Sirwana Jemal Updated
Sirwana Jemal Updated
Sirwana Jemal Updated
Hossana, Ethiopia
March 2022
I would like to declare that. I have under taken my Internship work in a Menbe flour factory
within a period of December to March 2022 for four months. During this internship time I
have improved my theoretical and practical skills. Here I state that this final internship report
has been submitted to Wachemo University College of Agricultural science, Department of
food science and post-harvests technology. This paper includes all requirements of an
internship program.
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This is to certify that the internship report entitled Menbe Flour Company is prepared by
Student Sirwana Jemal under my guidance based on the regular reports that he had submitted.
I recommend this report to be submitted to the department of food science and post-harvest
technology for evaluation.
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First of all, I would like to thank my God who helps me to do my internship work from
starting to ending. Secondly, I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation for the
company administration who gives a chance for me to get internship experience within the
company. Also I would like to thank my advisor Mr. Banchiywosen K. for her unforgotten
supports and advice which helps me to be confidential and committed to do the project. And
also I would like to say thank you the company operator for his support while I was
practicing in the workshop section and he was transferring his knowledge and skills gained
from experience and for his unlimited advice which helps me to keep hold on all the
challenges that l faced. Finally, I would like to say thanks to my families for financially and
morally supporting me to complete this study.
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This report covers a variety of actions carried out in the Menbe flour company during the
internship term, ranging from the receipt of raw materials to the finished product, as well as
various quality control activities. The study also includes a brief history of the factory, from
its founding to its current operations. The paper also discusses the Menbe flour company's
overall organizational structure. The second section of my report summarizes my entire
internship experience gathered over my practicum sessions. I began by describing how I
came to work for the company, which department I worked in, and the tasks I did. The final
section of my report briefly discusses the overall benefits of my internship in terms of
strengthening my skills.
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Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................iv
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................v
LIST OF FIGURE.....................................................................................................................ix
LIST OF ABBREVIATION......................................................................................................x
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................1
1.3. Mission............................................................................................................................2
1.4. Vision..............................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................4
Page v
2.2. The Section of the Company I Had Been Worked..........................................................4
2.12.2. Scourer....................................................................................................................8
2.12.4. De Stoners...............................................................................................................8
Page vi
2.12.7 Air Lock...................................................................................................................9
2.14.5. Purifier..................................................................................................................11
2.14.7. Elevators...............................................................................................................12
2.14.9 Packaging...............................................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................15
Page vii
3.1. Communication Skills...................................................................................................15
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................18
4.1. CONCLUSIONS...........................................................................................................18
4.2. RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................................................18
Page viii
Page ix
A.A …………….. Addis Ababa
E.C………………. Ethiopian Calendar
Kg/hl……………..kilogram per Hecto litter
MC……………….Moisture Content
SNNPR………….South Nation, Nationalities and People Region
LPH…………….…Low Pressure Fan
HPF……………….High Pressure Fan
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Menbe flour milling factory was created in December 2012 EC in Gurage zone Meskan Woreda by
Menbe in the south nation ethnicities and people region. Whole wheat flour is defined as flour made
from wheat (other than durum) that retains the complete grain's proportions of bran, germ, and
endosperm (AACC International, 1999). The majority of wheat produced is in rural and semi-urban
areas, where it is mostly marketed to neighbors and consumers as raw wheat, local flour, and bread.
Because these chemicals are concentrated in the exterior sections of the grain, whole wheat flour has
far more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,fiber and other nutrients than normal wheat flour (Weaver,
The milling sector face various specific issues when it comes to wheat flour. For example, whereas
typical flour milling operations are well established, whole grain flours are manufactured using a
number of techniques, resulting in flours with a wide range of particle sizes and functionalists
(Kihlberg et al., 2004). The corporation can simply obtain wheat from these areas, as well as from
other countries.
The company owns three wheat storage silos. One silo could hold 30 tons of wheat for the flour
mill.Totally, the three silos have held the capacity of wheat to store 90 tons. The factory also has a
flour product store with a capacity of 1,600 sacks. Milling technology influences starch damage in
flour (Delcour and Hoseney 2010), which has an impact on functional properties of wheat flour
(Yamamoto et al 1996).at that time from one sack 80% of flour was produced and 20% of waste or
bran (used for animal feed) were produced.
1.1. Objectives of the Internship
To change the theoretical knowledge in to the practical work
To improve new skills
To improve communication skills
To improve work ethics
1.2. Objectives of Menbe Flour Company
The company was aimed to produce the wheat flour and by products and to distribute for the
customers. Specifically, the company has the following business objectives;
To produce and sell various kinds of flour and by products
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To expand and renovate the existing facilities
To produce high quality and quantity of wheat flour products in order to attract demands and to
compete to the market
To share the products for local markets and export to the foreign countries
To change and improve the old machines in order to increase the production capacity
To find out different income generation mechanisms that enhance the profits of the company
To improve flour production by decreasing by products/waste
1.3. Mission
To provide flour products with balanced price
Improve productivity in quality and its product for the customer satisfaction and being profitable
To keep the company competitive by minimizing unnecessary expense to save the company from
economic failure (bankruptcy) and lead to profitable.
1.4. Vision
Adapting quality based and new technology processing and becoming internationally competitive
In 2012 E.C to see the livelihood of its members transformed by increasing product and
productivity, and modern agricultural application being expanded.
1.5. Main Products and By Product of the Company
Normal Flour
Special flour
1.6. Main Customers of Menbe Flour Company
All people lived in urban and rural area of Butajira.
Government institution liked universities and colleges.
The peoples are living in other parts of Ethiopia out of Butajira.
Private own
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1.8. Organizational Structure of Flour Company
The organizational structure of Flour Company has been presented in the following Figure
General Manager
Production and Technical Finance Sale and Marketing Service and Administration
Manager manager Manager Manager
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2.1. How I Get in to the Company
Now, almost all Department of Wachemo University have a time for internship program. Among those
Food Science and Post-harvest Technology is one of them. The University gives us the chance to
search for hosting company for their internship program by ourselves. I request letter to Menbe Flour
factory because I heard about this factory, they have good machines related to our education. Then I
have got response from Menbe Company which allowed us to run the internship program in their
company. At the last of third year the department had asked acceptance letter. I had report the
acceptance letter to the department and then the department sends me to the Menbe flour factory.
Then I joined this factory and I was started work after few days later. Therefore, I am much more
interested work in this company and I can get more practical experience
2.2. The Section of the Company I Had Been Worked
Generally the company has different rooms or sections such as production room, operation room and
packaging room. From this the sections that I had been working in production room and I had got a
chance to work in operation room.
2.3. Work Task I Have Been Executing
Generally the company has different rooms or section such as production room and operation room.
From this section that I had been working in production room and packaging and I had got a chance to
Work in operation room
2.4. Work Flow in the Section
The company has four main sections these are; pre-cleaning, cleaning, milling and packing sections.
These sections have their own different machines which perform different functions. And the work
flow is depending one another. That means the product of one section is the input for the next section.
2.5. My Performance at the Company
Absolutely good, the reason behind this performance was integrated with all workers within a short
time and get involved in different type work tasks to gain more knowledge about the working methods.
I have gain different tasks and different work task on different work field and helped us to improve our
work interest and able to think well. I can do different work tasks with confidence therefore we could
say that we were good at our work.
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2.6. Procedure I have been used while performing my work tasks
This internship program was design to provide me with an opportunity to supplementation academic
learning by gaining practical knowledge in the field of my studies, so the procedure that I had followed
to perform my tasks are listed below.
The data Collected from different offices of the factory.
The note was when my supervisor guides us.
The daily task was Captured and recorded for remembrance. Comparing what I had observed with
outside technicians work for example motor rewinding.
power related problems was substrate by an engineers
Some questions like, how, why was asked my adviser at his supervision time.
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Raw material Reception
Pre- cleaning
Silo storage
Cleaning Section
Package by sacks
Packaging Room
Figure 2: Overall process from reception up to packaging
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2.8.1. Impurity level (Foreign Materials)
The incoming wheat received by factory, which contains some percentages of admixtures, such as
broken kernels, stones, dust, mud, metal objects, striges were calculated Before reception, and the
amount of impurities was been calculated and to be less than or equal to 10%.The main objective to
calculate the impurities, when the incoming wheat to determine the cost of the wheat. That means
when impurities high (broken kernels, stones, dust etc.
2.8.2. Moisture Content of the wheat
The moisture contents of the wheat were calculated before the reception of the wheat. It was accepted
by the factory that the moisture content of the wheat was14.5%. The moisture contents of wheat were
checked by physical method.
2.8.3. Hecto Litter Weight
Hecto means mass and litter means volume. The company used to extraction rate of the wheat to
determine the grain which has more endosperm. The company used the standard Hecto litter weight of
wheat is greater than or equal to 78.05gram. This measurement also indicated the wheat varieties, that
mean it is hard or soft but the standard one is:-
For hard 80-85 kg/hr.
For soft wheat 72-78kg/hr.
2.9. Pre- Cleaning of Wheat
Pre- cleaning of wheat means to separate coarse and fine impurities from wheat before store in to silos.
When the incoming wheat in checked for ascertain quality parameter before decision is made whether
to received or not. The most important ones for which the quality control was to examine the incoming
wheat. The percentage of impurity, moisture content and Hector litter weight are good. The wheat was
received and those impurities and other foreign materials were separated from the wheat thus help in
improving the storage potential .these includes
Removing immature kernels by aspiration.
Removing light impurities, dust by low pressure fan and shriveled kernels.
Separation insect infested kernels
2.10. Storage of wheat in silo
The pre-cleaned wheat was stored in steel bins known as silos. The silos were very convenient for
bulk storage, since the silos were built with facilitates like temperature controlling probes, turning
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facility for a creation and tablet closing devices for pest control. The storage of wheat in a silos or ware
house was influenced by the factors like percentage of excess grain moisture, temperature and relative
humidity, dust and percentage of insect pests.
2.11. Cleaning of wheat
The stored wheat was cleaned for flour milling. The company required to process the wheat flour
receiving from the silos the pre-cleaned wheat start to process by cleaning machines used to clean.
2.12. The Cleaning Machines
2.12.1. Vibrating Screen
The wheat was separated by separating machine. These machines. The cleaning efficiency of
separators mainly depends on the type of cleaning system applied and the construction of service
farmers. Hard rubber balls are mostly used for sieve cleaning separators. Two or more balls are placed
in each compartment of the sieves frame constructed in such away it allows them to bounce by the
sieve motion and strike the sieve thus cleaning it. The bottom of the sieve frame is covered with coarse
wire mesh which allows a free passage of the through. But at the same time prevents the balls from
getting out of the compartment
2.12.2. Scourer
The husk and the shell layers were separated by the Scourer by means of friction effect of the grain
towards the wings of the grain. It is suitable for the flour mill with dry method to rub and scour the
wheat to clean off the beard mud in the grain from the surface and the silo. It has a good sealing
convenient maintenance long bearing life and attractive design, Power 7.5kw Capacity 4-7T/H Weight
710kg and Speed 1000rpm
2.12.3. Magnetic Separator
Metals were separated by Magnetic separator from the wheat grain before the wheat flour milling
2.12.4. De Stoners
The removal of stone. Modern stone mills are metal plates with composition stones attached (Posner
and Hibbs, 2005).
2.12.5. Aspiration Channel or Fan Fall
A machine used for the removal of light particles and dust from wheat.
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2.12.6. Low and High Pressure Fan
Pressure fans are used for lifting purpose. In the factory there are low and high pressure fans.LPF
4.5KW and HPF 5.5KW Capacity of LPF 3280T/H Capacity of HPF 5416T/H
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Power: 0.5 KW
2.14. Wheat milling process
The conditioned wheat was milled by roller mills through step wise process. Roller milling involves
separation of the endosperm from the bran and germ followed by gradual size reduction of endosperm
(Ziegler and Greer, 1971). The roller flour milling the grinding process may be divided in to the
breaker from (B1 to B5), the reduction from (R1-R3) and the milling from (M1M3) operations. The
breaking operation is the first phase of grinding operation during which the grain is carefully opened,
gradually ground and endosperm particles are separated from the bran without being adversely
affecting the same to contaminate the resulting flour. Each grinding operation is followed by sifting
operations the coarse bran stocks from the sifter being treated successive break rolls.Power 130kw
2.14.1. Milling Machines
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2.14.3. Reduction System
The ultimate objective of the flour milling process is the production of flour. The reduction system is
the final grinding stage where the graded, purified, clean semolina and mid-lines are systematically
reduced in to a final product of specified granulation (flour). It should be noted that some stock from
the break and scrota system also joins the purified product in the reduction system for further reduction
in size. A systematic reduction of endosperm particles in to flour is desirable. The reduction system is
responsible for over 50% of the total flour produced.
2.14.4. Plan Sifter
Plan sifter is used for classifying and screening .power 0.5kw capacity 8T/H
2.14.5. Purifier
Purifier is a machine on which a graded stock was treated in order to effect the separation of pure
endosperm particles from composite and bran particles. Purifier works on the physical principles of
separation by size and specific weight.
2.14.6. Bran Finisher
Bran finisher is the main machine for finishing the milling process of the bran. Loosed flour is
separated from bran through the working sieve cylinder and leaving to the plan sifter, bran leaves the
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machine to the milling process or the bran packaging system Power 1.5kw weight 125kg capacity0.5
2.14.7. Elevators
The vertical transporting of wheat in the cleaning section and finished products in the packaging
section of a mill are mainly accomplished by making use of elevators.
2.14.8. Screw Conveyor
A screw conveyor is a mechanism that uses a rotating helical screw blade within a tube, to move
wheat. Screw conveyors are often used horizontally or at a slight incline as an efficient way to move
the wheat. As the angle of inclination increases, the capacity of a given unit rapidly decreases. The
rotating part of the conveyor is sometimes called simply an auger. The grain auger is used to move
wheat into grain storage bins. A grain auger is powered by an electric motor power 2.95kw
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Figure 7: Screw Conveyor
2.14.9 Packaging
The last stage of wheat flour milling process is the packaging of flour and by products. Before
packaging and distribution the product for sale the flour is inspected for some qualities. For example,
polisher which is used for determine the quality of flour.
2.15. Flour grade
Different flour grades were produced which includes;-
Special flour – used for cake product
Normal flour – used for different product
First grade flour- used for sold
2.15.1. Flour quality evaluation criteria
The quality of the flour was checked by physical methods or sensory evaluation such as moisture
content of the flour. Moisture content of wheat
It is a relative concept and the quality of wheat defined in terms of its suitability for specific end use.
The quality of flour is determined by it is suitability for the production of the intended product (bread,
biscuit, cake, etc.).
2.15.2. Ash Content
Ash refers to the mineral substance that remained after burning the entire organic master up on
incineration. It is the first legally accepted quality parameter used in grading commercial flour for
trade. What actually the miller interested in performing the ash test is not the mineral content of the
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flour but the brightness of whiteness of the flour. It means the more the bran flour higher ash content.
Percentage of ash = the company standard of ash content (0.6-0.67%)
2.15.3. Protein (Gluten) Content
The wheat protein that is responsible for this desirable characteristic is known as gluten. Gluten is
formed when the dough is mixed with water. The standard of the gluten content for bread making
process is 25 – 32 % but above 32% used for pasta like product below 25% used for cake like
products. It accepted for bread =25-32%
2.15.4. Moisture Content of the Flour
The flour that contains too much water, during bread making process requires low water but the flour
moisture content low it takes much water during bread making process.
Percentage of moisture content of flour = initial weight of material + 10(weight of sample) – weight of
material and flour together after dry × 10 (the weight of sample) It can be accepted 14.5%
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Internship is very important for the knowing the application of what I was learned theoretically,
improving interpersonal communication skills, upgrading theoretical knowledge, understanding about
work ethics related issues, improving team playing skills. Internship one method of making students
potentially valuable and explore general career avenues as well as specific companies. Apart to
securing good work experience, such arrangement can provide us with many benefits some of them
3.1. Communication Skills
Communication is sharing or exchange information ideas with others in order to get some messages
and knowledge. Effective communication is vital for the success of personal interaction and for
organization communication. Generally, benefits that I have gained through my interpersonal
communication are: -
Abstaining from fear
Tolerance to each other
Respect to each other
Proper expression of idea
Giving value to others idea
3.2. Leadership Skills
Leadership skills are the tool, behaviors, and capabilities that a person needs in order to be successful
at motivating and directing others. Yet true leadership skills involve something more; the ability to
help people grow in their own abilities. It can be said that the most successful leaders are those that
drive other to active their own success. I gained leadership skills from my supervisor during the
internship period which includes:
Managing time,
Motivating individuals,
Giving and Building teams feedback.
3.3. Improve practical skill
I have improved my practical skill through:
Quality analysis of flour and wheat
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Working principle of miller machine
3.4 Theoretical Knowledge
I gain knowledge of Quality Control Process
Understanding more about Cleaning and Packaging Machine.
Knowing more about induction motors.
Developing the knowledge of fans and its working principles.
3.5 Work Ethics
When I first joined this flour company, my supervisor gave me orientation on how I should act in the
company. And every day I took time to have decent character in work friends. Because, I understood
the fact that the more I get close to others in ethical way the more l get benefit from them. When l
reach working place the company enroll their workers under this two forms of ethics
Personal ethics: - These types of ethics include how someone should act towards other people. It is
highly influenced by our cultural, social, religion and personal thoughts. Some of such ethics includes:
Concern for the well-being of others, Honesty, Fairness, Tolerance, Open mindedness, and Positive
Professional ethics: - include an ethics that a certain task does require. It is an important character that
governs every employee. Disobeying such ethics has consequences. Some of these ethics are;
Punctuality, Office disciplines, Reliability, Honesty, Cooperation, Impartiality, Transparency and
openness, Integrity, Tolerance, Avoiding potential or apparent conflict of interests, Accountability and
etc. Generally, from my internship program l have gained crucial skills regarding work ethics.
3.6. Improve Team Playing Skills
I gained the following essential values from this internship regarding to improve my team playing
Strengthening smooth relationship
Respecting diversity
Respect with each other.
3.7 Entrepreneurship skill
In Menbe flour working environment had been a good starting place to enhance my entrepreneur
capabilities. Indeed, I learned a lot on improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The
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change from school to workplace itself was another learning opportunity, conditioning to me to adapt
to change and to be able to take responsibility.
All in all, I can say that from this internship period in addition to formal academic knowledge, I was
able to gain general purpose life experiences in other aspects.
These experiences are unforgettable and I believe that it shaped my personality and behavior like:-
It helps to me to be optimist in my future task and to think positively
It helps to me to overcome lots of challenges to be successful
And I develop problem solving skill and critical thinking ability
3.8 Challenge I faced during my work
No internet connection in the company to referring some other addressee to collecting data.
Lack of theoretical knowledge of workers:
Lack of workshop class
Lack of full data of the company
Shortage of material.
3.9. Measures Taken to Solve these Challenges
When there were absences of Internet connection I have been used mobile data.
For lack of workshop class, I have been observing while polytechnic students practicing.
For lack of full data of the company I have referred the full data of another flour factory around
Butajira town.
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The Menbe flour factory was established 5th December in 2012 E.C. The factory produced various
kinds of flour products and by products. The by products are made from the bran and germs. These are
widely used for animal feeds. Before milling of the cleaned raw material using the cleaning machines
and conditioned which means mixed with water easily to separate the bran from the endosperm and
mild by the uses of roller mill. After milling the flour and the by-products or wastes are separated by
plan sifters or sieves and purifier .Then the flour is packed and sale for the customers or distributed to
the society in balanced price.
In my four-month internship time in the factory, I have seen a strong and weak side of the company.
For their weak sides I have recommended some points for the improvement and good facilitation of
their work.
First, operators of the company do not really know what the intern ship program is and how to be
conducted. They should have to give a great attention for the intern students to let them to solve any
type of problem they faced.
From this factory lack of laboratory room; like we are difficult to work flour quality analysis so this
problem must be solved.
The document of the company is not contain full information and well organized or documented. It is
better if the document is updated and includes much information about the back ground and future
work of the company clearly.
Additionally, I recommend that the company have to make the work area suitable and attractive to
everyone who wants to work with them, not only this but also the have to be open for research mans.
When an electric light is off, most of the time the factory stops running, at that time the company
cannot give proper product in proper time; as the result they may lose their customers. So in order to
solve this problem I recommend the company to use automatic generator.
The rest of my recommendation were included in the title which I discussed above under problem
identified and proposed solution.
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[1] Delcour, J.A., Hoseney, R.C. 2010. Dry Milling. In: Delcour, J.A., Hoseney, R.C. (Eds.).
[2] Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, third ed. AACC International, St. Paul, MN, pp. 71-
[3] From the theoretical knowledge AACC International, 1999. AACC International defines whole
grain, available at:, accessed:
[4] From Endale M.2014. Organizational Structure of Menbe Flour Company
[5] Kihlberg, I., Johansson, L., Kohler, A., Risvik, E., 2004. Sensory qualities of whole wheat pan
bread-influence of farming system, milling, and baking technique. Journal of Cereal Science
Page 19
Silos - used for bulk storage of grain
Biting – clean the wheat to remove outer dusks
Sewing – collection of flour streams and brain
Lifting – moving different materials
Cooling – detach bearing from the shaft
Brave – hard worker
Innovate – doing new thing
Grasped - handling
Stay - waiting
Kw-kilo watt [SI-unit of power]
T/h-tone per hour
Rpm-rotation per minute
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