English For Transport and Logistic
English For Transport and Logistic
English For Transport and Logistic
English for
Unit Topic Vocabulary Skills
What Is English Professionals and means of Reading: a definition of English for Transport and Logistics
for Transport and transport: an introduction Writing: filling in a questionnaire; relating school subjects
Logistics? Subjects and topics
pp. 4-5
Means of Transport The basics for means of Reading: transport by land, water, air. Focus on
transport: advantages and environmental impact
pp. 6-11
How to Tie Knots The basics for sailing: types of Reading: how to make knots; the history of knot tying
knots; tying techniques Listening: checking the different stages to make a Bowline
Speaking: exchanging information about knot tying
Writing: summarising information about knots; giving
pp. 12-15 instructions about knot tying; rewriting sentences
Get Ready to Fly The basics for aviation: flight Reading: scanning a text for preflight information;
profile; preflight operations identifying codes
Flight sayings Listening: listening for information about the preflight
Speaking: exchanging information about a flight strip
pp. 16-19 Writing: completing definitions
A Ship’s Structure Watercraft construction and Reading: scanning a text for naval architecture information;
shipbuilding: dimensions and completing charts and tables with shipbuilding information
materials Listening: listening for information about the construction
Navigation sayings of a ship
Writing: questions about shipbuilding
pp. 20-23
An Aeroplane’s Aircraft construction: the Reading: the basics of airplane construction; how an
Structure basics; different stages aeroplane flies; building the Airbus A380
Aerodynamic forces Listening and speaking: the presentation of the Airbus
Aircraft models A380
Speaking: comparing different aircraft models
pp. 24-27 Writing: questions about aircraft construction
Are You in The cockpit; fligth instruments Reading: scanning for information about the controls area
Command? The bridge of different means of transport
The cabin Listening and speaking: the description of a cab
The cab; the signal box Writing: questions about flight instruments
pp. 28-31
Positioning Tools Ancient and modern Reading: scanning for information about positioning tools;
positioning tools how the radar works; how the GPS works
The radar Listening: listening for information about the radar history
The GPS system and GPS satellites
Focus on sayings Speaking: how to read a GPS appliance
pp. 32-35 Writing: explaining the meaning of a proverb
Unit Topic Vocabulary Skills
What’s the Weather related language Reading: scanning a text for information about the weather;
Weather Like? Weather prediction tools how to predict the weather; the danger of severe weather
Meteorology and transportation conditions for aircraft
Listening: listening for information about the weather
Speaking: exchanging information about the weather
pp. 36-39 Writing: completing a text
Intermodal Freight Multiple modes of Reading: scanning a text for information about different
Transport transportation modes of transportation
Air freight Speaking: exchanging information and opinions
Oil tankers Writing: summarising data from a table about pollution;
completing a table with given information
pp. 40-43
Handling Goods Logistics Reading: scanning a text for information about logistics;
and Passengers The organisation of a the organisation of warehouses, airports and ports
warehouse: the forklift truck Listening: listening for information about a port
The organisation of an airport: Writing: completing sentences
apron vehicles
The organisation of a port
pp. 44-47
Transport Basics and practise on Reading: official transport documents. Scanning and filling
Documents transport documents: CMR, the forms
the bill of lading, the air Speaking: exchange ideas and informations about
waybill international documents
pp. 48-50
Insurance Transport and insurance, Reading: learning basics on insurance and specific
Focus on business insurance transport insurance
and Lloyd's Speaking: discussing and exchanging informations about
business insurance in one's country
Writing: search a famous Lloyd's historic insurance event
pp. 51-53
Safety Procedures Legislation and safety signs Reading: safety regulations and procedures; completing a
and Regulations Air safety table about safety measures
Road safety signs Listening: safety in warehouses
Sea safety Speaking: describing and explaining visual information;
Safety on trains expressing personal opinions and ideas about road safety
Warehouse safety
pp. 54-59
Applying for a job Curriculum Vitae Reading: how to write a CV and a covering letter; learning
Covering letter tips for getting a job
Tips for a successful interview Speaking: discuss the suitability of a candidate compared
to a job post
Writing: production of a covering letter and a simulation of
an interview
pp. 60-63
1 What Is English for Transport
and Logistics?
In a short time you will be studying English for Transport, both by sea and by air, as well as Logistics. But do you
know exactly what these topics are?
1 Read the questionnaire and fill it in to check what you already know.
2 What other school subjects do you think you will study these topics in? Write the subject/s for each of
the following topics. The first one is done for you.
1 intermodal freight transport 4 control space
2 building a ship 5 the organisation of a port/airport/depot
3 safety regulations
In this book you will study some basic, traditional topics in transport.
aircraft \"e´krA…ft\ _______________________________ intermodal freight transport \Int´"m´Udl freIt "trœnspO…t\ ___
conductor \k´n"døkt´“r‘\ _________________________ locomotive engineer \l´Uk´"m´UtIv endZI"nI´“r‘\ _______
control space \k´n"tr´Ul speIs\ _____________________ lorry driver \"lÅri "draIv´“r‘\ _______________________
crew \kru…\ ____________________________________ safety \"seIfti\ __________________________________
cruiser \"kru…z´“r‘\ ______________________________ sail (v) \seIl\ __________________________________
depot \"dep´U\ _________________________________ skipper \"skIp´“r‘\_______________________________
drill rig \drIl rIg\ _______________________________ stock (v) \stÅk\ ________________________________
engine \"endZIn\ ________________________________ submerged \s´b"m‰…dZd\ _________________________
floating \"fl´UtIN\ _______________________________ trailer \"treIl´“r‘\ ________________________________
freight \freIt\ __________________________________ train driver \treIn "draIv´“r‘\ ______________________
goods \gUdz\ __________________________________ warehouse \"we´haUs\ ___________________________
haul (n) \hO…l\ _________________________________ wheel \wi…l\ ___________________________________