!fd8 19.~e2 '/IId6 a2) 16 ... a6 17.a4
20.l:'!c4 'flg4 21.IWe4 ~f6 22.'/IId3 a5 (a2) 17.bxa6 ~xa6 18.fle4 fld5
23.b5 ~a7 24.l:'!xe8 l:'!xe8 25.l:'!c1 19.\!lIbl \llb7 20.h3 f5 21.~d2 flf4 22.
l:'!xel t 26.lllxc1 4.ld5+; 16.l:'!adl l:'!fd8 'fldf3 Illd6+ Berthelsen-Martin Mo-
17.h3 linero, Scottish CCA 2004) 17 ...
214 J6zsef Pinter
axb5 IS.axb5 ~d5 19.t!Yd3 ~c4 20. tlxd5 29.~c611d7 30.'/lIh5;!::; 26.lllxd5
~cl g6 2J.~xd5 t!Yxd5 22.~c6 Iild6 tlxd5 27.~c6 '/lId7 2S.a4;!::) 26...\ild2
23.~b3 I!lixb5 24.~a7 'Wd5 25.~cS 27.l1e2 \ilf4 2S.'Il'xf4 \ilxb3 29.~c6;!::)
!i:xcS 26.lila3 ~xa3 27.!i:xa3 b5 28. 17 ... tlfdS IS.tladl ~bd7 19.'Il'h3 ~fS
!i:a2 !i:dS 29.!i:c2 I!lixd4 30.l!lixd4 20.~b3 ~d6 2l.tlcl 'Il'bS 2Hlxf7
!i:xd4 31.~xc4 bxc4 32.!i:ecl ~d5 I1Ixf7 23.tlxe6 ~e6 (23 ... l1Ig6 24.
33.!i:xc4 !i:d2= Bertholee-Podgaets, 'Wd3t! (24.'/lIg4t iilh6 25.tlce I ~xh2t
Wijk aan Zee 1995; 17.a4 !i:fdS IS. 26.iilhl ~xe6 27.'fl.xe6 '/lIf4 28.'Ilih3t
~e4 ~xe4 19.~e4 f5 20.~a3 'Ilixe5 I1Ig6 29.tle7 ~g4 30.'Wd3t I1Ih6 31.
2l.dxe5 !i:xdl 22.!i:exdl ~xa3 23. '/lIh3t I1ig6=) 24 ... wh6 25.'/lIe3t ~f4
!i:xa3 fxe4 24.h4 Iild5 25.h5 !i:c2 26. 26.'I\Ih3tl1ig6 27.l1e7 h5 28.IWd3t
h6 ~c4 27.!i:g3 g6 2SJ1g5 !i:a2 29. wh6 29.g3 ~g6 30.!'lcel ~xe7 31.
!i:xd5 cxd5 30.e6 !i:d2 31.e7 ~6 tlxc7±) 24.'Il'xe6t wg6 25.\ilc2t iilh6
0-1 Tringov-Vasiukov, Cacak 1994; 26.IWh3t ~h5 27.g4 ~xh2t 2S.l1ifl
b) 14.~e4 'Wc7 15.~g5 ~d5=; g6 29.gxh5 I1ig7 30.hxg6 hxg6 3J.
c) 14.!i:e3 ~b7 tie I 'Wc7 32.lilxg6+-) 16.~e5 ~bd7
(c) 14 ... ~c4 15.b5 ~a5 16.~e5 17.'Wh3 '/lIc7 18.l1e3 ~xe5 19.dxe5
fid5 17.!i:h3 g6 IS.'IM2 !i:eS 19. 'Wh6 ~e4 20.~d2 ~g5 21.IWh5 g6 22.'Wh6
fif8 20.'IIJh4 ~h5 2Uug5 ~e7 22.f4? tlfdS 23.tldl tld4+ Eriksson-Vcr-
0b3! Filipovic-Lalic, Banja Vruci- nersson, Linkoping 2001) 15.'Wd3
ca 19S7) 15.'Wd3 g6 16.~b2 ~d5 17. a) 15.bxa6 'fl.xc3 16.~b2
~xd5 exd5 IS.~b3 ~f6 19.11ael 'fl.c7 (a) 16.l1e3 tlc7 17.~d3 'Wd5 IS.
20.tilc3 ~e7 2l.b5 ~f5 22JI3e2 ~e7 ~e5 'fl.fcS 19.11b1 Iild6 20.a4 ~c6 21.
2H)b2 ~d6 24.g3 Y>-Y> Goth-Zbo- ~b2 ~b4 22.~b5 ~e4 23.g3 !'lc2+)
ron, Corr 2006; 16 ... 'fl.c7 17.fle5 b5
d) 14.~b3 ~a5 15.bxa5 l1xc3 16. (a) 17 ... 'Wd5 IS.tlcl tlfcS 19.a4
~e5 ~b7 17 .~b2 l1c7 Y>-Y> Mocha- \ilb4 20.tle3 Iild6 2l.f4 ~c4 22.~xc4
lov-Begun, Minsk 1981; tlxc4 23.tlf3 'Wc6 24.~c3 0xf4 25.
c) 14.0d3 0b7 15.~b2 ~d6 16. ~b3 ~xcl 26.~xc4 'Wxc4 27.'Wxcl
~e4 ~f4 17.g3 ~h6 IS.~xf6t 'Wxf6 ~5 0-1 Petrillo-Redzepagic, Ge-
19.b5 ~b4 20.axb4 ~xf3 21.d5 neve 19S5, EXT 2000) 18.~d3 ~c4
~xdl 22.\ilxf6 ~c2 23.\ilxc2 gxf6 24. 19.'We2 t!Yd5 20.tlecl !;tfeS 21.'fl.c2
~e4 f5 25.~f3 exd5 26.l1xa7 d4 27. \ild6 22J~d I I1ifS 23.tlc3 h5
l1dl ~g7 2S.~d5±; 14 ... ~a5 (14 ... (a) 23 ... ~e3! 24.'Wxe3 E!xc3 25.
~bS 15.'Wd3 ~b7 (15 ... 'Wc7 16.~b2 ~c3 !i:xc3+) 24.tlc2 h4=;
~b7 17.~c5 (lnlacl tlfd8 IS.~e5 b) 15.~d2 ~b7+; 15...~b7 (IS ...
~bd7 19.'Wh3 ~fS 20.~e4 ~d5 2J. 'Wc7 16.~d2 (I6.bxa6 'Wxc3 IUla2
'Wf3 f5 22.~b3 'I\Ib8 23.~c3 ~g5 24. t!Yc4 IS.'We2 tlfdS 19.h3 'Wxe2 20.
~xd5 ~xd5 25.tlxcS 'WxcS 26.'Wg3 tlxe2 ~d5+) 16...~c4 (l6 ... 0b7 17.
(26.'Wh5! ~f6 27.1!lif7t I1IhS 2S.~xd5 ~e5 tlfdS (l7 ... ~c4 IS.~c6 ~xc6
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 215
aB) 32.\IlJxh6 ~e7 33Jlxe7 fJ.xe7 (al) 2S ... wf7 29.\!lb3 I?) 29Jld6
34.'llJxg6t MS 3HJxf6t weS 36. (al) 29.fJ.d7t fJ.f7;
IWc6t wf7; al) 29.Hel fle2!?) 29 ... 0eS
aB) 32.l:i:el fJ.eS!? 33JlxeS fxeS (al) 29 ... ~e4 30.fJ.e6 bS 31.a4)
34.h4 :Wbl t!? 3S.wh2 \!!ifS) 32...~e7! 30.l:i:c6!?t ~dS 31.~b3 ~d7 32J~d6
a131) 32 ... gS 33.hxg5 hxgS 34. "fJ.f7 33.~xd5 exd5 34.fJ.xdS;
l:i:el I?; a2) 23 ... wgS!? 24:fleS
a132) 32 ... l:i:c7 33.fJ.xe7 ~xe7 (a2) 24.l/!Ig4 \!!if4;
34.\!!id4; a2) 24.~b3 \!\If4 2Hlc4 \!!Jf6) 24 ...
a133) 32...iWa4 33.fJ.xdS ~xd5 \!!JeS!?
34.\!!ixd5t wg7 (a2) 24 ... \!\Ixa3 I?;
(a133) 34 ... mhS 35.iWf7±) 3S. a2) 24 ... \!!Jc7) 25.\!!Jh4
~e7t whS 36.g3! l:i:clt l/!Ie8 a21) 2S.\!!Jxc5 bxcS;
3SJlxa7±; a22) 25.\!!Ja4 ~bS;
a134) 32 ... :Wb5 33.fJ.xa7~; 33. a23) 25.\!!Jg4 ~f6!? 26.l/!Ih4 \!!Jxc3
I/!Id6 (a23) 26 ... wg7 27.\!!Jxf6t ';;'xf6
(aB) 33.iWd4 (ile6 34.l:i:xa7 ~dS) 2S.4ld7t me7 29.flxcS "fl.xcS+); 2S ...
33 ... wf7 34.l:i:xa7 \!!Jxc3!? 26.~g6
(aB) 34.fJ.el (ile6) 34 ... bS 3S. (a2) 26.l:i:c1 I/!Id2) 26 ... fxg6 27.
fJ.e I (ile6 36.a:b7 \!!Jxh6 \!!Je2! 2S.l:i:d2
(aI3) 36.fJ.a6 ~f5) 36 ... l/!IdS 37. (a2) 2S.flxg6 \!!Jxf2t· 29.wh 1
l/!Ia6 I/!If6+) 2S ... \!!Je4!? 29.fJ.ddl I/!IfS+; 24.
(aB) 37.\!!ixdS (ilxdS 3S.fJ.xb5 4leS :Wc7!
fJ.a8) 37 ...(ild7!? ~3S.a:b6 \!!ifS; 24 ... al) 24 ... l/!Ic5 2S.fld7± IWxd4 26.
l1c4 ~xf8t;
(al) 24 ... g5 25.~f3! a2) 24 ... l/!Ie7 2Hlxg6! fxg6 26.
(al) 2S.l/!Ie4 f5 26.l/!Id4t fJ.f6 27. I/!IxdS I/!If6
~xfSt cxf5 2S.\!!ixdS \!!ixdS 29.fJ.xd5 (a2) 26 .. ');1f6 27.~eS ~fJ.cS 28.
fJ.xc3 30.~xf5 ~eS!?=) 25.!1id3 fJ.d7±) 27.l/!Ixc6 \!!Jxf2t 2S.whl "tJ.f6
\!!ixh2t!? (a2) 2S ... l/!If6 29.l:i:d7t whS 30.
(al) 25 ... f5 26.flf3~ b5 I/!Ixf61· fJ.xf6 3 Uxa7±) 29.l/!Id7t l:i:f7
(al) 26 .. .1;'1a4 27.\!!id2; 30.fJ.e7 !'1cf8 31.(ilb3! fJ.xe7 32.
al) 26 ...fJ.fe8 27.fld4!?) 27.0b3 \!!ixe7t Ii?hS 33.h3!
(al) 27.fle5 "tJ.c7 28.~b3!?) 27 ... (a2) 33.\!!Je5t 1!1'f6 34.\!!ixf6t l:i:xf6
fJ.e7 35.l:i:d8t wg7 36.!'1d7t whS!? 37.h3
(al) 27 ...fJ.e5 2S.fld4!? l:i:c6) 33 ... \!!ic5 34.l/!IxcS bxc5 35.l:i:d6
(al) 2S.fJ.xe6 \!!ixe6 29.\!!Jd4t) ) c4
2S.~d4~) 26.wxh2 fJ.xh4t 27.\!\Ih3! (a2) 35...~b7 36.fJ.xg6±) 36.~a4;
fJ.xh3t 2S.gxh3 25.l/!Ig4
(al) 2S.wxh3 fJ.eS!?~) 2S ...fue3 (a) 25.4lxg6? fxg6 26.l:i:xe6 4lf4)
222 J ozsef Pin ter
'lixe6#; 24.liif4!! Iil'd8? (24 ... fS 2S. 1/!ixa6 4lcS 30.\!!ibS liigS 31.!'\)xfS IWxfS
Wih3! ~xf4 26.~xh7t M6 27.!'\)xdS 32.'fJeS !,\)e7 33.b4 ~b3 34.~d3 !,\)f6
4:1d8 28.~eS+-; 24 ... hSO 2S.i!lxc8! 3S.!'1e4 ~h6 36.~e3 1/!ihS 37.g4 I'l'h4
rlxc8 26.!,\)xd6 !,\)xd6 27 .!'\)xdSt+-) 1-0 Sermek-Golubovic, Pula 1999;
2S.l/lIe6t rJig7 26.!,\)xdS gS (26 ...!,\)fS b2) IS ... 4:1c4 16.1/!ih4 g6 17.~e4
27.~g8#; 26 ... 4:1aS 27.@f7t I11h8 28. 4:1dS IS.!'\)d3 ltib7 19.b3 4ld6 20.!,\)xe7
4:1gS! fxgS 29.!,\)eSt) 27.1/!if7t+- (27. 4Jxe7 21.~fgS hS 22.~f6t I11g7 23.
l/lIf7t I11h8 28.!,\)e4); 14 ...~a5!? IS. ~xh5t gxh5 24.91xe6t fxe6 2S.
ll:adl! WgSt 111f7 26.\IlJxh5t M6 27.\'lh6j'
a) IS.4leS ~d7= 16.!,\)xe7 ~xe7 wf7 2S.!:1xe6 ~e4 29.0xe4 'lixc4 30.
I Hlxd7 \Wxd7 18.b4 4Jc4 19.~d3 g6 b:xe4 ~g6 3Uh7t M6 32.!:1e3 l"lgS
20.4le4 wg7 2l.ltib3 ll:fd8 22JladI 33.!,!f3t I11gS 34.h4t 1--0 Christen-
~c7 23.dS [!xdS 24.1!!c3t f6 25. sen-Pedersen, Corr 2006;
l"1xdS exdS 26.4lxf6 4le5 27.\!\IaI b3) IS ... rleS 16.dS 4:1xdS 17.
I'l'xf6 28.l":xe5 l"lcl t 29.'!!ixcl i!lxeS 4lxdS '/llxdS IS.!'\)xh7t I11xh7 19.!,\)xe7
VI-VI Berclaz-Frank, IECG EmaiI I11g8 20.!'\)b4 );!c4 21.I/lig3 f622.r1ad1
2001; \!!ih5 23.h3 \!!if7 24.~d2 l"ld4 2S:f'le4
b) IS.IWI'l g6 !1xdl 26.!1xdl Illh7 27.1/!ih4t I11gS 2S.
bl) IS ... ltib7 16.!'1adl \IlJg3 I11h7 29.~d6 ~d7 30.l"ld4 gS 31.
(bl) 16.dSl"1c417.\!\Ig3 4:1xdS 18. 4lxeS \!!ixd4 32.~c7t <ilg6 33.g4 fS
~xdS !'\)xdS 19.1tixe7 1/!ixe7 20.!'\)d3 34.!,\)c3 1/!idl t 3S.<ilh2 fxg4 36.1/!ig7t
VI-VI Asauskas-Zagorskis, Lithau- IIIfS 37.i!IIeSt 1-·0 Chekhov-Psakhis,
nia 2003; IVladivostok 1978;
bl) 16.\I!Ih4h6IHlxh60xf3 18. b4) IS ... l"lxc3 16.bxc3 4:1d5 17.
gxf3 gxh6 19.~xh6 '!!ixd4 20.l11hl \I!Ih4 g6 IS.!,\)xe7 \I!Ixc7 19.4:1gS hS
\I!Ig4 21.l"lgl+-) 16 ... ltidS 17.l'l'h4 g6 20.1/!ig3 !1cS 21.~xf7 1/!ixf7 22.ltixg6
18.4:1eS 'fJc7 19.1":e3 4lc4 20.4:1xc4 @f4 23.!1xe6 \I!Ixg3 24.hxg3 l":xc3
ltixc421.dS 2S.0xh5 4lc6 26.00 ~xf3 27.gxf3
(bl) 2U1h3 4lhS 22.ltixe7 '!!ixe7 <3>b7 28.!:1dl as 29.!'!d6 4:1ce7 30.f4
23.'i!le4 I/lIgS 24.1/!ie3 h6 2S.l'l'cl I1ldS bS 31.!,!cl b4 32.axb4 axb4 33.!'1cS
26.0e4 Eld8 ~f7 34.l"1d7 !,\)a8 35.1:'la7 <ile6 36.
(hI) 26 ...0b3!) 2HlxdS exdS !'1xaS 4:1c3 37Jla6t wd7 38.l"1a7t gd6
2S.l"1e3 4:11'6 29.h3 l"lcc8 30Jle5 \!!ih4 39.Elxe7 r;;xc7 40.MI 4la2 41.Elc2 b3
31.~f1 gS 32.g3 '!!ihS 33.h4 I11g7 34. 42.Elb2 4:1cl 43.1:1bl 1-0 Ravi-Pra-
\I!Id3 l"1c8 3S.l"lde 1 ElxeS 36.dxe5 4le4 kash, Atu12006; 16.1/!ih4
37.4:1xdS 4lcS 3S.Wc3 1-0 Lanka- (b) 16.!'\)h6 4:1hS 17.\!!ig4 4:1g7 18.
Cvitan, Germany 1995, GER-chT) !'1acl !,\)b7p Rechmann-Gucroff,
2l...!'\)xdS 22.!'\)b3 !Id7 23.l1la4 bS BL2-W 1989. 19.~eS 4Jc4 20.!'\)b3
24.liixbS h6 2S.0xh6 !,\)c6 26Jlxd7 ~d6 21.dS exdS 22.~xdS Elxc1 23.
4:1xd7 27.I!k4 ~xbS 2S.'l!ixb5 a6 29. 0xcl ~gf5) 16 ... 0b7 17.ltie4 h5
226 J6zsef Pintcr
(b) 17 .. .l':k8 18.0xb7 '2:lxb7 19. 18 ... exd5 19.0.d4 !leS 20.~f5 'gc7
dS ~hS 20.dxe6 f6 21.I1le3 0.d6 22. 21.!'!xc7 !'!cxe7 22.0xf6!
!'!adl 'tic7 23.0.dS I/!ib7 24.t!l'a4 !lcd8 (b) 22.~xg7 !'!cltD
2S.J!lIb3 ~g7 26.~xf6t ~xf6 27.e7t (b)>xg7 2H)xf6t wxf6 24.
wh8 28.cxd8l!lit rlxd8 29.l1lf4 1·0 IWh6t illc5 25.f4#) 23J;(xe I ::lxe I t
Rupprecht-Stettlcr, Germany 2004; 24.®xe1 Ii>xg7 25.Wc3 I'lIc7 26.h3±)
b) 17 ... 0xc4 18.~xe4 ~d5 19. 22 ... gxf6 23.g3!+-) 18.Wif4 ~xb2-+
i':ac 1 !'!xc I 20.~xcI f6 21.~h6 ~b3 19.@h4~) 17 ... h6 IS.0f4f7; 17.d5!
22.!'!dl !'!f7 23.t!l'h3 ~c7 24.l1lf4 0b5 (17.0d3 0b7 18.~b5 IfId7 19.0xc4
25.d5 exd5 26.®e6 ~3d4 27.~xd4 0xf3 20.gxO a6 2l.dS cxdS 22.
1-0 Aktunc-Amadio, !ECG Email 0xf6 (22.l!lie3 !'1feS 23.J!lIxb6 rlxe4
2002) 18.0xb7 24.:Wxa6 !'!g4t 2S.fxg4 i!!ixg4t 26.
(b) 18.d5 ~xd5 19.illxg6 fxg6 Q;>fl \"ih3t 27.Q;>gl (>e2 \1lb4t 28.
20.l:'1xe6 I1lf6 21 .!'!d 1 l'1e4 22.~xd5 0e3 l1xc3t 29.fxe3 i\'ig2t>d3
t!l'xd5 2Hlxd5 l'1xh4 24.0xh4 I1lxd5 i!!ic4t 31.Ii!e2 \l1g2t=) 27...Wig4t=)
25J;xf6 !'!xf6 26.l1lxf6± Braun- 22 ... li2xf6 23JlxdS I!lixd5 24.0xd5
Dyakov, IECG 2004) 18 ... fu.b7 19. ~xcl 25.L1xcl axb5 26.!,(c2~) 17 ...
d5 ~xd5 20Jladl 0xgS 21.~xg5 ~xb2! (17 ... 0.xa3? IS.0f4! (\8.
~d6 22.~xd5 0.f5 23.t!l'f4 exd5ii5 24. d6!;!;) 18...tWb7 (18...l!lie5 19.d6 0d8
~f3 !'le8 25.!'1xc8t J!lIxe8 26.!'!xd5 20.d7+-; IS ... WbS 19.bxa3+-) 19.
\We2 27.h3 '/!Ixb2 28.g4 hxg4 29. bxa3 !axe3 20.l11xh7t+-) 18.d6!?
hxg4 t!l'cI t 30.'/!Ixel !'!xc1 t 31.<i!g2 @xe3 (J8...\1lxd6 19.0xf6 gxf6 20.
~c7 !/,-!/, Yurtaev-Galkin, RUS- I)IJh6 fS 21.0.gS >i1xh2t 22.whl f623.
CuplO Tomsk 1997; 0.xe6 fu.d 1!!
c)15.b3 h6 16.0h4 We7+;
d) IS J;1acI 0c4
(d) 15 ... h6 16.'~xh6 ~c4 IHif4
gxh6 IS.l'lIxh6 0.d6 19.0.g5!+-) 16.
tWe3 h6 17.>i1xf6 0xf6 IS.~c4 0d5
19.£xf6t IWxf6 20.£c5 'i1Jg5 2Uxg5
hxg5 22.b4 ~c4 23.l1ld3 0.xa3 24.
0a6 ~c2 25.0xc8 £xel 26.f3 f627.
0.c6 ~d3 28.~e7t Q;>h7+; 15...~c4 16.
\Wc I \Wc7
a) 16 ... ~xa3? 17.bxa3 !'!xc3 IS.
0xf6 I1lxf6 19.1i2xh7t+-;
b) 16...\i:lb7 17.0.c5 24.£xdl (24.~xc7 0.xf2i· 25.
(b) 17.dS? exd5! Ii>xh2 £g4t-+) 24 ... 0f4 25.:)!IxfSt
(b) 17 ... 0xd5? 18.~xd5 !'!xfS 26.~xc7 0xe7 27J1.c7 \1ld6 28.
(b) 18.\wf4 0.xb2 19.'1lJh4 h6--+) ~d7 0c5+) 19.dxe7 ~xdl:;: (19 ...
The Semi-Tarrasch Defence 227
l"lfe8 20.lid8! ~dS (20 ... 0bS 21.~xf6 29.fld5 '1I!xb7 30.l"le7'f Wxe7 31.flxc7
IWxf6 (2l...gxf6 22.il1h6 Wxc2 23. 1.. ·0 Hamilevici-Ketzetzis, Sibenik
I!lIfl3i'+-) 22.0xh7t+-) 21.~bl h6 2007; 15.0.e5 !:!fd8 16.flxc6 iIlixc6
22.0h7'f I1Ih8 23 .~eS-7) 20.exf8Wt? 17.ITadl 'fic7 18.f1e3 ~d5 19.1'lh3 g6
a) 20.l'ixf6! Wxc2 20.l'ixe7 'fixe7 21.l!1!h6 f5 22Jlel
(a) 20 ... \!hf6 21.exf8Wit i:lxf8 22. 4Jxc3 23.bxc3 0c4 24.a4 Wg7 25.
\!txdlf") 2I.WgS! @g6D 22.exf8l!Jt t!Jc 1 'fJ.c7 26.a5 Y,-It, Schellhorn-
l1xf8 Hiller, BL2-N 19S2) 15 .. Jlfd8 16.
(a) 22...';>xf8 23.lile7t I1;g8 24. \'!Ie3 (16.h3 ~a5? This move is a
l'1xdl +-) 23.'I1ixg6! serious mistake as Black yields the
(a) 23.0e7 \\'ixgS 24.hgS l:'1e8 central square c5. (Why not 16 ...
2S.i:lxdl f6!=) 23 ... hxg6! 0c4!fZ?) 17.fle5 ~c4 IS.Wf4. White
(a) 23 ... fxg6 24.0d4!±) 24.lile7 sacrifices his b2 pawn and his
(a) 24.~d4 ~xf2 25.l1Ixf2;!;) 24 ... queenside becomes a heap' of ruins.
~c3D In return, While receives a strong
(a) 24 .. j'i:e8 25Jlxdl l1xc7 26. attack. (I8.flxc4? Iilxc4'f') 18...0.xb2
~d8t I1Ih7 27.4lg5t I1Ih6 2S.f4 I1Ih5 (It was better to simplify with
29.h3 I1Ih4 30.l1Ih2+-) 2S.lilxf8 I1Ixf8 18 ... flxc5 19.dxe5 fld5 20.flxd5
26.0.d44;; flxd5 21.flxd5 Iilxg5 22.l/iIxgS exd5
b) 20.eSIW ~e3 21.h3 I'ib7 22.l'ie4 2Hlf5±) 19J1cl! h6?+- It loses by
b5 23.fld4 whS 24.@b2 l:'1d8 25.~c2 force!
l"ldxe8 26.\I);bl fldl 27.fld4 b4 28. a) In case of 19 ... \\'ixc3 20.
\\'ic2l"lg8 29.h4 flc3 30.flc6 g6 31.g4 Iilxh7t White wins: 20 ... wxh7 21.
flc4 32.f3 'JJ.e7 33.a4 b3 34.fla5; l'lxc3 l:'lxc3 22.4Jxf7 fld3 23.Wh4t
20 ... l1Ixf8 21.@xdl (21.lilxf6 JM:xc2!=t) IlIg8 24.~h6t
21...\\'ixc2 22.@d6t wg8 (22 ... l1Ie8 (a) 24.flxdS flxe I 25.4lxe6
23.lilxf6 gxf6 24.l"lxc6t!=) 2H)xf6 l:'1xa3=t) 24 ...111f8
gxf6 24.We7 lile2! 25.lJixf6 Iilxf3 26. (a) 24 ... gxh6 25.lilxf6 Iilxf6 26.
Wxf3 Wc3 2HYg4t wf8 28Jldl No- Wxf6 flxel 27.\Wxd8t±) 25.!!xe6+-;
vik-Vasjukov, St Petersburg 1991. b) The only opportunity for re-
28 ... lWxa3?!® (28...~c4!) 29.\lIJh4! sistance was 19 ...flc4! 20.fle4 flxe5
'/!icJ 30.Wd4 '/\'c3 31.\Wd6t wg8 32.h3 2l.flxf6t gxf6 22.lilxh7t I1Ixh7 23.
Wf6 33Jld3 h5 34.TID IWd8 35.l"lg3t 'ff.xc7 flg6 24Jrxe7 flxf4 25.lilxf4
wh7 36.l'iIe5 I!lIdl t 3H>h2 fIg8 38. I1Ig6 26.!!xa7±; 20.~h6!' Obvious
l'lD~; 14 ... @c7 15.l"ladl (I5J'!acl and strong. 20 ... Wxc3 (20 ... gxh6
fIfd8 16.~e3 g6 17.h3 l)lJd6 18.lila4 2U)e4+-) 21.1ilxg7! I1Ixg7 (2\ ...
Iilb7 19.0f4 \\'id7 20.l:'lcd 1 l"leS 21. !!xd4 22.@h6+-; 2l...\Wxe It 22.
0.e5 \\'Jd8 22.0.xf7 wxf7 23.\lIJxe6t f1xe I wxg7 23.\Wg5t 1lIf8 24.Wh6t
wg7 24.dS I'ic5 25.\lIJxeS flxe8 26. I1Ig8 25Jle3+-) 22.'/!ig5t <i>f8 23.
dxc6 0.d6 27.cxb7 l:'1b8 28.l"le8 \Wc7 \\\h6t I1Ig8 (23...wc8 24.®h8;·+-)
228 J6zsef Pinter
'/lic7 16J~acI ~b7 IH~e5 \\IId8 18. 1l:xd8t flxd8 24.fld5+-) 18.'i'lc2
flxc6 flxc6 19.0xc6 !Ixc6 20.l/lId3 t7.'il'c2 g6 lS.lti'a2 h6?
1::1c8 21.~cdI 1::1e8 22.llYa6 'fl.c7 23.
flb5 'fl.d7 24Jlc1 \'lIb8 25.g3 E:ed8 abcdafgh
26.flf4 I/lIb7 27.'Ilixb7 1::1xb7 28.::1c6
fld5 29.flc5=) 16.d5 exd5 I 7.1l:ad I
i'l'd6 18.llYe2 fld8 19.~xf6 I/lIxf6?
(19 ... ~xf6 20.4lxd5 l:lfd8 21.IlYe4
~a5 2Hlxf6t i'l'xf6 23.l:lxd8t
'/lixd8=) 20.flxd5 @g6 2Uc2 \IlJh5
22.~e4 @g4?! 23.h3 IlYh5 24.flb4 (iif6
25.l''1d7±) IS ... 1::1fd8 16.1::1adl Wd6
17.'I!!h4 h6 18.(iixh6 gxh6 IHlxh6 Bbcdelgh
Symbols used
Index of Variations
(After the ----) the Volume and Page numbers are indicated)
l.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.f\c3 f\f64.f\D cS S.c3 f\c6 6.a3 cxd4 7exd4 <£Ie7
-7 Va!2, 8
l.c4 cS 2.f\c3 f\f6 3.f\D e6 4.d4 dS S.e3 flc6 6.a3 a6 ----) Va! 2, 26
l.d4 dS 2.c4 e6 3.flD flf6 4.flc3 cS S.cxdS flxdS 6.c4 f\xc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 <£Ib41" 9.<£Id2 <£Ixd21" 10.lWxd2 0-0 11.<£Ic4 f\d7 -7 Vo! 1, 9
I.d4 flf6 2.c4e6 3.flc3 dS 4.flD cS S.cxdS f\xdS 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 ~b4t 9.~d2 <£Ixd21" 1O.lWxd2 0-0 II.~c4 flc6 12.0-0 b6
13.fiadl ~b7 14.fifel flaS IS.~d3 fic8 16.dS cxdS ----) Vo!I, 21
I.d4 f\f6 2.c4 e6 3.flD dS 4.flc3 cS S.cxdS flxdS 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 ~b41" 9.~d2 ~xd2t 1O.lWxd2 0-0 II.~c4 flc6 12.0-0 b6
13Jladl flaS 14.~d3 ~b7 IS.fife! fic8 16.dSlWe7 -7 Va!i, 29
I.c4 cS 2.flD flf6 3.flc3 c6 4.d4 dS S.cxdS f\xdS 6.c4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 ~b4t 9.~d2 ~xd2t 10.lWxd2 0-0 11.~c4 flc6 12.0-0 b6
13.l:l:fel ~b7 14.l:l:adl flaS IS.~d3 h6 -7 Va! 1, 32
I.d4 flf6 2.flD e6 3.c4 dS 4.flc3 cS 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 ~b4t 9.~d2 0xd2t 1O.lWxd2 0-0 11.~c4 flc6 12.0-0 b6
13.l:l:fel~b7 14.l:l:adl~b7 14.l:l:adl fle7 -7 Va!i, 37
I.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.c4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.~c4 ~b4t 1O.~d2 ~xd2t 11.IWxd2 0-012.0-0 b6
13.l:l:adl fla5 14.~d3 ~b7 15.d5 -7 Va! 1, 43
232 Index of Variations
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.c4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l.Tic4l.Tib4t 1O.l,tld2l,tlxd2t I1.IWxd2 0-0 12.0-0 b6
13.l"1adl I.Tib7 14.IWf4 ~ Va! 1. 52
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 c6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.c4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l,tlc4l.Tib4t 10.l.Tid2l,tlxd2t 11.IWxd2 0-012.0-0 IWd6
--t Va!I, 55
l.c4 flf6 2.flc3 e6 3.flD d5 4.d4 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 I,tlb4t 9.l.Tid2l.Tixd2t 1O.IWxd20-0 11.l"1c1 ~ Vo! 1, 57
1.flD flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flc3 d5 4.d4 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 I,tlb4t 9.l.Tid2l.Tixd2t 10.IWxd2 0-0 11.l"1dl --t Vo! /, 75
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 c6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l.Tic4 b5 1O.l,tle2l,tlb4t 11.l,tld2 IWa5 12.l,tlxb4 IWxb4t
13.IWd2I.Tib7!? ~ Va!I, 86
I.d4 flf6 2.c4 c6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l,tlc4 b5 1O.l,tle2l,tlb4t 11.l.Tid2 IWa5 12.d5 ~ Va!I,
I.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l,tlc4 b5 10.l.Tib3 ~ Va!I, 93
I.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l,tlc4 b5 1O.l,tld3 ~ ValI, 95
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flD d5 4.flc3 c5 5.cxd5 flxd5 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.l.Tie2 ~ Va!I, lOO
I.flD flf6 2.c4 c5 3.flc3 d5 4.cxd5 flxd5 5.d4 e6 6.e4 flxc3 7.bxc3
cxd4 8.cxd4 flc6 9.a3 ~ Va!I, 102
Index of Variations 233
1.~f3 c5 2.c4 ~f6 3.~c3 ~c6 4.g3 d5 5.d4 e6 6.cxd5 ~xd5 7.liig2
cxd4 8.~xd4 ~xc3 9.bxc3 ~xd4 1O.t)!ixd4 t)!ixd4 11.cxd4 liib4t
12.liidZ liixd2t 13.Kxd2 Ke7 --7 Va!l, 104
1.~f3 c5 2.c4 ~f6 3.~c3 ~c6 4.g3 d5 5.d4 e6 6.cxd5 ~d5 7.liig2
cxd4 8.~xd4 ~xc3 9.bxc3 ~xd4 10.t)!ixd4 t)!ixd4 II.cxd4 liid6 --7 Va!
l.c4 c5 2.~f3 ~f6 3.~c3 ~c6 4.g3 d5 5.d4 e6 6.cxd5 ~xd5 7.liig2
~db4 --7 Va!l, 112
1.c4 ~f6 2.~c3 c5 3.~f3 ~c6 4.g3 d5 5.d4 e6 6.cxd5 ~xd5 7.liig2 liie7
8.0-00-0 9.a:bl --7 Va!i, 116
1.c4 ~f6 2.~c3 c5 3.g3 e6 4.~f3 d5 5.cxd5 ~xd5 6.liig2 ~c6 7.0-0
liic7 8.d4 0-0 9.~d5 exd5 10.dxc5 liixc5 11.t)!ic2 --7 Va!i, 12i
l.c4 ~f6 2.~f3 c5 3.~c3 e6 4.g3 d5 5.cxd5 ~xd5 6.liig2 ~c6 7.0-0
liic7 8.d4 0-0 9.~xd5 exd5 10.dxc5 liixc5 11.b3 --7 Va!I, 139
1.~f3 ~f6 2.c4 c5 3.~c3 ~c6 4.g3 e6 5.liig2 d5 6.cxd5 ~xd5 7.d4 liie7
8.0-0 0-0 9.~xd5 cxd5 IO.dxc5 liixc5 Il.liig5 t)!id7 --7 Va! i, 143
1.~f3 c5 2.c4 ~f6 3.~c3 e6 4.g3 d5 5.cxd5 ~xd5 6.liig2 liie7 7.0-0
~c6 8.~xd5 cxd5 9.d4 0-0 IO.dxc5 liixc5 11.liig5 t)!ib6 --7 Vbl 1, 154
l.c4 c5 2.g3 e6 3.liig2 ~f6 4.~f3 d5 5.cxd5 ~xd5 6.0-0 liie7 7.d4 0-
o 8.~c3 ~c6 9.~xd5 cxd5 IO.dxc5 liixc5 11.liig5 f6 12.liid2 a:c8 --7
Vali, 160
l.c4 c5 2.~f3 ~f6 3.~c3 e6 4.g3 ~c6 5.liig2 d5 6.cxd5 ~xd5 7.0-0
liie7 8.d4 0-0 9.~xd5 exd5 lO.dxc5 liixc5 11.liig5 f6 12.liid2 liie6--7
Va!I, 167
234 Index of Variations
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flf3 dS 4:~)c3 cS S.cxdS flxdS 6.g3 flc6 7.~g2 ~e7
8.0-00-0 9.flxdS exdS 10.dxcS ~xcS 11.~gS f6 12.~d2 ~fS ~ Va!
1. 171
l.c4 flf6 2.flc3 cS 3.flf3 e6 4.g3 flc6 S.~g2 dS 6.cxdS flxdS 7.0-0
~e7 8.flxdS exdS 9.d4 0-0 10.dxcS ~xcS 11.~gS f6 12J~c1 ~ Va!I,
I.c4 flf6 2.flc3 cS 3.g3 flc6 4.~g2 e6 s.flf3 dS 6.cxdS flxdS 7.0-0
~e7 8.d4 0-0 9.e4 flxc3 1O.bxc3 cxd4 Il.cxd4 b6 ~ Va!I, 182
l.c4 cS 2.flf3 flf6 3.g3 dS 4.cxdS flxdS S.~g2 flc6 6.flc3 e6 7.0-0
~e7 8.d4 0-0 9.e4 fldb4 10.a3 cxd4 Il.axb4 dxc3 12.bxc3 !)!Ic7 ~
Va!I. 195
l.c4 cS 2.flf3 flf6 3.flc3 e6 4.g3 dS S.cxdS flxdS 6.~g2 flc6 7.0-0
~e7 8.d4 0-0 9.e4 fldb4 10.a3 cxd4 II.axb4 dxe3 12.bxc3 b6 ~ Va!
l.flf3 cS 2.c4 flf6 3.flc3 e6 4.g3 flc6 S.~g2 dS 6.cxdS flxdS 7.0-0
~e7 8.d4 0-0 9.e4 fldb4 1O.dS ~ Vu! 1, 209
l.c4 cS 2.flf3 flf6 3.flc3 e6 4.g3 flc6 S.~g2 dS 6.cxdS flxdS 7.0-0
~e7 8.d4 0-0 9.c4 fldb4 1O.dxcS ~ Va!I, 217
I.c4 cS 2.flf3 flf6 3.flc3 e6 4.g3 dS S.cxdS flxdS 6.~g2 flc6 7.0-0
~e7 8.d4 0-0 9.c4 flb6 ~ Va!I, 231
I.c4 e6 2.flc3 dS 3.d4 flf6 4.cxdS flxdS s.flD cS 6.c3 flc6 7.~c4
cxd4 8.exd4 ~e7 9.0-0 0-0 I O.l"1e 1 a6 11.a4 ~ Va! 2, 50
l.flf3 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flc3 dS 4.d4 cS S.cxdS flxdS 6.c3 flc6 7.~c4 ~e7
80·f) cxd4 9.exd4 0-0 10.l"1cl a6 Il.a3 ~ Vb! 2, 55
Index of Variations 235
, l.c4 e6 2.e4 dS 3.exdS £lf6 4.£le3 exdS S.exdS £lxdS 6.£l0 £le6 7.d4
e6 8.~c4 0.c7 9.0-0 0-0 I O.l"1e I a6 11.0.b3 ~ Va! 2, 63
l.e4 e6 2.c4 dS 3.exdS cxdS 4.cxdS £lf6 S.£lc3 £lxdS 6.£l0 £le6
7.~e4 e6 8.0-0 ~c7 9.d4 £lxe3 1O.bxc3 0-0 11.l"1e I b6 12.~d3 0.b7
13.h4 ~ Vc)! 2, 71
l.e4 £lf6 2.£le3 e6 3.£l0 dS 4.d4 cS S.exdS flxdS 6.e3 £le6 7.0.e4
exd4 8.exd4 ~e7 9.0-00-0 1O.l"1el £lxe3 11.bxe3 b6 12.~d3 ~b7
13.i!!ic2 ~ Val 2, 78
l.flf3 £lf6 2.c4 cS 3.£le3 dS 4.exdS flxdS S.e3 e6 6.d4 £le6 7.0.d3 tJie7
8.0-00-0 9.l"1cl b6 ~ Val2, 85
l.d4 £lf6 2.c4 c6 H)O dS 4.£le3 cS S.exdS £lxdS 6.c3 £le6 7.~d3 ~e7
8.0-00-0 9.a3 exd4 1O.cxd4 0.f6 11 I1e I ~d7 ~ Vc)! 2, 89
l.d4 dS 2.e4 e6 3.£le3 £lf6 4.£lf3 cS S.exdS £lxdS 6.c3 £le6 HI)d3
cxd4 8.exd4 ~c7 9.0-0 0-0 10.a3 ~f6 ~ Va!2, 94
1.£lf3 £lf6 2.e4 e6 3.£le3 dS 4.d4 cS S.exdS flxdS 6.c3 'fle6 7 .~d3 ~c7
8.0-00-0 9.a3 exd4 10.exd4 ~f6 11.~e4 £lec7 ~ Va! 2, 103
l.d4 'flf6 2.e4 e6 3.£le3 d5 4.exd5 £lxdS S.£lf3 e5 6.c3 £le6 Hid3 ~e7
8.0-00-0 9.a3 exd4 10.exd4 ~f6 ~ Val2, 116
l.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 exd5 4.e4 'flf6 5.'fle3 e6 6.'flf3 tJic7 7.cxdS
'flxdS 8.~d3 £lc6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l"1cl tJif6 11.~e4 'flee7 12.'flc5 ~ Va!2,
l.c4 e6 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 exd5 4.d4 'flf6 5.'fle3 e6 6.'flf3 ~e7 7.cxdS
'flxdS 8.~d3 0-09.0-0 fle6 10.l"1cl ~f6 11.~e4 £lee7 12.l/lJd3 ~ Vc)l
236 Index of Variations
l.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.exd5 cxdS 4.c4 flf6 5.flc3 e6 6.flf3 f).e7 7.cxd5
flxd5 8.f).d3 flc6 9.0-0 0-0 10.l'l:cl f).f6 I l.f).c4 flce7 12.h4!? ~ Vi)t
2, 139
l.d4 flf6 2.c4 e6 3.flf3 c5 4.c3 cxd4 5.exd4 d5 6.flc3 f).e7 7.cxd5
'flxd5 8.f).d3 flc6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l'l:el flf61I.a3 b612.'flc5 ~ Vot 2,143
I .d4 d5 2.'flf3 flf6 3.c4 e6 4.e3 c5 5.flc3 'flc6 6.a3 cxd4 7.exd4 f).e7
8.cxd5 'flxd5 9.f).d3 0-0 10.0-0 flf6 ll.l'l:el b6 I 2.f).c2 f).b7 13.1/lid3 a6
~ Vot 2,146
I.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.fld2 flf6 4.f).d3 c5 5.c3 flc6 6.flgf3 cxd4 7.cxd4
dxe4 8.flxe4 f).b4t 9.'flc3 0-0 10.0-0 f).e7 1 I.a3 b6 12.l'l:el f).b7
13.f).c21/lid7 ~ Vi)t 2,151
l.c4 flf6 2.flc3 e6 3.d4 f).b4 4.e3 cS 5.f).d3 d5 6.'flf3 0-0 7.0-0 dxc4
8.f).xc4 flc6 9.f).d3 cxd4 10.exd4 f).e7 ll.l'l:el b6 12.a3 f).b7 13.f).c2
l'l:c8 ~ Vot 2, 155
l.d4 'flf6 2.c4 c6 3.flf3 d5 4.flc3 c5 S.e3 flc6 6.cxd5 flxd5 7.f).d3 f).e7
8.0-00-0 9.l'l:el 'flf6 lO.a3 cxd4 I l.exd4 b6 12.f).g5 f).b7 13.f).c2l'l:c8
14.1/lid3 g6 15.l'l:adll'l:e8 ~ Vot 2,158
l.e4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.cxd5 cxd5 4.c4 'flf6 5.flc3 e6 6.flD f).e7 7.cxd5
'flxd5 8.f).d3 flc6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l'l:el flf6 I l.a3 b6 12.f).g5 f).b7 13.f).c2
g6 ~ Vo!2, 162
l.c4 c6 2.c4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.d4 flf6 5.'flc3 c6 6.flf3 f).c7 7.cxd5
'flxd5 8.f).d3 flc6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l'l:el flf6 11.a3 b6 12.f).g5 f).b7 13.f).c2
l'l:e8 14.1/lid3 g6 15.l'l:adl fld5 ~ Vot 2, 167
l.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 1/lixd5 4.d4 flf6 5.flf3 c6 6.f).d3 f).e7 7.0-0
cxd4 8.cxd4 0-0 9.flc31/lid8 10.l'l:el 'flc6 11.a3 b6 12.f).g5 f).b7 13.f).bl
~ Vot 2,168
Index of Variations 237
l.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 e6 3.c4 cS 4.c3 dS S.~c3 ~c6 6.cxdS ~xdS 7.~d3
cxd4 8.exd4 ~e7 9.0-0 ~f6 10.a3 0-0 11.l"1el b6 l2.~gS ~b7 l3.~c2
~dS 14.l/lJd3 g6 IS.~h6l"1c8 16.~a4 --7 Va!2, 177
l.c4 c6 2.d4 dS 3.exdS cxdS 4.c4 ~f6 S.~c3 e6 6.~f3 ~e7 7.cxdS
~dS 8.~d3 ~c6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l"1el ~f6 11.a3 b6 12.~gS ~b7 13.~c2
l"lc8 14.l/lJd3 g6 lS.l"1adl ~dS --7 Va! 2, 182
l.d4 c6 2.e4 dS 3.cxdS cxdS 4.c4 ~f6 S.~c3 e6 6.~f3 ~e7 7.cxdS
~xdS 8.~d3 ~c6 9.0-0 0-0 10.l"1el ~f6 11.a3 b6 12.~gS ~b7 13.~c2
~dS 14.l/lJd3 g6 lS.h4 --7 Va! 2, 189
l.c4 e6 2.~c3 cS 3.c3 ~f6 4.~f3 ~e7 S.d4 cxd4 6.exd4 dS 7.cxdS
~xdS 8.~d3 ~c6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l"1el ~f6 11.a3 b6 12.~c2 ~b7 13.l/lJd3
g6 14.~h6l"1e8 lS.l"1adl --7 Va!2, 195
l.d4 ~f6 2.~f3 dS 3.e3 e6 4.c4 cS S.~c3 ~c6 6.cxdS ~xdS 7.~d3
cxd4 8.exd4 ~c7 9.0-0 0-0 10.l"1el ~f6 11.a3 b6 12.~bl --7 Va! 2,
l.d4 ~f6 2.c4 e6 3.~f3 cS 4.c3 cxd4 S.exd4 dS 6.~c3 ~e7 7.cxd5
~xdS 8.~d3 ~c6 9.0-0 0-0 1O.l"1e1 ~f6 11.a3 b6 12.~c2 ~a6 --7 Va!
2,208 .