Semester:-Sem IV Branch: - Computer Science and Engineering Subject: - Operating System
Semester:-Sem IV Branch: - Computer Science and Engineering Subject: - Operating System
Semester:-Sem IV Branch: - Computer Science and Engineering Subject: - Operating System
1) What is an operating system? What are the operating system services? Explain in
5) Differentiate between thread and process. Give two advantages of thread over
multiple processes.
6) What is meant by a process? Explain mechanism for process creation and process
termination by O.S.?
9) What are the differences between user level threads and kernel level threads?
Under what circumstances one is better than other?
10) Describe the actions taken by thread library to context switch between user
level threads.
16) Explain short term scheduler, long term scheduler, and medium term
scheduler in brief.
2) What is meant by process priority? What are different types of priorities? What
role does priority play in a process scheduling?
a) Draw Gantt charts showing the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, RR
and priority scheduling schemes.(TQ=2MS)
b)Compute the waiting and turnaround time for each process for each of the above
11.Consider the following set of processes:
Process Arrival Time Burst Time Priority
P1 0 7 5
P2 3 10 4
P3 4 5 3
P4 5 3 1
P5 7 4 2
a) Draw Gantt charts showing the execution of these processes using FCFS, SJF, RR
and priority scheduling schemes.(TQ=4ms)
b)Compute the waiting and turnaround time for each process for each of the above
12.What is multilevel queue scheduling explain with the help of diagram
13.What is multilevel feedback queue scheduling?
14.What is starvation & aging in OS?
1) List and explain activities involve in Memory Management.
2) Explain working of demand paging.
3) Explain virtual memory management in detail.
4) Explain memory protection by using relocation and limit register
5) What are strategy used to solve dynamic storage allocation problem (First fit, Best
fit, Worst fit).
6) Describe paging using translation look aside buffer.
7) Explain LRU & Optimal page replacement algorithm.
8) What is locality of reference? How this principle used in virtual memory.
Consider logical address space of 32 pages of 1024 word per page,mapped on to a
physical memory of 16 frames. Calculate
Logical address bit
Physical address bit
Differentiate between
a. Relocation and Compaction
b. Paging and Demand Paging
c. Swapping and Thrashing
d. Paging and Segmentation
E. Logical and physical address
9) What is thrashing? What are the causes of thrashing? How can be the effects
of thrashing are limited?
10) Given the memory partitions of 100 KB, 500 KB, 200 KB, 300 KB, and 600 KB
(in order), how would each first fit, best fit and worst fit algorithms place processors
of 212 KB, 417 KB, 112 KB and 426 KB (in order)? Which algorithm makes
most efficient use of memory?
11) What is segmentation? Explain in brief the segmentation hardware?
How many page faults occur for the following reference string using 4 page
frames: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 7, 8, 9, 5, 4, 5, 4, 2? Use
a. LRU policy
b. Optimal Policy
Consider the page reference string 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7 and main memory
have three page frames, use FIFO, LRU and Optimal page replacement policy and
find out which policy is best and why?
What are the actions taken by operating system if page fault occurs in the system?
How logical to physical address translation is done in paging? Explain with example.
Describe the terms:
a. Internal and external fragmentation
b. Dirty Page and Clean Page
0 219 600
1 2300 14
2 90 100
3 1327 580
4 1952 96
What are the physical addresses for the following logical addresses?
a.0430 b.110 c.2500 d.3400 e.4112
What are the different types of files? What are the functions of each type of
Explain in brief the following allocation method:
Contiguous Allocation
Linked Allocation
Indexed Allocation
Compare and contrast various techniques used for free space management.
With the help of neat diagrams explain index allocation and linked allocation
of disk space to a file with advantages and disadvantages.
Explain in brief the in-memory structure of a file system along with open,
read, and close operations.
What are shared files? How shared files are implemented? How the deletion
operation is dealt with shared files?
What is meant by consistency semantics? Explain implementation in modern
Explain different operations that need to be performed on directory.
With the help of need diagrams explain the following directory structures:
Tree structure
Acyclic graph
List and explain the various File Attributes.
What are the different Accessing Methods of a File?
Define UFD and MFD
What are the types of Path Names, Explain with example?
Explain concept of file recovery.
What are the Functions of Virtual File System (VFS)?
Explain File system Mounting and Mount point.
Explain Single level Directory and Two level directory.
Consider the disk of 0 through 199 cylinders and the head is at 53. Let the
pending requests are 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 67. Compute the total no.
of cylinders traversed in following scheduling
Explain with neat diagram, the I/O hardware, explaining in brief the important
Explain in brief RAID level 3, level 4, level 5 structures.
Describe the services provided by kernel I/O subsystem.
Explain in brief swap space management.
Explain blocking I/O and non blocking I/O.
Explain with example handshaking notion (polling) in brief.
What are boot block and bad blocks? Describe each in brief.
Describe spooling and device reservation.
Explain transforming I/O to hardware operations with the help of life cycle of
an I/O request.
Explain swap space management with the help of BSD text-segment swap
Define interrupt. Explain it in detail.
Explain disk management in detail.
Name and describe 5 major services provided by kernel I/O subsystem.
What is DMA Controller? Explain various steps of DMA transfer process.