Temperature Dependence of Bulk Viscosity in Liquid Argon: Cowan

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Temperature Dependence of Bulk Viscosity in Liquid Argon

Deparlmenl of Pl~ysics,Unioersily of Walerloo, Waterloo, Ontario
Received January 6, 1972

Attenuation measurements have been made on liquid argon for temperatures between 90 and 150 "K and
pressures between saturated vapor and 1000 p.s.i. Values of bulk viscosity were calculated and compared with
theoretical results. For densities above 1.15 g the P N M theory is in excellent agreement. However, below
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these values the theoretical results continue to decrease with density where the experimental results increase
sharply. The values of the ratio of bulk to shear viscosity for saturated vapor pressure are found to be a linear
function of ( T , - T ) - 3 / 2from 90 to 140 OK.

Des mesures d'attenuation ont ete faites dans I'argon liquide pour des temperatures entre 90 et 150 OK et des
pressions allant de la tension de vapeur saturante jusqu'a 1000 livres par pouce carre. Les valeurs de la viscosite
macroscopique ont ete calculees et comparees aux resultats theoriques. Pour des densites superieures a 1.15 g
la theorie PNM donne un excellent accord. Toutefois, au-dessous de ces valeurs les rtsultats theoriques
continuent de decroitre avec la densite, tandis que les resultats experimentaux augmentent brusquement. On
trouve que les valeurs du rapport de la viscosite macroscopique a la viscosite de cisaillement a la pression de
saturation est une fonction lineaire de ( T , - T)-"* entre 90 et 140 OK.
Canadian Journal of Physics. 50, 1881 (1972)

Introduction Measurements of the bulk viscosity of argon

The work of Gray and Rice (1964), based on have been made by Galt (1948 ), Naugle (1966 ),
For personal use only.

the Rice-Allnatt theory, and further work by Naugle et a/. (1966), and Swyt et a/. (1967).
Palyvos et al. (1968), using the Prigogine, Since recent measurements of the physical
Nicolis, and Misguich theory, predict values of properties K, q,, etc. have increased in accuracy,
the bulk viscosity of simple liquids. Also, only the later work gives significant values of the
theoretical work summarized by Egelstaff and bulk viscosity. These authors concentrated on
Ring (1968) and that of Kadanoff and Swift a range of densities mainly greater than 1.05 g
(1968) have predicted exponents of (T, - T) as cm-'. As stated by Naugle et a/. (1966), their
the temperature, T, approaches the critical tem- measurements were not conclusive in stating
perature T,. To compare these theoretical pre- that the bulk viscosity was a function of density
dictions with measured values, the present alone or of both density and temperature.
experiments were undertaken. The present paper presents a broader picture
The best method known at present for deter- of the experimental values of bulk viscosity over
mining the bulk viscosity, [, of a liquid is temperature and pressure ranges of 90 to 150 OK
through measurements of the ultrasonic ab- and saturated vapor pressure to 1000 p.s.i.
sorption, a, using pulse techniques. The bulk respectively. Two properties have been found:
viscosity is found by calculating the excess (1) The bulk viscosity becomes very large as the
sound absorption over the classical value due critical point is approached and is a function
to the shear viscosity and the thermal con- of temperature as well as density. The consis-
ductivity. The usyal definition of the bulk tency of the results indicates strongly that the
viscosity is ratio of bulk to shear viscosity is also a function
of density and temperature although it is not
beyond the limits of error to have a function of
density alone except within a few degrees of the
critical point. (2) Along the saturated vapor
where f is the frequency of the ultrasound, p is pressure curve the ratio of the bulk to shear
the density of the liquid, C is the velocity of viscosity varies as (T, - T)-'" from 90 to
sound in the liquid, q, is the shear viscosity, y is 140°K. This agrees with the prediction of
the ratio of the specific heats, K is the thermal Kawasaki and Tanaka (1967) but over a much
conductivity, and C p is the specific heat at con- larger temperature range than normally con-
stant pressure. sidered as being the critical region.

The pulse echo method with a variable path
length was used. The cryostat was designed to
withstand 1000 p.s.i. gas pressure and to have
external adjustments for varying the piston
position and fine adjustments to assure that the
crystal is kept parallel to the reflection surface.
The transducer acted as both transmitter and
receiver for the ultrasonic pulse which was
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reflected from a brass piston whose surface was

ground flat. The piston was connected by a thin
wall stainless steel tube to a micrometer head
at the top of the cryostat. In order to obtain
parallelism between the transducer and reflector,
the bore was honed as accurately as possible and
the piston was spring loaded against one side.
The crystal holder was held by three phosphor
bronze mounting straps which were kept taut
by a loading spring. By rotating cams, each strap
could be depressed horizontally to give a fine
adjustment of the vertical height to make the
crystal parallel to the reflector. Three hundred
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degrees of rotation of the cams gave a vertical FIG.1. Plot of a l f 2 against pressure for the particular
adiustment of 3 x cm. It is estimated that values of temperature shown. All values taken at 55 MHz
the leveling mechanism kept the transducer are indicated by (+), 35 MHz (O), 25 MHz (a), and 15
M H z (A).
parallel to the reflection to within 1/15 of a
wavelength for the highest frequencies used.
Only slight adjustment of the cams was needed quency of the continuous wave was read on a
before each reading of attenuation was taken. counter giving an estimated error of 0.2%.
To prevent back echos from interfering with the The argon gas used was Ultra Pure Ionization
signals from the reflector, an absorption cavity Grade Argon, 99.999% purity, from The
was made below the crystal. This was designed Matheson Company. To maintain sample
for a large number of reflections and filled with purity, the cryostat and gas handling system
glass wool. were evacuated to Torr and rinsed several
Attenuation measurements were made using times with argon before using. Direct connection
a Matec 6000 Ultrasonic transmitter-receiver was made to the argon cylinder and the system
and pulse height monitor. For maximum signal- was refilled for each major run.
to-noise ratio, maximum transmitter power and The temperature was controlled by a bridge
minimum receiver gain were used. feedback system similar to that used by
The transducer was 314 in. diameter 5 MHz Goodwin (1960). The cryostat had 112 in. walls
X-cut quartz crystal which was operated at its of brass and was cooled by a controlled heat
6dd harmonics to increase the signal-to-noise leak to liquid nitrogen. The temperature was
ratio for the first echo. Since the crystal is tuned kept within 0.02 O K of the chosen values for all
to resonance the first echo is almost totally readings. The temperatures were measured
transmitted through the crystal and then ab- using a Tinsley platinum resistance thermometer
sorbed in the bottom of the sample chamber calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory.
Consequently, second and succeeding echos The value of cilf2 has been reported to be a
were minimized in the system. constant as frequency is varied. Some doubts
By adding the RF transmitter pulse to a con- have been raised about values for lower fre-
tinuous wave signal on a high frequency scope, quencies below 35 MHz especially when in the
the continuous wave could be adjusted to the vicinity of the critical point. Differences have
pulse frequency by noting a zero beat. The fre- been found which are greater than that predicted
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FIG.2. Bulk viscosity is plotted against density. The bars indicate the estimated error. The temperature at which the
points were taken are shown in brackets beside the curve. Theoretical points of Palyvos el a/. (1968) for ( P N M ) theory are
shown by 0, those of Gray and Rice (1964) are shown by 0. Experimental values of Naugle el a/. (1966) are shown by the
dashed curve.

by diffraction theory.' In the parallel case of mated to be +2% on the lowest readings,
critical mixtures very large deviations of a / / ' , gradually increasing to 3% around the 50 x
particularly in the vicinity of the critical point, 10-l7 cm-' s2 and again to 5% in the 300 x
have been shown by Singh et al. (1966) and 10-l7 cm-' s2 range. Values at 1000 x 10-l7
Anantaraman el al. (1966). These cannot be +
cm-' s2 are estimated at 10% but the accuracy
attributed to a single relaxation phenomenon diminishes greatly beyond this point, due mainly
but are indicative of long range fluctuations in to the decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio and
the critical region. Because of this, all data difficulties of reaching equilibrium in the sample
presented here were taken at 55 MHz except for so near to the critical point.
the very high attenuation values at 145 OK and Table 1 has been included in full due to the
pressures less than 700 p.s.i. and at 150 OK. The differences in literature values of the constants
35, 25, and 15 MHz readings are identified in required to calculate the bulk viscosity. This is
Fig. 1. particularly necessary near the critical point.
- - Results-and Discussion References are given to the data from which the
particular values were interpolated. For the
The results of a/f2 for liquid argon for in- values of specific heat at constant pressure the
cremental temperatures between 90 and 150 OK saturated vapor pressure values of Gladun were
and for pressures varying from the saturated
used and the data of Theon et al. (1969) used to
vapor pressure up to 1000 p.s.i. are shown in
estimate values for higher pressures.
Fig. 1. From the consistency of the data and the
The calculated values of bulk viscosity are
scatter of the points, the probable error is esti-
plotted in Fig. 2. These results agree very well
'See Williams (1970), Carome and Witting (1961), and with those of Naugle el al. (1966) and also
also extensions of these works to the dimension and fre-
quencies used in ultrasonic work in liquids by Ball and
Swyt et al. (1967). In fact, if more weight is
Cowan, presented at the Conference of the Canadian Associ- given to the results of Naugle (1966) where a
ation of Physicists, 1971. variable path length measurement is used, the

TABLE1. Literature data and results for calculating the volume viscosity of liquid argon

K X 10~"
(cal g - '
(g c m - ' P' Cc a r 2 x 10''
1 x 103
(g cm-'
' 1
CK (atm) s-' cm-') 1 OK-') s-') ( g ~ m - ~ )(m s - ' ) (cm-' s2) S-I)
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"Ziebland and Burton (1958).

'Gladun (1971 ),
'Theon er (11. (1969).
dHcllernans er 01. (1970).
-. . .-+.. .=:-Rudenko (194%):- . .

agreement is excellent. This is shown as a dashed shown in Fig. 3. These results also suggest that
curve in Fig. 2. Since Naugle el al. (1966) did not the ratio is a function of temperature as well as
investigate the lower density region it is not density although not as conclusively as for the
surprising that the data were interpreted as a bulk viscosity. Certainly the temperature effect
simple function of density. By the extension of only becomes large much nearer to the critical
the data as shown in Fig. 2, it is clear there is also point.
a temperature dependence in the bulk viscosity Since the experimental results for C, p, y, C,,
even a relatively long way from the critical q, are smoothed and interpolated, it is more
point. The ratio of the bulk to shear viscosity is likely that the errors quoted would give a
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70 .80 90 100 1.10 1.20 1.30 Density

(g ~ r n - ~ )
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FIG.3. The ratio of the bulk to shear viscosity is plotted against density. The saturated vapor pressure curve is drawn as
a solid line.

systematic error in the calculated values but that

the relative values indicate variations more
accurately. This is borne out in Figs. 2 and 3
where there appears to be much less scatter than
would be expected by the error analysis.
Figure 4 shows the ratio of the bulk to shear
viscosity plotted against ( T , - T ) on a log-log
scale for the saturated vapor pressure points.
A least-squares fit was made in the form
l / q s= A + B(T, - T)"
so that
A = [ ( l / ~ lobs
s - (l/qs) C ~ I C ] ~
was a minimum. This gave values of the con-
stants, A = 0.44, B = 178, and n = - 1.54. Al-
though*A is a large-fraction of l / q sfor the lower
temperature points, small variations in A give
approximately the same percentage variations
in n as well as A. A curve of slope - 312 is shown
with the data for comparison. This is a strong
indication that the effect of the long range
intermolecular forces normally found only FIG.4. Saturated vapor pressure values of the ratio of
near the critical point has a major effect down bulk to shear viscosity plotted against ( T , - T) on a log-log
scale in the temperature range 90 to 135OK, i.e. log
to at least 60 OK below the critical temperature. [([/q,)- A ] vs. log ( T , - T ) for A = 0.44. A line with slope
This is in excellent agreement with the critical -312 is drawn to show how well the data fits the prediction
exponent of (T, - T ) predicted by Kawasaki of Kawasaki and Tanaka.

et (11. (1967) to be - 312 depending on tempera- ANANTARAMAN, A. V., WALTERS,A. B., EDMONDS, P. D.,
ture and frequency ranges. and PINGS,C. J. 1966. J . Chem. Phys. 44,2651.
CAROME,E. F. and WITTING, J. M. 1961. J. Acoust. Soc. Am.
Gray and Rice (1964) predicted values of 31, 150.
bulk viscosity of 0.90 and 0.93 mP for a density EGELSTAFF. P. A. and RING.J. W. 1968. Physics of simple
of 1.12 g cmP3 and at temperatures of 128 and liquids, edired by H. N. V.Temperley, J:S. owli ins on,
133.5 OK respectively. These values are 40% low and G. S. Rushbrooke (North Holland Publishing Co.,
Amsterdam), p. 286.
compared with our data but are just within the GALT,J. K. 1948. J. Chem. Phys. 16, 505.
maximum errors. GLADUN, C. 1971. Cryogenics, 11, 205.
The predictions of Palyvos et al. (1968) based GOODWIN, R. D. 1960. Adv. Cryog. Eng. 5, 577.
Can. J. Phys. Downloaded from www.nrcresearchpress.com by San Diego (UCSD) on 01/05/15

on the work of Prigogine, Nicolis, and Misguich GRAY,P. and RICE, S. A. 1964. J. Chem. Phys. 41, 3689.
(PNM) are shown on Fig. 2. They are for HELLEMANS, J., ZINK,H., and VANPAEMEL 0. 1970. Physica,
46, 395.
saturated vapor pressures. The agreement in the KADANOFF,
L. P. and SWIFT,J. 1968. Phys. Rev. 166, 89.
1.2 to 1.4 g cm-3 density region is excellent. KAWASAKI,
K. and TANAKA, M. 1967. Proc. Phys. Soc. 90,
However, as the density decreases their values 791.
continue to decrease while the experimental NAUGLE,D. G . 1966. J. Chem. Phys. 44,741.
NAUGLE,D. G., LUNSFORD, J. H., and SINGER, J. R. 1966.
values increase rapidly. It would appear that J. Chem. Phys. 45,4669.
the long range fluctuations found near the PALYVOS,J. A,, DAVIS,H. T., MISGUICH, J., and NICOLIS,G .
critical point have a major effect above 125 OK 1968. J. Chem. Phys. 41,4088.
and must be taken into account to derive the RUDENKO, N. S. 1948. J. Tech. Phys. USSR, 18, 1123.
values of bulk viscosity for the low density fluid SINGH,R. P., DARBARI, G. S., and VERMA,G. S. 1966. Phys.
Rev. Lett. 16, 1 150.
region. SWYT,D. S., HAVLICE, J. F., and CAROME,E. F. 1967. J.
Acknowledgments Chem. Phys. 47, 1199.
For personal use only.

The authors wish to thank Professor P. A. THEON,J., VANGEEL, E., and VANDAEL, W. 1969. Physica,
45, 339.
Egelstaff for many fruitful discussions on the WILLIAMS, A. 0.. JR. 1970. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 48, 285.
theories of liquids. The financial support of the ZIEBLAND, H. and BURTON,J. T. A. 1958. Brit. J. Appl.
National Research Council of Canada is grate- Phys. 9, 52.
fully acknowledged.

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