iPEC iSM Overview - Partial Discharge

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Overview of the

IPEC Limited
Integrated Substation
Management System

Incorporating ASM continuous on-line monitor, discharge and environmental sensors

for detection of PD and associated conditions in underground cables and metal clad
switchgear, Decifer™ advanced PD recognition algorithm, & iSM™ web based Asset
Management software.

Rutherford House
Manchester Science Park
Manchester, M15 6GG
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 161 226 0045
ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
CONTENTS...................................................................................................................................................... 2

INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Partial discharge............................................................................................................................................... 3

TRACK RECORD - LIST OF CLIENTS FOR IPEC ASM MONITORS............................................................ 4

MAKING THE CHANGE - FROM REACTIVE TO PROACTIVE MANAGEMENT.......................................... 5

SYSTEM OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 6

Sensors............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Multiplexers...................................................................................................................................................... 6
ASM Monitor..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Decifer R PD detection algorithm...................................................................................................................... 7
Data Centralisation........................................................................................................................................... 7
Database Server............................................................................................................................................... 7
Web Server....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Remote Data Analysis...................................................................................................................................... 7
SMS (Safety Messaging System) alert………………………..............................…………………….…............. 8

SENSORS........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Embedded partial discharge sensors...............................................................................................................11
Capacitively coupled........................................................................................................................................12
Airborne acoustic.............................................................................................................................................13

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING..................................................................................................................14
Temperature & humidity...................................................................................................................................14
Weather station monitoring..............................................................................................................................14

Signal Management.........................................................................................................................................15
Typical Installation............................................................................................................................................16

OPERATION AND DATA ACCESS.................................................................................................................17

Web based data access...................................................................................................................................17
Website analysis..............................................................................................................................................18
Alarms ...........................................................................................................................................................19
Alarm Thresholds and Types...........................................................................................................................20

SUMMARY OF SCOPE OF SUPPLY..............................................................................................................21

MORE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FROM IPEC.........................................................................................22

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

IPEC Ltd is a high technology company at the forefront of Electricity Asset Management using Partial
Discharge Monitoring for incipient fault detection and location.

The ASM (Advanced Substation Monitor) is the most advanced PD system in the world today, and is based
on over ten years of manufacturing and operational experience in monitoring country-wide area networks
in this arena, including its data base of over 100million actual Partial Discharge waveforms.

Partial Discharge
Partial Discharge (PD) is an electrical discharge that does not completely bridge the space between two
conducting electrodes. The discharge may be in a gas filled void in a solid insulating material, in a gas
bubble in a liquid insulator or around an electrode in a gas. When partial discharge occurs in a gas, it is
usually known as corona.

Partial discharge is generally accepted as the primary cause of long term degradation and eventual failure
of electrical insulation. As a result, its measurement is standard as part of the factory testing of most types
of high voltage equipment. In-service monitoring of equipment for PD gives advance warning of pending
insulation failure. This allows a plant operator to take remedial action during planned outages.

Partial discharge often occurs under normal working conditions, gradually deteriorating the dielectric until
it can no longer withstand the electrical stress and fails. The pictures above demonstrate how partial
discharge culminated in the failure of the asset components concerned.

The IPEC ASM assists users to predict where failures may occur prior to a particular catastrophic event
happening such as shown above.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

List of Clients for IPEC ASM Monitors

United Kingdom
London Power Networks
Southern Power Networks
EDF Energy Eastern Power Networks

United Kingdom
Freescale Semiconductor Company

EDF R&D electricite de strasbourg

Electricite de Strasbourg

China Steel Corporation



10 years field based experience

Largest installed permanent monitor base

Thousands of power assets continuously monitored

Database contains > 100 million PD signature events

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Making the Change - From Reactive to Proactive Management.

IPEC Ltd is at the forefront of Electricity Asset Management using Partial Discharge Monitoring for
incipient fault detection and location.

Reliable incipient fault detection coupled with precise fault location are key to successful change.
Proactive management is essential to achieve the objective - integrity of supply.

Distribution Network Operators are under increasing pressure to improve efficiency of supply by reducing
CML’s (customer minutes lost) and CI’s (customer interruptions). Following privatisation of European
electricity supply markets, many Network Operators made significant ‘quick win’ shareholder value gains
by reducing direct workforce numbers and postponing replacement programmes to extend plant life.
However these savings also greatly increase the risk of future failure – much of the network knowledge
resided with the people who ran the system. This makes further improvement hard to achieve.

For critical industries the impact of plant failure is more immediate. Process industries with long and
complicated production cycles are particularly vulnerable. Loss of electricity supply leads to disruption of
delivery schedules, increased costs and consequential loss of profit. Safety is also a concern in critical
industries where loss of supply means reliance on secondary sources and increased risk. This is
particularly the case in hospitals, where patient safety is at risk. In the transport industry, as well as the
effect on safety, there is a disruption of passenger flow, with consequential loss of revenue.

In many cases failure of electrical equipment can be predicted. This is increasingly the case towards the
end of the equipment’s design life, when failure relates to ageing of installed plant.

On-line continuous monitoring of critical plant is the key to increasing security of supply and extending the
working life of existing plant. The appearance and development of Partial Discharge in plant is a key
indicator of future failure.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
System Overview

The ASM is a permanently installed monitor for the detection of partial discharges in high voltage plant.
The ASM is designed to give continuous coverage of the electrical plant being monitored, in particular PD
that occurs in switchgear, panels, transformers and cables.

The monitor acquires partial discharge signals using distributed sensors as shown
Sensors mounted on the High Voltage plant

Figure 1: ASM Monitor and Distributed Sensors


Sensors are distributed around the substation according to monitoring requirements.

Both active (with integral amplifiers) and passive transducers are available including the following:

■ High Frequency CTs for earth conductors

■ Capacitively Coupled sensors for detection of transient earth voltages on metal clad switchgear
■ Airborne Acoustic for corona detection
■ Temperature and Humidity for environment condition monitoring

Up to 128 sensors can be monitored by a single ASM.

Multiplexers are used to select batches of up to eight sensors at a time. Up to 16 Multiplexers can be daisy
chained together. Each multiplexer is given a unique address, allowing the ASM to access channels from
all multiplexers sequentially. The multiplexers energise the transducer cables where active sensors are
being used.

ASM Monitor
The ASM Monitor records data from all the sensors. Multiplexers are individually and sequentially
addressed and data from each channel is simultaneously acquired.
Data is sampled across the power cycle (50Hz or 60Hz) at a sampling rate of 100Msamples/sec. From this
data a Peak value (maximum) and Count (number of times a pre-set threshold is exceeded) are calcu-
lated. The acquired signals along with the calculated values are stored in a local database ready for
access by the central Server.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Decifer ® PD detection algorithm

The secret of successful PD detection is to distinguish true PD signals deeply buried within the electrically
noisy environment of the substation.

From more than 10 years of experience in the analysis of permanent on-line monitoring over a wide area
electrical network (as opposed to many companies who offer spot testing equipment only), IPEC Limited
have accumulated more than 100 million real world events where our monitors have been installed to
detect partial discharges in switchgear and cables. As a result we have refined the critical process of
extracting true PD signals from the noise by the development of a completely new algorithm - Decifer ®.
Decifer ® is a partial discharge detection algorithm that identifies portions of signal as having PD.

The new algorithm works significantly better than any other algorithm currently available due to the fact
that it;
Uses a combination of wavelet analysis and knowledge rule based expert system to distinguish
noise from partial discharge.
Has been developed to cope with data acquired from many different PD source types, in a range of
different cable builds and voltages.
Uses wave shape as well as relative position in the power cycle to classify PD.
Works better in noisy environments by detecting discharges with a significantly smaller amplitude
than the surrounding noise.
Improves classification of the discharge types. Decifer ® does not just rely on the main frequency of
the FFT of the signal.
Calculates discharge energy more accurately, especially in the presence of lower frequency noise.
Adapts its algorithm in function of the sensor which has acquired the data. (CT, CC).

Data Centralisation
The ASM system centralises data management by storing all data recorded by distributed Substation
Monitors in a central database (iSM ™).

Database Server
A database server equipped with a modem is used to contact each of the ASM monitors every 3 hours
(24hrs if dial up modem employed). All data recorded since the previous download is transferred to the
main database. Once the database has been updated, the data is automatically analysed and Criticality
indicators are calculated to determine the severity of activity on each of the monitoring channels.

Web Server
The Web Server is permanently connected to the Internet and allows user access to data in the database.
Security is strictly controlled with username and password entry.

Remote Data Analysis

The ASM web site allows recorded signals to be analysed remotely. Criticality tables and analytical tools
can be accessed by the customer, IPEC staff or specialist plant engineers.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

Figure 2: ASM Communications

SMS ( Safety Messaging System ) Alert

During site visits with Electricity Company staff, Operations Engineers often expressed their concerns
about entering substations in the presence of high levels of Partial Discharge. Although some sites have
local PD hand held monitors available, they are not particularly trusted as they give traffic light indication
only which is nearly always ‘green = safe to proceed’.

IPEC have therefore introduced an important new

feature to make substation entry less hazardous.
Before entering site, the engineer texts the station
reference code to iPEC’s servers, which returns the
last known status for any equipment of concern by
return text.

Text Message

Gunbridge Town 11kV :

close upthe
Warning, of screen with text
following changed
panels have
to false names and locations
high PD; [P9, TW Grid Int][P10, TW
Grid Int 2]

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

The ASM can be used with a variety of partial discharge and environmental sensors including both active
and passive types.

6 Point Sensor Kit:

Comprehensive sensor range to enhance partial discharge detection.

HFCT 100/50
High Frequency Current Transformer

HFCT 40/20
Small Embedded HFCT

Transient Earth Voltage Detection

Surface Discharge Detection


Internal Environment

External Environment

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

Discharge Detection

Partial discharge activity in solid high voltage insulation induces small high frequency currents in the earth
of the electrical system.
These impulses travel along the equipment earth to the substation earth. Using a high frequency current
transformer they can be detected as they pass through the CT.

Principle of Operation: High Frequency Current Transformer

HFCT Sensor attachment method : Clamps around earth bars


Electrical impulse in cable

earth induced by PD passes
Signal to through HFCT sensor

Figure 4: HFCT

Current Transformer

The HFCT 100/50 is a high frequency transducer designed specifically for picking up partial discharge
signals. It has a split core ferrite to allow retrospective fitting to earth straps without the need for
disconnection. The durable body has a hinge and a quick release latch making use quick and easy.
This transducer is ideal for all earth PD monitoring applications.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Embedded Partial Discharge Sensors

High Frequency Current Transducers are used for the detection of Partial Discharge (PD) in HV cables.
Coupled to the cable screen, they can detect PD in the cable insulation, cable joints or the cable

Where the cable screen is terminated inside air insulated switchgear, individual HFCT sensors can be
coupled to the screen from each core as shown in the diagram below.

Connection to the PD sensors is made via bulkhead mounted BNC connectors in the switchgear panel.
The sensors can be used for either commissioning tests, periodic testing or permanent monitoring.

If sensors are installed at both ends of the cable, in the event of PD being detected, the sensors can be
used to locate the source to within approximately ±1% of the cable length.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Capacitively Coupled Sensors

Transient Earth Voltages

Partial discharge activity inside metal clad high voltage plant induces small voltage impulses called
Transient Earth Voltages on the surface of the metal cladding. These TEVs travel around the cladding
surface to the outside of the gear where they can be pick up using capacitively coupled transducers.

Principle of Operation - Capacitive Coupler: Mounted Magnetically to the switchgear metal cladding
surface within a very durable casing. UHF signal operation.

Detects electrical impulse

on switchgear surface
induced by PD

Signal to ASM.

Capacitive Coupler
The Capacitive Coupler detects TEVs as they pass over the cladding of the high voltage plant. The very
fast output signals are recorded by the ASM.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Airborne Acoustic Sensors

Surface Discharge
Corona in air and surface tracking can seriously damage high voltage insulating surfaces in a way that will
ultimately lead to flashover and complete failure of the insulator.
This discharge activity creates acoustic emission that can be detected using a high frequency sensor.
The magnitude of the acoustic emission is indicative of the degree and severity of discharge activity.

Principle of Operation - Airborne Acoustic Probe:

Partial Discharge High frequency sound Sensor - Converts acoustic signal

Source. in air to electrical
(surface tracking)

High accuracy signal acquisition

40 kHz
Integrated amplifier

Up to 5m

Signal to ASM.

Acoustic Probe
The acoustic probe is designed for use on air insulated terminations where there is a clear sound path
between the electrically stressed insulation and the probe. The sensor is extremely sensitive and can
detect activity below 10pC.
The probe has a magnetic base to allow coupling to steel enclosures and a swivel head so the detecting
sensor can be aimed directly at the HV point.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Environmental Monitoring


Internal Environment

IPEC monitors are also fitted when requested with temperature and humidity sensors to monitor the
environment within the substation.

Humidity and temperature (owing to its relationship with humidity) are important factors in understanding
the on-set and development of PD in switchgear, particularly surface discharge. As switchgear PD
monitoring is increasingly coming into focus, the benefit of having environmental information is apparent.

The iSM web site has the facility for displaying this environmental data alongside PD data.

External Environment

Weather also affects cable operating conditions due to variations in cable soil (ambient) temperature, soil
water levels and thermal conductivity and load.

Basic weather stations for outdoor use capable of monitoring rainfall, wind, temperature, humidity and
pressure are commercially available.

These include data acquisition units with USB interface, so that the data could be brought into the ASM
monitor and inserted in the database for later download.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

Signal Management

The ASM monitor has eight signal inputs through which it can acquire data simultaneously. However a
single monitor can serve up to 128 sensors and these are selected, in batches of eight through the
multiplexer switch units like that shown in the figure below.

figure 7: Distributed Multiplexer

Up to 16 multiplexers can be ‘daisy chained’ together as shown in the figure below. Each multiplexer has
8 inputs from sensors and 8 from other multiplexers. They each have a unique address between 0 & 15
allowing them to be individually selected.

figure 8: Multiplexer layout

The final multiplexer in the chain can accommodate up to 16 sensors as can be seen in the diagram
above. The maximum number of sensors is therefore given by;

Max. No of Sensors = (No of Multiplexers +1) x 8

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
An additional ASM monitor system becomes necessary in the event of 128 sensors not being sufficient to
cover the substation site in order to handle the significant additional processing required to analyse the
data being read.

Typical Installation

The Multiplexers have backplate fixing brackets for simplified wall mounting. The photo below shows how
the ASM and the associated multiplexers are normally installed.

Figure 9: Typical IPEC substation installation

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

Web based data access

Data from the monitor is accessed via the IPEC On-Line PD Web Server. This acts as a front end to data
stored in the central database. A browser interface means that the data access is completely platform
independent and requires no proprietary software. The web site URL is as shown below:

‘name of company’.onlinepd.co.uk

The company name will be set up by IPEC during commissioning of the system.


The web site has been optimised for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 and above but will work on most
common browsers.


The login page allows the user to log into the site with a unique ID that gives access only to relevant areas.
Login is password protected for security. IPEC set up as many login names as are required.


Data downloaded from the ASM is automatically processed by the IPEC central server every 3 hours if
connected via ADSL line, or 24 hours for modem connections. Based on the magnitude of activity levels
recorded and the trend in that activity, a Criticality is generated for each channel being monitored. The
algorithm that generates Criticality is continuously being reviewed, developed and improved as more
sophisticated signal recognition methods are deployed. As improvements are made, they will be
implemented by IPEC automatically without a visit to site.

A league table of the circuit Criticalities is also generated every 24 hours for all channels being monitored,
belonging to a particular customer. The Summary web page displays these in order and colour coded from
Green for low through to Red for high.

The figure below shows an example of the Summary page incorporating the IPEC developed ‘Criticality
League Table’.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor




087 CAB C21 Hyde Estate 11kV: Retail Park (Oxford)

078 SWG P14 Fairtree Rd : Thames T/C
076 SWG P8 Poste Way 63kV : TR 633 Phase 4
072 CAB C15 Glauhouse St : Mill Lane
070 SWG P18 Henley Grid 11kV : Shopping Centre
069 CAB C16 Hyde Estate 11kV : B 27 Manchester Rd
067 SWG P11 Poste Way 63 kV : Phase 12
063 SWG P15 Cauldstone 11kV : Green Square
059 CAB P9 Glauhouse St :
057 SWG P16 Poste Way 63kV : Phase 7
051 SWG P2 Caulder Av 11kV : Lion Street
050 SWG P13 Henley Grid 11kV : Stanley Rd
048 SWG P3 Henley Grid 11 kV : Stone Rd
046 SWG P17 Fairtree Rd : Clover Court T/C
044 CAB C19 HorseShoe Av 11kV :
043 SWG P1 Hyde Estate 11kV : Buckmore Av
043 SWG P6 Church Rd 11kV : Centre
042 SWG P10 Lower St :
040 SWG P4 Steel Way 11kV :
038 SWG P7 Earl Rd : River T/C
036 SWG P19 Stable Close :
034 SWG P24 Cot Rd 11 kV : Health Centre

Figure 10: Criticality League Table

This table provides engineers with an instant guide to which circuits have increasing levels of activity. This
is useful for a quick insight into the nature of the activity.

Website analysis

The Website analysis allows the condition of each asset to be assessed. The system is designed to
generate more detailed information the further down the ‘tree’ the user goes. The data available ranges
from a substation condition to an individual PD segment.
Individual user profiles can be created allowing for a user to view assets or site in his or her region, or
information relevant to them such as site location, PD or just environment information. This allows for the
site to be used as a more general Network management system and not just a data analysis site.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

Figure 22: iSM website

Alarms can be set on the ASM monitor to alert relevant engineering staff of increased activity levels. Two
modes of alarm can be raised, ASM Monitor Alarm and a Central Server Alarm;

ASM Monitor Alarm

Alarms raised by the ASM monitor are based on levels of activity recorded 24 hours a day. If the monitor
detects increases in electrical activity that exceed pre-set thresholds and follow patterns indicative of
partial discharge, an ASM Monitor Alarm will be raised.

Central Server Alarm

The Central Server analyses the data every 24 hours and can raise alarms based on a combination of
factors including high activity levels and increasing trends. This alarm can be used to initiate an SMS to
nominated personnel of the customer.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Alarm Thresholds

Alarm thresholds are set according to the type of equipment being monitored and general noise
conditions. These are set by IPEC once the monitor has been in service sufficiently long to acquire
representative data. This may take several weeks.

Alarm types
Alarm types fall into two categories and are set-up according to user requirements.

Local Alarms
Volt free contacts are made available in the ASM Monitor for use with a local alarm. The contacts are rated
at 250VAC, 10A. This type can only be activated by ASM Monitor Alarms

Remote Alarms
Alarms can be raised remotely by either email or text message. Two levels of remote alarm are available
allowing different thresholds to be set for each. Alarms include the following information.

Monitor Site
Channel number and name on which alarm is raised
Alarm Level
Recorded signal level

Remote alarms are sent by both the ASM Monitor and the Central Server.

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor
Summary of scope of Supply

Many of our clients are now carrying out extended trials of on-line PDM systems for 11kV air-insulated
switchgear (AIS) boards. These PDM systems are an important part of a condition-based maintenance
regime. The IPEC ASM monitor is the most proven and advanced PD (Partial Discharge) monitor available
today. It includes sophisticated signal processing algorithms that can accurately detect PD in electrically
noisy environments.

The monitors include the following main features:

100MSample/sec Data Acquisition

High resolution 12 bit signal sampling
Decifer ® - the most advanced signal analysis and PD recognition software
Internet access to data over web based interface
Analysis tools including
Criticality league table of most active circuits
Trend PD level over time
Phase resolved signals
Graph individual PDs
Enclosure and installation accessories
All signal and power cabling, connectors and accessories as required.

User Interface: There is no local user interface on the monitor, though there is a local display. All data will
be accessible via the Web server.

Enclosures: The standard enclosure is designed for indoor use. The monitor enclosure will be wall
mounted in the control room.

Training: Full training will be given to client engineers in the use and first line maintenance of the ASM
monitor at the same time as the Installation and Commissioning of the system.

Standards: The installation will be carried out in accordance with the following United Kingdom

Health and Safety at Work Act (1974)

Electricity at Work Regulations (1989)
BS7671, IEE Wiring Regulations, 16th Edition

The ASM Monitor measures PD in accordance with BSEN60275:2001, IEC60270:2000 (High-voltage test
techniques – Partial Discharge Measurements).

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ASM On-line Advanced Monitor

More products and services from IPEC

IPEC have used a variety of on-line mapping equipment

in the field for over ten years.

IPEC now introduce new mapping technology with

several improvements over existing systems on the
market to make cable incipient fault sites simpler to
locate without the need for an expert to analyse the

The objective of this technology is to detect cable faults

BEFORE they occur, locating the discharge area
precisely to save cost and reduce the disruption from
street works excavations.

Using Precise PD, utilities can target and prioritise expensive cable replacement programs, moving
from reactive to proactive cable fault management.

Major benefits of Precise PD technology includes:

• Extremely user friendly and easy to use with all information in the same window.
• Rapid analysis of graph data.
• Automatically finds and plots PD and iPD cursors throughout acquired signal.
• Automatically detects PD in the signal in real time.
• Automatically produces fault location report without expert knowledge.

Our Services include:



IPEC’s team of professional Engineers, expert

service Engineers and consultants have over
10 years of experience in asset assessment
and PD location.

iSM overview v4.0

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