19591-GLBL-en Freedom Constrained Liner Surg

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Constrained Liner
Surgical Technique
1 | Freedom Constrained Liner Surgical Technique

Constrained Liner Options

Freedom Standard Freedom 10 Degree Freedom +5 mm Freedom

Face Constrained Liner Constrained Liner Standard Face All-Polyethylene
Constrained Liner Constrained Liner

Product Description
The Freedom Constrained Liner System is
manufactured from AArcom® Ultra High Molecular
Weight Polyethylene and is intended for patients
that have a high risk of dislocation due to a previous
history of dislocation, severe joint laxity and/or palsy
of surrounding musculature.

With the exception of the Freedom All-Polyethylene

Liners, the Freedom Constrained Liners have a locking
ring that is compatible with any RingLoc® Acetabular
Shell design. The Freedom All-Polyethylene Liners are
designed to be cemented into an acetabular shell or
directly into the acetabulum.

Freedom Constrained Liners are only compatible

with 36 mm Freedom Modular Heads with a -6, -3,
Standard, +3, +6, or +9 neck.
2 | Freedom Constrained Liner Surgical Technique

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Freedom Constrained Trial Liner

Reaming and Sizing Cementless
Carefully ream the acetabulum to prepare for Place the selected trial liner into the acetabular shell
placement of the acetabular shell. (Figure 3). The trial will fit loosely around the rim table
and will loosely engage the locking ring.
Shell Insertion
Thread the acetabular inserter onto the selected
acetabular shell and place into the acetabulum Select the trial liner that corresponds to the inner
(Figure 2). Impact the shell, taking care to check for diameter of the component being cemented into. Place
proper anatomic positioning. the trial liner in to the acetabular cage or prepared
acetabulum to determine the appropriate implant size
to allow for an adequate cement mantle thickness.
3 | Freedom Constrained Liner Surgical Technique

Figure 4 Figure 5

Trialing with Freedom Provisional

Heads Freedom Implant Insertion
Determine the desired neck length and select the Remove the black plug covering the mouth of the liner
appropriate modular head provisional. Locate the using the plug remover tool; discard this plug.
small line etch on the modular head provisional and
position this line marking in the most superior position Cementless
(Figure 6). Reduce the joint by aligning the flat aspect Place the liner into the acetabular shell (Figure 5).
of the modular head provisional with the liner’s mouth When satisfied with placement, use the Freedom Liner
and place the joint through a full range of motion Impactor to the seat the liner into the shell.
to ensure stability, checking that there is no early
impingement (Figure 4). Cemented
Mount the all-polyethylene liner onto the cup holder.
Note: Never mix the implant components and the Place the all-polyethylene liner in the cemented
provisional components to perform a trial reduction. acetabulum paying attention to the liner inclination,
Provisionals may become attached to the implant, anteversion and orientation. Maintain pressure
and the process of forcing these components apart against the cup using the pusher and apply continuous
can irreparably damage the implant(s). pressure during bone cement polymerization.
4 | Freedom Constrained Liner Surgical Technique

Figure 6 Figure 7

Freedom 36 mm Head Placement Reduction

Select the appropriate size modular head. Clean Mobilize the leg so that the head is placed at the
the femoral implant trunnion with a dry sponge. mouth of the liner. Flex and abduct the leg until the
Before impacting the modular head on the trunnion, circumferential flat aspect of the modular head aligns
position the etched line on the head such that it with the liner mouth. Apply firm pressure straight into
is located in the most superior position and is the liner until the head snaps into place. There will
aligned with the lateral aspect of the stem (Figure 6). often be an audible “snap” when the modular head is
Press the modular head onto the stem and double fully reduced.
check that the etch is still in the most superior
position. Fully seat the modular head by means of firm Ensure Full Stability
axial impaction utilizing a femoral head impactor and Before wound closure, ensure that the joint remains
mallet. stable and will move throughout the anticipated range
of motion without early impingement (Figure 7).
Note: Impact the modular head with at least three
firm mallet blows.
All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other
intellectual property rights, as applicable, owned by or licensed to
Zimmer Biomet or its affiliates unless otherwise indicated, and must not
be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the
express written consent of Zimmer Biomet.
This material is intended for health care professionals. Distribution to any
other recipient is prohibited.
For product information, including indications, contraindications,
warnings, precautions, potential adverse effects and patient counseling
information, see the package insert and www.zimmerbiomet.com.
Zimmer Biomet does not practice medicine. This technique was
developed in conjunction with a health care professional. This document
is intended for surgeons and is not intended for laypersons. Each
surgeon should exercise his or her own independent judgment in the
diagnosis and treatment of an individual patient, and this information
does not purport to replace the comprehensive training surgeons have
received. As with all surgical procedures, the technique used in each case
will depend on the surgeon’s medical judgment as the best treatment
for each patient. Results will vary based on health, weight, activity and
other variables. Not all patients are candidates for this product and/or
procedure. Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or
on the order of a surgeon. Rx only.
© 2018 Zimmer Biomet.
Check for country product clearances and reference product specific
instructions for use.
Not for distribution in France.

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Biomet UK Ltd.
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Biomet Orthopedics
P.O. Box 587 CE mark on a surgical technique
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USA individual CE mark of implants
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1959.1-GLBL-en-REV0918 www.zimmerbiomet.com product label.

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