Sky & Telescope 05.2022

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A New Meteor Shower? Catch May’s Total Lunar Eclipse Mercury’s Sodium Tail


MAY 2022

Comet Leonard

Scientists Set A Telescope

Their Sights Made of
on Venus Solid Glass
Page 12 Page 74

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Bringing Ultra Performance to the IR Spectrum


May 2022 VOL. 143, NO. 5


12 Venus Renaissance
Three new missions will transform
our understanding of Earth’s evil
twin in the 2030s.
By Emily Lakdawalla

20 The Lithium Problem

Why do the oldest stars have only a
third as much lithium as Big Bang 26
predictions say they should?
41 May’s Sky at a Glance 66 ZWOptical’s ASIair Plus
26 Springtime’s Neglected By Diana Hannikainen By Johnny Horne
Binocular Galaxies
Crack out your binos and see how 42 Lunar Almanac & Sky Chart COLUMNS / DEPARTMENTS
many distant island universes you 4 Spectrum
43 Binocular Highlight
can spot during mild May evenings. By Peter Tyson
By Mathew Wedel
By Scott Harrington

44 Planetary Almanac 6 From Our Readers
34 A New Meteor Shower?

45 Evenings with the Stars 7 75, 50 & 25 Years Ago
A broken comet might produce a
By Fred Schaaf By Roger W. Sinnott
surprise display at the end of May.
By Joe Rao 8 News Notes
46 Sun, Moon & Planets
By Gary Seronik
Cover Story: 11 Cosmic Relief
48 Celestial Calendar By David Grinspoon
58 Leonard’s Surprising Show
Comet C/2021 A1 closed out 2021 By Bob King
72 New Product Showcase
with a photographic bang.
52 Exploring the Solar System
By Sean Walker 74 Astronomer’s Workbench
By Thomas A. Dobbins
By Jerry Oltion
54 Surburban Stargazer
76 Gallery
By Ken Hewitt-White
83 Event Calendar
57 Pro-Am Conjunction
By Diana Hannikainen 84 Focal Point
By André Bormanis



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SPECTRUM by Peter Tyson

Who Knew? The Essential Guide to Astronomy

Founded in 1941 by Charles A. Federer, Jr.

ASTRONOMY IS FULL OF SURPRISES, and this issue is, too. and Helen Spence Federer
Some developments are not completely unexpected but still
thrill when they occur. Take Comet Leonard. When first detected in Publisher Kevin B. Marvel
early 2021, it was 19th magnitude, and astronomers didn’t expect Editor in Chief Peter Tyson
Senior Editors J. Kelly Beatty, Alan M. MacRobert
it to get much brighter than 4th mag. Yet as Sean Walker relates Science Editor Camille M. Carlisle
in his follow-up on page 58, by year’s end Comet Leonard had reached mag 3 News Editor Monica Young
or better in several outbursts. These brightenings left photographers like Blake Associate Editor Sean Walker
Observing Editor Diana Hannikainen
Estes, who shot our cover image, tripping over themselves to capture shots. Consulting Editor Gary Seronik
Another in this category is NASA’s planned return to Venus. The last time Editorial Assistant Sabrina Garvin
the agency sent a mission there was in 1989, when it dispatched the Magel- Senior Contributing Editors
lan probe from the Space Shuttle Atlantis. A new mission was long overdue, yet Dennis di Cicco, Richard Tresch Fienberg,
Roger W. Sinnott
NASA pleasantly surprised Venus scientists and aficionados by approving not
one but two new probes. See Emily Lakdawalla’s feature on these two missions Contributing Editors
— plus the European Space Agency’s upcoming Venus orbiter — on page 12. Howard Banich, Jim Bell, Trudy Bell, Monica Bobra,
Ronald Brecher, Greg Bryant, Thomas A. Dobbins, Alan
Other kinds of surprises in astronomy might make you raise your eyebrows Dyer, Tony Flanders, Ted Forte, Steve Gottlieb, David
and think, Cool. One such revelation is that we might have a brand-new meteor Grinspoon, Shannon Hall, Ken Hewitt-White, Johnny
Horne, Bob King, Emily Lakdawalla, Rod Mollise,
shower this month. We’re all familiar with annuals like August’s Perseids and James Mullaney, Donald W. Olson, Jerry Oltion, Joe
December’s Geminids, but May’s Boötids? As Joe Rao discusses on page 34, the Rao, Fred Schaaf, Govert Schilling, William Sheehan,
breakup of Comet 73P could result in a new shower Mathew Wedel, Alan Whitman, Charles A. Wood,
Richard S. Wright, Jr.
whose radiant lies in the constellation Boötes.
Another in this realm might be the discovery that Contributing Photographers
P. K. Chen, Akira Fujii, Robert Gendler,
the oldest stars have only a third as much lithium as Babak Tafreshi
scientists thought, as Ken Croswell explains on page
A R T, D E S I G N & D I G I T A L
20. The finding has forced astrophysicists to wonder Art Director Terri Dubé
whether our understanding of the Big Bang is cor- Illustration Director Gregg Dinderman
Illustrator Leah Tiscione
rect or if, to explain the discrepancy, we might need
Web Developer & Digital Content Producer
p Surprises sometimes new laws of physics. Scilla Bennett
come in enormous packages Other surprises might dazzle a bit more, elicit- ADVERTISING
(above, Comet Leonard)
ing a “Wow! Who knew?” Take Scott Harrington’s Advertising Sales Director Tim Allen
realization of just how many galaxies he could pick out at night with an old pair AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL
of 7×35 binoculars. Ten? Twenty? No — 86. See his inspiring story on page 26. SOCIETY
Executive Officer / CEO, AAS Sky Publishing, LLC
Another “Wow! Who knew?” moment: learning that Mercury has a tail. Kevin B. Marvel
Comets have tails, but planets? Indeed, Mercury sports a train of sodium atoms President Paula Szkody, University of Washington
that extends millions of kilometers into space. And, as Tom Dobbins describes President Elect Kelsey Johnson, University of Virginia
Senior Vice-President Geoffrey C. Clayton, Louisiana
on page 52, amateurs can photograph it with even modest equipment. State University
I’ve saved the best for last: Dutch optical engineer Rik ter Horst has crafted Second Vice-President Stephen C. Unwin, Jet Propul-
an entire, working telescope out of a single piece of glass that would fit snugly sion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Third Vice-President Adam Burgasser, UC San Diego
into the palm of your hand. For the eye-opening details, Treasurer Doris Daou, NASA Planetary Science Division
read Jerry Oltion’s gobsmacked reaction on page 74. Secretary Alice K. B. Monet, U.S. Naval Observatory (ret.)

At-Large Trustees Hannah Jang-Condell, University of

Wyoming; Edmund Bertschinger, MIT; Jane Rigby, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center; Louis-Gregory Strolger,
Editor in Chief Space Telescope Science Institute

Editorial Correspondence Advertising Information: Customer Service: Magazine customer Newsstand and Retail Distribution:
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4 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
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suited to measuring distances inside

Remembering the Shoemakers and around a galaxy. And they have their
Carolyn Shoemaker’s passing is sad, I met her briefly on February 1, 1996, own period-luminosity relationship.
but judging by David Levy’s moving when Gene Shoemaker visited Yale Doug Robertson
tribute “Carolyn Shoemaker (1929– University to give a talk on the possible Longmont, Colorado
2021)” (S&T: Dec. 2021, p. 11), she had connection between comet showers
a wonderful long life. As it happens, and the solar system’s passage through Gary Seronik replies: A fellow S&T
the plane of the Milky Way galaxy.
When I saw that Carolyn Shoemaker
“ editor and I discussed your letter
at length, and the most succinct account
was present, I succumbed to a moment of Shapley’s use of RR Lyrae variables we
of hero worship and asked her to auto- found was on page 258 of The Physical
graph a copy of Sky & Telescope I had Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy
on hand! Al Washburn captured the by Frank Shu, which says, “Shapley had
moment in the photograph at left. proposed correctly that pulsation lay behind
Joel Marks • Milford, Connecticut the variability of these stars. Pulsating stars,
 Carolyn Shoemaker and members of the As-
the RR Lyrae variables, were known to exist
tronomical Society of New Haven meet during in globular clusters, and Shapley proceeded
Gene Shoemaker’s lecture at Yale University. to apply the Cepheid period-luminosity
relationship to the RR Lyrae stars to calcu-
late the distances to the globular clusters
in which they were found. Shapley did not
Henrietta Swan Leavitt she lived long enough to see the begin- know of interstellar dust, nor that RR Lyrae
In her excellent article “Remem- nings of this change in the understand- stars differ from classical Cepheids . . .”
bering Henrietta Swan Leavitt” ing of Cepheid variables. So, although Shapley did indeed use RR Ly-
(S&T: Dec. 2021, p. 12), Dava Sobel Horace A. Smith rae stars, it seems he was applying Leavitt’s
notes Cecilia Payne’s lament that East Lansing, Michigan period-luminosity law. I would argue on that
Director Pickering’s decision to assign basis that Dava Sobel’s wording is correct
Leavitt to fundamental photometry I very much enjoyed reading Dava Sobel’s but doesn’t cover all the nuances of the
might have “set back the study of marvelous article, but I would like to situation. (It would have been a serious side
variable stars for several decades.” It is address a minor point in her discussion road to go down to get to this level of detail
perhaps worth remembering, however, of Harlow Shapley’s work. Shapley did in Sobel’s article.)
that some of the next important steps indeed determine the distances to the
in understanding Cepheid variable Milky Way’s globular clusters and used Reading Peter Tyson’s “Swan Song” about
stars depended upon theorists catch- that information to infer that the center Henrietta Swan Leavitt (S&T: Dec. 2021,
ing up with the progress of Leavitt and of the Milly Way was more than 60,000 p. 4) made my day. I wish more people
other observers of those stars.  light-years away in the direction of like him would seek parity for women.
When Leavitt published her stud- Sagittarius. (We now know it to be about Thank you, Peter.
ies of Cepheids in the Small Magel- 26,000 light-years away.) But Shapley Colleen Ansley
lanic Cloud in 1907 and 1912, most did not use Cepheid variables for his Toronto, Ontario
astronomers believed Cepheids were distance measurements. In his time, sci-
ill-understood binary stars. In 1914, entists didn’t understand the differences Thanks so much for your excellent
Harlow Shapley championed the idea between the classes of variable stars very article about Henrietta Swan Leavitt.
that the variability of Cepheids was well, but astronomers today call the stars Such a nice tribute to an unsung hero
instead due to pulsation in a single star. he observed RR Lyrae variables. in her day. Your Spectrum column was
Over the next decade, astronomers such The difference is that Cepheids are also much appreciated.
as Arthur Stanley Eddington gradually brilliant, massive stars, generally As an amateur astronomer with
elaborated the theoretical framework between 5 and 20 solar masses, and the Southwest Florida Astronomical
of stellar pulsation. By the late 1920s, bright enough to be seen across inter- Society in Fort Myers, Florida, I gave
the general view had shifted, and most galactic distances, whereas RR Lyrae a presentation several years ago about
astronomers accepted pulsation as the variables are smaller stars, typically a women astronomers. I’m happy to
cause of Cepheid variability. Leavitt was fraction of a solar mass, and are so report that the current astronomer for
more of an observer than a theorist, but common in globular clusters that they Fort Myers’s Calusa Nature Center &
the Leavitt Law guided this progress in were once called “cluster variables.” Planetarium is female.

the theoretical understanding of Cephe- They are too dim to detect easily across Originally, I was concerned about
ids. Although Leavitt’s life was short, intergalactic distances but are well joining the Society, thinking it might

6 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
be an all-boys club, but it turned out and planetary details. I  The easiest way to test a flat
to be a band of brothers with a few have no idea how they is to compare it with another of
known quality under diffused
sisters. On several occasions, I’ve been were testing these mir-
monochromatic light. A good
outside in the middle of the night rors, but it probably diagonal should reflect straight
observing with mostly men and a few wasn’t with a Foucault lines. This one isn’t very good,
women. They were always very help- test. A lot of this glass but it might be useable.
ful, and I later served as secretary and (not all) wasn’t properly
then vice president of the club before annealed and had strain installed it in a mod-
an injury precluded further action. I in it, which became vis- est 4.5-inch (114-mm)
still get their excellent newsletter at ible with polarized light. Newtonian and threw Thanks again for Maybe they didn’t know this, but I the original in the trash, the difference
remembering the ladies. felt bad whenever I had to tell people I truly was like day and night.
Alice Mack couldn’t work on their glass. Alan Raycraft
Fort Myers, Florida The only good secondary mirrors are Peyton, Colorado
made in the United States and possibly
Problematic Mirrors Europe. I bought one from Antares FOR THE RECORD
I enjoyed reading “To Build or Buy?” Optical, and it’s really first-class. • Recent studies have shown that Comet
by Jerry Oltion (S&T: Nov. 2021, p. Another company I like is ProtoStar. Leonard (C/2021 A1) is on an outbound
66). In the early part of the article, These secondary mirrors aren’t cheap, hyperbolic orbit and will not return to the
it mentioned that mirrors from the but they’re worth it. Once, I bought inner solar system, unlike what was stated
Coulter Optical Company tended to be a 1-inch 1/20 -wave elliptical diagonal in “Comet Leonard Races Across the Sky”
“hit-and-miss.” Every Coulter mirror mirror from a private owner. After I (S&T: Dec. 2021, p. 48).
I received for refiguring was under-
corrected. Some were as bad as ½ wave, SUBMISSIONS: Write to Sky & Telescope, One Alewife Center, Suite 300B, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA or email:
which isn’t very good for seeing lunar Please limit your comments to 250 words; letters may be edited for brevity and clarity.

75, 50 & 25 YEARS AGO by Roger W. Sinnott º May 1972 º May 1997
Sharper Images “Accurate Lonely Stars “Central to our mental
1947 º May 1947 angular diameters of four bright map of the cosmos is the notion
Stellar Rotation “[Horace Babcock stars are among the first results that stars reside solely in galaxies.
selected] a star, 78 Virginis, whose from the powerful new method of But evidence is now in hand that
spectrum has very narrow lines, speckle interferometry, employed trillions of stars in the Virgo Cluster
indicative of no rotational compo- by D. Y. Gezari, A. Labeyrie, and of galaxies lie beyond the gravita-
nent in the line of sight, but belong- R. V. Stachnik, State University tional embrace of that grouping’s
ing to the class of stars for which of New York at Stony Brook. . . . individual members.
rapid rotation is common. If this star It involves star photography with “As Henry C. Ferguson (Space
does rotate, its axis must be point- the 200-inch Hale reflector plus Telescope Science Institute)
ing almost directly toward us. a special camera that provides a explained . . . astronomers have
“Employing a quarter-wave very large scale, short exposure, long posited that tidal interactions
plate of mica and a plane-parallel and narrow wavelength interval. between galaxies might draw stars
crystal of calcite, the Mount Wilson From a large number of images of out of the ‘cities’ of their birth. [His
astronomer analyzed the spectrum a star, optical processing in the group] has actually resolved indi-
of 78 Virginis to detect the polar- laboratory yields a reconstructed, vidual stars in a 2.3-arcminute-wide
ized components of its light caused diffraction-limited image . . . field 50 arcminutes east of M87, the
by the Zeeman effect. He found a “Dr. Gezari’s group has also giant elliptical galaxy at the center
field strength of 1,500 gauss, corre- used the new technique to discover of the Virgo Cluster. . . . Ferguson
sponding to the expected rotational a previously unsuspected compan- notes that if the interlopers are
1997 ion of Beta Cephei, 0.255 second indeed at the Virgo Cluster’s dis-
velocity of 60 kilometers per sec-
ond. [His] work is of high signifi- distant and five magnitudes fainter. tance [their separation equals] half
cance in establishing this method [This] new companion is perhaps the distance between our Milky Way
for investigation of problems in too difficult for visual recognition in and the Andromeda Galaxy . . . The

stellar rotation.” any existing instrument.” researchers conclude that at least

Until this work, Zeeman line This method to correct bad see- 11 percent, or several trillion, of the
splitting had been observed only in ing achieved success a few years Virgo Cluster’s stars lie between,
laboratories and the Sun. before that of adaptive optics. rather than within, galaxies.”

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 7

involved in this study.

By tracing the star clusters’ motions
backward, Zucker and colleagues identi-
fied two of them, Upper Centaurus
Lupus and Lower Centaurus Crux, as
the likely source of the initial superno-
vae, which occurred between 13.6 mil-
lion and 15.1 million years ago. The
supernovae are ongoing, though, with
some occurring as recently as a couple
million years ago, Zucker explains.
This inferred history is consistent
with the abundance of a radioactive
iron isotope found on ocean floors,
says Breitschwerdt. He and colleagues
pinned a 2 million-year-old iron-60
signature on two nearby supernovae.
STARS But other bumps in the iron-60
record, including activity between
1,000-light-year “Bubble” Is the Source of All 7 million and 9 million years ago, are
Nearby New Stars harder to explain, he notes, because the
Sun only entered the Local Bubble 5
BEGINNING 14 MILLION years ago, p This artist’s illustration shows the Local million years ago.
more than a dozen stars near the Sun Bubble surrounding the Sun, with star forma- Speaking at an American Astronom-
have ended their lives as spectacular tion occurring along the bubble’s surface. ical Society press conference, Zucker
supernovae. These ongoing blasts have Space Agency’s Gaia satellite to map the agreed that supernovae within the Local
swept up intervening gas, creating exact positions, shapes, and motions of Bubble can’t explain the entire iron-
nurseries for stellar newborns along gas and stars within 650 light-years of 60 record. But the fact that the Sun
the edges of an expanding shell, now the Sun and discovered that almost all just happens to sit near the center of a
1,000 light-years wide. the stellar nurseries near the solar sys- bubble means structures like this one
This is the picture Catherine Zucker tem lie on the hilly surface of the Local probably litter the Milky Way. The Sun
(Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Bubble. There are older stars within the and Earth may have passed from one
Smithsonian) and colleagues have bubble, but essentially none younger supernova-blown bubble to another.
painted in the January 12th Nature. than 50 million years, Zucker says. “Now the Sun just sits by chance in
They’re expanding on a decades-old “The data and their interpretation the center of the bubble,” Zucker adds,
explanation for the Local Bubble, a give strong support to the idea of trig- “and we get this front-row seat to star
cavity of sparse, hot gas around the Sun gered star formation in the Local Bubble formation happening all around us.”
likely blown out by supernovae. Zucker’s shell,” says Dieter Breitschwerdt (Berlin ¢ MONICA YOUNG
team used data from the European Institute of Technology), who was not See the data:

The putative moon, designated the transits of Kepler-1708 b showed a
New Exomoon Candidate Kepler-1708 b-i, orbits a Jupiter-size moon-like signal.
Found planet on a Mars-like orbit around a “There’s a 1% chance that this is just
Sun-like star 5,600 light-years away. The the data fluctuating in a really evil way
ASTRONOMERS HAVE NOT yet moon orbits its planet at about 12 plan- that conspires to trick us,” Kipping says.
confirmed the discovery of a single etary radii, much like Jupiter’s moon “It’s both a small number and uncom-
exomoon, even though a dozen can- Europa. But Kepler-1708 b-i (if real) is fortably large.” The team needs more
didates have been put forward. On huge, with about 2.6 times Earth’s girth. data to confirm Kepler-1708 b-i’s status
January 13th David Kipping (Columbia Kipping’s team found the lunar as an exomoon, he adds.

University) and colleagues announced candidate by surveying cool gas giants Laura Kreidberg (Max Planck Insti-
another potential exomoon in Nature detected by NASA’s Kepler mission. tute for Astronomy, Germany), whose
Astronomy. But just as with previous Out of 70 such planets that passed in follow-up studies called into question
candidates, they urge caution. front of their stars at least twice, only the very first exomoon candidate (also

8 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
The Most Distant Galaxies Yet Seen? Starlinks Don’t Impact
IN TWO STUDIES posted  These composite near-infra- Science (Yet)
to the arXiv preprint red images show HD1 and HD2 A new study of SpaceX’s Starlink satel-
(red objects), two galaxies in the lites’ impact on astronomy, in the January
server, Yuichi Harikane
early universe. 10th Astrophysical Journal Letters, gives
(University of Tokyo) and
cause for both relief and concern. Przemek
his colleagues report the their light had come from Mróz (University of Warsaw, Poland) and
detection of two sources a great distance. colleagues monitored satellite trails in im-
that appear to blaze at us A follow-up spectrum ages taken by the Zwicky Transient Facility
from a mere 330 million of HD1 with the Atacama (ZTF), which scans the entire northern sky
years after the Big Bang Large Millimeter/submil- every two days, between November 2019
(corresponding to a red- limeter Array (ALMA) and September 2021. They found that
twilight images (often taken to search for
shift of 13). showed a hint of strongly
near-Earth objects) contain an increasing
The current record- redshifted emission from number of streaks, escalating from less
holder with a secure ionized oxygen. If the line than 0.5% in 2019 to 18% in 2021. Eventu-
distance measurement is real, it puts HD1 at a ally, nearly all twilight images will contain
is GN-z11; its redshift is redshift of 13.27 — and a Starlink trail, Mróz says. However, single
about 11, meaning we see bingo, we have the earliest trails are faint enough that they don’t
it as it was 420 million galaxy yet seen. But if not, saturate the detector, so the automatic
pipeline can mask the streak. Only 0.04%
years after the Big Bang. then HD1 and HD2 might
of the detector area is lost, and the image
Other observations have suggested lie more than a billion years later in
remains useful. But the “VisorSat” model of
that stars lit up within the universe’s cosmic history. Harikane and collabo- Starlink satellites is not yet faint enough to
first 300 million years. But even if the rators have secured time on the James avoid saturating pixels of, for example, the
two new galaxies prove to lie as far away Webb Space Telescope to confirm the Vera Rubin Observatory. Dimming satellites
(and thus, as early) as they appear to, galaxies’ distance. below 7th magnitude will be key to mitigate
they’re probably not first-generation HD1 and HD2 are brighter than the negative consequences for astronomy.
objects, Harikane says. Estimates show astronomers usually expect star-form- ¢ MONICA YOUNG
they’re similar in mass to the Magel- ing galaxies to be, as are GN-z11 and
lanic Clouds, the Milky Way’s largest other candidates found in this early Largest 3D Map of the
dwarf galaxies, and thus likely evolved era. In a companion paper to the one Cosmos
from still smaller galaxies. announcing the discovery, Fabio Pacucci Only seven months into a five-year survey,
Harikane’s team found the galaxy (Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
candidates, dubbed HD1 and HD2, in Smithsonian), Harikane, and colleagues (DESI) has already surpassed all cosmic
surveys to date, creating the largest and
archival images covering visible and suggest that these early galaxies might
most detailed map of the universe. DESI
infrared wavelengths. They were look- be so bright due to a combination of
scientists presented preliminary results
ing for galaxies detected at the longest, rampant starbirth and a madly gobbling at January’s CosmoPalooza conference.
reddest wavelengths but invisible at black hole. The instrument is installed on the Mayall
shorter ones, which would indicate that ¢ CAMILLE M. CARLISLE 4-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National
Observatory in Arizona, its operations
aided by 5,000 fiber-optic-positioning
robots. Though DESI saw first light in late
2019, the official sky survey didn’t begin
discovered by Kipping’s team, S&T: Sept.
until May 2021 due to pandemic-related

2020, p. 34), says that Kepler-1708 b-i isuses. Like the long-running and transfor-
is one of the most promising candidates mative Sloan Digital Sky Survey, DESI is
yet identified. also a full-sky survey but with the ability to
But Kreidberg agrees that the dis- measure more precise distances to farther-
covery needs more observations: “We away objects. DESI should amass spectra
would need to see another transit obser- of 35 million galaxies and quasars by 2026

and has already collected 7.5 million to

vation that shows two dips in bright-
p An illustration of a large, blue-green exomoon date. The primary goal is nothing less than
ness: one caused by the planet blocking orbiting a gas giant planet a reconstruction of the last 12 billion years
light from the star, and one from the of the universe’s expansion, to shed light
moon blocking the light.” decade or so may provide the opportu- on the mysterious dark energy that makes
Although Kepler has retired, several nity for follow-up observations. up 68% of the universe’s content.
telescopes coming online in the next ¢ BEN SKUSE ¢ MONICA YOUNG

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 9

Do the Plumes from
Saturn’s Icy Moon Reach
Down to Its Ocean?
ASTRONOMERS long thought that
the watery plumes erupting from the p The Cassini spacecraft imaged dramatic plumes erupting from Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
surface of Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus
might provide access to its subsurface the way from the surface of the thick, vacuum. The concentration of salts in
ocean. But computer models designed icy crust to a salty subsurface sea. this meltwater should increase as the
for studying sea ice on Earth suggest However, hopes that the plumes water vaporizes and escapes into space.
that the plumes might have a different would provide easy access to the sub- While Meyer doesn’t doubt that
chemistry than the waters below. surface layers were called into question Enceladus has a global subsurface
NASA’s Cassini spacecraft first at December’s meeting of the Ameri- ocean, he cautions that the plume’s
imaged and later even sampled the can Geophysical Union. Colin Meyer measured saltiness “may not be repre-
geyser-like plumes of water vapor and (Dartmouth College) and colleagues sentative of the ocean chemistry or the
particles escaping from rifts in the icy applied computer models developed for chemistry of the shell but actually of
crust of Enceladus’s south polar region. terrestrial sea ice to Enceladus. They concentrated interstitial liquid.”
Scientists interpreted the presence of found that pockets of slushy brine, Sampling Enceladus’s hidden ocean
salts (sodium chloride and sodium produced by the localized heating of may be more difficult than many have
carbonate) and traces of biologically tidal stress and shear, should be present imagined, but Meyer notes that pockets
interesting organic compounds as within Enceladus’s icy shell. That brine of slushy brine in the icy crust could be
evidence that the plumes were erupting can percolate through porous ices to habitable zones in their own right.
from pipe-like fissures that extended all the surface, where it erupts into the ¢ THOMAS A. DOBBINS

MILKY WAY which is crowded with stars typically that’s orbiting the Milky Way on a
Celestial Ruins on Our billions of years old. relatively close polar orbit, currently
Galaxy’s Edge While the Milky Way’s globular 60,000 light-years from the Sun.
clusters are undeniably ancient, none of Team member Rodrigo Ibata (also
LONG AGO, the Milky Way’s gravity them seems to have survived from the University of Strasbourg) helped
rent a globular cluster and crumbled its earliest days. Their abundance of heavy discover this stream from the mas-
thousands of stars across 15 degrees of elements, a proxy for their age, bottoms sive data set that the Gaia satellite has
sky. Now, new measurements of some out at 0.2% that of the Sun. collected. The team then followed up
of those stars show that they used to A study of a celestial ruin may shed with ground-based spectroscopy, which

belong to the oldest stellar association light on ancient globulars’ disappear- confirmed that stars selected from this
in or around our galaxy. ance. In the January 6th Nature, Nicolas disintegrated cluster have extremely
The Milky Way itself formed some Martin (University of Strasbourg, low amounts of heavy elements: less
200 million years after the Big Bang. France) and colleagues report a detailed than 0.05% that of the Sun. “Such a
Eons of star formation have rendered study of a collection of stars in the low global metallicity has so far never
it anew, but hints of its past remain in Milky Way halo dubbed C-19. Based been observed for any stellar system in
its 150 or so globular clusters, each of on their data, the researchers conclude the Milky Way, in its surroundings, or
these stars were beyond,” the researchers write.
once a globular C-19’s ancient remains suggest that
cluster. Now they’re globular clusters could form early on;
a stellar stream it’s just that the ones from our galaxy’s
 This illustration
earliest years generally didn’t survive
the tumultuous gravitational environ-

shows the location of

Sun the C-19 stellar stream, ment. Or, adds John Norris (Austra-
recently discovered at lian National University), who wasn’t
the edge of our Milky
involved in the study, it’s still possible
Large Magellanic Cloud Way Galaxy. (The Sun
and the Magellanic
that back then, relatively few such clus-
Clouds are labeled for ters were forming in general.
Small Magellanic Cloud
reference.) ¢ MONICA YOUNG

10 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
COSMIC RELIEF by David Grinspoon

This effort toward a unified approach

arose after astrobiology leaders at NASA

Grave grew unhappy with the attention given

to the reported discovery of phosphine
on Venus (S&T: Jan. 2021, p. 15). The

Expectations media widely focused on the finding

as being a possible sign of life, even
though the phosphine authors were very
We can try to devise rules for careful to stress that they regarded life
how detecting alien life should as an interpretation that should only be
accepted if all others were ruled out.
unfold, but E.T. might not So, what were the NASA authors
play along. really so upset about? Maybe they were
disturbed by a possible discovery that
was not where and what we expected.
NASA is heavily invested in searching
for habitability on Mars, Europa, and
elsewhere, including exoplanets. We
hold workshops and design instruments
to detect life in these places. We know
that the first signs — an isotopic anom-
aly among organic deposits on Mars, or
a disequilibrium mixture of gases on an
exoplanet — will be ambiguous, and we
know how we’ll follow up to rule out
other explanations.
But life may not follow our script,
and its discovery may not cleanly fit
into a linear numbered scale. Ambigu-
ity and disagreement might make us
uncomfortable, but we’re talking life,
WE ARE A LONG WAY from having Last October a group of scientists, not a rock hurtling through space fol-
a Star Trek tricorder to scan for “life including leading astrobiology offi- lowing well-known laws of motion. We
signs.” On several occasions, the peer- cials at NASA, proposed in Nature an might well find a biosignature where we
reviewed literature has reported indica- analogous scale to rate reports of pos- don’t expect it.
tions of past and present life beyond sible alien life detection ( To me the CoLD scale reads almost
Earth that further study found to be CoLDscale). In the Confidence of Life as a science-fiction story in which the
unsubstantiated. The scientific enter- Detection, or CoLD, scale, a “1” could authors have agreed on how they expect
prise has survived these false starts; our possibly be caused by life. A “2” means the discovery of life will unfold. It’s fine
error-correction processes have worked sources of contamination are ruled out. to run through scenarios and hold pro-
well. But in the time between an initial visional expectations, but when these
report of a possible biosignature and become officially recognized by those
Life may not follow our
a later nonbiological explanation, the running the programs that hand out
mass media and the public often let script, and its discovery may funding, we may fall into “groupthink”
their imaginations run wild. and miss something important. The
not cleanly fit into a linear
Another of the sexiest perennial history of planetary exploration sug-
space-science stories after possible hints numbered scale. gests that some of the most important
of alien life are asteroids threaten- discoveries will arrive in surprising ways
ing Earth. In 1999, worried that their It’s a “4” if non-biological sources are that were not in the proposals used to
credibility might suffer if the public shown to be implausible. And so on, up justify our missions.
saw them as crying wolf, astronomers to the highest level, a “7,” when inde-

devised the Torino scale to categorize pendent follow-up observations confirm ¢ Astrobiologist and Contributing Editor
possible impact threats, ranging from the life hypothesis and we can finally DAVID GRINSPOON is author, among
“0” (no danger) all the way up to “10” declare to all the world (and whoever other books, of Lonely Planets: The
(near-certain global catastrophe). else is listening), “It’s life, Jim!” Natural Philosophy of Alien Life.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 11
NEXT STOP: VENUS by Emily Lakdawalla

Venus Renais
Only two spacecraft have orbited Venus
since 1994. Three new missions will
transform our understanding of Earth’s
evil twin in the 2030s.

his is the dawn of a new Age of Venus. After
a dry spell lasting more than 25 years (S&T:
Sep 2018, p. 14), NASA has finally selected
not one but two missions to our neighbor-
ing planet: the VERITAS orbiter, launching
as soon as 2027, and the DAVINCI flyby and
atmospheric probe, launching in 2029. The
European Space Agency will follow with the
EnVision orbiter in the early 2030s.
What broke the drought? “To some
degree, it had just been so long that it was
becoming kind of an embarrassment,”
says David Grinspoon (Planetary Science
Institute), a co-investigator on DAVINCI.
Just as important, however, was that exo-
planet researchers had started advocating
for Venus missions. “They’re already starting
to find exo-Venuses. What hope do we have
of figuring things out that many light-years
away if we haven’t really looked at Venus?”
Suzanne Smrekar (Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory), principal investigator on VERITAS, gives
additional credit to Earth scientists. “There are
a lot of open questions about plate tectonics,”
she explains — questions that are best answered
by comparing our planet with another one of simi-
lar size, age, and composition. But we don’t know
enough about Venus to understand its tectonics,
much less to use that understanding to figure out how
Earth’s dynamic tectonism, weather, and climate operate
in the present, past, and future.
If you talk to EnVision’s Richard Ghail (Royal Hollo-

u VENUS AS WE KNOW IT This simulated mosaic of the Venusian

surface combines radar data from the Magellan and Pioneer Venus Or-

biter spacecraft colorized to enhance surface features. The colors were

inspired by images recorded by the Soviet Venera 13 and 14 spacecraft.
The hemisphere is centered at 180° east longitude.

12 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
way, University of London), though, there hasn’t actually
been a drought. “The attitude is: ‘We haven’t had a mission
since Magellan, nothing’s happened,’” he says. “Like, hang

on, there has been Venus Express, there has been Akatsuki
at Venus. They were atmosphere-focused and not surface-
focused, but they have been doing surface science.”
The European Space Agency’s Venus Express studied Venus
from 2006 to 2014; Japan’s Akatsuki arrived in 2015 and is
still operating. Despite being devoted to the planet’s cloud
decks, their results have overturned prevailing attitudes
about the history of Venus’s barren landscape. “Out of the
Magellan mission came this paradigm that Venus had cata-
strophic resurfacing and then quiescence,” says Smrekar. “It
was a cool idea, but I think it’s wrong.”
Instead, Venus Express produced abundant (though
inconclusive) evidence for recent — and even continu-
ing — volcanism. Both it and Akatsuki have shown
Venus’s atmosphere to be much more dynamic,
and much more connected to the rocky surface,
than we realized. Those discoveries have laid the
foundation for thrilling new Venus missions in
the 2030s.

Hot Wind, Acid Clouds

We’ve known the fundamental facts about
Venus’s atmosphere since Mariner 2 per-
formed the first-ever planetary flyby in
1962; probes, balloons, and landers from
the Soviet and American space agencies
filled in much of the rest. Very nearly the
same size as Earth and only a little closer
to the Sun, Venus rotates backwards, but
slowly. The retrograde rotation counter-
acts its orbital motion, so its sidereal days
(243 Earth days long) are longer than its
years (225 Earth days).
Venus’s surface is shrouded by an utterly
opaque layer of clouds, more than 20 kilome-
ters thick. The clouds are 75% pure sulfuric
acid droplets, but they also contain a mysteri-
ous “ultraviolet absorber” that creates dark
streaks in ultraviolet-filter images. Fortuitously,


Clouds most commonly form at or above an

atmospheric pressure of around 1 bar, or what
we have at sea level on Earth. On worlds where
the pressure is much higher than that — Venus, for
example — clouds cover the entire planet, all the
time. In places where the pressure is much lower
than 1 bar, such as Mars, clouds are rare and thin.
But Earth can have thick clouds in some places and
none in other places.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 13
Next Stop: Venus


Express caught rapid changes
in the vortex over the planet’s
southern pole (yellow dot).
From left to right, the infrared
images show changes over the
course of two days. The vortex
hovers about 60 km above the
Venusian surface.

those dark streaks enable scientists to track cloud motions Europe Goes to Venus
and measure wind speeds. The Soviet Union and the United States initiated the first
The temperature and altitude of the top of the troposphere phase of Venus exploration at the same time that they were
are constant almost everywhere on the planet, except near rushing to land on the Moon and bring home lunar rocks.
the poles. Wind speed is oddly constant, too. Except near the Scientifically speaking, Soviet and American planetary sci-
poles, the entire atmosphere moves westward at 100 meters ence therefore grew out of geology. At Venus, both countries
per second (more than 200 mph), traveling completely focused on penetrating Venus’s clouds to see the rocky sur-
around the planet once every four days. There’s nothing quite face for comparison with Earth, the Moon, and Mars.
like this atmospheric “super-rotation” anywhere else in the Europe’s planetary science community, on the other hand,
solar system. has stronger roots in a different aspect of Earth science: “We
Probes showed that the winds weaken closer to the sur- accepted climate change long before the United States did,”
face, but the speed never drops to zero; the lowermost 10 kilo- Ghail says. Trying to explain Venus’s hellish climate had
meters of Venus’s atmosphere always experience a breeze of 1 inspired the idea of a runaway greenhouse. But what triggered
to 3 meters per second. the runaway greenhouse, and could the same thing happen
The surface roasts at a temperature of 740K (470°C, on our rapidly warming Earth? ESA’s Venus Express mission
870°F) and bears a crushing atmospheric pressure 92 times sought to better understand climate change on both Venus
that of Earth’s. The air is almost all carbon dioxide. In fact, it and Earth. Similar goals motivated Akatsuki.
appears that Venus has about the same proportion of carbon Venus Express immediately gave us improved views of
that Earth does, but whereas Earth’s carbon is mostly locked weird features at both of Venus’s poles. The poles are sur-
into rocks like limestone and marble as carbonate minerals, rounded by a cold collar, where both the temperature and
Venus’s carbon is all in the air. altitude of the top of the troposphere drop, and with them
There’s also a high proportion of heavy hydrogen relative the top of the visible clouds, by about 5 kilometers.
to regular hydrogen in Venus’s atmosphere, which has led sci- With longer-wavelength infrared imaging, Venus Express
entists to hypothesize that Venus has lost most of its primor- could easily see down to the middle cloud layer (approxi-
dial water. Without much water, geologists reasoned, Venus’s mately 55 km above the surface), where gigantic vortices of
rocky interior would be much less mobile than Earth’s, mak- relatively warm air spin and wobble drunkenly around both
ing Earth-style plate tectonics impossible. poles once every two to three days. They most commonly look
like wispy figures of eight, described as a double vortex, but
are sometimes oval and sometimes triple. They never looked
VENUS IN UV This quite the same from one Venus Express orbit to the next. How


synthesized image these persistent storms connect to the upper or lower polar


combines Akatsuki
atmosphere, or to the global rotation of the rest of the atmo-
observations at two
different ultraviolet sphere, remains a mystery.
wavelengths to A long mission followed these early discoveries, and the
show mesmerizing longevity generated unique science, Grinspoon explains.
detail in Venus’s “What was great about Venus Express, and is great about
atmosphere. Dark
Akatsuki, is the sustained presence of these orbiters with
blue streaks mark
the presence of an first-rate instrumentation, because there’s a lot of complexity
unidentified chemi- and variability.”
cal substance. Wind speeds changed and cloud brightness varied from
one Venus Express orbit to the next. As Venus Express
watched between 2006 and 2010, the superrotational wind
sped up from 100 to 120 meters per second. At much smaller
scales, both Venus Express and Akatsuki have seen turbulent,
bubbly motions in the lower clouds.

14 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
VENUS VS. EARTH u Venus rotates slowly clockwise (un- EARTH VENUS
Venus and Earth share like Earth), but it orbits the Sun coun- 1 day 4 days
similar sizes, masses, terclockwise (as all the planets do). Planet Time for atmosphere
completes to circle the planet
densities, and even So although it takes 243 Earth days to
a rotation
distances from the Sun. rotate once about its axis — called its 243 days
But Venus’s atmosphere sidereal day — it takes 117 Earth days Planet completes
365 days a rotation
and rotation make it for the Sun to travel from noon to noon Year
dramatically different at Venus’s equator (its solar day). Com-
225 days
from our planet. plicating matters, Venus’s cloud deck Year
circles the planet in about four Earth
days, for reasons unknown. 117 days
(Not to scale) Solar day on surface
(noon to noon)


1 bar 92 bars
Surface Surface
pressure pressure
Mass Mass TO THE SUN
12,756 km 12,104 km
150 million km
1 0.82
Earth Earth
108 million km

240 240
Earth Venus
220 220

200 200

180 180

160 160 Thermosphere (day)

Altitude (kilometers)

Altitude (kilometers)

140 140

10 –8 10 –8
120 Thermosphere 120

100 100
10 –6 10 –4
Pressure (bar)

Pressure (bar)
80 80
10 –4 10 –2
Mesosphere Upper
60 60 Global cloud layer
10 –3 1
40 Stratosphere 40 Troposphere
10 –2 9.6
Ozone layer
20 20
0.1 33
0 1 0 92
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
(–173°C) Temperature (K) (727°C) (–173°C) Temperature (K) (727°C)

 ATMOSPHERES AT A GLANCE Atmospheric pressure, ground heating, solar heating, and chemistry combine to create unique conditions on Ve-
nus and Earth. The troposphere is where weather happens: Molecules that exist as gases near the warm ground cool and condense to cloud-forming
droplets as they rise in altitude. Clouds rarely go above the troposphere, because above it, temperature increases and pressure decreases, and a
cloud’s molecules change to gas again. Conditions don’t permit Venusian clouds to form until roughly 50 km up — about three times higher than
Earth’s clouds ever reach. At this altitude on Venus, temperature and pressure are Earth-like.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 15
Next Stop: Venus

feature permanently sits directly over some of the highest-

elevation crust of Venus, Aphrodite Terra.
“I think the most striking result from Akatsuki is this
weird connection between the surface topography and mas-
sive structures in the clouds,” Grinspoon says.
Venus Express scientists found local changes in atmo-
spheric composition in the same location. Climatologists now
believe the cloud feature to be a gravity wave, a vertical dis-
Equator placement that’s the result of the interaction of the moving,
buoyant atmosphere and the high topography.
“The atmosphere is much more dynamic than anybody
had expected,” Ghail says. “And those dynamics must be
driven by something.”
There are two ways to put energy into an atmosphere: The
Sun delivers heat from the top down, and a planet’s internal
heat puts in energy from the bottom up. Geologic activity
— particularly surface volcanism — can shunt a lot of heat
into an atmosphere. Venus has lots of volcanoes, but are they
active today? Neither orbiter could see the surface clearly
enough to tell us for sure what might be happening there,
though Venus Express provided enticing glimpses.
 PLANET-SIZE CLOUD Upon arrival at Venus in 2015, the Akatsuki
spacecraft spotted this persistent, bow-shaped feature in the planet’s
For instance, some of Venus’s volcanic flows might be
clouds. It sits above Aphrodite Terra, the largest continent-like highland fresh. Venus Express saw hints of the heat signature from
region. Image is a false-color infrared view. fresh lava flows that bloomed and then vanished. Volcanism
might also explain the short-lived sulfur dioxide clouds the
The composition of the atmosphere is variable, too. For spacecraft detected. The extra heat and volcanic gases could
example, Venus Express found sulfur dioxide above the clouds cause rapid chemical weathering on Venus’s surface. On
to be “random” and “patchy,” with huge variations from one Earth, water attacks fresh lava to alter its minerals, but on
place to another and from one orbit to another. One way to Venus, sulfur compounds probably connect the chemistry of
puff sulfur oxides high into the atmosphere in patchy and air and rocks, and sulfur oxides might be the ones to react
random ways is to spew it out of volcanoes. with minerals.
Any one of these bits of evidence isn’t enough to say that
Akatsuki: Surface to Air Connections Venus is presently volcanically active, but taken together, they
Earth’s variable weather is driven by interactions between at least “demand further investigation,” Ghail says. “That’s
the air and ground — think of rain shadows behind moun- what really justified going back. To understand all those really
tain ranges — but scientists thought Venus’s atmosphere big surprises in Venus Express data, we need to understand
was too thick to “feel” the ground below it. However, right the geology, because Venus Express said: ‘Venus isn’t anything
after arrival, Akatsuki’s cameras spotted a planet-spanning, like you think it is from Magellan. It’s active, it’s dynamic,
stationary, bow-shaped cloud. This enormous atmospheric it’s got things going on.’”

 ACTIVE VOLCANISM? Left: The volcanic peak Idunn Mons lies in the southern Imdr Regio and rises about 2.5 km above the surrounding volcanic


plains (vertical extent is exaggerated 30 times in this image, simulated from Magellan data). Bright areas in the radar data indicate rough or steep ter-
rain; dark areas are smooth. Right: Heat patterns (colors, red-orange is warmest) observed by Venus Express indicate the summit is warmer than the
surrounding terrain, perhaps due to recent lava flows.

16 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E

Taking measurements
Exoplanet Next Door
What Venus Express and Akatsuki have taught us about 50
Venus’s climate has reinforced the idea that the planet may
have looked quite Earth-like — watery and temperate — for

Altitude (kilometers)
much of its history (S&T: Oct 2021, p. 12). Other missions,
40 Pioneer
like Rosetta, have demonstrated that Earth’s water didn’t Venus probes
come from comets but may have been part of the planet from
the start (S&T: May 2017, p. 14).
Smrekar points out that as far back as Magellan, argon iso- 30
topic data suggested that if Earth and Venus started out with
the same amount of water and other lighter constituents, DAVINCI
today’s Venus may actually retain more water, deeply buried probe
in mantle rocks, than Earth does.
“We’ve seen all these low-density planets squashed right
75% of
up against their suns,” Smrekar says. “The idea that your
position in the solar system determines how much volatiles 10 mass
you got dealt is wrong. We can’t just say, ‘Oh, Venus is close Vega and
to the Sun, so it doesn’t have much water.’” Venera landers
Clearly, to understand exoplanets, it would help if we 0
understood our nearer neighbors better. In a way, exoplanet
science has merged with Venus science to produce the current  A UNIQUE VIEW Previous missions gave us limited information about
list of highest-priority questions for future missions. the structure of Venus’s atmosphere (thin arrows), but DAVINCI will take a
A NASA science advisory body called the Venus Explo- wide range of measurements throughout its descent to the surface.
ration Analysis Group (inevitably abbreviated VEXAG)
provides opportunities for Venus scientists to discuss and
agree on the most important goals for future Venus explora-
tion. VEXAG members presented the latest version of their
consensus at a meeting in November 2021. There are three
overarching goals.
The first goal is to figure out what Venus looked like early
on and whether it was habitable, in order to better under-
stand the evolution of Venus-size exoplanets. Was Venus once
watery like Earth? Is its present state representative of the way
that Venus-size planets evolve, or is it unusual?
The second is to understand the composition and motions
of the atmosphere. What drives all that variable behavior?
How are the different parts of the atmosphere connected to

one another? What the heck is that ultraviolet absorber?

The third goal is to understand the surface’s geologic
history and how the surface and atmosphere interact today.
What stories are preserved in Venus’s rocks? What can we
learn from their composition and the landforms they build?
What processes shape and modify the surface today? What
is the structure of the interior? How do the atmosphere and
surface interact chemically?
The three missions that will explore Venus in the 2030s
will address all of the VEXAG goals. And they will do it
cooperatively, building on one another to produce a body of
scientific data that is much more than the sum of its parts.

The New Venus Fleet

The study of Venus’s geology now is in a similar state to Mar-
 EYE-OPENING VERITAS’s radar instrument, VISAR, will deliver
tian science at the turn of the millennium. (Thanks to Venus topographic measurements roughly 100 times sharper than Magellan
Express and Akatsuki, Venusian climate science is more did. Based on U.S. Geological Survey data, these images show how the
advanced than that.) Following the end of the Mariner and island of Hawai‘i would look to Magellan (top) and to VERITAS (bottom).

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 17
Next Stop: Venus

where carbon dioxide is moderately transparent. The result-

ing maps will be a little fuzzy, because the thick atmosphere
WHICH WAY IS SUNRISE? scatters light, limiting the resolving power to a pretty low 10
If you could see the Sun from Venus’s surface, it
would rise in the west and set in the east.
kilometers per pixel.
The images will likely not provide conclusive answers
about how Venus’s rock composition varies from place to
place, but they should provide clear evidence for anomalous
Viking missions to Mars in the 1970s, geologists lacked new spots worth further investigation. And they could even spot
data for the Red Planet until the 1990s. Venus has likewise telltale emissions from an active eruption, Smrekar hopes.
experienced a long hiatus: The Pioneer Venus, Venera, VeGa, “I would be thrilled if we actually see water coming out of a
and Magellan missions produced global data sets on surface volcano,” she says. “That would be the best day ever.”
geology and near-surface atmospheric chemistry, but the only Following VERITAS is the Deep Atmosphere Venus Inves-
dedicated visitors Venus has had since 1994 are Venus Express tigation of Noble Gases, Chemistry, and Imaging (DAVINCI)
and Akatsuki. mission. Nearly 50 years after the last time we obtained
VERITAS, DAVINCI, and EnVision stand to kick off a in-situ data from Venus’s deep atmosphere, DAVINCI’s probe
renaissance at Venus like the one that happened on Mars will descend through the clouds to make direct measurements
after Pathfinder landed in 1997 and was followed within a of atmospheric temperature, pressure, and composition.
decade by four orbiters and two rovers, bringing Mars science “DAVINCI can measure things that we can’t measure from
into the digital age. orbit,” Grinspoon says. “The rare gases and isotopes have
The Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, never been decently measured on Venus. And they’re just so
and Spectroscopy (VERITAS) orbiter will launch first, late key to formation and evolution theories.” It’ll be a “reprint
in 2027. It has a narrow but extremely important focus: the textbooks” moment when the data come in.
establishing a foundational, global data set of Venusian The DAVINCI probe’s science payload is heavily based on
topography and radar images using 21st-century technology. the miniaturized analytical laboratory instruments in the
It’s directly analogous to the Mars Global Surveyor mis- Curiosity rover that are currently sampling Mars’s atmo-
sion, whose laser altimeter MOLA produced the first good sphere. The probe’s descent will take about an hour; for about
topographic map of Mars. Topographic maps are good for half of that time, it will be below the bottom of the cloud
science on their own, but their lasting value is as a geodetic deck. Unlike any previous Venus descent probe, DAVINCI
base map, which will tie all other past and future data sets will shoot images on the way down, like both Curiosity and
to a single model of the planet’s geometric shape, enabling Perseverance did on Mars, using a similar camera. DAVINCI
data-rich connections among missions. Its first global maps will serve the same role for Venus as the Huygens probe did
should be available in mid-2031. for Titan science, connecting Cassini’s orbital measurements
VERITAS will also produce a global radar map at a resolu- through Titan’s haze to directly measured properties of the
tion of 30 meters per pixel, similar to early Earth maps from atmosphere and surface.
the Landsat satellites or to one of the best current global For the best photos, DAVINCI needs to land with the Sun
Mars maps, the one from Mars Odyssey’s thermal imager. As as high overhead as possible. Setting that up requires two fly-
with VERITAS’s topography data, there will be exciting science bys, and DAVINCI’s carrier spacecraft will make use of those
revealed in the radar map, but its lasting contribution will be flybys to record long series of images watching the roiling
as a geographic reference that will unite all other data. motions of clouds at different levels in the atmosphere.
Finally, VERITAS carries an infrared imaging system that Both of the NASA missions may be over before the Euro-
will peer through narrow “windows” in the atmosphere pean Space Agency’s EnVision arrives at Venus, though we can



VERITAS Science observations


DAVINCI descent
Flyby 1 Flyby 2

EnVision Aerobraking Science observations

2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039

18 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E



0° 60°E 120°E 180° 240°E




Coronae Ridge Belts
Rifts Wrinkle ridges
Tesserae Volcanoes and flow fields

 WHAT ENVISION MIGHT SEE EnVision’s radar will penetrate Venus’s clouds, mapping key geological features such as volcanoes and continent-
like tesserae at a resolution of about 10 km. This map shows one example of the targets the mission could study.

hope that VERITAS will last longer than its primary planned science, but it’s very common on Earth orbiters, and it will
mission, and that DAVINCI can continue performing flybys. enable scientists to establish a continuous record of weather
In fact, according to DAVINCI principal investigator Jim and surface changes from VERITAS through EnVision, span-
Garvin (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), DAVINCI could ning a decade and possibly more.
go into Venus orbit on its next flyby after dropping the probe.
With VERITAS’s global maps and DAVINCI’s in-situ mea- The Decade of Venus
surements already available, EnVision will be able to reach its To say that Venus scientists are thrilled about the selection of
full potential. If NASA had not selected its two missions for three new missions is understating things. But there are rea-
development, EnVision would have had many more mapping sons to be happy besides the new data. “It’s been a big tension
responsibilities, Ghail explains. “VERITAS is a global geophys- between all the [proposed] missions,” Smrekar says. “It’s been
ics mission. It’s about getting topography and gravity glob- very fracturing to be so competitive all the time. It’s really a
ally, at high resolution. And it’s very good at that, better than pleasure to be cooperating instead of competing.”
EnVision would be.” Grinspoon agrees. “There was this wonderful moment
EnVision’s radar mapper won’t get VERITAS’s global cover- after the selection when we realized, ‘Oh, now we can all be
age, but it will see parts of the surface at higher resolution, friends again,’ because until then we’d been so in competition

focusing on especially compelling geologic features to eluci- against each other.”

date the present and past of Venus. EnVision will therefore Europe and the United States aren’t the only ones plan-
be able to function like ESA’s Sentinel Earth orbiters or the ning new missions to Venus. The next decade could also see
HiRISE camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, missions launched by India and even from a private company,
monitoring Venus’s atmosphere and surface for changes over Rocket Lab, based in New Zealand. A spacecraft from the
time. EnVision’s radar sounder will also draw profiles of the United Arab Emirates will also swing by Venus en route to
subsurface structure across Venus craters, cracks, volcanoes, the asteroid belt. Underappreciated and poorly understood for
and crumpled mountains, just as Mars Express and Mars so long, Venus will finally enjoy the kind of scientific boom
Reconnaissance Orbiter have done, helping to tell the story of that Mars has experienced for 25 years. May that boom last at
Venus’s geologic history. least as long as the Age of Mars has.
Finally, EnVision carries a suite of spectrometers that will
see to many levels of the atmosphere as well as to the surface. ¢ Contributing Editor EMILY LAKDAWALLA is a freelance
In fact, one of EnVision’s spectrometers will be a near-dupli- space writer and artist. Her second book, Curiosity and Its Sci-
cate of the one on VERITAS. Flying a nearly identical instru- ence Mission: A Mars Rover Goes to Work, is forthcoming from
ment twice is not something that happens often in planetary Springer-Praxis in 2023.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 19

The Lithium

20 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Why do the oldest stars have only
a third as much lithium as Big Bang
predictions say they should?

he creation of the universe may seem an impos-
sible subject to study. After all, according to the
Planck spacecraft, the Big Bang — the brilliant
event that gave birth to our cosmos — occurred 13.8
billion years ago.
Nevertheless, we do see signs of this primeval
fireworks display today, in the nearby universe. For
one thing, most galaxies rush away from ours. For
another, the Big Bang’s afterglow pervades space:
Microwaves carry news from an era just 380,000
years after the Big Bang, long before stars shone.
Amazingly, we even have clues from a much earlier
epoch. Mere minutes after the Big Bang, the extreme
temperature of the plasma filling the universe trig-
gered nuclear reactions, creating elements that
survive to this day. The universe at that time was not
dense by terrestrial standards: Just 1 second after the
Big Bang, the universe’s baryonic, or normal, matter
was fluffier than cotton candy. The nuclear reac-
tions were therefore so simple that cosmologists can
work out what happened. The inferno forged lots of
hydrogen and helium, the two light elements that
still dominate the universe today.
But a third chemical element is currently causing a
cosmic conundrum: lithium, which has three pro-
tons in its nucleus and is therefore atomic number 3.
Nowadays lithium is in certain batteries and antide-
pressant drugs; it was once in 7UP, perhaps inspiring
the “Up” in the drink’s name.
In 1981 French astronomers François and
Monique Spite (Paris Observatory) accidentally dis-
covered the element in ancient stars, whose chemical
composition should largely reflect what the Big Bang
produced. These stars, though nearby, were visitors

from the stellar halo, the population of old stars that

surrounds and penetrates the Milky Way’s disk (S&T:
June 2020, p. 58). Astronomers can recognize nearby
halo stars from both their kinematics and also their
low iron abundances. Iron originates in supernovae,
and halo stars are so old that they formed before
many of these explosions had occurred.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 21
Primordial Puzzle

 CHAIN REACTIONS Several key reactions

occurred in the primordial universe as par-
ticles rapidly collided and created elements
heavier than simple hydrogen (whose nucleus
is just a proton). Among the earliest were the
production of deuterium and helium.

The Spites were actually looking for another chemical Primordial Prediction and Predicament
element, aluminum, when they saw a spectral line in the red In order to predict how much lithium emerged from the Big
part of the spectrum from lithium. Even though the halo stars Bang fireball, cosmologists must know how dense the uni-
had a wide variety of iron abundances, with iron-to-hydrogen verse was back then. The denser the universe, the faster the
ratios ranging from 0.4% to 8% solar, most of the stars had nuclear reactions proceeded, producing more of some isotopes
similar amounts of lithium, much less than the Sun was born and fewer of others. What counts is the density of baryons
with. This uniform lithium level, now called the Spite plateau, participating in nuclear reactions.
suggested the lithium came straight from the Big Bang instead In the 1980s, the universe’s baryonic density was poorly
of building up over cosmic time as generation after generation determined. “Everything was okay because we didn’t know
of stars died and enriched their surroundings. enough,” says Keith Olive (University of Minnesota). That’s
As if that weren’t enough, the quantity of lithium the why the predicted lithium level overlapped with the Spites’
Spites saw was compatible with the amount that Big Bang measurement.
calculations had predicted, a result that the theory’s propo- Things aren’t okay today. In 2003, the Wilkinson Micro-
nents trumpeted. “This is a field, in the ’80s and ’90s, that wave Anisotropy Probe determined the universe’s baryonic
was afflicted with a bit of triumphalism,” said Robert Scherrer density from the tiny temperature fluctuations in the cosmic
(Vanderbilt University) during a recent lecture. “You know, microwave background. Later the Planck spacecraft pinned
people back then said ‘Big Bang nucleosynthesis works, and this number down to an incredible accuracy of better than
anyone who disagrees with us is obviously an idiot.’” 1%. Today we know that baryons constitute just under 5% of
Today, however, astronomers instead confront what they the matter needed to halt the universe’s expansion.
call the lithium problem. Improved measurements of cos- Now that cosmologists know the exact baryonic density,
mological constraints have ruined the agreement between they can calculate how much lithium the Big Bang initially
theory and observation: Halo stars in the Spite plateau have created: almost none. Protons bombarded the lithium that
only a third as much lithium as Big Bang calculations now arose, splitting it into helium-4 nuclei.
say they should. Instead, as we now know, the three most common ele-

EARLY ELEMENTS Nuclear reactions in the Periodic Table of the Elements

primordial universe involved isotopes of the
four lightest elements: hydrogen, helium,
lithium, and beryllium. The earliest lithium
created was rapidly destroyed by proton
collisions, however — almost all of the


lithium from the primordial universe instead
is a byproduct of later beryllium decay.

1 2

H He

3 4

L Be

22 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
As reactions continued in
the primordial universe,
nuclei combined into larger
and larger forms. Hydrogen
and helium isotopes inter-
acted with each other and
other particles, ultimately
creating beryllium mere min-
utes after the Big Bang.

ments that existed minutes after the Big Bang The problem: These nuclear reactions cre-
were hydrogen, helium, and a bit of beryl- ated three times more lithium than exists in
lium, the element with atomic number 4 halo stars.
that’s present in emeralds on Earth as well as Perhaps, then, the solution to the lithium
in the mirrors of the James Webb Space Tele- problem is that we don’t fully understand
scope. Beryllium arose when helium-4 nuclei those nuclear reactions. Nuclear physi-
hit helium-3 to make beryllium-7, whose cist Alain Coc (University of Paris, Saclay)
nucleus has four protons and three neutrons. had once thought this might indeed be
On Earth beryllium-7 is radioactive. It the answer. He and other scientists have
decays when one of its four electrons falls into the atom’s spent years studying these nuclear reactions, by theory and
nucleus and merges with a proton, which becomes a neu- experiment, hoping to find a mismatch between the assumed
tron. The atom thereby changes into lithium-7, the dominant nuclear reaction rates and the actual rates.
lithium isotope. The upshot of all this effort? “There is no way to solve this
For many centuries after the Big Bang, however, this decay problem by nuclear physics,” Coc says. The nuclear reaction
didn’t happen, because all nuclei were naked: They had no rates are now known so well that the predictions are solid
electrons at all. If they had, high-energy photons would have — and they confirm that the Big Bang produced three times
torn the electrons away. Beryllium-7 therefore had no elec- more lithium than halo stars harbor.
trons to capture.
As space expanded, though, the cosmos cooled, and about Deuterium Detour
800 years after the Big Bang the temperature fell to some What if something disrupted most of the beryllium nuclei
80,000 kelvin. Beryllium-7 could then acquire electrons, early on, before they could find electrons and make lithium?
some of which soon fell into the nuclei and turned all of the Neutrons destroy beryllium just as protons destroy lithium. If
beryllium into lithium. there were enough neutrons in the early universe, they could
This lithium survived. By now the cooler cosmic tem- have prevented the later formation of lithium, thereby solving
perature had tamed the protons; they no longer had enough the problem.
energy to zap the lithium and split it apart. This is how about Not so fast. The early universe had far more protons than
95% of primordial lithium was minted. The rest dates back to neutrons. If it had more neutrons than we thought, those
the first few minutes of the universe’s life — the lucky lithium neutrons would have made too much of another primordial
that evaded the voracious protons. product: deuterium.

p LITHIUM’S LATE ARRIVAL About 800 years after the Big Bang, beryllium nuclei grabbed an electron, but the electron soon fell into the nucleus,
converting a proton into a neutron and changing the beryllium into lithium. Much later, the lithium nucleus acquired its usual three electrons.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 23
Primordial Puzzle

Deuterium is hydrogen-2, a heavy isotope of the lightest Today the primordial deuterium abundance is known
element. Deuterium’s nucleus has one proton and one neu- with an accuracy of just 1%. In 2018 a team led by Ryan
tron. Although less common than hydrogen-1, deuterium is Cooke (Durham University, UK) reported a deuterium-to-
hardly rare; it’s almost as abundant as iron, which hydrogen ratio of 2.5 x 10 −5. That means the Big
is the ninth most common element in the modern 10 BILLION Bang generated one deuterium nucleus for every
cosmos. Every time you drink water, you’re ingest- KELVIN 40,000 hydrogen-1 nuclei. Moreover, this number
ing not just H2O but also HDO and even D2O. Universe’s requires a baryonic density that agrees with the
But deuterium is delicate. The Sun creates the temperature value the Planck spacecraft measured.
isotope every second but annihilates it a second when it was So we know the primordial deuterium abun-
later by turning it into helium-3. Nearly all the 1 second old dance. We know the universe’s density, which
deuterium on Earth and in space arose right after agrees with the deuterium abundance. And
the Big Bang when protons smashed into neu- deuterium has neutrons. Therefore, if the early
trons. The isotope survived the primordial inferno 1 BILLION universe really had enough neutrons to get rid
only because the universe expanded and cooled, KELVIN of beryllium, thereby solving the lithium prob-
shutting off the nuclear reactions before they Universe’s lem, those neutrons should also have created too
could destroy the deuterium. temperature at much deuterium, leading to a deuterium problem.
The primordial deuterium abundance reveals 100 seconds There’s also another problem with invoking
the universe’s baryonic density: The denser the neutrons. Most of the universe’s neutrons are
universe, the less deuterium there is, because the nuclear in helium, whose primordial value we know by observing
reactions would have eliminated more of the isotope. Thus, oxygen-poor galaxies such as I Zwicky 18 (S&T: Apr. 2018, p.
astronomers were motivated to find deuterium in space, 22). If the early universe had too many neutrons, these primi-
which they first did in the 1970s. tive galaxies should have more helium than they actually do.
But those early measurements didn’t necessarily repre-
sent the universe’s original quantity of deuterium. To know New Physics
that, astronomers had to observe a pristine environment. Perhaps the solution to the lithium problem requires some-
The obvious choice — halo stars — won’t work, because they thing more daring: new laws of physics. After all, if we don’t
have annihilated the easily burned isotope. But in the 1990s, grasp the laws of physics, some unknown phenomenon at the
astronomers began reporting deuterium in pristine gas clouds dawn of time could have altered the amount of lithium.
that lie between us and distant quasars, whose light shines Although this idea may sound crazy, new physics did solve
through the clouds and reveals the clouds’ compositions. another long-standing puzzle, the solar neutrino problem.
Although the first published result proved incorrect, by the Scientists had detected only about a third of the expected
early 21st century a primordial deuterium level was emerging number of neutrinos from the Sun. At that time, the stan-
that agreed with the baryonic density derived from observa- dard wisdom held that these ghostly particles had no mass.
tions of the cosmic microwave background with the Wilkin- We now know that neutrinos do have mass, which lets them
son Microwave Anisotropy Probe. oscillate from one type to another. There are three types of
neutrinos, and the experiments were sensitive to only one,
explaining the factor-of-three shortfall.
To solve the lithium problem, some scientists have pro-
posed that a “Particle X” arose soon after the Big Bang. Parti-
cle X lived just a short time, so it broke up, emitting neutrons
that obliterated two-thirds of the beryllium-7 but managed to
leave the deuterium and helium alone.
Even wilder ideas exist. Perhaps some of the fundamen-
tal constants of nature, such as the speed of light or the
charge of an electron, differed during the universe’s earliest
moments. Or — most extreme of all — perhaps the disagree-
ment between theory and observation means the whole
theory is wrong: The Big Bang never happened.

The Fault in Our Stars

Given the extraordinary amount of evidence in favor of the
Big Bang, few astronomers embrace such a radical solution to
p BERYLLIUM’S NEMESIS Interactions with neutrons in the early
universe could easily convert beryllium into lithium or break it into two
the lithium problem. In fact, many are now leaning toward
helium nuclei. But almost all the lithium made this way didn’t survive, and an idea that comes not from invoking new physics but instead
most neutrons were busy being part of deuterium and helium anyway. from refuting old English literature. Contrary to the words of

24 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
William Shakespeare, the fault really does lie in our stars — Some Halo Stars Observed
specifically, in our halo stars.
Stars usually destroy lithium, because the element is frag-
by the Spites
ile. Protons split it apart once the temperature exceeds 2.5 Object Mag(v) RA Dec. Constellation
million K. The Sun has annihilated nearly all of its lithium.
HD 76932 5.9 08h 58.7m –16° 07′ Hydra
Although the solar surface is too cool to harm the element,
the outer parts of the Sun are convective. That means they HD 84937 8.3 09h 48.9m +13° 44′ Leo
bubble and boil, dragging surface material down into the hot HD 94028 8.2 10h 51.5m +20° 16′ Leo
interior, where protons destroy the lithium. HD 134169 7.7 15h 08.3m +03° 55′ Virgo
In part because of their low level of heavy elements, or HD 140283 7.2 15h 43.1m –10° 56′ Libra
metals, halo stars have thinner convective zones, so lithium
HD 194598 8.3 20h 26.2m +09° 27′ Delphinus
stays near the surface and survives. But did all of it survive?
“To me, it’s unfathomable that nature doesn’t find a way” to HD 201891 7.4 21h 12.0m +17° 43′ Pegasus
eliminate most of the lithium, says Grant Mathews (Univer- Right ascension and declination are for equinox 2000.0.

sity of Notre Dame). After all, halo stars have been around
for more than 10 billion years, during which time the lithium exceptionally low iron abundances — so pristine in their
could have sunk beneath the thin outer layer and been makeup that researchers would expect them to best reflect the
consumed by the hot interior. If so, that solves the lithium Big Bang’s composition — often have lithium levels far below
problem. “Which is too bad, because it’s also the most boring that of the Spite plateau. Astronomers have called this phe-
explanation,” says Mathews. nomenon the “meltdown” of the plateau. These extreme halo
One argument against this explanation is the Spite pla- stars have clearly found a way to erase most of their lithium.
teau: All its stars have nearly the same amount of lithium. If they have, then so, too, might all halo stars, which means
How could stars with different masses, rotation periods, we cannot assume that the Spite plateau is an imprint from
magnetic fields, and metal abundances have all removed the Big Bang nuclear reactions.
same fraction of their lithium? It’s like standing in a forest in To gauge opinions about these developments, scientists at
mid-autumn and seeing that every tree has shed exactly the a 2019 conference in Italy voted on their preferred answer
same fraction of its leaves. to the lithium problem. The winning solution? The Big
In recent years, though, astronomers have found evidence Bang nucleosynthesis calculations are fine; halo stars have
that some halo stars do destroy their lithium. In particular, destroyed two-thirds of their lithium.
astronomers have discovered that the rare halo stars with If so, then we currently have no direct measurement of
how much lithium the primordial universe produced. Some-
Lithium Level in Stars day decades hence, with advanced telescopes, astronomers
0.5 may discern this crucial number.
Primordial level
This will be extremely difficult, though, and not just
(as fraction of Sun’s birth value)

0.15 because lithium is much rarer than deuterium. The best targets
Lithium plateau
will probably be metal-poor clouds of cold gas, either in or
Lithium abundance

0.05 between galaxies. The clouds must be metal-poor so that their

composition is primordial; they must be cold because otherwise
0.015 lithium atoms lose an electron, which leads to spectral lines
that get swamped by those of hydrogen. Finally, the clouds
0.005 must lie in front of stars or quasars. Then the lithium can sig-
nal its presence by absorbing some of the background light.
0.0015 If such measurements someday succeed and show a high
primordial lithium level that agrees with Big Bang theory, the

0.0005 result will affirm the standard cosmology. On the other hand,
0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 if the two numbers still disagree, astronomers will need
Iron abundance (current solar) to seek another solution to the lithium problem. And who
knows: There’s even an outside chance that Big Bang skeptics
p SPITE PLATEAU When astronomers measure the lithium levels
of ancient stars, they find a maximum value called the Spite plateau. such as the late Fred Hoyle — who coined “Big Bang” without
Astronomers thought the plateau value revealed how much lithium Big believing in it — will have the last laugh.
Bang nucleosynthesis created, but the plateau is inexplicably lower than
updated primordial calculations. Old, extremely metal-poor stars (shown ¢ KEN CROSWELL earned his PhD from Harvard University
here) often have values far below the plateau, which potentially means
the stars have destroyed their lithium with time. Such destruction might
for observing halo stars in the Milky Way. He has written about
be the ultimate explanation for the lithium problem. (The Sun’s current Big Bang nucleosynthesis in his books The Alchemy of the
lithium level is 0.5% of its birth value.) Heavens and The Universe at Midnight.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 25

Binocular Galaxies

BY THE BEAR’S PAW Lying at a distance of some

46 million light-years in Ursa Major, NGC 2841 is the
prototype of objects known as flocculent spiral galax-
ies. These galaxies are characterized by disjointed,
fragmented spiral arms that appear patchy in images
— the patchiness is likely due to star formation. North
is up in all images unless otherwise noted.

26 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Crack out your binos and see how many
distant island universes you can spot during
mild May evenings.

ess than 15 years ago, when I first started stargazing,

L all I had to aid my observing was an old pair of 7×35

binoculars. I had no idea what they might reveal, so
every new deep-sky object I saw thrilled me — especially
galaxies. I concentrated on the Messier catalog during those
early years and let it be my guide to what I thought were all
the brightest galaxies in the sky.
As I became a better observer, however, I glimpsed a few
bright galaxies that weren’t in Charles Messier’s famous list.
This was simultaneously shocking and exhilarating because
it meant there might be many more visible of which I was
unaware. I then became obsessed with seeing all the galaxies
I could in those little 7×35s and, after many years of dedi-
cated searching, reached a grand total
of 87 galaxies!
θ In the end, I’d seen 38 galaxies
+50° brighter than magnitude 10.0 not
listed in the Messier catalog. It’s a
URSA ι stunning number because there are

Star magnitudes
κ 4 only 37 Messier galaxies that meet
5 this threshold! This revealed just how
6 many galaxies binocular observers are

7 missing if they only stick to Messier’s

list. So, on this tour, I’ll be visiting 14
+40° of those 38 “neglected” galaxies using
mostly my 8×56 and 12×60 binoculars
LMi (with true fields of view of 5.9° and
5.0°, respectively).

α 2683 North by Northwest

Let’s start with the bright but oft-
σ1 overlooked NGC 2841, which resides
σ4 σ3
near the front paw of Ursa Major. To
LEO ι find the 9.2-magnitude galaxy (which
is tilted 25° from edge-on), simply look
κ 1.8° southwest of 3rd-magnitude Theta
μ (θ) Ursae Majoris. In my 8×56 binos,
ε it’s immediately visible 5′ southwest of
CANCER an 8.5-magnitude star as an elongated
λ glow running northwest to southeast.
With my 12×60s, the galaxy’s entire
+20° glow is 6.5′ long and appears mottled.
M44 However, my 5.1-inch (130-mm) reflec-
9h 30m 9h 00m
δ tor at 27× reveals that what I’m actually
seeing is the galaxy’s bright little core,
 GALAXY TOUR along with an 11.2-magnitude star
Hop down from Ursa
involved in the northern end. When
Major through Lynx
down to Leo to find
looking at this intermediate-type spiral,
three targets for your try to keep in mind that it’s comparable
binoculars. in size to our very own Milky Way!

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 27
Double-barreled Delights

Our next target is 9.8-magnitude To find the well-known telescope tar-

NGC 2683, which lies nearly 20° get NGC 2903, drop southeast to 4th-

Star magnitudes
farther south in Lynx right along the 3 magnitude Lambda (λ) Leonis in the
border with Cancer. To get to it, I like 4 Sickle of Leo. This 9th-magnitude gal-
to start by finding 3rd-magnitude axy lies only 1.5° south of the star and
6 γ α
Alpha (α) Lyncis with my naked eye. 7
3115 is easy to see in my 8×56s. It’s physically
This can be easily accomplished by 8 similar in size to the Milky Way and in
drawing a line from Regulus, or Alpha images appears as a magnificent, barred
Leonis, northwest up to 3rd-magnitude spiral tilted about 26° from edge-on.
Epsilon (ε) Leonis and continuing λ υ2 With my 12×60s I can see a small disk
about the same distance again. With with direct vision, while it swells to
Alpha Lyncis now in your binoculars, about 6′ long with averted vision. It’s
sliding 6° a bit south of due west will υ1 –15° also mildly elongated north-south, and
bring the sought-after galaxy into view, 10h 00m 9h 40m I can glimpse an 11.5-magnitude star
along with a loose gathering of 5th- off to its south-southeast.
and 6th-magnitude stars that carry the –25°
Bayer designation Sigma (σ) Cancri. Below the Lion
Star magnitudes

With both binos, a small clump of 4
HYDRA The Polish astronomer and cartogra-
four faint stars is the first thing that 5 pher Johannes Hevelius established
catches my eyes in the target location. 6 –30° the constellation Sextans in the 17th
NGC 2683, tilted about 10° from edge- ξ century (as he did Lynx). And just like
on, is fainter and takes more effort NGC 2683, the 8.9-magnitude gal-
to spot just 0.2° north of the stellar axy NGC 3115 is the brightest in its
quartet. With the 8×56s, the galaxy is β respective constellation by more than a
a faint smudge and only with averted full magnitude.
vision can I see it as a streak. The view ι To locate it, simply slide 6.2°
doesn’t improve much with my 12×60s ANT east-northeast of yellow, 2nd-mag-
except that I can discern the galaxy’s 12h 00m 11h 30m 11h 00m nitude Alpha Hydrae until you reach
length to be about 3′. –40° Gamma (γ) Sextantis. Continuing in

NGC 3115: G A RY IM M; NGC 3521: ESO / O. M A LIY; NGC 4365: JIM THO M MES;

 THE SPINDLE The only galaxy on this tour in Sextans is the lenticular  MESMERISING SPIRAL NGC 3521 in Leo is a beauty in big instru-
NGC 3115. Of the first six galaxies visited here, it’s the only one that isn’t ments such as the European Southern Observatory’s 8-m Very Large
a member of a sparsely populated group of galaxies dubbed the “Leo Telescope in Chile where this image was taken. But you can neverthe-
Spur.” The image is the view with a 5.1-inch (130-mm) scope. less enjoy the sight in your binoculars.

28 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
the galaxies NGC 4365 and NGC 3521 in the +10° ι
adjacent constellations of Virgo and Leo. ο
 ANCIENT LIGHT NGC 4365 is the most

Star magnitudes
4365 3
distant object in this sampling of springtime ν LEO 4
galaxies, lying 74 million light-years away in the σ 5
constellation Virgo. The sketch shows the 4° bin- + 5°
ocular field of view, with M49 above center and M61 7
NGC 4365 toward the right edge of the circle, as 8
well as NGC 4526 and NGC 4535 toward the
left edge. The image below, taken with a 6-inch
(152-mm) Newtonian at f/4.8, zooms into the 3521
area around NGC 4365 and spans some 1.3°. 0°
Asteroid 535 Montague serendipitously visited
γ 69

the field in 2019 and appears as a short streak η

12h 30m 12h 00m 11h 30m 11h 00m
above NGC 4365.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 29
Double-barreled Delights

the same direction for another 3.2°  TRICKLE OF TARGETS A sextet of galax-
13h 00m 12h 30m
will bring you to the brightest (con- ies awaits you in your exploration from Coma
to Canes.
firmed) lenticular galaxy in the sky,
which immediately looks like an out- southerly object ever discovered by Wil-
of-focus star in my 8×56 binos. Upon CANES VENATICI 4449
liam Herschel. To see it, though, you’ll
closer inspection, I can see two faint need to be able to reach down to the
stars of magnitudes 10.5 and 11.1 east M63 4th-magnitude stars Xi (ξ) and Beta
M94 β 4490
of the galaxy. (β) Hydrae at the very bottom of the
With my 12×60s the famous +40° Water Snake’s belly.
Spindle Galaxy, as it’s also known, has α NGC 3621 lies 3¼° west-southwest
a high-surface-brightness core that of Xi Hydrae. It’s noticeable in my
appears out-of-round. It’s here that the 4214 8×56s thanks to its relatively large
nearest billion-solar-mass black hole disk, which is a smooth glow elon-

Star magnitudes
to Earth lurks. I see diffuse extensions 3 gated north-south. With my 12×60s,
protruding to the northeast and south- 4 the galaxy spans nearly 12′ and has a
west, making it appear a good 4′ long. 4631 10.3-magnitude star off its southwest-
This galaxy really looks like a brighter 7 ern edge. NGC 3621 is about 80,000
version of NGC 2683. 8 37 COMA light-years across and in photographs
Each object we’ve visited so far has B E R E N I C E S +30° appears as a loosely wound spiral galaxy
been farther south than the previous β tilted 23° from edge-on.
one, and our next target continues 31 Among the galaxies on our tour,
this trend. In fact, 9.7-magnitude NGC 3521 in Leo was actually the first
NGC 3621 in Hydra was the most 4725 +25° one discovered — by William Herschel



 ONE-ARMED BEAUTY NGC 4725 is a rare example of a one-armed spiral galaxy that we see tilted halfway from edge-on to face-on. Two spirals
bracket it: NGC 4747 (also known as Arp 159) sits above left, while NGC 4712 floats below right. The image was taken with a 14-inch f/9.5 telescope.

30 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
all the way back in February 1784. To find this 9th-magnitude
object, you’ll need to star-hop down the hind leg of the Lion
until you reach 4th-magnitude Sigma Leonis, then continue
south-southwestward another 6.4° before reaching 5.4-mag-
nitude 69 Leonis. The galaxy lies exactly 2° due west and
in my 8×56 binos looks like an out-of-focus star about 10′
northwest of a 7.9-magnitude star.
In images like the one on page 28, NGC 3521 is a mesmer-
izing spiral galaxy tilted only about 24° from edge-on. With
my 12×60s, it has a bright little center that gradually fades out
and a barely detectable north-south elongation to its disk.

Skipping Over the Cluster

The area of sky shared by Virgo and Leo harbors numerous
galaxies bright enough for binoculars. Most are members
of the well-known Virgo Cluster, but a few aren’t — and
NGC 4365, at magnitude 9.6, is the brightest of those. Luck-
ily, it’s not too hard to find since it lies just 1.5° southwest of
8th-magnitude M49 and has 10th-magnitude stars on either
side of it, at equal separations of 14′.
Interestingly, NGC 4365 and M49 are both giant ellip-
tical galaxies comparable in size and mass to each other.
However, NGC 4365 lies 20 million light-years behind M49.
Yet even at that distance the galaxy is still visible in my
8×56s as a distinctly nonstellar glow! Turning my 12×60s
towards it only reveals a bright core. NGC 4365 is very
simple looking and reminds me of countless other galaxies
I’ve seen in binoculars.
Like most of the constellations on this tour, Coma Ber-
 THE NEEDLE Edge-on spiral NGC 4565 is only one of more than two
enices has plenty of galaxies bright enough for binoculars. dozen galaxies bright enough for binoculars in Coma Berenices.
But unbeknownst to many (including Charles Messier and
his contemporaries), the galaxy tied for third brightest in just a dim, extremely thin sliver of light. In the 12×60s, I can
the constellation is the 9.4-magnitude beauty NGC 4725. detect the Needle stretching out to an impressive 9′ in length.
To find it, start at the naked-eye “corner” star Beta Comae What’s truly incredible is that the extent of NGC 4565’s disk
Berenices before sliding west nearly 5° to the ½°-wide pair stretches 50% beyond that of the Milky Way’s.
of faint, naked-eye stars 30 and 31 Comae Berenices. You
should spot the galaxy 2° south from there and just west of The Dog House
a nearly vertical isosceles triangle of mostly 9th- and 10th- Our next galaxy is an arresting sight in any size binocu-
magnitude stars. lars and way more impressive than the previous object.
In my 8×56s, NGC 4725 appears bright and distinctly NGC 4631 lies along the southern border of Canes Venatici.
nonstellar. With my 12×60 binos I can see that the galaxy’s To find it go back to Beta Comae then slide a bit less than 4°
halo is gently elongated northeast to southwest and mea- northwest to 4.9-magnitude 37 Comae before continuing in
sures 6′ long. It has a smooth gradient all the way down to a roughly the same direction for another 4.2°.
stellar core. I can glimpse an 11.6-magnitude star 6′ to the In my 8×56s, NGC 4631 is a bright and distinct slash run-
northwest and an 11.5-magnitude star 10′ to the southwest. ning east to west with the dimmer slash of NGC 4656 only
NGC 4725 is possibly larger than our own Milky Way and a ½° southeast. In the 12×60s, NGC 4631 spans an impressive
transition galaxy between a normal and a barred spiral. 12′, with the western end slightly brighter and broader. In
Not far outside the naked-eye Coma Cluster (this open fact, this broadening has led many telescope users to see it as
star cluster is also known as Melotte 111) is one of the most a gray whale swimming eastward. Despite its unusual appear-
difficult spiral galaxies I’ve ever seen in 7×35 binoculars. ance, it’s actually just an edge-on barred spiral galaxy that’s a
Cataloged as NGC 4565 but popularly known as the Needle little smaller than our Milky Way.
Galaxy, it lies a mere 3.2° west-northwest of our last target. The second-brightest star in Canes Venatici is 4th-magni-

Even with the extra aperture of my 8×56 binos, the almost tude Beta Canum Venaticorum, and it will be our jumping-
perfectly edge-on, magnitude-9.6 spiral isn’t an easy catch. It off point for the next three targets. The first is 9.8-magni-
lies 0.2° north-northwest of 9.1-magnitude HD 109718 and is tude NGC 4490, which couldn’t be easier to locate as it lies

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 31
Double-barreled Delights

 NEAR AND FAR The author serendipitously observed Comet ATLAS (C/2020 R4) in the same
field as the barred spiral NGC 4631 in 2021 (right). The comet had undergone an outburst about
10 days prior, causing it to brighten by nearly a full magnitude. The image above (taken with the
same scope as in the image on page 29) shows NGC 4631, also known as the Whale Galaxy, with its
close companion NGC 4627, as well as the interacting pair NGC 4656 and NGC 4657 (lower left).

a mere ½° northwest of the star. It’s a barely nonstellar glow nitude. Once found, it strongly resembles a globular cluster
in my 8×56 binos with an 11.2-magnitude star just south of (as I see them with the 8×56s) since it’s just a diffuse, round
it. With the extra magnification of my 12×60s, I see a tiny spot with no central brightening. My 12×60 binos show it to
triangle of 11th-magnitude stars 12′ be a 7′-wide galaxy of even brightness.
north of the galaxy. Those binoculars I can also tell that it’s slightly out-of-
14h 00m 13h 30m 13h 00m
also reveal the galaxy’s east-to-west –35° round and a touch longer north-south
elongation and a uniformly high sur- than east-west.
face brightness. CENTAURUS Classified as a dwarf starburst
To get to our next object, NGC 4214 galaxy, NGC 4214 is so small (23,000
(also magnitude 9.8), find Beta Canum –40° light-years across) that the only reason
Venaticorum again and drop about ν it’s visible in binoculars is because it
3° south-southwest to 5th-magnitude lies a mere 10 million light-years away.
6 Canum Venaticorum. Continuing in However, it’s this proximity that makes
Star magnitudes

that same direction for another 3½° 3
it quite a fascinating study in large
will bring the galaxy into view. 4 ζ 5139 telescopes (S&T: May 2021, p. 22).
With my 8×56s, NGC 4214 is 5 The final galaxy we’re going to
tough to spot as it lies in a field devoid
6 γ scare up with the help of the Hunting
of any stars brighter than 9th mag- Dogs is NGC 4449. It lies almost 3°

32 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
north-northwest of Beta Canum Venaticorum, or about
midway to M106. In fact, for years I unknowingly passed
over NGC 4449 on my way to the brighter Messier! When
I did finally pay it a visit, I was shocked to find it noticeably
brighter than its listed magnitude of 9.6. With both my 8×56
and 12×60 binos, NGC 4449 offers a diffuse, 3′-wide glow
that only with concentration reveals a bright center.
Like NGC 4214 before it, NGC 4449 is also a dwarf gal-
axy that also lies relatively nearby, at a distance of around
13 million light-years. Another similarity is that both have
several bright star-forming regions to delight owners of
double-digit telescopes.

One Last Thing

The final stop on our tour is not only the brightest at magni-
tude 6.8 but also the most southerly. Known as Centaurus A,
 IRREGULAR DWARF GALAXY Look for NGC 4449 in the western
the enigmatic galaxy NGC 5128 only culminates at an eleva- reaches of Canes Venatici. The reddish regions are evidence of ongoing
tion of 11° from my location in northern Arkansas. It isn’t star formation, while bluish white clusters of hot massive stars are scat-
hard to find, though, when the grand globular cluster Omega tered throughout. This image was taken with a 5.5-inch (140-mm) refractor.
Centauri (NGC 5139) is also visible, since the galaxy lies just
4.5° due north. Each galaxy on this tour is an amazing sight in binocu-
I can find the galaxy in my 7×35s without too much work, lars — but if you have a telescope, don’t hesitate to point it at
and it appears in my 8×56s as a soft, moderately sized glow. these marvelous objects. Nevertheless, I hope I’ve encouraged
I can also see three roughly 10th-magnitude stars spaced 10′ you to use your binoculars just a little bit more next time
apart below it. Turning my 12×60s towards it, I can discern you’re out observing.
the galaxy’s round glow out to 6′ even though its cataloged
dimensions are more than four times as large. Sadly, I can ¢ SCOTT HARRINGTON is an avid user of handheld binocu-
only detect the wide dust lane that so famously crosses lars and has seen more than two-thirds of the Astronomical
NGC 5128 laterally with effort in my 5.1-inch reflector. League’s Herschel 400 observing program in 8×56s.

Double-Barreled Delights
Object Constellation Brightness Mag(v) Dist (M l-y) Size/Sep RA Dec.
NGC 2841 Ursa Major 12.7 9.2 46 8.1′ × 3.5′ 09h 22.0m +50° 59′
NGC 2683 Lynx 12.9 9.8 29 9.3′ × 2.1′ 08h 52.7m +33° 25′
NGC 2903 Leo 13.5 9.0 30 12.6′ × 6.0′ 09h 32.2m +21° 30′
NGC 3115 Sextans 11.9 8.9 33 7.2′ × 2.4′ 10h 05.2m –07° 43′
NGC 3621 Hydra 14.3 9.7 22 12.3′ × 6.8′ 11h 18.3m –32° 49′
NGC 3521 Leo 13.2 9.0 40 11.2′ × 5.4′ 11h 05.8m –00° 02′
NGC 4365 Virgo 13.4 9.6 74 6.9′ × 5.0′ 12h 24.5m +07° 19′
NGC 4725 Coma Berenices 14.0 9.4 42 10.7′ × 7.6′ 12h 50.4m +25° 30′
NGC 4565 Coma Berenices 13.3 9.6 41 15.8′ × 2.1′ 12h 36.3m +25° 59′
NGC 4631 Canes Venatici 13.1 9.2 24 15.2′ × 2.8′ 12h 42.1m +32° 32′
NGC 4490 Canes Venatici 12.9 9.8 28 6.4′ × 3.2′ 12h 30.6m +41° 39′
NGC 4214 Canes Venatici 14.0 9.8 10 8.0′ × 6.6′ 12h 15.6m +36° 20′
NGC 4449 Canes Venatici 13.0 9.6 13 6.2′ × 4.4′ 12h 28.2m +44° 06′
NGC 5128 Centaurus 13.5 6.8 12 25.7′ × 20.0′ 13h 25.5m –43° 01′

Angular sizes are from recent catalogs. Visually, an object’s size is often smaller than the cataloged value and varies according to the aperture and magnification
of the viewing instrument. Right ascension and declination are for equinox 2000.0.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 33

A New A broken comet might

produce a surprise display
at the end of May.

Meteor Shower?
n the night of May 2, 1930, German astronomers nebula seen edgewise” occupying the center of the coma.

O Friedrich Carl Arnold Schwassmann and Arno

Arthur Wachmann were on the hunt for new aster-
oids at the Hamburg Observatory. On this night, however,
Notes the highly regarded comet expert John Bortle, “This
may have been the first time a comet’s solid nucleus had
been glimpsed.”
one of their photographic plates instead recorded the image Although SW3 orbits the Sun every 5.4 years, no one saw
of a new comet — the third such find for the two astrono- it again for nearly five decades. Between 1935 and 1974, the
mers (the others were in 1927 and 1929). comet came and went eight times without being observed, and
After its discovery, Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann it wasn’t spotted again until March 1979. Its January 1985
3 as it’s now known (and abbreviated in this article to SW3) return was missed, but it was recovered again early in 1990
moved with increasing speed northeast across the constella- during its best apparition since 1930. This time the comet
tion Hercules. Japanese astronomer Tosio Watanabe derived peaked at magnitude 9 as it passed 0.3661 a.u. from Earth.
an orbit showing that it would pass only 0.0617 a.u. (9.23
million kilometers) from Earth on May 31st that year. Such a A “New” Comet Returns
close approach suggested that the comet might briefly become In mid-October 1995, the Central Bureau for Astronomical
a spectacular sight. But, alas, it didn’t. Even at its clos- Telegrams suddenly began receiving “numerous reports from
est, SW3 never got much brighter than 7th magnitude and observers worldwide of independent discoveries” of a comet
sprouted a rather stubby, faint tail only about ½° long. verging on naked-eye visibility and sporting a dust tail 1°
The comet was hardly a significant solar system object, long, low in the western evening twilight.
measuring only around 1.3 kilometers (0.81 miles) across. But this wasn’t a new comet at all — it was SW3.
Despite its diminutive size, Belgian-American astronomer Its appearance was astonishing, because during this return
George Van Biesbroeck, scrutinizing it with the 40-inch SW3 never came closer to Earth than 1.311 a.u. (on October
refractor at Yerkes Observatory, could see a minute, spindle- 17th). By all rights, the comet should have peaked at mag-
shaped body that “presented some resemblance to a spiral nitude 12. And yet there it was, shining 400 times brighter
than expected. What caused this tremendous outburst?
Above plane of solar system Observations made in December that year at the European
Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile, showed that the
comet’s tiny nucleus had apparently fractured into four parts
Jupiter designated A, B, C, and D. The comet was again quite bright
on its next visit, in the autumn of 2000. Two of the frag-
73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
ments (B and C) made the return trip together with a third

Mercury one (a companion to C), which was first spotted late in 1996.

In the spring of 2006, the disintegrating comet made
Sun another appearance. On April 18th, the Hubble Space
Telescope recorded 58 fragments, and between May 4th
s te m
Below plane of solar sy and 6th, astronomers using the Spitzer Space Telescope’s
Infrared Array Camera imaged 45 of the pieces. In all, SW3
 CIRCLING THE SUN SW3 is a member of Jupiter’s comet family —
ultimately broke into more than 68 bits, the largest of which
a group of about 400 short-period comets with aphelia near the giant
planet’s orbit. SW3’s orbital period is 5.4 years, and it arrived at aphelion
passed closest to Earth on May 12th at a distance of 0.0782
in late December 2019, some 5.213 a.u. from the Sun. The comet’s next a.u., with two smaller chunks coming even closer (see S&T:
perihelion occurs on August 25th this year. May 2006, p. 60).

34 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
One of the year’s richest, most
reliable meteor showers is the Gemi-
nids in December, pictured in this
composite photo of the 2021 display.
Debris shed by SW3 may produce a
similar spectacle at the end of May
— or perhaps nothing at all.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 35
Observing Opportunity

October 2011 marked yet another unfavorable apparition Herculis, lending the potential display its moniker the Tau
for SW3, and on the comet’s most recent return in March Herculids. Supposedly, around the time when the shower was
2017, it showed signs that it was continuing to break apart predicted to take place, a brief bevy of faint (4th- and 5th-
and shed new pieces. magnitude) meteors was reported by a lone Japanese observer
who claimed to possess “very sensitive eyes.” However, the
Comet Crumbs credibility of the observations seems doubtful considering
A disintegrating comet with an orbit that comes very close to that he was viewing during a nearly full Moon and through
Earth suggests that a new meteor shower could be spawned. a layer of high clouds. No other reports surfaced, so it’s
And this wouldn’t be the first time our planet interacted with unlikely that an outburst in 1930 actually took place. Tau
the dross of a broken comet. The most famous case is the Herculid activity in the years that followed ranged from non-
breakup of Comet Biela (in 1842 or early 1843) and its asso- existent to sparse.
ciation with spectacular Andromedid meteor storms occur- Now, because of the ongoing fragmentation of SW3, we
ring in 1872 and 1885 (S&T: Nov. 2020, p. 58). The question could once again consider the prospects for a new meteor
is, should we hope for a similar performance resulting from shower. Could this be the year?
the recent breakup of SW3?
Shortly after the comet’s discovery in 1930, scientists Modelling Meteors
considered this possibility. Among them, Japanese astrono- Three independent studies investigated the likelihood of a
mer Yoshitsugu Shibata forecasted that a meteor shower new SW3 meteor shower occurring this year at the end of
might occur as Earth passed close to the comet’s descending May. A team from the University of Western Ontario led by
node on June 9th that year. The assumed radiant was located astronomer Paul Wiegert studied the material shed by SW3
in northern Hercules, near the 4th-magnitude star Tau (τ) when it first split in 1995. Their research uses a computer

 FLIGHTS OF FANCY Artistic license may have been employed in this depiction of the Andromedid meteor storm of November 27, 1872. The
display arose from the breakup of Comet Biela. Could the fracturing of Comet 73P/Schwassmann–Wachmann 3 (SW3) generate some kind of meteor
activity this May? Computer modeling suggests it’s possible.


36 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
simulation for the formation and evolution of comet dust
trails developed in 2004 by Jérémie Vaubaillon at the Institute
for Celestial Mechanics and Computation of Ephemerides in
Paris, France. This model takes into account comets such as
SW3 that orbit at heliocentric distances of less than 3 a.u.
and that ultimately produce clouds of dusty debris.
The bits that crumble off a comet’s nucleus spread out
along its orbit (both ahead and behind) and in time form a
thin, ribbonlike sheet mostly confined to the comet’s orbital
plane. Whenever Earth cuts through this plane fairly close to
the comet’s path, we have a chance for a meteor shower.
Vaubaillon’s model simulates the evolution of a number of
dust trails going back to the year 1801, each resulting from
debris shed during a particular swing by the Sun. Wiegert’s
study predicts meteor activity originating from SW3 occur-
ring around May 30–31, 2022 — but not from particles
released during the 1995 apparition; rather, from those cre- BIG BREAKUP The Infrared Array Camera on board the Spitzer
ated during pre-discovery apparitions in 1892 and 1897. A Space Telescope recorded this image of SW3 on May 4–6,
maximum zenithal hourly rate (ZHR, the number of meteors 2006. The brightest fragment at the upper right of the track
a single observer would see under ideal conditions with the is designated C, while fragment B is below and left of center.
Spitzer’s infrared view also captures the trail of dust left be-
radiant directly overhead) of around 10 is possible from these
hind as the comet deteriorated during perihelion passages in
19th-century particles. 1995 and 2001.
However, two other studies arrived at a different and more
exciting outcome. In Germany, a group headed by meteor
astronomer Hartwig Lüthen, and another team in Japan to be much higher than normal. Second, the particles making
led by researcher Shun Horii, have both come to the same up most of the annual meteor showers are extremely small,
conclusion: This year Earth will, in fact, directly encounter ranging in size from sand grains to specks of dust with the
material released when SW3 split in 1995. consistency of cigar ash. But when a comet nucleus breaks
The teams considered two important factors. First, the up, some particles probably will be much larger, ranging
brightness spike that occurred in early October 1995 was upward in size from gravel to nugget-size pieces and quite
likely due to a sudden and massive expulsion of dust. In such possibly even bigger. Where such large particles end up along
an unusual situation, particle ejection velocities are presumed the comet’s orbit depends in part on the spin of the comet’s

Fragment B Fragment G
April 18, 2006 April 18, 2006

 HST VIEW The Hubble Space Telescope imaged the continuing breakup of SW3 in 2006. As this pair of photos shows, each large fragment was in
the process of generating numerous, smaller “mini-fragments.”

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 37
Observing Opportunity

nucleus and the location of the outgassing regions on it.

Small particles trail the comet and are pushed away more 2017
rapidly by the pressure of sunlight regardless of the direction
in which they leave the nucleus. Larger particles, however, 2011
are not affected by solar radiation. That’s why the Lüthen and
Horii teams didn’t take the effects of radiation pressure into
account in their calculations.
The large particle sizes combined with the high ejection
velocities of the debris produced in 1995 could mean that Dust trails
material has migrated to a position forward of the comet. 2001
Both models calculate that the presence of particles leading
the comet is necessary for a meteor outburst this month. May 31, 0 h UT
(SW3 itself will not arrive at the descending node of its
orbit until nearly three months later — long after Earth has 1995
moved on.)
it o
u DEBRIS STREAMS This diagram shows the location of the cometary f Ea June 1, 0 h UT
dust trails generated in 1995, 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2017. The shape of
each trail is assumed to be like a tube whose diameter is 0.001 a.u. On 0.005 a.u.
May 31st UT, the dust trail ejected in 1995 is forecast to approach Earth
as near as 0.00038 a.u.

COMETARY PAIR This stunning

sequence of images shows SW3
fragments B and C during the
comet’s 2006 return.
May 26, 2006

May 28, 2006

May 30, 2006



June 1, 2006

38 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
“The display is especially promising,” notes Lüthen. “The
disintegration of SW3 in 1995 should have introduced a lot Possible SW3 Meteor Shower
May 31, 5:00 UT
of dust particles into the trail.” And Horii adds: “The dust
trail ejected in 1995 will closely approach the Earth; meteors
due to this dust trail are highly expected in 2022.” CANES
A Meteor Wild Card BOÖTES
Determining the potential intensity of a 2022 display of SW3
meteors is difficult, primarily because Earth hasn’t interacted
with the 1995 meteoroid stream previously. However, other
SW3 debris trails may have produced meteors. Radiant
On June 2, 2011, NASA Cameras for All-sky Meteor
Surveillance in California (CAMS) photographed three SW3
meteors, and on May 30–31, 2017, between 23:39 and 00:45 Arcturus
UTC, CAMS captured five more. Lüthen had forecasted pos-
sible activity for both these years. Dust trails shed by SW3
in 1952 and 1941 generated the 2011 and 2017 meteors,
respectively. At the time, scientists considered both predic-
tions somewhat doubtful since the respective distances VIRGO
between Earth and the debris trails were fairly large (0.0013
and 0.0011 a.u.).  LOOK HERE-ISH The radiant “point” for a possible meteor outburst at
Without taking into account the breakup of SW3’s around 5h UT (1 a.m, EDT) on May 31st could measure several degrees
nucleus, we might expect a potential ZHR of around 14 in diameter. The radiant’s altitude during the display depends on your
this year. However, the 1995 trail Earth encounters this location (see map below).
year could very well include a thick concentration of debris
discharged in the wake of the comet’s fracturing. Just very slow velocity of the SW3 fragments as they enter Earth’s
how much thicker, and what this contribution ultimately atmosphere. The Leonids are swiftest of all with velocities of
means in terms of overall meteor numbers, is something of 72 km/s as they collide head-on with Earth. By comparison,
a wild card. material from SW3 will arrive at around 16 km/s — practi-
A tenfold increase would suggest rates of 140 meteors per cally the slowest of all known shower meteoroids.
hour — a strong outburst that would translate into a display This is due to the fact that pieces in the debris stream are
similar to the annual Geminid or Quadrantid showers. But moving in the same general direction as Earth and must,
a 100-fold increase might mean a full-fledged meteor storm! therefore, catch up to our planet.
As for how long any potential outburst might last, it’s The low velocity of the SW3 meteoroids will likely
likely to be very brief — perhaps not more than result in either a display that predominantly
a few hours. It’ll pay to be on high alert the comprises faint meteors or one that’s only
night of the display. detectable with radio or radar. On the
other hand, if some of the associ-
Sluggish Streaks ated meteoroids end up being
In addition to the predicted ZHR much larger than usual, that
of this possible new display, the could offset their slow speeds
other factor to consider is the and make for a rather bright


meteor shower.
u RADIANT ALTITUDE This map 70° As a comparison, accounts
shows the visibility of a potential of the Bielid meteors of 1872
meteor outburst and is based on 60° describe them as primarily
the assumption that peak activity
“slow, faint and evanescent,”
will occur close to 5h UT on May 50°
31st. The apparent altitude of the
but some exceeded 1st mag-
radiant is presented as concentric 40° nitude, often appearing “red,
circles at 10° intervals. Also plotted with trains of orange sparks.”
are zones for civil twilight (Sun 0° to 6° 30° And during the weak Tau

below the horizon), nautical twilight (6°

Herculid shower of 2011, assidu-
to 12° below the horizon), and astronomi- 20°
cal twilight (12° to 18° below the horizon).
ous Canadian meteor observer
From the Baja Peninsula, Mexico, the radiant is Pierre Martin reported seeing a “sin-
directly overhead at the appointed time. 0° gle gorgeous Tau Herculid” of magnitude

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 39
Observing Opportunity

FIRST FIND German astronomers Friedrich Carl Arnold Schwassmann and Arno Arthur Wachmann together discovered four periodic comets (the
fourth was a shared discovery with famed American amateur astronomer Leslie Peltier). This composite photo shows their first find, Comet 29P/
Schwassmann–Wachmann 1 as it drifted westward through southern Auriga last autumn. The object reaches perihelion again in 2035.

–1 and golden-yellow in color that left behind “a thick wake.” 30th, there will be no interference from moonlight on the
Could that be a preview of what we might see this year? night of the possible SW3 meteor shower.

Planning Your Observing Session Final Thoughts

Up until now, debris trailing behind SW3 produced the I’m excited to see what happens, though I have to admit I
meteors in the Tau Herculid displays. However, our forecast won’t be holding my breath. Meteor showers are notoriously
for 2022 includes meteoroids traveling ahead of the comet. fickle, and it’s possible that nothing at all will occur at the
The result is a radiant positioned not in Hercules but within appointed time. There’s also a possibility that these meteor-
the boundaries of the constellation Boötes, about 6° north- oids could rapidly disintegrate as they enter our atmosphere,
northwest of Arcturus, as shown in the chart on page 39. rendering them faint or invisible. But the youthful nature
The timing of the peak is for May 31st at around 5h UT of the outburst material makes it seem like a good bet that
(1 a.m. EDT, or 10 p.m. PDT on May 30th), which means a there’ll be some activity.
large portion of the contiguous United States, south-central And if historical patterns are any guide, we’re long over-
and eastern Canada (including the Maritime Provinces), due for an event such as this. Over the last couple of centu-
Mexico, Central America, South America, and a small slice ries, it seems that a new, strong shower emerges seemingly
of West Africa are well-positioned to view the event. In from nowhere with some frequency. Particularly noteworthy
the U.S. the radiant’s altitude ranges from around 50° in were the Lyrids in 1803, the Andromedids in 1872 and 1885,
eastern New England to 80° or higher and the Draconids in 1933 and 1946. We
in southern California and the Desert haven’t had a surprise meteor shower
Southwest. pop up in quite a while. Maybe 2022 is
Across parts of the Pacific Northwest,
Digging Deeper finally the year.
the northern Rockies, and Great Plains, The more technically I’ll be outside watching. Will you?
inclined reader looking
as well as a slice of the Canadian Prai-
for additional information
ries, northern Ontario, central Quebec, ¢ Contributing Editor JOE RAO has been
about this May’s potential
most of Newfoundland and Labrador, the meteor shower can peruse
writing about meteors for Sky & Telescope
peak is expected to rise during astro- a research paper the author for nearly 30 years. He thanks David Ash-
nomical twilight, but the sky should still penned for the International er, John Bortle, Peter Brown, Gary Kronk,

be sufficiently dark for sighting bright Meteor Organization at: Robert Lunsford, Junichi Watanabe, and
meteors. Paul Wiegert for their expert assistance in
Since the new Moon occurs on May the preparation of this article.

40 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
May 2022

1 DAWN: Kick the month off by 7 DUSK: The almost-first-quarter 24 MORNING: Jupiter and Mars rise
sighting the tight pairing of Venus Moon is positioned around 3°° north of together in the east, accompanied by
and Jupiter as they climb in the east- the Beehive Cluster (M44) in Cancer; the waning crescent Moon 7°° right of
southeast before sunrise; only ½°° bring binoculars. the pair.
separates the duo. Turn to page 46 for
more on this and other events listed 9 DUSK: The Moon, one day past 25 DAWN: Jupiter, Mars, and the
here. first quarter, gleams in Leo. Roughly Moon form a compact grouping in
4½°° separates it from the Lion’s the east-southeast. As the trio climb
2 DUSK: Aldebaran, the waxing brightest star, Regulus. higher, Venus rises in the east.
crescent Moon, Mercury, and the
Pleiades arc gracefully above the west- 13 EVENING: Continuing its trek 27 DAWN: Look east to find the thin
northwestern horizon. along the ecliptic, the waxing gibbous lunar crescent 3½°° below left of Venus.
Moon visits Virgo and sits 4°° upper left Catch this sight before sunrise washes
6 MORNING: The Eta Aquariid of Spica. it away.
meteor shower peaks. While it favors
the Southern Hemisphere, viewers in 15 EVENING: Much of North America 29 DAWN: A mere ½°° separates
the southern U.S. could catch some and all of South America will witness Jupiter from Mars as they adorn the
Eta Aquariids. The waxing crescent a total eclipse of the Moon, provided east-southeastern horizon.
Moon sets before the radiant rises; see skies are clear (see page 48). — DIANA HANNIKAINEN
page 49 for details.
16 EVENING: Look toward the The spiral galaxy NGC 3621 in Hydra is
curious in that it has no central bulge, as
6 DUSK: Find the lunar crescent southeast to see the Moon, just past
shown in this image taken with the European
some 2½°° left of Pollux in Gemini. full, rise in tandem with Antares; about Southern Observatory’s MPG/ESO 2.2-meter
Follow the pair as they sink toward the 2°° separates the pair. telescope at La Silla Observatory, Chile. To
west-northwestern horizon with Castor learn more about other galaxies visible in
on their right. 22 MORNING: Early risers will be May’s skies, turn to page 26. ESO / JOE DEPASQUALE
greeted by the delightful sight in the
southeast of the last-quarter Moon
hanging 5°° below Saturn.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 41
Lunar Almanac
Northern Hemisphere Sky Chart
D Ga
aVr uobul G
O i b laal
pOe bial elest xayxy
aar β
18 Gl p e
b sa
D n
oGbl fuiffsu ecnlc lestsa trar
e u

22 h
Pl ubl o s tra
an aurl enen sutset r
l M52
et acrl beub rer Fa ε δ
ar uclsu luala ci
ne tsetre n ζ
bu r


la µ

16 ε α
Yellow dots indicate

which part of the β


Moon’s limb is tipped
the most toward Earth


Cr rth

by libration.

os er

s n


May 3




β AC Dipper


O Little





γ β





β Th

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 an


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 +60°
& Alcor


15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ζ


Facing East


22 23 24 25 26 27 28



29 30 31 α



S (C








EN )







May 9 May 16 M5

00:21 UT 04:14 UT



a y

May 22 May 30 γ BR
Moon A α
18:43 UT 11:30 UT -1 Spica
May 15 α



May 5, 13h UT




405,285 km Diameter 29′ 29″






Perigee May 17, 15h UT g 16h


360,301 km Diameter 33′ 10″ Planet location CEN
shown for mid-month PU RUS
• Marinus Crater May 3 –40°
Go out within an hour of a time listed to the right.
• Neumayer Crater May 4 Turn the map around so the yellow label for the
direction you’re facing is at the bottom. That’s 13
• Schluter Crater May 16 the horizon. The center of the map is overhead.
• Main Crater May 18 Ignore the parts of the map above horizons
you’re not facing. Exact for latitude 40°N. Facing

42 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Facing M3 CVn
+60° γ
δ r
ste α
CAS Clu le S
o u b EU


ε PE
g M64

a ci
v i ew

lla lar



5 ° bi n
+80° RD


EL M M53
CA α







M91 M88


M81 Binocular Highlight by Mathew Wedel





y 5s

Comparing Clusters


Close to Coma
Big ξ

URSA or a small constellation with no stars brighter
Facing West than 4th magnitude, Coma Berenices, or

Berenice’s Hair, has a lot to offer: one of the finest


β nearby open clusters (see S&T: Apr. 2019, p. 43);


galaxies galore in the Coma-Virgo Cluster; and an



ay n

M oo


V E N AT I C I easy-to-find globular cluster, Messier 53. First locate



4.3-magnitude Alpha (α) Comae Berenices, the star




also known by the beautiful name of Diadem. Almost



exactly 1° to the northeast you should spot 8th-mag-


+20° nitude M53 as a round, fuzzy glow. Like all globular


R clusters, it’s just a blob of fluff, even in my 15×70


IC A T binos. As usual with such objects, the romance is in



Cluster I P E Q the mind: taking in the combined light of hundreds
L of thousands of stars that shine back at us across a



distance of 58,000 light-years from the diffuse galac-



tic halo of the Milky Way.



2 One of my favorite observing pastimes is compar-


ing objects in the sky. Messier 3 is another glob in


the same neighborhood that’s often mentioned in


US δ the same breath as M53 (turn to page 54 for more on


γ this cluster). M3 is over the border in Canes Venatici,

δ α
–20° A TE the Hunting Dogs, but it’s an easy star-hop from
CR Coma Berenices. Draw a line from Gamma (γ) Comae
α Berenices, past Beta (β), and onward a little less than
7° to the east, where M3 gleams at 6th magnitude.

α h M3 and M53 are similar in intrinsic brightness, but


10 n
aci M3 is only about half as far away from us, at 33,000
IA F light-years. So the difference in brightness between
AN USE THE MAP the two clusters is mostly a function of their differing
Late March 2 a.m.* distances, and by comparing them we can start to get
Early April 1 a.m.* a feel for the grand scale of the galaxy. Now that’s a
Late April Midnight* view worth seeking out.
3h Early May 11 p.m.* ¢ MATT WEDEL is obsessed with exploring the Milky
Late May Nightfall Way Galaxy, starting with the mountains and deserts
g South *Daylight-saving time of southern California from which he observes.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 43
Planetary Almanac

PLANET VISIBILITY (40°N, naked-eye, approximate) Mercury visible at dusk until

the 9th • Venus low in the east at dawn all month • Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn visible at
dawn all month.

May Sun & Planets
Date Right Ascension Declination Elongation Magnitude Diameter Illumination Distance

Sun 1 2h 31.6m +14° 55′ — –26.8 31′ 45″ — 1.007

May 1 11 21 31
31 4h 30.2m +21° 50′ — –26.8 31′ 33″ — 1.014

Venus Mercury 1 3h 51.5m +22° 56′ 20° Ev +0.4 8.2″ 33% 0.815

11 4h 09.0m +22° 39′ 15° Ev +2.6 10.6″ 10% 0.633

21 3h 55.8m +19° 21′ 2° Ev — 12.2″ 0% 0.552

31 3h 38.8m +15° 59′ 13° Mo +3.2 11.5″ 7% 0.585

1 16 31 Venus 1 23h 54.0m –2° 05′ 43° Mo –4.1 16.7″ 68% 0.999

11 0h 36.6m +2° 05′ 41° Mo –4.1 15.6″ 71% 1.073

Mars 21 1h 19.8m +6° 20′ 39° Mo –4.0 14.6″ 74% 1.144

31 2h 04.0m +10° 27′ 37° Mo –4.0 13.8″ 78% 1.213

1 16 31 Mars 1 22h 54.8m –8° 36′ 59° Mo +0.9 5.7″ 89% 1.629

16 23h 36.9m –4° 18′ 62° Mo +0.8 6.1″ 88% 1.545

31 0h 18.1m +0° 03′ 65° Mo +0.7 6.4″ 87% 1.463

Jupiter 1 23h 53.2m –1° 54′ 43° Mo –2.1 34.8″ 100% 5.665

31 0h 13.9m +0° 14′ 66° Mo –2.2 37.2″ 99% 5.292

Saturn 1 21h 46.5m –14° 30′ 76° Mo +0.9 16.5″ 100% 10.083

31 21h 50.4m –14° 16′ 104° Mo +0.8 17.3″ 100% 9.587

Uranus 16 2h 51.0m +16° 01′ 10° Mo +5.9 3.4″ 100% 20.699
Saturn Neptune 16 23h 42.1m –3° 11′ 60° Mo +7.9 2.2″ 100% 30.407

The table above gives each object’s right ascension and declination (equinox 2000.0) at 0h Universal Time on selected dates,
and its elongation from the Sun in the morning (Mo) or evening (Ev) sky. Next are the visual magnitude and equatorial diameter.
16 (Saturn’s ring extent is 2.27 times its equatorial diameter.) Last are the percentage of a planet’s disk illuminated by the Sun and
the distance from Earth in astronomical units. (Based on the mean Earth–Sun distance, 1 a.u. equals 149,597,871 kilometers, or
Uranus 92,955,807 international miles.) For other timely information about the planets, visit



 PLANET DISKS are presented

north up and with celestial west to the
right. Blue ticks indicate the pole cur- Jupiter March
rently tilted toward Earth. equinox
Neptune Mercury Sun
The curved arrows show each planet’s
movement during May. The outer Earth Mars
planets don’t change position enough
in a month to notice at this scale. solstice

44 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Evenings with the Stars by Fred Schaaf

on the Crow
Compact Corvus is a striking
spring constellation.

orvus, the Crow, is one of the

C classic signs of spring for evening
skywatchers. What the constellation
lacks in brightness, it makes up for with
a compact and eye-catching geometric
shape delineated by four 3rd-magnitude
stars. The boxy formation is rendered
even more noticeable by its proximity
to Virgo’s 1st-magnitude Spica, which
is roughly 15° northeast of the Crow. p COUNTING CROWS Flying high in the spring sky is Corvus, the Crow. Of the 88 official constel-
As described last month, you can follow lations, little Corvus ranks #70 in area. However, because its four main stars are all moderately
the Big Dipper’s handle and “arc to (and similarly) bright, Corvus is easy to identify even in moderately light-polluted conditions.
Arcturus,” then “drive a spike to Spica.”
But I recommend going even farther by a raven long ago. But Gienah means Alpha, being the first letter of the Greek
“continuing the curve to Corvus.” “wing” — a name it shares with Epsilon alphabet, is usually reserved for the
The main pattern of Corvus is shown Cygni. Although Gamma Corvi is only brightest star in a constellation. But,
on our Northern Hemisphere map 0.1 magnitude fainter than its Cygnus at magnitude 4.0, Alpha Corvi is much
(pages 42 and 43), positioned in the namesake, the latter is better known fainter than the Crow’s other main
south, just west of the meridian — the perhaps because it plays a key role as the stars. Alchiba lies a little more than 2°
imaginary line that connects north to outstretched wing of the celestial Swan. roughly south of Minkar and is a full
south and passes directly overhead. The Then there’s Minkar, which looks like magnitude dimmer. The constellation’s
constellation’s main pattern is formed a mere variant of Menkar, the proper sixth star is Eta (η) Corvi, which is
(working clockwise from upper left) by name of the considerably brighter star just a little more than ½° northeast of
connecting the stars Algorab, Gienah, Alpha Ceti. Both Menkar and Minkar Algorab. Eta shines dimly at magnitude
Minkar, and Kraz. These are also known appear to be derived from the Arabic 4.3 — more than a magnitude fainter
as Delta (δ), Gamma (γ), Epsilon (ε), word for “the nostril,” which makes than its neighbor. (Algorab is also a fine
and Beta (β) Corvi, respectively. The more sense for Cetus, the Whale (or Sea double star in small telescopes.)
stars shine at magnitudes 2.9, 2.6, 3.0, Monster), than for a crow. Corvus has always held a particu-
and 2.6 (again, clockwise from Algo- What about Kraz? It’s one of the 14 lar significance for me. In early May
rab). Note that the brightness range curious names introduced in Skalnaté 1986, my region of the U.S. enjoyed a

spans less than half a magnitude. A very Pleso Atlas of the Heavens — a popular set stretch of fantastically clear weather
experienced observer can detect a dif- of charts drawn by Czech cartographer thanks to an “omega-block” weather
ference of about one-tenth of a magni- Antonín Bečvář in the late 1940s. It’s system in New Jersey. That was when

tude, but a half magnitude spread may possible that no one knows the original I glimpsed the extremely faint (yet
go unnoticed by casual stargazers. The source or meaning of Kraz. Nonethe- prodigiously long) dust tail of Halley’s
four main Corvus stars stand together less, the International Astronomical Comet extending from the constellation
as a team of near-equals. Union officially approved the name in Crater, across Corvus, and beyond. Even
There’s a bit of oddness concern- 2018, so it’s with us for keeps now. now, 36 years later, it remains one of
ing the proper names of three of the There’s one more star in Corvus that the most thrilling sights of my life.
stars. Algorab is basically alright, since has a proper name: Alpha (α) Corvi,
it’s Arabic for “the raven.” After all, which is also known as Alchiba. It’s ¢ FRED SCHAAF continues to view the
the raven is a crowlike bird, and the Arabic for “the tent,” a term originally night sky from southern New Jersey’s
constellation was sometimes seen as applied to the entire pattern of Corvus. protected Pinelands.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 45
Sun, Moon & Planets by Gary Seronik
To find out what’s
visible in the sky from
your location, go to

Jupiter Greets Venus and Mars

A parade of planets puts on a dawn show.

SUNDAY, MAY 1 known as a gas giant. Big Jove’s disk is 1° per day, all the while rapidly fad-
Except for a brief span during especially double the size of its Cytherean neigh- ing away. For naked-eye observers, the
favorable Mars oppositions, the two bor. And for all you Mars fans, you’ll current Mercury show is all but over
brightest planets in the night sky are have to wait until 2035 before the Red by next Monday. But don’t despair —
Jupiter and Venus — and this morning Planet once again displaces Jupiter as the planet pops up again at dawn next
they sit side by side, separated by a scant the second-brightest planet. month, albeit in far less favorable cir-
33′. That means you can see both worlds cumstances. For now, though, enjoy the
together in a small telescope running MONDAY, MAY 2 sight of Mercury positioned less than 3°
at moderate magnification. But more Here’s one for those who prefer to do from the center of the Pleiades and a bit
importantly, they’ll be hard to miss their observing at dusk rather than at more than 4° from the Moon. Depend-
by anyone awake at dawn who takes a dawn. As darkness falls, look to the ing on how bright the sky is when you
moment to glance up at the sky. Expect west-northwest to catch the Moon, take in this scene, you may find binocu-
friends and neighbors to ask, “What Mercury, and the Pleiades in a line. lars handy for drawing out the cluster’s
were those two bright stars I saw?” The area’s other luminary is 1st-mag- stars from twilight’s glow.
The planetary pair were at their clos- nitude Aldebaran, sitting to the left of
est the previous morning (April 30th), the very thin lunar crescent. Mercury FRIDAY, MAY 6
but this is a new month and it’s off to is just past the midpoint of its most In May, the Moon approaches to within
a great start. Although Venus vastly out- favorable apparition of the year. This 5° of four 1st-magnitude stars. The first
shines Jupiter (magnitude –4.1 versus evening it shines at magnitude +0.8 of these encounters is with 1.2-magni-
–2.1), it’s not for nothing the latter is and sets nearly two hours after the Sun. tude Pollux on the 6th. That evening
The innermost planet moves quickly, the waxing lunar crescent lies a touch
 These scenes are drawn for near the
however, and soon starts its plunge less than 3° to the left of the star. But
middle of North America (latitude 40° north,
longitude 90° west). European observers toward the horizon at a rate of roughly what makes this sight a little extra spe-
should move each Moon symbol a quarter of
the way toward the one for the previous date;
in the Far East, move the Moon halfway. Moon May 5 – 7 May 15 – 17
May 7 10 pm 11 pm

Dusk, May 2 Moon

45 minutes after sunset May 15

Moon Castor
May 6

Aldebaran May 16
May 2
Mercury GEMINI Antares
May 5
CANIS May 17

Looking West-Northwest Looking West, halfway up Looking Southeast

46 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
+40° 2h 0h 22h 20h 18h 16h 14h 12h 10h 8h 6h 4h
+30° CYGNUS Pollux May 5 +30°
ARIES Mercury
Arcturus LEO 8
+10° Jupiter Regulus +10°
OPHIUCHUS 11 Betelgeuse
Venus A QUA RI US Procyon
0° 0°

–10° Neptune Saturn May LIBRA Rigel –10°


CETUS Spica Sirius

15 –16 IC
–20° 22 ECL CORVUS H Y D R A –20°
19 Antares MAJOR
Fomalhaut CA P RI CORN US –30°
– 40° 10 am 8 am 6 am 4 am 2 am Midnight 10 pm 8 pm 6 pm 4 pm 2 pm – 40°

 The Sun and planets are positioned for mid-May; the colored arrows show the motion of each during the month. The Moon is plotted for evening
dates in the Americas when it’s waxing (right side illuminated) or full, and for morning dates when it’s waning (left side illuminated). “Local time of tran-
sit” tells when (in Local Mean Time) objects cross the meridian — that is, when they appear due south and at their highest — at mid-month. Transits
occur an hour later on the 1st, and an hour earlier at month’s end.

cial is the nice, three-in-a-row line that adorning the slender lunar crescent.
3 a.m. local daylight time. The appar-
includes nearby Castor, which is about Binoculars are also helpful if you sleep
ent gap between the two planets has
4½° right of Pollux. At magnitude 1.6, in past sunrise and still want to catch
been narrowing for some time, and
Castor is noticeably fainter than its fel- Venus. People are often surprised by
today they’re at their closest. Just 35′
low Gemini twin. And if we expand our how easy it is to see this planet even
separates them — a close match for
view to include +0.1-magnitude Capella in broad daylight — and having the
Jupiter’s meetup with Venus at the start
and +0.4-magnitude Procyon, the Moon nearby is a big help. The first
of the month. But this time, Jupiter is
naked-eye scene has even more luster. step is to locate the lunar crescent and
the brighter planet. At magnitude –2.2,
The closest Moon/bright-star encounter focus your binoculars (precise focus is
it’s nearly 15 times brighter than Mars,
this month will be on the 16th, when crucial), then look about one binocular
which glows at magnitude +0.7. Both
the nearly full Moon and Antares rise field to the right of the Moon to catch
objects are drifting eastward at the
together with just 2° between them. the silvery glint of Venus. The later you
moment, but Mars is doing so at a rate
look, the farther the two objects will be
of 5° per week compared with Jupiter’s
FRIDAY, MAY 27 from each other.
leisurely pace of just 1° per week. As
When it comes to naked-eye sky sights, a result, by the end of June they’ll be
they don’t come much better than pair- SUNDAY, MAY 29 separated by nearly 20°.
ings of the Moon and Venus. At dawn The best conjunction this month is It’s still early days in the apparitions
today, the two are separated by around arguably the one between Mars and of both planets, though Mars’s rapid
3½° — one of their best conjunctions Jupiter occurring this morning. The eastward movement means it’ll take
in 2022. They’re close enough that pair rise together much longer to
you can appreciate them together in in tight forma- Dawn, May 29 climb above the
binoculars, which help show earthshine tion a little before 45 minutes before sunrise thick layer of blur-
ring atmosphere
that lies near the
Dawn, May 25 – 27 Mars
horizon. Mind
1 hour before sunrise
you, the Red Plan-
PISCES et’s diminutive
Jupiter Mars size means it won’t
be a compelling
Moon telescopic target
ARIES May 25
for quite some
Moon C E T U S time regardless.
May 26
¢ Consulting
May 27 Editor GARY
been keeping an
eye on the planets
Looking East Looking East-Southeast
for five decades.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 47
Celestial Calendar by Bob King

North utes. The color and brightness contrast

Total Lunar Eclipse
between the Moon’s northern hemi-
May 16, 2022 UMBRA
PEN sphere (which grazes the center of
Moon enters the umbra) and southern hemisphere
penumbra should make the lunar globe appear
Partial (unobservable)
UMBRA eclipse
1:31 UT distinctly three dimensional.
2:28 UT
Observers across the Americas will
witness most or all of the eclipse. The
partial phase begins at 10:28 p.m. EDT


on May 15th (2:28 UT on May 16th),

but keen eyes might detect the grayish
tic shading of Earth’s penumbral shadow
Eclip Total draped across the left side of the lunar
Mid- begins disk half an hour earlier. Totality runs
eclipse 3:29 UT from 11:29 p.m. EDT on May 15th to
Moon’s eclipse
4:12 UT
h Partial 12:54 a.m. EDT on May 16th (3:29 to
pat eclipse ends
Moon ends 4:54 UT 4:54 UT on the 16th), with greatest
leaves 5:56 UT eclipse occurring at 12:12 a.m. EDT
(unobservable) South (4:12 UT). As the Moon slowly exits
6:52 UT the umbra, the partial phase plays out
in reverse until 1:56 a.m. EDT (5:56
UT). Finally, the penumbral portion of
the eclipse concludes at 2:52 a.m. EDT

A Flower Moon Eclipse (6:52 UT).

In North America, viewers in the
eastern half of the continent will see
This month offers the first total lunar eclipse in a year. all phases of the eclipse. Along the
West Coast, the Moon rises around
or many Northern Hemisphere sky- this merry month, you’ll certainly want sunset with totality about to begin.
F watchers, May occupies a sweet spot
between two of amateur astronomy’s
to stay up to watch the whole thing.
Unlike last November’s near-total
Although twilight compromises the
view, a low Moon in deepening dusk
biggest banes: winter cold and mosqui- event, on the night of May 15–16 the should offer some beautiful photo-
tos. May’s full Moon is traditionally entire Moon will be covered by Earth’s graphic possibilities as the sky darkens
known as the Flower Moon, echoing the inner shadow. The Moon traverses the with totality underway.
agreeable nature of this time of year. southern half of the umbral shadow, From San Francisco, skywatchers will
And when a total lunar eclipse falls in where it spends a generous 85 min- see a squished, lunar sliver rise in the
Evening of May 16 Morning of May 16 sky as the Sun
sets in the west.
The total eclipse
begins about
15 minutes





later, with the

br a









Moon becom-






(Moon not up) visible ing increasingly

r ing



r ing

e av


apparent in a
g to
l e av

le e
n te

le le


e n te
ile l

e n te
le le

darkening sky.
ile e

n te r


av i n

As astro-


(Moon not up)

av i n

r ing


l ec


nomical twi-






light ends, the


at zenith






Moon starts to





exit the umbra.



Since totality
occurs close
to sunset, you

48 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
can point one arm at the Moon and the and instead occult the 5.5-magnitude
other at the Sun and imagine yourself star HD 138413. From Tucson, Arizona,
aligned with Earth’s shadow. the totally eclipsed Moon covers the
For observers in Europe and Africa, star from 8:30 p.m. to 9:09 p.m. MST.
the eclipse is a morning event with The sight of the reddened Moon
totality happening at dawn. From poised at the fringe of our galaxy’s
London, England, where the total phase starry carpet will be wondrous and offer
begins shortly before moonset, the a lovely photo op, too. Try to take in the
Moon will resemble a faded watercolor eclipse as far from light pollution as
low in the southwestern sky a half-hour possible to better appreciate the sight.
before sunrise. The eastern half of the country will
As a bonus, observers across much have the best Milky Way views simply
of the U.S., Canada, and parts of because the eclipse happens later in the
 May’s lunar eclipse can be enjoyed all
Mexico and Central America can watch across the Americas, but for some observers in evening there, allowing time for Scor-
the totally eclipsed Moon occult the the western U.S. and Canada, totality occurs pius and Sagittarius to rise.
6th-magnitude double star S672, in during evening twilight, creating a striking color The color, size, and shape of the
central Libra. The 6.3- and 8.9-magni- contrast between the ruddy Moon and darken- umbral shadow vary from eclipse to
ing blue sky. This photo was captured from
tude components are 11.2″ apart, with eclipse in part due to the changing
Victoria, British Columbia, during the Septem-
a nearly perfect east-west alignment ber 2015 twilight eclipse. aerosol content of Earth’s atmosphere.
(position angle of 280°). First one star, To help contribute to a better under-
then the other, will disappear in step- around 11:57 p.m., just three minutes standing of these variations, I encour-
wise fashion. From Chicago, immersion after the end of totality. For observers age you to participate in our crater
occurs about 10:45 p.m. CDT on May in the southwestern U.S. and in Central timing project. Details can be found at
15th, and the stellar eclipse ends at America, the Moon will miss the double

Meteors from Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower

Halley 90 minutes before dawn

COMET 1P/HALLEY may be a distant

35 a.u. (5.2 billion kilometers) from Water Jug
Earth this month, but fragments spalled of
from its nucleus during previous flybys AQUARIUS
will flare just 100 kilometers (62 miles)
overhead during the annual Eta Aquar- Great Square Radiant
iid meteor shower. Peak activity occurs of
around 8h UT on May 6th (4 a.m. EDT). PEGASUS
The timing is ideal because the radi-
ant, located in the Water Jar asterism
in Aquarius, doesn’t rise until around 3
a.m. local daylight-saving time. How-
ever, that also means there’s only a one-
hour observing window before the start
of morning twilight. At least the Moon
(a waxing crescent in the evening sky)
won’t interfere.
For meteor watchers in the Southern
Looking East
Hemisphere, the radiant climbs high in
the sky and produces 50 to 60 meteors
per hour. From mid-northern latitudes, 66 kilometers per second, and produce The Eta Aquariids are no match

however, a lower radiant means the persistent trains. The shower has a long for the Perseids or Geminids, but the
rate is likely to be closer to 10 to 30 per maximum, with steady activity from display may be your best shot at sighting
hour. Aquariids are swift, with speeds of about May 3rd to the 9th. some aspect of Halley’s famous comet.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 49
Celestial Calendar
11h 12h
June 1 δ16h 20h 21h β
Action at Jupiter
30 α
Polaris ξ THROUGHOUT MAY, Jupiter slowly
10 h M81 28
υ π gains altitude and telescopic appeal.
26 γ ι
At mid-month it rises around 3:30

CEPHEUS a.m. local daylight time and climbs to
° nearly 20° above the east-southeastern
9h M52

of Co
22 horizon at the start of civil twilight. On
the 15th, the planet displays a disk 36″
20 κ β 0h
et Pa across and shines at magnitude –2.2.
PARDALIS γ γ It’ll be at its biggest and brightest at
8h 18 +70

ι opposition, on September 26th.

M103 η

α ε δ ζ Any telescope reveals the four big

16 Galilean moons, and binoculars usu-
RS (

Stock 2
1h ally show at least two or three. The

° 869
β 14 +60 moons orbit Jupiter at different rates,
884 M76
η changing positions along an almost

δ φ
1 O3

7h 12 straight line from our point of view on

τ Earth. Use the diagram on the facing

° AND page to identify them by their relative
10 α θ
Star magnitudes

0 π ι positions on any given date and time.

1 λ ψ γ
β μ σ All the observable interactions between
2 δ
α Capella κ
ε 8 M34
Jupiter and its satellites and their shad-
4 ν β 2h
5 β ows are tabulated on the facing page.
Cr 62 ν Algol +40
6 η ζ Find events timed for when Jupiter is at
AURIGA ε ρ γ
M36 M38 6 its highest.
Features on Jupiter appear closer to
ξ the central meridian than to the limb
M35 ι
4 +30
° for 50 minutes before and after transit-
ζ ο
β ing. Here are the times, in Universal
6h Time, when the Great Red Spot should
M1 cross Jupiter’s central meridian. The
ζ ° dates, also in UT, are in bold. (Eastern
τ υ M45 δ +20
Apr Daylight Time is UT minus 4 hours.)
ε TAURUS 30 April 1: 7:36, 17:31; 2: 3:27, 13:23,
Aldebaran α 23:19; 3: 9:15, 19:10; 4: 5:06, 15:02; 5:
Cr 69 μ 0:58, 10:54, 20:49; 6: 6:45, 16:41; 7:
Betelgeuse 5h 4h 3h
λ 2:37, 12:33, 22:28; 8: 8:24, 18:20; 9:
4:16, 14:12; 10: 0:08, 10:03, 19:59; 11:
5:55, 15:51; 12: 1:47, 11:42, 21:38; 13:
A Visitor from the Oort Cloud 7:34, 17:30; 14: 3:26, 13:21, 23:17; 15:
9:13, 19:09; 16: 5:05, 15:00; 17: 0:56,
IT’S POSSIBLE THAT by the time you  The comet’s position is plotted for 0h UT. 10:52, 20:48; 18: 6:44, 16:39; 19: 2:35,
read this, Comet PanSTARRS (C/2021 12:31, 22:27; 20: 8:23, 18:18; 21: 4:14,
O3) will have disintegrated. But if it west of the Pleiades (and a little more 14:10; 22: 0:06, 10:02, 19:57; 23: 5:53,
survives its close brush with the Sun than 4° west of Mercury) while speed- 15:49; 24: 1:45, 11:40, 21:36; 25: 7:32,
on April 21st, during the first week of ing north-northeast into Perseus at a 17:28; 26: 3:24, 13:19, 23:15; 27: 9:11,
May it will quickly move northward and rate of about 3° per day. On May 8th, 19:07; 28: 5:03, 14:58; 29: 0:54, 10:50,
perhaps brighten to 6th magnitude and the same day it passes closest to Earth 20:46; 30: 6:42, 16:37
sprout a short tail. at 90 million kilometers, PanSTARRS May 1: 2:33, 12:29, 22:24; 2: 8:20,
PanSTARRS could make its first becomes circumpolar for observers at 18:16; 3: 4:12, 14:08; 4: 0:04, 9:59, 19:55;
appearance during evening twilight mid-northern latitudes. On the 27th it 5: 5:51, 15:47; 6: 1:42, 11:38, 21:34; 7:
in late April. On April 30th, it stands passes closest to Polaris (8.5°), but by 7:30, 17:25; 8: 3:21, 13:17, 23:13; 9: 9:08,
about 5° high one hour after sunset. then it’s expected to have faded consid- 19:04; 10: 5:00, 14:56; 11: 0:52, 10:47,
That same evening, it passes some 3° erably from its peak brightness. 20:43; 12: 6:39, 16:35; 13: 2:30, 12:26,

50 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Jupiter’s Moons
22:22; 14: 8:18, 18:13; 15: 4:09, 14:05; 1:36, 11:32, 21:27; 31: 7:23, 17:19
16: 0:01, 9:56, 19:52; 17: 5:48, 15:44; These times assume that the spot will
18: 1:40, 11:35, 21:31; 19: 7:27, 17:22; be centered at System II longitude 16°
20: 3:18, 13:14, 23:10; 21: 9:05, 19:01; on May 1st. If the Red Spot has moved May 1
22: 4:57, 14:53; 23: 0:49, 10:44, 20:40; elsewhere, it will transit 12/3 minutes 2
24: 6:36, 16:31; 25: 2:27, 12:23, 22:19; earlier for each degree less than 16° and
26: 8:14, 18:10; 27: 4:06, 14:02, 23:57; 12/3 minutes later for each degree more
28: 9:53, 19:49; 29: 5:45, 15:40; 30: than 16°. 4

Phenomena of Jupiter’s Moons, May 2022 6 Europa
May 1 1:43 I.Ec.D 1:50 I.Tr.I 8:10 II.Sh.I 15:50 II.Tr.E
4:55 I.Oc.R 3:03 I.Sh.E 10:28 II.Tr.I 7
May 24 1:55 I.Ec.D
22:55 I.Sh.I 4:04 I.Tr.E 10:51 II.Sh.E 5:23 I.Oc.R
23:50 I.Tr.I 5:33 II.Sh.I 13:05 II.Tr.E 23:05 I.Sh.I
May 2 1:09 I.Sh.E 7:40 II.Tr.I May 17 0:00 I.Ec.D May 25 0:17 I.Tr.I
2:05 I.Tr.E 8:14 II.Sh.E 3:24 I.Oc.R
1:19 I.Sh.E
2:55 II.Sh.I 10:19 II.Tr.E 21:11 I.Sh.I 2:30 I.Tr.E
4:51 II.Tr.I 22:06 I.Ec.D 22:19 I.Tr.I 10
5:02 II.Ec.D
5:37 II.Sh.E May 10 1:25 I.Oc.R 23:25 I.Sh.E 10:05 II.Oc.R
6:30 IV.Ec.D 15:10 IV.Sh.I 11
May 18 0:32 I.Tr.E 17:44 III.Ec.D
7:31 II.Tr.E 17:49 IV.Sh.E 2:27 II.Ec.D 20:23 I.Ec.D
9:22 IV.Ec.R 19:17 I.Sh.I 7:22 II.Oc.R 20:58 III.Ec.R
15:38 IV.Oc.D 20:20 I.Tr.I 13:44 III.Ec.D 22:47 III.Oc.D
18:04 IV.Oc.R 21:31 I.Sh.E 16:58 III.Ec.R 23:52 I.Oc.R 13
20:11 I.Ec.D 22:34 I.Tr.E 18:28 III.Oc.D May 26 1:49 III.Oc.R
23:25 I.Oc.R 23:52 II.Ec.D 18:29 I.Ec.D 14
17:34 I.Sh.I
May 3 17:23 I.Sh.I May 11 1:44 IV.Tr.I 21:32 III.Oc.R 18:46 I.Tr.I
18:20 I.Tr.I 3:39 IV.Tr.E 21:54 I.Oc.R 19:47 I.Sh.E
19:38 I.Sh.E 4:38 II.Oc.R May 19 0:48 IV.Ec.D 21:00 I.Tr.E
20:34 I.Tr.E 9:43 III.Ec.D 3:27 IV.Ec.R 16
May 27 0:07 II.Sh.I
21:17 II.Ec.D 12:59 III.Ec.R 12:07 IV.Oc.D 2:37 II.Tr.I
May 4 1:52 II.Oc.R 14:06 III.Oc.D 13:47 IV.Oc.R 2:46 II.Sh.E
17 Io
5:42 III.Ec.D 16:34 I.Ec.D 15:40 I.Sh.I 5:13 II.Tr.E
8:59 III.Ec.R 17:14 III.Oc.R 16:48 I.Tr.I 9:32 IV.Sh.I
18 Callisto
9:42 III.Oc.D 19:55 I.Oc.R 17:54 I.Sh.E 11:56 IV.Sh.E
12:53 III.Oc.R May 12 13:46 I.Sh.I 19:02 I.Tr.E 14:52 I.Ec.D 19
14:40 I.Ec.D 14:50 I.Tr.I 21:29 II.Sh.I 18:22 I.Oc.R
17:55 I.Oc.R 16:00 I.Sh.E 23:52 II.Tr.I 22:23 IV.Tr.I 20
May 5 11:52 I.Sh.I 17:03 I.Tr.E May 20 0:09 II.Sh.E 22:54 IV.Tr.E
12:50 I.Tr.I 18:52 II.Sh.I 2:28 II.Tr.E May 28 12:02 I.Sh.I
14:06 I.Sh.E 21:05 II.Tr.I 12:57 I.Ec.D 13:16 I.Tr.I
15:04 I.Tr.E 21:33 II.Sh.E 16:24 I.Oc.R 14:16 I.Sh.E 22
16:14 II.Sh.I 23:42 II.Tr.E May 21 10:08 I.Sh.I 15:29 I.Tr.E
18:16 II.Tr.I May 13 11:03 I.Ec.D 11:18 I.Tr.I 18:20 II.Ec.D 23
18:56 II.Sh.E 14:25 I.Oc.R 12:22 I.Sh.E 23:27 II.Oc.R
20:55 II.Tr.E May 14 8:14 I.Sh.I 13:31 I.Tr.E May 29 7:49 III.Sh.I
May 6 9:09 I.Ec.D 9:19 I.Tr.I 15:44 II.Ec.D 9:20 I.Ec.D
12:25 I.Oc.R 10:28 I.Sh.E 20:44 II.Oc.R 11:00 III.Sh.E 25 Ganymede
May 7 6:20 I.Sh.I 11:33 I.Tr.E May 22 3:48 III.Sh.I 12:51 I.Oc.R
7:20 I.Tr.I 13:09 II.Ec.D 7:00 III.Sh.E 13:00 III.Tr.I 26
8:35 I.Sh.E 18:00 II.Oc.R 7:26 I.Ec.D 15:58 III.Tr.E
9:34 I.Tr.E 23:46 III.Sh.I 8:42 III.Tr.I May 30 6:31 I.Sh.I
10:34 II.Ec.D May 15 2:59 III.Sh.E 10:53 I.Oc.R 7:45 I.Tr.I
15:15 II.Oc.R 4:20 III.Tr.I 11:43 III.Tr.E 8:44 I.Sh.E 28
19:45 III.Sh.I 5:32 I.Ec.D May 23 4:37 I.Sh.I 9:58 I.Tr.E
23:00 III.Sh.E 7:25 III.Tr.E 5:47 I.Tr.I 13:25 II.Sh.I 29
23:57 III.Tr.I 8:54 I.Oc.R 6:51 I.Sh.E 15:59 II.Tr.I
May 8 3:05 III.Tr.E May 16 2:43 I.Sh.I 8:01 I.Tr.E 16:04 II.Sh.E 30
3:37 I.Ec.D 3:49 I.Tr.I 10:48 II.Sh.I 18:34 II.Tr.E
6:55 I.Oc.R 4:57 I.Sh.E 13:15 II.Tr.I May 31 3:49 I.Ec.D 31
May 9 0:49 I.Sh.I 6:03 I.Tr.E 13:27 II.Sh.E 7:21 I.Oc.R

Every day, interesting events happen between Jupiter’s satellites and the planet’s disk or shadow. The first columns give the
date and mid-time of the event, in Universal Time (which is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time). Next is the satellite
The wavy lines represent Jupiter’s four big satellites. The
involved: I for Io, II Europa, III Ganymede, or IV Callisto. Next is the type of event: Oc for an occultation of the satellite behind
central vertical band is Jupiter itself. Each gray or black
Jupiter’s limb, Ec for an eclipse by Jupiter’s shadow, Tr for a transit across the planet’s face, or Sh for the satellite casting its
own shadow onto Jupiter. An occultation or eclipse begins when the satellite disappears (D) and ends when it reappears (R ).
horizontal band is one day, from 0 h (upper edge of band)
A transit or shadow passage begins at ingress (I) and ends at egress (E ). Each event is gradual, taking up to several minutes. to 24h UT (GMT). UT dates are at left. Slide a paper’s edge
Predictions courtesy IMCCE / Paris Observatory. down to your date and time, and read across to see the
satellites’ positions east or west of Jupiter.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 51
Exploring the Solar System by Thomas A. Dobbins

The Surprising Tale of Mercury’s Tail

The innermost planet sports a comet-like appendage.

planet’s ability to retain an atmo- massive as Earth, with surface tem- tenuous envelope of hydrogen, helium,
A sphere depends on its mass, tem-
perature, and the types of gases pres-
peratures reaching a blistering 430°C
(800°F) near the equator. Prior to
and atomic oxygen. More rarefied than
the best vacuum that any laboratory can
ent. Massive planets have high escape NASA’s Mariner 10 spacecraft flyby in produce, the isolated atoms detected
velocities — the speed required for atoms 1974, astronomers suspected that Mer- rarely collide with one another. The
and molecules of gas to break free of cury might have a thin but appreciable absence of mutual collisions is also
a planet’s gravitational influence. If atmosphere composed of heavy gases characteristic of Earth’s exosphere — the
temperatures are sufficiently high and like carbon dioxide and argon produced outermost layer of our planet’s atmo-
escape velocities low, even heavy gases by radioactive potassium decaying in sphere that begins at an altitude of
will gradually diffuse into space. the planet’s crust. about 700 kilometers (435 miles) and
Mercury is both the smallest planet The sensitive ultraviolet spectrom- extends over 9,000 km to the boundary
in the solar system and the closest to eter aboard Mariner 10 failed to detect of interplanetary space.
the Sun. The planet is only 5.5% as these gases but did find an exceedingly Hydrogen and helium are the lightest
of all gases and quickly escape Mer-
cury’s feeble gravity. They are continu-
ously replenished by the solar wind, the
stream of charged particles that ema-
nates from the upper atmosphere of the
Sun. This hot plasma buffets Mercury
up to ten times more intensely than it
does Earth.
In 1985, American astronomers
Andrew Potter and Thomas Morgan
detected sodium in the atmosphere
of Mercury using a high-resolution
spectrograph and the 107-inch reflector
at the McDonald Observatory in Texas.
The abundance of this highly reactive
metal proved to be greater than either
hydrogen or helium.
The presence of sodium had eluded
Mariner 10’s UV spectrometer because
the element lacks an appreciable sig-
nature in the ultraviolet region of the
spectrum but does emit a very strong
signal in visible light. When a crystal of
table salt (sodium chloride) is held in a
gas flame, it imparts an intense yel-
low color because sodium’s spectrum is
dominated by a pair of very closely sepa-
p Italian amateur Andrea Alessandrini captured Mercury’s tenuous sodium tail using a 66-mm rated lines at wavelengths of 589.1 and
f/4.8 refractor and a Pentax K3-II DSLR camera equipped with a narrowband sodium filter. His 589.6 nanometers in the yellow region
striking image taken on May 13th, 2021, required a 7-minute exposure guiding on the planet. of the spectrum.

52 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
The ions in the solar wind are
electrically charged, so their trajecto-
ries are influenced by magnetic fields.
Earth’s magnetic field deflects the solar se
wind and prevents our atmosphere neto
from being stripped away, but Mer-

cury’s magnetic field has only 1% the

strength of our planet’s and provides

scant protection. The ions from the
solar wind strike Mercury at velocities
of hundreds of kilometers per second,
Sodium tail
transferring their energy and dislodg-
ing atoms from surface minerals in a
process known as sputtering.
Micrometeorite bombardment Solar
wind Space
appears to be a second source of Mer- weathering
cury’s sodium. The flux of meteoric
material increases near the Sun and
is about eight times more intense at Micrometeoroids
the orbital distance of Mercury than
at Earth’s. Instruments aboard NASA’s
Messenger spacecraft, which orbited
Mercury between 2011 and 2015,
p Mercury’s sodium tail is produced when ions from the solar wind and a constant rain of
detected a transient plume of sodium micrometeoroids vaporize Mercury’s surface rocks. At high altitudes the released sodium atoms
during a meteor shower on Mercury overcome the planet’s gravitational influence and are accelerated in the anti-sunward direction by
associated with material shed by Comet radiation pressure to form a tail.
2P/Encke. No coronal mass ejection or
other energetic solar event occurred at planet. From an Earthbound vantage exceedingly faint and requires an expo-
the time, so an impact origin for the point, this tail extended 1½°, three sure of several minutes. Stacking several
plume seems highly likely. times the apparent diameter of the full short exposures is also a viable option.
In addition to sodium, Messenger’s Moon. Baumgardner’s team determined Mercury is notoriously difficult to
instruments also detected potassium, that an atom of sodium blasted from observe due to its close proximity to
calcium, and magnesium in Mercury’s Mercury’s surface takes only 15 hours the Sun. This spring, the planet has its
exosphere, but these elements lack to be driven to the end of its tail. most favorable elongation for northern
sodium’s strong spectral signature. The The Messenger spacecraft found observers, reaching greatest eastern
same solar radiation that sputters atoms dramatic changes in the abundance elongation on April 29th. At sunset on
of sodium and other metals off Mercu- of sodium in Mercury’s exosphere and that date the planet will be nearly 19°
ry’s surface sweeps them away from the the intensity of sodium emission from above the western horizon for observers
Sun to form a comet-like tail, fulfill- its tail. In 2020 Japanese investigators at a latitude of 40°N. During the last
ing a 1986 prediction by the Chinese presented evidence that increases in the week of April and the first week of May

planetary scientist Wing-Huen Ip. A tail amount of sodium released by micro- it should be possible to image Mercury
extending 41,000 km from Mercury meteoroid impacts during encounters against the backdrop of a reasonably
was detected in 2001 by Andrew Potter with cometary dust streams are respon- dark sky. The planet sets as twilight
of the National Solar Observatory using sible for this variability. deepens, so the window of opportunity
the huge, 1.6-meter-aperture McMath- Amateurs can record images of will be brief. A transparent sky free of
Pierce Solar Telescope atop Kitt Peak in Mercury’s tail using surprisingly modest light-scattering haze is essential. Care-
Arizona. equipment. A Wratten 12 or 15 yellow ful preparation and no small amount
Seven years later, Jeffrey Baumgard- filter will darken the background sky by of luck are required to record one of the
ner and his colleagues at Boston Uni- selectively transmitting light emitted solar system’s largest but most insub-
versity’s Center for Space Physics tried by ionized sodium while blocking other stantial features.
wide-angle imaging using a narrow- wavelengths. Even higher contrast can
band filter that selectively transmitted be achieved with a narrowband dielec- ¢ Although Contributing Editor TOM
sodium’s yellow emission lines. They tric interference filter centered at 589.2 DOBBINS regards Mercury as an unre-
were amazed to record a tail extend- nanometers like the one available at warding telescopic target, he’s keen to try
ing more than 2.6 million km from the Still, the tail is to capture an image of its tail.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 53
Suburban Stargazer by Ken Hewitt-White

Beauty Beyond Boötes

The hunting hounds of the Herdsman chase a ball of stars named M3.

hen it comes to constellations, contains exactly zero deep-sky objects  CELESTIAL CHANDELIER Adrift in the
W does size matter? Not really.
Constellations vary greatly in the
(aside from a handful of double stars)
for suburban scopers.
galactic boondocks some 35,000 light-years
from Earth, globular cluster M3 in southern-
amount of sky they cover. Crux, with For the opposite situation, look to most Canes Venatici is jam-packed with several
hundred thousand very faint suns.
an area of only 68 square degrees, is the herder’s hunting dogs. Canes Venat-
the smallest constellation, while Hydra, ici shapes up at 465 square degrees, M3 to the Herdsman, giving the big guy
sporting 1,303 square degrees, is the earning it the middling rank of 38th. something to brag about.
largest. However, soaking up a lot of Yet the hounds have lots to chew on,
celestial real estate doesn’t necessarily including five Messier objects. Among Finding M3
translate to a rich trove of telescopic them is the lovely globular cluster M3, We backyard astronomers like globular
treasures. Consider Boötes, the Herds- located in Canes Venatici, ½° north of clusters. The best ones visible from mid-

man. Measuring 907 square degrees, the border with Boötes. If I were the northern latitudes put up a good fight
Boötes ranks a respectable 13th out keeper of the constellations, I’d nudge against light pollution. Moreover, most
of the official 88 constellations but that boundary just a little and award globulars are well placed during the

54 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
warmer months. M3 is the first to arrive At 72×, the globular is pale and featureless. My 4.7-inch f/7.5 apochro-
each spring — and Mr. Boötes can help diffuse around the periphery but way matic refractor does better. Operating
us find it. Let’s follow his directions. brighter near the center. Overall, it’s at 129×, the apo produces faint stars
As May opens, zero-magnitude Alpha maybe 3′ in diameter, and that includes scattered throughout the halo and a
(α) Boötis — Arcturus — shines high a misty halo I can detect when staring a mottled texture in the central region;
in the east at nightfall. Imagine a line little to the side of the target, an observ- 200× delivers a dim but distinctly
stretching from Arcturus to 3rd-magni- ing technique called averted vision. It grainy mass that partially resolves into
tude Alpha Canes Venaticorum, better works because the edge of the eye is “dust” around the edge.
known as Cor Caroli, 26° northwest extra-sensitive to low light. Strangely — My 7.1-inch f/15 Maksutov-Casseg-
of the Boötean beacon. Almost half- yet delightfully — the best way to grow a rain reflector cruising at 90× delivers
way to Cor Caroli the line grazes M3 globular is to look slightly away from it. a pleasing degree of resolution in M3’s
on its southwest side. If your telescope Although M3 contains hundreds outskirts. The entire peripheral region
has a red-dot (or similar) finder, you’ll of thousands of suns, the brightest of becomes obvious at 113×. Upping to
need to estimate that location carefully them glimmer at about magnitude 12.7. 159×, I perceive numerous dots salting
before aiming your scope. Use a low- Resolving the fuzzball into individual the interior; better yet, the cluster grows
power, wide-field eyepiece, as your ini- stars is a tough task for my mini- to roughly 5′ across. As in my smaller
tial try likely won’t be bang-on-target. Newtonian. At 93× the tenuous halo is scopes, though, the delicate scene in the
If you’re working with an optical granular at best, its broad central area Mak-Cass fades with increasing magni-
finderscope, I invite you to follow my
somewhat roundabout but moder- 14h 20m 14h 10m 14h 00m 13h 50m 13h 40m +30°
ately scenic star-hop route (with a few
bonuses I’ll describe shortly). Starting CANES
at amber Arcturus, six steppingstones VENATICI
form a 13°-long arc trending north- 5466 M3
HD 119081
westward toward M3. Our first hop +28°
is to 6.3-magnitude HD 125040, not
quite 1° north of Arcturus. After that, a 9
v e
1.75° hop lands on 6.4-magnitude HD
ur Σ1785
124713. Longer jumps of about 3° and C
4° take us past 4.8-magnitude 12 Boötis
3 en Σ1793 +26°
Star magnitudes

and 5.0-magnitude 9 Boötis, which 4

stands out because it glows orange. 5
Then it’s onward to 6.2-magnitude HD 6 12

119081. That final, golden-hued step- 7

8 +24°
pingstone lies in Canes Venatici, where
it guards the 6.2-magnitude globular 10
less than ½° northeastward.
M3 materializes in finderscopes as
a condensed fuzzy spot in contrast to +22°
the equivalently bright, pinpoint-sharp HD 124713

guardian star. Various catalogues list

the cluster as being 16′ to 18′ in diam- 6
eter. I’m deploying telescopes of four
different sizes to check it out. HD 125040 (Σ1825) +20°

Scoping the Target Arcturus α

In my 4¼-inch (108-mm) f/6 Newto-
nian reflector working at 27×, M3 is a Picot 1 η
minuscule fuzzball captured inside a +18°
20′-long isosceles triangle of 8.4, 9.8,
and 10.6-magnitude stars. Long-expo-
sure images show the cluster essentially
filling the triangle. Alas, M3 is much 20
smaller than that in the eyepiece of a  THE ROUTE TO M3 The globular cluster M3 is located roughly halfway between Arcturus and
city-based 4¼-inch. Cor Caroli. A gently curving arc of “finderscope-friendly” stars will guide you to the spot.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 55
Suburban Stargazer

ensure you have 9 Boötis in the finder

field, then shift slowly to the targets.
Actually, I can snare each binary with-
out the finder, provided I use my lowest
magnification for a wide field-of-view
and, beginning at 9 Boötis, sweep care-
fully star to star. Give it a try, bear-
ing in mind that each double requires
medium to high magnification for a
reasonably clean split. The 120-mm apo
nails all three sets at 100×.
I’ll finish with a short side trip —
all you need for guidance is Arcturus.
Place blazing Alpha toward the north-
western edge of your telescope field at
low-power, then look 40′ southward
(past a 6th-magnitude star) and a tad
westward. You should see a curvy aster-
ism, 20′ in length, formed by seven
stellar points ranging in magnitude
from 9.4 to 10.6. Called Picot 1, the
sinuous pattern resembles a caterpillar
humped up in mid-crawl. Despite Arc-
turus blazing nearby, I can recognize
the Picot-piller in my little Newtonian
 ARCTURUS ASTERISM Just south of brilliant Alpha (α) Boötis is the caterpillar-like asterism
at 27×. If your scope is smaller than
Picot 1, shown near the bottom edge in this photo. The grouping is also known as Napoleon’s Hat.
mine, you might need extra magnifica-
fication. Using both hands to block out Boötis. At No. 9, we hop 1¾° south- tion to detect the faintest star, atop the
stray light, I stare patiently for several westward to Σ1785, whose 7.4- and hump. If you still can’t recognize the
moments to let my retina absorb the 8.2-magnitude stars are separated by figure, shove that Arcturian streetlight
faint photons. a very slim 2.6″. From there, we head slightly outside your eyepiece field
Time for my favorite light bucket, southeast nearly 2° to the 6.8-mag- and — presto! — the cosmic caterpillar
a 10-inch f/6 Dobsonian. Working at nitude variable ZZ Boötis (creamy in will appear.
64×, the 10-inch resolves M3’s outskirts color) and use that landmark to veer What’s that, you say? You don’t like
into pinpricks of light. Both luminos- eastward another 40′ to Σ1793. This creepy-crawly caterpillars? No problem
ity and density intensify toward the specimen comprises 7.5- and 8.4-mag- — think of it as Napoleon’s Hat, or as I
cluster’s broad, bright middle. At 169×, nitude stars 4.8″ apart. do, a celestial Slinky.
that massive middle resolves into more The three binaries aren’t showstop-
stars than I can count. Applying 218× pers but, hey, they’re easy pickings. I ¢ Contributing Editor KEN HEWITT-
results in a fainter but noticeably bigger can see them in an 8×50 finderscope. WHITE is the founder and chief promoter
sphere. With averted vision, the globu- For Σ1785 and Σ1793, my advice is to of the Boötes Booster club.
lar swells to 7′ or 8′ in diameter. Staying
dark-adapted is the key to getting M3 to
barely half its rightful size and teasing Boötes Plus
out shy cluster members.
Object Type Mag(v) Size/Sep RA Dec.

Binaries Along the Way M3 Globular cluster 6.3 18.0′ 13h 42.2m +28° 23′
My rambling route to M3 has a few Σ1825 Double star 6.5, 8.4 4.2″ 14h 16.5m +20° 07′
treats for double-star enthusiasts. The Σ1785 Double star 7.4, 8.2 2.6″ 13h 49.1m +26° 59′
first is easily spotted at the Arcturus Σ1793 Double star 7.5, 8.4 4.8″ 13h 59.1m +25° 49′
end. Just north of Arcturus is HD
Picot 1 Asterism — ~20′ 14h 14.9m +18° 33′
125040, also known as Struve (Σ)1825,
Angular sizes and separations are from recent catalogs. Visually, an object’s size is often smaller than
a compact binary possessing 6.5- and

the cataloged value and varies according to the aperture and magnification of the viewing instrument.
8.4-magnitude components 4.2″ apart. Right ascension and declination are for equinox 2000.0.
Farther along the way is orangey 9

56 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Pro-Am Conjunction by Diana Hannikainen

conduct spectroscopy with  CHEMICALS IN OUR SUN In this

your own equipment in your strip from a larger spectrum, wave-

Decoding own backyard. In addition, length increases from bottom to top

(and from left to right). Superposed
obtaining a viable spectrum on the familiar colors of the visible
used to take hours upon hours spectrum are dark absorption lines,

Light in the days of yore; today, this

operation is reduced to a mat-
fingerprints from the elements that
constitute our nearest star.
ter of minutes with an 8-inch
Ready to start splitting scope for targets of magnitude reveal. An excellent place to
starlight? Take a dive into 10 to 12, for example. start is the video linked at the
Initiatives such as the top of the webpage, which fea-
spectroscopy. Astronomical Ring for Access tures spectroscopy enthusiast
to Spectroscopy ( Tom Field and fellow observers
ou’re no doubt familiar with a aras_spec) are a testament sharing their knowledge and
Y prism’s ability to split light into a
spectrum, but have you ever considered
to the fact that the amateur
spectroscopic community
love of the craft.
Before you whip out that
doing it at a telescope? While photom- is thriving. Efforts such as spectrograph, do study the
etry tells us how an object’s brightness these are extremely valuable, Guide to Getting Started
varies with time, spectroscopy gives since long-term spectroscopic in Spectroscopy (https://
us insight into the guts of the object. monitoring of variable stars As
Spectroscopy informs us that stars have and their ilk by profession- Steven Shore, current lead
different chemical elements churn- als is lacking. The American of the AAVSO Spectroscopy
ing within; that accretion disks swirl Association of Variable Star Observing Section, says, “How
around black holes; that galaxies recede Observers wanted in on the observations are obtained and
from us. And more, much more. With action, too, and so in 2019 it reduced and what sort of data
the advent of affordable astronomical launched the AAVSO Spectro- are presented are more delicate
cameras and — more recently — spec- scopic Database. The database an issue than for photometry.”
trographs, the art of deciphering the is free of charge and open to He also urges observers to pay
elemental makeup of astronomical all observers, and the AAVSO careful attention to calibra-
objects is within your reach. encourages all spectroscopists tion and to meticulously
Backyard spectroscopy. Big — from beginners to experts record observing conditions,
mountaintop telescopes are equipped — to get involved. spectral interval, and data-
with spectrographs that yield exquisite Start splitting. If you’re reduction procedures.
resolution, far beyond what you can eager to investigate the won- Don’t be discouraged by
achieve. So you might ask yourself, derful world of spectroscopy, the seeming complexity of the
“Why bother?” Remember, obtaining head over to the AAVSO’s field. The returns on the satis-
observing time on the big telescopes dedicated webpage (https:// faction of knowing that you’re
is extremely competitive. Professional There probing fundamental physics
astronomers thus often have big gaps you’ll find a general introduc- are huge. You’ll also be adding
in their data sets — gaps they’re eager tion to astronomical spectros- valuable data to the scientific
for someone to help them fill. The big copy as well as select targets literature. There’s some-
advantage of the amateur community is and observing priorities. thing for everyone: If you’re
essentially continual access to observ- Useful specs accompany each interested in dwarf novae, or
N. A . SH A RP / NOAO / NSO / K IT T PE A K / F TS / AUR A / NSF

ing opportunities, especially when it class of object: recommended microquasars, or Cepheids —

comes to transient events: At the drop scope size, frequency of obser- or even Cepheids with X-ray
of a dew shield, observers can head to vation, required resolution, flashes — there’s a target for
their backyards or dark-sky sites and get and desired signal-to-noise you. As Shore encourages,
cracking. In addition, having the com- ratio, among other details. “Whatever is interesting, do
munity flung far and wide across the Crucial to the enjoyment of it.” And there’s so much that’s
globe potentially means full coverage of an exercise is understanding interesting out there.
an event — it can’t be cloudy everywhere its goal, and the webpage does
at the same time, can it? a sterling job of equipping ¢ Observing Editor DIANA
Now that spectrographs as well as observers by noting why the HANNIKAINEN used to spend
standard reduction software and pipe- data for each class are sought a lot of time trying to unravel
lines are more readily available, you can and what they’re expected to microquasars’ X-ray spectra.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 57
ICY DISPLAY by Sean Walker

Comet C/2021 A1 closed out 2021
with a photographic bang.


ard displays knots and kinks in
its bluish ion tail as seen from the
slopes of Roque de los Mucha-
chos on La Palma, Spain. The
comet’s extensive tail spans more
than 36° in this tracked, two-frame
mosaic recorded on the evening of

December 26, 2021, with a Canon

EOS 6D operating at ISO 3200 and
a 50-mm lens.

58 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
t isn’t often that observers are treated to two good 5 a.u., it soon became apparent that the object’s orbit would

I comets in less than two years. The last time I can recall
something similar was in 2007 when Comet McNaught
and Comet 17P/Holmes bookended the skies. Comets tend
bring it close to the Sun and Earth precisely one year later.
Comet Leonard was predicted to achieve a maximum
brightness of about 4th magnitude, making it a good binocu-
to be unpredictable. While we can plot their paths across lar and telescopic target for dedicated observers, though not
the sky after discovery, how bright they get and what tail something to drag your friends and family out to see. Over
activity arises are influenced by several factors. Some com- the course of the year, the comet followed this script — a
ets perform well below expectations, and some even disin- faint object slowly brightening as it approached the inner
tegrate altogether as they near the Sun. But once in a while, solar system. But by early October, it brightened to almost
one of these icy bodies performs far better than expected 7th magnitude while sporting a short dust tail. Hopes began
and puts on a memorable display. to rise among optimistic comet aficionados that a pretty good
The story of Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1) began at the show was about to begin.
start of 2021 when Senior Research Specialist Gregory J.
Leonard of the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Serendipitous Encounters
Laboratory noticed it on images recorded January 3rd. He By November, the comet continued its steady brightening
was searching for near-Earth asteroids for the Catalina Sky trend as it crept through Ursa Major and Canes Venatici in
Survey using the 1.5-meter (60-inch) telescope on Mount the morning sky. Along the way, it passed by several distant
Lemmon in Arizona. A faint, 19th-magnitude object at about (continued on page 62)

 RARE CONVERGENCE As Comet Leonard passed globular cluster M3 in the morning hours of December 3rd, imagers Tom Masterson and Terry
Handcock recorded a bright fireball during one of the 120-second exposures used in this colorful composite.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 59
Icy Display

December 21, 2021 December 25, 2021 December 27, 2021

G E R A LD R HE M A N N (6)

WAGGING TAIL After transitioning to an evening object, Comet Leonard

sported numerous streamers, kinks, and knots that changed shape as the
solar wind pushed material down the comet’s ion tail. Following perihelion
on January 3rd, gas production began to subside and Leonard started to
display both a thin ion tail and a pronounced dust tail.

60 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
December 28, 2021 January 1, 2022 January 3, 2022

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 61
Icy Display

(continued from page 59)

galaxies, offering imagers some excellent photographic
opportunities. On the morning of November 24th, the comet
passed directly between irregular galaxies NGC 4631 and
NGC 4656. Nine days later, it slipped by globular cluster M3,
with the comet’s tail sweeping across the distant star cluster.
By the start of December, Leonard reached naked-eye
visibility, though it was quickly racing toward morning
twilight. About this time, comet watchers began report-
ing Leonard exhibiting outbursts of activity that notably
increased its brightness while also sparking fears that the
icy object was breaking up.
Observers waited with bated breath as Comet Leonard
transitioned from a morning to an evening target. By Decem-
ber 15th, it was spotted just a few degrees above the horizon
in evening twilight, undergoing an outburst that raised its
brightness to about magnitude +3.5 — a harbinger for the
main act to come.

The Southern Show

When Comet Leonard transitioned into the evening sky, it
entered the southerly constellations of Ophiuchus and Sagit-
tarius, visible for northern observers in deepening twilight.  VISUAL IMPRESSIONS Ian Thompson of Albany, New Zealand,
However, the best part of the show occurred for those situ- sketched fine striations and arcs within the comet’s pseudo-nucleus while
ated near the equator and in the Southern Hemisphere. Due viewing Leonard at 40× with his 8-inch Cassegrain on December 24th.


ESA and NASA’s Solar Orbiter recorded
Comet Leonard on December 18th with
Mercury and Venus visible at top right.

62 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E

ZODIACAL LINEUP Comet Leonard appears to compete with the brightness of the zodiacal light as seen above Tenerife, Spain. The
planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus also line up from top to lower right in this composite image recorded on December 28, 2021.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 63
Icy Display


64 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
to the comet’s geometry as seen from Earth, its rapidly grow- other, minor outbursts seen later.
ing tail ran parallel to the horizon as seen from mid-northern Ian Thompson of Albany, New Zealand, noted while
latitudes. Farther to the south, however, it was possible to sketching his impressions through the eyepiece on the eve-
easily spot its bright coma and, under dark skies, a faint tail ning of December 24th that “. . . as twilight began to fade,
several degrees long. I saw the green glow of the coma, followed by the orange-
As C/2021 A1 rose higher each night, its complex tail yellow dust tail extending over about 5°.”
began to come into view. On December 20th (one night after While a few degrees of the tail’s length was visible to
its historically close encounter with Venus), the comet expe- the naked eye, wide-angle photos from extremely dark sites
rienced a second outburst that brightened its pseudo-nucleus revealed its greatest extent to be a surprising 60° or more on
by a full magnitude or more. the closing nights of 2021. While Comet Leonard experienced
Images of the comet taken after December 18th show a few more outbursts as it passed through perihelion on
complex streamers of gas and dust extending at least 10°. January 3rd, gas production fell off rapidly afterward, leaving
These features moved rapidly down the tail, requiring short the comet with a thin ion tail and slightly curved dust tail to
exposures to properly “freeze” the details in photographs. compete with the waxing Moon.
Several additional outbursts occurred through the end Comet Leonard put on a good performance for observ-
of 2021. Comet photographer Michael Jäger explained that ers and photographers in both hemispheres, even if it didn’t
each outburst began with a nearly full magnitude bright- quite make the list of truly great comets. At press time for
ening of the coma, followed a day later by a large kink or this issue, Leonard’s show wasn’t completely over. Its below-
knot flowing down the comet’s bluish ion tail. Outbursts naked-eye visibility and its tail can be measured in arc-
occurred on December 23, 26, 30, and January 1, with minutes rather than degrees, but the comet is still undergoing
outbursts that brighten the coma.
 A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE Distant galaxies NGC 4656 and NGC Comet Leonard’s orbit has it heading into interstellar
4631 briefly hosted cometary visitor C/2021 A1 on November 24th as the space, never to return. So, let this gallery of its brief but
comet raced towards its January 2022 perihelion. memorable visit sustain your appetite until the next time a
bright, hairy “star” graces our skies.
 FLOWING DOWNSTREAM A day after each outburst, observers not-
ed a thick knot of gas travelling down the comet’s blue ion tail. Michael
Jäger captured this particular clump the evening of December 26 using a ¢ Associate Editor SEAN WALKER had one good view of Com-
remote imaging telescope in Namibia. et Leonard before it moved on to more southerly declinations.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 65
S&T Test Report by Johnny Horne

One new piece of equipment that

enables comfortable, remote astropho-

ZWOptical’s ASIair Plus tography is ZWOptical’s ASIair Plus. It’s

the company’s third model of ride-along
computer and accessory hub controlled
This little device does a lot more than control your imaging gear. via a smartphone or tablet. This com-
pact device mounts atop your telescope,
controlling and powering your various
imaging components.
I reviewed the original ASIair almost
three years ago (S&T: Sept. 2019, p.
66). The ASIair Plus is smaller than
the original unit, though that doesn’t
make it any less capable. It’s housed in
an attractive, red-anodized aluminum
case measuring about 10 × 62/3 × 2¼
centimeters (approximately 37/8 × 25/8
× 7/8 inches). The device comes with six
cables: three having 5.5-mm × 2.1-mm
barrel connectors on each end, as well
as one male-to-female extension cable.
There’s also a 2-meter Ethernet cable
and a ¾-meter USB 3.0 cable.
The ASIair Plus has four USB connec-
tions located on one end: a pair of black
USB 2.0 ports and two blue USB 3.0
sockets. On the opposite end are four
5.5-mm × 2.1-mm 12-volt power jacks
with a combined output of 6 amps.
There’s a tiny LED by each power port
that lights up when each is activated
by the control app. The four LEDs and
ASIair Plus IT’S CLEAR THAT in modern astropho- three others located on another side
tography one recent trend is here to stay. of the case aren’t bright enough to
U.S. Price: $299
Imagers want to be comfortable while interfere with your night vision. The
recording the night sky, not sitting by a Wi-Fi antenna is on one end along
What We Like dew-soaked laptop next to their tele- with the 12V power input and switch.
Provides reliable, wireless scope while their cameras make dozens The side opposite the power jacks has
operation of a wide range of of guided exposures. After all, who really a USB-C port as well as a TF card slot
Go To mounts and ZWOptical wants to feed the mosquitoes or shiver (also known as Micro-SD) and threaded
imaging devices through subfreezing nights? Most of holes that accept the finder-bracket
No additional software the work in deep-sky imaging is now mounting shoe.
required automated thanks to Go To mounts, Although the company states the
autoguiders, and critical-focus devices. ASIair Plus operating manual is down-
What We Don’t Like loadable from its website, at the time of
Power supply not included p The ASIair Plus is shown ready for a night this review it wasn’t available. However,
of imaging atop the author’s William Optics
the manual for the ASIair Pro is avail-
Compatibility limited to ZWO 71-mm f/4.9 refractor. Attached to the ASIair
devices and some DSLRs is an ASI294MC Pro camera at lower right, a
able, and its operation and features are
ASI120MM Mini autoguiding camera inserted virtually identical to the Plus version.

into the off-axis guider, and the ZWO EAF focus

motor at lower left. Three of the four 12-volt Setting Up
outlets are used for powering a dew heater,
Before mounting the ASIair Pro on your
the main camera’s TEC colling, and an iOptron
CEM 25P mount. A USB drive is inserted into
scope, I recommend you initially install
the last available USB 3.0 port to store the and configure all your imaging devices
night’s images. indoors to make sure everything works

66 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
together before heading out to the ASIair Plus is limited to controlling
scope. The first step is to download the ZWO cameras and peripheral devices,
ASIair app from either the Apple mar- with the exception of Canon and Nikon
ketplace or Google Play Store, depend- cameras. It can, however, drive a wide
ing on the smart device you’ll be con- range of Go To mounts. I used it to
trolling the computer with. Be sure to control my iOptron CEM25P mount as
check for updates regularly, as ZWOpti- well as my observatory telescope with
cal is constantly making improvements its Losmandy Gemini 2 Go To drive sys-
to the app. I installed it on my iPhone 8 tem. Both connected with no problems.
and on my Generation 6 iPad. 2
The ASIair Plus attaches to most App Control
scopes with an aluminum dovetail Once the device is configured to work
shoe designed to fit in the quick-release with your gear, you’re ready to set up an
finderscope brackets found on most imaging plan. The ASIair app displays
commercial telescopes. The shoe can a series of intuitive icons along the top
be positioned on the bottom or on the of the screen for each device. Start-
side of the device. Additionally, there’s ing from left, there are settings for the
a ¼-20 threaded socket by each of the device itself (Wi-Fi, power-port control,
bracket ports that can be used as an etc.). Next is the camera settings fol-
alternate mounting point. lowed by autoguiding, telescope, filter 3
After installing the app, plug in wheel, focuser, and finally storage (such
the unit, turn it on, and link it to as the TF card or internal storage).
your tablet or smartphone. Curiously, Devices not connected are grayed out.
ZWOptical doesn’t include the 12-volt, Users can program entire imaging
5-amp power supply for the device plans that include everything from
itself, though it’s available on the the exposures of the sky to calibra-
company’s website for $29. Fortunately, tion frames. Multiple targets can be
I had a compatible one handy. About 30 programmed for a given night. These
seconds after powering up, the Wi-Fi plans are configured by tapping Auto-
activates (signaled by an audible beep), run on the right side of the screen and
and you can connect your tablet or then creating an imaging schedule. You
smartphone and launch the app. can save these schedules for future use
Next, configure your mount, imag- or modify them later. I set up imag-
ing and autoguiding cameras, as well as ing schedules that included everything
any electronic focusers or filter wheels except dark and flat-field images. p As a control station, the ASIair Plus is
you intend to use. As programmed, the The four power-out ports on the loaded with ports and switches. 1 This end
includes the 12-volt, 5-amp power input, the
on/off switch, and the Wi-Fi antenna at right
along with the reset button and a red LED
indicator. 2 Four USB ports are located on
the opposite end — two black USB 2.0 and
a pair of blue USB 3.0 ports. An Ethernet
port at left permits hardwiring of the device
to a network. 3 A single jack at left con-
nects to the shutter release cable of certain
Canon or Nikon DSLRs. Four power ports
line this side of the device, each having
an LED indicator that lights up when each
is activated in the ASIair app. 4 The side
opposite of the power ports has a USB-C
connection used to transfer files from the
device’s internal memory. The TF card slot
(commonly known as a Micro-SD card) ac-
cepts up to 1-terabyte cards. At center is a
¼-20 threaded hole for mounting the device.
The smaller threaded holes are an alterna-
p The ASIair Plus comes with four cables for its power connections, one USB 3.0 cable, and an tive connecting location for the mounting
Ethernet cable. Users will have to purchase the 12-volt, 5-amp power supply for the device sepa- shoe (seen at the bottom of the unit).
rately or provide their own.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 67
S&T Test Report

ASIair Plus combined are limited to 6 distance with a wall in between. Users Testing this compatibility, the ASIair
amps total output, so during most of who travel to remote imaging sites can Plus picked up my Nikon D300, D750,
my tests they powered my guiding and expect a solid, continuous connection and D850 cameras instantly. I also
imaging cameras, an electronic focuser, from ASIair Plus while comfortably tested its connectivity with a friend’s
and a dew-prevention band. The app seated inside a warm car several feet Canon 77D, and it was also instantly
shows the total current being used by away from the imaging rig. recognized in the app. Both Canon and
each power port. In addition to the Wi-Fi improve- Nikon DSLRs must be set to save in RAW
ments, the app is much more responsive format for ASIair Plus to operate them.
Strong Wi-Fi in general than the version I used three
The most obvious and welcome years ago. A full-resolution, 12-mega- Storage Space
improvement with the ASIair Plus over pixel image from my ZWO ASI294MC Unlike the earlier ASIair, the firmware
the original model is its increased Wi-Fi Pro camera transfers to my iPad in resides on an internal drive with an
range. The Plus model supports 2.5G about 6 seconds over the 5G connec- additional 20 gigabytes of free space.
and 5G transfer speeds, both offering tion, and there was virtually no lag Users can save images to this space or to
considerable range, with the 5G trans- when changing some imaging param- a TF card. The computer can accept TF
ferring images faster, though at the cost eters despite the autoguider working cards of up to 1 terabyte in size, though
of shorter range. away in the background. only a 32GB card is included. Images
When I tested the ASIair Plus inside saved to either location are easily trans-
my observatory, I never lost connection Camera Compatibility ferred to a desktop computer via the
despite the unit being separated from As noted earlier, the ASIair Plus will high-speed USB-C port.
my iPad by about 10 feet — including only control ZWOptical’s deep-sky, I preferred using a USB flash drive
about 10 inches of flooring and insula- planetary, and autoguiding cameras, to store my image files before mov-
tion. Outdoors, with the device control- as well as some DSLR cameras. A list of ing them to my main computer for
ling my iOptron mount, I could walk compatible models of both Nikon and post-processing. This method requires
about 100 feet away and still retain a Canon appears in the manual, but be using one of the USB ports, but three
solid connection as long as there were forewarned: Not all DSLRs are treated ports remain for my ZWO ASI294MC
no objects between it and my tablet. equally. Some Nikon models require the Pro color camera and ZWO EAF focus
I began to experience intermittent use of a shutter-release cable in addition motor, as well as for connecting to my
connections as I attempted control to the standard USB connection when mount. (I plugged my autoguider into
from about 150 feet away using the controlled with the ASIair Plus. There the built-in hub on my ZWO ASI294MC
2.5G option. My tablet couldn’t detect are no such caveats for Canon cameras. Pro camera.)
the ASIair Plus outside at all once I At this time, the ASIair Plus doesn’t Moving the images from the inter-
stepped inside my house at the same support mirrorless cameras. nal memory requires the destination

p Left: After launching the ASIair control app, the user is first prompted to connect to the device through a Wi-Fi connection. After that, simply
select each camera, the mount, a filter wheel, and focuser by clicking each icon along the top of the screen. The icon for additional memory changes
depending on the location the recorded images are to be saved (the author used a USB flash drive for his tests). Right: The Mount Settings screen
features a pull-down menu of dozens of compatible tracking mounts. Near the bottom of the screen, users can set the parameters for an automatic
meridian flip to avoid having gear collide with the tripod.

68 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
computer to be located close to ASIair
Plus, which itself needs to be powered
to access its internal storage. The ASIAir
app includes a feature for moving the
saved files from one storage location to
the other.
Overall, the ASIair Plus func-
tions like any modern computer, and
it automatically detected peripherals
when they were connected. Unplug one
USB device and plug in another and the
device knows it. A small box appears on
the screen stating that a new camera is
connected and what type it is. It then
appears instantly in the camera selec-
tion menu.
On top of its deep-sky imaging
capabilities, the ASIair app also includes
planetary-imaging control and process-
ing tools. I did some lunar imaging
using the ASIair Plus and utilized the
app to sharply focus the scope on-screen
using the ZWO EAF focus motor and
recorded several AVI files. The stacking
feature in ASIair takes a little longer
than the same task does on my desktop
computer running planetary-stacking

 The ASIair Plus controlled all the gear seen

on page 66 to produce this image of M42 and
M43 in Orion. The device orchestrated 25
perfectly tracked 120-second exposures before
successfully slewing to and imaging a second
programmed target.

p Left: The focus screen of the app displays two graphs showing star measurements. The top graph displays star size, while the bottom one indi-
cates the brightness value. Arrows at left move the ZWO EAF focus motor. Right: The ASIair app allows users to “live stack” images as they accumu-
late, a capability that is particularly helpful at public outreach events.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 69
S&T Test Report

software, but the resulting image was  The ASIair Plus also includes tools to record,
just as sharp as any I’ve produced using stack, and sharpen images of the Sun, Moon,
and planets. The author captured this closeup
Registax or Autostakkert!3.
of the Moon a day after full phase. He stacked
and sharpened the result entirely with his iPad
Other Helpful Features running the ASIair app.
Besides being a robust control station,
the ASIair Plus can live-stack deep- the app uses nearby field stars during
sky images, facilitating “electronically repeated short exposures to figure out
assisted astronomy” or public outreach the mount’s precise orientation.
by allowing you to share the view as The ASIair Plus can also work with
the image builds up over the course of planetarium programs installed on your
several minutes. Live stacking can also phone or tablet to control the Go To
apply calibration frames to the image, functions of your mount. I tested this
which eliminates any hot pixels and capability by using Sky Safari Pro on my
corrects vignetting. iPad with my iOptron CEM25P equato-
Deep-sky imagers will appreciate the rial mount. Once the app had plate-
AISair’s onboard plate-solving capabil- solved an image, another tap brings up
ity. The app can quickly analyze the an annotated view of the field with all
stars in an image and determine exactly the deep-sky objects in it identified.
where in the sky the telescope is point-
ing — usually within seconds. This is The Bottom Line
a particularly helpful feature if you’re In my 2019 review of the original
imaging one object for a night or more, ASIair, I encouraged readers to stay
since the ASIair app will quickly adjust tuned for updates that would take
the pointing of your telescope to match care of connection issues and sporadic clear, dark-of-the-Moon stretch. The
the field from the night before or when Wi-Fi. Those changes were definitely device is easy to learn and packed with a
the mount performs a meridian flip. incorporated into the ASIair Plus. welcome array of features that can make
This plate-solve function also assists Opening up the ASIair Plus for use all types of astrophotography easier.
a powerful polar-alignment routine with other brands of cameras or filter
in the ASIair app. An onscreen display wheels would certainly be welcomed. ¢ Contributing Editor JOHNNY HORNE
indicates where the pole is and where But for imagers already invested in welcomes the recent downsizing trend
the mount’s polar axis is pointed, allow- ZWOptical gear, it already may be time in imaging control systems. He predicts
ing very precise adjustments. There’s no to retire that old imaging laptop and that soon he’ll be scripting imaging com-
need for the pole to even be visible, as order ASIair Plus in time for the next mands with his smart watch.

p Left: ASIair Plus has the ability to quickly plate-solve an image after it downloads, which helps ensure the device will exactly match a field from
night to night. Right: The ASIair app also includes extensive information on what’s up in the sky. After a plate-solve, users can select Tonight’s Best
from the tools menu screen to show a list of objects available for imaging on a given night. Each item in the ledger displays an image of the object and
a graph plotting the object’s altitude above the horizon throughout the night.

70 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
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s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 71


iOptron now offers a family of high-speed cameras for Astro-Tech adds a new model to its extensive line of ED
planetary imaging and autoguiding. The iOptron iCam refractors. Astro-Tech AT102EDL ($1,199) is a 102-mm
series are small cameras housed in aluminum bodies de- (4-inch) f/7 doublet with an objective that pairs one FCD-
signed to fit directly into any 1¼-inch focuser. Each version 100 ED element with a rare-earth lanthanum element to
utilizes both dead-pixel-suppression technology and high- produce sharp, color-free views. The tube weighs roughly
conversion gain to produce low-noise images with high- 4.2 kilograms (9.3 pounds) and measures 60 centime-
dynamic range. The iCam 462C ($259) features a Sony ters (23.6 inches) long with its dew shield retracted. The
IMX462 color CMOS sensor with a 1,944 × 1,096 array of AT102EDL comes with a 2½-inch-format, dual-speed
2.9-micron-square pixels and can achieve frame rates of focuser with built-in camera-angle adjustments and
136 frames per second (FPS). The iCam 464C ($309) is a includes both 2- and 1¼-inch eyepiece adapters with
4.2-megapixel Sony IMX464 color CMOS detector with non-marring brass compression rings. Each scope
2.9-micron-square pixels in a 2,712 × 1,538 array with purchase comes with an aluminum lens cap, a pair of
downloads as fast as 93 FPS. The iCam 178M ($309) uses CNC-machined mounting rings, carrying handle, and a
a 6.4-megapixel Sony IMX178 monochrome CMOS sensor Vixen-style dovetail mounting plate.
with 2.4-micron-square pixels in a 3,060 × 2,078 array that Astro-Tech
can record up to 60 FPS. Each iCam includes an ST-4- Available from Astronomics
style port to connect to and guide most telescope mounts. 680 24th Ave. SW, Norman, OK 73069 
iOptron 800-422-7876;
6F Gill St., Woburn, MA 01801


Celestron unveils its line of dew-prevention accessories with the release of its Smart
DewHeater Controller 2x ($259.95). This device powers two dew-prevention strips as
well as an additional 12-volt accessory (such as your telescope mount). At the heart
of the Smart DewHeater is a powerful microprocessor that monitors the ambient
temperature and humidity, ensuring only enough power is sent to the heating strips
to ward off dew from your telescope optics. The unit works with both Celestron’s
dew-heater rings and third-party dew-heater bands with the addition of Celestron’s
Thermistor for Smart DewHeater Controllers ($14.95). The Smart DewHeater Control-
ler includes built-in clamps to connect to Losmandy-style dovetail bars and can be
controlled directly with Celestron Go To telescope hand controls or through its CPWI
telescope-control software.
2835 Columbia St., Torrance, CA 90503

New Product Showcase is a reader service featuring innovative equipment and software of interest to amateur astronomers. The descriptions are based largely on
information supplied by the manufacturers or distributors. Sky & Telescope assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of vendors’ statements. For further information
contact the manufacturer or distributor. Announcements should be sent to Not all announcements can be listed.

72 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
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See for full details on all S&T tours


A Solid-Glass
Aims High p Rik’s telescope is made from a solid cylinder
of glass. The Schmidt corrector and secondary
are ground into one end, and the primary mirror
These two projects are monolithic monuments to ingenuity. is ground into the other.

IN NOVEMBER 2021 an online video Cassegrain telescope. And he’s made it light baffle is drilled into the body and
went viral. My inbox filled with emails out of a single piece of glass. blackened on the sides. And there’s one
all containing the same link, all with The diagram and photos on these additional feature that a normal SCT
the same subject line: “You must write pages tell you everything in an instant: doesn’t have: The back surface provides
about this!” Indeed, I must. If this isn’t The Schmidt corrector is ground into one final opportunity to fine-tune the
the coolest telescope I’ve ever seen, then the front face, as is the secondary mir- light path on its way out of the scope.
I haven’t seen a telescope. ror, and the primary mirror is ground The telescope is tiny, with a clear
What Dutch optical engineer Rik into the back face. In between, where a aperture of only 25 millimeters (one
ter Horst has made is quite possibly the typical SCT is full of air, Rik’s telescope inch). That might lead you to think
world’s most compact Schmidt- is solid glass. It does have one cavity: A this is a scale model or a mere curios-
ity, useless for anything but its novelty.
Au contraire. This telescope has found
a place that’s quite literally out of this
world: In December 2022, Rik’s mono-
lithic telescope will rocket into space
aboard Portland State University’s
OreSat, where it will return live video of
the Earth to anyone, particularly high
school students, who want to build a
receiver and connect.
The scope wasn’t developed with
spaceflight in mind. Rik got the idea
over 25 years ago, when he noticed that
the optical molds he was making for

the fabrication of ophthalmic cataract
replacement lenses looked a lot like
the front end of a Schmidt-Cassegrain
telescope. For fun he ground the back
of a mold convex, and the results were
promising enough that he used an
optical design program to model the
ideal curves for a real scope. In 1995
he made a model that worked, and he
posted his results on the Cloudy Nights
astronomy forum.
Fast forward to 2020 when the
Portland State Aerospace Society was
accepted into the launch queue for a
Rik ter Horst does all the grinding
and polishing at this one-meter- CubeSat — a small, free-flying, citizen-
square workstation. science satellite carried into orbit as
extra payload when space permits.

74 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
the students are building to finalize the
design for the real thing. They’re build-
ing the entire satellite — the framework,
the circuit boards, everything — from
scratch, mostly so they can open-source
the design to make it freely available to
anyone who wants to build a CubeSat
themselves. Rik’s telescope sits proudly
on top, where it will peer down at Earth
p A lens mold (bottom) inspired a rough
and send its images to anyone who
prototype (left), which eventually led to the final tunes in via Wi-Fi. Users can request p This freeway sign photographed through
concept (top right). photos of specific spots, and the satellite Rik’s tiny telescope is over half a mile away
will provide them on its next pass.
Despite their diminutive size (10 cm, Resolution from 418 kilometers up is “Not only will we be Oregon’s first sat-
or 4 in, per side), CubeSats do all sorts about six meters per pixel, so you’re not ellite, but we’ll be Oregon’s first meteor
of cool science. PSU’s CubeSat will going to catch your neighbors sunbath- shower, too.”
monitor the global distribution of cir- ing, but you’ll be able to recognize your I for one would love to be on the
rus clouds and provide live video of its neighborhood. The images provided will ground track when that happens. Hav-
ground track. be invaluable for monitoring wildfires, ing seen both Rik’s telescope and the
To do the latter, the satellite needs a light pollution, cloud cover, and any- satellite in person, I’d love to watch it go
telescope. Surprisingly, there aren’t any thing else on a medium-to-large scale. out in that final blaze of glory.
standard telescopes available for Cube- The telescope I saw at PSU was also For more information about the
Sats, at least none that are available on a technology demonstrator. Rik is mak- telescope, visit Rik’s Cloudy Nights topic
a university science budget. But one of ing another one for the actual flight. at
the Aerospace Society students discov- He’s making it out of fused silica for its For more about OreSat, visit the
ered Rik’s Cloudy Nights topic, project low coefficient of thermal expansion. Portland State Aerospace Society’s web-
director Andrew Greenberg contacted There’s only 27.5 mm of space to work site at
Rik, and the collaboration was born. with, including the detector, so that
I got the opportunity to visit the imposes some severe restraints on the ¢ Contributing Editor JERRY OLTION is
PSU campus and look at the engineer- design. It’ll be f/5, which is very fast for pretty sure he’s seen a telescope.
ing unit, the prototype CubeSat that an SCT, requiring strong aspheric sur-
faces that make grinding and polishing
Schmidt Secondary all the harder.

corrector mirror Amazingly, Rik does the entire

process by hand at a workstation only
a meter square. His first scope took
nearly half a year in between other
projects, but even working continuously
the new scope will take about three

months. Rik says, “This is one of the

most difficult and challenging optics
I’ve made in my life.”
As I write this, a test satellite called
OreSat0 is set to launch in February.
Light Andrew says its primary purpose is
baffle “to not catch fire.” OreSat itself will
follow this December. It would be neat
to think that it, and Rik’s amazing
Primary monolithic telescope, will be up there
mirror Additional in orbit for centuries, a monument to
Detector opportunity ingenuity for our descendants to marvel
at a millennium from now. But alas,
p The solid Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope has p The telescope peers out the end of OreSat,
all the parts of a normal SCT, minus the air. In
what goes up must come down. OreSat a two-unit CubeSat 10 × 10 × 20 centimeters
addition, there’s one extra surface at the rear will de-orbit in about two years due to on a side (about 4 × 4 × 8 inches). A 3D-printed
used to fine-tune the light path. atmospheric drag. And as Andrew says, protective shroud holds it in place.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 75

Douglas Struble
Several energetic young stars, including bluish
HD 227018, power Sharpless 2-101 (top), an
emission nebula in Cygnus. The H II region
below it is LBN 171. North is to the left.
DETAILS: Stellarvue SVX 102T-R Raptor APO
refractor with ZWO ASI1600MM Pro camera.
Total exposure: 21¾ hours through Astrodon Hα
and OIII filters.

76 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
Mathieu Guinot
The Triangulum Galaxy, M33, bristles with bright, pinkish star-
forming regions. It is the third-largest spiral in the Local Group
and lies about 3 million light-years away.
DETAILS: Lacerta 250-mm Photo-Newton reflector with ZWO
ASI2600MM Pro camera. Total exposure: 21½ hours through Antlia
Hα and LRGB filters.

Bruce Waddington
The foreground star HD 83535 happens to align perfectly with
the edge of the planetary nebula Abell 33 in Hydra, inspiring its
nickname, the Diamond Ring Nebula.
DETAILS: PlaneWave CDK12.5 Dall-Kirkham telescope with QSI 640
camera. Total exposure: 12.3 hours through LRGB and OIII filters.

s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 77

u NGC 4731
Warren Keller and Mike Selby
Barred spiral NGC 4731 is a member of the Virgo
Cluster of galaxies. Gravitational interactions with a
neighboring galaxy distorted its broad arms.
DETAILS: PlaneWave PW1000 Dall-Kirkham telescope
with FLI ProLine PL16803 camera. Total exposure: 20½
hours through LRGB filters.


Christian Viladrich
This high-resolution view of the lunar South Pole
resolves countless craterlets within prominent Blanca-
nus (top left), Casatus (lower left), and Moretus (right).
DETAILS: Astrosib RC500 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope with
ZWO ASI1600MM Pro camera. Stack of 300 exposures
each 15 milliseconds through a red filter.

Gallery showcases the finest astronomical images that our readers submit to us. Send your best shots to
See Visit for more of our readers’ astrophotos.

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ADVERTISEorder. Closing IN
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Sky & Telescope, Suite 300B, One Alewife Center,
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82 M AY 2 0 2 2 • S K Y & T E L E S C O P E
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s k y a n d t e l e s c o p e . o r g • M AY 2 0 2 2 83
FOCAL POINT by André Bormanis

The Final
It might be closer than Star Trek
would have you think.

ON OCTOBER 13, 2021, I watched with everyone else who’s had the privilege p You don’t need to travel to the edge of
fascination as William Shatner, better of rocketing above the atmosphere, if space to have a mind-altering celestial trip.
Just witness totality during a total solar
known to the world as the fictional ever so briefly.
eclipse (above, as seen from Chile in 2019).
Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Something about the brevity of
Enterprise, took a 10-minute ride on a Shatner’s brush with space resonated mals grew quiet. Altogether, the reality
rocket to the edge of space. with me, and I soon realized why. I of our situation on Earth suddenly
Although a consummate actor, have had a similarly brief but momen- became clear: We live inside a tiny
Shatner seemed deeply and genu- tous cosmic experience — in fact, bubble of life in a vast and inhospitable
inely affected by the experience. multiple times. universe. When totality ended a couple
Upon stepping out of the Blue Origin I witnessed the first of five total of precious minutes later, I was practi-
capsule after returning to Earth, he solar eclipses I’ve enjoyed in 1998, cally in tears.
was initially at a loss for words. But he from the shores of Aruba. To prep for It’s a curious coincidence that the
soon began a stunning and seemingly the trip, I’d packed a small telescope, average total solar eclipse lasts about
spontaneous soliloquy on his voyage camera, binoculars, solar filters for as long as Shatner spent in zero-g. The
above the Kármán line — the unofficial each optic, and several rolls of film. brevity of these experiences no doubt
upper boundary of our atmosphere I’d studied the different phenomena amplifies their intensity. For many
100 kilometers (62 miles) up. Shat- that accompany a solar eclipse, from of us, the next best chance to see an
ner described the sight of what his shadow bands to Baily’s Beads. And eclipse will be two years from now, on
alter ego Captain Kirk had called “the yet when totality commenced, I was in April 8, 2024, when the path of total-
final frontier” as “. . . looking into awe, totally dumbstruck. ity will pass through Mexico, the U.S.,
blackness, into black ugliness . . .” In I knew the sight of the Moon slowly and Canada.
contrast, looking down at our living covering the Sun, revealing the glori- Shatner said he hoped he’d never
blue planet, with the delicate boundary ous solar corona, would be amazing, recover from his trip to space. I’d be
of air just above it, he saw “. . . mother and it was: graceful, beautiful, and happy to let him know that I’ve never
and Earth and comfort . . .” otherworldly, a white light so pure that recovered from the experience of wit-
I’ve never traveled to the edge of nothing on Earth can compare to it. nessing a total solar eclipse.
space and doubt I ever will. I’m in my What I wasn’t prepared for was how
60s, and even if I live to be 90 — Shat- the entire world around me changed. ¢ ANDRÉ BORMANIS is a writer and

ner’s age during his flight — I suspect The shore and the sea were lit only by co-executive producer for the Hulu
that the cost will still be too great, or that wondrous light. It altered my per- television series The Orville. He has
my health too frail, for me to make ception of the landscape, the sea, and also written for Star Trek: Voyager and
such a journey. But I envy him and color itself. The birds and small ani- Star Trek: Enterprise.

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