HI-LO Welding Gauge Cat 1 Usage Guide
HI-LO Welding Gauge Cat 1 Usage Guide
HI-LO Welding Gauge Cat 1 Usage Guide
The HI-LO Welding Gauge, from the G.A.L. Parts of the Gauge
Gage Company, is an essential tool for pipe
and weld inspection. It can perform the INTERNAL
following functions: ALIGNMENT
37½° STOPS
• Internal Misalignment DEGREE
• Pipe Wall Thickness BEVEL
• Leg Length for a Fillet Weld
• Crown Height
There are two go no-go features of this
gauge which are used to verify that the BODY
beveled angle is the required 37-1/2
degrees and that the required gap after fit-
up is no larger than 3/32nd. Scribe lines on
the feet can be used to calculate the
required 1/16th gap after fit-up for socket MATERIAL
welds; if one of our patented GAP-A-LETS THICKNESS
is not used. For added versatility, this SCALE
gauge comes in standard (inches) and
metric (millimeters).
Scales Overview
There are three scales on this gauge. The
Material Thickness Scale measures in
16ths. The Internal Alignment Scale
measures in 3/32nds and the Scales for the INTERNAL
Scribe Lines measures in 16ths. ALIGNMENT
CAUTION: The metal strips that connect
the Internal Alignment Stops to the 37-1/2°
bevel can be bent when removing from the
pipe after a measurement. Use care and
caution when extracting from a pipe to GAUGE FEET / LEGS & SCALE FOR
prevent damaging your gauge. SCRIBE LINES TO CHECK PIPE FIT-UP
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Bottom out the pipe by pushing the pipe all the way
into the socket.
Use the scribe lines on the gauge to draw another Figure #16
line 3/4 of an inch, onto the pipe, from the face of the
socket weld. Using the 3/4 inch mark and the scribe
lines of the gauge, pull the pipe out from the socket
weld 1/8 of an inch (See Figure 15).
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