Management Discussion and Analysis
Management Discussion and Analysis
Management Discussion and Analysis
The COVID-19 crisis has resulted in a significant shock to trade, IMF is projecting a stronger recovery in 2021 and 2022 for
restricting cross-border travel, disrupting international production the global economy compared to their previous forecast,
networks and impacting demand worldwide. As per UN reports, with growth projected to be 6% in 2021 and 4.4% in 2022.
global trade in goods and services contracted by an estimated 7.6% Nonetheless, the outlook presents daunting challenges related
in 2020. Global merchandise trade has however been recovering to divergences in the speed of recovery, both across and within
since mid 2020 on the back of strong demand for electric and countries as well as the potential for persistent economic
electronic equipment, pharmaceuticals and, especially, personal damage from the crisis.
protective equipment. Massive stimulus measures amounting to
USD12.7 trillion prevented a total collapse of the world economy. Indian Scenario
However, stark differences in the size of the stimulus packages The year 2020 started on a weak note as India’s GDP growth
between developed and developing countries have put them rate hit a six-year low in 2019 and then gradually decelerated
Looking ahead at CY 2021, various government and international Indian Banking Industry
institutions initially projected a sharp “V shaped recovery” for Like any other sector, the disruption caused by COVID-19 and
the Indian economy. The Economic Survey 2020-21 estimated subsequent lockdowns in the country saw material pressure
a robust double-digit growth of 11% in FY 2021-22, albeit on multiple fronts in the banking sector. The uncertainty arising
over a lower base, backed by revitalisation of consumption out of its direct impact on banks with consequent impact on
and investment demand amid a mega-vaccination drive. The debt servicing ability of borrowers and asset quality woes has
International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected the economy to adversely impacted the risk appetite of lenders, thereby impacting
grow by 11.5% (further raising it to 12.5% later) and reclaim the credit uptick. During the critical phase of the pandemic, Indian
its status of the fastest growing economy. RBI estimated Banks focused on maintaining adequate staff at the branches,
the economic growth at 10.5% (further revising to 9.5%) in FY deployed mobile ATMs and implemented door step banking for
2021-22, supported by sustained improvement in financial senior citizens to ensure the much-needed service to customers.
resources and strong push provided by the Union Budget for Several Banks which had already made significant investments
revival of key sectors. Through the landmark union budget for in technology and digital transformation were supporting the
FY 2021-22, the Government explicitly made on growth and customer requirements through various digital innovations.
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With the slowdown in economic growth, deposits grew at a The near term focus of your Bank was in creating flexible plans
moderate rate of ~8% in fiscal 2020. The pandemic influenced to deal with the dynamic environment. Analytics and decision
customers to start conserving their money and reduce their engines were continuously used to identify potential risk
private consumption. This reflected in the Year-on-Year deposits areas. Relentless emphasis was given to digital migration and
growth range of 9.5%-12%, April 2020 onwards, despite the digitization of internal processes. Your Bank ensured continuous
declining deposit rates. The FY 2020- 21 saw the deposits traction in relatively higher margin business. With the deposit
growth crossing 10% and register 11.4% Year on Year growth franchise becoming stronger and granular, a tight vigil was kept
(fortnight ended March 26, 2021). Moreover, the liquidity surplus on possible slippages and focus was placed to strengthen the
in the banking system stood at Rs.3.8 Lakh Crore as on March 26, balance sheet. Robust operating performance helped your Bank
2021 and the bank CD’s reduced by over 70.0% on Y-o-Y basis to increase the coverage ratios and set aside higher provisions
on account of such surplus. Time deposits account for 87.7% for what could potentially need a higher requirement with the
of aggregate deposits (88.1% share as on March 27, 2020) and passage of time, should the environment continue to be fraught
grew at a slower pace compared to the demand deposits, which with risks. Despite many disruptions caused by the pandemic,
accounted for the balance 12.3% (11.9% share as on March 27, your Bank continued to grow low-cost deposits as much as gold
2020). loan business. Business banking and retail segments, which are
During the financial year, the yield on average advances (gross) stood at 8.75% and the yield on investments (excluding trading gain)
stood at 6.57%. The interest/discount on advances/bills improved to ` 10,795 Crore (March 31, 2021) from ` 10,671 Crore (March 31,
2020), interest on investments improved to ` 2,349 Crore (March 31, 2021) from ` 2,184 Crore (March 31, 2020) and other interest
including interest on balances with RBI / other interbank funds improved to ` 614 Crore (March 31, 2021) from ` 356 Crore (March 31,
2020).The share of interest income of your Bank to total income stood at 88%.
Expenditure (` in Crore)
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The net interest income of your Bank registered a robust 19% growth even with the net credit growth of 8%, enabled by the granular
deposit franchise and the improvement of credit profile towards granular retail. During the financial year, your Bank’s spread on advances
(gross) improved to 3.75% and spread on investments (gross) improved to 3.28%. Even with the disruptions caused by the pandemic,
operating profit rose by 18%. Net profit registered 3% growth even with 41% increase in provisions (to improve coverage) excluding tax.
Even with the high economic impact of the pandemic, Bank reported almost flattish slippages. The Gross NPA of your Bank as on March
31, 2021 stood at ` 4,602 Crore Gross NPA as a percentage to Gross Advances is at 3.41%. The Net NPA stood at ` 1,569 Crore and
this as a percentage to Net Advances is at 1.19%. The Provision Coverage Ratio (including technical write-offs) stood at 77.65%, an
improvement of 517 bps. Provisions (excl TWO) improved by 1175 bps to reach 65.14%.
Key Ratios
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
CASA Ratio
Return on Average Total Assets 0.85 0.94
Return on Average Equity 10.38 11.10
FY 2020-21 33.81
Cost to Income Ratio 49.36 51.30
Net interest margin 3.16 3.05
FY 2019-20 30.50
Earnings per Share (EPS) ` (Annualised) 7.97 7.76
Book value per share (end period) ` 80.77 72.86
Return on assets and return on equity slightly deteriorated during the year owing to the economic impact of pandemic and stood at
0.85% and 10.38% respectively. Earnings per share improved to ` 7.97 from ` 7.76, while book value per share increased to ` 80.77
from ` 72.86. CASA ratio improved by 331 bps supported by robust traction in savings book and current deposits. Various cost control
initiatives of your Bank helped to bring down the cost to income ratio from 51.30% to 49.36%.
Deposits (` in Crore)
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 % Change CASA
Customer Deposits 163,609 145,650 12
Certificates of Deposit 5,985 4,449 35 FY 2020-21 58370
Interbank deposits 3,050 2,191 39 FY 2019-20 46450
Total Deposits 172,644 152,290 13
Deposits growth held up well for your Bank during FY 2020-21 with overall deposits increasing by 13% YoY. Retail deposits make up
90% of overall deposits and core deposits constitutes 98% of the total deposits. Retail deposits grew by 14% YoY and NR deposits, which
constitute 39% of total deposit, grew by 12% YoY.
Advances (` in Crore)
Particulars March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 % Change
Retail Advances 44,910 37,878 19 Net Advances
Business Banking 11,890 10,529 13
Agri Advances 16,076 13,051 23
FY 2020-21 131879
Gold Loans 15,816 9,301 70
Commercial Banking 13,262 11,970 11 FY 2019-20 122268
Corporate Banking 48,738 50,725 -4
Gross Advances 134,877 124,153 9
The overall advances stood at ` 1,34,877 Crore led by a broad based growth (except corporate loans). Retail loans remained one of the
fastest growing segment at 19% YoY growth along with agri advances at 23% YoY. Gold loan growth was sharp at 70% YoY with the loan
book crossing ` 15,000 Crore majorly driven by the branch network. Your Bank further reshaped the credit book; Retail to Wholesale
Ratio improved to 54: 46 from 50:50 (March 2020).
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Capital Adequacy Ratio and Tier – 1/ CET - 1 Ratio of your The distribution continues to expand through the Relationship
Bank computed as per Basel III guidelines for the financial year Management structure at numerous locations and touch points,
increased by 27 bps and 56 bps respectively. Increase in profit catering to the entire value chain across business verticals. This
and growth in lower risk weighted assets helped in improving the approach has helped your Bank in tapping various Retail, SME and
CRAR. Capital Adequacy Ratio at 14.62% stood well above the cross-sell opportunities. Most of your Bank’s clients have moved
regulatory minimum requirement of 10.875%, including a Capital to digital platform of the Bank, “Fed E Biz” and all products are
Conservation buffer of 1.875%. being offered and serviced through this platform, in line with the
philosophy of “Digital at the Fore, Human at the Core”.
Opportunities and Threats
The second wave of COVID-19 in the country has led to localised Commercial Banking
restrictions in various states. The financial institutions fear that Commercial Banking division focuses on providing end-to-end
any restrictions placed locally or across the country may hamper financing solutions to Mid-Market and MSMEs. Your Bank’s
the economic progress and lead to economic losses which may offerings in this segment include working capital, term loan, trade
further increase the loan defaults. Already hit by a big wave of finance and advisory services, cash management, supply chain
loan defaults even before the pandemic, the Banks in the country finance, foreign exchange services, structured offerings, gold
cannot afford any more stress in the financial system. If there is metal loan and liability products. Your Bank could leverage upon
a continued surge of COVID-19 cases in the country, it will either its relationship structure, branch network, digital platform and
impact the growth rates of the Banks or impact the credit cost multiple product offerings to add many New to Bank clients as
at varying degrees, based on the nature of the asset book and well as increase its wallet share of business with existing clients.
strength of the Balance Sheet. Going forward, the smaller players During FY 2020-21, this business scaled up further with a closing
in the market may have higher risk of deteriorating credit cost advance position of ` 13,262 Crore as against ` 11,970 Crore in
while with an improving balance sheet and stable asset quality, FY 2019-20. The business continues to have a diversified and
your Bank will have the opportunity to gain further market share granular portfolio in terms of sectors and geography. Your Bank’s
in select segments. A further resurgence of COVID-19 may see focus in Commercial Banking will continue to be the “Bank of First
delayed economic recovery leading to lower ability to leverage Choice” for all its clients.
and consume credit in the corporate segment, as the companies
would restrict borrowings. CV/CE Business
The CV/CE Division finances single unit owners, fleet operators
Business Overview and strategic clients for their purchase of new and used
Corporate and Institutional Banking Commercial Vehicles and Construction Equipments. Your Bank
Corporate and Institutional Banking division offers a commenced this business in FY 2018-19 in the states of Tamil
comprehensive suite of banking products and services, both Nadu and Kerala in view of strong presence in these regions and
locally and overseas. It caters to Large Business Houses and during last two years, gradually expanded the reach to cover
Corporates, MNCs, Capital Market clients, PSUs and Financial Southern and Western India.
Your Bank actively participated in the implementation of With the added focus on HNI segment, CASA share from HNI
COVID-19 relief measures announced by the Government and segment to Bank’s total CASA improved to 45.25% in FY 2020-21
could disburse an amount of ` 1,128 Crore by way of ECLGS 1.0 as compared to 40.72% in FY 2019-20. Number of HNI profiled
and 2.0. Your Bank, by implementing directive from Ministry of customers has reached 2.45 Lakhs in FY 2020-21, registering a
Finance on classification of MSME based on Udyam certificate 25% Y-o-Y growth in client count.
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Your Bank had also introduced multiple digital capabilities which • Bank obtained Tele marketing licence from IRDA for
includes (a) e-NACH, a self-assisted journey for customers to insurance sales and is now LIVE with 3 insurance partners
register for a mandate that automates collection of EMI, (b) e-Sign, in Tele Sales (HDFC Ergo, IDBI Federal & Max Bupa)
a digital signature process for document execution, (c) e-KYC • With the support and coordination of all the stakeholders,
through Aadhaar Based authentication process (d) online banking your Bank introduced 15 new products in the insurance
statement analysis, etc. All these capabilities are integrated in space in the current financial year
a new loan origination system for Auto Loans and have helped
improve the delivery speed and productivity for the bank. Your Cards and Payment Solutions
Bank had also tied up with auto giants, M/s Maruti Suzuki Your Bank has become the 5th largest private sector bank in the
India Ltd and M/s Hyundai India, to enhance its presence in the country in terms of monthly debit spends. During March 2021,
auto segment. During COVID-19, your Bank had also tightened monthly debit spends of your Bank has reached an all-time high
the credit norms so as to ensure maintenance of quality of its at ` 1,120 Crore. Your Bank has partnered with leading e-com
Retail portfolio. merchants in the country to conduct promotional campaigns.
More than 75+ campaigns have been conducted across leading
Your Bank’s association with WMS (Wealth Management brands like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, INOX, BookMyShow, Indigo,
Services) partner M/s Equirus Wealth for FY 2020-21 witnessed Snapdeal, MMT, Big Basket, Swiggy and Reliance Digital. This has
significant boom in business, generating substantial growth in not only helped in enhancing your Bank’s brand presence across
AUM (Assets under Management) and revenue. As part of the leading e-commerce merchants but has also played a key role
business outcome, your Bank has on boarded 5,000+ clients for in increasing spends on debit cards. The number of customers
WMS services in FY 2020-21, adding an incremental AUM of using debit cards for spends on POS and E-Com has increased
` 800+ Crore and revenue of ` 4.70 Crore. Total AUM as on March exponentially.
31, 2021 stands at ` 1,448 Crore. Your Bank is proud to report
that while the Mutual Fund industry reported net negative sales Your Bank expanded the Debit Card EMI (DC EMI) reach to leading
for 8 months in the last FY, your Bank consistently registered a e-com giants including Amazon and Flipkart. Affordability loans of
positive growth in sales during the same period, thereby gaining a more than ` 40 Crore have been disbursed during the FY through
considerable market share. DC EMI, thus establishing consumer finance as a stable business
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82 Federal Bank
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Your Bank has published a citizen charter for forex facilities and • Non-fund based facilities (Standby Letter of Credit/Bank
publishes the exchange rates of various currencies on a daily Guarantee etc.)
basis on the Bank’s website for the benefit of public. Your Bank is • Acceptance of foreign currency deposits
now a member of the Managing Committee of FEDAI.
• Treasury operations
Foreign exchange business of your Bank is conducted through With the opening of IBU, your Bank caters to both domestic and
two ‘A’ category branches and eighty eight (88) ‘B’ category international clients for their various funded and non-funded
branches/ offices and the IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) Branch in investment requirements at multiple jurisdictions. IBU boosts the
GIFT City (Gujarat International Financial Tec City). The entire balance sheet of your Bank by empowering it to extend various
foreign exchange / trade finance transactions are centralised to foreign currency loans to eligible entities as well as qualified
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Transactions through Branch (Lakhs) Transactions through Digital Channels (Lakhs) Digital Share
The digital users grew by 21% YOY and the monthly Mobile department ensures sufficiency and protection of underlying
Banking volumes crossed ` 10,000 Crore mark during the Fiscal assets, and also ensure that the securities are updated and re-
Year to reach ` 10,645 Crore as on March 31, 2021. valued at regular intervals. Further, the department constantly
endeavours to ensure an excellent turnaround time.
MeitY Score Card
Your Bank is ranked 2nd in the DIGIDHAN dahsboard published by The preservation of asset quality is of paramount importance
Meity as on Januray 2021 and is ranked number 1 in the category for your Bank and the Credit Monitoring Department deploys
specific score card. Your Bank has achieved the target given by various tools to closely monitor the credit health of the portfolio
MeitY for digital transactions and merchant acquisition. on an ongoing basis. The department has put in place defined
systems, procedures and practices, and developed various
Credit Health Management tools for gathering and analysing data from internal as well
Credit Administration Department ensures the health of credit as external sources. To stay sharp and relevant in the dynamic
portfolio (i.e. borrowers with aggregate exposure of ` 2 Crore and socio-economic environment, your Bank’s Credit Monitoring
above) through meticulous compliance of pre and post-disbursal Department is continuously upgrading the tools.
covenants of credit sanctions and error free documentation. The
department prepares the documents as per sanction terms, Identifying stress during the nascent stage and initiating prompt
verifies the executed documents once they are submitted for corrective actions based on the data analysis forms the crux of
setting up of limit, and ensures creation of charge and perfection credit health management process. Thus, stressed situations
of securities within the stipulated timeframe. The department are identified well in advance and corrective action plans are
also ensures regular follow-up of compliance with covenants implemented wherever required. Asset quality and credit
required by the credit policy and the Sanction Order. Further, the discipline with compliance culture on an ongoing basis is ensured
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• The Board of Directors oversee and approve the risk policies Your Bank follows a policy of portfolio diversification and
and strategies to establish an integrated risk management evaluates its total financing exposure to a particular industry
framework and control system in your Bank in the light of its growth forecast and profitability. Your Bank’s
Credit Risk division monitors all major sectors of the economy
• The Risk Management Committee (RMC) of the Board
and specifically tracks industries in which the Bank has credit
oversees the management of various risks associated with
exposures. Your Bank also has a framework for managing
business, systems and processes
concentration risk with respect to single borrower and group
• Executive Level Committees ensure effective implementation exposures, based on the internal rating and track record of the
of risk policies of credit, market and operational risks borrowers. The exposure limits for lower-rated borrowers and
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90 Federal Bank
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Employee Communication
Reimagining Recruitment
Your Bank ensures the effectiveness of various channels
FedRecruit, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) based flagship HR -Tech
that facilitate employee communication at various levels.
Solution of your Bank reimagined the traditional hiring practices
Latest technologies are deployed to reach a wider audience
through digital disruption, encompassing Robotic Interview,
and aid the employees to collaborate with each other. A
Game Based Simulations, Chatbots, Mobile Application for real
communication strategy was also issued during the pandemic
time candidate engagement etc., arguably the first of its kind in
on employee welfare, general health/hygiene/best practices
India. This new initiative has resulted in measurable efficiencies
and general matters. Christened as ‘Ask Series’, relevant Talk
in the recruitment cycle, leading to faster candidate profiling,
Shows were conducted by the top management through digital
greater stakeholder engagement, employer branding, superior
platforms, encouraging active participation by the employees. hiring and better analytics.
This helped the employees to align with the leadership thought
and vision and help them stay more informed, equipped and Employee and Industrial Relations
current. To disseminate the information regarding updates and The Industrial Relations scenario during the last year had been
other measures, internal digital platforms like Filter Coffee congenial and various representative bodies were given due
(internal newsletter) and Yammer were extensively used. importance to maintain harmonious relations.
Through effective communication, the objective of your Bank
is to establish a seamless connect with all employees and Talent Development and Training
involve the entire taskforce in building stronger trust-based Training Division of your Bank i.e. the Federal Knowledge and
relationship. Development Center (FKDC) spearheads and drives learning and
development activities “Phygitally” with the objective of building a
Employee Welfare and Wellbeing workforce that is constantly learning, re-learning and developing.
Your Bank gives paramount importance to the welfare and well- Your Bank has a bouquet of Synchronous and Asynchronous
being of its employees. All efforts are being taken by your Bank Learning programmes driven fully through virtual modes even
to support the employees and their family members during the before the pandemic times, which has helped uninterrupted
pandemic. learning opportunities for employees post pandemic lockdown.
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Risk Based Internal Audit 745 Your Bank has a healthy compliance and legal risk management
Information System Audit 1,376 culture. The processes are designed to ensure legal and
Management Audit 129 regulatory compliance and enable detection and prevention
of any breaches. The Legal Department of your Bank frames
Revenue Audit 1,257
processes and controls that can efficiently manage and mitigate
Gold Loan Audit 1,894 the legal risks stemming from the daily business transactions
Credit Audit 644 of the Bank. Further, your Bank has a well laid system, which
Legal Audit 471 ensures that the documentation process is contemporary and
in tune with industry standards, thus minimising the menace of
Bi-monthly audits at Currency Chests 54
legal risk, and in the meantime enhancing customer experience.
Audits of outsourced agencies/ 183
Additionally, a “Manual of Instructions on Documentation”
managed services
has been published by our Legal Department comprising of all
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Legal Hubs are set up at all the Zones of your Bank to ensure Regulatory Compliance
compliance with local laws and render legal support to the Compliance, with all applicable laws and regulations, is
branches, underwriting teams and credit administration quintessential to the success of the Bank. Hence, your Bank
teams. New products, processes and schemes introduced balances growth and controls simultaneously to achieve the
by your Bank invariably undergo legal vetting by the Legal Most Admired Bank status. Your Bank’s compliance philosophy
Department to ensure legal compliance and proper analysis declares that the Bank has neither appetite nor tolerance
of legal risks involved. Moreover, the Legal Department is for any compliance risk on account of non-compliance with
rendering professional and expert advice on various legal issues regulations.
associated with your Bank.
Your Bank adopts risk- based approach and has put in place
With the strong objective of making your Bank a Zero Customer- appropriate policies and processes to ensure enterprise-
Complaint Bank, strenuous efforts are being made to reduce wide compliance. To manage compliance risk, we have built
the number of suits/ complaints filed against the Bank before a comprehensive Compliance Risk Management Framework
different courts/ consumer forums. The fortnightly publication (CRMF), containing processes covering implementation of
of “Legal Decisions Affecting Banks” circulated by Legal regulations, identification of risks, and remediation of risks on
Department based on verdicts rendered by Supreme Court/ time. To identify any known or hidden risks, we have a variety of
various High Courts/ Tribunals coupled with various educational monitoring and testing programs, like branch and department
circulars issued by Legal Department, keeps all teams well self- testing by frontline staff, review by Compliance Monitoring
informed on legal challenges/ issues and steps to be taken Officers and Compliance Risk Assurance Cell (CRAC). Every staff
to avert compliance failures. Legal Department, a repository of your Bank is committed to maintain the highest level of
of statutes, also updates the teams/offices/ branches of compliance standards, both in professional and personal life. Zero
the relevant amendments/ modifications made to statutes adverse regulatory action or investigation on the Bank during
from time to time. Standard Loan Agreements are modified/ the financial year is a testament of their commitment and the
simplified from time to time to make them contemporary and in effectiveness of your Bank’s compliance management.
tune with industry standards.
Your Bank has taken many steps to strengthen its compliance
Other than this, the Legal Department has formulated a structure. It has revised the Compliance Policy and the Policy
framework for legal compliance of local laws compiling the Land on Combating Financial Crime, keeping in view the regulatory
and Stamp Laws, related customs and practices etc., in vogue requirements and best domestic and international practices.
in different states. It has also published Stamp Duty tracker for This year, it has also extended the compliance program to the
guidance of branches/ offices, especially for the use of those subsidiaries and group companies. Additionally, your Bank has
who are posted to a branch outside their home state. Moreover, also framed a robust annual Compliance Risk Assessment
Zonal Legal Hubs have been holding sessions on legal topics for Program and Quality Assurance Program to rate the compliance
enriching branch level functionaries. With a view of imparting risk and ensure sustenance of compliance standards.
awareness on latest developments/ amendments in law and
to strengthen the knowledge base of the Legal Officers of your On the technological front, your Bank is also embarking on
Bank, the department is also conducting Biennial Conference of tech-based innovations to rewrite its compliance controls and
Legal Officers where legal luminaries address the participants on standards. The Continuous Compliance Monitoring (CCM) is a
latest topics virtually. new technological solution leveraging the data analytics and
artificial intelligence. The solution will be industry’s first and help
The Legal Department is also conducting Panel Advocates multiple control functions such as compliance, audit, vigilance
Meet across various Regions/Zones, which helps the Bank in and CRAC to comprehensively monitor scenario-based alerts on
understanding the best practices on legal/documentation side and any transactional deviations within 24 to 48 hours. The upgraded
also helps in deriving optimum services from the panel advocates. Anti- Money Laundering solution that your Bank is currently
Value addition is imparted by holding interactions amongst the implementing will provide an exhaustive list of management
members of Legal Department and Legal Hubs through audio- and screening capabilities of individual transactions, comparable
Your Bank’s MD & CEO winning the ‘Business Standard Banker Your Bank has also implemented the RBI guidelines on
of the year’ award has caught the attention of the industry at Harmonisation of Turnaround Time (TAT) and customer
a national level. Several other recognitions came your Bank’s compensation for failed transactions using authorised Payment
way including ‘Best Bank and Fastest Growing Bank’ Systems, by putting in place various systems and a dedicated
by Business Today and KPMG; awards for ‘Most Innovative team which ensures this.
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98 Federal Bank
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Support to IIT Palakkad- Research and Development in the Support to Helpage India, New Delhi
context of COVID-19 Helpage India is a leading charity in India working with and for
IIT Palakkad intends to set up an Assistive & Rehabilitation disadvantaged elderly for nearly four decades. Your Bank, with
Technology Research & Development Center in their institute a 50-50 contribution from public, supported Helpage India by
in collaboration with SreeChitra Medical Institute (SCTIMST) sponsoring 5,600 food packets to migrants labourers during the
Thiruvananthapuram and National Institute of Mental Health lockdown period of 15 days at various locations in New Delhi.
and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) Bangalore. SreeChitra Institute
of Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) Trivandrum and Funding Community Kitchens at Aluva, Perumbavoor
a Medical Research Group in Italy have agreed to share their In the recent years, Kerala has been experiencing a large influx
expertise and 60,000 ultrasound images of COVID-19 cases of migrant workers from different parts of India. Due to the
in Italy for the project. In an effort to assist hospitals in Kerala lockdown imposed by our Govt, these migrant labourers were
to combat the COVID-19 situation, IIT Palakkad also plans to left without job and food. During this period, your Bank supplied
develop Biomedical Assistive Diagnostic Devices and systems like food materials to community kitchens for providing meals to such
Low Cost Medical Ventilator, Pulse Plethysmograph, Ultrasound migrant labourers and other weaker section at Perumbavoor,
Lung Imaging and Automated Analysis, Group Testing Equipment Aluva and Angamaly.
Support to B J Medical College, Pune • Support to various organisations like Dalit Bahujan Resource
B J Medical College, Pune is an approved testing center for COVID-19. Center, Kerala Pulaya Maha Sabha for relief measures in the
Your Bank, with 50-50 contribution from public, supported the wake of COVID-19
College by providing it with 10 testing kits in two stages.
• 10 movable barricades in the context of COVID-19
Support to Kannur Medical College, Kannur for providing My containment activities to Kerala Police, Kollam rural district
Lab Testing kits • Support for transporting migrant workers to various
Considering the rampant spread of the virus in Kasargod and destinations in Rajasthan from Chennai in four buses
Kannur Districts, the Govt of Kerala started a Viral Research and
Development Lab for COVID-19 PCR testing at the Government Healthcare
Medical College, Pariyaram, Kannur. Your Bank supported the Support to KEM Hospital to enhance medical facilities
cause with 50-50 contribution from the public. KEM Hospital (King Edward Memorial Hospital), Pune, established
in the year 1912 at Pune District of Maharashtra, is one of the
Disaster Management and Preventive Healthcare – Various largest Non-Government Organisation Hospitals in the region.
Covid-19 projects Your Bank supported the hospital with specialised ventilators
COVID-19 related projects were included under CSR by the MCA. having HFO for their 50 bedded (Level 3) Neonatal ICU.
Following are some important activities supported by your Bank-
• Construction of COVID-19 isolation rooms for City Armed Sponsoring Trauma Care Units- Support to Sansad Mobile
Reserve Force Central, Bangalore SwasthyaSeva, Himachal Pradesh
Sansad Mobile Swasthya (SMS) is a public healthcare programme
• Supplying 35 thermal scanners to police stations and offices
started by Sri Anurag Singh Thakur, MP from Himachal Pradesh
in Kochi
(presently Minister of State for Finance, Govt of India). Sansad
• Purchase of N95 masks to be used by health workers at Mobile Swasthya comprises of Mobile Medical Units (MMUs)
Medical College, Kottayam which ply to remote rural villages in Hamirpur Parliamentary
Constituency of Himachal Pradesh. This programme was started
• Raincoats supplied to Fire & Rescue Personnel, Fire Force
on April 14, 2018, on the birth anniversary of Dr B R Ambedkar.
Station, Gandhinagar, Ernakulam
Within a short span of time, a fleet of 19 Mobile Medical Units
• Supply of 500 units of PPE Kits for doctors and health are plying in Hamirpur Parliamentary constituency, which covers
workers in Ernakulum General Hospital 5 districts, 800 Panchayaths and 13,000 beneficiaries.
• Support to the differently-abled and mentally challenged of • Support for providing 28 sewing machines to unemployed
Karuna Bhavan Social Center, Kalady women in Mookkannoor Panchayath
• Support to the differently-abled and mentally challenged of • Support to ‘Say Yes: Women for India@75’ Initiative by CII-
Karuna Bhavan, Malayatoor Indian Women Network (IWN)
Health Care- Various Projects Promoting Environment Sustainability & Swachh Bharat
• Support to Christian Medical College, Ludhiana for procuring SEED – Student Empowerment for Environment Development
two ambulances with life support system To build awareness amongst student fraternity and conserve the
earth’s natural resources, your Bank has been partnering with
• Support to St. Gregorios Medical Mission Hospital, Parumala,
Mathrubhumi for SEED Programme since 2012. SEED (Student
Pathanamthitta for purchasing an ambulance with ICU
Empowerment for Environmental Development) is an initiative
aimed at spreading the message of ecological conservation.
• Support for purchasing Blood Bank Refrigerator for use Schools carry out simple but effective steps in environment
in the blood bank to IMA Voluntary Donor Blood Bank, protection like Planting and Protection of Saplings, Agricultural
Ernakulam Activities, Bio-diversity Conservation, Energy Conservation,
Conservation of Water bodies, Cleanliness and Protection of
• Infrastructural Support to Idukki Govt Medical College Public Health, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Plastic waste and
Hospital intervention in local area environmental issues through SEED
Police. Your Bank has been supporting this noble cause for the
• Infrastructural Support to District Autism Center, Sultan past eight years.
Bathery, Wayanad
• Support to Divyam Foundation for purchasing a vehicle for Support to Various District Administration Bodies
Palliative Care activities Your Bank provided support to various projects of different
administrations, which include-
• Support to Holy Family Hospital, Bandra for procuring Liga
sure LS 10 tissue fusion instrument used to arrest bleeding • Tirunelveli Municipal Corporation for installation of FRP
during laparoscopic and open surgeries Mobile Toilets in Tirunelveli for public use
• Trivandrum Municipal Corporation (TMC) for Waste Even though RBI has deferred the implementation, your Bank is
Management Campaign ‘EnteNagaram ,SundaraNagaram’ gearing itself to bring the necessary systems in place to facilitate
the Proforma submission to RBI. With respect to the various
Eradicating Hunger & Poverty - Various Projects instructions from Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Reserve Bank
• Supported Scalae Charitable Society for setting up a dryer of India (RBI), the actions taken by your Bank are summarized as
unit (for food processing) for farmers follows:
• Supported Bosco Integrated Development Society for • Your Bank is continuing to submit the quarterly progress
providing food kits to Community School students in the report on the status of Ind AS implementation to the Audit
state of Meghalaya Committee of the Board
Promoting Sports & Culture • As directed by the RBI, the Bank is submitting quarterly
As a measure for empowering women and to promote sports Proforma Ind AS financial statements to the RBI within the
among the women from the country and overseas, support stipulated timeline
was extended to the Women’s team of Gokulam FC, run by
M/s Gokulam Football Foundation, in the year 2020-21. The • Training to the employees is imparted in a phased manner
foundation is also running a campaign called ‘Inspire Like a Girl’,
in connection with the Women’s team, who are also the current The key impact areas during the implementation of Ind AS for
champions of Indian Women’s League. the Bank include effective interest rate accounting, fair valuation
inputs, methodologies and assumptions, specific valuation
Support to Kovalam FC, Vizhinjam was also provided with a, considerations in many instruments, expected credit losses,
target to uplifting talent within the underprivileged segment, employee stock options and implementation of technology
providing livelihood and bringing them to the mainstream. The systems.
objective of the Club was to engage boys from the fishermen
families, thereby preventing them from anti-social activities such Subsidiary/ Associates Performance
as substance abuse. The club was also supported with a team bus As on March 31, 2021, your Bank has one unlisted wholly owned
for transportation purposes. subsidiary - M/s. Federal Operations and Services Limited, and
one unlisted subsidiary - M/s. Fedbank Financial Services Limited.
Ind AS Implementation Your Bank also has two Associate Companies - M/s. Ageas
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) through press release RBI/2018- Federal Life Insurance Company Limited and M/s. Equirus Capital
2019/146 DBR.BP.BC.No.29/21.07.001/2018-19, dated March Private Limited.
Net worth in FY 2020-21 grew 20% to ` 832 Crore and CRAR (computed based on Ind-AS financials per RBI norms) improved to 23.52%.
During the year, Federal Bank has invested in equity shares of Fedfina amounting to ` 58.6 Crore
Fedfina carried enhanced liquidity buffers of ` 686 Crore as on March 31, 2021 in addition to the committed credit lines from Banks, in
anticipation of any potential COVID-19 related stress to cash-flows.
(` in Crore)
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Chg (%)
Capital Parameters
Net Worth 832.08 694.04 20%
Capital adequacy 23.52% 17.89% 563 bps
Balance Sheet
Asset Size 5410 4035 34%
Loan Book 4492 3651 23%
Cash, Bank &Liq. MFs 685.9 224.2 206%
Gross loan portfolio (on book) as on March 31, 2021 grew 21% to ` 4,492 Crore (PY ` 3,651 Crore). Total assets increased to ` 5,410
Crore (PY ` 4,035 Crore).
Portfolio Quality March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020 Chg (%)
GNPA (%) 0.98% 1.35% 34 bps
NNPA (%) 0.79% 1.16% 37 bps
Debt Rating
Fedfina’s long-term debt is rated AA-/stable by India Ratings and its short-term debt is rated A1+ by ICRA, CRISIL & ACUITE, indicating
the highest degree of safety regarding timely servicing of financial obligations.