Sanchez Cle-7-Lesson-Plan
Sanchez Cle-7-Lesson-Plan
Sanchez Cle-7-Lesson-Plan
II. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
III. Materials/References
1. Book - Reference: Aviles, A.F., & Diaz, J. M., (2016). SIGNS OF THE TIMES
“Jesus, God’s Beloved Son” (Mark 1:11). REX Book Store.
2. Laptop
3. Canva
4. Poll Everywhere
5. YouTube
6. Padlet
7. Google Form
A. Engage
● “This is who I am, this is who I am not”
Direction: The teacher will present 5 different pictures. The students will choose
(like emoji) if the picture depicts his/her self and (dislike emoji) if not via Poll
Processing Questions:
1. Based on the given pictures, which of them best describe your way(s) to show love?
2. Why do you choose that way to show love from others?
3. How is it important to show love especially for those people you valued?
B. Explore
Direction: The teacher will present a short video clip. After watching the video, the
students will answer the questions that follow.
Processing Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. Describe the main character in the video.
3. What are his ways to show love and care from others?
4. If you were the man in the video, would you do the same?
5. In what way you are going to show your love and care from others?
C. Explain
Jesus Dies and Brings Salvation to the World
Knowing how Christ died for humanity, we must also be able to "save” ourselves
from something that imprisons us. We need to follow the following principles.
1. Trust God. Many Filipinos really believe that God loves them, accepts them,
and cares for them. They truly trust that God will do something good for them with
their cooperation. To them, Christ reveals that God really is their "loving Father
who is truly compassionate (Luke 6:36).
3. Relate positively to others. Some Filipinos find it hard to get along with others.
They tend to hold grudges against anyone who hurt them. Christ "liberates" them
by calling to turn toward being a “man/woman-for-others" in self-giving service.
Through word and example, Christ taught that true happiness and self-fulfillment
come from forgiving others, and helping the poor and needy.
4. Control our basic drives toward riches, reputation, and power. To those
who seek happiness in riches, reputation, and power, Christ gave the example of
rejecting these temptations (Matthew 4:1-11) and urging simplicity of life (Matthew
6). He called the poor "blessed" because they could more easily recognize their
dependence on God.
D. Expand
• The Nicene Creed
Direction: The students will evaluate their selves and their relationship with others.
They will answer the question “what are those things you have done that make the
cross of Christ heavier than the usual weight?” They will share their answers
through Padlet. After that, they will say prayerfully on their own the Nicene Creed
as they reflect on their answer.
• Technology Integration: Google Form
A. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Choose the best answer
from the given choices.
1. The Cross is the symbol not only of Christ's saving power, but also of our
a. Sins
b. Love
c. Forgiveness
d. True selves
5. Knowing how Christ died for humanity, the following are the principles that we
need to follow except one.
a. Trust God
b. Accept ourselves
c. Embrace and love our enemy
d. Control our basic drives toward riches, reputation, and power
B. Essay
Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Answer in sentence form,
limit your answer from 2-5 sentences per question.
1. What lesson did you get about Jesus’ suffering and death? (2 points)
2. If you were in the situation of Jesus, are you also willing to die for the sake of
other people? Why? (3 points)
V. Assignment
• Complete the love action table!
Direction: The students will complete the table. They will write in the first column the
names of their family members, in the second column are the concrete actions that
they want to do with these people and in the last column they will attach a photo that
showed the action they do. The students will choose between handwritten or online in
doing the activity.
Submission is on April 20, 2022 (Wednesday) at 12:00 noon, in the Google Drive
CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Average Poor
5 4 3 2
Content Content is accurate Content is sufficient Content is good Content is
(60%) and expands on the and accurate. and related to the incomplete and
topic. Viewpoints Viewpoints and task. Viewpoints unrelated to the
and ideas are ideas are supported. and ideas are task. Viewpoints
insightful and well somehow and ideas are
supported. supported. missing,
inappropriate, and
Creativity (30%) The task is The task is unique, The task is The task is not
exceptionally detailed and detailed and detailed and
unique, detailed and interesting. interesting. somehow
interesting. interesting.
Organization Answer is clear, Writing is mostly Writing is slightly Writing is unclear
(10%) concise, and well clear, concise, and unclear and/or and disorganized.
organized with well organized with disorganized. Thoughts ramble
excellent good Thoughts are not and make little
sentence/paragraph sentence/paragraph expressed in a sense.
construction. construction. logical manner.
Thoughts are Thoughts are
expressed in a expressed in a
coherent and logical coherent and logical
manner. manner.