MM 1 - Grammar Test Unit 6
MM 1 - Grammar Test Unit 6
MM 1 - Grammar Test Unit 6
4 She persuaded to me to buy both books. 12 I’ve lived here over ten years and I still haven’t
become familiar with driving on the other side.
5 They allowed me to check in early.
13 People work in the heat all the time here so they are
familiar with it.
6 I told him not take the medicine.
14 She’s been working in that job for over a year now so
7 I always encourage that my students to buy she is becoming familiar with it.
15 He was treated like that all the time so I guess he
8 I expect them clean up after the party. was familiar with it.
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masterMind level 1
C Choose the correct options to complete D Complete the sentences with the correct
the text. form of the verbs in the box. There are two
extra verbs.
As a teenager, I often stayed with my friend Joanna during
vacations. Her house and family were so different from be (x2)
get put give take need
leave make
what I (0) was / got used to at home! Her parents were
0 All our employees are encouraged to take
both artists and spent most of their time in their studios,
regular breaks.
so we were expected (16) to do / doing everything for
ourselves. For example, while my parents cooked a big 25 I was very nervous because I used
to speaking in public.
meal every day, Joanna and her siblings were simply told
26 Do you think we can persuade Mom
(17) look / to look in the fridge and take what they wanted.
us a lift?
It was clear that she and her many siblings (18) were / got
27 My shower’s broken. I a plumber
used to having complete freedom, and life in their big old
to fix it.
house was great fun!
28 I lived in the city for years, but I never
The family lived in the countryside, and her parents used to the noise.
allowed us (19) exploring / to explore the farms and the 29 His dad forced him school and get
woods, although we were told (20) don’t / not to go into a job.
the field where the bull was! We used to wander freely all 30 They don’t mind sleeping on the floor because it’s
day, and Joanna’s parents would simply ring a loud bell what they used to.
10 There’s a party at the start of term where freshmen / 21 Make sure you write down .
mascots can meet year two and three students. A a poem
B his phone number
11 The team’s mascot / symbolic is a cute little fox
C your exam
named Freddy.
12 The ceremony was attended by symbolic / D Complete the sentences with options from
high-ranking officials from the world over. the box. There is one extra option.
13 The meeting has great symbolic / initiation symbolic plan out
put on freshman
importance, representing the coming together clean out
mascot go over high-ranking
of two countries previously at war. functional
14 All religions have mascots / rituals which are 0 I told Anna what was happening, and then Gary
performed in special ceremonies. arrived and I had to go over it all again.
15 They’re still trying to work up / out what caused 22 Before I start writing, I
the accident. the whole novel.
23 We don’t actually use these knives for anything—
they’re purely .
C Choose the best option to complete
the sentences. 24 New members are forced to carry out dangerous
tasks as part of their .
0 I’m going to put on .
A some paint
25 I was a at the time, and knew
very little about the traditions of the university.
B a jacket
C my keys 26 Our team’s is a large teddy bear.
27 It takes her almost an hour to
16 I spent several hours cleaning out .
her makeup every morning.
A my walking gear
B the oven
28 These songs are part of a religious
C the garden shed
29 It took days to their apartment
17 Let’s take a few minutes to plan out . after they left.
A the route
30 They had meetings with several
B the housework
C our decision
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Unit 6: Grammar and vocabulary test B Level 1
0 I asked the lecturer to go over / out the main points 13 I’m pleased because I’ve just crossed four tasks
of his talk. my to-do list!
1 The ceremony was attended by symbolic / 14 He always goes his notes the night
high-ranking officials from the world over. before an exam.
2 The meeting has great symbolic / initiation 15 Every year I go the food in the cabinets
importance, representing the coming together of and throw away anything that’s old.
two countries previously at war.
C Choose the best option to complete
3 All religions have mascots / rituals which are the sentences.
performed in special ceremonies. 0 I’m going to put on .
A some paint
4 They’re still trying to work up / out what caused
B a coat
the accident.
C my phone
5 New members are expected to perform the song 16 I spent several hours cleaning out .
as part of their mascot / initiation into the club.
A my swimming gear
B the oven
6 We have a coffee together most mornings.
It’s a daily initiation / ritual. C the garden shed
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masterMind level 1
D Complete the sentences with options from 3 He’s been working in that job for over a year now so
the box. There is one extra option. he is becoming familiar with it.
symbolic plan out initiation put on freshman
clean out mascot go over high-ranking 4 She was treated like that all the time so I guess she
functional ritual was familiar with it.
0 I told James what was happening, and then Lauren
arrived and I had to go over it all again. 5 I found it hard because I wasn’t familiar with getting
up early.
22 Before I start writing, I
the whole novel.
6 It’s OK. I am familiar with working hard.
23 We don’t actually use these knives for anything—
they’re purely .
7 After a while, you will become familiar with eating
24 New members are forced to carry out dangerous later in the evening.
tasks as part of their .
1 I’ve lived here over fifteen years and I still 14 I warned her not to travel alone.
haven’t become familiar with driving on
the other side.
15 He persuaded to me to buy both books.
2 People work in the heat all the time here
so they are familiar with it.
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masterMind level 1
C Choose the correct options to complete D Complete the sentences with the correct
the text. form of the verbs in the box. There are two
extra verbs.
As a teenager, I often stayed with my friend Ricky during
vacations. His house and family were so different from be (x2)
get put give take need
leave make
what I (0) was / got used to at home! His parents were
both artists and spent most of their time in their studios, to take
0 All our employees are encouraged
so we were expected (16) to do / doing everything for regular breaks.
ourselves. For example, while my parents cooked a 25 I was very nervous because I used to
big meal every day, Ricky and his siblings were simply speaking in front of so many people.
told (17) look / to look in the fridge and take what they 26 Do you think we can persuade Dad
wanted. It was clear that he and his many siblings us a lift?
(18) were / got used to having complete freedom, and 27 The faucet’s broken. I a plumber to
fix it.
life in their big old house was great fun!
28 I lived in the countryside for years, but I never
The family lived in the countryside, and his parents used to the peace and quiet.
allowed us (19) exploring / to explore the farms and the 29 His dad forced him school and get
woods, although we were told (20) don’t / not to go into a job.
the field where the bull was! We used to wander freely 30 They don’t mind sleeping on the floor because
it’s what they used to.
all day, and Ricky’s parents would simply ring a loud
bell if they wanted us (21) to come / coming home. Score / 30
The best thing of all was the lake on the neighbor’s farm.
Total score / 60
Sometimes we would swim there, although we had been
warned (22) not swimming / not to swim out too far,
because it was extremely deep and dangerous. I’ll never
forget that first shock of cold water on my skin, but
you soon (23) were / got used to it, and on a really hot
summer’s day, it was the best feeling ever! Every summer
I was sad to leave, and I always hoped that Ricky would
ask me (24) come / to come again the following year.
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UNIT 6: Skills test Level 1
Listening Reading
Listen to Sam and Jennifer talking about Read this article about Emma’s very different
Sam’s wedding plans. Choose the best ending parents. Choose the best answer for
for each sentence. each question.
0 When Jennifer hears that Sam is having a humanist
Have you ever heard the expression “opposites
wedding, she is
attract”? It means that people who have completely
A shocked.
different characters often like each other a lot. I’ve
B amused.
always thought that was lucky for me, because
C surprised. otherwise I wouldn’t be here. If you ever met my mom
and dad, you’d know what I mean!
1 Sam believes that a church wedding
A would not have reflected their beliefs.
Take money, for instance. My dad is obsessed with
keeping records. He writes down everything he
B would have been too traditional.
spends, and when his bank statement arrives, he sits
C would have been too uncomfortable.
down and goes over it really carefully. He’d like Mom
to do the same, but she says that “life’s too short”
2 Sam’s parents are
for that kind of thing. She takes pleasure in pointing
A rather formal.
out that in 20 years, Dad has yet to find an error.
B opposed to a humanist wedding.
However, she has to admit that she occasionally ends
C rather shy. up paying fees to the bank because her account has
been overdrawn, which dad says is a silly waste of
3 Humanist weddings
money. Needless to say, they’ve never had a joint
A are full of rituals.
bank account!
B include as many rituals as you want.
Then there are family vacations. Dad likes to plan out
C include no traditional rituals.
absolutely everything. Once, he tried to force us to
4 Writing the wedding service helps the bride go in a really dirty looking restaurant, just because
and groom it was on his plan! (We refused, obviously!) Mom, on
the other hand, prefers just to book a plane ticket and
A think about the meaning of their marriage.
see what happens when we arrive. Over the years,
B plan their wedding day.
we’ve gotten used to wandering the streets of foreign
C free themselves from tradition.
cities late at night, desperately searching for a hotel,
with Dad getting more and more annoyed!
5 Jennifer thinks that the service will be
A interesting. As you will have gathered by now, Dad loves
B meaningful.
planning. Every morning, he makes a list of jobs for
the day, and crosses them off as the day goes on.
C emotional.
But in the time it takes him to do that, Mom’s usually
actually done two or three of them. She doesn’t mind
though—she’s used to it now, and anyway, they both
insist that they love each other just the way they are!
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masterMind level 1
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Additional LifeSkills Lesson LEVEL 1
Unit 6 Work & Career: managing distractions • Ask the students to raise their hand if they currently
Objective: to provide further practice of managing work. Put the students in small groups, ensuring
distractions, this time within the area of Work & Career. that those who work are distributed evenly among
The three-step strategy for developing this soft skill is: the groups.
• Write on the board: work distractions. Give the
Step 1: Recognize your main distractions. (Ex. A,
students a few minutes to work in their groups to
Ex. B)
brainstorm a list of common distractions in the
Step 2: Find out ways to change habits and choose workplace. Then elicit ideas as a class and build up a
ones that work for you. (Ex. C, Ex. D) list on the board, similar to the list below (add any of
Step 3: Make a plan for managing distractions. these as necessary):
(Ex. D, Homework) • being interrupted by co-workers
You may decide to highlight this strategy at the • having to stop for unscheduled meetings
beginning of the lesson, and to conduct a short • general workplace noise, e.g., phones, elevator,
discussion to check that the students understand the photocopier, talking, people walking by desks
skill and why it is useful. However, if you prefer to • checking emails too frequently
teach this lesson without discussing the underlying soft • using social media for personal use
skill, this is also possible. The lesson is designed to be • getting distracted by work that comes in
engaging and successful either way. • If you end up with more than ten ideas on the board,
agree a final list of ten with the students and ask
For more information about teaching life skills and ideas
them to copy these into their notebooks.
for highlighting the soft skill, please refer to p. xii and
pp. T76–T77 of the Teacher’s Book. B
• Ask the students to work individually. Have them
look at the list, and check (✓) the things that distract
MATERIALS: them. For those who don’t work, they can do this
• board and markers in relation to a job they have done in the past, or,
if there are any students who have never worked,
they should mark the ones that they think would
Lead-in distract them.
Put the students in pairs. Ask them to think about the • Explain that the students can add any other relevant
last time they got distracted by something. Encourage distractions to the list, especially if they have any
them to say where they were, what they were doing, distractions that are related to their specific area
and how they were distracted. of work.
Elicit and discuss some of their answers as a class. • When they finish, put the students in pairs. Ask them
Ask the students if they find that they get more easily to compare their lists and to explain what the top
distracted than they used to and, if so, why this might three distractions are for each of them. Encourage
be, e.g., more electronic distractions these days. them to discuss how these distractions affect their
working life, e.g., they work inefficiently, they don’t
complete tasks on schedule, they make mistakes, etc.
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masterMind LEVEL 1
• Ask the students to remain in their pairs.
Explain they should take turns discussing each • Write the following questions on the board:
other’s distractions and identifying things they could Are there any distractions in the workplace that can’t
do to manage those distractions. Encourage them to be managed (i.e., that are out of your control)? If so,
think of more than one solution for each distraction. what are they?
Before they start, write the following How to say it • Allow students time to reflect on the questions,
box on the board: and then put them in pairs to discuss their answers.
Elicit and discuss some of the students’ answers as
HOW TO SAY IT a class, e.g., some workplace noise that affects the
You need to get used to … whole building such as maintenance work or external
You should encourage people (not) to … noise; phones ringing.
Why don’t you (write down / plan out / go over /
turn off / cross off, etc.) …? EXTRA: HOMEWORK
Ask the students to go online and find some tips for
• Read the phrases in the How to say it box aloud managing distractions in the workplace. Ask them to
and encourage the students to use these in their make a list of any tips not discussed in this lesson.
discussion. If necessary, start them off by eliciting Have them bring the tips to share in groups at the
some ideas, e.g., interruptions from co-workers: put next class.
a notice on your desk to ask people to come back
later; ask co-workers to email you rather than come
over to your desk; arrange an “open-door” time that
co-workers can come and talk to you about work.
• Ask the students to work individually and to
think about the solutions they discussed in Ex. C.
For each distraction, have them choose one solution
that they think would work best. Ask them to make
an action plan, detailing how they are going to
manage each of their top three distractions.
• When students finish, invite volunteers to read their
plans aloud to the rest of the class.
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Additional LifeSkills Lesson LEVEL 1
Unit 6 Self & Society: managing distractions • Write the following list of distractions on the board,
Objective: to provide further practice of managing and ask the students to copy it:
distractions, this time within the area of Self & Society. 1 I check my text messages when I’m having
The three-step strategy for developing this soft skill is: a meal with friends.
2 I always answer my phone, even if I’m talking
Step 1: Recognize your main distractions. (Ex. A,
to someone.
Ex. B)
3 I often “tune out” of a conversation at a party
Step 2: Find out ways to change habits and choose to listen to another conversation.
ones that work for you. (Ex. C, Ex. D) 4 When I’m driving, I often have music playing.
Step 3: Make a plan for managing distractions. 5 I often “tune out” of a conversation because
(Ex. D) I’m thinking about other things.
You may decide to highlight this strategy at the 6 I read books, watch TV, or check the internet
beginning of the lesson, and to conduct a short while I’m eating breakfast.
discussion to check that the students understand the 7 I usually have more than one form of electronic
skill and why it is useful. However, if you prefer to entertainment turned on, e.g., TV and internet.
teach this lesson without discussing the underlying soft 8 other:
skill, this is also possible. The lesson is designed to be • Make sure the students understand tune out (stop
engaging and successful either way. paying attention to). Have the students work
individually to decide which of the statements are
For more information about teaching life skills and ideas
true for them and to check (✓) them. Point out
for highlighting the soft skill, please refer to p. xii and
that they can add another distraction as number 8
pp. T76–T77 of the Teacher’s Book.
if they wish.
• Put them in pairs and have them compare
MATERIALS: their answers briefly before having a class feedback
• board and markers session.
• CD player and music (optional) B
• Have the students work individually to look back
at the distractions they checked and decide which
Lead-in of these are more problematic for them. Ask them
Ask the students to stand up and to imagine that they to rank them in order from the most to the least
are at a party. Invite them to circulate and introduce problematic (1 is the most problematic).
themselves to other “party-goers.” Encourage them to • When they finish, put them back in their original
have mini conversations. If you have a CD player and pairs and encourage them to discuss their answers
music, play some music. and to say what effect each distraction has on their
After about five minutes, ask the students to sit down. lives. If necessary, provide an example yourself
Ask them if they found it easy to concentrate on each first, e.g., My worst distraction is thinking about
conversation, or whether they found themselves getting other things when I’m having a conversation. It’s a
distracted at all. If they found themselves getting big problem because it makes me look rude and
distracted, elicit some of the reasons for this, e.g., uninterested in the conversation.
the music, other people’s conversations, tiredness,
boredom. Remind them that in the Student’s Book
lesson, they looked at managing distractions when
studying. Explain that in this lesson they will be looking
at managing distractions in their personal life.
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masterMind LEVEL 1
• Now put the students in groups. Ask them to look at
the list of distractions from Ex. A (not just the ones • Write the following questions on the board:
that they checked), and to discuss what someone Why are we sometimes more distracted than at
could do to change these habits. Encourage them other times? Why is it helpful to know the situations
to try to think of more than one idea for each when we are more distracted?
distraction. Give the groups enough time to discuss • Give the students time to reflect on the questions,
their ideas, and have each group nominate a student and then elicit ideas, e.g., We get more distracted
to write their ideas. when we’re tired, sick, or bored. We get distracted
• Elicit and discuss their ideas in a class feedback when we have a lot on our minds. It’s useful to know
session, and write the best ideas on the board, e.g., situations when we tend to get distracted so we can
2 (I always answer the phone, even if I’m talking take steps to deal with it quickly.
to someone): Turn the phone off if you’re doing
something important. Alternatively, put the phone EXTRA: HOMEWORK
onto vibrate, look at the caller ID, and only answer
Have the students write out their action plan in the
it if it’s important.
form of a paragraph, and bring it to the next class to
D turn in for marking.
• Write the following How to say it box on the board:
I should force myself to / not to …
I mustn’t allow myself to …
I need to get used to …
You should avoid …
Maybe you should stop …
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