Group 2 Fieldwork#17

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Republic of the Philippines


BatStateU Alangilan
Alangilan, Batangas City
College of Engineering, Architecture, and Fine Arts

Civil and Sanitary Engineering Department



Submitted by:

Agullana, Daphne Eunice Vibar

Cervano, Ericka Alila
Dela Luna, Geleen Reigil Reyes
De Los Reyes, Mary Rose Ticatic
Mesana, Angeline Cusi

CE -2201 | Group 2

Submitted to:
Engr. Marcelo Teñoso Jr.

May 16, 2022

OBJECTIVES: To determine the elevation of a distant point by the stadia method of indirect

-----------------------------------------LAB EXERCISE OUTLINE---------------------------------------


Engineer’s Transit, Tripod, Leveling Rod, and Range Pole.

1) Set up and level the instrument at any convenient location along the designated survey
2) Take a backsight on the rod held at the initial point or bench mark and observe and
record the following. (Refer to accompanying sketch of a typical set up):
a) Upper stadia hair reading (m)
b) Horizontal cross hair reading or rod reading (RRb)
c) Lower stadia hair reading (n)
d) Vertical angle (± ∝b) to the mark on the rod as indicated by the horizontal
cross hair.

Figure 1. Stadia Leveling

3) Establish a turning point ahead of the instrument station and along the general direction
of the survey route.
4) Take a foresight on the rod held at the turning point and observe and record the
a) Upper stadia hair reading (p)
b) Horizontal cross hair reading or rod reading (RRf)
c) Lower stadia hair reading (q)
d) Vertical angle (± ∝f) to the mark on the rod as indicated by the horizontal
cross hair.
5) Transfer the instrument to a new location in advance of the turning point and repeat the
process of taking all four readings at each point back sighted and foresighted. This
process of observing data and transferring the instrument to another advance location
is then continued until a foresight is taken on the terminal point.
6) Tabulate all observed and computed values accordingly. Refer to the accompanying
sample format for the tabulation of field data.


(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) ELEV (m) (m)
BMa 0.29 + 7°0’ 1.59 - 3.5079 --- --- --- --- --- 0
TP1 0.27 + 1°30’ 1.59 - 0.7065 0.26 - 3°30’ 1.59 -1.5843 - 5.0922 - 5.0922
TP2 0.29 + 2°30’ 1.59 - 1.2638 0.305 - 1°30’ 1.59 - 0.7981 - 1.5046 - 6.5968
TP3 0.155 + 7°0’ 1.59 - 1.8749 0.175 + 2°0’ 1.59 0.6104 - 0.6534 - 7.2502
BMb --- --- --- --- 0.17 +22°30’ 1.59 6.0104 + 4.1355 - 3.1147
Table 1. Data Gathered from Stadia rod

1. The vertical distance on the backsight (VDb) and the vertical distance on the foresight
(VDf) are calculated by the following approximate stadia formulas
VDb = Ksb Cos (∝b) Sin (∝b) or (1/2) Ksb Sin (2 ∝)
VDf = Ksf Cos (∝f) Sin (∝f) or (1/2) Ksf Sin (2 ∝)

Where: VDb = vertical distance on the backsight

K = stadia interval factor of the instrument used
Sb = stadia interval observed on the backsight or sb = m – n
∝b = vertical angle read on the backsight
VDf = vertical distance on the foresight
sf = stadia interval observed on the foresight or sf = p – q
∝f = vertical angle read on the foresight
When the computed values of the vertical distances are tabulated, the sign of VDb is made
opposite the sign of the vertical angle to the backsight, while the sign of VDf is made to
correspond to the sign of the vertical angle to the foresight.
Note: In the following computations, the sign of the vertical distance on the backsight
(VDb) is made opposite the sign of the vertical angle to the backsight, while the sign of the
vertical distance on the foresight (VDf) corresponds to the sign of the vertical angle to the


• BMa : VDb = 100(0.29)cos(+ 7°0’)sin(+ 7°0’)

VDb = 3.5079 m
(Since ∝b is positive, use VDb = - 3.5079 m)

• TP1 : VDb = 100(0.27)cos(+ 1°30’)sin(+ 1°30’)

VDb = 0.7065 m
(Since ∝b is positive, use VDb = - 0.7065 m)

VDf = 100(0.26)cos(- 3°30’)sin(- 3°30’)

VDf = - 1.5843 m

• TP2 : VDb = 100(0.29)cos(+ 2°30’)sin(+ 2°30’)

VDb = 1.2638 m
(Since ∝b is positive, use VDb = - 1.2638 m)

VDf = 100(0.305)cos(- 1°30’)sin(- 1°30’)

VDf = - 0.7981 m

• TP3 : VDb = 100(0.155)cos(+ 7°0’)sin(+ 7°0’)

VDb = 1.8749 m
(Since ∝b is positive, use VDb = - 1.8749 m)

VDf = 100(0.175)cos(+ 2°0’)sin(+ 2°0’)

VDf = 0.6104 m

• BMb : VDf = 100(0.17)cos(+ 22°30’)sin(+ 22°30’)

VDf = 6.0104 m

2. The general expression for difference in elevation between any two points such as B and F
DE = RRb ± VDb ± VDf - RRf

• DE1 = 1.59 – 3.5079 – 1.5843 – 1.59

DE1 = - 5.0922 m (change in elevation between BMa and TP1)

• DE2 = 1.59 – 0.7065 – 0.7981 – 1.59

DE2 = - 1.5046 m (change in elevation between TP1 and TP2)

• DE3 = 1.59 – 1.2638 + 0.6104 – 1.59

DE3 = - 0.6534 m (change in elevation between TP2 and TP3)

• DE4 = 1.59 – 1.8749 + 6.0104 – 1.59

DE4 = + 4.1355 m (change in elevation between TP3 and BMb)

3. To determine the elevation of the ground point on the foresight, the value of DE (difference
in elevation) is added algebraically to the elevation of the ground point on the backsight or
ELEV = ELEV of Previous Point ± DE


• Elev TP1 = Elev BMa ± DE1

Elev TP1 = 0 – 5.0922
Elev TP1 = - 5.0922 m (elevation of the first turning point)

• Elev TP2 = Elev TP1 ± DE2

Elev TP2 = – 5.0922 – 1.5046
Elev TP2 = - 6.5968 m (elevation of the second turning point)

• Elev TP3 = Elev TP2 ± DE3

Elev TP3 = - 6.5968 – 0.6534
Elev TP3 = - 7.2502 m (elevation of the third turning point)

• Elev BMb = Elev TP3 ± DE4

Elev BMb = - 7.2502 + 4.1355
Elev BMb = - 3.1147 m (elevation of the second bench mark)

4. The customary check is performed by determining the difference in elevation between the
initial point and the terminal point and also determining the algebraic sum of the tabulated
differences in elevation. If the two quantities are equal, it can be assumed that the preceding
computations were done correctly.

Note: The customary arithmetic check is performed by determining the difference in

elevation between the first and last benchmarks using two different equations).


• DEa = Elev BMb – BMa

DEa = - 3.1147 - 0
DEa = - 3.1147 m

• DEb = DE1 ± DE2 ± DE3 ± DE4

DEb = - 5.0922 - 1.5046 - 0.6534 + 4.1355
DEb = - 3.1147 m

Since DEa is equal to DEb, it can be safely assumed that the above computations are

(m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) ELEV (m) (m)
BMa 0.29 + 7°0’ 1.59 - 3.5079 --- --- --- --- --- 0
TP1 0.27 + 1°30’ 1.59 - 0.7065 0.26 - 3°30’ 1.59 -1.5843 - 5.0922 - 5.0922
TP2 0.29 + 2°30’ 1.59 - 1.2638 0.305 - 1°30’ 1.59 - 0.7981 - 1.5046 - 6.5968
TP3 0.155 + 7°0’ 1.59 - 1.8749 0.175 + 2°0’ 1.59 0.6104 - 0.6534 - 7.2502
BMb --- --- --- --- 0.17 +22°30’ 1.59 6.0104 + 4.1355 - 3.1147
Table 2. Tabulated Solution


Stadia leveling is a different version of trigonometric leveling in which the elevation of a

location is calculated utilizing the Tacheometer method. The line of sight is tilted away from the
horizontal in this procedure. It is more precise and ideal for hilly terrain surveys. The technique of
getting the necessary reading for stadia leveling is similar to differential leveling. The key variation
between the two leveling is that the field of vision in stadia leveling does not have to be at a
horizontal location as opposed to differential leveling.

In doing the activity, the students quickly got a grasp of where to do the readings and were
able to set up and level the instrument easily. The chosen location was from the front gates of the
school up until the second floor of the ACES building. After deciding the target location of the
horizontal cross hair reading, the students proceeded to find the target measure and took note of
the necessary readings, namely the upper stadia hair reading, horizontal cross hair reading, lower
stadia hair reading, and the vertical angle. The rod is then positioned at a different location and the
same method of reading and taking notes of the readings is done. A total of three turning points
were located along with two benchmarks (one is the initial point and the other is the terminal

The students were able to finish the activity early after getting and noting all the measured
readings needed. At home, the computed values of the vertical distances on each backsight and
foresight of the points were acquired along with the difference in elevation between any two points,
as well as the elevation of the ground point on the foresight, the difference in elevation between
the initial point and the terminal point, and the algebraic sum of the tabulated differences in
elevation. The sketch of the aerial view/map of the stadia leveling was also made for a visual
presentation of how the readings were taken and to get a better grasp of what happened and what
was done.

Actual Fieldnotes

Figure 3 & 4. Handwritten Fieldnotes for Fieldwork # 17

1. The stadia method of indirect leveling provides a faster method of leveling in rough and
hilly terrain where a high degree of precision is not required.
2. The process involved in stadia leveling is very identical to that in differential leveling. The
main difference is that the line of sight in stadia leveling does not have to be brought
horizontal as in differential leveling.
3. In stadia leveling the same sequence of operation is repeated at every set up; determining
stadia interval, taking a rod reading, and reading a corresponding vertical angle. These
three steps are done at each backsight and foresight level station.
4. The instrument constants C and K may be assumed to be zero and 100 respectively if these
are not shown or predetermined.


Setting up and Leveling the Transit

Reading the upper, lower, and center cross hairs from BMa

Reading the upper, lower, and center cross hairs for TP1

Reading the upper, lower, and center cross hairs for TP2
Reading the upper, lower, and center cross hairs for TP3

Reading the upper, lower, and center cross hairs for BMb

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