The Wiring Rules: Motor Protection

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ISSUE 39 - July 2003

Please circulate to
of Australia’s
supplier of
low-voltage motor control
and _________________
The introduction of the
_________________ year 2000 edition of the
_________________ Wiring Rules changed the
requirements for the
protection of motors and
the cables supplying them.
These changes are still
causing confusion and the
result is that some
installations do not comply
and installations that do
comply have been
rejected. This article is Motor Protection
intended to help clarify assembly with overcurrent
the situation. and thermistor
overtemperature relays

Protection of the motor

An electric motor can be damaged by many things including overloading, incorrect supply
voltage and phase imbalance. The Wiring Rules require most motors to be protected against
overload currents. This is achieved with the typical thermal overload relay used for
monitoring the current drawn by the motor. In addition to this, there is a requirement for
motors running unattended to have over temperature protection. While the intention of the
Protection of the
Operator basic thermal overload relay is to prevent over heating of the motor, it may not always

Cable Selection 2 correctly sense

the temperature
of the windings.
Overload protection required for
Fault Loop 3 A device
embedded in the
all motors exceeding 0.37 z
(monitors current)
windings such
Typical over temperature Over temperature protection
as a thermistor device is an embedded required for motors running
Energy Tables 4 or thermostat is thermistor or thermostat. unattended if above 480 VA
typically used to for shaded pole motors,
Thermal modeling relays 240 VA for other types and
directly monitor can also provide over above 2.25 kW for
temperature. temperature protection. submersible pumps.
Protection These are
connected in the
Location of Devices 5 control circuit in a way that causes the motor control contactor to open when high
temperatures are detected.
2 Protection of the
operator If remote from the Isolation means to be
Isolation devices are required to motor an isolation provided so it can easily
allow the motor to be turned off by device must be be operated by the person
the operator should an unsafe provided with the in charge of the motor and
means to secure it in at all points where danger
condition arise. For maintenance an
the open position. is likely to occur.
isolation device is required and if
remote from the motor, it must be
provided with the means to lock it
in the OFF position. The circuit
breaker providing short circuit
protection is often used for
this purpose.

Cable selection
The cables supplying a motor are now treated in the same manner as any other cable in the fixed wiring
system. They must be provided with protection against overload and fault currents.

Zone 1
The first step is to select a cable suitable for the motor rated current (Zone 1). The cable rating is
determined by the temperature reached in the installed position. Any restriction on the cable s ability to
transfer the heat produced by the passage of current to the surrounding environment will reduce its
rating. The standard AS/ANZ3008.1 provides rating tables for cables mounted in typical configurations.
The cable rating selected must be equal to or greater than the rated motor current and equal to or greater
than the setting of the over current protection device. The over current device will not normally trip at
its setting and will require some degree of overload before it does. The Wiring Rules allow a factor of
1.45 x, the setting for tripping to occur. Motor protection thermal overload devices comply with this
requirement and are therefore suitable for the overload protection of the cables as well as the motor.

Zone 2
The second step is to check that the cable selected is protected against fault currents. High currents
cause rapid heating of cables and for durations under 5 seconds, it is considered that all the heat
produced in the cable is absorbed by the cable and no heat is lost to the surroundings. The protective
device must operate quickly enough to prevent the peak temperature reached from causing significant
damage to the cable insulation. The factors to be considered are the cable cross section, the accepted
peak temperature of the insulation and the starting temperature. The combination of these factors is
considered in
AS/ANZ3008.1 and tables
are provide so that an Open Wire current rating is
overall factor k can be determined by the method
determined. A typical of installation. The
factor used is k = 111 and temperature must not
the adjacent cable selection In conduit exceed the insulation rating.
table provides the current Select the cable size to have
that will produce the a rating equal to or greater
permitted rise with a 5 and than the setting of the
overcurrent device.
0.1 second duration. These
points can be compared
with the protective devices
NHP Technical News, issue 39
time current curve to check the devices clears the fault before these times are reached (Zone 2). If the
time current curve is plotted with a log scale for both the X and Y axis, the cable 5 and 0.1 second
points can be joined with a straight line for consideration of intermediate times.

Zone 3
For fault levels producing a shorter clearing time than 0.1 second (Zone 3), the let through I2t of the
protective device needs to be compared with the cable withstand I2t. This is a comparison of energies.
For circuit breakers, the energy let through varies greatly with fault current level so the value to be
considered is the let through energy at the maximum fault prospective at the point of installation of the
circuit breaker. For fuses, it is normal just to consider the energy let through at the maximum short
circuit rating. Manufactures provide energy let through characteristic for circuit breakers and fuses.

For normal protection of cables, the consideration of fault current levels will not normally result in the
need to over size the cable. In the case of motor protection, it is common to have the fault current
protective device selected for a
Zone 1. Protection device trip setting to be equal to larger rating than the motor.
or less than cable rating. Minimum tripping current This is to prevent tripping on
to be no greater than 1.45 x setting. motor starting currents. In
these cases, a larger cable may
Zone 2. Between 0.1 & 5 seconds
(sec) be required especially if the
device trip time to be less than
5 2 2
K S calculation for cable. over sizing has resulted in the
I2 next circuit breaker frame size
0.1 Zone 3. Withstand I t 2 being selected.
(=K2S2) of cable greater
than let through I2t of
1.45 Current protection device.

Fault loop
Selection of the cable sizes and protection device can also be altered by the requirement to ensure that
during a fault, exposed conductive parts are not raised to a potential of greater than 50 volts for a period
of time greater than 4 seconds for fixed equipment. The passage of current through the earth system
produces this rise in voltage and it
can be a problem with long cable A E
runs. As the cable length The impedance of the earth
Touch voltages return path during a fault
increases so does the impedance, caused by a can cause the motor frame to
increasing the possible touch fault to earth rise above earth potential.
voltage as well as reducing the must be The impedance may also
maximum fault current. With the disconnected in reduce fault current to a
less than 5 level that will cause slow
reduction in fault current, it is
seconds. operation of the protective
possible to have operating times
of the protective device greater
than 4 seconds. Options to
overcome this include the fitting
of earth fault sensing relays and
increasing the cable cross section. Selecting faster acting protection is not always an option when
considering motor protection arrangements. Some motor protection relays operate faster when the
currents are out of balance and this should be considered if tripping time is found to be a problem.

NHP Technical News, issue 39

Let through energy l2t
Fuse Circuit breaker
Type Rating Total l2t Type Rating I2t (x 103) at fault prospective
Amps x 10 3
Amps 10 kA 20 kA 30 kA 40 kA 50 kA
N range 10 0.4 DinT 10 10 24
BS88 style 16 0.7 16 29
20 1.2 20 35
25 2 25 41
32 4 32 47
40 7 40 50
50 9 50 63
63 17 63 70
80 21 XS125NJ 50-125 550 1,200
100 59 XH125NJ 50-125 530 850 1,100 1,250 1,300
125 92 XS250NJ 160-250 900 2,000
160 144 XH250NJ 160-250 780 1,400 1,800 2,300 2,400
200 370 XS400NJ 250-400 1,300 2,800 4,400 5,800 6,800
250 490 XH400NJ 250-400 1,300 2,800 4,400 5,800 6,800
315 709 XS630NJ 400-630 6,000 8,000 12,000 14,000
355 1,100 XH630NJ 400-630 6,000 8,000 12,000 14,000
400 2,270
Note: Fuses and circuit breaker from NHP.
500 2,010
630 4,500
710 4,300
800 8,640

Withstand currents and I2t (k = 111)
Cable area Current (amps) for I2t Cable withstand current for 0.1 seconds and 5 seconds to be
(sq mm) 0.1 sec 5 sec x 10 3 higher than the trip current of protective device for the same
2.5 878 124 77 times. Refer to catalogue information for protective devices times
4 1,404 199 197 versus current curve.
6 2,106 298 444 Cable I2t to be higher than protection devices let through I2t.
10 3,510 496 1,232
16 5,616 794 3,154
25 8,775 1,241 7,701
35 12,285 1,737 15,093
50 17,551 2,482 30,803
70 24,571 3,475 60,373
95 33,346 4,716 111,197
120 42,122 5,957 177,422
150 52,652 7,446 277,223
185 64,937 9,184 421,686
240 84,243 11,914 709,690
300 105,304 14,892 1,108,890
400 140,405 19,856 1,971,360
500 175,506 24,820 3,080,250

NHP Technical News, issue 39

Protection co-ordination
If separate devices are used for overload and fault current protection, the Wiring Rules require their
operation to be co-ordinated so that the overload device is protected under short circuit conditions. In
motor starting application, motor starter combinations are tested in accordance to AS3947.4 to prove the
combination is satisfactory under fault conditions. Co-ordination can be to Type 1 or Type 2, with the
major difference being that Type 1 permits permanent welding of the contactor contacts.

Short circuit
A combination of devices at protective device
providing short circuit and
overload protection for
the motor must be Contactor
co-ordinated in their
operation under fault
condition. The overload Overload
normally needs to be
protected by the short
circuit device. Short circuit

Location of devices
In a motor starting arrangement, it is common for the overload and the short circuit device to be at
different locations in the circuit. With the circuit breaker selected having a thermal current setting
greater than the motor rating, there is often an issue regarding the protection of the cable between the
overload and the circuit breaker. If the method of installation meets the requirements of the Wiring
Rules, this cable can be
Short circuit Circuit breaker overload setting normally considered as being protected
protection device selected to be about twice motor rating to by the downstream overload.
prevent tripping during motor starting. The basic requirements are,
3 m Max Cable above overload can be selected on the less than 3 m long, no branch
basis of motor overload setting provided the circuits, low risk of fault and
located away from flammable
Over load * Is less than 3 m long materials.
protection device * Has no branch circuits
* Has a low risk of fault
* Is located away from flammable material

Disclaimer. This article does not detail all

requirements of the Wiring Rules and installers
should only consider this as a basic guide.

NHP Technical News, issue 39

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Editorial content: - Please address all enquiries to: Version 6
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NHP Technical News, Issue 39 TNL-39 07/03 14M
© Copyright NHP 2003

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