Agano Manifesto Final
Agano Manifesto Final
Agano Manifesto Final
- This is the day that the Lord has made and we shall be glad and rejoice in it.
- God is good, All the time and All the Time, God is good and this is His nature.
3. I welcome you to my Manifesto Launch with my Running mate and also on behalf of
Agano Party.
4. We plead with you and apologize a little because we could not and have not taken you to
Bomas for this launch, Kasarani stadium or Kenyatta Convention Centre (KICC). The truth
is, we could not afford. Even this venue, a volunteer met the cost for us. We are different.
We are not state sponsored and are not using tax payers funds nor are we being sponsored by
interest groups that want to mess our youth.
5. On 12th December, 1963, we, the nation of Kenya, gained our independence from
colonialists. This is Fifty nine (59) years ago.
6. Like any other country which obtained its independence then and now, our founding fathers
and mothers had great dreams and visions for this country, that Kenya would be a nation of
justice, peace, justice, plenty and unity and all above would be tied at the hip by integrity.
These English words easily translate into Kiswahili as a nation/nchi of UHAKI, UMOJA,
7. But Alas, 59 years after independence, this Kenyan Dream remains but a phantom, a hollow
dream, a mirage.
11. By our own estimates as a Presidential Candidate and our party, we think that:
a) In the last 5 years, Kenyans we have lost from corruption, both hard and soft
corruption about Kshs.10 trillion. This is enough to pay the Chinese loan!
b)This in 10 years translates to 20 trillion
c) If you consider that the same leaders that are spearheading and leading my
competition, whether they are doing so from the front, the middle or the back
room, are the same faces that were in our government 20 years ago, then we
consider that our Kshs. 20 trillion loss minimum would have been the same
amount lost in the Coalition and in the past.
d) This gives a total loss in the last 20 years of about 40 trillion shillings.
12. Hang on there, we will tell you how we have arrived at this estimate figures arising from
what Kenya has lost per day for the last 20 years.
13. How else did we get here? Kenya’s and Kenyan’s wealth stashed abroad, another very big
elephant in the room!
14. In or about 2017/18, it was widely reported by reputable international groups and
organizations, that wealthy Kenyans were hiding more than Kshs. 15 trillion in foreign
banks. This again is twice the foreign or Chinese loan of Kshs.8.2 trillion
15. In his 2017/18 budget statement, the then treasury Secretary, Henry Rotich round about
then gave Kenyans amnesty to return that money. To date we have never been told whether,
that money was ever returned.
16. That wealth stashed abroad has been severally described as “black money” “ill-gotten
trillions,” money that has undercut productivity and development in Kenya”, amount
exceeds Kenyans annual budgets of Kshs.3.3. trillion by almost 10 times, illicit funds.
Many years ago, a young man went out into a battlefield and found the warriors of his nation
cowering at the sight and sound of a giant enemy who had been terrorizing them for days. Although
he had been sent on a different mission, the young man dared to ask why there was no action on the
battlefield. When he learnt of his army’s predicament, he went out on a limb. With no prior military
training, with no soldier’s armour, and with NO FEAR, he confronted the giant. Armed only with a
slingshot and a stone, David dared the Philistine. He promised that he would kill the Philistine and
feed his flesh to the birds. And with the first stone from his artillery of 5, David felled the giant.
Today, I stand here with the same faith, the same resources and the same commitment. When we
started our preparations for the elections on 9 th August 2022, there were 59 of us. Today, I stand
proudly as one of the only 4 candidates who has been cleared to run for 5 th President of the Republic
of Kenya. Of these 4 candidates, 2 of them have fought in Kenya’s army (Government) before.
They have had opportunity to slay the giant – the Goliath called corruption. The other one has who
is more of a joker than a leader is in the intelligence, because one never retires from intelligence.
Kenyans do not quite know who he is and his relationship with the other two of my competitors. As
Kenyans, we have waited in faith for almost 60 years – for the liberation of our nation from the
snares of corruption.
When we founded Agano Party in 2006, we founded it on the principles of upholding godliness as
required by God our creator. Agano – the Swahili name for covenant – is drawn from God’s model
of relating to human beings. Relationship by covenant. Agano respects and acknowledges God as
the centre of all good that the Agano government shall seek to achieve.
Last month, Kenya’s Senate approved the revision of our debt ceiling upwards – once again, to 10
trillion shillings. In a country with a working population of approximately 17.4 million people, that
is a whopping KES 574,713 per person. An astronomical figure, by any estimation. Why are we
here? We are here because we have failed to do what God wants. We have:
Systemized corruption – and allowed our leaders to pledge to root out corruption, without
holding them to account
We have turned a blind eye on scandals – and allowed leaders who can make a phone call, to
let their participation in scandals be swept under the carpet
We have allowed wastage – because we have continued to elect the same leaders even when
they have exhibited poor stewardship of resources
We have resigned ourselves to disappointment – when we have heard that our leaders have
trillions stashed away in foreign bank accounts
We have accepted bureaucracy a way of life – even when we know that it is this very
bureaucracy that feeds the giant called Goliath
We have systemized impunity – because our leaders have lived without accountability – and
we have elected them. Over and over again.
Over the years, Kenyans have listened to many aspiring leaders make pledges that they do not know
how to, do not intend to and DO NOT deliver. Over the past few weeks, I have listened to the
manifestos of my competitors, and I have examined their pledges. My greatest question is, how will
they do it? In a country already heavily burdened by debt, how will they bring in new money to pay
their pledges to households with insufficient income? How will they root out corruption when they
have been in the system – in different governments and did not do it then?
Today, in keeping with Agano’s outlook since 2006, I will share – not my pledges, but our party’s
covenants to the people of Kenya.
Kenyans, we bring you the real change. Badilisha viongozi, Badilisha uongozi, Badilisha Kenya.
Make Kenya a great and safe place to work and live.
I bring you the BADILISHA manifesto. This is the real solution. BADILISHA is about starting
from a clean slate. Our country is under attack by the vicious termites of corruption. We have heard
three Manifestos so far; the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga, Deputy President William Ruto, and the Bangi,
Snake, and Hyena Rubbish. However, all these manifestos are a big miss. Our country is under
siege by a powerful and shameless cabal of thieves. In any sector we wish to change, we must deal
with the thieves there. In Education, the thieves lost over 50billion shillings last year. A further 100
billion, in modest terms, is lost to corrupt networks. We lose a further 240 billion shillings to
corruption in the agricultural sector. Four trillion shillings are illegally laundered in Kenya annually.
The thieves have hidden 5 trillion shillings abroad. Generally, it is said that close to 1.5 trillion
I will make sure that the wastage and corruption in the health sector comes to an end. I will
terminate corruption inspired contracts in government. To this end;
(i) My government will undertake a comprehensive audit of all running ministry of health
contracts at the national and county levels, terminating all corrupt contracts and leasing agreements.
(ii) I will conduct a lifestyle audit and vetting of all employees of NHIF. It is my belief that
enough money can be saved in the fight against corruption in the health sector to provide free health
to Kenyans. My government will hence subsidize NHIF contributions for every household Kenyan
aged 18 and above.
(iii) My government will establish a National Health commission to tame rising health costs in
both private and public institutions.
3. Education.
(i) Roadside curriculum changes will come to an end.
(ii) The Ministry of Education will be headed by an educational profession.
(iii) I bring an end to the systematic meddling and strangulation of teachers unions by
(iv) My government will guarantee free education at all levels, including significant tax
breaks for firms that take fresh graduates for attachment and eventually employing them.
(v) Free education from primary school to University will be complemented by a curriculum
with appropriate skill sets at all levels of education.
(vi) A moral component will be introduced in the curriculum.
(vii) All teacher retraining and improvement will be done virtually at the cost of the
government, where teachers will be digitally facilitated to undertake the refresher
5. Security
(i) My government will ensure that promotions and renumerations in the National Police
Service are driven by merit.
(ii) I will improve the living and working conditions of our men and women in blue.
(iii) My government will introduce comprehensive insurance cover for all our men and
women in uniform.
(iv) I will modernize our security forces to meet the challenges posed by emerging
security threats, including terrorism and transnational crimes.
Our covenant of change (Agano la mabadiliko) will thus be around the following key areas all of
which have an impact on the family as demonstrated below
1. Our Pledge to the Family (Agano letu kwa Familia zote katika nchi ya Kenya)
a) Create an office for the registrar of Families-Effective use of the data collected for the
huduma number to refocus government planning to be family centered as opposed to
individual centered planning
b) Ensure that each registered family has at least one person who is employed
c) Enhance Access to Health by:
a. Piecemeal UHC rollout based on disease and demography
i. Cancer, Accident victims & all forms of medical/non-elective surgery
ii. Waive medical bills for any person who dies in a government hospital
iii. Old persons above 70 years plus to access free medical services from
Government institutions.
d) Mandatory topic on Ethics and Environmental impact of every study/course being taught at
all levels.
e) We will incentivize religious organizations to lease out idle room capacity during weekdays
for purposes of education.
2. Our pledge to the youth, Women & PWDs of Kenya (Agano letu kwa wanawake wote
nchini Kenya)
I, David Mwaure Waihiga, being the Presidential Candidate under Agano Party, do hereby pledge
and commit to fully implement this manifesto as my promise to Kenyans.
I, Ruth Mucheru-Mutua, being the Presidential running mate under Agano Party, do hereby
pledge and commit to fully implement this manifesto as my promise to Kenyans.
1. Agano party is founded on the principles of upholding godliness as required by God our creator.
2. Agano draws its name from God’s model of relating to human beings. God-who is the source of
all goodness and relates to human beings through a covenant –which is Agano in Swahili.
3. Agano thus respects and acknowledges God as the center of all good the Agano government
shall seek to achieve.
Agano Party, our offer to and covenant with all the people of Kenya:
We pledge
1. To open up Agano Party to be the party of choice for aspirants aligned to Christian values
2. To ensure that Agano party becomes the political voice of the church to advocate, agitate and
champion the inclusion and involvement of the church in government
3. To take and articulate the position of the church in important national and global issues of
concern to Kenyan families.
4. That the Agano presidency will be a presidency of the people, by the people, and for the people.
5. To be the leadership that will slay corruption completely!
6. To bring money stashed abroad, to help pay off the stifling foreign debt.
7. To go for the big fish in corruption who have bled the country with impunity
8. To stop further public funds hemorrhage!
9. To top public sector resource wastage!
10. To put all funds recovered into productivity and development.
11. To ensure government services and delivery are felt right at the village Council level.
12. To ensure: Pesa Mashinani, Madaraka Mashinani!