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Mayoor School Noida Holiday Homework CLASS XI (2022-23) English

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CLASS XI (2022-23)

1. Project Work
Write an essay on any one of the below - listed topics in about 800- 1000 words and submit the
hand-written copy of A4 - Sized sheets in L- Shaped folder latest by 4th July 2022. Topics and
instructions to be followed are as follows:
1. My favourite leader
2. The book(s) I love to Read
3. Usage of Electronic Devices for Learning
1. Only original essays will be considered for the project work. Any form of plagiarism will
result in disqualification of the essay.
2. The entries will be evaluated based on the structure, facts & insights, creativity, and
3. Usage and citation of resources from the National Digital Library of India are encouraged.
2. Design a digital / hand - made Poster using A3 size sheet on the topic assigned section-
wise :
1. E- Waste Disposal - XI A
2. Reading Maketh a Full Man- XI B
3. Augmented Reality - XI C
4. A Thing of Beauty is Joy Forever - XI D
5. Education for All- XI E
6. My Calling , My Ikigai -XI F
7. Communal Harmony- XI G
8. Save Soil - XI H




Roll no. 1-10

Make a PPT on the given topic:

 Explain sets using venn diagram Give different examples in operation of sets.
 Applications of sets (explain with examples).
 Properties of sets

Roll no. 11-20

Make a PPT on the given topic:
Permutations and Combinations using following points:
 Historical note.
 Books on Permutations and Combinations.
 Applications in Astronomy.
 Applications in real life. (explain with example)

Roll no. 20 and above

Make a PPT on the given topic:
Relations and Functions using following points:

 Historical note.
 Different functions and its graphs.
 Explain domain and range with the help of arrow diagram (taking different
 Applications in real life.


1. In class x of a certain school, 50 students got distinction in maths and 42 got
distinction in science. If 24 students got distinction in both the subjects, find the
number of students getting distinction in:
i) Maths only
ii) Science only
iii) Any one of two subjects
2. The following is the findings from a survey of 25 students:
Subjects Number of students

Mathematics 15

Physics 12

Chemistry 11

Physics & Chemistry 5

Mathematics & Chemistry 5

Mathematics & Physics 7

All three subjects 3

Find the number of students for the followings:

a) Physics and chemistry but not that mathematics
b) Only one subject
c) At least one of the three subjects
d) None of the subjects
3. A college awarded 38 medals in hockey, 15 in basketball and 20 in cricket. If
these medals were bagged by a total of 58 students and only three students got
medals in all the three sports, how many students received medals in exactly two
of the three sports.
4. A market research group conducted a survey of 1000 consumers and reported
that 720 consumers liked product A and 450 consumers liked product B . What is
the least number that must have liked both products?
5. In a group of 84 persons, each plays at least one game out of three viz., tennis,
badminton and cricket. 28 of them play cricket, 40 play tennis and 48 play
badminton. If 6 play both cricket and badminton and 4 play tennis and
badminton and no one plays all the three games, find the number of persons who
play cricket but not tennis.

6. For any two sets A and B ,prove that (i) A∩( A’ ∪ B) = A ∩ B

(ii) ) A∩ (A ∪ B)’ = ϕ

7. For any sets A & B, show that

i) A (B-A) = A B
ii) (A B) – A = B – A
8. If P (A) = P (B), show that A = B
9. Prove that (A ∪ B)’ = (A’ ∩ B’)
10. Let A& B be two sets. Prove that (A-B) ∪B = A if and only if B ∁ A
11. For any two sets A & B, prove by using the properties of sets
( A  B)  ( A  B)  ( A  B)  ( B  A)
13.A and B are two sets such that : n (A - B) = 14 + x, n(B – A) = 3x and n(A ⋂B)=x,
draw a Venn diagram to illustrate information and if n(A)=n(B) then find the value of
14. Two finite sets have m and n elements. The total number of subsets of the first set
is 112 more than the total number of subsets of the second set. The value of m and n
are respectively:
(a) 4, 7 (b) 7, 4 (c) 4, 4 (d) 7, 7

15. Let A and B be two sets containing 3 and 6 elements respectively. Find the
maximum and minimum number of elements in A∪B.

16. Write the following sets in the roster form:

(i) A = {x : x ∊ R, 2x + 11 = 15}
(ii) B = {x | x2 = x, x∊ R}

17. Write the following intervals in the set builder form:

(i) (4,7) (ii) [−2,4] (iii) [8, ∞) (iv)(−∞, 1]

Q1. Prepare an Investigatory project on any physics related topics from class 11th or12th
Follow the steps given below:
1. Search the topics
2. Freeze on the topic
3. Collect the data related to the project topic.
4. Prepare a computerized typed file.

• The topic once selected cannot be changed.
• The selected topic has to be approved by the subject teacher.
• The first draft (without spiral) of the project is to be submitted on 20th July,2022.
• Project Template would be provided to you.

The project report should include

• Cover Page
• Certificate
• Acknowledgement
• Aim
• Material Required
• Theory
• Diagram
• Procedure
• Analysis of the System
• Applications
• Results and Discussion
• Precautions
• Sources of error
• Conclusion
• Bibliography

Q2. Write the following experiment (without observations/readings) in practical file (i)
To measure diameter of a small spherical/cylindrical body using Vernier Callipers and to
measure internal diameter and depth of a given beaker using Vernier Callipers and hence
find its volume. (ii) To measure diameter of a given wire and thickness of a given sheet
using screw gauge.
1. Prepare an investigatory project (preferably typed) on any topic related to the
course. The contents should include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Certificate
 Acknowledgement
 Introduction
 Aim/Objective
 Requirements
 Procedure/Experiment (Past tense)
 Chemical reactions
 Observations
 Result
 Conclusion
 References/ Bibliography

Some suggested Projects:

• Checking the bacterial contamination in drinking water by testing sulphide ion.
• Testing the hardness, presence of Iron, Fluoride, Chloride, etc and study of causes of
presence of these ions above permissible limit (if any).
• Study the acidity of different samples of tea leaves.
• Determination of the rate of evaporation of different liquids.
• Study of acidity of fruit and vegetable juices.

2. Write the following Practicals of salt analysis in your practical file.

Reference PDFs of these practicals will be sent to you.
a) Ammonium Sulphate
b) Lead Acetate

 Prepare an investigatory project (preferably typed) on any topic related to
the course. The contents should include:
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Certificate
 Acknowledgement
 Introduction
 Aim/Objective
 Requirements
 Procedure/Experiment (Past tense)
 Observations
 Result
 Conclusion
 References/ Bibliography
Some suggested topics:
1. Diabetes
2. Obesity
3. Cancer
5. Drug addiction
6. Cell division
 Record experiments in your practical file.

Chapter – The living World
Q.1 Linnaeus is considered as father of taxonomy. Name other two scientists known for
their contribution in the field of taxonomy.
Q.2 What does ICZN stands for?
Q.3 Amoeba multiplies by binary fission. Is this phenomenon growth or reproduction?
Q.4 What is a monograph?
Q.5 What is a metabolism?
Q.6 Which is the largest botanical garden in the world? Name two famous botanical gardens
in India.
Q.7 A ball of snow rolled over snow increases in size, mass and volume. Is this comparable
to growth? Justify.
Q.8 How do you prepare your own herbarium sheets? What are the different tools you carry
while collecting samples of plants for the preparation of herbarium? What information
should a preserved plant material on a herbarium sheet should provide?
Q.9 What is the difference between flora, fauna and vegetation?
Q. 10 An organism may have different names in different regions of a country or world. How
does the taxonomists solve this problem?
Q.11 What is a living form? Name any four features that define life forms.
Q.12 Rana tigrina
o Give the common name of the organism.
o What do the two parts of the name denote?
o Why are they written in italics?
Q.13 Define a taxon. What is taxonomic hierarchy? Give a flow chart from the lowest to
highest taxonomic category for an organism. Which category contains maximum number of
Explore the following links:

 IBM Watson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_wgf75GwCM)

 Google’s Driverless car (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdgQpa1pUUE)
 Sophia, the humanoid Robot (https://www.youtubeom/watch?v=cdgQpa1pUUE)
 Honda Asimo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1urL_X_vp7w)
Activity: Write an article on the changes made by Artificial intelligence in our daily life.
List down your idea for future AI.

You have to complete any 10 Assignment in the practical file. For every assignment, you need to
do the following:
a) Page 1: Solution/coding
d) Page 2: Print screen of sample Input Output Screen of the program.

1. Read /watch business news (at least 15 minutes) and note down business terms in a notebook.
2. Make a creative PPT of history of Accounting.
3. Write at least two pages of your favourite Indian Business Tycoon.

Make a PPT on any one of the following:
1. Solar energy, a cost effective comparison with conventional energy
2. Global warming
3. Write about work and thoughts of different Economists
4. Any other topic of your choice relevance to Economics.
PPT should not be more than 12 slides and content should be well presented
* Revise all the work and complete worksheets which will be shared in the class in your fair
* Prepare a questionnaire for any product to be used for consumer survey with not more than 10

1. Prepare a Dictionary of terms used in Chapter 1 for approx. 20-25 words.
2. Prepare a Poster or Collage on any one of the following topic:
a) Financial Literacy
b) History of Trade & Commerce
c) Sources of Finance
d) Business Aims & Objectives
Poster size shall be A4. Poster can be made on colored page with pictures and information
related to the topic.
Prepare 2 Posters on the following topics:
a) One Male Or Female Entrepreneur
b) Social Entrepreneurship Or Anatomy of an Entrepreneur
Poster size shall be A4. Poster can be made on colored page with pictures and information
related to the topic.

Prepare a project on any one topic from your given prescribed text book.
Project can be pair/group of 4-5 each. The suggestive list of activities for project work is as
follows: -
Role Play, Skit, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event etc.

On the Political map of India mark the following:

 India- States and Capitals

 Latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India
 Physical features of India
 Major Himalayan and Peninsular rivers of India


Use your creative expression for any one of the below mentioned topics related to the
Mesopotamian civilization.
It can be in the form of story writing, album, calendar, collage or any of your choice:-
a. Inventions that changed the world
b. Art and architecture of the time
c. Interesting aspect of the civilization
d. Ancient story about the civilization
e. Cradle of civilization

Make two paintings on Folk Art of India



Research about some topics of Psychology that we have discussed during the classes and
that interests you. Collect information about them and present them in the form of PPT
or a journal.
Suggested topics:
● Positive Psychology
● Hypnotherapy
● Any psychological disorder
● Parenting styles
● Mindfulness
● Dreams and its analysis
● Emotions and body language

Collect information about any 1 branch of Psychology. Explain in detail about it, work
involved in it, areas where its knowledge is used and recent developments in that
branch. Collect information about them and present them in the form of PPT or a
Suggested branches:
● Cognitive Psychology
● Biological Psychology
● Social Psychology
● Cross cultural and cultural Psychology
● Environmental Psychology
● Health Psychology
● Clinical Psychology
● Counselling Psychology
● Industrial/Organisational Psychology
● Educational Psychology
● Sports Psychology

You have to complete any 8 Assignment in the practical file. For every assignment, you
need to do the following:
a) Page 1: Solution/coding
d) Page 2: Print screen of sample Input Output Screen of the program.

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