Development Hours

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Patricia Chapa

June 11, 2022

Professor Ugo
Professional Development Hours/Field Experience

Part 1: Names of the professional development modules completed and hours earned:

1. Classroom Diversity: An Introduction to Student Differences (1 hour)

2. SRSD: Using Learning Strategies to Enhance Student Learning (1 hour)

3. Cultural and Linguistic Differences: What Teachers Should Know (1 hour)

Part 2: Brief descriptions of the modules listed above:

Classroom Diversity: An Introduction to Student Differences

In this module I learned that classrooms today are more diverse than ever, and that within the

diversity there is a lot of races, ethnicities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. I also

learned how teachers can have perceptions about students without the teachers themselves

realizing it. It is important for teachers to understand how their family history, education, culture

or community might affect how they see or treat students with different ethnicities. Teachers

should also realize that some students with different cultural backgrounds have different ways of

saying things, and sometimes what they say might come off as offensive. By using techniques

such as culturally responsive teaching teachers can create positive relationships with their

students. Teachers should also be aware of students with exceptionalities and understand what

their needs are in order to help them feel comfortable in class and succeed. It is important for

teachers not to focus on negative characteristics of students with disabilities, rather focus on their
strengths. One last thing, teachers should be aware of students from low-SES households as they

can face challenges with succeeding in class.

SRSD: Using Learning Strategies to Enhance Student Learning

In this module I learned about the different strategies teachers can use to identify areas of

improvement in students. Strategic learners tend to be more organized and tend to be more self-

motivated compared to non-strategic learners. The strategy is called the SRSD model (Self-

regulated Strategy Development), this strategy is effective at helping students master academic

tasks and includes six stages. The stages are in following order, develop background knowledge,

discuss it, model it, memorize it, support it, and establish independent practice. The develop

background knowledge identifies if the student lacks a specific skill. The second stage is the

discuss it stage, in this stage the teachers talk to the students about the benefits of using a

strategy and how they can use it in different kinds of activities. The model it stage shows

students how to use the steps in a strategy. The memorize stage is when students learn and

become proficient in the strategy in a way that they use it without needing to check back on the

steps. The support it stage is when the students now know how to use the steps in a strategy

however the teacher is constantly checking making sure that the students are using their strategy

in effective ways. The final stage is established independent practice, in this stage the teacher

will create activities in lessons to help students maintain their strategy skill.
Cultural and Linguistic Differences: What Teachers Should Know

In this module I learned the different cultures in classrooms and how culture has an impact on

student success. To begin with culture is a combination of groups to where an individual

belongs, this could be racial, ethnic, religious, and social. To become culturally responsive

teachers should understand that culture plays a role in student success and teachers should raise

their awareness if students from different diversities are at a disadvantage from succeeding in

class. With teachers being aware of student’s different diversities, they can make sure they are

not failing to consider the values of different cultures rather than the predominant ones. Teachers

should also encourage family involvement, there are challenges to this such as family members

not being proficient with language or families having trouble to interpret documents. Challenges

can be solved by providing solutions such as using an interpreter to talk to student’s families, or

even offer English classes to family members of students.

Part 3: Insights gained (what did I learn?). How do these modules relate to the course


I learned that it is important to practice active listening to towards students, this is to better

understand their needs and to better improve their academic performance. Overall, I learned that

classrooms these days are very diverse with students coming from different ethnicities, cultures,

and socioeconomic statuses. As teachers we need to be assessing where students stand

academically to better help them with their weaknesses. We can accomplish this by using
strategies such as SRSD, which help us determine what are the areas of struggle in the students.

Once identifying the areas of struggle, we can create a personalized plan for the student

following the steps of the SRSD model. We should also be aware of the different culture in

schools. It is important to have an understanding of the diverse cultures students come from; this

is imperial to help us better understand the student’s way of thinking. The development hours

worked on align with the course content in chapters 1,2, and 3. It is similar by showing us that it

is important to familiarize with the diversities of students, this it to help us better serve the

students and understand their background. Once knowing their background and way of thinking,

we can create a teaching styles and strategies, this is to make students with cultures that are not

predominant more comfortable in class.

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