Wbcs Mains Polity Eco 1 44
Wbcs Mains Polity Eco 1 44
Wbcs Mains Polity Eco 1 44
Time allowed: 3 hours
Full marks: 200
Answer all the questions.
Questions are of equal value.
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Candidates should read he following instructions carefully before answering the questions:
1. This booklet consists of 24 pages including this front page, containing 200 questions. Verify the S
Page Nos. and Test Booklet series on each page and bring at once to the Invigilator's notice
any discrepancy.
Answers will have to be given in the Special Answer-Sheets supplied for the purpose.
Before you proceed to mark in the Answer-Sheet in response to various items in the Test Booklet,
All questions are of multiple-choice answer-type. You will ind Jour probable answers (A), (B)
which of the tour answers
appears you to be correct
(C) and (D) against each question. Find out
to the letter of the selected answer in the
or the best. Now darken the circle corresponding
instructions printed on the reverse of the
Answer-Sheet with Black Ball Point Pen
as per
(A) M
B Public Debt
9. The National Stock Exchange functions
CImport-Export Irom
M)Credit Policy of Reserve Bank
(A, New Delhi
JB) Mumhai
(C) Nagpur
4. What was the central theme of the Chipco
(D) Kolkata
Sundarlal Bahuguna in 1973?
Movement started by
JA) Conservation ot torests
Devaluation of a currency means
B) Conservation of river water
C)Protection of birds
A)reduction in the value of a currency
D) Protection of cheetahs
major internationally traded
B) Birth
pmces of erports berome cheaper to
C) Descent
) Acquiring Property
reman constant. *
of imports
Dpicesofexports nise proportionarely
17. Which Articles provide
with the Right to
AArticles 25-28
12 Who aiminissers Oath to the Govemor of a
(B) Articles 14-18
Stae (C) Article 19
A) Presidens
(D) Article 21
BChaef Justice of India
i Chief Justice of High Court
Vice-President aims to
A8 The Minimum Needs Programme
(A) provide means for greater
mechanization of agriculture.
of the
13. The Indian Budget includes B) improve the living condition
their education
A) revised estimates for the curtent year. poor and also promote
and health.
B budget estimates for the following
(C) provide necessary resources by way
year of refinance to primary lenders.
actual figures of the preceeding year.
(D) None of the above
A l l of the above
Plan is
19. National Food Grain Movement
primanly related to which among the following?
14. From which Fund the salaries of the Judges (A) Development of new seed varieties
of Supretne Court is drawn? food grains.
31. Who appoints the Chief Justice and other Constitutional authority as the
President ofIndia
37. Whenever the government spends more
than it collects through revenue. the resultung
32. Who was the first Chief Election
Commissioner of India? imbalance is known as
(A) Public deficit
A ) Sukumar Sen
(B) Market deficit
B) T.N. Seshan
(C) Government deficit
(C) Sushil Chandra
(D) Sunil Arora )Budget deficit
33. PAN stands for 38. The most important source of revenue to
Permanent Account Number the states 1s
(B) Personal Account Number Sal tax
(C) Public Account Number (B) Service tax
(C) Excise duty
(D) Postal Account Number
(D) None of the above
51. Judges of the Supreme Court of India can 56. The Election Commission holds election
be removed by . or
(A)Executive order
the Parliment, State Legislature and
the posts of the President and the
JE Impeachment
(C) Judicial order Vice-President
(B) the Parliament, State Legislative
(D) Bureaucracy Assemblies and the State Council X
58. The competitive devaluation by the
(B) NABARD countries would badly affect which among the
(C) TRIFED following?
(D) FCI (A) Exporters
JB) Importers
54. C) Traders
The Council of Ministers in a Parliamentary
til it (D) Service providers
pe Government can remain in office
enjoys the support of the
(A) Minority of Members of the Upper
of the EXIM Bank is
House of Parliament 59. The main function
8) the Members of the Upper (A) tohelpRBIin the regulation of foreign
House of Parliament exchange.
(B) Rajasthan
(B) 1970- 1975 (C) Punjab
(C) 1975-1979
B) Gujarat
(D) 1980- 1985
of Supreme Court
66. Original
61. Population explosion in a country means contained in
A) Article 131
(A) high birth rate and high death rate. (B) Article 129
JB) high birth rate and low death rate.
(C)low birth rate and high death rate. (C) Article 132
(D) Article 136
(D) low birth rate and low death rate.
in economy means
62. Gilt-edged market means
Take off stage an
72. Article 312 of the Indian Constitution deals identify the right ones
with ) The National Food Security Mission aims
to increase production through area
JKAll-India Services Cxpansion.
(B) Annual Financial Statement
(1i) This programme was launched to enhance
(C) Administrative Tribunals the production of rice, wheat and pulses.
(D) Gram Sabha
(A) () only
(B)i) only
Eboth (i) and (ii)
73. The Reserve Bank of India issues (D) None of the above
B) all the currency notes except the one 78. Under which Article of the Constitution is
rupee note. the President's Rule promulgated in any state in
(C) all the currency notes except the India?
hundred rupee note. (A) Article 326
(D) only notes of rupees 10 and above. (B) Article 370
CArticle 380
D) Article 356
suffer the
S. 80. Which of the following groups
How many Schedules are there n the
Constitution of India most trom intlation
(A) pebtors
(A) 22
JB) Creditors
(B) 97
(C) Business class
18 of real assets
bi2 (D) Holders
Please Turn Over
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S. The Food forwork 86. The President can proclim eietgcHcy o
programme was renamed
the written advice ot the
A) Lok Sabha
Rural Landless Employment (A) Speaker of
iarantee Programme (RLEGP) (B) Prime Minister
B ) National Rural Employ ment
(CChiet Justice of India
Programme (NREP) D ) Union Cabinet
(C)Jawahar Rozgur Yojana (JRY)
(D) Integrated Rural Development 87. In pursuance with the recommendations of
Programme (IRDP) Narshimhan Committee, the RBI has framed new
K) to govern entry ot new privale sector
banks to make the banking sector more
82. When the NITI Aayog
was formed?
A) 1 January, 2015 (B) to reduce the freedom given to banks
(B) 1 January, 2016 to rationalize their existing branch
(C) I January. 2017 network.
(D) T January. 2014 (C) to set-up more foreign cxchange
(D) to lend more easily for industrial
85. Whichof the following states has the highest A) When no political party enjoys a clear
majority in Lok Sablha
t1alion coverage?
(B) Only when the Lok Sabha
has been
A) Punjab dissolved
(B) Karnataka C) Under all circumstances
the President
(D) Under no
(D) Utarakhand circumstances
www.byjusexamprep.com B-11 BMWC9/21
91. ArtigkE 80 deals with 96. The Tenth Schedule to the Constitution is
) composition of Lok Sabha related to
(B) composition of Rajya Sabha
(A) provisions for administration of Tibal
(C) composition of State Legislative Areas in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura
Assembly and Mizoram.
(D) composition ot State
Legislative B) provisions regarding disqualification
Council on ground of defection.
(B) frictional
93. The Supreme Court of India can give advice
to the President of India under (C) cyclical
) Article 143 (D) disguised
(B) Article 142
(C) Article 141 98. RBI was set up on the basis of
recommendation of
D) Article 144
(A) Indian Central Bank Enquiry
B) Royal Commission
94. The banks are required to maintain a certain
(C) Simon Commission
ratio between their cash in the hand and total
assets. This is called (D) Nehru Report
the tollow ing
Cu of lndia dennfy the nghi ots exclusive
2CenralGvemnent w h i c h i s M mentioneu
e D ranstermng
tm union
ist to States
A ()only
B() only
means C oth i) and (in)
12 Gioiealisatice o bdian ecoDomy above
None of the
Besaasbing indin bus1ness nits
lndia in the
T06. Who acts as the President of
President and
absence ot both the
g possibie restrnctions
oomac reiatiots with other
A) Speaker of Lok Sabha
Auditor General
Counes (B) Comptroller and
DE1E programmes of mport C) Cabinet Sevretary
ÖChief Justice of India
C) Gengraphuc similarity
D) Administrative uniformity
108. When was the Indian Citizenship Act
(A) 1960
(B) 1949
104. Disguised unemployment in India is mainly C) 1950
related 1955
gricultural sector
2 rural area
3facurysectur 109. Which Act provided for the establishment
4uran area of Supreme Court at Calcutta in 1774?
(A) Cariers Act, 1865
Iand 2
B) 1 and 3 (B) Ceroners Act, 1871
Public Accounts Committee has Members IService tax is not levied in which of the
statements and
113. Consider the following
dent1fy the nght ones 118. Who do not constitute the electoral college
for electing the President of India"
(1 RBl Is the custodian of toreign exchange
reserves of the country. (A) Elected Members of Lok Sabha
(B) Elected Members of
I11) It also keeps the exchange rate of domestic
Assembly of cach State
Currency at stable level.
KElected Members of Legislative
A )only Council
B () only Rajya Sabha
(D) Elected Members of
Kboth (1)
and (11)
D None of the above
will not c o m e under
the following
119. Which of India?
GST in
the proposed
14. RBl was nationalised in the year (A) Agricultural products
C 19 P Petroleum products
is a part of capital
121. The average rate of domestic savings (gros5) 126. Which of the following
for the Indian economy is currently estumated to be account?
in the range of (A) Private capital
A) 15% to 20% (B) Banking capital
B) 20% to 25% C)Official capital
C)25% to 30% D) All of the above
(D) 30% to 35 are
infrastructure sectors
127. How many key
known as Core sectorin Indian economy used
Index of Industrial Production (IP) data?
122. Which Part of the Constitution of India
contains the Directive Principles of the State Policy? (A) 5
Part Iv
(C) 7
B) Part III
C) Part I
(A) 4 years
the Constitution of
123. Which of the Lists are in
B ) 5 years
India? (C) 65 years
(A) State List
(D) 6 years
B) Union List
C)Concurrent List 129. The national forest policy aims to bring
above what percentage of total area under forests?
A l l of the
(A) 25%
JB) 33%
is not true about the
124. Which of the following (C) 22%
Reserve Bank of India?
(D) 27%
A) It regulates the curTency and credit
system of India.
130. Financial Emergency is contained in Article
B) It maintains the exchange value of the
rupee. (A)52
C) Foreign exchange reserves are
B) 360
by RBI. (C) 356
and c o i n s are issued
One rupee
(D) All of the above
by RBI.
B-15 BMWC)-9/n1
131. Which among the following Industrial 136. Who was the First Deputy Prime Minister
Policy Resolution/Statement was based upon the of India?
Mahalanobis Model of growth?
(A) V. R. Gill
A)Industrial Policy Resolution-1956 (B) R. N. Shukla
(B) Industry Policy Statement1973 (CChaudhary Devi Lal
(C) Industrial Policy Statement-1977
AD) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(D) None of the above
133. Who appoints the Chief Election 138. Which among the following formulates
Commissioner of India? fiscal policy?
(A) Prime Minister
(B)ice-President (B) Finance Ministry
K)President C) SEBI
(D) Chief Justice of India (D) Planning Commission
134. What is the age of retirement of a Judge of 139. The per capita income has been low in India
Supreme Court? because
65 years (A) of population growth.
(B) 62 years (B) of price rise
(C) 68 years C)more people are in rural areas.
(D) 60 years p) of regional imbalances.
135. Which
73rd Amendment?
Article was given effect to by tne 140. Article 17 is related to
to Education
(A) Article 47 (A) Right
Abolition of Untouchability
) Article 40 Abolition of Title
(C) Article 45 to Religion
(D) Right
(D) Article 46
Please Turn Over
BMWC)-9/2i B-16
States known in
146. Article 320 of the Indian Constitution deals
hat is the Council of
India? with
(A) functions of Public Service
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Junctions of Panchayati Raj Institutions
C) Rajya Sabha
K) Administrative Tribunals
(D) Vidhan Sabha
(D) power of Parliument to vary or revokeX
(D) granl to states.
143. Who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?
) Vice-President
148. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the
C) Prime Minister
RBI, its impact on credit creation will be
(D) None of the above
to increase it.
(B) to decrease it.
(C) no impact
144. Fill in the blank.
(D) None of the above
Article pertains to the amendment
(A) 365
(B) 372 149. Inflation Indexed Bonds is peggedto
368 (A)WPI
(D) 268 B ) CPI
153. National Income of India is 158. Indigis a Republic in the sense that
competed by
(A) Finance Commission X) it has an elected Head of the state
(B) Indian Statistical Institute (B) parliamentary form of government
(C) it has an elected government
(C) National Development Council
(D) it has a Prime Minister
JB) Central Statistical Organisation
reservation of seats for the (D) Kher Commission
be called
164. Which among the following cannot
an anti-inflationary measure? argument points out the
69 The vicious circlebetween
(A) Raising the bank rates supply side connection
(B) Raising the Reserve Ratio A) Productivity and Income
(B) Income and Population
the open (C) Investment and Technology
)Purchase of securities from
markets (D) Saving and Capital
(D) Rationing of the credit
in the
165. Who was the temporary President 170. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is
Constituent ASsembly on
Iirst meetung of the (A) elected by Members of Parliament.
9December, 1946"
(B) Prime Minister.
(A) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
) elected by majority party in the Lok
(B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabha.
)Dr. Sachchidanda Sinha
(D) None of the above
(D) B. N. Rau
www.byjusexamprep.com 19
has the power to issue writ
178. The High Court
under Article .
mentioned in which
173. 'Equality before Law' is
(A) 32
Article of Indian Constitution?
the (B) 220
K 14 e 226
(B) 10 (D) 344
(D) 17
following is a qualitative
179. Which among the
174. Which Amendment deleted the Right tool of monetary policy?
Property? (A) Bank Rate
45th Amendment, 1980 (B) Credit calling
(B) 42nd Amendment, 1977 C ) Credit rationing
44th Amendment. 1978
A) (D) Cash Reserve
of CrPC?
the full form
S.Duties and Powers of the Comptroller and 180.
What is
AUditor General is mentioned in which Article? Procedure Code
) C r i m i n a l Procedure Code
(A) Article 137
Penal Code
) Article 149 (C)
(C) Article 98 (D)
Please Turn Over
(D) Article 150
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of Indian planning are