Credit Policy Supplement
Credit Policy Supplement
Credit Policy Supplement
Credit Management Supplement in association with
‘If only I knew.’ We say it a dozen times a day. Whether at Often delivered as part of a tailor-made solution that’s
the deli counter, waiting for a train that isn’t coming or based upon our first-hand and detailed understanding
seeing the consequences of a business decision unfold in of your business, we ensure you get the right insight
a way we might not have foreseen. What we all need is from the unique information that we hold.
more focused information that offers genuine insight.
So whether helping you target, acquire, manage or
Experian goes to extraordinary lengths to provide this develop more profitable business relationships, let
added-value enlightenment. Experian give you an extraordinary advantage.
Using market-leading products developed around the Call 0115 901 6013. And get more detailed
most sophisticated business information systems you’ll find information.
anywhere, we supply the detail that allows you to make
better informed credit and marketing decisions.
published by the ICM in association with
One of the most regular questions to cross the technical desk at the ICM is: “I need to write a credit policy -
where do I start?” This is, of course, not the most straightforward of questions to answer. There are many text
books available that address the topic, some of which the ICM recommends and which are offered through its
Bookshop (see page xxx). However, we are often asked for an ‘at-a-glance’ guide which gives a framework
of the important areas to consider, irrespective of industry, or the type of business being carried out.
Until now, the ICM’s guidance to people making an enquiry on this topic refers to Credit Policy, an article
written by ICM Council Member Paul Stevenson. This article is still relevant today, although it was first
published nearly 10 years ago! However useful the article may be, the time is now right to expand on its
content. This guide seeks to do just that, and who better to write it than Paul Stevenson himself?!
The content of this supplement is divided into two documents, Credit Management Policy and Credit
Management Procedure. It has been structured in such a way that anyone looking to implement a formal
framework within their department can use both documents as templates for a successful operation.
The ICM is grateful to Paul Stevenson and to Experian for its support in this project. Rob Beddington, Editor
Credit Supplement
Establishing a secure
platform - an overview
Paul Stevenson introduces the importance of implementing and maintaining policy and procedure documents
in the credit department. Both are vital to the performance of an effective credit manager.
company who take the title too literally. where the best course of action for the
The very word "control" is emotive and has company is ignored.
connotations of inflexibility, which should Credit must also ensure that customers
on no account be the style of the credit are satisfied at all times with the trading
department. Flexibility - the means by relationship and, if there are disputes, these
which negotiation can take place must be resolved to the satisfaction
both internally and externally - is These decisions of both parties. Credit should be
a vital tool for the successful should never be aware at all times with whom the
credit function. The department allowed to satisfy company is trading and there
should be judged not on how should be access to signed and
a sales or a
it controls credit but on how it properly filed documentation,
successfully manages credit for
finance whim. such as contracts, orders etc., to
the company. Adopting the title "Credit enable Credit to base their decisions on
Management" sets the correct basis on which sound information.
the department can develop as a useful team There must be a secure and reliable
member within the organisation, working platform on which Credit can place its trust.
closely with sales, production, marketing, Part of this platform is the availability of
customer services etc., and not just reliable information and secure systems.
remaining solely as the department that Credit has a leading role in building secure
collects the debts. Indeed, the credit function systems and one aspect is to ensure that
can have a myriad of roles to play in the there is an acknowledged credit policy and
successful running of a business as will be procedure in place.
seen later. However, to achieve a successful
credit operation, the credit professional Internal customers
should differentiate between systems and The majority of misunderstandings between
actions that affect the external customers Credit and the internal customers of the
from those that affect the internal customers credit function are mainly due to a lack of
of the credit department. communication between the parties. Each is
not fully convinced that the other has the
External customers best interests of company's future at heart.
Credit management, in the way it handles There is always the thought that the other
the customers of the company, is department is operating to its
an extension of customer services. There must be a own advantage, looking for the
To say that the credit department secure and easiest solution that may benefit
(Credit) should come under and reliable platform them personally, but not neces-
report to sales or to finance, on which credit sarily the company as a whole.
causes a conflict of interest In other words, empire building
where commercial sense can be -
can place its trust. within each department, without
and sometimes is - ignored. All credit the broader approach to the company. In
decisions must be considered commercial these cases there is no formal direction,
decisions. These decisions should never be apart from budgets and revenue targets and
allowed to satisfy a sales or a finance whim, one is never sure if these are distributed ➥
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 6
and understood by everyone! In this age of understood, what has been communicated
emails, one would think that there would be and is going to act effectively. Responsibility
no excuse for not being able to communicate cannot be abdicated by relying solely on
with everyone in an organisation. But this is e-mail as proof that one has informed the
a fallacy. There is just too much reliance on right people, without checking that they
sending an email to resolve an have understood and acted upon
issue. One can check that the Without a formal what has been communicated.
email has been opened, but is document ... This checking procedure takes time
one sure that it has been read? there is always but it is a necessary precaution to
Worse, has it been understood? ensure that all internal departments
room for
Also, has the reader appreciated are moving forward in the same
that the sender has the authority
disagreement ... direction. Nothing can pull a
to issue the e-mail in the first place? One company apart more quickly than all
has no idea whether the comments have departments enthusiastically pulling in
been "taken on board" and one does not different directions.
even know whether the reader will act on One aspect of moving in the same
the e-mail, if action is required. There is direction is that all departments should
therefore a need to ensure that information know which departments are responsible
is acted upon both by Credit and its internal for what actions i.e. who does what. Once
customers in order that the company's again this is where the importance of having
largest asset is secure at all times. Methods a fully accepted credit policy and credit
must be adopted to highlight incidences procedure can benefit both the company
where appropriate action has not been and the department.
taken. Above all, other departments must There is a general misconception in
be confident that they are aware of the many businesses regarding the role of a
responsibilities of Credit. credit department within the structure of
Formalising how an individual depart- the company. In some businesses there is
ment fits into the entire company structure the mistaken belief that the current poor
and indicating its relationship to other overdue debt situation is acceptable, as
corresponding areas, can resolve the problem any undue chasing of accounts will only
of the misunderstanding of departmental do more harm than good. There are those
responsibility. Without a formal who accept that, if the company
document spelling out the
There is has developed the philosophy
responsibilities and systems of a absolutely no of the existence of a credit
department, there is always substitute for department within the company
room for disagreement and one-to-one structure, this department
communication ... should not have any authority,
Getting the message across as this will cause unnecessary
is perhaps more difficult. There is absolutely problems with customers. In other words,
no substitute for one-to-one communication the department exists on sufferance only.
if one wants confirmation that the person one This attitude has inevitably developed
is communicating with has heard, let alone through a misunderstanding of the methods
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 7
July 2004
ly layout
CREDITman al of the
te of Credit
the skysc
Page 28
Agency workers sting
a legal Page 30
Wasps with
Doing it by the book
forth in Scotland
of Credit Management
Employment law
Page 32 Page 28
- part Well they would, wouldn’t
Page 38
they?! Claims 34
Report writing Page 40 e feature,
pageagainst auditors
of goods - Debt
Purchas Page 30
Delivery page 25 The Scott Report
Credit Supplement
Credit management
Paul Stevenson offers a structured solution to setting out a formal
policy document for your company.
of the development of the policy. These can company has helped to trade out of a difficult
be changed as and when required, for period is more likely to remain loyal to you
example when new technology is introduced. than to your competitors.
iii) Ensure that the cost of providing the
The primary objectives of credit management goods/services on credit terms is at a level
are to: that maximises turnover with the minimum
i) Ensure that all amounts due are collected of risk.
according to the agreed payment terms and Underlying costs of the support functions
that the most efficient methods of payment can eat into the profits of a company unless
are used. controlled. It is therefore essential that the
All outstanding debts should be collected credit function is aware that the cost of
before they become overdue if at all possible. providing the credit service is at a level that
In the case of large values, the credit does not unduly affect the profitability of
department should not wait until the debt is the organisation. For example, is it prudent
overdue before speaking with the customer. to spend time and money unnecessarily
Pro-active contact has been proved to be a credit vetting all customers if there are very
benefit in forging positive relationships with few bad debts due to the type of business
customers to the benefit of both parties. undertaken? The credit departmental costs
Disputes can be surfaced and resolved more should be monitored at all times to ensure
quickly; financial difficulties can be identified that there are adequate resources available
earlier and measures put in place to secure to maintain an efficient operation in relation
a continuation of trade. Different methods to the costs involved.
of payment should be explored and those iv) Ensure that monthly cash collection
beneficial to both parties should be intro- targets are achieved.
duced so that payments are received before One of the major objectives of the
the debt becomes overdue. department is cash collection and the
ii) Identify high risk or marginal customers maintaining of a steady improvement in the
at an early stage, especially those likely to receipt of payments, based upon monthly
get into financial difficulties and to take sales. I will mention how this is measured
whatever action is thought necessary to later, but there is no doubt that credit con-
safeguard further sales to those customers. trollers involved in the collection of payments
With constant credit vetting and pro- work more efficiently when individual cash
active contact with customers regarding targets are set and their progress monitored
outstanding debts, early identification of and published on a daily basis. Each indi-
high-risk accounts can be advantageous and vidual target is part of the total target each
will enable plans to be put in place that month, which in turn reflects the total budget
could ensure a continuation of trade to the for the year. Any serious shortfalls should
benefit of both parties. Sight should not be quickly be identified on a daily basis and
lost of the fact that companies falling upon additional resources moved to assist in
hard times should never be written off rectifying the situation, well before the end
without an investigation as to what can be of each month.
done to assist them. Any customer that your v) Maintain a high quality of accounts ➥
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 10
changes recommended by Credit will be In the above case I have suggested that
made. Conversely, Credit should be in the Customer Services submit the new account
loop that informs departments of what data, but this data must be checked by
changes have been made elsewhere. Too Credit to ensure accuracy. There should be
often I have seen an amendment to a trading a similar check to amendments made to any
style, adding ‘Limited’ to the title without of the details that affect the business and all
sufficient information to justify the entered detail must have a suitable audit
change. There should also be an audit trail trail to identify who added or amended
available to show who has changed what what information so that errors can be
data and when it was changed. easily traced to the person responsible and
additional training targeted to the correct
2. New accounts and credit limits areas. No undocumented entries should be
The company must ensure that it knows made as this could mean that any errors
with whom it is trading at all times and this entered will not be traceable.
will entail various enquiries to be made ii) Credit limits will be established at a level
outside the business being investigated. thought necessary by mutual agreement
As a start, the letterhead of the business between the Credit department and the
should be obtained, which will provide the Sales area responsible, taking into consid-
researcher with the basic data on which to eration all aspects of credit, marketing
commence an investigation. Clearly the requirements and economic trends, to
depth of the investigation will depend upon arrive at an investment level for the company
the value of the business involved and that is to be regarded as a reasonable
research may be restricted for small value credit risk.
accounts. However, the company must be It is essential that Credit and Sales liaise
satisfied at all times that it is trading with to set an investment level (credit limit) that
the correct business whatever the value. is regarded as a reasonable risk and this task
When it comes to fixing credit limits, should be completed before the conditions
decisions must be made to develop sales of sale or the contract is submitted to the
rather than restrict them. Too often Credit customer. This does not mean to say that
is accused of restricting the business by the investment level should not rise or fall
stopping deliveries to customers because dependent of the state of the economy.
the credit limit is set too low. It is essential When times get hard, the effects on some
therefore that all credit limits should be businesses will be more pronounced than
reviewed on a regular basis to take account on others. Therefore credit limits must
of movements in trading confidence. This always reflect, wherever possible, the current
is not necessarily restricted to business risk to the company. As stated above, too
information, but the economic climate must often Credit is accused of restricting sales.
be taken into account in conjunction with If credit limits are set correctly, Credit
the company information. should be pointing out the opportunities as
i) New accounts details will be submitted by to where the efforts of the Sales department
Customer Services, using standard company should be directed to increase turnover with
data input criteria. businesses that are safe, because the credit
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 13
only in exceptional circumstances and then in a poorer performance posted each month
only after agreement with Credit than is actually the case and Credit being
Management and Sales. Under no circum- unable to effect collection to the terms
stances should terms be varied without printed on the invoices.
prior agreement from Credit. iii) It is recognised that margins are eroded
There will be times when terms may by the granting of excessive terms; therefore
need to be varied to a customer or a group a decision will be based on the merits of
of customers. This may be so that your each case.
company can obtain a market advantage The granting of increased terms can be
or to establish a foothold in a market pre- very beneficial to a company so long as
viously untapped. In most cases this will these are carefully controlled and the costs
necessitate an extension to the normal involved are monitored. With the majority
terms of your company. These should not of business on standard terms, it is vital that
be granted without agreement from both the measurement of performance each
Credit and Sales as to the parameters of month gives a clear indication as to the
the extension i.e. how long is the extension effect of extending any terms to customers.
to last? Is there an increase in price to The usual performance measurement is the
cover the cost of the extension? It is vital average Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).
that a control is maintained over any Later I will show how this calculation can be
extension to the terms offered to customers, subdivided into the best possible DSO (i.e.
as any increase will affect the DSO for the that which is governed by the terms,) as
company in an adverse direction, which distinct from the delinquent DSO (i.e. that
Credit will have to justify. There is more which is genuinely overdue). Both of these
on this point later under Procedures. DSO calculations should be used by Credit
ii) There are to be no unofficial terms granted to report performance. While Credit is
to customers. regarded as having full responsibility for the
All too often, Sales will attempt to offer collection of all debts as they fall due, it is
a customer an unofficial extension of terms, not responsible for those debts that are not
in the hope of capturing business without yet due. If an increase in the granting of
the appearance of giving anything away. extended terms is raising the total DSO for
Also there is the added advantage of the the company, Credit must clearly show
customer not being able to use your invoice where the increase lies. Credit must there-
as a tool to show competitors that the cus- fore show the best possible DSO and the
tomer is receiving extended terms from delinquent DSO in order that the problem
you. This must be resisted at all costs, as it can be identified.
not only affects the profitability of your iv) The normal method of payment will be
company but it also puts Credit in a very by cheque, bank transfer through BACS
difficult position. What appears in the (Bank Automated Clearing System) or by
books as overdue thus, cannot be chased credit card, to the terms agreed.
because of the "arrangement" agreed with Choosing the correct payment method to
Sales. The overdue figures can then be suit your business or the type of customer
over inflated by the unofficial terms, resulting with whom you are dealing, depends upon
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 15
the market in which you are trading. at this point in order that problem customers
However, you should always review the are identified and action can be taken to
methods of payment adopted, to determine secure the debt and ensure that whatever
which is best for a given period and security is required is written into the con-
whether there has been a change in market tract. Credit must be in a position to
forces. It should be remembered that cheques accept as much business as possible and
take some time to clear, while electronic must therefore have methods available in
fund transfers using CHAPS (Clearing order to secure the subsequent debts
House Automated Payment System) are incurred. I do not intend to itemise these
instantaneous and that banks usually methods but in cases of customers who are
make a charge for the CHAPS service. less than financially secure, ways must be
With payments made by BACS there is no found to ensure that the business can be
charge, but the transfer is not instanta- transacted in the knowledge that the resultant
neous. Credit card payments, while quick, debt will be paid.
usually carry an additional cost. Electronic
payments originated by the customer are out 5. Collection of debts
of your control while direct debit payments, i) The primary function of the Credit depart-
originated by you, remain within your ment is to collect amounts due within the
control. Direct debits take the chasing of agreed terms, before the amounts become
overdue accounts out of the credit function, overdue.
but direct debits cannot be successfully It is so often the case that the collection
implemented if there are a high number of of debts is not an initial priority and only
queries. All these factors should be assimilat- becomes so when any debt reaches overdue
ed, and consideration should also be given status. This is too late on several levels.
to using letters of credit, bank drafts etc a) The longer you leave a debt unpaid, the
where necessary. more difficult it will be to collect.
b) Any query relating to the debt will only
4. Conditions of Sale surface when you start to chase. This
i) All customers trading with the company includes missing invoices, which although
will receive the current terms and conditions not strictly a query, will still result in non-
of sale by way of a signed contract, prior to payment.
the commencement of trading. c) If the customer is in financial difficulties,
The implementation of the conditions of you will only find out when you get around
sale of the company, either by sending a to chasing for an overdue payment.
copy to a new customer on the opening of d) Credit limits are more likely to be exceeded
an account or by a formal signed contract, when a greater number of invoices remain
is essential in good business. These terms unpaid.
of trading should be clear and concise and The collection of debts must, where
should never be sent until the credit function possible, be on a pro-active basis. I have
has completed a credit check on the com- gone into greater detail as to how this can
pany. It is essential that the initial check on be achieved in the credit management
a customer's credit worthiness is carried out procedures section on page 22. ➥
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 16
and the customer involved. By defining credit notes and statements can affect the
formally the areas of responsibility, it efficiency of credit. Late entry of new
becomes clear who is to do what in the case customer details and amendments can
of disputes. An efficient dispute management cause unnecessary delays. At all times the
system should be in place to measure the sales ledger function should be regarded as
duration between finding a dispute and its the foundation upon which the efficiency of
resolution so that common disputes can be the Credit department depends. Checks
identified and additional training introduced should therefore be made regularly to
to reduce the dispute level. This cannot be ensure that the data and systems are working
done until dispute levels are accurately as efficiently as possible.
11. Insolvency
9. Telephone Credit Control Credit will be responsible for the reporting
The telephone will be used to contact cus- and monitoring of all insolvencies.
tomers in descending order of outstanding Where customers become insolvent, the
balance to obtain payment to the terms with Credit function should ensure that the correct
the customer. The use of the telephone in documentation is received and completed
making successful collections is regarded as before returning to the relevant parties and
a major contributor to an efficient Credit that the company is represented at any
department. future meetings. Credit should also keep a
Too much reliance can be made on the diary of when reports are due to be received
re-active approach to collections, i.e. only on the progress with the insolvency. At all
contacting customers when debts are over- times senior management must be kept
due. This is like closing the stable door after informed.
the horse has bolted and will not necessarily
produce the benefit of obtaining future 12. Management Reporting
payments before future debts are considered Monthly reporting of debtors showing value
overdue! A pro-active approach to major outstanding, value and percentage of
customers will ensure that the matter is overdues and Days Sales Outstanding
brought to their attention before the due (DSO) (broken down into the best possible
date, thus giving them an indication that DSO and delinquent DSO,) will be used to
payments are expected on time. inform management of the current situation
and also as a method of monitoring
10. Sales Ledger Function progress within the department.
An efficient management of the sales ledger Different companies will use different
function is of vital importance in contributing statistics to measure performance but it is
to the efficient collection of debts and the the responsibility of Credit to indicate clearly
procedures involved should be comple- the reasons for any increases in the relation-
mentary to those of credit management. ship of debtors to sales. Any rise or fall may
The whole of the sales ledger should be or may not be due to the Credit department's
viewed with efficiency in mind. Delays in collection performance but be due perhaps
the printing and dispatching of invoices, to an increase or decrease in sales to ➥
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 18
Sometimes it’s nice to have a little more detail. And sometimes, Often delivered as part of a tailor-made solution that’s based
a little extra insight provides a genuine business advantage. upon our first-hand and detailed understanding of your
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Call 0115 901 6013. And get more detailed information.
we supply the detail that allows you to make better informed
credit and marketing decisions.
Credit Supplement
Late Payment
Why it pays to know your customers
By Phil Cotter, Managing Director of Experian’s Business Information
show a sudden sharp increase in the length cash flow and profit significantly, reduce
of time taken to pay invoices immediately late payment and minimise bad debt.
prior to the appointment. Contracts, along with Terms & Conditions,
• Know exactly who you are doing business should clearly state when payments are
with and check when, or indeed whether, due, avoiding common areas of confusion,
you are likely to get paid. Remember, over such as whether payment is due 30 days
half of all bad debts arise from longstanding after the invoice date or delivery date.
customers so it is just as important to • Ensure your business has a clearly defined
review your existing customers’ financial complaints procedure and service level for
and payment status as well as new cus- resolving complaints and disputed debts
tomers so that the appropriate steps can be quicker. Other measures such as payment
taken in the light of changing circum- by Direct Debit and discounts for early pay-
stances. For example, to reduce the ment can also help reduce the problem.
amount of credit given, reduce the payment • If proper procedures are laid down and
terms, demand some payment up-front or, kept to, the chances of late payment and
in extreme cases, payment in full before bad debts will be greatly reduced.
delivery. While some companies delay payment
• Be clever, understand and assess your cus- of invoices to aid their own cash flow in dif-
tomer base. Are you targeting the right cus- ficult times or have a dispute with the sup-
tomers? Pre-screening can be employed so plier, others have no justification. The prob-
you don’t target new business at those com- lems that late payment causes suppliers –
panies that have a poor credit rating and are and the human cost – should not be under-
late payers. estimated. Cashflow, profits and growth
• Share your information. Experian’s pay- can all be adversely affected. Late payment
ment performance data is based on the can, and frequently does, lead to business
sales ledgers of thousands of businesses failure and job losses.
and, of course, the more sales ledgers pro-
vided, the more accurate the service. This
information provides a clear picture of a Experian’s Payment Performance infor-
company’s record of paying its bills and can mation shows the payment behaviour
be assessed online through Experian’s cred- of companies, drawing on sales ledger
it report service. Remember, your own information from many different suppliers
company’s credit rating can be affected and reporting on the number of days
through late payment. the subject company takes to pay its
• Give credit management and credit man- invoices, together with the comparative
agers their due. It is a sad fact that only behaviour for the subject company’s
about a quarter of companies in the UK industry as a whole. From this informa-
have any dedicated credit management tion, suppliers can tell at a glance
function and even when a company whether a company pays its bills
employs a credit manager, the role is often promptly or appears to be in financial
subservient to the needs of sales and mar- difficulties. The sales ledger information
keting. Good credit management people, provided by participating companies
policies and procedures are crucial and enables Experian to build a payment
should never be underestimated. profile and history of each company on
• Adopt a commercial approach to payment the database. For more information,
collection during the sales cycle to improve contact Experian on 0115 9016017.
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 22
Credit Supplement
Credit Management
Now that your policy is in place, you need to consider the internal
procedures to adopt within your department. Paul Stevenson’s
template will help you and your staff.
I n the following credit management procedure document I have developed the actions
that I believe are necessary in a successful credit department, which can be used not
only as a aide memoire for existing staff, but also as a training aid for new employees.
It is therefore a document used solely within the department and does not need to be
available for the whole company to access. However, should senior management need to
know the procedures of Credit, the document can be produced showing how the department
operates to a laid down procedure. Please also note that the numbering of the relevant points
should not be used in conjunction with the policy document numbering. This procedure is
purely for internal use within the credit department.
Credit management procedures are necessary to ensure that every member of the
Credit team is using the same criteria in order to carry out their own business operation.
I have not attached any detailed explanations to all the points as I have in the policy
document, as I feel the document is self explanatory. However, in a few cases I have done
so where I feel that a further detail is relevant. As before, these comments are in italics.
1.0 Purpose, operation and amendments accounts and new customers who will need
to the procedures to be monitored to ensure compliance to
1.1 Purpose of the Procedures terms from the start of business.
The purpose of these procedures is to set c. To ensure that account queries are speedily
out the detailed responsibilities of the credit surfaced and resolved, so that the accounts
management function. accurately reflect the customers' true
These procedures will act as a guide and indebtedness, thereby optimising cash flow.
as a training aid for permanent or temporary d. To ensure that the highest possible level
staff employed in the department and for of communication and co-operation is
senior management who may be unaware maintained with Sales.
of the details of the role of the department. e. To provide management with the
information that accurately reflects the
1.2 Operation of the procedures performance of the Credit department.
These procedures have been written with f. To preserve and enhance goodwill
the size of the credit management depart- between the company and its external
ment in mind. It is appreciated that with a customers.
small number of staff working within the g. To ensure that the sales ledger customer
department, a heavy burden can fall upon information database is maintained at all
the shoulders of a small team to maintain times by the relevant department, with the
the expected standards. It is therefore correct additions, amendments and deletions
essential that the procedures are followed to account details.
as closely as possible so that, in the event
of absence, other members of staff can take 1.3 Amendments to the procedures
up the workload as quickly and seamlessly Responsibility for the maintenance of this
as possible without a serious deterioration manual of credit procedures lies with
in service to any of the internal or external Credit department. However, all credit
customers involved. staff are encouraged to improve these pro-
As stated in the credit policy, the function cedures where they see benefits to both
of Credit Management is to maintain the internal and external customers.
lowest level of receivables and to protect Suggestions for such improvements
the company's investment in debtors. To should be channelled to the credit manager
achieve these two objectives, an effective of the company.
credit function is essential and should
observe the following points:- 1.4 Staffing levels
a. To reduce and maintain the average actual In this area I would suggest that all Credit
period of credit enjoyed by customers, close staff are mentioned with titles, telephone
to the level established by the terms of sale. and e-mail details as an appendix to the
b. To ensure that all collections are under- Procedures, so that the appendix can at all
taken on a priority basis. That maximum times be brought up to date without issuing
effort is directed towards the major debtors a new procedure document when there are
and other specified accounts which are new members joining or moving from one
considered vulnerable, such as high-risk position to another. ➥
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 24
be familiar with all aspects of the customer's There are several programs on the
account and should know what to say market which monitor query resolution,
prior to making the call. Lack of confidence highlighting log-jams in the system and
or preparation will be transmitted to the indicating where common disputes need
contact and diminish the likelihood of additional training to curtail a repetition of
achieving the prime objective, which is the error.
obtaining full payment of the account
before the due date. (6) Close the call
Having agreed the balance, or part balance
(2) Contact the right person where possible if there is a query involved,
To prevent an unnecessary waste of time, it a commitment should be obtained to pay a
should be established that the person spoken specific amount to be received on a set date.
to is in a position to effect payment. In
some cases it is an advantage to obtain the 2.3 Commitment to pay
names of cheque signatories so that they Here the approach is vitally important and
may be contacted in cases of future delays. tactful persistence is essential. Common
reactions from customers of "I'll look into it
(3) Know the company for you" or "I will send you a cheque" should
To establish a rapport with the contact, the not be accepted without a definite promise
Credit person should know something of the completion of an investigation within
about the company. The contact's name, an agreed time scale, or a specific date for
title, location and authority should be despatch of a cheque.
requested and noted in the customer record In all probability, this will in itself ensure
details. These details are the basis for action on the part of the customer and if
future contact. not, certainly provides the basis for any
subsequent follow-up.
(4) Obtain an agreement Should a customer admit that he cannot
Balances should always be agreed with the pay the full amount, due to cash flow
customer where possible and the reasons problems and there is no reason to disbelieve
for any differences should be determined. his story, only accept an "on account"
A date upon which a payment will be payment as part of an agreed scheme for
expected to be received should also be repayment of the whole. This should be
agreed. within a specific time scale and with the
authority of the sales manager involved.
(5) Follow through queries Diary forward to check that the customer
Queries surfaced in telephone conversa- conforms to the agreement.
tions with customers should be referred to
the appropriate area for resolution and 2.4. Attitude to a customer
monitored by credit on a regular basis. It At all times Credit personnel, when using
is not necessarily the responsibility of the telephone, should observe the following:
credit to resolve queries discovered by the (1) Always politely listen to the customer's
department. answers to the questioning, without inter-
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 28
the new amount as a percentage of the commit, based upon the risk criteria defined
previous month's value and graphing the with respect to business opportunities and
result, will indicate the performance in the possible losses and the financial stability of
department. each customer.
Graphs should be produced to indicate In some cases these undoubted limita-
trends in movement related to outstanding tions to business must be set to safeguard
balances in previous months and the largest single asset of the
to estimate the targets for future ... it should be company i.e. debtors, but at the
months. regarded as an same time the setting of such
2.7.3 Cash forecasting opportunity to levels should focus attention on
Cash targets both by individual
increase sales ... those customers where the full
collector and as a whole should potential to future business has
be calculated each month and used as a not been realised. The Credit department
daily measure against progress. Should a should therefore be aware of all customers
shortfall be noted, extra resources can be where the existing level is beyond the cur-
used to rectify the situation before the rent maximum trading position and report
month-end. Cash targets that are reason- this situation to Sales.
able should be set to motivate and to stretch All customers should be categorised by
staff to achieve improved results and to risk so that they can be identified as to
maintain momentum. whether they are high, medium or low risk
Actual staff results should be published and all new customers should be identified
within the department to induce a compet- for the first 12 months of trading so that
itive spirit amongst the credit staff. attention can be focused on maintaining a
Cash forecasts should be extrapolated closer watch on them than those who have
many months ahead and the results moni- a proven track record with the company.
tored. For annual budgetary purposes, the After the 12 month period these "new"
Credit Manager will be expected to provide customers can be re-categorised into high,
a cash flow forecast for the following year. medium, or low risk.
The investment level and risk criteria
3.0 Investment levels (credit limits) should be fully documented in a form suit-
Concerning the use of the word "limit", I able for guidance to Credit personnel and
am aware that this is seen by many to be other internal users and there should be a
more of a restriction on future sales, when procedure for regular reviewing of the data.
it should be regarded as an opportunity to Systems must be in place to identify
increase sales to those customers who are those customers who, with the existing
more risk free than others. I therefore outstanding balances plus any unfulfilled
advocate the use of the term "investment orders, are within a specified percentage of
level". the maximum investment level (say 90 per
Strict Investment Levels will be set for cent) and if necessary future orders should
each customer prior to any contract being not be accepted until a suitable payment is
drawn up that clearly reflect the level of made or the investment level is reviewed
investment to which the company will and amended.
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 31
I am not going to go into the detail here that ambiguities are eliminated.
of how investment levels are calculated for Signed contracts should be available to
each company as there are many good those departments within the company
books sold by the ICM bookshop *(see that will need access in the future to
below) on this subject. resolve disputes.
O Boo
K S H te’s
Specialist ksh op
department and that of Credit. Any changes covering over 170 titles
books for
the Cred
it Professio
is involved in the drafting of contracts so
Feb Supplement 05 5/1/05 2:56 pm Page 32
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