GFJR Jktekxz GFJR Jktekxz GFJR Jktekxz: Green Highways Green Highways
GFJR Jktekxz GFJR Jktekxz GFJR Jktekxz: Green Highways Green Highways
GFJR Jktekxz GFJR Jktekxz GFJR Jktekxz: Green Highways Green Highways
(Plantation, Transplantation, Beautification & Maintenance)
Hkkjr ljdkj
lM+d ifjogu ,oa jktekxZ ea=ky;
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
the entire Highways network is to be divided into two categories based on the legal status of the
existing road-side plantations.
in areas, where existing plantations along the Highways have been notified as protected forests
as plantation is either done by the forest department for management purpose or naturally
grown trees. For these areas, permission for tree cutting is required to be taken from the forest
department under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980. While granting the permission, the forest
department stipulates the conditions not only for compensatory afforestation but also for
avenue plantations.
in other areas, the roadside plantations may be taken up either through the contractor (if it is a
BOQ item) or the Concessionaire (if it is included in the concession agreement), forest
department and department dealing the Watershed Development in the State, Watershed Cell-
cum-Data Centre[WCDC] at district level and the Watershed Committee [WC] at local level with
local communities/local self government/Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs)/Self Help Groups
(SHGs)/Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMC), or through open bidding by
empanelled agencies.
Outsourcing will be taken up for plantation and its maintenance through the bidding process.
The project will be awarded on a turnkey basis based on the quantum of plantation for the
specific site.
Emphasis will be on transplantation, instead of cutting the trees, wherever feasible to save
MoRTH/NHAI has authorised, IHMCL a company promoted by NHAI, for empanelment of
Plantation Agencies.
Only empanelled agencies will be allowed to bid for planting work on the National Highways.
The plantation scheme has been broadly classified into two categories which are as follows :-
(i) Tree planting along the Highways Turfing with grasses and shrub/ herb.
(ii) Planting on medians/special landscapes/embankment slopes.
It will be the responsibility of the planting agency to ensure that the condition of the site is good
enough for the successful establishment of plants.
A study on the local flora and vegetative cover native to these sections will be carried out as part
of the field surveys to enable a choice of the suitable species for particular section.
Region-wise specific choices will be made with the help of local experts from the Forest
department and Horticulture department.
The selection of species will be strictly done as per the guidelines or as per the
recommendation of adjoining forest department with site specific native species.
Before starting any plantation, the local forest department will be consulted for ensuring
compliance to any regulation in force that may affect raising, maintenance, and harvesting of
the raised plantation.
For roadside plantations, nodal agencies will be encouraged to involve the local self
governments, JFMCs & SHGs for plantations. The Nodal agency for forest areas will be the
concerned forest range office.
There will be a Monitoring Agency to monitor progress of planting and status of plantations on
continuous basis. This agency shall carry out the site visit for field verification. It will examine the
reports and send feedback and action points to planting agency, nodal agency and will send a
comprehensive report with recommendation to NHAI/MoRTH. An Advisory committee will be
set up to advice monitoring cell.
Monitoring agency will conduct performance audit
The survival should be 90% after raising the plantation of age one year at any stage during
contractual period with normal shape and size.
The planting agency will have no right whatsoever on the land under plantation. Such
agency will not be authorized to undertake any other activity on such land. An MOU will be
signed with the agency for strict compliance of the technical specification, species,
maintenance schedule, survival, payment terms and conditions and on the legal right of the
land as well as forest produce.
Plantation will be done to enhance the road safety of the users and it will be ensured that
plantation shall not become hazard to road traffic or restrict the visibility.
Awards will be given to the best performing agencies annually.
Penalties will be imposed on the defaulters.
Policy will be reviewed regularly.
One percent of the Total Project Cost (TPC) as Plantation Fund which will be kept in a
separate account with the Authorised Agency.
Services of NABARD will be hired to empanel the agencies
1. What is the Green Highways (Plantation, Transplantation, Beautification &
Maintenance) Policy?
Ans. This is a Policy to promote greening of Highway corridors with participation of the
community, farmers, private sector, NGOs, and government institutions.
2. What are the benefits of adopting this policy?
Ans. The benefits are manifold; the policy provides comprehensive guidelines to ensure
uniformity of operations pertaining to enhancement of highway landscapes. The
community will be benefitted in terms of huge employment opportunities and
entrepreneurship development; there will be huge environmental benefits also. Overall,
adoption of the policy will contribute to economic development of the country. The local
groups will get right to the non-timber produce from the trees.
3. Besides Plantation of trees and ornamental shrubs, does the policy provide for
saving of trees for highway expansion, and transplanting them instead?
Ans. Yes. The policy promotes transplantation of trees wherever it is technically feasible.
4. How much area is available in the country for plantation along highways?
Ans. At present, the National Highways in the Country cover about one lakh Km. Most of this
length is available in varying widths.
5. Who can participate in plantation drives under the policy?
Ans. Anybody who is interested in plantations and their maintenance can take part. However, to
ensure an institutional structure, preference will be given to organised communities, NGOs,
Institutions, Govt departments and registered private enterprises with experience in
plantation activity. Only empanelled agencies will be allowed to bid for planting work on the
National Highways. The process of empanelment will start soon.
6. Type of agencies eligible for empanelment
Ans. Following types of agencies are eligible
Government or Private Sector companies.
NGO’s registered as societies, trusts or private limited non-profit company
Federations/ Producer Organizations
Informal Agencies viz. Self-Help Groups/ Water User Associations/ Joint Forest
Management Groups/Joint Liability Groups
7. What are the general criteria for empanelling agencies?
Agencies should be registered under respective relevant acts like Companies Act
1956, Societies Registration Act 1860, Public Trust Acts etc. (Not applicable for
Informal agencies)
Should have operational existence for not less than 3 years.
Should have positive net worth for past three years.
Experience in implementing plantation works and its related maintenance (Earlier
Road plantation experience will be preferred)/ Experience of work in related areas like
Watershed/ Land Development/ Grasslands and pastures Development.
Informal agencies must have past experience in social mobilization
Should have adequate resources, manpower and infrastructure to implement the
Should be willing and capable of implementation of project till completion.
Should not have record of poor performance such as abandoning the services allotted,
not completed, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history or financial failure.
Should not be disqualified/ blacklisted or under any investigation for being disqualified
or blacklisted by any Financial Institution/Reserve Bank of India, Indian Banks
Association and/ or by any other Bank/ Govt. Agency.
8. Who will be responsible for empaneling Agencies for Plantation on National
Ans. IHMCL is responsible for empanelment of agencies for plantation on National Highways.
IHMCL has already appointed NABARD Consultancy Services (P) Ltd. as Consultant for this
9. How will it be ensured that implementation of the policy does not suffer resource
crunch in terms of shortage of funds at any level ?
Ans. 1% of the total project cost (TPC) of all highway projects will be pooled and set apart for the
highway plantation and its maintenance.
10. How will the agency for plantation be selected for a particular stretch ?
Ans. The selection will be done through open competitive bidding amongst the empanelled
11. Will the planting agency be responsible for maintenance of plantations also?
Ans. Yes. The bidding will be for planting and maintenance for a specified period.
12. What is the monitoring mechanism?
Ans. Strict monitoring will be done on the survival and health of the plantations as per the contract
conditions. Monitoring agency will be appointed by the Ministry / NHAI
13. Will the contract agreement for plantations provide all relevant specifications ?
Ans. Yes, the relevant specifications formulated by the Indian Road Congress (IRC-SP-21-2009)
will be followed wherever the contract document is silent.
14. Is there any scope of deviations from the specifications?
Ans. Technically feasible deviations in terms of choice of species, planting and tending operations,
etc., will be allowed at the time of finalisation of contract. Such changes must be based on site
specific requirements, and must be endorsed by the expert committee appointed by IHMCL.
15. What will be the mode of payment to the planting agencies?
Ans. It will be specified in the contract document. In general, besides some mobilisation advance,
payment will be linked to progress of works, the status of plantations i.e. survival rate and
proper maintenance.