NAyatel Report
NAyatel Report
NAyatel Report
Submitted To:
I hereby declare that this project report titled ________________________________________submitted by me to the Department of Business Management, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, is a bonafied work undertaken by me and it is not submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree diploma/certificate or published any time before
CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the project report in title partial
fulfillment for the award of BBA/MBA programme of department of business management, Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad, was carried out by Mr./Ms___________________ under my guidance. This has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree/diploma/certificate
This research report is based upon finding out the best HR practices in corporate sector. For the purpose of getting the desired information, we have used two research methods have been used for data collection which includes literature review and interview. Literatures review that was gathered contained a lot of information about our research objective. Interview was conducted from four different organizations Wi-Tribe, KASB, Habib bank and Allied bank who gave detailed information about the Hr best practices. In interview; questionnaires were used to collect the relevant data. Questionnaires were filled by the HR managers of four different organizations Answers to those questions include several facts relevant information about Hr best Practices,
All praise for Allah Almighty with the help of whom we were able to complete our project. We wish to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed in making this report a reality for the readers.
This report owes very much to the numerous people who took the time to proof-read it and help iron out many mistakes, both technical and grammatical and provided very helpful feedback on the content of the report. We also owe many thanks to our parents with the prayers and support of whom we completed our report.
Table of Contents:
ANNEXURE-I .........................................................................................................1 DECLARATION .................................................................................................................2 ANNEXURE-II......................................................................................................................3 Abstract............................................................................................4 Acknowledgements...................................................................................5 ......................................................................................................................7 Chapter One..................................................................................................7 Introduction of the Research Topic....................................................................................7 Human Resources Management ........................................................................................9 MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT:-............10 Chapter Two..........................................................................16 Literature Review:............................................................................................................16 HR practices that promote entrepreneurship........................................................................20 Author: Shiny p. Kumar ......................................................................................................22 Significant Role of HR Companies......................................................................................24 HR Policies in Telecom....................................................................................................25 Posted by Arslan Rana ,Posted on 29-10-2009................................................................25 Human resource policies......................................................................................................27 Human Resource Management and Talent Management.....................................................28 Understanding the HRM Environment.................................................................................28 Chapter Three..............................................................................................31 Organizational Information .............................................................................................31 KASB Bank ..........................................................................................................31 Intoduction....................................................................................................................32 Lockers:........................................................................................................................34 Wi-tribe:.......................................................................................................................42 Allied Bank ..................................................................................................................49 Introduction to HBL: ...................................................................................................59 Services:...........................................................................................................................61 Chapter Four and Five..........................................................................78 ALLIED Bank Interview..................................................................................................78 MR.Manzoor said that if employee do any misconduct or unsatisfactory performance then sample dismissal or termination of employment letter.........................................83 Wi-Tribe Interview ................................................................................................84 KASB Bank Interview .....................................................................................................88 If employee do any misconduct or unsatisfactory performance then sample dismissal or termination of employment letter.............................................................................96 BANK AL.HABIB INTERVIEW ..................................................................................97 Chapter Six.........................................................................................4 Ideal HR Practices Recommendations ..............................................................................4 Comparison of companies................................................................................8
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Suggestions.................................................................................................9 Bibliography ...................................................................................10 resources articles/innovative-hr-practices1135577.html........................................................................................................................10 Appendices.......................................................................................11 Proof............................................................................................14 ..........................................................................................................................................14 .............................................................................................................................................14
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Today, organizations are increasing their competitive advantage by becoming an international firm; through mergers and acquisitions activity. Not all organizations have the same objectives in acquiring a firm; cost reduction, retention, or key acquisition of key talent. Thus firms that have different objectives require the use of different HR practices. Moreover, acquiring an international firm with objectives of improving both value and efficiency in the global marketplace will require a focus on the developmental practices of HR executives, such as mentoring, training, compensation, and cultural differences. . In theory HR practices in an organizational system can be favorable or unfavorable practices. Understanding the relationship of practices and concepts of HR systems helps the HR function with its strategic human resource management. Therefore HR must establish valuable human capital measurements to outcomes-linking HR practices to business performance. In todays competitive business environment human resource management must rid itself of the old customary HR practices and reinvent itself by developing and acknowledging new and innovative HR practices. Most organizations and their employees mind-set of innovative HR practices stem from the amount of innovated changes that occurred rather than the added value of the innovation. To promote workplace innovation and performance firms must enhance workplace commitment by putting people first. That there is a need to understand the HR system; mechanisms through which HR systems impact employee and organizational performance.. Within a HR system there are two levels; practice level (higher) and the policies level (lower). At the highest level HR practices are implemented in organizations so that they may accomplish their objectives and goals. Objective of the Project
The main objective of our project is to develop a deep understanding of HR best practices in Different Organizations. Secondary objective is the getting practical exposure of HR practices and give knowledge to HR managers about different practices used in the corporate sector.
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector organizations consider the "HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner. Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards, systems, and processes that implement these strategies in a whole range of areas. The following are the major HR Department areas on which the human resource management works are:
MAJOR FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT:1) HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING Forecasting Maintaining personnel inventories Succession planning Modeling career paths
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Primary Skills Training Advanced Skills Training Promoting diversity
4) EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Ensuring EEO compliance Administering affirmative action Handling discrimination complaints
5) COMPENSATION Incentive pay plans Job analysis Job evaluations Wage surveys Performance reviews
6) LABOR RELATIONS Instituting labor -management cooperative programs Hearing employee concerns and complaints Monitoring morale
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Design of vacation & sick benefits program Administering policy 401k plan Health insurance
8) DISCIPLINE Formulation and coordination of policies Assistance and advice in major disciplinary actions
9) HR AUDITS Employee turnover Grievances Attendance Accidents Compliance with federal and state regulations
10) SAFTEY Ensuring OSHA compliance Overseeing security Physical Environment Conducting accident investigations
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 11) PERSONNEL RESEARCH Administering opinion surveys Conducting HR audits Publishing statistical analysis
Management planning and control systems. Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Examples of the self-fulfilling prophecy or Pygmalion effect Productivity improvement section. Productivity improvement checklists. Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Team building - informal group dynamics. Productivity improvement section. Productivity improvement checklists. Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Ergonomics: Introduction to ergonomics Guide to self assessment with self improvement program.
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Business communications skills article Productivity improvement guide for supervisors and managers Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice The workplace The section is... Team Performance Improvement Collection. Productivity improvement and Team Building Employee Evaluation and Selection Supervisors Guide to Employee... Application of ergonomics to psychological problems in the workplace Team building - informal group dynamics Use of the open systems approach in organizational development. Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Team building guide for supervisors and mangers Practical guidelines in the use of the open systems approach. Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Management planning and control systems. Productivity improvement section. Productivity improvement checklists. Use of the open systems approach when analyzing organizations.
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Productivity improvement section. Organizational Norms Employee Survey Productivity improvement section. Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Gaining knowledge of ergonomics very small piece of information about one... Productivity improvement section. Productivity improvement checklists. Productivity Improvement Collection Measuring overall performance using objectives matrix technique. About AccelTeam.
Industrial relations Employee motivation. Motivation in the workplace- theory and practice Measuring overall performance using objectives matrix technique. How to value job output variables using an objectives matrix Measuring and improving office productivity using an objectives matrix will produce a variety of reports, some...
Open systems guide for supervisors and managers. Open systems guide for supervisors and managers. Measuring overall performance using objectives matrix technique.
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As organizations expand and increase the size of their workforce, employee problems both personal and job-related tend to multiply and can affect motivation and productivity. Balancing work and family life and coping with transition has become a great challenge for
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector almost everyone. Employees, regardless of their position in the organization, may face a variety of problems in their daily lives. Usually, most of these problems can be worked out but sometimes they may become too much for individuals to handle on their own. Such unresolved issues may begin to affect personal happiness, family relations, performance at work and even physical health An Employee Assistance Programmed (EAP) is options which can help employees cope with their problems by providing quick access to professional help. Aga Khan University (AKU) recently introduced EAP to provide confidential short-term counseling and support at no cost to employees whose problems interfere with work performance. It is ensured that participation in EAP has no effect on an employees future career advancement or employment. At the same time, however, it does not protect an employee from disciplinary action if sub-standard performance continues Assistance Programmed includes:
Short-term counseling to assist employees in evaluating the nature of their problems and to help them resolve the same with a view to improving work performance;
Consulting and educating managers and supervisors train employees in the identification and resolution of risk factors, evaluation and referral processes, and development of communication pathways for reporting disturbing and dysfunctional behavior;
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Under its referral system, EAP refers clients to individuals/organizations that offer professional support, advice and treatment that best match the client and his/her needs;
For maintaining work/life balance, a counselor helps employees by providing advice and tips on day-to-day activities which can have a positive impact on family/work life.
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 1. People 2. Processes 3. Systems/Environment How to change It all depends on what you want. However, following basic steps should help developing a road map for a successful change management program: 1. Define what you want 2. Plan and prepare all those involved 3. Implement 4. Monitor/Review Critical Success factors 1. Effective communication 2. People Buy-in 3. Leadership by example
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Closer to home, we have another set of perceptions to deal with. HR is seen as a cost centre and not as a contributor. Being a staff function it does not offer much scope for fasttrackers (those who want power, money and advancement now) and has therefore been unable to attract top talent. The role models have been less than inspiring and the departments act as gatekeepers and not enablers they tell you what you can and cannot do. The traditional functions of HR Payroll, Admin, Training & Development, Recruitment, etc., can all be outsourced eventually. Several companies have already done so.. The HR Advisor will have to become a business partner in the real sense of the term, providing solutions creatively and cost effectively. To do this, the Advisor will have to take time to understand the business in all its various complexities, showing how to get things done. Technology will play a big part in the future of HR as more and more processes can be made available online.
The future of HR is fantastic because it is going to be important in the knowledge economy. It will provide a route to the boardroom for talented HR people not welfares, administrators, personnel practitioners and other touchy-feely types - but by HR professionals who can demonstrably point to a financial improvement in their organizations through people-systems.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector involved are identifying opportunities, developing business concepts, determining needed resources, acquiring resources, and managing and harvesting the venture. Entrepreneurship has three dimensions: innovation, risk-taking and proactive behavior. Innovation requires an emphasis on developing new and unique products, services and processes. Risk-taking involves a willingness to pursue opportunities having a chance of costly failure. Proactive behavior is concerned with implementation and doing whatever is necessary to bring a concept to fruition Human resource management practices are especially critical for encouraging entrepreneurial behaviors. The question becomes one of determining which particular practices-recruitment, selection, training, job design, evaluations or rewards-are most conducive to fostering the entrepreneurial spirit. The greatest differences between entrepreneurial and no entrepreneurial firms are found in performance appraisal practices, compensation practices and training practices. In the area of performance appraisals, firms with a more entrepreneurial orientation tend to encourage higher levels of employee involvement in the appraisal process. They are also more concerned with evaluating results, rather than the methods used to achieve them (ends versus means). And although individual performance remains a primary focus, group performance is more likely to be part of the appraisal process in highly entrepreneurial firms. In compensation practices, firms with a more entrepreneurial orientation tend to base pay rates on market comparisons more so than on internal equity concerns. These firms
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector frequently provide a lower base pay, but are significantly greater opportunities in the form of performance-based pay incentives, including a greater variety of pay incentives in higher dollar amounts. Entrepreneurial firms also tend to base pay on a balance of shortand long-term accomplishments by both the individual and his or her work group. Training in these firms is more likely to be approached as an ongoing activity linked to an employee's career. When hiring managers, entrepreneurial firms rely more on external sources for candidates, and are more likely to communicate job openings to a wider audience. Firms with an entrepreneurial orientation also provide a greater variety of career path options than firms with a more traditional orientation.
Innovative hr practices
Author: Shiny p. Kumar
All managers have heard and read countless times how to build teams, empower your workforce and develop trust. The common place human resource practices prevalent across the entire business world are just as relevant to this business as any other. The HR policies must be integrated with business policies. The HR Professionals must have balance in terms of centralization or decentralization of HR practices are ethnocentric while others management be geocentric or regiocentric. In turn trends like these are changing the way firms are managed organizations today must grapple with revolutionary trends accelerating product and technological change,
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector globalizes competition, deregulation, demographic changes and trends towards a service society and the information. These trends have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually all industries, while forcing firms to cope with unprecedented product innovation and technological change. Companies in such an environment either become competitive high performers or they die.
It's important to remember there are almost always precursors or warning signs that alert you to upcoming inflection points. These precursors are alerts that recruiting and HR must prepare for change by beginning to develop the appropriate next practice so that HR is adapting its own next practices at the same time and speed as the rest of the business. For example, if product design implemented changes to dramatically reduce time-to-market so that products were introduced once a quarter rather than once a year, workforce allocation models would obviously need to change. Speed of hiring might need to increase to match the firm's increased speed of product development.
Other approaches you might consider include reading CEO speeches and articles written by key industry thought leaders who have a track record of forecasting inflection points. Look for individuals who think outside the box and are consistently unhappy with current approaches.
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You can also seek out any developing next practices by networking with only the top firms that have been in the forefront of developing previous next practices. Instead of asking about current best practices, ask them what practices they are considering or developing for the future. Of course, they will be reluctant to share future plans, so you'll need to have done your own thinking and propose a trade of your next practice for theirs. Incidentally, you can't do this with 99% of the firms in your industry because most firms have never developed a process to begin thinking about next practices.
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HR Policies in Telecom
Posted by Arslan Rana ,Posted on 29-10-2009
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Comparably in Telecom zones, only the raw intellect and energy to work non stop are all they require in technical work and maintenance schedules. The insecurities also the non technical staff of marketing, project management, sales etc expresses in Telecom companies. Most of them are also on the same speed track of changing jobs with their technical counterparts (and not entirely of monetary reasons also).Time to dig deeper from the HR side here. In my view the following instances are usually more commonly found in telecom companies. Lack of recruitment procedures (no written tests held. No open atmosphere selections to remove any brow raisings) Lack of Institute recruitment programs (delivering the messages to university for the input that would be generally required) Various biases that have left prolong effects. (Related to personal academia bondages that form a long history and w/o any record or reasonings on performances), (biases regarding. Residencies area, city, town etc.) (Religion, sect biasing) (gender biasing on specific issues w/o first declaring the objectives for requirements)Weak administration for hiring through technical departments rather through the HR departments. No follow-up on personnel adjustments after hiring. Whether there are any technical or personal difficulties being faced or any deficiencies to overcome through adequate trainings. In majority of setups the use of psychologists is also missing. Deficient promotion structure layout and no subsequent follow up are by HR individuals to observe if requirements are being met by both the employer and employee. Many other core decencies are also witnessed daily by the telecom employee, of which most are mum about or as an after effect of our social hubris, dont care to indulge in for their own sakes. Personally I believe things take time to evolve and to improve, but they do need to start of from some point in the correct path. Also many people do get hired directly through technical people with HR bypassed, maybe
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector it also happens in the develop world, but the question will always be is it a correct practice?, what the role of HR then, is the HR lacking in some aspect to understand the requirements?, if yes then indeed some deficiencies exist for their trainings and of course, the highlighted supplements published for their triumphs need to wait a bit longer to be glorified as peaks of excellence.
The nature of the organization What they should expect from the organization What the organization expects of them How policies and procedures work What is acceptable and unacceptable behavior The consequences of unacceptable behavior
The establishment of policies can help an organization demonstrate, both internally and externally, that it meets requirements for diversity, ethics and training as well as its commitments in relation to regulation and corporate governance. For example, in order to dismiss an employee in accordance with employment law requirements, amongst other considerations, it will normally be necessary to meet provisions within employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements. The establishment of an HR Policy which sets out obligations, standards of behavior and document diplomacy procedures, is now the standard approach to meeting these obligations.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector HR policies can also be very effective at supporting and building the desired organizational culture policies provide an organization with a mechanism to manage risk by staying up to date with current trends in employment standards and legislation. The policies must be framed in a manner that the companies vision & the human resource helping the company to archive it or work towards it are at all levels benefited and at the same time not deviated from their main objective]
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector The four HRM activities don't exist in isolation. Rather, they are highly affected by what is occurring outside the organization. It is important to recognize environmental influences because any activity undertaken in each of the HRM processes is directly, or indirectly, affected by these external elements. For example, lets say that when a company downsizes its workforce, does it layoff workers by seniority? It's been stated that the only thing that remains constant during our lifetimes is change (and paying taxes!). We must, therefore, prepare ourselves for events that have a significant effect on our lives. HRM is no different. Many events help shape our field. Some of the more obvious ones include globalization, work-force diversity, changing skill requirements, corporate downsizing, total quality management, reengineering work processes, decentralized work sites, and employee involvement. Globalization reflects the worldwide operations of many businesses today. Corporate downsizing, total quality management, and reengineering all relate to one another. As the world changed, U.S. companies had to compete harder to maintain their leading industrial status. This meant doing things differently. In an effort to become more productive, organizations downsized to create greater efficiency by eliminating certain jobs. Of the jobs and work processes remaining, total quality management (TQM) looks at ways of improving job effectiveness. Lastly, employee involvement looks at how employees' work lives are changing. Involved employees now have more control over their jobs. Certain activities, like goal setting, were once the sole responsibility of managers. With employee involvement, such an action today permits participation.
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Sound human resource planning needs to be based on the principles External human resource consultant or employment agency plays an important role in planning the basic requirements for human resource. In the larger organizations a central human resource planning unit are responsible to senior management needs to established .the plan needs to be defined. Because of the remaining problem of making forecasts involving imponderable factors. Scope and details of the plan have to determine for large organizations separate human resource plans and forecasts may well be needed for various and functions. . In smaller organizations one comprehensive plan will probably enough for all employees. Human resource planning must based on the complete and accurate information that is possible available.
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector people into the organization, helping them perform their work, compensating them for their labors, and solving problems that arise" (Cherrington, 1995, p. 5). There are seven management functions of a human resources (HR) department that will be specifically addressed: staffing, performance appraisals, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee and labor relations, safety and health, and human resource researchPrior to discussing the seven functions, it is necessary to understand the job analysis. An essential component of any HR unit, no matter the size, is the job analysis, which is completed to determine activities, skills, and knowledge required of an employee for a specific job. Job analysis are "performed on three occasions: (1) when the organization is first started, (2) when a new job is created, and (3) when a job is changed as a result of new methods, new procedures, or new technology"
Vision We visualize creating an institution, where customers intending to pursue business aspirations within the confines of Islamic law are offered a Platform to do so.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Mission Excellence in customer service and innovation for sustain profitable growth prudent business practices. Intoduction KASB Group, established by Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari in 1958, has a long-standing tradition of excellence in financial services in Pakistan, specializing primarily in investment banking, research, brokerage, asset management and banking. By offering a comprehensive range of financial services, we provide our clients access to a broad range of funding and banking products, made possible by the Group's strong network of local and international relationships. Our relationship with Bank of America Merrill Lynch makes us unique in terms of the services we provide to our clients. KASB Bank now serving through 100 branches in 38 cities of Pakistan offers unique and innovative financial solutions to a large portfolio of investment, corporate and consumer banking customers. The Bank has been assigned medium to long term entity rating by PACRA of A (Single A) and short term rating of A1 (Single A One). The Banks aim is to assist you in fulfilling your banking needs of today and realizing your ambitions for tomorrow, by offering a comprehensive range of financial services, while ensuring service excellence. Further, we provide our customers access to a broader range of funding sources, made possible by the Group's strong network of local and international relationships. The Bank also offers a host of financial services offered by the KASB Group.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector General Banking Deposits Maheena Asaan Plus Maheena Asaan Plus is a one year term deposit account; the profit is directly credited to your Maheena Asaan Plus account, giving you extra cash to use every month! It is like an additional source of income every month or a second pay cheque with no extra effort. Maheena Asaan Maheena Asaan is a term deposit account, with profit payment options on a monthly or maturity basis. Additional value added features give you the flexibility to meet your interim liquidity needs. It is a product ideally suited to corporate as well as individual clients, who want a good return on their money.
cheque with no extra effort. The scheme is available on a 1 year term deposit. Mahana Khazana KASB Bank's Mahana Khazana account puts your savings to work for you. By calculating profit daily and crediting to your account on the first of every month, your savings continue to grow. Mahana Khazana gives you the peace of mind and confidence to know that your financial future has been secured.
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Storing jeweler and other valuables in your home at times becomes a security issue and an impediment in case of natural calamities. KASB Bank offers you, a safe, trustworthy space to store your valuables, jewellery, documents and other things dear to you.
Commercial banking
Keeping in view of SMEs contribution to GDP of Pakistan, KASB Bank has endeavored to tap the potential of SME segment with its dedicated SME banking segment. The segment strives to help you capitalize on the right opportunities for your business.
KASB Security
KASB Securities, one of the oldest and largest pure agency brokerage firms in Pakistan today provides a full spectrum of products and services including equity, fixed income, and forex sales and trading as well as securities and economic research for a diversified client base.
KASB Funds
KASB Funds Limited (KFL) is in the business of providing investment and savings solutions to its investors through a range of investment products. KASB Funds serves a large and diversified investor base with its investment products, ranging from retail investors to high net worth individuals and from pension funds, employee benefit funds to corporations and institutions. KASB Funds also provides investment advisory services to a host of clients.
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KASB Modaraba
KASB Modaraba is a multipurpose, perpetual and multi dimensional Modaraba, floated as First Mehran Modaraba in October 1990 under the Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Flotation and Control) Ordinance, 1980. Its name was changed to KASB Modaraba after its acquisition by KASB Group in 2007. It is managed by KASB Modaraba Management (Private) Limited, which is a subsidiary of KASB Bank Limited. KASB Modaraba is an Islamic Financial Institution extending financial facilities to its customers on Islamic principles of Shariah and working under the supervision of the Religious Board of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan .The Modaraba is listed on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges.
The objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the number and quality of Employees that can be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Through advertising create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management selects the right candidate for the right job from this pool. Because of competitive global world and increasing flexibility in the labor market, recruitment is becoming more and more important in every business. Therefore recruitment serves as the first step in fulfilling the needs of organizations for a competitive, motivated and flexible human resource that can help Achieve its objectives.
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KASB Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates To arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time.
The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. These contain: Posts to be filled Number of persons Duties to be performed Qualifications required Preparing the job description and person specification. Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates. Conducting the interview and decision making
The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process the final interviews and the decision making conveying the decision and the appointment formalities.
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Source of marketing:
KASB choose the candidates for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. Within the organization itself like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of recruitment.
Importance of recruitment:
The Purpose and Importance of Recruitment are given below 1. Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. 2. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization. 3. Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. 4. Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees. 5. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. 6. Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. 7. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 8. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. 9. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. 10. Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.
Needs Assessment Is There a Gap? Training Objectives Select the Trainees Select the Training Methods and Mode Choose a Means of Evaluating Administer Training Evaluate the Training
KASB clearly defined strategy and set of objectives that direct and drive all the decisions made especially for training decisions. Firms that plan their training process are more successful than those that do not. Most business owners want to succeed, but do not engage in training design that promise to improve their chances of success. Why? The five reasons most often identified are
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The managers find that time demands do not allow them to train employees.
Getting started
Business managers have not practiced training employees. The training process is unfamiliar.
Broad expertise
\Managers tends to have broad expertise rather than the specialized skills needed for training and development activities. Lack of trust and openness - Many managers prefer to keep information to themselves. By doing so they keep information from subordinates and others who could be useful in the training and development process.
Where is training needed? What specifically must an employee learn in order to be more productive? Who needs to be trained?
Selection of Trainees
Once you have decided what training is necessary and where it is needed, the next decision is who should be trained? For a small business, this question is crucial. Training an employee is expensive, especially when he or she leaves your firm for a better job. Therefore, it is important to carefully select who will be trained
Training Goals
The goals of the training program should relate directly to the needs determined by the assessment process outlined above. Course objectives should clearly state what behavior or skill will be changed as a result of the training and should relate to the mission and strategic plan of the company.
Training Methods
There are two broad types of training available to small businesses: on-the-job and off-thejob techniques. Individual circumstances and the "who," "what" and "why" of your training program.
Performance Appraisal
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector KASB Bank works of the performance appraisal and use the flowing
Identify the core competencies expected of all members of the organization Create performance appraisal forms, policy statements, and administrative materials Design and implement the formal system Create a communications strategy that assures organization-wide understanding, support, and acceptance of the new appraisal system
Design training materials and conduct training programs for appraisers, appraises, and internal trainers
Develop a formal measurement plan to evaluate and assess the activities and effectiveness of the new performance appraisal system
Employee Compensation
In exchange for job performance and commitment, an employer offers rewards to employees. Adequate rewards and compensations potentially attract a quality work force maintain the satisfaction of existing employees, keep quality employees from leaving, and motivate them in the workplace. A proper design of reward and compensation systems requires careful review of the labor market, thorough analysis of jobs, and a systematic study of pay structures. The salaries rewards, bonuses, and incentives on the basis of job and performances are compensations.
Compensation at KASB
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector KASB focus is on attracting, developing and retaining the best in the business by offering market driven compensation and benefits packages. KASB compensation and benefits strategy combines the need to maintain a high performance culture along with market competitiveness. Annual benchmarking exercises are conducted to stay abreast with industry standards. According to performance each employ gets benefits and compensation. Time does not matter only performance matters at KASB. Employees are paid in two forms direct financial payments: Pay in the form of wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses. Indirect financial payments: This mode of payment is not related to cash payments like medical, insurance, residence, car, car fuel etc
Employee Relations
KASB Bank Under the direction of the Employee Relations Manager, the incumbent will work closely with management, supervisors and employees. Will advise and assist in a variety of employee relations actions including the interpretation/application of policies, applicability of state and federal employment laws, issues surrounding hiring, employment, performance feedback, disciplinary actions and terminations.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Wi-tribe isnt just dedicated to its customers its obsessed with exceeding our customers expectations. Thats why we intend to bring together the brightest, most independentlyminded employees within one tribe and create the most thrilling broadband experience for wi-tribes in every market.
Wi-tribe introduction:
Wi-tribe is an international wireless broadband internet service provider bringing a new era of WiMAX to Jordan, Pakistan and Philippines. Formed in April 2007, wi-tribe is the product of a joint venture between Qatar Telecom (Qtel) and the A.A. Turki Group of Companies (ATCO), together with a proactive partnership with Clearwire that brings these market leaders together to create an exciting new product.We are bringing a revolution in the way you connect with your world. Welcome to a new freedom in accessing the World Wide Web without the need for fixed line access.
While we are a new venture, wi-tribe is backed up by unrivaled experience, knowledge and ability in our field. Formed in April 2007, wi-tribe is the product of a joint venture between Qatar Telecom (Qtel) and the A.A. Turki Corporate Trading and Contracting (ATCO), together with a proactive partnership with Clearwire that brings these market leaders together to create an exciting new product.
Company History:
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Welcome to wi-tribe, your getaway to a new and exciting way of life. Wi-tribe is a lifestyle; a lifestyle of independence and innovation that changes your life for the better with more exciting ways of thinking. No boundaries, just freedom; offering only the best in consumer wireless internet to emerging markets around the globe, and bringing everyone under one tribe; wi-tribe. Backed by unrivaled experience, knowledge and vision, wi-tribe; a Qtel Group Company, was born in April of 2007 and is a proud partner of the A.A. Turki Group of Companies (ATCO) and Clearwire in Jordan and Pakistan, and San Miguel Corporation in the Philippines. The vast experience these world leaders bring to the table has fueled the growth of this new venture, launching wi-tribe globally as part of Qtels 2020 vision and heading towards being positioned as the worlds preferred internet leader. In 2008, operations were launched in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and have recently expanded to several cities across the kingdom. Wi-tribe Jordan has also launched several value added services within Jordan increasing its offering to include internet security, selling routers and selling gigabytes. In 2009 wi-tribe Jordan won 6 awards at the 2009 Jordan Advertising Awards including Gold for the best telecom campaign received for the launch campaign Theres something in the air, Silver in both Best Giveaway and Best Radio Teaser Campaign. Bronze Awards were received for Best Radio Ad and Best Outdoor Ad for their playful Internet is our game campaign. With wi-tribes dedicated customer care representatives, it has quickly become a force to be reckoned with and is helping evolve the telecom industry.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 2009 also saw the addition of wi-tribes largest operation to date in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, launching simultaneously in four major cities; Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. With wi-tribes firm commitment to improving the digital divide and the enhancement of lifestyle, Pakistan is the ideal start-off point to bring to this part of the world the bright vision of our tribe. It will allow the people of Pakistan to experience our dedication to delivering the best of services with our unique customer service experience. With the upcoming launch of wi-tribe Philippines in 2010, the group is firm in its commitment to the visions and directions laid down in its foundation. This advanced market will be another exciting venture for the tribe and the first expansion of the group into south-east Asia.
To Assist the HR Manager in the analysis of the training needs To contribute to the design of the training material To contribute to the provision of the training through event coordination and delivery of Seminars and workshops
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To liaise with the external agencies to support the roll out of existing training projects under the supervision of HR Manager.
Responding to queries and providing guidance and advice on the recruitment process and training programmers.
Inputting data on the section database so that the status of applicants applying for posts can be monitored during the recruitment process.
Collating assessment score sheets following selection events and updating the database with candidate scores and the outcome of their application
Recording selection outcomes and ensuring that decisions reached by selection panels are in accordance with departmental policies and procedures and equal opportunities legislation.
Updating candidates on their progress through the assessment process, notifying them in writing and where necessary over the phone, for the outcome of their application as appropriate.
Providing written feedback to applicants and collating Creating and maintaining recruitment administration files contain summary information relating to the selection process for use by self and colleagues in handling recruitment related queries
Archiving recruitment documentation during and after each recruitment process in accordance with departmental procedure
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Administering the recruitment assessment process , including preparing candidate paperwork and attending assessments
Booking venues and equipment for Training Providing updates to the HR Manager on all aspects of the recruitment on a regular basis
Duties and responsibilities outlined may vary over time and are subject to management review and amendment.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector periods To shortlist and interview the candidates and ensure the timely joining in their respective department with close liaison with the concerned line manager To negotiate and finalize the salaries of the finalized candidates and issue offer letters To deliver the orientation session to all new joiners and look after other training requirements of the region in close coordination with HO. To ensure smooth working of the performance appraisal system at the regional level. to assist and guide the regional line staff in the matters and issues related to Performance Management to detect and handle complaints, disputes and grievances of all regional staffs to foster a conducive working environment through employee relations activities and communication. To conduct exit and grievance interviews with/for all departments/staffs to arrange events at the Regional level for staff motivation
Skills Required:
Minimum Maters Degree preferably in Human Resources Management/ Business Administration. At least 5 to 7 years relevant experience preferably in Banking/ FMCG and Telecom Industry. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with an ability to communicate well at all levels. Meticulous, detailed, well-organized and able to work independently to meet datelines. Ability to start at short notice and meet deadline. Can contribute positively to Strategic planning, Possess complex problem resolution and general management expertise. Solid team player with a proven ability to build strong working relationships, internal and external to the organization. Strong leadership skills. Strong presentation and facilitation skills. Ability to manage a large and variable work load, ensuring timely and accurate completion of assigned work. Strong analytical and people judgment skills. Strong interviewing skills. Proactive approach towards work
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Positive and flexible attitude well versed with MS Office and other related software Age 26 - 35 Years Minimum Education Master's Degree Degree Title: Preferably MBA Career Level: Experienced (Non-Manager) Minimum Experience: 5 Years apply By: Mar 10
Allied Bank
Allied Bank Limited was the first bank to be established in Pakistan. It started out in Lahore by the name Australasia Bank before independence in 1942; was renamed Allied Bank of Pakistan Limited in 1974 and then Allied Bank Limited in 2005.
In August 2004, because of capital reconstruction, the Banks ownership was transferred to a consortium comprising Ibrahim Leasing Limited and Ibrahim Group. Today, with its
existence of over 60 years, the Bank has built itself a foundation with a strong equity, - 49 -
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector assets and deposit base. It offers universal banking services, while placing major emphasis on retail banking. The Bank also has the largest network of over 780 online branches in Pakistan and offers various technology-based products and services to its diverse clientele.
Vision To become a dynamic and efficient bank providing integrated solutions and the first choice of bank for all customers.
Mission To provide value-added services to our customers To provide high-tech innovative solutions to meet customer requirements To create sustainable value through growth, efficiency and diversity for all stakeholders To provide a challenging work environment, and reward dedicated team members To play a proactive role in contributing towards the society
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Allied Bank was the first Muslim bank to have been established in Pakistan. Established in December 1942 as the Australasia Bank in Lahore with a paid-up share capital of Rs. 0.12 million under the Chairmanship of Khawaja Bashir Bux, the Bank attracted deposits equivalent to Rs. 0.431 million in its first eighteen months of business. At the time, the Banks total assets amounted to Rs. 0.572 million. Today, Allied Bank's paid up Capital & Reserves amount to Rs. 10.5 billion, deposits exceed Rs. 143 billion and total assets equal Rs. 170 billion. The Banks journey has been about dedication,
commitment, professionalism and adapting to environmental changes, leading to its immense growth and stability.
Australasia Bank was the only fully operational Muslim bank in Pakistan on August 14th, 1947. A view of the building in Lahore that once housed the Australasia Bank branch. However, it was severely hit by the riots in East Punjab. The Bank was identified with the Pakistan Movement. At the time of independence all the branches in India, (Amritsar, Batala, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Delhi and Angra (Agra)) were closed down. New branches were opened in Karachi, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Sialkot, Sargodha, Jhang, Gujranwala and Kasur. Later, the network spread to Multan and Quetta as well. The Bank financed trade in cloth and food grains thus, played an important role in maintaining consumer supplies during the early months of 1948 affected by riots. Despite the difficult conditions
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector prevailing and the substantial set back in the Banks business in India, Australasia Bank made a profit of Rs. 50,000 during 1947-48.
By the end of 1970 it had 101 branches. Unfortunately, it lost 51 branches in the separation of East Pakistan. But the Bank did well despite losing a lot of its assets and by the end of 1973 had 186 branches in West Pakistan. In August 2004 as a result of capital reconstruction, the Banks ownership was transferred to a consortium comprising Ibrahim Leasing Limited and Ibrahim Group.
Today the Bank stands on a solid foundation of over 63 years of its existence having a strong equity, assets and deposits base offering universal banking services with higher focus on retail banking. The bank has the largest network of on-line branches in Pakistan and offers various technology based products and services to its diversified clientele through its network of more than 700 branches.
In May 2005, Ibrahim Leasing Limited dissolved and the company was vested into Allied Bank Limited. ALL the shareholders were issued ABL shares instead of the all shares held by them. An application for the listing of ABL shares in all the Stock Exchange Companies of Pakistan was made; ABL was formally listed and the Banks share trading began on the following dates:
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector In 1974, the Board of Directors of Australasia Bank was dissolved and was renamed Allied Bank. The first year was highly successful; profit exceeded Rs. 10 million, deposits rose by over 50 percent and approached Rs. 1460 million. Investments rose by 72 percent and advances exceeded Rs. 1080 million for the first time in the banking history. 116 new branches were opened during 1974 and the Bank started participating in the Governments spot procurement agriculture program. Those seventeen years saw a rapid growth for the Bank. Branches increased from 353 in 1974 to 748 in 1991. Deposits rose from Rs. 1.46 billion and Advances & Investments from Rs. 1.34 billion to Rs. 22 billion during this period. It also opened three branches in the U.K.
As a result of privatization in September 1991, Allied Bank entered a new phase, and became the worlds first bank to be owned and managed by its employees. In 1993 the First Allied Bank Modaraba (FABM) was floated. After privatization, Allied Bank became one of the premier financial institutions of Pakistan.
Human Resource:
The Bank remained active in its efforts to attract the best of the industry talent by offering market based compensation and develop the skill set of existing personnel. As part of the strategy to mix youth with experience, and to improve the culture of the Bank, the
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector management adopted the policy of inducting fresh MBA/M.Com from business schools of repute as Management Trainee Officers (MTOs).
The selection criterion is purely based on meritocracy with equal opportunity for all. The candidates passing a written test prepared by Institute of Bankers are called for interviews. The selected young men and women are trained and inducted into various functions of the Bank. During the last two years around 800 MTOs in two separate batches have been hired, while the hiring of another batch of around 250 MTOs is in process.
The Management Development Centres (MDCs) have been set up, and various training courses have been arranged in these MDCs where around 5,000 employees participated in these courses as part of career planning and development policy. The Bank has also nominated 1,100 employees on various courses held within Pakistan and 76 of employees were sent abroad to attend the courses and seminars during 2009. Training Programs:
The Bank, during the year under review, has incurred Rs. 57.8 million on training of employees as compared to Rs. 58.4 million spent in the previous year. To promote
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector employee engagement and satisfaction, a performance evaluation system is in place whereby pay to performance criteria inculcates the motivation amongst the employees to achieve the goals/targets set for them. Recognizing it to be long-term investment having lasting benefits, the management continued to invest in human resource strengthening. Consequently, HR cost increased by 25.1% to Rs. 5,660 million during 2009 as against Rs. 4,523 million during the previous year (excluding the VRS expense).
Recruiting: Realizing the importance of quality human resource, the Bank has been recruiting the best in class individuals from the industry. As part of our strategy to mix youth with experience, we have started inducting Management Trainee Officers (MTOs) from leading business schools from across the country. We recruited 835 young individuals having sound academic background during the year 2007 some 435 of them have already been trained and inducted into various functions of the Bank while 400 have started training in January 2008. Our thrust is upon following competency based recruitment process with equal opportunities for all. Our Human Resource policy is to ensure implementation of clearly defined performance management system, effective career development process, comprehensive succession plans and alignment of meritocracy.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector With a view to encourage the employees of our bank to voice their concerns about suspected fraudulent activities and malpractices that may have an adverse impact on the business or goodwill of the bank or in some cases, even on the society at large, the Board of Directors of your Bank approved last year the Whistle Blowing Policy, providing the basis of ineffective whistle blowing arrangement in the Bank. The function is established under direct supervision of the Audit Committee. This initiative provides a transparent working environment in the bank. The concern might not only be of a financial nature but it could also be illegal conduct posing a danger to the repute of
Human Resources:
Human Resources (HR) Group focuses on the objectives of developing, implementing, and supporting programs and processes which add value to the Banks human assets, leading to improved employee welfare, empowerment, growth and retention, while being committed to its management and overall satisfaction for its customers, employees and shareholders. In line of these objectives, the Group is divided, with major functions, among following:
Personnel Staff Finances and Salary Employees Funds and Benefits Disciplinary Action Cases Management Development Planning and Performance Management
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The Group has, during the year, developed and revised its HR policies interlay Pay Ranges, which is one of the most important factors in human capital motivation. In view of the Banks projected growth, the Group has been able to recruit quality personnel at various levels through out the Bank. In order for employees to remain updated and enrich their skills more, various in-house as well as ex-house training sessions were arranged. To motivate and compensate employees for their performance, new performance evaluation system was also introduced. The HR Group, in year 2006, will maintain its focus on human capital development by bringing improvements in existing policies as well as by introducing new policies. Business/Work Ethics: Respect fellow colleagues and work as a team. They shall at all times be courteous and not let any personal differences affect their work. They will treat every customer of ABL with respect and courtesy. Ensure good attendance and punctuality and demonstrate a consistently good record in this area. For any absence during working hours, they shall obtain written permission of their immediate supervisor. They shall not absent themselves from their duties, nor leave their station over night, without having first obtained the permission of the competent authority. Maintain a standard of personal hygiene and dress appropriately for attendance at work. Their appearance must inspire confidence and convey a Sense of professionalism. As personal responsibility, safeguard both the tangible and intangible assets of ABL and its customer(s) that are under their personal control and shall not use ABL assets for their
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector personal benefits except where permitted by ABL. They shall not use any ABL facilities including a telephone to promote trade union activities, or carry weapons into ABL premises unless so authorized by the management, or carry on trade union activities during office hours, or subject ABL officials to physical harassment. Not indulge in any kind of harassment including sexual harassment or intimidation whether committed by or against any senior/junior, co-worker, Customer, vendor or visitor. They shall not use language, written or spoken in intra-office communication(s) or communication(s) with individual(s) outside the office that may contain any statement or material that is offensive to others. They shall never use ABLs system to transmit or receive electronic image or text containing ethnic slurs, social epithets or any thing that might be construed as harassing, offensive or insulting to others. To meet their responsibilities to fellow employees, customers and investors they shall help in maintaining a healthy and productive work environment and shall not engage in the selling, manufacturing, distributing, using, any illegal substance or being under the influence of illegal drugs while on the job. Ensure strict adherence to all health and safety policies as may be implemented from time to time by ABL. Not give any interview in the print/ electronic media or have their photograph displayed or act in television / stage plays or in cinema without having permission from the competent authority. Intimate Human Resource Division of any changes in the personal circumstances relating to their employment or benefits. Employees shall also not indulge in any of the following activities except with the prior permission of the competent authority.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Borrow money from or in any way place themselves under pecuniary obligation to broker or moneylender or any employee of ABL or any firm or person having dealings with ABL. Buy or sell stock, share or securities of any description without funds to meet the full cost in the case of purchase or scrips for delivery in the case of sale. However, they can make a bona-fide investment of their own funds in such stock, shares and securities as they may wish to buy. Lend money in their private capacity to a constituent of ABL or have personal dealings with a constituent in the purchase or sale of bills of exchange Government paper or any other securities. Guarantee in their private capacity the pecuniary obligation of another person or agree to indemnify in such capacity any person from loss. Act as agent for an insurance company otherwise than as agent for on behalf of ABL. Be connected with the formation or management of a joint stock company. Engage in any other commercial business or pursuit either on their own account or as agent for another or others. Accept or seek any outside employment or office whether stipendiary or honorary. Undertake part-time work for a private or public body or private person, or accept fee thereof.
Introduction to HBL:
Habib Bank Limited commonly referred to as "HBL" and head-quartered in Habib Bank
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Plaza, Karachi, Pakistan, is the largest bank in Pakistan. The bank has a network of 1425 branches in Pakistan and 55 branches worldwide. It has a domestic market share of over 40%. It continues to dominate the commercial banking sector with a major market share in inward foreign remittances (55%) and loans to small industries, traders and farmers.
Enabling people to advance with confidence and success
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector innovative products and services, and granting superior value to our stakeholders shareholders, customers and employees.
To make our customers prosper, our staff excel and create value for shareholders
Habib Bank offers the basic range of banking services to its customers, to include Commercial, Corporate, Investment, and Retail Banking, Treasury, and Islamic Banking
Diversification Strategy:
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector It implies that HBL will expand by adding new service lines. With the passage of intervals HBL is used to introduce new banking services. HBL identifies basic courses of action that each department pursues in order to get basic goals and objectives of HBL. Harmony of departments towards HBLs single goal makes it unique in the competitive market.
Job Analysis:
The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it is called Job analysis. Job analysis is every important as job analysis information is used in Selecting and recruiting, compensation, performance appraisal, training and in resolving other issues which HBL faces. The methods which are used in collecting job analysis information are. The interview Questionnaires
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector type of interview the interviewer pursues points of interest as they come up in response to questions.
In questionnaire the employees solve the fill out questionnaires to describe their job-related duties and responsibilities. The formats of questionnaires are either structured or open ended.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector team. In recruitment process first of all planning session is occurred, in planning session it is determined that which section HBL will have to fill and how to fill. If there is a vacancy of executive job then succession planning is done for filling that vacant place.
After planning it is analyzed that which position is going to be filled and the requirement is analyze by job analysis. Identify candidates: HBL identifies its candidates by developing the criteria of job description and job specification and acting upon these criteria job vacancy ads are spread through different Medias like newspapers and internet.
Many candidates apply for job in response to vacancy ads by submitting their CVs. Selection board goes through those CVs and selects those candidates which initially fulfill criteria of selection board. After prescreening selection board short lists the candidates who are considered most suitable for job at initial level on the basis of their resume.
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In this process short listed candidates are called for test and interview according to nature of their applied jobs.
Selection Interview:
Selection interview is conducted for short listed candidates. A selection interview is the procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants oral responses to oral inquiries.
Modes of Interview: Penal interview An interview in which a group of interviewers questions the applicant. Structured sequential interview An interview in which the applicant is interviewed sequentially by several persons; each rates the applicant on a standard form.
Types of questions:
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Situational: A series of job-related questions that focus on how the candidate would behave in a given situation.
Job related:
A series of job-related questions that focus on relevant past job-related behaviors. These types of questions are asked from those candidates who have past experience of job.
Stress: An interview in which the interviewer seeks to make the applicant uncomfortable with occasionally rude questions that supposedly to spot sensitive applicants and those with low or high stress tolerance. These sorts of questions are asked according to high designation of candidate.
Puzzle questions: Recruiters for technical and finance job use questions to pose problems requiring unique solutions to see how candidates think under pressure.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Organizational performance always depends in part on subordinates having the right skills and attributes. Keep in view this point HBL tries its level best to hire highly skilled and suitable employee for each job. For judging these skills HBL conducted some tests of employees on the basis of Reliability Test validity
The consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests is called reliability and the accuracy with which a test and interview what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill is referred as validity.
Types of test:
Generally two types of tests are taken in HBL Tests of Cognitive ability Physical tests
o Cognitive test abilities consists of 1. Intelligence Tests Tests of general intellectual abilities that measure a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability are intelligence tests. 2. Aptitude tests Tests that measure specific mental abilities, such as inductive and deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability are aptitude tests. o Tests of physical abilities
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Tests that measure static strength, dynamic strength, body coordination, and stamina are physical. Job related to guards and deliverers go through this sort of test.
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Campus recruitment:
HBL is proud of its ability to nurture individuals and empower them to hone their talents. HBL size gives itself the unique ability to provide fast growth and significant responsibility early on in a career with multiple avenues to reach the top. As part of HBLs human resource strategy, HBL visits various universities across the country to induct & groom fresh business graduates every year. Enthusiastic and talented youth form the backbone of its banking operations and are nurtured to become future leaders at HBL. To attract the best young talent, HBLs resource department employs a pro-active strategy. HBL actively participates in campus seminars by giving presentations that highlight HBLs background, vision, mission, values, recruitment & selection process, future career prospects and overall business strategies. HBL hires fresh talent on a permanent basis and offer a wide range of career opportunities across all functions, including Finance, Marketing, Operations, Information Technology and Human Resources
Final Selection:
After going trough all the processes the best candidates according to HBLs selection boards are selected. - 69 -
Just after final selection and before starting of training process orientation is conducted for selected employees in orientation new employees are provided with basic background information about the HBL the basic contents of successful orientation are o Information on employee benefits o Personnel policies o The daily routine o Company organization and operations o Safety measures and regulations
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Task analysis:
In this area a detailed study of a job to identify the specific skills required, especially for new employees are analyzed.
Performance analysis:
After analyze the main tasks required in performing jobs it is verified that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether that deficiency should be corrected through training or through some other means (such as transferring the employee). If there is found some deficiency in performing job then training is highly recommended to recover deficiencies. Training methods used by HBL: On-the-job Training Off-the-job Training Apprenticeship Training Informal learning Effective lectures
On-the-job Training:
Having a person learn a job by actually doing the job is OJT. Methods of OJT are Coaching or understudy Job rotation
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Coaching or understudy:
It is the OJT method in which employee is coached and taught by profession that how to do the job in order to meet HBLs goals and objectives. At managerial level the trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainees coaching. It is done at all levels of job. New employees are trained through coaching and old employees are also trained through this method like when some new innovation is introduced old employees are trained in order to handle that new innovation. In 2008 all managers have been trained to operate Misys Software (Automation of service provision and book management).
Job Rotation:
Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points. Job rotation is usually done at managerial level. HBLs Manager Associate (MA) program is used for job rotation training.
Special Assignments:
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Special assignments are also given to employees for special training. These assignments are actually related to tasks within the branch by achieving those tasks assigned by trainer, employee get training.
Action Learning:
Management trainees are allowed to work full-time analyzing and solving problems in other departments. This OJT method is just for managerial level employees.
Off-the-job Training:
It is the method which is opposite to the OJT. In this method employee does not get training at his/her work place. This method of training is only for managerial level employees. Off-the-job training methods are Case study method Outside seminars
Apprenticeship Training:
A structured process by which employees become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training. It is actually combination of OJT and lectures delivered to employees. It may be for both levels of managerial and fresh
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector employee. In this method employee is first given the lecture about his/her job and after that implementation of lecture in practical field is observed.
Informal Learning:
The majority of what employees learn on the job they learn through informal means of performing their jobs on a daily basis.
Effective Lectures:
Lectures about jobs are also delivered. These lectures are delivered to new employees as well as senior level employees and managerial level too. In these lectures employees are prepared for facing new challenges in the banking sectors and also told them how to achieve those challenges.
Succession Planning:
It is actually management developing program. Management development is attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. In order to achieve management development, succession planning is done. Succession planning is a process through which senior-level openings are planned for and eventually filled. The main purposes of succession planning are Anticipate management needs, Review firms management skills inventory, Create replacement charts, Begin management development. HBLs Management Trainee (MT) program deals with succession planning. MT is defined in the following section of Training and developing methods.
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HBL uses following programs for training and development Management Trainee Management associate Internships
Management Trainee:
HBLs Management Trainee (MT) program looks for highly motivated individuals who exhibit the potential to excel as future leaders. The program is geared towards providing challenging work assignments complemented by a learning component for select individuals from reputable universities.
Management associate:
HBLs Management Associate Program is a training and rotational program focused on dealing with branch banking requirements. It provides accelerated development opportunities across HBLs branch network of Retail, Corporate & Commercial banking. During this program, candidates are assigned with challenging business scenarios to enhance their critical and analytic skills. Another crucial element of the program ensures that managerial skills are honed and developed. This provides associates with the expertise required to handle supervisory and administrative tasks that will result in the development of successful business managers.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector HBLs Internship Program offers promising students with the exciting opportunity to apply their classroom learning experience to real life corporate assignments. Through the program, internees can support their career goals by using the internship as a launching pad for creating contacts with professionals in the field and identifying their own competencies to build a successful career with HBL.
4. Compensation:
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector The salaries, rewards, bonuses, and incentives on the basis of job and performances are compensations.
Compensation at HBL:
HBLs focus is on attracting, developing and retaining the best in the business by offering market driven compensation and benefits packages. HBLs compensation and benefits strategy combines the need to maintain a high performance culture along with market competitiveness. Annual benchmarking exercises are conducted to stay abreast with industry standards. According to performance each employ gets benefits and compensation. Time does not matter only performance matters at HBL. Employees are paid in two forms Direct payments Indirect payments
Direct financial payments: Pay in the form of wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses. Indirect financial payments: This mode of payment is not related to cash payments like medical, insurance, residence, car, car fuel etc.
Employee relation
Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employeremployee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Essentially, Employee Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals who arise out of or affect work situations. The environment at HBL is cultural, ethical and challenging that that encourages creativity and commitment among employees. HBL fosters a work environment where employees can realize their potential whether locally or in the international arena. Thus, HBL enables its employees to achieve their professional goals while keeping in synch with the banks overall objectives.
I have conducted interview with the HR MANAGER of ALLIED BANK. The interview was conducted in a healthy atmosphere and the answers were according to my expectations. I have conducted the interviews in Islamabad .I have asked different question regarding to my topic HR BEST PARACTICE. And he gave me answers according to that which are given below
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Q.1 How many employees in your company? In interview with MR.Manzoor Janjua., the HR Manager of ALLIED Bank, According to him bank have 5500 employee including permanent and on contractual basis.
When I asked about the HR Hierarchy in he have answer this question to me in this way it will move top to bottom. The first will come is VP, second is HR, third is Director, Forth is Manager, and fifth is Executive.
Q.3 what are sub departments of HR? E.g. Recruitment and selection Training and Development
When I asked question about the HR sub departments he replied we have the same recruitment and selection department, department of training and development, department of organizational development, department HR operation Compensation and employee relation, career advancement,, payroll, motivation and incentive, disciplinary Procedures.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Allied Bank is amongst the leading commercial banks in the country and has always played a pioneering role in introducing innovative, technology-based banking services. The role played by its human resources is highly valued, both in terms of their skills and dedication in implementing unique banking services.
According to the HR Manager Increments, bonuses and promotions are based solely on individual skills, qualities, abilities and attitude.
Q.6 what are steps in recruitment and selection process? Elaborate your answer with respect of Management executives Engineers, technical
We will be posting all jobs as they become available. The selection criterion is purely based on meritocracy with equal opportunity for all. The candidates passing a written test prepared by Institute of Bankers are called for interviews. The selected young men and women are trained and inducted into various functions of the Bank. During the last two years around 800 MTOs in two separate batches have been hired, while the hiring of another batch of around 250 MTOs is in process. Availability of job requires job qualification and experience interview and written test.
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The Bank, during the year under review, has incurred Rs. 57.8 million on training of employees as compared to Rs. 58.4 million spent in the previous year. To promote employee engagement and satisfaction, a performance evaluation system is in place whereby pay to performance criteria inculcates the motivation amongst the employees to achieve the goals/targets set for them. Recognizing it to be long-term investment having lasting benefits, the management continued to invest in human resource strengthening. Consequently, HR cost increased by 25.1% to Rs. 5,660 million during 2009 as against Rs. 4,523 million during the previous year (excluding the VRS expense).
Job advertisement, internal hiring, receiving of applications, interview, and written test, health and fitness test, final interview Realizing the importance of quality human resource, the Bank has been recruiting the best in class individuals from the industry. As part of our strategy to mix youth with experience, we have started inducting Management Trainee Officers (MTOs) from leading business schools from across the country. We recruited 835 young individuals having sound academic background during the year 2007 some 435 of them have already been trained and inducted into various functions of the Bank while 400 have started training in January 2008. Our thrust is upon following competency based recruitment process with equal opportunities for all. Our Human Resource policy is to ensure implementation of clearly defined performance management system, effective
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector career development process, comprehensive succession plans and alignment of meritocracy.
Q.9 Did you focus on test or interviews for hiring process? Yes we focus on test and interview for hiring process.
Q.10 what is your panel composition? In our interview panel there is a three members committee.
Q.11 what are the medical tests done once employee is hired? In another question the HR manager said we have General test
Q.12 what is Executive hiring procedure and their salary range if possible?
When I asked about top management hiring he said that it is hired by also top management salary range as per market base.
Q.13 what is your Leave policy. e.g. (Types of leaves in company) Mr. Manzoor said that they have causal leave, sick leave, and earned leave
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Q.14 Is your employee promotion due on every year or is it based on any position vacancy? When I asked about employee promotion he said after three year due.
Q.15 How your promotion procedure is decided? He answered this question that promotion is based on employee performance.
Q.17 what is the procedure for firing any employee? MR.Manzoor said that if employee do any misconduct or unsatisfactory performance then sample dismissal or termination of employment letter
Miscellaneous questions:
Q.18 Your HR data maintains employee record in Excel or in softwares? Allied Bank used both Bank special software and excel sheet for maintaining of data.
Q.19 Do you have a culture of maintaining hard files or you are focused on maintaining soft files for employees? He said that we use both hard and soft files for record keeping.
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Q.20 what are employee counseling programmers? There are several kinds of counseling programs Yes we do several techniques like Job rotation, employee feed back, annual counseling programs for this purpose.
Q.21 what is employee benefit package? As per others organizations in banking sector we also provide Free transport, Medical allowance and fuel etc.
Wi-Tribe Interview
I have conducted interview with the HR EXECTIVE of WITRIBE MR. FAHEEM SOHAIL. The interview was conducted in a healthy atmosphere and the answers were according to my expectations. I have conducted the interviews in f /8 main head office in Islamabad .I have asked different question regarding to my topic HR BEST PARACTICE. And he gave me answers according to that which are given below
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector In interview with MR. FAHEEM SOHAIL., the HR EXECTIVE of WITRIBE, According to him wi-tribe have 500 employee including permanent and on contractual basis
He also added that the company have 1 year of establishment starting its operation in 2009 completely. And with the establishment of the company the HR Department is establish. HR Department also have one year of its establishment
When I asked about the HR Hierarchy in the wi-tribe he have answer this question to me in this way it will move top to bottom. The first will come is VP, second is Human capital, third is Director, Forth is Manager, and fifth is Executive
When I asked question about the HR sub departments he replied we have the same recruitment and selection department, department of training and development, department of organizational development, department HR operation etc
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According to the HR Manager in wi-tribe we have a separate department of employee engagement that makes us unique from other company department that are more oriented toward to employee engagement activities that is done within in our organization
In wi-tribe we have a open door policy if anyone have any query about any thing he can come directly to the HR Manager office any time and ask any thing .In wi-tribe we have friendly environment every one have access to go to the CEO room easily there is no restriction on any employees that restrain him no to go there. Wi-tribe believes only on take care of his employees off and on fair contest .There is no discrimination regarding any thing in between employees. This thing will motive employees to work in our company the employees feel like home
In Another question ask by me from the HR Manager he said our company has got only one year of his establishment. In wi-tribe we have not yet faced any employee switching activities .if we ever face then we will gave him more services in our organization. The turnover rate is low in our company
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In another question the HR manager said we have an independent department inside our company name as a separate department of employee engagement which has the same level of work done toward to each department.
Q.9 what are steps in recruitment and selection process? Elaborate your answer with respect of Management executives Engineers, technical
Firstly we have a job requisition in which we mention field in which operation positions are mention. Then we budget marking it .then it is approved or not approved and after is approving it .Secondly we then advertise on web, on Slipperier. It is basically software that Q Tel give us. In Third step we short list the cvs then candidate is to be call, then interview is to be taken by the technical department which is the HR Department taken by the line manager. This is the same selection for every department either for Management executives or Engineers, technical
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector According to him we are not a big organization like mobilink, warid, telenor. We do not have the separate department of training and development. We also do internal and external training.
In another question asked by me he said as I have told that we have a separate employee engagement department that arrange different occasion for the employees e.g. birthday celebration, carom board, table tennis and different functions for employee .these would motivate employees to work more in the company.
Q12 is there any annual planned activities of the year for employees motivation?
According to the HR Manger In witribe we have different annual functions. Recently we have concert in mangla, carom board, table tennis monthly different birthdays every time something and planning is done. We also have a annually performance based system of bonuses
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector In our bank the total employees are about 5000, some employee s is on contract base and some are permanent.
Q 2.How many employees in Hr department? In the HR department of KASB Bank (main branch) are 25.
HR Head
Team assistant
HR Front office
HR back office
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1) Compensation and benefits 2) Training and development 3) Recruitment &selection ,Orientation 4) Safety 5) Personnel research 6) Discipline 7) HR audits
a. Employee turnover b. Attendance c. Accidents
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Q 5.What is the role of HR in employee motivation and employee retention?
1) Celebrate Holidays in the workplace 2) Continues communication and training 3) Share Goals and Direction 4) Trust on employees 5) Delegate Authority 6) Solve Problems Don't Pinpoint Problem People 7) Involve the employee in Decision Making 8) Involve in any change in the organization 9) Learning new concepts Use Training and Development to Motivate Staff.
Conduct a position analysis Availability of job requires job 1) Qualification 2) Experience 3) Interview 4) Written test
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 5) Panel interview 6) Decision to appoint 7) Offer of employment
Q 8.When KASB Bank make plan for Employee Training and Development?
1) when performance improvement is needed 2) overall professional development program 3) help an employee to eligible for a planned change in role in the organization 4) new performance management system
Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting administrative and office tasks. Customer service: Increased competition in today's global marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers. Ethics: On workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace. Human relations workplace includes misunderstandings and conflict. Training does the better atmosphere for the worker in the workplace.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Safety: when any emergency in the organization are happen the bank give the training to the employee that how you can handle it. Q 10.What is the role of training and development in your organization?
1) frequently enhance the skill 2) Competitive advantage 3) Increased job satisfaction 4) Employee growth 5) Increased efficiencies in processes 6) Reduced employee turnover 7) Employee motivation 8) Enhanced company image 9) Improve performance and for better attitude of employee.
1) Have a Job Description 2) Advertising the Position 3) Screening Applicants 4) Who Can Hire? 5) Background Checks Credit checks, Criminal record checks ,Medical Testing
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 7) interview and written test 8) final interview
Q 12.Did you focus on test or interviews for hiring process? Yes we are focused. Q 13.What is your panel composition? Depend on job position. Q 14.What is the medical tests done once employee is hired? Medical tests are all about an individuals fitness for duty 1) General test 2) the physical or mental attributes required for the job 3) the HR department are see the family illness or injury HR only consider their current fitness to perform the specific aspects of the job 4) May be prone to using drugs or alcohol while at work
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As per GOP rules, maintains the provident fund account of the subscriber
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Performance base and vacant position.
Q 20.Any rough figure regarding no of trainings per year for each employee in HR/ Finance etc.
2 or 3 time in a year.
Q 21.What is the procedure for selecting different candidates for any training program?
Q 22.How you measure training effectives once employee has taken his training and he is back on his work.?
If employee do any misconduct or unsatisfactory performance then sample dismissal or termination of employment letter
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Bank software
Q 25.Do you have a culture of maintaining hard files or you are focused on maintaining soft files for employees?
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In Mumbai 1941 our company was established and the owner of that company was Dawood Habib family group.
We can not tell you in detail but in simple words first HR head then other officials that is our HR hierarchy.
When I asked about the HR sub departments he replied we Recruitment, staff insurance, training and development these are the sub departments of Bank Al Habib.
HR play an important role it provides training facilities to our employees and because of this we can improve our profit and standard of work.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector In another question the he said our Hr department is under control of Chief Executive
All recruitment and selection are made through proper way first we select right candidates for right job then take test then interview.
Every fresh employee goes for training because they do not know about work that is very important. Training provides them opportunity to understand there work properly.
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Head of HR and zonal head these two person take interview some time manager also participate in interview collection.
It is not essential.
All executives are hired through test and interview and salary base on their experience base
10% of basic salary deducts till retirement and yearly statement is provided to each staff member 16. Medical policy and its limit?
Medical allowance for outdoor treatment and some hospitals provide treatment to their family or children
17. Leave policy? (Types of leaves) a) Annual b) sick leave c) casual leave
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HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector 18. How your promotion procedure is decided? We promote our employees only on performance base. 19. Any rough figure of Training program in every year? At least once in year. 20 What is the procedure of firing any employee? First we give notice then last warning after this we fire him from his/her job. 21. Your HR data maintains employee record in excel or you use different software for that purpose. (Software are use in Head office and excel is use in zonal offices) 22Do you have a culture of maintaining hard files or you focus on maintaining Soft Files for your employees? Soft and hard files both are use in our company to maintain our data for every one.
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For example a practice in an HR system might include performance, innovative and organizational contribution work practices. Another suggestion we like to give is that in the lower level HR policies are programs, process, and techniques used to accomplish work practices. For example performance rewards, or pay-for-performance compensation. As a result an HR system establishes employee behaviors that enhance an organizations effectiveness to realize its goals (practices) and employee behaviors influence choices about HR practices (policies).
Therefore HR must understand the relationships of practices and concepts of the HR system. HR must understand and use measurement systems that show the value of human resources. Therefore HR must become an income creator and a cost demolisher. Moreover, innovative HR practices must be viewed as developments in an organizations social
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector system that advances an organizations efficiency through changing employee mind-sets and performance. Linking HR practices to organizational commitment focuses on single HR practices, such as reward systems, selection practices.
Rather than the HR system as a whole Therefore firms must invest in innovative work practices that creates synergetic high performance work systems; thus increasing employee attraction, retention, and productivity.
person and company culture, emphasizing career not job and selling company image to attract potential employees. Employee retention strategies like evolving a pleasant work environment, deferred compensation, competitive salaries, faster promotions.
Compensation and incentives like. increasing component of variable pay, stock options, combining individual and team incentives, performance-linked incentives, customization of perks to individual needs, offering a variety of allowances, conducting compensation surveys, Technical training like systematic training needs assessment, cross functional training, providing job relevant training, facilitation transfer of training. Management development like linking MD to individual needs, linking MD to organizational objectives, using innovative MD methods, like stress management programmers, adventure training, leadership and attitudinal training .
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector while appraising; using quantifiable criteria for appraisals; participative appraisals; open appraisals to increase transparency; giving appraisal feedback.
Employee exit and separation management like extending benefits to retirees for lifetime, retirement planning workshops for about-to-retire employees, conducting exit interviews, outplacement services, VRS, etc. Employee trust can play an important part in the success or failure of HR practices. HR practices are designed to create trust: trust in management, employment, compensation, individuals, groups, and organizational.
Developing a trust relationship between employees and management will increase the perceptions of fairness within an organization. To develop the trust relationship firms must communicate openly, share information, and be perceived as being ingenuous in their HR practices To obtain growth firms must increase their employees performance, to do so there must be an incentive such as rewards, recognition, performance bonuses, and the alike as part of their employees total compensation.
Moreover an employer that provides incentives to their employees will decrease employee turnover therefore diminished turnover will decrease cost and increase earning Adopting information sharing practices in firms lends toward employee-organizational trust. It also gives employees important information in formulating critical performance decisions thus resulting in decreased turnover and increased, productivity, profitability and encouraged a synergistic work-team environment. Training and development practices increase employee productivity, job satisfaction and
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector retention thus reducing the cost and risk associated with employee new hires. Therefore training and development practices contribute in some way to organizational performance and possibly to firm growth.
Comparison of companies
There should be; Compensation plan for employee as in salary package to retain their employees. Backup plan for employees who leave the organization. Strict Discipline Plans to create better environment in the organization. Power distance will be eliminated though employees get motivated. Salary packages should include benefits that will satisfy employee. Satisfied the employees and give them value that they are employees of well managed system
(Specify your referencing style in the end) resources articles/innovative-hr-practices1135577.html
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector
Q 1.How many no of employees in company?
Q.9 what are steps in recruitment and selection process? Elaborate your answer with respect of Management executives Engineers, technical
Q12 Is there any annual planned activities of the year for employees motivation? . Q13. Is medical test done when employee is hired?
Q21Your HR data maintains employee record in excel or you use different software
HRM Best Practices In Corporate Sector Q22Do you have a culture of maintaining hard files or you focus on maintaining soft files for your employees?