) The Dhikr After The Dawn Prayer
) The Dhikr After The Dawn Prayer
) The Dhikr After The Dawn Prayer
This dhikr is performed one hour before sunset. The dervish should perform this dhikr
while seated. It can be performed collectively by a number of dervishes sitting in
concentric circles, or individually. The dhikr of “Yā Arḥama ar-Raḥimīn” and the prayer
after it were added by Shaikh Muhammad. The ten dhikrs are accompanied with the
Kasnazanī head movement of dhikr.
] مرة66[ .يا اللَّـهُ يا َح ُّي يا قَيّوم )(أ
(A) Yā Allahu yā Ḥayyu yā Qayyūm (O Allah, O the Ever-living, O the Eternal!) [66
] مرة66[ .ُوالي اللَّـه
َ يا اللَّـهُ َم )(ب
(B) Yā Allah mawlāy Allah (O Allah, Allah is my Master!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .يا هُو )(ج
(C) Yā Hū (O He!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .يا َحي )(د
(D) Yā Ḥay (O Ever-living!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .واحد ِ يا )(ه
(E) Yā Wāḥid (O One!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .يا عَزيز )(و
(F) Yā ʿAzīz (O Invincible!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .يا َودود )(ز
(G) Yā Wadūd (O Loving!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .يا َرحمن )(ح
(H) Yā Raḥmān (O Gracious!) [66 times].
] مرة66[ .يا َرحيم )(ط
(I) Yā Raḥīm (O Merciful!) [66 times].
] مرة100[ .ُال الهَ اال اللَّـه )(ك
(J) Lā ilāha illā Allah (There is no god save Allah). [66 times].
5) The Dhikr After the
Sunset Prayer
These dhikrs are performed after the sunset prayer.
] مرات3[ . وهُ َو بِ ُكلِّ َشي ٍء ُمحيط،ـ هللاُ ُمعيني، هللاُ َمعي، هللاُ شاه ٌد َعلَي، هللاُ ناظري،هللاُ حاضري )(أ
Allahu ḥādirī (Allah is present with me), Allahu nāẓirī (Allah sees me), Allahu shāhidun
ʿalay (Allah is a witness on me). Allahu maʿī (Allah is with me), Allahu muʿīnī (Allah is
my helper), wa huwa bi kulli shay’in muḥīṭ (and He encompasses everything). [3 times]
]مرة 1[ . ربِّ اغفر لي، وأتوب إليه،القَيّوم الذي ال يموت الحي ُّ ، الرحمن الرحيم،أستغفر هللا الذي ال إله إال هو )(ب
Astaghfiru Allah (I ask Allah for forgiveness), al-ladhī Lā ilāha illā Huwa (whom there is
no god save He), ar-Raḥmān ar-Raḥīm (the Gracious, the Merciful), al-Ḥayyu al-
Qayyūm (the Ever-living, the Eternal) al-ladhī lā yamūt (who does not die), wa-atūbu
ilaihi (and I repent to Him). Rabbi ighfir lī (My Lord, forgive me!) [1 time]
The perennial dhikrs may be recited any time except from the sunset of Monday to the
sunset of Tuesday and from the sunset of Thursday to the sunset of Friday. During these
two periods, the dervish must recite the Waṣfiyya prayer (see the Daily Dhikrs) instead,
and there is no need to keep count. However, the reading of the Waṣfiyya prayer as part
of the Daily Dhikrs is not affected by this.