Affidavit of Indigency/Tax Exemption: - Affiant
Affidavit of Indigency/Tax Exemption: - Affiant
Affidavit of Indigency/Tax Exemption: - Affiant
of the Philippines )
Province of Camarines Sur )
City of Iriga ) S.S.
I, --------, of legal age, Filipino, single and resident of San Jose, Iriga City,
Camarines Sur, Philippines, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law,
do hereby depose and state that:
2. One of the requirements for the said scholarship is a tax exemption filed by
the parent with the Bureau of Internal Revenue;
4. I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the foregoing facts and for the
purpose of securing a tax exemption from the Bureau of Internal Revenue,
and for any and all legal purposes this may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand this _____th day of May 2021 in
Iriga City, Camarines Sur, Philippines.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in and for the City of Iriga, this _____th day of
May 2021, personally appeared the above-named person who presented to me his
___________________________ ID No. ________________, to prove that he is the
same person who voluntarily executed the foregoing AFFIDAVIT, which he
acknowledged before me as her free and voluntary act and deed.