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School of Electrical Engineering

Department of Communications and Networking

Lasse Laine

Performance Management of 3rd Generation Partnership

Project Long Term Evolution

Master's Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Science in


Espoo, 27th September 2011

Supervisor: Prof. Jyri Hämäläinen

Instructor: M.Sc. Osman Yilmaz
Author: Lasse Laine
Name off the Thesis: Performance Management of 3rd Partnership Project Long
Term Evolution

Date: 27 September 2011 Number of pages: 11 + 96 = 107

Department: Department of Communications and Networking

Degree Programme: Degree Programme in Communications Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Jyri Hämäläinen

Instructor: M.Sc. Osman Yilmaz

Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the newest mobile network standard in the 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP) evolution path, promising to considerably increase the
performance of mobile networks. Building a mobile network is a huge investment for a
network operator, and naturally operators try to maximize the revenue and minimize the
operational expenditure created by their investment. This goal can be achieved by
optimizing network performance and by minimizing the manual effort of network

This thesis introduces the most important key performance indicators (KPI) of LTE, which
can be utilized to evaluate network performance. Self-Organizing-Networks (SON)
concept designed to automate many of the network management tasks is also described.
Furthermore, the feasibility, advantages and disadvantages of SON use cases are

The final part of the thesis reports research carried out on the Cell Outage Compensation
(COC), a SON use case designed to alleviate the effect of a network outage. The research,
which was carried out using system level simulations, consisted of investigating the
effects of a typical outage, selecting the most potential control parameters and
developing a COC function. As a result, the developed COC function considerably
alleviated the effects of the outage in the utilized simulation environment.

Key words: LTE, Optimization, Performance Management, SON, COC

Tekijä: Lasse Laine
Työn nimi: 3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution -
mobiiliverkon suorituskyvyn hallinta

Date: 27.09.2011 Number of pages: 11 + 96 = 107

Laitos: Tietoliikenne ja tietoverkkotekniikan laitos

Tutkinto-ohjelma: Tietoliikennetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma

Työn valvoja: Prof. Jyri Hämäläinen

Työn ohjaaja: DI Osman Yilmaz

Long Term Evolution (LTE) on 3rd Generation Partnership Project:in (3GPP) uusin,
suorituskyvyltään edeltäjiään huomattavasti kehittyneempi mobiiliverkkostandardi.
Verkon rakentaminen on operaattorille aina valtava investointi, jonka vuoksi operaattorit
luonnollisesti haluavat maksimoida verkon tuoton samalla minimoiden sen ylläpitämisen
aiheuttamat kustannukset. Verkon tuottoa voidaan parantaa optimoimalla sen
suorituskykyä ja verkon ylläpitokustannuksia pienentää automatisoimalla
verkonhallinnan toimintoja.

Ratkaiseva vaihe verkon suorituskyvyn optimointiprosessissa on verkon suorituskyvyn

arviointi. Tässä diplomityössä kuvataan LTE:n tärkeimmät verkon suorituskyvyn
tunnusluvut, joiden avulla verkon toimintaa voidaan arvioida kokonaisvaltaisesti. Lisäksi
diplomityössä esitellään verkonhallinnan toimintoja automatisoiva Self-Organizing-
Networks (SON) -konsepti ja sen tyypilliset käyttösovellukset. Työssä arvioidaan myös
näiden käyttösovellusten toteuttamiskelpoisuutta, vahvuuksia sekä heikkouksia.

Diplomityön viimeisessä osassa tutkitaan järjestelmätason simulaatioiden avulla SON -

konseptin Cell Outage Compensation (COC) -käyttösovellusta, jonka tavoitteena on
vähentää tukiasemien vikaantumisista verkon käyttäjille aiheutuvaa haittaa. Osiossa
tutkitaan tyypillisen vikaantumisen vaikutuksia, valitaan kontrolliparametrit COC -
algoritmille sekä kehitetään COC -funktio. Tehdyissä simulaatioissa kehitetty COC -
funktio onnistui vähentämään vikaantumisen vaikutuksia merkittävästi.

Avainsanat: LTE, Optimointi, Suorituskyvyn hallinta, SON, COC


I would like to thank Professor Jyri Hämäläinen for the supervision of this thesis and for
the thorough answers to my questions. Also my instructor, M.Sc. Osman Yilmaz, has
my gratitude for his supporting comments and his enthusiasm towards the subject.

As this thesis was funded by Omnitele Ltd., I am grateful for both the opportunity and
the resources provided for the thesis. It has been extremely educating and rewarding
to work among the highly competent personnel of Omnitele and to investigate an
extremely interesting subject. Especially, I would like to thank B.Sc. Jarkko Heikkinen
for the time and effort he has used for aiding me during the thesis writing process.

I also would like to express my gratitude to all of my friends for helping me out during
the writing process. Finally, I want to thank Ms. Heini Hyttinen for her unselfish aid
during the thesis writing process. Her help has been invaluable for the success of the
project and for the wellbeing of the writer.

Helsinki, 27 September 2011

Lasse Laine


Abstract .................................................................................................................................... i
Preface ....................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................................... iv
List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................v
List of Symbols ......................................................................................................................... ix
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
2 Long Term Evolution ............................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Network Architecture ..................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Air Interface in LTE DL: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access .......................... 4
2.3 Air Interface in LTE UL: Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access ...................... 8
2.4 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Schemes ....................................................................... 9
2.5 Inter-Cell Interference Coordination ............................................................................. 11
2.6 Bearers ......................................................................................................................... 14
2.7 Mobility ........................................................................................................................ 15
2.8 LTE Processes ............................................................................................................... 17
3 Optimization of the Long Term Evolution ............................................................................ 27
3.1 Integrity KPIs ................................................................................................................ 27
3.2 Accessibility KPIs........................................................................................................... 31
3.3 Retainability KPIs .......................................................................................................... 35
3.4 Mobility KPIs ................................................................................................................ 36
4 Self-Organizing-Networks .................................................................................................... 40
4.1 SON Architectures ........................................................................................................ 40
4.2 SON Use Cases.............................................................................................................. 43
5 Cell Outage Compensation .................................................................................................. 53
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 53
5.2 Cell Outage Compensation Objectives .......................................................................... 53
5.3 Simulation Environment ............................................................................................... 54
5.4 Simulation Process ....................................................................................................... 57
5.5 Effects of an Outage ..................................................................................................... 58
5.6 Cell Outage Compensation Group and Control Parameters ........................................... 63
5.7 Algorithmic Approach ................................................................................................... 70

6 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 78
References ............................................................................................................................. 79
Appendix A - Timers ............................................................................................................... 82
Appendix B - Typical causes for attach rejections ................................................................... 83
Appendix C - Typical causes for PDN connectivity request rejections ...................................... 84
Appendix D - Typical causes for default EPS bearer context activation request rejections ....... 86
Appendix E - Typical causes for bearer resource allocation request rejections ........................ 87
Appendix F - Typical causes for dedicated EPS bearer context activation request rejections ... 88
Appendix G - Typical causes for dedicated EPS bearer context modification request rejections
.............................................................................................................................................. 89
Appendix H - Typical causes for EPS bearer deactivations ....................................................... 90
Appendix I - Effects of the outage to the DL performance in scenario I ................................... 91
Appendix J - Effects of the outage to the UL performance in scenario I ................................... 93
Appendix K - Effect of the outage to the DL performance in scenario II................................... 94
Appendix L - Effect of the outage to the UL performance in scenario II ................................... 96


3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project

ANR Automated Neighbor Relations

APN Access Point Name

ARP Allocation and Retention Priority

CCO Capacity and Coverage Optimization

CCU Cell Center Users

CEU Cell Edge Users

COC Cell Outage Compensation

COD Cell Outage Detection

COM Cell Outage Management

CPICH Common Pilot Channel

C-RNTI Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier

CSG Closed Subscriber Group

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DL Downlink

DM-RS Demodulation Reference Symbol

EDGE Enhance Data rates for Global Evolution

eNodeB Evolved NodeB

EPC Evolved Packet Core

E-RAB E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer

ESM EPS Session Management

E-UTRAN Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

FDD Frequency Division Duplexing

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access

GBR Guaranteed Bit Rate

GERAN GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

HSDPA High-Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSS Home Subscriber Server

ICI Inter-Carrier Interference

ICIC Inter-Cell Interference Coordination

IP Internet Protocol

ISI Inter-Symbol Interference

KPI Key Performance Indicator

LTE Long Term Evolution

MBR Maximum Bit Rate

MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme

ME Mobile Equipment

MHA Mast Head Amplifier

MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output

MME Mobility Management Entity

NR Neighbor Relation

NRT Neighbor Relation Table

OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access

O&M Operation and Maintenance

PCI Physical Cell Identity

PDN Packet Data Network

P-GW PDN Gateway

PLMN Public Land Mobile Network

PTI Procedure Transaction Identity

QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

QCI QoS Class Identifier

QoS Quality of Service

RAN Radio Access Network

RAT Radio Access Technology

RLC Radio Link Control

RLF Radio Link Failure

RNC Radio Network Controller

RRC Radio Resource Control

RSCP Received Signal Code Power

RSRP Reference Signal Received Power

RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality

RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator

RTT Round Trip Time

SC-FDMA Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access

SDF Service Data Flow

S-GW Serving Gateway

SINR Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio

SON Self-Organizing-Networks

SRS Sounding Reference Symbol

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TFT Traffic Flow Template

TIBC Time-In-Best-Cell

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UE User Equipment

UL Uplink

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module

UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network

WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access


劇月堅結嫌月朕沈直朕 A threshold utilized in absolute priority based reselections

when UE is moving into a higher priority layer

劇追勅鎚勅鎮勅頂痛沈墜津 Cell reselection timer utilized in absolute priority based


劇月堅結嫌月鎮墜栂 A threshold utilized in absolute priority based reselections

when UE is moving into a lower priority layer

芸痛銚追直勅痛 RSRP value the target cell

芸墜捗捗鎚勅痛 RSRP offset

芸鎚勅追塚沈津直 RSRP value of the serving cell

芸朕槻鎚 RSRP hysteresis

劇痛追沈直直勅追 Cell reselection timer utilized in equal priority reselections

継頂 /軽待 Pilot signal energy of the CPICH within one chip duration
divided with RSSI

芸沈津 RSRQ threshold utilized in RLF detection when timer T300 is


芸墜通痛 RSRQ threshold utilized in RLF detection when timer T300 is

not running

鶏欠建月"健剣嫌嫌 Path loss

倦1 Intercept parameter of the path loss

倦2 Slope parameter of the path loss

穴 Distance between two nodes

倦3 UE antenna height correction factor

茎陳鎚 UE antenna height above ground level

倦4 UE antenna height correction factor

倦5 Effective eNodeB height correction factor

茎勅捗捗 Effective eNodeB height

倦6 Correction factor of effective eNodeB height and distance
between UE and eNodeB

倦7 Diffraction loss correction factor

詣鳥沈捗捗 Diffraction loss

詣頂鎮通痛痛勅追 Clutter loss

鯨 UL MBR reduction step size

劇 Amount of time the data is gathered for an optimization


経 Minimum acceptable average UL throughput

苅 Intercept parameter of the UL SINR failure probability

紅 UL interference correction factor

荊券建結堅血結堅結券潔結腸挑 UL interference

繋欠件健憲堅結嫌腸挑"聴彫朝眺 UL SINR failure probability

迎態 R-Squared

嫌 Simulated failure probability

結 Estimated failure probability

嫌違 Average of the simulated failure probabilities

繋 F value

鶏 The number RSRP level changes per optimized cell

詣 RSRP level reduction step size

捲 Minimum improvement in the total failure rate to declare

an optimization step successful

Mobile networks are nowadays a significant part of our everyday life. Although the
mobile networks have existed for a long time, the user requirements have changed
radically in recent years. An increased number of users, new service types,
smartphones and integrated laptop modem chips have introduced high capacity and
service quality requirements for the mobile networks, forcing the operators to either
constantly update their existing networks or to invest into new network technologies.
The most widely utilized mobile network evolution path is based on the standards
created by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which is a collaboration of
multiple significant telecommunication associations. The newest mobile network
standard in the 3GPP evolution path, promising to raise the performance of the mobile
networks into a new level, is called the Long Term Evolution (LTE). Compared to
previous 3GPP mobile network technologies, LTE offers multiple improvements, such
as higher spectral efficiency, simpler network architecture and lower operational
expenditure. The details of LTE are defined in 3GPP technical specification releases
eight and nine, which can be freely downloaded from the 3GPP Internet site.

A mobile network is an enormous investment for a network operator. Similarly to any

other company, operators try to maximize the revenue and minimize the operational
expenditure created by their investment. Parameterization changes, software updates
and hardware improvements are executed constantly to optimize the network
performance, resulting in higher revenues. Naturally, the optimization of the network
increases also the operational expenditure, and therefore operators must constantly
estimate which optimization decisions are actually profitable and which are not. A
concept of Self-Organizing-Networks (SON), which is seamlessly attached as a part of
LTE, attempts to decrease the mobile network operational expenditure, by automating
the network management tasks. A network which configures itself, optimizes itself and
recovers automatically from failure situations is the ultimate goal of the SON.

The main goal of the thesis is to study: How to improve the performance and the user
experienced quality of service of an LTE network? The thesis consists of six chapters,
each having separate goals and significance in the overall structure. The first chapter
describes the background, the basic concepts, the motivation and the structure of the
thesis, giving a solid insight to the reader about the scope of the thesis. In the second
chapter, LTE is investigated from a technical perspective. The network architecture and
the radio access schemes, both in Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL), are described and
their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. In addition, the basis of LTE
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) and Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC)
schemes are introduced. Furthermore, overviews concerning LTE bearer structures and
the most significant processes are given. The goal of the second chapter is to
familiarize the reader with LTE characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and

differences compared to previous 3GPP mobile network technologies. Understanding
the contents of the chapter two is crucial for the understanding of the subsequent

In the chapter three, basic optimization guidelines for LTE networks are described. The
chapter introduces main LTE key performance indicators (KPI) and describes how
network performance and user experienced quality of service can be evaluated based
on the selected KPIs. In addition, for each KPI a comparison to UMTS (Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System), a legacy 3GPP system, is executed to highlight the
differences and the similarities between UMTS and LTE. The goal of the chapter three
is to introduce the basics of LTE network performance evaluation/optimization and to
familiarize the reader with the main KPIs of LTE.

In the chapter four, the SON concept is presented. Different architectural approaches
are introduced and their advantages and disadvantages are evaluated. In addition, the
most typical SON use cases are described and their usefulness and feasibility are
investigated. Furthermore, an insight about the commonness of the SON features in
real networks is given. The goal of the chapter four is to familiarize the reader with the
SON concept and its typical use cases and to give an understanding about the
possibilities and challenges related to SON.

In the chapter five, the feasibility and the potential of one of the SON use cases, the
Cell Outage Compensation (COC), are investigated with network level simulations. The
beginning of the chapter describes the goals of the COC, the simulation process and
the simulation environment. In addition, the effects of a typical outage to the network
performance and the user experienced quality of service are investigated. Based on
these results, COC control parameters (parameters which are adjusted in an outage
situation) are selected and their feasibility is tested utilizing network level simulations.
Finally, a COC algorithm based on the selected control parameters is developed and
tested utilizing the simulation environment described in the chapter five. Chapter six
concludes the thesis and summarizes the most important findings.

To fulfill the high capacity and service quality requirements of the mobile networks,
LTE has many significant differences compared to the legacy mobile network
technologies. This chapter introduces the main features, development decisions,
advantages and disadvantages of LTE, and gives a solid basis for the reader to
understand the subsequent chapters of the thesis.

The main trend of reducing complexity of the network can be clearly seen in the LTE
network architecture. Firstly, there is no circuit switched domain in LTE. All of the
services are carried out using packet switched services, which simplifies the network
greatly and allows more efficient optimization of the packet switched services.
Secondly, the number of network elements is reduced compared to the legacy
systems. Instead of centralized Radio Network Controllers (RNC), all radio related
protocols are terminated straightly in Evolved NodeBs (eNodeB) enabling
improvement on the latencies and optimizing the performance of the network. [1]

User Equipment (UE) consists of a mobile client device and a physical card, Universal
Subscriber Identity Module (USIM), used to identify and authenticate a particular user.
UEs are connected to Evolved Packet Core (EPC) via Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
Access Network (E-UTRAN), which consists of multiple eNodeBs connected together
via X2 interfaces. eNodeBs manage all the radio access related protocols and tasks,
such as radio resource management, handover control, admission control and
scheduling. As a comparison to UMTS system, eNodeBs handle similar tasks than
NodeBs and RNCs in an UMTS network. [2] [3]

EPC delivers the user traffic between Packet Data Network (PDN) and E-UTRAN. EPC
consists of three main elements: Mobility Management Entity (MME), Serving Gateway
(S-GW) and PDN Gateway (P-GW). MME is the main control entity of EPC, and
responsible for user authentication, mobility management, service tracking,
subscription profile management and service connectivity. Functions requiring
subscriber profile information are done by interacting with Home Subscriber Server
(HSS). S-GW is responsible for forwarding and routing user packets and being a
mobility anchor during handovers between LTE and other 3GPP networks. P-GW
operates as an edge-router between EPC and PDN. It is typically the point of
attachment for UEs and responsible for IP (Internet Protocol) address allocations. In
addition, P-GW performs packet filtering and traffic shaping according to the active
policies. The whole packet system consisting of EPC and E-UTRAN is denoted as
Evolved Packet System (EPS). LTE system architecture and the related interfaces are
illustrated in figure 1. [3]

Figure 1. LTE system architecture.

2.2" Air" Interface" in" LTE" DL:" Orthogonal" Frequency" Division"

Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) is a common multiple access method in
cellular networks. One main problem of the traditional FDMA is the power leakage
between adjacent subcarriers, which causes Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI). To tackle
the signal degradation caused by ICI, guard bands must be introduced between
subcarriers. Within these guard bands no information can be sent, and therefore they
waste the capacity of the system. The insight behind the DL multiple access method of
LTE, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), is to use a subcarrier
spacing, which makes the power of the neighboring subcarriers zero at the sampling
instant of the desired subcarrier [1]. With this method, although the envelopes of the
subcarriers reach the frequency band of the adjacent subcarriers, no ICI is created.
Therefore, subcarriers can be packed close to each other and no guard bands are
needed. As a downside, the orthogonality of the adjacent subcarriers depends highly
on the accuracy of the frequency synchronization. Inaccurate synchronization
introduces ICI and can be caused by, for example, inaccuracy of the local oscillators or
the Doppler Effect. The subcarrier structure of OFDMA is illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 2. Subcarrier structure of OFDMA.

In the time domain, the transmissions of each subcarrier can be divided into frames
with a length of 10 ms, which further can be divided into 1 ms subframes. Each
subframe consists of two 0.5 ms time slots, which in turn build up from seven data
symbols [4] [5]. In a typical radio environment, multiple delayed copies of the
transmitted symbols are seen at the receiver as an effect of the multipath fading.
These copies sum up causing Inter-Symbol Inference (ISI) between the symbols. To
mitigate the effects of ISI, a cyclic prefix is added at the beginning of every symbol. The
length of the cyclic prefix is determined by the delay characteristic of the radio
channel. Ideally, all delayed copies of the transmitted symbol are received during the
cyclic prefix, and therefore just by ignoring the cyclic prefix, the ISI can be mitigated.
LTE introduces two different cyclic prefix lengths: normal and extended. In the normal
mode, the cyclic prefix length of the first symbol in a time slot is 5.2 µs and for other
six symbols 4.7 µs. In extended mode, the cyclic prefix length is 16.7 µs for all symbols
[5]. The length of the cyclic prefix is a tradeoff between the capacity and the maximum
tolerable delay variation of different radio paths between the transmitter and the
receiver. If the delay variation of the radio paths exceeds the maximum allowed value,
delayed signal components from the previous symbols will degrade the quality of the
current symbol. The relations between the cyclic prefix length, the maximum allowed
distance difference between the radio paths and the proportional capacity used for
the cyclic prefix at the physical layer are illustrated in table 1. It should be noted, that
the maximum cell size is typically much bigger than the maximum distance between
radio paths, although these values are typically strongly correlated.

Table 1. The effects of the cyclic prefix length to the maximum allowed radio path
difference and capacity utilized for the cyclic prefix.

Cyclic prefix Max. distance difference Capacity used for

length between the radio paths the cyclic prefix
4.7 µs / 5.2 µs 1406 m 7%
16.7 µs 5000 m 23 %

In OFDMA of LTE, subcarriers can be allocated to different users with a granularity of
12 subcarriers, resulting in the smallest possible allocation unit of 180 kHz in the
frequency domain. In the time domain, resources can be allocated with an accuracy of
a subframe, resulting in a smallest allocation time of 1 ms. Therefore, the basic
allocation unit, denoted as a resource block, consists of 180 kHz bandwidth and 1 ms
time. These resource blocks can basically be allocated to the users in an arbitrary
manner, but the actual implementation of the resource scheduler can have some

As mentioned in sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, the orthogonality of the subcarriers

diminishes the ICI and the use of the cyclic prefixes diminishes the ISI. However, even
without ICI and ISI the symbols change during the transmission, since the radio channel
between the transmitter and the receiver changes the phase and the amplitude of
every symbol. In LTE, a part of the transmitted symbols are reference symbols, which
original amplitude and phase are known to the receiver. With the help of these
symbols, the receiver can estimate the original content of the received symbols. An
example of the reference symbol structure is illustrated in figure 3. [1] [6]

Figure 3. An illustration of the OFDMA reference symbol structure.

The accuracy of the channel estimation depends on the utilized number of reference
symbols. Obviously, the denser the reference symbol grid is, the more accurately the
channel can be estimated. On the other hand, reference symbols cannot be used to
transmit user information, and therefore they are purely overhead traffic consuming
the capacity of the system. The density of the reference symbol grid is determined by
the assumed coherence time/frequency of the channel. If the channel changes rapidly
as a function of time/frequency, a dense symbol grid is required. In contrast, with a
slowly changing channel, much sparser symbol grid is adequate.

In addition to channel estimation, reference symbols are used for cell (re)selection and
handover processes. UE measures constantly the average power of the reference
symbols, denoted as Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP), from the serving and
the adjacent cells. These measurements are used to determine the cell with the
strongest signal. Furthermore, an estimate of the quality of the received signal,
Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ), is calculated by dividing the RSRP value with
a Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI). RSSI is a measure of the total received
wideband power. [1]

The multi-carrier transmission scheme of OFDMA enables multiple advantages
compared to the legacy systems, particularly to WCDMA (Wideband Code Division
Multiple Access) utilized in UMTS. Since in WCDMA all transmissions occupy the whole
available bandwidth, the utilization of frequency diversity is impossible. Due to this
fundamental restriction, even the latest technology improvement of UMTS, HSDPA
(High-Speed Downlink Packet Access), can schedule the user transmissions only in time
and code domain. In OFDMA, resource blocks can be allocated to the users in an
arbitrary way, and therefore OFDMA can utilize both time and frequency diversity
efficiently. This is a major reason for the higher spectral efficiency of LTE DL compared
to UMTS DL, especially in frequency fading channels. Another main advantage of
OFDMA is its capability to utilize flexibly various system bandwidths while keeping the
receiver complexity at a rather low level. As a comparison in WCDMA, an increase in
the system bandwidth increases drastically the complexity of the receiver due to the
increased number of multipath components. [7] [8]

Main disadvantages of OFDMA are the sensitivity to the frequency synchronization

errors and a high peak-to-average power ratio. In the time domain, the OFDMA
transmissions consist of multiple sinusoidal signals, which are summed together. The
resulting signal varies strongly, leading to a high difference between the average
transmitted power and the highest transmitted power. In practice, high peak-to-
average ratio increases the power consumption and the cost of the transmitter.
However, these are not critical problems, since the transmitter lies in the eNodeB. [9]

2.3" Air" Interface" in" LTE" UL:" Single-Carrier" Frequency" Division"
High peak-to-average ratio, inevitably leading to poor power efficiency, was the main
reason for not choosing OFDMA as the multiple access method for the LTE UL. Instead,
a multiple access method called Single-Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-
FDMA) was selected. SC-FDMA has many desirable characteristics similar to OFDMA,
but does not suffer from a high peak-to-average ratio. In SC-FDMA, the information of
a user is sent utilizing only a single carrier. Similarly to OFDMA, the basic resource
allocation unit is a resource block, consisting of a 180 kHz bandwidth and duration of 1
ms [1]. These resource blocks can be allocated to the users in an arbitrary way, as long
as the allocated bandwidth is continuous. Therefore, SC-FDMA can utilize frequency
diversity to achieve diversity gain; however, not as efficiently as OFDMA, since the
degree of freedom in the resource block allocation is smaller. Similarly to OFDMA,
there is no need to allocate guard bands between the carriers, since SC-FDMA carriers
are based on a similar subcarrier structure than the subcarriers of OFDMA. The
comparison between OFDMA and SC-FDMA carrier structure is illustrated in figure 4.
[3] [8]

Figure 4. The difference between OFDMA and SC-FDMA carrier structures.

The symbol rate of SC-FDMA is much higher than the symbol rate of OFDMA, since the
information of an individual user is sent via a single carrier instead of utilizing multiple
carriers. Similarly to OFDMA, cyclic prefixes are added periodically to mitigate ISI. As a
difference, cyclic prefixes are added only after a block of symbols, rather than after
every symbol. As a result, only the ISI between the symbol blocks can be mitigated by
ignoring the cyclic prefix at the receiver side and the ISI between adjacent symbols
must be handled by the receiver. In practice, the receiver must be able to equalize the
whole block of symbols, instead of just processing one symbol at a time [1]. This

inevitably leads to a more complex receiver implementation than in OFDMA, which on
the other hand is not a critical problem, since the receiver lies in the eNodeB. [8] [10]

Similarly to OFDMA, reference symbols are used in SC-FDMA to enable channel

estimation. There are two reference symbol types in SC-FDMA: Demodulation
Reference Symbols (DM-RS) and Sounding Reference Symbols (SRS). DM-RSs are used
to enable coherent signal demodulation at the receiver side. DM-RSs are multiplexed
in time domain into a SC-FDMA radio frame, similarly to any other symbols. Depending
on the cyclic prefix length (normal or extended), third or fourth symbol of the frame is
used. DM-RSs cannot be used for the purposes of frequency selective scheduling,
because they are transmitted utilizing a bandwidth allocated to a particular user. To
enable efficient frequency selective scheduling, SRSs can be sent periodically using a
wider bandwidth. Using SRSs is not mandatory in the 3GPP specification of LTE, as they
reduce the capacity of the cell by approximately 7 % [10]. However, SRSs do enable
more efficient allocation of the bandwidth resources, which results in more efficient
utilization of the frequency diversity. The reference symbol structure of LTE SC-FDMA
is illustrated in figure 5. [11]

Figure 5. SC-FDMA reference symbol structure.

MIMO schemes are one of the main innovations of LTE improving the spectral
efficiency, the coverage and the peak rates of the network. MIMO technologies have
been utilized also in legacy technologies, but in LTE the full support for MIMO features
have been an essential design aspect from the beginning of the 3GPP standardization
process. Different MIMO schemes, including spatial multiplexing, multi-user spatial
multiplexing and transmit diversity can be used adaptively according to instantaneous
channel conditions to boost the performance of the network. This section introduces
the basic MIMO schemes utilized in LTE.

Spatial multiplexing is used to create multiple parallel transmission channels between
the receiver and the transmitter, without allocating any additional bandwidth
resources. This is done by using multiple receiver and transmitter antennas. All
transmitter antennas transmit different information, and with the means of signal
processing, streams are separated at the receiver. Separation process is based on
reference symbols described in section

2.2.3. At its best, spatial multiplexing doubles the peak rates when using two parallel
streams (requires two receiver and two transmitter antennas) or increases the peak
rates by a factor of four when using four parallel streams (requires four receiver and
four transmitter antennas). [1]

In practice, spatial multiplexing can only be used relatively close to the cell center,
because it requires high Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) to work
properly. This is due to two main reasons. Firstly, the total transmission power is
divided between the transmitter antennas. If two transmitter antennas are used, the
transmitted power drops 3 dB and in the case of four transmitter antennas, the
reduction in the transmitted power is 6 dB. Secondly, as the parallel data streams use
the same physical resources, they also create interference to each other. As the MIMO
stream separation is based on the channel response differences, strong correlation
between the transmission channels leads to strong inter-stream interference, and
weak correlation to weak inter-stream interference. [12]

As the UEs typically have only one transmission antenna, spatial multiplexing cannot
be utilized in the UL direction. However, to enable a part of the spatial multiplexing
benefits, a transmission method called multi-user spatial multiplexing can be used. The
basic idea of the multi-user spatial multiplexing is to utilize normal spatial multiplexing
principle with two different UEs. In contrast to normal spatial multiplexing, which
increases the peak rates of individual users and the capacity of the network, multi-user
spatial multiplexing increases only the overall network capacity. Multi-user spatial
multiplexing principle is illustrated in figure 6. [13]

Figure 6. Multi-user spatial multiplexing principle.

Macro diversity can be utilized either by sending the same signal via multiple
transmitter antennas (transmit diversity) or by using multiple receive antennas for the
signal reception (receive diversity). [14] By separating the antennas in space, the
probability of deep fading dips in the received signal power can be reduced, since
individual stream fade differently. The amount of gain depends on the correlation of
the individual channels – more correlation exists, less gain can be achieved.
Transmit/receive diversity is typically used for the cell edge users, whose achievable
SINRs are relatively small. With the increase in SINR, cell range and capacity of the
network can be increased.

LTE network without any ICIC is basically a reuse one system, where every part of the
available bandwidth is utilized equally. The main problem in this approach is the cell
edge users experiencing heavy DL interference and also creating considerably amount
of UL interference. As LTE is a multi-carrier technology, frequency utilization of
adjacent cells can be easily coordinated to minimize the Inter-Cell Interference. The
characteristics of four basic LTE ICIC methods are described in this section.

In hard frequency reuse, the available bandwidth is divided into exclusive segments
allocated to individual cells in a way, that the adjacent cells do not utilize the same
bandwidth segment. A parameter denoted as reuse factor defines the number of
frequency segments [15]. With hard frequency reuse, the interference can be
effectively diminished both in UL and DL, but at the cost of a major reduction in the
system capacity, since only a part of the total bandwidth can be utilized in an
individual cell. Since the system capacity drops with a factor equal to the reuse factor,
hard frequency reuse cannot be seen as a practical ICIC scheme. In this thesis, it is only
presented to provide a baseline when evaluating the more advanced ICIC schemes.
Hard frequency reuse using reuse factor three is illustrated in figure 7.

Figure 7. Hard frequency reuse scheme.

In prioritization scheme, the whole bandwidth can be utilized in all cells similarly to a
network without any frequency coordination. As a difference, a prioritized bandwidth
segment has been defined for each cell, into which the transmissions are prioritized
over the rest of the bandwidth. The prioritization is done in a way, that the adjacent
cells do not utilize the same bandwidth segments. [16] With prioritization, the
probability of adjacent cells utilizing the same resource block is smaller than without
prioritization, and therefore it can be used to diminish interference both in UL and DL.
Prioritization works effectively with low network loads, but as the network load
increases, the probability of adjacent cells utilizing the same resource blocks also
increases. In a fully loaded network, prioritization does not offer any gain compared to
a network without prioritization. Prioritization using three prioritization partitions is
illustrated in figure 8.

Figure 8. Prioritization scheme.

In fractional frequency reuse, the available bandwidth is divided into segments, in
which varying frequency reuse schemes can be utilized. Typically, the bandwidth is
divided into two parts: the first part is allocated to the Cell Center Users (CCU) and the
second part to the Cell Edge Users (CEU). As the CEU experience higher interference
levels than the CCU, it is purposeful to use higher reuse factors for the CEUs than for
the CCUs. In a typical fractional reuse scheme, reuse factors one and three are utilized
in the cell center and the cell edge respectively. [17] If the utilized reuse factors are
higher than one, fractional reuse decreases the spectral efficiency of the network;
however, not as much as hard frequency reuse. Therefore, the performance of
fractional reuse can be seen as a compromise between the spectral efficiency and the
cell edge performance. Fractional frequency reuse principle is illustrated in figure 9.

Figure 9. Fractional frequency reuse scheme.

In a basic soft frequency reuse scheme all cells can utilize the whole available
bandwidth, but for each cell an individual power spectrum has been defined. The
power spectrums are chosen in a way, where the probability of overlapping high
power transmission is small. [17] With this method, the probability of adjacent cells
utilizing the same resource block does not decrease, but the effects of a collision are
smaller. As a result, the interference decreases effectively both in UL and DL. As a
major benefit of the soft frequency reuse, the whole bandwidth can be utilized in all
cells leading to a high spectral efficiency. Soft frequency reuse is illustrated in figure
10. In addition, combining the basic ICIC schemes described in this section is possible.
As an example, an ICIC scheme utilizing prioritization, soft frequency reuse and
fractional frequency reuse is illustrated in figure 11.

Figure 10. Soft frequency reuse scheme.

Figure 11. Combination of prioritization, soft frequency reuse and fractional frequency
reuse schemes.

A logical connection between two network elements defining the connection points,
the traffic profile and the connection parameters is denoted as a bearer. In LTE, the
user data is divided into Service Data Flows (SDF) by using Traffic Flow Templates (TFT).
TFTs consist of one or multiple filters characterizing the packet types belonging to a
particular SDF. TFT binds an SDF into an EPS bearer: a logical connection throughout
the whole EPS (between the UE and the P-GW). There are two types of EPS bearers: a
default EPS bearer and a dedicated EPS bearer. The default EPS bearer is established in
the initial attach process, where the UE registers itself to the MME, and is maintained
as long as the user detaches from the network. The main task of the default bearer is
to provide IP level connectivity between the UE and the P-GW. All additional EPS
bearers, which are established as needed basis, are called dedicated EPS bearers. Every
EPS bearer is associated with a Quality of Service (QoS) profile, which includes the
following parameters: QoS Class Identifier (QCI), Allocation and Retention Priority
(ARP) and Maximum Bit Rate (MBR). In addition, for dedicated EPS bearers a
Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR) can be defined. EPS bearers have a one-to-one mapping to
the lower layer bearers and consist of an E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer (E-RAB) and a
S5/S8 bearer. E-RAB is a composition of a radio bearer and a S1 bearer. The bearer
architecture is illustrated in figure 12. [18]

Figure 12. The bearer architecture of LTE.

Mobility, a functionality providing continuous service to the users moving around in
the network, is a fundamental feature of any mobile cellular system. This section
introduces mobility principles utilized within E-UTRAN and from E-UTRAN to other
Radio Access Technologies (RAT).

In a live network, LTE can utilize multiple different bandwidths simultaneously. In
addition, operators might have other Radio Access Networks (RAN), such as Universal
Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN) or GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network
(GERAN). Each of these technologies/frequencies can be seen as an own layer, creating
a layered cell structure to the network. For selecting the most suitable layer, a method
known as absolute priority based reselection is implemented into LTE. In the absolute
priority based reselection, each of the layers are given a priority, which from UE selects
the highest priority layer assuming it can provide a decent level of service.

To determine if the target layer can provide an adequate service level, UE constantly
measures the signal strength of the best cell in the target layer. Depending on the
target RAT, different metrics are utilized. For example, in LTE the metric is RSRP and in
UMTS the metric is the strength of the Common Pilot Channel (CPICH). If the measured
value of the target layer fulfills a threshold 劇月堅結嫌月朕沈直朕 for a time of 劇追勅鎚勅鎮勅頂痛沈墜津 , the
reselection is executed. To make reselections to the lower priority layers, the
measured value of the serving cell must be lower than 劇月堅結嫌月朕沈直朕 and the measured
value of the target cell higher than 劇月堅結嫌月鎮墜栂 . [1]

The cell reselections between two equal priority E-UTRAN cells are executed with an
algorithm called equal priority reselection, which is based on the RSRP measurements
of the UEs. A reselection is executed to the target cell, if condition 芸痛銚追直勅痛 + 芸墜捗捗鎚勅痛 >
芸鎚勅追塚沈津直 + 芸朕槻鎚 is fulfilled for a time of 劇痛追沈直直勅追 , where 芸痛銚追直勅痛 is the RSRP of the
candidate target cell, 芸鎚勅追塚沈津直 is the RSRP of the serving cell, 芸朕槻鎚 is a hysteresis value
used to avoid ping-pong handovers (back-and-forth handovers), 劇痛追沈直直勅追 is a time-to-
trigger value used to avoid too frequent handovers and 芸墜捗捗鎚勅痛 is an offset value used
to bias the handover process towards particular cells. [1] The equal priority reselection
condition is illustrated in figure 13.

Figure 13. Equal priority reselection condition.

A transfer of an active UE connection from a cell to another cell is called a handover.
All handovers initiated in LTE are hard, in which the connection between the UE and
the RAN is broken for a while during the handover process. For intra-LTE handovers, a
typical values for the detach delay (the time there is no connection between UE and
RAN) are around 5-30 ms [19] [20]. For inter-RAT handovers, the detach delay depends
highly on the target system, but for example, detach delays from E-UTRAN to UTRAN
are typically over 50 ms. Intra-LTE handovers are lossless, in which no packets are lost
in a successful handover. This is achieved by packet forwarding between the source
and the target eNodeB during the handover process. In addition, inter-RAT handovers
may be lossless if the target system supports packet forwarding. [1] Ensuring that no
data is lost during the handover process is extremely important for many service types,
for example, services based on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), since even a small
packet loss degrades the TCP performance greatly [21].

Similarly to other mobile networks, the operations in LTE network are based on
predefined processes. To understand the operation of LTE properly, these processes
should be known and their significance to the overall performance of the network
understood. This section introduces the most important LTE processes and evaluates
their significance to the network performance. The descriptions of the timers related
to LTE processes are described in appendix A.

The random access process is initiated when the UE needs to establish UL time
synchronization with the eNodeB [22]. In practice, the process is initiated in five
different events:

‚ Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection establishment

‚ RRC connection re-establishment after a Radio Link Failure (RLF)
‚ Handover process
‚ DL data transmission with an unsynchronized UE
‚ UL data transmission with an unsynchronized UE [22]

There are two different random access process types in LTE. The first process type,
contention based random access process, is illustrated in figure 14. Contention based
random access process can be used in all five event types.

Figure 14. Contention based random access process.

1. The UE sends a randomly selected random access preamble towards the

eNodeB via the random access channel. The preamble power is based on an
estimation of the DL path loss. It should be noted, that the DL and UL path
losses do not necessarily correlate, and therefore the UL path loss estimate can
be rather inaccurate.

2. The eNodeB acknowledges the preamble with a RANDOM ACCESS RESPONSE
message, which includes at least timing alignment data, information about the
observed preambles and a Cell Radio Network Temporary Identifier (C-RNTI).
Multiple preamble receptions (from multiple different UEs) can be
acknowledged with one RANDOM ACCESS RESPONSE message.
3. The UE transmits a scheduled transmission using the UL shared channel. The
identity of the UE is included in the message.
4. The eNodeB acknowledges the message and confirms that it has received the
identity of the UE. [22]

If the UE does not receive an acknowledgment for its preamble (step 2) or for its
identity (step 4), another preamble is transmitted with an increased transmit power.
The random access process continues until it is successful or declared as failed. In case
of UL/DL data transmission with an unsynchronized UE, the process is declared as
failed if the maximum number of preambles is reached. In case of RRC connection
establishment, RRC connection re-establishment and handover process, the RRC timer
expiry declares the random access process failure. [1]

The second random access process type, non-contention based random access
process, can be utilized only in handover processes and for synchronizing UE to initiate
DL data transfer. The process is very similar to the contention based random access
process. As a difference, instead of randomly selecting a preamble, eNodeB assigns a
dedicated preamble to the UE. Since the identity of the UE is known to the eNobeB,
messages 3 and 4 of the contention based process are not needed.

In LTE, an UE can reside in two different activity states: RRC idle state or RRC
connected state. In the RRC idle state, there is no RRC connection between the UE and
the E-UTRAN. The UE monitors the paging channel for incoming calls, measures the
neighboring cells, performs cell reselections and acquires system information. In the
connected state, in addition to the idle state operations, the UE monitors
shared/control channels, transmits channel quality information, performs
measurement reporting and possibly sends application level data towards the eNodeB.
The process of establishing a RRC connection is illustrated in figure 15. A rejected
connection establishment is illustrated in figure 16. [1] [21]

Figure 15. RRC connection establishment process.

1. The UE performs a random access process with the eNodeB, starts timer T300
and transmits a RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message towards the eNodeB.
2. If the eNodeB accepts the RRC connection establishment request, it answers
with a RRC CONNECTION SETUP message. If timer T300 expires before the UE
receives the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message, the process is declared as
3. The UE acknowledges the establishment of the connection with a RRC

Figure 16. Rejected RRC connection establishment process.

1. The UE performs a random access process with the eNodeB, starts timer T300
and transmits a RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message towards the eNodeB.
2. The eNodeB rejects the connection request and sends a RRC CONNECTION
REJECT message to the UE. The UE starts timer T302, remains in the idle state
and is not allowed to send another RRC connection request until timer T302
expires. [23]

The RRC connection reconfiguration process is used to establish/modify/release radio
bearers, perform handovers and setup/modify/release UE measurements. The process
is initiated by the eNodeB, which sends a RRC CONNECTION RECONFIGURATION
message towards the UE. If the UE can comply with the configuration changes, it
other hand, if the UE cannot comply even with a part of the configuration changes, the
UE initiates a RRC connection re-establishment process. No information about the
failure cause is sent to the eNodeB. Successful and failed RRC connection
reconfiguration processes are illustrated in figures 17 and 18 respectively.

Figure 17. Successful RRC connection reconfiguration process.

Figure 18. Failed RRC connection reconfiguration process.

In the attach process, the UE registers itself to the MME in order to receive the
network services. During the attach process, a default EPS bearer is established
enabling the always-on IP connectivity of LTE. The default bearer is maintained as long
as the terminal is registered to the network. The UE context is created to the MME and
an IP-address may be allocated to the UE during the attach process or with Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) after the default EPS bearer has been established.
In addition, dedicated EPS bearer establishments may be triggered. [24] A successful
attach process is illustrated in figure 19 and a rejected attach process in figure 20 [5].

Figure 19. Successful attach process.

1. The UE performs a RRC connection establishment process towards the serving

eNodeB and sends an ATTACH REQUEST message to the MME initiating the attach
process. The attach message includes a PDN connectivity request which indicates the
willingness to establish a default EPS bearer. Timer T3410 is started.

2-4. Identification, authentication and security processes may be initiated.

5. The MME responds to the ATTACH REQUEST with an ATTACH ACCEPT message.
Timer T3410 is stopped.

6. The attach process is completed, as the UE sends an ATTACH COMPLETE message to

the MME.

Figure 20. Rejected attach process.

7. The MME can reject the attach request by sending an ATTACH REJECT message to
the UE. A reason code indicating the reason for the rejection is included in the
message. Timer T3410 is stopped. [24]

The default EPS bearer establishment process is used to establish a default EPS bearer
between the UE and the P-GW. The default EPS bearer is always established as a part
of the attach process. In addition, to allow the UE to be connected to multiple PDNs
simultaneously, additional default EPS bearers can be established. [25] The EPS bearer
establishment process is illustrated in figure 21, the PDN connectivity rejection process
in figure 22 and the default EPS bearer context activation rejection process in figure

Figure 21. Default EPS bearer establishment process.

1. The UE requests a connection to the PDN by sending a PDN CONNECTIVITY

REQUEST message towards the network. If the default EPS bearer
establishment is done as a part of an attach process, the PDN CONNECTIVITY
REQUEST is sent in an ATTACH REQUEST message. If the process is done apart
from the attach process, the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST is sent without the
ATTACH REQUEST message and timer T3482 is started.
2. The network answers to the request by sending an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS
BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message. If the EPS bearer establishment is done
as a part of the attach process, the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS BEARER CONTEXT
REQUEST message is sent together with an ATTACH ACCEPT message. If the
process is done apart from the attach process, the ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS
BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST is sent without the ATTACH ACCEPT message and
timer T3485 is started. Timer T3482 is stopped if running.
3. The UE accepts the request and answers with an ACTIVATE DEFAULT EPS
BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message. If the EPS bearer establishment is a part of
an attach process, the message is sent together with an ATTACH COMPLETE
message. After the network has received the message, the default EPS bearer is
established and the timer T3485 is stopped if running.

Figure 22. PDN connectivity rejection.

Figure 23. Default EPS bearer context activation rejection.

4. If the PDN CONNECTIVITY REQUEST is rejected by the network, the MME sends
a PDN CONNECTIVITY REJECT message to the UE. The message contains a cause
value, which indicates the reason for the rejection. Timer T3482 is stopped, as
the UE receives the rejection message.
5. The UE can reject the default EPS bearer context activation of the network by
the network. The message includes a cause value indicating the reason for the
rejection. [25]

The dedicated EPS bearer establishment process is used to establish a dedicated EPS
bearer between the UE and the P-GW. Dedicated bearer establishment may be
initiated as a part of the attach process or separately. The bearer establishment is
initiated by the network, but also the UE can request the process by sending a BEARER
RESOURCE ALLOCATION REQUEST message towards the network and by starting the
timer T3480. If no answer to the request is received before T3480 expires, the UE tries
to resend the message. After four failed retransmissions, the process is declared failed.

As the MME receives the BEARER RESOURCES ALLOCATION REQUEST message from
the UE, it can either accept the request and respond with an ACTIVATE DEDICATED EPS
BEARER CONTEXT REQUEST message (timer T3485 is started), reject the request and
respond with a BEARER RESOURCE ALLOCATION REJECT message or request for a
modification to the bearer parameters by responding with a MODIFY EPS BEARER
CONTEXT REQUEST (timer T3486 is started). As the UE receives one of these three
messages, it stops the timer T3480. If the UE accepts the context request, it responds

MODIFY EPS BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message, depending on the MME request type.
The UE might also reject the context request by sending an ACTIVE DEDICATED EPS
the network. After the network receives the UE response, timer T3485/T3486 is
stopped. Different variations of the dedicated EPS bearer establishment process are
illustrated in figure 24. [25]

Figure 24. Different variations of the dedicated EPS bearer establishment process.

The EPS bearer deactivation process is used to deactivate both default and dedicated
EPS bearers. The process is initiated by the network, but also the UE might trigger it by
requesting the deactivation. The deactivation signaling flow is illustrated in figure 25.

Figure 25. EPS bearer deactivation process.

which includes a cause value indicating the reason for the deactivation. As the
request is sent, the MME starts timer T3495. If the UE does not answer to the
message before timer T3495 expires, the request is resent. The retransmission
is repeated four times. After the fifth expiry, the MME deactivates the EPS
bearer locally.
2. UE deletes the EPS bearer context and responds with a DEACTIVATE EPS
BEARER CONTEXT ACCEPT message after receiving the deactivation request.
The UE has no option of refusing the deactivation. When the MME receives the
deactivation accept message, timer T3495 is stopped and the process is

The intra-LTE handover process can be divided into three main phases: handover
preparation, handover execution and handover completion. The handover preparation
phase is illustrated in figure 26 and the handover execution phase in figure 27. The
signaling flow of the handover completion phase is omitted, since it does not have
much significance in the scope of this thesis. In the handover preparation phase, the
network is prepared for the handover and the required resources are reserved. In the
handover execution phase, the UE is informed about the handover, packet forwarding
is started and the UE connection/state is transferred to the target eNodeB. In the last
phase, the handover completion, the DL data path is switched from the source eNodeB
to the target eNodeB and the packet forwarding is stopped.

Figure 26. Intra-LTE handover preparation.

1. The eNodeB can specify different measurement reporting thresholds for the UEs
with a MEASUREMENT CONTROL message. The measurement reporting can be either
event based or periodic.

2. When the measurement reporting threshold is fulfilled, the UE sends a

MEASUREMENTS REPORT message to the serving eNodeB. If the cell reselection
condition is fulfilled, the handover process is initiated.

3. The source eNodeB makes a handover decision based on the contents of the
MEASUREMENTS REPORT and cell reselection parameters.

4. The source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER REQUEST message to the target eNodeB.

5. Based on the amount of available resources, the admission control of the source cell
decides if the incoming connection can be accepted. If the handover is accepted,
target eNodeB reserves the necessary resources required for the connection.

6. Target eNodeB acknowledges the handover request. [1] [21]

Figure 27. Intra-LTE handover execution.

7. The source eNodeB sends a HANDOVER COMMAND message to the UE and starts
forwarding the DL user data to the target eNodeB. This is a critical point in the
handover process. If the UE receives the HANDOVER COMMAND successfully, there is
no more need for a radio connection between the UE and the source eNodeB.

8. The source eNodeB prepares the target eNodeB for the handover by transferring the
UE context to it. The target eNodeB starts to buffer the traffic forwarded by the source

9. The UE starts the handover expiry timer T304 and establishes the connection to the
target eNodeB by using the random access process. After successfully connecting the
target cell, the UE stops timer T304.

10. After the completion of the handover process, the UE sends a HANDOVER
CONFIRM message to target eNodeB. [1] [21] [23]

The LTE optimization process is a complex and demanding task, in which the effects of
multiple factors to the network performance must be considered simultaneously. This
chapter introduces some basic KPIs of LTE, reasons for high and low values for the
particular KPIs, KPI measurement methods and the significance of the KPIs to the
network performance and the user experienced QoS. In addition, corresponding KPIs
in UMTS are presented.

Description: RSRP level of the cell with the highest RSRP.

Reasons for a low RSRP level: Basically, RSRP level distribution is determined by the
number of cells in the network. However, many other factors also have a significant
effect to the RSRP levels, such as antenna tilts, transmitted RSRP levels, antenna
heights, antenna azimuths and the propagation environment.

Effects of a low RSRP level: The RSRP level of the best available cell can be seen as an
excellent KPI for the network coverage, which is a fundamental requirement for any
wireless network. Inadequate coverage causes many problems, such as RLFs, handover
failures, low throughput levels and service unavailability.

How to measure the KPI: In practice, the RSRP levels are measured using drive testing,
in which a special scanner or an UE measures and saves the RSRP levels constantly. In
addition, a GPS module is typically used to pinpoint the RSRP measurements to specific
locations. However, with standardized messages it is also possible to instruct the UEs
to report periodically the RSRP measurements to their serving eNodeBs. The problem
in this approach is the pinpointing of the measurement to specific locations accurately
enough. Some proposals for solving this problem have been made, such as the X-Map
estimation [26], but so far no commercial products are available.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A corresponding KPI in UMTS is Received Signal Code

Power (RSCP).

Description: RSRQ level of the cell with the highest RSRQ.

Reasons for a low RSRQ level: RSRQ level is affected by three factors: RSRP level, DL
interference level (RSSI) and noise level. However, in a typical interference limited LTE
network, the significance of the noise is relatively small.

Effects of a low RSRQ level: RSRQ level represents DL signal quality of the network.
Basically, an inadequate RSRQ level creates problems similar to an inadequate RSRP

How to measure the KPI: RSRP measurement methodologies apply also to RSRQ
measurements (see section 3.1.1).

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A corresponding KPI in UMTS is 継頂 /軽待 , defined as the

pilot signal energy of the Common Pilot Channel (CPICH) within one chip duration
divided with the RSSI [27].

Description: The RRC connection establishment process is used to change the state of
the UE from idle to connected, and thus enable the application level data exchange
between the UE and the E-UTRAN [1].

Reasons for a low/high number of RRC connection establishment and active RRC
connections: The number of RRC connection establishments and active RRC
connections in a particular cell depends on the amount and behavior of users in the
dominance area of the cell. For users utilizing data services constantly, the RRC
connections remain active, even if the amount of sent data would be relatively small. If
a majority of users behave similarly, the number of RRC connection establishments
remains small, but the number of active RRC connections is high. On the other hand,
for users having long pauses in their data utilization, the RRC connections are
deactivated during the non-active periods and the user state is changed from
connected to idle. Thus, in the next active period the RRC connection must be re-
established via RRC connection establishment process. In a cell with a majority of users
behaving this way, the number of RRC connection establishments is low and the
number of active RRC connections high. In addition, the number of RRC connection
establishment and the number of active RRC connections can be used to evaluate the
balance of the network load. For example, a cell having significantly less RRC
connection establishments and active RRC connections compared to the neighboring
cells could indicate that the dominance area of the particular cell is too small. This can
lead to a non-optimal network performance.

Effects of a low/high number of RRC connection establishment and active RRC

connections: The RRC connection establishment process is based on the random
access process, and therefore every connection establishment attempt consumes the
random access resources. A high number of RRC connection establishments may cause
delay in the random access process, random access failures and RRC connection
establishment failures. In addition, eNodeBs have a limit for the maximum number of
simultaneous active RRC connections. If the maximum number of RRC connections is

exceeded, part of the connection must be dropped [1] resulting in a degraded QoS for
some users.

How to measure the KPI: The KPI can be either measured using drive testing or
obtained from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: Also in UMTS, UE resides either in RRC idle state or RRC
connected state, and the transition from the idle state to the connected is done using
the RRC connection establishment process. However, in UMTS the connected state has
several substates, in which UE moves depending on its activity. [27]

Description: There are two main resources in LTE: transmission power and capacity.
The cell-specific load can be defined either as the ratio between the number of
allocated resource blocks and the total number of resource blocks [30] or as the ratio
of the average transmission power and the total available transmission power.

Reasons for a high cell-specific load: The load is basically determined from the
number of users in the cell and the service types users are requesting. In addition, the
average radio conditions of the users have an effect on the resource usage of the
provided services. For example, more resources must be allocated to the cell-edge
users to provide a particular service than to the users near the eNodeB.

Effects of a high cell-specific load: When a cell is highly loaded, admission and
congestion control of the cell will start to deny new connections, downgrade the
quality of existing ones and possibly even drop out some of the connections. This can
lead to handover failures, RRC connection rejects, increased number of RRC
connection establishments, RLFs, low user-specific throughput and general
degradation of user QoS.

How to measure the KPI: The cell-specific load can be obtained from the network

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.
However, due to the nature of the multiple access method of UMTS, the load is
defined as the number of allocated codes rather than the number of allocated
resource blocks.

Description: The throughput of a particular user, a particular cell or the whole

Reasons for a low throughput: Low throughput can originate from multiple reasons.
Low signal quality, high network load, terminal characteristics and subscription
restrictions are the most typical reasons for low throughput levels. In addition, the

transmission towards the core network may be a bottleneck, cutting the throughput
levels even though the radio interface could support higher throughputs. Furthermore,
mobility related problems may cause degradation in the throughput. I should also be
noted, that a low number of users or low data rate requirements of the users may
cause a low throughputs in a cell/network level.

Effects of a low throughput: An adequate user-specific throughput is essential for the

quality of any service and has an immediate effect on the user satisfaction. The
cell/network-specific throughput is an important metric when evaluating the overall
performance of the cell/network.

How to measure the KPI: User-specific throughput can be obtained either using drive
testing or from the network statistics. Cell/network specific throughput can obtained
only from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The utilized Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) in DL/UL.

Reasons for a utilization of low order MCSs: The utilized MCS is basically determined
by the achievable SINR at the receiver end, which depends on the available transmit
power, interference level, path loss and the magnitude of different hardware
dependent gains and losses. In addition, mobility related problems can have a
significant impact to the achievable SINR resulting in high proportion of low order MCS
samples. Furthermore, the utilization of 64-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM)
may be restricted without an additional license bought from the vendor. By enabling
the support of the high order modulation schemes, the high SINRs can be utilized more
effectively resulting in higher throughput levels.

Effects of the utilized MCS: The utilized MCS has a direct impact to the throughput
both in UL and DL. The achievable throughputs may be very modest with the low order
modulations and coding rates. In contrast, with more complex modulation schemes
and higher coding rates, much higher throughput levels can be reached.

How to measure the KPI: The MCS distribution can be either measured using drive
testing or obtained from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: Adaptive MCS selection is utilized also in UMTS and has
similar effects than in LTE.

Description: The user plane latency is typically measured as a Round Trip Time (RTT),
defined as the time it takes for an IP packet to travel from the UE to a server in the
PDN and back.

Reasons for a high user plane latency: Basically, the RTT of the user plane can be
divided into six parts. Firstly, the processing delays of the UE and the eNodeB,
depending on the amount of processing resources. Secondly, the transmission times in
UL and DL. Thirdly, the scheduling delay consisting of a request time and a grant time.
The request time is the delay for the UE to send a request of transmission opportunity
and the grant time is the delay for the eNodeB to grant the request. Basically, the
length of the scheduling delay depends on the load of the particular cell, the type of
utilized service and the QoS parameters allocated to the particular EPS bearer. The
fourth component is the additional delay caused by the retransmissions and the fifth
component the latency of the core network. Core network latency mainly depends on
the transport capacity of the S1-U interface and the processing capacity of the S-GW.
The final component, the delay of the PDN can basically be affected only with the
selection of the test server and its location. Typical proportions of the LTE RTT
components are illustrated in figure 28. [1]

Figure 28. Components and typical proportions of LTE RTT.

Effects of a high user plane latency: Especially the real-time services can have strict
delay requirements. If those requirements are not fulfilled, the QoS experienced by the
users might degrade considerably.

How to measure the KPI: The RTT can be measured using drive testing.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The ratio between successful attach attempts and all attach attempts.
Attach process may be unsuccessful due to two reasons: an attach failure or an attach
reject. The process is declared as failed, if timer T3410 expires before the ATTACH

ACCEPT message is received, the process is rejected with an unknown cause or the
lower layers indicate a failure. [25] Attach process is declared as rejected, if the MME
answers to the attach request of the UE with an ATTACH REJECT message including a
proper cause value.

Reasons for a low attach success ratio: The attach rejection reasons are included in
the ATTACH REJECT message sent by the MME to the UE. The most typical attach
reject cause values, listed in appendix B [25], are purely user subscription related and
can be resolved by modifying the subscription of the user. Attach failures are typically
related to problems in the lower layer processes, such as RRC connection
establishment process or random access process.

Effects of a low attach success ratio: If the attach process is unsuccessful, UE is not
able to register to the network and cannot utilize any network services.

How to measure the KPI: Basically, the attach success ratio can be either measured
using drive testing or obtained from the network statistics. However, the network
might not be aware of all attach attempts, and therefore drive testing is a much more
preferable approach.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The ratio between successful RRC connection establishment attempts and
all RRC connection establishment attempts. RRC connection establishment process can
be unsuccessful due to two reasons: the process is either failed or rejected. The
process is declared as failed, if timer T300 expires during the RRC connection
establishment process due to a failure in delivering the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST
message or the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message [23]. In addition, the random access
process may fail. The process is rejected when the eNodeB sends a RRC CONNECTION
REJECT message towards the UE.

Reasons for a low RRC connection establishment success ratio: The admission control
algorithm of the eNodeB decides about the rejection of the RRC connection requests.
[5] The rejection decisions are based on an estimation that the QoS requirements of
the old connections cannot be fulfilled if the new connections are allowed. The RRC
connection establishment failures can be caused by many reasons, such as low signal
strength, high UL/DL interference level or problems in the random access process.

Effects of a low RRC connection establishment success ratio: If the connection

establishment request is unsuccessful, the UE remains in the idle state and does not
get the requested service. If the attempt is rejected, the UE has to wait for a time
defined by timer T302 before retrying to establish the RRC connection. In case of a
failed process, there are no timers prohibiting an instant retry of the RRC connection

establishment [23]. Therefore, the number of RRC connection establishments may
increase rapidly when RRC connection failures start to occur.

How to measure the KPI: Basically, the RRC connection establishment success ratio
can be either measured using drive testing or obtained from the network statistics.
However, the network might not be aware of all RRC connection establishment
attempts, and therefore drive testing is more preferable approach.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The ratio between successful random access processes and all initiated
random access processes. Random access process is declared as failed if the maximum
number of preambles is reached (only when reason for the random access process is
pending UL/DL data for an unsynchronized UE) or if one of timers T300, T301 or T304
expires during the random access process. [1] [22]

Reasons for a low random access process success ratio: The random access process
may fail because of multiple reasons. Inadequate coverage, high interference level and
mobility related problems are typical reasons for the random access failures. In
addition, inadequate random access resources might create problems. For every cell,
there are 64 orthogonal preamble sequences, which in typical situations lead to a
collision probability of 1 % [1]. However, in a case of many simultaneous random
access process initiations, the collision probability can increase to a level, which will
start to cause a significant number of random access failures. For example, a train full
of users in an edge of a tracking area can cause a huge amount of simultaneous
tracking area updates, possibly causing a temporary depletion of the random access
resources. Furthermore, non-optimal random access parameters can cause random
access failures. For example, too low initial preamble power value, too small maximum
number of preamble transmissions or too small increase in power between preambles
can lead to failures in the random access process. Problems created by the depletion
of the random access resources can be diminished with decreasing the cell size or
utilizing the existing resources more efficiently by optimizing the random access

Effects of a low random access success ratio: Random access failures can lead to RRC
connection failures, RRC connection re-establishment failures, handover failures or
RLFs depending on the event initiating the random access process.

How to measure the KPI: Basically, random access success ratio can be either
measured using drive testing or obtained from the network statistics. However, the

network might not be aware of all initiated random access processes, and therefore
drive testing is a much more preferable approach.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The ratio between successful default EPS bearer establishments and the
total number of default EPS bearer establishment attempts. The default EPS bearer
establishment can be unsuccessful due to two reasons: the establishment either fails
or is rejected. The process is declared as failed if timer T3482 or T3485 expires during
the process. The process is rejected if either the PDN connectivity request or the
context activation request is rejected. [25]

Reasons for a low EPS bearer establishment success ratio: Typical causes for rejecting
the PDN connectivity request and the EPS bearer context activation request are listed
in appendixes C and D respectively. The default EPS bearer establishment failures
might be caused by numerous reasons, such as random access process problems, RRC
connection establishment problems, bad coverage, high UL/DL interference, problems
in establishing the lower layer bearers or other lower layer problems.

Effects of a low EPS bearer establishment success ratio: As the default EPS bearer
cannot be established, no IP-address can be allocated to the user and the user has no
connection to the PDN. [25]

How to measure the KPI: Basically, the EPS bearer establishment success ratio can be
either measured using drive testing or obtained from the network statistics. However,
the network might not be aware of all initiated EPS bearer establishments, and
therefore drive testing is a much more preferable approach.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: In UMTS, the corresponding concept to the EPS bearer is
the PDP context. However, the PDP context is established only when needed and has a
QoS profile connected to it. Therefore, as the default EPS bearer is automatically
created as a part of the attach process and has only a limited QoS profile, no
corresponding KPI can be identified from the UMTS system.

Description: The ratio between successful dedicated EPS bearer establishment
attempts and the total number of dedicated EPS bearer establishment attempts. The
dedicated EPS bearer establishment can be unsuccessful due to two reasons: the
establishment either fails or is rejected. The process is declared as failed if one of the
timers T3480, T3485 or T3486 expires four consecutive times. In addition, the bearer
resource allocation request, the dedicated EPS bearer context activation request or the
dedicated EPS bearer context modification request can be rejected resulting in a
rejected dedicated EPS bearer establishment attempt. [25]

Reasons for a low dedicated EPS bearer success ratio: Typical reasons for rejecting the
bearer resource allocation request, the dedicated EPS bearer context activation
request and the dedicated EPS bearer context modification request are listed in
appendixes E, F and G respectively. The dedicated EPS failures are caused by timer
expiries, typically indicating a problem in the lower layer processes.

Effects of a low dedicated EPS bearer success ratio: If the establishment of the
dedicated EPS bearer is not successful, the UE will not get the requested service. The
UE remains connected to the PDN, if the default EPS bearer remains active, but
without the dedicated EPS bearer the UE cannot request for any actual QoS
guarantees for the data transfer.

How to measure the KPI: Basically, the EPS bearer establishment success ratio can be
either measured using drive testing or obtained from the network statistics. However,
the network might not be aware of all initiated EPS bearer establishments, and
therefore drive testing is a much more preferable approach.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A corresponding KPI in UMTS is the PDP context

establishment success ratio.

Description: The UE monitors the DL RSRQ value of the serving cell periodically and
compares the measured values to thresholds 芸沈津 and 芸墜通痛 . If the measured value is
smaller than 芸墜通痛 for a number of times defined by parameter N310, timer T310 is
started. When the timer T310 expires, RLF is declared and the UE RRC state changes
from connected to idle. However, if after starting the T310 timer (but before it
expires), the measured RSRQ value exceeds the 芸沈津 value for a number of times
defined by parameter N311, timer T310 is stopped and no RLF occurs. In addition to
T310 expiry, RLF is declared when the random access process is not successful (and
timers T300, T301, T304 or T311 are not running) or if the Radio Link Control (RLC)
indicates that the maximum number of retransmissions is reached. [23] [28]

Reasons for a high number of radio link failures: Reasons for a low RSRQ level of the
best available cell are described in section 3.1.2. However, a low RSRQ level of the
serving cell can be caused, in addition to the reasons mentioned in section 3.1.2, by
problems related to mobility, such as missing neighbors or non-optimal handover
parameters. In addition, problems in the random access process might be the cause of

Effects of a high number of radio link failures: As the UE state is changed to idle, an
interruption in the user place traffic is inevitable. Even if the RRC connection could be
re-established immediately after the RLF, the quality of TCP based user data services is

degraded considerably, real-time services are interrupted and generally the user
experienced QoS is decreased. [29]

How to measure the KPI: KPI can be either measured using drive testing or obtained
from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The ratio between the number of bearers deactivated without user
request and the total number of established EPS bearers. The MME can signal the
cause value of the deactivation to the UE or the deactivation can be done locally
without any signaling. [25]

Reasons for a high EPS bearer cut-off ratio: When the network deactivates the EPS
bearer, it sends a deactivation message with a cause value to the UE, indicating the
reason for the deactivation. Typical reasons for the network initiated EPS bearer
deactivations are listed in appendix H. Furthermore, the EPS bearer can be deactivated
locally without specific signaling between the network and the UE in some special
cases, such as the UE does not answer to five subsequent deactivation request
messages before the expiry of timer T3495 or all radio bearers cannot be established
during a handover process. [25]

Effects of a high EPS bearer cut-of ratio: When the dedicated EPS bearer is
deactivated, the UE does not get the requested service anymore. Depending on the
situation, user might be able to use the service with other dedicated EPS bearers or
with the default EPS bearer. If the default EPS is deactivated, the UE loses the
connection to the PDN altogether.

How to measure the KPI: The EPS bearer cut-off ratio can be either measured using
drive testing or obtained from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A corresponding KPI in UMTS is the PDP context cut-off

Description: The number of intra-system and inter-system handovers.

Reasons for a high number of handovers: The number of handovers depends on five
main factors: cell sizes, strength of the cell dominance areas, mobility of the users,
handover parameters and user activity factors.

Effect of a high number of handovers: All handovers initiated in LTE are hard, in which
the connection between the UE and the RAN is broken for a while during the handover

process. In addition, due to the possible packet forwarding in the handover process,
the forwarded packets may arrive to the target UE parallel with the main data stream,
causing the packets to arrive out-of-order and with varying delays. These effects may
significantly reduce the user experienced QoS, especially for the TCP based services
[19]. Effect of handovers to the real-time services, typically based on User Datagram
Protocol (UDP), depends highly on the particular service type. Furthermore, handovers
consume the network resources by introducing signaling load both to E-UTRAN and

How to measure the KPI: The KPI can be either measured using drive testing or
obtained from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The ratio between the number of ping-pong handovers and the total
number of handovers. In a ping-pong handover, the UE performs a handover back-and-
forth between two adjacent cells during a specific amount of time.

Reasons for a high ping-pong handover ratio: High ping-pong handover ratio is
typically caused by too fast handover process, non-optimal neighbor lists and lack of
cell dominance. If the handover process is too fast, the handovers are initiated too
easily, and therefore varying signal strength levels cause ping-pong handovers. In case
of non-optimal neighbor lists, the handovers may be performed into unwanted cell, for
example, into a cell with only a small island of coverage in a particular area. Lack of cell
dominance further worsens the situation, as the signal strength levels of different cells
are close to each other.

Effects of a high ping-pong handover ratio: Ping-pong handovers degrade the quality
of user services and consume the network resources similarly to ordinary handovers.
As a difference, ping-pong handovers do not provide any gain.

How to measure the KPI: The KPI can be either measured using drive testing or
obtained from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: Time In the Best Cell (TIBC) is defined as the percentage of time the UE is
connected to the best cell available based on the RSRP values.

Reasons for a low TIBC value: The TIBC value can be interpreted as a measurement of
handover process efficiency. Slower the handover process is, lower the TIBC value
becomes. Naturally, TIBC values also decreases if the mobility of the UEs increases

Effects of a low TIBC value: As LTE typically uses reuse factor one, radio resources are
not orthogonal between the cells. Because of this, user transmissions overlap and
interfere with each other. To minimize the interference, users should be connected to
the cell with a minimal path loss, since the additional path loss must be compensated
with additional power causing additional interference. With low TIBC values, users are
connected to non-optimal eNodeBs more often than with high TIBC values. Therefore,
users with low TIBC values cause more interference to the network than users with
high TIBC values. In addition, users with low TIBC values naturally experience higher
path loss than users with high TIBC values.

How to measure the KPI: The TIBC values are calculated from the RSRP values of the
serving cell and the best available cell. Obtaining RSRP level information from the
network is described in section 3.1.1.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.

Description: The handover process can fail in multiple ways. Firstly, admission or
congestion control of the target cell can reject the handover request. Secondly, the
delivery of the MEASUREMENT REPORT or the HANDOVER COMMAND message may
be unsuccessful. Thirdly, connecting to the target cell using the random access process
may fail. [21]

Reasons for a high intra-LTE handover failure ratio: Admission and congestion control
rejections are caused by a high load in the target cell. The MEASUREMENT REPORT or
the HANDOVER COMMAND message delivery failures are typically caused by a too low
signal quality, which is indicated by a low RSRQ-value. Connection to the target cell is
declared as failed if timer T304 expires before the connection between the UE and the
target eNodeB is successfully established [23].

Effects of a high intra-LTE handover failure ratio: In case of admission or congestion

control rejections or failures in the delivery of the HANDOVER COMMAND message,
the handover process halts and the connection between the UE and the source
eNodeB persist. Although the connection of the UE is not affected by the handover
failure, the handover process is initiated because the signal level of the target cell is
higher than the signal level of the source cell. Therefore, it is likely that the service
quality of the user is poor and the connection may fail, especially if the UE is moving
towards the target cell [29]. In case of a failure in the random access process, the UE
tries to re-establish the RRC connection [23]. If the re-establishment is successful,
much smaller interruption in the connection occurs compared to a failed re-
establishment. In case of a failure in the connection re-establishment, the UE changes
its state to idle and performs a new RRC connection establishment. As a result, user
data service quality is considerably degraded.

How to measure the KPI: The intra-LTE handover success ratio can be either measured
using drive testing or obtained from the network statistics.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network.
However, in UMTS two types of handovers should be distinguished: hard handovers,
where UE can be connected only to one base station at time, and soft handovers,
where UE can have multiple active connections into different base stations
simultaneously. Most of the handovers within UMTS are soft, but as an exception,
inter-frequency handovers and HSDPA handovers are always hard.

Description: Handover delay is defined as the time the UE is not connected to the E-
UTRAN during the handover process, i.e., the delay between starting and stopping
timer T304.

Reasons for a high handover delay: Since the handover delay is dominated by the
delay of the random access process [1], long detach delays are typically caused by
random access process problems.

Effects of a high handover delay: The interruption in the connection causes

degradation in the user experienced QoS. Obviously, the longer the interruption is, the
more significant the degradation becomes. Effects of the detach time are considered in
more detail in section 3.4.1.

How to measure the KPI: The detach delay can be measured using drive testing.

Corresponding KPI in UMTS: A similar KPI can be measured from UMTS network for
the hard handovers. However, most of the handovers in UMTS are soft, in which no
handover delay occurs.

Minimizing the effort of maintaining the network, thus reducing the operational
expenditure, is one of the fundamental goals of any network operator. SON concept
introduces functionalities which automatically configure, optimize and heal the
network, helping the operators to achieve this goal. 3GPP specifications define a
framework for the SON functionalities, but the actual implementations of the SON
functions are vendor specific. The gains of different SON functions have been
investigated in many scientific researches. However, only a little experience has been
gathered from the live networks, since only a few SON functionalities have been
actually utilized by the operators. This chapter introduces the possible SON
architectures and the most significant SON use cases. In addition, the disadvantages,
the advantages and the feasibility of each function are investigated.

SON functionalities can be basically implemented utilizing four different architectural
models: localized, distributed, centralized and hybrid. All of these approaches have
their own advantages and disadvantages with respect to, for example, speed,
complexity, database size and signaling load. This section introduces the four basic
SON architectures and describes their main characteristics.

In a localized SON architecture, the SON functions are located in the eNodeBs. No SON
related information is exchanged between the eNodeBs, and the optimization
decisions are made based on local information only. Basically, the optimization
decisions can only have an effect in the service area of the eNodeB running the
algorithm, because the effects of the optimization decisions to the adjacent cells are
unknown to the SON algorithm. The localized SON architecture has no restrictions
about the scalability, because the SON functions operate independently and no
signaling is required. The lack of signaling also makes the decision making extremely
fast. In addition, introduction of the localized SON features is straightforward, since
the features can be added to the eNodeBs one by one, and interactions between the
network elements do not need to be considered. A typical use case for the localized
SON architecture is the random access process optimization. Localized SON
architecture is illustrated in figure 29.

Figure 29. Localized SON architecture.

In a distributed SON architecture, the SON functionality is distributed into the eNodeBs
and the X2 interface is used to exchange SON related signaling between the adjacent
eNodeBs. As the SON algorithm has knowledge about the effects of the optimization
decisions to the adjacent cells, distributed architecture enables the implementation of
more complex optimization functionalities compared to the localized architecture.
However, the optimization decisions can be based on the information of only a few
adjacent eNodeBs, since the signaling between two distant eNodeBs via the X2
interface is not feasible. Therefore, implementing complex optimization cases
requiring the co-operation of many eNodeBs is difficult. In addition, as the
optimization algorithms of the different eNodeBs interact with each other, the stability
and the convergence must be ensured in local, regional and network level. The speed
of the optimization decisions is much slower compared to the localized architecture,
due to the X2 signaling delays. Although a single eNodeB can interact with only a few
neighboring eNodeBs, distributed SON architecture can be used to create network
wide SON functionalities. Typical use cases for the distributed SON architecture are the
mobility robustness optimization and the load balancing. Distributed SON architecture
is illustrated in figure 30.

Figure 30. Distributed SON architecture.

In a centralized SON architecture, the SON functionality resides in the Operation and
Maintenance (O&M) system. The centralized architecture enables SON features, which
utilize network wide information and allows the implementation of complex
optimization scenarios. The actual optimization decisions are made in a centralized
entity, which must be able to handle massive amounts of data. As the number of
eNodeBs grows, the amount of signaling towards the centralized SON entity becomes
too high to handle, and therefore, the centralized architecture does not scale well into
large networks. Centralized SON functions react slowly to the changes of the network
due to the delays in the signaling. Typical use cases for the centralized SON
architecture are the Capacity and Coverage Optimization (CCO) and the Cell Outage
Management (COM). Centralized SON architecture is illustrated in figure 31.

Figure 31. Centralized SON architecture.

Hybrid SON architecture is a mixture of localized, distributed and centralized
architectures. Simple optimization tasks requiring only local information are executed
in the eNodeBs. More complex tasks can be executed between a set of adjacent
eNodeBs utilizing the signaling via the X2 interface, and the most complex tasks
requiring network wide information in the O&M system. Hereby, hybrid SON
architecture enables a flexible implementation of different SON algorithm types.
Hybrid architecture also allows the interaction between the SON functions enabling,
for example, the information gathered by a centralized function to be utilized by a
distributed function. Hybrid SON architecture is illustrated in figure 32.

Figure 32. Hybrid SON architecture.

Imperfect neighbor lists degrade the performance of the network by creating many
problems, such as RLFs, handover failures and unevenly distributed traffic load.
Automated Neighbor Relations (ANR) is a SON functionality, which automatically
maintains the Neighbor Relations (NR), and thus aims to reduce the operation and
management efforts of the operator. A conceptual diagram of the ANR operation,
defined by 3GPP [18], is illustrated in figure 33.

Figure 33. Functional operation principle of the ANR.

The actual ANR functionality resides in the eNodeB and basically no interaction with
the adjacent eNodeBs is needed. The neighbor detection function adds NRs to the
Neighbor Relation Table (NRT) of the eNodeB based on the UE measurements. Many
different measurement policies can be defined, such as periodical or threshold based.
The neighbor removal function deletes the outdated NRs. The implementation of both
the neighbor removal function and the neighbor detection function are vendor
specific. NRT management function maintains the NRT based on the messages of the
neighbor removal and the neighbor detection functions. In addition, the NRT
management function reports the NRT changes to the O&M system and allows the
O&M system to update, add or delete NR entries. The following parameters, which can
be controlled by the O&M system, provide some additional control for the operator:

‚ No Remove: If active, the NR cannot be removed from the NRT by the neighbor
removal function. This parameter can be used, for example, to ensure that
critical NRs will not be removed.
‚ No Handover: If active, no handovers will be executed towards the particular
NR. This parameter can be useful, for example, if a distant cell creates a small

island of coverage in the service area of the serving cell. Depending on the
implementation of the neighbor detecting function, a NR can be created
towards the distant cell causing unwanted handovers. To prevent this, “No
Handover” –parameter can be checked.
‚ No X2: If active, the NR cannot use X2 interface to initiate processes towards
the eNodeB of the target cell. [18]

Successfulness of the ANR function is determined by the implementation of the

neighbor removal/detection functions and the measurement/reporting policies. If the
measurement/reporting policies are chosen poorly, the information provided to the
ANR function may be inadequate or biased. This may result in a non-optimal network
performance. In addition, the neighbor detection/removal functions may not be able
to utilize the given information properly, resulting in missing or unwanted NRs.

Major vendors, such as Ericsson [31], Nokia Siemens Networks [32] and Huawei [33]
have developed their own ANR products. In addition, also the operators have utilized
ANR in their networks [33] [31]. There are multiple reasons for the success of the ANR,
such as the possibility to implement ANR basically with localized SON architecture;
easily achievable stability and convergence; the possibility to introduce ANR into one
eNodeB at time; accurate technical specification of the 3GPP; and the relatively simple
relations between the reported signal levels and the neighbor lists.

Energy costs compose a substantial part of the overall operating expenditures of a
mobile network. To decrease the energy consumption, 3GPP has defined a SON energy
saving use case for networks, where the cells providing additional capacity can be
distinguished from the cells providing basic coverage. The idea is to deactivate the cells
providing additional capacity when the capacity demand is low, and reactivate them
again when the additional capacity is needed. The cell activation/deactivation
decisions are based on the cell load information. The actual implementation of the
energy saving functionality is vendor specific, but some common guidelines can be
defined. [18]

SON energy saving algorithm monitors the load of the cells providing additional
capacity, denoted as capacity boosters, and the loads of their adjacent cells. The
function, in its simplest form, deactivates the capacity booster cells which load is under
a certain threshold for long enough. The algorithm must ensure that the adjacent cells
are loaded lightly enough to handle the traffic of the deactivated capacity boosters.
The capacity booster cells are again reactivated if the load of the adjacent cells is
raised over a predefined threshold for long enough. To prevent cells from activating
and deactivating back-and-forth, the activation threshold must be considerably higher
than the deactivation threshold and the time threshold should be long enough. In
addition, in areas with multiple capacity booster cells, the activation/deactivation

process must have a built-in randomness to decrease the probability of multiple cells
activating/deactivating simultaneously.

The implementation of the energy saving algorithm should be based on a distributed

architecture. The deactivation decisions are done in the eNodeBs owning the capacity
booster cells. The X2 interface is used to signal the load information from the adjacent
eNodeBs and to inform them about the deactivations. The activation commands are
delivered by the adjacent eNodeBs via X2 interface. In addition, the O&M system must
be able to adjust the deactivation and the activation policies.

The cell activation/deactivation concept has its limitations. Firstly, 3GPP specification
basically just introduces the idea of saving energy with deactivations, leaving the
whole design and implementation process of the functionality to the vendors.
Secondly, the concept cannot be used to compensate for quick capacity demand
changes. The distributed architecture can offer a rather fast response time, but the cell
ramp up and ramp down processes typically take some time. In addition, cell
activations and deactivations cause a considerable amount of handovers and rapid
changes in the network interference level. These effects may have an effect on the
user experienced QoS, especially if occurring constantly. Thirdly, the usage of the
concept is restricted by the fundamental assumption of having separate cells for
providing coverage and separate cells for boosting the capacity. As LTE is basically a
reuse one system, overlapping coverage is avoided to minimize the inter-cell
interference. Therefore, it is untypical to have a clear division of cells providing
coverage and cells providing capacity. Obviously, by utilizing multiple frequency bands,
a layered cell structure can be achieved, but especially in the deployment phase of a
network, operators tend to utilize only a single frequency. The energy saving goal is
visible in many SON related papers written by the vendors and the academic
community, but 3GPP standard based live network implementations have not been
publicly announced.

In a typical cellular network, users with varying service requirements are unevenly
scattered over the coverage area of the network, causing varying cell load levels. To
maximize the user experienced QoS and the performance of the network, the load
should be spread among the network as evenly as possible. To fulfill this goal, 3GPP
has defined a SON load balancing use case, in which the handover parameters are
dynamically adjusted to bias the handover process, thus balancing the load between
the adjacent cells. [18] [34]

To enable load balancing, at least some level of overlapping coverage must exist. In
case of intra-frequency cells, the overlapping areas are planned to be small to
minimize the inter-cell interference. Therefore, load balancing between intra-
frequency cells typically affects only the CEU. In case of inter-frequency cells, the

overlapping areas may be considerably larger, and therefore the load balancing may
affect users in all parts of the network. A functional architecture of the SON load
balancing algorithm, defined by 3GPP, is illustrated in figure 34. The load reporting
function exchanges cell specific load information with the adjacent eNodeBs via X2
interface. Based on the load information, the load balancing function may initiate
handovers to the adjacent cells by using the handover function or request the adjacent
eNodeBs to change their handover parameters by using the handover parameter
adaptation function. In addition, the load balancing function may change the handover
parameters of its own cells. The implementations of the functions are vendor specific,
but some guidelines can be defined. [18]

Figure 34. Functional operation principle of the load balancing.

Both load balancing mechanisms, adjusting the handover parameters and initiating
load balancing handovers, can be used to distribute the load effectively. However,
when using the handover parameter adjustment method, the cell selection parameters
can be adjusted as well. If the cell selection parameters do not correspond with the
handover parameters, the amount of handovers executed instantly after RRC
connection establishment may be high. The load balancing handovers should be
distinguished from the normal mobility handovers, whereupon appropriate admission
control mechanisms can be applied. The actual load balancing algorithm running in the
eNodeB should perform the following tasks: [34]

‚ Monitor the load of the own cells and exchange the cell load information with
the adjacent eNodeBs via X2 interface.
‚ Determine the need to perform load balancing. In addition, determine the load
balancing method and the load balancing target.
‚ If using load balancing handovers, initiate the handovers to the target cell with
a ’load balancing’ cause. If using handover parameter adjustment, determine
the modified parameters, change own parameters or request the target
eNodeB to modify its parameters.

Basically, the handover parameter adaptation function can modify any of the
parameters used in the handover process. In practice though, some parameters are
more feasible than others. In case of a layered cell structure, modifying the layer
priorities is an efficient tool to bias the handover process towards particular cells. In
addition, from the equal priority reselection parameters, the hysteresis value"芸朕槻鎚 and
the offset value 芸墜捗捗鎚勅痛 can be modified. The actual implementation of the load
balancing algorithm should be based on a distributed SON algorithm, in which the
actual SON intelligence resides in the eNodeBs and O&M system is used only to make
configuration changes to the algorithm parameters. To reduce the back-and-forth
changes, the parameter changes should be based on averages over a relatively long
time period [35]. In addition, rapid changes in the parameters should be avoided,
which is achieved by modifying the parameters only in small steps [34].

A smoothly working load balancing function is particularly useful between inter-

frequency cells, in which the cell overlapping is typically significant. Between intra-
frequency cells, load balancing algorithm cannot typically make a major difference,
since the overlapping coverage is relatively small. Adaptive load balancing is one of the
main SON features, and the vendors seem to believe in its potential. However, no
implementations in the live networks have been announced or publicly tested.

As a cellular network consists of a major number of eNodeBs, it is common that a
portion of cells is not operational at a given time. Cell outages can occur from multiple
reasons, such as transmission faults, hardware faults, misconfigurations and power
outages. Regardless of the reason, cell outages typically degrade the user experienced
QoS, create coverage holes and decrease the overall network performance. The goal of
the COM is to alleviate the effects of the outage by adaptively altering the
parameterization of the cells surrounding the outage area. The COM function can be
divided into two subfunctions: the Cell Outage Detection (COD) function and the COC
function. The main task of the COD function is to detect the cell outages and deliver
the outage information to the COC function. Basically, the COD function can utilize any
available information, such as performance counters, network statistics, alarms or
even subscriber complaints. The COC function, which makes the actual
parameterization changes, can utilize information similar to the COD function to
investigate the effects of the parameterization changes. A basic functionality of the
COM is illustrated in figure 35.

Figure 35. Operation principle of the COM functionality.

The actual compensation process is an iterative process, in which the selected control
parameters are changed gradually based on the evolution of the selected KPIs. The
selection and the weighting of the KPIs depend on the operator policy, i.e., which
performance aspects the operator considers most important. The operator policy can
be, for example, capacity, quality or coverage driven. Typical examples for investigated
KPIs are throughput, number of RLFs, cell load, interference level and RSRP level. For
the control parameters, there are numerous candidates. Basically, any parameter
which can be adjusted without human intervention and has an effect to the radio
network behavior can be seen as a potential control parameter. In practice thought,
other parameters are more feasible than others. Typically, the best control parameters
affect either the coverage and/or the interference level. Examples of possible control
parameters are:

‚ Transmitted RSRP level. The cell dominance area can be modified by adjusting
the power of the reference signals. The size of the dominance area has a direct
impact to the cell load.
‚ Overall transmit power. In UL, increasing the transmit power in an outage
situation is not feasible due to strict maximum power limitations. In DL, the
possibility to increase the transmit power in an outage situation requires that a
portion of the total power is not used in normal operation.
‚ Antenna parameters. Antenna tilt, antenna azimuth and antenna radiation
pattern are effective parameters for adjusting the cell footprint and managing
the network interference level. Modern antennas allow the adjustment of the
antenna parameters remotely, making the antenna parameters excellent COC
control parameter candidates.
‚ ICIC parameters. ICIC parameter can be used to modify the interference level of
the network effectively both in UL and DL.
‚ Cell load. Reducing the cell load reduces the network interference level.

The actual COM implementation can be either centralized or distributed solution
based. The main drawbacks of the centralized SON architecture, slow decision speed
and poor scalability, are not issues in the COM. This is because the cell outage
frequency is typically rather small, the outages typically last relatively long time (hours
instead of seconds) and the SON functionality has to simultaneously interact with only
a few eNodeBs. In addition, the benefits of the centralized solution, such as simple
implementation, can be fully utilized making the centralized approach the best option
for most COM optimization schemes. COM is a central part of the SON framework and
many papers have been written concerning the subject, for example, research done as
a part of the SOCRATES project [36]. However, live network implementations have not
been seen.

The goal of the mobility robustness optimization is to optimize the parameters utilized
in the handover and the cell (re)selection processes. Suboptimal mobility parameters
create many unwanted effects, such as RLFs, handover failures and ping-pong
handovers. All of these problems degrade the network performance and the user
experienced QoS, but the handover problems leading to RLFs cause the most
considerable degradation. Therefore, the reduction of RLFs can be seen as the primary
goal of the mobility robustness optimization and the mitigation of other mobility
problems as the secondary goal. 3GPP has defined a basic framework for identifying
the cause of the handover problems. The basic idea is to divide handover problems
into three exclusive categories: [18] [34]

‚ Handover failures caused by too slow handover process

‚ Handover failures caused by too fast handover process
‚ Handover failures caused by handovers to unwanted target cells

The identification process is based on two subprocesses: the RLF indication process
and the handover reporting process. Using the RLF indication process, the target
eNodeB can inform the source eNodeB about an RRC connection re-establishment, in
which the serving cell before the RLF belonged to the source eNodeB [37]. Using the
handover reporting process, the target eNodeB can inform the source eNodeB about a
RLF that occurred instantly after a handover from the source eNodeB to the target
eNodeB [37].

In case of failures caused by a too slow handover process, the handover parameters
are not aggressive enough. Therefore, the connection between the UE and the source
eNodeB breaks during the handover process or before it is initiated. Too slow
handover process is characterized by a RRC connection re-establishment to the target
cell after a RLF in the source cell. To inform the source eNodeB about the RRC
connection re-establishment of the UE, the target eNodeB utilizes the RLF indication
process over the X2 interface. The destination for the RLF indication message is

acquired from the RRC connection re-establishment message. To summarize, a RLF and
reception of a RLF indication message concerning the same UE shortly after the RLF,
indicates that the handover process might be too slow. The signaling flow of too slow
handover is illustrated in figure 36.

Figure 36. Signaling flow of too slow handover.

In case of a failure caused by too fast handover process, the handover parameters are
too aggressive, which causes the connection between the UE and the target eNodeB to
disrupt during the handover process or immediately after it. Too fast handover process
is characterized by a RRC connection re-establishment to the source cell after a RLF in
the target cell. Similarly to too slow handovers, the source eNodeB indicates the RRC
connection re-establishment to the target eNodeB by using the RLF indication process.
However, since the UE has performed a handover from the source cell to the target
cell recently, the target eNodeB should inform this to the source eNodeB with a
handover report message. To summarize, reception of a handover report message
(with problem type “too early handover”) indicates that the handover process is too
fast. The signaling flow of too fast handover is illustrated in figure 37.

Figure 37. Signaling flow of too fast handover.

In case of a failure caused by a handover to an unwanted target cell, the connection is

disrupted during the handover process or immediately after it. The UE re-establishes
the connection to a cell, which is not owned either by the target eNodeB or the source
eNodeB. The eNodeB into which the UE re-establishes the connection, informs the

target eNodeB about the re-establishment. Since the UE has executed a handover into
the target cell within a time threshold, the target eNodeB informs this to the source
eNodeB by sending a handover report message. [34] To summarize, reception of a
handover report message (with problem type “handover to wrong cell”) indicates that
the handover parameter and/or the neighbor lists might not be optimal. The signaling
flow of handover to unwanted cell is illustrated in figure 38.

Figure 38. Signaling flow of a handover to unwanted cell.

The signaling mechanisms described in this section give a solid basis for the
implementation of a mobility robustness SON algorithm. A natural choice for the SON
architecture type is distributed, since all the required information can be easily
delivered via X2 interface. The actual feasibility and the effectivity of the mobility
robustness optimization depend greatly on the actual implementation of the
developed algorithm. In addition, many implementation decisions have a significant
impact on the overall performance of the algorithm, such as how easily the mobility
parameters are altered, how big variation is allowed on the parameters and how the
convergence of the algorithm is ensured. A mobility robustness optimization algorithm
based on 3GPP signaling framework could diminish the number of handover related
RLFs considerably, but as a downside, it cannot be used to alleviate the effects of any
other handover related problems.

Providing both adequate coverage and capacity is a fundamental requirement for any
mobile network. The goal of the CCO is to fulfill the coverage and capacity
requirements by altering the radio parameters automatically based on the information
gathered from the network. 3GPP has defined the CCO as one of the SON use cases,
but solutions to implement the CCO functionality has not been developed. In the
Release 10 SON requirements [38], 3GPP defines four simple scenarios, in which the
CCO should be able to identify and fix the capacity/coverage related problems. The
simplicity of the 3GPP scenarios and the lack of implementation guidelines reflect the
fact that optimizing the network coverage and capacity is an extremely difficult task.
However, some solutions to implement CCO functionality have been researched, for
example, a solution utilizing Adaptive Antenna Systems [39]. Basically, the CCO can be
seen as a general case of the COC, and therefore similar control parameter and
functionality could be applied. As a difference, the COC algorithm has more a priori
information than the CCO algorithm, since it is executed only when an outage occurs.
At the moment, the CCO is only a concept and it will probably take some time before
the vendors have their implementations ready.

The goal of the SON self-configuration use case is to decrease the manual effort of
adding a new eNodeB to the network, by automatizing the eNodeB configuration
process. The installation of a totally self-configuring eNodeB could be done without the
presence of a radio-expert just by powering up and plugging in the eNodeB. As a result,
the cost of the installation and the probability of configuration errors would decrease
since the amount of manual work would be minimized. According to the 3GPP
standards, eNodeB should move to a pre-operational state after it is powered up and
the transmission cable is connected. In the pre-operational state, eNodeB configures
itself by performing the following tasks: [18]

‚ Perform self-testing including detection of transport type, hardware

configuration, antenna configuration, antenna cable lengths and Mast Head
Amplifiers (MHA).
‚ Establish IP level connectivity to the EPC
‚ Establish required O&M, X2 and S1 connections
‚ Authenticate with the network
‚ Load required software and licenses
‚ Load radio parameters
‚ Load neighbor list information

It should be noted, that the radio parameters, the transmission parameters and the
neighbor lists must be planned beforehand to enable the automatic configuration.
Obviously, when the actual optimization solutions are mature enough, a basic set of
parameters could be utilized in the self-configuring and the parameters could be
optimized when the eNodeB is in the operational state. The SON self-configuration use
case does not renew the eNodeB deployment process significantly compared to the
processes utilized nowadays. At the moment, base stations are typically configured
with configuration files exported from the network design or management systems. As
the configuration files include all the required information for the base station
operation, basically no manual configuration work is required on-site. In addition,
automatic software/license loading is widely utilized.

As the COC is a promising part of the SON concept, a simulation study was performed
to evaluate the potential and the possible gains of the COC principle. The simulations
were performed using ASSET 7.0, a multi-technology radio network planning and
optimization tool developed and maintained by Aircom International. ASSET, which is a
part of bigger software family called Enterprise suite, is widely used by many operators
and companies in the telecommunication business.

The actual simulations were done by investigating two different scenarios: a small
failure with two nonoperational eNodeBs and a major failure with 12 nonoperational
eNodeBs. The nonoperational eNodeBs were adjacent to each other, forming a
continuous outage area. In both scenarios, the effects of the outage were investigated
to understand the factors degrading the user experienced QoS and the network
performance. Based on the observed effects, two COC control parameters were
selected and their feasibility was investigated. In addition, a simple algorithm, based
on the selected control parameters, was developed and the performance of the
algorithm was evaluated in both outage scenarios.

As discussed in section 4.3.4, the goal of a COC algorithm is to alleviate the effects of
an outage. Depending on the operator policy, this goal can be pursued using different
methods, such as maximizing the network throughput or trying to offer at least basic
level of service to all users. However, regardless of the operator policy, the
fundamental purpose of any mobile network is to make profit, and a key tool to make
profit is to keep the users satisfied. Therefore, in this thesis the goal of the COC is seen
as maximizing the number of satisfied users. A satisfied user is defined as a user
fulfilling the following requirements:

‚ RSRP and RSRQ levels are adequate

‚ Achievable UL/DL SINRs are adequate
‚ The serving cell has enough capacity to support a bit rate equal or higher than
the GBR defined in QoS profile of the user

Naturally, this kind of approach requires some level of QoS classification implemented
to the network, which is not generally done nowadays. However, as the LTE has only a
packet switched domain and operators likely wish to support also services having GBR
requirements, QoS mechanisms will probably be widely implemented into LTE

The simulations were performed in Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) mode, with a
carrier frequency of 1800 Mhz and a frequency band of 10 Mhz both in UL and DL. In
addition, normal cyclic prefix length was used and no ICIC schemes were utilized. The
actual simulation environment was a typical Finnish suburban area of 57 km態
consisting of forest, open areas, fields, residential areas, industrial areas and
commercial areas. The whole simulation area was relatively hilly with altitude
differences up to 90 m. The base station grid was built up from 38 eNodeBs distributed
to the simulation area according to typical network planning criteria, such as user
distribution and land shapes. The simulations were executed in the whole 57 km態
simulation area, but to highlight the differences between the simulation runs, the
simulation results were gathered only around the actual outage areas.

Each eNodeB in the simulation area had 1-3 cells, resulting in total number of 109 cells.
The maximum transmit power of every cell was set to 43 dBm, according to typical LTE
eNodeB performance. Each cell had two receive and two transmit elements. The
antenna parameters, such as antenna radiation pattern and antenna gain were derived
from the antenna data specification of a typical 1800 Mhz capable LTE antenna.
Antenna azimuths and antenna tilts varied between the cells similarly to live networks.
In addition, every cell was defined as MIMO capable, providing both spatial
multiplexing and transmit diversity in DL. In UL, only receive diversity was supported.

A category type denoted as a clutter was defined for each point in the simulation area.
Clutters specify the characteristics of a particular area. Totally ten different clutter
types were defined, including forest, high-rise building area, water, detached house
area and industrial area. The clutter types were utilized for two different purposes:
calculating the signal attenuations (more information in 5.3.4) and defining the
terminal distribution (more information in 5.3.5). The clutter map of the simulation
area is illustrated in figure 39.

Figure 39. Clutter map of the simulation area.

The propagation model, which is used to estimate the signal attenuation between the
transmitter and the receiver, is extremely important for the reliability of the simulation
results. The utilized propagation model is presented in an analytical form in equation
1, where k1/k2 are the factors defining the intercept and the slope of the distance
dependent path loss, d is the distance between two nodes, k3/k4 are the correction
factors for the UE antenna height gain, 茎陳鎚 is the UE antenna height above ground
level, k5/k6 are the correction factors for the effective eNodeB height, 茎勅捗捗 is the
effective eNodeB height, k7 is the correction factor for the diffraction loss, 詣鳥沈捗捗 is the
diffraction loss and 詣頂鎮通痛痛勅追 is the clutter loss.

鶏欠建月"健剣嫌嫌 噺 ""倦1 + 倦に 茅 log怠待 (穴 ) 髪 倦ぬ 茅 茎陳鎚 髪 倦ね 茅 健剣訣怠待 岫茎陳鎚 ) +

倦の 茅 健剣訣怠待 盤茎勅捗捗 匪 髪 倦は 茅 健剣訣怠待 盤茎勅捗捗 匪 茅 健剣訣怠待 (穴 ) +

倦ば 茅 詣鳥沈捗捗 髪 詣頂鎮通痛痛勅追 (1)

Parameters k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6 and k7 are used for tuning the propagation model for
the simulated network environment. 茎勅捗捗 , describing the relative height of the
eNodeB compared to the UE height, is defined as a subtraction between the eNodeB
height and the UE height above sea level. 詣鳥沈捗捗 is calculated using Epstein-Peterson
method [40] and 詣頂鎮通痛痛勅追 is calculated utilizing clutter information of the areas
between the UE and the eNodeB. For each clutter type, four parameters have been
defined: through-loss, through-loss distance, offset-loss and indoor loss. The first
parameter, through-loss, defines the amount of additional signal attenuation caused
by the clutter type when the signal propagates through the particular area. The second
parameter, offset-loss, defines how much the signal attenuates when arriving at a
particular clutter type. The third parameter, through-loss distance, defines which
points between the UE and the eNodeB are taken into account in the total clutter loss
calculation. The fourth clutter parameter, indoor loss, defines the additional signal
attenuation for the indoor terminals.

A weight illustrating the terminal density was defined for each clutter type. Based on
these weights, totally 1200 terminals were distributed to the simulation area. This
approach models the fact that in some areas the average number of users is higher
than in other areas. For example, in a forest clutter the typical number of users is
considerably lower than in a high-rise building clutter. In addition, a terminal indoor
probability was defined for each clutter.

All terminals had two receive elements and one transmit element. In DL, spatial
multiplexing and receive/transmit diversity were supported. Only receive diversity was
utilized in UL, due to one receive element of the UE. All DL and UL modulation types
were supported, excluding UL 64-QAM. The maximum UL transmit power was set to 24
dBm and the minimum RSRP and RSRQ values to -125 dBm and -19 dB respectively.

Two different service types were introduced: a VOIP service and a best effort service.
Half of the users were set to use the VOIP service and the other half the best effort
service. The VOIP service had a GBR and a MBR requirement of 32 Kbit/s both in UL
and DL. As the MBR was very low, terminals running the VOIP service did not utilize
any extra capacity, even if it would be available. In contrast, the best effort service did
not have any GBR requirements. The MBR of the best effort service was initially set to
unlimited both for UL and DL, and therefore the best effort services utilized as much
capacity as available.

The scheduler, which divides the available resources between the individual users, had
a primary goal of guaranteeing the GBR requirements of the terminals using the VOIP
service. If additional resources were left over, the extra resources were divided
between the best effort users utilizing a proportional fair [41] scheduling algorithm.
The proportional fair scheduler allocates the resources rather equally between the
terminals, still taking into account the instantaneous channel conditions of the
individual users.

The simulation process, consisting of multiple subsequent steps, is illustrated in figure
40. The process begins with defining the initial simulation parameters, such as the
eNodeB locations, the number of users, the clutters, the UE service types, the power
parameters and the propagation environment information. After once defining the
initial parameters for both scenarios, the parameters are loaded from a configuration
file in the beginning of each simulation run. After starting the simulation and defining
the initial parameters, the path loss predictions are calculated between every site and
every point of the simulation area. The path loss prediction calculations are based on
the propagation model defined in 5.3.4.

In the next step, the Monte Carlo simulation, multiple static simulations denoted as
snapshots are executed subsequently. In each snapshot, the terminals are distributed
to the simulation area randomly based on the user-defined distribution. After defining
the locations of the terminals, iterative radio condition and resource sharing
calculations are executed to determine an estimation of the network state with given
parameters. In addition, multiple failure conditions for each terminal are tested, such
as testing of RSRQ and RSRP levels. The number of snapshots is a user defined variable,
depending on the required accuracy of the results. Obviously, increasing the number
of snapshots also increases the simulation time linearly. In this thesis, as a compromise
between the accuracy and the required time 500 snapshots were used in all simulation
runs. After the completion of every snapshot, average results are calculated from the
snapshot values and the results are saved. In addition, the investigated control
parameter values are altered according to the simulation plan and the simulation cycle
is restarted from the path loss prediction phase. After the simulation of all control
parameter combinations of interest, the simulation results are post-processed with
various tools.

Figure 40. An illustration of the simulation process.

This section investigated the effects of both failure scenarios on the network
performance and the user experienced QoS. The results of this section are utilized in
the latter sections to select the most feasible control parameters for a COC algorithm.
The effects of the outage on the network performance are evaluated based on five

‚ RSRP of the best cell

‚ RSSI level
‚ RSRQ of the best cell
‚ Required UL transmit power
‚ UL interference level

The objective of these KPIs is to describe the performance of the network objectively
and from all aspects of interest. The outage effects on the coverage and the DL
interference level can be evaluated investigating the RSRP, the RSSI and the RSRQ
levels. Similar analysis can be done in UL based on the required UL transmit power and
the UL interference level. These KPIs can be seen as tools to understand the
performance of the network. However, as they do not actually describe the effect of
the outage from the user point of view, they can be seen as secondary KPIs. The
selected primary KPIs, trying to measure the actual user experienced QoS, are:

‚ Percentage of unsatisfied users

‚ Average best effort user UL throughput
‚ Average best effort user DL throughput

The percentage of unsatisfied users describes the actual number of unsatisfied users
based on the definitions in section 5.2. In addition, for the best effort users the
average DL/UL throughputs are used to evaluate their level of satisfaction. It should be
noted, that the RSRP, the RSSI, the RSRQ and the required UL transmit power values
are simulated separately for each point of the simulation area, and the KPI
distributions are calculated based on these simulations. In contrast, the UL
interference level is simulated only in points where the eNodeBs are located. The
average throughput values are calculated over every best effort user. For the users
failing to get service, the average throughput both in UL and DL is set to zero.

As expected, the outage decreases the RSRP levels around the outage area, since the
path loss between the UEs and the eNodeBs increases. However, as the number of
malfunctioning eNodeBs is only two and the eNodeB grid is rather dense, the RSRP
values remain at a fair level even in the middle of the outage area. Also the RSSI levels
decrease due to the outage. In the simulated network, most of the DL power resources
are utilized constantly, similarly to a typical mobile network with high load. Therefore,
no additional power resources can be utilized to diminish the effects of the outage,
and as the number of transmitting eNodeBs decreases, also the average RSSI
decreases. The RSRQ distribution remains unaffected by the outage, since the RSRQ
levels near the outage area decreases and the RSRQ levels further away increases. The
RSRP, the RSSI and the RSRQ distributions before and after the outage are illustrated in
appendix I.

Table 2 represents the percentages of failures caused by DL problems before and after
the outage. The results indicate that the number of unsatisfied users does not increase
significantly due to the degradation of DL performance. In an outage situation, the
eNodeBs surrounding the outage area start to serve the users previously served by the
malfunctioning eNodeBs. Therefore, the number of users per cell ratio increases and
the amount of capacity/power resources available per user decreases. In addition, as
the number of CEU increase, the average path loss becomes higher, and more power
resources are needed to maintain an acceptable SINR level at the receiver. This is
especially true for the VOIP users, whose data rates must be kept at a fixed level to
fulfill their strict GBR requirements. As a result, the amount of power and capacity
resources for an individual best effort user decreases significantly. This results in much
lower average throughput. The average DL throughput distribution for the best effort
users before and after the outage is illustrated in figure 41.

Table 2. Percentage of failures caused by problems in DL.

VOIP users (before/after) Best effort users (before/after)

Too low RSRP 0.04 % / 0.04 % 0.04 % / 0.06 %
Too low RSRQ 0%/0% 0%/0%
Too low DL SINR 0%/0% 0%/0%
Inadequate DL capacity 0 % / 0.01 % 0.02 % / 0.01 %
Total 0.04 % / 0.05 % 0.05 % / 0.07 %

Figure 41. Average best effort user DL throughput distribution before and after the
The UL performance in an outage situation differs from the DL performance due to
different transmission principles: UL transmissions occur from multiple UEs to one
eNodeB and DL transmissions from one eNodeB to multiple UEs. The outage causes an
increase in the average path loss between the UEs and the eNodeBs. To maintain the
SINR at an adequate level, UEs must compensate this additional path loss by increasing
their transmission power. Obviously, this increases also the UL interference level. The
required transmission power and the UL interference level distributions before and
after the outage are illustrated in appendix J. Since the maximum UL transmission
power has a strict upper limit, part of the users cannot anymore overcome the
increased path loss and interference, resulting in a failures. The percentage of failures
caused by UL problems are described in table 3 before and after the outage. For the
VOIP users, the number of failures due to insufficient UL SINR increases 89 % (2.42
percentage points) and for the best effort users 85 % (2.27 percentage points). In
addition, the higher interference level, the higher average path loss and the smaller
amount of capacity per user (due to the smaller number of serving cells) decrease the
best effort average throughputs significantly. This is illustrated in figure 42.

Table 3. Percentage of failures caused by problems in UL.

VOIP users (before/after) Best effort users (before/after)

Too low UL SINR 2.71 % / 5.13 % 2.64 % / 4.91 %
Inadequate UL capacity 0%/0% 0%/0%
Total 2.71 % / 5.13 % 2.64 % / 4.91 %

Figure 42. Average best effort user UL throughput distribution before and after the

In the executed simulations for the scenario II, similar outage effects were observed
than in scenario I. As expected, both the RSRP and the RSSI levels decreases
considerably, as the number of serving cells decreases. The RSRP and the RSSI
distributions are illustrated in appendix K. It should be noted that the distributions are
plotted for an outdoor terminal. Indoors, the both RSRP and RSSI levels are 7 – 23 dB
lower depending on the clutter type. Similarly to scenario I, the RSRQ distribution did
not considerably change due to the outage, since as the number of serving cells
decreases, both the RSRP and the RSSI levels diminish. However, in contrast to
scenario I, a small change in the RSRQ distribution can be seen. Since the outage area
is relatively large, the RSRP levels are extremely low especially in the center of the
outage area. This results in a relatively small difference between the noise level and
the RSRP level. Therefore, the noise power starts to have an effect to the RSRQ values.
The RSRQ distribution before and after the outage is also illustrated in appendix K.

Table 4 illustrates the percentage of failures caused by problems in DL performance.

The results indicate that even in a major outage the number of failures caused by DL
performance is not significant. Similarly to scenario I, the power and the capacity
resources can be efficiently divided between the users ensuring the fulfillment of the
QoS requirements of most users. Obviously, as the number of users per cell ratio and
the average path loss increase, the amount of resources left for the best effort users
decreases considerably. As a result, the DL throughput decreases massively, which is
illustrated in figure 43.

Table 4. Percentage of failures caused by DL problems.

VOIP users (before/after) Best effort users (before/after)

Too low RSRP 0.07 % / 0.65 % 0.07 % / 0.63 %
Too low RSRQ 0.01 % / 0.05 % 0.01 % / 0.08 %
Too low DL SINR 0 % / 0.06 % 0 % / 0.06 %
Inadequate DL capacity 0 % / 0.43 % 0 % / 1.93 %
Total 0.08 % / 1.19 % 0.08 % / 2.7 %

Figure 43. Average best effort user DL throughput distribution before and after the
Similar effect in the UL performance than in the scenario I can be observed. To
compensate the additional attenuation of the signal, the active UEs must increase their
transmission powers. If the required transmission power exceeds the maximum
allowed value, the UE cannot achieve high enough UL SINR: this result in a failure. As
the average UL transmission power increases, the amount of interference created per
UE also increases. However, in the utilized simulation model failed UEs do not create
interference at all and the number of failed UEs due to the problems in UL
performance is significant. Thus, the total UL interference level actually decreases due
to the outage. The required transmission power and the UL interference level
distribution before and after the outage are illustrated in appendix L.

As the average path loss increases, the number of users experiencing inadequate UL
SINR increases significantly. As can be seen from table 5, the increase in the number of
failures of both the VOIP and the best effort users is 482 % (14.3 percentage points).
Similarly to scenario I, the decreased amount of resources per user and the increased
path loss decrease the UL throughput, which is illustrated in figure 44.

Table 5. Percentage of failures caused by UL problems.

VOIP users (before/after) Best effort users (before/after)

Too low UL SINR 3.74 % / 18.01 % 3.75 % / 18.07 %
Inadequate UL capacity 0%/0% 0%/0%
Total 3.74 % / 18.01 % 3.75 % / 18.07 %

Figure 44. Average best effort user UL throughput distribution before and after the

Selection of the parameters changed in an outage situation to alleviate the effect of
the outage, denoted as control parameters, is a challenging task. In this section, based
on the simulations of section 5.5, two control parameters are selected and their
feasibility is tested. In addition, methods for selecting the group of cells participating in
the outage compensation, denoted as the Cell Outage Compensation Group (COCG),
are described.

Selection of the cells belonging to the COCG is a vital component of a successful COC
function. The COCG forming can be done using multiple different methods, such as
manual forming, based on the NRs or based on the executed handovers. The manual
forming of the COCGs is extremely time consuming, but on the other hand, the results
are very reliable. Using the neighbor or the handover based COCG forming, the process
can be made fully automatic, but the results might not be optimal. For example,
missing or unwanted NRs might result in non-optimal COCGs. Due to the restrictions of
the simulation environment, in this thesis the COCGs are formed manually.

Basically, any network parameter affecting the behavior of the network is a potential
COC control parameter. However, in practice some parameters are more feasible than
others. A good parameter can be altered without any human interaction and has a
desirable, predictable and consistent effect to the network performance.

The simulations conducted in section 5.5 indicate, that the DL QoS requirements of
most users can be fulfilled even in a major outage due to an efficient reallocation of
the power and the capacity resources. Obviously, this requires that all resources are
not utilized before the outage or alternatively, part of the users can tolerate a
decrease in the amount of resources allocated to them. In practice, before the outage
part of the users must be served with higher bit rate than their GBR or they should not
have a GBR requirement at all. In UL, the capacity resources can be reallocated
similarly to DL, but due to the “many-to-one” nature of UL, the reallocation of power
resources is not possible. Therefore, the increased path loss and the possibly increased
interference cause failures for the CEUs whose signals are not strong enough to reach
the eNodeB with an adequate SINR. The average bit rates of the users without strict
GBR requirements decrease both in UL and DL considerably due to decreased number
of serving cells and increased average path loss.

As the most significant failure cause after the outage is inadequate UL SINR, the
selected control parameters should either increase the UL signal strength or decrease
the UL interference level. As the UL transmission power is strictly regulated, the
obvious choice is the reduction of the UL interference. The UL interference can be
diminished in many ways, but altering the QoS parameters and especially the MBR
value, provides a straightforward and flexible way to do it. Since, in this thesis, only the
bit rates of the best effort users can be reduced without creating unsatisfied users, the
first investigated control parameter is the UL MBR of the best effort users. In DL,
altering the QoS parameter to diminish the interference is not necessary due to the
efficient reallocation of the power and the capacity resources.

The number of failures caused by an inadequate capacity was relatively small in the
simulations conducted in section 5.5. However, if adjusting the UL MBR of the best
effort users increases the number of satisfied users as expected, also the depletion of
capacity resources might start to increase the number of failures. In addition, in a
more crowded network the number of failures caused by inadequate capacity
resources would likely be higher. In a real network, the users are distributed extremely
unevenly. Although the user distribution is considered in the design process of the
network, in practice some cells are always more loaded than others. This is especially
true after an outage changing the layout of the network considerably. A
straightforward way to balance the load differences, is to bias the cell (re)selection
process. This can be achieved using two different methods: adjusting the cell

(re)selection parameters or adjusting the RSRP levels. Decreasing the RSRP levels of
the most loaded cells is investigated as a second control parameter. Decreasing the
RSRP levels have one advantage over the cell reselection parameter adjustment: the
additional power can be allocated to the user plane transmissions.

In this section, the feasibility of the selected control parameters is investigated. The
purpose of the section is to research the effect of the control parameter changes on
the network performance and the user experienced QoS. To achieve this goal, a set of
simulations were conducted in two parts. The first part investigates the best effort
user UL MBR and the second part the RSRP level."Best"Effort"UL"MBR"
To investigate the effects of the best effort UL MBR on the network performance, the
UL MBR was decreased in steps from 10000 kbit/s to 500 kbit/s. For each step a
simulation run was executed and the average values of each KPI were calculated. With
the average values, the dependency between the control parameter and the KPIs
could be evaluated. The UL interference level as a function of the best effort UL MBR is
illustrated in figure 45. In both scenarios, decreasing the best effort UL MBR clearly
diminishes the network interference level. In scenario I, the slope of the curve is more
constant than in scenario II, since in scenario I the user data rates before the
compensation are more evenly distributed. In scenario II, most of the user data rates
are between 500 kbit/s and 2000 kbit/s, and therefore the effects of the UL MBR
deduction are highest on that particular area.

Figure 45. UL interference level as a function of best effort UL MBR.

As the interference level decreases, an adequate UL SINR can be reached using lower
transmission powers. Therefore, the number of UL SINR failures decreases in both
scenarios with waveforms similar to the UL interference levels in figure 45. The

decreased number of UL SINR failures naturally increases the number of active users.
Since in the scenario II the number of serving cells after the outage is very low, the
capacity of the network is not adequate to serve the additional users, and therefore
the number of failures due to the inadequate capacity increases. In scenario I, a similar
effect cannot be observed, since only two eNodeBs are non-operational, and the
capacity of the network is adequate even after the outage. The failure probabilities as
a function of the best effort UL MBR are illustrated in figure 46. In addition, decreasing
the best effort UL MBR diminishes the average UL throughput of the best effort users
in both scenarios. The dependency between the best effort UL MBR and the average
UL throughput of the best effort users is illustrated in figure 47.

Figure 46. Failure probabilities as a function of best effort UL MBR.

Figure 47. Average best effort user UL throughput as a function of best effort UL MBR.

The RSRP level feasibility simulations were performed only for the scenario II, since in
the scenario I the depletion of capacity did not cause any failures. In the simulation,
the UL best effort MBR was fixed to 300 kbit/s to maximize the failures created by
inadequate capacity, and thus to emphasize the effects of the RSRP level adjustments.
Since the number of different RSRP variations is huge, a simple RSRP tuning algorithm
was developed instead of a brute-force solution. The developed algorithm decreases
the RSRP level of the most heavily loaded cells in steps of 0.25 dB. After each RSRP
reduction, the algorithm evaluates the effects of the adjustment on the network
performance based on the total number of failures. An improvement of 0.3 percentage
points was required to declare the RSRP change as successful due to the variance of
the simulation results. The principle of the algorithm is illustrated in figure 48.

Figure 48. RSRP tuning algorithm utilized in the RSRP feasibility testing.

The RSRP tuning algorithm performed 24 RSRP level changes, from which four resulted
in a significant improvement in the failure rates. As the RSRP level adjustments bias
the cell (re)selection process, the average path loss increases. Therefore, UL average
transmission power also increases, which for one increases the UL interference level.
In DL, all eNodeBs typically utilize most of the available power all the time, and
therefore the RSRP adjustments do not affect the DL interference level. The changes in
UL and DL interference levels as a function of the level RSRP changes are illustrated in
figure 49.

Figure 49. The effects of RSRP level adjustments on the network interference level.

The effect of RSRP adjustments on the failure probabilities are illustrated in figure 50.
The total number of failures decreases slightly less compared to the number of failures
caused by inadequate capacity. Reason for this is the increased UL interference level
resulting in slightly increased number of UL SINR failures. Nevertheless, the increase in
UL SINR failures is considerably smaller than the decrease in capacity failures, resulting
in a decrease in the total number of failures.

Figure 50. The effects of RSRP level adjustments on the failure probabilities.

As mentioned, the RSRP adjustments cause increase in the UL interference and the
average path loss between the UEs and the serving eNodeBs. This obviously should
decrease the average best effort user throughput both in UL and DL. However, as can
be seen in figure 51, according to simulations only DL throughput actually decreases.
The reason for this is the low best effort UL MBR used in the simulations. As the UL
MBR limits the achievable bit rates for most of the users (instead of the achievable UL
SINR), the bit rates are not affected by either the increased UL interference level or the
increased path loss. In addition, as the average throughput is constrained at extremely
low level, the additional users are likely to get throughputs higher than the average.
With higher UL MBR values, the UL throughput would decrease as the RSRP levels are
biased similarly to the DL throughput.

Figure 51. The effects of RSRP level adjustments on the best effort user throughput."Summary"
The best effort UL MBR and the RSRP level were determined as potential COC control
parameters. Decreasing the best effort UL MBR diminishes the UL interference level
resulting in a smaller number of unsatisfied users. As a downside, the average best
effort UL throughput decreases significantly. By decreasing the RSRP levels of the most
loaded cells, the network resources can be utilized more effectively, which increases
the number of satisfied users. As a downside, the increased UL interference creates
some amount of UL SINR failures.

In this section, a simple COC function is developed based on the simulation results of
sections 5.5 and 5.6. In addition, the potential of the developed algorithm is evaluated
in failure scenarios I and II. The developed COC function consists of two subsequently
executed sub functions: UL MBR based compensation function and RSRP level based
compensation function. The UL MBR based compensation function decreases the UL
MBR values of the users whose UL MBR values are higher than their UL GBR values.
The RSRP level based compensation function reduces the RSRP level of the most
congested cells belonging to the COCG defined for the particular outage.

The implementation of the COC function is based on a centralized SON architecture.
The main problem of the centralized SON architecture, the scalability, is not an issue
since the number of eNodeBs participating in the compensation process is relatively
low. Furthermore, the delays caused by the signaling will not make the overall speed of
the functionality much slower, since the time required for gathering enough data for
the decision making after each optimization step is dominant. When using a
centralized architecture, the convergence and the stability are easy to achieve. In
addition, the implementation is typically simpler compared to, for example, a
distributed architecture.

The COC function is a part of the centralized O&M system. The firstly executed part of
the COC function, the UL MBR based compensation function, requests the MME to
decrease the UL MBRs of the users based on UL throughput measurements signaled
from the eNodeBs. The MME utilizes the EPS bearer context modification process to
modify the EPS profiles [25]. After the convergence of the UL MBR based
compensation function, the RSRP level based compensation function starts to adjust
the RSRP levels of the network based on the UL interference levels and the capacity
failure measurements. As the RSRP level compensation function finishes the
optimization, a convergence has been reached and the execution of the COC function
is ready. The architecture of the developed COC function is illustrated in figure 52.

Figure 52. The architecture and the interfaces of the COC function.

In the feasibility testing performed for UL MBR reduction in section, the total
number of satisfied users was used as a KPI. Although the number of satisfied users is
an excellent KPI to describe the user experienced QoS, it is extremely hard to estimate
reliably in a real network. Therefore, an approach based on using capacity related
failures as a KPI and utilizing the average UL throughput as a boundary condition was
implemented. The algorithm reduces the UL MBR of the best effort users in steps of 鯨.
After every reduction, UL throughput data is gathered a time defined by variable 劇. If
the average UL throughput calculated from the gathered data is greater than minimum
acceptable average UL throughput, denoted as 経, the UL MBR is again reduced. The
execution of the algorithm continues until smallest UL MBR value fulfilling the
minimum UL throughput requirement is found. The principle of the algorithm is
illustrated in figure 53.

Figure 53. Functional operation principle of UL MBR based compensation function.

The selection of the parameter 経 can be seen as a compromise between the number
of satisfied users and the QoS experienced by the best effort users. Basically, 経
represents the operator policy: how major bit rate reductions are acceptable for
particular user groups. However, regardless of the operator policy, 経 should be based
on the UL average throughput before the outage and the scale of the outage: in a
major outage the data rates are expected to be much lower compared to a minor
outage. With parameter 鯨, the speed and accuracy of the algorithm can be modified.
With high 鯨 values, the algorithm reaches convergence quickly but the final UL MBR
value might be further away from the optimal solution compared to low 鯨 values.
Parameter 劇 can be used to adjust the reliability of the optimization decisions. With
high 劇 values, the probability of making an unbeneficial optimization decision is small
but the algorithm convergence time is long and vice versa. In this thesis, for the
scenario I, 経 was set to 900 kbit/s and for the scenario II to 300 kbit/s. Parameter 鯨
was set to 500 kbit/s when the best effort UL MBR was between 10000 kbit/s and 1000
kbit/s and to 200 kbit/s when the UL MBR was between 1000 kbit/s and 0 kbit/s. Due
to the nature of the simulation environment, parameter 劇 was not included in the

Similarly to UL MBR based compensation function, the total failure rate could not be
used as a KPI in the RSRP level based compensation function. Based on the simulations
done in section 5.6, the RSRP adjustments decrease the number of capacity failures
and increase the number of UL SINR failures. Basically, the number of capacity failures
in the network is known, but the number of UL SINR failures is unknown. Therefore,
the number of UL SINR failures needs to be estimated. In figure 54, the number of UL
SINR failures is plotted as a function of the UL interference level in both scenarios. The

figure is based on the simulation results of the UL MBR feasibility testing done in

Figure 54. The UL SINR failure probability as a function of UL interference level.

A clear linear dependency between the UL interference level and the UL SINR failure
rate can be seen in the figure 54. Therefore, a method for estimating the UL SINR
failure rate by utilizing the UL interference level and linear regression was investigated.
The linear dependency between the UL SINR and the UL interference level is illustrated
in equation 2, where parameters 苅 and 紅 are constants, 荊券建結堅血結堅結券潔結腸挑 is the UL
interference level and 繋欠件健憲堅結嫌腸挑"聴彫朝眺 is the proportion of unsatisfied users due to
inadequate UL SINR.

繋欠件健憲堅結嫌腸挑"聴彫朝眺 噺"苅 " 髪"紅 ゲ 荊券建結堅血結堅結券潔結腸挑 (2)

The coefficients 苅 and 紅 were estimated using the least squares method [42]. The
estimation results are gathered in table 6. 迎態 -value, defined in equation 3, represents
the percentage of variable 繋欠件健憲堅結嫌腸挑"聴彫朝眺 "variation explained with the changes of the
variable 荊券建結堅血結堅結券潔結腸挑 . The calculated 迎態 -values are 0,9761 for scenario I and
0,9993 for scenario II, indicating that the model explains the UL SINR failure changes
extremely well. In equation 3, 嫌 is the simulated failure rate, 結 is the estimated failure
rate and 嫌違 is the average of the simulated failure rates. To further evaluate the
developed model, an 繋 test was conducted [32]. The overall"繋 values, calculated by
using equation 4, were 531 for scenario I and 19651 for scenario II. This indicates that
the model is statistically significant with all commonly utilized significance levels. The
developed RSRP level based compensation function, which utilizes the developed

failure estimation model, is based on the RSRP tuning algorithm described in section The operation of the function is illustrated in figure 55.

Table 6. Coefficients utilized in the UL SINR failure estimation.

Scenario I Scenario II
苅 -0,04229 -0,1086
紅 0,00437 0,01571

デ日(鎚日 貸勅日 )鉄
迎態 = 1 伐 デ日(鎚日 貸鎚違)鉄

繋 = (券 伐 2) 怠貸眺鉄 (4)

Figure 55. Functional operation principle of RSRP level based compensation function.
Parameters 劇, 鶏, 詣 and 捲 can be used to modify the behavior of the algorithm.
Similarly to the UL MBR based compensation function, choosing the parameter 劇 is a
compromise between the algorithm convergence speed and the accuracy of the failure
rate estimation. With a combination of parameters 鶏 and 詣 the algorithm behavior can
be modified to match the network environment. Parameter 鶏 specifies how many
times the RSRP level is changed for each optimized cell and parameter 詣 specifies the
step size. Basically, with small 詣 and high 鶏 values the number of optimization steps is
high and the convergence time is long, but the accuracy of the results is high.
Obviously, high 詣 and small P values have an opposite effect. The final parameter, 捲,
defines the minimum improvement in the total failure rate to declare the optimization
step successful. With high parameter 捲 values, the probability of making a wrong
interpretation about the effects of the RSRP level change is small, but the probability
of denoting a beneficial step as unsuccessful is high. With low 捲 values, opposite
algorithm behavior can be expected. For this thesis, parameter 鶏 was set to three,
parameter 詣 to 0,25 dB and parameter 捲 to 0,50 percentage point. Due to the nature
of the simulation environment, parameter 劇 was not included in the simulation.

In this section, the performance of the developed COC function is evaluated based on
the selected KPIs. In scenario I, the outage increases the number of unsatisfied users
from 3 % to 5 % and decreases the best effort user UL/DL throughput levels
considerably. After the detection of the outage, the UL MBR based compensation
function starts to reduce the UL interference level, thus reducing the number of
unsatisfied users to 2 %. The failure rates of scenario I are illustrated in figure 56. As
expected, the best effort user DL throughput is not significantly affected by the
compensation, but in the UL throughput a major reduction can be seen. However, the
best UL throughput stays over the predefined low limit. The UL and DL best effort user
throughputs are illustrated in figure 57. The RSRP level based compensation function
does not perform any RSRP level changes, since no capacity failures occur. Altogether,
the COC function manages to alleviate the effects of the outage and improve the user
experienced QoS in an outage situation.

Figure 56. The effects of the COC function on the user failure probabilities in scenario I.

Figure 57. The effects of the COC function on the best effort throughputs in scenario I.

In scenario II, the outage increases the number of unsatisfied users from 4% to 20 %
and reduces the best effort user UL/DL throughput levels considerably. The UL MBR
based compensation function manages to reduce the number of unsatisfied users to
15 %. As a downside, also the best effort UL throughput reduces significantly. After the
completion of UL MBR based compensation, the RSRP level based compensation
function starts to balance the network load by adjusting the utilized RSRP levels. As a
result, the number of capacity failures reduces significantly. However, the changes in
RSRP levels increase the UL interference level, and therefore also the number of UL
SINR failures increases slightly. The increase in the UL SINR failures is thus much
smaller than the reduction of the capacity failures. Therefore, the total number of

unsatisfied users decreases. Altogether, the COC function manages to alleviate the
effects of the outage and improve the user experienced QoS also in scenario II. The
failure rates in scenario II are illustrated in figure 58 and the best effort average
throughputs in figure 59.

Figure 58. The effects of the COC function on the user failure probabilities in scenario II.

Figure 59. The effects of the COC function on the best effort throughput in scenario II.

The thesis described the most important KPIs of LTE and enlightens how the KPIs
should be interpreted to understand the network behavior. In addition, the LTE KPIs
are compared to corresponding UMTS KPIs to illustrate the differences and the
similarities between UMTS and LTE.

The thesis also introduced the SON concept, the SON architectures and the SON use
cases defined by 3GPP. In practice, the SON concept is still at a concept level, with only
few applications utilized or tested in the live networks. The main problem of SON
seems to be the complex relations between the control parameters and the network
performance: it is extremely difficult to develop an algorithm capable of making good
optimization decisions in many different network environments with varying user
distributions. However, significant amount of resources is allocated to the
development of SON and many stakeholders are anticipating major gains from it.

The COC use case of SON was selected to more throughout investigation. According to
the system level simulations, in a typical outage situation UL performance problems
cause much more user unsatisfaction compared to DL problems: since the distance
between the UEs and the eNodeBs increases, some UEs do not have enough power to
reach an adequate UL SINR level. In addition, the capacity of the network might not be
adequate in case of a major outage. Based on the simulated effect of a typical outage,
two parameters were selected as the COC function control parameters: UL MBR
utilized to decrease the UL interference level and RSRP level utilized to balance the
load of the network. Both control parameters were discovered to be feasible COC
control parameters having a desirable and predictable effect to the network

In the final part of the thesis, a developed COC function was introduced. The function
is based on the selected control parameters and consists of two sub functions: UL MBR
based compensation function and RSRP level based compensation function. The UL
MBR based compensation function decreases the UL interference level of the network
by altering the UL MBR values. The optimization decisions are based on UL throughput
measurements. The RSRP level based compensation function decreases the RSRP level
of the most congested eNodeBs based on UL interference and capacity failure
measurements. The performance of the developed COC function was simulated in two
different outage scenarios, in which the COC function managed to alleviate the effects
of the outage considerably.

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[25] 3GPP Technical Specification 24.301 v.9.5.0, Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol
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[26] Socrates Project, Final Report on Self-Organization and its implications in
Wireless Access Networks, 2010.
[27] H. Holma and A. Toskala, WCDMA FOR UMTS, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,
[28] 3GPP Technical Specification 36.213 v.9.3.0, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
Access (E-UTRA); Physical layer procedures (Release 9), 2010.
[29] Qualcomm, LTE Mobility Enhancements, white paper, 2010.
[30] Socrates Projects, Review of use cases and framework, v.1.0, 2009.
[31] Ericsson, Self-Organizing Network solution tested in live LTE Network, press
release, 2010. Available: Referred
[32] Nokia Siemens Networks, Self-Organizing Networks (SON) – Introducing the
Nokia Siemens Networks SON Suite – an efficient, future-proof platform for SON,
white paper, 2010.
[33] Huawei, T-Mobile and Huawei Complete Testing on World’s First LTE Self-
Organizing Network, press release, 2010. Available:
release/HW_062655?KeyTemps=4G,China%20Mobile. Referred 2.8.2011.
[34] 3GPP Technical Report 36.902 v.9.3.0, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
Network (E-UTRAN); Self-configuring and self-optimizing network (SON) use cases
and solution (Release 9), 2010.
[35] A. Lobinger, S. Stefanski, T. Jansen and I. Balan, Load Balancing in Downlink LTE
Self-Optimizing Networks, Socrates project, 2010.
[36] Socrates Project, Cell Outage Management in LTE Networks, 2010.
[37] 3GPP Technical Specification 36.423 v.9.5.0, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio
Access Network (E-UTRAN); X2 application protocol (X2AP) (Release 9), 2010.
[38] 3GPP Technical Specification 32.521 v10.1.0, Self-Organizing Networks (SON)
Policy Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP);
Requirements (Release 10), 2010.

[39] O. N. C. Yilmaz, Self-Optimization of Coverage and Capacity in LTE using Adaptive
Antenna Systems, Master of Science Thesis, 2010.
[40] EnVision Wireless, Propagation Model Optimization, 2005.
[41] G. Horvath, C. Vulkan, Throughput Analysis of the Proportional Fair Scheduler in
HSDPA, 14th European Wireless Conference, 2008.
[42] M. Blackwell, Multiple Hypothesis Testing: The F-test, Harvard University, 2008.
[43] 3GPP Technical Specification 23.060 v.9.7.0, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS);
Service description; Stage 2 (Release 9), 2010.

Appendix"#" "Timers"
Timer Description
T300 Defines the time UE waits for a response to the RRC CONNECTION
REQUEST message before declaring the RRC connection establishment
process as failed.
T301/T311 Defines the time UE tries to re-establish the RRC connection before the
RRC connection re-establishment process is declared as failed.
T302 Defines the time UE has to wait in the idle state after receiving the RRC
T304 Defines the time UE tries to establish a connection to the target cell
before the handover process is declared as failed.
T310 Defines the time UE waits before declaring a RLF when UE has measured
smaller RSRQ values than 芸墜通痛 for a number of times defined by
parameter N310.
T3410 Defines the time UE waits for a response to the ATTACH REQUEST
message before declaring the attach process as failed.
T3480 Timer utilized in declaring a bearer resource allocation process as failed.
T3482 Timer utilized in declaring a PDN connection establishment process,
which is not combined to an attach request, as failed.
T3485 Timer utilized in declaring a dedicated EPS bearer context establishment
as failed.
T3486 Timer utilized in declaring an EPS bearer context modification as failed.
T3495 Timer utilized in declaring an EPS bearer deactivation as failed.

Appendix"$" "Typical"causes"for"attach"rejections"
Cause Description
#3 - Illegal UE The identity of the UE is not acceptable
or the UE does not pass the
authentication check
#6 - Illegal ME (Mobile Equipment) The ME is not acceptable (for example
#7 - EPS services not allowed The UE is not allowed to utilize the EPS
#8 - EPS services and non-EPS services The UE is not allowed to utilize either
not allowed the EPS services or the non-EPS services
#11 – PLMN (Public Land Mobile The UE is not allowed to operate, due to
Network) not allowed the subscription or a barring, in the
particular PLMN
#12 - Tracking area not allowed The UE is not allowed to operate, due to
the subscription, in the particular
tracking area
#13 - Roaming not allowed in this The UE is not allowed to roam in the
tracking area particular tracking area
#14 - EPS services not allowed in this The UE is not allowed to roam in the
PLMN particular PLMN
#15 - No suitable cells in tracking area The UE is not allowed to operate, due to
the subscription, in the particular
tracking area
#25 - Not authorized for this CSG The UE is not allowed to operate, due to
(Closed Subscriber Group) the subscription, in the particular CSG

Appendix"%" "Typical"causes"for"PDN"connectivity"
Cause Description
#8 - Operator determined barring The MME rejected the request due to
an operator determined barring
#26 - Insufficient resources The request cannot be accepted due to
insufficient resources
#27 - Missing or unknown APN (Access The request was rejected, because the
Point Name) access point name is unknown
#28 - Unknown PDN type The request was rejected because the
PDN type could not be recognized
#29 - User authentication failed The request was rejected because the
authentication of the user failed
#30 - Request rejected by S-GW or P- The S-GW or the P-GW rejected the
GW request
#31 - Request rejected, unspecified The request was rejected due to an
unspecified reason
#32 - Service option not supported The requested service is not supported
by the PLMN
#33 - Requested service option not The request was rejected because the
subscribed UE has no subscription for the service
#34 - Service option temporarily out of The request was rejected because one
order or more functions required for the
service are not available
#35 - PTI (Procedure Transaction The request was rejected because the
Identity) already in use PTI is already in use
#38 - Network failure The request was rejected due to an
error situation in the network
#50 - PDN type IPv4 only allowed Only IPv4 is allowed for the requested
PDN connectivity
#51 - PDN type IPv6 only allowed Only IPv6 is allowed for the requested
PDN connectivity
#53 - ESM (EPS Session Management) The request was rejected because no
information not received ESM information was received
#54 - PDN connection does not exist In handovers from non-3GPP access
networks, network uses this ESM cause
to indicate that the MME has no
information about the requested PDN
#55 - Multiple PDN connections for a The request was rejected, because the
given APN not allowed APN does not allow multiple PDN
#95-111 - protocol error More details in [25]

#112 - APN restriction value This ESM cause is used by the network
incompatible with active EPS bearer to indicate that the EPS bearer
context context(s) have an APN restriction value
that is not allowed in combination with
the currently active EPS bearer context.
More information on [43]

Appendix"&" "Typical"causes"for"default"EPS"bearer"
Cause Description
#26 - Insufficient resources The request cannot be accepted due to
insufficient resources
#31 - Request rejected, unspecified The request was rejected due to an
unspecified reason
#95-111 - Protocol error More details in [25]

Appendix"'" "Typical"causes"for"bearer"resource"
Cause Description
#26 - Insufficient resources The request cannot be accepted due to
insufficient resources
#30 - Request rejected by S-GW or P- The S-GW or the P-GW rejected the
GW request
#31 - Request rejected, unspecified The request was rejected due to an
unspecified reason
#32 - Service option not supported The requested service is not supported
by the PLMN
#33 - Requested service option not The request was rejected because the
subscribed UE has no subscription for the service
#34 - Service option temporarily out of The request was rejected because one
order or more functions required for the
service are not available
#35 - PTI already in use The request was rejected because the
PTI is already in use
#37 - EPS QoS not accepted The QoS requirements of the UE cannot
be accepted
#41 - Semantic error in the TFT The request was rejected because of a
operation semantic error in the TFT operation of
the request
#42 - Syntactical error in the TFT The request was rejected because of a
operation syntactical error in the TFT operation of
the request
#43 - Invalid EPS bearer identity The EPS bearer identity number is not
valid or the EPS bearer context
identified by the linked EPS bearer
identity is not active
#44 - Semantic errors in packet filter(s) The request was rejected because of
one or more semantic errors in the
packet filter(s) utilized in the TFT of the
#45 - Syntactical error in packet filter The request was rejected because of
one or more syntactical errors in the
packet filter(s) utilized in the TFT of the
#56 - Collision with network initiated The network has already initiated
request activation, modification or deactivation
for the bearer of the request
#59 - Unsupported QCI value The requested QCI value is not
#95-111 - Protocol error More details in [25]

Appendix"(" "Typical"causes"for"dedicated"EPS"
Cause Description
#26 - Insufficient resources The request cannot be accepted due to
insufficient resources
#31 - Request rejected, unspecified The request was rejected due to an
unspecified reason
#41 - Semantic error in the TFT The request was rejected because of a
operation semantic error in the TFT operation of
the request
#42 - Syntactical error in the TFT The request was rejected because of a
operation syntactical error in the TFT operation of
the request
#43 - Invalid EPS bearer identity The EPS bearer identity number is not
valid or the EPS bearer context
identified by the linked EPS bearer
identity is not active
#44 - Semantic errors in packet filter(s) The request was rejected because of
one or more semantic errors in the
packet filter(s) utilized in the TFT of the
#45 - Syntactical error in packet filter The request was rejected because of
one or more syntactical errors in the
packet filter(s) utilized in the TFT of the
#95-111 - Protocol error More details in [25]

Appendix")" "Typical"causes"for"dedicated"EPS"
Cause Description
#26 - Insufficient resources The request cannot be accepted due to
insufficient resources
#41 - Semantic error in the TFT The request was rejected because of a
operation semantic error in the TFT operation of
the request
#42 - Syntactical error in the TFT The request was rejected because of a
operation syntactical error in the TFT operation of
the request
#43 - Invalid EPS bearer identity The EPS bearer identity number is not
valid or the EPS bearer context
identified by the linked EPS bearer
identity is not active
#44 - Semantic errors in packet filter(s) The request was rejected because of
one or more semantic errors in the
packet filter(s) utilized in the TFT of the
#45 - Syntactical error in packet filter The request was rejected because of
one or more syntactical errors in the
packet filter(s) utilized in the TFT of the
#46 - EPS bearer context without TFT The EPS bearer has already been
already activated activated without TFT
#95-111 - Protocol error More details in [25]

Appendix"*" "Typical"causes"for"EPS"bearer"
Cause Description
#8 - Operator determined barring The MME rejected the request due to
an operator determined barring
#36 - Regular deactivation A regular EPS bearer deactivation
initiated by either the UE or the network
#38 - Network failure The request was rejected due to an
error situation in the network
#39 - Reactivation requested The network requests an EPS bearer
reactivation from the UE
#112 - APN restriction value This ESM cause is used by the network
incompatible with active EPS bearer to indicate that the EPS bearer
context context(s) have an APN restriction value
that is not allowed in combination with
the currently active EPS bearer context.
More information on [43]

Appendix"+" "Effects"of"the"outage"to"the"DL"

RSRP distribution for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

RSSI distribution for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

RSRQ distribution for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

Appendix"," "Effects"of"the"outage"to"the"UL"

Required UL transmit power for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

UL interference distribution before and after the outage.

Appendix"-" "Effect"of"the"outage"to"the"DL"

RSRP distribution for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

RSSI distribution for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

RSRQ distribution for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

Appendix"." "Effect"of"the"outage"to"the"UL"

Required UL transmit power for an outdoor terminal before and after the outage.

UL interference distribution before and after the outage.


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