Loved, His, Syntax, and Assignments in That Order
Loved, His, Syntax, and Assignments in That Order
Loved, His, Syntax, and Assignments in That Order
Chapter 3: Constituency, Trees, and Rules 73
The student loved
D AdjP N
his assignments
This is a typical hierarchical tree structure. The sentence constituent
This by the
is a typical symbol TP)tree
hierarchical consists of twoThe
structure. constituents:
sentence aconstituent
subject noun(represented by the symbol
TP) (NP) [the
consists student]
of two and a predicate
constituents: a subjectphrase
noun orphrase
verb phrase [the [loved
(NP)(VP) student] and a predicate
his syntax
phrase or assignments].
verb phrase The (VP)subject
turn contains a nounThe
assignments]. student NP in turn contains a
(N) subject
and a (N)
noun student(or
determiner andarticle) (D) the. (or
a determiner Similarly
contains a verb
Similarly the(V),
VP contains a verb (V), and
and an object NP [his syntax assignments]. The object NP is further broken
an object NP [his syntax assignments]. The object NP is further broken down into three bits: a
down into three
determiner his, anbits:
adjective syntax, his,
a determiner and an adjective
a noun syntax, and a noun
assignments. As you can see this tree has constituents (each represented by
the you
As pointcan
see lines comehas
this tree together) that are
constituents inside
(each other constituents.
represented This where
by the point lines come
is hierarchical structure. Hierarchical constituent structure can also be
together) that are inside other constituents. This is hierarchical structure.
represented with brackets. Each pair of brackets ([ ]) represents a constituent.
We normally put the label of the constituent on the left member of the pair.
2. Rules and trees
The bracketed diagram for (6) is given in (7):
7) [TP[NP
Now we[DThe][ Nstudent]][
will discuss VP[Vloved][
possible rulesNP[that
Dhis][ AdjP[Adjsyntax]][
enable Nassignments]]]].
us to generate different trees. The rules we are
As youtocanconsider in this diagrams
see, bracketed chapter arearecalled phrasetostructure
much harder rules
read, so for the (PSRs)
most because they generate
the phrase structure tree of a sentence.
part we will use tree diagrams in this book. However, sometimes bracketed
ELAN 344 Lecture 4
Let’s start with the constituents we call noun phrases (or NPs) and explore the range of material
that can appear in them.
The simplest NPs contain only a noun (usually a proper noun [+proper], pronoun [+pron], mass
noun [-count] or a plural noun [+plural]):
Our rule must minimally generate NPs that contain only an N. The format for PSRs is shown in
Chapter 3: Constituency, Trees, and Rules 75