Polynomial Functions: Vocabulary
Polynomial Functions: Vocabulary
Polynomial Functions: Vocabulary
1. Write S if the expression is in standard form. Write N if it is not.
Vocabulary Builder
polynomial (noun) pahl ah NOH mee ul
3t rt r 3
Related Words: monomial, binomial, trinomial monomials
y y y
x x x
Chapter 5 118
The degree of a polynomial function affects the shape of its graph and determines the
maximum number of turning points, or places where the graph changes direction. It
affects the end behavior, or the directions of the graph to the far left and to the far right.
A function is increasing when the y-values increase as x-values increase. A function is
decreasing when the y-values decrease as x-values increase.
y 5 4x 4 1 6x3 2 x y 5 2x 2 1 2x
y y
2 x
x O
2 O 2
y 5 x3 y 5 2x3 1 2x
y y
x 2
O x
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2 2
2 O
You can determine the end behavior of a End Behavior of a Polynomial Function
polynomial function of degree n from the of Degree n with Leading Term axn
leading term ax n of the standard form.
n Even (n 0) n Odd
a Positive Up and Up Down and Up
a Negative Down and Down Up and Down
Got It? Consider the leading term of y 5 24x 3 1 2x 2 1 7. What is the end
behavior of the graph?
7. Circle the leading term, ax n , in the polynomial.
y 5 24x 3 1 2x 2 1 7
9. Circle the graph that illustrates the end behavior of this polynomial.
The end behavior is down The end behavior is down The end behavior is up
and up. and down. and down.
10. Circle the letter of the graph that is continuously decreasing. Underline the letter of
the graph that is increasing and then decreasing only.
15. The end behavior of y 5 2x3 1 2x2 2 x 2 2 is down / up and down / up , and
there are 1 / 2 / 3 turning points.
Chapter 5 120
Problem 4 Using Differences to Determine Degree
Got It? What is the degree of the polynomial function that generates the data
x y
shown in the table at the right?
3 23
16. Complete the flowchart to find the differences of the y-values.
2 16
23 16 15 10 13 12 29 1 15
0 10
1 13
1st differences 39 1 5 linear
2 12
3 29
2nd differences quadratic
The value of a in 22x7 is positive / negative . The exponent in 22x7 is even / odd .
The end behavior is up and up / down and up / up and down / down and down .
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