План-конспект уроку. Зовнішність та характер людини.

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Date: 12.10.

Form: 7-A
Topic: Person's appearance and character
Тема: Зовнішність і характер людини
- to promote the development of the ability to describe the appearance and character of
people in oral and written speech;
- to promote the improvement of reading and listening comprehension techniques;
- to encourage pupils to be ready to participate in foreign language communication;
- to promote the formation of skills in the use of adjectives, adverbs and possessive
- to promote the education of a culture of communication, tolerant attitude towards
Мета: сприяти розвитку вміння описувати зовнішність та характер людей в усному і
писемному мовленні; сприяти вдосконаленню техніки читання та навчанню розуміння
текстів на слух; спонукати учнів до готовності брати участь в іншомовному
спілкуванні; сприяти формуванню навичок вживання прикметників, прислівників та
присвійних займенників; сприяти вихованню культури спілкування, толерантного
ставлення до людей.
Equipment: a computer, cards, Student's Book, multimedia presentation.
Learning Outcomes. By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
- describe person's appearance;
- talk about person’s traits of character (positive and negative);
- use vocabulary and grammar on the related topic.
I . Introduction Time
1.Greeting 1 min
T: Good morning boys and girls! Take your seats. You look so nice today! I hope you
are fine. You are all at your places with happy smiling faces. Today we have unusual lesson,
we have got some guests. Let’s greet them:
Ps: Welcome to our lesson!
2. Warming up and Aim 2 min
T: And today’s lesson I’d like to start with such saying:
Mr. Hall is very tall. Who is tall? Mr. Hall.
Mr. Cort is very short. Who is sport? Mr. Cort.
Mr. Pick is very thick. Who is thick? Mr. Pick.
Mr. Lynn is very thin. Who is thin? Mr. Lynn.
T.: So, today we’re going to speak about...
P: Appearance and character.
T: Yes, today we are going to speak about person’s appearance and traits of character.
During of the lesson you will be able to:
- describe person's appearance;
- talk about person’s traits of character (positive and negative);
- use vocabulary and grammar on the related topic.
Pay attention! There are some sheets of paper “like” and “dislike” on your tables. At the
end of the lesson you’ll choose ones to mark our lesson.

II Main part.
1.Brainstorming (мозковий шторм) 8 min
 Mind map
T: Look at the blackboard and answer the questions:
What do you think about when you hear the word “appearance”and “character”?
(pupils’ answers)
 Vocabulary
T: You are right. So, let's read and revise vocabulary material for this topic. They are on the
paper sheets on your desks.
 Group work
T: Well! And now let's train to use these words in our speech. For this purpose we will
watch one learning video. Your task will be the next: you have to listen and join words into
six groups: hair, eyes, build, height, age, character.

2.Vocabulary Practice. 20 min

 Writing. Worksheet 1.
T: Put the words in the correct column.

 Reading. “Mystery Inc”

1) Pre-Reading Activity.
T: Look at the picture. Whom can you see? You can see Mystery Inc. You have to read and
answer the questions from exercise 2. But, before reading, let's explain the words in the list
from exercise 3.
2) Reading Activity.
T: Let’s start to read one by one.
3) Post- Reading Activity.
T: Work in pairs. So, now you have to answer the questions from exercise 2.

 Writing. Worksheet 2.
T: Choose the name of the character corresponding to each description. Say who are
positive and who are negative characters? Why?

3. Speaking. Game “Guess Who” 10 min

T: Let’s play a game “Guess Who”. You have to choose one of the cards from the blackboard.
Then you have to describe this character without saying his/her name. Another student's have
to guess who you are describing.

III. Summing-up 4 min

1.Home task. Project work
T: Your home task for today was to draw any character and describe his/her appearance
and character according to the plan (name, age, country, appearance, traits of character).
2. Reflection
T: I guess, this lesson will help you to understand that love, patience, kindness and self-
control are features of a successful person. And I wish you to become one.
T: Your work at the lesson was very good. You were very active. Your marks are…
Now you know your marks. Children say what have you learned today?
- describe person's appearance;
- talk about person’s traits of character (positive and negative);
- use vocabulary and grammar on the related topic.
T: And now, I propose you to mark our lesson with the sheet of paper “like” or “dislike”.

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