Trijata Dream

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“But, I am unable to conquer my sorrows.

I will now give up my life, having

been abandoned thus by Raama and now under the control of the sinful

Saaham tyaktaa priyeNeha RaameNa viditaatmanaa l

PraaNaan tyakshyaami paapasya RavaNasya gataa vasaham ll 26.15 ll

Thus, ends sarga 26 with Sita resolving firmly that She will commit suicide.

When the Rakshasee heard this, some out of fear ran to inform Ravana. Other
surrounded Her and spoke to Her harshly again. This is the story of sarga 27.
“O stupid woman, who wants to commit suicide. We are going to eat you now,
so why commit suicide.”

At that time, an old Rakshasee named Trijata, who was fast asleep, woke up
and started speaking. She said, “O sinful ones, eat me up, if you like but not
Sita. She is the daughter of Janka and the daughter-in-law of Dasharathaa. I
just had a dream. It is so horrible to even describe it. I saw in my dream the
destruction of the entire race of the Rakshasaas and the victory of Her
husband Raama.” (The dream was horrible from the perspective of the
Rakshasaas. Also, remember it was almost day break and the dream she had
was just before dawn. Such dreams, they say, come true.)

When Trijata spoke thus all the Rakshasees gathered around her and asked
her to tell them more about the dream she had. This dream is now described
in detail in sarga 27 (click here for some more discussion of this dream).

Trijata said, “I saw Rama along with Lakshmana dressed in silk robes and Sita
too sitting happily dressed in silk, on the top of a mountain by the sea, united
with Her husband Rama, like the radiance of the sun united with the sun.

RaameNa sangataa Seetaa bhaaskareNa prabhaa yathaa (verse 10).

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I saw Sita seated on the lap of Her husband and then She playfully got off His
lap and was caressing the sun and the moon with Her hands. I saw a kingly
elephant stationed in the sky above Lanka, with Sita seated on it along with
Her husband Rama and Lakshmana. I saw a chariot driven by eight milk-
white bullocks with them all arriving here in Lanka. I saw all the three worlds
being swallowed as it were by Raama, of immeasurable valor and deeds. I saw
a white mountain rising up from the milk ocean and on top of it was a white
elephant with four tusks. And seated on this elephant were Sita, Rama, and
Lakshmana. Sita rose even there and charmingly embraced the moon and the
sun and went back to sit on Her husband’s lap.

I saw Raama, the crest jewel of the family of Kakutstha, seated on a great
throne facing east. He was being bathed by the waters of all the holy rivers by
all the Brahmarishis. He was being greeted by the devas. And there Sitaa too
appeared all resplendent, decorated with white garlands, white dress, and all
fragrant unguents smeared over Her body.

I saw Rama revealed in all glory as Mahavishnu Himself, as the Supreme

Brahman, the Supreme Truth, the Supreme Consciousness, the Supreme
Cause, the Supreme austerities, the seed of all seeds, the Holy of all holies and
the Cause of all causes. The Sanskrit verses saying this are given below.

Purneva mayaa drushTo RaamO ramayataam varah l

Vishnureva swayam bhootvaa tasmin aaste varaasane ll 27.26 ll
Param Brahma param tatvam param jnaanam param tapah l
Param beejam param kshetram param kaaraNa kaaraNam ll 27.27 ll

Through Tirjataa, Valmiki has revealed to us that Raama, who considered

Himself to be just human, is none other than the Supreme Being.

Trijaata goes on to describe more glorious scenes of joy. She describes Rama
as adorned with the Shanka, chakra, gadhaa, with lotus-like eyes and the
Srivatsa mark on His chest, ever the abode of Shree (Mahalakshmi, all
opulences), the unconquerable, the eternal, and steadfast and the Lord of all
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the three worlds. Then she says, the devas, pitrus, rishis, gandharvaas,
vidyaadharaas, pannagaas, and others surrounded Rama and crowned Him as
the Emperor and started singing His praises with their hands joined together
in salutation. The apsaras danced with joy and the began to sing and dance
and play the flute, veena, muraja, drums, and conchs, all at the same time.

And then she says, “I saw Rama riding the Pushpaka vimaanam, with Sita and
Lakshmana, heading north.”

She concludes by saying, “This Raama cannot be conquered by anyone. Just as

sinful people cannot gain heaven, no one can conquer Rama of unlimited

Then Tirjata describes the fate of the Rakshasas as well and of Ravana. She
says she saw Ravana with his head shaven, his body smeared with oil and
wearing a garland of (inauspicious) karavira flowers. At another time, she saw
Ravana fallen down from his aerial vehicle, shaven head, dressed in black,
being dragged by a woman. She also saw Ravana riding a chariot drawn by
assess. A woman who was black in appearance, smeared with red on her body,
was heading in the southern direction on an ass and dragging him. Then she
saw Ravana fallen off that ass and in great fright and confused like a drunkard.
He was fully naked, uttering incoherent words like a mad man, falling and
sinking into a pit filled with fecal matter in the darkest of regions.

She also saw Kumbhakarna riding on a cake, and Indrajit, son Ravana on a
crocodile, Ravana riding a pig, all facing the southern direction (inauspicious
direction, as opposed to the northern direction). But, she says, she saw
Vibhishana being honored by all. She saw him approaching Rama on an
elephant with four-tusks, accompanied by ministers and auspicious sounds
being made (mangala vaadyam); click here for a perspective on Trijata

She also described the destruction of the entire city of Lanka in her dream and
a monkey burning down the whole city.

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Then she told the rakshasees that it is better that all beg the forgiveness of
Sita. This sorrowful woman is sure to be rescued and united with Her husband
soon. Do not hesitate to ask Her to forgive you, the same person that you have
been threatening. She will no doubt forgive you, if you bow down to Her. Save
yourself from great danger (click here for a discussion of this point).

Trijata continues, “I do not see a single inauspicious mark on the body of this
woman. Here complexion is a bit faded. I see the victory of Her husband and
the destruction of Ravana. I see various signs that signal the coming
auspiciousness. Her lotus-like, long, left eye is throbbing. Her two arms are
trembling. Her left thigh, like the soft supple trunk of an elephant, is also
throbbing. All these indicate that Rama is indeed before Her. And she
concludes, hear a bird sitting on this tree here, cooing again and again with
overflowing joy indicating the arrival very soon of a very close and nobel

Pakshee ca shaakaa nilayah prahrushTah

punah punah cottama saantva-vaadee l
Suswaagataam vaacam udeerayaanah
punah punah codayeetva hrushTah ll 27.67 ll

Thus ends sarga 27 which describes Trijataa dream in detail. The auspicious
signs that are described are worth recalling and rejoicing about. Sita, however,
seems to have not heard any of this conversation and is ready to commit
suicide by using Her own long hair as a rope to hang Herself from the branch
of the tree. This is the story of sarga 28. (I will upload this part of the story
now and continue the story through sarga 30 shortly.)

Let us not spend time on sarga 29 which describes in detail the pain and
sorrow of Sita, however heart wrenching, as she decided to hang herself using
Her own long hair as a rope by tying the hair to the Simshupa tree. She seems
to be completely oblivious of the narration of Trijataa dream which foretells
good fortune just round the corner for Her. But, as she was about to tie Her
hair to the tree, She was suddenly overcome by many physical omens that

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